HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-11-25, Page 3w -
insuivsE4 o
Are Due to Poor Mood and Only
Curable Through the
-Uwe -is an excellent,- -reasea -why
Dre NiTilliaMe" Pink Pills have cUred
Abe oast severe ow of neuralgia,
sciatica and( other complaints in the
groupeknown 3 lisosdere ef the
nerves. Thies group ale° ner-
vouenees and eXcitability. Each of
these complaints =kits' because the.
• nerves are net getting a proper Pours:
iehment from the blood. The reason
why Dr.:Williams' Pink Pills cure
nervims disorders is because they
'make the riche red bleed upens_whieh
the • nerves depend for Proper tone,
It is thus seen that Dr. -Williams' Pink
••`': Pills cure nervous disorders becalm(*)
they go to the root of thh,trouble in
the block}, .and while theY are doing
MS they strengthen and fortify the
whole system against disease. Among
the many Who have fotuul-rellef from
pain through this great medicine is
Miss Ethel Smith, residing ' near, Bur-
ford; Ont., who Rays; -"Some years
age 1 was Wed With a greet vein in
-right; leg, between the hiltAnd'
, • knee. , It became se bad that I got
• no rest, day or night; and.often 'cried
• With the pains The Alpet0,41.3414 the
troublewas rheumatism of the sciatic
nerve. Linithents , were Wised until
• they actually took the: skin' off; : and
still :the pain grew :Worse .and worse.'
• Then all theother nerves Jul the 'WA,
Peenied • to:. be affected;.. and .:it ltePt•
• jerking. and twitching unlit it -would
have to be held to keep it still. Then
the ,doctbrput the limb in a papier
=ache case, but. it was not long until
. the trouble began in • my other limb,
and it had to be treated in the ,dallle
•, way., I lay inPthat condition for three
• years With., MY . Whole serous • system
ea badly shattered that it would'inake
inc scream if any one walked MVOS
the floor. Then my throat • became
partially paralyze,d and I could scarce-
ly speak. During this time I had
been attended by three different doe-,
• tors, who. did all in their Power, but
each said I would- never be able to
walk again. Then my father decided
te get me Dr. 'Williams' Pink, Pills.
Reeore. I had ;peed 'them long 1 felt
them helping Me. This so encouraged
us that the .use of thesPilli was con-
tinued and in, a few months I was
• able to walk half is .mile each day to
get the Mail. I used lin all eighteen
or twenty boxes of the 'Pills and they
• did what three years ?of doctoring had
not been .able to do. I am as well as
ever I was in• my life, and have had
• •no•-mturir
• and friends think My cure was a mir-
acle, and we give all the 'credit to Dr:
Williams' Pink Pills." • • .
• You_ranget these pills through any
metlicine dealer or by mail, post paid,
at 50, cents a box or six bpxes. for.
$2.50 from The Dr...Williams' Medi-
• eine Co., Brockville, Ont.
• .14
Comparison of British Naval Men
and Other Nations. 2
The British nval man; Of- Course,
needs no praise. His great qualities,
be he ,officer or man are wellImown
. and apPre-eiated-.---What-, however, -Of -
the fighting. prowess and characteris-
,tics. of his naval friends and foes in
' this great struggle?
If the officers and men of our Fleet
are approached at all les all that
makes them what they are, it is by
the officers and 'men of .the French
Navy. The inajerity of French naval
officers are descendants a the old
French aristocracy. They- • have
'shed the vices and faults which, so
often 'disgraced. their ancestors, while
. retaining those qualities of 'heroic
courage intense patriotism and abz
Man Will Eater a Den 0! Spokes for
• • $1.00,01/C
• Thomas Wanless, an Australian, is
to enter a den of the Mot Pol'eouou4
snakes of India, and if he lives will
receive 100,00().
Waniess dailies the •slissevery of a
serum which will 'neutralize the ef-
' feet of .any snake poison. In the hue
,an system..'t. i
..drug house n India
has agreed to Rtty 0,00,00.9- for the
formula if 4 tet,prOVeS, its V411.1.9.
'Wanless, confident that IP "IP 4:nn.
the test, 1144 agreed to risk his life.
He offered to 0011 the secret to the
Australian Government for a few
thousand dollars, but they hesitated
tee long,
ss Ile is Witliiiiit-dtelbrtliTs it4'dar-
ing fighter of snakes in Australia.
Handling snakes is almost an exact
science, Most Men psa a long stick.
Wanless never Wee 4 'RIM or a Stick.
RP emphasizes the 'feet that he IS' 4
nake expert, for he believes no one
can cluiem, Snakes.
In bunting enakes. Wanless is , un-
-arretedrand-hiS-enly pKeteetion-ir-pair
of high leggings. When he finds a
reptile he Waits his time and drops • on
it with lightning rapidity. Ile t1fn
'grabs the. isimice by the back` of the
head, pressing his :fingers, against the
Jaws and chi/king it Until thereptile
is UnCeriecioue. •
11 the fillaki'sliteeeds.in biting him,
he quickly applies 4 ligature, scars-,
flee the Wound, skcks it well, and ap-
plies his hntidOte. inn may be -,7
'Corne • *Or' •And'," awolleri; but jp
fetir'hotira he is Ogre recovered. -
Once Wanless wee bitten on the
'jaw by e tiger snake, and, not beisig
able to apply a ligature to prevent the
circulation Of the blood, he lapsed in-
4 3 A
Relhitiouo Defotlea Show*. la Itailin
The great extent to which, warfare
proves an incentive toireligious :evo.
ten has been noted in correspondence
from etbe'r belligerent seeuntries2 and
Italy furnishes coneiderably utere tee-
timonY to the smile effect. -Indeed,
with but little exaggeration, it may
be said that the Italian anny divides
its spare moments betweeft singing
and praying. It is believed in Italy
that King Victor% troops are the gay-
est and Moet light-hearted in all the
war, for they always go Soto battle
singing. Their first Weight on res
timing frenra struggle, however, ie
Mass or therepoeceef theseenleset
comrades wheinthey had to leave be -
bind on the field, The most popular
Op *oat Treublit
Prevented by lerviline.
Life of, Comptroller Vert:woo of Ruoolao FaCtOrY Nor Kobe Mow
Royal N. W. AL E, UP bY
One of the chief regrets of Comp. It is reported here that German,
IT ENDS MISERY OF COLDS troller Forteicue, now about to re- spies have blown up One Of the aninau-,
QUICKLY. tire from the ROYal North-West nition factories at Ahead', near
Ucrl'i4tC.4.--rOM-70- OP,'" -C 14-11-441;-"Wkii,,1-317hOill 1-41141l. "fliiki-Viaut, -15 owne,,-, isy Tee, s
Don't wait till night he has eerved for over 40 yeare, when Japan Celluloid Company, but • has'
Oct after your cold now, this very
minUte, before it grows dangeroaa interviewed, is. that in, spite of his , been equipped for the manUfacture of
long service and the distinction that explosives, especially guncotton, for
YOU should apply old-time oNervi. .
line," he has attained, he 41* irnisSed Praeti- .1tus4a., The Teets sis to the reported
Rub your chest and throat, rub : calli an the roinance and adventure destruction of one of the facti
eres are
them thoroughly with NerViline. Be. ' that the. public . are apt to asseciate withheld.
lief will he unmediate. ' 1 with the ,'ridere of the plains." Nov that Japan haft decided to in-
Nerviline will Salle you from lYing 014 work has beeh, almost entirely crease her output ofinsunitiOns eXtra!
awake to -night, coughing, choking '.ineithe offices at headquarters,'" said military guards are being placed
and suffering from congestion in the • he, one rouosssg up os 'odious awl =mos all property mod for tho man -
chest and acute pam in the thruat.
, outlaws and the active_woek_efskeep-
•Nerviline will, break up thet s_slull,_
gliaddre, jut latteGiatasehlree-c77. blielgicnilnIinthg_e 'ewielq, bac Vrtr"'/Ui een f" 04er% aild. 1
slen't want to tell other men's- stories,"
save you from perhape a sertons 1B- Comptroller Fortescue Said that he
song the camps, after•the devout poss. •• ..joined the ,police in 18/8, when the
sereice's are -over, is IvAddo Ufa Bel- • -To telte, away hoarseness. to break ! force ,canie into existenee: and 'was
la" (Geed -by, My Lime). •
The religious enthusiasm in• the
artily is also reflected in the fact that
so many of,the Tiernan Catholic clergy
have .rallied around the flag. The
themselves as greatly 'lge4Sed Over
this, for some of them had entertained
doubt:, that the clergymen were.
'staunch patriots„ but they have
, proved that they are ready to give
their liVes as willingly,for their cow).-
n's any other class Of citizens. '
Iirow Away Your,
4:6 -Glasses!
A Free Prescription
You Can Hoye Filled and Use at lioma
to unconsciousness after he applied •
his antidote. • .
is. real hope for you, Many wdose Jes
has been bitten all over the body ex- • were failing otay they have had their eyes
cent on the top of the head, where the restored through the principle of this won-
derful free preoeription. One man SaYer
hair SeeMS th be an effectual armor.• art
Do You wear glasses 2 Are you a yie.
;He w as'unconscious for nearlytwo r, eye -strain or other gye-weaknesoes
, recovered. He. 34.)a Will be 311R1 te know that t1,1 re
days and nights but
er trying. „it : sras almost blind •
fl The wily place net See to read at all. Now I cat;
where heo is nefreayeid.t,0 could
ey o w er y more. -'-
• 3•416e
be bitten is in the ball f th gla %err et• waithog anyglair anhd
Snakes have the power of poison- they Would pain dreadfully nothe e
snake 'is badly.. wounded it turns im-
a , wiio usedItIt a miraele ttcr,
atmosphere sYeemed-hazey withsairs
ing themselves or each other. If
ivrteenbaLgterveulf CAB preociripticia
mecliately and bites itselwttliout
f, ane end fo
is sure: - Wanless fn be the.'•can even read fino l'pyrintnfiriEgieonul
only Wan in 'the world no* alive° who 9 is believed that thousands who wear
'Inc death adder is. the most dead l able to st'rengthen their eyes °so as to • bee
lias been bitten by the death adder. satbsiesserturi:n gar lintartdutitebsenimi%a;,eitisv-
of . all the Australian reptiles. - Itis
very deaf and does not hear a 'foot!
step unless it be dose. For this rea-
son travellers through the..bush are
most careful. •A cid bitten by one �f
these reptiles was dead three seconds
• ftenward • • .
Enable ton_to Keep YourEye onthe
The average personjf asked. to ex-
plain why a.• rifle' is_ sighted' would.
probably. be unable, to- do so- beyend
some vague remark about taking cor-
rect aim.
Sights are necessary because a• bul-
let 'does not travel in a straight line;
but, under the influeece .of gravity
and friction,begins-to drap- ahnost as
soon as it leaves the ratizzle.. 'Thus
the bullet of the British Service rifle
drops eix inches in the first 101:i yerds,
but wifen it has gone 200 yards it will
have dropped not twelve inches but
twO -feet. . The drop increades by
leaps and. bounds -with the distance.
Were there no sights on the rifle and
you wanted to hit a mark at.200 yards
you, would. clearly haVe to aim- two
feet above it.
This would be awkward, for you
would lose sight of the mark aimed
atrlo say nothing of the difficulty of
correetInestimating a distance Of two
feet -at' -200 yards,
The sights Pk, a rifle enable you to
keep your eye, on the mark• although
the muzzle df the rifle is actually
pointing. ataive it.' The movable slide
of the •backsight enables ypu witoma-
tically to point the mid!) just so
many feet abOve, the mar
as is necessary to counteract the
known drop of the _bullet at various
ranges. •
solute devotion to duty of fki old
French nobility: Further, the
French 'naval officer, aristocrat
though he be, has, Moved with the
times. • France has led' the way in
scientific diseovery, and as a "scien-
fear .ceinparison with none.
The limn& bluejacket is splendid,
siemly splendid. He is drawn almost
• wiclusively "froth the hardiest seafar-
ing and peasant stcick of, Normandy,
and while. on ft Modern battleship
there may not be any, great scope- for
, seamanship of the old days, it is a
. Mighty good foundatien on which to
build a modern naval lighting man;
On no apcourit 'should the Russian
Navy be. judged by what happened in
. the Russoelapanege War. Admiral
Rodjepyerisksee ships were '..cloomect
• frone the day they set forth on,their
--long- voyage to the: East. __IVIoreover •
theye weresextremely ill -manned. So
-great at that time was sthe •shostage
of Russian naval officers and inen
that the gaps were filled by Military
offieerS and soldiers. s s
All this has been changed. Ever
since the Ruseo-Japanese War the
Czar's Navy has been Silently • /but
! surely remedying its faults and ele-
d ' t • bl and
getting .ghissea. Eye troubles IS many de-
tcyrigiiioonwsionigatto boeir'iivrrp enderifetio!lynle)reoneitiottig
prescription • Go to any Ratite drug store,
,• and get, a biittle of Bon-Opto. t1ounce - drop7.
.00.-tIlrerel munitions: and- oupl3em=
edam -IOU, AILIvipITs
-coustIpatibT4 ancl indigestion; colia; 1
We Sky higltoot
et eash price
p44). swokri•
tuie sawn. vou aqurox t
"-ow St. Wir issve rya
kip e. Wee eat slim*eessaii
*sow *ern Lein we ess,
imeelrieseslie }be gri4a_g_ Wo
toff /147/ C90041,40r/. We pa
carafes 4ZfIVirile
Ocril:d and aPact.eiatr. .
ciososirstaii Weszsitwion.
Golden Seal 00 WYclief
;UnliniStittedull litsc:dFla
xstpscal, f s wow,
DAVID nusisim & IRO.
Grarglo glr r ifor
(a.irrr rork
-41i1Y427111 St* Mow Tes14-114 I
441"4'ZES Wi.),TDD4'
Au or.nx Eon, mlut, Et,..z.,=. Av.
ples 14 Carlots. Clisote priceS nami4X
rennet eeldf,i, and simple fevers, aed. Narietiee And grades. Can taco 'bee ZOVI
UP a granny cold, to cure a sore throat, one a the original party that ' ceme all': the other minor illie of little ones urcaroSmtipftoaopples in Milk, iir: w. Dawoorao
or bad cold in. the chest) Yod eau we- out West to 'Winnipeg :nearly a dozen can be promptly cured hi 134),SY's Psva ' '
'lathing so speedy sad efreativa as • years, before the laying 'of the sail: Tablets through their action in reps
the •most prgely 'used an..413,. reSuesy i way. . The main business, of the -force Wing the stomach and bowels. Con- , ITIARBis 7- 1414,6 47:733s . .inssalt
Nerviline For f6 t ' h b
curiously enough, the Protection cerning them. SIrs, IL Il. Mills .1IaIdi- Jr .i 1n1 Dairy° or 1Prult.
in t Dominion. • Time hs praye417,
sMriose can you by 'keel:dug o e n lens, w e svere • cin g e-'-iz,' man , uee Writes :--,.:“I .have foundIVIIII-417 !Air Ivo. rir 711: 11774,71.5°14,
handy on the shelf the large 50e, fain- Plaited by the white traders and being Baby's Own Tablets of great service ' '' ''..
ily size bottle; email trial size 25c.,. 'demoralized by the whiskey, which in relieving my little one of, condi- •' NEWSPOERS II* gism.,
sold by any- dealer ahIeWhere.-•=,-•- ---- -wa$ the traders': -chief stock in trade patitin anSr st,oinecli trOuble," The ecorsel-)4Arestet' G isrmws eseHrs JOB
NO LACE OF AMMUNITION. . tIt'lltbe°1)111:1;.,1r94110f.uwr:s• out in AC Or, by mail at. 5 cents 'a hek from torransif bid:meets.: Eull information on
Tablets °are sold by medicine. dealer e . ft ell: .fioxtro8taulooer.uititirdodinteOreasttg;
, .. , . , ...47..... , . , .: , , WeSt4.1103Yeier, Qdilatalle. Fortescue, -The ' Dr. Williains' Medleine- . Co., '400110atitown West ;AVidielSiao414ePsubtl.ismhoirnogniCo0m7
Lioyd...,c,4e,orio4ier::iirt.orollcusuzioonnitse.ris tu,.sups 1)4.).tecthicVlihnescis. wwatilliSIWnyeaZhtdaelsdent`oillthWeitElsatysc. BroelOille___:„Ont . „I.,- ,,,.,_,___.• " ' . , Pal•IY' 73
, ,
..,•,.. t, ,. AS il Mall familiar with the,.. wor)c. a : - • ,^'A FwAtib-LEs. , o ANCENP Tuseenss, LTIMPee. ETO. • '
, ' ,', MISCEI-LANE0t18, , •
The SUeeeSS ..att.eMling the appoint- the • force ..ivan',,thell; needed:- at head- e ' • - es. • Internal 4:ind external: cured with- . ..,,•
Meet of Dasiiisislosid;George as, Bri.• 'quartets, ;Ceristable *.Fortesene , was,. Be.. tiopscyzanitl, 14 iibev.iNschArgq.if .„fir p•ttglAgigtleiftiNszvi.i..rat ,....,,.
tiov .ministor of Munitions S. testified taken into the offie '• a d Ili dye ' - 'Mee Limited. Pellieeweee. oats • . •
branch more than thirtyfolcl. , force is not without ' romance, the success, The world is not going to
' '8vet:YPOi.,, - • .
to by the....Londoe Times Parlianiene ture, as; far as the future comntroller
. . .
tarY expert; who says that the produc- was Concerned, came to an end, fot. Dishonesty seldom makes one rich,
tion in munitiOns has increased four- though the rise of the young censtas and when it does riches are a dUrde.
fold and in . one highly important ble •th .supreme control of the famous There is no such thing as dishonest
"The Ministry of Munitions," the work in which he was engaged as pay you for nothing. Ninety per
Writer adds, "justified itself in the Comptroller Fortescus remarked, cent. Of .what men call luck is only
recent heavy, fighting On the western does 114 rend itself to tha telling of talent for hard Work. De not lean on
front. There were no complaints this stories. The comptroller is now in others to. do your • thinking or to cone
time of advances having to .be stop- his 71st years
ped for lack of ammunition, 4......--, • quer your difficulties. Be conscien-
tious in the discharge of every duty.
"It is a feather --in the cap of Mr. it DO your work thoroughly. NO. one
OW SiciEly Waled' can rise who slights work. Do not
Lloyd -George, who set •himself Up in 11
an; old fashioned house in Whitehall, - try to begin at thestop. . Begin at the
With two chairs, a table and a secre-
tary, and in a abort interval has
created a wonderful organization in
the Ministry of Munitions, Gathered
around him is perhaps the strongest
company of business and scientidd
brains that has ever been applied to,
any Government', Department in this
"At pregent a thousand industrial
works •and factories have been sche-
duled as controlled establishments,
and the number of men einployed in
them is little- short of a 'million. In
addition. 5,00.0_akilled_soldiers have.
been released for munition work."
It is announced that shipments of
shells manufactured in private fac-
toriee and workshops. in British India
have been begun. This. is regarded
here as a decided advance in the in-
dustrial capabilities of India, the work
having been carried out successfully
through all. processes from' iron ore to
the finished. product.,
one Bon-Opto tablet and allow to dissolve.
With this liquid, bathe the eyes two to four
times daily. You should notice ,your eyes
and intlammatioa will quickly disappear.
If your eyes *iv°. bothering you,' even a
little, take steps to save them now, before
it Jo too late. Many hopelessly blind
might have been saved if they had eared
for their eyesin time._ 'The Villains Drug
•of Toronto, will All the above pre.,
,acriptkui by maii, if Your druggist cannot.
Motor. Traffic Makes Less Dust Thal'
• • Horses.
It is generally' recognized that the
dust of Qui._ great cities is a ,serious
menace -to- yean-or two ago'
an enteriment was made to ascertain
as,nearly as possible the 'amount Of
dust -deposited on the -food in•an or-
dinary open shop. '
The result of this Was a statement
that at a low estimate some ',50 11). to
100 lb. of dirt -finds its Way on to the
food displayed in a Shop. Those citi-
zens rimst; therefore, 'eat more than
their traditional peck of it. °
It is horse traffic that is chiefly re-
apcinsible fox"dust, for the inurli ma-
ligned motor -car only spreads it. • The
tapping Of the horse's hoofs creates
dust,, but the soft tyre Of the niotor
causes little, -though, of course, the
heavy motor lorries do most damage
to a road -That -Ws at all soft.
Hundreds of horses have been cern.,
mandeered for military purposes and,
as a new supply cannot be created in
a day, it is certain that motor delivery
vans will be more largely used than
er.- -Therefore--dust-will-not--be-so
much in evidence.--7-London Answers.
Steel Points. • ,
The expression "well -tempered" ;or
"finely -tempered" steel is 'gen.erally
misused. It is usually -taken to indi-
cate steel of 'extra hardness, where -
.as the reverse is the scaSe, though.
very few 'people are aware of the
fact. The -greater the degree of tem-
pering the softer the sthel.• The steel
worker, measures the degree --of tem-
pering 'by the color of the metal. Thus'
the- -hardeete-i.e.e the least tempered'
steel -is light -straw'. in Color, while ,
the softest - kind-. is -white; -BetWeen
Quit Tea and Coffee and Got Well.
A woman's tea and coffee experi,
enee is interesting: "For two weeks
at a time have taken no food but
skint milk, farLardid!food wo,uld fess -
pent and cause enali distress that I
could hardlYssbreathe -it -times; also
exciutititing 'path and heart palpita-
.iien _Sins1.14.1.Lth_a
Many so-called cereal foods; are
frauds:To-Dr:Me- 'it, try -to live -en-
tirely upon _them_ for_ a few .days.
Many live entirely upon Rothan Meal.
A -recent -letter-. from California says:
Dear Dr. Jackson: A friend of mine
has liVed upon Roxpari . Meal for
thirteen rnonths. His case had been
pronounced hopeless. He is now in
perfect health.' No fraud here. Ro-
man Meal is seientifically balanced by -
an expert dietitian. It's the perfect
food, and Positively relieves cdristipa-
tion. 'Ask your doctor.. Make it. in
porridge, . pancakes,. gems. At gro-
cers,10 and 25 cents..
No Chance to „Try 'it. ond not only had a radical influence
• on eance, but has fired the imagin-
• A man who sells shower b• -F
aths•on ation all over the world. -
five -days' trial 'told this etorr- Thes last, which was the war song
• "I sent one out to a man in the of the Federals, in the American
. . •
bottom -and you Will have a chance to
- ay et ea t I rise, and will be surer of reaching the
-1 top some time. Be punctual, Eeep
If they could only be made to see
that half their ills are caused by en_ Your appointments. Be there ,a min-
ute before time if you have to lose
your dinner to flo it. Be polite.
Every smile, every gentle bow; is mo-
ney in your pocket. Be generous.
Meanness makes enemies and breeds
distrust. Spend less than you earn.
Do not 'Fun in debt 'Wetch the hake
leaks, and, you can live on your sal-
ary. si • •
• 41
pure blood; it wouldn't take long to
cure them with Dr. Hamilton's Pills.
Truly a wonderful Medicine' that
vigorates, strengthens, renews, Every
tired, worn out, Avoinan that tries. Dr.
Hamilton's Pills will improve rapidly,
will have better. color, increased ap-
petite and better digestion.
No. Abetter rebnilding tonic can be
found than Dr. Hamilton's Pills whioli
are safe, mild and health giving, For
forty years Dr. Hamilton's Pills have
been- America's 'Most valued family
•mediciner 25c. per box -at all. dealers.,
, •
-mug soNtts.
The ISTilitilber-li _Nose So Great That
Few Appeal to Alb
• orils
.5 Seconds
, . . .
d. Sore, Motering. foot
from 4ormptivahed
• toes:- Coin be mired
LI italic itlracitrt:ur1441 hoursPc".
'"Putnam'si" otetilses
way that drawing pain-, eases, instant -
in olden times- soldiers went into 7, makes °a feitt red glix'a eneG•
25t. bottle. ,e1 "Plathatlen today:
battle' crying the slogan of - their
king or their lord,.and, mdre recently,
songs have taken the place of the
war -cry, although "Remember Ma-
juba" •was used in South Africa. '
His Orders.:
"Remember," -said the sergeant
"no one is allowed te dismount " with-
However;:-the----nurater 'of really_ 04_0i:dent., ,
great war songs is very small, ,an•ct Murphy was no .,sooner in the
in these -days of penulanditties, tends
to grow -less. In the pasts a- single saddle than ht. was , thrown to the
.. .
go right through the land until every:. g r,o4munedr.v h
y," • -yelled the sergeant,
Son g would.seize the -imagination -and
one was 'singing it, whereas now the when he discovered him lying breath-
less on 'the "ground, "yon dismounted."
..... .,
number is so 'great ilytt.fe* appeal , ,,i .did.,, , _ • . , .
to all , . _
Perka.ps three songs have had more . ,,I . did!, .
"Did you ha.sti orders?" .
influence on their countries than. any , .
others: '"Lillibuelro," the "Mandl= . "From 'headquarters, I syppose?"
laise," and "john Brown's Body." The ......... .. .,. • ,.
"No, Sir; from hindquarters!' '
first swig James IL. off his throne , , '''----
and defeated him in Ireland, the sec- Prohibition Favors Tea -Drinking.
• •PgionciirGENES2 Xs OUR sto'rwot
yonge. and Charles:Sta., Voronto.
Offers beet advantages In Business Ed-
ucation; strong demand for gradates;-
enter now; write for calendar,
w. 3. ELLIOTT, Driacipal:
Fars nave- Advanced
'ShiptoRozere. Wegivellberalgrades. --
have beat market in America for Furs. Xlidee. etc.
No commission. Write today for free price list.
Trappers, Supplies at /ranter, Foricee
SOSg,10. FUR COMPANY. Dort. Or. Louts. Ma. ,
Reduces ,Straine,„ Puffy Ankle/,
11,ywiphangitis, Poll Evil, Fistula,
Boils,'Sweffingd; Stops, Lameness,
'and allays pain. Reale Sores, Cuts
Bruises... Boot Chafes. It is
. •
-,Does- not or reniove-the'--
hairandborse can be worked. Pleasant to use.
for p° bottle,si nt n delivered.eion8 . 11dDResOco.rikbe5Y111°urfrI:::
ABSOBBINE; /0/ponldad, re-
duce. Strain!. Painful.; Knotted. Surollot Nein.. Conran-
trated—uhly a fer drops reeelred Aran souratioa• erica
di per bottle at deelere or delivered.
W. YOUNG', P. 8, F., 518 lysins 014, Montreal, Can.
libssrbige and AbsothIce. Jr.: arc Made in, Canada.
-0 oe. .1.• .
ek e-
V e •. .0-..
0 'e - c. / •
ei 4. s‘o 4
4...... 4,10- 4%, It. ...
...0,4. + <tc e .(2,04epie
t. -4, --,- ,- 1 .4' 4.. '' •
io on% n: 1%-.,e'
;!> --op
Well-informed members of the tea.
trade say that the figures for the year
shoW an astonishingly large increase
of -tea -drinking -throughout the world. -
Prohibition is largely to account for
rural. districts. I told him to this, a.---iik. whin). a great ' country like*
use Civil War, consisted of four lines , Riissia prohibits the sale of strong
the shower bath five days and if at
Only, but is popular with all English- ' drink and the people turn to tea, it
the end of this:time he was not satis-
epeaking trodps for its tune alone, as drain on
AO to send it back. Thia ii the let- p "Marehing through Georgia!' means an immense - the re-
sources of the gardens whence conies
ter I received: ' • - the worlals supply. In the last few
"Your. shower' bath looks good, •months the cost of tea has risen 12
and -perhaps is all right I don't or 14 cents a• pound. • , ,
know whether it, is or not because. . .
the .five days for trial pasted before More than 200 •ships in the Navy
Batu'rday night • come around, and . I ire driven by oil. For steam -raising.
VOUS and restless.
"From childhood up I had been a
tea and 'coffee drinker, aryl for the
wit, physicians, but could get only
temporary relief. Then, I read ' an
article telling how some one had been
. of I helped by , leaving' pff tee and coffee
- veloping efficiency. The spirit . and drinking •Postum, and it seemed'
'both- taken' and -men ', le first-rate; so pleasant just to read about good
and, with a fair chance the Russian health I" decided to try Poetum.
alibi may be expected to give an un- "1 'made the, change to Postum, and
cominoely good tiecopet --of A them-
:. there is such adifference in nee that .1
selvesdon't feel like the same person. We
Little is known . of the Austrian
Navy's ' The- offieerg-
have the
liusbandsit! .while the men at
smart and well-behaved. But, as was
until, recently the case in Geri/limy, YI
' the Austrian navy has 'beer: and still food aisimilates, the pressure in the
id entirely. ..secendaly to' the Army.
'Therefore, it has not . attracted .the
• best Mete particularly in the'vemmis-
:eioned ranks, while it has-been starv-
ed of training and such eieceetitiee
. • Jas Practice, ' • ' •
But, of ,,course,! the' German
Navy that •cotiets tor everythieg in
..otir ties. It is no *Use belittling , an
• .
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited.,
Gentlemens-Last winter 1 receiv-
MINARD'S LINIMENT in a' aever°ef. the place
three tons of Oil will take
place of four tons of coal. •
didn't have a chance to try it out." ed great benefit • from the Use
attack of LaGrippe, and I have • fre- — - •
„..._ ,-pared by our Phy; .quently proved it to be ver k effective ' =nerd's Liniment Mires DietenMer. ,
Murine is pre.'
alarm!. 'years in their Not Annoying.
-s-s- sicians as used for . in. cases of Iriflammation. -
seed to the Public and ' *W. A. HUTCHINSON. Mr. Thomas A. Edison, , the' won;
derful inventor, has suffered for
..nee practice, now dedicat. - ' •
011 R E. E5Gold byYour Druggist.
Trylilltitinetollefresh years ..frOm deafness i Once asked,
tleatidatindStrengthen'EfesillterAxposera ti;"• 'whether -he slid not find his -afflictions
rgiltheuriirlon: Winds and, .Dust to restore annoying:he replied_e•-"Nes...thete
e to Eyes -Reddened and -made -Sore
by Overwork and Eye Strati: • • tO Many things people say that, one
Seme broadminded Il'hyslcians nee and mem-•
drew extremes, commencing -*ow the Snceess, 'talk and rush into print in oramationt •a e „oo ea user seen' 1
Site Explains:.
mend•MurIne while others,Perbaps jealous. of its, . , _
M b I' Y aft -kis M' -11
these whose Eyes need care can guess.why, all separable.
hard end of the scale, are the follow- there fano Prescription fee in Marine. Just hand •
bronze, bronze; dark bronze, light Eye Book -Murine -Dropper -and Cork Screw- .I Gertrude-Weeare together a good THREE V IYA14 QUESTIONS*
deal. You 'see, Mabel, I take a ..good.hesits? Do you inow that good digC11/10/1
Are yon fall °temerity vital force, and general
iRg shades: Straw, dark straw, light your Druggist 60c and yowhaveltempletePkg.'
ue ue, ar
f rearloyfforrig.T,,,ztms,:antegos nab?.
0 o g-ve peculiar interest in hint. " •
ue. / •r n Comfort. Write for Book of the'Eye Frce. . ' Mabel -Oh, , ocr-Yot is the foundation of good health : Pains and op -
steel is a very delicate business, and Morino Eye Remedy company. chteago , ... ,
one calling for that sense of Whet is • . • uertrude-Yes:' I was . engaged to
"!just right" which is found in. good ...._s• ___„. se--,—
hiin at one time, and in love With
. . '
doesn't- -want-to hear."
The Old No. 494 St. Paul St.
tstablislied ' over ,38 years as
RAW Fur Dealer;
No Inflated price list -from lis•.
pond' us your 'Furs and., (jet 'the
• hipheoLLroarket_p
Free Building Lot
Solite- this puzzle a:rld get a free lot. To •
advertisb a summer resort we are ,giving
away free a few 30x83 building lots.
Secure this .lot by filling in the ntissing
letters in following sentence, describing' •
Canada's greatest riches. Enclose fivs
cents -for literature and list. a bdildradat ,
of satisfied customers.
07114V8 G -84111•14 -;,111W -e -t O -o-
sat Et. Oistlieffifent: lif0=821417.-
_ Dant. 2
cooks. ' FOR RELIEF 00 VICTIMS: him at another. ,
400. Hospitals :in Paris -Caring for ra's Linimontres -Colds, -8sis.
GREAT CMS( P!I...1_11E!,
..alLioun&Posturessiekeielis_ s..and hiseset_s_
.wonderfrilly good.' , .
better than...coffee. _ health int
1/As soon as made the shift
-to Poitum I got better, end, now -my
chest and palpitation are all gone, mIr
bowels aresregular, have lie -More std.,
mach teouble, and:My 'headaches are
gone. Remember, 1 did riot use medi-
eiges at alliutst „left ofr tea and cof-
fee and used- Postum. steadily.", ,Ntime
given by Canadian Postunt GO., Wind,.
sof., Ont .
Postum comes in two forms:*
opponent, and the -Odrillat 11(3et raaY Posting Cereal -the original form -
prove a formidable foe. Por • One, must be will honed. 15o and -25c
ings the: relatiosie between .offiteri
and sett are iefinitely better 'Shari in
• the Gerirum Army... Incidentally, the
utter laek of sympathy, ,indeed . the
eetive, dielike; between, the German
Aimy.6ffieete and theft men •rilust
tell. ‚heavily 'againsprmany should
she Meet With l'eVeree8,4
Ctireo, blAtheria,
.aothert Who 1180This Pain_toitglkh_q!r`
- -Haas Backing of tolonoe-
Mother3 who wie 2am-13uk,.1)eetiuse
they hilve-Irro-ved it to. be a splendid
healer, will be Interested to ' hear the
result of a test of Zalli.BUk by Mr. W.
!Amities Scott; the great' English
chemist. Ile days:--" 1 liave made an
exhaustive anaiytical e*aniinatielt Of
Zinn -intik and rfind ' its aetive meals
tuents are of exclusive vegetable Origin.
It contains fiend Of' tlitI ImpUre .and
irtItating -Mineral *dfligd- and ttaintial
dais present in ordinary - ointments,
The antiseptic and bacterleidal (Wiry
destroying) poWersot this preparation
are proved by my testa to exeeed those
Of carbolic acid, yet Zatn•Euk, neither
raitterizes hAr inflames even n very
emieltlye side, but ends skin disorders.
"7 have no hesitation in eertigying
the purity of zantd3iik and. ing7 value
for Ma lejuilee and disorders,"
;Mothers who have not yet tria
Tiuk should, profit by the above, ' Zenis
flek le 'uncle:ailed for came, Cuts,
'hurtle, ulcer?., running SoreS, eold.
sores, absee, sses, ehapp(d hands, eft.
A 11 druitelate and 'anion' eell
packages: • , ••
' Indent Posture -ii tlituble powder
-dissolv.es ehickly in it eup of hot
svater,:and; with cream and giugar,
Maltee a: delieious beverege Instantly.' "
80a ileir5Oc tine. : ' , •
Roth kinds ere ecemily delieiouS
asid cost about the seine pee tim. •
."There's aBeason" for Postum.
,;• • by Greed's. at ts0c boji3boea ,$1.2'5:,-
• Nelson'i-old 'ship, the Foudroyant„
was sad` tO the Gerinanesins I8g2,
bought back by public subscriptions
arid filially wrecked at Rlackpool in
lifOrrisaleteimon The 'Woods and'--:'iii-t-
salved.ftom her were made intohun-
dreds' of pieces offurnitUre and
debits?. nicknacks.
•There-gre- now. inthe -distrierforin-
ing ,the intrenched 'camp ...of Paris,
1448. charitable 'organieatioris working
- for the relief ervietims of the war,
and more than 400 hospitals, which
• afford accommodations- for abotat 40,-
000 wounded. The four:regular mili-
tary libspitale, the ' Most intportant
have now 40 annexes. The Red Cross
hospitals number about 800, and there
-see 28 convalescent eitablishments,
independent hospitals, American,
'Japanese and Rtissian:
The workrooms for unemployed wo-
men have_ inuitiplied to a greater WC -
tent than the hospitals, now number-
ing 520. There ere 228 different se-
eietiee looking lifter the need§ of re-
fugees; GO employieent oillees, 15 free,
diesienearies and '195 Varioes brgani-
mtions for the distributigh Of cloth
legs and for locigineend feeding the
cedy, . •
; nosides these 'organizations for itin.
icriai 'relief, there /are , numerous
eseups, hot regietered, whose purpose
is to: provide chcoro
eer and foft lto
soldiers at the front.
nnuortits oureS earget
preset= In strimach and chest after-e-ifiamiiilb
COnedmition, headache dizeiness, cro sure signs
of indliesdon. Mother Seigel's Ssmio, thn great
herbal remedy and tonic, willeure rots.
.:-.- ..'.
At all protests, or direct on receigeof priee„50c. and $1.00. The large brittle ccrotalas threetimcsas
. much as the smaller. A. j. Wafts &Co. Lnerrio, Craig Street Weak, Montreal:
• . . . , ,
nt nes PoSitively
NOVEIV1 ER 25..i.tf.t.
For the Sixth Annual .
TGronto Fat Steck Show
4i!likfl',..„..*..:-.L.„,,-gi: .:iv:p 1,
• kb ' -
BI).. ISSUE 47-'1'
, , •
,uriom sTegt( viii3os, 'TORONTO
Da not wait bntil• the la,it dav.. now to
0. 1. 1flPi11N(,,5e0retilry,