HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-11-25, Page 2'" is7774'11. •'• • • b ' • Xf.a f;rcit'',117 . ' PROVING LOYALTY TO f.,,erletee:;„" a A Few Palates tea DairYste*. donir by Paoli* it through the eaPae A poor milker never gets the best Tutor, but it is not as good es • results front a cow. A nervous ani- ViCa which divides the railk into;many • mat resents the bungling touch, of a. fine strearea end then allows it to rough or inexperienced haxd. now over a wide surfiece in thin sheet Why not entourage the little peculie with plenty of ice te keep the sor- orities of the well-bred diary cow. faee coot Slta ix simply a big rankles inachine If nothing better can be had, milk and if her valiant will produce more MAY be erated by plaeing the ealigi• red& let her naveetnera„ in a treugh of cold water, and dipping If 'weer* going to select a bull we ,the milk with a longehandled dipper would sedect the one with the Worst and b144 11.44 temper, ell other it la thoroughly coot things being equal. Because temper And vigor show male -Never cover milk while warin, in ebaracteristics which should not beire• the cense as it :will produce a muster mired. ' cr" odor. ' ' • The milker who will thump a cow •A• gentle aleePy bull that can. b0 for s u'rm'a d the k f managed without o noee ring does not flies, goill' ii f ubil;f.t e atttri o e (us ed, eut ele as a rule produce the best calves. ' barn a:the, tee •,of-theeelairrmslea It ia downright erueitY te Reale- 4-•1) ts : • : . - -- Mer, a victim to heat and flies -but ban hz a "Ian eaelesura in 'the sum' :1?Stekd not expect caws to 'keep al * many mea who, claim. to be good -.'t /e Milk 'flow during the telt-end, of .. eumnier, unless you have plenty ' of dairymen, do this very thing, - :legible. reeve. ie. -e- 4 Dead' HOW could we expect a cow to keep ti -n --;;;;;,-,i4,-,„..32' '___:'^e". ' grasS in good health and give, pure milk --- --" produce milk. . . , : when she is confined in, foal and ell- .-----• - . n Ventilated quarters, winter or same : The:Value, of Cow Peas., . mer. •'-' ' . e . . TheY•canhe grieWil as far mirth as „ 6 ' , lA, pair .0t horse-elippers can , he Dent corn can ,he 'grown and on land land' , -, : bought far, $1.50 and the use Ofthese SO. PPM'. that 'clover would not catch . once 0,:1271,0tAth on the enweetuinte and at all. Theyare ealled ' 'the • pock -udder will make it an easy matter to • arlanl elc've'"'4i becauie• you ea)i get keep them deem •• such quick results; A* crop of cow ; How many cows on the average peas Can be grown in three mouths, farm give milk containing more than end' it will be fully equal to a. two twenty per cent. of butter -fat? Pim-. Y*Cacsk cr°P• ef clover. 'T°1-1 eau sow hapsnot more than one out of every the peas any time. 'front May to Ave 100. gust and can -get a good big crop fol- -- The separator should never be ale lowing ' an early - crop • taken off in • lowed -in the barn or near it, June. Plowed under after the • first „A, half, dozen Window 044, glazed, frost, they will leave the ground in 11"4". niaxe a dust -1300f bei in which elegant shape for a eroP next year ., • •,$,.,.. 4.*the dairy vessels can be sunned and The seed casts Omit $2,60 :per bushel kept absolutely clean. . r . and- should be drilled in. at the rate -. , neeeneee eeneeeeNen. , • . Any e enterprising • farmer living of one half bushel per acre, .;; ; .. . 6 . ; The ltiebarojali of. Patiala, whose, offer to 'acceMPany the . British E.*- near 4 town of ,000 or more can sea . - every pound of his butter at full' re- • Ration • /Or Chicks: - ' peclltimierY force was „graciously accepted by. King George:• , • • . '.' tail prices or little above, the ;year ' A simple grain mixture is earn, . . . • . • • round. - • ; wheat, and oats, a little more corn as ,.,, APPLE PLANTING. `‘, ` For several years We have bought the weather gets colder and less dur-• . farm butter *one the :mine farmer, at ing the summer days. A little buck- 'Circular - Issued by the Ontario De.- • twO" cents above retail market Price,' wheat and sunflower seed added to • '' pertinent of Agriculture '• , every month in- the year and glad to. this mixture during $4111 and winter ' • ' get it. i . • months it . beneficial., , Green foods, ' With the return to favor of the Never Never attempt to keep summer* but:. such as alfalfa cabbage ' snrouted ,•. „apple which is again a high-priced : ter for early fall prices, becanSe" it ' oats or naangles should he fed freely,. ; fruit, planting will undoubtedly be ra: . .'• Will not keep. - . •Freelt greenlet )30118 or . feed era s • - . . I sinned. One Wants to set out ; . All milk should be aerated as•soon and charcoal should 'alio be supplied , . ••. , s l' e about twenty acres in tho central part ' AS taken from the cow.. This eau be at an "0,do_3:1L,4.4.Ar.:3!„„of the Province. What varietiekihau, . • • _., . ---...-he-Plaira •-%•••- - 7,7. . 'UP to date the. following have been .; • .> ....,, , ...„-0., .1.6,r024,„: 7, • Didn't mind cold; nor Wet, nor nothin', reCoinMend.ecl from which ' to select I made liiin a littleCeat, but he didn't like it; I n'pese it_tickled-him same as a nom flannel shirt did nie, afore I got used nsed to" the Crawly ticklers;"; ' ; "What, did TirhiskOs do with his coat?"; , ' e • -, , • • it uacziea thefarm, at the 'beck of - Pulled' it all to bits one night, 'and .-... which rune a little-use.d right-of-way; showed me niC- /64 -Ile -had 'done in the ; the path, in fact, cuts through the -un. morning. Seemed proud of it, he 'did, 600,10sOkt "house -grounds" Of the farm, 'same as ho•wacs.i, roefi-el-ps'Oonito trick. ak:a'-wIr, Writes a correspondent. •It was. the was a niighty , familiar voice. of Penny; the farm an' afraid ce nethire.,, Used to et out dOgi"- that Ir hearit-thave known min 0- tile and wander aroma with ' for years as a . creature- ..." violent ill . .. ` ..;_ ...Manner, as beeomes._..his office, .1 but „ . . • . eniost' benevolent in .essential; disposi- .. • ." igen. AS: I drew nearer I saw a.sol- e ilier with his back against a wood - stack,. looldng.at ,him. . Benny .was trying to • strangle himself with his .:, There s• no harm in , that dog,' X ;said, as I came "up. • ., , . "Shouldn't care if there vas,' said . the soldier; "no daeig'4, ele me no mis- chief. But he set me thinkiif."' ,Hp .. put. down his ttick, Went up to -Benny, rand in a Moment the dog had his fore ' Patve on the Man's' taate and his tail was 'tap -tapping againsk'the side , of , certain Amount of Wiling, and if moon for Wit is that there le always RATION OF RUM • he mess •had to lose it there° would be tr.euble, while the tub ulways con. • teins a awe helf pint to make ,uP for leakages. A CAREFUL' RE IS NADU • "lb° ce wl/ere blue D'I;TSIT reme r iNsotosevst seammeile•mo4lisiome aii SAL,I Y HER N PRESLRVE,5 flAlltiNVallEff$REEMINIVIST *AltitIV114 ' • Jaekot. Was washed overboard in the "WhY the ,bustle, Sally?" asked • • -VOA ALL, • -Bert, ot' Diceuy at a time when a storm Lem lierdwiele "Scone es if you waves and, the almost certainty ef liouF3e,'" Was•at its height. In spite of the huge were trying to hurry inti. out of the Spirits, Ivuxid with water, served to depth a MeSsrnate dived in after him "So I ann Leen,"' angWered 1:IeltatifxliN(ca..Tvytalk:roni -' th‘o e3hip threw' them a• line -it .Wae inV, and I don't want a higi elunn47 , too 'rough for any beat to be launch- man round to foes mo." • ' • eu"-"-alld 'hauled them aboard. As they Lem laughed, r. and Slung his rifle • I , The complete story of how sailors stood on the upper deck dripping, yet over his broad shoulder. "Not over and officers In. the British navy' get quite unhurt, the rescued man turned your bride's' ways yet, 011". he ''atiid. . their "mutiny," •or grog, as they are ,to his chum, ,•• "Well, when 1. some bome to -night, X • supposed to .eau -it, le. very entertain. : ' "I twill thank ye, Jim," he said. want to see that shelf just . packed ingly told by a well known naval "But ye can take my rum for d week." ' witk-preae.V-vos.-L-BI,,po-isir---and-- be- innacked his: lips as bewent out, Sally quickly ;cleared away the breakfast table and •waelied the few alms. Then she 'brought out the berries -and prepared them for the • Are, By two o'clock every ones of the • . In the great struggle 'aieW Proceed- berriee-wild raspberries, .bluef. 09mm-4-they oftener, drink out of lug on the Oontinent it is more than berries, and . cerrentee-had , been ; basins--aired_neneeetThe_exeng..-Goeneneseibleetliat_Britieher. e.nienente • IA- -eneethereel lanethiek-eyrearaudepaekeit - bless him!" as the- novelists find themselves fighting 'beside in glass Sara. SallerePlaeed tbeM ono • se0V they do. in short, they make lit- Fre* regiments of similar uumeri- by one on the long shelf that Lem had • tle or no fuss about their daily Whack cal designations, and if our t'AthRegieeeet .e.p., egaleeete the: wen., „Then ,she...._ e..e......... - - nein and`water, -Saene that theYleekTfilefit• 4'..:•• SouthWales- en- sugared. a big • Iron ..potful of Stewed , forward, to it with an Anticipation, ',counter the :French 24th. Infantry. of rhubarb, and set it on the window sill ' ; • ' • . ['that `never 'under ani.r cireinnstances the I.pine,'," it will beilike4 ineetieg of to eeel, ; , .• • , .. • • '•• • . 'loses its, lteenne4g, , ,., , • ' fold friends, for, may months before • 'Sally heaved a big' sigh4e.:asigh that Rum, like everything else ;the 1, the wee, theofrieks• -ot the .forner speke of aatisfactioa in ''work well sailor drinks, eat', wears cety/ashe establiShed a, close • friendship; •with dOne.. Suddenly she was startled by • , himselVtwith;:- officiary conies ander the Officers. of the latter, says • Lon. n gruff "Weof!". behind her. She turn e . .e. e;e: the bead of:. "paiMaster'e ,sto'res," ,don. Answers. • ' - -,4" . • e, , ell qiiiettlye and beheld' in the 'epee .., for its deity issue.•Ile checks every Presents ---with. the 24th ' InfaritrY The bear uttered .another oWooft'l . - pint of it when it comes aboard and 'Regiment of .Austria. The latter AC- brought his hind paws inside the ; • occasienally tests it to see that the: quaintanee; of Celine, was foreled doorway one after the•other and and assistSd him to keep afloat •until "I ;want to -get right-nt preserr-• • • writer, John St- Marg-erisenl- trr t London Daily Nail. Ilis ACCOUTIV lOWai • , , They shan't trouble much about lit - tie details, smell as who was the first nian who int•rochiced the epirit ration in the navy; they don't clink their • WEAT'S IN A. *PrAlklE? ,,,;••••• British and Branch Regianeate May • 'Meet as Old Friends: "•• • • -,... • , *' • . Tral0 1)(1 I heard a furious barking as I an- . . TEE .ANTWERP 'BO.3113ARDIVIENT, Field efif Silence In the Midst .of , . Enowledge inkeads •in thousand 'Ways, and in a hundred different fields' of learning the 'war is. changing. our ideas.' Very strangely the tale ' of Antwerii has copiributed to our new. iinoWledgeeeeTheesoundseeifeilei- bone, bardnient reached out to an astonish- ng'distance in some parts, then Skip- ped .icime other parts, -and were -then for. the districts' bordering -Lakes On- heard for- miles beYOnd 'these strange thrio," Erie, .1-Inron,--and--the.- -Georgian zone-S-01-eulence4' The terrific uproar Bay, viz..Astrachan, Duchess Grave- of the guns wae•heard, generally, for stein, Wealthy; Alexander, IVIcIntosie more than fifty miles. Then came ite Fameuse, Blenheim, King,.- ,Eubhard- zone of silence extending for nearly sten, ..Greening,.' Cranberry; Baldwin,. forty Miles in all -directions.. After Spy and Stark. Of these varieties, that the poimds of the -firing Werinain• the Astrachan. is only of value dose &Isle over a kinared';railes from Ant,, to large local markets, where itolias " •' • • • That tete. saYe the paymaster 401 Our 24,th Regimeht ‘11.aa. cfserWaY grivz1Y; bC4ro sulfrings, in- 4 ' •charge .of the- spirit •and, responsible cOurtesieS,..aral Valuitb10.' qtliringly, SallY•stoeil• lib, very pale.. • spirit has lost riene-• of its •preof strength. .: • , Rum and Naval Cuetoire and t� the rem and daily superintends its issue, being Present :when' it leaves the -stores, when it is poured inte the run tub, t e French 34that Arroye • los Moe feet and followed at her heels. There when the water, ie mixed with it and ‘lines; in. the .Peninspier War, When was no time to run for. a tree, so when it is served out to the sailers. thethenuned the latter in in the nar- Salle jumped for the unfinished eaves And yet, I strongly doubt, :whether row streets of the village and Capture at the right of the doorway . • . • ' long before . the . present war was bend, teward her, • 'Say did not cry dreamed, of; and, if the British' 2,4th out. She darted behind the low wood - should now by aerie° meet the AuS- en table, and, as the big bear follow- trian 24th, it will no doubt give it a ed her gave thelable'ICtjiiielc Shove weleome of a mach warmer character! and bolted for tbe door. • . It 'may be a welcoine Such as our 'The .grizibe although Caught under , • 34th Foot.-Atotder Regiment -gave the falling, table, scrarlibled to his ' aine paymaster in the whole_ of the:_. Icing'snavee has .ever. tasted the spirit itsrawstate, You See they get to used to it that they never trouble the slightest bit about samp- ling it, knowing full Well that if there was anything wrong with it. when it Wits issued to" the messes they would learn exactly what •was the matter • froin the men thefaseivese• - •Every day, about II. o'clock in tho forenoon, the 'payrnatter, • With, the ship's steward and the captain of the ahold,. descend intoetheespirit-reinenea4. measure out the exact quantity of spirit whieli ia'eequired for the' ship's company's grog.. At .this time, ' too, all those ,men -chief petty' 'officers and sergeants of inarmes-who are ed. the- band and -nearly all -the -officers-, • Uting-the •rounded logs'int the side It was at the crossing of the Billassea of the cabin a' a ladder, ;she quickly . _ in the same CamPaigri -that, many' of drew herself up .on. the roof. She e .1 • our wonnded of the pest Regiment, drew her feet in just as the grizzly . who were left behin,d, fell into the snapped savagely at them, seranabled ' bands. of the French 51st •Regiment up the 'tarred shake's of the roof to and were most tenderly nursed• and the ridgepole, and sat there gazing afterwards treated" with ' true Gallic' apprehensively, at the animal below • - generosity because of their common which stood looking iiii at her, . . _ A • , numerical detignation.. • -. .. ' ,Then -the bear remembered what ., . - .„____.; " • had brought hint to the cabin -the de- • . - . _ Row virouNDs HEAL,. • , Helena' smell of berries. ,i other •.:•vif,, hitreic-7••iii. too_oirti. istTrosr likorourff. "W.s.41:o0isrtf;hatie•ed-entseiriee!i,;uthes..coagbiz ' • . but her precious preserves were not - Disease tieriita._ . • . • . ' She her ear to thekroof . and ; • . F.ew people have %any idea of, •the listened, There .was only 'layer , of - • wonderful process by whichAnundt_shakes_ancLa_thin_pine board \between --, • . . • • .. heat Stitching, dressing ete • are. her and the bear, aid she could plain. .alloWed to have their spirit ration is, important- operations but tone of ly bear him patter round the'r60m. . . . :fflied to therri unaileted muster' at the them can Make good • damage, or below. Then there came the sharp spirit room and, under' the sunervision• repiege the • lots of tistue he a wound. clang of iron. The bear . had over- ' of the paymaster, the half ging_ which This is the work tof our ' goOd friends turned her pot of rhubarb and was form the -portion allowed to these :in the bl9od, the white corpuscles= ---------r • git _up; . . higher branches of the service are the "scavengers," so &tiled becatise ' tilt the rhubarb could be replaced ' e . nieasurga out into their ' bottles they destroy disease ,germs. There Was a TO* Of it along the back . • . , , paid well -Oravenstein should be •of I ' The • result ' of: the..AntWerp born- When all this is finished the-reinain- •When a wound is made; a bone, of the, cabin: What if the animal . •:. , value for Ontario markets, but on ac-; bardment has*led. scientists to believe ing rpm fOr' the day's issue is placed broken, a nerve torn etc., it -is chiefly should reach her berries?. They *ere • count of the .lerge.,quentiteeee sent out. that.sound. Waves do. not travel ese„ in .& special barrel 'called a "breaker" len these eoriniscles-6eing their _way in plain sight, and the Shelf was not e u ets piuggin aced. -A.re that •-: 1343' Nova .Scotia at •loW.prices to both,' ward and onWard indefinitely into and taken to thei• half * deck, where,, out of the bloodvessels into the ' sur- firm.: One touch of __the •bear -'s-;• -PaW- • - •, " . e West' and "for . export, it is also i splice, to he ahva.yalost there; it Ls:place .,,rennding tissueS" that the-iiijiiiies by would', send it _iiiid-its burden -craslii• • ' - top 'O' ' the parapet,' an' d9ne, him in: use, yerietiei, that canebe, shippedo e ear , according ' t 'th thto the density-.' bittrise with the spirit ioom, key, wag the, --end of him. '. One '0' '-their ti 'United in value.- This still- leaves a :•-for forty or fiftynifies and are then under the watchful eye of a sentry .` , .bniret or bayonet , are repaired. , The ing to. the cabin • floor. , , • . .. snipers saw him aewalkiin along the -"choice selection for summer and fall .thrown backagainOr deflected toward After the rate spirit is disposed of union df broken bones, nerves,' skin, • Sally looked.' quickly • tonna her, . A dirt" trick, ali'. ' SenseleSi, ..blast limal e or the pa3rmaster goes for ferward to the etc., is effected by the corpuseles find- Thom she got carefully and bdgan .. • or. Wcsterri in or exported of the atmoSphere. , Now, grog tub. and inspects' it to see that ing their way into the tOgulated to rip off the shakes on one Side of .' him!" , • . ; - ' , 'with good respite.: . Duchess have been the quality of the atmosphere differs it is perfectly dean. Then, as he blood . which surrounds the injured the roof. When she had gathered an : -- - - ,,A...filthy trick," e said. e •e. in,,particularly' 'good demand for the lin different localities. The- air over- Persomlly moosikes every , drop Of parts. -- ,- . . "arinful,-she climbed up the sloping' - "We _buried Whiskers . under what western 'trade, and Ontario, bas not elYhig 'one ctrea maY not. he •clamP . • • was left of a tree, an" fired. a salute over him. . An I stuck • his been able to date te 'furnish even het eaough to threw, back • "the . sound, "processes," become fixed, . and join tlie •clay 'and wood chimney. She little home markets from orchards now in which would pass on without interrup- each other: A new tIssue. is ,thus gered a second armful, and; placed -Next day got bunged in the Wealthy, Fameuee and. eicIntostii the cause the sound to edueback again.. • Checking up the Orok. these serve. to keep the torn tissues eaves directly over the door. She dar- •• ' Water that goes into the tub, the. pumping party Carly great ,kettles•to. and Irmn the fresh water tanks, ,ceas- • • They: t • hrow • out what ar• e caflod roof and laid them on the corner of ' ..• wooden'eifie atop 6' the krave, seine bearing- The tulle conditiOn aPplken• tiOn and so' produce a zone of :silence. ing only.when t'he _paymaster calls, forined, which becomes end -owed with them on top of the ,pthers. Then. elle -as they -stick crosses 'over other peo- also to the three - dessert varieties, while farther. afield the•air irould '"Hold, enonght" • - bleod-iressels. ribres follow, and made her •way down the roof to the,. • , band. But I'm goin' back. I haven't two latter 'alwaYS aetling. at fancy pg- This is verY. interesting. Professor • Me4iiwhile •the Steward .been of the wound in what is surgically ed not look. the cabin, but •elin done with the swine yet.” ures. Alexander, and .3.ta. seedling, Tyndall icing ago, discovered that on eheeltim books ready •Tor. the Is- Called "opposition." , reached- out and pulled the door shut. He mn 'went over to Benny, patted his Wolf River, .eell entirek on -their out- •one day n trumpet blown in one place _of gx.pg,-fincilng out rho, is. under .In this_tissuerin the case iebtoke gaily returned to the chimney and , b , ne sa s are deposited; picked up some Of the shakes. She heed, and-;returne&-t , hake -ban s ward apPearaeee; ;ehereg' large sige Could. be heard. tit a ;greater distance stoppage' of rum for ptimshment wh. o the kennel. , The soldier. canie back 47/limy #, with .. . • • . . - and handsOine color, ' • than a cannon fired in another place. .is , he said, alurtv. that' aawg • on leave, and who. will be absent where herve4 have been torn by.a bul-, poised herielf on the ridgepole, , and . SIOWly;.pickednp. his stick„ and stared ta ine•talkin' about old Whiskers let . nerve fibres grow; - and . so On.. then dropPed the shakes intci the wide _ ., • In winter verieties. yve ar? .not an .'tiyhat was. the meaning of the ::2'1:473.-. froni theship during the diaper hoer, 'abeently at the Wood-staek: alias was . fond O' dawgs', - These fibree, in the course of healing; Clay -daubed mouth Of . the chimney.' fortnnate. The Ring is an ideal .tery? Just what. our 'learned, men ,In the case of the named men .' , ' qset ine thinkin", lie did," herepeate . •, .. ; , , ' : . '. ple, but unprofitable, as the tree is e have,beea learmag. afresh.: ' .. . . . he will deduct their allwatice from centract a' nd it is bY that power of She heard them'Ttrike. the fire below, shy tearer...no. 014 reliable Green- But Tyndall dscavered fthat there the total Ahmed' to their 'mess and • , • • . centraction that the edges 'of a Wmind aind bonding down, she could hear..the • ing One Orthe: best bearer's We li V lat,-higher-iz ' ethe-Uppereatiim a por ion• o as ores after 0 hrought-- together and united. Thear _grunt and. patter. over toward . ,• . • :•• lr offered liinwigarette,_:t.. PROCESS. - • wed 'Ilieney-maker.in the ,paSt, is be= Phere, what lie called egotistic cicaids;. the ritual' In the sedond he will also •• the fireplace. , • • ,. eaceented;•alid then 'we both s.at down' • • romieg more .ditlicult to:sell ' in -.car invisible, f f gr t ' ' • . ee, deduct the amount from the totals) ' ' SCIENCE FACTS. • . ' The dry, tar -covered shakes burned .- ..... . • • • , backs against the steak. " . . on the buziale of faggots,. with our 'ewe ing'n e zepeesieee' 'Are. Made lots in competition With red varieties.. clouds•of a.densitY different from the but 'here he will enter an the inotiey . ,- . ...... .,..._ i• -.----e , • . . beightly, and a .cloud of . sulpherous e I ;, • •• • ,e4; n'•..The tree is. vigarous, hardy, and.verk snreounding air.. He ealied •••••them allowance which the sailor draws iii English chemists Iiiive succeeded in snioke'poured from the chimney. -, • "What did he set you thmkmg of?. • p o. - o c I asked, - . • .: . • • • e . °: ne Alinostall the high ekplosives haVe main With us, and it is doubtful if we perty of echoing brick Sound to the the quantities will have to be kept and leather from seaweedremaining .shakes, anddropped thee, . rod ctiv The old r herds still re*, aimistie because thee!. have. the Pr9- lieu of hie ruin; while in the loot Producing substitutes for hard' rubber Sally selected half a dozen of the • • .•'-• , ,. _ •.,0•awd, knows a. ehap iloart Want to be very -good sporting . powder, 'Can • he that everY, year vrill tee more Of this• eaught and eeterned to the earth'hy ?!',Of . otter, thee,'" Ie. said, ' ."an, . eaten. as ' their baSe. ...lt is trite that 'should 'continue . to plant, knoWing earth. A, trumpet - blast) 7 its • waves aside and tenlaeeit•• tinder- the- .sentry's 1 - - A facterY in Europe that uses or:, rest into : the , chimney, Then. she '. . .. ., , ' . ''• ' . • • ,. • 'reminded of that."... • " - . ', , . , madefroin *ood pain; but, as the edi- apple on our Markets from the ore& 'spell clouds,. would have its noten'clis- patrols and 'tee iike..eetere to thee' abent 201t tent of artificial rainy a• • 'charge •', until the...meri-4-•boatls 'draws,' 1 ,dinar3r :tar as a 'beefs •• is . turning out siiread the 'six shakes over the mouth , 4.1 should teenie novo - : , : • , tor of Netere.'reniarks,="theartiilerist ards set ant iii. • the past -tea years. tribute& over g wider 'nrea ;than' the et the clainney So de to eause the . "' ' ' • ' Mau 'ty . shif; when • they will be Served • outi daYe ' •• ••• . ' '' , . • - •colunin of thick smoke to back down , . . I . • e • sal e would be in great d I if he w.ere, The BeIdwin, our mainstay in the i•ed boorning•of a cannon whose rear Pene- : "wheo, this silly old hand o' mine gets Provided With,' such a propellant 'be- fruit, is now. 'being` lookpl 'upon with , With their grog separately. _ experiMents hey° •shown trated into air with ne.aeoustle elc;ndSe .• And then, at a quarter to 42.; the that artificial silk 'makes mere SallY into thug -60m below. . ' lay on the in and listened. _ mmbar ... .14•.. 1 ain't done with the - cause in. order to obtain any -sort -of -disfavor in a great many sections. be- . • blit,"htere-Y.et. If stWas. only for little regularity theratratiori-a- the- 'Piped 'Cane -the treels-proving less:: hardy -. - 7, ,. :4ViliSkere -kAlt0'11 luxe -another go: pulp' has te.-:he kept at a-loW• point,. than we thought,. eVen in the Most - at 'ern:* ,.. Ve looked 'at Benny, who ', and the ballistics, on which- the artili, favorable--parta of the • eirovinee WASTUOW 'sitting at attention, with his lerist . dcncnds,.... . e quite -thrown -There -reniaini of our • list, -then, Spv. - ears ; teekede wlitchirrg fis., • •• ' ' - e• out:" . • -- , . • •• 'and -Thibleardeton, afnong the (Pant/. • . "Whiakers,!.t. ,the' .g.0141ei,, proceeded, ..Higb. explosives are edinioselighly apples, Cranberry and Stark among a-4,atrg thattookup -viitEour,ri!tratedthaCis, highly charged tonsists with the good:keepers. and shipper?. We •.cOmp"ny'.in a rest earop; an' In pare! nitrogen. This prOf need badly a variety, combining • all fie4er. he. : ,i . . ,... . % ... , .... . • .. . - • , ...., .., y , ., • as se qua i es a vi e e ade fond • ce &vitt, I 'took rin ..with him.' been repeatedly teased; picked ...and of •the: Baldwin for future Plantings. ."Peeel-me well and keep me clean, . , treekon'he:eatne from a :tiriashed-up dried)...in a mtletur_e of nitric and sul- The:/rehhardston is good, but 'the sea-, • Ill seed' a ball to Calais Orden.'" . . . ''• ' .. livirnill4g.N6r.01:46,tr:arale 2071,1; iii..%eargell:11 1,. jpetilPbtu*Lenadd5t,„ suiplAtorin lihee'dlicir,172°rti liter" °feet' 7t1: thane fa7pfeitgthaust_ olgetaillteloQxt nitirile belreFfel!i. "Ale state/neat 'was rather; a.ri ex-• • , . . ' - • rill Stnek round' .11.1th a kind d heard, nc am' '`.4 and 8../ler_ger&wa*,..',.,..M.: , UtAitien iipelei 'Ord- an----ilLantinV •°'*.4(4e"I"til3r4 .13aYs iltits' 1° lid .!u1:1 ( • --: ?'-'''' -':--i17p-----Ilire-lft lit'brf tlfiar _•F •• 47"-tter tte 'aeidg kale ieted f.or ;the hould indtele a goeidly wicertgage nf he..,t.,1 base, inv,13.4,n„it°,d th.r.at,,,141,111'.iir'.9 'a* •: • ' elapg yeeilel eall blare ,p'reeeei he eidet 1- virei• atite tbsil Are *614/Pitted; the C4.4t 'this verl..e.ty.. n..5 prts4r..eA In?, thei 6a** -,,"1.).'„`"-', 1,,,14-44,44_147,3t.F5,„a":,,71, '.,^',,r,,.,"17,,,:m,;.;,,,-A _ " : -.1e.r7-'-elfege• `'tivai '''Ef.i -1-',..a.s' 1•,-,tos is' wasl.-24 eep=teily end toiled ;le derneri‘,10 fot. sal .t.=.a at4 PAe.<9...ro. ° "a"'". """"e";A' 41' w."L"' vr. . .., .......___rok • • _ . • - bugler sounds off Cooke. 'The •roe able and elastic ateandeteent gas -man.. She could. -heat the. Iron pot rattling , . . food -for .their•-messmates. borne doWie generally. used. ,' ' .. _ ----'7ing his feast. --Then there_came.' „a No Gun Yet Invented That *Will' Fire afrri, 741.1..al.teg s•Woet-thkii. -brirv:tellibu_p_tp;_r, .431r4mait.ti_,4.....pAt• _ornyzeghn_heciverticsht Irnsiwtaptrle. {Ina, e hu -_p •, 09ntherc.ocuogulighralifdrotnalielib,claosruiceetlspion, out . • ', ' .; . , ' ': a Shell That Distance; . '.-.. " their "Queen Elizabeth's Pocket Pistol," • , tarn. for the. ruin ' retie*. • As. Wan -voice bY Passing compress'ed air• aoughe. Seib' aoahr bear the bear through photographically. produc4d tearing wildly about the reme., seek- • a they burry, aft they take their places :' big weapon for. its. time, -bore the in the waiting .gueu6 and wait for hetes In a rapidly moving striP . ... • . • FROM ENGLAND :pitANCE t,eihoseelitty it to, prepare d4yos ties. than those made of the materials, on the floor. Bruin' was still' enjoy- ' • neveral, Vieee- ' viater.,.., et ire genet eels k•ZrA''S- ke-114-:*e70.14fa'4h-' :and eereezideirate tWeeterefeire Oer ceetfe, ne.;*? 7in camel" w°14(1. '11°t llava'sellt 6 • • --- nee eeeetee,":-.7. "": - • . •••• 12.1.:610.-tbgn-a-fAnth 'of the' way, to7-.: 'thethirewatereitee-tleeitiV - . • • .' r w fluid gitsliee fonth and hi. 1 um ore t at • erman'p ysicum's electri hour the hreakek; released, from • ies eat, treat/Mont for obesity :compels pa, irriptisenment: iitidet the ientry's• eye etielits to perferm musculia"work au ing an exist. •She crept down t�. the eaves again, and threw the door back on its leather hinges. . • A thick doud of .tinolee buret up• • and escorted- by. the PaYniaster., and tomatically and independently of their into ber face, and she rose, coughing . 'the Petty officer of the day, makes its will hY stimulating their' muscles. and ineeeing. And then • she leughed _ pppaatancp,„. hailed.' by. a eopeeeeed _ . The•tipieif a 'rkeW --eririair . jam- 'outright, for for .in thpinidst Of the yel- - •• - . the ittiltIng Melt The-keY is .Produee and exeeedinglY muffled. cheer, from plane propellor trend .forward When low smoke there appetted a black .', .:' . . stationary,' but are. straightened 'hy .14'etalt . .It winded froni the doorstop, *. ed and thcr padloek taken off; rebeei centrifugal force: - when . revolving, coughing and twitting 14 head, mai . • • . ; :theeleting-isewithdraven and the rfeh which the iliVentor Online lessene the lumbered quickly toward the -vioodS:. • - - *•• „.danger ,01 them -being broken bi, the Sally •;:va,tched, the bear Until It was _:: "• ' Strait., • • • .- .. , - - . -• lest to sightla the underbruili. Then '. - . : ' • - - • - Otd•IFIr . &es leiS beet to' t'ee A 'etralent rior,of feee'ee ia-eeve (7.441al• dtstlIk% Jelitt. feet thate it _ the-nit/ow-- tie•-•'',"1 ' ". ••• • • • " • ,r" z.V-,•:;27fT,;•.'hingreit feet high •tipim no. ti • • e (.4 auu•I .F1.4 aNtirif.5 ,AY/Inrige.ri-f; • . yy officer rolia beck • ,a,:roiolv,„--47...1 • deiten• mole, pr„%es -on 1,,he niar'ket e;rso, fge7,7t?•;4.,,..'",‘tq 41 .1,074 'fak, wfit- °gene,' deev.es, the sieW,ora. 00411000'MS book 1 • 7-'4*.r. '14'4 rrres'.vi;Y:11,"••?!" 474.014-449" )(reek-, the elevineee in bearir,g, feet tf`40 'one '('-'"•••'•''''"Ing.•• • • end the cooper hastens :lip withhis : • the • 0:".."-`14:44r i23; co• rivoro 1#2 feb+0 :kt offze, by the .0.:,to fillere e.,.1.41 . 1114' tf/f114"z3 cePper inetteuree Varying froni half a. ..„:434..). t.,,,,...4 A:5,..11,...:7x, _..„.„,, .1.,...ir,.,,.,,,,.,..., ... a cl,t,t,,,;:t. 4,;.! r4ti„.04,,..,ci.,:4220, -;..ty,„..„. .,,,„i, sweaty' tftmk,,.., ei, • Thp, ir/-11;t1;1:14e.frire,o,(fort:1,,,-(11;erttratte W°41A41. pint to four golfer -is,' These *tire now. , 4 ........'„,* 0. ... .. P . -"J. • •"' . . ' 6. ' ,, 141 • ' 1 i • , . s . :• .. ,,trz..,:..;z .?,..,,,,A..4.0? -41,. ",,,,,2,4".%),„ tisi rt:• -,07.)' 1;,.1.,roxi, that e.11 .oreaDrel, cor,wr:$ i), ,,,,,,,....t,P-a, - mc ,,b,,, . -,.--e r 0- .. --...' 'Inv (e),ecte,(01.1)ry nti;130 ofivatymantl.(6t1040.,4nodoti- n'a,,toi" • ' 4t#•,t' ,••-•.,' • • "de-, • ,•••-, -- ,:l -- . ' - '' - •- • -' ' ' • - ..•' - ,rf tr• r• --if .11,' ' n1.JrPlry Crvot 4'170 That ;Pik' a ••ri 40,1' i ' ' • 1 '4 . ' "4;'-' c''''''' ..^41..'.4--.1`''---" .-"*.' •4..e'l.C.• 4;g-telt/ • . , • • liftir porontage 4 : f.#1.." .4- . ,47ds vt3r,, . Would i';ave to,he thrown tcvelye miles '‘..!ornio foil, tho .0.0e inn um : litt;i... Cerlizn seventoell'hr)cli vie141)64.3 cculd Tile :firet Maa 'hi the' *.tiiietiti .titepri .. iond A cella Ovet Wont Illaile • they eoreeark .. e .., .. .:. ..., ... neeenniety VotvicrirJA2Y the vfllae of. ti 'rrsgti EnZ'On't frian • Prange,' 10 • . pa,5y tia;,3 4-Ak ip; ProPor17: . 17,95,77 t --!P ,v7v:1; ei • tetir-A • • ee,,,e • • • . b".4..e!•••"4 Aids . • deloo 4,1143 tot6a fA 4•,vt.102<rz • S's 0G0-4 lizoila; • • : talc? to it, t .rge.',.t.4-4114.;;.114., ti'l*-g ,.; . &Zit you Imo lxitUlf.,a' nee, I •P4114 fi9t t' 1)011 Pitt ‘16414ritai- , ' ea 1:):f1MD *".7,frt-;') ' " - .41,0.1etzto, 7.04 try' a 4.10 tvita. OW« more than three,quarter, rk.the t15 futr440.03v,/, tr4,„te • : 1..„03yee its moeft, Way fee* to•peyer, • ' ott5" Then yon11..have ;W.A.3 . niatc p pea dinner and the bue,ler Into' fl air, Although 'the iamoua matter eayo, tre.hrpg on" • - "14,.:11; niess,".he hays, *. . • • • Ito stowatil ruije his' eYo' elown..hift s 'list, • • • •.. • , . f!ititett t14,,f'ae* tlfs otht. .0n6, t12,4 nen eiereor.e.d. 114 , 40.64,04, .11,110011,1.$;04(4, • - eee• ,e- , • .• 'olrolf out of dglit" (I' 4"-0,241; An': I ; "--84-ww,var • V • Id lik • • 'inmga,u4-rx"17 inn' tett, 00•1COV UP • Ili Wif ' Oh I I ' 1 • • : ,.,1‘.1,..iiit..14:..t3,,..4-1.4::womit'n! oakvi3.„ .. • .... sh...,,e,remeved, the rshaket---frone-e.the -•:." • • '' *.--'''. • . • 7 . obfinney. top and. deScancled. . .,.... ni. ..i%inht:r. ;ewry:didaitteg:st. awkati,„sits.itiro:eiliti,hitt44,s .hwrinoetinlideimh,e,,ebet4,tirtOiilidottlionnt.:•teivItenii,,o,nog4, .: . this •becotne a featuro•Otweddinge 'es:. tfienetds•neeitoedn-itienegeninlgi!.:"Ii°•,n, ''...ie•"• el;'':':.•, '. . 000in:tea:With Britightinilitary and'utt- .. III:though I left .00016 firewood ,'. .' valinen...that•the.; wholepitle itounifite.e. for ;tee dayee he said, ' PSeeins. as. 'it. . '.. .,. ... - turetti Apii ' apee141141g lu• toy drnal .shaltes' .wOro 'Mint of glyi.014' Op.., tlip ... . • .. • Menta• ofa,'Weelike eliertietee to decor- .erele ., ". • . ,-,. • . • . '..." •• -.7 -.... .* • • tt:t6 the cakes.: TheSe are, niostlY or-, Itlif..*Ite -iooftea ineefrein the tags' 'titifeiebtal cannon, guns and rifles,. that',Fato was petting, and. smiled; • .,'' , .....; ,*-;".•to With battleships .for,iitiviii;inen, and • .* nit,.was A. question either ef bum; very • Weil eiteeuted :itiodols'...of .tiero- big' shakes or of losing ',those," she . ::* : ...:, planes for .bridegrobinstotineetett sal& A eini pointed 'proudit to' thut ... : • • • witii-tho Plying. poll.: . , . - • rOW' of JOS on the "shalt; Lein ,th.niled: '. • . ' • . . •• --•....--- . . "' .. happily, and .iiet ..down..to . . :Putting.' It Otherwise ,. • Raiirx.4 itlot cpit .erpekazdiz 'erorPirl 4:'?:413: • ,1.174 f;.ie • . i 41.1 17012 4 g.OMO Vieeiltof Opp ili0.-tiCht Pint Ineapn'rn 'to the !Mere la 'tiny'. erfect happiness. :pas . s e•- eat , 11#01)( er, .evete liev.0.4x-e.le, 0 4evz:fgoit , • ' • ,' • •I , • , ; ,n4tet;'"W, -kr,trtitym . go,t4t.to Ana 4',' 4,,' it Into, tile Utentill :world; !' -- • ,•, • tv..r.,1.4.54,14, • I!..6 rrt,5 0,eeeereieere-de, . 341,vver--7,,,Vori 64491,11, ' btii 141 ecy, . p. 11.14cill) voto.2:3 t.te 41 )..r... Slirl,jns",2 it .v),111h,e.hkiett, fijiz;. ii40,1;!•;1 'Mil IfOtiCo liiati. AlthoUgh ills eteWitial ,.niiln?*'ir:irnteure: cesrrienlirtli4rreelt • ., ......, ti.:tenrcahlog,•ge,,,,ygtl.A:you'i,ra, the, •,feenti ,'eielti,i.ln;e0;,.3./.171 vse..-„,,,,,..,,,,,: jac.,,,, - ,, ,.. •.,,, e, ; • 0,00,,,ewe.ili,, re. .6.,1.3 Ehali ; hrtoio, ye off leee7e-eny viowu to inself," . ..,..order6d.,only seven pints ati(/ 1'4 • ' - 1 . 'CAtAVit.V, 441' allt4, tlottallo noplye,),p1.e., '. . • • , •• „ , • .• *te, deft .• .. • • ': 1011431 dleeeeneleed eveet beide out lir Inc waiting sailor You TT flP OW? • ePerou •may teke ofit" }3,er ow' 4orires,, we moo .P•op• 1,Itir-ton 11;orose -No° le is rot VIdiskera vita 01,1aa ciote,of. the' sktioz •.0.ztl• trig s • . reufl half -the .rations for fifteen nieri-;-to ''•. ...,.........•• ., to lasiied, eight pinta rare plaeed Intik . 'rho tool theories* 'fi, Mall tvotoln liis Ah4 Manta kettle ainl• then the. half 1 hon'!: 'cau&e, 4, lot Of tronblo .1i,lien . . .. • , - • 4 :Oat leretieure full lo toiltAti .0Ut.' Ilia. ,.11)4 .aszilodei: - " .. _ , • • • • • •• • •• At 14/ A Oil cipAire.cf.abi.5al tierry. say 'for 161,6,. And 0 20 sho proeeeds• lo'f411.iii Jove: With 4 if& MOIL • , , • • 3 •And -over the.; ' dishes' iSaillt related • • .' • ,how 1io saved the., preserves:. • . , • ' ' Out of the.:Wrolig' pone...* ; • 'The Onstenier-r•See herei- Tbelie „ * , • eggs you soli nib aren't 'Iltto eet,:• .• ' ••• ' Tito Market ' Alane-Certainly • ; *Why, yob. tell. no yoti w.tinted ' eatirit oggfit' 1 thought .you *a:steil :pgga to letntl. t� the 'neighbor:0• ' ; • • '' -