HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-11-25, Page 10014.01* AP • .• . 4""r•-• • .••••• "gr. rworir 7 -At Jr' • " • - r•- ! 'Y4 j• MM. 1447,Tr,' 4r.00. per year, in advance; $L23 otherwise • 'P,^'-"'-4*4:•••-'-','"'"• • , •. • The Mai 149,91..9. OUR SOLDIER BOYS -_AT TWU*QNX F DECEMBER 3rd THB •60 pee c‘spt. of the re- celpts to aid in haYing Presents for the Lucknow Boys hi the Treechett., A Splendid Slaw/ will be pet on. 'Here Isytihrebance te'llrelpirriCtUaa/lwaYTtlieTilo 'Cause: Turnoit and SWell the faiuli• already being „collected' Two Shims -S.15 to9,30 •9.30,te1d,30 Rememberyour own town boys: .)Imas., will 1a dreary, time for". them without gene gifts from hone. ,1 ADMIS§10.14,•49•Cand 1*°: • ' -fia; • GOD BAVE•THE RING Are Isougcliot .:Shert Tem of Years .DEBENTWES ItttVrcBt .1.40Upons, ' Payable Half -Yearly NEOPTIABLE, • ,AssetS-7-47;480.339. The (Ilea( West Perrnanent Loan COMpang 17 20, Ehig st,,We4t. • • • • Tor mato Represented by . • • Jos . Agnew, Lucknow, 0-11t. • High Class Tailoring . • Jura received --OurFall Stock of Blue Serge, Black Serge atd Cheviot, and Fancy Suit. •.ings. SoniethIng new. Call -and see, tkern. - TEMPLE CLARK Merchant;raider - orrice A Chtiitian eollege-home,. ' healthful:situation • Forpnispectusandterms.watethePrinripal R.I, Thinie4111A.,D,1).,St.Thomas. Ont. V33 94d.99999 ,19999.1.1, Those. Delightful-: It still hold§ good -that, "while they last, we are giving a,.,,box of these delicious ." La Petite" each cust,:mer w ma Res. a 2:t. purchase Nyal goods; There' is no more dfligh.tftilli: f 1 a.ti nr e Ci Chocolate made than NYal'S. Get ove-ofthe fiee boxes at .- • A. lit.----SPOCE'S DRUGSTORE' "The ttyal Qualittitirmo. Westford ValleY Farm, the home Of Mr. Mrs, William- ilodgins; was, op Wednesday, Nev. 24, the scene -of &pretty wecldingt_whep at. 11 ectoc.k WAS _unitedin ' Mt /ANVIL 3, James, of Kinloss. Rev. 0. Mac- lentietfficiated in the. presence of a •-• Jittrg&Aalliering,tit,,relatioriarat#1,-friends... • !The 1 rider was given away by her father. She wore white silk' meteor, with bridal veil crowned. with'orange blostAiis, And clotted White roses and Maiden hair fern: Dred the eerethony the ,bridal party -atoOd before bank of ' trySatithenntina; WO Barbara Culbert, of Ashfield, a cousin of the groom, was bridesmaid, and Mr. Charles Turner, a cousin of the . ants groomennan. After the core- • Monrand, corigratulatiorts, the guests, ' • numbering about 120; repaired to the • hasetherit where a sumptuous wedding dinileraivaitect thew.. The early evening WAS 4pentin.gaillelf atter whichcalijiba- , ect.indernoing which lasted until morning., 'Ithe Piing couple were the recipients of " many pretty ,and valtiable presents. Vito groom's gift, to the bride was 'a set of .:,fttre. • and Afro. Jarnes will mettle .00 the groom's fartn on the 10th condos- sion of itinloss, wilco., they take with ,thein the beat wishes of a lerge-Mtele of • • 4.14QCALND6NIRIL Miss A. Boyd visited Winghans friends thirentrof the week. Does your natio appear on the,8614.-. ier'sConefert 14141-0010. • • . Miss Rena Gorden was' the peat a Willem& friends SatuedaY and,Sunday. All accOlfuts tine F., T. Atunitrong are requeStbd to be. paid:oa or. before Nov • . The village of Itiplei-TattS°.appointed special constable forthe'etiferashrtept of the 10%4 option -haft- • . Cutters.- and Wiggles repainted end v.arnislted at the oici Tonal' Hall, .• Anderson. , Mr, and -Mrs. W. A. Kearney jtuft, returned .to town, alter having talsen a trip to the Atlantic coast. ' • .; • 51u3S• PranceS „M. SiIdaII.'rctiirned home this ayeeltnfter having spent four montbriri the :Canadian, 'Weer If you: want a snit of clothes made to keep its shape, we catt do it. • • T. CE,aag, Mdse. Tailor. Mr. Walter Whiles returner:1,10nm on Tuesday after spending a few months in the West and in Northern Ontario.. . WM, Struthers. a former resident of near Paramount is moving into town and will occupy the, Lees house on Wheeler Street; • Mr; Leioy Horn has purchased Geo F. Aitchison's residence on Ross St. -the house formerly occupied by Tom Web-. .- Wm; Stneltser,Joe Jelmston, And Stewart Finlay,' who went west on the harvesters' excursion,laiturued. home on Friday. . • 'On page 4 of this paper Will he foun an interesting letter from the front writ ten by Geo. 0. Paterson; a former Luck .now bov. , k „ • , • Contributions the Soldier's Comfort, List tad about one hundred dollars. Just half the amountneeded.Help this 'worthy 'Mete -Com . • Don't stay away film the Town gall this evening because nearly all the seats appear to be taken.' Thereat' lot more roomihan is sitcom on the pram If you want a first class suit of.Clothes, we have the new goods. , T. -Cr/t .ax', • 'Mdse. Tailor. LucKriour, ONT., Tiriuksomr, NOVEMBER 25th., 19154 Single rotoies 3 eeti!.$ The Farcaeee Weekly Sim is not a party hack. It deals with all public questions fearlessly and it deals with those quet41ons front the standpoint of What: it considers the best interests of the fernifitieletving that the inteteets of the • farm are identical withthe interests of tho country4t3 a whole. Ajournal of this. class should have a place in everi•iann heale; You eau get it in ,eotebinatioa With TOE R.EINT/HEL at 01.00 a year. Dd advertisements bring reSults? That "Calf for Sale ad. in The. Sentinel lea -week-brought A 11Alf-110"4211" e.f1Sfair1es- 'vrithin 24 bra. afterthapapein went to the Poet oftlee, and there Italk -Wee. a het ghee.- The driving' robe asked for - was brought in on Monday. The 'finder was pleased:to rettitalt. The. owner of the stray pig also., turned tip and took the animat hoinel•- Sure those little*ads. in'The,Sentinel bring results and „pey ,the advertieere. . • x , . Thereshould be big, crowd at thg Town Hall. this evening to see the Drama, TivoIlags", Presented by the-. local Dramatic . Society; Though . this may be e time to practIce economy ip the matter of entertainments, an except - •tion may be Made hi• this instance, as the proceeds will go for patriotic Purposes, onlyanother way of giving to the cause of the soldiers, and you have the entertainmentas well. All seats are re- served -35e. for adults and 25c.- for childrep. The Bruce Battalion Those at the head of the .moverneat for reBruce-Huron battalion Appear, to. have every confidence that the organize - lien will be proceeded with. ' Consent of theMilitia Dept,' has not yet been obtained,. but if prospects. of • filling UR the battaliou. are good there is no fear , of that being withheld. So we may ex - pea to hear the call fOr recruits' any d day • Read About Them • On page 5 of thispaper w•ill be found anadvertieenient of the Dominion ef Canada honds, bi the sale of wilt& the GoVerninent ni borrowing $50,600,000 from the people of Canada. The adver- tisementexplains itself and-we-inereil. directattention'to it, Evidently it i expected chat the.a,ineunt will be very readilysitbsetibed,tis the lists will close on the 30th inst,.only five days after the appearance"of the adiertisement. It: is stated that the Ford Motor. Company of Canadreand the Imperialt Oil Co. have each taken one.million dollars worth of the bonds. Patifotic Relief to Buy a Plano • •. The wife °La Walkerton -soldier, who: has been drawing relief from the local Patriotic Fund, has caused something of ternation among the dispensers o 'the grant. by investing Ma piaao; As Patriotic relief is-supp'eged to be giveh • only to the needy, aed is not, part' and parcel of the soldier's priyaa is -the sep- aration allowance, but is raised by the pulalte:to help out the mere .urgent and distressing cases caused by the absence of the bread•winhers at, the front the sight of.a niancialipearing on the scene suggests that the Committee is playing the drunken eallor with the money if it lets any more of it go towards such luxur- ies as is evidenced in this ease. Most of the contributors towards, the Patriptic Fund havelA a _piano theniselves,--and-, white they wouldn't .deny. the soldiers' wives atiy reasonable Comfort and neces- sity, yet it is passing. from the sublime to the tidinulous„ to feature their sacri- fices with a piano it the "otber end., DMES. Rev. ThomaliVilsOti, of the PresbY- -terian Church, Walkerton; has Voluntw- ed to go as chaplin with the Bruce - Huron battalion,should it be.organized: Onaccount Of the,patticitip entertain ..Menethiaevetiink,"the_lralnify:Theatie'z will lent be,open, as the proprietor doge not wish to interfete with the patriotic work; . . . Ratty Tucker,•who has been in Mr. Solomon's tin -shop the 'past year,. has resigned his Position, - and, we Under- stand, intends to enlist for overseas in the near futme. . Angus ,Mtainfion, of Kineardine Township, sold a load of peas In Kinear- dine last week, reteiving,$2.01 per bush- el for them. Few peas were sown this 'year and the crop did not do well, The name of every man, wothan, ited boy in Lucknow-did-surrotincling coun- try should be on the Soldie0s Comfort List -Come Do Your,Bit.-Cont, • - . The SePoy Mfg. Co. started their fac- tory in operation last week! They are -making sleighs. . M r. Jack Hawke has bee.n aveLfrom Winghem for a:few days directingMie work: The company have shipped out quith 'number of wheel- -barroWs-recentl . • • . There is a movement afoot to ha,trethe Canada Temperance. Act (Soot Act). sub - witted to the electors of Bruce County.. For the consideration 'of this !stepa meeting of temperance workers•was held at Cheeky on -Monday of this weektand it was unanimously decided' that the effort should be. made, \ As elsewhere announced, Mr. Sinclair, - - proprietor of the Family Theatre, will givErhalf-the proceeds Of the show on the evening of Dec, 3rd. to the fun being collected to send Christmas Cheer to the local boys at the frent This is a good Cause ,and we hope the show on that dateiWill betivell patraiiiied.•• •• Have your old buggy painted and made. look as good as new. j. C. Anderson does the work. ; SPikaill, TO THE LADISS -Miss Woods . . is giving a real bargain, in the making of long coats. All the longeoatorders from new. until . Dec. , lst be ,designed and teilored. for the small AuT8unt.;of $3.00. Come early and book. your order, bring your goods any' time. Special at- tention given to evellingtostrunes- Miss Nuoitiva',. Ladies' Tailor and Desianer._ Snow blockades on this end of the IWO should not he 'se- teriOnS, hereaftd. With thb completion of the new steel bridge at Winglion big mogul enginmecanhowlerthrougle-tre: Kintay. dine, and these are much more effective in clearing away the snow than the lighter engines. The first Mogul went through here on Monday of last week. E S, Copeland, of Wthghara, but well known here, who went to France with. the firs Canadian force is • again in the hospital. Ile is Buffering front a nervous breakdown. In a recent letter to a Tees - Water friend he refer -red to the constant nervous jar -Of tlAt exploding shells, and said he would rather any day take part in a bayonet charge than renutin the trenches d,uring a bombardment. . TnE Wart tool -Geo. As; sidatoi, of Lucknow; • had beer* authorized to receive applications for Dominion .of Canada NOV War ....oan hoed& The Menthe to investors is 5 1-2 per tent per annum Emil the security is beyond question. Patties having funds 011 hand wilt dn'well to se - mire some of these bowls. Mt. Siddall Iwill be pleased to "Irtie any desired. infot. tuatitni. ' special Avaouocement • . The Family. Theatre has •obtained a new service of pictures' worth =Ain r -milt-S-td see. Th ifrst opportunity to ..patrops of Viewing these splendid filmb will beFriday night; Nov. 261h., When 4 reels. besides the. Million Dollar Mys- tery. Will be 'shown. Don't 'fail to see them.. Keep in mind the fact that it is tie .essary to patronize the show to keep ' it in Luckuow. No better or • Cheaper way ()thigh class' entertainment can be had. The Th tre will always be kept watin, and evy effort made to please -patrons.- • The doetS will 'open- every Thursrlay, Friday and Saturday at 8 o'clock. The performance will commence promptly_at8:15.; The..manager-will-ap preciate very much ally suggestions ,as'to" the kind or quality of pictures- patrons • eire. to:, please -you. at- tire' expense In you: _Yot.Willithfully, • , •, ' ' R. M. Srotr,ara. etrouriees-,-Law-Brealang . Rey. Mr. Gilmore, of Ripleyda re- cent, Sunday Bern -ion denouncing the • ilicitliquor tro.ffid in the ;village had th 'following to say: . It is to the Shame and disgrace Of Ripley that; while our -Canadian boys ever° struggling, bleeding and. dying in m'rtttl' combat on the water -soaked thilds of Flanders; and our faithful Red -Cross are.working night and day lo-proVide-soine coinfortafor_them;that, .80 many young men Were found swigging "booze" to, their own debauchery, • and frittering away their time, playing pool.„ 'MAO the shaine-rind disgrace of -Rip ofilcer under the Act, to stand. The large audience rose alinost to a man and the thrilling sensation that swept the house was sufficient tntimation that Ripley and Huron township_rople_will_bo410._ er under disgrace; t.;ouNciL.N.11N,UTE$' THE VOT•E ON 'cuuRcii UNION Presbyterians Not Enthusiastic foi-qdlangeArote in Favor Smaller than in 1912 West l'Kaivanoshi Nov. Oth,, Council met on above date as per ad. jornment of Sent,- 25.• Menibers. all presentategye Murray,presidirig.----144--- utes of last regular Meeting and sabie. ,quent efuergefitIneotings 'read and con, firmed oll inotioo by ,geltiticitletaa_Mal!;_ 'Ioui.t4 and johneton; 7, • Financial stateurent real by 'Treas. Thorn0gen'ahoWing a balance on hand of $1000 20; this report filed �u motion l*CNor7eirciPpotItind4.e0"Eell't.rde°a°11: iro.rn tlaPaxharl Fred Library ler the'Blind aski0 be- ii.this rvince:tinmeb:ISilat,f1310f..r'botytif jvntah4tierio,:oog4r;let in .Johnetatt,that'agrant of $00 be- given. Carried. • Clerk 'read actourita arising out of ap- peal case tried before Provincial Referee Pr, 'McCann and others vs • West Wawa - Ora, .Piiintiffe' Solicitors itemized ac - punt Which 110 been taxed by Offieer of the Court opp,:io, Defendants' solicitors account is $189-40:- Motion% by Naylor and Johnston that these ac- counts be. pqesei and Plaintiffs' account .paid. Canted. . Clerk reported that no report had been receivedfrom Engineer who is working on Young's Creek Drain. ..„. Medd,'. Dungannon, waited on Connell With the iiStbject of having what he cOnsidered an unjust aseesionentrea- tified. AS no appeal was made to the Court of Revision on Assessment Roll; in this case Council was powerless to tint et, present time. • Aticourite anfoiinting to $259 36 fo.- - work and material done in the munici pality Were passed and paid on • motion. by Mallotigh and Naylor.' • , Ceuricil adjourned to meet on Dec. -15 at,10 a.m. as per. statute. ' Wilsorr, Clerk. Chinch 'Union does not grow in favor, With LucknOW Presbyterians. The Itut,o, which was concluded int Stintlayi Nov. 1.44 O,ve 'elalfttit,E.Of_laLakiinst-.14 Zeta vote was .01.7t of these 0,3 vbted for • and 225 againet, • Ia`191,2 the znajorky 'Ilwg*as Pt0a3vj* 'Jess4:lhiaYfftb4waallietotal-lnS-eair:"tile 1912 oply. 212 votes were cast -98 being fa and 114 against:, . • In the vote, just taken. the ,settsion,' voted /..forand 2 against;. the. Members 62 for arid 1,67' against; adherents voted' 23 for and 56 against„ • . Itis on, interesting feet that ilia 'Corr. Orlerable majOriq of churches the min- ist4re and a in,ajoritY in the sessions favored union: The members and adk herevits•prove the strong element against, • Oa the whole the vote in Ontario seems more strongly againstetnien than it was in 1912:, -- ,A remarkable feature Of both the 1012 and. 1016 • ;Yates is the eornparatively_ ...Mall vote east, in spite of the fact that excellent opportunities for voting are given. This fact must be ascribed either to the indifference or lack of decision of ,thos& entitled to $ote. It is strange that there should be.indifferenee; for thr question is one of importance. ' In the western provieces,. where the need of anion ig more keenly-.1elt than ln tho east, the Vote is saidlto be over Whelmingly in favor of ,union. But in spite of this, with the vote asit is iii the •east, there is no. prospect that union' will. be onsummated at piesent. • COURCII NEWS - Vourion AnzaVgnsAm-Itethorliot Much hold thole Antoiyeroitry_oo Soo - dart Dm roth;., 1e10. • Rev.. IL A. Gra- ham, of Centennial Clior914 Lon- don, will preaoll at nioroipg and evening iprviceo: The Choir.'itill furnish, special most°. 0o.tbe folloWing*ntlaY DOA. Da et the Ladies' Aid are -Providing a , Fowl Supper lo the basement of OMNI); ,..14•Vice_Adults-4024,•0141divn-1.5e;, thesuppera *gram of specially prepar- ed music by Ole choir, somafecitations -12alloaliPeclrgy aet aaleOrld Re-'ariici,' A44: teLtg-fol/rii,tho7 1 ' Kincardine.. We are looking for ,WPOC,1,. 701 ep,P rabrr 8: (107 :hitt -r iatJ.n • Aitoirkr:Pastoe, - .!IYMENEAL J A OcsoN -1-414115TON , quiet wedding, was solemnized at. the Ashfield Cireult Parsbnage here on Monday eveningivhen Miss Rachel Ham- ilton, 'of town, bedaine the bride of. Mr; lames Jackaon, of Honfryn. • Wioi-Jeatee The borne of Mts. Watt James, .10th con. Kinloss'was the scene of, a pretty ;wedding on, WecineAlay,„„Wav.. „when. Ther second youneest dauglifeT„ Ida, was .married to Joseph L. WalL. 14th con., Clilia-AVISrRearAt Mailtenzie, Kin - lose. .The, bride, who was given away by her brother, was prettily dressed in. white embroidered net over' silk And wore a wreath of orange blossoms. Miss Mary Culbert, actingwe bridesmaid, were a gowned White silk. trimmed With rib - 1 on tied pearls. • The groom was essiSted by hiebrother'Mr. Will Wall. After -the signing of the registrar, _the guests# numbering ab int thirty, retired to the dining -room, where a sumptuous dinner was served. The evening was spent in - social converse -and danctng. •The•bride' was tlie tempieet of marry beautiful _presents, showing the hill esteem in w,hich.slie was -held. The following day the bride andgrotin left fer their lienui, followed by the, good •awishes of their. many friends. . THE MOLSONS BANK • RONGEI THAN EVER • . • -------- . . . . Under. 'existing conditiona it. Could •not be eipected that the earninip of The• .7Vfolsons Bank, whose Annual Stateinent for the year ending Oct. 3,1st., 1915, was. presented- to the .SharehOldere at, their Annual Meeting, .a fekv. daYs•ago, ' would have been as large asthosein previone Yeats.' , . . • Yet, the net profits of the Bank for the year ending Septereber3Oth., 1915, were (.:raitsicanitalose thatafter paying_ tile -usual -dividend of 11% a comfortable . balance was carried forward. Last year 19F4 -the -earnings - WEIrO"-i5igrand .previrms,year-(19,13) 11.4, • • ----- • Thwinterest7b-earing deposits last year exceeded tliat of the two proviotie -years ley that when we had ari efficient officer ILO was not accorded that moral and fin, andel support which is meet; and that we now have to depend upon men from Toronto and elsewhere f0 clean up our house and keep it swept. It is surely to the shame and riisgface orItipleY,that the, largest col:ection of .Whiskey hettleslett onthe camp ground, back of Bruce Beach on any one OCCA8iOn was left in :connection with a Sunday school and congregational plonk of One of the professing Christian churches of 'GiltIvor6-then -went-on tetay that the corn ni malty wouldaise withhirn abeve all past shortcomings, We .have allowed the law -breakers to bring oar .teiwit int() ill -repute abroad., but we shall ruse uil# and "Clean up," and. fiends aint foes, alike.abioad, will know,. that We have wiped out the stain. The revet761 gentle - luau then asked all who, lavoured mw outoigemorit and the apo.iitw uX att hy_oyer t,2,ano,00n. • L'quid assets show a considerable in- crease amounting to 41/0 of the liabili- ties to the public as against, :39% less than a year age. • The Molsons' statement is of special inteitst, it being the_firettherteted bank to 'report it full year business under war conditions, •tincl the "•showing paide will,, under the cirCunistences, afford con- siderable satisfaction to 'the- public as well as to the .eleiteholdere Of the benk. Aniberley. . • • .:-Monday, 'Nov, -22. My.and .Mrs. Robert Steele and babe spentSunday in Ripley. , Janies Nesbit has taken a position as clerk ifi James Shiell& store. We are sorry to hear that Miss RON Nesbit is laid up with a titublesome ear. lunes Courtney, of Seaforth, spent last week with his parents; Ma and Mrs: Pet Courtney. Rev. alluding has decided to tithed' to the young people in Ainberley Methodist church for A few Sunday evenings. The pastor's text next Sun- Arty.will.be "Going ;too -see his .Sweet- heart." A. good attendance is expected. Service at 37:30. . Oliver Brown, reterned sold-ier, front the battlefields of France. paid his uncle, '$arn iltewn,,• a flying visit here- last week. Mr. Brown,had the misfortune to be smothered by gas thrown by Ger- I mans while in ranee, the disabling hint' for further,cerVi0e, • , 4 ; ••! 110SPITAL SOF PLIES CDR' RED ,c..ROSS. SOCIETY.. . 4 . • Among the most im• portant require-' • merits of the Red Cross Society in caring -kir the' soldieTiiiire; ciiiiree;Tijfai .supplies, haridages," pads, etc , but .theie- are only of use when ..properly made Ander the careful auPetvision of ' ,ctor .;:iC;01‘...11.a:Pk.tatiaPI'Lcru- ::C17,bitteroettTiollaP741. rota. of ay evening,' .The• unusual:attendance • was accountedlot,.by.lhe p?ospect.ot ;seetOg: and ,h,,eliennatratidi.egs liya iiireet Irma the battlafront Belgium.: This was Mr,;Oliver 'Brown: who had been 'on Red- . Cross work - with the ..eanadiari army at the front uotti illott Come thr,mgh tile battle of Langenserck and had.there beerr eased_ andWounded. ..iiiiffering from :shock mid- the ,,etroets •of thegas, Mr. BrOAM gave a•very Interest- ing talk describing the mainfeatures.. of the battle and some ,of his ow.n., exper- iences there, The -Young. Ladies' Class, which had, charge .or the. program, prettilS! decorated. the lecture :Pori-. with' flags,. Chinese lanterni etc.. Miss .Adelia. Spindler, •presidentot the,clast:, occupied the chair. • , • . „ •-• - • ,The evening's Scripture.. reading was given by Miss Mary Little, and two ex..• • eellent-papersone on'"Patriaism", the other on "Doing Your. Blt", were read by Misses Lorna Campbell . and ,M.ary Conly. MiseCarrie,Geddes contributed a Solo, and MISS Lila Little recited KIR- .1hig's•fanions `,Recessioeat."',. The. Clio 'gave :two. choruses„ ,Best.. Flag'•on Earth,"and'triu the Boys Come Hoine.7 ••Next Monday evening a • "Speeial• Meeting" will.bein charge Of the :Socialed .. ,Corenritteerwheirhitactuactifityli5vit-' tohe-present, . • • ' . • or trained nurses; Atriong. the wOriten - • .! • Itiolyroo4 , .. -Monday, Nov.•22. members of the Lucknow •Patriotic ,Sci- -. Bei' F. E. Clysclale was visiting in Our may are tour trained nurses (Meidetras: burg. this. week • ' • . , Miss Holmes)And thesaltidies have taken. evening at the hone ' f A. H il • Y IlfacKenzi3,• Duncan, Armstrong an'cl" . MiseRete, Rutledge' spent Thursday _ .. • . • .. . .. - . /4 p am ten,. charge of the hospital supply Portion of •-• ' the •work being done here.' As a•- result •. Mrs. jas.,Hughes and Edith, of •TeeS- ot two -busy' evenings and afternoon.S water, are spending .the:week at the spent by some .of the women and girls -honie of Thos..-Ilenry. ' .•• ' 'of4the:Village,-notter-thc,404dership,. and , School- Mt.Elieartef iien uslubnetdta._,y,!.ttevvaddi Stabniz1447.: supervision of the ladies mentioned, th. „innawihanapplias„,,anke.miippodiant. week traction Earl? , ,• . . • " to the•Red Cross Society at Toronto:• ' Mr. D. a'Taalcir;:of Lucknow, ' gave Surgical pads, 57 (1 dozen each) pack- an *eel:lent `address oo 'Missionary Work. ages; gauze comPressers, 43 '(t dozen-. but there were very 'fewto hoer. hniy. each) eackageg;-gauze wipers 22 (2 dozen However, _these ;wlko Were there SubScrib'. each) packeges; bandages, 22 (1 dozen ed liberally. ' each) packages; eye , pads, 4- dozen; . The Women's Institute will hold their swabs, 4,packages; face clothe, 20_.(knit next ineeting on•Thursday, Dec. 2ncl in ted); Mouth wipes, 2,500. the Foresterre 'Hall at S o'clock. There In acknowledgement of thie shipment will be andther quilting at this ,meetine: :Miss Relives ..has -reeoiv" ed •from -Noel )'.11.1e -re are six q4ilts doneand - we- want .Marshall, ehairinan of the Executive to get the dozen finished beforeShipping Committee of the. Red 'Cross SecietY• them. •Everybody con* Mid help out under date of the lath int.; _the folloW._ thiagoed cause. Eery person being : .. . .4_ • thimhle,,serseors,:needle, eta.Eien anew.- ing-letter: - " Dear afadam.::- . ." • - : • haris requested to brieg- lanch.-Sec'y. I -beg -to ackpowledge . . • . With official receipt and on behalf of the_ , litgleilch y,Otir,supp,lies for which I enclose here- • " ' .Society I desire to tenderout sincere An old resident of Ashfield Townshi thanks and. appreciation of the excellent • died 'Thursday of Met Week in the persbn work done by your organization 'You Of 'John "T. Griffin, who was seized with, may mei assured that all articles emit apopleik.' He had not been enjokin,g wilthe-properly-tised." • - good-trf Wior goniertbhe past, and al - In addition to the above tetter furth though death tante suddenly; it V••,0.3 114 et wards of appreciation werespoken to totally unexPectedfie leaves a large a member of the orgapizatson; who while.; family, most of yvlioni reside in Detroit, in Toronto celled at the Office of the 'James Griffirt,,of Ashfield; Patrick OM - Red. Cross Sec'y-and was informed that: fin, of the Soo; M.'Griffin; of MLitt:rate, the shipment front Lucknow was among:. Mich., are brothers and Jailer , •.1,?seph h-e-nrest eraellent received and could be: Griffin, of Goderich, le else a relative. forWarded through without' ani. further "Rectuiting is rather quiet here at pres. vork of those at the Office in 'Tefenito. ept. Aniong the latest to enlist aret'rank This certainly is complimentary an'd Doty; Lep Whitty, Cbarles.D. Mew,: of will-en:Courage thoseintetested to keee up Beemiller, and Ernest Noal; Of Aentield: he geed work. • ',rank Doty Who has goee to,. join •,the• Kintaii :..3ts:r_drats 77i:17e young Man. Ile has been connect d for "---11fonday., Nov, ited, ofGoderieh Leo WW1 t_,y is a.,We.)1- . • i •--. Mies Ree -ii -Fox, r.etureed to ' Gedericli 40-40,- ' • . ' ' - -I. - A neilenuritne courier from. Kintail to riplgy. : . • - Miss Veronica Bowler, of Goderich, is visiting at James J. Bewler's. . -Miss Annie fay McDonald hes gone to Detroit to spend the winter months M . • 'r. and-Mig, Chas. Taryleenterd taine eome of their ; frietidg orie evening last week. . '. ' OBITOARY.,-ILIA. mit. RA dlityAtis week to report the death Of John - T. Griffin, a highly--resPeeted_reeident-iif L1114 vicinity.. Mr. Griffin's illness was at, first thotight to•be slight, but it rapid- ly developed into a.serious, one,. andAftee a few days of stiffering quietly and peacefully passed in his reward. % He, was A man of great busihess ability and vireaa successful and extensive farmer and cattle dealer. • He was of 'sterling eharacter, and his departure leaves a vadaricY,'nof only in the home, but in the -whole community. Ire was OS years of age, and is -survived by hie Wife and ten'thildreti. °They ate: Mrs. Ed. Perry, Ted, Frank, Albin and Miss Pearl, all of Detroit; ',Mrs. - Ropald MacKinnon, of Parkhill; Mrs. 7. J. Lannan, of Lam s; Mrs. ix aleltityre, of Mardi; Aliases Hermenia and Idell, ablorne; also font' -deters 'and -three brothers. Thefitheral; which was very largely attended,. took place Saturday morning from the family residence to St. 44eph's il,..0, cetnetery„ Kingsbridge. Tire • pillimirers •were: Corr.. (flied ley, • James Foley,- Willituri Metiarthry, Tem Joy, nproar,d °tough - lift And 'Joe 0%0114.1111in. Deepest ,synt - pathy i..4 extended to all Whoihmirn MS leatii . '' ' & ff ' r,. irtrowir young -Mat, being a. Grand-Triinfi braltenian with liennesliare,_and_riMning on the Way,freight.th Stratford. „Re- • cruiting Officer Lieut. A,. Nesbittex::,- pects te leave any day V) join his ,com- pony at Guelph and prepare for overseas: service,„ - • St. Helens - . Nov.,22 Miss 'Eva, Miigent, of Lucknow, spent Sunday at Mr. Archie Anderson's. -.'•'Itobert•MeGiiire, who ha slt, A few -months intim-We-at, tettiKied 'lollies •On Satttrday ' • Misses Versa Woedi and 'Gladys* • Webb,..Of WinghamIligh. $qbooi,wereJ home over Sunday.. ' . Kincardine. The finier-1 of Mrs.. 'Joseph': Mills, a, Raton Township pioneer, took Place on , Monday afternoon,. She Was 11 . years of Age aced had resided in town for many years: ••:• Samuel Eihmersoli,.a. pioneer Of Kin- cardine Township,"but tor a number of years a residant of town died athie hoine hereon Sunday. • ile.was, *yeare of _age and leaves a widow and fmu1y.; Mrs. WM: G. Walsh Who died at his home hi Kineardine Toweship was -blue led here on Sunday afternoon She was it.clatighter of Air. and Mrs. Edwnrd Snowden, of Huron Township and had passed away tt the early :ige. of 27: litIPBU ASTRAY... -Came to the mem liies of the undersigned, Let ,i, Von. 0, Ashileld, 011 or about Oat. 21, .011 ••• utn holt T. salty 2 year. olia. Owner may hate Same en proving proporty p tying espouses. Jean wilt, • . .4 4 , n Alarm el SWIM have a nice soft gait -and an s'arm that Ruts further oiop out of the oestion, • ' That sort here- and it a-44, IrOV OullyS1t#9 lileU ister-atitvivea*ifle t,liat tells yciu when iysyour move.. Cinnitsitava4ociiratg,--- ' timers 'too . • 'And there are also other' :stylas at p,00. and $3.00 which are splendid clocimft, (Every one giprauteed)* • , • , ,Get. One and be. al * ;WOK ttthe#' ' riSZ:51#;" ; T. ARMSTRONG' Leading Jeweler an' d Optician EVERYBODY'S. COLUMN • WIONF,Y TO 1.04N, -On mertgages and note, at reasoriable rates. Fire Insurame, both - Stack and 'Mutual CorePaniee• tr'EQ. SIDDATA4. Banker, linekli 0 w RAW leti it$ are good demand and Ton can get highest cash prices at Mendelson's DrY " -tittotishlore, Ltipapow. - f2.4-1ptt, , *(lood. Plano for sale. ' Information at Sent141 (View - bi)M,FORi`ABL/E W.E 14 Li N O:r-East on , • Oauipboll St., parlor, dininK-rotpud , on, halt, ` • kitchen end bedroom downstairs, morns ' - updtairs. good collar... hard and soft water good. nosy stabletwon,,sres 4, land, ' 'permanent streankof water, good etktitarti, • 81,200.00a -or will exchange for dwolinw with 1844. WaTsex,.Imekneit PrOttrieter, • FARM • FOR seue.--Tire Administrator a the Estate of Mary Ryan,late of the ti'ewit of . . Ooderieli. the Coun Woffluron. ;nal:led ....,arotnanrdeeoabedroifers•for-sale•thoinliowFt-7-'-• t lug fatio-proPerty:-The south 141)•aeres of • :••• , Lot. 10,(10.14.12; West WaWAnosh:-,--„Tho-*----,----. property is situated 2 1.2 miles 'from _ now and.11:2 iniles from St. Helens,. rtitt farm is aU in'grass and •has been past ired • for the Past seyeti years,' 'good "well'with windin 11; 10 acres of blish; Situated in, . nest class farming istrict; a geed • Londe • tense, 2 barns and 'arising shed. ThO mm4' " • hasa goon olayloam, and id in first ohms condition for mixed farnxine:. For further particulars apply to P. Hyatt. Ondoe.toli, Ontario. Administrator; or to J. 14.1.,.AgatW, • Reel:Estate Dealer, Lucknow; or CO r.r.4n1,-, foot, KIllOran Proudfoot, olicitors for " - Administrant. Ooderieh. • '20-5-t-Ve 41.25,. • PPIJ.LTRY. :WANT, :.$) Every„Wednesday„atLucknow Station. - Kittlass and -Kfulonkh ofl The•itlaYs. ' roulf,ry must -be ;starved12 hours 1)110r,e •••' • delivery.Highest cash prices pai 11-11-tf. • . J. T. laolis- MARKETS (Corrected up to Wednesday noon) Wheat • Oats - * B33 .' arley ------------------------------45 ' .56 Buckwheat " _ Z5 .;*: Butter, • • " t. i4 S5-: • , Eggs, . 40 „ Eggs, fresh. ' 33. 35".,- • • . }loge: • .... ... . , - 915-- . . • . • ' TORONTO- PRICES THIS writes Wheat, bush. ; 65 to $.1:03Oats, bush.. . . . , 42. ix!, • ' _ Barley, besh . 45' to ' 'Choke' heavy steers...... .7 75 to. -8 00 : • Butchers' cattle. :7. 30 tb • 7 '50' '.. Peedees . '.• .... . . 6 25 to. 6 7.5.- - -Lambs 8.75 to 9 25. " Sheep, cwt • 4:25 to 5 50 Butter,Creamery Prints • 32 to , 3:3 Butter, Dairy Prints, , 23 ,to , 30. . Eggs, new laid, doz.'42 to .45 Eggs, No, 1 storagE30 to , 3/ , Potatoes,- bag. 1 35 to'. • . Hogs, ...fed 50 to 9 60 • # . , 114e Family Theatre Artnou'aces_ :the . .' .1sle-vir .Program ._.._....._.. : _ CoFriday Naveinher ,,26, ..1.915 1. Reels ofthe hesfi filmi. money „ can btry-the same as shown in the Lyceum Theatre; Wingham. This will be in addition t� the ',- famous' serial now running, 'The Million Dollar Mystery., fere • - , .. _ . is theline up ; Thursday's New krograrti ,and ' Mystery -5 Reels: . ' ° ----Pridars Change -4 Reels ' ,Satuplay-Satne, As. Friday' Doorsopen ti pan. Shotv anriTS ;ZS ' c)tre sh0At tact' night,except ,Is'• . 1 alien for the heriefit or•the ..„Ott•„4- . try patrons twoperforinanceq : • 11 be git,en The price- ill rimy,. ...e. a the show. Admitsion. 10..... Lothian :.• - 1rt, tleorge Sandy was in • Wk. 7'titiC hospital 'for sine tithe undergoip.8. .re.rt.• m„p.4itisfsoLlthais.ielyeensd. etso"n' was i V in ham last week in charge' of an,. expreis ' "And Celegraph 'office. • Mrs. 0. Niclienzie, of ..1-1en.loc,';,: was the guest of Mr, and Airs. Al Me- , Lean for a few days hop, week, , nur teacher, Miss ;Johnston, 1-,,1•014-4 holding a concert in S' 8, Net 7 t,atto tithe before XniAS. hnliday8 111 10 4 tail:eine to Make elaborrtte rim a en:Cces6V°Titiawlitechiltilt.66'titly;t' will.be given kaert . ,4•••• • : •••