HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-11-18, Page 4or, """• i**. 1714"!illar". '47 1"14111"7"," Tne 1.84111‘11011, e _ cold, arttleort yottrehoot or i* your beeftehiel taboo? Do eougbs Ma.uoc atm yea sothisct to throat ununmati I olt troubles shoeld have boolottete temitoimmot esith the rare writhe yews** &A's Maail-414-4. CONSMI*1404 yid* 00 MEWL SoettlethteidliOn. costaum perecodlj',asS 011 ithloch lottMliortY Mt1:14* 8144Y1="1":=Ythe "14 , g./ brit sad tender sweeihromee of the Onnet. &oWis prow:tibia by Use beet rineehd. lets. 1Con can spot It at any drug atom Scott it Ie.oeido. Oat. Business awl SocktyCirds .7 MN 0 • 004 ND& SONS, Ltd.. 0400. Vire arat Marine. SIARNEY.T.14INDE.A. k, lateanow.Ont. Agent verioUs Hues of insurance. Vire and Life. Ole* oesnpaules guaranteed. Only +but *gent in Luoknow of the London atUaL A nuxnber or village and farm propertirs for solo .0 . 0 . I O. G. if, Puctinew linage meet a eve*- loridelt • evemintst G. (Seek is their Hsu, Pavia" boll - 'othosnc-AnneinialaTtiWs:WifsZliiAr-fa 0 ro.nA.F. T. Armstrong „_.- Treas., Alex. Bow risen A. EltDayd; Vilt: dew., Dr. Ado Orison. , A. /1'. &AIX, O. It. P. Ana Mirlit I.Odiremeets twori wourrkdAit Min; OH Or benne the fun , mono, in thoMesonio Hall. Havelock street lineknew. W..31.. 4.43faelloniild; S. W.: p.tcameroot,.r.w.. . with; "!leorfl wilion. , , ..; W. A. • . .C.:40.71. °mirk. SherwOod; No. ;AO, Lucknow,. meth every lag Monday of . theunintit in is the Oddrellaws'ilan: Visitiingbrethern. oordiallyinvited to attend. Ohio( Banger; , Jam B. lielILItee. Seer, 'Rob& (Irahaut Rim Secy.. • *Ott.' ".7.oho4on. Tree4, I). ' R. , Itiaelntoop ,. • • .. " , ... .1. Q. U4 W. 14110kOOW bodge, NO. 137, meent woo .4. Afenday or each month in the Odd. • renews' Rall. Master Workman, .I. Itlitc4 DiarroldiFin. Secy.,D. R. macintosh; Rea 000Y, eee. Potter; Tram.. AkiX. Boss. • • Dental ft.s.rowLER. )., 0.11., 41. D. 13, Gintie up stairs in Button Block. Teeswater., spec haattenuen to_ gold plates, OTOWning and, 114dge.work. visits Wroxeter 1st, and are. Weenesittot °leach montht Gerrie Thur. G. A,. NEW7GN_, D. G. S., Dentist. oftioe Awn Flool., melinow, Ont. Ail modern -methods. u.,od. Best materials .fOrniehed. + Command Bridge work, Rainless eicirraot- .. ion by the use of 'the latest. simplest and safest remedy, _SOMN0Foltg. Newest thingin _artificial teeth, Aliimium platesil. non oreosoble • 1 , 1 I.----,......„........--:..-----,--._;—.... 1 ' . A .1 i CENTRAL' / // (/J /1/ / '//7", STRATFORD, OhiT. I t F. a n I I. " tt 0 - - -; Ontario's- Best:- Buifinees College -- .. .. - Our instriletera are experienced., . Pupils get Individual attention .. and are placed in .Posi- ' ' tiorio.. We are receiving iipplica- ,tions we cannot ineet. ' Students may enter at any time.; .Send for ' our free catalogue and 'see if it • interests you.. • . . I D. A...111,1c1.4G1111.A11, .,Principal. I I • EAM.WANTED E Want cream and • will pay the highest Market pride,s, for good • cream, , Simmer, CreamerY and Cheese' trattory;littrons-, having7 cream during the winter ;Months Would do well to ship". to us. We ' weigh, sample andteat each can ofcram carefully that wereceive,, and return,* statement of same -each time.. We furnish two 'cans, pay ekpress charges and tame cheques for cream twice each month.- Write us and give us a . trial. It will cost you nothing and ,we guarantee you satisfaction. "' • For further particulars write or send for cans and, give us a trial. .:Tlie,Sraferth Creamery, Seaford!, OM, GRAND TRUN RAILWAY 11 SYSTEM _ Double Trairckall.the Way _oronto.Clileago oronto - Montreal. '. Foil CHICAGO , • i,..eave Toronto 800 a.m., 6.00 p.m. mid 11.45 p.m. daily. .1 • Nip moNTR4m. Leave Toronto 9-00 Szci and ,• - 11.00 p.m,. ` ,Egairollest thefinest on al/ traina. anama- Pacific Reposit..ione 'Reduced Ifaren to ' 'glowed,' Los Angeles. and --- ti Diego, Particidarsuici berthieseriationa on application to -Agents. • 0...*MAIITIN, Aleuts. Luckiwour. Pfione 2 . • 4101414ml ihttlituti Pultilobal eintrY Thonoloi roecols$ at Loolotow. WWI% 0. Pro irdetor aa4 littl4tor- ammemovsmemosmatmemassosam TIIVRSDAkir, NOV. 18th, 1915 HOTrelg "DOM WAIWINGT011 1 Raving won from Germany lit proCanitle that, he would not sink any More pas seem *hips 0.4 she did. the Luoitania and the Arabic, President Wilson and kleere- tag Lauding haVe Otarted i "note" bom- bardment of Britain for alleged dire. Bard, of international law in maintaining a blockade oteempayaud Maria - The note to Britain, like the notea to Germany, la beautifully worded and con- tain. very sfrong-sottnaing statements. But moot peoge are laughing at it just tlao same. This note declares that • the trmtoiStateelatletermined ;to Pretect. the, right's of neutrale--upen-tberoca%- hob think of that from ft country" the dell not and -cannot- protectito-- ow citizens upon the Ran. Bight away fol towing the. publication of this, mite to Britain, Germany Rinke another passen- ger ship, drowning in the operation, atflOng +Altera, tweuty,Ainerican citizens. **other of the * eolleea of the Not the doom of I, L. D. in1901-130 OMR1 IIURON COUNTY NEWS austmetion tobe won. by A (at one tinse:t dootitute negeti boy Whe had to win his way in a country whem hie kind Ivo.% regarded u belonging 'with .tho Iowa' aniniale. Rio learning ebility and. de- votion to ,the interests of education did muck Waive] that lige. NirIthl'ouoialotliPovuturethiaWAsb- iugtpu 1144 proved to the world 'that whatever the averageof the negro race may be, it CapablooLproducing men who would become great leading.,9tfuree in. any time or country. punpAtuNG 'OR conaciazonow large Section °Nile British people Orvis Tarnberry farmer, loot two bud of rattle and had *ambit- tly injured on the G. T. It track last week. The cattle broloa out oittio ture field and w.re run. into by the late tram. IIURON 00,Bove--The I 7th.annual meeting of the Huron Old Bop? As -sociation Of Toronto will be Ifeld in the Cafe Royal, 14 street out, Tor- onto, on erhlay evening, Nev. 19th, at ri o'clock for election of `niNers and the transaction of general business.. At the conclusion otthe bitsiness the annual banquet "will he held, at which addresoos will he Mit:tared by- Sir J Willison, Powell (formerly of Turnberry),, B, " Human and do notlike tua idea af farceablei,aiiitag,. other prommeut members of the Assoc. service. --conscription; but the count* it")".4 rultcr4P84ed :with. ;songs and music. surely if tt.lowly being PrePared for it In, August . .cenous of the whole country ,Waatoken, so that every-maais en record:with-the , goveyament •-'iliatet- Ititchener 'said that irthe men did not OQIINTYX4Ss4 APP-earo.7--Tee come ty Oc..fltirOn loskits, appeal in the case IiIolinested, Vte„,the nounty_ • of Fliron,• This was aft action brought by F. Holinested,,R. O., as magistrate 0: eon* forwerd, he ve 9uld fetch tbellitthat fee -the town of SeafnrthandthotOWn. hoknoi ofuvery one and the numbers 'shipSof MoKillop ontl TopkOremitk, This, we may eifitet, will be 814140 °.turtber'#)rrq8Ponclenne",between the Vair.e4 $taf•ee.• Germany and Austria As a tilatteeof fact the 'Wilson notes had nothing to do with the Gernian cess- ation of murderous operation on the M- antic. They quit because their submar- nett were nearly all captured aud the hip captains are exercising more care. The sinking of the Ancona in the, Zalatif tiirranean iluiws how much and how little regard Germany has for the high - lidding words from. Washington., As the New, York World ear; .for onths Germany has been 'waging War pon the United States-kjiling its old- en; burning its ships and blowing up ta factories inn way that no self -res- ecting Country would stand for, , and here is not even the beginning of Prep - rations for self-protection. Nobody Supposes that the note to ritain have any effect in. relieving , keno of GaPlaanY• „te the resent only Britain of the Entente were litte declared 'Germany In a state blockaAle, Alecatuie Britain intended lone to . enforce it. The right .,,cdurse. ow :would be. for France, „Enema' and lyto join in the • 'announcement and: t WashingtOn- go on -:votb. its _note ritiPfl• • But perhaps it wae.not'expeeted that e note weadd have any influence with ritain. It was more likely inthnded for political.,elfect at home-. ,It would on their doors. • These were measures ,611,5°0t reoP. of oill°01 foolo •bg14 and looking ahead. finorni 41.tuarve4Ifooro Opet. yveeaort.s,, trountia 10910On -.or " ' " • till "ends '4 the volunteer 44rItenk judge- Holt gave judgment in the 'asked for time' and time has been given • t I•lora Derby was' Speciallyitp- ppinted to, look afterrecrniting. `, Buthe . is not getting. enOug14 Now rio telle, the unmarried Men that they have • - 4 - . • . - • - • • piamttfis f.averagattist thecOunty for $310. and '000'V •The conntY appealed the case to Toronto:and 16 . Woo:Iienrd by the; Divisional Cuhrt;litit wettir ,w hen iudgiu.Prit. was • given: dismissing please and help to. Witi:the- German and other anti-Adtiah vote for the party in power,: Roosevelt, ,who-• would" QP,013' declare wrirupon Germany, Of the part: , . he otippOits,IEI, tigtiliEgy ‘oaet. InnettOf that vote in any event. • - half Of Ge ni e 1100kT. ER•-•W'ASHINGTO natl.' Nov, 30 to Wine forward and enlist th°°PPeall l'''''ulf°°4 Q.' • 1°P iarequired numbers, or after that, drastic measures -will be resorted, to. Marriages COntraeteci since the eeliStIS was taken will dot protect a man from the drastic ineeedre, is ,safti to say that the drastic measure will have to he adoptett. Until recently, the shortage, in Britain was in Munitions and equipment 119,w these are being producedni the needed quantities,. and there are not men enough to handle them. plaintiff, and M. G. Clanieront K. 0;, for defen d a n t. 1.:ALLaft TO limn Ritsz-r-tEarly fast Monday Morning, in Wellesley, Hosptt at, Toronto, Mrs. John Leek* Of Brussels, passed away to her/ Eternal Elorne, in her 59th. year, She had been in, poor health for the past 2 years but with indomitable pluck ahe had pulled through many a crisis and at times was (VICO hopeful of recovery. A. feiv 'wash ago she desired -10 go to To. -ontoto see relatives and, old friendi. Every other country in' the 'war' had and 6,1so consult a specie, ist as to her conseriptiOn since,the war bege:IL-7.-That.-condition..,The• trip was More. than -she. is how they were able , to put so many should have undertaken in her .weakly men in the field. , state and shortly' after her arrival' ,elie wile taken to the above,mentioned hos THEWAY OF THE • . TRA,NSGRESSOR • the•eroolteci•Contrecio and 'irafter, who, not satisfied with; rea- sonable profits in bizilding the Manitoba, Parliament • beildings, tried to Make 'a &Whin or two on the side,- is .anew..thatthe way of the transgressor is hard., .•linnted Clown in Minneapolis, lin has been jail there ier-the past' month while the GlOverntrient of Maniebba. 'Was makingout a'ease for eXirad,!tiOn. *?ar he •ia gOing'hoine the United States dcairChas ordered eatradition.trip ped of honor and respect, he will now. he, !Sieved of has ' . , 'pita ',Every Attention possible was giVen in an endeavor to build her up' to enable 'her to return home bitf-ei r 'hopes were not.'realized kehe pasaed. peacefully awayi .14e.ekiii. and the three sops being with her to. the end. Caitim`of death was perniciotri anaemia.. The re.rnains were brought to the', cold honae Uniciay evening -and the fUtieral took place . Wednesday afternoon, in-. 'torment being lliade in the finiaily, plot .in Brussel% cemetery. . . Gommiy-AND:THE -(Froni The New 1r6tie Wild) . _ Wilielislailed on ever? side : by or, . - ganiSaticinienotairicaialy cperating in lie•;• r any ver b fore i 11 history has a natinn war �r at peace . Suffered A? Mich assassination,:bri- bery, forgery, and lecendiariein. ''" are slaughtered 'we Work in fan- toriessof---which Germany 'disapproves.We are in a' state -of 'siege industrially and commercially.. Our ;labor re bribed!. Our passports are forged: If Germany does not like thedestinetion of out goods, theto-rchla-myst,erionsly applied 0 them. cornitioditieti which we Send' abroad, 'it displeasing to -Germany, ,Leirrry • ,with them bombs that are expected to blow ship, passengers, crew mid -cargo .tb de- e,-.014e4t-P.eacer-we--san -have.uo peace that is not hali•;markedby Germany. , 1 ' . 11maybe that the German Govern-, meat directly responsible for .for these • conditions. If so, it is making war up- on -the United-St:Mee aStruiy.ai iVeier niade War anyWher.i. :FALSE. REPOVS RE. . . ' GARDINa_RW.CRos,s The United States lost One of its greatest and most Useful ..citizens,..an -the. negro raCe one of ith greatest Mem bets When Booker T. Washington died a Tuskig,e0ii.Aboaina., 14111 negro loorn inslairety,. this.. second greaWaShitigtonof the United States xonsChave been possessed of utina nal qualities of 'intellect.and of heart to become the 'Man' otinfluence that he was • He did- not eee Much of stavery for h Was only siit'Yeats of 'lige when the grea .ar; which-liberated.theAwv the United States Wei Over. His path to the& was not an: easy one Born zo West :Virginia; he was early at work,' flrst in a salt furnace and later ina coal Mine. Ile was a fine example of the Self. made inan;•if there ever was One: ;With an insatiable thirst for knoWiedge, he gained the education at a .night 84601 whilehe workeciiiithemines. Later he became a hotise-iervantivith a family-which-eneporagsd-hieHdeii 'knosy1edge In 172, at the age of 13, wa1king begging two- ans ashetells the stoty, Am.*. . veiled 8.00.-pileitnithilifinipten. Normal and Agricultural fitstitute.:There- he...fen:tarried three years; wo'rking. as Oar .9 ucatiOn, , this: Way. paring for hie Amid and school - pig. It • took rio Small 'amount •.,91, entrinsieSni and pluck to do that He - gradustlfroin....this institutioron.„18.7-15 He then taught school in Maiden, 'West 'Orginia,, for two .yeari.' 11378 be studied for 'sight Jr:on-0s, at Wayland Virashitigton, D. C., and' in 1i70-wallitR-itistructlyr ia..-g.aittpti)ii-.• In- st*tute, where previously he bad been, Janifor and student • In 1881 he' was appointed .orgarnier 'and becari,e principal of a...negro riorinal school at Tuskegee. and was on :the read to diethiction and greatne.ss, , By .1e.ctirring and 'the publieition of book which found a ready nate ha raised largo 'Minis of nioney, alt of Which' went to the building up Of the sehool at Tusk. ogee, whieh'soon- becaMe the foremost i3xpo'newebtiiidinitrial iducatien tot the negro lathe whole cotintry. • Besides directing the affairs' of thie great educational tooker:T. ;Washitigten did, Much by his lectures to establish,, better. relationships between thenegroesand the whitee, He was among ,the principal( speakera at the opening of the Atlanta -cotton States and Inter- national Expesition 10 1805, in 1890 litaritard ItniVersity. 'conferred on bim the degree -of ' and Dartitionth • .. 'TO LREAIWERY AND CUEESE FACTORY PATRONS; We want your cream during the winter months.. We do not employ anyone at a.big salary to`canvais for This can only be done at the 'expense of the -fanner Our .expenses are low and we wilI„Meet _anv- honesteetipetitioir.-Lit--- write for lull particulars or better still ".nend for cans ara give our crerimeryir !ale . . ' Treleaven a Renton,' Palm Creamery, , .25-11-c • Palmerston, Out e Buyers* Guide , ;the gnat -whose Wk. are **pre:- 1,entedin our advertising rehouse me worthy et ''the confidence et Ivry vensit who het money to *ail. The feet fled they *Nerd* Pimps thaw at enkindlingprogrosivs rate of Ltd. nese,: it creditr� t town* 'sad': rlesesillig of phonate. Out ed,ver•i *king toll:ripe comprise a Bayed Gads to fair, 4e-44 tood Atoms. homa The following is taken from the Can- . adgiollled Cross XillIetin and 'disposes - of Stories which lave been largely eir- 1 _Ciliated in Canada. • , Two false reports are -running hie a. Prairie fire through Canada. CQMPANY i 8th. BATTALION IN 4CTION ; , • Corapany of the 18th. Battalion un. e'reeininancl ",-*. Major Eitiniei!ton, of -Kin'eardinn,'Nvis tikfirst of th nt batiar ion to haVe a baptism of_ii&e, according. 16 an erticle 'Written! by .Pte,: tett. His description of the incident and • some hitherto napnblishecl references to the :heroism of Capt. LOghtin, of Stratr ford, in carrying wounded to the • dress- ing statioe from the trenches; ctilows:.- - It Wan a. dark night when the company , Was led outOn a March. The men did not knew their itestinatien., The majOr. itybelieied'they-: were, going to • a rest', camp. 'But soon the .order was PaSand, .swiftlY cloWn theline to Maple in single Ole 'vith rifle at the trait They had not gone far when-thehulleni.,hunimed and whistled overhead. 7 Then across some iffelds..led:_by-.Major--Eininert4 they marched quickly or doubled. --Soon the sky was lit up as if by some powerful Searchlights. They were those; :need by the -British and the enelleY to watch. 'each other's movements. The lights reseMbled Some ,great fireworks itiplar-inidli-as seen.- arthe Fair. . Rapid tiring now, disturbed the quiet of thenigbt, and.thebolletierack:" ed and sung incessantly. ' • • Sinl(leoly. someone fahoutedi-!t`l'in wliere'a, the ambulance?" ;„It `Was' Pte. W. Dewar,,or Galt, Ont., who had called for help. We saw him fall by the way- side. He who, thefirat man of the to be wounded._ Be was struck , in -Abe leg by a spent bullet, but not:.seriously SUNS,KINE SERMONS'. Ohccriet Quisisprc. to oi Hypter. kleoithiro),4fo By die reillosopber-P.hyolvhip I OW3Qtrt.P.101.114" A. Ma 14 A 'face: the battle of- life WItliet4 iiinutrinn. "Hold, up YoUr `Tittle and tand erect. Donot dodge' the mud patio that eis tlirown at you by envious tompetitore. Tho fat that -people talk about you to on indication that 'yen arO scatelictly. Do not ;ledge or NO :y; you' your medicine!. if 004 and !trial* are given you meet them -riga a man. -Fternern. t cr that test; usually. corns pot before promotion, and the deer • Io thoi Upper room is wide o,?.enaria welting for .yau to en- ., -gory-day le art ezioniria, tion cloy in whatever way it Is . presented to you.;. We are but selors In lifs'a school; and. tho Croat Ter.cher know* what le t•i:St. for tio. He Unrierstandif Co do thebest you can in what- evee grade yournay be In .thle. Ter dertio'firifir7 close, ..or when elckneott will In., -teriere... Wilk • our _Witt should. he. thankful that • Mk:0re tub high for the 00frinion herd th' :reach, and :...must •,nat wore*: . •.cause people thidivi ;Ures. at you. tto•ther..heet you can .ond, don't fret ,beeotiet, Omni one else :rnai 00 'better than you. You You • hnvet, no .0attoe,fer, worry, Unleit yourlifei,t,olle to 0419 YOU: up Yenr4tileheet VeeelAke. dean*. Of. Memel .detiolOptytent,.- • Wepyright. Dlo, by W. G. Chapman.) , Kingsbridge • . . Nov. S. Miss Della Foley, a Gederich, visited Ashlield.cousino last week, • A "Miss Mary AUstin is spending a few days under the parental roof. • Thu f4-.6'..eitibee CAPITAL, AND RESERVIi 18,800loot) 96 Branches in c3pad4 Oeneial Banking Business Transacted Circular Letters of Credit ,Ilank Money *Orders SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Interco 4110,,t1 at hhiavht eurrell rate - - T. S. REID* Manager. • .1!4r. and Mrs. joseph Griffin, of God-- ""'"'"" °rich, spent Sunday -With Kingsbridge REy, imaN *mcNAB0. Me John Wallace returned honk° • on ' REMEMBERED. Friday from, 'Western Canada where he spent the-surarner, . The Misses Margaret Dalton and Pat- ricia Sullivan and Walter Dalton spent' Sunday at Michael Bowler's, Cioderich. • "The ifeWS of the death of 'Mrs. Cello Desinend, of BirdIsland;.Miiin.,,reached here last week. Mrs. besniond Alves Wall known here, As she resided in, this. local- ity: for eoine time and visitsd ;here lase, July. • , very important event was "pulled Off"'in James Sennit's drawing -rooms on Thuntilay night, when over forty of • the gentlemen, were treated to 4 progressive' euchre party.' The first prize, a retieat-, ing Winaliester rifle,' was won by JaMes Wallace, ,of."_1.iintail. Second prize, a, .22-rigo. was carried off by Frank John- ston; while thothird tilSo • ride, Was taken by Joseph P; When. The party lasted notil'after S•a, in. , Whitechurch ' -Oar attention has been directed to the following article in -the Manitoba Free Press. The Bat and Mrs. 'McNabb re- ferred to were for some years well-known residents of of Lucknow: • Theold Ress•liouse'wee,Othounied as a .parsenage by Rev. John McNabb during .illoisrthmoierlwetriantnieipeeSe:at. ,it'Liitstlei;Brhipatetoibli,e" place and. from Mrs. McNabb who now resides in Winnipeg an interesting story. has been secured. ' During the troublons tingle of -'69 and -470, when Reils and his - followers rose.' 'against the government the late Sir .19102 Schultz,, who upheld the government was -taken prisoner. For some timehe was confined to old Fort Garry. From there he contrived te,make his escaPe by mak; ing, a reps frein a buffalo robe cut in a 'Circular ray, with Which he let himself down flow windoW. -1-4 the drat), to the ground his ankle' was badly sprained and though lamb he walked in a blind- ing storm to thehoine of Robb. Melletli, in Kildonan. . ; ' • Aftet a short stay there Alex. Mac - Both Sir John ,to Little , Britain, where be Waif received with kindness into Gunn's honse, Here, however, he could not long be safe, for Mr. Gunn ,was a Personal friend. of Sir John and the rebels would search his houie,Sole went to the home of • Rev. John Menblabb. ' • For some dine he remained there while the rebels were in the " neighbor- hood:- • Thotvery - - after Sir ' John left the '.parsonage .iebela went to Lower Fort Garry and searched every house in the viainity., Had Sir John not left at this time he would probably haveharedthoilate of Scott. John then Mede his waytoMur- raykt. thence to Jos. Monkman's, irom where•he Monkman set Out On hat long tramp to Ottawa. All the roa.ds were closely watched by he rebels. •No one thought of looking , • ' - —Mendity,.3!Inv .1.6th-. Me. Jess Laidla.w has, returne:d home froin the West:', ,. - ±• . '. '' -- Mr. K. Paterson . and. family. -spent . Sunday in LticknOw. '. • .. Mr Sas. Inglee, of the West, is • visit; ing,bis niece, Mrs. 'John Clubh. • • ' . Miss Maggie Kennedy. of Lueknow, is spending a few days, at het.honie. ; : bliss Mable McInto414 of Luclermw, is visiting at the home of, Mrs, Moore - ' 'Atlas Edna-, MuSgrove, of Wirighinft; spent Sunday .at the ho,nie of Mr. T.• . Henry.' ', ' ' . tMimi. Taylor; of 'Petersburg, spent' a few:days at the home of Mr.' Jas. Laid. law last Week. . ' • . ' .., _...,...:...... . _ • .... •___ ..,.• Miss Maggie Maggie IlaidlaW and Mrs. '..1r ill - cent and little daughter are visiting, friends around Auburn this week. $ Next Sunday the Lord's Day Aliianct • , representative will speak in the Presby- ,t, , „terian Church in the morning and there ilPtroieunion ineethiglirtheltethodict injured. • • • " . The company did not ih APAlligikt but billeted7a-st;elle'ritee tre." :those: to the tiring line. The reader might nak: what. place? Well, "Soinewbere sto. the information' one- is al - 'There ,has ' been -,,a. herei bombard, owed to g ve. ,nient of Oiii*Fretieles, and one man was killed and foin wounded, ''Tlie,wciunded' could not be taken out of the trenches in I . • a e xecu ive ()alma e are .1-tighsalaried Answer.' -get a Single article entrusted o me e reseing s a ion, owe two and a. half miles awaY, owing heavy shell fire' At night. however to the RdeCross Society is sold . With .. ix men; ,headed- by-, Capt. At, riff, formerly, of .the. 28t1i. Regiment tmtfordi Ont1 undertook the dangerous task of carrying the. wounded out. On no occasion a big shell -a Coal box -- dropped dangerously near them, and they' had toneek what little ;cover there. Was. Over a narrow path, ,strange to they 1110 wounded comrades, all the time under.a tJeifCcI linmeane -or linnets, but they reached the dressing station London Advertiser. • • • Abe:knowledge or -consent of the: So. S eiety. The Society* has endeavored -to tell)* up allfstories of such sales kit ha's hitherto entirely faile.d.to.find a single instance of a man -who bought 4- Pair of -sucks or any other- mid _from the. Red Cross -11-1 Cross goods • are distributed in three ways only: (a) To officers commanding Canadian • medical hospitals for tire tu3e of their -patients.-• (b) To 00416 sick and *minded in hospital, by A system of parcels, under ' Lady Drtimmond, - (e). To Canadian prisoners of.war, by a system tinder Mtn, Bivers-i3aIkeley and Miss Stiketrion. ' Hew is itpossible for it to he true that the Bed Cross is selling socks to the men in the tracheal Bed Cross goods never go into the (tenches.; only to pa, tients lfl hospitals and prisoners of war. We think our Commissioner was tight when:he cabled that sueh a 'report Yoe "!simply preposterous," Do the people of Canada ?gaily think that the gXee, litiVe Of the Red Orov, ineht Of 'Am have near relations token or lighting at the front, are conspiring to rob -the Can- adian publie on the one hand and the Comulian soldiers on the °then Vire suspect- these reports to be the Work of ertrian :Secret Servio agents trying to itlittre ilea, 01.00 work. • • DONATION ACKNOWLEDUD Reeve Joynt has received the follow- ing letter Of acknowledgeMent from l'rovineial Treasury Dept. . • ' Toronto,. November Stli, 1016, Dear Sir; . Your report of the lrd inat., enclos- ing cheque for 82,030 in aid of the Brit- ish Rod Cross Society and the Order of St John, front the citizens of Lucknow, has been received by the fioneurablo Mr, MeGarry, Treasurer of -the Otnitral 'Provincial Committee, who hint'direeted tkie to acknorledge receipt'bittreof, and 1,0 express his tbankri,i and the thanks of the Committee for the generous contrib., ution, ' : ' • • ' • Yours very trtkly, (J., A, iiiiirrittwa,- • • ,• Afinieter's Secretary, JohtilaytA, ileevel ° Ltteith 0 OW$ Church in the evening. .. .• -The guild Meeting Sunday evening was led. by Rcibt Mowbray, the: subject.. being "The ilattle-.with the . Bar Room in fAxiade: The topic for next Sunday evening is "The Yonpg .people's-: Share , 9f. the Church's Budget," The leader is Will itenrY, • • then -food -Speaks of the inconceivable or Sir John's trail cm.p.atilooliwareL.„... for in those days the north was cold and white and silent in its absolute Loneliness. It was a strategic Move that sent the tugitive and.his guide to the mouth of. the Bed river. and across Lake Winnipeg, over the rough country to the head of Lake Superior, That the two .made their lOurney on -snowshoes ell tbe wag. and depended entirely on Indian cam s for K luta endurance and bravery of the pathfind- ers primeval of the tweet. ' Sonietimesthe • .A-OticisDaltottirair-fecumirdzia4,:ilsriter; Itth:: 2,,ftolyroestligleryd7t4anilditeeintl! trackless Detroit.... •'. ,.• • • - !• • ..• , iii-,-- sight' - Indian- 130; •sometimea.*when they got to a camp it --- -10c, andltre. Sinipsen attended 'the filnetianf the Dn's'anntin Whitechurch.' A he .• re,'. rt- ee sttrend tatt,P• view ed at tice"homtief D. MeLeptilast -Week: . Mr. and.Mri..pie• McWhinney were Sunday visitors at the borne of-, Geo. • - Violet McLennan, Rernice..Dren-rian, Mr;29berfson and Dr. Mabee. Stindv.. ed in -this vicinity. • . ' • Mr, and lira Hugh Fergnson, of Ana, berley, were the -guests of Mt and :Mrs D. McDonald, on Sililday, . • , et!. aagroo4p.mlearr Anna . - n. son, who have been on the sick list, are Mit Rd% Miss atiffin, .1MS Dins, - more; E. Hatt andltimallermina Griftiv of Goderich, spent Sundayett the latter* heirie here . • 1191)1,00d • .. Monday, MIs ti Eouria Ackert is visiting friends in our Mr, and „Mrs. Aylmer :A.ekert.' spent Sunday wiih' Olivet friends.-. •: Mhie Mae Itenry and Miss Beta' Mit-. jedge.apent :tlitsweelt.end.at Xillarton. -What's the, Matter with our 2nd ' cen.' aerate, tale dead in. !eve and. Can't'. Writer • ,• Quuto a number from... here attended ; the Orange Dail at Kb:116140i. griday ' 'night and report an O. It time, . • Mrs. J. 'Amok and Geraldine, of Owen Sound, and tr. Blackwell, of itinlough,. 'spentSaturday vieitingllotyroodiriendei Miss Isteliie Ittinee returned home on Sunday after Spending a few dayi4 with her aleter•iii.law,,Afre. 3. W. !Lunen of • !Dungannon, who in very ill, , •%. wonld'enly be to find it deserted.' spite. of it all, Duluth Wite reached and the rest of the journey Wile comparatinie, ly easy. The :governmeet at _Ottawii , Was. given an aecurate 'account Of :the.. . country's troubles.-- Aid was. sent . the west was rescued. • '4-5- Mre.-MiteNnhh, who is a close friend of Lady Schultz; widow of the late Sir . • John Selpiltzi'is a splendid 'type of the , pitineer wornenthat stood side by side with their men in building up ft• primi- ,itive country. She came as a, bride to the house in the accompanying -picture, and it it was .ihe who carefully nursed, and tended the farnons fugitive 'during' tie • • to weeks of Wing from Riel before he . .set- out on the memorable trip. Mrs. MacNabb,, like most of the fine old-titn- • ers, disclaims any credit for her part in the inaking'of history.- ' • A HEATHER 'Twas just a wee bit heather, , It came across the seat, ' • • Ye dinna,keri hers dear It ThT.uhmeaktieatielinciatewhte4hrgx;t:3;thas.,;6erin42.-;-.4, The land wherein •ma mither bides ._,.$ac bluely an' forlorn.. • -0 precious is that Neither; . Roo stirs my Scottish bluld, . And makes.ine.think o' childhocid's years And nientories 10.13C9 It brings to•inind, familiar scenes. IX Scottish hills and delle, • .9' Stottish bathes an' Seottisholearths. , 'An' Scottish sweet bluebells. 'Twas just a wee bit heather . 'tree far across the sea; , --It--warmed the heart Seettish. prikleV - * Bronght teardrops to the e'e, . ,Twgs grown among the uplond Slopes, , A token I me ihefreens at bailie 0' love ah' puir goodwill. • On Scotland's grand ti.uld - cessnock, N. W. GRANDAmerican -- " a** • SCHOOL_REPORTS S. S. No: 3, itINLOae.' ..1.:-..-.111-rette-tittuttardlf - 'gins. . • Sr: III -Gladys Hodgins; hag Boyle, : Grace Thompson, Martha Hanna, . Jr. III ---Oscar Hodgins, Telma Hawk - Shaw. . .'. • Jr. 11 -7 --Albin Kinenier, Karl Boyle; Harry I --Pearl garter, Beit ThomPSon; Gordon 8tattete. • B---Northe Hodgins,, Mary Hodgina Alice Hodgins, Goldie Curter, Nelson, 'Carter. . . , , ' - No. OliToll;-32-0; aver. •att.encliitee, 1:91: • M. MoWoult4t.fc Teacher, et"MoroMoney"ior your Skillik . Muskrat, Raccoon, Ftnres,Willte Weasel, Fisher and otber Fur bearers collected in your section • silltPlfOlitt FURS lamitoT to."Rutnnlitrithe tiniest • • house In toe World destine exclusively WORTH. ABERICIINIAW Pena rellatile,—restkinsible—safe Fur House with at unblemished rp2v, tItation existing for "more theti a third of a century," a Ionic suc4 tessful record Of Sending Fur Shipbecs prOnior.SATI8PACTOILV AND PROFITABLE returns, Write for "Clit gitaibett OrbiPstr." • C1i' tab Only reliable. accurate market report and,priee-list - • . Willtalonw=NOW-itio FREE • -. • . A.B SHuBERT Itic., , Depcc25eulcAechu..141,... 26427W8STAOSTSIA'sfg.,, • ciroltal Atithorimid $8.000,000 %Capital. Paid UP iw; $3.000000. it • S3,50•000 „. 11\ITEREST. SaOnis-Acctiutits htre'f. ; ilter- est cdiutteU‘ces 10 acerue, frern.0e.. day they. are opened a d rulis.. to . the day they are dosed: • ILLICKN9W BRANCH •4; A, Managert. • , #l4is13i : •