HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-11-18, Page 1• •,ewee-2.** •45.1411rWireveeverwe;reerreilleleiefie • • - , 'T? • - vFair,-wf 1-‘,11'S '"Nre.r1tPATO '-•rAtra miiie-v.,..verniameri,w • ' ° • - 1111•41111n7 to, 7r07. P.00 per year, i advance; x.23 otherwis 4 LuenNowl, OND,, THURSDA IOVEMBER 4915; Single CopIes 3 cents !LOCAL AND OENERAlo irininflordonie, after ar 1110141110 Visit With friends in Toronto, The vote on church union in the Clod. erich Presbyterian church -ateed 126 for ' audrmo againgto . • " Mrs, John 'Elliott, �f Forget,Bask, was the guest qi Nro. W. J. Little for a * 19W .days last week. • „ - , Putters and fniggies, repainted and tliA-014-TAWnAillr--Ldck- Aollf•-7,1;C. Anderson, „,. • MO LiIa Tailor visited -ill Toronto last week; and W"hile'tliereldtifeised;lho' great military parade. ' • " Dr, D. A. McOrinunori, who has. been • in rim° health for several,' weeks, is opwly improvingo-Rtpley, Express.; • All accoUnts due IV T. Armstrong are requested -to- .be paid on or before Nev. - if yot *tot '4'suit*Pcfbili*es made to ' =keep its-Aliape, we can do it. , T. Pr,anx, Xdse. Tailor. Keep the evening of Nov, 25th open and take iu "LTIFlerilwo Flags", Elan of hell at Armstrong's Drug Store. • Haveyriur old buggypainted and made, look as geed as new. I. C. Anderson does the work, .1 • , Mize Jean Mullin has 'bought. the Win. 13nekinghiim property on Stauffer St. .and she audher mother will te moving in font Belfast in the. near future. For the past two Weeks extensive im- prevements and repairs have been ander • .wey cni the Methodist parsonage. Arr. Robiston, of Olover Volley, is in charge of 1.110 work, Toronto the past week, Mrs -Phillips be - big a delegate from the District of Nauth Brucia;tO the;Central "Ontari.) • Woinen'a • Inetitute periveptiore • We were misinformed last week re- garding insurance on the Dungannon °v- . aporator,• It appears there"was"-no- hi= • surance•andi Mr. McNabb loses the value • of building and contents,- - You will enjoy .your own Christmas • dinner better if you. help . brighten the soldier boy'e life by contributing 'to the NIfiristinas Cheer" Lund. Sums no mat- teehow ,smell gratefully received- If .1 you want a first chisa,sUitnl'elothes •we have the new goods. . er,a.ax. Mdse. Tailor. Will you swell ,the .Patriotic Fund by going to, see "Under Two Flags", in the ' Town gall, Luckeow, on the evening of Nov. 25. Admission 35c.. anywhere in the hall. Reserved seats secured at J: Armstrong's Drug•Store.. --The snow-storni-On• Monday morning Cane as a sort Of id-Ai:climax atter Sun- "day,.onetif the necst delightful days ° of the yea. A storm of colasidereble viol- ence had been raging eve,r Lake Super - ...for and the northern portion of Lake Mired for several days and hasgiven tis a call. ' • ' • er•i. MARKETS (Corrected uptoWednesday-noon) . Wheat . 86 90 Oats. . .. .. . .. : • 35 37 Barley ..... . 45 • 50 Buck -wheat 75 -- Sutter, .... .. 24 26. Eggs, new laid , 40 • Uggs, fresh.. .... . 33 35 " Hogs- . 875 •TouolgTO oineit."'Nffis. • 'Wheat. ..-.,..$ 1 00.tO- Oats, hush., " • 42 .co • • 46,eto.- - 60 " Choice -heavy •Steers:,•••;,r 'Is IS to 8 60 7-.00 to 7' 50 Feeders .. ... .. 6f.25 to 6 75, 14alubs,.. cwt• SO. to 9. 25, , Sheep, cwt... '4 25 to 5 50- 'iltitter,.'Creani-ery• Prints • :1312 'to 33' Buttet;'.Dairy Prints. 28 .to "30 new laid; doe. • -4eto 45 Eggs, No.- 'storage. .o;;',. to 31 - -Potatoes. 1 35 to, • Hogs, fed 8- 90: to - 9 10' , in.moimmamiatior Are Issued !Or ' "1"iNitnE4 litereet Covens 'Payable Half:Yearly -1,-NtdOTIABLIEr * • Assetse-$4480. 39 •• The 6reat West Permanent L�an Compaq 20..King stwesi • • - Toronto Itepreseuted Anew, LueirfleAT,Ont 'ass' TOtOiilli Juittic•ebied -our ran, suita ot Blue Serge. Binck; Stgge at d tkeithit and Finny Snitm • iings,7 Sosnething neat. Calt and See' thein; ' tgAIPLE -CLARK Mereliant TailOr itZen-NavacciLeti)6?)49-e A Christian eollegeahonie, •henithfulitituatien. Velbrossiectustedienni,witteihet%rhiciest fititolorlit4404),*$11411*EassiOni t. Brick work is nearly completion on a new residence being erected by W. B. Treleaven; just north of the house which be Occupies, • ,• --avECrar* TO ' Vat --G-Abrh-ES-•'-ailW WOod'a is giving a real bargain in the Making of long coats. All the longeoat orders from now until Nov. 20th, Nil be designed and tailored for the small anigan • of PM* Conte early and book your 0_ der, bring YOnt goods eny, time. SpeelaLet. tention given to eveningcostnnes- IVIS8 NUOgriV, Ladies' Tailor and Designer, ,. Dola forget the, delightful drama to '-bnput-on-hy---nit-locai -talent, ,•-•in-,•tho Inicknow Town Hall on the evening of Nov. 20 Two-and-a-euarter hours solid enteitainmentior-30%; and-the-AvliolO proceeds, Above a trilling eXpetuie, to go to the. patriotic fund. Be one. of .the .audience, • ' .' ' ' , .• The Retail .Meteltantst Association. of Canada have issued their brat Itepert of Delincinetit Debtors s reported.' to the. Credit Reporting Depatintent'in:Toron- JO; and' Odeon* is ,new in the ,bands of Merehents.Who eft- Mentberit of the, Association': It, contains the nausea of n,uniber of residents of Inicknow and surrounding country who have 'failed to pay their debts to merchants of this and other villages and " tewna. Similar re - porta wilibe issued regularly from Aloe to timecte names of delinquents are re-' perted,, for tie protectionof retail iter - chants. o ' • High helmet Literary • The first meeting th,e tucknow ,Iligh School Literary Society will be held' on the' afternoon of Frideer, the 191h. ;.11 who take an interest in this feature- of the school work and life are cordially invited to attend the meeting. -Secy. . AI'S; Arrangements- are' under way. for a Bei Social end GOncert to School:Nail, •Kinless \ on the' evening of :Dee. 1Q, ,Proceele will go for patriotic purpose, and the cemnottee ie charge are putting .forth every effort to get a big crowd and ifilinte an '1111=round-bocce* . Lt.& for further informaticei later, and keep: the date in•Mind. ,• . , Will Not Net Be Back • ' • to a very. sli The Guy Brea, played to _ _ noun hereon Monday evening. It is said there were only 75 or do in the hall -a croWdwhich would not , nearly make expepses for 'The -troupe, They appeared to be feeling sore and eitid they would have to but Limknew off •their list of towns. If people are goine to economize, and they ought to until the -war is Oyer, that certainly is the plate to begin. Nobody hasenoneY for very light amnseinent just now. High Priced Ilanditercidei Bilhe Bain, a street vendor df band - kerchiefs, and "character" about Kincar- dine, donated a -handkerchief to be sold by public auction, the proceeds to go to the lady Red Cross workers. At a "smoker" held in tne armory the hand- kerchief was put up for sale, the plan apparently being that a bidder should pay the difference between hitif bid and the Previous one. In this way 1119.43 Was realized ,for the handkerchief.. It was knocked down.to'J. D. 'Miller, of Berlin.' , • - Froin Ft. William Times . Mrs. J. D. Nichol entertained a merry _Party_of_younb_peoplent-ber.lomer-1-24', north Harold street, on Thuredo eVen-- ing..• Dancing was the popular forni of entertainment and the' party was given in honor of Miss Frances Siddally of Lucknovr, 9ntario. The guests were Misses Athole Walker, Helen Morgan; Mona Ross, Hildieth Walker, Gladys • MacEdwarcl, Sterlieg, Helen Jarvis, Verna Wells, Jean StaverE_H -sob,.Marjory Stevenson, Everill Mathe- son, Helena Murphy, Ruth Hogarth, Verna Sterch; Messrs. Cannlbell, Mk. gin; Stevenson. Walker, Reid, Bess; .O'Neill, Lambie, Knapp, Wood and -Pigeon. - A Boy's Close call • • Davy, the six -year -Old son of Mr. and e-MreeD. Mills, bad a narrow escape from `drolning,Wednesday of last week, • As: he and telittleedetet were crossing.kthe Itair.iiiiltdrim•on Ionia -froin School the little fellow -10 looking down lite the water and fell in near the soil - _way. where there_iait. depth of four -or -five feet. Ile get his hands over the edge Of the plank and held on while the sis- ter -ran for help. Jae. Graham; teamster at the mill, learning of the mishap, bin'. vied, to the demand -found the boy Still inanupright poilit,i211-bittWelLunderthe„ Water. The little hinds had given WO atncl, • he. had gone under. A 'oleic pull and the boy was on terra - firma :again. First aid,was applied, Spence called' • and little trouble • Was funntl In restoring consciousness.- It was e close call, but the little fellow is none the worse for the itiVedttire. ,T1iliqa O. K. _ •„ The Listowel Banner thinks that a contrivance that .would detect telephone pafrOne who listened ou t3m lin� vemild' be agreat boon to the rural' telephone Service. There are those to whom listening on the line” bas become such a cOMMOn practice that they think noth- iiig it, when in reality One would be 41442 justified in sizing sucha party an tt took Or thief, This contemptible habit of sotne patron t to hoe° into other people's business le 'doing much to 'hurt the rural phone' serVice. Recently the Balmer todeaveredtb lectrie formation frOnt a party , in the coluitry with a phone in the house, who (*jetted because it Wasn'V-de si table for the neigh- bors to knew alt Oont it. Sure &lough they were liatiming, for the elide 61 the receivers was quite recognizable. itit- ptessinn should be Made, that the phone - is primarily for businesli purposes add not for gossiping and evesdropping. Any telephone company 'Would be itittite jnetifIdd in PrOittptir rerneving the pliono of thole, who '144 thpity • 'L , t, I . ' . • •r • • 4' neighbor's convergation,. end it Would be in the interests, of the _service were they ha more strict itt enforcing "the pen- alty in this regard. "Freni Th-O•Pordicrii WWI!' The carcase of. a -000 deer banging before Button's butcher 'shop on Wed- nesday attracted„ much attention. It had been shipped from a station in the Ottawa Rivervalley by Reeve John Joynt„ who. has been in that part of the province the past meek. Ile explained that be had Nen invited out by friends for 0,f,elo Oqie' 81190t.44.g.,04.4 securd -thifiltropby. The animal was in excel- ' lent cOadition, about "six years old, According to. nituerthitudIcarried a. very fine head wititverfectly shaped antlers. it weighed.100 poiinds, " 'geturned Ikea The l'enlit • , , , Al) interestingvisitor-with friends in Liicknow and vicinity thie week is Mr., Oliver•Breiiin °tibia way home to the, Vest from the battle front in Flanders, Brawn Was in th Ainbiilance Corp (10. ing IVA Cross Werk When be WAS '1'01.1A Wounded and poisoned by gas. has. been 'a long time in the hospital; but is snow slowly recovering. e•Mr, Brown's • 044 home was in Lucknow, and his father. 11. g. Brown, who for a number of years taught school. at Zion, is well remembered here. ' He is a. nephew of Mrs. Fed McDonald and is visiting with the family . • 'NEW BUSINESS UNDER WAY Mr, 11. A. Miami; who threnghout the pest Runnier has been busyrepaiting and improving his•big brick ,block at the corner of Campbell and Ross streets, opted' up a floor, feed and PrOdnee, leneinewthere:leeteiveek- flOur; grain for feedipg, purposes, - end other stoek feocie eggs chickens chew honey and cereal foods•. e •Thduild.ing, which for a number of years Nes been practically unoccupied. arid had taken -on witillapidatett a;ppear- once, has been renovated from haeernent to roof. The 'floor add walla of -the co.4 .lar have been gnished in ceinent through- ont, new .woodwork has been put in where requited, the broken -glass re- placed by. new panes, and fresh paint has brightened up and given • the front, the appearance of a.new,bptldrpgWe understand that next summer the :brick walls will be treated in a Way tb greatly improve the appearance. • . The feed and preduCe business will be conducted in the eaststore moue of the block, and Mr. Bert Mills Will continne. to occupy the 'western room: Part Of the upper story is occupied as a' dwell- • - Ithel'iidayson brings- to the :business here the experience of 23 years, ia bust- ness at Leehaliih, where for that period he very suecessfolly conducted aegeneraf store. He started lifein the seovice the late JG. MurdOchand his brother, who at,that titnahad thelochalsh titore * =, • •CHURCII NEWS • . -• Hey. W.A. Camplaell; M A.," of To- rontovrepresentifig the Dominion Alli - eine; will speak in the. kresVterian Church herenext Sunday morning and io the Methodist Cifureh in the evening • Rev. J S. Duncan:last Sunday. even- - ing cemnieneed a series of addresses on. • the greet subject of hereditary and its influence in determining human char- acter. The series will be continued next, and a number of succeeding, ' Sabbath evenings -._Rev-A-Richardsoif-for-the---pastr-six years reetor of theAnglicati chureh here; preaohed lila farewell sernion to the Lucknew Congregation on Sunday ev ening. From here Mr. Rieltarclearegces toe, charge in Kent county. He and his sister left for their new lacation. yes- • terdity mOming. •,, e. " CALLED To TeireetToer.-At the call of the Moderator, Rev. A. MeNate, of Un ederwoedateeetlee_purpAseliketelecting • • a • pastor' .-for "t -lie Tiverton Preshyteriau 'Chili& on Monday"of last Week, Rev. Mr. Robertson, bf Dutton, Was- given 101 eiit of 105 votes far firstballot„ The :call Was then .niatle unanitiious.- The vete on hurch arnon in Carmel. Presbyterian Church, Hernin11; which was' taken during the past two weeks reault- ,..edawfollOws:__Elders-.10-itic,.a_against4- cortamitnicants 217 for, 241 against; herents 38 for, 4 against, making e, total 01265, votes, of lithich 265. votes were for Union and 30 against. in 1312, the total vote was 296 of which . 238 were for. 414,08 against. • THE Ideeoue.-A meat enjoyable and---prnatable, evening was -spent--vir Motday. evening, at therally of the League. The program was a Musical One, with the exception of three short --arldressels-°:=intitled7Thir -Hiner-41W • BUsiness" and "Chi Ills Business". At the close of the program the social part was engaged in, consisting of seeking partners and lastly a dainty • inn& was aerved. Everyone is cordially invited - to attend next Monday. • • THE forget,to attend Guild 'meeting on Monday et,enins„ The program twits the hands of Mies Me - Charles' S. 8. class of young ladies, and Mr. Oliver Brown. Who has just return- ed to Canada .after being wounded in France is expeeted'to be 'present and give an address On his experience in they war:. 'The meeting last Monday Was taken by the Vlowertommittee. . Miss Adelia Spindler rend an interesting pap .te on -'The- Message' of -t-he and Other Minibus were reeitations and singing. The Guild decided to emember, out soldier boys serving in France by sending a SUMO vprtselit tb each one with the opt4plimolp pi the tiOit • e • LYNX SUP( A BOY ' WHILE AT WORK IN MLR AlTeiPeiTe-n-cii-WiWfini-iir waeate fiemis to belong to pionier,dayei, and it was general* suppesed. that these deni- zens . of the primeval woods had gone with,the forests thernielves. .Net all of then; however, as a young lad by the name of Agar, livin'gnear Belftiet, found (intone day last week. lie_had gong to v in a 1ild on the back end ,,)`f the farm,. end ,shortiv after sta,rtiee saw twe farge eateltice-iunniais travelling the edge of a piece of bush. " Prei3ently thopaipetruck Armes the field to take a 'eleseO'view of the VOUng ploughman...As. he rather shrank from an intimate ac•'• quaintance,, end judging by their genet, a ppearanee, fear *thew friendship.enellt , pot be•aitogether genuirie, he stepped' his .fea!O ex" wept -between the hermit 10, 'ProteetiMl; '['he cats,: or lytpri fer,anch they "came lie .-firthe- but, went to waggon 'which ' had been brought to the field and investigated it. Their curiosity satisfied they returned to the 'Woods, but when young Agar start- ed to work again, they undertook to pay him a 'second visit,' Feeling -sem tllat they could have no good intentions, he decided to put an end to theirproceedinge by a etretegie retirement, and heraccord- 'ugly unhitched, mounted one of the horses and went home. On returning later no trees ofthe animate Could be. seen, and a party of hunters who next day undertook to look them up Were unsucceisfill in locating them. It appears that a large swainje near. Mr. Agar's farm. has been the home of these wily, strange animals eince the 'eaely_ days. Seldonedoetneeeilhow-therne serves, but *occasionally they do pay a visit to the higher ground. A few yeitre .agc . an eld one with two half grown kit- tens visited a field and seared a boy who Was pheghing so that he quit and went home. On another occasion one was cliasedafter night for .koure by - Men and dogs but it easily sneceeded in eludieg its mustier& and it fella wed theiu. when they turned back occasionally ut- tering its peculiar and weird cry. , UNDER TWO.FLAtiS As noted in the Sentinel last week, this is the title of the play to -be put -on, by the the Lucknow-Dritmatio Club in the Town Hall, Lucknow, on the even- ing of•Nov, 25, for ,the benefit of the- Patriotie fund . The cast have been working bard and all feel certain that this will be the` best play they have yet midertak en. "•, . The play is a romantie one, combining. humor, ptthos and tragedy, and is pre-. 'anted -in the bestiheatreirin the-- conn - try. It is sure to be enjoyed by ail. The cast is as fello.ws:• Bertie Coed . Gilbertson Berkeley Cecil- Rolierei3rown Lord 13ookirighani 5.• Reid Rake , . • .. T. Wittsen. Colonel Cliateanrey .. Aylmer Aitcheion Ben . - . .W. L. Maillieneie Baroni.. "Ernie Milleoe Ca,ptaiu Leranx....... A: D.'llackenzie Cigarette . :Miss Rena Gordon ;.., Miss Lite Taylor Lady-Guenevere.... Miss Etta Johnston Nora McShane...Mrs. J. Wesley Joyet Troopers of„the Chasseers.... • .... A BRUCE -HURON BATTALION".• An effort will be made to recreit a Whole battalion about 1100 men -iii the Cotinties of Bruce and Huron. -All officers and men will be from thetwo tOunties. This was the • decision of a , ham on, Monday of this week. The movement for the raieing of altruce and Huron battalion was set on foot about - three eveeks ago at Clinton, and it •ap- pear& to meet with a good deal of favor. Later a meeting �f Bruce men was held at Paisley, and. there' it was decided, to hold a meetirg of men from both coun- ties at Wingliamp. • The battalion, of course, is not yet a certainty, w - the consent of the Militia Department -will have to be Obtaieed and sonething will depend% upon the ,prospects of getting the desired number of men. Added to those who have al- ready:gone,-eleven hundred rooks ii1t h b.% number from the: nei- ther of which have any large Mentres Of population. However, there is no say- ing what can be done until the --effort is made. Each of the counties will be ask,' -edethroughetheir eespeetiveeeou nett& • fov $1,000 to aid in'a recrititinc campaign, We understand there ale trained offi- ders. enough in the two cOuntiei to officer the battalion, many of them' goed men whose hearts are in the emit- of building up the Canadian artny.,. Shoulda Ernce and Huron bottaliou ever go to the front -we;ipeyebeNsure it will ena.ke goOd and' maintain the great name ar.d: record: which our troops lieVe-cilienety made, • -TO -OUR- COUNTRY -FRIENDS-, A Chrtstinas.8ax for .thir Soldier Boys Stibseription cords have been placed in the stores arid shop& of the town. We mesen,ling some .Xmas. Cheer to our boys evhn have gone overseas for the Empire's mike , Fourteen of the boys, from the village and surroundingcoun- try are in Englaud rind France, twenty- six others are in training,. 'We want our country friends to be le on this Knees - box. Please aek to ,see the card leave It will gladden /one' lone hearts. Show the boys that, they - are not forgotten, ot.tr bit • will 'help. We could use tb good purpose about 5200. The boiewilf eetitain Christmas cake, candy, some 'good Cigats,.. apples, etc., warm inittS and sox, handkerchiefs, etc. You're with n'a for the boys, • V94111V$4, - , HURON TOWNSHIP 40.1JNLIL 1 CHRISTMAS •CHEeR Conned Met pursuant to adjournment 011 the lOth, inet„.with Reeve Wilkinson, Mgerabeia were all present, Minutes of last meeting were -read and Adopted. • • A temperance deputation waited upon the Council in the interests of Local 000put !tau ett.tfoerraepTotlint,titnot redfluee:rtedungel: authority of Section 101 of the Liquor Lieepso whim° duty Would be thri .enforcement of the previsions of the Tmerel-Option'By•law-in-th-e-.MiTnieip-ality- end of the nrimicipal by.ittlffe, for the MOral.governinent of the township, Rev, -tte0. 130111131`0; K Kellam S. S. 'Robertson Dr. McCrinamon• aticCothera addressed the Cetineil pa the . said pailb• jeet, fatter which it was„moVed by A. M. theVhaat,n1r,aesqlbelisi tte. ‘ovrr i.)541i. t) rui ,uttpei ox; ni ,rt ramaiinre ,bbe granted. ,;enipo4i1;iiltuedlna. nachairkicita4i.arY, fixed" 0ti• . • •'' WooisioPitolol---That in •ihie- ion el' this Connell the Tea beitniging to the Ontario and West Shore Railway shonkl be hauled and pieced on timber, say 10 or 12 together, raised, .S6' as, to prevent' said rails from rusting and spoiling under the earth and that Messrs. Brown and Fraser be empowered to deal with the matter. Carried • . By-law No. 515, to appoint an Older under authority of See. 127 of the Liinpr License Act,' apd to provide for payment of the salary of suchmffieer, waseduly passed, signed and sealed. • Wemsley-Iraser-eThat J. 13. Martyn be appointed as officer underlection 127 Of the Liquor License Act for the balance of the Year at a salary of 112500 per s.nniuu. Carried. . The commissioners of the Huron and K1LIIOsS .Municipal VeleptidpietitebT- eppeareclbefore the Council. and Made a statement of the &tended position of the FOR SOLDIER BOYS Olaf tliiiifWgieStiO11-09/111114beratilcrao who take an interest in the welfare and comfort- of our, enlisted Ten, the pres- ident And secretary of the Fatrietic LeegueleVe started a echeme to send "Chrtstmee Cheer" to our boys in .the trenches, autl 14 the ownps; Card$ Stet - zing tile aim of the_mOyelneo bayg _been put up in all -b-daidessplaces and dona- tions to 4 Cl.hristmas fund ,itivited, • -The-aiiniatellialtenpa-box 'Of About .live dollars Worth for eaeli..'0 We under-. Ettaed the contents will run sotnewli it as • folhiws: a.few -apples, it few. Moats, Xnlits'Pak0. pair nistleia, iditfedd add few "Other eileh ertieles of iminediate 1180. These Will be Packed and eetrt e'iiity • in: 'time to reach theirdestinatiorily Christ - The movemente'eppears to be !mite popular with the publio and already a nernber ef the lists have been well filled up and- a considerable sum realied Onlyesniall sures are being donated'. and -everybody ie asked, and will have an opportunity to contribnte. • There are about 40 enlisted mento•be rementliered. and two hundred dollars will deit land: somely. .- • - This ineSt worthy movement and We have 00 hesitetiod in reCommending, it to the favorable. consideration- of all. It certainly will hearten the' boys and brighten their Christmas to keow that they are faithfully remenibereel at hoirie, - CHRISTMAS MAIL, FOR SOLDIERS system, and requesting that the Connell pass a- by-law to borrow $400�00,0' be The latest date upon which Christina iarriond Buyin Not every one. is A intige' of dm' in- "onds; but•this i$11nAecesSary,when', Pitying at ,this ;store.. .satisfaeticu guaranteed or, money, refunded in ;' • This Ring With one fine gad, at :stare Q X •by ItQn mail 1,01.; W,Irj „ • • • All diamonds- are fe1ecte4 hir, us personally and come into Canada 'duty. free. We ,h'ave also Mioy other stylese:if kings; some of the new designs are particularly fine. ,e Call and let as show them to �u F. T. ARMSTRONG 'AgAding JeWeler and Optician: E_YERYBORY_S. COLUMN Placed teethe credit ref the .Said system at the bank to meet current expenditure fortelephone constructien and. Mainten- ance. • . • Ne. 510, to authorize the heed and- treasurer of the indinciPal corpora- tion of the townshipof Hureiito borrow certaiii suits to meet current expendittire for telephone constrtiction and mainten- ance by the Huron and' Kinloss' 'Manic- ipal Telephone Systeen Was duly passed, _sizneclund sealed. • • •• The fedi:ming orders on the treasurer were issued:, Donald Murchison, $6 40 for gravel to T, A. Cooir, pathmaster. W. J. Moody; 4 85 for varnizhing hall doors. Royal Bank of Canada, 1 50 for interest on overdrafts Geo. H. MoOney, 2 25 for advt. resale gf debentures for Riley Dram 25 for advt., re :sale, of Telephofie Debentures, 4 '2,0 for advt. re tiogistrationof By -law -No. 505; :total' 8- 70: •Thos. Cormsb,,4 00 for, grading and fixing approach to °Overton sideline 30, no3r. 4, 50c for extra -atringei; total 4.-50.. John Afeereiglit, 1. 60 for rep. bridge on Saugeon line • John McDon- ald, 7,00 for hauling -plank froin Ripley, furnishing spikes, taking off old 'cover and Putting on ifew Cover, and eine load of gratel on.Sangemi line; coil. 5. Robt. Pollock, 8 Id for 13,k feet 'of 18 -inch tile' at 60c a foot_ hint _CamPbellef-30'1D tor 1155 feet a plank at 1,20 .00 per M. Richard Dunlep; 8 50 for fixing bridge on base line, ctn. 6, and -culvert to Con. 6; west of base line, . -G,EE IfuMplireyst 3 50 14 PUtkirtgreaV6C—alia two hew stringers, furnishing ittakes-and. spikes, covering bridgenndone 'load 6f . gravel, con. 2, hit 77. rank MeCieight, 4 00. for putting -in tile anddrawing clay it lot • 31, con. 6. George Blue, 7 e0 for 50 feet of timber at .15e. per foot for stringers for con. 1 at lot .77. Alex. *Gosh, 1950,for•fliting approach to. britige,,,railing_andLelay ,on Sem, of bridge, 1 *00 fer watering.fleer of bridge total 20 .50. Albert .Nesbitt, 7 74 for budding and furnishing 22 'posts and railing, west of cheese factory at lot 37, cciu• 6. Robert Chaplin,' 65 for 150 at'll 00 per M. and 1 50 for ditch, and putting in tile, .base line, eon. 6, Thomas E Smithi 3 65 :for iespecting C. Roulston's contriat'on cement culvert on. boundary.ef Hurion and Ashfield, Ono day and use of lantern 11 nights at 15n. per .night, Ashfield to pay haif, also- to .pay half of 150 feet 'lumber -,et. lot '27, eon, 1. K. J. -MCKenzie 6 25 refund of Statute Labor tax, he having performed his road work; as -certified by Peter Rob4 Vrtsitin; pathentstbr. ' EdwardMacon 3 00 for putting in culvert on c'on . at lot 2. -Afurdoeh ilfeltaf, 2 60 for rep. 'bridge on sideline 5, con, 6. •William Steele, 3 51 assessment for Ripley drain Sgainat-lownaltin-lalL. property. John Smeltzer, 3 92 for 49 yards gravel to A N.esbitt; pathmeeter. John Sineltzer,, -80 for 85 yards gravel furnished eto 0. rL' Hiimphreys, postmaster. John Davidson 8 00 for healing plank, fern- . • . ishieg 'spikes.and timber, covering vert'and repairing; 'opposite lotoo:--eon.: A. , Howell Eraser, 50c. for rep culvert "on sidetioe 30,..pon A .J. N. IVilkinson, reeve; AfiguilTiirtyli, clerk, and Sohn „Bell; assessor,' 4 00 each for selecting jureese`ellipley-Acetylene GasCe4-.Licte. 4' 80 for gas. .Kenneth Ae.McLay, 65e. for'repculvert at lot 14, con. '6. . John • MCLeant 750, for making connection at ball with Ripley dram. -• Jacob Gates, 4 .00 for caretaking itt extra, ineetinge. Mie Thos. Moore, 47 50' forsix menthe' salary of lite Thomas Moore, as sanitary in Eiliecto'r: Sohn Wright, kidding cement culvert and cement work :at Pod,' hauling' 3 pude' gravel 'and repairing eailing-on .Seugeen Bold' :in Con. 54, °DI James Brown:2 60.attending itit Itailroed meeting At 'ma 7 75 • expenses to London on delegation mon- tarto.-& West -Shore Ry. -total eel 25,, Alex Preset g 50 fottellaillg &kik% at Kintail and 7 Mini' expeeses to Len - &id OA delegation re Ont. k Virest Shore • fotal 1.0 25. Robb, Pollock "25' DO for 36 feet of 2 ft. tile'rit t 00 per foot. • W. J. Crawfordkid over mita next ineeting. Vidw trd Palmer's bill Cleatilliled nil Puke Uithq • mail will leave Canada for the boys .at the front is Dedeniber 11, when 'a boat sails frein Halifax. e1.3ercels and letters should be mailed te. catch this boat. -IloWe,ver, owing to the disarrangement of the Atlantic steamship service, the Post:Office Department urges that ntail, tobe sure of leachingethe soldiers by • Chrlitnies, should be pasted at once • • Mafeking 4 --Tuesday, Nov. 16th.• Marvin Durnin, of,Dungannen, vjsit edit Jas. Culbert's on Sunday. .Thos. Blake and Frank Jones made a busilisa.a trip to Ooderich Saturday: , _Miss Slant Helm, Of Zion, spent a taw days last week visiting friends- here; , Misses Mary and -Barbarp. Culbert spent. the "week, end at the home of their brother, Jamee. • • - Mr. and Mrs. J. Jamieson and Marion of Laurier, were.guests of Mr. and Mrs. Amon Finlay this week:end. .f • FOR OVEnsiAs -Mr rnest Neil a native of•Norwich, Eng., who „came to Ashfieid abont:fitre-years--itgo-and who has worked for farmers in Ashfield and Wawanosh sinee, went to Goderich last . :Week ancrenlisted for overseas service. He volitateered from a sense -of duty and hOpes-to.`-"do his -bie.and returato-Can e.da again. Mr. Neil is a highly respect- able indestriousyou lig man and his many friends wish him good hick and a safe, -return to good'Old Canada ,Laurier -Thesday, Nov. 16. Mrs D. •McLennan, and Miss Arnie McLennan ere Visiting fiends in Toron- to. , ' A very succesefel missionary meeting was held at thelonie of Md. c- Lennan last Wednecday afternoon.' The -next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs, D. McDonaIdeLochalsh • . • Messrs -Roy. *Kenzie. Wilfred. Bradley are busy -'making preparations .for having a good skating rink.- for the. corning • winter. They are building stable for horses and a high board fence around the rink.; WO iiish the boys' every einmess,,-- • IATE. ST WAR NEWS .rer the past week there. has been no - 'Oleg ierk dequite or startling reported in- connection with the war: • Operatiobs dovin10 Soria :arostill kept inmystery by the censers. It is known thate Lord Kitchener has gone to Greebe, evidently with authority Irani the Allies to Make. that country take ane side or thrbther.. • There appears to be a seod deal of6ght, ing, and both sides are 'reporting; Sue:- cesses, The one satisfactory feature is that the tkrinaiii"havaii6t decisive actirantage dyer the Serbs or the: • French anti Hritish troops esgstingehem. The really most Sensational war news of the week is the revelations in the rnited States, where more and more light is being thrown upon the wide, .spread plots and schemes of Gieemen eympathiiers to bure'and 'blew uo fee - levies in ewhich gnns and anuminitibn are hong made for the Allies. 4 half dozen, fires have occuried'within as •ni.my days in munition factories where large orders were nearing completion. Mi llions cf.doluirs worth nt property lids -been destroyed.Government ageneies and seeret serviee ma are at work,. and • already twiny keiniatibehr: diseoveries have been made. It .loolie- ae 'though: the chid business of the .Gerniau and Austriitn atlibatsailors and coosaje wax •olan and, have carried *out rt Srett.'*ot. Seei‘et War Upoil the linttecl'$teitee* 1 LOST.;- In LlicknoWa. poCket recBrd book, Finder will be rewarded on leaving. annul • at The Sentinel Mee, or with Robe Dur - MONEY TO LOAN -On mortgages -and notes at reasonable rates. Fire Insurahce, bOth •Stpok and Monied compnnies. k GEO: A.-STODALD, ow ,1anker• Luolcn. LOST -4 ealskatchewan •dr'iving robe on the , road betWoon Lucknow and, RolYrood. Finder please leave at the Sentinel Office . • k • - MONEY LOkr -A roll of •bank notes. Oinouni... • lila to $30.00-711) Llieknow, at L an gsi e• church, or on there ad betweentliese places. Finder will besuitably-rewardhd.on leaving t same oxalic sealed enure.. etenat: KG ESTRAY -Came to "the premises of the undersigned on Nov. 12, 1215, a white sciw. Owner mny have same,ou proving property • , • .and paying expeneles. • Gm A • up' Lot 20, 0°4.13, W. WaWan*OshE, * h-s.12t1-1(;,2 • Auction Sale 1 . FARM, FARM stooK AND 11VI1'LEMEN Ts \ .-At Lot 14, 00n, la, W. WiWanah, On Nov. 23, forin, farm slmck-horseS, cows ue • anayog cattle. Implements, many .near' 'new. will.be sold by poblie auction -no; reser Zo except on tile farm. Terme,--on fame I ,made known on day of sale, stock' and int- plernenta. 9 months credit Gra per 4efir per annum off for cash. J. Purvis, auc., Mat. ..F.'Gaynor, prep. ' For Sale • :FOR SALE-Reifer calf -one Week old, half • Jersey, half Shorthorn. Apply at SubirixEL OFFICs. . •• • COMFORTABLE RES1DENCE.-South.-, -Ross Street, Lucknow, 5 roonni and halt • downstairs, 4 bedrooms. hall and 2 closets; upstairs, hard and soft water. 1 acre, of , wound. Go. Arrott0S0N. 21 -10 -t -L • p • COMFORTABLE I) W1E 1. Li NG, -East on ( Cenaphelf SF, parlor, dining -room, den, hall, kitchen and bedroom downstaire-, 5 rooms upstairs. good•cellar, hard and, soft water - inside, good new stable -two azres at land, Permanent *Cream of watar, good orchard._ $1,200.00, or Will okohange for dwelling with less land. 184-t. JACK WaTsoiti, Lutiknow, 11roprlotor. HOUND PUPS FOR sAL.t.-A. iiiiinifer of lioand 'ups, bred from _Dam 34 Blood • • Round, 1-4 American Fok Round; Sire pure bred FoxResund. Good lookers -pike rem,. -sonabley. Anyone wishing a, good 'wand v-onld do Well by ptirebasint one of.'i bes. i; • . pups. For further information, apply to ' 11-11-e. • W. 0. AltavisTnoNG:Lnch,i OW . FArtik FolitBALs,-The north half of LotNo. 20 in the 5th' concession Of the Township of kinloss in the County °Memel) caatat•ting Fifty-five acres. 'For further particulars apply to Alex. Ross, Lecknow. • ' i.a.rrat FOR SALE. -The Adrilliiist rater of the . - Estate -of -Mary .avany-late of -the Town of Goderich,ln the County. of Huron, married wonian, deepabed, offers forsalethe.folitiw- inglaren_preperty:-The solith.149AcreS....of „Let_40; •West--"%17-nwanesh..---Tliti- • ProPerlY. 51 situated 2.14 iniles._frOnx•Llikk now and 1 1-2..mi3es.froni 'St,' Helens. This • fermis all in grliss and -has been, postai-0X fOt the past se-ven years; god wit iidudni.11; IQ Acres oLlnish;...situated-.111' 0 dirin class .forming eistr4 ica:,grairi tieing • housC,Iliarlitimid. dliving.b•shed. The Lira' ' a.goodulay Wain, condition for mix -ed. fartniiire. For funfair , _Partigulars eepply Godereoh, (lntario. .11.11intiliaiiitifieldrtta E. 4',.k.e6W, Real Estate Dealer..Lawknow; or tx) Proud.' : . foot, Killoran 'Sr Prondfoot, Solicitori .for GoderIeli. 20 -5 -t -f -e p 24.. • , •.,Notice to Creditors • •.. Te the.: Matter of the est -ate of .Linst . Walker; late of the Village of Luck- • • nciw he the .CotentY Of 'Bence,. Mar. ried Woman. deceased. . • --nittce14114c5y given that nil ..personA ing any (Aaiun; or de -elands against the WO jonet %Volker, who died on or about _the tilt -Weigh a tiy ofINfay*.-11.rinta at tho' .Viliago Lucknow in the Province of Ontario; are re - mitred to ScO(1' by post prepaid Otto di liver to undefsigned, solicitor herein for John St. , Ilair Walker,- rilminds ..0.-Gannt and -David' - .Shorriiir,exelfenters minderthe NNill tef the said Joliet Walker. their names ahel addresses and particulars in Writing of their claims and stateMerits of their aceounts and the nretUre e f' tliesecteritloo' if any, hold byt them, dilly vOrill. • - al by affidavit., • • • And take notice that after thb Thirtieth der , of •November A lh 101,5, the said 'John L. ()lair Walker,' Themes 0.• Gantt and Davi& Slierrawm proceed to distribnto the icisets of theisaiddeoceiVet among' tlw Terstilite entittei'l thereto, having retrard only to the o:retnis of Which thcv shall then hove lead notice nee that; e 1013(1th..tahn St. Clair. Walker, Thonlas,11,. Gaunt and DaVitt will not bo liable for the said assets arluiy.Part.-thercofAcr.ati..y,..per..; Sons of lith0Ro Claim tlielY not then hove ,reertived notice. in that behalf. Da q lid. This notice is givenat, Lneknow tbirsualikto the Suitoto • dtty of NoVember A. ). 1916. solicitor tor the•soul Ekccut • POULTUY 'WANTED,: .L nvery Wednesday at Lu ie baation., Xitiloss ttl kinlengh 011 Tuesdays. Ponitrrmust bettar.ved`12 litters before -• delivery: 0iiigileet,Ceith Oft4ts • paid, •414i.1 • , T,14os • „ • • : 749 .er'e