HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-11-11, Page 6•••••••
t3irRay lerediseier Relates tin Iiint•
deset WM a Pap.
The great gray seal, which stay of-
ten be seen en the west coasts of
a THAR8 AND Scotland, Ireland, Wales, and Corn-
wall, where it breeds in eaves, itt, saes
11111390, her Ray Lanigeeter in the London
Deily Telegraph, a roneh bigger anie
mal then the comition seal. Its hairy
cost is silky, and has a yellowish -
gray tint 'petted with block and dark
grey not abundantly onu the back.
One September morning Sir Ray hed
set off for rentargon Cove in North
cernwell, where conunen, *eel abound -
of the Reichstag *. eolossal statue Of ee.
General IRA Hindenburg, the coin -j At lovr tide we clitilhed down the
pieavier if the German *toter* armY, E cliff with the aid of ropes, he sae*
wilb° Imo It new lite* Who i tb* and found oUrselvescou theshore....lify
V** Rindeuhues A nu"- Te144‘141° companions haetened down to the wa-
rmer is given by W. C. Dreher, in ter's edge. I was abut to follow
the Atientie Monthly, as follows: e' them when I avi, lying on the peb-
On the night of August 29, 1914,, a Wes, above high -tide mark, :what I
German writer strolled into the office took fer-a whitirfur cloak left there
et *newspaper of Hamburg to learn by some previous visitor.. ' I walk -ed up
the newslrem the front. The day's to it, where to lily extreme astonish -
bulletin of the general staff had just ment; it timed round and displayed a
arrived, with the folieWing Paaahga'tek,pair 'et very.large black eYew-and
• "Our troops in Prigssla under the threatening array pfteeth. . It was a
command of Colonel -General Von 11111-4 baby see', covered all over with a
denburg have defeated, after three ,splenclid growth; eif lemon -white tar
dere fighting in the region of Gilgen-q three inches deep. He was twice as
burg and Ortelsburgt the Ruseitin big as the fur -covered young of, the
Nam" army, consisting of five arsaY common seal—more than tare 'feet,
' coma and three cavalry divisions, and long; Ms blaek eyes were la big. as
pennies, and he Ws lying -there on the
liPPer.'begieht.far. from the Water; bi
the full blaze of the sun, as 444 and
as fluffy as :a, well-dressed robe of
Polar c. • •
:We were. indeed Well rewarded for
our excursion in :seareh of the seal's
cave of Pentargon Covet For this
was 4 new-hern, pup of the. • great
gray seal, ' entirely nneonnected with
the inferior population of the inacces-
sible cave, laid,berein the open by
his mother at birth .(4ii is the habit of
her species). Not knowing that the
ion at Reliever. Of course, I had young of the gray seal refuses to*en.
tendered ray services immediately af-
ter the water until weeks after
ter the war broke out; but since then
birth, •when it sheds its coat of long
I had heard nothing. Then suddenly
earner a despatch informing me that
his Majesty had given me' the cone -
Mend of the eastern army. I had
thne only to get together the meet ne-
cessary articles of clothing .and have
,' my old -uniform put in condition for
service ,
Late. that night—it was August 22
an extra trait 'game through -with
• his chief of stag. and, bore him to the
east:. He arrived at the front on the
following afternoon;
• The field rearAnd'a full 'mine is
Paul Ludwig Itair Anton von Be-
teckendorff end, von Hindenburg—
thus twice -a noblemen. Hindenburg
is a soldier pure and simple. Ile has
devoted his whole life to the military t could :see „him from above, a little
profession, and he loves and believes white :,figure_ all alonein the deepen.
init With all his heart: - Ile comes, ing gloom .of the ,cliffs—raising his
the, Ora'faMili a soldiers, and' grew heed and with his cries _helplessly
: in -
up in a distinctly •military atmos- vitieg his :enemies to come ahd de-
phere. •
stroy. him, ' •
Wherever. we get a .vie-* of Hin- In a few Minutes We Were by his
••-denburg's inner life dating his active side, had placed him in the' potato
military career it is thatof h Man sack; and brought him to the upper
absorbed in his prefession, laking a air; • Cu the way ,to the inn I pur-
_serious view .of,'his••,...Work, and ever chased e large-sized -baby's bot 10
occupied -with. the possible :tasks that with a. One India -rubber nipple. We
the future might bring. placed the little --seal' on 'straw - in 'a
large open packing caso. in:: the ,sta-.
bis, wbfle the kitchen maid, warmed
some rank and filled the feedipg bot-
tle. Then I bronghtit to him,. and
touched his nose with the milky
India -tubber teat.' With unerring pre-
eision his lips closed on his nostrils
opened and Wit in quick shecessiOrio
and he had einptied the bottle.. I
.gave him a quart of milk before leav-
ing him and, getting my OW11. belated
Meet He stePt4ohnifortable, but at
four inthe. morning his cries rent the
• .
air, and threatened to Ixake everyone
in the hotel. ,I had to get up, descend
to the kitchen, warm Some:more milk
-for4hiliai and: satisfy -his -hunger -41a
became fond of the bottle, and also of
the; friend who held it for him.* 'I
arranged to take him to the Zoologi-
cal Gardens when, after "three days, I
left Bocestle. He travelled to London
in the guard's van in a specially con-
structed-' cage, .and was as beautiful
and happy as ever when I handed him
over to the superintendent at
*dew Remblieeestees When
The Germane have erected in front
are now pursuing it across the fron-
tier." • ,
• The editor, upon „reading this,
- machos .for the arnit list to see Who
,Hindenburg is, finds that he lutS been
a ,cenninending general,, but is now
retired and living at Hanover. Then
he addresses his visitor;
Living en Pension.
And how did "this man front Han-
over" conee to be in eoreratind? He
himself gives this answer: 4A few
weeks *go I was living on my pen -
white hair, we cautiously relied the
little seal on .my' outspread "coat and
carried him to the water's edge Af-
ter the lussme with which he had
greeted my first approach he Was not
Unfriendly., -•
- We expected_ him to wriggle into
,the water and, swim 'off, but, on the
contrary, he wriggled in the -.Opposite
direetion, and mode his way by suc-
cessive heaves hp theeheach. •• He WAS
not morelluth a day or two old. ••
,On the following evening I pro --
mired in the*village twe men and a
potato sack, -and hurried to Pentargon
Cove. As ,we approached the edge of
the cliff' the sun, was :setting. • A
weird sound rent the air. It was the
little seal, calling for his 'mother!, I
•-Home and Religion. •
• When his only sonwas an infant,
„ the proud, father . once •tossed hiin up
„ and addressed, him •thus: "Boy, I am
• -already rejoicing at the thought of
• seeing you with me around the biyme-'
ae fires in a war 'with Russia.":
On the walls of . his Jittle home at
Hanover hang reproductions of the
Sistine Madonna and an antique head
• of Juno, as foils to portraits of the
old Emperor .Williain, Frederick III.
as Crown -13/ince, Bismarck, Moltke,
• ..• and the present Emperor. Other pie-
• tures-e-paintingse coppereplate.
_a' Olden tiMes_to___the_sniall-reins
The fUttiture is also of antique pat-
terns, and not a few heirlooms be-
speak his love for his line. •
And he, is g deeply religious man.
Not Cromwell hiniself was more firm-
Iy. convinced of being an instrument in
•the bends of God,than is Hindenburg:
-Prof. Vogel, the portteite-pairitere
who. spent nearly twomonthsat
denburg's headquarters making stud-
iee' for a portrait, has given us a'first-
• heed description of the field marshal. -.SCIENCE FACTS.' •
• in his daily life, with- interesting.ole•
'setvations' on his character. Ile says It the Falkland Islands- there are
• be had to -rise every morning at 6 :or Oa men to every Woman. •
• 6.30 o'clock; that Hindenburg toter- Thereare more than 3;000 domes'-'
na,loefere 'iaroundzhim; and is ticated elephants in Siarn..
himself incredibly busy. He was ,•Scientists estimate: that there are
. found tO,i.have_oLkeen-knoirledge=of, 110,000. species of Ask in _thereicorldee,
/nen; he was cautious in his speech, A shoal of herring is semetitnes
• but at the -same tithe -frank anctopen. fiveorAix milts -in length and two. or
The -walls. of his -cottage at Han- :three in breadth: '
over are decorated'Skith -the :-antlers ZAficeleettiCal .Preceee /OF" drying
• of. etagrelain by bis rifle. - 1umber i&piles or eve111.1.0-arYlea'Llt)gs
, -When, 'Hindenburg retired to that has been perfected in • France.
cottage only. four years age he
thooghe.that his career was ended,
---STA-4-"Vegan, :toto'
They,were.intiended nly for
his children, as he did. not t ihk_that
his life Would interest a.wid r eided tliat snails have' no sense of
...Thawar rudely inter:v.4AM his Work., ' . • e
• Perhaps .he reSinne his writihd •A • telescoping • tobiego' box-
• after ' -• • - ; may be diminished it •slze COTI".
• Designed for bakere; a new 'electri-.•
machine will scour 2000 pans an
--ve-d-Prewse let4
After makrtig moie than Z,INW nh-
-servations. a SUriSS- scientitt has de-.
: The «picture siwara -a Befan seoutieg 'forty areesga neiv 14hakt. uniform Makiag *kw&
• voutoon bridge "somewhere!' in Plandera
seeaithily ove,r
.G r BRITAIN'g who eve exalteth. the righteenS and
the meek There Was but the . one
• choice for the world to make --the
WAKEFUL ARmADA choice hetween the nailed hind mid
the mailed fiet. It was because of the
oyervvhelming passion in their hearts
.NAVYOF NINETEEN HUNDRED nailed hand of the Crucified operative
• .
A 'Preacheetr Vision of the Sure
'Shield and' Budder of the
urgihg them 'to make`the ideal of the
throughout the v.rOrld that they Were
there 'facing perill and death. And
he told them of the soldiers Plitt-
fight with.illunun-
ed eyes, halting sungt— * -
, ,• •
in.degthee clerk
valei e • .
Yet will r fear none •
'as their' Ratified the-faees-a-
these :Men shone also. In the sailors
and .eOldiere iehb to day fight our hat,
tlea there the spirit Of the 0..oveh:
inters Of Old The '..eivord.; that they
wield is gripped in God's, 'mid... The
hearts these -.Men: are endued with
the might of God. •
How inspiring .and fine -Rev. Nor -
Man Maclean, of St. Giles, Edinburgh,
it his finpression of that great; Ar-
•macia• which- neither slumbers nor
sleeps in the great North Sea, and to
wl:ich, under God, we owe safety!
Let. the feeble hearts read these
ing words and cast out fear:
"Fiera every funnel of dreadnought„
cruiser .and destroyer there rises into
the warm, still autumn' air 'the, smoke
lazily .curling. For lit'eveiy ship the ' "1:r
fires are burnin" ceaselessly -and at,h
moment's 'hoti, he fleet ( in sweep : ATMOSPHERIC NITROGEN. -
'out to Se:4., And thartheeliloke may
swirl hp constantly miners toil in the With Ammonia Sulphate. It Takes the'
berets of the :Perth. one follows •
Place of SOda Nitrate: . • -
this issue to 'the last, in, the /Meer's.
hands the fete. of the Empire lies., As German -farmers Continue to
serVice, may God .grant that far•avraY
here, there is the. ceaseless watch and
_ , feed the country without the aid of
oversee, iniports; in, the. •opinion of
be awfaithful and' as Professor Gerlach, an. authority in
egricultural chentietry.. Speaking be-
-the service may
. . •
sure. But that smoke rising up in-
eeskintlY. fronk-dreadnOnght-and crni, -fore- the gerniaril.Agricolturat:SeoletY
se 'r is the:sePigritY-of_the_Empire. „ at its -YearlY meeting at .he
.gave details shlowing .to what extent
The.. Power That •Saves. . in .19/4- and 10.6' the -yieIcl of crops
• wae, increased - by using- sulphate of
and the power to smite. instantly; •
amreeniti and cytamicles,a combination
that power has saved' us. When
of litpioapheric nitrogen with 'calcium,
we read of thousands Of Senate miles
as fertilizers: In these fertilizers, in theEastoverwhelmed, by the en as
and of the lush Of the torrent of ssaliss'iaGeteorrInya
senheatillitueterefor the nitrate
have , a fully
,devaStatimr. otter. plains and villages
of soda which they had been impOrt-
and &ids, the heart is apt to be clis-
couraged., .But 'there can be to dis- ing. to the •aMetint of about 800,000'
CourageMent for him who seen- We: t7E,81;tiliey'steaorr•• Gerlach r,egard.s,
the new
industry •of • extracting nitrogen from
the atmosphere. as of great Promise
Midst of our streets. hy theenight of f.°1* the future of *the Gernian toed
For this power has captured the seas
of all the world; through it the ends
of the, earth pour their riches into the
-it, a whole-eontinentehas-been-delie, 'F-1 1 Hciaidthat-thelactorieeler
ered from the withering blight of Ger. its recevery, mostly since the
.outtereak-ofethewaiyare liolvfinished
manic culture, and save for :a, force
...or nearing .cOmpjetion, andthatWhet'
shut in and imPrisoned by the sea in'
East'Affica :the Might of GermanY is
crushed' in Africa. From the great
Northwest to the long wash, of Atlas:-
is left to that culture Which trod the
Cross Underfoot that it might domi-
nate the world with the "mailed fist
And the heart of that .power whieh
has -wrought the deliverance of, the
world is here. ' '
The Ihtfolding Morn.
. .
"As the mist slowly -melts in ehe
heat of the up -climbing sun, and as
they are all M operation , they will
produce yearly an equivelent of 120,-
000 ions' of pure nitrogen, for ale
what was formerly imported,. A con-
siderable proportion of this IS now
_being and by the military, authorities
for 'making' ammunition, but, will, af-
ter the war, be available for fertiliz-
ing purposes. • • • •• • •
Pending the increase .of the output
till all kinds of Trope can be fertilized
*With eYnamidei Professor Gerlach ad-
yiies that .it be used' mainly for in-
Member* Stan, Tribline When
They Wish. to Addreas the
The Petrograd cerrespondent of the
onion Daily Mall sends an interest-
account of 'Nession of the Puma.
• Imagine a large oblong hall, the
eorreSpondent cOntinues. In the. raid-
dloofrthe-side which- faces- you wIrow
enter is the president's dals. llere he
sits. raised above every one else, with
viee-president on either side othim.
Below hint .the platform for the
orator who is addressing the House.
He grnoeeins bto"thesPteritign rer bm his e iaseq4;
little above, his audience which makes• .
speaking more easy: it. also makes,
hhn -Mere eaOli heariE -
• The members' eeatenre arranged in
a sem-circle facing the President and
the"sPeaker'S 'Platform. The'flOor-14
slightly aralted,"' that is to say,. it
slppes. upWar& Each Meneber 11a5 a
seat of his OWn: None hati,e6. stand,
/nett de 'whenever there is a de,
aa many of 'o,ur Members, of Pailra..'
• ., The 1,IalrieSt *.tts,1sell,141Y:
Puma, lay the -way, means 'literally.
not 'Et:' talking aseetably 1Parliament)
but a' conncil .of thinkers (from, dooe
met, to think). Do notaseume, how.
' KING VISITS WORKS. ever, that, it is a more thoughtful
body than -- others.' of 'its, kind A
glance "round . at its members-6-ahows
Diso.e.i1SEIgnI;Ginr:eral.n,gurtiearnetsst. ,:e/.1.:, All ,:ottphaerytifraorme thhoosdiff*eheeontittii iftiorputhbe;:
lic assemblies everywhere else. Only
In the course of his tour of 'works in one Outward aspect do they claim
in various parts of England the Ring, unicpie, distinction. They . !nest be
Paid a visit to Leeds, writes a corres- quite the hairigst 'assemhly.., in the
-obBeretdf_zor,d)r,oxtte ,•anTdown clerk. (Sir Westminster, for instahcet ' or in the
Pendent.. At the station' he Was' met World. ' There kire bald 'heads eteloen.ahnoet.
by the Lord Mayor of Leeds (Mr. J. seen, but .not nearly so 3nany as at
clean -
Thomas, a former Leedse4soPltititorP, WIZ- shavencan.iiant-'1?..Weactinngttert.theTrhaear
Is. now organizing secretary for the 'half a dozeet of them, ' The greater
,...b. •
fl ire area. . '
AllustrY :.-01---MOnItions„ln-the York= humber-d-Deputies-have beards- as
. . ...
well as .inpuitachei, and, then there
. The Ring, who was attired in the .are 'the priests with 'their long hair
khaki perViee Ithiform_of a field mai, flowing** their heads about tlt.eir
she!, looked' ' 'partichlarly Well and shoulders, in addition te that which
'haPPY, and he smilingly acknowledged issues from their chins, and, cheekse
the cheers which greeted him from Most of these priestly members are
*e crowds which had beconieeaware on .the„.eirtromeright-:..:Here sits the
of his arrival and gathered outside party, which: opposes alleehange. At
'the railway statian and at the various first sight ,the desks in this quarter.
ADIaees.which he had visited .- ' appear to be .occupied entirely by eel:
• . . .
. The morning' was occupied. by visits clesiastics. • • They .look very ,fine in
to five migiheering WOrks. The King their cassocks of blue or grey or mul-
berry silk* with, gold or saver -chains
rbreahsdtst.heir necks. ahd• ,.cros$71 on their
. . . . ,
• 'Most ''of Them are Big Men,
broad as well as tall, with'. a stolid
elarly long- conversation With . , the -Wield
Thomas ..A.dgia, popularly know n" as. is Mr, Rodzianko, President .of , • the
"Tapper Tem" by reason of his skill Durest, burly himself, more than com-
•tdoignalittYervihieli seems
to defy
haired veteran d eighty summers, Vet it moves in spite of them, Here
as: a driller.. • Ile has.: been at the. mon tall, with a noble voice and pric,
fouedry 43_ years, „,,„ ,: _ „:.*, _.. ., :.tised. oratory„, diefain-rg in ITS—o-penmg
---"Ebe alena reight'proud to .See ye,"
said Tapper Toni. when he - She. diseOurse. that . not " only , have there
been changes in. the Ministry of late,
hands with his Majeity, • '• Fut that the. whole Spitit otthe--Ad-
:t.l'inThge4gdintog sserneilyedcitIr acIndsit.ticii:.); s'ecAeilyd'ou/ :ministration has become different
On his right site thelliniaters. Net
loakirig _so Well." . _ • . the same :who' Were there 'When the
-ging asked, "Aren't Yoatired of work Duma last met. The "old gang" have
On healing the old man's age the
yet?" . The veteran's reply, "No, 'ah nearly all disaPPearecl. For the blood
King laugh: ' ,• • • '•: : • that gang even the NatienItt-the,case of Lord 'Roberts, W ose only,
Na- 'Male heir Was killed in the Boer War.!
,course, there are no lack Of direct ,
think nowt abaht it ' It's not looks ah c'f 431e 414
goes •hri-irs,henav-naii, feelA made the Edists are new Clamoring. The
Another veteran, named .Wilson, 7 5
;.. the "old gar*" must be simPoited!
,tioeaists•hefere-the.yvar had. only.ohe: . Of
prindiple, Which 4M -that the acta ef inale'..beiis of 'forroet
-case of the historic. peerages, but the '
titleholders- in
lated -by the. Ring on his record of 'There are a lie* War Miniater, a new
Home Seeretary,: a new •head of the' vahtage, •••
. recently bestowed titles lack this ad- . .
THE SUNDAY $0160101
• NOVOIliER 14.
LeSSO4 Daniel in the Klufa.
Court (World's Temperance Les.
•aon).,-Dan. Golden Teat; -
.1 Coro 16, 13.
1. Daniera Test (Verses 8.10).
Verse 8. POrPOSed WS heart—No
resolution for good is strong enough
if nrahr -with the inteireet- onlv -
must be buttressed, by the heart.
King's Dainties; .-- rood and wine
from the king's table might have 'been •
dedicated to the heathen divinities,..
and partaking them. would be an
ad of compromise. Or a Part the
•food Might consist of the Reg& of ani, .•
Inals unclean according to the Jewish.
ceremonial 'law. (Lev, 11. 4-20).
'See /Our AOC& WOW looking -
Showing the effects . of ineuffieieet
nourishment. • "•
it. Prove thy servants An 'al
WSY for Daniel to escape defiling hint
self and at the same time commend
himself t� the fairness of the eunuch.
Pelee to eat, and water to drink,-
"vegetariah diet Pulse: peas, beans
lentils. Ezekiel and Daniel, of the ten
thousand whom King Zebuchadhoisr. '
'carried off to ,DahYloe,' were the only, •
tero young men to become prominent!
• IL T( eustc103716,019to h2e0Te t
. ,
20. He found them ten times better •
,--A high tribute, and one not only
deserved, but easily obtained.
Magicians and enchanters—Belief
it the occult Was so strong that every.
king of ancient tittles had his follow -
frig of sorcerers and wizards. To -day
the :ruler of state covets .men about
hie" with clear *minds born of good
common sense. Only such can face ,
difficulties and avoid .calaniity. The
occult can play no part in /natters of
modern Statecraft.
di,Splayed great interest in the various'
processes,- and the `genial manner in
which ,be entered . into conversation
with the 'workers- was much .appreci-
Med. by them. At One works he had
presented to him all the foremen and
theirelder ha,ndsi.and he had a partic-
Nearest Other Mate Relative Can Sue. .
,ceed,to Title Now, ••
Means are to be adopted to pre* •
vent British peerages from becoming
extinct' in cases where' the only male:7m-*
heir has givee.his life to his country:
In the ordinary course, succession to
a peerage is limited to direct Male
deseendants of the last or of a former
holder Of the title, daughters
excluded But by . "special remaini
der," as the provision is called, the. '
nearest ef other male _relatiVes wilt; '
now be given the title. '
. There are now at least 200, beira to
peerages in the army Old navy, and a •
number have already fallen Among
the -dead are Lord Wendover, the sole
heir of the Marquis of Lincolnelaire; •
Captain Biggei who was the only soli .
and heir Of Lord Stamfordham, the '
King'ci--private secretary, and.
Hon. Claude 1Vleysey-Thompson,: ,the '
sole heir of Knaresborough. Lord
Ribbesdale is among those whe have ,
lost an only son in action,: but he bee
grandsons by bis: daughters,
Titles are allowed. to descend by the -
'female line by special remainder
number of existing .cases, notably in '
Years' of ago; Was warmly cohgratu;
Lord Rifehener's heir is b3r special_
yearqz-iAt___the_:_fothidiy.• Church, neW Ministers of Education,
ra n us ry. maindere-hia-elder-brOtliere-Cole-H:
• ee 'E, C. gitchener. Lord Stiatheona
.title passed to has daughter, the Ba-
roness Strathcoint.
: .
Some of Them Have Quite a Military
Appearance. ' •
hand let 0. lovely nark right
e -d Justice an..
Pile 'shook hands ri ht h
g ear y, :stu •
-Wilson-"and • black,
tizzs glove but he :didn't seem to
Atethis PertieUlat Werke where the
make anything from a needle to an
atelier; the ging was Presented, With
a small needled.instrument, weighing the winter seasonandthe effect it
• • The white -winged, , truingultne
half an ounce, Ai a:souvenir. •will have, on the .Campaigii, .interest'
khaki Uniform of a '`soldierewho had Augustin Rey, the .french naturalist :plunge head &iv/tweeds to earth, has '
shaped kite, With its mad tendency ' to
• 'At another works he noticed the has b.eenstronsed by the prediction; of
been-reCalled to work .frotil. the.frent, and meteorologist; that the Wintee birheeeliete°.lomfgtehteanitollminegoahasthgeui484.•4
and he had a pleasant chat with 6e wilt be an exceptionally severe one.
. The:girls einployetf at one . works
creasing the .grmn .yield; potatoes-- -gave the King a particularly hearty
ship after hitherto unseen, show
-their goe, ewes, there comes to the the largest' Crop by far . produced in welcome, and had decorated the werkl.
hearktheaenseaLirresistible„..inight..1-Geini.a.ni,--cgn do vetY without Shops 'tvith bunting to 'celebrate the
And with the .senie of :Tame over: ifertilit*;'-as-71a‘proVed by th-c" Wen-- e-ifefire-Lijittie •attenfiiiii'irlifelilid not
whiliting-pOwer-standing-guardover esc.a, the.ifin•
.Troops Face a Hard Season: Spire a
, -French Scien is
In View of the near approach Of
-._ :M. Rey- has:cOnnitenicitted . ;the military appearance, and a visitor, to
French- Goyerhinent the reasons cef the parks and open spigot will -find ••
Which he bases his opinion. He points scores of youngsters and even chil-
dren of a larger growth, votaries to
firet to the preitature snowfalls in the
tAPilee'ww-etlitiehttidbeer andtoteleb''reehtrileediet' says
14614°Ir Answers.
The -,Chinese have a kite--.
of vegetation, such „ea the ' feet' that tival, once .e year, but in -London it
Ivor JettOr running from a. few pence to the beechea.began to lose their leaves'raern;s-1--nalawahayps-e, with : aunsd.- kites -
in August, while heather' blossoms
,„ . _ I half -genies
.eontract_ _
let out tit the end of a Wry' fine • '
They rise to tremendous height, be-'
Animals.; tea:- siyathe mountaineer I
naturalist, have begun . to prepare i 14g'
early for the winter. -aims .••n., a.' sort
very 'sstardeduiger,s, yellow twinie of the
eonelueionr dee)the
'ill • ll•
thrall/40 ‘ii'sj:kat_the - • - • '-"-
erous-ntinded people finding it dere- ;
rolling it up, And posting it -ha**
te,.the owner, who has bad the fore:: ,
sight to write his tame Mid address.
on the fraineivork." ' .- • .
-The more advanced school of eine. .,
teur aeronauts indulges in very bus •
-.model aeroplanes in place - of kites,
tra_40A J4..pohee., Court or b t these have a nasty knack of fly -
.41 illug into the to br
• Ir040.--. 'Whence the- have to ° t1"-'eesi-
The statement that her 'dead bus- adventurous urchins, whoIleteiglit"a by
band, .who ,Was a drill serge/Mt, 'tip in conSequence.':: ' ' e
our homes, the 'awfUl.', fear of theltite e . - ' .-
that OyeyWhelMed Belgium . tailing on
our women -and is 'fitted' fer.,
. _ _ __. , ,
ever'"There eel's on the heart the sense
. .. • .., . :
of eieeurity. The boom of the guns -
e The men ho
stand behind the the 'guns .are •celm and
•pecieefiL The commander -in -thief re,'
Ceives hie visitors on the deck of his
flag -ship as though the sound of war.
Were hushed in till the world. It is
at 1r ovcr a at .•__ .. ,... " . • - ' .tents.are used has 'linen" patenta of .their calm -live i'Vr• -they :who. •go
not an 'gr61:11.t gtliw that the fouptain..e-
eoeen-ee the tea le ships •envisage tho.
_ A novelty for fisher:non is a look
.• Eternal: . .. •
- 'WAIVICE`TSIIOCTOR,W, MSS; , ',-eiluipped With'. a clip 1E3 hOld :a ItVitIg'
.; .
- . • tat 40 'halt :wit out ; ' urYt 10-- 4 , . . .
' I) 'al' - .,.' ,tiiMc it . - '', A Seadide Settnon.
eiree e eel -0th • MaP-0.-tSerne reorr.., can. ieivini-hattrally,,:- -j- -Mieelkleekein pleereethieeft •e.,Lefiptie, •
Inj3 * erg ' '-'-- ' ' '- ---:.: . - The' ' 1 - of t h ' ' iiaie-da, rI 741 ierrion by till sea:— .. .
. ----,---- -- ".-'--1 -- -- -- - „ , 7. , see( 0 ,(1 * 0 o acco 1 0 , „
'-'` - III:-: '' ••• got Ihenrgilai.' . -
. . • , .., , • , CO minato;tbet, aoeoriling to n C§i.4' . on .the ',shore of a r en isle *OA
.' :°14611Y Ifit4vgii."; 611.4.411.' 66' /i*' kiiate - a thin/Metal rill fuihish th:e Sunday r' r: a rerresentatNe.
suits' ef tile wgr ta d 61501tAlfirig flnc the a crxmei Plznto for en acre a .gro4r1d. _congregation of ,sailarif -afisciniakd to
' ' Oleg/tee a come a, ' Lonitore6 .t.liezt, 3 . 'Aittivjoi haieeee, hrielvn the. rtiOrld,,,VorShip'Ood. The autri:hirm played in
itill,,W•tilt Pe,IT/a4epellter,_''.1*,7171170.-eee'n.ite11.252lift...,„S7er...° i E3461' flr it5 exeellent Pronerties, doco. the wswActu under theie .fe,e, Atove
.-0112a#Iiree"eeni W "WI" 2 V..,'*".1:17-°1° /i VA' 'Otiriks"fronl Peru atoll, but•eroCie thee/ ihe re:tinty 11(.40 Of Torii On the• . •
'.sl'ireted ''P°44.5-7.4 rog 4'3P11710 -lora lialor.ts-the:e‘..ivalt 9f SA11'14404 - ..' .' Slopes 1,vere yeliOwine, for the, fiereeet. .
------------------ ;$ tiler ill'OlIght th4.7 lie strike's out With' his feet, and Ills • IVIAKH ClIARIVI.- tive triming for snit. 'No. . .9000.
were Something•We to think, of than tee, bang insinerigely.strong,.he:Can;. ' .• ' • .
have ever sung ht days. of strestee- ,tionnoirtERIEs
- .., IM, IIGLIDA,Y GIFTS; . Thera- are .22 metife 'fit the Pattern
• their ailMentl. Probably this. Wart nil. lAitil no sgrCat aMOUnt nf exertion, kill . 1 to the hill's will lift Mine eyee, .. • ----• ,. ," . . . and li'differont styles. Negligeeigin
- of it; undoilbtedly. many vho TC 41 a i inaii; - . .., '.,.. , - '-• ''',. ' ' From i./1161p6 doili come -mine ahl; -There Iii no more ,sincere .way of poso ta finished at the : bottoin With'
. ..PilYSiekala .al!0;01Mloaing-fiMehOW. t.49 no f)iitterfly, Iik,e ' the bat,- invail- ivry safety -eameth• from the Lord, expreeeing ()nee; ,appreciatiow.of iiii•e scollops go; 14730. „2 indhei (100; I
,-, Cost. ., : -•
do without,. imrhers: to their lasting' abIY gOs /.4',13Weep head downward on Who Ileeven ail earth hatis , ether's frlendBillp tpan . by gnalarig yards Ion,neck and Sleeve's are iln,,
• . ' ' • . the derri- of the grass on which it hit ,ie. . :.,, ., . :some, chareeing; little garment and ished with 'Scallops and eyeleta. or
•'N,01.rerthelesSt• : thiS : explanation ....
rent -0,:- rt folds it, viings to the tit- •' • . • • ". ' adornitig it With. dainty' efribroldery ribbon, go. 14140, ,wilich Cones in
, 'points' to n;„ yeri. real tiling; ne 'One -meet 'and thus protcets,ita body fioin • !Ike lappieg of the Vioveletq and desigre The ilinstratioh phoirn here-, tvio eiteri, ..% afid 11,4 inelieti.deeti; 3
- - defile:, that thinking ha5. a lot to _do Ati6 coa ; • , „ „, • . - , elm hreze from tiiii hill:3' wilegieri with With orePraf3en140, Valtiable rilli,geOtiOna ,yatda (4 each. . rho *do are. front
'with our,a1Irsehts; wail :ffl,r-happirieim -irtificiel flav.tera *ore imj'crdf,i2d by,: the con. of ,11•Abr,,iai faith. Awl toi in Leclke' llome ' journal Patternfr, .Na, I4142.; vviffell eentaina i) small uni.,
- ff wnr has ..helned" seme persona to 4,'G 14-
. ar discontent, with eyerything in life,. nuree he redy. in tile Italian coravents tboirt.:1-.,tr. vhahue Williarxeon declar-, showhig waists.ge. 9000' 8531 No 0,986 tifs. ' ' " '• ', ' : . .,„ ,..,
,,....e 11.•arrY At et Mir itleS iV,111.44 Opt to 1110, : c,1,01., rr.,E1,,,, 1 .0? t!i.,_ 1,,,ourg ileum. ' •„latr.,tiley Would appear ..Af4tif the. befow 4 ratterini, irl,,eente each, eau he rite.
'thinle ti 'Tit by g'01i1C them sOnie- end' of the eighteenth 'ePntUilr, (14 '01 • . 1,4,1,,,,a.4 vrz,,o,.ovi maili-,4 via, . d'e,rxribed ..tritthryter patterne. ' • 140; OlittnOd% Aii. PAW ,IIIO001, tadimg-Itbine
t1 i' 46 4.11ink of 1,' 1(11 thernselvea
• - It ban 0/N3t tl,"little'italalditiott to, the ated with ettificial'il.owere, taborioes-
e . ulto inD.,..1 ,. .: ,/.4.r.,., 1,4' thAt t7.0(1 14741.1s, developed in braid, ord, 60.* :ournat &get ur.frota the !Pone rd.
a humanity.; ily. put together,. Made &paper, pariln- winve .i.; :•':1,:. .:- '' • .:,;,,;.,,:;,i,111.,,? raighty line -stitch; toPe,-stitelt et • ebaino tern ,Conitiany, 1.83 . George Strget,
, . ,.
went and .wire. . • : ' . : from i';,,c.: ,„,k,.. ,•,,, 11.1. iikiltilk,r, and stitcl. Owe .Motift. make no attrneo. Toro:mi.:at:Ontario, .. ' • - '
- . ,
offered'is that the var has given Per- An angry ostrieh is a great fighter- And there they sang as their 'fathers '
- .0000
temee •
37470 '
16, by: its earlinees, length .nne low • aWay, but there ate iestaheeeeof' gen-
temperatures it will bring will resent-
ble the wintei of 1870-71"
sTL'it R.GE, ANT..
:peered every night and drilled Ye-
, Wag; not of and blood, caused,
Mrs, Mary. Fay,. of rt.allynataigy,
Westanerith, to assault Ws'. Kato
.11.1Urphy-, of the•Saine town In Xreland.
Thiel strange 'evidence WAS. given at
the Ballyiiietirgy Petty Session:; when
Mrs. Fay was charged, with the a:g-
oal& Mrs. Murphy oald"thitt Mrs.,
ray, Caine to ji(ftilf30 and aeouood
her of.saying.that the dead sergeant,
Christi Fay, is seen evetY night in
tallynheargy drilhing-voluateote juiit
ati he good to do in.hio Who. She,
then irtooked her doWnand, htoito hOt
War Prices in Drug Trade.
• If the average lionseWife Wants to: •
kilo* just where the War in Ettropw•
lilts her, let her . go to ,thelie'oresk
drug .store at* for Metli
Or let her ash for citric acid,"carliplie'
noitit,aluni,•Aasony salts or a hundred..
°titer drug staples,, more or leak
in�n. Also let the, Mail who 110011101..;
NittAlit to *117.1 diamond solitaires ter. .
tiffa Yiciit. Ohristinad • vtatell Out or
imported partinteo, They Will 'he al.. •
MOO tbi. .oltpon'olve ait perhaps 44
rare, • • •'
• Mrs.'Fay,, when in aeUrt, biavot Into ' .7c
ItO4YrY 411.4. Oebbecli Xt WAI8 hdrd thine It is found -that 1007. male doga. ja
eayi otta said, .that Ikftpiiihj doath 'tad Pi -oomPar64 with, 14 teinaleS,•• .
her hitebiind Wii Boon' TititlA20, .- Iti Montana and Dakota tlicibermem
tefote he died he wog 'tont ineter, hos heeivItriown to fall' a ifunk,
Well. attended 10 Ilia clergy', L5 111 tw.onti4aur..liotlrek 1. •