HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-11-11, Page 4• ‘,
• 71n15t,
Thursda, Novemberz I Ito 191$
ef the
Ise jar WO hardly realise thit
we here a network of nerves, bet when.
lisakh is ebbing- when strength is &elite.
insg, the owe nervous !liens evei the
&MP&1 *alma% dreamfel
tallow irritabty and yearns esenteted,
leads etraight te 0brealadown.
Toeorreet IlerV9131111401, &VW. Rai*
4o.isexactlY lebet Yon *maid take; its
ziett suitrinstat gets Ione the Wed and
rich blood Seeds tbst tiny serve -cells while
the whole syetene reepaind* to it* refreoh-
hag tonic Some, Prot born baralfuldrn..
&St* Plawrsift, Tworto, oat,
Bitsiness itad SocietyCartin •
_Joulf ettLA&O soNie, Ltd., Guelph.
lif Lersorow. Ont. Agent
YAVIOWL1Ii Qt Inrarenee.lrireaudtAfe
JIrit igen oonipidaii guaranteed. Only.
t agent In Luelinow of the London:
Mona. A sandier or viThige ail fere)
nrkniw litilitttiti Prelit Old he DytY
.,41 4.04,...1
FrAkhelio4 sviey Warsaw esettoss Thee threehundred uewspapetlitlir0901.
et leekiiew. 0faterhe OUt Oliterli) winch publiehed theme Bed
e D• 144."EN" '3'4111" Oros' advertieenieute free et chre, ages
airanwearnarnientaisainaterleerrrre did the' StereendeeeT4eited thecae:it-41bn, ,
be teir editorial and uews column*, had,
TECURliDAY, NOV. tub, 1.91p hTo Ali Who floe Helped to Obtain the, Magnificent Response to
we thinkPa proper view of the plave of .
the pre** in the coramuulty. They uti. the Appeal of the Oritish Red Cross 'Society and the Order
nae4 the facilitiee they were fortnnete of St. John, the Following Statement ,Is Addressed:
The Litersry Digeet hearnede an etfort
to eseertain the views. and feeliege re.
fording the War of those* nerthern . nee
tionaof Beropee-Norynty, Sweden, Den-
mark .endliolland-not themeelvea op:
tively engeged in lioetelitiee. The teethed
petered bY the. 13.01geit Was to get the
ORO to poseese ht furthering a. 04440
in which everybody was called upon to
do hie part, great or small, according to
his opportunity. The press. could render
e service in this caee that could be ac-
complished by 110 other egeney and thiee
hundred newspapers ihroughont the
province, dailies and weeklies, repudiated
the theOrle that a newspaper 18SOiery
these countriee which are publiehed 1aJ business devoted to the manufacture of
the linked States While thiS may not Columns of space to be sold to any comer
give a true expresaion of the °plutons and with, no ohliggion to 4 tender service
held lathe Zurepean countries it will for thei
general good even n time of crisis
when every man is celled. upon t�'do
b. feirly repreeentative„ audit is atleast ' what he Nati for the,conimon welfare of
I '("liaTZ"I'Velasa" le"ts eve*4 Yzide'Y a great interest, all,. Tiiree hOndrecl newspaperti took
v.av meets') Okrek fa their Hai Omni: •
• tha view that thapressee aepublie lust!
ticar'srs74 All btenwen c4"nanta!'"-Trea oPpears -thatf:-ther-8ivedish news -';' t well an a bnsineso and that. )t
*-41T4NOGroW4'; Th06; Ws n; iceti ion 44
r.T.4.11041rehat,..*Trtas.*AleXatoeti; papers of the United States and their , 'tee, obtigaaolle• 44 well es privileges.
gee. a. re Bork wipe deer lir rat- 4.•I lel;
readers are aimosi, nnalliMons y proeeere hey eome n the genera pu move,
4ft,i .4,21"., O. RM. -Okt Light Ledge Meets
waorodAy uttlo,,O9 or hater° the41111
Poem. In, the masenicaull, Havelock street.
uteknow. 'ese, AaffriclIrieelat e -t,
'excieeeromee w.i %metier efeag.• wit•
e. (filirt• Sherwood tUoirtlOWi
moots 011'00 lost Monday ot the month, in
in the thidrellow0 BRA Visltlingbrethern
nersilallr invited to attend. Oder Ranieri,
'John B. Tull, Rec. $ooy.„. Oralism
• .4 Fin. eeey,,, trtobt,, Johnston. Treas. I)
Ateolnte41). , • •
4.0. V.*. Inieltnow iddie: No. meets,
sew Monday or each month. in the odd: -
fellows' Nissiter worlunaa..1. Mae-
inuntidiams. Soot% in. It. Naianteatatee.
.0.rny., Geo. Potter; -rreas, " Alex4toss. .
e. trowLyR, fi., 011tee up
stairs In 1140,on, Blopk, TOLorWater., Ppoo
ial attention to_ffold plates, crowning and
brtdgewo Visits IiIrroseter Ist,and Ord,
W et:ewer eaelimenth; (fordo Thur.
00 A. NliWTON'_. 1). 9.. Dentist. cunee
• ARM Bleck, bueltnew, Ont. All modern
metbas used. Best materiahr furnished.
Crown and Bridge Work, Painless extract -
Ion by, the use et the latest, _shuplest and
surest remedy,BOMNOFORM. Newest
thiu in _artificial teeth. Alurnium. plakeed
nen breakable
04tarles 'Best
BlISillieS11 College
Our instructors are experienced.
Pupils get individual ' attention'
and graduates are placed in 1),0131.-
' tions. ' We are receiving applica-
tiona we cannot meet. Students •,.
nuiy enter at any time. Send for
our free catalogue' and see it it
interesta You.
Qs As MeLAGIILAN, Principal's
-ftv want cream and will pay the...
highest Market prices for got& •
cream. _Siimmer Creamery and. .•
Cheese Factory _Patrons having
ereinn during the :winter months
would do well to ship to us. - We
weigh, sample and testeachcen
of cream carefully that weseceive,
• and return a statement of same .
each time. ' We furnish two cans,
pay:express charges and issue
• cheques for exempt- twice each
month... Write us aptt. give us a
trial. lt will cost yintinithing and
we guarantee you. Satisfaction. •
. •
For bather particulars write or
send for -cans and give us a trial: ,
Ile Sealer& Creamery, Seder*, Ont.
Double Track all the 'Way
TO1701.40 ai Chicago
FOR oncaG.9
'Leave Toronto 8.00 a.m., 6.00 p.m. and
11.4. p.m. daily.
Leave Toronto 9.00 8.30 p.m., and.
Itquipment the fiiiesron trains. •
Panama Picific:ExpositiOns
• Reduced- Pare i to
San Francisco, I:ol Angeles and
• . San Diego.
Vali particulars Eina_beriiittdetsfittiOhtt
"Oil application to Agents.
• Cliv-4WATIT4i!k-itigeri
P,h0na 2
-elan? or to be more exact anti -Russian. ventributineefreely the publ Way
The seewee9e, on tee • other bane requisite to its emcees, and which they
leiteing fainr Of the Allies, The Dane*
thoughsereewhat divided have a distinct 1,,enfnlYteo:neebitIttfautr;o0i;theotTieligeyelvtItthlielelirlemiw
or Holland, Papers and their readers are vieVi.J-7TorontOSter., FY c°P :
•Wen* to, the Gerioans. tide -the
ilelland Anaericando not repreeent thele ,K111JOSS'.
114 fehareetronely, pro -Ally, whiletlieDutch, meet, and wne rildokit atrel P41E1)41417".
homeland in'Enrope where the 'press is .;
-Monday Nov, eth.
•Alitt•dertnat4 Mr. Donald Lamm* of Iti2versdr:le; is
The attitude'of these people* is . not 'visiting his uncle, Mr. George. Ceetwell.
very encouraging, Dor does it, say ,mueli Mr. 'Alfred, Heyea is home after soead:
for their intelhgence. They'have eore- ,111$ the slimmer sailing the Great Lakeff.,
prehension whatever of the main issue he e We notice that Dick takes occasional
-thewar. Theyforintheirjudgements, and
take eides ootheemise of any Principle in:
volved nor twin any sane comprehension
as to what would likely gr surely fiillOw
German euccess„ but because of .sone
• ietereet involved, or becimee of
some international ill will surviving from
years one by. .. • .
In Rine of germany41 brutal disregard
of the tit,hts. of amallnationetthe Swedes
Volvo -german because their fore -fathers
fought and were beaten by the Russians
years ago., Norway neutral Weenie
the people there are net much :affected
nor threatened by either of the great:bel-
ligerents. The Dutckare Sae about
the Boer war in Africa, though the Rom
themselves have largely forgotten and
forgiven. The Danes are OM resentful
towards Germany because of the theft
of their provinces in the days of Bismarck.
The idea that Germany prepared for
and brought about the. war with a view
to dOmiliatitig the world -these same
little countries included; theiejustice to
Belgium, evidently `plays no pert in 'de-.
termining the views and the attitude Of.
these people. • • , • .,
It is Said that the sinking of the Loa-
itaina•and the Murder of Miss.Caveil did,
infltienettlemeof them aphid. fgerulany,
but if they had any appreciation of the
main thing iniolyed . the', war, they
7,001dhaie seen hyGerthany'd
ous desigoaegainst her neighbors'
She was fit for all this and more. It seems
neve r to occur to the rather antall•Peesple
these small natiOnalthat neCeS-
sully woilld. be under the heel of der.:,.
many if Velem: and Francewere, ;
• - • • -
* - •
Any Man who Makes meney in • these
days is disgraced. Any man Who Seeks
tehe richer at the end of the war' than
ivhen the, Wok.* began is a traitor to those_
-who offer their lives for 'his protection.
tripato tovennow. We wonder What is
the reasop
.ilfr;IJohtilfeWitt,"Of Millarton, Sun-
AlaYed Ixt the homeof his brother, Mr,
etelee, Hewitt.
, ''Peter Brece,, wbehmfbeereworking alt
Altlibugh there are MHO whieli,. for various rose tie, will not-
eomplete the collection. funds troth the citizens In aid of the British Red Cross
Society and the Order of St.' John, and in response tee the appeal which .reached
me ou Sept. 21,1eleionost of the work willheve been. convicted, on (Amber 21st.
From infornietioO which is already in hand, it may be confidently stated that the
citizens of Ontario have glowered this call of the Motherland in a truly remark.
ablo weee• The resnoues best heeek-XeM4,4 101101,- Oat 15:4404-gratifyin:4-
beyond that, it hes been generous •to an unprqOctlented degree, The Oenteal
Committee eaked the Citi4044 of the Province to contribute. rive Ilundred Thous-
and Dollars e It is already known that more than doable this amouee has been
contributed, and the returns., tvlich. are coming in, aro being emnpiled 04 rapidly
RP PoPPible• VitY of Toronto has, by means. of cemepiete organization and
Owing to the enthnsiestie response of its citizens, contributed, considerably , more
than double the *Mount the. Central Poininittee had Any reason to - expect and
approptuately one hawked. and fifty other municipolitieS of the PreVince, which
touaye reteide oald,t rell'oeontclot.:64. filfec°11-asbt ofied'ttillittitoittltireo4n-etxriPebuetiteo"an'T-olPith'teliPe rwoltvitee-15eanviy";
be ineclecip, ftont present indications, it wouldnot. be eurptiallig three tinies
the amount eeked for _AVM the Preeinee.aanWholewerecoetriblited.-----,:-
The outstanding Characteristic of these contributions undoubtedly net the
amount of money which beei been giv but tifia spirit of 'devotion, te, the Mother-
,_ergts the geodWil,i', ith which -the htta been "Met: 'The silnifierinee Of.
, this )4 not soinueli that the citizens of Ontario are. Willing to give now: it rather
• that they are ready to, respond at any tiinei up to the measure ° of -their ability.
This is surel4 the. Oleet'gr.atifYjEg inerisage which the Motherland °Old receive at
the presenttime. -• Ontario an whole has dethoestrated, as PelAens never -beferc,
that the Empire'e cause ut its cause, and that, the ;citizens of this Province are
*tufted in support of the Motherland in her. greet struggle lot the,maa'itaoadce Of
freedom and international righteousness; •: •
• , •
To the membera 0 the Central Committee In the firs; plate, my personal
thanks are due for the lmallinlitY and enthusiasm with which they, have dealt
with the Vati0114 mattersaulamitted for their consideration; In Particular, I: 'ann.
indebted to the Honourable W. 11.: Hearst and Mr. N. W. Rowell, Who , supported
me as Vict-Chairmen,aed who gave their time aryl thought to the work of the
The Cometittee itself, for •V.hese aaite Chairnaan' I speak is deeply Indebted
to the Prime Mieister the Province and the. members of the Cabinet for the
earnest, personal interest thee have shown in theappeal from the inoment
it was brought befote tlielll to the present. The Comnrittee itt indebted, ta the
Gaverement of the Province for so ,readily assuming the expenses of the Central
summer for Thes. Bushelli. is now work -
ink; for Walter
Harry McLean-, has secured the
position of assistant station master in
Lacknew, and left on Monday to begin
work' -
Lyons will lift all kinds of Pool -
try at'Itinlose and icinleugh on Monday,
Nov, 15th. instead -Pt. -0 l!sth,,.. Highest
gash prices 11-11-c.
The ladiesof RielOss. have organized
O Red Crete Society and will serve tea
in the Orange Iran every Saturday even-
ing from six te eight o'clock.Admission
IQ cents.
The dispute Over' a ditch bet ween
,Messrs. Pellock • and Pardee has • been
settled by arbitration: The tiles have
beeh taken up en .relard to. the satis-
teeth* of all contented,
,Bru.sseiei council voted 8500
to. the ,Ited Cross • hied land 8780.00
Was•collected by ,subscripthitt. •
•, , • . ,
• .The 10fieere ferni Of ,Charles_Garn-
' 3rd line, Morris, has been.: pit rl:Ites
td by Robert 'Higgins; the • pride said
te he C5,000:' r. • Mei:ilia 'hoe bought
the Eluevale. chopping mill from Thee.
'tearater; taking possession at once:
e • For being drunk a third tittle in the
dry territory Of Wiegham Tent Groves
was last week sentenced by Magistrate-
MOrtozi to thine' months in 'God:midi'
jail.' Men in COnaty, 'ehOuld
-take their booze quietly? by themselveri.
' 'Arthur Forbes, ceel dealer of Clin
ton, was killed on the R. track
there Thursday morning.' °fleet week,
'go !its dull .of hearing and also had
DEFIED pusLic corisaii.ricp
'YorIttedependent4 •
see nor heo the:train which struck
Wm. Gibson, of nearFordwich, -who
has been in Sasttatchewan all summer
with sob, Robb. J, wired home
• .There is a point in the actual Mani. last week that the son been burned to
est.tionzoi 11---0.-ve-getipa.---, death -in -a -prairie fire ile.A4E- y,
dote, Whether:criteiti. *dishonesty or' 4s-14'-- The father . returning witb
the remains -
decency, at which great numbers of per- • • •'"
Aia Jas. Mt. Knight., a Well-known" of the loyalty and affection` cf the people of Ontario:to the 'eat cause i h
spits. recoil.. 'The number is sufficient •
Oponeittee, So that every cent, of inoney Sent in can be seep direct to the Mother-
land. • - • • ' . •
• It, the next place, the Committee is Indelt e to the Mayors, Reeves and
Municipal COUQiit3 tO,,W1100! the appeal was Sent for 'the Prompt mid generous
actiontaken, and to all -citizens of tneseMilnicinalitieS who responded se eObly to•
.the tall item the British,lied cross- Si:40y and the OrderofSt. - ;
The preps of. City of Toronto and of the towns throughout the •Ptevince
has responded to this patrtoticand humanitarian appeal in. iteMitiel Way. Spaee
has been greeted the 0-Junnittee lavishly; and the interest -,gt. the newspapers is
reflected in wank strong appealing editorials, and in otherforms, in their columns.
Without the generous help of the press of the City of Toronto and Province of
Ontario, the rePUlt 'PecOmplisheci could not Possibly heve.been attained, and in a
very special imiae Oa than ke;of the -Committee:- are, the:: pixbliiiiera Of dui
paperefor the generous contribution Which they thllS made to the. suerese of this
,a• . •
1.11 omMeetiort With the,publicitY side of the erthipaign the Committee tvfshes
to express'itP, indebtednesS. to Gibbons, Ltd:, and the E. L. Ruddy Company
for the service which they rendeiled•so, capably, and withput charge ' •
Were Ceinniittee to attempt to express its obligations to intlividuale, it
woeld e deed be difficult to iiiimethe many patrietio, citizens who have offered
their servico -freely, The Chairmen Of the cometittees, the tearri Captains, and
the ipdividualcalleetOrs, in Toronto an throuehotit the Province, have 'all'served
as leyaleittzeos.: They expect no thanks from this Committee, and yet the Com
mittee itself feels indebted to these„ down to the humbledt School •child, for th.
(Mt them the appeal liquid have been largely fruitless.. • . „, . •
In pa,rtieular- 'Inentien 'should be made a the eicellent,.. wcfrk gone by the.
Wonten's aoirtnatees, in TorOnto aud elsewhere. The women of . the Province,
through Wm:001's Institutes; branches- of theCainadian Red Cross 8 eiety and
otherwise, hp,ve supported the appeal as a unit,and epee again,hayn_demonstrat.•
ed- that iiiiill'huotanitarian We'll the 'Women of Ontario may he relied Upon; To
theinthe-Central Committee- is greatly indebted.
-With theiveaien-of 'the ProVinceSEhould be mentioned our sehyds-irispectors;
principals, teachers and whole& Never before has the 'machinery of our adroit):
systein beenueed with such telhng effect for any cause, end here in particular the
Committee w00Id express its.thanks ; to. the • Acting 'Minister of Education, the
Henotirahle H Ferguson, for the strong circular letter which headdiessed to
every teacher in the Provincial system.,
Peculiar interest too attached to the excellent Work of the'd3ey Scouts, who,
with the hearty approval of the Chief Scout for Canada, Excellency the Peke
of Connaught, and acting under instructions:L.4:0m the_Provineiat..Couticil, placed,
eer e ya te, isposa of the Central Committee in every pa t
of the Province. •Froto evety,_Pltice in which there is a troop the reports are the
same,. --The bOYS worked is Only those Can who have a great cerise at heart and
are organized to do their bit., , ,
This statement would not not be complete without special reference being
eeethee needevireeneeevigemlaaneeeliUel•Ornee-Seetety-treoperated tvith
• . , .
ill i , :. - : :, . ,._ • K
CAPITAL ANO RES,HyVti $8,800poon
. - no Branches in caeada
A Wood flanking HILS100$ Transacted
Circular Letters ef. es*eclit
. BO.It Money brderS , •
. ' Interest allowed at 'highest current rate
ROM- .-.•
farmera.who in average years raises five
bushels of grain, ten bushels . of weeds
and twenty•five bushels of excuses to tho
acre hardly oasts atall. this 'year. • He
has a erep whether he, deserved One or
not, -In spite of himself he a -crop-
and often it bountiful oroP-
I have seen a field that was hailed. in
June and which looked so badly, dam-
agedthat per cent insurance loss was
paid on it, yet it threshed mit aa • butth-
els.of, No. 1 wheat to the acre. On an
adjoining of nate 75percent loss
was paid for hail and the field yielded 70
bushels to the acre. After the hail nice
rains came•on and the crops • seemed •to
cOme on almost et the same tune. Thu;
was in the (loose Lake district,' where
accountof drouthof hot winds, and where
the gpvernment had, to supply a large
pertentagit of the fanners %loth seed last
Thin'year they have &tent three
oroife. 111 One. •
I have tionaeast and:west and up and,
down these provinces and have: yet to
runacross 4L fartner who has no crop this,
year, •••1 have found very few indeed -
relatively none who have not a bumper;
crop. Local conditions of drouth in
limitedareae.iteareithern..Manitoba, and
alsoaround Resthern in Northern Scrsk-
theylia,ve twO years without goys on
atonewen liVnesulteclin lighkreturns,
brit there ere tie COMplete failures
as occurred over large atees, last -Year.
Threshing returns show that, yield
is turning out better than it 'looked to
be in the spook or field. People' Who
guessed at a yield of 20.to 30 bushels. of
wheat to the acre are getting 00 to 40,
'yields of 50 to 55 buehela are quite coni -
mon and one frequently hears: of 60
bushels to the acre and.higher._ _ Lamy;
them threshing out a hundred acre field
of wheat owned,and.grown by William
Scutt, three miles south of Macklin;
Sask. Mr. Scott is, by*the way, an old-
• time :Wallace Iamb from Perth. He
-hed-_-_plowed deep and cultivated well-.
There was•not a weed to be seen in the
sheaves. The straw was so clean and
straight and even •that each 'sheaf looked
like a hand-picked bouquet carefully
tied below its heavily laden heads of
grain. The yield was fifty -live bushels
to the acre Of the highest :grade wheat.
r. Scott 15 one of the good harmers and
let us be thankful that such farmers are
plentifnl, and their nainbers are increas-
ing. Thisyearthepoor farmer his a
this‘Conunittee„' and with similar Committees in other Provinees, la bringing this
appeal to the favorable ettention of its branches throughout, the whole of Canada.
The ,inembers of the Red cross Society in Ontario have worked in support of this
appeal heartily if it 'had been the Call of their own organization, and the re-
sponse to the appeal 18 10 no small measure due to the help given this Comnuttee
by the leaders of the Canadian. Red Cross Society and of the St. John Ambulance
In thus expressing my personal thanks and the thanks of the committee, I
may also express my personal gratification at the Wonderful response to this first
appe.al of the Motherland. It is indeed gratifying to have this fresh manifeatation
and the recoil is ,sulficient to Constituet
a public fat* Ibis obvious and unde-
nied that Germany'e, acts, culminating in
the crowning inhumanity and stulidity
of the Cavell execution, have provoked
this recoil throughottt all -those Parts of
the -civilized -world -which ateelotitericle-
ed in the area of "Kultur." • In this
resident of Grey, one and a quarter
Miles east of CranbroOk, was driving
a spike, it flew up and struck him in
the eye destroying the optic': He had
the eye, mewed and is ableto be about
The sight of theothee eye
net supposed tabeaffected. - •
wears at this montent interested above all' others. • , •
.GoVelt.141fitic'T HOUSe, Toronto,. October 22nd., 1915. .
.4 John S. Hendrie,
Lieutenentegovereor, Provinceof Ontario:
were 13;anre,13crie.eyewteneer:e13 wahO3S interView with Mr. Gordon, M.'
sense it is quite.true _Oat Germeey has...insurance of e.ii4.3.00 On *15; urinf aage, lieg_aregors_bead el the Canadian Ford
defied the purlic coneeience of the worid, /and 8800 �u the oardeata His new ,A.lotoreoripauye the follewmg-infornia-
TO-tREAME y iftliEgr$
We want yotir ciearndtirit' ig the 'Winter
mouths- We do.not employ anyone at
a big eatery to Canvass fdr us. ,171ris tau
only be done at the expense of the
• fanner. Our expenses are low and we
--Nrill-tneet-afiy.liotiestitoMpetitioir; •
Write for fall particulars or better still'
send for cans and give our ,creamery a
4. trill- •
Tireleaven, Renton•.
• • Palm. Creamery,
• 25-11-c Paimerate4, °Ai
Lan side
' bete Wellington ',who zee -otte given to theeireee,---“The-efuef
• f.1- had his barte and erop burned at the Icontietion between the bated • States
, an t • e tut eesapan 05 te a e
°Bat/Ault-With deepest regret ao al his buildings aside $1,90 co e !CE1115 bear Mr. kord's name. Ile hinisetf
we ehteefefe, the death of, johu. ewitent8* -B°0 gre- li.e-a-',.7 Imes- 13Y everne only. geX, of the stotkof the Cana-
thit.. . • • -
houselw40 Passed away suddenly nes
his* . • , Idieeeconeette 'Theenaeontyef miff held
late residence on ,MondaY, Oct. 25th.1 • 311.W Arinstroug,,, a-butt/1er tn2-by Yr tprGet,(4, 044. xtutiofei
DioVdri be A T. iciouttst, Wineiieue
-Thecatee his'oestli was blithe - • " • • 41' Mr lames 1(44 eleen Coed'
•died suddenly on Sunday, 00- Sie • •
Mr Mirehonse had hee4 ha Peer heath 'His wife went toeburefiSundaYmora $921e PatAdiat4102 YkTtho
to attend to chores about th.e 'farm and
1 on the rnernin of his death was bri
since lastatercli, though a fillies Able
Your Sfkiioriery
it'yOtit silent •reiresentae.
If you sell fine goods that sr*
tgo.-to-date In tyle.asa
.stitAtior gualty It ought • to,
'be reflected in your printing.,
produce theldnd that you
7rillt not j3e isbarned to hp,*
represent you. That tit the
oniftind it Mil f.,04,t4d ottt-
*Mow Ordiftitif,this oftiofto
leaving breakfast loit Mr. Aria. Igreeter preportien.
strong on the table: On retutg; weiint do Ford's ii
, ndefindingethe-hreatfastenutouebedii eeevdeereetbeeneer ieene
and aet154. was-h°rll 1•5•'", elle vent to4eall hini oral feeend that the deetellao 4hat one ,`4
rileum38 blur ceata•-Cibeoserianioa, tEbtleglPaenriztrue.fe ritdttopner,---swasianove.
ewe.era..whetealteivnagas, .oreatecri 1., a :the loampri 0.19tA
sailed from Liverpool- July 15th , 1954,
Itylvat in Toronto Avg 20et AVIPMF BO' 2t164 bad.tteefi. 11111114 0=aq-we r in De:fie& ittbIal bt4i0(0
remained for thic years, afterwards one. yews. He waa or years 61 age; ; Tie?. Dodge Protheee reeettlY alieooeed
'good 'erop and the good 'farmer has an
excidlent one. , Taking the ere)) as a
yrnole•it IS a whoPper. It, kfl 14. 'record
There never was once a eroo since the •
-firat Iled• es,rt Stark the Western -
There was and ie, .aome ivorry abb
. .
getting the crop„ threshed' out, 'The •
weather was bad -day after day was lost
-with outfit sta.nding idle iuthe
No Sooner Would the grain dry enough
to start up-- the -olitfie than a shower
would step everything aeain,,,, Now the
weather is better and every. tang re -
working to its liMit., At best far-
Mera will not "get threshed out „ this fall.
There are not enough machines in the -
country, to do the work 'before Winter
stops operations. Those vvhes can will
stackthe grain till sittrog, fortunately
even in the Stook in these cold vviatera,
the grain goes not stiffer fatal damage.
This 'erep restore Confidence and
put ninny a'hardrun fernier. On. his feet..
But we must not run aWaYwith the idea „
that,the, trenbles at the West are over
and that everybody is rollingin. wealth.
There are many farmerts whole rafts Of
them, whole townshirps of them, whornit
--Will-take-mora4han orie kelt -crop-6sec
up again, tpo,rearry .of thein •=,' never will
conie_krough, .1u -the_ good. old
credit wag easy they bought every-
thing-theYcmildget and paid any kind
ora price for it se longetsthey cquld get
It on time payments. was aline op -
autism -but - very poor bueiness, Too
many of them are in debt for twice over .
wind everything they own' Orii earth is -
worth. They hang on because they can-
not do anything else, • The cost of seed
Vein, of machinery is excessiveind What e
%vas high, labor Was high; the price they --
charge the fanner knit here for 'ntechine
repairs is nothing short Of a crime.
Thousands of fermers will Meier seri' a
dollar from their crop 'beyond. the ex-
en their road of debt and interest charges
but the days of credit from the bank ot
store are gone, and there is bound to be :
rip little suffering andlardshm in Otte .
of the pod , crops. Had there been a
cibp failure this year the whole country
thing ire picking up perceptiblY in love:
and COlifitry, people are goingalong
carefully,, and there's .tylopeful feeling
for the future.'
Oven is a wonderful baker. That'd *am°
the heat flues completely encircle it
• ti;
(Kincardine IteView).
man_named. Peter arms, who has
been working withiliornue-Bffileertiear
Bervie, gale into town last .weeli and
wasstaying with:Gordon Skiveneki;
Rtiseuin who *orb- at Frank
as a s_peina er. He didn't stay long,
heeitiee the two got into a conversation
about,. the .1war. • Bone !alit he hoped
the Gernme would toon. get. to Con -
004t41$10$40 4)2d 491ne, to Oenada, too,
'Whet Would you do . if • they temet'
SSW. Gordon, . •
.."41 Would hold no both hafide for them',
041 Oro% •
*Mt • gee •• ware than fjardao-cailtd
de He weot down town end eaw
heat ' '-forlife"iirieStel-
rcdne,044ay *fait Magistrate
YA, • AO /Le f,441W Jfilterate, it'ilj
?WAS b*,03 ...444s14 _but tabled
Attatele. deekres himself a. loyal
no.A4Aysite exas only joking
hag to Melees. 'On Sept 7th. 1866, he • iv.,,,,,,,,, yivk Whe,0 110 t4404 AS be& to Darden. •
was married te Mary isleKt enzie and to ; to IXeDei9telecin'teo'7,70.1ergoifs::: kidtr_it,41.14'); 04Blit'fillottitefe.:byw4,01hrt:etilt;rtlerer-tToieel:roelet131,r4e, 0.460Utaelytlf4.::449,r,.°0,141744unsillattfor Inor
gether they lived on tme Latal ever einoe r,4,„„ taire teen teede-' by the Tuckeremith 9 ?LI 1 *1>V",* 4 .4 ha '1,ti.i.) oTrA: the naeantirne he Zot into 'oominnoicae
till the timeof Ids death Of an excePe .ee'ojoen to efee Beiteee, nod erirya fund„ tv45.;;A?4-' "* "f )* g'''''''''''''' ''''''"?. 3.)"''''' *AO WI* 11730071,4 0,1414.4 whe fouckas
tiesaally kind and genial 'disPoeltiOn 1 4,4; ./ ...,,,,,,a 1 .rt 14,04. Atranth?reoli Wei Mr, Yrellet, who. for tob a oleo 1104,,, t i 41 „ri,
coupled with a character Of the etrieNeet ,,_.'t seems - ek-00.1110,et PP, am*. .412 on ee hoee lereeely fortrofnen.,t4 la nrranks- ......,.„!............ . f'._ _ !,, _..."' ,1 t. 1).1'6 . 1 foe
integrittinade hub a favOritu %nth ell that, a Wattt of 14V6 triOntatid 40.11ktr47 It rag gaburiptions to the alba /90110` trIZT:1470ji$r.194jeram'ho7lf.e.g41044"ros.:Trile
those with eveloree.be oiteae ie -tinate.e.t. bellied% but the council adjourned Farther ".1f. the ti.liadia, • , . f heyeee, lee le werkeee for
. .
Ile xis 04%4 ee mdeleim our& haw 97i.tbollt, • pa -in' the rifeW.ry by.law If . meet. 111.21‘,4) •ti iff41101t), the Ofnalfrao .wejter ,t,,. „,•r.e, ,.„ ,,„,,.„,,, _ _, i _ ,___
ing been four yearecouncillor in ifiedoes. giving effect to the motion. At a i ' Portt *away will tekee, a million ee„,ee e''',119.",,e„"Mer.ente,!..riP Ps everl,
In patio he was e', ;Maul, in Tell* n a lel meeting a the gonna hehlA few tiellare Windt of .the hualWii cald 'Mr, '',.'''''''";'," '-`"'„.......7tmc 4'.1444","A`.., ,
vadowiieleavkstwosonsand two daegh- eeeefeeetey eie reeeet eem he meek, tete evt/intile(' 10 114 ofitt'A0001 Peijott I to trelh, , • — - ' . • . ,
ters, tob9.0,4 Lanigdo),. It D.,' Alex the ee.eate, . el finalte .ageed h,, theii boring beildinge. The leonaniontitemp., Saeleee*, Pet. 1% 10ife-,Peeiple tiled
and "Ma Plea Mdeoeold, Of "Verti4, ooetr,"4 it maw trilIat,'a consite'r.4bi„ ! itg Plant made, Atka mid ;hair pates itoz ;;;.gt Aio net yet koow •sybet a
Satie, 144 Mri.j. P. Biter -out of Leek "el ' bee . iocjd b - sl: 1 fo° thfi 0440-14 rota eetetrao7; 010, •ilcdtil eteg Ix, ha ned met Weet tbio '1
It'll:ail:en .41 til?:rfe.abdarinalYewifotrhittr fonrart 8e611111P'tiaeln 14 Mae Ptrt4 4 tile tow4shIP mule the lighter Stemped parte end yet '457/01) the fanner who trarYhte41 this i
n ral Y Private iltly , Canadian Lamp and 8tamping,Care040 Yetr, Thei-den't ini y rtaliz,e It maim*,
. - . .• 4004 fk*If li( ' Itt 490 WO) #41
satisfies the Most.
. 'cook on every point Let the
eClary dealer demonstrate the fact.
Sold by McLeod
. .
Olpit41 AuthorIzid $5,600,000
Cupital Paid up. $3,000,000
Surplus • • . • •• • $3,750,000
Prgo rim being a member of Lug- &pogo the ottani deeoled oet topeta Iftuekilregnr, • VISti Witt% 411tIrl6K4
Presbiterlan • (larch. `13esidee a the heeeew. he the oteeeteater..eteee eee Mr. MaoGregor 0;4 the reporter to o. Dm. vy r,t7 Mg)
141,126 federal .eeeeke wee eoeducted by and okleetion toadq tgat the ProPo4. lannlos; the Body Cannony, made wolAringlybenajf410V 1030 on5i)
Itev., stett. . ed mtinidpal grant is unduly leeks ill tlat.ijodsea for rho rata; otitt pompaigeo In tfac 14,40m-diat eft.,st ifoes. teckeIng
lee Led widow family jaavo view of the itanofe$ mised prirotte there are 'dependent on the 4'04 Octs• ,,PA•144 ttoeilk OPAPP.4504 iti?Mbl$
4*V .040.cptite Onotorvrt evisseiipttoa, • jotv.
4 1;74
ank OF Ha ril ilfon
F fAhl 1872
Safety la the firstcoideration
and the Matta of interest earnings,
of iseeond or eien: third itnport..-
ane to careful' people.
A. CILENNIZa Matiagert.