HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-11-11, Page 3's• 7-7 1111111,--177 • ,t 0 LOOKING OLD TOO SOON QuEDEc ;:As iso The Condition of Too liflany WO- pLonE,'S BANKS oienand Too -Many Girls, Tao MAW WOIlfbn. and too MVP% _ . girb3 lOok. old long before they Eliouatt ALPHONSH 1)1 'J Their facea Weenie pale end drawn; . AUTI10,11 OF S'1.1KUM. Wrinklee 'appear and theU eyes lac41 ' brightnerie. Can this be NvohticrOd ale'ren they -eo frequently have 110(1..1, wham nee ce4t5 ray j30,1Reeeeited Reties, bac/mace and a gelieied 'feel* • nig of wreteltedrieria and Wee...aeas? In most caeee it is the '„blood that ie • to biome. From one cause vr imother• the blood has become thin and Watery, and it is a fact that axieveata (Weed, wul 10 searched in vain for A Make leseness) more than any other vauees, rennin* story thee that of the Peo- ' gives WOMCII this prematurely_aged:ple's banks_ of_cana4-7I thra-aaee. aPPearence. It is l'ilitioltalrk, that the the grein of mustard seed ha e grown b144 supply of girls and women he into sa tree: , repienishedimportant not Bir, Alphonse Desjardins, 0 Levis, only on the score of. leeks, but to Quebec, is a tYpical.Fiench-Canadian, restore robust health, . which is •ef of the' °better Plass. Believing that greater value: Dr. Pink the Jack. of thrift earwig a° many of, Pins actually Make hew- blood And the poorer of his. Ten people was due restore the systeM shattered by over.' te„lack .of encouragement and OpPOP. wel'ItOr Worry. TheSC Ors give g tunity, he made a study Of the. whole ,E19.3Y7ef health to Iii110-4cQS-ard-rna4ce tired, weary women And girls feel was attracted to the success ' of the ; bright ancl happy. With Dr. Williama' co-oPerative beaks 'ef Europe. After eAud One Dollar May Be BorroWede 911114,1r The Best Ever isilu•d I sk1044,skiabI Boots, Hocken Swett* tars, Uniform., and Complete Outfit*, Snowshoes, Moectuente Skis* Tobgglailta* Wes want every Men interested in Sports • of any kind to get our large Free Catalogue. Pricei. right and ehtisfection guaranteed. Inunenso Stock 13,TOMPC **WW- II OR ODD save money by getting Catalogue teraleY, T.W.BOYD tc ON 21 Notre DareeSe West IKONTIteAll 11110 IliStQleY• Qf financial institittlens PinkPilla.-At.hand-there iano, need for reading ,411 the literatOreenthis -sub- any mr9Plan arrY girl to leek ill or 'ect.tle't h , after lonE queetioneof' agricultural credits. Co - THE VA.141,1B- OF A $10 BREEDING MALE. By A. P. Marsboll, 111401 Swellings Reduce!! Illuscular Strains Ended, Such Trollbies Wow Iluirlay Rubbed 'Away by Power- ful Remedy. If you have any nxuscles that are strained and weak, that are tralilakat- ly subject to rheumatic. pains; It you. y P slate MOS t IV. Kitchener's orray •hea •been raised 114Ve been considered the height of vi is the very sort of. trou- half*Page and wailer udvertisemeuto, ble that Nerviline is mited for curing in the papers are elmostrdaily occur. folly for anyone to pay elm's. ,for (lpiekly. "I ban, proved Nerviline . a breeding male and to the inexper- 'ieneed the prices paid seem upreas able, but, olle through Outing 'attire for unProveratut seca eare and, skill required to peed the most valuable breeders, t alnblInt asked becomes a minor it as compared with the service r liitva • TiRITAIN'ti MAIN, OBJECT :Recruiting, Ifirar Loan $nbacriptiona, an4 *Thrift," Row many vaillion.,of .dollara the ritsh•Governinent hue :Spent ire ad- Vertising- during the 014 year of the war neaexpert accountant heti yet had the. facilities to. estimate;. is a safe statement tti beWeyeT, that Ila 4.#1911 .404 •oneetenth on printeret iek in the sarne period/ line• This There was a time when it would fuse he go awaY---get• 'easy with, Were chiefly by advertising. Full-page, 011-snianin painfulswelling.awer 1 t 70411alvnee'd a'anlbairt I ceYncerees4" ibbioll-grb7artd:et Ilvaavre'lletrb"Onf ous ru ereceived e leg an posters any advertiser ever.had causcit laitrg'reurpoin'tiftrdiRO-nifri d7-.4-701lection these Would* re- am The muscles were strained and Pore, veal every play of ingenies appeal ad - the and aannd 2.0.ozaoftehretr iregnecltedir.ogar reni?tbhlona ease ,vveenrtttisnir „retpeerstisonasreoncatruatse „t- en_ Netviline. There is a soothing,• • clerOd. Tina is not Primarily a tier- vieeetel the fancier, but in Many eases is ift '34 larger.waY development th gives to the market poultryman i ••• : Drnveraonts ,that-inean--the supplyi AI 4 at RR „AA Mid- . e. dieser(' is not unusual. Thousands are and Private motor cars increase re - relieving Power about Nerviline that • e-xP•arleace I te,..1::19.1. decrease as th a.4:escf:ed,n-• touched the root of rny trouble, Ner- viline reduced the Perellinge it- destroy- tinues. • Tilere are aPPeals_flerearfi.ear-I tW Perfect coridition.". The . 4 Rocainsiesnled• For the CompIexi00. Everywhere -Iran coast to •coast..4 ou *ill -hear 'the. praises. -of Usiti This -W7onderful 'Coniplexien restare.r. liW hringing the freshness and smooth,/ nes* of youth, to tbe. faces of thou-. • • sands of •Canadien. women. EvoryOns who has used it consistently hes ob- • tabled ',splendid results. *ad recoin. mends highlY4. 'Tito WaMall, who la seeking a Perfect •COMPle*lon v4.1lafitet -Vette ineetimahler-Ahle--Alr goo(r •draggists carry it.. Manufactured by jJ.31/angfapturing Company Linute4, 476. Roneesvellea avenue* ' Toronto. baek ernits ,in wege and verse in cartoon. ' APP145 vr-AXTED. . ASK • • Vera IA !Carlotta Quote prices, gamin varieties and gPadear. earl also, iiteift4. -cam -or. apples- 1,jawson,.. Brainnten. of elf! -Bow re--wh 'as attrectively. as colored inks and aeveraeeedaya-that intierculat ebta-egd,N'-eneeellifiaeltrl, awbaened usatiinega .in the bistory_of governidental bor- else can possibly mire. Nervilinels , W , . . roe:rings, as the occasion of. another an old:time, Pain remedy,- used nearly ferty years with.. grattremendous thebigadvertising, ;Imo Pahleg';e. suecesSZ The /liege farnilY e bottle dontracterfor the .0ets/de Pages of the P•reeldent of the United 'States .lfaS a• better precinct at a Mere satiefa )/ratife than. once invited Mr: Desjardins--tory-prIce...- , - to take; rt in th tent corieule' Breeders ef_noultry feamaeltet„pe eseeiene raW-lia AZIEF"43ii'iiie vja-p000s probably.secure more of. th feel ill. Mrs. J. McDonald. Ire lialry eorreepondence vvith Some Of the ewe', operdtive- associations and learned w- ont,. eitYs; '",1 honestly believe Dr. el:A.0, the moeethena !)e deci40-40 eietiaa vvoywhere have canallite4 him Williams'• Pink Pills saved MY life. 117 the -*Ochekluielit: a 144.411ting ,ihe and have gene hini,every'henor .With4 Some- ygare . ago X had anaemia, And ;Veto& te , the -conditions in.Canada..., :wreck,. I got so w,eals iebuld. hardly was net Eeropefteal to.poiet out to • 1 as I 414 not reelize ehe seriousness of .. of course, there were kind, friends . ,the trouble I eeon liceamees -complete to aasure Mr,' DesJardine. that -Canada . esealk. -I neither Ate nor. Slept well; him •t,hat WS:thing had neeer . been . and Catild not go tipatiOli WiOalatt. '011e before, and thetefere never i stopping to rest. At times I had an could be done. Still, however, he Was - ahrioet unbearable pain in my back net convinced. The fact was that cer. and would have to remain in bed. I- tain Of his neighbors had caught suffered almost constantly from Adull something of his enthusiasm and were headache, and when sweeping if. I desirous of seeing • the experiment would stoop, to pick up anything I tried, Would get so dizzy that. would have , • p;,,eit„ efm., ue.,,. a Well Taken. to cetelt hold Of something to keep . ' ''''" - '''''7 '''' from falling. At times Ink heart 'Had this been a question of money would beat se fast that I would have the scheme would have died befere it a smothering sensation. . My eyes was born, for at the first . meeting were sunken and my hands and limbs celled in Mr. Desjardins own house- ' would, be ewollen in the mornings. a this was on the qth . of December, tried several kinds. of medicine with- 1900 -the total capital 'paid in for the out benefit ind my friends thought a organization of the ` new bank was would not recover. Then I began tale. only. $26. But these institutions are ing Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and be= not aggregations of captial, but - taf fore long -could see and feel that they people, and when Mr. Desjardins were helpingme.1 gledIer continued found -that the best-orliii-eitigliliOra the use of the Pills until I was coin- were strongly with him, he knew. that - pletely cured and I cannot gay enough the first step had been well taken. in their praise, and I strengly. recorn- The new hank prospered milder. Mr. mend th,eiri to all run-down girls and Desjardins' cautious and skilful man- . women.", • •agement. No mistake's were made. You can get Dr. Williams' Plek An two yeas the People's .Bank of ' PHIS from any dealer In medicines or Levis -that. heing the name of the, , by mail at 50 mite a box or six boxes new oeganizatien-reported a turn - for $2A0 from The Dr. Williams' Med- over of 831416.42. Doubters were icino Co., Brockville, Ont. silenced, and the .first converts to the . • idea were enthilsiastic. 1Vlany were breeding blood from producers 'of the highest qualitY:stoOk'than from, fel- IoW market pouitrYmen„whe.May he more , or 'less indifferent to the real jn thert• power. ' - ' =opt of their breeders. In ^many 44. • , afor having th'e system extended' to SMACKED THE KAISER'S FA-cp., ihther towns. , But the fotuidee of the . - , ... new bank would • not even consider British School Children, Write Essays such 'a thing. 'Realizing that . the --die • -, - movement-was-'-oni3031 careful -exp.eri- 011 war . . •ment and slow 'education, he insisted The, intereat of children in the War on establishing one bank firet. It was at different ages was the -subjeet of a almost ten years before he assisted •in paper in the psychelegicai seetion of the.founding of new hanks: • By, that the British Association recently by time the Levis concern had gathered Dr. C. Kimmins, of Southwark, who about a tplarter of a milliori dollars said in order.to obtain hiforination as of the periPle'S savingand loaned the • to the special interests of children at money over and:over again to these clifferentaagesamategerdto theireeefra,whe _needed 'it and could. use it to i says were written by all the children advantage. Loans of • Overa million in 10 'senior' departinents, five beyS dollars had bete made in this way, and five ghee, of elementary schools, all of it toareletively poor people and says the LondOnaChronicle. • No -pre- mooh-Tfl it-tb-tlie lotat-Paid Of la= paration was allowed, and no netice borers, yet without the loss of a single given. The children were told to write cent of ptiecipal or interest The ef- as much as they could about •the war feet: of this work in promoting thrift in e5. minutes. In all 3081 papers were written, 1,511 boys, 1,570 girls. A little' girl. aged 11, wrote: The origin of the war waa this;.That whenthe Gerinaii Emperor was at Windsor he insulted queen Vic- toria, and so Kiriga_Edward smacked him round the face. The German Ereperer said: 'I'll be avenged,' and A boy .of 12. wrote: "The- advantage . , of the war is that the men have learn- ed to knit"; and another boy wrote: - "The main* disadvantage of ever ,is that girls Must remain old -maids be- cause there will not be any men left." 111 0THEWS--"NOTIONS"--- e • • .534T 55.5•59. Good for Young People to Follow. "My little grandson often comes up to "show me how large the muscles of = his .atms are. - ' "He was a dentate Child, but has developed into a strotig, healthy boy, and Postum,has been the principal • - factor. , "I was -induced to•give him the Pos- , ,, tu__m because of_ any -----------------ience , with it. • . I am snity years Oki, and, have been a victim of nervous dyspepsia Te and helping industry among the peo- ple can be imagined. Then the sYstem began to spread. To -day there are over 150 'a these institutions in the Provinee • of Que- bec alone, . • Every' One tat .Them'SlicCeisful. This is a gepeine . growth_ of the soillaralleiiiitiremas patronized this system, no 'Goarernment has sub- sidized or otherwise eriehtiraged it. In fact, Mr. Desjardins is on record as saying' that the One thing to be avoided is Government assistance. He has asked; but in vain so far, for a Dominhin law. under which these _hanksacouleLhe giv_enacorporatte-edee. tity. This .request on 'his part has been granted by the Province of Quee bee, and this law has -greatly litchi, fated the week in that Pkovinee. ,The Peoplelsilanles_aecepteiumeat liew as five cents either on deposit at interest or as payment on stock. They loan as little as a dollar. It is rather wiuiiia To have a loan of over a hun- dred dollars. - , • All busines; is contd to the mem- bership of thtebenkateridethe Meniber- ship is strictly to the locadity in which the bank is established: ere are no branches: Coneequently yeare.----Hav•eatriedeallasorts of medicites and badL:treatmentfrnnfjj • many • phydrcians; hut no permanent .felief dame: ' ' ' "I used to read the Postum eclver- ' tisements in mu- paper. 'At fleet I ---.-"-gaveahutelittleeattentionato theme -but; fleetly something in one; of the adver- tisements -made me -conclude-te'i-t-ry- -Postuni. • 4 "I was very partioulat to have it prepared strictly according to. direc- tons:andude&.geod. tilt treelike • It was very hice indeed, and Meant hed- 'timeeiasaidato the-meinber-R-of -the- .,,farnily: that 1 believed -.1 bettere sec Ofie of them laughed arid said, 'That's bew another of mother's notione,' but the eia luteatioalefteme-yeta, "/ continued to iillproye right along pi. after leriviitg off tea arid eoffee and be taking Poatum, and now after three. not years' Ilse / feel so well that I gm Ea almost 'young again. I know Pestura ale •tveis the cause of the change in my thu '. 1104101..0.nd I canna say too Much in ne, . its favot. wishal tould persuade all me nervous people touse it? . • T Milne giver?, by Canadian -Pestent use Windsor, Ont. , ban ' Postumeconss in two forms: the Postum Cereal--Lthe original form tria ;...inust be well boiled. 15c and 25e tor Pritkages. • kie Postunt-a soluble powder raw -dissolves qtrickly in a. cup of- ltoV •'Waters erect With Cream, and sugar, hist • makes delieious beverage instantly. iiiiirete- neighbor -knowledge And the nest -ion of a .common interest is an unfailing defence of the integrity o the fluids.- This common interest is made more complete -by the fact that the one -man -one -vote principle la sa- eirehlriliellitribigla-Nthedyr froweve wealthy,. can hey Shares •ttaell :secure 7what is known in -joint ateckLeircles ris "control'.. . 1 • The Best Rule of Sound:Banking 4rade the b-asisaef nit linin tritesac- , • tions, that is, the person who wishes tti-horrdw'Tifonermtidi net, uritythe endeeserrient ef-turoefel- '-members is enough if 'everything e hi all right -but he meet sdaiW ar 'Cali ititerWirl uSe the inoneY ofitabiy. • No matter if the would - borrower he a millionait% he can - borrow a dollar of the People's M011ey for purposes of enjoy- iit display. All the capital is s kept earning, and the People's nit prospets in the prosperity of ita mhos. here seeits to be no limit to the fillnef313 of these *to -operative. They fieurith towns, but y flourish no less in farming dis- ts and in mining or lumbetirig lo - dies. TheiSeein lo do well in such W and raw tettiorrients as those tit Leke Thiskarning, and they do to as well 'in the old-tettled aed otie perishee around gnaw. Desjardius; by his well --- ori 80e andsut Both1duc1 aro equally de.licouS bus, and cost aboUttlie same ,per etip. rep "There's a Beason" for Postum. 5 ceps in building up this system, made °for' hitnaelf nfl iiiternatiOrial utatioft. 1-16 haS . been 'dccerated t zeld by GrOCera. ord the .16ope with the Cross °•of the eirof-Si. Gregory the •Grdat. The •cafset$ men- of wealth, Who fen to be- - ' ' 'Ore iust what'they groW largo Oir iLIVR19-B0plA4p/ quantitieso.cbicken Otthe particular • • type -and qualitY •that eneete their - Half an Hone After a 'Meal •One Is: quieemeata Thee fiaa it esere eetial to , Hungry Again. in ,Austria. - call on the known •breeders of quality • Three Young women, named Hirst, for stock to keep their flocks prodac- have arrived at Skelmantherpe, near ing the type their hqueehold require, HuddersfieldaEngland, from Reichen-meunttsheassekeaforrful eo- berg, Austria; where still -remain their father and mother, one sister., and pe have discevered that the breeder two- brethets. Their -father, aeplual can supply thern -breeding malesatfinisher, Migrated from Huddersfield ;la so as to give full value or better fifteen years ago, there must be reason Or reasons ' Their, reason for returning to Eng- 'ilaking these Males worth -the price land is that thy were unable to ob- ciflPtrosasnihsimlititietsahis progeny. As one in useful qualities, he M tawork except- in the animunition an factories. The cost of living, they travels through the country seeing the flocks of mongrel birds at many say, has 'gone •up 100 per cent, and farms, the eye -occasionally Sees a their father was unable to suport the whole family. No obstacle was placed flock of uniform color, shape and size t intheirWay when they, requested to that pronoences the birds at once to • be allowed -to -return tO England; and' the -United States Consul: advanced then' the necessary money.. •• They were detained ten days.- Vienna While inquiriei were -being made and passports secured., The AnstriAn gaRitsg. APPeared as before the war, but the dancing halls Were closed.- • Regarding the fried in Austria the young women Stated in an interview that the bread, obtained on the tiket system as in Germany, is made chief - Jr from maize -flour, solhat it resent - Wes yellow sponge cake. , "Half an hour after a meal one is hungry againAa In Austria people -Are -told that' food in England is. at • famine prices, that England desiree peace; and that the British public -is tetror, lied by Zeppelins. ' • Much was made' in Austria at Christina's of the east •coasfbombard- ment, and the Misses Hirst .were amazed hi learn that Scarborough is Much es usual.. It was freely said that England had scarcely any, army_ at All, and the idea. of raising' ,new armies was • meth. ridiculed. Lord Kitchener, -it was'strited, was -making himself thelaughing stock of Europe with- his army of criminals, -convicts, and tremps, men wha had not done any tverk for years becatise no one would employ there, So much concerned were the Misses Hirst about the nevi British afmy that when they reached Paris they ran up to the. first' man they saw in khaki to hive a good leek at him. "Hp was not a tramp," said one of the young 'women, litit a Colonial who Was much aniused-wh-et7teld of the reason for the curious eyes we turned upon -him."' England was everywhere in Aus- trio, blamed for the war, °and gold rings were to be had .bearing the in- scription "Gott ,strafe --England." PRINCE OF WALES'a_EW_An. Automobile Which He Had Just Left Wrecked by a Shell. ' An. officer attached to the British staff -says thatthe Ptince *of- Wales had a miraculous escaperfram death during the battle' of Loos. -Strictly accurate details are that the Prince was speeding taWards the Front in; an entomoiaile. He ordered the driver to pull upl. at. the foot of a' knoll- which the .:Peinee Mounted; arid watched the progress -of ;the fighting trough his binoculars. _ILW.hile-heltas„stan'dipg- on -the itillea- big shell fell on the automobile, utter- ly destroying the car and blowing the driver -to pieces.. •Repeoeched with running into dan- ger, which the heir to the throne.must avoid, the Prince yob& I ' CHILDHOOD .AILMENTS -Ailment's such as constipation, ;OOICTS,' Vomiting; ate:, 'seize children of all ages, 'andathe mother shouldhe on her guard Against -these troliblerlif keeping a box of Bnbys OWir tablets bathe house. If any of these freebies come on° suddenly the tablets will cued thenie or if the Iittla .one is trteft an Occasional dose of the tablets he -will escape these troubles. The tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Willienei' Medicine Co., Brockville, Oat. • 'Explanation. • ° "Willie, did you tie that tin ban to. ,the dog's ° ' "Yes, replied the small bor. "I'm trying to do ii kind act every day. . That dog chases every rabbit he seos; .1 tied the can to him to that it will melee a noise and warn the rab- bit." • • • • ' " ituesian Tea Buyers Active.. Xow that Vodka las boon abolish. ed, the ItUssians are . taking t6 tea with groat favor. Russian agents tire buying great 'quantities of tea in the Past, thus, forcing up tlio pride of the product, pains of every kind cheenic riKurna- trained' 0,11vertising-men,--cart-make • them, " ' 2181sWaPAX"Eits rox, omit, Thareeent big war loan, the largest COsts r 1 size ,25c. at al 4Iea/erse dailies werepuebeel into the inside, se John Bull could • ask Britons to pear LOAF SUGAR SHORTAGE,. • their savings' into the nationeti If the nubile.' bad not beeome 'accurp, tnglish .6.4rxoecerresiseWEacrLoCmuyst.o.mer.e. to to/odd' to Great Britain as a ,big Ada the army recruitinverusatle, the di - The because of the proportions of The big 'grocery firms in Various mensions of .this campaign of adver- Parts of England. have sent circulars tising for money' would have seemed to their customers asking them to ex- startling, for in itself it was altoge. ercise the greatest possible economy Aber without precedent among nations in the use of loaf eager, which is very befire this war. • ' popularin England foe cooking, can- Now there are signs of a third big ning and similar purposes. The gro- advertising movement by Great Bri- c'ers suggest the substituition of brown tain 'ifs. "thrift, campaign." Al - sugar for most uses. ' , ready the pesters are urging people to • Before. the- the balk Of the loaf eat less meat, to eat more Vegictablea, sugar used in England. was imported to insist that each loaf of bread weigh from• Austria, Germany and Belgium. two pounds, to report any dealer try - This supply has been 'cut' off, and ing to sell a, smaller loaf, and giving here is, therefore, a considerable de- similar .advice as to economical house- ciency, Which the few -leaf -sugar re-' keeping. - • nheerrse, ihnae.E„hnegenlannde cannot make janheprinaPe: :11[4.4imE PROJECTOR CAPTURED.ovrever, and this is controlled by the oYal -Commission on Sugar. . • German Device Propels Stream of Liquid Fire. , T'S A GOD -SEND One of the liquid flame projectors, "- • TO HUMANITY by Ymuelayns80athwehiephostihtieonGs1Pt-anIsletok oge, 11 fi be pure-bredastock, or the 'result' ,of selective breeding. h One of the biggest factors that R make the $10 'breeding Male so velu- able is the fact that he -comes froin a source where bleed lines have bee working in the same _direetion _fa some considerable -time. The breede has foiled out the very greatest pain are !required to produce the besCre Sults, and in consequence big. stoc matures right, and. .ae vigor and sta mina are absolutely necessary to .d anything, he keeps vitality befor him always aks. the greatest essen tial. 7- Breeding continuously along theselines' culling always very close ly, he is fixing only the • best qualitie in his flock. When these qimIlties are desired by someone . else, it is v;rell worth 'the price, and mere ofit cannot be se- cured for less. If a man desires ',depth of keel, Shortness of legs, width of back, length orhack, 'breast 'Meat, great egg capacity, • vitality, or any other desirable attribute er quality, he mast Took to the man_Who is producing the qualities in a sYsteniatic way. Only there can he be- sure of getting any defipite good. Outside of the seeuring of.a %number of good birds to Ming In- the desired qualities, perhaps. no other is as immediate in results as in- treducing the $10 breeding male of known breeding. • . n I from which they were driven on Aug - •i . s what a leading physician says .of het had been captured. It resem- Dr Jackson's Roman Meil. Properly files a metal pack in shape and is car - cooked into porridge acc6rdinketo ried on the back. The ieliam,mable o directions on package; without stir- livid, Some kind of coal taiaprepara. ring after first making, it is a delight tion, is kept' under pressure in the, - to humanity. Use a double boiler or tank, and its • flow is regulated by set boiler ja• basin of boiling water means of a tap and a pressure gauge. --and use one cup meal -to two ceps on e. length oftubing. • s water. Cook ler half an hour. It's ' In the nozzle of the tube is a wick, very nutritious, preverits indigestion and relieves- constipation or "money which, when the flame projector ia back." Ask Your doctor. At grocers'', ready for use, : is ignited . by some 10. and 25 cents. • chemical producing -a fierce flame which ignites the liquid as it passes eat in a stream. Thus the liquid is - Missed Something. sue frdin the nozzle in -a- broad - was the attractiop. Being of it some- dgrewehveyase rewanottlifne;st e,.pgleureer, ..___41;_,eafflame - . _m_...... Instant - -- - one el.reMnnic what languid turn Of mind, she paid or ris Rellet 'more -attention to her dinner _than to Paint on PutnaTi's, the cenyersation. After dinner was urop. Cern Extractor to. over she turned to one of the guests night, and enema 'feel; • better in the mona Gilt ' ing- lefagical t h e _ • Ho* to Awake \ and asked: • • • . . . ' ,,yvhaf was. that tiresome old ex- plorer .talking about?'! "Progressive Patagonia," wee the reply. . • . , "Rielly?". asked elcdteeiry with sudden interest. -"And how • do you play it?" • -Fresh -as--a--Daisy w Mheard's Liniment Coe Limited. Ca • ' G. Gentlemen, -I have used' -1VIIN- onstwation one! :ARD's LINIMENT on my vessel and -No other remedy acts the same. Works while you sleep, smooth, silent, effective.- Cures . the worst headache or constipation. This is what happens when you use Dr., -Hamilton's Pills. Faii wind or pain in the Stomach nothing works better. No bad taste left behind,no furred tongue, no more dizzy spells or bili- ous fits after taking Hamilton's Pills. ML the old eostiveness, frightful dreams and nervous disorders disap- pear as a ship in the night. The ap- petite is sharpened up, takes - on a keee edge. You enjoy your meals. in my family for years, -and for the, every day ills and accidents of, life 1 consider it has no equal. I would not start on A voyage with- out it if it test a dollar a bottle. . . CAPT. F. R. DESJARDIN,_ Schr.-"Storke,"; St. Andre, Kamou- raeka. 1 1 A Barite for Science. • - A. small boy rambled into a gro- cery, followedby the usual dog, and. relish and- digest". them. Strength and stepped up to where the proprietor buoyant spirits return. You fee good, you look like your old self *gain- with -bright • eyesand-rosy- cheeks: e bestguarantee.o good . . health and old -age that man and wo- man' can have is the regular use of this family -P111. Suitedato---ah„.:-Ages", you should get a -few 25c. boxes from the drug store and keep them handy. Remember the name, -Dr.. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut-. no substitute so good as lir genuine: -ANOTHER-EFFECT- OF WAR. • Berlin's Birth Rafe is • Decreesing 1 was busy Wrapping something on the' Counter - Rapidly. Both in the numbei of births and the marriages in Berlin, Germania. -the effect of the war Fri Slowly but surely being- indicetediff-Thh former, ..during July of this year; deapped off by 25 per cent., and the latter in August showed an even more marked -a' 7 • The nuieber of births in the entire 'city for July was but 2415, as against 8224. in July; 1914. This felling off ha a gradually been increasing, as far aS percentage is concerned. Though figures for August are not yet avail- able, it is believed that an 'Oren great- er decreetee will be found. • The big residential suburb of Wil-' marsdorf, one of the largest iriBerlin, gives ft, lino on the over -decreasing marriages in. the -city. in fill of August, 1915, only .62. weddings :took pkoo n Wilineradorf, aeaagairiet 26-1 (150 yiir ago. Many of :the. loiter, if is true, were so-called •; "war wed- dings," marriages performed ahead of t 'schedule timo in artier that the 1114)1 'mold go towar, but in 1ef3, a 'normal year, 7,t1 weddings took place..' Xine.words never die, but ihe an - kind live quite 1.oLg,onough. • • 'Di BOFIT.4,TAIPNG NZWS AND .10A-..2 1. Officein• for sale in .good• Ontario,,. tewris. The most useful and interesting Of all teleineases. Full intee,mation on applicition Wilson rtIDUADDIA• COID•i• Vann,' 7...ii.,V4test. Adelaide St., Toronto. . •, unit ELLanieout... .11/14040.` -thmps, ATd„ Internal and .e.iaternal. cured with,. • out pain by our home treatment, WrItS;" , us.befOre too late. Dr. Belltota Xeslicak ' CO.e X•drolted, Collingweed. Ont. . • THON017(141SESS xs ova moffrot L -10TT. . , •• . Tongs ima 'clearers, sue, Toronto. -Offers' best advantages In Business Btl• • uoation; strong demand for graduate • 'enter nein 'write for, calendar. • • v. Ez4dow.i. Poixotval. " Fars Have "piton' ced • •ShiptoRozere.• Wegivelibemlgrades. fullvalueincanbendquicicreturns. We Java bent market in America far Furs. Ride; etc. No•commianion: Write today for free price lint. Trapper*, aupp1108 Ig•actamr 1.1101114 aciaane etre DmAdA*ANI4 Dopt.S At,Loads, nip. _ YOU ipArT CI7T MITA " • • Pod Spavin or Thorooglqiiii but you can. clean thern Off promptly With A BSOF?.BINE TRADE Mo!ifitc REG.U.S. PAT. OFF. • " andyou work the boace'sarne time. oesnot blister or remove the hair. $2.00 per 'battle, delivered. Will tell you more if you write. . 4 M free. A13.SORBIKE, , the antiseptic liniment for mankind, • reduces Varicose Veins, Ruptured muerte or ligaments...Ea!arged Clam% Mier • Cysts. Allays pain quick's% Price and 52 a beide at puggisto or delivered. Made in the U. S. A. by W F. YOUNG; P. IX 516'Lymans Bldg, Mosfreal, Can. ' Abnotbine an4. Abnerblne. Jr.. are made la Asada, Hiram Johnson •LimiTeD The. Old No 494 St Paul St. MONTREAL. Established over 38...yeere,as awitIrlealers :...niriflated price hat from. us your Furs and ket the • higteet Market price'. • _ .eases the pain, destroys the roots: ' ... • RAW FU . . way "P u tea m' s" kills a corn' •for all' time. No Pain.' „Gureguaranteed..-• Get a-25eabottls ot "Putnam's" Extractor •to -day. • • -- Was Somellorie. A man . charged With stealing 'a home applied for legal aid at the Old- -Bailey, London, 'England. The Re - Corder said the, defence was that the man did not steal the horse;. it fol- lowed him:, \ "It •walked by my' side," seid the man. The Recorder said he was afraid counsel could not persuade a jury that such a story was true. He refused legal aid,, and told -the rifin story" him- self. '• mused% Liniment armee Distemper. BATTI.P.04 FLAN1YERS. -e. Gaas Heard Roaring In . Southern • = 'England. - ' • - i Sir Ar hur Conan DoyI e, writ ne,in the current issue of Colliers' • tells if . s e oy b • hew/the-rear -of the guns an Flanders . . 4-Orte" • red th -•-: - A '+ glinting toward the celce hex.. "Give' us a peek of peitaters, please." . gicteelf-r- rtintn, proceeding to Measure out the tObers, "and while I am getting them , just look- at them and think.- Did ' ever occur to you that they contain water, sugar, and starbh?" • •-•"No," answered ' the boy.. "I never heard Anything aboat your- pertaters, and, isheard at his home. The autlior lives near the Summit of Crowbor au• h BeaCon, ein_a_nertherneSiiseax England. He weites: "I ant down at 8 and walk among the flowers before breakfast Hark to that Sound breaking in upon the peace of this svieet surnmer morning! It is very faint and very far, and yet with aadeePetfirohlo.i.t. which tells Of irlfi- but everybody says there's peas' nite power. There it is again-risnig beans in your coffee Emd tand-irr-your it. little and 'then 'falling,. like - - thun- sggar.". . • derous, surge epee a distant beach. MinataissAdiwk.-.dtst.to.askerstotan Cows, sound, is; that of -the gene in Plana - tlersi-At is 1201.--miles1 as the' crow There is ho doubt at all About the iZiuttraln 1itt$aos,uoi4a, &it* • • . A Fame'. les, aedeitemeglitawell have uppeuied Precocious Offspring -P, hip:7 ask juet,one more question? Patient Pater -Yes, my, son. Just torte more.* , a a . I preceeions Offspring -Well, then, pa, how is it that the night falleahut it'sthe, day• that breaks?' ' • . ' • ' inetedible, bat you -have also to re- member that, we are 700 feet high and that ,there is a vary steady easterly wind. Some miracle has .put those an. currents just right, and we de actual, ly lied the guns of the,great drawn battle. For a week now, ever. since the Wind has been in. that quer- . ter, we have heatd it All this. 'sec- tion- of Sussex is -talking of it, . , •"It brings' it all very eleae, and when we 'volunteers must muster of an evening • for our drill it helps to give actuality to -the eternal' 'Upon the left form line of aphitoonsl'. or 'Wheel to the right by spetione When we hear ;the for -oft roar of •the whirlpool which drawn-, for- ze- bra, and mai Yet draw in ourselves • if we should be thought worthy. .One tho spring to ottention with a' sharper snap wheit the guys of. riandere are ,pUlsing. in one's. ears." .ISSPI*1 .15 • Aft -Quantities - - Why not nialce trapping profitable We shipping to the consuming market. We . can afford to Palk you better prices than our out-of-town com,petitors. as we "have, direct connections with .the leading' • manufapturers in the world. ' • trial .... shipM' ent_i.s_nll-we•-•ask te OroVe this fact. , VVRITE TO.DAY SURE for Price List, Tags, Market Reports MAX WULFSOHN 122-124 W. 26th St., New York City* N.cak• “NEW IrOluvr youir fur market. s o as New. One day a man exhibited h _a and - some umbrella: "It's wonderful how I' make things last," he exclainxed. ,"Look At this umbrella, now. I bought • it eleven years ago. Sleep then I haverecov- ered it tavice. . I had new ribs put' .in in 1910, and lest month rexelianged for a newonein n restaurant. And here it is -r -as good as new." : mermaiszioroR ..meessamensme.". i' InClige WON and, B . iiiousness . Indigestion, biliousness, head- aches, flatulence,. 'pains after- . ':.-•eating-, constiputioia,:13,:te dittOlno. . LZYK#2, y.i.liptx.:olks.of_ttoirtp._cli and . liver troubles. And the more • you neglect them. the more you suffer.- Talte Mother Seigel's • - Synealf 'yotir stoinachrliver,:or . bowels are slightly deranged or - • MOTHER, A ;Wise married- elan never a,»Afeeri . • tile. gown • of 'another WO111411 IMI•OSE! ' Itis 'tvife. hes oho -more 0,1_ii,41. . 1 3*, •••LeAletre'Ve tiiiinitsiz ' Cates . . ' 'have lost tone. Mother Seigere • • Syrup is made from tine ttiratiVe. ' extracts of certain roots, barks„ r „ and leaves, •which- have a re*,..1 • makable tonie, and strengthen, . ing effect on 'all the organs. of , digest len. The distressing Sytripz. toms, gsi iiu1igcuon or liver troubles soon disappear under . its ° beneficial actiou. 13uy bottle to-dae, but. be sure you ° , lea -theagentinte 1‘10t-1ntt Syrup. There ar0 litelIT tiOnA,•,bitt not One that gives the same health heriefita *Oa* ••is the • . owol • • NMI' AM VA -is 'AVM :,•Ad -"-•.(VA ' C;la, Voltai 00 li;4114612., itricb.80, • •