HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-11-04, Page 810,
Thi*Inlay), NoVeintite 4111., 401,5
s ft3r
Piderwear tor ,Illeti,-,VOifteit
IF Poing the cold weather ef fall and winter good wool derwear
• •givek• that wenn doinfortable feeling and also beks twpreserve the
• health of the wearee by:warding eff colds and chills. This 8 ore
always makes a specialty .of selling the best makes of 'Underwear in
the Market and 8°01 '44°6 °4'•STANFIEL.DS's PEN".
an assurance (lithe .quality of the garments ehown,.. Owing to the
great advance in the 'Price of woof, caused 'ettiefty. by the demand.'
for wool Mods • for eoldiera at :the wart plie-pricee are aonntwhnt •
higherin soine lines. i?or instance in STANFI hLpraH Nr.r•
• _ NDERWEAR.. FOR .IaN the.flED LABEL IS $14(11-, SLUE
- .c$RuttiT but yon'll. Ond the -enality .and the conifert there fra
• - . • • - • • • , ,
, • ", • • „
these are n)acle, front pare,..Neva -Seetia wooland are. gnarafiteed
• . • .
3171•Striiikable, and those' whojiave, or Stanfield's: Anew there is
abSelutelit• no equal to it fee doinfortand what, ••• •••• ' • „ • • .` ' • ' •
. .
-Tuesday, Nov, Stid
Mins Beryl Johnston, of Goderieli Vol-
legi•ate lnetitute spent the week end at
her hotre her*.
Moe Tho. Blake and children !Tent
Salaley with her pareets, Mr and Mre.
hie, Webster, near Lueknow.
Omni Moneta-A. number of former
neighbors oMei, F. Finnegan get
at her lime on TueedaY lest and pr
ut Mise 'Maud Meg iillitiretnrned home
seated her with a tea 4,4'auti. cabinet
elver and ids/ at attire* of appreci
sunrise Made a neat reply thanking' h
tion. Mrs Vinnegan though taken "
ant owlet evening waslipent liefore th
iliapereed, wishing Mr, and 'Urn Finn
friends for their beantifie gifts, A ple
•a(floQrni'Mjrief.eFfIcihnaegPAPoir 1:10.4111•11°011eurrell
• aud°community:
ACCIDOST•-•011 ' Month
evanin* Urn. Johnston,and Ufa
WAIN Blake Were driving down the gravel
read their Imre° suddenly became un-
ntanageable and ran 1.3 way upsetting •the
buggy and throwing -the occupants out,.
Under the eirenrnstanees they escape
very well. • Mre.''Jolitiston ha S a sprain
ed wrist. little Voter '4 broken 2olla
Nine and Mrs. Wake a bit -lased should
and more otleas shaken up. They wer
, . Tueeday, Nov. 2nd,
Mrs. giundern, of Ae
Mrs A. Andereon.
Miee Margaret Miller )spent •Situdey
with Mies Gertrude l•arie•
Mita Mary McQuillan of. Wingliain
Sightiehoo! wits fiQvaQ (;•4.": Sulnelay.
Quite a munber from the burg took.i0
the anniversery eervicei 'at Calvin op
After vent:nog few weeks visiting with
b frend e around Orangeville. ,
et' •
ast The St. 'Helens Wentan'e Iestitute are
ey waking the ladies interested in the work
a- for the soldiers to kindly give' a jar of.
6114 (wine quart msasure rireferre4.
h Please leave at Miller'a stem blf the um),
of November,..-),Seey„
Phone No. 10 is at Your Service
s' •
- In, othee•Mithea have's,fine assortment at 59 I'S AND 100 pER.BARMEler and Ina
. •
wonnENss uNDERwEAR we have a splendid range, well assorted in sizes and
qitalitiee from 250. up to $1..25 poi garaisat and extra fine gnalityk CoMbination. Suits at 2.00 Ana-
. •
. IR 0111LOREN't 'UNDERWEAR, -our valuen-are equal• -to the heat:, in the'. nfilrkek in Union, Zusli;
Fleece Lined ,and NiVoal at reasonable prices We especially recommend Tarnbull's No 280'and-40$
ics pelt fitting and durable Underwear for ebildren. . . •
• 7 4 • .
Sweater Coats are splendid garments for all sorts of peoille arid for all
aorta of Weather, but especially during the cold days of winter they are an ab,
sohlt.e neeessitY, anti year by year as the comfort and dutability of these ser-
iceable garments becomes better known the greater is the demand. We have
in stook a very full range in •Women's andCiddren's sizes. - They are
Made` of fine quality ,Weelin nice goloringriand shaped in the very latest styles
and are seting at 'very reasonable -prices,
Men's 1•00 to $5.00, Women's 1,55 to $7.00 and Children's 90e to $2.75
Boots for .Men, Women. and Children
Our stock of Boots and Shoes for fall and winter wear was iieVer.mere cern-
plete, and in faeeof the high advance in leather,the prices of, our shoes'are,'in • .
nenrly every case, the same tia,they.were a, year ago,. and; rendember our lines'
; . •
- include' shore .frOm the- best makers, in- Canada. 1Empress, McPherson Jan&-.
Classic, sliciev for Women,. Manic, Cote and Weston' Shoes for Children, and :". 4k
Monarch, Hartt and AlePherson Shoes for Men. '•BeloW ia a few .deseriPtioni.
For Women ''' ' • • •: 14'6•
•. 917 Pat. Laced hal. dull top,'plain 0
' ' toe - Louis heel.' - ' 4 50 , AY THOMAS fr. .
' No. 721 is an umniesa Model, dcingida . - . . ,,,„,,_.. „.,......... . •,,,,,...i..,...•.., •„: twthuyil.k... -_..... , supowe,_
• buttmi patent-toe-eaft,'-ctibien heel,- In .Children's Shoes iiactil;i:Y S:?co----niplete range of Clas ic Shbes
''. loatt• 'Button, 'DWI Top. - CIOth..TOpS, POng•• Button and LaCed *les
nice dressy last ' and good service-. . .
able 'style for winter. Sizes 2 14 to
•7.- Price * . 3 00 Gun 'Metals., Prices range front 1 00 to.2.25 "
NO. 722 same l as 721, Only- Blucher Iaced See our pecal 111 11,2en's_iieavy _
gu, aranteed waterproof, three solid leather soles; Tills -is a aPlendid
No 917 'at Buttonidultto, Goodyear Value and a good wearing boat. ..Priced ••
•welt,toecap: .. ....400. • •
N�.354 Pat: Battu', dull, 'top, hand, : -• • • ;
trittiedGbodyear ivelt, plain toe 450 ONLY TWO .DAYS MORE As our tigReduction'Sale on Cloth:,
No. Pat.,-Iluttott, cloth top, Goodyear : ing and -Puri -closes- on'Saturday night :Now. if, there are Yet' two
welt, plain'toe ,• • 4.00 . • • •
• • that full days spell `.0Ppartiinityto are cut very
'Save " Ais prices.
No. 682 Dong: Kid Button, band turned .
wot, toe cap ' 4.50. low on these linexa last wOrlto the wise is eufteient: Come and buy.-:
• • • ^ , • , ' • .
, •
' • • "
OlanlIS A Iiis remains'were brought home fro
, . ... • 1 edgewick. Alberta, on Saturday nig
Duncan Guest; of 13evie, was a *ek hy- his brother James of Boa vvioit a
1 - ----• --- -end visitor here. . i • , -ge , n
' .--,--.--- _ .... .. . .. 1 Alexi_ of Schrieber, Ont, TO: the'berea
air. D• A. MeLennau,spent the week ed brothers and sisters deepest sympath
k- • ' ead in Harriston, ' " is exteneded.
, z. ,-;•-:-•• - lialloWe en passed of very quietly 4. western papermakes the followin
in au vat aft. Preference t the death of f ni
•-• •
m - • "Atiberley •
d -'Monday, NoV.
_• *M. Thorbirnis vtsitirig his brother
y Victorat present. •
The well -drillers are at Jadk Heaves
A' meeting is to' be held the $t .•
tlelena'Hall on Monday evenitig,„ Noy.
eth, for the purpose of re-organinIng the •
Literary Society for the winter Months
We ask all the young people to eoine out •
, on Monday evening and make the meet.
C,' inglt; tineeeee. • •
▪ •
" feurtit-‘00.-Kitt1ngs--
r • ,
taken into Jes. Edwards, where Dr. Cas
was 40011 in attendance; We hope fcir
speedy recovery
_ .-Tuesday'Nov
Vhtiiiinhat'-hot fowl supper in th
Methodist ehuieli N. 5th.:
7 •
"Miss lath Oleo left feet •"* fo
Hamilton, to take a Conroe at the Busi
nese. ialf?rielr is'Imme again te.ePen
the winter.in ease 'and quiet until a
easy 'Job crops up, • , '
SUM Ada Daniels, cf • AlMarten, is
spending a few days with her cousin,
Bertie Millar, • • -
'Robert Hewitt from the Virest
and says none of the western kirks are
as good as the:ones in this
Harold Johnston exchanged pulpits
last Sunday with Rev. Mr, Parraby o
Relgrave, who took the anniversary ser
vices• in etym.
• AAAAA.A.,•AAT.,..
Ete . " • -;---MentlaY, Nov. lat.
Vitt David Carruthers 'visited at' Or
' -
near Pipe River en Sunday. •
r. aniMr A. Fraser visited friend's •
(loclerieh last week -end, •
,110. yirile4 and, corn..are mead cE9'00
Soli tor Caelt-Wa sI1 Cheapor 'Mtn Irby CrOlt, Stares
Th 4 Si4preme.
Stand s in a class' by itself, in flue epostruction it
entirely different front any other range nianufa,red.
It is guaNnteed by .,the xnapufacturers to save 30 per
cent. of -fuel over any other range. „
, It is not enough for you to read Shout
in and see it and have it explained. We want
xplain its advantagesto air whether yoia ueea-a.
range ornot .„
Vkre have: a fem./. do;$en :Hand Made*flock tint,
.2"e Stirliaell)XnaposedhetFo°t4:eth• w eatSh9eille 1nillet is
. . w
• The literathre end ballets in diirtnen-
r' tion with Church 'Ll'inowluive been 40-
tributed among the Presbyterians of •
Lueknolicootregation this week. -We
d aleoek vfoort;ard to a very large and
• - Kingsbridge,
• -Monday, Nov. 1St
• Rev. W. Hussey, of Kinkoraonotored
to Kingsbridge last. week. •
Mrs, Mullineaui and children, of Dub
lin, are 'visiting at Tint Priffin'e.
f Mrs. Hishon and Miss' KellY 'Paid•tt
• The-ineasles have left our vicinity • for
good, and everything is', running as
smoothly as ever, so do not be afraid to
com.e to the village. • • • .
. .
Our cheese faatory has closed 'down
this season and a Very successful
year's Werk has been done by our worthy
cheesemaker, rank Wattx and we hone
that he will be teady to start up again
when the season opens in the sprint, as
he is well liked by all around oar village.• 'Weetake this opportunity of congratu-
lating Mr. ands M Frank Col well and
wishing Thein many years 9f happy wed-
ded life. Frank has been' living quite
near our 'Village fora few months and
we heartily welcome Mrs. Colwell to our
flying visit to Ashfield last week,:
Messre. .L.T, O'Reilly and. M,- J. 0'.
Connor are visiting in, Bruce CO
iss Mary Austin and Miss • Budoir,
of Goderich, spent.Sunday at the form
er's home."
Mr. Jerry Dalton,' of .Goderich Tp,,
and Mr. WendeLyiaited Mrs. Jas. Dal
ton this week. .
Richard 1)onnelly, of Pinkerton, and
John Desmond, of Mien •,Grove, visited•
here last week. •
•Mrs. M. Benniger spent a few days in
Goderich katweek with her parents,
Mr. and. Mrs. MdPbee....
• ,„ ,
• nr.teir surnmv • •
which When ,tt!d we cann4 reflace.
Price 55", ea eh:
A Satisfactory Lailteta
Is a llee,58i137..: We have t1 -13,e,
Dietz rattern: which is thud)
superior to anything in the lantern,
market, Everyone guaranteed to
give•satisraftim QI money refunded
We have a .few, Second _HAW -Coal
and Wood Ranges ip good repair.
Lucknow Hardware
and Coal -Co
Ageninfor Scranton Coal -The Best coat On the Market.'
€ •
Sunday, the ninth of November, • May have gone &mit and never he seeni; •••
• ,
:Broke out a moderate Moth', ' 'But Providence iuoored themto safety..
•,'Tis a time we shall„always remettiber,„ FQF instanThce, 'e Northern Queen:v..
The day of the terrible storm.•With steering nmehinery disabled:"
By uconit was rabillig a little. • We're doomed, ' that the crew, '`,Por .
Which gradually turned to a snow, ' • to die", ,
And then it got wilder and wilder,
As fiercer the winds did blow.• ‘13PDt.rtollyeeetilieenlitetnotn4'sdhe:rteh,"t129igsh° attadtrdrre'..•
Bach. hour itgrew, wilderand -. •
And carried the faat,falling anerwilakes
Each minute theitind got More strong, •
.,• ••
"• • •
, 1
• • , • Ontroductiers • Blindingly, Wildl•Whn*tip, fm
y along.
One of the•most successful anniversiry ju-at-tWO-Ve'ara neat Taesd ty since -170 these szttlio were on ',"“Terralfirin
a"-- in battleship.", brave, roud. and bold,.
services held in these parts ;las cele- • upbn the chainf lakes, - .1Waa well to be Sheltered at boom
bratecl the Methodist church op. Stm. There raged a storm that endee many But what of the poor stricken sailors
uav. The church was packed Air • liveS, •' P\Vsty out on theinereilesS foanir
both services, at which Rev. Mr. PurrabY, When ships were pt....girded. littred, Their shipsvfere like
p ay -toys o nature
of Belgrave, preached two splendid ser- stink, their crews cast in the ea; To weather Suckterrible gales.
y On land were anxious •mOthe:s, siserF, They rose on the mountains of water
Mon% Special msic. was provided -11)
thd choir for er
both svices:
• • • And theirfoi, days upon tba shores were • • •
• ' And sank in its valleys and dales
washed thafrozen fortits ' The snowflakes obstructed their Viskru
• Teeswater. • • •Of sailors who had pmished front the They foiled the acu eness of sigh ,
• ",•••- ••• - •
• ...,••• A IleSUaYf IN QV 2nd. In the lines that follow -I-shall give a - And sanwhether heay or light
• . • 1_ cold, • And the altip,s w_ent,tokether In chaos, "-
• . •
• nowt'I sketch. • •• . • t ome ships may have • sank, may have
Mr and Mirk (Acta...K*1E4 4notored a synopsis of the tale that's Often told: I • foundered; ' • ' • :
up front Fergtisfor over SnidaY, • , ' •‘: ' • ' • .
-Dr-Bean, MT. andMrs. NieTind and
daughters, of Chesley, Motored over to
Mr, L. A. Brink's on Sunday.
• M OA, VIA ILD4t*ICI; youngesidangh-
ter. of Mi. A: McDonald, 8th. con,„ livas
marriedlast Thursday evening so: Mr.
Witechner; of. Detroit. Mr: and Mrs.,
Waech tier intend ' visiting w ith friends'
in this vicinityfer a couple ofWeek..- -;-•
• Rev. -W. A. Bradley took - charge of
the anniversary ***ices in Belgrave
Presbyterian ()hunk Rev.Mr: BoYle,
of.Belgrav, taking his place • in Knox
•Churan-qeeswater,"--..lask:-Babbittlf, an
on Monday evepinc, Mr..,Bradlek_.letue-
ed in Oalvin.Church, • ' , • . . -,•,
Tne PATRIOIC. IlatrioWeutv PARTV
held at Mrs. Gt. H. 1104elifing's On Mow.
• day eveningwas a decided success. -Spe-
cial mention should be Madeof the for-
tune•tellera,..UrsjlicM illanthepalmilst,
and Miss Fallon, the cop-teaderi Who
both drew large undintenitelyinterested
crowds. The M useunr was exceptional -
13 •good, some Of the citricins being over.
225 years old. 4 very pretty sofa Pillow
was given to 'the person who guessed
nearest the nuieberof.-seeds in k very
larger pumpkin, Mrs. ISA 11. Brill was
the !flky guesser. The receipts " Were
between thirty and forty dollars. ..• ' . •
o :sinking an.artesian well. - ••• •
9 a fpror Bruee Durnineperit-
.' Uelkeettritey la Spending 'a few deka lady, a daugliuk of Njr. ;TOs.. Perris, on. with her nether, Mrs: James
: Thie week it pur sa .clutylu r
d h
thedeath of another old timer in: friook Miss Lottie biePhe
r • ''with hie parente in Tara,. • .. • .
- • „ n John IL Camron, of Arinow, spent
• Mr: and .North -Bruce,
visited JOkuVrigh WM Thursday.
• Miss Elizabeth 0tiripbetris spending' which was condectedlqiy the Rev: NIL
the week with her sister in Hatiistort. .121avrthorpe, was held from the family
primer,4apoodia, • id Ca. •loth. ihtezThnt
with Mrs; Mrs; WM. "SicXen-Oei2nd •136Ce. plate in the Oxbow cemetery.
; • Mitvaean Davidson, of :Grmsby iii Mendyen had been an invalid for
spireralyears, and, eing. a victim of
non, last
Matheseni---Ripleji, ViSited her
the:person of Ifni. Hugh McFadyen wh
passed ieafully away lh ome
the %wen district' ea Friday of fast rick Broactie, thresher, had
Week, in her 45th. year. The funeral, - f°rtn6 to. have his arin broken last
Saturday night,
frienc!' -4'66 4:enniedia
man 4.1Cde,7 hetes her death was not altogether un
expected,. as the malady of late had
' • Mes„'T„ 'Madden returned to Hamilton -
koached acute sage, The dcesiskrd through our- -burg last Thursday', and-
• • • enSatnrdaY Where he 8Perta• -‘)Inq:- -nettled trortit of' tHeil•
:glen some made a few of our worthy citizens .a
• Misses Elizateti Courtney and-Intia
-Nesbit" sending a few daye, With
rien s in ue now. • •
Mi and Mrs. Peter Campbell and Jim
and Miss Margaret' intend moving to
their new home in Ripley soon.
Quite a: ntimba of gypstesi went
Old Unglan! Great heroen have served
, you., ' • ,
But they were no brayer than these; • " '
Though they fought, for you, 'died for
yon, often, ' •
And made' you supreme on the seas! , •
Theygone, but their, memory
• liVetlf„ , • • • •
CIIICIUaIIIg We only can say •
Of the salters mho' died on the water ••
, • -
Nov. 21n1., 19.1. • • Ringsbedgr, ••
' Kinloss
4---M-Lyons -wlt lift all -kids of -Poul:
try at Ki algae and Kinlough on Monday,
Nov.7 -1fith; hole" d nfh: Highest
cash•PricesPaid. ' 11-11,e,
410, -
•' -zuesday, Noy. 2.
, bliss -Mary Helerspent-Siindity- -#ith
Lucknow friends. •• •••
hercousiti; Lottielletiry, of ND feking,
The meeting of the W.M:•-8. was held
in this church on Thursday afternoon' of
last meek, .
-. Mr..: and • Mr'. 2GtOrge• AinticitiV and
faniily, of Lucknow, spent •,t3ituday itt
Robert Andrew's. • . •
Mules Mary and et Sfat.
iiking,_were the nests :of • Miss Sadie'
Cooke 00 SunLy. •
y went.
teen years, ago, • coming from Bruce little poorer as the
'-- Mr. anctSfs: Elliott of Bervie were County, Ontario. Li addition to her
week end visitora at Mr. MeLeodss 2nd bereaved hatiband, leaves behind
' • - •
sILC ..-_°°Pc"sum ' „,,,,, - two One and two deughtels, all. 0
"•-• - T'''"--- --MiCs•Trititctiiiiiiiiiiiitaliiilitiz-1:iiiiiorn are grown uf,-tciW110111-thirheart-
' ter, Mrs. DI! Blae, of,Paisley, for a fort telt sympathy, ot their many friends is
- . , .
- days lastweek. • •• extended in the hour of sad 'affliction.
Misses Mary Giles and Sadie Mont . .
• gomery, Of Tiverton,'visited Mrs. Joseph
Perris the end of the week, 'Verdun • •
- '. Newifik the death of James •Meten- -Tuesday, Nov. 2nd.
• zie, of , Trout Creek, (formerly of this Fanners are all busy ploughing.
neighbothood)reached. here last week.. r• • L -
IA .
• • . Death haietdee to blood -poisoning. . • •Miss Clara Wilkie Ms ;beta been on • the
• •
Mi. and Mrs. John Kidd and Mr. and sick list for a few days.• •
,. Mrs. ait• Perris Jr. motored to Rivers. ,. Me and Mrs. Thomas wsish &ilium
• dale &inf.:ay and visited the fatter's. ily epeet Sunday at M • Welall'a -
• slater fra.•Xeil McXintion. ' We are glad to report . that Master
• .. The entertaitiment given in the 'Bap- Walter McTarishi who has' been illi la
tit& Church on Friday evening was; sue. hetteraan, •
• ( : . . tessfid but owing to the condition of the ' The ladies of the -intitute held a very
• weather the Crowd wai not as large AS successful meeting at the hoillie of -Aire
• • , it 0/Amid littilie been on-a:goodnight. - Themes Welsh, ',preen. . •
' • • 4 large number from here attep6a . Mr John MeLellari of the Pollee f9ree.
• - the inneral of the late Go. McGregor, TorOnt, and Mrs. Jhn, lleavie Were the
...,, : ,,. otheolio3ruco. " *today ..ititernoon,the vests otittre. Samuel Geddat.,
. ,
, • .
• ••
• '
Mrs Moore andMNit
rs: r6n of • St,
Marys, are visiting at the honk! of Geo-,
Haines. • •
. • Mondity Nov. 10t.
1,iss Bmme,ACkert spent the weekndin our berg. • •
Mrs. Gilles Haines, • ot Dungannon,
spent a couple of days at, the honie of
George Haines.
Mins Nellie Haines, Mrs. Moore and
Mrs. Nemo are visiting friends in Diin
gam-olls week, - •
Miss dna and Mr. Robert Mott
spent Sunday et the home of Mrs, '41ez
AleKenzie, Langside.
There will be no serviee in the Meth-
odist Cliaireh here next Sunday • •on ac
count of sacramental services at teihany.
A few from here attended theWall.
Conley wedding in Lueknow last week.
Tujitish P
A1 -tors foi • wool
qr 'silk. Regular
ioc. pkg., Wecins•••
day pkgs.
Wampole's Tasteless
• Cod layer Oil Pre,_
pration: .76
Gin- Pills... 55
Dodds Pins 33-
SaceameritittservicesUrills be held ,. •
tbis char& on Smithy, Nov. 71h, • at
10:3(2a. M. an I: Saridsy &hot at 4 04. tn.
•• --,--Ineaday, Nv. 2nd.
Ilellow'een Pegged bff Verso 'euit1Y»
around•hee, as there was bottling heard
or alleged; •
Threaldhg.ia completed in this eeetwm
and elerybody is taking advantage, of
the good Weather to. Complete plow.'
The &irides School lastSabbath was
wry largely attended, and addresses were
given by, liet Mt Moore, Rev. Me.
Duncan, P. IL MelCeezio, me Middle
ton and Misa Meggie Campbell of 8
Sfe. Middleton wits preilented.
We all Join in %visiting Mr. and Mrs, wih a gold.heatlqd; wribrella by the
iloo Wall oeh prosperity andlappiaes. Sunday eahoOlo • •
•• roc..Litten En velopei
" • 4. bunches .25
mannour,,.•,ix hue.-
..,07/0"..••• ••""
Iiiimony• Sop, rose
• or violet, 8 oz. cake
2 for .25
- •...
MTh' 1017117
retore! 14,04 nerve invigora
• 4,:s..Eduabie_bady_...bauctor_140041,-,-....
receiveti * • fieek •
• •
bottle 28
Ha1 int. bOttle•••:;' • 40
Pint bottle'75'.
- btiait • "..:40.6:"
Ifni% -quart-
'.4 • :
• • . • • ,
• 19 'different kind of •Choco- •
lp.tesi Dipped. Frnits, Nuts,.
Hard Centres, etc. •
•5. ib is • 4 . . . 35 •
i • •;.41. 4. • •• tiU
I ,
' ' • • ,
V., +
4vorsi4040-.....' •
Fairy Soap
Chamberlains Cough"
• Remecty • 1,4
sc amberlain's
Ingranfs Violet
73d.-156ffreTr .40.
5 Qrs. CascaclelEinen
Writing Paper.55
• -Bark
- • • • • i• tnie
uIIhj, 1:
Films . Developed 1.4d: • '• coughs
• •Lpta0 roll. •
• • 15 &
GAfINET AftlifiSTRONG Druggist ifiCKNOW
• , .4 2.•
• Y24
• ,'•"•
' r;- •
• 1