HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-11-04, Page 3•
, t.,............
CONSTANT.STRENGTO I How.,',?.!*Left if-4,id. ,
Wy4th Learned to Te His' .
I It is- peculiarly efertiMate - for 0,' WORST IN 'HISTORY
'TheirStvogth io Ir.4:S.Vil 'a ImrsAirilan, 'or A, -.Sur,geint. ito ini inolii-
• ft* are.Arlainis. of Weak; ''., ' i,dextrOup., Dr. john Mien 11140th Was TERRIBLE CRIMES.AGAINSTTHE
• ' 1.9,9e born to that good fortune, but
. MSS arid SafferiOg ' ' be achieved it. How he did s�, with
'When there is a growing family to the aeeietanee of gelling, lithe, extra . - . . •
- -icere-fof-k and- the Mother fells ill it is 'OLIO hieltoryee-not Applied • in thee
a eeriqus matter. Hany mothers who, manner that has' rendered that useful Eight Hundred Strokes With Bastin -
are on the go groM Morning tu night, tree fie Impepulor with .03Tte-l1e hes , WWI Glee KifInanied, Whole -
whose -'work alitiarently, j never 1•014ted in his ,• interesting autnbio.
done, try to disguise their suffering graphy, recently • published. kale Deportation.
and .keep up an appearance of cheer- When he was a boy of twelve, be crimse committy4 agatotilaa,
. Ar-
.fUin oferir^ theirLawily. 041x, ttttenda school in a eatthtrYrneinan .people bythe Turks surpass
• themselYee ' know bow they are dis. house built on the backbone Of a high,
tressed by backaches and headaches, wooded .ridge that overlooked the in cruelty anything that history has
recorded, according to the reports re -
dragging, down pains.. and. nervous ;- Village. At recess one slope of the
weakness; how their nights are 'often t ridge win the girls'playground, and centlr,received hr a committee Which
sleepless, and they -arise a new the other the boys'; and boys And..giri4 represent American • interests ' in.
day's woreetired; depressed, and (pee „net and played together on the own_ Turkish empire. ,
Deportation of Armenian
Unrefrethed,. Bitch women should mit. A faYetite slx4rt Was for the I i began
know that their sugeriugs, are lialialbt i boys to bend the tough young hickory early in the sunimer and still etnitinu-
. ccounts. Practically alldue to lack of good nourishing.blood. .49an
down to the ground.- . d ea at last ae „of the men of military age have been.-
They shoold know that the' one thing seat themeelves and their slieOtheerte draeged ote, ee ebe arow, The 4:tged,
Any_ neefr .;abllyeall etheee:,„te.,... npon thein-fee!""ridey.horees.'l -
omen nd the children aic be -
them. new health and strength is rich, 41. had a sweetheart," the , doctor 47ge..
6:*riven int% the country
red blood, and that among 'an reedke aaacknowledges,W/edgst u4nd hor name lees are'oand-there
eines there is none can equal Dr, Wit- Mum. you enagine, in all the
reports of • indescribable' Inas-
. limns' Pink. rills for their blood -mak-
ing, .health-eestering qualities, Every
suffering women, every woman with a
bootie,* and fetnily care, for should
give these 'pills, faii3rial, they.
•'• keep her- in health 'and Strength
and Mahe ^her werk-•easy Mre, G.
StrasSer, Aettot West,. (hit, says54 "f'1,
*Ion tii*e,iiiiither-oflihtee:ehildi*Oind
after each birth I became terribly run
- down; riled weak, thin blood, always
felt tired, and, unable to do my house-
hold work. 'After the birth of my
third child I seemed to be worse, and
was very badly run clown. I was ad-
• vised to take Dr. Williams!
I found the greatest benefit from the
' Pills and„sepn gaineCniy-Teld:tine
strength. Indeed,' After taking them
I felt as well as in my girlhood, and
could take pleasure in my work. I
also used Baby's Own Tablets for my
little ones and have found them a
splendid mddicine for childhood
merits."' _L
You these pills through any
medicine dealer Or by mail at 50 cents
a box or SIX. boxes for $2,50 from The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., 'Beock-
villa, Ont. ,
British Officer Stole Over a Ton of
• Qermans'eExplosives. • -
News reached Blackly:ire, England,
recently, that ,Lieut. W. Cooper, an.
Old Blackburn amateur feotballer,. has
" been decorated at the front with the
Military-, Gross for act of remark-
able cciolness and- resource.
• He as driving aembre-1-92 yat'ds
4ong ander the German positiono and
had got within a few yards of his ob-
• jectiye, when he broke into a German
gm:sec:Y:091 ,ntlacinuentsse4elee aramoretarristlpgi therineb.a,trinteardetalisrx a certain puiSiesogot
tempted t� say of •fintiggliness ?" But where Armenians were held, •
Mega° was only her nickname, It was.
abort foe margaretp. and ell, was
.t.1,10. "At the time of the Romans," .
Pxettiest school-;,--to..211e., . 14tit4St "f°05r 'Str°k" were
tereelat the, very most; An ' this 'place,
1.7her'i 404 in our grove h0WeV614, 200,. 300, 500 eye& 809
derograceful* tight -bark map- strokes Were adtnMisteted: • A. young'
ling; „potighest ()fall tough timber, Man Was 'beaten to .death within the
Which bends but never breaks. It apace Of five minutes. • Apart from
:towered, belly thirty feet to its top- the bastinadoing, other methods were
most bifurcation. There eves no other
like. it, as there was no other girl
like Mugg. I made up my mind that
.1 would bend it to the 'ground, and
that she should- have it; and to the
top I climbed, twisted the terminal
twigs round my bands and wrists, the:, fate of all Christians and non -
employed, too, such its putting hot
irons on the chest." . ,
Fears of Extermination.
While 'the • treatment of the Arnie -
Marls is particularly brutal, it iii said
and swung boldbibet into space. to-
ward the ground. I had struck the
wrong hickory. • , ,
"Instead of swooping to the earth
as I had anticipated, in a ugg at clongegrace-
fill curve, amid the plaudits of an ad- • u
said to have been harsh. 0
miring throng, :With a glance ,MThe panic in the city Was terrible,"
_nin3 her approving smile, r bent aim says,one correspondent, referring to
obstinate sapling not more than three the effect of 'a deportation order. "The
feet from the top, in fishhook shape; People felt the government was deter -
helpless and mined to exterminate the Armenian
and there I dangled,
imielegs, 'Almost as much so as if I raceand they were• powerless to re-
sist. Many of the convicts in , the
had had a noose • about my .neck' and
had been hanging from a gibbet. • I prison had been released, 'and' the
could not clamber back, for the are mountains all around were full el
bands of outlaws
of the circle described by the bending .
tree -top had a- diameter beyond the "It Was feared the women and chil-
swing of feet;"-- dren were taken some distance from
of my wildly gyrating
His Suggestion that half a dozen the city and left to the Mercy of these
boys. climb -up and iidd sufficient men. ;However that may be, 'there"
weight to bend the teee low . enou h e ProVable cases of the kidnapping
for' safety ' 'wat .disregarded in of attractive young girls by the Turk -
laughter at his absurd p, -clAcament. A ish„ Officials of -,-7--. ' One Moslem re..
"rieal called rip to 'him' , ..,te,y wile, , ported that a, gendarme- had offered
he wag -he looked. better at a dib to sell him two, girls for A mejidieh.
-- 1"ThiS deportation •.continued at in. -
lance; another amid a chorus of gig- ter' yalafor about two .weeks: It is
estimated' that out of about12,000 Ar-
menians. in --;---- onit 'a few hundred
were left. At the time of writing no
definite word has been heard from
any 61' these groups." •
'The best-loolcieig of the Older girls,
whowere retained as caretakers in
Turkish -*habitants is little better.
While the orders of commanders may
,have been reasonable humane, the ex-
ecution of them by subordinates is
gles suggested that if he would only
• mine ,crammed with high exPlosivesdrop, the ground would catch bine
• For a moment he thought his party Before they ;realized that his plight
were doomed, but he, quickly cut the was 'anything more than funny,, -Fns
wires leading to the German trenches, hold broke, and 'he did drop -slashing
and sending back for help proceeded through 'the limbs and against thein
to .certreaway the enemy's explosives in such a way that when he reached
piecemeal. the ground it was no longer feet fore -
•As the tunnel was yerrlow, he and. most.. -His outstretched right -hand- orphanages, are kept in houses for the war head is eauipped. with a time -hies, for the y-':: iffe--:stir'e.*o put. film
'his Men lay head to feet and passed saved his neck, but his right wrist Manlier's- .of The gang which Seerna to fuse that 'delays the explosion for . a into their mouths, and some of our
the • stuff beck from hand -t9 hand. rule 'affairs here ,I hear on good au- few seconds after the impact Carried
was broken. ' familiar flowers have poison enough
The task occupied twelve beers,: there he fracture `Nyas-• mistaken for a thority that/ a member •of the com- in the body of the torpedo ' is from le eeeeee a eebyee .beeme -
being one Awe : and 'a -half of -end°. lento of , Union and Progress here one. hundred to ohe hundred -and fifty
sives. sprain and was ' net set, and during There are other flowers ahd plants
has ten Of the handsomest girls in a pounds of high explosive, enough to
. No mishap occurred, but five of the prolonged pain and Weakness that house in the central part of the city." cause great havoc, especially when eic-
ensued the boy took to using his left • , ,
Lieut Cooper's -men were rendered ploded within an inclosure 'such as a
unefitiecious by fumes, and four of hand and arm, He . became fairly ' Compelled to Wed Turks:
building. The torpedo is driven by
-them received the D.C.M. Air their ambidextrous and in after years, ap7 "The Armenian populationhas been two propellors at the stern and is
share in this remarkable feat., preciating the value of complete am- converted to Islamigm," says a private sustained in the air by two propellors
e_..e..........e.e: • bidexterity in hie prOiession, he work-
., leak' to the American committee "If Working on vertical axles and placed
ed almost wholly with ilia left hand
-:;-- WOMEN REPLACE MEN. was At nie.411s :•Of--escapine:from the fore and -aft under., the body.., By
while teaching and studying anatomy.
' -,, • ---- • He was finally able, in performing forced migration. Orthodox Turks are means of an arrangement of _fins and
209 Women Clerks in the Bank of .an operation however delicate, to use .given the wives ..of absent husbands, Tudders it is kept from capsizing in
or their daughters In Many' cases the heaviest winds. It is believed that
England. • whichever hand was more convenient the wives and daughters of Christians_thepropellore-andeether mechanism
The very sanaom of British .con_ or,useful,1Without thinking whether it have been immediately compelled to are operated by eempressed air; .
. . .
: terYakiSnis the 73ank:-of, Englanele were '104 or left. - .' - Marty Turks': • • • '‘' I' While this torpedo on doubtless be
' been invaded by women cleas. More ---- 4 • "After we had seen thousands of made enormously More effective than
-----titari '20 --Ci of them are now employed' CH. ILDTINJOD • . ixeople start out, and. especially after a bomb that is simply dropped it has
; l'Atinhates
Every ;kb* Muscle COO
"Ti RAM l(gg 1)1(411)41(ME
Not nedesSarY to drug inSidel
That awful ntieness that makes yell
yelp worse than a kicked dog will be
eured--cured 'for a certainty, and
quickly, too, if you lust rub on
Rub Nerviline right RAO the sore
spot, rub lots a it over those tortured
muscles, do this. and the pain will go.
Yell 'see -Nervilibe is thin, , not -oily.
Therefore. it sinks in, it penetretes
through the tissues, it gets right to
those stiff, sore Muscles and irrita
nerves that make 'you dance with
pain. • *
You'll get Oiliest instant relief from
muscle soreness, stiffness, aching
joints, lameness or rheumatics by
rubbing with Nerviline.' It's' a sooth-
ing liniment, and doesn't . blister,
doesn t burn or even. stain the 'Ain. are only three plants .that are really
etvolvtr'tfietle ilizt170Teil3enreetebeter.' ainriiteolleepoisqneue :to . the- 'touch:- -They- -all
a.takes awnee,th",eh.e_ateehelong to the Rbig family, and re -
once' and ends yebe misery exeeelere semble Olia 'another in their uninter-
Now quit com'plainingeedon't suffer 'Wing clusters of dull, greenish -gray
another day---Nerviline, that go9d, berries.
soothing. old-time liniment will limber Two of them, poison ivy and:poison
you up mighty- quick. Get busy' to- .b in 'the eastern out
AMY, the large 50e,! family size bottle '
ef .the country; and poison oak grows
iS the most economical, of •coutse, the Int the Pocitigefoast. ' • •
trial PIM Cagt.S but gfie. Any:dealbr
anywhere can Neeeinne a common 'vine th*at
Many Flowers Have Sap That Is
Poisons. y Swallowed: '•
There are no beautiful,; poisonous
flowers native to tide country, There.
NEw. AnitiAL tonvRoo,' .•
lirncanny Device to be EmPloyed by
the Germans.
climbs 'ever rocks, ,and that in schne
shady .places covers the, ground with, behind his own , Se !much :did "Sir
ports; elsewhere it clings to the bark
completely finished his -.analysis of
luxuriant leaves; .* James eiteem. the -MYsterioim _•Dr" I.
fertile spots; it will raise branches
like shrubs up over the rocky sup-
, Minor, in -fact, that whenever he had 1
The fear of .overwhelming attacks, of trees and Climbs high, ' ' thArldstorref any one word, he was
from the air, which,prevailed among Its flowers and berries are always in the habit of sendieg.the'full notes.
the allied nations at the outbreak of in dull Ousters, but its leaves May connected therewith to his cone -
the war and until recently,' when the become -brilliant red and brown in the 'spondent Iii Crowthorne for his • final.
comparative ineffectiveness of . the • revision, whigh," more, often than not,14
, aaitumn sun. Do not pick leaves that
geppelins. seernced.,-demenstrated,4. is grow in,, on a -vine, but do not was predustiyeet Some importanted-
likely to be revived and the terrifying be afraid to gather leaves of the dition or exceedingly 'illuminating
power of these monster airships woodbine, which grow in clusters of criticism or other comment '
fully realized if the reports,. relating "For many Months this went on.
Ave. • •
to the new aerial torpedo perfected It is difficult to distinguish poilion Eventually, so much did Sir James
the Germans prove to. be true, says is
from qther -sumacs. Do not -1.:
feel himself and Oxford University*
Popular Mechanies. . call it dogwood; it does not look like the debt of the mysterious savant
The . accounts of the operatic* of dogwood; true dogwoods have beauti- (regarding whose social- status the
<these torpedoes read like the fantastic , .0_,
rej. flowers, and are not poisonous. -distinguished lexicographer could- not
tales with his tireless striving for the 1 Poison sumac 'grows • like a small, make even'a guess), that he one day
branching tree; re is the cleanest and approached- the university heads «and
accomplishmerit whiele readets were
regaled before the great war became a smoothest in leaf and branch of all pointed out that it would, so he eon -
reality. In many respects the tor -
the suinacs. Tim leaflets are long sidered, be a graceful and 'well-mer-
peclo resembles Eir 'submarine torpedo and pointed, 'five to eleven on sine Red. act on their -part' if an 'invitation
'and is said to possess all its de -4 ,petio/e. If you -sew. lithe drooping were sent to -the Berkshire savant
structive power.' It is equipped with
.. • clusters ef greenish -white, or later asking him to be the guest, of the
e- delicate wireless • apparatus that the greenish little berries, . do._ • not university for a week
controls its propelling and • steering
round leaves, which grow on a vine
teeth anything on that shrub or tree.
mechanism, -and through this every Poison oak does not look like any
movenient of the torpedo is- controlled oak. It had clusters of three almost
by the powerful wirelegt waves sent
Knew Murderer Kelm mit, a Great
Oil late Sir 4.4-t4e
editor of the Amon* dictionary bear
illg" his name, discovered some year
ago that ,one of Ids inesrvaltred comm
tribotors was en inmate of Broad
moor•Asylunw who bad stood his tria
for murderl
An article in the Strand Magazine
tells the story .of this remarkable in
,clividuat under the title: ."The :Strange
Cage of Dr. Minor,"' It begins thus:
- W!W 5_11r
teal whenever be WAS ready to start
'on e new word (and the genesis of a
single one znostly takes up several
pages in the 'New Englishe•Diction-
'ary') to send it out to all of his army
of volunteer readers, who forthwith
supplied the earliest passible quota-
tion which - they could 'discover in
question was used, ,
"When this had been going on for
a time, _Sir ,re,T914; ..discovered that
Seine- Of thein6st VaShble quotations
that reathed'hini, *nether with'some
of the: most scholarly comments
thereupon were forwarded by a cer-
tain •Dr, C. Miner, who -Vote from.
Crowthorne, a stead 'village in 13erire
'shite. This contributor's identity
puzzled Air James more than a little,
,the so. as he soon came to Teal --
lag thitsthe lAtter!s knefrledge tof the
"subject f philology could:', not be 'far,
out from the Zeppelin. As it speeds like poison ivy, or more often on a low
.toward " the target the tented° . can shrub. If you see the • clusters of
be steered 'up, or down or horizontally white flowers,nr_berrie.s,A6 not touch
at the "ell of the operator. In mac- .
the plant
tree it is simply propelled operator.;
a point , .
There are Many . plants with sap
directly above the object to be de- that is more or .less poisonous if it
strayed and is then turned vertically reaches a cut or abrasion.' Do not let -
downward and dropped like an ordin- a plant drip on a wound. There are lives * the treatment of stomach ail.;
Specialists who have deyeted their
arr bomb.
many plant* with thorns and stings mots,: now' tell us that many people
, The new torpedo is said to be abott
seven feet in length arid to have a war that produce painful irritation if they who complain about their stomachs
flowers carefully. _ •
scratch through. the skin, Pick their have no stomach ailment et elL You
head like that of a submarine. In or -
Do, not ever hold flowers in your may euffer, from bloating, gas, sour -
der to allow it to penetrate a roof or
ether obstruction before exploding- -
mouth: Do not give flowers to ha- toms. Ifescierour-best-xourse-eis-eto-
ness and othet unpleasant gymp-
tone , up the bowels with a relieble,
vegetable remedy like Dr. Haniilton's
Pills. This .old time, family ,medicine
is .a vvoinlerfur corrective of all
digestive and stomach disoiderei
that are harmless t9 man, but poison- There is no mystery about the. quick
effect you get from Dr. Hamilton's
°us. to. animals., if eaten., Many who pills. They simply supply the addi-
read these lines know the bad effects tional aid -required by the system to
of the leo weed of alb West' or the enable it to' do its work correctly.
You'll enjoy your meals, digest every-
lAniblcin• of the East In pastures thing you eat, look better, feel better,
!where 'buttercupq abOund cattle care- be free frorn headaches, constipation
eat the flowers or leaves, because of:
fully graze _round them, but. will•-not-anil_intligestion,--zall . ethese -benefits
the bitter taste of the poison in them. conie to all that use Dr. Hamilton's
should remember two 'tbinge: first, it ,on a box of this wonderful Vegetable
Pills: ' Every, man or woman with a
Stimmeh ill is advised to spend 25e.
• The botanist and -10,er- of flowers
- - remedy.
is safe to pick any beautiful flower;
Second, ;it is ,never Atife- to Tet ' Hs
juices tench:the 'lips or any'.flesh
wound. • • .
If After Eating
You Have Pam,.
Stomach Needs Aid
• in the, baek in various forms ef cleri-
cal work." While it is the war that CONSTIPATION
gave women the opp'ortenity ,of re, —
• placing men of military age, it is also Baby's Own Tablets, will promptly
war that, created additionAl work at ewe constipation of childhood." They
- ^ the bank through the war loanbusie act as a gentielaxative, regute-fe-'11F-111
item, bowels 'and stomach 'and are absolute-
Women have been employed in the ly safeConcerning them Mrs, A
bank of England in the humble note- Crowell,. Seedy Cove, N.S., writes: "I
- sorting -capacity Since 1895, but they can strongly recommend Baby's Own
- Tablets ' to all mothers whose little
had never before done clerical work.
• They often Put in as much :as 12 ones are suffering from constipation."
hours a AttyThe tablets are sold,hy medicine deal-
. . , • •
-.- - -Other-English batiks, it is stated
_ ers or by mail at 25•centa,a box.:from
now, contemplate following the lead of The Di-.<. Williams' Medicine .1GO.,
••- , the Hank_ of _England,. which, despite Brockville, Ont ,
"it former prejudide against women,
Inns been -historically .knewn, as Abe
"Old Lady, of Threadneedle Street",
ours had actually gone, we .ceme, to one. serious ' limitation when •launched
the conclusion that if 'anything could from an airship against fortifications
be done to stop this terrible crime, Or war shipg.. To be safe - from the Absolutely. -
which iMpresses, us as ten times worse fire of anti-aircraft guns the 'airship Sore „. Paip/ess
. art,ariy-rnassacrerit-woultl-be-done--,must-eitherhe-a-ra-cmilleralste-qhs- No cutting, no. Wee -
in Constantinople, : ' 1 tante from the target or at a great oh ters or padt to press
i • Corn e sp o t.
"In Constantinople We found that height above the graend. In either ,
. a, t b e so r
gre. whole plan Of deportation is one 1 case it would be extremely difficult „^... i ,' Putnam's Extractor
of the central, goVernnient And that ,: to determine when the torpedo Was U,00
• tuakes the cciin go
no pressure from the. embassies had I anywhere peer appint_dir,e_etly aboye, without pain. Takes
out the :sting overnight'. Ne‘^er fails
been able to do enything. . [the target In spite of this, however, -leaves. ho scar. Get a 25c. bottle of
"Stories have been 'told by travelers l the Cermains have apparently oprovid-, putnara'a Porn. gxtractor to da ..
at from the interior ;of the _hill-. 1.. ect themselves _with- an : exceedingly _ , . _ , , • _, . _ , _
hig of the mals, of " a .great number ' effective weapon of offence in this : —e.--- -
Of bodies along the roadside and float- torpedo.
____...„44_....._ . ' The Difference. '.
. •
. '. ..........44.........,
Appeal for Greater. Precautions in the
Use of Matches: '-, -,
. , . . •
-., No 'fewer. than 683 fires, one million
. and a half 'dollars deniage to property
'On Properly Selected Focid. It Pays and the lose of thirty..eight lives oc-
Big Dividends. curred durin
direet result of Children playing with.
If parents -will give just a -little in-
telligent .thought to the feeding f inatell-e - • • ` 1 . ,
-their "'children .the difference in the 1 Matches'- shouldi. therefore,- receive
health of the little folks Will pa', attention as a danger of primary mm -
many times over, . for the small trou- - Ageording to the 'Paris 'Figaro 'the
frem the children. , Place them on a:
• -eie,. .. . -•
- .
._, 1,4 peither_wittsz:movirehimtezrart. hioeif f,, ar 014 .0 .thei4a,eitchf.for_ .0_1(lest yoltniteer"' in. the French army -
all so' ratiph better and stronger,than'di° -1617e - to '-'1":441 -*;itli 41..e''' ail ir iLteicodnt TAitt lebhieth).!:114-'t.Ptirilli.!‘eal4y'Lasil
_matches form an -ideal toy from. their
they ever were before We made -a . Celebrated his seventy second , Meth.
change ;in the, character of the Inn& .point of view. . ' . ,
hiti>.e quit' using petatees---Ilirei If- it, \vere.'441i.._P-sfsiible-tO,-etinvV. :der „when he,heezullaattachett...ixt.the.
recruitieg bureau at Troyes..A de -
-EtOrp.tes River; ',cif- the
delivery 'to, the Kurds hy. the, gen-
darmes._of women and children; of
unthinkable outrages committed by
gendarmes_and gurds,and_of the .1011 -
mg of many of the- victims. At first
these stories were -not givete-enueh
credence, but no doubt longer remains
of 'their truth." ,
_ _
"Yes," said the colonel ipoinnously.
."I am `mite confident that th war
will be over by October." . ,
"What year?" asked
_ the-=eoloriel;-"that-is-an.-•
other question."
Big Dm!) n Pru t -s o
Sp mate *mew livs
411 APIO CV aorisesia,
csa bay guavas am row tar
44114 elksee Vite
VIM reelbe that ve. too
ZP.S ItAW 1/0341 II( CA.
NADA anlogrogeteettseree,
lae Ir411tintoeist. oar sariv-
ellieevecrisaitrioselees the
iPeat.kinar Val$10.44r. thew
Juts 44119txtla Air *towed Us
Alarx4RAto then b7iCSAPAIOICO
to Poll be ;Zan. tUPAA4416.
Atwell 911; amen,of
0111E4 .
From TrIbiiP.er tr.t Weieve
stece W0f0V BM Tilts 40,
pow of lbialamr lientalse Mee.
%taxa In cur 14M 121T311,34
'3VOg era' is a. pasting go,
Wade toes lout isiital-gpodt.
.quatity-wholosinins.'The, .
'Ztoleis out extra eeepand
twIsto over Aboulder And 'Each—
' fairing good plot.oction Agalusti
cola -0 trfamitd. with Itoal
tia ova summers Am; ton e4
ascii euct--seetwith good •
fly etWisisivoissUr futonie,d,
No, 224
'Thu muff ts =sae sp, the large classy pillow .
linsissed beii4, tell paw 4A4 'ogrotttAA
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Every setters Is Old under 01;11 POSIT/VE POLLSAIL
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Loc)iclkqf ppRP:aithi. CON.
uit me I 'have over two hundred on
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ii!,Qgices for sate tit good Ontario
'it4:7:181! „UlAiTil.usAilAtigicZTieottir(Ing
application to Wilson Publishing Com-
pany, 50 West Adelaide St.,. 'rorento,
eLLANeous: •
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us bUore rob:late. iir.!:17e1.1.mean Meefel
Limited, Coilingwood, Ont. '
fTrheeell-c)anargin nil: 411f o(Ihr aolUier!, :rtr:itil'Ua7r,:incittior. to ..• ,
our supply, nSeptemberrnree Ngtew.:fOlgaletiZrs
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Is fife Best' plieg in -Ontario for Stipiirior
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MADE IN LaNnr,r1
JO 7 • .
With the will to conquer we are
certain Pi:sincere
' The women of this 4 -niter can
help us through -t� victory. -Mr. '
Ljoyd George. , ' , '
Do not let doubt creep , into your
Wind , .• the ehsential -condition - • r
of victory is Patienee.-L Paul Cam-
The world will not _ stand being._
• Died, especially_by a graceless 'Ger-
man bully.elyie, 'Desmond _McCarthy,,
All the easy talk of peace, hi but
froth,upon the water when such a
storm as this -is raginge-emr:-Au n
Men and, women must do all things
in ,propOrtien. 'They must be natural -
as Well, as natillatel.-Eishop of Birm-
. The secret "of Germany's -strength,
wealth, and: efficiency may be 'suit-, •
• • .
. . ‘-..... ' The moment has . come when, go
-Mr. ;J: Ellis Barker.', Med up in a single Word: discipline.
, . ,
' A druggist Can ,obtain an imitation far at personal' *expenditure is con -
of MINARD'S LINIMENT from a Coned; it has become a Virtue to. he '
Toronto House at a, very low vice, .Stingy. -Mr. Herbert Samuel - - --: --
Arid ha -tie -it- labeled -his own- -product- i - -A - -Whole'some,"- gaisd-,-cornic7.-Song
, • This' greasy imitation is the poor- very often helps- a: greet deal hi the . :
: Little Molly had been , very tryiAg_.,..ixted . Y '
est one .we have yet seen of the -many-. - - . -
fl 1,12...** h _ as ranch_ a! a_llYinn;•7:-.Tbe.-131s110,P 'ill 1 • '
cure or our wounded' soldiers -quite •-•
..,ElAx.Seed..1.Tow.,_a..•77.onderful .1147., •
all -.ii-a." irho '. evening, • when, . ,
. ... , , • • .
grown-up sister was putting' her to get it. *.
to iiitrodlin_ ..,„_.. . „ . _. _ -,.... _
the child
her , . . . . . ' A. r.s.,1:_c :o.....r..MINARD'S and. you. will LOrichin..- -
man 'FoOd. '' ,
as :deodorized and sed ...in- Di-. -Jaek2.-I
-bed she • said shepoped
Znod.11,1 an not e, Jita • •• . ' I'cir us, high Or low, • to Whatever
son's:,•Roman MeAl? It's; the most
itourithing seed ' rowri. It has, al-- - ' bitttte::trei, girl everybody unhappy
_ ---- - • ' , ,.
:.4-• no holidays till the great task is fin- ,
. prefession .P.ie .1)19t1g,, there must be •
ways been --know as i ..-. -wonderful with her naughty' temper. - ally accomplished -Mr. Walter -Long. '
food for stock., but since .Dr: Jackson's Molly listened in ' silence, thought . . _ The true victory will net lie so much '•
• ' Undeniably True in-tho-tac-tical*ins-on-th
very of--tr,inothud-ut-iteltderizing' hard .for a lew moments,. and 'thee,
it, it -has become available as a' deli., Said, Wisely: . -• to -clay as in the quality of .the ineri
"Yes w t a me iit's. : temper Annelle a 'squad of polieemen etho'
who have to carry, on the work of the
used in Roman Neale. This food. is ' ' were being examined on their krieW1-
._ , nation after the war ,is over.--7Gen- '
mous human, food, 25% of it. being ' "Ye hen i ' " .
gual-anteed to reIfeefr constipation dr whonat's you it's nerves.," , - , edge of ambulance work was a. tei
"Money. back" . It also nourishes bet- ' fain Irishman with vihon the decor. qral Sir Hobert Baden-Powell.. • "' ...
ler than meat and prevents it -Ages- ' ' .X. • . • • had the following colloquy : '. , . . .
tion. Ask your doctor. ' At all . . •
:,. :. 4, ,•.,-. --,-.------.c-- ibpf-,.........2...--.'' - . ''• - '- TEUTON 'Kel..TUK. Doctor -What Would you do to a
Nrsihn-c-arpeW Airerkr.ftnYerTY Ye
Minard'. a Liniment ;Cures CoTdo, hte.
gre,: nr:outrors. Litiitnetri. OttreS Diphtheria...
cl.r.§A.1,94Pq§.4Agfl2§t c_Pnt,,, ._:.„,z4_. __-- .;.- „, ..,. ,,L,,,.._..-EL_1_,,... :'.:''' '-. '. 'Pali.. -tertraistItty:_sarri-TA4y411.
in::: Whe: had afte.nt: fereartli 7
"A popular Piinister avoids ....touelp ' - . ' -. • i, _____:. WI warm, s° water• '
mg the sore spots of his eongre-;With indigo, madder, or vine -leaves, .
-go.tior.f- -,..-,-.:..:_.74:44,--.- -:-.' - Iti,itssien ilDtho;ttor-What do you ! bv so t
mean- - f, and front these materiels shades were/
'''' — -- ' vol d that w -e 'mpeftiong to the
Germans Wige, War On the
• Language, • • • Poiieeman-Ochl Just soft water,
irtineraos eitnimeitt Dares Garget in cows . .. • action .., of sunlight Aniline dyes,
•• . 7 'His Specialty. • • r land aiirk7untjer -German < oceupation ---7
sorr; wet water.'
ThSteor4Ftilia vhht-irilarl' "Nvat years, give colors whith fade more
,In all; the cities and towns •of,„1:,26.,,,, ' which have been, much used in recent
active Steps re being taken tO-Ger- Tolicerna•n-t-Jce, seer, 1 .raliidlY. -
A-02 Fighte for Prance iLie &wird
'Time. • ,
t' e d with ff • d . ch in its horrid detail the accdunt of the
tachment regently was sent from
meat - _ • fires in Canada_ _where.
thildree lost their lives, the , excite- [Mere to arms
in the tanks of the
"Now we give' the little folks sonic, ment and nervous tension, the lots of Forty-sevenp Territorial regiment,
fruit, either fresh, stewed, or canned, and Vent' Was so insistent on going to
property, the anguish of parents, the
some Gratie-Nnts with cream, oCca- pain of the little 'child,' some measure the front 'with the, younger men that
-sionally' some SOft-boiied eggs and
of rectum might seen bd effected,
Mothers. should,. ever after guard
their children' 'against matches, as
they, would' protect them against a
tor** and theeticing enemy.
. • ,
Forest Protection Method. .
soind PoStum for breakfast. and sup-
per. Thee for diener 'they havesoine
meat and vegetables.
Would be hard to hilly describe
the change in be
children, they have
, :grown se sturdy and ,stirong, and we
attribute 'this change to the food Oe-
. . Mints that, understand, exist in One Of the most important' features
Grapt4Nuti',:oul Posturn. ' ' connection' with the control of for
."A short time ago my baby • was est fires , is their prompt discovery,
teethiog and had a great dedl of ,sto-- thus rendering it pbssible in most
Mach and bowel trouble. Nothing cases to, eetingUish the fire in aim in -
.seined to agree with him until I tried einient 'Stage, at small expense and
Grape -Nuts gOftened and mixed 'with With slight damage. One of the re -
rich milk and he improved rapidly. cent developments in this Work is the
• tin' d, get sturdy and well.” •• use of hydra -aeroplane for the cis-
• ' .4!There'i a Eason." covery of tires in the forest reserves
' Name given by Canadian ostum of Northern Wisconsin. This is a
Cof vrnagor, onte . hike region, and excellent r. pains heVe
Iritor read the itbere letter ? new
one aenears time titan. They
sto gonitiniN true, and of Until*
the gi5inmending officer finally con.
!tented Ur enliat him for active sOr-
The aged volunteer is. a sof!:
clier in the Seventh company of the
tegiment Width Is stationed some -
Where in the trenches of the first
line of defence. He is doing his
duty as efficiently as any .of his
condrades in arms, whoge unbounded
admitatiori• the 'spry Septuagenarian
has .tvpri through hid VivecitY and
never failing good:hunior.
Made' Verd hes seem war before.
Re fought the. fathers of his present
'adversaries during the, Pranto.Prua-
sign 'Conflict,' in which he took part up
to the omintruS battle of Sedan, when
he Wail made a ptisotiet Mid with
thousands of others. sent info coptiv-
been secured, one fire being accurate,' ity enema.,
ly tooted a distance of thirty i „
' I 210,aatirt Liniment cures metalline!
I it
, 0 ,
"I've got the best memory of any- maniie them horoughly. To this end •
all efforts are at present being direct-
ed to have the German language sup-
plant the. Russian Iii Lodz, Warstrw.
and other towns all the Russian signs
on the' streets and in street cars and AN ipEA.11. TONIC.
'buses, have been removed and Ger.
man lig,na put betheit places. In the
restaurants and hotels all the Menus
are veer priritecrlit Germain, and the
Germao letiguege is spoken Where
formerly the Russian prevailed.
Beginning with the / first week in
October with the reopening of ' the
meltable in Lodz and Warsaw the
teaching of' the Gorman language
was begun, with the object of bring-
ing up. the younger generation to
Speak German first tied to instil in
them German . kultur. In fact, a
'widebi'ead propaganda has "Nem or-
ganized by German °Metals for the
s 44-15
. or
oflim.oinitt:itii: of the Eustiaii laygutige
entirely from the conquered sections
body, in the cornenunitri" triumph-
.ently cackled 'old: Vitae. •Totterly.
"Why, I' Can remember things on
'most everybody 'mend here that
they wish I'd foitotten!" '
You will find Mkt In.2am-liuk !
It eases the burning, stinging
pain, stops bleeding and brings
ease. Perseverance, wiff Zam-
Efuk, means cure. Why not prove
this? Ad Druggir anti Stomer4
When your head is dell and heavy, your tongue ,forred, and you feel
ciont,up and good' for nothing, without 1:POWitig 'what is really the
matter with you, probably all that is needed to restore you to health and •
vigour is a few doses of a reliable.
. . FOR THE , , 4igestive tonic anti stomachic rem- '
stdiviAcH AND LiveR • telyesech as Willer Seigel's Syrup.'
Take it after each meal for a few!.
glaysand note how beneficial is its action upon the stcimach, liver and boivels---
• how itacstotee tone and healthy activity to these important organsand by
.• so doing enables you to gain new stores of vigour,. vitality and health. •
The neW1.00 812d Contains • Three tiath as MUM as the 'thet, sire
• • sold at 0c per bottle.