HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-11-04, Page 1Tv•igo 745771191'4K,"":"r 'lee " TURIPRI r k" ic•fr''..%119.17Rrrinir, 0011' > #4-, • „ „ AK) peP, ad,votice;: itx.ns 4#14orwrise LOCAL AND OENERAL Jquested. Visitors welcome. Tins Society 1 meats served. Agood attendancele to- . has a quantitY of yarn for knitting sooks,' Anyone wishingbto ,help in tlits good' *'1'. Adam JOhnston baa bought J.' wor- krfor the .soldiercan secure yarn at Mcatirris ante., . _._ ... _ e,"114riteRseen'AteKeenee!ne ILeVelock She ' • " West Wnwattotili Connell Will meet on • • Noy. I Oth at 10 o'clock a. m.-Olerit„ • Mr. McLellan has. bought the Sandy* Alciliereen property front a • Ileve your suits peessed eleaeed A number of October school reports 'crowded. out this week, will • appear al next Week'S,Sentineic . • • • Mr. W. J. Taylor m receipt of a letter from a Men at the front who grate. inp y well. . • folly acknowiedges receipt: of a parcel of. 'reeleeet ceeng. Mdse. Tailor, tobacco to which Mr; 'reeler had'ettached • his neme and eddreese--4got there -0.K: . Ws, Abe.-.;eurnth is 'henna after ti":two ' ' 14911the trip threugh Atanitelie YOU ince NQad checolctes? Spend quarter for s Neal product at one stere Seskatehewae," , on Nees..NyEe/pee and weet present yea • MISS Ione Nesbitt find MteS, 001YrtneYspChwo Drug Store. With a package of the 1041191.14 elyle kind. Dr. of ,Aniberley, were guests 'a few dapMr) this week, ..A, /3'014 ' ' • • . El 4, MeCterry whit in L of Aire.ondon over ° • • -Stielday seeing r. A.1 G arry W 19 -.haw 'The melanhol,,y, "(Jaya have, come"- beemin St. josepla tieepital there 'the 'eaten snmnier.coreditions' of the twist improyiiag and ,expects ;teeebilie lemma • `. 'Month. „ next Week, e'Re•lies net utidergone Abo .Win" opneationlfow r liich he went to the hire,e' Reid,torlinisevale; 41'111., called•lie le not emisidered - strong • ' Veirds here this week hasvoine. P'• " • '(foite. changefrom the 'delightful .,,past two Weeks,. Mr. McGerrserie slowly! east tereee his father who is iltat Dun. gannet!. Mrs. R. Ibteburn was in Brantford last week attending the funeral of her , inothre who diiicithere after an extend- ed nem - ,Mr l'ory McKinnen 8 haeh to Ltielt. . new after working- for stir nioriths in Northern Oritarie th 11 Trench, of .leesevater. ' t 'Gwendolin McLeod, editor of "Canticle Aletithly", Chicago was home le to attended the funerel. of 'her grand- , father, the fate John Mackenzie. ' enough tobear the • effects, • , _ "One of the most influential agricul- tural papers in the Dominion", is .the way others refer to the Weedy Sun of Toronto. It is a paper which appeals to the tvide-awake farmers-. Independent and fearless, it has always gee Med the best interests of Capadian agrteilltine• -Aiiide from that, US acerata and --c fully compiled market reports and sum- maries give the reader a practical grasp of market conditiens; "You have saved me dollars", is the repeated rcommencee Mon of huneleeds of its readers. The sun is on the ground, it is the inner for the liweller-who-redidaphie-theevesi.andrito those who 'aee farming for profit! its 'market repoits are worth meny times• Itohert• J. Laidlaw, of Whiteehurch, • hitsfenlisted.and gone to the London training can.p. Thia makes about 95 the subscription price. • o • to go from VVirighain and vicinity to ' • eerve inthefourth contingent. Card of Thanks • MreeR. '11; Phillips is in London this week attending the Provincial, •Western • Convention of the, Woman's -Institute . having • been asked by the Provincial - • - SqperintendenteMr: Putnam to 'preside e at one of the sessions. r•t,' • • . • -4- • • e • Oco.H Smith left Wednesday for To. • . • . :Tonto and- Will bring tack his Chevrolet • oar. tionsiderable local interest as well- • e, as throughout the Province; has been 'aroused over the 'Chevrolet. and many intending purchasers are aniious 'See the new car. • . • _ Watch for details- of Nylo-Nyal Day. ' • • A box of Nylo Chocolates will he given . to each person, making a 25 -cent Nyal . - purchase at our store, on that" day. -Dr.' . ". • .8pence's e rug Store. - • ' Geo: Robinson, of Wingliani;who went. to England With the firste0anedian Con- tingent, and. after serving about a year in the trenches returned home badly • shaken tiP is again Cat his way -to .the froet, iii-ealisted for service immed- ialelY hewasable to pass the,medical 4.006 Phick The'reguler meeting the Woman's • Institute Will -Le .held in the -00116611 ' Chain bey on ?rid ty, Noe. I eel at 2:30 ti • o clock The roll call is to be answered e • „by "Favorite Recipe." • A talk to be given on "Keeping on A. • time Sunny Side et Life.", Readings, • e. Calandinstra mental music etc.:. Refresh,- • • ` . • • ,c• Are issued tor „ $.1tort Terni of Years • ._, DEBDrIIIRES " smeoneramem interest %Ammons .1"ayable Httlf,Yearly EGOTIABLt '27' • The (meat West Permanent Loan Compaq 17 20,Iiinq St.West • • • Toronto Representedby '. os-..-Agnewr Lucknow, Ont High Class Tailoring _ _JU3t.ieeiived our. „rail Stock N • of 13;ue Serge; Black serge " :d Cheviot. -and Pancy suit- _ings--pottlictIting Cat attel see' theft: -• 1 Merchant Tailor OPERA,'HOUSE- ITICK-NOVVI----_ . . . 'e Boyer -Vincent .. .- , Stock Company i...niGnr oNty4 Saturday;.NOV,, 6th Presenting - For Her Sister's eni,...i.ot • Pun of smiles 14/0411G . and Tears New Mandeville Between Acts 4 Reserved Seale on Sale .41t Arm' ,Jdrongla Drug Sfore. NOS IS B fat. r t This Coinpaity Will alitteat here every TWO' WegItle OU Sat. night, :9 1.• The family and friends of the late • Mrs. J. A. Strachan whih to express their gratitude to the friends and nOghbors whogave assistance and • sympathy at the thee of ,theie rederitliereevehierit.".• Business Closed 9g: 'We are this week advertising the hi- selvency of Reg:Barrett, who for thiyeral years has been in theslearness business in,Lucknow. • Air. Barrett started and carried on •Iiis bueinesi ueder a member of adverse conditions and has put up a geed fight to get along, hue weredepreite 'thon and the „ever inereasing expense of carrying on a Mismese evidently was toe much for.hina. The Nigh School Literary • • At in" organizte:On 'meeting of the High School Literary Society held Oti Tuesday of this week the following of ficers were elected for the school year: President, Bain Stewart; Vice -Pres, Mary Connell; Sec'eeTieas , M. mitt- Diarmid;'Editor, M 111cCluce; Aesist-: Est,,-O-Mngnillin;_eritic, E. Twitruley; -00uncillors; -Form III -M • MeNaine -0 Cannel!; Font II -11 Trelea,vere Freeman;. Form 1-4r. AfeKeuzie; S. Burn..'- • • More Big Boots . Our note"of last week, On Af, Greer's 18 -pound turnip, has started up a corn - petition in the exhibition of hie toots bike has been turned into a sort 'Of miniature /show room where a collec- thin of big mots is growing. Alex. Gol- lan is in the lad with 'a well -formed meeker Swede which weiglies ee pOunes. -Ckiesea-P-• eirdue brought in two very big -Swedes .Weighinge2.0 epeueele ..einilee-eereee -having a ciecemference of over 36 inches. He -exhibited also tivo shed red garden carrots which ate 15 inches iround. The fell shows come tree early • for the best possible exhibition of big roots Both Messrs., Gaon -anti litatio say that roots almost equal in size to 'those • exhibited are quite -common- their -Thee- turnips, mangols and harrets are making up for the lack of the .potatees. • AAICKNOW, ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER ilthg, 1915. OVPSIE3 ViSiT TOWN A Dad Baugh That Ogght To Be In Jail -Steal and Snatch Money. . • . , . McLeod., 00 or over -V. tiodley, P. unclean, ragged, toarlouwooki'4, Small: 'Pfiliglas,'E` Johnston, Harold Duman. 50 or oyerr,-F..MeCiregOr; 0. AleDesnaldt, • • eJr. over ---11. Potter. • BO or over -1: Smith, • 50 or ovisr-::-(L. gar- lintt, M. Hugh) ties, Q. Little, V.Elliott, 3. Spidier,Ce. Akor over -0, Dogties,„ L. Mendelson, J. Cain, Mod Johnston+, Howard' Agnewt, • E. Irwin, Orem. Johnston, Herold „Agnew. Below 40-0. McKendrick, Al, Orr, J. :Johnston, a ,R4thweilt. , Thosenoark-ed -12. missed .one, or -more fortune together with. all the exams,„ g1V°' -°`) 3(4.9;vetagf'attnd,". other rine and dodges of w;the dead -beat • • ' ,,•• I, 9. BhmteireeTetieher. and sneak-thief•apperare ty their stock LUCKNOW 'SCHOOL REPORTS ; • Rome IV • • Tests-Arithniet.le, Granemai, Ora" Cornpoeition,..peele yireekeeeeeee„- --.8e, 1V-70% or over -II, Treleaven, were the of roving Gypsies. which passed through Lticknow on ' Saturday afternoon, heeding, app ire n thy, for a warmer winter clime. If half the ye:•' porta about them o.re true, they are qiute as badastheir eleoks.e, we . travel through life !et us live • by the way", appears to 'be. their ruleof life, 'for they were stealing everything they could lay their header ori and, could ..cerry, away with impubitY. Ticking pockets, money, flimflamming ' for jewelry, • in trede, e • .• . , Two cases seatching money evbieb , IIIie4xcellerni-AilsOn Reid, 8 Burns; 'B. Merdie, Y. MeQuihlin, K. Ifill," Good -P. Mathers, H. Blitasteire Ti Blitzstein, 3V. Treleaven, ea:Dowries, J. Arinetroog, N. Mendelson, W. Huston, Fair -R Howey, F. Cain. Jr. III -I Rithweil di I they were later toned tb.'gives,- UP Are. ropdeted,*.4 counts entered La.- • Chapelle's jewelry !store tinder pretence of wanting to purchase rings. Soon after their departure two diamond range, valued at 0,1 and 823 each were missed. As the suspected parties were 'away' he - fere the shortage could be proved, efforts at recovery Were much like the prover- bial seerehler-a eeedie in a hay stack. Murdoeh, Thompson, . W. Webster. khehaudeamped over Sunday near- Tali -L. Durnin, -0:Reaburri.' - issue of "The Presbyterian" and refers to Purves' Lake, and it is said that after ° S. A. Burial:Lee, Teacher. Mr. George* Matheson, of our village, • , r e, A . McLean, M. Webster, D. Mitchell, A. Irwin F. Andrew A. johnston. Good " .AFTER FORTY Y EARS , -W. Thompson, H. Thompson, Wilfred Ther following appears& in-tlie-lasT ,KINLOSS MAKES *(ild0D 7-- • 'Council Decides to Donate $1 560 .. .0 -- RO,t,ross and,Patrintre- Single Copies 3 cents At all informal meeting of the mein - hers of Kinloss Township Council Mon- day evening it was decided,thata grant at $1,000.o0 Amnia fie made to the, Red Orotoa And Patriotic Funds. The grant will trot be actually made until the _next it -411'14'r meeting of the Council, buf there mews little doubt but that it will go through withritit opposition. The people of Kinloss like the people all over the ;country are glad .to do their "bit": in PrOeduting the war and -saving the sot- diers.And their dependants sta far .as poss- ible from pain. an4V.'sicknesS, and. this - patriotic deCiaion of the anuieil will 119. `doubt beteeelered with fitieor Fifteen hundred ollere is a good big donation groin a. township the.size et pile:84,4).nd *ri freru the treasury is the"' feirest and west econornicel Way of making it. The charge to'eachhundred urea will be trifling and it will do all kinds of good to the boys,in the hospitals. , their departure there Was much evi, Room II " who has been superintendent of the derma of a festive °emotion having been enjoyed. The camp site was littered . Sr: II-Exeellent-M. Smith, E. Reid, Presbyterian Sabbath Scholl in Luck - E. Orr, I. Johnston, J. DUrnirt, C. John- now for the pest, forty years. He con - with the feathers of domestic ford, cab- eton, , M. 'Mitchell. Goed-G. Jewitt, thrums hale and hearty and well able to bege leaves, potato peelings, etc., et°. ' L.: Rea,burn,, T Johnston,-. 4.1ton, N. fill the position But-of-teurse-they-nray,.haVe bought,the-, Sicinues; - - • - - • birds and the vegetables.; . Very benevolent the old manic, 'bed • Jr. II--Excellent-S. McKenzie, L as he stood with the golden light 'of The tend travelled in five covered wagons, old, wretched and rickety, Murdoch. 'Good -C. Lihrie, D. Hough- . an October afterueon falling on his n° ten, M Chisholm, IT Sproule, M. Doug- kindly face and whitened hair. Be - two or which were These were las, W. Eaton, C. Alurdie; D. Carter fore him his flock had gathdred, order - down by old, crippled, stared -looking W. Hoare, 'E. Burns, W. Hughes:, horses, which looked as though they . were longing to be shot and put out of misery -good trading material, no &milt, • in the hands of a GiVsY• • -The evothenof the.band•-appeered to* constitute a foraging party. Arnieredin the most fantastic fashions of , loud -cul - ore, . &earlier skirts with a thousand frilleellounces•and faldaralle, they lair - lied like hawks e bout the etreets;appar- entle,paying no head to anything, but. evidently.alvrays on the lookout for a . • : There is aidto be ut a score of Children -'dirty, iage d, wild -looking, littlethings-in the wagons, so there is no danger.of the gang dying out, • Their reputation as sharpers had pre- ceded them to town, as they .were plain - ed for a numbee of thefts about Amber - ley. After an interview with them, one man "missed' -a -pocketbook- cone:tieing about eight dollars. He'couldn't imagine what had becomeofit."It-wiwkrst goneL and the Gypsy was gone tooa coinci- dent, 'perhaps. . charaeferistie story told of the gang is that one Ott'e men went tea'faint to buy oats for the horses. He found the fanner all right and on the two going to the barn thq discevered' another. of (he. gang leaving the granary with a supply (goats. The, Chap with the farmer had arrived ahead of time.'It witi•his betel, ness to keep the farmer, away frome the barn., But the best laid plans sometimes ; * AT A *GOOD OLD AGE -1Cialoas-ResideniNs5ed.-Avay-at-93:-,---7- After beiiig more than Iwo 'years con-, lined to bed, John Mackenzie-seho lived juet north of Lucknow on the Holyrood Read; passed away' on Friday of last week. . He had reached the good old age of. 9).year, and death- was due t� the naturalesieca,yzof-time., . • A native.of Scotlarid; the. late Mr. Mackenzie: catite- to2FAsitfield: early- lia life and was one of the 'pioneer' settlers near Paramourit, ',where . he'. lived". the greeter pait•of his life. Abeut twelve years ago he retired. from farming and -came to live near tlfe.. village. He is ettrvived by hiS.wife, who is also over -90' years of age and for-sonie -time- has- been confined to bed: • Four daughters and one son Mee shrviiim Margaret, who has always li'vedwith her parents, Mee.; Allan, McLeod and Mrs. X. McLeod, of Liteknowellmerindleteri Toronto; and Mr, A D. Meeker -ate, of Windsor. The late Prof 'Evven Mackenzie, Who4a, few • years ago died syddenly ,'at -Montreal,. Was another ' - • • . • - 'The -late Mr. Mackenzie.was of a.deep, ly religious nature and throughout his 'long life was en active church worker,.. caned Whitt Yet Young Thedeathef Mrs. J A Strachan which' occurred at the hoe Of her brother in law and slater, Mr,, -and Mrs: D. a Tay- loron to*n on Friday was not unex- pected, It was preceded by four months' of coniinuousillness anddeeliae, which, for ahriost, all,that time Confined the _patient to 'the ouse. _The . troabie , ap. peers to have been a ldrni of tubercul- -osis-which-permeated-tha-viluile-systeni Mrs. Streehan was still comparatively young, being only slightlY over 40 yeare of age.- She watt a daughter of Mr and Mrs. Steel Merdock of town 'and tad' met and Married.- Mr. S:raehan here. lad of 13. Until two years ago the fan . By lived in Winnipeg when they moved back to Lucknow. The funeral od 'Mon- day was ettended by a large number of sorrowing add sympathizing .the husband and bereaved relatives:. : • *eat Play turning. The BoYereVincent Stock Co: will play e one night's engagement at the Opera House, Lucknow, Saturday; Nov. 6th, whentheyWill 'present a:beautiful drama entitled "For Her Sister's Sake." This play is written along the lines of the great New York- success "Bought and Pais' For." This popular company have arranged. to "appear. Lucknow one , night every' two weeki. on Saturdays. • -threacbrmitasion they will"preaent DOW and up-to-date play and new vaudeville between the acts. Arrangements have • been made Whereby you may have the . aim seats held for you for, the entire season, if desired. It will be times. ixtry to pay for the entire season in ad- vance; you can pay for them each night as you use them: The einettregoete Of •Lucknow are assneed of A series of greed entertainments. Rsserved seats wilt be on sale at Armstrong's Dreg Store. Prked25 and 35 Centel, • • South Kinloss 'congregation. The funeral; whieli Was attended by Miry former trig:nide froin Paramount, Was held on Monday. to South Itinloss cenietery:, • • 4 - Whitechurch ' , ly, but eager, restleSs but restrained. .N1-411GanET•MOOrranrars 'Teacher " Little children were there, witli swing- : . Itoijmq , • tog, dangling legs and toying glance; Sr Pt. LExcellent (75 per cent)•e-• . youths and maidens were there, frank - J. Stewart, 0. -Thompson.., -Good (60 per • • 'b' blithesome o,r exees8i-velY aignified; cent) -0. Milne, A Aitchison, 'Af, Ged- sobered men and women were there- . des, ' A Thompson; M. Mhis helpers and his friend'sAs he McInnis, G. gigues, P. Mortis, E McIntosh Fair * looked out over the upturned fades (40 per cent) -L' Smith, N. Webster, E. his mind, went • back to ;the, distant Armstrong, D. McInnis, M. McKenzie, • • past, back to the distant day, forty P. Webster; g Johnston. Poor (less years before,. when he first became than 40. per cent) -T. Webster, S. peck- superintendent of the Sabbath School: Cr, • • ' . What changes the changing yearilhed Jr. Pt. I. -(Excellent) -e -W J.)ouglas brought! The little ones of that day . CHt3431 NEWS ..• TAUB Clirra-nnereaS, Efficienee" was all interesting topic on Monda,Ye9Y* - ening, itteingtrittel Ur; Thigh aan- 'Millen wlite gave the Guildites some very helpful hints, especially on Inereatie.' One Of MT. Madtillalittl remarks was "That it was a grand thing. to be able to boast of doing something better to -da). than youdidthe day befo-e," and when this Increase 18 obtained to be Efficient kir it. The 'topic' was followed by a Ault paper by Mi..sq.Ms1XY _ marks by Rev. Mr. Duncan and a solo by Miss Jean Douglas. Ne ia NRedaY will he a hterhry evening, the topic be. mug "John I3unyen's .Life and Work:" pine and something about this grekt Man who. wrote Prog resirivffile in prison. ' '• . .11•I'MENgkle' .• •Were-efaqew . • ' The -home of Mrs. Conley,. Or:nigh 'Ste, Lucknow, was -the scene of a pretty wed- dine,oia Wednesday of last week, when, at 5 o'clock in the afternoon her Youngeet daughter, Annie J., was united in mar- riageto Mr, Joseph. Henry Well, of the f3th line kinloss. The bride entered the parlor, where the ceremony WAS per- formed, with• her uncle, Mr. *Andrew Lockhart, by whom she waegivenaw4y, Alisa-Mary ConleYeemter of the bride, • played the wedding march. Rev. J. S. Duncan officiated. The bride was 'dna. ' ed in white embroidered voile with net and satin trimmings, and carried a bouquet. of petunias and maiden hair fern. After the ceremony the guests, numbering about twenty-five' nearest relatives and friends of the bride and. gremn, edjoureed to the dinieg-roons, where A sumptuous wedding dinner was served. The bride received many beautifa and valuable presents, showing the high esteem in which she Vim held. The groom's gift to the bride was-, a beautiful set of furs. • , Mr, and Alrfi. Wall lett next. day for their home ari time 8th Oen. Kinloss, taking with them the best wishes of their many -friends. • PRITOITABD---HELIIIEW • The account of a Wedding given belpw has local interest intliat the groom, Dr. Stuart Pritchard, is known to nany .of our readers, .He is son; (4 the Jae Rev. Mr. Pritchard, one time ministe at Dungannon; The article in Copied D. Mane, G. McInnis, G. JOhnston,t. - had grown and gone, and here, before "Ndovv:01~..t.eete.mel",,AV:4.0,A01:00%4 , 1jj'AVE you ever :thought that ALA eone leeeeleeliere cime" fieme• eyeeetraia„ , rV 'Hine the eyes are Strained, Au the 11.041allahle to A ost to our optical deem:tweet' will put you. wise about Your- 'eYee. • ..` elays only" take . the matter, - - AvVrie-- 'Von - A bout •the beet thing to do is to consult us now. ." /1011501i its with the essererwe . that, ive• avlif with, you: neoactie gasesare different .. j'a; front 4?iftlinery.glesses. , „ differ We-ba‘=e )e,s made for .you qist glf,t4geS regl/ire• • ' , • .'seo us about this and lee improve that se can help .$,ou. EYe ficatlackgs Need: trot Bao • See • F. T, ARIVISil1ONO " And See Better %Ao. .,•••.c.v...A.0%,•%;Ajr^raeN*1.-4U - ' EVERSOODY'S COIAIMN MONEY TO LOANI.-Oit nmrtgages and notes . reiSonabla rates. Fire Insurance. both Stock and Mucuni ectunatiles. ONO. A. &EDDA LL, Banker. Im.eknow ' WA,NTED-At once, 41,590,, on a 'Mortgage: ' .• Goett security...Information at the Sentinel , • Office. . • 21.10.ir, • . - PIG ESTRA,1r-White Sow. .Any person giv- in g information leading tolisrecovery wet • '" be suitably rewarded by John Robb, R. it. No. 4, Holyrood. • 11-11.p. - . _ _ , • _ • - For 'Sale . .compoirrABLE-RtsipiDNGE.,-south .on- ltoss Street, Lucknow. 5 rooms and hall „! downstairs, 4 bedrOonts, hall and O clesela tipsters, hard and soft water, 1 •itere' or • e . .214 t -f. • •tp round. • • • Can. A. F, Armful:en:4 ' COMFORTABLE FRAME 110USE.---ftalor, ,. dining -room, den, hall, kitchen and -ben- room • nstairs, 5 rooms upstairs -hard tiecift?‘wvater--geod new stable, two atIres of land, goo orchardAtA00.01-7eany term& r 6. Alretson, Proprietor. Etist • - Campbell r., tialcuow. • from the Olebago EXaminer of Oct: 22:' Blair, F. Finlay, G.' Smeltzer, Me A him were • their. children. Of the strong, a McKenzie, M. Johnston M. friends of former days but few re- • Miss Myra Bradwell Helmer., twice , " ilenclersen, F. McInnis. Good -C. mined, yet here were their children golf champion of the Midlothian Club, Blitzetein, S Jewitt, P nicer; G. Fish-, and children's children. - Forth to the winner of numerous trophies at Skokie and other Clubs about Chicago and on wide world mane had gone and Were er, W.- Agnew: 8; Huston. Fair -'-W. the at Asheville, also a gifted Write Nizen, H. Finlay; H. Webster; M. Gam- making, their mark in college and .er bf Children's Jingle tales, was•maeried We, 1) McIntosh (A.. Irwin. and 'D. chinch and school and state and he had helped them all. Most 'had hon.. lot evening to Dr. J.*Steart Pritchard; Darnell have been omitted as they were of Ontario, Canada. The bride the , cored him; some had wondered into the _absent most'of the month.) Tar ceenitry and made him sad, but e daughter of Me and -Mrs A. 1141; • No oratea, Averafie, 42:, , - , • I Mdaillo, Teaelier • kindly love that had brightened -the •tnerof the•Virginia Hotel, • after glow ()there lied been • borne The nuptial serviceeelegantly exclusive ATRIOTIC years now. softened ail in its warm and very rich in its. setting oPpalms and FEERout to the silent cicer of the dead end chrysanthemums; took place in the gold , now in the bitter-sweef denten-eery and:. whtte 400n1 of the Virginia:, w Mr. R. D. Cameron wits one of the ,. wit the relatives and only a feof the • there lingered •dear ones 'loved 1014 immediate. ftieeds of the bridal pair pres- 'speakers at an I O. F. patriotic meeting thrice rind lost weenie.. But here before St Stratford on Friday evening of last ; him was life, young, eager, hopeful ent. Dr. Wrie P Medal, es:win-of the week.' Stratford has a strong lodge, and life, and gazing upon" it all through bride, and pastor of the. Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church in New York, evidently a patriotic ohe toe,. for eo. less the glinting inetheries of the past, the overseas Service, and the lodge has under- . eietee, ..e..reie ... was .ari .a.ite.:r.m.at.h. .:0-f' nib - than. 41 of its members. have enlisted for °tuiddel.ian's'heart *as:warm-with-grafi. Howev there taken to keep the dues- of all enlisted gayetyip the elaborate supper followed, Most opportunely, this fortieth an - by a series of dancing numbers; in which members, Paid up instil their return. ' ' niversary was 'Bully Day, and "every . gp-• ' • • Referring to Mr. Ceneron's addrese one. was therewith the eXpeetation of 400 tests articipated. lighting - iidil 'in:44Enerlitilotee-S, watetn-retteilodn-tiepiee4'%ivintlir-thsie;iftiteItieet the-Seratford--DailY-Beedon hal the ' i f"ascoeme, "something-:fidtitffirer t'oo the staff . 0 . . following; . • . __LThe,feattires_tif.Lthiiniegiiiii ,,,i,re..-1.1iii.7.,_ iiie;_seho4.had_irecid',;d4,' .p,,- t,..:a. spec -....ng c:)„,r1thigoe_3bToe.stltidolitnig-hsiewitict; .tAh'eliattflirievrevaetliii speeches by Messrs. R. D: „C micron and „ ml mark. upon' the day, and. surprise . , , !IiC ' am . J. Darch: • Mr. eron, *has Past the faithful shepherd who had guided and she. carried lillies of the valley. the flock for so long, They gave him 'flaid °f. hoPlok''' Miss Helen Wilkin, The high chief ranger of Ontario; praised the n, of • splendid work' of the local order in • giv- a beautiful Bible. The Word had been 'Chicago, -wore pink taffeta and silver tae. Her flowers w re mees and Mat 'hed _ing_moreenseneheeeeieepeetienatalyeeheee ...eilielovecleert_book_foreenany--yearsle tiny other society he krieri of. The• war There had he found comfort in t6gown in co or. Miss Marguerite Pritch.... ard, of Ottawa, Canada,. thster 46.f , the_ wasrboing waged .fer- principles which _ trying claysthere. had lig-tasted---the -.was gowned in silver spangl. had always been, maxims, of the Pores- .. living streams that flow front the throne 'ed tulle oeer pink satin and carried pink tem' Ordere-Liberty, . Benevolence" and of God; Vroni its inexhaustible riches, rims. . De David London, 'ef.:Onterio, Concord e Mr. Cameron said thet Oen. • he had brought forth.' treasures new officiated as hest than. . • Mrs. Helmer,- adaG7an now, as she think's. of the war, and old which he scattered with a -lay. - mother of tirelSride,: tvOre.• handsoMe. sodden and flame swept battlefields Of hand- The sword of the. Sphit-•- wilier of silver geayea pearl neck her the contrast between . it had been his trusty weapon in many iiucile lace end pearl earrings • . . . -her :present state' and that- prior to the an. encounter:. With trembling heed De and Aire Pritchard left lastevenwhen she contemplated the Celebra- .he took it, in a voice broken with ing for Toronto and will visit ether Can Moe of 100 years' peace with the United • 'emotion •he thanked them all And adikeepointsegoing Kist as tetras' Nova , States. The kaiser had _touched '-the the .children, sitting so orderly, row one 7 and the older Sentra. Aftee-Joa miry 1'1 they will be al powder ,ritheazine. .Gerreeny had • lost ..rew.in the pews, a.nd.the. teachers ,ana the_freencle; . theme' at . the vieiert splendid of .the Man. •Gelie Battle Creek, Mich.' where* the. Paitm.Fon SAVE -The north half of Lot No. -20. ' • • in the 5tirconcession, of 'the Township of • 'sinless in-the•thiutity Of Bruce Containing 'Fifty-five acres, .FOr 4'arther particulars . apply Alex.Ross*Acknow. 'Ont. • FARM FOR SALE. -,The Administrator of the. Estate Of Mary Ryan, lettelet the Towo , of •••,' , .blederich, in the County Of Huron, Married ". womon,,dedeased, Miens forsale the follow- ing,farm property:--!Pite.ifotith 140 limes Of • but ' -12t West' Wntwahosh. Tha • ' • 13rOpertyisIntattred-h-1.2 Miles Item 'ItutZ.- - now and 1 1.2.miles froth St. gelen,s. Tins farile,is ail in gross and ties beiM vasttfred. for the past seven •yearst' gaod Well with windin II; 10 acre, 'hash; situated in firsc'eless farming e'istrIct: a good ;fia•ine house; 2 barns -and driving -shed •-• Thaforni• . his ti•gooa clay loam, •nad in " 'Condition for ratted 'farming.. For farther particalars apply,to P. J. Ityon: (ioderich, 4 Ontario, Administrator; nr to J. E. *newt,- . • Real Estate Dealer, Ltickriew; or to road- . • foot, Killoran ProudMot, 'Solicitors. for Adtalaistrator; Ooderich. Olt:544,e at 25. • ' • - • • - . _ _ s• • •.;;;,'.•''•... • • •• '-•"1 ' .• • • • - . . , - Auctton ale . _ . HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS -On 'Saturday. Nev. ' • ••• Oth, Commencing at 2 o'cloek ra., It ale- , • ..,Charleti Will sell by public auction. the household effects of Mrs. John It -Win, at T. • •• ' Corrigan's residence, Outran' Sc. hack/low , • • Ternis_oesh. 1-11.o.- , : - ce 10 CZe% 0E..4_..,.. , .... . - :.rio'. ti ...., . , .•.., ' i Reginald In the matter 6. Barrett of the , ',..:' ' ..;.. Village of Lucknow in the C.einnty. Of Bruce; Harness. Maker, Insolvent. .. • _ _.•' Nirrienc Is REM EBY' GIVEN tli;it the abovo •.: ' _rtaMed_Insitlyontatern,14,; all sKillwitAnt of - ' • - • his estate to Inc for. the.genere benefit of hi. , creditors_undee the revised Scotties of Ontario • . : • • Chapter Ku. .,,- '. . • . .. ,, .t., . The Creditors arc' notified to neyet :it the ' .. ' • ' (1).121;•!?/tiittigitiil.t!IlOirlaRlY°,8e&PICAW•r 5..!Ift.' A..i.y. 1915, at the . hour of two• o'cicick in' 'the afternoon for the purpose.of reaciving a •stat,- • • • . • . .., nient of the Insolvent's affairs, fon the appoint- " • ' • ment of Inspectors and for the, ordering ef.tilti testate generally. , • -- . ' • • ' Allversons claiming t'o be entitled to rank on • • the.estate raust,Ille their claims with 11W on or ,...._ 11)ttill istreoreDrtiOAd12:tRa `rttZ l'';',..1,g'. • . , py t • s. s . „, • .. thereof ;having regard to those claims only of, .. which I shall then hav•e received notice.. linutzv..11oilit. . . • JoStretrAtil•igiV.- - - iSolic or. Sze. Asqtgo'ee. Dated et Wingham this First Day Of ,No vent. .lee, the vision of eternal rove.. In her _ ing .were glad thatethey ricletgoroom isoenneeted with the' medi- . . . . • moral .decaelerice--s-helad abeli,ehisd the seen . ' cats • _ . • the three "Ile try_e law Mid. liberty.'' it years! How long the time • , Notice to Creditors ' WEST-WAWANOSII. GAVE- $770. fraud and .frightfulnesse Belgium -hue - service of the King! Not -it' day 'had.- Immediately an receiving the i' ...;.r,, and -established the . three -"F's",• force, and yet Itow.sharti Porty yearsiii the, defended her honor 'because she knew • been grudged in all those yews, not downe appeal Tor funds for the British Britain would,oleo be true to her trust. . . , • once eradthe task been a burden', Love Red Cross - Societe', 3Vest •Wiletailosh - • .....• .... • - -, -• .-... , • _, Iii the inettee of the, e'ritate Of erttriit Wellt"efelere Ofthe Village of Taieri:: - -..-...'t 7---- f.- .. • ; - .now in the Ostherity of Bruce, Afar- • • . e ried \Vermin. deceased. . • ; . ' • ••••-• r had Ii litened ever ldad, cheerfully Council decided upon making a canvass Notice im it-reby gOen•Chat persoas lose her self respect -Canada,. as each toll was some • oner con o t re towns iipowns ip t a ints d I • of h ' •Oretbout the t ar.. neeet "bey euch serviee, love -steno divided into seetheila indidatdd Beloit 'r“fiet V4ik"-wit°41(41 " :Wench day of May A. D. 191.1" at the N,''illage Of involved, but she (deb weged this war mon wage is Sufficient eevvar , only. tee undemenee. 1•10licitor, herein for John St. Canada; as possibleoverseivecolony for' "Without money and with mit name". particear4 n wfilingor Their claims Mut "MOIICOSSit:11„:-.11 C011eeSSintl -------------. 20 • . • . 1.3OtiCession 1C/ a,nd ri 65, 75. ' - Colic' Mead eee --Vonteesion, Auburn Dungannon . .' SO , • Bait side of 18 50 • ' 'School' Children go: 2 2 80 ' .779 „GO. . was at war wheriever Great Britain was' ' , coal(' secure it andeepay it,,, Isr cm, /mired to send. hy poslf prepaid or to di liver to ' , ' • Luettnow iiiiins .1trevittee. of Ontario. are re- ' for self -preset vation, became; in the nn- treasure that waxes not old, eternal etair Walker, Thom.:•:: G. Gaunt etul David. ' •' , dreamed Of event of 131erman victory;7- in the heavens IS tee' :tepayrneet.. Sherrill,. ekoctiforS under the II III of the said '!'' inlet Walker.Voirnantes and 414403;40i; - . 130mb:fly, would beeneof the. greatest - , ecirnee life's greateet gittete us, in --litre- -tee seettr•• if any. held by them, WAY Valid- • ' and collectors apporateci for each. The results' were as" follows; . ' "Conaession , ..8 35 50 • - Concession and 62290' Concession 4 and .5 37 .00.-., . „Statenitints of their acemnit&and the nature. t e • -Tuelleer Nov '.eSufferers. •.knd take untie° that aftortlity Thiel' lath day ' . manner must oar best be given. -------. ' Mr and MM. Cottle alien Stindai in in 00161114On the Speaker referrea to "God' of Our fa:there"! the God of Novetuber A. D. 1915, the said ',Cohn 'Si. • ,6.• AzIr' theeetrentely tosinopolittin tharaeter of-. Of their sucSeedingriace " - elate. Vt'alker..-Thentatt O. .(1•annt and Dirld ' Ales. Sperling is spendiniLit: toy! Afmt: the Canadiliti peonfe, and alifeealied-fer a - --„ttig-savtfikoc:, Sherrill' wilt proceed to distrthate the, asaet.4 of . • • _t 011 in W h - - - - • . • --- . . -thereto. having record only to the •clatins of. wIdelt the?! shall then have had notice and thm. • • :lathes Penrose and 'John Purden have those new people who Cense among us • • ing ant- . the 4111a 011n Sf (lair i')•alger, !Thomas (4. •••• , returned frail] ,the We,st • : to ho shaken in the nationaintelting not • .• • Lrewe Gettig and DaVid''sharrIff will not be lialde for . • o . ea , spent . • Sunday, at. his home here. ' " • • • • Nov. ist. T tisnatiec is -given imrstlant ta-the Stakes* Charles f S 'forth might turn Out good Canadian citizens. • ' revved notice , • • the said' lisiets orally part thereof to any per, . • Son. of Mahn they shall-. not thelt 'havit -Mr. and Mete.Audersoh anent Sundry.. at the borne of -Gibson Gillespie, Courey's Corners; Afreilarry Deingenitente, dtty-Orovenfber • and„ Panties, of Goderiche were -Sun- • . '• • W. A. Wit,so.s, Clerk. • hi•that behalf.. Date( at Lucknew this to. • Watt P:itterson, of Winghtre; spent- • -Menday, Nov. tete day visitors here ONILtitleArlittlgteeNssaid ;Executors. Sunday at the home of K. Peterson. Ewart Jitiniesen made a business trip Mrs. 1Vm. McConnell 'entertamed a if r d All t Gd ess s. oe an I es A cMillan o 0 or c t on Saturday. ,Uumber of her friends tri a part'y last Willigm flint -nil and flimniy, of wing. congregetion lest 'Wednesday. • Misses Irene MeQuoid.end Violet Itil- ham, Visited at Johneampbell's on Slue ' 'Jas. Bowler is finishing tlie frame patrick, of the G C 1.; 'spent the week-, day.. ...4; work of Barney O'Loughlin's shed e , end at their homes here. .......... 7,. Quite a number from here attendid m - -'. and Mrs. Gm" Drennan and "me The regular nieeting of the W. M.. S. the anniversary services in 'letrieside last visitrd friends. in Huror, last Sunday. Was held at the lion:dor Mrs. David Alc. Sunday. . • Mrs. h,*rank McIpeosli, of Ltickrio.w is . spent a few days in Toronto this week . Rev. Little celled on a feW of his Wednesday evening. ," Robert Laidlaeer, MOore, 'Kennedy and Bort Ibbs Lava enlisted and gone to London train for. active ervice. . The,. Guild ineetiog fot next Surety lieeeririi will be fed by' ClIaS. Gillespie, Whniney last Thursdey, spendinga few days under the parental and eireeterev Herne end 1abei a very intereating and instructiVe tent,: to roMr of. Y" • Rev. r. Powell, of Clinton, delivered '11ORN ' of Lueknow t it d I i era ce se fri d MbQtfithier.-1,- In W. Wavianosie on • Monday, Nor, 1,.10,l5 to Ate and ," Mrs, Richard MO4411144 to. • the imbed being "Tasks that are waiting for t e 'Church of Christ 4 Miens last ..1gondol ' , vs e r ends tie the Oor- P r on on ini ay bet, • net's on Saday. . A number of young people' front this • The Corriere were well repteented tit . fart atto.led the oyster'etipper• held in hiliort a good time, ' , the terenmetieg which was hold tif sr )1Ingiulliqn luit-FridSY ny,Oninh;O;nd •all • •., ; -• • ' • ••• • 1 ey " I • • kioderich At a -special .Meeting of the Poivn Council it was,decided to send two del- egates, Mayor Reid and Reeve Nairn, to the Hydro Radial' Assomatlon' conven- tihn be held ',softie time next week, probably in Stratford, to discuss the con- structioe of a radial road from Stratford. to Otelerich •by way of Exeter. ..Two ,years ago the Hydrunectrie Commis. siOn eurveyed a route from here through With Huron to Si. Marys and Stratferd. With this • line in operation the wey might be opened to get the,definect Out- terio West Shore bead in operation. Aft theemanipipal representatives of this district wilt at -thud. 4 • . ; .• • POULTRY WANTED . . Very Werbies lay at Lock now , ginlOss and Ninlougle. on ; Tuesdays. Potiltrii mast be starved 12 hoars before . • !delivery. Highest eadh prices. paid: • -11 . T. 4,-vol‘rs A Christian collegc-hoitte, healthful situation. ' yorprosomtitsattaterissartititi.f.tinv.: IL I. Witmer, tr.A.,1a..1),,St,tbre •• • • e ' . • , . • , .• • • .• .1 t.! •. • t“,