The Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-10-25, Page 5•••••••• - ••••••••11."000.--06.- - Thurt4ity, Octo : athr 913 • ^7"TP' ,..7,.;•", - Trill L1111010 - rage 5 , • 7 •AINLJ t Double Recon, eddy, • t.ttlio,,th:c*me.nceme: . .91 .6.0: V411: and Wrriter, . Advertising 'Oarripa'ign we wish.t.c*.iniPress t1ies im; . portant facts upon all,pr,esent and prospeCtlie.owhers- • of talking Machines, Coltup • Despite.the war tair,there has been nctiricrease in the Prjce.of Columbia Qrafonolas and Records. r ColUmbia GrafonalaS and Records are Made in Canada.. Columbia Records ' Fit any Dile ..Instrument Wear Longer , • Give Better Results and -- Cost Less_ . than' any other record upon the market. New Columbia Grafonola:s $20 up to $050 and up to date Columbia Records 85c up (61%,ItiOns) can be purchased front the following dealer: . ALLIN, OH, SUCH A HEADACHE! nearly everyon a`ban ° ripoing,tearinaheadsches at Gina% Dimordered stem- ech-elOgaishliver does Cheer up 1 ROO, the reit ' relief --,Chemboriairi,s l'hey pet the' TethmajPglizzbilt. dreralote.4e4 Orcblf skadl from g 9 --ekainberlatts Medicine Co Toronto CHAM BERLA1N S . TABLETS BRUCE COUNTY:NEWS' I _ council of the township of Brant • • voted $1,5Q0 to the British Red Cross, SocietY.. • tlr,_Blaek, for 231 vairpractition or in Paisley, - 11.00 Hamilton ' and • is' preparing to move' -there. •. • R. E.-Trultx, M and Senator . Donnelly were in 'the parliamentary •"party whiah made a trip across ' the eciiitinertt • McDougall, president of the Tiverton -Pair,: Ariseciation 'has a three- . yea:Ad driving marc of which he is justly-poud. He has ..ehewn . her , 11 ' tiaies and got the red ticket eaektirne. •Renalr -Druggists, • everywhere, sell ,...avickgnarinitee ltexall Orderlies as sato and gentle lawit)ve. T. G. Armstrong, #helteicau..Sto*„ .10C; r2Sc.-&-SOCAcixeii; - Con :Feleing 'a 4,farmer living neat 4allairtons hist* week found ono of his • bik eteerilying deo in the field.• with a rifle ballet thrOugh" hiti• head. It - /oohs mueh as thou 1, Was deliberately dope, and the crime has made quite a sensation in the neighborliocidt, •• , •• CKNOW. •I• • DRINK RESTItICTIONS IN MARRY ONOLANI) aoArie Pe?* propheeY that attio4 the thipgri that. Will never be the same "again ,after the war are the drinking habits of the beliiger,ento. Ao war meaouies seine mightrehlingeo have been brought about and it is felt that though when poet, to restored the war measpres may not be retained in all their severity, yet there. will never be a return to the -WRY and indulgence that were in existence a little more than a_year_age7 Prange lia8abe17. jelled absinthe; and since France. has been trying to aholiish this drug for year; it eXtreinelY Unlike/Ythat it wiIbe sold(4g4rritafreely as before. If ita usais Permitted at alit. it Will be with eraisiderable safeguards. The same is 'till° of vodka, the national drink of the liussian peasaii t. Its Manufacture„ wliicth araif.a. government_nionepoly,has been Oiseontingect, It is not pertaitted to he•sahl.-- -80-ben000141- ,)349- been tho 'effect of the abolition of vodka Unen the. anss,laa peasants that it is never too be sold again. • Fagos 1:1,,:annwn or Poon . in England the driiik„restrictiens,bav 'leen corni)aratively. few;, but, Snell *it ts, they are are ,Itre rigidlyenforced in seine' places. ,They do.** apply 40 do' these': affecting the drinkers of France and: Russia to certain Doors in all parts of the country, but only to,iminitien areas. The GtovernMent.has the 'authority to ,callany given district a munition "clis- Wet, and thereby it falls 'under the ePechd restrictions that prevail in neigh-. • borhOods where there are large numbers Omen at Worich-pon war material; and whose output would be greatly, dimin- ished by indulgence in &biking. Lon- don is.a Aninition district, but according to 4 eorresPoucloot of t6 New York Son: tharestrictiensapply .only4o_thapoorer people. The guests at the large hotels and„ it is to be toreallIROdi the niembers Of clubs, can get all they Want to drink at any hour of the day Or night. Since people Of this class' are not engaged in the nianufacture of shells, the hotel-. keepers argue that they, are tuffilling the intention of ,the law even when they permit them to drink as formerly. ' IMPROVEMENT IN LIVERPOOL In Liverpool, holexer, the law is dif- ferently interpreted. The hours in which liquor can be legally drunk at a bar are . „ from noon to 2:30 and•froin 6:30 to 9:30 --HIGHER TAXESi--The --Card& --tax collectors will collect • $6,000 more money in taxes this year than last. The 'county rate is bg1er, he ,,provin. cial war tax amotinta to nearly three theusand.dollars, and there is a gener- al advance in. school rates . The total amount of faxes -ow thd rates this -year is $30,000 -as against $:14,000 in -19-14. • Bernard Ruhland, a Young: nimrod - - - • - - of Carrick -Township, vvhile .out with his gun one day recently, shot a full grown :porcupine. He mistookthe animal for a raccoon, and was quite ,surprised On discovering. his Inietake. • For years poreupiries 'ban been very rare in the Older Settled:pi:4as di Biiee and the wonder is where ;this one strayed from. • ‘. • Nairn, in thejabselice,of -Mayor--;13,0id, Welcomed home the hero. R. G. Rey- • nolds, president of the musical society, • gave an nddress of welcome.. Pte.•Brewn was bieWn out of the trenches and his ribs were torn from his backbone. At present he is a pitifulsight to behold, iaglentnearly donble,..burheinclibtf. ful andTc-ooks forward to . being able to • work. M. and Mrs. Rose, of town RoDucErk THE• GDARD.--the reduc- ,ing of the, Wireless Guard in Teber- moly last weerrcir rn; , 30 meirfc-i'l4- strong, .we believe, one of the west, sensible moves that has been pulled off in Bruce •since the war began, as. in the opiniowof many the ,keeping of so many =OM this point was the rank- est kind of folly and legross squander•\ ing of the public cash: A still further' reduction.. in 'the pay r011 up there 'would look goqd to as, a,nd don't think would greatly lessen the empire's chance:3 ofiwinning this ..iva,..7-.13ruce Times. • Bon iWarrg-llosin -Word'hat been rideived this says The Teeswater News, froth. three of our boys at the --front.-- Will ileclburn'i written on the 21st. of Sept. from rioinewhere in Prance, heiancl div-. aro wox, nig a present e ro- ans, in a bospital behind the ,lines. Mr. Melhuish writes from the trenehes, saying they have lost track Of the days. ofothe vveek and are fighting deSperate-. ly, knee deep in mud, soaked to the thogremterpostottinwiiiid With. nothing -to change,into Wheri the op- portimity does come,- but are stilt. colt fidenV of sliccess, writes froin 130 glum: where his divas 'ton workintitraliance dres-it. statien. E. says they bedtime so ac-, Anatotneci to ,segiae eke ' craft_ shoiled that now 'they de noi pay much at• tention to them unless ib happens to• be an eaemy machine.„ All .three boys were in the best of health -when •T: Aitken,- daughter of Mr., . , _ sk,'Clark; at. W al it of ton., who • , . died very suddenly -at her fat/1'er% liOnie On' Thursday; tlie 21st: 'she • leaiteii,nlaraband.and„ three chitdren. 13efCre her marriage Mrs. Aitken' Was 'anti Or bung , • lr•ersit.tens f'uoirr -.Pont conco ,46birt Utissell, 'Of Viralkorten, !have trent, • 'flit4 .younget nen,. Leith, jointed the 7 ist: • lidsti,week, 'while. his Soria,,Stsnley and janie4,)turosiretidy 'the 'front,' and MB romaiairig John, is • ab .1...;oixtlett. lorOy is creditablc. • showing for one home. ' Pont ineMbers',in the Port tigin • Isterthern League hockey club are iiow • ift' training for. Overseas'. .servino. Bob ',OttivonsOn, -One of .0)e best` -deleneo . idayorS'in:the:Rortiorn.bas joined tho 'arttilor.;. • Frank; thades Ant. Roy 'TliotrOon`ato with (Wad., ,iligta , land, raglinentt:00 a6pcitst,. oho • tatittitniatt it ki,p4m#.4 . • tiodelich 11.4.eit 'Molt Gederich turned but in great force on Wednesday Of last week to meet jack Brea,. who was badly hurt..in tin) battle of Lange- inatelc,:and ;she has been invalided. home. trhp schtiol ehildrenInarched inaiiody to the sttation 'and the: 43rd Reg:meat 'Sand; of which otgatigatiot, 13rOW11 Was 'illetilber, gave a routing *demo4 procaiodou waa ioriberi and matobad. to4(00:094.tt!404001 Ozete,•1106V0 1;4%44 whe'se_..9,11*.hae :heen'-edseing. BijigIt the. Langeniarck battle, was informed byPte. Brown that their boy was lkilled by a shell while in anlressing station. . 4T THt COUNTY -AIL . . . -.. .. . High Cali of Living Problem golviii -Peaco- ats Thrive on Low -Priced Pare • . • , ;Jailer 'D. Malleehnie has .made his re Mt to:the Lovrnment 1r Ath e ending Sept. 30th. The report contains iniieli interesting -information...•, Mr. Me : Kichnie appears to have solved the high cost of living at the 'county jail. Pris- oner's food costa • only nine and seven- . tenths cents per day; And it :must not „he„supposed_that-theArunates-are--not properly fed The menu includes half a pound of,bread at every meal; two or three ounces • of oatmeal twice a day; Meat and potatoes for. dinner three thills a Week, with Soup two other days'bt the week. - The bill 'of•fare though not laa- urious,iiisuhstintial and schrie, tit iii• , prisoners get fat en it, width is remark- able when You coniiclei: the cos of their dallydiet, lOtheilteiniltielfidei 'Nam, --w. ber oflirisoriera in custody during ;the year, Male 72, feinalei Under 16 years,: ..1 altiale'-"for;fira tine,11!nolo', g. tetnale; b „ . for sceencl tittle, 12 Male; Oiler three times 16-nial'ee 1 feinale; total numbereorainitt: 7: e 'i2 lia ales. ' Nationality ti • of prisoners-Canaaian," 54; nnglish, ; 4;, ..triah 2.; other countries; 5. Ite- t,I :169 . ilgious nominations,. Rornat4Catho-. 6 lies, 19; lairch of England,. 11; . Pr. N. *Whin,' 113° „.1VIothaaist, 16; other , . • n doinoniitiationr1; 9; prisoners married, 38; ' - --' ' C-1,-3i't ItiUbt ettd;' -tein tintharrie ; ou r • ,._.. :-..t petate, 30; intemperate, 45. , jail .e).e.: ii penditures for the, year -food, • . clothing, B fuel, ete.,-.$623.72; ' officers salaries, I . 11500; *airs, 1175; total, s298.79. VallieostOrrallOns per prtS0fier, nine and .seven-fentlis Cents. ' nin;i4r suit of r9oCeemliPellingn tthh: ino.st ex Adelph cannot buy 4 drink exeept in these hours. Of course, there is .nothing to prevent him from stocking his apartments with all kinds of Hip* in the SpeciPed hours, and absorbing them- at his leisure. But the -same- thing is. true of a working-nian. He may buy a. bottle of whiskey and drink it at home whenever he feels' like it. In other words, the rich, ' man and THE CANADIAN LOUNTRYMAN the poor man are on a.n equal roPtingin LiVerpool., The city. used to have the Malang A Big. Step forward— 1110 DOVOTION OF A WO Two stop. PROM Tile W411‘110PITAI, Ameng,the severely weliad=r-eldic;7'., Who recently arrived 00101491010 Aux- arso a territorial named Jean Large, aged 40. A piece of a shell had crushed his right Irpee and part of. his thigh, and he had lost a greatawount of blood before lie had been taken to the .first relief station. His condition 'wee such that it was thought imPossible'to operate and his wire WAS sent fidr. tor. • 41144Qcwilo-wzmill-.0barp4 did, not try to hide the truth loin the wife, but as she wept beide beside the bed Where her husband lay, already -half U onse4040, he said; "There is only OPP possible .chanee, He is (lying from Want of blood, ill you. give him. some. Of yours?" . . . "Take it all if 'it to . nOCesii4;" She --replied..; • The ourgeon thew prepedect, to per-, form, the- operation .9f blood transfu- siori; using the- system ,intreditced by br, carrel of the gockfeller Institute. The operation WAS a.inecesor The pa tient gained sirenstlicifough to undergo, amputation Oihis,its# and a second 0014,7 fuSlon of blood sent biin on the high road to recovery. ! He WAS SODA Avle.t.0 tailt; And told the•sargeon whet good tortoni he had to have a healthy wife likehis. i4A4 be add, "I suppose an operation like that would have cost a fortune. At least $2,00p, • "Perhaps, so," Said the surgeon, "but just now,we are all working for nothing, It is foriFiance." r It is sad to have to add that when your representative visited the heiSPita ten days after the operation he he found that jean Large had died that morning. A form of diptheria had set in, against which the soldier could pot strUggle, lig AN FI0IIT Proved His Mettle and Was Accepted 'Major-0614ml Sir Sam- Hughes is ex, ceedingly popular vvith at leas1 one sol- dier in training _at Owen4,§ound, Caffie, of' R mover. Collie is but a shade over five feet in height, and when he went to the recruiting staticin was turned down for his jack of stature, 'being nearly •two inches 'short. Some tjp3e afterward Cat overheard a man • Teutonic origin make some slighting remark about the Canadian soldiers, and though his oppoifeet Overtopped Iiiiii by „nearly a foot,' he gave him sound pum- meling, all of which R. J. Ball, M. P., a, resident of tianover, learned in due time: ' At list he sent a personal letter With the facts Of the case to Gen. Hughes, and the -result was that in a few days an order came from the head of the Militia Departnient-authorixing_ccitfiel to- be taken on the overseaiforces, , reputation of being one of the motet Leave Your, Subscription At The Sentinel Office. drunken, if nOt; indeed, the worst, in the -British Isles. A. few weeks' restric- eions have greatly improved the 'condi:. tion of the werking_ piex, .Are _ -- steadier, are supposed,te be putting by moremoney, and are Jess addicted to /strikes than ever befote in their history. TREATINo-A.L-LowED , of the new Taw • is the 'anti -treating clause. 7 A fine or$SO0 Wiriapiise :upon anybody buying a drink for anYone else or lending him money to buy* a drink. • Nor isA man permitted. to order two drinks .fcr himself and then preSent one :of • • a r ecu . or is e a lowe to taste.a.drink,' pronounce it not to his liking and offer it to souiebedy else; All the tittle. evasions which in time of peace 'thight afford a fine opportunity for 'law- yers.to defeat the purposes of the. fram- ers-ofthe measure have been reduced to insignifidance in the Present aritical 51t. tion;' and the '&1"W -treating elanSe !ch_tio,Joany:peonle thoight tohe Un - 'Pitiable, him -Velar -desirable it might be, as been as easily enforied as -the clause ithitin the lahlta which honor may g „ e legally purchased. • Ptiniati §ENTIMENT AND THE LAW It ii7said: that.i.n---tho leading •'Liver- ool hotel there was conaiderable troable t first over the, anti -treating clause. In ie first week reeeipts fell off 60 per ant , and in the, Second Week 40 percent, ow, howeVm•they are said to be nor- ial, which would seem to'indict that heteatrititions-have-Initriallyyttailltect n any considerebie,reduption in the a- iount of liqeor eonsinned. Mr. Sainuel lythewho has beon travellingthrough The Canadian.Countryman is reeng- nizettasthii brightest' agttetdattatwefa,kry Canada. • " It his a net, paid. circulation fully.„2574 greater than. any other farm paper in the Dominion.:. • ' ---Just7now the insti aprinting press costing -$32,000 .(the enlY machine 'of its kind in a Canadian publishing liptise) is Making possible a substantial increase-in-the-size--of-the--Conntrynian.-- During.the :next year the minimum, Size - Will •be .pages weekly, with 36 pages during -five 'winter inoaths... This- has opened. tip the way to a now program• -of editorial 'features that put the -ainntryinan--deeided1Hn---affelais_ .itself. • . • • , . Each week there will be several good strong feature articles, '• well illustrated, dealing f -with . the ..Putstanding _ timely problems of the contarialartrier. Figur-- :ink five -Mich .artielesi; of A page . more to theissue, gives fully poo pages of -feature articlesin the -coarse-of-a • year, -with 'upwards- "500-- -te 700-.8616CW illustrations:-----'The-WeelOs • ..Retuieder"' is present- practical hints- for Avery. week in. the year, written. by • a Well known .manager of a large fariri..'. Under !the heading of ``A. Dollar for a, Good Idea' Will be 'published - deseriptiOnir'.q. .ptactieel iderta treat: hi -W.' Coliiitryinan readera--"-$1 .being paid - for each idea , Offences for which prisoners were committed.: -..--abusive and obscene lan- guage g, assault 8, abduction 1; rlOstroy- ing and injering 9, escaping frnin or obstructing eon table 2, fraud 5, giving liquor to Indians 1, horse Stealing 1, indecent assault 1;1areeny , 12, Inn:dies .7, MiadeMe.anor 2, rape and 'abtatilt with intent 41; receiving stolen goods 1, sedite. tion threaterfing language 1,tre3passers :7; vagrancy 13, other Oflce9 2 Ocett- pation, trade or Ottillutt "ot.• priseriers: Agents hive 3, eahluet.ratikets donatablo• 1, dentist 1, origille603 and • titacbinists 5 farinera atid. yeoman labOrera,12;' ilittgariS and titofieot4tteo -g; inereinitits and tinders t; aistaibers ,ned *4W4ar1h11 4lpntes w0a11 My.tl,ate 1, O. M• ' f et#04ao0orManpatiant 4rialbic li4ogoii ussia, said hi a,recent article in the ISe‘turdavening-Post-that-While-vodk was not to be had, there, was DO trouble At all in getting whiskey oncl other 1i iw'ftit 1eadin hoteirriu the large cities... Thehars were'open e.r3 us - nal, and if a thirsty soul askect for soda andfavored the waitresi with an un- earthly look lin ,woidd find whiskey in his glass. In fact, the nian who Wants. liquorRussia and is t'villing to pity for it can get,a, drink without' titieh diffi- eulty. in London the sahib is tree of the big hotels and restaurants. It 'ib not true hi Liverpool', and no doubt the law is enforced 'or not enforced lit vari- 0E8 tliStrItt.a according Lb: the local pub - Hp seatiment. V the people see that drinking is interfering with the produc. ition of War IIIIII110011$ °the law is titeciy enfereed, If tbey do not. see that. any, 1 1g14atroparticular baraCOiMO oocif noofndeiv bi. 000tad,1 • mous pictorial feature, a good min and :frequently 4 c011ipetibiOn wIll bo intro- duced, with prizes for best garden plans, best drawings of various kinds, etc. AltogetbPr- the Witialian-Vetittr,vr....„1- io niaking a big step forwardto a point where its lxiitorial service will win for it an increasingly _strong regard in the good farm home of Ontario, The ,Canadian .Countrywan wants representatives Ineverylocality throngh. ent Ontario t receive and forward re. neva orders from present subscribers. No. earivassing. Liberal commission. Pieneant and proAtable etePlaYment• Write for full information to the (Ian- ndlen t,101114471:1144 Puhiishing_ .3/01141,an, TOfOnf-0. Wing4aHl ' TistrA-Aorrsiv---,-14 Sari panel*, on Oct. 11;th, by Thiv...Dr. Hughes, of Pasa- dena, *California, Mr, Walter,T., .tfall; of 'Pasadena, to. Miss Amelia. Oak Agnew, of Join Vancouver,agvodaughterlvjghon 1.,,f I?. I 3..3. arr. tud all is a so'li of Mr. Thee. Sail fcr4ap.r17 of The Advance', ' '• • , Mr_ner Rit2,sxc; Tirstu•-'-NO:.dopbt. the Chnrioll of Morris townshipdid .not re- alize whet other mtinicipalifies :were do - leg towards,gontributing for the: Bed :Cie* 'Whoa voted e2001as Tra- falgiti.DayeOntribUtion. M,oriiis has res- idents Who phouldand4onld give 4050' personal donation. There are Men in many cities and towns. who are giving $5 and $ic and do not even posssess a bank account, o200,frem Morris when hgured cc nies to abont 50 eeots on every 'hundred acres. Nevertheless they are ipdoing t41 better in`i actuallycirIl9 °so :Id" al::: giirlegaaythirg Tune RAN Mar Otm-While Collect, ions for the Red ;Cress Society was being .made at the Western Foundery one of the employees whO2was_ .evideatly a pro - German, demurred at contributing to such a worthy cause and used some strong language about the Allieved, the Red Cress Society. this the other employees remonstrated and after a few 'Sharp words had been exchanged a rain': her seized Mr. pro -German and ran ;him out, of the building.. It isA pity we have • POOR, pesTesiat . thing that a Mall left himself put .up with, . Yet, it is surprising bow many' men are careless about POCkOL kiii'VeS-Sio apt to. go along:with their ones, pa", • eu Ss' 4: el :mlnee°1 1 3 Irs: everya4rT:4 m17. :SI b°3 f -5° the"g' . .1t4nigittn,°;:itt Qpue%acipieSPblay7feeItil41?'Itchkeiert - put ones in t.licirpoclitett!, that they ra!leeen1144tO•aor001:1:001Pfmteptin'etittecaltonOnit,41:00y.'4; styleasss and .49nrect. ost:zrepor_isetidopteo 1.1,6nadn bnhaundleess:' thAentdarlanhoo4difreosm, wtw000di • bladed pea knives to four and six -bladed knives; and some with screw -driver, cork puller and small scissor fittings. mighty handy for a. man to have. ' Bow about a little shooting someof these bright days? At a target with a :22. rifle, or over the traptt? We can fityou out --Rifles, Partridges,,,Shott-gunso__Shclls, all ' REMIIIGTON-UMC, our lead- „ • ing line in Arms and Amniunition -favored by practically alt the keen Sportsmen we knew. BELL it-IlleUE00 people of thio,star,up in Canada Who can- not or will not appreciate the liberty and freedom Which this, couotry gives them and which would be denied them in their QWn conotrY... • 1 Ladies' Coats • We call attention to our stock of Ladies Coats , . in T -weeds and Curls, in black,- --brawn, -navy a.negrey; all good fitters. For oold weather we show a -rat lined coat, good shell with fur cpllar at 'Pike.•$30-.'00 • Men's Rain Coat, $3,25 to 0„ big valuei • Staitfields Underwear for men in all 'sizes.' •"Turnbulls Underwear' for ladie'§ atid children. ,-. illinery The Millinery department has just received a large: assortment of Hits .arid Trimmings. , 'Give Miss McInnis an opportunity to show the latest styles in the market. . utter an or ors a en as a 1LIA/V1 -CONNEL accepted: "Practical Discussions by PracticalsParniore is a department. in whh1)" h be given the ex e lento d e s;of good farmers on the most - portant 'seasonable subjects.. tiage every" week is to be devoted to "Live Items of Agricel tura News" -brief par- agraphs reviewing happenings of interest to Ontario farmers. Spine ether special deplitmentsbeing .established. and.to_14 - • wen p acei_n •the paper, where tney may rk.gularly be found, are: "Notes from the Counties," "Round the Farm," 41Feeds and Fertiliors,n_ "About _Live Stock," "Orchard and garden," "Making Ponitry Pay," "Veterinary Advice," FoifitThr Law Stplainbizr "To-stiequier gobs Answered,"'Our Young Farmers of To -morrow." An installment of a oed terial-atery--and-n --simit,-stnry ws well will appear each week. The market pages will be develeprid to include coltunn, in Willett, questions from tir't readers with respect to thole individual problems of marketing wilt be answered. A now mailing schedule provides ‘ that the market reports Will close 'Tuesday afternoon and and every subScriber having a viral mail box should have his paper within 24 hours. This will give the Market Pages tend" greater value "The Countryman at . Itoino" is to receive greater attention than ever befall, .and the inetgrani of features to be provided trader this beading ,will: possess strong interest for the womenfolk on the fern,. In the "Timely Topics" section the prac- tice will be continued of offering eatli prizes for every idea rent in by womm!, readers, that is ateepted for pablicatkli. iloangOOttAtrynieti and Obunttromn. & page •":4, the boys and, oirik” I 0.44,1a tood ator$,,otkolt weeitiksti bttitts 41.11411•111.411841.4•11,1l, gieigoeideine. minonigt"-i-i-qpiAlf,d-egbetwasit•Wooeolotootp-- pecial axgains 'in Boys' Shoes, During les a ance '10c-to-Imre* • ivapinmeemikimm.imiliMilMINIMe611Mmi During the balance of October we will give Ten Per Cent. Discount on our. Oi.ne Shoes. We have full lines In Boys'. Box Calf and Velour Ca.14-11-1.ucher Cut, We have a Special Boys'13ox Calf Blucher at S2.00 a pair ear Miner Rull!,.I.efs The Rubber season is here. So are --we with the- troolig'• that loaf- /and fit ancr-amr are the lowest. If yprt. give is your -rubber trade vve gttarantie satisfaction, , : g • 41,1telg4111114 ',1...MMMIN111111.171,1•1111.14 W. J. JOYNT, Lucknow, Ont. AStfilate- Shoe -Deg 'for ail 'the Pantity 1 It 04111,001.9Mtetell'IrMisieraetbier6 adkresanieepapagpahortegaegiatet0.; HoMESTCAD FERTiLIZERS - A Supply. on hand for F1i Wheat, LODDON'S PEED and' LITTER CARRIER STALLS, STANCHIONS and PnNs. W0 ,Riding and Walking, 'A good . suppl3r of PloNv Repairs on hand. • New Will ewing Machirids • • ,