The Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-10-25, Page 4wpm ThurgUy, 06tber ofth,, i9tS
biwWf witi bmW Owok 4ewh. SIP Nut om""I * Qr4ok Koets 6noko'St.vt 011010 Its burwA. h -mom 01QQdVrQ4 lhopk "URN 'COUNTY NFIV IU10M. Of PDX" "ol To""* *wow VQ404 Uw6liding Men, women And b" W 4 IAWUWW, ONURW thildnaincitatreeta iad cmutry a edito 001 roo Tow A, IN UA01CXNZ1X F90 910W gesow than JA Au4tiag R04 H111111figriAn Well Aad'wo. 4POO141 WOet!06�04 Oct. 16th Afid VQt, 19WIRS in his 14per,lut week; 18. sidw NO oue deterred him. (leripan, "014 Council held 4 The Kineakfue Reixoter, U #rLA �4 the, fol. IV Tw iw ii� 1* so from thor homes ed 0500.00 to the jsriti6h 4 Oil pro" r5r is I *00440 inipec". AN
men were drisged ) W y 11 O IS'' 'CAPITAL ANDRUSERV 89800i,000 THUMUKY, OMBUR 28tb, 1915 born soa whQ defended fojej -into The, Reporter last 4t� am
were 8140'aud: ters A ourliosity wo folld, on the 4rait $tOPP4 hifiPaPer becau'Re wo asked him, I I oil T1W 'bytbe.. nlUt week to look after th qt4lised'urtbe e bW70 that
004we XWOU00, W4 x"a k sow. It 0411,14W IT ALL .1 oth line of M, in aagmtrat4 ft* the The Object of publisting, *4 was-floatiog *MUM lines ft-111king, 8105111es'f rnoacto Iwo*- the Obspo -of wgMwtlI otow"JI) wbich. V4100. Tue "d4k doctor Ws.,whou the town o4rried. local W.", % '44 f"40ftt 4404444 for snoneyl, the, Im lie, of ,oum. is to WOO leporta of 1,30 less, tWA Aillo W44 c.014 pow, vmk"" to An*#*; — r a Itt Be - WM to, the femperaq4e �Q� Circular, Letters of �cr it 1*11`0 W h4liter t%%%tQu 1 4-,nnectiOu Germim brutAlities, in France and: I option it, Up with tbo war maket p000to woudd it the- Slum, gq(t tht a where one is- uimally located. till greater attrocitiva of M Rob in'tvroat ims ttkoq at QQder. 0101 to -two that. the law W;)4 Observed. Bank Money Or4erp, looney M.1100ted U All ut to. the beot Germaneis Turk�y, !a Armenia. It it is not Dr. Bradley!* duty to 1141% -or even, re of 9, Mil. 'SAVINGS, DA 1K IMPART, Ji�ENT Mix 1144 OVA' AcUe4 its lut"Oed 40611' pretty, bail vase that li" to be Sup- if Wote, b bel�g at.old in we N swam, A" sockty CU4 o6tion. ThW (kok tooi tho Appointments td IIaowe�- Wax wi avolow" but nolir lww are, not. he 1.�hilws us, the (lerina.4 - Government must have of riap.took rAethi 0044, I., 'rho vior tor V Ing for it4� lao"y 'Ovested i;, � I -, in
what tho duties ,of license Spec nt OAI*ble %4 gmbitious: volunteer. The 4. And the' editor. innot'.pli4oter 4,t,. Torontolon Tue"14#Y4. oet-� 19. ivi The, .do*r q real Worm 'end The yathtrlaudt ei 4 Aft v 00 00 Other 4r$ P�Ivtod out 00 bel, W315 our su MUM" recruiting, It. mAke I e§ort ono. ooi U. oyeryv;sy and VIUM lAud farai ti that he ha�d ;l, character 9M th%t t.h§LW �'014 b III WhQL re. ently disp.0,_$041of wra. to uphold. We llervor q IoLo.-d-oltber
qst han)low $,kUctJQ4 hud' 4, "Vety, but T o ueber pplit a rraay gQq 0 '��O tDwQ 4 he c ji,g -$0140 , , Atilrdw, e
U thor I Ot '" *' fro , In Ito 811 Si victim Alit f Plurity. Flou�- como a (:Am nTi eeTh F"- T ... ... ey We, mit4t IM g se.. sAbok arou -W _mw- U., I -4 4 ", ,
ngwill her' C - W. r berof.thitpixra r0r0tf;0bX,OU -a4 he 'Of '6ur$6 W vs. awn -"M-R- b true the'awrl mis 'd, or .04 0y! hmof . � 11 . io aeSecqq -7Tb
upd�. " ' L I 04bi IS' W.whea_ 41 00AX , .. 4 Mflle'd r t ea&-oservices ove% V ti riot w1a t, of. �41 libix, wheii, he "s porvision or T JiPiO in_o.thmeots E pwotth L oerHAV Va �week "itandard, Under. �.the'�J
W. C11ra Sunday ')a the. l Ins _�_rid 'Phe IW.� % W-04 W.—th -fruit ofauspiolou 'e sol We, CoUldstQ '.Our d A'Der W�y rbWel P gailg of 40 �in: s, , _P4
01,0 . *e1N
'them are: A tinff of 000t SWw 'd �'a 4f IIle* to Sol thls� I tt411U, VU14t iere -00164 Go I W Of tKe Mooth JLU last Ir. e on4 Ill ru Ii , 'I 0 We) N'J$ItUbNbr t1beTOL . ee �dd n ", rO4 few are visited, teOil ime . % , L, . . . i14 y o L line ,it ilt believoo" ixt the b is), J)'o heytor will slipr'.4.0und and,probatlyborr whtOW
0 odd� Yet it is likely that snuie o(the. moii�y ptoyel the*ent sih I aLL abigh py j,,t 0 e r 'rie Pro to see how tb lipga VA family in, the 'Prm vilices. tOrderlies M pe4 ,Zn I= re - spt ifie Jor, -the
0Zn='used the fine ikeqt4d.�- ei troubl f d are in - o . ving ' t 1�
t 1�
ON. Z� ( - I The kviners, of bo, e.g. 0 th t� I13��op e. a put week to such good advan 0 only 4y T. Qaruet,.A .0 I . bU L , . xiiist�mqg'; TlIq WARRENJUKDREWBALK esdsan , C - 2$�. 4 - m that Oraa6c , all th Corn aU ftre;, Ally k iwill
eahruq Whi lity has been gathered a, WFOWUAR U 1) 8 OL* EL Office up 1. The latter Oro is , r ca4god "Bit HOME AT- WOOD!5T LK Tioosw Ir bw A 14 *1k, V7 IOUT &VDUNT11. —,MIS Ioo,ithat ther �p hu til ea e is quitq� a Ipt of $W Flo eace oiof-WIM, -an 'worry God ijoh. C oorlfl�ai and: I OOV.a� In, '00 Q nn"tl a with, A' Mort
gel k . qw, 724 t glate-Insti LIKOLOW 60Y HAS, ME 11R, AND RRIES THE MA9KS Mition Was largely represented. at the Aralty and oflicers "Ja the 'W d f ull'the Uiii' CA 1CV 1) 00 IX'S. CQtiOert in Hackett's 011urcli e,:, r( versity, on' Saturd lAU JAQftlJ RIMY, AreapPoi , uted throu�lt ull.�ratlxer Friday evening. T'he 7comqrt �v p a$L P., de., last, ll,Lq� wotho. atthews n Alob.ueitil.. turnished.- _17he Wo6d4toc it- 11-0fi neck, Old progr4in givenw4Aof 6 - r04V & COPY of I k p Theshot had take ,Oct. in "the eat leavesi'bat in a other Way, Aer4 is Akown arK 3B work, Roble" eXtMol. than llecaus6 of,merit. the gift'oE Ntr� Wilmot,D,'Matt ews, F IL every, f QIL e quil,go ln� 'but it haduk t oLuched the Juglar vin. I the-11,136wer, 'thing n.-Vor 'on- -Ion b - the lie* the Utno optional Two', splendi& ad- tinel Review. w ]ear h
,r But if e waklitati of the jalueLof $1K, niti 0 abdL ' ,"toot doft. WX$QFO M. ewwt, ,li Oil ing to that tow iW. r 11- Alwhium PlItew n of Warrea Uja
4r d" 4 - RiAg for�-tw6-1 arw-(total-valaeF4184 doLany:� I 'IL Madden, I ed room -10T C' 8 t o L Th was qund in the'groA the base hospital. tlieh ta�leii in by nd carried'u0the Duets and solos were' rendered t bittle of sent on from and the root& a shall n v r ,vep, -
"He fo$t hi.', %. g. th�ee -sell6larship awarded 801,ipf May s
thing, noe give. anythin by Afr�; J., Ged Anderson and Xi Cispftal,. .trunk to the leaves where,this moisIture It isjust a 198. rk6mouth If
e, a ef� 'mes 'Celi f0r,tbe' eye 9nd'18 Ot TWISO --SCArred- 0011V -W "er d �h d ivenoff, es breathe i well tolidtatift, that thk)17� bertsoni-of i-beknow-11i first-timi nd ba"d' outhere� I
6-s -boin& to -116 VEN AL ! s�rge� ip-0 n. car- pertaila'ampuntL of Pentlanda4d 'Laura Irwin; Alrs� Coil solts'(3f (10 r, on tho, histry of the.hea(I by' shrapnel Woutid% but. I?, bon dioxide,.. use the carbon aiid'i6t' free, of 'waste and -Q1eavanL Qf Dungan ve e t763 bearty-Ad and AlissEdith Tr io'OSS the 6xyge h �u4 4101 t' 'O ada; and0reat Britain inle unfairness, 'The�'e exis Ili every country Bon, .6f L Nile. The K re,410o.. Now and are. inseparable, from , large nudertAk- *Qceeds amounti lve� 033 Will' be 0�v ge aper,on, general k'a le �Vhen war bioke� o ntroung Rildrdd everybody k to.,,() nows that water whe.4 frozen recogn r0a came to., 25. . -will not fic wagitti to ad' STRATIFQRD.. ON'r* It is US Well to' 6-4nd O�vp Work E1 91 9 An 4 Mondq,'-Oct.' L ted, to tlio of ihe W. Af.S, 0 izet w �nd thu�. when fr6st comes
ot a$ Well. foreeogiliZe t inxnatiod.-,� �'Aod 'with, -11114 116-bt4fewitt-is lio Ifii hf�WgL- -1W wkter 414-0, t Oato4otagea : . I . ., in the gro
oo that the, war ha. aurto ext, o be. Won in.spite,6f,alitilis Ier� u iatA Institute. stadept..Alig,q 5.1,aty 1,� -br up g V I other olinjoined t q rprenforc by the roots 464 410W thro isusitikeas CaUege L u h 'the
'to, e Princo-mi Patricia% That In the I a Bomii t, has.reted Win. Gizest'a TOm; :W41C *as in afin ttunk. '�Vapi)ration -frr tile "Wellington E eaves
tre exp�erienco Our inotructorg -d L L, 13ySUB3CRtPT1 Uoiid�ay, Oct' 25th uary,,a ry 'would still, go ou'ad the, tig& trunk *ipits, get' individual attention OX, OR GRANT'. s�ho arsh" *L a0i the,ona 'pf ebrua. lamemiati., 44 k,, ., 1.1 ip in. a two wem,i* ra 'a F14�dem'�, FArly in , a A ng friends'
0 4WDSMACl is staying a' E. -Samn6l IrW" I -and diq, I'Collego. sTom won a so, mpa� th� lhb uld.dry out
gAd graduates areplacea in I In tho" Lg gn' conduq�ed. carars e i)firZhih6ihiad,t'�ii.,first�xl�er ce-in: :arouqdou r& Ve are recoiving applica- , �p6nt "I Thursd- -y at M64son soliqlatraMp. in s r1bu Students' thtou for' funds for.'the' �-.Xis4:,Pjearl theL treache alidtiley weiii thoi. -when Howi ff Iwe c�uuot tueet. ghbut Ontario' ooey Ic Y, inoney'' W" Al -'i. Fraser's 'may tn thaopo. � ; 11 -G1, - , .. tt,', spent Sund 7 -the eYaOrAtiab 'o and-, SfiVl 'g
t e� .W. Cutting . . -, _ . .." _ I . f the ter. at any time. or16iiiish OIt3e4 ; our free Catalogue, alad,geej ,# lIifb of-ille JS Do'r6 T d 6 ve and isn't. I 4drU he councils made .ing to the channel W Lovell 11tilitga' of Ripley, is spending Njr'.. Tho as PT iosT His BRQTKIPt grants from arxd, H insite'd frie' sh6d thefr I �h on camp eir ves P. le, Hustoni I4inbqrley this. week, .feature of, B idea if ih.6 broad Ieaves Stayed aAC. tL''Plilnopal'� 6on ON BO�V, TO 06Y a few daya. with his u a Jae.,
Frasori vi ds, in UR �qLv6s es On.
In many towns afid yi came, Wil flagesmqpey ' . Hildrq&s honiedoming is If 1, as.tao, .' �Fri�k Cole, is repairfilgthe old'Ander $qwis; the guest,of her wrlt�s �tflls H016c -ille weigfit of snow clinging from Wtk source& ry-to m" ving.ilit6 it. son house IpFeparato fr6rfl'.. the, M would be so great thli,t v r 'John, -96Keu- 6.ry many ad'' seen: his b.iot . PfP. tilted, 0 mvintbr grantmL letto T�ceiv 4 by Mr. -s.IJ"Iies BltI6 vi�it'ed her daugn r, sino memorable.'rStl - the Kiticard d. a
-e the. I16Y., lats Wallace' Smikh, of b" h tii t th ziei, k6rt Albert� from his brotheri'Lietit. ine rane es won up :'off, 'ion, ieh, a, e money. Mrs'sain when the two were. 'he. uelIGedde9i on Frid Ifightini, am tt -Aiih Sch�ql,ppekt.'8"d re a& 'b f ''id -De ng -A) mim, er� rom-1 re given'will e attended- Illej-Hector M jazie; 9,f A, 0yat rmy �Tside. t rren-, neeived his' w6yinds�*hefi Ger- Irl' ah Up_tL Red Or Te�-at Datf Sai oing, the -W n,�,w solicit Wilson Iprepared to� t_lIJL sy t� ell itre It If the t, s in is, ho has b sfiited th te no 0r o Brad �43L returned --ho 'me rey, no man -s a tore'Laway a: -,s�ction'W, Ithe cngI 114 dend. th li*ii� , st uwket ticet for t retuIrn6d,- t i0. to go t6 EgOt, �and- ncohewo- oil qr�, q tabi 'kit ji o', f in Bly, bas d! h 'ta r&*r,h"ifV.,, nzood- creAn you, an, � 9,47:� L 'a Pin .......... ng ;qcelved., -several �AbuginM' L WeWIng,'$altUpling falls 116Q�vieS t t.,fi himself hP s gle McKibli' aadVx* -Aud testing each can of His. r6 1. t nsi y en- go, 0 0 I � .1! I rrealu� reI& e�nlore, liberal era- conSiderabI6 threshingandLe6i c6untry-.. In'h6 letter Li�eut.Alclten;ie. shra�i][61L W6luads. John Pbrtice is -a present. b "I" on
'�%'Ing tb tile favou ds., fD spending a few.� ayt, thor.t., Jack,. . ditch- hi Saul h -it than tQ� —va roit, ate bet ion 'dip do' cl,t 10 was a-rom ack-� Says, on tht lJkhe. lull, statement -of' , e� to, cach ito z -:hi aged'iti Ing sti Cr f 'theI feet a*ay patron. tWo_ to L t Ip on P C�n is a nuniber-froili here the :De.� h1k work Nyould be in Egyo Ir 14, h-;' In jil t� th there is notliing likethe,tile." but' d' till at the time: e rribl(a rdeal' a4ath, pk.tron al- " xpress I it ipgl, ate The root h6vettt is in pr4bg Iu,thig more fru ful of Simile, Ripley 611L Monday 6�eni a�ad. gd. ifito aI ba crea I .. ress , - L, - �ig, L pected to se h6ipi&l1or. two ds� afid-the;, oiitu ton ted And pay every, two weeks. ivolull Afts. William Armstrop h 9 retuined se i 0 rL, W NW for farther 4 it, a- decided,$u a eti n and some find it ratle ars thi and. t. On i4ly 'bw by:.he blowing id,of the.-trenchm ap. eei h VOSS home aftee spending A c0ii cult t:, Irsl: rwin. g t 0 el ted sue -7 Cie=' ugh, ec Nponeyid ar - her round. I t e e often row. ot Alex,. 6i , , , -his'o inion that1ie' oSaw hjpi itf IMessrs., Howell Fmser. and pie of mo e ..wet,. Cluslaud, ug a tfial., ng rge grants from th& pu I te un & nths',. o oll. them. _oo A.`ccQuatJ0f,. th lkf'hmi broilie Iaxe' rigli iii t s, F6 i osttrac: r7 ifeDia 0 is w at was baric' xwi t �Sohn r ty ith the fFoQpSPg,t ntine The -sale Wx; 'It is bilric y90 Aare"y eave uot en,, -and hire �notexpec uppose yq the d&is� 5 Wednesday was largely Attendedis: th n 2 Was C Xon 2 our that the� - , "' . . '. 4 , ,eysN A . . . ne., verything Was sold- At f ' Slo 7 ,,xinlinifted.c6atrol 'over" the.. - I_w riagbing, ery W-;:- T�ack'Hildted and om"Warren niet' 'If gland.. guo n1vil e a�d the cattle. and hotses --y-rcou, fs is Merv, qqlgumilor�. e * �er b q dy. �h�4 the subse �7%fquihw — - t . . I .� Fl:--- * m -7 Th6 ra. -doielt N ofir foresti tre -We-nT`eT—_ceW working for ieor a* !by do tfitrlea,�c ATUffed' A' OPted e, aPpea, U 41rept' ito4,the, the pt -a pvoye 10�11 pro- iDi QS 14 - . d iv er, "kn �th wner .WU pry. 1�11 I tSabbatit Will be,thelkst SdacTay
iBS9 hi ilIn It is 9, fic iblic r ed u6ii, t aie) ixl� Autn' Hin 0 f,the dth a4e, I may turn'up ye%�'saii the rtturtied gR1_, hat vesdo.n . ot ffbefo fWil 'gedse An ducks are pleat� I n fall!b re fr6at ft 'n& 1j'Aide �ad. ins� for S aday School at the sch�ol hQU,5& wn an no�, tnattkr what this fill is o P ' th�i enemy, 'd ""d we ii� aft h g. this '00me T d along the lakil hatto ater, 4%'bu� Soon afte So.moit people; and'we aie looking fdrivar o a"Oroftt6 -b --OPT ub, d Vpiuibn. Atte h X f huniatti'life * now in e . 0ount,thetvia no 4eo-4 nor .. - 1 Ii �ub4are of th7 d' T not med, to. se6 gicheal VReilly, a' con-,
ay I0 tfilt '-froit adance. .Ilev. J. S. Duncan wi I tak' b t [It t(frtef bis.recent illness- It d -W FOR "C Arl h a good,- -dme - bominy, �o -11 in=6 (O and. - sit fait I - � falL. This is 'not howevi- Frost trib, -the diplomas am N,� i's busy renovating, his h ru_r. Ong th6 children ORK,&"D Hopp lite 6., 00 -p,m a d otwp_ bn't4e War chatil �seiqoad bit e -o pres,,.v cause, of the fidliag',of the ior- for inemo,V"ze tj JY'' ell"the sthe-iial t kfiall, .4mea Clsoripture, . 110. I ea, - did u0i'minto in:;t '1�aitby,ot t4 h -mans WOML M b k t a' or -w - Far t �ngto� reak'through ogr Ltinj . i r%h to tr,.061; ji r ned Ste- 61. mei The' Allies eg tt oge jtteaitf, -that - got Imneiv n64-ande with pure mthe iiiii Isity otthe �mr. n1W, mide Astkievien al�id'vomez, t --the 'E** slowly,- but theo'AML "Aing white eng -S ,7%D, O�U4 06- siftid Ft4 Hil4te.46 the &OU61-0iview.'. inefi COMAL (1wa -stamp p*p6vna:1 -of 1) _e Ow 00t1i reservoir el Johton`has_r�l mraW-after �4aalk 'Win Bjigwe� kn 6d from -one .,Yft. I � i�V__'&ntht�j,, 3 . - - h, ev I . . . ecie., Pi T
. . ...... .. -the, swhA to uft&'tiot VISI g a men B thq er- bell, 'dr�=Cd ipfta few iears, ag6- -The W6 per6 in buir trv6hes and -to the mAns W bben ill 11W -6 h IArms! in, $.,r,- 4_on 'the sh fleet iR Y4 9 .19 6 L at. la�ie i Igrft da 11 d�i t vpi�ZL an come to 4o Alliek"d, ,oaders' it the veraftbiay I% I A gumbei ftoxn�. -6m t alf. a ahniv�m -servi&s tit HthfiS Wt On* to e was.:teilring'' rm4n, fe fire Iad- -Ito 1i imperatritude 6t itte ieneiute-4 rQffigiot* -0rods -wi na. ee me4 r lidw na --M,r, Ift �W 'Y4e the able and Ilia =1 pan, lCh nalwt�" on h au�vta-�ud T. wMID rtmk r or mpley, spent A. Adw, days with her ILD LZOV
ans -and the hror kilt a teftilile "een 1he Lonnta 0f 'kh ed L hatourtreaches Uah. iod 0 -Use. in, coo in Ile res6 mks� aud dean one is intlined t Mnet( Usein test hi �.thjak lit .He ih, still alibminille. lookifta for In 11� wiih of t4e ae;,, 6 4,�jt JU en Si'A& 4D( d411% fh�t n0W"Wll �4u�y tut *.0 haili 6xi the San,* -ai� . , P, . 'j� per attitude frOW tb�M:;Df 9&,' J*11� MW _04 OV�Ty TOM resemnz- See the M' itClary,,de ri' Sel ig&fetary kifth P "Cam lerii- re Iib dkxt� U :in . 11 - 1 . I 6WUPrOulaces . .Sh tn IA.--* lain,
-he. lil�p
f6i., the
R;evioust.o that ... ... ...... 4 rig, a -figh Orr ImblitlL Rov. ir. Little r.M8V ait 50 and tn en fel The &rtbi D- -t6 W047 ter of Xr. "d _M M -Robt, Etliil�t4- of tss �.dl the an urent ea.11. t6 Mks tt�etxtd- 4��j Itou'dibolis of the 9L "k pls= ut'the homec '-of the., U'gn ""ar Iet go nor -it - Via lim� FOU ZZ - 09Y'And"n � *t �A lKWtUtS Uf eleven Oclock on. WeAnet" illltaf.Atd.hoozod� $5 mw. Thme ( itto, form e 611 eadh 4109 _i�� fiftle 'PlOaL ttfiftal paj$ 000mo, to win lahms wh a t 40&t M i"US pt 'Aid not -14 d_h, the *Zddj4g mn!�t VMS
4 od -to' 'his ft.. lotd&,to whits", (Of, 'kited kg "d e- 4 66, t tth� rblvtTsit SM flope.: orle -o-k, 4 of T- _b ot sigh�a tau fittathe JitIL PARME -S ,up -And "WHAT, or ;o:ta =�ed f4 sift fte d tirtiiki a, bealaWul -kDquet 6f ftmatiar,t 'r ka wI A J*
-of ibt 'Je Md 0*iog no it. A �aft bf thij A UT VS ev. I'And rose% Aike 't�z mvma atioat teatv -A.'rigiblical 1FLga"ft ftt &U,* 'to 6 Rect1vit 60P.CIA ppy tm 9 uitowa and ws Ttirk tWubalt. It ct Sul Ott O Tittd i4tt Vill E;2F" 61 60 Ill ge&: to "r T 'OT ITOM? rz 4, theopitoub 'Ittzmbber awl iL A6 G1r4Nft1I MaftJ&g0r, =1 md OL� iVA b4o±,;�,t*itg �p t am, 03M,41§ f Xto �)ttrwg;t 04e 0 IS T A n t I , 14, r tj - 1 tea, A LV emb
Ba n k' AIM& F H a b- II