HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-10-25, Page 3• 0 Gi Weakness Generally Cornea as Wentanhesni lir. selflespit Whicts ratio ss irh is Iinspin. Approaches. ,, ,...,• , Imidon, s'F...nesiTaipt.-'4.41tie -*ler" Girle linen the threshold of Woman- ,-- hood often drift Int,o a is not inerely Eland's wart it is the The greatest problem of democracy decline in spite , „. s, - ng• , 011 -•••••••,-Starb - . „Al* .... • 'T. • • - .At .. `VW 1.110114 • .NittOtial Duty FrewThe Round Table. •,Cheat Colds awl lloarseness Quickly Rubbed hay liervilltie Gives 'Speedy Belief Mitt, Got a cold? Is your voice rospy-le your eheSt congested or Sore? • If you are the very person that Nereihrie will cure in Nerviline utrong and penetrating. It sinks right into the tiseties4 takes. out .mfiammation and WOMBS, de- stroys iicolcis in a truly wonderful way. crit. - cy'Ohne_ over the e est7,-rtila on Nu' lots tof it, and watch the tightness Ya- disappear. Nerviline won't blieter, nd sinks in too fast---doean't shniag st in- on the surfaea liire thick, oily line. ick Merit would, If the throat is raspy ost and sore, rub it well outside with .9.f all care and attention. lloW often ; EmPAIN 5 'war. The Pothirions are one Sees girls who have been strong , not E/enditig* treOpe merely to help the • and lively become stiddenly weak, 4c- Netherland. They are Sending them' • pressed, irritable and listlese. It W. -because they are EQ 1055 determined • the dawn of wqmonhood-.a crisis in. then we ere ta overthrett iprussion, the life of every girl -and PrompVism„ to liberate lielgiuM and France, •„ 'Measure* should be taken to keel) the ' and to' secure the future of the Bri- blood pure and rich -with the red tint ”, tich commonwealth as a whole. We • of health. If the blood, is not heolthY:.0.0taetinlea forget that the British at this critical etagii the bedY is weak-"' commonwealth is one state, and that ened end grave-dieOrdere-follesS.--,Drsa'41.-iteaSelf-govieotose-psasoasaso- pH - Williams' Pinli-Billihave saved 094- lequal interest in ith fortunes, an egnal • eandeof young girls from What Might 'title to Share in its eounsels, and alr. • ilex° been, mee..iong invalidism or an4 equal 'responsibility for ite Welfare. early death. They are a blood-builder":"Even though our •own constitutional of unequaled richness, strengthening ' machinery is defective, we must net - • , weak' nerves and producing a libetal blind ourselves to the tact that, ee 1 • supply of rod, heelthy bleed winch for as the '' issues of peace and war *every girl needs' ' to sustain her ere cinicerne4, the imperial Govern; have•proved their great valne over and .0Yer..ngoin to Y4:fling Women , Whose health wos blios Eremosa, Ortt4 Luienfsepeehe thie- Dominions. air much as for the British Isle& They seannet'Ssbirlf that respendbility . by pleading the absence of adequate re- preaeritative .rnachinery-at any, rote, mit giveS, ,rile great pleasure y'they have .not availed thenzseles of you what Dr. Williams', .Pink Pills the. machinery' of consultation which have done for me,' When T. was alz- already existe. Nor- cap the Demhk. • ..likfia'ehing .the age wofriallbOd. ign.20V-419Y arIa‘t9,4c,t as; really self-' • •Soffered -greatly *co, bidedtessnesss goterning epinuzunitiee;'abs6tee them, ni‘ anaemia. Illy work was a dreg , eaves Of their,resp6nsibjlitY both for .• had no apPetiteSand ne,ver, felt the 4014.0 of. :the anci for :01.0 ••rested in t49.. .gkokning`. could terms of peace, 'hy Pleading that they • scarcelY, Walk. for itite. minutes at a ,hove !Ilona of controlling Imperial time without tairing-e rest. '1 -.74raP on their side do" not treublecl with severe headaches, and avail themselves of the constitutional , things logiced gloomy indeed. I 'doe- machinery which alreedY exists. The •s toted for a long time end got but British commonwealth is. one . state little, if any, benefit. I was advised Comprising five nations. It is at war to try Dr. -Williams' Pink Pills, and for, its; life. NO practical man can 'did .so, and after 'taking them for a &Mist that the geyernihg_ nations 7----trmeS-felrbetter. I Contumed taking whiCh it is composed should keep in the Pills , I had used, six boxes the.closet touch both over 0.4 ..eo when I felt '11 e a now person, an .du -df of the war and the negotiation was again 91119Ying splendid health. Of peace. NO real co-operation Is I would strongly advise any girl who possible by ktter, or cable. Complete is weak or run down to try Dr. Wil- understanding can only bearrived at Hems' Pink Pills."' as the result personal consultation •• Yata cangetthese pills._ fren1_411Y sas,h"-rnaPon.stble,snen-meeting-tegether --.4-aler in medicines or by .mall 50- at the same time round a common cents a box , or six boxes for $2.50 table.. No such consultation has yet from Di. Williams' Medicine CO., taken place. That 'In itself shows - BrockvilleOnta 1 - - ' - how little' the caniihunitiee of the Pm- piae have thrown their whole collecs 2,000 MILES OF KHAKI. tive strength into the war. If - they are ever to de so, such a conference One Yorkshire Mill's 'Contribution to cannot be long delayed. War Office Weekly, ,LibertY and Discipline. The •chief argument .advanced bY the enemies -of compulsory -military 'service. is the danger of crippling the • essential trades of Great Britein, an,d particularly the industries engaged in Having overthrown tyranny within our own borders, and extended' the power of control over public policy on. a wide franchise we have grasped at the privileges of liberty and forgot- ' the manufacture Of War meterials' An the its reeponsibilities.. The. doctrine idea of the tremendous scale w of. the liberty of the. individual has War equipment . of every description been preached to the point thathe,is is being manufaCtured in Great Often, held to have the right to dis-, Jain, is fOund in. statistics relating to obey any. law of which he disap- -s. the textile industries in Mean and Proves. The.• duty of the citizen, to other Yorkshire' towns Where mills, serve the whole of the, rest of the big and. small, Are werking night, and, coinmunity has been overlaid by his day to turn out huge quantities of loyalty to caste or class. The nature • khaki cloth not only for the British ef the state -the foundation, of all ,troops but for these 'of the. allies as ' well. The belligerent troops are now civilized life -is no longer understood. It has even, been discredited through teking to wearing ichakiand the other is to. combine libertY with seif-disel- piffle. An autocratic State gives to its people otganizatien, effieiency and Pewer for anY ends' it may have in view, IAA at the terrible price of on, dermining the SSW lot responsibility In the community and of .converting its members into blind and obedi servants of mother's will. All rope is fighting the aviis of the $ tem; 'where' a narrew militory -aristocratie-caSte; Triteriting the t ditions a Bismarck. and' Vrader the Great, ivorshiPping 'dominion- .4 Power, regardless of honour, ruthless of human coffering, has organised the inhabitants of two great empires - as the means by which- they are to Seize for, themeelves tosprerne power. There can .be. pea„ce for tie until the- atternpts of tirannYAO: -eStabil*: its power Where liberty before has reigned has failed. Democracy 'euff- ers from the opposite danger. .its distrust a from autocratic power it forgets that corporate discipline and individual •service are as neceeisr1", to the heilith$, - ererY: com- munity of menses liberty itself, and that 'yawn it has overthrown the .hereditarY • Authority imposed. themit has to discipline And. organ- ize itself. This War; to one •ofr- its esizects, is a spiritual' conflict between liberty and tyranny; between the principle of right and justice as the foundation of international relations and the principle ;that might is right, in which truth is on our side; in another it is .1% contest between the that the primary duty_ of the citizen is to give loyal and unselfish service to the community -91,-Yrihi he is. a. part and. the idea that the primary right of the individual is. to ignore his duty to the community if he chooses, in which truth is. with the Germans. How discipline and activeaservico-of 'the state is to be combined with democracy it is , not the purpose of this article to suggest. It. is manifest that we have hardly. begun to solve the problem of -creat- ing either the spirit or the Machinery necessary to the full working of the principle of self-government. To destrey the power of a king and transfer it to an electorate is ob- viously only the first step, and • the machinery Created to enable an auto- crat to control' his subjects is. nb- arieudy not that which will besteriable a community to govern itself: ' But these are questions, which Must be reserved till after the . Meanwhile We can begin to cast the Nervtlinie, and Use, Neriahne as a gar- gle diluted with worm water.- Just one or ,two treatments like tine and your voice and throat will be quick "• Jrmusatithaginalkne.f forty ;Tears the largest used family medidne in -this teeuntrY-,Nervilinessumat-,ste---good,. must, quickly relieve and cure a hurts clred'ills that befall every family., Try it for earache, toothache, coughs, colds; 'sore chest, hoarseness and mus- cillar Seine in every Part of the body. 01.6areg2e5fe,eMelilka-usi4ze„Ibeortle-, '50c4 trial , •t4, VVITtu(, . Hair -Breadth ',Escapee' -tit lionzi and .• on the' Battlefield. ' a . This war lute reviVed the old sub, ject of the value of little things as life -preserves. • It was only the other week that a private in the 4th East Yorks Regi- ment was saved from • a severe bullet weund -by the -cigarette-elites- which - he carried in•a Pocket Over his heart esniksile lodged, in -the inner-eover •of the Citail, and part of a cigarette was torn away. There have also been similar cases 'reported during this w.ar, notably' such- curions life-savers as shaving -soaps, tobacco pcninchess-hyam-books,--newzr-• papers, etc. all of which seems to suggest that- a sort of armor plate •worn under_the turtle would assist to minimize the lois of -life • in battle. Whether that is so or not, it is not my business. to explain here; but it is. rather Curious to note that in London and other, populated t,owns there are annually numbers of hair breadth • -escapes-fr.:en &nth. • • Not long ago an incident occurred •-in a provincial city 'which ought to dispel criticism about hatpins and their danger. A lady was passing beneath a first -floor window garden nrhere a heavY flower -pot fell. It came down with great swiftness, and, had it struck -her. head; would certainly have killed her, er,. at any rate, most seriously injured her. As it happen- ed; howeyer, the flower -pot struck the lady's' hatpin, whence it .bounded off on to• the • pavement. •Of course, her hair was much disarranged, and • her hat also; but. she Owed her life. to her. hatpin, nevertheless: Another 11 -•extraordinary escape'wea esf.• a man -Walking along an 'thiiien _cliff' in Seinirdarliness. Somehow, his foot elipPecl, and, to hie amazement; he Amid himself sliding down into a horrible Chasm. He had been slid- ing fOr a few seConds, the while he tried unavailingly to stop hiniself,. when suddenly he received an awful jerk, and discovered himself hooked on to a stubby tittle branch by his watch-chairi! It was in this; position that, a_ little later, -in response to his - cries for help, . a rescue party found beam out. of our own eye by building- - up the foundation on which all heal- thy ,demo.cracy must rest- a strong sense' of our responsibility as citizens and of our duty to serve: •the eom- munity of which we are a part.' The chief difficulty in • the way is not cirganitation or even, our enemy, but our reluctance' toput pressure onour- selves.. Once we have made up ou bids te, do that, the- battle- is half on: „For in grappling thus, man, ully with ourselvee there wilrlieborn he. spirit of unity and high courage hich,•-once alive; will"not day carry s to- victory in this' war, but which .be,...the sure foundation of a bet- woald' when peace is ' come once ore. alhes are-. evidently- doing- the -same, a shallow, association with the Prusz ni sum perversion of the idea. In con-. w for French, Russian and Italian Oft-. 'sequence the principles of -service 'of f -cers, are often .seezt wearing khaki • uniforins of the regulation tyPes - ;1n one big -mill in -Yorkshire 2000' miles of Khaki', about fifty-sbc inches wide, is. being. woven dyed and ttirn- ed into 200,000 complete suits for -sot- ' tilers in a week. When the war starts • ed ;how and whete to get khaki -and • . tailors to make it 'tip into garments quickly enough to keep pace with re- -scruitingsand-needs a the forces in the field was almost as serious a problem , as that of inducing men to •enlist- s Both theie Problems, however, were solved with equal rapidity. . • . 4RoYal ricenctilY - Not Nem • ' The'strict-economy-whicirthe-134- - tish King .and Queen have exercised - in the royarhousehold as an example •• to the. nation since the War began is - no new thing in the present dynasty. ''-2----tStrange-Its-7itAnay-se,erarQueen--Vie toria was more extravagant in the royal nienege than either her son, King Edward, orhr grandson, King George. - .11.altD .QN-CHILDREN When Teacher Has the Habit. . "Best is, best, and best will ever, live." When person feels this way. about Postum they are glad to give, , testimony -for the benefit of others. - A school teacher writes: 41 had been a cOffee drinker since my „child- ., hood, and the last few .years it had •_iejurectme seriously." ,.tTea produces labeut the sanie effects as voffe-e, be- -aline they -both contain -the drug, :caffeine and tannin). •"Ope cup of coffee taken at break- , fast woulds-cause-mersto-beeemess : nervous that I contd. ''scarcely • go through with the day's duties, And ' this nervousness was • often accom- panied by deep depression , of spirits Sind _heart palpitation._ • 4,1 am a teacher, by pro,fessioe, and When under the.infhiengeof. coffee had. • to struggle againstcr�ssneas • the school -MOM. , • "When talking. this over with My physician, le .'sugges'tett that 1 try ------Rostutrir.sol-purchasecin package and Merle it carefully according to the di- rections; leinnd it excellent of flavour,. and nourishing. • 'In ,a Sheri tinM I' noticed very gratifying •effects. MY nervousness disappeared, / was not irritated by • my .pupils, life seemed fall ef sun- shine, and my heart; troubled' me . no s longer. - • . • • ".1 attribute irty change in health , and spirits to PoStum alone." Name given by Cenedlen, Posit= ; Co., Wirideins Ont. Poettlinsenniee in two. forms Posture Cereal -the original • must be weg boiled. 15e and 25c paeltages. 'Tested Postiinia -soluble powder -dissolyes quieltly in a„., cup of het •er, and, with prelim ancl sugar', nil vsa delfeioue beverage instantly. 804, and 50e tin& , Binh kinds are &wally delicious and ceA about the' same Per col). "‘Xlicre's n itea9011" tO1' Pt/Atli . -iiolcl b7 •ohedienc,e to the law, which is. the •basis of _the state„ which; alone •can give unity, coherence and well-being ,to a. great ,comniunity, has grown weak. Hence .the state itself is weak and unhealthy through lack of that • • H• EALTHY CHILDBEN— __ . _A '_child?s-health- depends upon the state Of his. stomach and &web. If •they are kept regular and , sweet the little one sure to be healthy: Baby's Own Tablets are the mother's • best friend hi keetiing- hee little ones well., Thactsess__a gentle laxative; aro absolutely safesand arespleasant to take. Concerning them Mrs.,David Label,- Ste. Perpetne, Que., writess- Altly baby WUs.so troubled With consti- pation that he could not deep day or .night. gave hint Baby's Ostso leis and -now he is nbig healthy boy." The Tabletssaresoldsby-medicine- deal- ers or rnail at 26 cents a box from The Dr. Williams'. Medicine CO., trocknille, Ont. • - il in IR SOLD -AS ICE CREAM. • Fifty Per Cent. of Some ' is Nothing • ,• More Than This. If -the-man from whonrs yea. buy ice cream uset gelatin. inamitking_sit _ FLY7KILLING.JUICE. • .. ElectriCally. Charged Pan ;Sias • teed. Against Pests. A quick Method cif -killing flies an other insects is to, exterminate:them with electrieity. Any one who has electric power can Snake an effect:iv flyadestiroyers— To make' the centiiVance o▪ ne se leets a fair-sized dish or pan, which is covered. by a non...conducting sub stance preferably of wood, having n-elliptical-hole-cut--across-tire cen tre. Lersegthowsiee of Una coi of Wire winind on a core Of weed is placed. This insulating core is made preferably three -cornered or pyrainid Shaped,. the apex uppermost, so the fly or insect which .is -shocked when it comes in centEict with the wird wound core drops- off into the pan" berovii• The core is wired closely, and just as soon as a fly touches the wire a con- etiori is -made and. the insect •-is led. • 4 .the etrreitteild: by _cord -to--any electric light Sec- t. No current is used until .a -con- ction la made by the insect toaChing eAvire;-- • • . In ortier-to-nttract-thellyir insect In connection with the Houndsditch . . d affairsa year or so age, at :which it • Will- be revelled, -a company of sol-' diere were called out from the Tower e a• London, it avaa reported that, a maisostairiers - escape from being • shot This num followed the practice of • some old- - fashioned doctors,- who 'lige& to keep their wooden "sounders" inside their • -grer"tVaters,"-aild-ple-Whis tunih-r." s. key. inside his_ bowler-hata- little fad Which also saved his life. The piano - tinier found himself in a dense- crowd of Peeple „which congregated at the, beginning of the affair mentioned, •'and in trying to get out into the side roads,'came within range of the fate -- fill wndow. Suddenly, a bullet whizz- ed towards him, and, entering his hat, lodged half -way in, the key -handle. • Mad the implement ef.thin nutiVs profession not been kept in that curi- olirponition-S it • inlay Sattry-be ed- that the bullet Would have entered •his brain and killed hina-London An- - swers. ' • • • - • " ne kit the cliancee are that you get only '50 _ect per ceritTS of the rear cream you pay ke for and that the rest is nothing more oe nor less than th - • has no Place -Pure; „, benestrY-Made lee cream. In some to StateS its nee is forbidden by law- is It is used by iniserupulowi inanufac- as; r rs eettuse ma ces poor dream off took rids and aigg' because it inflates the.peoducts Dilly 100 per cent tis This practice -,diables him to reap es a huge profit 'by converting one gal-' • the . fly killer, the dish underneath partly -filled With -glycerine" mixed th deriattired • alcohol, which give.,5 a sweet odor • , , Any insect not killed at once by netting the charged wires is drown - when it lands in the dish. Ion of poor --cream into two :gallons of a predutt that leeks just as good S....-themot rich, -sitneutpure_aetiaz. Most of the -United States now have standards for ice creanato which they .rectolt.e Malrafttetorers to -conform: Fourteen, per cent. of butter fat is i.peo w nit -good ice cream should taiga -hi. 1Use Dishonest manufacturers cheat their fay customers by handing them a product ma thickened with gelatin, gum or reriT %yd i, net, which contains only from to 10 of pe f b • istinard'orLiniinent .eu.tes "NtiNfir. Mtn; alu• miniuni. •.e • trile Egyiitiatir, believing. thet'dead pie needed the' this they_have ZITE,-eiTILIVeTiometimes killed the orite slave and horse of the dead n. In Indies for the ,same reason o , ws were' burned with the corpses th§jr husband& e o utter at, , • • 'Few �f the Public and even Many ke cream manufeCturers fail to real. ice that there as such a thing as cream being too rich. Experiments show that cream containing 18 per cent. or More Of butter fat le not as satisfactory aS that containing 14 per dent, „ If fruit is Used, the amount of bet.. ter fat may be redzieed to 12 per cent withoutimpairing the quality of the creatil. • Always go. "Now, my son, YOU are Married. Ile what a man ought to be." airove do 1 know just What rt man' ought to be?" ' p. "Wilk *it'll Will furnish full plana ro-cere, and speecations." 'Alceited Gives Wtti to'Tea. • The reStriction of the •sale of Writs as resulted in a eatl increased consumption of tea, and even though •the new. lawn, regardieg the Use cif aleoliol should be relaxed aftet the war a large percentage of aleofile Will have acquired a perman- ent taste for nature's stimulant.. -tea. Undoubtedif the .-COnsuniption -4 tea ia- increasing throughout., the -world, - and will continue -to increaser' -at a greater rate -during , the next few yeam, and until the supply can cope withathe demand higher ,prices for tea_guieLbesexPeeted. atina.rdra Liniment Inelieves Neuralgia. • ClIAPLINIS14S. • tife is a hurdle race .oner "ifs" and "buts," ' • Any' Woman can manage a man 12 she can only prevent. him from know - g' it. ' ' • • why is it that nothing taste§ quite as .good as the thing . that doesn't agree With you?, •'• A lot of. people go on praising "the_ good cild tirne8 "' and hoping they will never come'baek. . ' • lf there,is any particular thiriwyou tire really fond et doing, you May be quite auto that tomer Or leter', a' society be started to sniniressit. Suppose eductition Is a good thing. Ali the sante,, this world is full of fa- thers Who have to Support sons who know ten ti r esus much, ne their fa'. them do; • , yinnatitio mannent sate ctrorywnerS. , WHERE DO GOLD OW. Nosy si Treeenre of Ancient 1)6y Has COIssPletely. What becomes of gold? querleo The Chicago Journal. It is. tine of the sise,--4,1tero' are gold heeds doting bock to the uetnezsougt delstirela. It oubjpecrteoff ,:glratt almost ail the iniittencee which de- stroy other 'metals, and it has been mined in -enormous quantities, yet to- t/ ese braeo,h.baelle:W41109-th:Lir4dese 910 roe: Old • What becoMes of the real Whe is the gold that set Jason wander.' into th 9 *A, that filled t treasures ef:CrocEillsR_that paid_ crzliie tribute whieb, Pergian kin aseessed against the Punjab? Wh 4120 cape cht:upulpeLeclantoatutly y ow�f oodiut ao silver -which negro traders broag down the Nile to Egypt for four five. thousand 'rears/ Ancient gol like that of modern thueS; Was us for meney and for ornaments, b both have- -Where? . The most enduring of-- metals, a yet the most 'evanescent; perpetual sought and yet constantly escepin the hands of even,the successful seek 1 re • ng th gf& at P4 nd or tl, ed ut nd IY .; er-that is gold. What is the 'reasen for its, corieus .elusivenessi • .. • „•• %Holt 1111.fac1esiPirlive4% OH Weak 80111011s Dy Dr..'llawiltefi% .fill .....,...: There are despairing men, and wo- men • by the thousands in • this City whose .storoachs keep -them in con- stant misery that on be quicklyre, stored to vigorous • health by p Hamilton's pins, itilOW of no other medicine- that---posseesea- the power • to kindle into new life the ex. Ileu4fretreedrarePheterae:Disf acinir'lgteraoIrainarsch Power in . Dr. Hamilton's Pilla• • that searches ..put; the weak spots, • that braces up the delicate glands and com- plex workings of • the; stomach and bowels. There are • invigorating, ;stimulating -ton ingredients Hamilton's' Pine which are derived • from • powerful juices taken fromi rase herbs and roots, and these ar. Betentificaily-tonibined with -tithe medicinal. products so as to assist in a harmonious and Proper working o the sentare • system. The ingredient' Of • Dr. Hamilton's Pills, :coming from the great storehouse •of Mother Na ture-toreelt den be relied upon' ti be harmless:, • -Guaranteed- resultssfol low to all • who use, Dr.. Hamilton's Pilis for Stomachl'Weeknesea Gas Sourness, Headache, Biliousness or Constipation. Seekers of sthe better health cazanot do better than invest 256. in : heal: -bringing family medicine. ' , . " :THE f‘WASTERS.”. "w41/41I7 PAW type. Theme** olea Seretv end Retater Typo,. lfioetrated booklet sent on request. Avoid substitutes. SOlti BY Your Local Dealer z.E.woormag comp•axmiliotio,,upo.du Pocket ountairt Pen ROW SHWA. DiflABLE Changes in Atmospheric .Pressure by Expiosjons Are oact, •Neflveteriar, but the most prefOlind nervous demoralization may Sault ro 41121ing Ra - :s opoi the d,fierely lmo of :r110e.noei.b4411, ear Lancet,xbpal 1)1ieftoti"0:s1. ii6wir ,Sfoh.-,t1(a0:0.. Paul dP, .Acadenala de Medicine de, Pans. ! ' BavaoCebaerved a.' #440,111 •Na4 Yoirth0, 1914„ Wherei after ex- ploSien, a anan W'es"..carried to the ant.; huiance station Saffering.frOm.para- m pieties which is a paralysis of the lower half of -the •body. In March, 1915, the explosion of a•beinb a trifle over a yard away left a mon paralyz- ed on his left side and unableto speak r. In both these cases all feeling • had hateauldhaisrterowy :ad in nowheret s.par anyal ys e de partsxte rnar wound. The second case got well in twelve days, except for Some stiffness in the. left leg, In another instance an explosion made one victim, almost comatose. Violent headaches and deafness in the .71trefeTtnheeibaresiwePnertreeSalooniikos-t-hee7:tt-41:*'anineti-ita:ii-Zir4. for help and talking incoherently. He recovered an -ten-''vs. - Such cases, threes M. Revaut are due to the swifs change in atmos- pheric presetire calmed by the exple:- sion. This causes hemorrhages in the nervous system. They are More eget:eel'. on the firing Imo than On the Safe Side.. "So you 'intend to be .a soldier' When you grow up. Don't you know you'll be in danger of getting killed?" "Who by?" • • _ „ .4711TheYn' the beenetillhee'n ; Corns. 4,414:cand. Cure' d fro.. corn -pinched bliatening faet tcks can be cured WIC •- k tractor ,in, 24 hoar& by Putnam?* • Ex. "Putuaniiion.- weft* away that drawing pain, *ens tineitAnts ty, =Mee the feet fecal. goer). one& •Get a 2.50. bottle, of "Putnam% 044.. Perfectly pardonable. • . . • "Have women the strength of mind to conduct themselves. in politics like men? Could a *Oman, like Caesar, have refused the Crown?" AI. think so," said sthe lady 'adz dressed. • "Of course, - she. Might have. tried it on just to iee if it was a fit." • Many Directions in Which the British Could Save. • Only when the-lteme of our ex- penditure are exmined in detail can we fully realize in how Many direcs • tions we could save and assist the ries don to find the $8,000,000 a -day ne- cessarYsto carry- on- theswar.: against - Germany, says London Answers: - Gentlezhenused to- figures --give its the. appalling inforniation that .the average spent by each•househoict the country on streng drink per week is • 6s. 6d. If 'this sum were reduced to 3s. 8d., we 'should save $80;000;000. . Ten \Years ago we drank 10 oz. of tea less per: head that we drink now. We could easily revert to the old quantity. If we did we should be 20,7 n00,000 -1b. tectsit year better 'off: One pouna of tea (night of make 150 How many cupsdoes this mem! a. year? Three theusend million! • • Every male oven sixteen year's- of age in the country ,smokes an aver- age of 31/2- oz. -cigars .and-tellacio• :4 week. fie? an onn_ce.a.oz,ickeii..,,.* too much. We :Fan .easabj save an Meet is another tremendous item. we could curtail: • Cheese.. has at .equal food value. At_itpeak beana an 'lentils will eke oat whatever meat -we have-wonderfullY. Ask Your Doctor • ._.. about this food formulae... Itis Dr: Jacks9n's.-Romen Meal., 30% whole berries 'of•wheat. 35% whore berries of It -Ye; both granulated, net crushed. 25% deodorized and, tasteleas flax- , peed mid 10%swheat bean. - ft, fit-like:I delightful_ snutsbrowns perridge,-pari- cake& bread,: and all• baked products It nourishes better than meat, pre- 'iuLige e 3 3 I • • Heves constipationor ."money back" At all grocers, 10 cents an Cente.. •The -Chinexe language is very dif- ficult. to learn, for,- although there is . • s - ' We believe MINARD'S LINIMENT Mathias Foley, OA- City, Ont. Sosepli Snow, Norway, Me. Charles Whooten, 1Viulgrave, N.S. Rev. R. 0. Armstrong, Mulgrave, N S lea:re mi .irezica .rcon: so* ° ault inc. I haveover:two. hundred 01 LiY-Eitt,-10eatett 10-tho-bestifeetigroo--0 Outeria, All.. • Saes,. • 11. W. POW", rumptori, ROVIT4tAtX1's10. N3W Ana JO <wilco ter . Eal0 in good. •Obtarlia "tessneS The -Most -useful and 1061.041w of all businesses. . ran information on applleation to Wilson runnel-11ns um.-- es-nrs Wed Adelaide St, Toronto, • • „ stoSegt,tiAME01,13., .11,41•70.T4A • TT.P4OAS, • LAMPS, -gTa. Internal Undo -external, eure(/ with... • . out Pain by gUr home Areetntent. ' Write .11a -before toe late, '130.'Hellinall."Xedieul Co,,1.4inited, Collinswood. Ont. TILE NIGHT ECHOOD To ATTEND IOTT • C./ pit /.0" 1111111, *414/08. and Charles tilts.'To.rentO. The. demand for ,Our- gr 'at nur , August and September Was ,four tittles Our supply, Commence now, ,Co.lendar Wee - XWAXOTT, 'VrInetpai. _ • Send for the 191546 Edition of our . run )I r, , ' • r -24-pitseo, aluitreted.-or..b.ounEet:fer-eti , fur garmenth for men, women end ehEdrea IT IS "FREE. ..A41dress: ,JOHN HALLAM. LAmiTgo - Room' 152, Ifanstm Ibinding„, Toronto . . 'THICK SWOLLEN, GLANDS' • r Vett make a horse Wheeze, Roar, baves Thick Wind , or Choice -down, can be: reduced with • ABSORBIN.E also otherBunches or Swellings. No blister no hair gone and horse kept at work Eco- .nornical.-only a few drops required at an ap- plication. $2 per bottle delivered. Book 3 M free,' AB$011BME..111.0 the antiseptic lido -met for mankind, reduces Cysts, Wena, Painful, Swollen Veins and llicers.$1 and $2a bottleat 'dealers or delivered. Book "Evidence"Itre„ 11/.. F. YOUNG, P. 0 F„ 516 LiornamiBldg., Montreal, Can. AbsorbIne and Absotblne, ir.. are made In Cancla.1, I STOPPED Lly111GIadIy Tell You - HEALS - DAY ,ifit'" NIGHT - is a new Way. "It In sorathing a.br$0:4 lutely . different. No lotions, "isprays or sickly smedling salves Or,brearne. No Itt °miser, or any apparatne a any mad. 119thina to striolte - • Or rib ale. Isle steaming,. or biong.,ectierctirleeictytion:2. x . • vibration-nlas-,4- ettge, -No powder,: no Plasters; no .aiserunc 111 -tiro -house.- 'Nothing- of .that kind at all.. Eenterthing-- a n 1 different -something-delight-- ful - and 'healthful Something. \ in- stantly suceesSrUL YOU 'do not .have to Walt, and Jin - ger. and pay out; lot o money. -it 4,% • over night -and 1.................-. - • -tvili---gfatilr, ten- Vo-, it--Wv=r2iNt.' X am not a doctor arid this is net a so-called doctor's • prescriptIon-but 1 atn' cUred, and my friends arroured andyoucan be cured • Your gurfering will stop at once • like magic. Fountaiii-pens.• aretoted _Ivy an In. strUnient called a riiinisonieter. If One - piece of the mechanism is out even • a six -hundredth: part of an inth, the micrometer rejects it as faulty. TAM FREE -You Can 'Be Free - luta It underniiiied MY health and was ' • Aly catarrh made me ill.. It dulled My weakening wry The luttVking and coughing made,me ob,noxious,to all and. - My foul breathmtade even my loved.Ones avoid me secretlY. MY delight in Iife Was dulled and'lny .facultiesimpaired. I 'knew that ih-trine it *Mild- bring me to an , untimely grave because every ` nient -Of the day and uight.it was yet surely sapping my yitalitY. But I found a cure, and lam ready to tell you about: it runlE. Write me PromPtlY. -log thie page until you have., asked for • me a letter. to -day. • Mill think et turn, . loddress--on-a .eoesteri tearch.---say-r--ssear.--;-.1 - stand, and X will write toyett with 142 %Hanel lit - Toronto. Oat. com- plete intormation. for you -what it has dime for ma this wonderfOl treatment that can. do your catarrh and how can cure' mine: Sam Katz, Pierre° 'tell nie how. you mired, , ' That's all you need to say. • I Will -under - Send no MoneY. 4s -t rr,m_ nanie and • sass ram*, room. irese4. . • - • Anglo- O•ND French 5%-5 yrs. yield about 51% , nxeruidel-rot,,,vonr_Option, or , from 10 to 20 Yrs. as per public' • announeement, • inns -Tait Orderb for -1117.fire-- . Anglo-French .116nde you need' while you can get them at 92. in - -the 2100. We had -a large- Syndicate al- lotment but fear it will be All about twenty theusan syllribic char., actors. , 4 • Iginati's Liniment cures ntanoritt. • Gareless. terrible ^iota Your dough - ter has." s "Yeas the foolish girl. She went (int the other afternoon in her Sums" er sfisissoncissiegleated to.kecpth ; hooked -about the throat:" WIRE commitments at once . .to be suro of a -share in this, good thing.• PROVINCIAL tinutT COMpANY, ' Trust -8r Loa* Montreal 4. --YOU Can -PERFECT-Corn REMEMBERF' The oiritmen t 'You put Ori yourthilti's skirt gets into the' system itist as Sorelk as food the child eats. Dmi't let iinpure fats and mineral toloring matter (such asmany, ofthe, ch6ap, ointments ,coritaio get lnto.your child's tlood I 2am- Bult is purely herbal. No po onons oloritig. Uso it;elways. 50e. Box in All thualsis 'and Stotts. "..trgeoe tie*, •. 504 75e $1.00„ $150 $1(IN. FOOD "VVIIIMB CHASER 1.181T has Solved the ,probrein of leauty. It s Use is WI*. big, back the freshness arid bi,oern ?of youth., and driving away, wherever ,n64k1 consistently, • thewrinkle's of worry and age. • tilted for centuries by the faimma beauties of the • , East 'guaranteed free from hair ivrowth, your druggist has , it... svg YOUR DAVGGIST TO -DAY. .. • • 11SIT -MANTIPACIITEUNG COMPANY, ItIttlitut 416. Rentesealke ,Avenue, Tortnitee szsaaass-tes=s,sa . rsiasse-sis atasaraaSetantilttea n • •