HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-10-25, Page 1•tXtr"...." .„, • lora- 4.01-4,""` fet • $plo per year in 44.valice; ,P..25 otherwise , Ws, John hynt visitiug: with friends in kieaforth this %-eek. • Miss Walker, of Goderielpyisitect with. Wends in Unto ove • obnstus CIOINS etemilug no4PreiS- 1#g Worfo., WinghaM. Mrs. Robt. Phillips visited friends at aAtwoed Lietewel, hist week. • Lneknow Women'S Institute mtbecri•b„-:7. Red.'Croii filed; • • MAI M. Qampbell, .Sonth• Mu' after visiting fronds at ,South - • Private, George Abbott, of the Leaden Military camp; visited Lucknow• 'friends,. ever SuudaY. • „ Inem0ctor Bahl has been ,paying .his official, teat to sclioele ' ebont, leiciltn°w• the past week-, ••, ;• 'PAW Smeltzer has sold' 'his fifty here 'farm. acuth of town to Keneeth Parrish of Ashfield t5tOrdori Johnsten and his 'Wend, Ur. Jardine, of Mea ford, 'spent Sunday at the former's home here, . • Cleve Ai teheson; of, the Molsons Bank atoll Hamiltoe, is spending his anAtial vacation at'his home here. Robert Graham la vetYglItteful to. the Liteknow Agricultural 1$beiety ,for th gift Of a pretty fiftieth anniversary 'badge in recogniton of the fact that ho -was the first'eeeretary of the society. Tuesday_ evening,;_goy. 2nd_is the date. Of an '.010.-tinur -dance to be given in Lucknow Town Hall under the aneeiees of the • ladies% bra* of ' the Patriotic $4ciety. Admission Only $1.90 aeon*. The ;fames Ewart Cameron and Harold Allmu. appear in the published list of those aucceSsful taming ,s,a lieutenants from tlar Lonclou Military School; lete-editoreof- the,. Teeswatfer News, 4100 passed. ' We are,serry to tepert that' Mt, <Alex. Mackenzie, who one Years to roofed . in Lucknow from Kinloss, hatLbeen in,' very poor health of lake: Being Well over 20. Year8. of age he stiffens from the natural decay due to old. age..• • . The Weinees Tnetetete of Lucirnow, has Preehredet, rergeerniantitkeor, yarn for 'knitting: etteko timeOldier'S .AnY••• one 'wishing to help tit this good:, work, ean cet,ianY quantitrof Ya;rn they. ,Want from Mel, Ewen McKenzie, Statien.Ste:' south, • ' ' The Southampton Beacon' publishes nliite long list of names .of citizens of that town who have pforailied fixed Monthly payments to the Patriotie Fund during the war. TIM monthie paymeets range from 15o. to 410.00. M. Bow- man, U. P. P., is giving $120,00 every _Hav-e-your-sults-peessed-and--eleals4-t preniptly amt wen. Tnueeu Cratitac, Mdse: Me, end Mrs. Ban Keys and 'habe, of Virile, visited at the home a Bfr. Thos. Webster a few days laot. wet** The local Madonic and OddiellOwe ledSea, eenhecootributed- 450 -00 -to -lbw Trafaigar Day feed, OrOS3 f.(.11Id Mr, J. Cole; of-Orillia, 'Ylaiteittlis old friend r. Webster er this week., 00, hadn't .inet for slate lour years. . Jenils Ferguson, Jr, 7th Con. :West. Wewanosh, is bonne, after • helping to heevest the big wheat erop in the West. i'nrs repaired, reinotielled and made in the latest styles if desired, at John,. 6ton's, Wingliam. • , Lieutenarit Proedloot. of Gederich, who eisited_Luckeove a number, Of tittles receetly, has enlisted with the 33rd Bittalien. hree-montbs, -- The shower* of paservori (milt for the soldiers at the meeting of the Women's Institiite resulted in 87 jars being Sea in. They were securely packed in twe, barrels, together with the comforts -for • the soldiers,, received et the •Pall Fair, . The value of these two bareele_ was at $34.O0 • , One hundred And thirty thousand old' or out of order razors have been collect- ed Cenada and seatto melees imEng• hand, who fit them up free, and forward tliem to the'soldiers at the froth There still for many, more; so if you have an unised razorhand. it in to the Lucknow Ilardwareete Coal- Co's 'store and it Will be sent forwird • - , Councillor Douglas,. of the town of Walkerton has been asked to resign Is position on the beard because he refute ed subscribe to th; British Red Cross tend. e does.not appear to have any good reason to effes for not contributing, and eeye be is the keeper of his own conscience in the, matter. Ile 'saYshe will not resign, but it is a safe guess that he has reached the end of his career as councillor. Walkerton raised $2,100 on Trafalgar Day. ' Change of nate The date of the old-time dance to given by the Patriotic -lea tie as been c a ge rein 4 on ay,.Nov. tat. as announced lant•week,"t9 thc even- ing of Tuesday, Nov. 2nd. -not a veee bigehange,,butimpertent if.„Yon_ want , • - to take in the dance. , e Successful Sale , John MeDiarmid, of the 2nd. line, ,Kinloss,., who last week sold off his farm stock and implements, hada Very suc- cessful sale. The day was fine and there was a big crowd, intending par- chaseratoming.aalet-as Thera was.a. lot of good material on the sale, especially the horses arid cattle, and gooci ' prices were realized' - the whole • Ontario Made noble,respoose to tb,e Lieutenant -Governor's 'all for Red Cross funde... A half million dollars was asked for; over three tiateethet amount, was • raised, • • • The maple leaf' harvest 'has been' a: prontinene feaaure of town life the Lpast weelte There Was a glorious crop arid they canie• down within an, unusually eliettpe,riede - • • Geo. S. Robertson has had on exhibi- lien,theepa,*e.Weett,'Jie tiroatter Swede ternipfroin-404Cfreer's farm. Xt weigha 18 PoUnd.Saf,41X•33 innlieS•i'n circum- ference. ' . Before tott for Toronto to enlist r. Harold, Ackert was presented his Itoleireod friends .with -wrist watch. •fie got inwithcourPany being enliet- ed at ',Coroeto linivereity, • ' - : ..Faitelined„-Ceatai,L.1.adies1=at.dr.ge_nts!- gartiaents; cleaned, Tressed and repaired at lofinsten1.0„ AVingtMut running up to $4,478. 'John :Purvis it Wielded the hammer. . High- Class Tailoring ,Diea out west Just zedeived - Our rail Stock • of Blue Serge, Blach Serge A Cheviot and Fancy Suite , ings. Something new. C11 And see them._ _ TEMPLE CLARK --Merchant Tailor •••••• et, *Crwr,riterg-detZeg• . **, •- A Christian college-hoine, . healthful situation. ViweroseectusanetentaavetethePiinch;a1 R. ; OUt 63 Just This to Tinotince 1 -The low. priees- . 44ated a •eciuple - f weeks Ago still prevail at our store . . . A. M. SPOCE'S ST6t110, , 111Th4.,14Yal Quality tfitoioe* , • ' -A letter received this week Irma Fred IslattleieeeStettlee-Alta,-, tells of theAeetle there. Of his mother, a former resident of . ininkoRW.. Mrs. Matthie, whc had al - meat reecherl.the age. of 76, ,had been ailing for -the past two years, and In Sep- tember contracted -pneutropia, which re-. Stilted in -her deittli-on-Ott. lat. Her husband diedlere 1,neknow 17 years ago; and will be reiemilbered by. Many' of the older. readmits'. Mrs. Mittede leaves three Sons and One daughter: Mrs. Alex -niacin]: and Fred, of Stettler, Will . of Paria,gottrit, Mrs. Tom of Chicage. Wilittetttnefolderheys, now dead, work - id% TIIE SENTINEL office for Mr. • Bryan. , ..eithur,Newinan:finilats ,In the list of recruits, reported in the London, Ont., papers. last ,week we not- iced the name of Arthur Newixian, from. Winghare. _Bet Arthuiqa much better knoWrile reicknow than he is in Wing- He:attended eehool here while 'Making hishome with D. N. La.ivrence,: and was for three years inember•Of the Mr.--Joylit-bought The Wingliank • Advance • he went to Wiughare with A. G. Sniith:r Arthur is not big, but hes the right kind, and if he geta into a suitable line of work will t Luciwoli;,.6ilis:ikij-RSDAIrt OCTOBER 28th., 1915. SONIETHINti WRONG •/ IN XI NLOSS. TOWNSHIP Aiyes To Patriotic Fund • athing To-Red„CroSs flu* A Leader Wanted. We have heard WWI %IMO criticisin the pest we* Of Kinloss Township be- muse of its failare, contribute to the patriotic funds; When, ayear ago, there was e'thOvelnent for the, Contribution of grain and apples, and abileat every town, faialNifetr.gaVeOlifirelliiw 13'.` Kilflosff gave 250 btishels of oats' and tie barrels. of apples, and this was due to the briet and independent effort of one man* tho last moment. • •• it Wasi then explained. that instead ()f- a cootriblition of grain the '4wrisluo Conacil: would necaeli -grailt of List Contributions in u , 'CHURCH News the PresbytOriarkchurck Kincardine,.in , Rev. "Malcolm MoArtlar, pastor. ,of , • hie BerelOn on .ttocent Stioday eventng . ..„. . Copieg ; eentAl To...Britishited:Cmss.S9ciety Fund spoke plainly to .his congregation. Ile ; . • • •, , . -stated that aterriment&itidayr about Aletober-21stii-191.&-,----3TOtat. $2,000. ..spo had taken rommunioni ' - • , •• . attendance at the playa' .meeting ,On\' • ' ' . . • Thursday evening %IAN, and only (The receipts of each pair of Collectors are given keparately), Omer' matters), bUt told hispeoPli4 :that B -c)*" 39"sTel'i *OD W, TAIM01-4+ miAn was .resent. The ruinister,did not . . until such time as the men 'and `women S(iirea (W*TeniT DOMORY .of the 4icepireassumeda.proper ettitede We Connell. .0 DO 00 • of Prayer and devotlen to the. Creator, A. B. Millson, sr; 46 00 • , they need not expect any groat aChieVe- . A. Newton 'WOO meat for British arms. •• Joynt .25 Tuz Guira-The attendance on Tues.. r' Stewart' ' .°9 W W . .; 20 00' Jay evening was below the average which . 400'01101'v did riot Int..srf,Cre With, .the ex- • It„,b,t;"#.3.A4L°,4.;:"....'","; „5 °, cellent •program. Mia$ • 'gag Vi4r4in s ZAP. •ms.4;:t ?Oil • • • ••• • wV s inake gore the Scripture reediegoind Aftga ri"in• 3.' Taylor 20 GO 01,000, No grants, hOWOYet, wfte, made.. •Q"ddes a/8(11% feadi°0•V•lielle J. Allilt3.tt?14 15 00 '1 hen niao,otritoopi Jest: ty Tahl. b.t,i1i ut}10 e held '`„.; jil'Sr: ;4,T. 08Prvel:Oncir :11.1.0-50":0D°00QButish ;.'' cil,.or,,;tO be more e*tct, the Ileeve reeerv- ,t) • - T. , Clerk. , e,; IQ :00 • ed.tile Sole ineaSago ffom"the lieriten»- rhaef ite 10.00' ant.-0Overnot did.the heads of -ill oth, ',[;f "ti;;Ei;r4-ci'ioo'irro,-pmi;tt"tkity"7tilme 4-t7.4,- 47, ' E.„,(2.-.,tokn_stiorn 10_ :oo ' eer niunicipalitieS throughout the vrov.. • • 111 'customs Qr the people and also the Yalu .tihattew .. to 00 . whole,aave twci dollars for eVery , one e wor one y missionaries he ping, j. sh I, : •.: • • asked. Itinloss &Lire nothing -in feet was•net giyela an opportunity to give .aeythine. The Message from LaeridoWne and the Lieutenant.Governorwas never brought to,their !notice. Now, it isn't for us to say -it -isn't for ince. Again, while •tho' Province as a hi lc d ; " BeYd, ' 10 00 • make Japan a civilized natio, the 0 rt A McCarroll ....... ; .10 00 japs being still eeineWhat superstitious about the Christian religion,' Next, • 4.` l'incisaY;• • • • • • • 00 Monday the' topic will he. "Increase and MiSe A. Boyd . , , 10 00 'gniojeoce to be taken .by the Devotion_ _Bertrani Smith. IQ 00 , al Conunit'tee. • • p• to • • • 10 00 • an to Say, what aeybodY else alai' e Agit *T Robt Duren) .... .. 10 00 F. E. llileLean, teselier 8 00 E ,?:ND NDUOTIO-N-.---S1111- • "Jim C •Anelerson, • 8 00 • give in a case of thislind, • Every Man day and monday, Oct. 4 and 25, will R. J. Wore' ........ 16 90 and woman andMunicipality may de andm , be long remembered bYethe Presbyterian Il Jas. B. tinter 5 00- will do ai he, or she, or it, sees fit. But congregations of St. Helens and Best Edgar 'Hellman 5 oo: all; at leapt, ought tohe given the Ctp- Ashfield. Anniversary seivices were • R, . a 00 , • portunity. The people of Kinloss row,- held Mahe St. Helene church and coin- E. C. Lindsay ,••••, 5 •• ' ,TWO -GREAT SPEKIIES -4-1-Aanow--Audienollite.n0 - Eloquent Pleas tor.Conw trY and Red, Cross The hol.ding of a put* 'Illeethig On the evening prepecling the canvass foi ottefLduC'e:nosw11:4anci:-.Artniein:Itdr °114vetret7"1:nb°t.ehea, •eapital ideo,,,`Ially three huintred;.peePle (aiallanieliteleelle,h4etQW*01104ft')fgre rglz-vue!r$e Y,'in'tlsjYpront addressee ever enjoyed. by 'a Lneltuaw audience, • • "Those in "„charge were fortunate \in their selection of speakers, Rev. Joseph' taloa.. and M. G. Cameron, KQ, both of (.40clerich.. The audience Was splen- didly appreciative. It was lernarked that throughout the to fairly long 'ad- • dresses th,ete not a joke" u_Oi a. -Nun - story; yet the, crowd was intensely interested and highly 'entertained.' throughout There are occaions when humor is not necessary for the entertain - merit of a,naudience. This was such an occasion, . There are speakers who /do pot need to be "funny" in order to • get attntion, • Mr. Elliott and Mr. (i only ere just es patriotic and just as lib- oined with these services was, the in- . W. A.rinstreng, -sr ocre----0 on are,suolLsPeakels.... eral-and-they-arelustarcable-to givie-ake eduction -of theiy-neerwitor; iteij. 361i1r • S. Murchison 5 t)0 . Rev. Mr. Elliott,who spoke first, the people of any. other township, .and Little, and the reception tendered Mr. . T. P. Cain . B. OQ • dealt witlethe general features of the war • -we are -much mistaken if, when they and. -4 -Airs, -Little aid their daughter. Gee. Lees . , 00 situation, of the-needant-the army and- reelize the ridiculoue, shameful position ,Evety feliture of the two days' service Miss Mary Stewart .. 5 00 % the hospitals and the Red Cross seamties. -they, have been put in, they do not get was splendidly 'carried' out and thor- „It.Ticholas' Hadley. .... 00 , His metsured periods and slow, impres- • after eomebody. Culross •gave $1,000; eughly apPeecieted by the lane congro- V G. Arinstreng, . . 3 00 . sive style is admirably adanted to the • . . When That New Viateh Notion „ Virst etrikes yon-remeniner that there IS suela thing so litore •litiving reputatiOn for good watett saws; also that thii.is the .store. etvuer•.byacEi. nzt1,4itvit4,071rlovwelt:6,1whiatat-t 70: , promisefor it Each •movement fotogrefrvu x:i tecst:den:ix:ott:tics?? IfdY- 1 'yontememhertneee tningel:on Wilt likely come 'here. for that near watch: . , • -special, extra loavy,... ' watch; Hoed". t 4 it ia-ginzt:,.. movemezit at $1'0.00. • Tuckeramith $5,000,, and '13rant town- gations Present The aneiversary.Preacb- Cleo. A, F. Aitcheson. 2‘ 25 . • Message he had to convey , Address, ship, which has'a- big German element, er was Rev, R. A. Oraesten, A,, Of , otitis Merle Meeray.. . 2 Q0 ' alone would have. 1644 e'00i evenings eive $15b0. A • • k b paid for, .Teonsands.of hien who placed interest by audietieea that packea whe Mrs. N. L Campbell.. • 1 00 '" Cell and taik, fit: over • f• • T. ARMSTRONG' -Jeweler-and Optician aw Are Issued for • Short Terra of Years ninfIXEs Interest ;Coupons, _ , HafeYearly , NgGCrilABLE _ Assets -$7480.339 The 6reat West Permanent Loan Compaq 17 zo•Hing st,wesi • • • • Tvionto PaltnerstO ,n and his toiling and forceful . "G. a Doggies .. : .. .2 00 program. • It amply justifild calling ,, • Represented bv This -Vat le upon VI. It has niessagna 4virere listened to with . eager Rideee webster. 2 00 of tbeetnesiting And reWiteded"fife46 - ; ' • attended. Mr. Cameron's address was awaited with keen anticipation. Hes splendid reputation as‘ an orator had, precede.d hirn, thougli'ohly comparativejy few in the audience had heard Win spcalr. Reeve Joynt, in introducing Mr. Gamer- Jos. Agnew, • Lucicriovv Oaf. thenaselves „ between us and tyra,nny eliureh to the utmost, , ' Jas. Campbell .1 00 are sick or wounded, and • must be. The 'Presbytery of ,Neltland met on -Mr, Harrison 1 00 - taken -Care of. It is up to ug; to do Monday afternoon to induct. Mr. Little:, • .0. Stewart • . `00 EVERYBODY'S COLUMN this arid all should share. Many are Rev. W. A. Bradley, Of Teeswati3r, was Dora Lees . 1 OG ,grad, end all ehould be uglad to share in appointed moderator;..Rev. C. N. Mc- Mrs. D. Thompson. 1 00 moNcy TA LOAN: -On martgorg'imd. IA , this worthY work, And 'what is mere Kenzie,. of Kinloss, preached the sermon; • M. Caniebell,S Kinloss • 1 00 • • toasouable atm ',Fire insurattca. . we who areetill bere.ought to be pre- J, lierdie, of Lochalsberielivered • Mies R. McInnes. . 00 foundly thankful that we get 'off with the charge to the netvlY appointed min- • C. E. Seekings 00 the paynient of money. Consider these biter, end Rev. J. S. Dueette, of, Luck- Wm. McIntyre , 1 00 who have bemykilled, maimed for life,, now, addressed. the people. • After. the Miss Woods , 00 - or robbed Of that they have! The service eir.,Little was escorted to the Mrs. F. Cain 00' ; fermer,vvho.,grumblingly said that "this. door and introduced to the various men,- • H Furlong: .. . „., 1 00 • war had already cost him ten dollars" berg of the congregation as they passed Mrs. Spindler ... • 1 ' 00 • . very 141e realized what the 'Empire-. out. 1 A pleaSantfeature �f the afternoon Miss Anderson , . 1 00 and Canada as a part of the Emeiree-is was the presentation:of appreciative - Miss Cuinmings. r 00 •, • up against. Heresy bethankful if, her address and a Time to the interim Mod- Mr. 'McClure 00. ' lie nre trirrover-tdoeealocoet:inina.eeratot-,-Rem-4--SeDuncan, by,represent-- Mis-s-Meetitrit . ,1 00 atives Of the two churches. *, Miss A. Spindler 00 -tenth or a emitter of all thathehase$10 to sS cause which 'will test thousende one or more members of the hunityllt eSetifebody Onglit tu get -busy: in 'Kin - Olivet . •• 2 -Tuesday; Odt. .261h. , DEATH' OF WM. J. M,aGume.-God lias seen fit to take from our midst One who begieatlf iniseidee'ne- theeper- ,sOn of Win. Jelin McGuire: Mr. • Mc- Guire was -fourti,eight years of age. Al- though he had been sull'erieg most of the internee no One realized that the- ‘Aves so near .1k-uncler-went-an--opera- tion on Tuesday evening an passe peacefully away on Thursday morning, ils-was-owof-those-nrerr-who always looked on the bright side of life even when niiifortune" came upon him ...and 'was very, highly, esteemed by all who knew hit* , The funeral on Saturday to • Ripley cemetery.waS conducted by Rev, ,B. nral-theleurial serviee-of- the L0.0,F. WAS read at the grave.: Be- sides his wife and family of eight child: ren all at home, tie. leaves to mourn his loss his mother, five sisters -Mrs. cheltree; London; Mr. Wei, Harlin*, Ripley; Mts. David Henry, Mrs. Robert' Osborne and Mrs. John Jeaceri 0.: the' 12tli. eon. Huron; and four brothers - Charles. of Ripley; Samuel, Malcolm and Thomas, of the 2nd. den. Huron. - The sincere mpathy Of many -friends is extended to -the bereaved--,wefe qutd make -tip the-ehtat-We etpag-etilhrther relatives , , statethent frona the committee next week" • , when the money* will have been forward. , MARRIBD For the tea -meeting anandierice had .gathered. which taxed the capacity of the church .to the utmost: A hot -fowl- stip,. per was servectan then,* pleasing and tailed pmgrarnine waipresented. Music was most accepta,ble welled. by the choir of Lucknow Presbyterian Church, recitations were given by Ethel Rowe and Dorothy -Deities, and' addresses, 'were given by Revs. Hardie, MeLem andLittle and Mr 1LD. Cameron; • The ehairman, Rev. Mr. Dtincan, annoUnced during the •course.of the evening that the offerings Sunday had been $103, and the receipts from the tea -meeting had _reachedt, sumLef 4,1_7aaltogether. Mr. - • etel: I • 111 4 1 I' pleasant and hopeful eirehmstances. - • - • • BRITISH RED CROSS - • FUND CAMPAIGN _ . on, said he ranked with the best -public -tr°°k'rad'Unt'haV.°114-P4Ilies. speakers in the country. That, was a high mark. to e`ome up to, but it is • no flattery to Mr. Cameron to say that he made good. His address was beitutifnl, It wes:entertaining, instrubtive, ,inspire waameereeaeeeee, en a mOrtgage. ing. He spoke -for an hour and a guar., Goortfecartm latclustion tne.$enlltio. - ter; and it took no ordinarY skill. and ' .„°11Pe• 21411."' • power to hold for that -time an audience - Sew. AnY Per$oh PIN* which Already had listened to anyuddress' - ineintormatinnldading Lu t- re 'elterr-WV:t ong-L-:theL-- whether speaker, singer, writer, painter . "` * "4 , •'ris s ' - • ceete Banker, Lucjcno.w • ' , , ,-sitANTIOD.:-A-oal)able,Firi for gvneral ,hoOse.' ' woiletnsuut,u,torin4'. tfifortaatiol,, at ttlo . .440tinotpince-.. • 2-10-p. • , • ' actori.iikaairia own -peculiar ,--,-rayed on Oct. :list.' yell() • "mrs. T. L Treleaven.. 50 " Qameron% gehitla kla an orator • is in a- mei White oollio .pup,"-itbout. half giOW14 , Mi SCATISOr'ollgrl. . . ftlid floiv'HOT' -wdid8=p116-.--oU t°"1"I'ee"'"‘Y41141''. than "Tally receive 10•Harrymxce, Itliss Mary Camphell.. • 50 - beautiful words, perfectly arranged and Pe% . seeeee , Mrs: Pinner .. e 50 always the right :words. - He •spoke. , For Sale the War, its origin, ontbrealeand coursee :TOtal. $5.94 75 of the Probable outcome, thetonsequen- . . ces o a German " victory;' of Belgium's . G. A. NpvrroN -AND .A. R Duerene noble stand and sacrifice; of Britain's , -SOU'lle.(EAST;EliN D/VISION) . - : . greatness and her stand for. justice" and . ....A: R burnm.....- -;* ....e50 .00 . freed,orn-not Britieh, freedom alone, but . Lucknow Fire Co..e. .. 35 97 the freedom of the worldcand -he _blade W. J. Davison , :.., ... 25 .0 ' . an eloquent appeal to the manhood of D Geddes ''.10 -00, • , the country to volueteer in the noblest L H. Treleaven -. 10 Od • - • of all causes -. . , -13e-Re-Mallougheeeeee , . .. 5- pee e, There -was a. hearty response to -a no' " . " . I' orde ....-... ..... . 11 • . tt--YO:krettimikrtothusPetrkertrr . , . D. O. °Mcelortan... ..-. oT • Made.by Messrs. D. C. Taylor and J. G. Je-S. _Demean - 5 !Clb _ cram. A pattte guar e • ay Jas. Lyons:: ,T 5 00 - -Messre ',1`. S. Reid, T. Wateo.n, 0. „en. • 2 w .tOtt tAT.,2= Ott -srari_oeilitorltdilb,' • -` Applsr to t.lEo. Sloot.t.t. • •‘, , 20.10.sq.: &61pAliLis-ittaiba.1715.C1h • 'upstair, elf . Gte. Al... axtontacic. „ FARM FOR SALw•--Thr. north half of '14O:i. se. tie ' 1.405th COdeession of the iloiVatilir , Jim:as in thopojanty of Bruce containit4 - farther-partionlar-s.: • , apply to ,A.10X;Ross, Lucke ow, Ont. : Ross Street,' Lucknow, 6 rootea and hall ", S. Henter. , -00 . d.ersen emit, 'Aitchison was given he:. MeCharles .. . . 6' 00 tween the addresses and made a_great .b7ARM FOR s2i.m-Tirc Administrator oitto, ' , I;ibbie Lyons.. • 5 00 ' Etate of Alortrii•Van, late of the Town y:rv • hit: • . • Gode.rieh, t Oonuty of Huron, znarrieri • ...:_411viocm_tara14144,1, depoce.;1414sOd54_, Olfere.r,os foin,tisai4leltLeefore111A- lidded stanza beginning "God save our National Anthem inchiling the recent, Lot, 16; Cell 11:• 'Ale'4. wrvan°5b. 11° v• ,',.:• •.,ei.,: splendid men." raea1;1119ittuntiglignitegfga "RIZ ..' '-. ... . farro is ail in mass and has. been pastur.cd . . •• ,,,.. , : • . , . .,• . . , for the past seven vears; good. well •wi,..11 v;itnitn.11;"10 acres of btosli; situated • in a . ' . . ! • .. tiymENEAL . , -fir. ClaSs farming 'district; a; goOd 'grouse ' - . lions% 2 barns anceeeeving eitea: no form ' . ,s .LESLINI-I'Ir,EtEAVON . • - ' • , " has a goon clay loam, and is iti Ifil,t--clw,4' • condition for nthred famine% ..0"q forth- ... . .. ,; - . The bride in tie particulars apply to l'. J. ,ity4n. boded( 1 netice from The'.Deily Star *was a fotin- following marriage • ., ...- Itoneotariesuiateirtoiraemetraioototre;iconeotAtcitej e;.i. ,• - .-- •-r-::;:(',e . . 2 OD( - - .. The inarriege ef:Miks Bertha -Treleae- ,. e e' " '--*:kieteoliSolil.'' .1- ' ' ',. ' Mr. and Mit. -.Tonee Leslie, 'of- thi•*.n- t'Irt"g111)r-6 b..F.146)S-1;°1'.$1rit*IlaYI -• ' ' •., , '....,: .yen; daughter -of Mrs. E7N. -Treleaven; • . to Perey,Teellee 'Plim,13; sort of '- the past euihmer: .' ...• _ .. .. - . : - . 7 -, leadmiesiKuilit3itOrrtlat1101.84. GDPI:deOrtrehr0:014 41.12 :t I, 47! , , _ _z,..::: , •••••, ee _2_00„ ., ,er resitlentef Lucknew, andtisited here .I. .00 ' • O'clock this afternoon at the home of tbe --. (a. ktliTemt lttirgir;iti ttik,-'- --'" • . • ... -2 09 .. ..Sound, 44-61c place--very-quietly a, *tin •?. lgohoeuerriliriciaocatita,131tte.e.o/se.n.oarosa, ors...4amohnosirt.withia9„vicsi:',1;.; . .. . 1 DO ' . bride's inother•in Pearson avenue,. • tie • officiating. The bride, who was ,,...i, 4 °°' - -- Rev. R.. J. Treleaven unete. -ef-rnect-th.tei:a.4, -„--,.. • • • The reeetin closed lay singing The Th re I von Mackenzip.. Evan Geddes twangs* Raised $2,0.00._by j. E. A new 5 00 . • Vigorous Campaign " • Elsewhere in this paper will he found a list of Lueknow contributors to the Bridal Red Cross -kiiind on Trafalg_ar: Day, together..With a .stetemirit of .the. iiremente received. ., Thie estateireet is authorized by the committee wile had charge of the campaign, and is publish- • ed_ in erder_t-hat- each _contributor May , see that his or her contribution went • to . . , . _ -ed to its proreeedestination. - - Weerz-e-Cosseuv..-At the home • of the be a useful and reliable Membei of His, gajestell Atte& Ile has limy friends inleicknow and Wieghaiii Who will wiali etife return. - • APTERONti-laNESS--- • Afterlong years of illness, Joseph Cket, • tklesi ent of h0 sixth- eon:, Kinloss, passed away on, Saturday of latit week. At the past twelve 'years lte.. had been tonfined to bed owing to Spinal Wale which. paralysed the lower part of his odyr4nespiteeef-thie -severe utilletion- itAtt Sitift he.wantlways in good spirits and had. a`dritile and a cheerful word for everybody.. Ile will be greatly missed by many Warta friends whieh lie hadin the community. He was, 38 years of age, and before being taken. RI,- VOA tt. strong and. robust young man. The fam. ity have the sympathy of inany -friends. " Lan Oide lithe Minuet aneiversary .Servicee of tangstde Presbyterian church will be held next Sabbath, Oct, 81„ at 1,1 and 7 p. when ltev. James Wilson, 13; Al pastor of Dovercourt Presbyterian thumb, Torouto, will preadh. Special haS been prOVidert by the OhOir. SPegial offerings 0.10, be received at both, 1011100fIr Cerement onthis 'splendid day's work brides* Mettler, •LtteinieW, (ni wed- , is unnecess4ry. The list beaks for itself nesday, October 27 b the Rev _Je d.ever • munici lit. in- Canada . B. Duncan, Miss Annie Conley and as • well in proeortion to popeletion as • ' 'Mreloieph Wall, of Kinloss. ' ' Lucknovv did, the.'Red Cross Society vvonld receive from this country alone Kintait - -- iimes•Scrimageur..... ; I Harry Blackwell, Kinless Carrie. Geddes .... Giorge Potter W. I, McKen,zie „.... Wm. anghes , • ' Thos. Corrigan: • - . .. D. McGregot.... , Walter Webb-, • . I • • • ' M. Sproel..... • ll: Nixon. ..... --R-Barrett. , Ralph Potter., . .. . ; Mise Gaynor ;.; ... • . Miss 3 00 . 3 00 ; 2 00 2 00' .. . 2' 00 •• 2 00 • 2.00 2 00 00„,-. A oct., 26. . • -Mrs: Timmy, of Godericli, is visitin •s.t. thelliorno of C. O'Keefe, ' Mrs. -Lerman, of Goderieh, visiting Billie Perris, of Liichnew, is deeoraf: ing McDonald's house' antd store. Mr. George Collineon Wife and fain _ ily; also Mies Anna McGregor and Miss Annie May McDonald Motork to Blyth on StalkislOt•OC. , , Min Bowler died at his -Wit, .10th con. Ashiield Oet 15th. lIe was ,nine- ty.three years old • aralia survived- by two sons and three- daughters; • • • --Don't forget the "old thne•dattee -to bo given LuekitOW Town Hall on the evg. of Tioaday, Nov. 2nd -,,,tincjer the au- spices of the Ladies' Pak/title League.' •Dancing ,fde el/m.0)00., On Friday lest Mr, and Mee T. J. Laotian eatertaitted.a, nambei of their friends. to; it daace' in tire XcDonald -Hall. All report a good time. , • Lothian -.Tuesday,. Oct. 20. Mie$ Mary 1(614034 , 81.16110. week *lilting friends in Guelph., Miss ,Gteftit, Cainphetl. spent foW days visiting friends in St. Helena, ,..11.0‘,Y Father John ttogaa motored up frOM Vinton, for a. few dile hest, week, • , • . -01Se • George Whiles 1'00 Mrs: Tennant .... • .. 1 .06 • neaily Won as ninth as it expended, • Mr. Pieketing 1 00 ' • -during the first year of the *war. Mies Hood. ,,... 100 tmay.aild that a -number -of other villages, Mrs, F. Maicolm.,-., 00 _ _ arid towns have done as well. . Edgar 'Inane ' • '• 1-00 , ..e•-•• 00 - Charlie Cook, : . . . • .. . 1-00 ' . Harold Diirnin . : 00 • • Florence. Cook •' 50 • Mise Entledgi4OntNthd. week -end -at.- 4 • , miss -Gram. _ 50.. hei`hoine • •• . sa4., . , • • .7 -Monday, Oct 25. S:',ervice will be hsld in , the Methodist. Church- hero next -Sanday-eVening--at.-17- o'cloelt .•• . • .• We all join' in wishing Mr. and Mrs. -Atex- McKenzie intich'-:Tivosperity- and ha bees Mr. and Mrs,-lasAtlgres ran -illy. ol Teeswateri spent iunday at•the home of Thos. Henry. Mr. Percy Sinden attended the Anin- versarysetvices &OM on Sunday. What attraction. Percy • Doe't forget the "old titne' dance' to. be given in Lucktow Town Hall On the evg, of Taeactiy, Nov. 2nclonder the am-, aPidee of the Ladies' Patriotic League, Dancing for everybody - The Women'e Institute will hold their ildkt Meeting on NovotribOr 4th in the Poreeter's Helyrood, at two o'cloek in the -afternoon, There is to le quilt. ing at thin -meeting for the lied 'Crows, Each ine,rher reouoted Ytti;:lie. thread', . 0,04 1 Uveryb9dY *oleicOltev-Set13/. • • Tcte.1,..e ..... .$225 97 , : ar,9..1/...S;lyrit AND 'Wk. TINNIAillii'IN • 140.ItTil:MASTE4 DIVISION) G. Anderson: , .$50.00 e ItturdoCh4eatneran Co S5 W. Allin 25 00 ' D. R. 20 00 ' W. g: aendetsoti 15 00 Win, Mart& 10 00 Geofge.Stnith JO 00 • W. ;B. 'Treleaven ; .1.0' 00 8. Murdneh and. family 40 *00 • D.:0. Taylor . , , 00 Geo. Matheson... 5 00 . Deelcer. , . • 'eV • '6 00 01 J011PAttql . t ... 5 op • Miss L. lienderson..„ 00 Miss P. Henderson... .• lir . 5 00. V. Freeman .. .. 5 ‘00 • Merhiaig • • 4 00 J. • Wontinued' on page Sa The. ed, was given away by lierhrothee . -. • Clarence Treleaven. • Later in the alier- . . --Tneada3r,; Oct. 213. noon 31/fr.-and Mrs Leslie .left their horieynioph in NOW' York. . to .:s1; •"1 'We are sorry. to.report the • death 3Tr.. Jelin M....rehouse Which took,..fdece " ----Vetyatidderelrat-hie;reeideriee Mender St. klelens • nicning. , • • • - • - 2, 7, eee • , OCt.• -Wnt Itiltlierfora.shipiQ a, earral4' W.`e tillo:t.begin to -II- „ • - 7cett1e to Buffalo last week.' , you.all tbe nsws. , It would take t..,•o•• Mr J Dawson, Of ,,WItiteoltarcii:.15 iong. visiting at Mrs. Donald McDonald's, Miss CienhelLe_c)f itepenelu.g.„..ewith 1 7 on , Mr. Ab jewitt who was thrent,-, pole. quest hM. .g a few days at eir ART -de Anderson's. is quite better %gain; else A. DAA1 ., Miss Mabel McDowell, of W.estfieal, who wes laid off for tome time is reovv-• Sandayed with 'Alin Margaret Miller ering and hack to work. Those two b 4,i • Miss Laura Johnston, of _Lttekr,h,q,• 'did-nrt q-eir unlike leels Who mightbs..--, • spent Sunder. With Mise Clara Vbsloo.c. been he front tallig fir- Inns' • . - Keep in mind the "Patri6tic" dance to be given in Liiekeow Town Hall, the ,eve, m.,ug of•___7__.....Noveinber 2nd. . .,„ • e ---Tuesday, 'gee' 21.1 -ea• Mrs. Scatter Taylor, who has not, la en well of late, is improving as well. as Oil . be C4pected, . We- are • glad to hear that Edrard Ila'aies, who :hes net been ' feeling well Of las, it able to be around tigain," • • The well drilIeta •pompleti.d. NVPrk n t Sonter haNing 'air, Ilk . Lrelve : ".--•Tneaday,'Oet, 20. Ilrlarran; et nifeking, • t- a1 Crewe tr.ends one day last week.. Mr. and Mrs. A, Oulhirt , the'lloMo of Mt. and Mrs. Clo.0 181111:atm*. Ilivett, who spent the 1, two months -in the Wbst„ remota hot 0; Thursday, looking tone the worse for • hit trip •.. ; • , ••4••••••••f•f••• • . • Dilin • • • Wod kilw of water to, 18) Tec,i "qT TOM4. ?1'a Vraiket..00, "o•, VAT,' ' *.t t:ected windmill. Plenty o1 v •ter • . .4%111..04 ,10164 ritz •• WW1 9011tet . ' • . formerly' of LueltnovA k•lectu4ca . , " • I , , e • t• . . . . 1 . y I, " , • . • I, , . :, • 1 , 1 . 1 • • • , •