HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-10-21, Page 7• .
71117 .11,7
't 7 -.7,17V'llIr
n The Indian Baeket
On the top shelf ef the whatnot in
grandmother's. old-fashioned TOM
had stood for IllanY year thelndian
-ba-sket:. --(knee.and OW- •alWays
• thought of it in big capita letters, be-
cause Of the way in which it had COMO
into the family, and the . care that
• grandmother took of it. .
In the old days, .when grandfather
wa. a Ptilig Mall, one day, when he
was aloneby the banks of a
little stream, he had come upon the
• 'bones ofa child -a little Indian girl,
he thought, because of some pieces of
-.whathad Mien- been her -dress. The
bones . were. white and, clean, and on
some of them were tam:Ica that looked
as if they had been made' by teeth-.
, Probably the teeth of VrelVeS• Near
by lay the .Indian basket., •
• '• It was. 'beautifully -made, 'of closely
• .woven twigs and grasses, some of
4+4001, been colored with bright.
•„dyes that made a curious4attern: on
,.. the finished basket. ,In, shape, itivas
nearly .esetred;"and in. Eliza ebegt •ad
largo/ as a .small cabbage. ' When
grandfather found the basket, there
Was nothing In it but a few pebbles
'from the bed of the stream, and two
• or three pretty shells of fresh -water
Mussels -just the kind of things that
• a little girl would likd to play with.
• Grandfather took the basket, and
brought it with him and gave it
to .grandmother;.and -mnnv it ±1-
Grace and Ethel had heard the story
a the little Indian. girl, and wonder-
ed Ito* she had happened to be alone
by the stream, and whether it was
• really wolves that had got her.
, Qf course grandmother :took great
-sere -of the basket She seldom used
it and 40 for the little: .girls,
Were not allowed to take it.,at all ex-
- cent. when :grreeelmether_ herself erire.
into their handsfull of fruit, or
'flowers, of "other dainties for some
,sick neighbor; and then they were
told to carry it carefully; and to be
sure to bring it back.
Butone dee._ ther.were lekt alone,:
and alter -playing for a. tiine at oee
thing •or' another, they stole into
grandmother's room. In its ' _ usual
place on the ;shelf stood the basket.
"Ieet's take it out in the garden
and Piek it full of raspberries!” cried
Orme. - • .
xt:tpk them half an hoer to 'fill
the ibaiket. The ripe; juicy berries.
-they Poured carefully into a dish, and,
were just about to put the basket back
in., its place, when Ethel noticed that
the berries had made some red stains
on the inaideof it; so they took it to
the kitchen sink and with a wet cloth
wiped it .out but the cloth left a
few drone of water in the basket, and
• Ethel tureed2it. upside down to let
thenr-rinr-out:- •
"Oh, look!" cried Alice... "Wheij it's-
• . tbet wee, Weis juet like the helmets
that,. soldiers •used to wear. .The
, handle is the strap to go under •the
'Ale: And picking up the basket;
she Set it ori Ethel's head.
• It •eat tippily in its place, rocking
from side to side, until, with a sudden
, push; Alice jammed it down: Then it
.,• •slipped over Ethel's forehead ' and
ears, until it covered her, whole face
.4nd-rested-en her shoulders. • -
Thitirre-little while fhef grew nee
of the fun, .end Ethel found it very
%mem naide the basket, so she tried.
' to take it off; but it. would not tritne.
beide the basket were the Sharp ends
of -the -hrindieds of little" twigs, of
e Which it was .Made, ail' pointing up-
•' evied.' Wh4riever, she tried to move
the basket, the ends of the twigs
caught in het hair and pricked her
0' face. •
"0,.. Alice," she cried,•"help me! e
can getit Dim And so Alice-pull-
ed-and-pushedrteoebut-more and more
the sharp twigs caught and pricked,
' until Ethel was _crying with the pain
and Alice from fright; and still the rerilfze oId. Blucher's wish when he
, basket would not move. .looked out over the ' city and sa_id:
-$evere Sufferer Cured
Through •the Use
Virdliams' Pink
• Fierce darting pains -pains
hot -needles being driven through the
fiesh-in the thigh; perhaps down the
legs to the ankles ..- that's- zelatica.
None but the victim can realise the
torture: But the sufferer need not
grow discouraged for ther is a Ore
DP. Williams' Pink Pilis. Them
Pals make new, rich, red blood, which,
soothes and strengthens the , feeble
nerves, and thus frees them from pain
and restores the sufferer to cheerful
activity. In proof we give the state -
Ment of Mr. Thos. D. Leinster, wa-
ad with sciatica which gradually grew
W01730 until 1 was.cdnOned to reY•bed/
for three months I had to be shifted
and turned in my bed as I WAS utterly
Unable to help myself. ' 1 Offered the
greatest torture from Ihefieree, stab-
bing ;pains that aecomPanied every,
Meventent., 1 consulted seVeral"
tors and took drugs aid medieitieknzle
01 1 was.:nausentecl,, but without
ting any benefit, all4".1- began to be-
lieve 1 evettichbe a contimibus engeieri
Pina11y4 was prevailed upon to use
Dr. Williams' Pink Pillrr, and. atter
taking them for about SIX Weeks I was
able to get out of bed. From that on
I kept steadily improving until I was
free from this terrible and painful
The most stubborn cases of Sciatica
will yield to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
if the treatinent-ln-perststedlm-Thestr
pills are sold by all medieipe dealers
or will be sent by mail at 50 cents a
box or six boxes for $2.50 by address -
jog The Dr. Williams'. 'Medicine Ce.,
Brockville, Opt.
The kermaneeAcheit Tjtey• „Arca Djal.
e appointment.' • •
-• The British Admiralty gives out the
•following summary of the results of
the German attempt to blockade the
empire: ,
Total railings and arrivals.... 31;385
British eeerchant ships sunk .. • 98
'Percentage of loss • • 031
Officers and -men wounded 505
Neutral Ships sunk ....... - 95
. ,
The British shipping has been doing
a thriving business In the meanwhile,
making large profits. • •
The Berliner Tageblait admits the
substantial aecuracy of the above fig-
ures, and the Gerreans have been
Much disappointed at the failure of -
their -submarine blockade 'to he an
anSwei-tO the British blockade. The
newspapers are blamed, for raising
extravagant expectations; It is peint-
ed out that it has been -a long time
_since a wersh.V-wasesfro•led. The
submarines have been seeking easier
prey. •
— • .
GerMany Would Like to ,Realize Old
Blucher's Wish. ' •
• The British newspapers are incul-
cating the belief in. the minds of the
• people that the ultimate object of the
KeiSeree to secureanins:tali:AY flretn
England. In the Minds of the Ger-
mane the wealth Of England is fabu-
lous. It is not ,expeeted that 'any in-
' yecan •beesecurecLitone Russia,
c4s,r,,t f 7-..s•••1.--,17111,111IrlipillirTr'gr7TS "
-t;wiwnt,44---15-4.ers, vs -swat Antic.
The senii-fitted dress° has; become irrenc h
and, will remain for .E4orne One 4 fav-
orite. This is not odd, for it Is not
alone :iapier to Make 414,1 fin4rter
appearancebut it is 4 pleasant relief
from the tighter tallived ,garments
ow preceding 5 eaion, :A•good exam -
' No. 9122,
jiIei Advert 'herewitle-Ledeerte
Journal Pattern No. 9122, This dress
has. a semi -fitted lining With yoke sec-
tion front and back, and full length
or shorter sleeves. The dress epees
on the left shouldet and under emir
•seam and the lining °pepsat the cen-
tre back --the dress at this point is
56 -inches -long.. Sash -and hem facing
ribbori. The dress cuts in 6 sizes, 34
to 44, size 86 requiring 51/4 -yards efe
36.inch material,' 2% Yarkis of 3eine4
banding for hem facing, 4i Yards of
80..inch contrasting material, eft yards
36 -inch lining, and 8 -yards ribbon for
sash. ' .
• Paeterns, 46 cents each, can be
obtained at your local Ladies' Home
Journal dealer or from the Horne
Pattern • Company, 183-A . George
Street, Toronto, Ontario.
yr. Yield: about QM
convertible, ltt veer Cation tor,
from 10 to 09 yr;. ae, per public
- -Announcement.
Wilal your ordere for ,all the
Aurgo-Vreueh- Mods Yell need
• while you cau get thein atea. in
the 6100.0, .
We had 00 large, gYndleato al.
lotment but Mar it will 100 411
• te,,Itott before :the ZOth-
WiTtla ceMmitmente ,at 01100
• tQ' ,1)0 BOO- 44.:1F4.14 41.1a,
sow thins.,
Tr- ,c-v4.--v-virrir7T--•-rt.vr-7.6.,, 6
very Miff Joint.
• 4lientuttisiliH,C1.redl
That pia Xe.amily Remedy
.'"Viline" is Guaranteed for
• the Iiitor.'stHeas.4. • .-
PROYINCIAT4 TRUST' cow/illy. It is so well understand d Se reail,•
Rheumatism today is unneeesSo*
Trust 44 1.00aa Ahlg,; Montreal.. ' ilr ourahio that.evary da .beVe re-
porta of' old •chronles being freed of
,COlony 'This Raised 117,000 Nen and
A comparison i 11 I te filh6.
• e6ee' annex ' •in
Nvid-ch-Attraff-aliati and Canadian trade
havebeen affected by the war and an
official ataterileilt as to the number of
soldiers lintaufe Antipodean
choanataei?nlidilbeentee4retp°c;ttbe.t, oaltihieeder eGaocuuvasslefrPis't egneterefix,41:eser, ii7oset.esal,pjliurffizet:efnedietum• °-:,/,91vawb119.:telld'
'InMeeInbtebutre'T,rade C°F11. m,..1".1°'n ',, ••it ,,' in NaviitbedintY meal*. •They iacreased al' Y.
Australian trade during “.1.91$44 and toard B14
, .;ti poolto7ath80,1:1:45:2;: oi$
inS4 Canadianl,iZ. 90, 81s 2, ht5irt$!. it ..x.":7;4gda, , effs ic;i mla3p45.. a tuldt, • Nor,.4"e'vi, lemaiirneeeluaneitIlly;40,071.1ziadeethet:t,7::igt:,:,,,,e.,,..:,,,,,„:6ii.rove...
ad Sincea sshowingt hedeclaration oficomparedow.io7f setta 4uri tit:. ' C a n - ;;;.::;;Linillf:13:41:8::71:3dur::"1:::::
• August 4, 1914, - the Commonwealth earache
-. 1 f ••••
h Whether Ws toodthallcshien.
--r on Om fautily.eada
had argaiiized, equiPPecl and de- back or: a e a' neuralgia' lame'
snatched 70,566 troops for active Ser Just as readielv°1NtutesrviennoliRtehin
will cure
4vioceigooalirtroots At e itnhecamprpesseinnt timeAus, xtirrv,iiinkloe..r family -14 T. w-1. cure grhelluma las-
trana. for despatch to the tient. To - ---e—*---- --,e • - .. •
date the grand total of the Australia LIQUOR_LAW-E-XACT.
— •
their tormenter. 9
"I can snealt:con64ent1y of the, Nee,
Valle treatment, for tile simple reason
that it curedme," writes Albert R.
Cornelius, 'from Kingston. "You can't
imagine bow stot and lame and, tiOre. I
was.. N1ht t a_timerloontfin4-aleen
well. -I fOlioWeti the Dforialine diree-
eloneearefully-,ba4 it rttbket1 Ino the
sere •regloes firer or Rye times everY
day, Nvery rubbing helped to reduce
Cell of Young Men • to War. Wi
• cripple Profession in England.
The dearth of medic -al men irk th
Ihritecl Kingdom is not only serieu
at present on account of the wee,'bu
it will, continue for years afterwar
in the opinion. of the Lancet, the or
gan of the tiritish medical profession
In a recent issue the Lancet says:
"That our medical schools -will- g
• very short of students is dertain and
this will , mean a • dangerously small
list of medical praceitionees to mini-
ster to the needs of the country in the•
neer future. The position is Inevit
able, The epirit which will•• lead
young meneof the nieletary age and
the educated 'ease to join. the aemy
meet haire this effect, but it • the
duty efth'e inedical profession to face
the difficulty. and to make the best
of rt.
expeditionary forces raised has
reached 117,000 men, excluding 8,000
troops •of the citizen forces mobilized
for home defence., Reinforcement's
are going forward at the rate'of 6,300
a Month, and this number Will be in-
creased to 10,600 in October 'and.10,-
600 in November. .
Vital Ruling Power
Fills the System
And Health Returns
A crowinKcurative triumph in medi-
cine is nIlw given to the world, and
all who have been sufferers from
stomach ailments, . •indigestion and
headache can. he cured quickly by • a
purely vegetable remedy.. Calomel,
salts fiTid such like are no lenger ne-
cessary. They are harsh and dis-
11 agreeable. Science has devised some-
thing far superior, and you can go
to -day with 25e. to any druggist and
e buy a box of Dr. Hamilton's Pilts
s which are considered the very quick -
e" °'est and safest cure for the stomach
e, bowels, hveze and kidneys.' • HaIf• Sick
premisee, •• • . •
The only hburs during whieE liquor
may be raid for eonsumption (kr the
premisea are between leei-oure and 2.30
-p.m. and 6.30 p.m. imd18.30 p.m.. -
•\ Of -the Beaver Sex.
Moder* Store with Xto "litie An All-
• Year-Romad Fair.
In the (bye Wore our '0; scientific
and mechanical improveinenthegann
great deal of the work Of 'distributing
goods was done through the means of
the fair. Merchants of all kinds
would set up their booth e at the fair,
and the people from all the country-
side would come looking for harp:tog,
Wants that arose after the fair was
ever had to remain imsUppliect until
the epening of the licict fair,. Unli3se
theAililtnnler Ceuld make the toilsome
journey to the nearest large town or
could prevail upon some neighbor who.
was undertaking such a ourneY-t•
execute his commission. 'The fair still
survives 4MT sPeclal lines of goads or
Ictrapecial- ecogiiton-wign Tiii-otten-erat
trade it has been Supplanted by the
esttablied .storo with its advertise-
ments in the daily eewspaperS,
day too late for the fair" is a prover-
bial 'expression, of costly and wasteful ,
tardiness. The person to where it was
04PPlied, i4 the, 01,d days had lest the-
Otali0e, Of doing., profitable business.
Anyone who fails to :read and heed
the, advertisements in his newspaper
waStes'his money .SuOt'as did the 'poor
Wight -Of Lbldwho was wa day too late
for the fair," and bed to supply his
wants at great cost. The modern
store and the modern advertisement
constitute, in effect, a fair that is open
all the year round and that ,affords
such -bargains as the hagglers and
chatterers of • old days never even
dreamed of. '
Hours for Sales Fewer Than Before-,
' Prohibition Gaining.
The prohibition wave whichis pass-
ing over England is gaining rapid
headway, and drastic measures are
being adopted. throughout England,
and the -order -just issued by. the Cen-
tral Control Board in charge of the
liquor- traffic in Liverpecor and the
Mersey district is typical of what is
beim; done.
- This order prohibits the sale of Any
intoxicating liquor in hotels or Any
licensed preinises or elubs for con-
sumption ori the -premises during all
hours of the day -and nightwhich-ar
not included in the special meal hours
designated. These hours are between
12 noon and 2.30 in the afternoon and
between 6.30 and '9.30 ie the evening.
Except between the hoers just men-
tioned no person will hereafter' he
permitted, either by. himself or any
servants or agents, to sell or Supply
to any person any intoxicating liquor
to be consumed on the premises. The
Order also prohibits the actual con-
sumption of aerliquor, even if it has
not been obtained or purchased on the
CO •• Guarunteed
OreNever kneWe
• pfateln; thiacarhotirgi, ,°118t
•guk &ok soothing,. healing;
to taw the alai; right
Nee, • out. No remedy op
guick,-inta and-sure:A.0 Putnam's -Pa I
less Corn Extractor. ' Sold every:
vibere--45e. ner_ bottle.
• • Mark Twain. Story.
- •Mark,TWain•told how, when travel-
ling 'through India several years ago,
he greatly. enjeyed the humiliation
of a' very " pompous Member' of thk
al judiciaryHe was stiutting back and
forth on the pletfprrn of a wayside
station when a perspiring Englishman .
men and women wile scarcely know
what ails them' will be given a new
• lease of •life with Dr. Hamilton's
•Pills. Depressed • spirits disappear
o headaches are forgotten, appetite in-
creases, blood is purified and enrich-
ed, pains•at the base of the spine are
cured, the nerves are toned up, anibi-
tion to work is ificrearad, ancl_day by
day the o1d-time health and vigor re-
turn. A' trial only is necessary to
prove how beneficial rn‘.. Hamilton's
Pills are to all who are weak, nel•v-
cies, thin, depressed or in failing
health, •
egreat_work -which the medical
contingent with the navy-andarmy
• has accomplished, in the preeene wee
will act later as a Stimulus to enthu-
aiasrnefor-our calling,- and -the short-
for the three or four years following
say, 1911, will speedily' remedy. itself,
when. our. social 'work resumes, •as
far as altered eireumstarices windier -
mit, the scheme which weetad, with
considerable lack d prevision, come
to regard as the normal. one.
"The war foetid the number, of the
me Ica prcifesswn m this country al-
ready disquietingly low, and with in-
dications of further sagging in those
numbers. The figures indicataa seri-
oua,shortage of medical men for the
years following the war. Not wily
hlie a large nuthber ef young men
otherwise would be beginning or pur-
suing their medical studies.- been ab-
sorbed, but, unfortunately, a serious
toll was taken last autumn of those
whp,, being already nearly. qualified;
Would have been able to practice their
profession as qualified men in a few
months. • ' ,
"The future will see air increased
demand formedical men; arid their
prospects of success will be ea,
mans win all three of these nations
will be bankrupt at the close of the
war. England alone wilI have' money
and property, and can be looked to to
recoup Germany for her immense ex-
penditures. To de this it will be ne-
cessary to take Calais, sweep •the
English Channel with the German
guns, drive riff the fleet arideliiiid-tfie
German army in England. • The ,rest
is thought to be eas'y and London will
• But just then there was a sound "Mein . Gott, ,what .-righ place to
•- of wheels in the dooryard and fa- lieete -
• Owes lend voice ealling "Whoar."-tee. • • .. • ,•4. ' '••
old Buster; and in a minuee the whole . • _._, • . .
. 14inir3.-.:_:4 alio; a'-nd inothey; ilia ..,` , A.DETERMINED WOMAN
xraiiiimetlier-canie running in. to see . • - . ' ,. 4'
,-----Whif-Was the matter. They .found ,Oinalle. Found a ieood, that Bellied
' • lout saying over and Direr agaire. "vie eereined to Secure someitt-says a
- . Her,
. . • ..
• both children crying, Ethel still in .. '
• 'the basket, and. Alice dancing Up and. ' "When I first read of the rernirk-
• down shaking her hands in tee,,ter, able 'effects of Grape -Nuts food, •I de..
• _they'll haVate de it! they'll have
doit!" ' to western' woman. "At that tune there
was none•kept hi this town, but illy
Paper Pulp Impregnated, With Clean-
• . sing Powder.
Instead of going to the Store and
buying -a -toothbrush as- you have'
etofore-you-rany-e-ow •uy a
box of •toothhrushes, and , as you •use
one. you will . throw • it away. The
others remain in dust -proof box uttil
wanted.• '
The newly. patented . echeme 'dis-
penses entirely with the use of ani-
mal bristles and makes tree of points
made sfenene_renuln_impregnatecLwith
• Th a minuteret0-r-s-aulet or ere sort -6-'1'r n -f ---r cone: t
hat the eapirants will hesuredly
..had seethed her into a.gentle sobbizig, mercial trav'elter. . n
umerims. And there will be in im-
and.in the meantime father had taken "I had been ,greatly afflicted with ,P
his -sharp knife front his Pocket and 'sudden attacks of cramps, nausea, and h
earefully'eut a long slit in the basket, eoiniting. Tried all sorts of remedies b
• tned heldingthe edges.of the slit mut oysiciaus, but-obtained-onlY tent-
rovement in the conditions which
ave prevailed in the past, not only
ecause the profession •of .•inedicine
wilt share in • sociological progress,
• had. lifted the basket .fi•om Ethel's 'porary. eelief. Ai. soon as Ibegan h
head, Then he said, "There!: There! to _use _GeteneeN-uts '-the -cramps
It's WI ovei Now, dea'.1.. • er.Y,;e4fIteared entirely. Lam: to-day_perfoev.-
:Mare.' Wlint was ft, A1fe1 tat -Made • ly well, eat eat arrything and every-' e`
You so frightehedz- What was it yod thing I wish,: withent, paying the pen- f
ut because the record of the work of ,
inediCine throughont.. the war has
elationslap between the medical pee-
essien and the public.
British piiblic are -taking .a
ere intelligent inherent ,in these
hings„ and the energy With Which lay
*Hee ere working in operation with
he -Medical --professien in carrying
out various achemes for the
Ing et the people tnay be taken na an
indication that the health Of the
nation Will be a firstconsideration of
the itamediate _future, which. means
thatlhere will be a-great.tlermaid for
Men at the close of the war
nd this is The essential message to
he Students now in the schaOht. •
thought wo would have to del',
• - "Why; 1 never thought you could
•but the :basket," ,answered Alice
through hr tears: "I thought • the
May thing
cut •ttliel's h
The old has
• thelf; although no longer in glued- to Many of the leading physicians of
• Mother's room, for\grandniotlier:is not the county, who recommend Grape -
there now; but there is, irleilet ngy Nuts vory generally. There ts some
cutin one side of It. Alice and Ethel satisfaction in really .setero.
. are Mike grown up, and have gone Really- prepared"--400det'4 ."There's1 a
way, and have little girea of their Beware? .
' but When they go back to the- Xenia _given by Canadian Pastan.*
" thi EOM° and .see the heaket„ they Co., WhIdscet,' One. •
lotigh at.the time•When ae Ailed sole, ewer read the ebove letter 9 A mei
$bal• cut saved. Ethers life.-4routh's ens ansaral •ft°311 tline RIPIL Thel*
trf h
ottecould -do would
1)0 to rifty-thst-.T- used to: We' Would not
-keep house without 'Grape-Nute., '
'"My husband Was so delighted with
the benefits ' reeeived. that he has
been. iteeenaceding Grape -N
d off."„ •his customers and had bedt up a very
• t, still.stands on the, large trade on the food.' He Edna it
e %ring to a great many
clouds is nothing but moonshine,
mpanion.• interest,
. ,
Mid O _
a Cleansing' powder and a sanitary
agent. This CoMposition is formed
under pressure and the substitute
bristles and the points form an in-
• tegral part of theback. on which they
'are ineunted.
Have. yeti ever watched a..urgeen.
'Cleaning. a. wOund ? Everything which
he uses is disinfected - sterilized.
The cotton -wool ; not left exposed
to the air, but is kept carefully cover-
ed. • All- scissors-, -forceps, etc., ;are
washed in hot water, to • which has
been added some strong disinfectant.
There istkalmost as great a difference
between our idea of cleanliness and
,surgical cleanliness as there be-
tween the former and orireidea_f-.
Mother -41'1'm afraid you are. over-
eating!' •• . •
Tommy (keeping on) -"I , aie't,
afraid! Women get Scared et things
.'fore• inen do."
• .-
1111nardis .I•inintent Cures Earns, Etc.
• -So Considerate. ' .
, It had ,been their first separation
eed during one week the young 'Imse
band had sent his dear littlewife ten
letters, fifteen picture post cards and
• Knocked Out. ,•
Professor-Klumsy • is about • the
stupidest man I ever ran across:.
Autoist-Well, he didn't know anye
thing when I ran across him!. e
ED. 6.
• ISSUE 42
• Why, then, this touch of cordness in
her welcome on his .return?
• "Dearest," lie whispered, as he drew
her. to his manly bosom, "what is
wrong? • What have „I done to upset
my little ducksy-woPsy?" •'•
"Oh, George," she replied in broken
tones, "youdidn't-send me a •kiss in
-your seventlrietterlo-- '
. George thought like lightninLfor a
moment before he replied:
• "I know . I didn't, petsy, but I Arad
•steak andonions that night for sup-
per, and you nbuldn'e like nee to kiss
you after 'eat*. onions, woeld you?"
• liow_to_cook Tiernan Meal Perridge.
• Inyeriebly use datible boiler, or set'
boiler te baste of boiling water. Have
&moiling in both vessels.-tliatin
Inner, one .ralted-to taste. Slowly stir
. one scup Roman Meal to each two
cups leatereerGover, :set in outer ven
sel, and never stir :again 'even •While•
serving, Pox earlY ,; breakfast'. cook
at evening meal ruul warm in. mim-
ing, using a little Iees_i_j_l2,inaliMetil.
It's a, darknutbrown, granular, rich
porridge, it Nourishes •better than
meat, Prevents'itiligestiot and posi-
tively. relieves constipation or "Money
back." Ask -your doctor, An grocers,
10 eente arid 25 crate..
••.• A 'Blow to Her' Pride.
An old Scotewentan, who .had, re-,
:sisted,;ellitheLontreatint-oflier friendi
ta„have her photograph taken, and
who Was at last induced to 'consent in
order the( she Might send her likeness.
to 'her son in Arterial, ie the heroine
of thefollowing anecdote: .
Oft' teceivieg the first ,proof ..she
failed to recognize the figure thereon
represented -as herself, so, eafcr in.,
hand, she: set out for the .artiiit'S
Studio to ask if there was no niistake.
"Is that me?" she queried.
• "Yes, Madam" replied the artist:
• "And is itlike me?" she a• gain
asked. , •
"yes; Madam; it's a speakirig like-
• nese." ' • . • • •e
e‘AWeele," she said; iesigneeryellt'e
-' Pline4013-NJOI•lief AOtileTee`
•WJien the Light Came.
. Their long 'acquaintance had riPen.,
ed into lova 44d he'had proposed.
^"Deatie,e'e he ',asked, •confidentiallye
:"when dicl you Tkret Jearit that you
,114/74:Ineetni:ittf:ot.un.:79d itif,u,:at :4th. nat .lbrtei‘ aonis:
very angry engrY 'whenever heard any; '
boob," she answered.'
-Bullard!. zeininent Ceres Dendrite ,
The NsaeyvienrgiVithat aaa;60mftnnee.doesnit
like to „tell her age may be 4 cruel,
slander on the tsex; but it Was true
of Mrs. Thomson; She MVP *Wed-
-Chatice--4-letting-her-friends -know -
she was years yonger than her hes-
hand. "Yee, George is 50 yeari, 0(4'0
she remarked to a visitor one day,
"and there are ten years between us."
But the visitor was an elderly spin-
ster, with u sour disposition. 'Is that
so," .she exclaimed, inwell-assumed
surprise. "New, reallyorme lciok suite
as youngiihc
It is almost as al47friet4 16 be a •
good neighbor as to have one,
rushed up, touched the judge on the
shoulder, and asked: "Tell me, is this
the Bombay train?" The judge drew
himself up, brushed the s'tranger's
arm aside, ',and- cuttingly remarked:
"Prit not the stationmaster, sir!" "Oh!
youSs keit?" said ;the Engliehman,
evidently•surprised. Then with an air
oi extreme. exasperation, he demand-
ed: "Well, what the dickens do you
mean,by swaggering about as though
you were?"
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited..
Dear Sirs, -1 eat recommend MI-
Ural and Sprains e as I have used it
for both with excellent results.
Yours truly,
St. John.
• e •
Imputation.Scorned. '
"I 'believe you're afraid of work!'
"Maid of it!"-- repupd _mooing
Pete, "I ain't even acquainted with
allnard's, 241dment for sale everywhere.
• Harsh' Cure..
Itubby .(at breakfast) -I've got •a
bad head this.• morning. •' •• .
• , ifee--I'nelerrye-dditr7-1-,IF hope
Purely Herbal -No poison-
Ous coloring matter.
_Antieeptic„=S to ps htoo d-
.- poisoning, feetering„ etc.
Soothing -Ends quickly the
• pain. and smarting.
Heals, all sores. e.
"c•lic"r• All Druggists and Stores
remind *we ene.E.
stilt trie. I have over .two hundred on
my list; located in .the best sections of
.4.11EN'TS • VT.11.11TED.
Q6)1 DAY ALSO com.Anssrox von
1.0() al Representative. Either Sex.,
Experience unnecessary. Spare time ab.,
cepted. „Nichols, Limfted. Spadina Ave..
ernwspAgners TOIL SAL.' ,
Oiriees ,for sale , good ,pntavia
towns. ' The most useful and interesting
of all businesses. Full information on
ttpplication • to Wilson -Thiblishing
PAM 73: -West Ade/aide-Ht., nreronte.
N.:0 internal and 'external., cured' '
I out pan by our henne treatment. WrIta -
. us. before -too late.' Dr.-Bellraan Medical
Co.. Collingwood,
you'll be able to shake it off.
' .
Mother -'-Why , don't you yawn when
he stays too long? • He'll take the
hint and ice,. Daughter -I did, and
he teed. me what beautiful teeth •I
, •
Tibiturent Itenerer etertregi
'rouge and Charles Sts,, Teronto.
The denian,1 for. our graduates during,
August and September .was four times' '
our supply. , Ccrlintence now. .• Calendar
Send for the 4915-16 Edition of our
34 Elegem, illustrated, of 'beautiful fur sets and
fur garments for men, women and children.
IT IS FREE. Address:
Itoom 153, . EMUS= Building. Toronto,
' •
ll'ertzhaps ynn have been sending your supply of.
Milk to.a local factory„ -then you do not know the
advantages of • sending to the Largest and Most
• UR -in -Date Dairy in Canada.. LET US TELL YOU.
WRITE Now for inforntation-and-cotty--of-contrattc--'
GiVe your shipping Station and railway.
City Dairy Cos, Ltd.
. • .