HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-10-21, Page 5'",r'ffM101,7"Ff f 74,,7,44, ., • "41 r .•• t. -A,"41,127.• v•-• r". r '.• • 4s• ratttscla , tober 441tritlit 101114-194 age IatIe +0 anada The :.orlitr:S-..1114010§7 otir When You :Own _The long vitint‘r nights will soon be here. Witt wilLwanimusical entertainment both. for yourself and visitors.,. What better suggestion than a COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA— . INA *DIGIDent!s .uotic_e_anst y(In and listee-L-to . the wonderful harmonyol the Ouartettesl, Trios and Duetts. . . The latest Musical Coin2dy Hits,. Senti.men- -16.1, Stings and 13a11ads; Orehesiral Selections - from all 'Operas, Violin Duets. - . Columbia; Records are ,Ad Varied that the./ include every kind .to, you. They play 'an any' (Alec make of talking mach*. - • t5OLVIVIBLA ,dgAF,oNOI..A" are made ,in various sites, but they all have the incompai--- , ab'e Columbia, ToNE and the exclusive Columbia - TONE Controlleaires-nottheawkvvartd o,1 -d- fashion 400rs. • - - * Prs fronr $20.00; $3 2 150 't $45'.00; 50 $65 00. $78.00 •$100. $110. $130.. $145,.. $200. $ 2.50, • *300. 4650. -Get the descriptiv,: cata- .1cgue from the underrnentioned •dealer; 1,1VRON T.0%.V.N18111P 01)Niv"ils • Vounoillnet pursuant to adjournment , with Rove Wilkinson in the chair, Members wore :all. Present. Minutes .of last Ineetingweretddand adopted, The : following orders on the, Treasurer were duly passed: -iikreage to' , , c,zes sheep werried by dogs. „ • Bontr-.111 Huron Twp, Qat, Oth, 17horkias .1qoere, 14 00 tor valtiateei 1910, to Mr. ,and Um, d'olin 4. Mae fee, • 57." Donald, I.:, 40 Von., a son.,7-7.--. IL Farnell, 542a for .gravel, ° The Paieley'FainaiseciatioirsecUred David Key; foi, 143 cub. yds,camnthe presence Of A company of: soldiers' abYtMent at 0 85; 050 04. Cement on their annual:" fair ..day,- 043 flooring for brulge,•1:40 15, less half in- i•ecult thah`about p,eople visited spector'alkages„.10 .50; hal, due• t par . • , . . digging_nlynpalernentssluringlast, •.13RUCO: t.;1)UNTV, 'NEWS. klor*A-In Kinloss, on 8t11, 1910. to 311.„ .• • .•eonstiplrieu gauseo irileptat and phys- ical 'Pilfering • Rexell'•Orderliesie gen, • tle• leicative,,,cromptl • .relieye- Ofistips- ustrOtlirt "R 11'S 1 " • S • - SOLOIRR, WRITES 1101te IN•90,14•101,M1714•PM eaier Oct. 7, --Duncan. Son. of Ile, and Mrs. Alex. Alderson, writing to his parents from the front in 'France , on September 0 says: , • 'Just.% line to let you know that 40140---thelZillizef'coraditiou;.AtetL1r4 allt net Very comfortable, 'Baia started a week ago to-day.mad has not stopped yet. It whitterly cold. 1 lutrojust put • on my last pair of dry socks, France" 'is not as pleafiant as it might be. Our ItOrtie liner; are a sea of fond, in feet, it reminds um of SalielOtry Plains, only there, as a rule, we had a kV' Plate to eleep„in; hut not so here. We have been 6713 X' • , . • Itequiting,for .thellst.Battalion is ' W.Orli dB or olguloi 'still going. bpishly on. in Viralkerton, pavlit Henderson, 00 08, for gralel ayonoreivolog, ournited • there last contract On Section' 1, Sangeen Pee. • week for, the fronk,, They. AM," John John argae9er4 fq"PP"ng S. Rya :W4144.60,. and °rOhnste4 .aid COaraet: 3 day. • • Laimeh*Meeirk,./ohiAk-Srfect:,. Matthew.MeOreight, .8.00 for gratimr - ,. and pnttinkin culvert,. Sideline 3:-.k.'clon. man and 'Arnott V Dewar; ell,ef Our, 5. • '4ana. TheylefkOrr Weilh'eStlityvtlest, geFberstoi, 4. 00 .repairing Me- Yleeirto. train at London. 'briOge;Saugeen line* PO,1: • •• Andrew Sharp, an and Mg* Ovid 0einpbell, • auddi4.8,50 .cleating r-e.erioSterl pienher ofetfirest.Township, nVir 4h9r,6 'Pad, ,*44 Loma ene.deAT: . •,•passed away on -October .8th. He was . a native .ef' Monaghan, Ireland, but John Campbell, 12 60 for . ' plank and " 200 for taking uht eover off.bridge.ana etime to Canada When Only oven years putting on neW cover and furnishing of age. ,U13til be WAS 21 he lived in spikes at Alma, total 14 60. Grey County and then settled on • the Alex \McCOsb, '#'• 00 for. inspecting 1.0t11. con., CnIross„.on..the farm where re?Ivyeior otiafbitridge,. Key% ..eon!(7t, • !!,1-fildditeh`dc.e01100441ehavteesare„widow, 07.8°7.. Rouistok-cattifirtaiiklialrcIiiJls kline-Buo I onnitzeit-Rhe farm-, .at Ecite 15 and 16, Lon. 2.; 4. 25, and at ei•e ,On the 8th con, east of peemerton, Spring Creek, S, L.N.15, Cob. 1,. 3 25, for ' cutting trench and' filling ho7.6 at Lot 17 , are anxious that an inquestbe beld-ro Con. 2, r 50; total's 09. •the Metter of -the fire which destroyed John Niesee's lawn last week. • So 0.Roulieon, building cement culvert on Ashfieki Boundary; 10 ft.: long, 21,p JirOs have taken Place in that wideat8, Ashfield pay locality . recently that weie not „ "mere . 4 .44.--aocroo cents for covering culvert tat-whole..comMunity (Ashfield to pay half). ' •is being.alardied and want the Oak. Hunter Bridge and Boiler Company, probed te the bottom. More infOrm- 2450--00-en-aneoitilteet-eteel-bridgesk • , .atiotentl-prohakilyise-gived-teitt week:. • John R. McDonald, 6 00 -for cedar for • uA a•ti Srauew BUGGY -.-AS Mrs. a hall. ' • . - • Hi Bridge and Boiler •: Ltd., 'toattekweit?' of Purple Grove, and Mise, niter 0:; • gtewart, teacher at the-1.2th concession 45 00 for gravel' used by .Mclosy an. ,dedueted from his'contrapt.' . school, were -driving to ' Kincardine to .attend thb Teachers': Convention an -NtiVCaineron, 75' Outs for bridge wietiefi; •ante struck the•buggy and . turned it Geo. •Ffustob, 1 OQ foehanling plank over. Steeitert• eseaped with a few* and vevering culvert ati Lot.31, Con. 8. 'bruises,. but Mre.' plea well. was: not Jblui Keys, 80 Yards gravel on Div. 5, so fortunate. She was picked up by Sangeen_Line, at:.76,e4.1ess--halt inspeC- the tater driver and carried to, Mr: tor's wages, 61 ,60.' • Peter's hquse. The stranger teleplion.- • W.Roulston, 1 06 -.10r -filling hole _at ed Cr. Ferguson; Kineardirie, end then bridge, S. L 10.•• ••• ' • drove aWay. :When Medical riasistanee : Alex:,Orahani, 4000 for inspectin arrivedit Was' found that 'Mrs. Blaee . gravel contracts on-Seetions 5 and 6 8augeen Brie, 8.days. • . Well's -right tom was. broken and her .• riondition vas serious was taken It *Pollock, 81 9.5 gravel con- tr4ot on See.6,1 &upon line; ..),,ir4f in. tri her home and with good care and specter's, w,a,ges deducted.. attention wiU recover •;frpin her iii' Po1lock,35: 00 for 35 ft. of ce- , ment tile delivered ‘ift $1`.00.. per, foot, • Musr SERVE • TIME -Two Wiarton Kincardine to pay it) 00 their share of gallants, Geo. West and Wm. Klings- k :_7s,_E._Qsb.6rnerk:antt-=gprveLti-ld7t4t;_Tril!t)th--eW4r,oaik.seernttQexxncjaeflil tot or Irunsiiniienty4 bridge, Sideline 20, Con, 12, 20 50. , Albert Farrell feel" lantern at-bridis al. to the aid- of -a; former ;Walkerton .giri Miss Ellen Gunrioas, and trying, it days, ;3 10; watering atintmentiand-ttoor. it -00, total, 4,10. : seems,to rescue her from the hands of john McLean, 3 00 fifir building tem- the Witir ton police? Must bide their poritry bridge at S. L.2.0, Con.. 12. time behind the bars,- 'their effOrts to , Angus Mertyn clerk,.50 00 part sal- 'get out of the coop by appealing to the Toi onto courts having ingtorious.y failed. Justice Middleton gave an ad- verse decision in ()spode Hall sing their aPpeal.with (lusts, and hold - pal Telenkone.Systein,litocitti repeal.By:•' tn. that - - w- e police magistra e in '- laws 509 and '513, was duly pa,ssed, sign- • •arten who sentenced :them heel fail ed and sealed. • . jurisdiction to do so, a matter which • Wilkinson7Caraphell-That W. -Steele -theipeisoners contested, The e-irl whose be aPpointeet Colleetor 'for the Township- .1).feet of this tile. , --t., . : • ESTEAD'Fw---tu4ERs A Supply on *hand for 'Fall Wheat. c • , • , . 406:DONIS FEED and LITTER 'CARRIERS ,PEN&- Ridingand Walkink. gOod • supi319' of P1� w Repairs on New Wifliams Sewiitg Machines . . W. G.' ANDREW t 1,3yJaw No. 505, for the- issue of de- -benturee to defray the cost of an exten- sion of the-Hurt:pi and Kinloss Munici- of Huron for the year 1915. Carried. Fre.ser-Brown--1-4139t the application of the 'office, of Colleet,- -jait-Joe vagrancy. -Bi • or of. the' TownshiP of • Huron for the year lnlrf be accep*1' Lost, - • • • By-law l4o: 514 to appoint a collector for the Township of Huron for the year 1915, was duly passed, signed settled„': do now adjourn to -Meet. again at the Clerk's, office at.8 &chink p.M.-Carried. Council met at the Clerk's office pur- suant to adjournment. • The ' folloiving peraous met with the 'Oonncil aulhor- i0e. the sale of the debentuiesof the Hu • ron. and Xinloss :Telephone §ystein, and the debentures for the Rio- few days anti you ban 'imagine what it would be like in the rain. . Howe'verl, hope the sun .will eom,e out sOon and „then. we. will forget all about' the rain and mud. I 'um sending little -Franc :rose,. ullich I pressed in • My Bible. It about the only souvenir I.can send In ' mdetter,!''. TJE KA4SER: Tag "B.EAST'!. • " : The following rather •ingenuous pieee. o Oguring which has appeared in a timber of papers his been beeped to • us. The conclusion seeps .soniewhat, far•fetched, yet it has a certain curious interest: • • • A leeld. Biblical student has discovered preetthe.t the- c.!Beaat"uf Revelations is .actitellY the Kaiser arid that the •war he has provoked is to last for three and oee- half years. Thivcroof is based on 'the thirteenth chapter of Revelations„Versee 4 and. 5 which says: "And, they worshipped the Beast, say- untwthi Beast, Who is able to Make war with him? . "And there was given unto him a- Anneth-speakinggreatthings---and bras:- - • phemieS; and power was given unto hun to continue forty two months.", . There we !level, fairly recognized por- trait of the Kaiser said the stateiment of the war's duration; But the clinching evidence is in verse 18. "Here is wisdoin; •Let him -that bath anderetanding.coutit the nanther of the Beastpfor it is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred three sccire and six:" But how does the number 666 fit the Kaiser? That is very simple. . Listen: Give each letter, in ."Keiser" its alpna,- betical number. A is the tett. letter in the alphabet; B the 2nd; 011ie 3rd. and so OE. , Piece 'beside eachalphabeticel number the nuniber whiches the total number of letters in the word- "Kaiser". Add the result together.' •. ' • Her,: it is Worked but for you: K-1.1, add A---1,*add . - ria" • E -s. add 6 .. . • R---18,-a.dd- 0-- ° .11 . 96•2:7, 196 ... .. 56' 1:86. • "And his number is score and"six." 6.66 six hundred three • KNOCk. THESE STORIES BO AUTO AaolD4NT. What might have proved a very ser- Itou$,,pato accident oceurred on Tuesday -morning at the G. T. It. crossing on the Gederieh Road, just outside the. town, Mr- r4019Y McLenuali,'or Lochalsh, was three daughters' to Mum.. dine to attend High School. Along with him were M/a0 riong, also of LeehnIsh, . • and)fr. Bert Rigel), of limettrdine, who - hadheen, working -4n that village. As they approached the railway. crossing they -noticed the, train approaching, • hut had made the crossing ahead of it. Mr, Avid Henry, of Huron,: who was ling in the opposite direction, bed halted whom, evidently to let the train pass, Mr. McLellan, it le thought, Jost .bie head, and instead of stooping lie car,: turned straight for the ,clitch,ovith the result, that the, ear turned turtle; inliiring two of his daughters, nne receiving' a dielocgred shoulder. The:, oth°r peen.. Pants, T.)eyond a bad flight, are none the I,Yorsa, • Aftline of:Writing both are do-. Mg well; one being able to return home that day, .but the other still .retnains. in town in. cared the doctor's.* The train ,Er.eW seeing the • accident stopped and brought the injuredunes hack to Kin- cardine. The only damage to the car was a broken wind-alueld and fender. - Kincardine Review. • Verdun ditY 04-1 Miss Elsie Steele left bet Mondayfor Brantford„ • We are sorry to report. the illnees Of Harold Campbell:. Rey:0, M. Rutherford spent Thanka. giving in London. A number of the fanners around here are busy catirigTern...• ' Mr. and Mrs. Viaer Thorburn spent Shiells t Thanksgiving at Kenneth ailcLeod's. Miss 8ieelel and her friend, Miss ,Grienes, spent Thanksgiving at .1iines Steele'.. • Miss Rennie, of Toronto, addreSsed, -the Women's Home Missionat? ireeting en Tuesday last. • • Messrs. John Blue, Neil McLennan and Edward Re:aria were Thanksgiving • visitors at the home of Sara Geddes. • Freci'Maavishand wife and Mrs. A. McTavish, bf Loudon,. were here attend- ing thefuneritlef Mr. MeTavisli's mother. •Mise Mary Wilkie is lictme from Ripley • Continuation School with a severe attaok tr . L4410? Coats r' VW - 'Paint used at •the. , Tight itime .saved .2nank'' �f Our customers ijopair"..tittl;or perhaps even rebuilding. • ° • • It ,isn'tthat a titan dpeXt`t, jrnoW •Ftti u.t it, but 'fit: die stress Of the. ars. Work &re' • is apt. to forget. -So we Make it -a point to re- , mingl.our cuti.tomers from time to time that we carry full lines of Pajot kir homes and general farm and out -buildings -and also 14.- -side Paints. , Speaking of, assortments -we just want to remind- you that you will find Our stocks in alt Orme, _•-• • Tight to your tratisfaefion-- , When your toy gets ready .for his rifle - send him or bring , to us. Well see that he gets, started right: -the " REMINGTON - UMC .22 Caliber' Rifle that fits him, • Repeating or • Single Shot. And - the ;lent .22 -Cartridges to -g-o- with 'it,-.REMINGTOK-UMC. • REMINGTON UMC BELL & McLE • of. measles. _AV.e,lkeple for _ • terian . largely aud The service in the Pine River, Presby-• eh was an excellent "sermon was dehvered by • the Rev. Mr. -Ditnerin, of Lueknom' • We are sorry to report the ' death of Mrs. John McTavish, who •paesed -away after an illness of tout yens. The de,' • eeaeed was highly esteemed .and much. sympathy is extended to the bereaved husband and family. • • -We calrattention'to Mirs-tberof Ladies •Qoais ••• - in Tweeds and Curs, in Vaal, lar3w0,. navy 'and grey, all good fitters. For pola Weather - we showa rat)ined coat, good - shell . vHth fur collar -at Price $30..00 Canadians should. reineinher that, there • are ,enemies in our inidst end- that all sorts of rumbis,are started: in the hope dt slewing..up Canada's efforts and lessen- ing Canada's ambition.,These peseimisticr rosette they -tried -to effisnt, Ts also put. Men's Izain`Coats, $3.95 to $10 -big value. Stinfielas. Underwear for Men in all sizes• . Turnbulls,Underwear for ladies and children. - ting , Wren panntbs in Ale _evalkertoli -tales ould-neitlrer 'be 'repeated ber be- . • - - -curious- -rumor, -- spread in. Toronto -that Red, Cross coin.- ' forts were being „sold to the soldiers and that weepy .was°being -demanded in France for tobacco and:Socks donated by Canadian woinee. 'This is absolutely. Jaise,ao ahs,olutety_op_posed to the fifty years' reCord of _the -Red -Gross --that.„:1-, it niighthe tliought ..o.ne would be de- e:Rived, And yet many %veined believed. it and 'declared they, would do no more voluntary work.. Intelligent citizens •everyone ,should -be 4in •the •aleit for these ,atories..- :They *quid- find usually- that they emanate . from a pro -German. soarce. This sle3uld be reportedto theauthorities '1)1,k,i GOOD WORK' -At the. last reg. ulitimeeting Of the South Bruce. Wo - Men's Institute the ladies were aide to announce that enough Jnotiey hantbeen eollected to •a for they field kitchen with egnipnient,...whiCh they, had .pre - stinted to the .74st ,Battalion. A reso- lution was passed thanking everyerie, who .had, contributed to this fund, thus helping' to make tlie gift possible. The' collectors' made. specia.'"1 ineutteri.of .the kindness and hospitality they receive7d, tia they went from bine to • holm. Iley j.)rain vizi ' . • . , • The debentures of the Telepuone Sys- ,. - There are still some districts where,•so that hotb,o4 of the kied will Oectir . • the collectors have not been: end the „aga,,,,,, There is still some room M the tem were 60 id to R, Vanstone, Barrister; • 4121.- la.cliesAfe in hopes •by the. time_the • • - <amount of'Deberitures detention. camps. , ASI1F1LD.-touNem by the 6e-hool-T-t-tistees.--re--others; and - ' •t • elietYcent subScribed, will be„paid....ever to Wm. P. •Itenct,-Treasitrer; to be for • - -- --- .:. fs‘tolier 1J 10.15.. • - - ...warcted-to the Lieutenant -Governor or. - . , .. ki) !Ilea in ) ) , „ ct----1 1 . . . •, . ed :by the•Ashitad cotha.....tp-dak Was , No one will receive even 'one. cdt'a., - In conneetion with the , Proclamation. of remiinemtien TerliiiriTif5ili'ttrice.driection- . , ., .... . with OM; tuna, teul: please. remeinber . the Lientenant-Goyertior„ -4- Ontarie ' that unless we Who :stity-iit Immo- givein With reference to .olonations in answer to . . 'aid of the variods war funds until it. MO appeal, that, :e • r ' , . , reit. 7 il r . , , . •----'14PeittY atid•the• Order r;t4t, .'4.0"1' das dood old Ashlield, dig down again!: . ..' made to the'Whole TdImpire for iitheey to se 2:tie), G ALLes„ thins, STEWART, , re• lieve the "sufferings% of oar wouriOect obrk a sslieeq. .. . ••-: Reeve. •' sold:et:land Sailors.. The 0ouncil dor- . . ,,. one* coesidered the, Peociatistition and, •• ., , , .. • : •.'4(ktroA4 lliersLittitil,idasyliipatWKiNtos'' s---7.couNat,,,,AINut, es;: - - ... oatittl,d0.4f iliti.ty..holo.voopi4 of 40eict .. _ • . - for a generous free-will donation to this, „ tilost Ivoitil-y„.4), ieet„ . „ - , •• •i• .. ---Octriber 1 l'',,,J015. li . ,._ ...:- ., .0 ' , - ',yr- . Y.V., . • • , ) .,. e • I . _ ' . -. ' The plan decided on is to have each . ‘Menibeis Were all presents 'Reeve Mc., ' .,--eMiifirt a.t*„.capanell:Aaponsible for a Donald in the.,01trur, Minutes of previlus . - certain initiiher 0,.r school sections, They . meeting were read arid'OhltifietOivittioli ,......WIli.ttart; the:Du:gees abali..:riiiips others (41 and 1igii6d. Clerk presented° coilec. . to Make ayerional CiiiiVase of .their re tor's bend,: end , alter 'being examined by, • .speedy°, seetions on Trafalgar Day, Oct. ", the Boerd was put on ble. , ' Mit, irorder to-give-avery Mae; woman . • ,,'Council passed and issued the fellow- . -andel-did in-Astifield- a Amyx to. bind .ing--chenties.: Janies. Inhastmi„... railing - up a woo.zt 0 relieve the dying egony_of . on bridge • at Let 13, (Ion, 12, .0.15. • . some of the noble men and boys who Albert Towle, 27 • yards gravel at are Ailititig our battles to retain the. 2 16. ltichard.Ott('st; culvert at Lot 4, . freedom Won for us by our .forefathers 301 It: N. I). R., .5 00. James 'Mont.' .. -through the SOB ii? MallY 4 btpqrly tight, : gamery, 9 yards gravel and per cent on As this is the hist direct optical that ims wiro'rence. 2 72.- ,J, W. -Swim, 71, yarda • • 43.01ile to us frbittnne beloved metherland; 'gravel at 55c.-rit tot 11, Con, 12, ,.1 1-2.. tlikeotitioli of -Ashfield is Most, 40k:ifs Thomas •''.'.1.tirrey; registrat'Ion, postage. . that Atilnield Will lie proitd oI hor answer ard siindiics. 2 es • , . td.the'Ory for Ad. . . Business being over Ommeil adjourned Copies of thil Perielenia 'Ion attached to meet again for' business' on Monday, . to stibstiliftion lists will be •presented ' November 15ti), 1915, •at 10 o'clock a.11!.. 10.,All the pooOk; of Aelifield on Oct. 211 ' ' • Thomas Murray, ekrk. .65 tor par)- with-the-.--itcertiect- hitereSte. • • • . 6.1000. they.aiiner.1-to raise will. be real- plus a bonus of $40.00. Drein Debentures Wer,e also sold to • Mr„ Vanstooe.at •par -phis. a 'bonus of: 0-an+aserned-utterestc - - -- Thomas • Fairell'is • bill • of $4;96 for . ized. The remaining,$500 is to -be us- ed to provide- .ceinfoits for the soldiers --atthe nildjOr1t40 iir4A144' -VTLIPIr . . "gtaiiidl Wag ordered. to lid paid. John and Dae SmeltZer's 'account for --gra-vetorf Sauged line; less half inspector's,wages, 60 14;•••and J. T 60-for-insceeth dayd,'were ordered to. be field . ; No. 515 to berreer from , the Royal 13ank (lie sum of 43090 to meet current expenditure of the township „ of H uron nntil the taxes tor 4916 are.CUllect. eldiy-cassed-signedr A communication from L'd A 'Palmer ZDIXD1A-14-17100RIA1...• -"This eleatit. Magazine del ighte the. eye -; .while histruets the mind toncing iammo4444,4•• •• The Millinery departmenthas just: received a° large assorrthent • of liats, nd Trimmings Miss --Mannis in opportuntyjw sthe latest style ,• in the Market:7 r• Butter. and Ekgs taken as 0ash. • • • ..WILLIANte- CONNELL: ' mino•mm4.444 10•MMINE.MIMMIM, 0"A".14.4PatrAPf°1""1""V". .44.111111 -X octal- Happened.at,the Post Office 4,freckle44aced•gir1 -stopped. ,at- the tellica.aniLy.elled-out.. - " knything for the hlarphys?" • 0, them is net:" . • "Anything for Jane Mnrphy0 Nothing. . •"AnYthing ler Ann Murphyr,', . t• , . 0 I I s .and highly :entertaining world. •."Anything for Tont Murphy?" Itsiwar pictures are alone worth the "No.? • money. "Anything for John ISturphy?" • Ruth issue is literally crowded with: "N.0', not a' • • . • • • "Anything for TerrY, Marphyr. the bilrest quality ef....Ahoto avu s newly OfraiOrn .• --"110;-Oor fdr Denii it is, tuost _popular leadin• Mirrphy, nor Peter Murphy,. nor 1-'4111 _em4b Ts r.•hat due- mine _dome% throughout filo ,Derointoi. tit:heti, nettle or . toreigii, ized or7. . . We'‘s, laid overter further. coosidotltion., on the waiting room tables of-th6.,g. Atitreh) y, no!. any 'Murphy, dendi - .or barbarous, nia.le or leMale„ black or whi,ter.--beattalized or..otherwise, soldier or '• citizen, No,,. .therele,peatiVelY-nothing-for any -44+e, Murphys, 'either . jointiY, severally, now - and' 'forever, one inseixtrable." ' • • •4 - lookai et die --pOsteenster -in - astonishment. ' APIelise", I31re saki: "wriii 'you' see i( there IS rtiffdlin.g.for Bridget Morp1iy?-,-.Tit-13its cto (.1w aojput-n toineet againon ... on- rtazt_of Nevember,;,..1915, at. the usual hour and place. Carried. AngusMartyn, Clerk, in the big public libtaries it is literally. 14uied tq bY themany--who- are,attraewl by its entertaining and beautiful 'pages It's it •"love at sight." publication,: -and • it,hasdepatimettal features of great in- Ooileridh •'• trrest to die young sverietn and the Mune- • maker. •L - , , GOtterieh's eubscriptimr-list for- the Of it --just tneurituone man's-, praise' British 'Red ()rose Fund, to be Collected from eiliong thousaidts;•-the late_ Rt. on Trafalgar 1)ay, will in all probability Hon -tent Stratbconamrote: ' • • be headed by $1,000 from the TOWil , "The'Venathan. Pictorial' is a publi. Council, . At the %miler meeting it was Cation Whidli, if•I may be permitted to tinaniinously deditied to leave the•Matter say 'se, .id a credit to Canada," • . . . in the hands of the finance committee, (Signeci)SOMIIICONA. wild will recernmend this amount, to be On trial to New Sabseribers-TwelVe contribnted. The Connell also decided • months f•ir only 05 ceiltai• to make it syeteinade cadvass of file 'rhe VAnadion Pletmiar is 3Ptiblis,1;•). town and will be assisted by severel lord: by'TIIE "PIC.r04IAL pplI,LIPliiil +I oI orgatlizatiOns'nd with the selling of OW' Witaciss Block, 'Montreal,' Canada .1 title pins ortellent results ore ozpobted. Try it for one year on above offer. n* . -..h kargains uring- ...Balance of October.. , • 4 rfuring the balance of OCtObe.1%, NVe'' give.Ten .-•Per Cent. ,Diseount on our ti')irSi Fitle:Shoesz .PlaveitdrilitteSiff)36-341-t1A and Velotif , Calf, Blucher Cut., We have.a Special Boys' BQX Calf Blucher—at $2.00 a pair • Wear Miner -Vtibbersil :Me Rubber se"011 ' is. hcre. So are we with ..the goods .that wear'a•na fit and bur p±:iceg •are the .Imirest. If S?ou givle ug'ybur ruhher trade we guarantee satisfaction: ' • 190111ilWill l tope. n gent+ fot14Ls• If ,you it ; eim'a back !to yea •yntt np ni the Witt' order It.,m)0: A oleo oirdn:l. riot, pdvertinitle i:Mthi4t144 441,44 .4.0 Ira idea whet* it will bit/ he WM. • 0. • J.. JOyNt... Luc' knOw, Ont.. 14., Square Shoe Deal for- all the Painily 0400,010.0460~,001.00010014 whonvoltromitotiriiitos:6) , • , • v••••-' • • "I 1 1, ,