HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-10-21, Page 4•
• T.'
e 111'1
• ,., 4
Uctobet 1 Lit
e the tiztuie."t i"
41111,Chtiftlitd SOW* totoaut of W.
lathe blood,InKleadilaseeeedinst
isersoled the whole system. 411,
'tow** rliesuustisse it is quite us int-
tub/prove yourgentrid heal*, a*
blood, and the cod liver
ia Sesta lissithtioss isustureis, great
ilsed-waskenwittle ittkiattlkinet
thenegaustivespri titt
lluiplirlueiandspbtold your strength.*
• 'a Bsmision is helping thousands
Pisy who could not Spa other relict
• Wow the sloaholin
St7Tfithdtt4N sO.N.S..Ltl.fincIP14
toe warionaliacs ot lusarsnociklrea4 d 't
Iffrst tlasa oemvudes goalaralceu. Only
reelOntagentie-taeltnovot lendon
Natwa. A,ovniber „a LUequal tauo
Laclowew WO meetsevoFri• day
AI -ening at Steelock txt Oltir; Van4R1'
' Y;bell4treet. bredirculaoulially
•„•100aer-rgoblotirand'.'Thos.Watsor4 Vice,
- • Goad. tr.'1V4rtastrOngtTrtigig4 Veit.ttess;
TL3.3034, no; $0.4.4
„„01.'n,12,„ Oldtight meets
ever?nrsfla.,y Dighton or Wane ho fu
11.00e.in the -53ASO1310 334, Havel - street
• lateltnow. W.,1,L„, A. MaeDenaldt $.
D..e,arogi!os' .;.r.w,,0•MaruniSlecr.i . A.
C. 0. F. CQ111$ SherW004 ss. taanow,
meetsevery last yon of the lnenth in
14 the(ddrellows Halt Visltlinglaothern,
coidiany Invited to attend. Oder lianoer.
ebu I. Bell. Bee. Sreey.„ Re:14, titaham,
Fiu'Sec., Rob:. 4elinston.Treas. 3)
a. O. U. W. "Lueltnow Lodge, No. 1$7„meets.
hew Monday of each month to the Odd -
fellows' Hall. Nester Workman, J. Mike.
^_piartaldt, Fin. Secy. D.It.AtsuIntoslnlinc.
Ova. Pottcr Alex. Ross=
urkunin erutitiet
Thimished every Thursd4y morntrig
ntLucl..12' cow. Oatarla
IsiACEUNZIE,, Itonicter
and. Erditar.
is, •
TUURDA"`C =pi= ;mt. Mu
"The appeal made throughout tLe
length anti breadth of this Country for
Ands for The Blitish Red Cross &Piety
4 the ground that this society is caring
r the sick and WOUnded soldiers, na,
nrally prompts the question; Why does.
men:after they at wounded as well as
befor4i Siirely this work is a,. ihnPottP-
*alp outfitting the %en; auiea =TOY the
War Department i iita 'better poSitlon
than any other Orgoninatinutb do 'this
Thennswer isthat the ilea CrosSSo.6
Piety or sometis; have priveleges ou the
battle geld which are -ftot, extended tO
representatives of a: -War' DepartMent
At an inteteational convention, Ida' in,
Geneva, in 1`804„ and known as The
Geneva Convention, it was agreed upon ed is during the contimmuce of the war,
by the representatives 'of 'the govern,
ineot5 of fifteen DAPPeat nations that
neetrals and civilians might help' the
airk and wounded soldiers in timeof war
withont.belairelarded as belligerents.
It was agreed that such helpers would
not be molested in doing their work of
rescue, that they should not be seized as
&dock in the evening excepting on Sat-
urday; when Alley shall close at Niven
' ecItl•z‘k :At now, is a severe Now to the
busipes It la after., these /soars that
the main busincss 9f the day is done,
' The change must spell rain to many ho-
. te:olen who are paying big rent for their
ptelpises, Iloweier, this is not u loss us
lae-stoppage of 4 tlga.fial industry
-ttztr=ti.;_•'n,ef rtclr,..ity. iscc
matter of' the money being in the Poc-
kets' of the'many who have been spen&.
log it at tinl bar,instead of it in the.poe.
ket of the ower s and keepers of the
saloons anithotels. •
Tho elP514-0'4bnit closing order was
isFy,tel._94 he recommendation of .the
Oaten° Ideense BOOrd, and it: appears'
to be one of the by-products of. the war.
TtlePraer Oonles. into effect Omit the
time that the snlAliere,statiolled thr01,34i-
en, tIce ProVin;ie 'go, into Winter,
milinns in Turkey,
lions in Russia and a tniiliNk$n rerdb.
rim hundrei years thereliav bem
ng racif9.
periodic. massacres, of the A.rnieniano in
Torkey„hut never bfor9 was th,e laulr : ,,
tier and, devastation sc; widespread ni ..
during. the st months.
: latuadian
Nothiag'bnt, &dose ignenture ;of the
taatianal situation eculd. 'Possibly
insiiify.the feeling which i6 so common in
oda tbat we hose veryninch less at
take iu this war than have the Pirep.
tall Allied nxttons. Ofeentse,ontileolfio
• neKet lose Ukintentition4-polities,
seriously. They hake,a4c494 the theory
that '1/41ip1enincf, wasndeted
ata secrecy 0.04 tieceP'aloa with
• which it was. distinctly to our ,Ctedit - to
haie nothing to de.: We *ere too hen:
14-4at4ers, and, is for the duration a. thn 0inwe ninitoft,".,44 crutti„ten:
War. :The ticense -Beard feeemmended
evenecleck 'closingi:Ant the lintel -keep
ere 4ssoe.kt.tioil pat, tip astiong fight with
tbe govergMent and succeeded in length:-
ening the tiTeof olio hi one hOnt' • that we, n tisitit of.our itviiresV•,
Although the wrier toot present issu- not nedersland the tliriet and ire p;rfaut
4 _
diplonaVde game. OulY,thOet-' •
tete ac'4' Iniinawat peoPies.'of the Old
colild. be. get u 'Mvx ili'sach :
e .
mwldy e. The :.efaiseirMuceIs
•. prisoners, omit that so • far as possible
Den tat they would not he subjected to fire. '
Tbe,property•lud, the_hospitals too, of
thelled Cross Societies are supposed to
be safe from attack by either of the
:ci.s.rowLER, 1). S. Mee up
aarre in -finnan 'Illook,..Teiswaler., stee
1a1ttention tog p_ rown oftaid
brdgewokvi..sita wroxetertst, and, ard,
Wedne,dayoeaeh Tomah; (iords:, Thur. s
G. A. NEWToist.' 1).• ofnem fletting parties.
Alan Block, Liucknow, ont. All zuedero This is why, the „PALI:Teak `of th
methods naed. idest, materials furnished. • -
everwaanit-Bridge work. Pai.aiess oxtract- ,war, there was such bitter complaint of
ion by cno,use the latest. Sitaple'st and- .
eat t edy somzioroitx Newest the tiezmatis shelied Bed Uross
es real ,
41411111a333 P1414ed 110SpItAla, 114,:Ving •.shot dowu Fl.ed
nee• • lie ' "Cress workers, and of:haying-used- their
Ontario's Rest
Business College
Our instructor k are expetienced.
, Pupils get individual' attentioa.
and graduates are -placid in posi:;
'dons. We are receiving applies.,
ti,ons we -cannot meet, Students
May eater at any time. Send for
our free natalogne., and see if it
interests you
D. A. MeLAGHLAN, Priam,
Cream Wanted
Having an up-to-date Creamery
in full operation, we solicit ,vottr
patronage,- 'N'Ve are prepared to
pay the highest market prices for
good oreant, and give you An hon.
vsebusittess. Weighing, sampling
•and testing each can Of cream re-
ceived carefully and returning 'a
foil statement of same to caeli
patron. 'We furnish two cans to
each patron,- pay air express
,charges,And Tay every' two weeks,
" Write for further particulars or
send for netts and give us, a trial,
The Sealorth Creaaie.ry Co.
'Seaford:, Ont.
Tionib1eTrkaUthe 'Way
'Toronto Chicago
Toronto :Mein
____14eave Tormalis SAO amt. • it • 66 .g. 6
• ,11•4:51Cilla.
FOR moutw.ikt.
9 « a,nt, SJOp.M., and '
00 -
44tplirszatut the finest on ail tr-aius.
PanainiL.Pac.11ie Expositions
Reduced .Parts te _
• on, Los Angeles -and ,
San Diego
\ •
Vttll rtionlars and berth -reservations
cot ;apple:al:Ion to Akents. •
0. MARTIN, Ageni,,Luchnow.
Ohmic 2 -
•WOTtI.D-WIDE ON "111/iNitall
oinking an tuinstally important ser.
i1i0 tt) Canada duttug this grer#4.
.01 iirturnettitzig- wtrk f flit WorIcr,'S
bistro. "World Wide selects and
- resentS4c,ita-readers-evegy-Saturda
the ablest articles -by tie?: ablest- miters -
in Bilittirinica OW the War situ-
ation and its xensequences. It thus,
eflests. the current, thought. .of both-
. :hemispheres in these trititga tunes.
Tminent men and wonten all over the
•+Country .acktior-Yledge its great worth.
can afford to be WitVout iti
•,....zamogt Every article in altilogt eery
asSue you feel you would like to'"put!
,410w4si treasures. or atind to
some Mend." . , • ,
Saliserlptinterate$1..13D,311.* unman, idr
• on trial fotAltree moatits foi' only V')
•tents. ,Sena.to J0111; DOr GALL
•$ON., rtiblinhere, 414titnesS" Block,
VtIntralt, '
it is altogether likely that it will boniade
permanent. The rising tide of temPe
ance nub= en t will searelY permit 91a re-
turn to the long hours. Indeed it maybe
assumed that it is out of deference to
the weight of public-, opiniou than the
Louise Board and the GoYernment have
taken this step in the direction of pro-
hitfition. No one doubts that had the
people ofOntatio an opportunity to vete
.stlai4ht„nn theoestionei closedoroP
bars, without the confusion Of an 'elec-
tion campaign, the decision would be as
it:asin Alberta -strongly agairSt-
• qcense.
• imteRs Ross THE PUBLIC
relatiOns.whieli exist between our nat-
ional future as as our inivisidual
hat:pi:teas, and
hie ourselves safely outside its sway, and
Anneeive of ourselves to- :day as generous-
ly sentling'S7.1dicrs 1.0 ‘help other Pe.n.npie
fight their battles.
A, yore wrOog-headeclund deadly 40,,a,:
gefoos notiou conld hardly exist. The
'precise opposite is, in nay opinion, the
troth. Nktstankb)
(Sy Peter 1,1cArtitnr)
It 'IS SInnetiltes"-n-"zistnite to
.wa 4rticle. T340 Misinformation in lb
werld is' merit turre• ricturesaue thou
tiva 'te0UL :eagle .11.1Va:. trJnilency tO
maim nne Prosy .aaa commonplace, •
• X 441 440.4. -:di to ntalim these ob,svp.
"Fattens teenus5t for 1)11.10 time pasz
liatt been meditatio.6.), n;little VZ$4.Y
.the peocino Mad I remembered story
1a4'he4r4 or read somewhere about
be origin ot thle mot 41eYeleuR fruit-
ording to 411e '0ml-a infOrm4-
non oral. belief up to tfteen minutes,
ego the ,reneit originated in. SPoth-
After the Bloorish, inva$10.4. 1114. Afri-
can ‹ottnnt,XVIcs Pr,...sa4t. With thel11.):dtx. ,
ter aiMandS .with • which, to
tlaeir arroiv end plaetecl tl-ke ritS 15%
• the' irevAr utry'Stl that.
.th'ex might 'liaveratt-uni'ailitr,„ windy
ti • inea)od of surLailing
'.ignitit. AS they shad no 'ileg„ net 'tri-
bz:I in th'ese days there were_ n
•terne,416r,m1-agycenients 9.,4niust us4
.g ro..s vied 1i1)b-
Gerioart Ideter4:.tilan dp any of *other
Allied nations, With the possible' eicep;„
i-giA4iiiiF:'41ca Serbia,' '
not ItYPerhele or metaphor. I believe it:
be tbelliteral factanal will tell you,
hy. A derman vlotori thiii War •
.3Iany things Ilia bite.' big fk,,,:nire$ in means the early dismettibeiteent”of the',
the Untied 8tites, .41nOng,'" ethfr tlirng.4 British -Empire: Most Of par, Peanlesee
o'fhti 'Red Cross ambulance wagons to the amount of money taken from 'the!, this now: withoot Boding it neeeSsaY to
carry soldiers' and machine guns 'within ' people each .year by fronds ni one kind- Inve aid .why and the ithere,fore
rangeof the Belean soldiers a"etee end another- ' , ,
?the akin while the "sides have 'a thick
, layer -of fruit pulp They , bawl
'nnother, Iiind Which is loug and ,,cronit7
.ed and a's nearlyas:I could learn from
the dietiotiarY all kinds of peabher, are
. ea
cleelaesniteng.t114-15) kugly°01:
Canada the creaft for raising, the hest
• ' tett
d h
d to them in • detail, So, I shall. mil:
open fire, 2 'They are said to: have dope. A.:recent-report:MT the Pest Office Tie- ,, pause at--thikpoint. Now, 144 di 'Solent.
this near Autwern....dlloweverl.genetn11Y partineut there States' that Within the: t'bernle'kit of the -British Blunire' win not,
the tules :of, the 'OpOeva 'Convention Ie- ,past font -years the PeoPleof the 'United l'take it the f4ernisa oecupatien
garding theinitnunity of the .4ed '1,PPoSs States have :been robhed of to Iiuiidrei of any part of ;the 1.3rittsli Wanda, Eng..,
from attack ha-ve bee'llirlY*64.t3,.beer11,-- and 'thirty-nine million dollars bYjraucis land, Ireland, 412d$eotland vill be 1)111011
ed, • • - enadneted through the mails alone. This; peorer---,-they will li ve lost.,theirAMAre
These being: the tads' 4*U:readily:be in. spite 1:if the fact that the departtnerit they will befretiandself-governed. !
, .
seen Why" resale work on on the hattle-eld had been 'clang its. attnioSt-ite',SuPPress • Thegreater part of Erance..will be lett.;
and the'eare of the 'eieit ejed 'wounded is: •fraifd of this sort. 'Last yearnOleSstliaintact-•*-freei,lii.reeCh and SOI-gO'verrted.,
left to the IlettCross Societies instead. Of , four thousand cases were inYestir,ted. Gerthank will not w4t any more Alsace- •
being carried on as a branch of the Werk :Meat of-t'he,.ftands are in the nature Lorrahles.: Italvwjll.0011,1e. out 'of the
,of the War Denartmeni,..:. .The 0,:oVern- of-thow. to.sel1 fakenurealor.:-.1111- Sorts- gruggle- ,
:nierrt cannot 1egitiniate1'. eve ' Ana:nee oflininaupis., One of these ceneeins :the pi-OePtiOn. Otsome . of.. her northern
the Red Cross work,. for if it did the which was trapped had receiptadast year Previncts. Russia may lose Poland; but •
particular society assmted in that way
•ecoild be regarded at a part of that goy;
errinaent'S. vga.r 'tnaChinery, and 'conk-
nentlY Would be open to attack bet the
,eneray. This is Why funds for the .114
cross work ninst be seented by Subscrip.
tion and donations.
We-tfca'tqff•-:n-T-EritiSh';'Itedc--'6.ross •.:S
Clair and a..Oanadian Red 'Gross Society
both Operating in -the Ifieldsof war. This
is so, for before the ontbreak of war the
-twesociettei-baCtheir-aeparate fields',0
on-,-,each-in it horne -tountry,-.4,o
Europe, however, the Canadian society ;
:•of three hundred, and fifty thenss.nd tussin. will stilibe Russia.
dollars. Another promoter of a worthless • x xx
anti -fat -preparation spent fifty thousand , Oanada.; on the other • hand, will be
dollars in a single month for advertiaing.',
• Evidently there were big profits in thi
sale of his:stuff. ,
This exposure by the Post Office De,
f the fraud that io a thousand Ways is
iolikted upon -a 'pliable public. If the
salth each year thrown away on worth
ess.medicines and worthTessi cou
he,_&aved„ihe;plonessi* vie* ,the big
•',mai debt itself would be a light task;
can operate only in alElatien • lith 910 ; reopliihosvi over the payment of Inglif
British socieiy, as Canada, not being an taxes, anti yet they voluntarily give op
lidependent nation, , coim- not be h each year for that which is WorNOSS,-,or
utember.a the Gerisva Convention. . In ' in.iluitgivrauthla,rgetstais. •
trope the work Of the .sbelefies.is kept ' . IP 0 0 . , •
,setriewitat lseparate, but both look after hil.,4,1la 'OFF A RACE
the Stolcand wonoded of both, . or 'all .
A massacre of innoMnt and unollend-
countries tali e.' .
ing men, Wom4t and children, beside
It is estimktetrthat since . e
inencement of the War the . British il litell'ell itl"'zrithtil'°utrages'ii17:13'e'l-
,,orose society ...a order st, John under
look tame and, small, has been . people tOconsurnego,ds ''''iiiiide in •Grer-:'
in Armenia ' for Several many" --but bath 'Ornate end A exruan-
have spent nPwards al $16,000,060. The 'under. *ay
greater portion of this--natnely ef3,000,- 1.31"tala's- '4"s-estid:that-eiglitillun . e*I'ntatl" PII'ver!:ii
00.0.1c.,as, raised by, The „rime ;Ievispe r dred thousand .of these nollaPpy ,people, turning India into an 'Overseasberniany..,
%which lonnediatelyLou-the 'Conitnen ef all a,ges and bothsexes, have - been ' . .... , • ...i It.=
visa . et bostil404_set about , rafijog pufR)rtetttli Ity.ilie ,iTirks-- amr :Kumla i : ----.217,14,. e "Woll PrO - . y
,frolds for: _tire.. .soeiety* .2he,_reineilider nee Vay.. And this dripatalleled inag-;...: Wringer ',,riatt5' 'Andel' the &site Of aTlirk-,
, . sacivioANien aairle..4 butAvityab.4"ningt ' kit -province - :But .GermatiO rotknot live
. If it is asked bew_all_ this mot* is .
eXpended, the answer is In the estah.
r the eyes of their helplessinotherat' girlg 1./Ittitytv would nCit,,,talce4tiodly to Pros-
lishMent Of bosPligles 'tbe lftelineg .(" ' and_voung women carried off, and old. Sias, tnetlietts..;. They have eliOwn what
erpuptnent andlieln. One huge hospital. womeaand Old men beaten to death and they tiunk of the prosPtt b -,Y their VI'
in London has:nine urea of floor SpaW...
•. N.ot e, then bodies left on the: ground Where.; ,-iant: lefroas bAhis'ivit- Ailstralii is all
It cost 4 hat million dollars
feW beds, but hundeds of thousands are y .
requir' eel. 1'p to last January the soalety The Turks in Armenia are freed front
had, suppuea 1,60d. motor ambUlanties , antiSae ra
gtfying a .long -felt
destre-to rob and'extertnitiate the Ai-
. Alh had ta'ansPorted one
11-Eideriii:--- -
There:axe no laighlyptud officials. Oe
" ty anes not pay salaries; It MS
300 Voluntary Aid Detachments itii+
Iv ..if PriTrinii7iien-ThilitTOriffe:
who -eve theer,Anceshowever---niedied
-a combined membership sof 674000
pdople. 'This arral. giyes their time.
We are asked, to give part Of the, bites,
titin t
wholly taken OVer,,,ocoupted, systematie.
ally ruled by Germany, There is no inore
doubt of this than there is That the sun:
aid rise to. mono* ;morning. Take a
nap of whirlf-sbow-atb-B-
ish 'tropire coloured . red, and decide
What Portions., of. that red territor,y
wise German Empire would anonire
she bad her ohoice. 'What she tants we
all konw._ he wants a land where het-,
peoplec to live and progper-,-.where there -
is en almntlalicer of natural wealth for:
thent to ,expleit-where tbey can colon
iie and create an Overseas Germany,-
helpthe Patherland itte attapfzorl.
Where can She best find that 'within the
limits of the l3ritish .EMPirt • Not la
Altaatii *e
.tdywouldn't haVe 1:;attered mull, if
r,Dni:ettty'llitr!46inertat:cm;mAbcerozrild' !urge' tabitttleter
clirante $flean and lost its aucieNt
IFtler4 tlevel%aeil _ the salaliriciAs
chat-enter,ceased to be relsonens ard
became a penal. Wrtn this as a
I lind proposed to,show 'that tbe peacb.
As the one reallySgalid2thiug, *in the
world deriVed trent. Wa:i5 but
needed a few more 'facts and
I, consulted the HileyeloVedia. whene
I found no' mention of ray pretty
Spanish_ tal#. I foand, both, Greek and
Latin references to the peach and,
learned discussion as to 4witether the
fruit had been drst develoPed to per-
fention 1n2ersia or in China. The only
reference to the bitter almond 'As
140 to the, ffeet that DarNili., regal*
ed the neunli. as a relation; or :the al -
'mond. - It -,seenis „that in. 93tin, 1.•
not only roasa „peacnes of excellent
ientiriVh-Vat an.15,aa of - rsual. Shapes.
' ZniTs3r o-L-2.Ziee niljatre igtrell; c'NvoNlielerieldtbil;
" 96 Branches in Ceglada.
$4.1110,40ill$1_110WT*Sqte: s -
Circular Letters or credit. —
Bank Money "Orders
• ridemat allowed at highest currenf ra,te
E. S, REIDualanageTi,
OOOOOOOOO OOO DA110.4.081A30.1.10041.0,
:..1:Nornore Dyspepsia for Us!'
- -
There iSn't a member of the family need suffer from indigestion, sick
headaches, biliousness, fermented stomach, ate., if he or site will take
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They cleanse the stomach
and bowels and stimulate the liver to healthy activity and tope up the
wohealemsiYuZzlne:wtTlamoketo,n.:), actaninithetiuniolidwyeeliterefe4B0 viGoilmpTanilti.heovenationtn,f6-
-enends-of-nit; and now they. are atf.he2r*
• lilt and. a\trS, WID Nixoiiu S!*,.
Augustine, announce the. war -
Eton of !their .yonagest daughter., ; Am-
ple ma.);Tr tp)-t44.. W.1.)aniel, Fran -
don. Man. The. marriage to take place
in Brandon on the latter part:of iict
613Ae:'61-d- li;;;11 nr.;ati;eS; -r::1-O..1'1•11:1r- en.
The ideal laxative is Rexall
"Sald!Oaly ';by 1 Garnet Armstrong, Tlie
Reiall Store, 10e... 25c. Ind 5O. boxs.
• Robert Wboler the ps.St f3ight
years WAS. in -charge of -the Huron
:1Iouse of 'Refuge at 'Clinton, tiled on
Oct ¶tth. He had suffered a strolin
of paralysis two wiets be.fore, and
since that time had beep 'in a 'Semi
A Serious necid,ent ocenrod to Geo.
,aegan,. ann. ' raegan of ,00`,
township, last week; the-youna
- On
a silo ;when he,got bisleft hand ,naugh
• in The izniVes,seveling. Welland a te
wri5t. Ile is very popular and latch
zsynipai,bY is .
A •i;ery sadden death Occurred On
Otit. 12th 'at home of Harvey )ea
itio§,_ in GoderlettA*_Own_414.,:whin Miss
Etno L. Jatniesen died ..in her 1,6;Lb
5.73antintEwas6;1'*abtt,6'ermga snelteol itinf
tett' and,
went horn en her 'anal health
tlit retired eariv feeling .rathet tired.
t about .1)ine,6401Oetc-,-she..,:oorppioin
vif being ick and the doctor Was •
med,iately called and be ttiea to relleve
the 'patient, hat in. 4,:ite of ail. !hat
,dene shillassed away -beGie
. • , • ,
ritIEWiLl.TOOOLON,Et. Wittidiv -The
citizens turned ,out 013 masse023lgon
day afternotin! last,.. says' the Iluren
'Expbsitor, to birt fare vettto
son JinMainier.r.ftherd Battaiinni.
lailiome,oua Ten ditia',
absence before his 'battalion leiave,s for
tlfront,An immense pflicesgion was
.forinrifon Main 'street and headed -be
Hie Citizens' Band ami the: Mint. I
-Edvni#11r'er- neltv‘--Gthadien, itbete'4111' whnle earfn tifilAt:
orthrown into -the -rivers torlrown,before rica will be tilaptitnr; but t*e Boer pop
sary eq len •
-empty Islat4d-Continen"but a la'rge parr
of it is said to he uninhabitable by tar-
,Opeins--and it lies ever tinder the lb/M-
ane a at liwaltened ,overteovoka,
hands full and taanotrestrain • We get to .Cattaila, And what of Can.
the iiiiirdMirs. .GarrarttlY 4.6"e„S' not Want 10,0 It It'a5.a tempemtfirliMate., not nu -
to, and if she did want to ,could be an . kke Germany itself; tt eparielypop-
swerealrinhtlie.retort:, "Vali smathir. ulafnel, ant l:e*szttrtie
Vtiltl'ai,1414 be turned into
What of Belot:mil" •
The ..irrnaitiiift•Trithi'L wirifory 'Gentian rcTitiny.,•-rtts ualutilnrcaOLO.;,es 1 'Ps4-64M10-1Jk--,, 1144 -tate, P1:111-rA1144).1
are the best educated, the Most indtist- are *not muted to the worli. It is an 'OeitNv
, eArs.248Or'11O°Orlaw!,t itzti1Z
rims, ilke-most wealthy mtizens -of the ideal land for tiie bvor.tos4010.10/Tuttat, ,L8 3-virtial4.4•
ore •ter .,,
conotrY. nre tilt) hrerOhant s, dealers °Merman 9er.. 'fr44 :
Fivc-Passenger -,"OVERLAND"r
. .
..Touring CarH-Moclef83
• 35 h.p, motor.-High-tensioo
los inagtreto-$:1050.
starting 9.14 lighting - Lettr._ . .
f.o.b. Hamilton hand drive, center control- Lo.b; Hamilton
Aires, 33 -by 4 inches, "non-skid in rear- Demountable iitus (one
. extra rini)- Full streamline body --Deep divan upholstery.
' The long, low streamlike -body is unmarred by
angles Or pr8fections. „From the reunded edge of
the radiator 0.the-tiill.Ctirved4 back, there is tiCit a
,break. in ttie lines. The hood slop,es.gently upward
arid _Wands into t e 1 eautifu'li-curved cowl, : :The
doors are tfush, with. hin,kes concealed and handles
insi le. The fenders are:tong ,arid sweeping in their
• curves,. With gracefully roulded Surfaces. The run;
• ning. ocards are clean and free .from abstriletions,
• the StOrage, battery concealed, the tire-carriers-plac- ,
• eel at the rear. The cvindshiel.d is huh -in and con-
fotois Lo f4e---curve Qfthe CV*-1,--a-part--o(phe-Car it- -
self, not an .apparent afterthought. •
The c4r.:is..SUperbly finished in..-a-ricl% deep Brew-
ster green, delicately striped with - pure ivory white.,
and set off in pleasing contrast by .black eni-ne!ed
, radiator, fenders aid running bovd. shield.:
Model 8s tobring,car is a beautiful car. It asks
;nu odds of any car at.any'price-7it is. at home .in
party, •7 • " •
. .
.Sold.by L. Kenneply, Wingham•
R. J, Moore, Lo41.Agent •
0.~..0.* •
Roasts .retain their natural flavor--
breadik ddixigs, bake4 in a,
always.come fresh, and sweet , •9`
from itsperfectly ventilated
"See the McClary dealer in your toil.
. . ,
I: Sold Ilk Lucknow Hardware 81 Coal to4
dets,m,cortedtheColot el tett)
-ehere short arldr"es-es were made
Isirkin and Beeke Stewart 1
•Obional 'Wilson has been inSe Of Sex
ft th's foremost businessmen for many .• •
vers and
---Nieli-hrnpwn sit wresteitn„oottario at
bowler and otrier„ an the best vvk
not only of his hometown hat 1i.4
arid his .nracir battalion .4,t1 their ovti
CapItitt Authorized $5,061:000
,rurpruls--$7:41,f21:trifp4 :.4,.366,0,400r7:1
• and most intelligent' and prosperous far
tors and the Turks and itulds'no doubt'
are glad of the 'opportunity to kill them
It looks as though the Boor traffic in . off in order that they -the murderers --
Ontario is to be slowly strangled to ayfl beir Va the property...
deathratherthaiiVripe'd out atone stroke It is not possible to get exact Agiires
ea in 5asicateliewati and Alberta. The regaraipgithe'llibe.r 2)f irtnetnans an
rent order ,bat 4 beginning with the ast Asia Minor, but 'they arc thought to
of Novesther tiil bars Eta aliS9 at'eight umber obonttrmillions—peatlythre
- • j
Mans poutd. createihre a emu-In-Speak-
''`tYniterl States" whidii they ' would
fv.tpe to hold in perpetuallief to the Ho,.
henzgllern crown.. And, juitlingiut. the
docaityof the:florinareAtterierens the
present ruiteIStdr thei ‘tV03.111liat
a romp.tratively easy., Proposition. Vh
cjlerroa,n ra'ee kilts it'd passion for sr
oVerameni and. ftMtt1freidmo !
141:64do vrott1411
Yoxi 13 -
LCD uy
Ait/Y -AT nont
e tome it err:hints the& Vet:
Medi etioy are the ratinstaya
oomMunity. Arai when ryou
,of Homo Merchants* buy of
s;*11011dVetelos, .11*:
Th.clioundil of ,i-14ovit- h,
e•:onomy4 'Put aside tht. arneitints
ler.peopie 'waste and enjoy
the'indcpendence that goes with
Mink, Atc•litint. O
Ole hag; .60' litittlient Will help yoittavo.
HI.ENNItl, Ataiager,