HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-10-21, Page 1— 711011111117V A1-41 TAM" .
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er year,In a4v4uce; 14,2.5 OthetWi.$e
LuotNow, ONT.
Single Copes 3
Mr, CharleIrCOultiir,.ef „Parry Sound,
-waa te•tewia over OM 47-
• BOtible Andrew w takenill 4ti 14.'efl.
witli pnentitenia, but n(reeovering, • ••
r. 13e4 Holnlcs, of H.hnesville, vis
itedre1ati'es in ?w,d,• r•3!
' • •
1)r. J. St.. 0; l'falkeeleft cm Saturdalt
morejoe fee ,anCouser, B. vtiihote:he
will Vend .thAV.inter. •
Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Edgar, of, Quiross,
were this week .visitors iilth • Mr, and
Mire. Win, Irwin, tear Belfast, •
• Culross Township Connell donated,
$1,000 to the British Red Cress fund in
. response to the Lansdowne appeal.
Private Fraifer Patterson, of the Len-
Xilitary'Carep, anent Sunday with
liis parents here --.Dr. and Mrs. Patter-
Haveyeint suits pressed and clean ed
promptly and ,well.
Timm; etetax, Mdse. Tailor.
- - A whirlwind campaign in Goderich for
subscriptions to the Patriotic Fund
ducett $1.74711W -
- Miss J. J.•Allani-Eyeisight
will be at Garnet Arinstron's Drug Store
Wednesday next, oct, 27,th. Hours
to 8 p. in.
• Messrs. Ewart Painerein and Harold
Min- wore bonie. from": the. .Military_
School this week having coMpleted the
course there: CatneibilWeht to Toronto
on Tnesday.
In the Trafalgar D;ly collection • cam-
liaign the committee in charge at Wal-
hertml.set the amount. to-be-realized,at:
ta 00 kir every man, woman andcliild
• in the town. ••
Mr. Geo. P. Aitchetion has taken a
• Position; as turner in it furniture factory
• at Meaford, and expects to move there
shortly. .He is, Offering Ala house on
Ross street for sale.
Mr. Scarbornugh who has ;charge of
Mr. Sinclair'e moving picture theatre
here, has moved into the dwelling on
_ Inglis St., back of Maritoeh's store. Mrs,
Scarborough arrived in town last week!'"
'Mr. R. D. Cameron was in Wiarton
Monday evening, where he had been
invited tonddressa, men's banquet, in
the Methodist eliarch. The object' of
the banquet was to discuss new ieetheds
;if church financing. , •
.• Mr. G.. S. Fie,- photographer, who
while riding -a inotor cycle on Auguatith
last suffered the fracture of his left leg
' near the ankle has so farrecovered as to:
he able to attend to.bfieineae_tygiifi. ' He
returned to,,Lucktietv. on Thursday, look- '
ing none the Worse for his two • menthe
enforced reet and will be here rightalong.
High Class Tailoring
Just received Our la11 Stoek
of Wire Serge, Black Serge
at d Cheviot and FancySuit-
ings..Something new& Call
Merchant Tailor
11fie8es Wanda Curtain And: May Col-
ihieofitiphert_visited__friends in town
the end- Of -the -wears
Mrs. W. -Ainlay nd children, of TO,
rent1k are visiting her patants, Mr. and
•Mrs. R. Graliarn,•0 present: •.•
'Patriotic Nock •
The LadieteCelnenittee of Ore PetriOtie
Leaga will gtvottin ,
• M ondaY .eventng, goveMber 1st. 74)1' •
thege Who ceinplain that. they 'do' not
dance -present day dances there will 'Je
'1AnOtt Of 61d-frishiootel sqiutre dance.
A $.00a time is assured. Everybody
welcenie, No invitations will be issued,
Admission si.00 a couple. Admission
to gallery 35c. Supper will be served
and guests jin the gallery are invited to
refflain for Supper, -Secy. '
Mustn't Read Tom
The• Miklinay •Gazett,which servea-.
the big German Settlement in the Town -
Alp of Garrick, had the fdllowing: •
Der -Deutsche Lutheraner; a weekly
German paper published in rhilaclellebie
and the Ohio Waieenfrennit another
German weekly, Khlished in Columbus,
*Ohio, have been forbidden the Canadian
mails, with a: penalty of $0,00,0 for ally,'
one hereafter found to be in possession
of such papers7=Both-of-these-journals-
have quite a eircelation in this locality.
Fatal ,AccIdent In Seek.
Mrs. Wm. Kiekley got word ' recently
of the death by accident of her grand-
son, Earl Stothere, at Opine. Sask. On
Sept, 26, the unfortunate young. man
'vae"aesietirig inraisinga granary when
he was hit on the head by a, heavy lever.
He was rendered unconscious by the
stroke and -lived only 12 '-hours after.
He was 22 years of age and had been in
tbe'West a little.over four- year. His
father is George Stothere, who one time
• lived' near Dungannon, before going
Private *liter ‘Yrlteli Home .
PiPtate Herb *dor; son of Mr- and
Mrs. Jake'Miller,2nd Con., of .Kinloss,
now at the front n Belgium or France
writes home weekly and at last accounts•.
as safe andvell. He, however, has his
own list Of narrow escapes to relate:
Shealy before Writing latit time, he was
'PA a party who Saw a German aero.
pletiethet down. It fellnear where they
were, andAlEtthe-riviateot_inneli
hurt they.advanced to take him prison-
er. He, however, opened fire on them
and as a result had to be shot before the
machine was taken:
:In Train at Montreal ,
, Mr. Harold Ackert has enlisted for
Xing and Country and left here Moe -
day for Montreal; where he will undergo
military training. Mr. Ackert has been
a School teacher; he intended . entering
at Toronteeliniversity-irrtae Artecouree
this year, but the call of his country was
'louder arid he,decid.ed tOgo to the frout.
With his education and experience he is
good material for n officer, but on that
road there apfeared to be too much red
tape and tee maey del:lye-awl •he
wanted to get busy be enlisted as a
private, hoping to. be -sent With reinforce-
ments to the Princess Pandas or 80111e.
other crack regiment. •Mr. Aekert had •
thought mu& Of taking up aviation and
enlisting for that branch of the service,
but the time and cost Of qualifying
Seemed more than was warranted, so the
case it is an instance of answering the
jjULijknowaiidT Holy -
ro• od friends will wish 'him good health
and good luck, and be glad to welcome
him back when the war is over.
A Chriatian college-honte,
Per prospectus and tertakwritetherrinclnal
• 03
Jut T.1111.$'..-tp-
low prices,...,
• quoted a couple
o vireeks aka
still prevail at
;OUr store.•
' DittM STOW
"The Nyal akattity Store"
• C7.
Seeossedo CoNVP.Meti.-51iss SP*,
ling, a Miseioeari returned fromi China,
was the Prinetnalaneaker at At COilralltiOn•
e!. the Women's Foreign. Alia-
small Society of the Wingham Markt
held in the, Methodist churely here en
Friday of Diet week. *Us Sparliog is
clear and. convincing speaker and, gave a
highly interesting descriptiati of life and
'collagens iri theXpart of Ohinain which
she had laboredis• 'The r:coriventien ,was
'flerg4IY; attended, 'refifesnntrAVes. being
,preteetie trete all over the clieteidt:
Tiri GUILD.; --Church Union-'- For
and Against -made a very interesting
topic of discussion at the Guild Mond ty
evening, Attracted, no doubt, by the
interesting subject there was a large
attendance; the number present of those
who can no longer be clashed with the
young, 'beieg unusuaL -The to -pie- -Wits-
taken by Mr. W. L. MacKenzie, who, in
an able address enlivened by frequent
-flashes of humor, presented the argu-
ments for end against,after Which be
expressed his own opinion, whi2h he had
no hesitation in saying, was stronglyin
favor of union.' After Mr,,,,MacKenzie's
ietrednctory address others were invited
etei_take_pert in -the discussion ' This
feature of the meeting proved highly
_intereeting:--Messrs. Geo. Matheson, G.
S.obertson . A. D. Mackenzie, Dr.
'Patterson and Rev. J..5. Duncan taking
part. The topic was especially
as in the near future the Presbyterian'
conngregagens are. to vote upon the
-question-4 -union as they did a few -years
ago. Besides this discussion the even-
ing's piogrein included readings by Miss
Pearl Henderson,Mrs. Pecker and Har-
old Burns. Musical features were a duet
by Helen MacKenzie and.NornutThomp
son and solos, by Mrs. • Imrie and Mr.
Ewart Cameron. Owing to the 'enter-
tainment at St. Helen's church Monday
evening, Guild will rneet next week on
Tee.sday evening instead of Monday.
The toPie "An Evening in Japan" is in
'charge Of the Missionary Committee.
• ExANS. HEW Oct 12 AND 13
Perm I-Brar. His, Total 50-13.
Blair, 42; N. Thompson, 413 IL McKim-
ziet..31-0. McMillan, 35; A. Alton 55'
a Hughes, 43; W. Seat, 32; E
41; J. MeDemald, 30; G. McColl, -28; R.
Mitchell, 28; J. Barbour, 47;- W. Ant
drew, 20; S. Gough, 26;J. Webster, 25;
Raeburn, 24; A. Towle,.23;'5. Duos,
21; 1C. Murdie, 17; S. McDonald* 15; J.
I wOuldliketo state-te-these to whom
it may be Of interest that.120 Methodist
ministers' sone of Canada and Neivfound-
-land have given- themselves. to the -Em.
pire in the present struggle. Statistics
are not Tet complete, but there aro tide,
; number at least, to date.
• The above-deesimtroontain-the-riaines
-of those'whes have Offerecl fee service and
• have been rejected becanse . of being
• OhYsicallie unfit, of whom there are a,
number. •
Out of the 120, three mimics have gene
to awI1 the'honer roll of' the dead. •
I would like to state also that °the
"forms of attestation' which arestill
to in a preetious article, do not contein
the word Methodist and hence Metho-
• distil tall:title fot terViee have te stiir
sign under, some -other religious denoin-
inatieu than their oWn.
•S. J. 13B1DGETTE.
'Tit WEST SlioRM:AlaiN
The people of the municipalities affect.
ed by the defunct Lake, Shore Electric
road have not yet given tip the tight to
recoVer.a part of the money lost in the
unfortunate enterpriSe. '
On Friday of last week a ineettiig- of
representatives of Goderich, Kincardine,
Raton arid Ashfield Coiincile Wee held
at Kiutail. It Was expected ..that Sir
Adam Beck would be at the meeting,
but felegra# early the day brought
the information that it would be iiiipos'•
Bible for lila' to attend.
Afteesome. diScussioe wee dechled
on the. advice of an independent law fob,'
that 000e:dings ininiediately taken
agaloet the, Toronto Gerietal T01,4.0641-
pany t� reeoVer R218,00) ,Athieli was
elifirrei to have 460 paid to W. Atcyca,
the (gild nitiontt Wing 'mere than the
tirogresti sott;ficates coed for,
• ,
LATIN, 'Tali 70-4. Webster, 62; , B.
Blair, hi; N. Theinpson, 54; G. McColl,
54; C. McMillan, 53; K. Murdie, 52; A:
Alton, ,; W. Andrew, 4e; IL McKenzie,*
47.R. Mitchell, 45* S. Burno, 45;
Donald, 38; G. Hughes,.38; N. Ritebern,
34; W. Scott, 34; E. Allin, 33; ei. Bate
hew, 31; J. McClure, 16; S. Gongh, 12;
S. McDonald, 10; C. Towle, 3.
Total 100,-
13 -Cooke, 87111 -e -Spindler, 80; C. Me-
QUillin, 78; K. McDonald, 77; R. Mc-
Dougall, 76; M. -Treleaven, 73; Anna,
Nicholson, 71; R. Burne, 67; Ale. Niet-
olson, 66; S: Alton, 66; W: Woods," Ge;
M.. Bothwell, 60; I. Hackett, 59; G.
Webster, 59; M. Fishe', 69; F. Aitcheson,
58; F. McKay, 03; P. inlayson, 53; M.
McQuaig; "51:e L. :McDonald; P. Fras.-
-efe-431-0:-Whilee; -42e ;1:Deedglitlie:39
Mitchell, 36; 11. Freeman, 31.
Form III.-J3iiman HIST:.RY; TOTAL
50-0. WOods 43: t.'llasty' 42; E. Twani-
ley-40; V. Tiffin 46; J. Spence 37; D.
Douglas 36; M. Ccnnell :36; M: McNair:
34; M.. Detain 34; S. MacKenzie- :31; L.
Johnston 29; C. Cannell 27; M: McCture,
23; Alione-2fiT1570Y6gre-.23.;
23; E. Howe, 23; B. Stewart, 22; F.
Webster, 21.; M. McDiarteid, 20. ,
• LATIN, TOTAL 75-M: McNitin, 59;F.
Webster, Douglas, 57; C. Woods,
04; M. Connell; 51; V. Tiffin, .49; J.
-Snenee, 40; !et Parma, 39; P irtvine38e
E.. Twanilet. 33; S: McKenzie„g4;
Cannell, 23; II.• Alton, 19; M. McClure,
14. ,
.*61'Eoral (mu! e
ert 20 L Greer 18
; , .
F. E. MoLuali; 'reacher. ience or loss caused by or ooing to tbe
• ' ' . fact that two licenses had been refused
• Tog .0-oqp woRK:ooppi
.:Q. ..
MOW -•MoniCipali#0$-;:ResPani
to -Call forRedross, "
Fund*. -• •
• Lord Lanstlewee's . appeal'. for fends.
.21er:the Britt* Red :•Creso .SoeietYwill
inlet .Witita..hearty responeeinUeltenwe
As. ;be eanvess is being „made. .on. .our .
publication day (Thtirielay), can :give
.;ineerepeert of reSialts,. but. the ...0eMenthie.
in theme bitiie lead() every .propitratieen.
to inekiethe efforta splcpdid BUPC6801„
end i is belied thatthe reaptiese will be
such as to place thepeople of Lucknow
.welt_tewarde the front tank in themat-
'ter of giving according to ability.
• At a meeting of the League Commit:
tee on Finaece. hold Monday evening it
was decided ..to holdtepublie tneetiftg. on
ecinelidaY evening, and M. G. CameronaiteLltv. jesepli Elliott vverfrengaged to
deliver addresses. We go to press toe
early to give apy account of this meeting.
A.loth.er step taken by the committte
was to teens, kt dreillir setting forth . the
claims, of the Red. Croes Society and
cootaining.Lanselnwee's cablegram to the
Lieutenant -Governor of Ontarin which
wastransmitted to the •headsof all mtm-
icipalitiesin the 'province. • • •
The -tevireshipsof West Wa.uFanesh and
.A.Shfield•atSoltarke taken' action Upon the
Lansdowne appeal. and Will conduct • a•
-canvass. . •• • • • • •• • •' -• .• • • •
As antionneed'eleewherethe people of
Whitechurch are arraliging for a,big
riotie.concerrfor -to,,morrow-eveniug---
Oct: 22. The proceeds of this concert
will gatothe Red Cross fend.
.Winghaiti Patriotic League isout to
raise $4,000 for the fund; and the Town,
Council of Goderich has started the sub-
scription list there widt a contribution
01131,000. This is pretty good for .Gtod-
erich considering what the town did for
the patriotic funds jusrbefore the. Lane-.
downe.eppeal was issited. • . .
Teeswater is 'Conducting -a ...canvass
with the bleject'eefraising.at. least 8590,
and the Council- Of .the • township of Old-.
ross ina.da a cash donation of $1,000.
- 111-minh Algo$
Mabel, daughter of Mr-, and. 'Mrs. D.
K, Alton, of the Ashfield circuit, was
fLioor!..onn etetne.:4Atbraut:t-th
h.lioly,fijoh:0:,10, -(218t089.. , and
Early in life Mabel showed the Win.-
ente of a,godly.homc and chrietian asso
elati.Q118, by becoming openly attached to
,Je,suS.Chriet, and by becoming a mew
hex of her home cher* and therengblY
interested in all kinds, of christieuraetite-
Ity in the same. • She was one of the
Weer ecitiniable young ladies we had win
Our congregation, of forceful piety, mod
est, thoughtful, kindhearted, energetic
both at home and in the church, &teach:.
er in the S. S. and a constant attender
at the class meeting.
She was taken. seriously ill in the
spring and remained so -during the en-
tire iiiimmer. •It washer desire "to be
ipared for a few years of service." Yet',
all that medical skill could do, was ap-
parently. done without avail. The Hea
venly Father took her for reasonsbest
known' to Hilliself. In Mahers pasaing
we mourn one who promised well for
great chriatian usefulness in the . church
and cointimpittr. A Wide circle of be-'
eaved-friends-have-the sincere sympathy
of pastor anitof the congregation :where,
she worshipped.. ,
teremIssionDeale W911 Aerincalltia at
County Town .
' :• The Gatario LicenseCommisSion held.
a Meeting -in Walkerton on -Tuesday of
this. Week to receiVe and 'consider -appli
cation -afar the 'County tf Brum Besides
Chairman " Flaivelle; Mr. .Ayearst and
Vide Chairmen. Dingman were ,present.
At' the- Oper1ing-the -chairman stet( &that
anyone'would have an opportunity to
offeeany remarks relatieeto matters und-
er consideration. The applicatiene would
• be giver: an individual colesideratien and
remilts. made known about the • first of
• the year,.• SO:that tvliere licensee. Were re-
fesedthe holders ,of the same • would
edve a chance to sell out; by May 1; 1016.
There were applications • front 23 -:.noW
holding 1)(01 licenses' and 'from 4 asking
new licenses, or 27 in all. . • • •
. Theta Was-objeationtaken against only
1 of the present license belders, J. Glad-
--storm; •Wiertone -AeE. Pickard, De J.
phcatiou for license .be not only refused,
but Oat -his -license be citt off now, claim-
ing thet Gladstone is a: persieteer we
breaker. They gave instanCes.and invit
the 'corninission to.,come to Wiaxtee
andiuvestigate conclitionsfor ehenteelves. 4
• .The Walkerton breech of_the Domin-
-km Alliance presented.thefollewixig res
. -
elution AS passed by that body, i'ze
'That the ekecnttve• and members of the
• Alliance submit•their apPrediattOn.of the'
work yourboard is 'doing- *towards the
curtailing of the Robe- teaffm, which
•, workts.causingenadvanceOf temperance
• throughent the 'country, and 'thee the.
provel the• temperance peeple in Our
tontrnittl-we-Woqld-beg-to-stibmit • •XrititITECHUn
Laurier •
-Tuesday, Qct. 196.
• _Threshing and site -Ailing is the order
of the day. ' •
•''Mr: Toni Bueglass :has rented Mr.
Ralph Bueglass' farm.
Miss Lily Brown, of Paisley, yisit-
ing friends around Laurier-. .
• Mrs D. N. MacKenzie, of Godericb,
visited friends in this vicinity a few days
last week.
-iguesday; Oct. 19th.
• Mrs.'(Dr.) Gillies and children are
visiting' her parents in Torcinto.
Mrs. Win. McKague,• of Tormito, is
visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs: Alli-
son, of town. . *
The Wrest: Township Pennell as
voted #1;00-0 towirds the Patrioticund
on ra a ger eee
•. Little Grace Donaldson, infant daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. R Donaldson, is
seriously ill in Walkerton. •
Lieuts. J. C. Little and Donald Stew-
. art are home from London for a . short
holiday, having completed the course at
•the MilitatY School there. '
Rev. My. Gilmore, of Ripley, preached
in Knox Church on Sunday mornieg,
while Mr. Bradley was , preaching, auei
versary services in Ripley. • Mr. Bradley
• also took part in a debate held there on
Monday night. • - •'
• A meeting was neld in Knox Church
lecture rooin last eight in • the interests
of the British_ReclAkossefer_ lirafalgar
Day, -called by the Reeve. The town
was divided into sections and collectors
appointed.. Five hundred dollars waS
the. amount' fixed 'to be collected in town
• by October 2Ist. • '
• Mr. Jahn Hodson, who* came to Tees -
water from Greeaodk about eight years
ago, died Very suddenly onSunday night
of heart failure. He was out to &web:
usual health, but died at eleven o'clock
in the evenieg . He was a carpenter and
builder by trade, and moved and repair-
ed buildings. . ' •.
• Rey. MT. Muxw'orthy, who preached
in Teesteater fifteen years ago returned.
to preerh Anniversary seryicee in the
Methodist Ohm -eh DP Sunday last. His
daughter, Vera, sang a very aceePteble
soloboth morning and evening. As has
beee, the custom for snipe time, Knox
Chureh withdre'w their, eiening meeting
in Order to attend, the sister "ahurch's
-,61404se.Calfat Oa:Ways
Shooting Snipers.
. As Majer kinieerten, of Kinear-
diee,-Was weRktiown to many 'Sentinel
,!eaders thefollowtng from a receet letter
of hie:tie-the Kineardiee liadeee Will be
of interest: ; •
"This is rear wee writes- Major
Richard Enntbrten from somewhere in
"Rather -b bet: gine With.
Ibrityinel andhigh explosive thells.Am
cardiee boys o.,:g.„ so' far. ,11 le great-'
, sport potting Gerinati shipers; but 0:
the rain and muell I bad -no clothes off
for over a week and very little sleep and
onry bully beef and hardtack to eat , It .
Wall in the game and we can stand it a
little longer than the Germans. We had
a big fight to-claY(Sept. 25) and pounded
hell out of them.. My Cernpany is the
only one in our brigade to be In Rothon.
so far. I lost two men and had several
close calls myself, but still lucky. Re-
member me to all."
-TuesdaT, pct.
• Wedd_ing bells are rineng, Hear
A number from here attended the
chemr -
'anniversary services at Bethany on Sun-
Miss Phoebe Congram is on the sick
list. We hope to hear soon of her being
well again.
Miss Lizzie Young is visiting her
friend, Miss Margaret Barkley, of Dun-
gannon, this week.
A number Of the sports from here
attended the te,a-meeting at Bethany -on
Monday night and report an excetlent
supper and prqgran1, ' •
•On Friday evenieglast about thirty
young people had a very pleasant time
at the,home of Miss'Mae Henry, where
they presented Miss Sadie Elltott With
a china shower. • There was a eliort pro
grain, after which Miss Rutledge read
• the follewing address:. • ,• .
• Holyrood, Oct. 15, 1915
Dear Sadie:
• • It is With feelings of regret we
.liatteelea;rnerLthat you.are.about_to- dee
epartironeottr Midst. 'YQ11,_113vgAIWAYE*-
been a Willies, worker this commun-
ity, not only willing but also faithful in
your duties of hotne; church, and neigh-
borhood.- We know, however,. that cur
loss *ill be someone else's gain, and We
feel sine that your cheerful dispohition
will win friends for yourself whereeer.
yon are. We Cannot let you leave us
without some token of •remembra,nce,
rind ask you to accept these pieces of
•china as a.slight token. When. you ..lee
them we hope it will -bring-'-baek- the
happy days yOu have spent in Holyrood.
We hope and trust that God' wdl ever
be your guide, and blessing strew your
path. -
• Signed bn behalf ofetlieyoung-penple
of . the 'neighborhood, . •
oUvTeLrE,I) ach
After the‘progra.milETwAasR
was served and the rest of the evening
was spent in games. •
Goderich fownship
--Monday,.Oct. 18:.
Mss Peari
• guest of her cousin, Wee 14 Elliott, last
Reid, f Vat.ne, was the
• Mrs. Leech, of Goderich, is the Aneit
sistee, Mies D. A. •Hoirnee, of
• Ilolthesville. - , •
Miss Pearl Innes, of Clinton, spent
the week end as the guest Of her friend,
Miss A Steele. • °
Mrs. Guy Hicks is visiting her sifter,
Mrs A. Cole, at Wayne, Mich:, and
en That New.
atoll Notion
Vii•et strikes 'Tone-rementleek Ititat
tire IL,sdgJz e ae,5' store
eieg eeeeleotatton tor goreiti,vatoh,
valuee; also that this Is the ststre.
gtfeTy *wat that we
sell WS got, to prove up towhat ne
..protnise for- it. .c,flOu nlOVeitlOi•
IS factory tested and it has simply
gotyti rt:mgeiezb evreteh ersr isnegrir w ,1011
likely come here. tor that neW
peciat -extra heavy, %ticket
wm:tvceb.nt'ertilittfiadti wstiot,11061.1eg
Call and talk It over
• &omelet indlrfifitian
Are 'Steed for .
ShortTenn of Years- • '
EBENTWES Interest Coupons
Payable gelf.-YearlY.
The Great West Permanent Loan Compang
17 2o.eiwg St.West • • • • Toronto
• Represented by
joi. Agnew, Lucknow, Ont
ItIONkr TO LOA.1%1.-z•On•mortartges an& noto. -
at reaSonablo rates. Fire Insuritrit.e. both
Stook and IVIntual Companies.
pap. A.I3IDDALL..Banker, Luoltatiw-
WANTED-A capable OH tor general house-
work.in sinalrfandlyInformation at the.
• Sentthel Office. • •• • 28,..0-p.
WANTED -At once, 53,500,; on a raortove.
Good seetnity. Information at the Sentiael .
• 21.104f.
.For Safe --
FOR SALE Olt BENT. -A vsSry Comfortable
• house.. Apply A. 8100.0.14..
isaoss. • . .
COlifkoRTABLE. RESIDENCE.--Soulh -on
itoss Street.. Lucknow, rooms and hag:.
downstairs, 4 badroonis, hall a mt• .,' CiObei
upstairs, hard awl soft wator, ac:. Of
•" ground. G. A. F. AITOltneorc.
" ' • -
21 -10 -t -t
ram Fon Sataf,-;-Tho north hair of Lot N. so
• in the 5th concession of the Township a
h,inloss In the OolintY of Bruce °entailing
:•• Flfty-11e acres,. ifof further particulars
apply to Alex. itessi Lucknow, Ont. "
EfAltli FOR SALE. -R. .auetibir . .•
eer, has Teceiwoot ittatintotinsts to sell tor .•
pnblic notion' on the moralises tit 2 o'clloctc.
ou•Saturday, ch,tobor':23, 11118, the 'west tf
• Of Lot Al, Isith e.'oni of Ashtield. W. 1.). -•
ject. to resorVed Val Tarots: made 3rnON, •. • •
00 day.of salo. Possession combo 'given .
_ _ once. _
• other friends 1 Detreit:
-anniversary service.
MrS; W. R. Millerf of Toronto, '.spenk
few days recently atethehorne Of ter:
brother, A. Courtice. •
r. re. an ena
• - , • •
• A. patriotic concert Will be held- in the
Presbyterian Chem]: shed; at Whitc.
chtirch, on the evening of Friday, . Oct,
;22, for the benefit.4f the .Red gross 'So-
Ciety. A splendid pregrani is preparee,
and accomodatme for 600 people will be
Made as at a like entertainment jritir
age e'ic'r 400 were piwaeut Major. .1.
Tante, M.P.P., of Windsoi; and A.
Musgrove, M.L.A., Wing.htun, will de-
liver addresses. *- The than' will be OCIU•
pied by Mi. B.. D. Cameron, Lueleno
Entertaieing readings will be given by
Mr. Herb Jobb and Miss Mitchell, of
IVA jeehieweeelqaeley_31e _W cii Halo t
-Vine-harm Tioruseiliy tareni
'Whitechurch 'and Community, will bi
features Of the Prograth. Wingliatt Or
ehestra and Mr &II McCallum, of
7th-atthere hat been-no-pnblic- iticonven-
• by the local board in 1014; and further.-
_ . we. stitattit. that three heensea. in • our,
toWn.w.ould;:be.sitffieient for the riceeeti-, •
Mociation of the' public e.tlarge."
• Two-neW.Iicensee were. appfied for 10
-W-140..tOtItO0o .,l'Tfllt9S-t..b-g0'xt-9:ir,jiA
..Pielterepe. • • * •
The :chairman Stated tharthe objectof
• , . --Monday, Oct 184:
Thos Kelly, of the .04th., Batt.,
Lendon, visited here last week. •
Heti, speet Sunclity.at the home of JOs,
• The wife and family of :Us. Madan' the board was restinettoivilisteadeof
thoved front Goderich last week end will tension, and. VAT ,strong'eases of peblic
reside, on Mergan Dalton's farm. on • the
th conceesion.
van, of Kenilworth, John O'Callaghan„
'W.hitechurch, and John Cleary, of
Welkin, motored to Kingsbridge on Sat-
urday evening and spent Sunday with
friends here.
Pi trick ]i nest O'Brien, who his been
in the employ Of Jos: P. Dalton for al.
most twoyears, enlisted feioverielis ser-
viee last week at the Goderich Recruit.
big Station..• Pat carries with him the
best wishes �f his many acquaintances
The following'death nPtite is taken
from copy of the Barrie Examiner to
hand this week:
klootrt-Suddenly, at the home of his
•sister, Mrs, Thos. 'Penny, Linden,
Michigan, on Friday, Oct. 8th, ,Co:tie
Scott, forinerly of Peet :031" Scotland,
and brother of . the late Alexander
Seetto Barrie4 in his Sid year
need would be required te be shown be-
fore new licenses were`grented, In ad:
dressint, the it.pelicants personally he
efitited tiviZied Ilion- to -Aitiderstari-
that lawbreakers will be driven out Of
the bilhiness altogether and good Then
'...Londay, Oct 18.
• MIA L. -McKay has returned home'
from Blyth. t •
• Miss Hattie Young spent the week .
end. in Goderieh. •' • • ,
M. MeLeoci mid M. Melte-ale were in
• Goderich On Thursday' ,
Mies Vale Carriele. of Goderich
-the, geestof McKay. ,
Atr. and Mrs. M. Bowler and family
Sandayed at the home of John Bowler,
Mrs. George Ferguson and family, of
°Modell are visiting at her former home
here. ,•
Lueknow, on the bagpipes, will supA,
instrUniental music. A navy drill, it
haver,. uniform,, 'concluded •by Captain
Carrick, will he given during 'the. even-
ing. The program will commenee at 8
o'clock, • Cow:mei 'bring your friends
with you.
-stouday, Oct. 13th.
• Auniterstry setviceq will be held in
Crewe Methodist Church Oct,. 241h,
services in the afternoon and
commencing If 230 id 7:00 pan. 1'
cial music by DtingennOn choir. A
will offering 'will ba el.ken. Be" • al
Iledley, �f Nile, will conduct both tanr.
POE. LE.=The.Admiaistrater Of th
Festal° of XI Ryan, late orm6 L .., •
ooderteit, to t•)ii coattly of•littroti, 11107-41ed
WO/Ran, deceased,otrerstor sale tato fo.io va- '
• lugfarm property: -The south IV acme of
at -10, .Com 12, West kVttwartoSt. • Th•)
• Ol'operty ift sitttated-S-1-2- ulnas front Luce.°
now and 1 14 miles front -St.
farm is all in grass and has boon pastate,-..
for•the post Seven years; • gdod wellwith
wit.dlit 11; lO stenos of MISh; situated 171 I%
lirsrelass farming eistrict: ,a good frank:.
° .•..'11OnStY•-•?0,:zei1.3-anctitr1ring--shea..-Thc fttroa
. • lots it good alay loam, and is in first 01•1-..
'condition for nti:cold fortnitit.. For forto...-r.
1./ntario. Adm ntstrator; flr to J. *tot.
ifstato tleAler,"Litelttlow: '
root, Kfl1ot.idt- Protrdfoot, Soircit;ors lur• •
Administrater. Goderloh. '20•34.-1-c at .1.1. • •
babe of Goderich; Spent. the •week end'
' at the homa of Thoinae Cole.
Mrs Young, of 1.:ondon, has returned
home aftera pleitsaet visit tv'ith her
',brother, John Italstest.1;:and-sistdr, Mrs,
Alf. Jervis..• .
• Harry -Corey, who iias returned
the West, purchased last week the
'Mat, fara on -the kaylielif "road,' et•el
• to the 2nd Con, of Stardeyebeidge, n-
sisting of.:76 Aoges, for_which ii . pticl
44,600. He gets posseusien atonce.
Rev. J.' E. jone'S hos returned from
Sarnia and took bhalgo ef his work on
the IleYfield.circutt yesterday after an
a senceof neatly tour weeKs,-OWITiT"-t-ty- ;.
the illness ti -ti Mrs. Jones, who. midertivent Itinlottgli and. Kinloqs
an operation for appendicitis in' Ss.roia •
Bo.A.11 k'cift 1:•ortg, t.t.
• 1,0114 41 via is, ten. 2, lieiliit/Sti.
• 21.1e.e. o. tirithein.
• ,
oultry anted
At I4ttvknow Station'
Wednesday, Oct., 27tlis
hospital ndis domg as *ell as can be
Fourth 'Wu. Kinlo.s$
Tuesday, Oct 2fv
• tht fonowinipriceg
-Monday, Oct. war paid
Mrs, Whitfield awl Ft'eddie who hive , .3F/ens , 8 cents
been visiting at James alcLeeks, rettre-
• ed to their Item in Toronto, •Clii4ens • g cents
Duncan and William Remick, Of Zora 13. tipkS 9 emits
• were visiting there aunt, Mrs,•• •
Bain, They came up by ankh
• Poultarrreast be starved lt?, hour Miss Dena McLeod,. of 'the has
(lore wheel for the remainder of tie • ,i
foie delivering.
'taken. rr -position' fts teacher in the PtIt
Mra. Dsoi4 tr..aint,ei and da'
ter, Minnie, of 0Iamis, visited at .7 iriws
MeLecid's, on the Gth. eta% one day last
week, 4•'
J. T,;Lyouso