HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-10-07, Page 7" • w r 4, • ' "I•• ,..774,,IFI.7.111471,n,11%/r1r7P..'71/,‘ Mgr •'• • a ^ ^ ^ 4 € HEROES OF THE Not? t„. ..COAST PATROL - , Tag, ft.,, • GALLANT WORK • IS SILENTLY IS .......,' •••••• Pi..- tc-----` - _ ...--'.°''''' s'n***ir .i., ---•'----'4t' • 4,0#1.. 4;4 ..' .‘ .' ..F.,,,j2r.1•,:'''''s-' i.,,..n.-..** . 4 ' ° + 40t4 4, ACCOMPLISHED. .,- . - • - • - 1 ,•• „ Iterniteitee Of a Good Home,Se. fin, I tWan, Yone with ingennitY g4n Th The Safety of tiritislv:Shorea in a - Thea first requisites of a aoga diver noiehlY **chair ordinarY damages to:. Largegwasure• ocpeas upon ' are a 4001 .head and 4 Watchful; eYee Ole barness er 'carriage. day. But the latter tare Urn no ill - with ?catty fingta's And the Mild; un- Homes, -whentraveling, 6110414 liaVe, . a i, There, derstanding of the needs and require- water given to :them frequently in . Vents of his horse. Ire must 'also be reasonable -enentitieS--4VVell drive ready to detect allY object by. .. the; slewly for awhile after watering your. . roadside, which would he -.1ilielY„ to horse,- no injurious, results will fol- .. annOY.the florae and grasp at a glenee low, end theY May be refreshed by -a; • ed 'to the presence of his friend, the commander. of the boat. The young ' ,fellow* stood between, two of the crew at a table_ at,v_vhich the commander • • waff QAAted in WO cabin. NEWS BY MAIL FROIV IRELANIr3 BITS OF NEWS FROM THE "Yon have disobeyed orders;':' said GREE.,,N SHORE'S; • ., ,,, • • . MARITIME PROVINC. the commander, 4%1.41.1 have oent for . you to tell you that 1 shall land 704 4194**... , .. 4.0.141,14 ttamorrow at- ".""":".'n. \Otero we aro . 1 , bound for, and that .1 ,5hall not have. HalMeningo JR the 131001414: Isle �t IteMe of Intere t VAMP% Vlacs* :you on board this beat again. Interest to MI True Irish. ; , LappedlIy Waive. Of tbe • ' ' The !‘commander" kept his word, and diseharged. his friend the next ' " - ° gign* ' , Atientic• ' Sir Hiram $haw Wickinson, Bt.,: ' . Vrederictou baa,altlattly recruiting will; lie recognized the feet that he i: Ban been iappointed• a Deputy.Lie,u- meetings. in the open, air. A,t4 t 1"4"1 IA . It grua ri.i ,11:,, i iA tenant „of -the eminty of Londondernr,. Pocket peddling a liquor is wseirsunff. 4"4" ou A v!''''''eP"41 We' I. tieute•Colonla C. 1. .HUrl4ni.-Iteyal Tient on Sundaysin :St, Xolm• , 1MVO 'entailed' severer plinishment. 'wile PlYimg Corps, MI - Irish °Meer, bas About 700 faildlies in St. John are - young fellow is now .eerving his coun- ,_ had the honor of being received by "assistetlf_froin the Patriotic Pond. trYt."t at atil Put 414 4",i,17cfaclq't 14.' the% Kinx, who iovested him with the , Beee 'Mnfeaten ' VTAS: -eleetreented -regrent in -,wh!ett be e!1 c - Insignia td A CAPWAXiiett Qf the Dia,. :while at work at 'the Halifax termin^, a er s _ unnissa rom4g e :ea r e .‘" , e thiguished Sinwiee Orderi *eVvi.e.g* . .,' .• " ' The hrkarehielleSA -of tiraterfOrd - The Nei.* Scotia 'steel' Plant at ------'-'"--••• ;Presided. at 4 large meeting held in 'Trenton, 0. /3.4 is•Working night and BTON COATS FASHIONABLE... Kilkenny Court House for. tile pur• day, • . . • pose of •establishinfr, a branch depot The war tax. bas cost Vie St. JOUR In appearance, the Eton. Jacket is , la .1filkenny for making :bandages, branch of the Petrie F nd 840 i. to . -„the suit v‘vhat the belero is te the etc.. for ase Inver hoenitaleo niontli, • ' summer frock -zit :therefore has a It has been Announced. in Dublin A baby was born te a'VrederietiM rightful place among the up4e..datO that by inatructionSvf Majer,t0eueT,41 vioinan. in an auto on the street # . . . , - • . : Friend,. 'commanding the forces in , night. . . . . '' * - .Ireland, the .pelice have served New Glasgew,. N. S., 'With a popu- ,-, 3; I! *Ake On, far• Ernest 'Blythe, Ur, Talon of 12;000 had Inzt five deaths 4 . 14 44k.i a.t4iNtri4e117";91170.4qUr;73Ptrng'. (.157;. '44 l'It gitiOr hos.. sii.pplieil 0.12 . recraits Front Erin's een isie Front the Ocean Shore • , . A feW.Weeka-after the outbreak ot the, war a. middle-aged, vireather•-beat. en looking man, with a pair of very 'clear bine WO, and elect h rather the eharaeter of 'the road • that lies few nieuthfnla of gram, hay or, grass. rotith attire, preaented himself at the ahead ' ' , Should- you ellen:Coto, stop where, there I Admiralty and -abheil- tor see -the oi . • No quivig_tetapero,i,94„vow94 man is a. strong breeze blowing, PlIt a cial who was in control of the Patrol eon expect to have A (Nieto, obedient Eghtblanket on your orsei even it office, says London Answers. horse; and the% undue haste of tteA%..tne weather is. warm. , 'Casual callers cid not readily gain • clutch -tempered driver todetrect what 00 not, at auS' part of a long trip interviews with busy offieia s at Gov-, • seemsto him MithebaViOrp Is ono of Yield to the temptation of racinq withiernment offices'in war time, but there • '•the reasene "WIW so in horses •ara. Peening iiehieles, for the quicliemug ofI was sclnethint about this, partjcular • dangerous t� Mach Of .thiS 4 /rraa'S #04117 road Pe. to A racing galler--sinnithing thht.stiggested his gait heats hire unnecessarily, . end tibuee, however, to which the • horse if •:is Subjected,. arises Morefrein•sheet One, frequently is very fatiguing." ignorance and c-ereleSsnees than fronii Remember always that your mood Wanton' cruelty. • , teP,Mmerucates itself to your horse, Be • '' . Bolero starting on it Icing drive you gentle, cheerful and patient your ' h , Mmanner.t0Ward him and ailalliv° him to igilexible resolution to see the offieial he had asked for and discuss "real businesen-that gained him admission with but little delay to the Town Of the: (Afield:he Wanted to see; • , , . "What do ',. you avant?" •asked the ., . •examine tfle horse,' b , .. derive 'as,,,inuch. comfort as possible, Official, an old naval officer. ,, . : • , ail& the. vehicle -the hit-40Pa be 99 ' from the drive as "you yolarsolf ' el. cfr ani e ya'clifstia1;17 Was the renlY; •, ' easy ,a :a "e as P°Ssibl'ath,A,011.1flaftlen$1,13ar't . ' f ' ...•, • ‘I've a. ate!UP yacht, ,500-toriper, twent; must .be corilf0rtabb? '44' ' fittin.. I 714- 0. `Ara' da'Sii'f' ar!laer&arfi. bOghtiling to. ty-five, knots. I hOld'a master's ,.. r ,ccr-. • •• . ` Ds not use a :check rein if the rk,ad Is. awAlcen: to the fict .that it takes tificate, and I lia'Ve a Crew that will , • • i . long and hilly,. hut should one ;be . , necessary then loosen the head' of the ;ff3trbii5 TRiltsefsstfethfletgei.ed. lelIc °IinIthe feli"j'a''•)%'ia6.117.itheleilingrith6e 1MqileniSWaat ' - 41.11. . e AP • A 4,111Q4 ,any Orne•liAuF • 18P i , . hone 'hefOro• aseencling •a. hill h . --"' w""ell 7 eah be Made to ilti something at -faint are talking to, if Yoii• Want nle.,'!'. ',•• .. -, , - • work is no Valid excuse for for Men. who whenever you 'stop, as it 'iii; natural for .•prefess'to have their own interests at a horse to lower his head ,vihon --ile heart to persist in breeding horses Makes an extra exertieni.and also ,t9 them - droop it when he is resting: that nehedY Wants' net even theln- 1 • : selves, ' • A IkOrSe Should not 01)1Y be allowed '''111. the fields a hig team mahea haste • Sentinels of the Sea. • Ralf an hour litter, the yacht be- longingto this weather-beaten; rough- . 1Y -clad volunteer was, entered. on the register of boats on Petrel service, to walk slowly along. Steep and muddy by the Width of the f4row or swath and -its owner, a' millionaire - Yachts-, ,, parts of road,- but. also -oecasieri-, herctit • •-• " man, left ' the Admiralty a vaPtani - -- . E ., ,.. ally on level ground; the change . There is -pleasure and inspiration in (unpaid) of a patrol boat in His Ma - from one set of muscles to another ' the business of breeding I • rests him. When your Wipe begins high class horses. - and handling 'ies„„tY:s 1;ravY• This IS but ' one ;instance •out of • • damage is estimated at aver 8250,000. Bear in mind in,breeding horses that many that might be quoted of how the 'Second Lieutenant Bernard .Con- • to feel fatigued he will strike one of ' his hoofs against the ankle opposite, • it is just 'as ,essential to breed good Admiralty found ships arid men for vey, of Dublin, attached 2nd Bette- . often bruising and cutting it. , feet on to them as to get weight and their_ patrol service, which , has per - As it is generally one of the hind blood in them. • The pure-bred' formed such splendid work 'round our• hitt kRi I loeYdalin Dublinactionin. Fusiliers,Flanders. 11114es in : •••• marc is loyeetrdentw,t-he-,arattli _farm, coasts -work full ofriskand hazard ' - vms the ion of a former Chief Clerk er, and .if he will allow her to share -since 'September last. to the IVIAryborough District Asylum. the work of the place She Will do near- ' • The patrol boats may. be described For stating that he had Met ' and -1Y- AS -ninth -work as a -gelding; -and as . ,,,,, Naval .;rney are con.- , drank with the Commander 'and -crew raise a geed colt besides. ' stantly watching the seas round . our• of a German Submarine • at Water - A well-bred mare to a stallion ' of coasts, and it • is no exaggeration to : ville, a ••man mined Michael. Farrell the best type will bring a -gait worth .8aY that on their vigilaneethe safety - No. '9993., ' : ' " 'war sentenced -to .one month's hard ' as much at 'Weaning -time as a grade of our shores in a large measure de*. labor at Berehaven, under- the - De- e°1t. would' bring at maturity, some. pends. .The, Nitro' boats_ are not style 'feature& ' The illuitration here-. fence of the Realm Aet.' tithes a lot mere.. , • ...... _ ._ . ,.: -, fighting ships; a shell from the small- with, Pattern No: 9093; is • a smart iit-iv-aiihir, 'afield 'Would ' 'Serb:hid "trick for ladies with two Pessibilitiek- . It Cr -4W-1"4 MCQUI1Ciugh'-' 4.'1"" Y Lord Mayor of •Belfast, has received • ,.'leave Ireland lininhdiatel3r. .-• *, , to the. army. out of ,;2,200: from Pape' litti$1 u.' ".. ' a, Man named George: Robinson, whe • Halifax. • .•,. •' • .•,',..- . - -..'" ':S11,4015.r efterwardS. ,, ",,' ^I'' !•. :. ' - r, castle; is deed; she...lived SG Year4 #1 : ,; , was • so seriously inja?ecl that be died Mrs. japes Ruesell of. Lower New-, .: 'Factory,. Belfast, .it Anocked 'ficrqn..1,pelities„ has decided' to :nteet next in 7 When, a fire 'engine Was going to Breton." ' ••, . • - - '' . an oethreek of fire at ,Bleomfield The Union .of Nova Scetia Muhini- jitkirr- 14.4 , _. • ' in A. 0, 13..0Zi. 0 of the late Mr. Samuel Scotia 'mire. enlisted in the Canadian The death. is retiorted at Dhrtierai Miranliehi• '. ,. ;.' ', ' ,' ' :".' - ,Natal, of Mr.- Samuel. Joseph:Gould. About 1,X0 coal miners of Nova. Goulding, of Dublin. ' Mr; Goulding, war forces. .• ' ' - . Jun., rendered invaluable service to The store of 'Hurlbut Bros., • Hart - the. local Defence Rifle Association. feed,. N.S., was destroyed by fire and A disastrous fire' occurred in Bel- the house adjoining, . - fast, resulting in the destriction of Fire did $10,000 dainage te Hillcrest "the' Defferin'Doek shed, Mee 69,1,199 Apartments at Halifax; -burning' out : bags of .flour, the gift from Canada, five families. and a large quantity , of hay. ' The F. L. Potts, of St. John, is the new d d f president of the Union 9 New Brunswick rnuincipalities. Net il Brunswick, eccording to popu- lation, has contributed '40, cents a head to the Patriotic Fund. • Another party of Scottish 'settlers is on the iirfiy to Fredericton to take up land in New Brunswick. Ash_ ed, ,foaming- with fury, and the ,cat •Igonish- and Victaria - County In that supreme bolted, blindly spitting, and, instihc- ers have been shipping swordfish to thiely, to the men. Baden at 4% cents a pound. moment that beast, Which had. been. • "Variclids did much damage to :the old -Government 'House at Frederic- ton; it was wanton mischief. The I.Q.F. in St. John and 'Fait= vine' will give a field Within to the 26th New Brunswick Battalion. Lumbering on the St. Join River Ankles, an aid& bOot should be , during a long drive, even if it is un- : neeesSary on other ticeisions. _ _ _ -4--..--TAteo•-•-other-indispensable articles on - a long drive are a wooden scraper for removing foain and a hoof -pick Or '• dislodging stones For one who is Often on the road it is also. useful to • have a few pima of rope and some - his *Is - ACROSS ME BORDER ' York for' inore of bis Ane flavored -.The-Washington-Mintebwing-toele..- - .. • • mand for &Mall coins, has bought as Ter Much silver in August as usual : for ' ;WHAT; IS GOING ON OVER one whole year. ' • THE STATES. . •found -that among the officers and ' .:The Holy Juin-pars a religiouP aol., men who -served on the .patrol_boats; oziy of Zerapath, N.J.,'.were arrested were many deserving Of the highest " • ' ""--- • • • for noisy services on the stieets of honors of war. - • • Latest Happenings in Big Republic' Plainfield. Many a the beats are captained by Howard Davis, of Philadelphia, their 'oveners, who pet their yaehts, , Condensed for Busy / went to jail for tvio Menthe for auto theinselves, and their crews at the is - Readers. • speeding, right after coming' off jury • .1 . • duty at the same court • • Caner Island Sea,son lust:closed was . South Pasadena, Cal,,, will 'coMpel• the poorest in many years. • _Chicken keepers •to lower the roof '•:if • _"‘ The tewn_ of Wis er Mies. with their pens •sulhat-T-roosters- cannot - • .800 citizens, was moved 12 miles raise their heads to crow. . - away:: • -- - - - ' Samuet-Sattigo, Chicago barber, James J, Hill has given 850,0,00 to. thiredng_the men. were .berearer the Eugene Bible University of Orel Would net let them in- his store till damage, !fit did not ink, the largest It may be either made as illustrated,* a communication /rein the Minister of them. But many of them are •tre- or with short sleeves, with or without of ' Munitions stating that arrange- mendously. fast; they are handled by the applied trimming -bands, belt and ments have :been ,nuide vvith . the men--as-daring7as-they4t' re-eapabl panel-,-iu--.7back.-41*-Eton„..Apatlia. Board _of ,Trade for.,colitiming navigators, and when theldstory of attractively finished by a turn -over work of enrollieg war mimitiort vol - the War' comes to be written it will be Collar. The threa-piece. Skirt raY be unteeis % • ' -' • • • Made with or without the hip yoke.. e* . CPattern nuts_in sizes 34 to 48 it.rches - TIPS :TO BACHELORS. . bust measure, requiring in. 'size 36 5% yards • 86 -inch material. ' English Professor Gives Advice to Six Patterns, 15 cents each, can be Hundred Students • obtained at your local Ladies' Herne H°m•e Six hundred bachelors, Paine young jOaenal dealer, or from the 'pose' of the Admiralty. Other bots Pattern' Company; 183-A George St., are captained by retired admirals, Toronto, Ontario... , '. Warden Osborne, of Sing Sing, says 'officers Of that jail. do -not-now' carry guns. " Al Mikelster, Omaha, Neb.., wetted - , the police to arrest his -,w;ife for not supporting 'hint. - --Thri-Public-Library-of Pessaie; „ . has barred "The Fatherland," a pro. . German weekly. • , Wm. Davis, artist, noted restorer, • died in his New York stildio With- his • bru-sh in his hand: . • , • - CapeCod- cranberry -groWets are . getting a dollar a barrel more for, -the . fruit than last ,rear. • Frank Mosby, New, Jersey- game warden, was fined at Bristol, Pa., for , shooting without a lit'en'se. • Louis- Abrahams, Indian, was fined. $$f tski18entmonr - • -box at Clikfit4 Chefelv- ' and seine, pretty , old, spent- their luncheon helm the other day receiving captains too old for service in the • .' • ____,e4 " "fatherly" advice trent Prot Winfield Fleet, or by retired master mariners- ' . . S. Hall, of North-Western ,UniVersIty or-mapters:in--the-Merehant-Service. SLOW GRATITUDE . • •• . ___ Medical- Selioel,;'-England, oirweitOrtS- face danger and' cleith'in defence of , : "bob Forty 'Yeats to Erect a . el onie ieg. a , Wife.". - , . All are splendid seamen; as ready to ""I don't see. any bald heads in the king -and" country as any -offiter or ment te Wellington. . audience " aild•Dr. Hall; Ps9 I take it man in the Grand:Fleet. •• : , How,slow we are as a, nation u eaY you. •are all. good eandi- .Going to get her mail and Wearing m the case of Wellingtou, the centen. for granted flames came through the floor. Chased -by Enemy Ships, !lig our' debts Of gratitude is shoivn dates for marriage. By that I mean you, haVe, soii.ind health, are morally a big sunbonnet which dtilled her ..- -There are now hundreds of boats in ary of *hose final feat, the overthrow dean, and can support 'a wife. if- you hearing, Mrs. John. Heard, 70, Ceder the patrol Servide, and ten months of of Nanoleon, lias -so lately, been quiet. Falls, Iowa, leas killed by an auto. • A, sum of £80,000 was . constant work at sea have produced 'a 1-Y rtstieed, Can Win one. A "moonshine" stin ,vvtis, found orz voted for tb.e. feneral expenses of the fleet the efficiency and usefulness Of "Imegine the giels "of yin* aequain- the estate of, Senator Hoke S *th, Iron Duke, of Which .a60.00o was tancesidp lined up .before Yon. , Out•of which will probably never be nreperly Itertr-rictiai-ita, -vire -Aignettlie fir* -known_or_tmderstood exiept-by-thos -nidt4__ _to *so". • otnforiol in .st_._ the _pessible .six.,,,to twenty, girls soh. spent With the ,remainder it was tion law while Governor of Georgia. fence of oar hiland. . ' • '• Peaurs -Cathedral, says London Alt-' , you choose ? : who are in control :of the naval. de- aii-to'Cliiiiise-ii-iiffet ---whi-4 one will . There are patrol. mon who have been two-thirds of this sem 'went in the- "Four things must be donsidered-L- slivers. " 44 , '-• •THE-y:ISDOM, OF SENAT-OR. - '-- vhased by enemy • shin* who -have en,- sii.yearii pursuit -of -a sculptor.- -Alfre her -health, her ..hereditary_ qualities; Rare Intelligence of a hielelind- coentered imiiiinenV risk .-of7clestitie tevene-was-at_iast founk_bittantaii, floe from ,rninesoehe have iiefip4 at., di forty years pad elapsed was the M R,ejoined , ' One of the .most ,strihing featurea in man,y ruined parts of ,Flanders ti the number 44 wild oat5,andilog54.un- _ nine about in the woodel. t•-•-• gash to the rigidity of InO.rble. crouched, ,belly flat, wicked ears .teyheogro4nnaribingetizteettettlYxe;llowit,. winaariligun;nta :reesttsyedodigobwtn., lips curled back to tbow - Ton would never have believed that rar before That beast had been * ' doniestic pet cat with a blue ribbon . , • round its- neck iookettandwas a Wild thing Of tbo womb:, - Wan 1:11te seopUne: 9otf..ealsdho'd fo'e-taUf- that' had frozen it, and, 'the mit in- stant .sent .sliding elund •• whence, it-acir he, rather--gl.ared fxom. between a entiother of weeds at the ' Man, Whea Starobled, Orsed• ' Course along, driPping blood by PIO. way; ' ' •I dog, as . wild AA 'the, at, filiet, snarling, treat some foul thing it had ' been at husinesa with across. the roach. . and the oat strealted'ta the Wall. But Niaa-7too: late. The deg launched' at hira with almost roar,„ .00 Starving, that dog, . • " It was a Matter of ten yards. for the cat, ofmanYniere for the deg, lint, she, " 'fairly ate up the distance; When'tilie .1-••• : • cat jiiniped he could feel the breath from fdaVerin ' month, on back. ,FoIlow.ed a wil and, furious. 'scrap- ing„ a little cloud of dust, and down came. that cat again, rigbt On to the foe,. For. once he had misSeci • Ws, • jump, .and there was, no, tizne for nPossibly 7that cat :toiiched• ',the ground, but he rebounded again, liken- ‘. • - great rubber "ban,. all hair sticking out, and even ,a,S the dog's jaws shut-. soap! -1. --on the place where he should . have been, he landed. upon the do'a: , The beast stopped dead in the mid* die of. Oil) village Area, frozen in a • : Seeking Unman Md.. - • _ Hiaride on that. strange "steed Was brief and: grisly, liecatte the dog . wild in a blackened, stricken land for, , , • twelve months, weal° the.nian;' rt was,A clise?stiOe., and nothingou - oarth oould have -saved imS0.-iexcept •:, • one thing -and it came. True to hair, the heavy, nailed boot of the t man landed Just abaft the camne s : shows about. the results of last Year; Icier tiropping_the_brute,aS'ii_she , ..-idjout-56,000;000 seperfitialleet--:--,---- had been iiare.axe4.4 clean kick over _ J. of ,Redbfinic N.B.,- Shot A young man for stealing beer from the 'heart:, And in;the'aame instant the cat leapt for the man's .baelc• and . his shop; the victim will recover. . tlie • man ;laughed. ' • - - Austen' Kane, Dartmouth's -hockey The laugh-eel:toed hollowly 'he the player,. reported killed in France, is shell -Pitted, deserted street. Then in training.as an aviator in "England. the raan's hand • slid up to the cat - For allowing a 'drunken man in his Stroking and- he purred. - wm....0.1.1feefe, St-johni-vas-fined Yar_Y: almost $.sail3ozi:and .threatening a policeman, from less of blood- and from starve- ust gale when 31A incites. of rain fell -in hours with a, 40 -mile -an -hour •• ' • • ihoug-htfuliy, the: roan slid , te, the' ground•and Was : bad fainted . • . • Halifax. was surprised at its .'Aug7" It Was VerY '/U desOlita • * 'Street. ,Thi moon threw% fl111f 1a5.. -NEWS Fiaord.ENGLAND iias. Of the •houtes atliweet :the . ' White Pointer. tack from submarines and aircraft. Escaping' from such dangers, these , Senator was a .magnificent black- sentinels of the peas are daily per - and -white pointer, whose great intel- forming work as useful and as imbar-. ligenee and long years Of service had Mitt and as essential to our safety as greatly endeared him to his Triaster- , is the work of the, outposts at the , Clive Is regarded as the conqueror who _LvaS in officer AnAbe airipey-and Fh-ont-to-the-Safety-ef---the-.Brital;--of-Inclia,-the-Immder._ef•Rritish,:d vzalit....fifteetwenty :miles, iipsi_re- ' Arzny. in France, .,,' I, ' - . .; . ion_there That 18 lie-gaNte-ludiu-tu turn without fatigue, andwith....Darne leapvi-e •boats, to carry despatches to and from ' the British Eninire. Yet it was ' only .Natuters tirfeeieSi" rouge Upon -•liet l' * * Ift-the-M-anehesteriETInity-ef--the• ave- new- joined. •t e army -an . _-,j ' If - h - - d his Mgt -tea:- TheY had it; ChB ren - and lavished their t . grea affeetion en Several of the fastest patrol boats have been ''•einnlOsred . as • deSpatch monument erected. - • However, to .balance tins,- it may be said that the Schilles monument, sub - 'scribed as a memorial to Wellington by, the women ef Britain, ,was taised thirty years before hi's death. • inane a little inky; blot Of a' single gigantic rat, his wicked Hale eyes . . . NEWS BY MAIL *A130IJT JOHN lampshade, squatting, -hunched, in the • shining like giralet-holes in A green • ' - BULL AND HIS, PEOPLL. 'middle of the road. , . • • , Sayed by the Cat. :, • These things the man saw as be re- . -Ocerirrenees_in4he_Lana-Tjiat-Reigap- gained-conscieusness,...and.....he,„.could„. , hear other rate in the inky peels' of ' Supreme in the Calmer-, • World.: • houses gaped. *- He shuddered, and' • , Week where the open doors of the. wondered dimly heir Ring it Mould be' • before-theiget-hine, _And_ then, suddenly, _as if...A., hand had ecnne down And wiped •them, Out, they Were gone -utterly! „ The min. lifted his head,,listening;* ' and lathe silence that -followed he`dis- ' • tinetly heard a deep and comforting purring at his elbow. Very slowly he ' --s-tdr-44thelred,aerYnd:.-esitallS'd3r-r-ted*P-31Hte°21tilitad ta4laannebel ' feathers as' well As furl It was the cat, come back, and with a dead fowl , between his jaws. . And -that is 'how -a "missing" got' strength to regain .his regirosa, and if ever in your career you ccene across a regiment with a tabbrand-,.. "white,-cat-Las-Lits---ma.scot; just -bow down to that eat'and respect it.. .Next to their colorarhe is their Most holy 7' possession.: -London Answers. - s•-' LITTLE ,GIRL WORKERS: . • •-. -• !•• • • :- -he,r-education, and -her age., Exclude Over 4.00,000, enibesofihe from „the ranks the ,girl of poor Ancient Order•,.of Foresters. are..,n6w health. It's a calamity fer.'a nian to I serving withthe colors. . • ‘_ • A new ambulance train lei been •-eompleted bY the London and North- western Railway Co. _for use ii France. , ' • • It is, stated that over 100,000 Menv- marry stich a girl. <.poine a you may say the :Oki might et•well. Lei her getbetter before You marry her., '• -"Let her -go into the woods fpr a year. ,or and develop the abilitY to A girl baby was born without eyes, him. Being full of years, and a great- , but strong and healthy, at ,Hickman, ly privileged character, Senator had ... • • • Ky., to Mrs. Charles Brown. pre-emptedA rug before the grate our warships- and to different naval --Stricken ill inja 'barn, George Mil- -fire as his sleeping glace and always ,, ...„ '. Work ..,. . .. , .let, of Peoria; Ill., died of being bitten- in the evening he was to be seen tak- awes. -.Ems .is ,artei -the very heart of the men mthe petrol service by rats as lie lay helpless.. .• ing his ease in that place.. , • Sneed is the essential qualification Old servants, armed, still guard • the Qne evening there was a card party „ . grilielate-IVlis. John-A-Rocke- - --,- of a boat employed on-4hiez'service . at the house and one or 11 -6 ---tables • • and a high courage; great daring, and happened to 6placedS . feller in Lake View Cemetery. over enator's fine seauranship,the qualifications "ot . In a raick ort a b_aPerzient at New , resting pines. - Senator did eot like :- , its commander. There may be, say, - York, twenty-nine men were found at that, and-after_trying several _places t one hundred miles of ' beeitd to tra- praYers, hiding racing charts . none'of•which ' • d h' I just suite im, he be - verse between the point from which A pair of rubber -soled shoes saved - -, the- life-7-rof -Chide -McInnes, who, was "- „ . situ& by 'lightning at Sullivari, Ind: Buffalo police are goirig to cleat% up - the.ylow_ drinking resorts ..fremented_ and it was evident that he was very by youths and young girls. unhappy He wandered round discon- ri in over a root i a Philadel- ' ' • • elately,-qaito enset-beeau • •• •• • • • • • phia park, E. IL Ridgeway struck a _ tree, fractured his .skiill and died., , While John P. • Joyce Wag- being buried at Trenton, N.,1„ his brother • ' Maitin, beat the widow at the grave , gan to yawn and stretch, and coming despete., h bnet-etarts • arid_ the_ship, wat, tirlyeietnutheall-itireencerginil to the ebstracting table; -tried-to push t.h it 'out of the way. He Was of course it is t41 deliver OS depatehes te. .• The-orie bettee,en the Abbey -and *eit- renroved by the lady of- the house, Driving Ahead in Darkness minster Makes reparation some - .'„rhe time 1...tatooy, be_ g• jowl cover.land - what, for it le, one of thalieit in. that hundred' miles7-the distance may nger-or-short ,bilt four hours. From the start it . _ is a case of driving ahead at s' full , sneed, possibbr in pitch darkeese and The North Sea Will' Be Richer Fishing the other day that the °illy monument cheeks. Then You may marry her, she is of good ,health. • - • Tretirereent, through toill-health, him was . unveiled. It stands! in a knowing h'e green mince in Whitehall. • .. "Don't -marry a girL Just • because' after 27 years' service; is announced It WAS Only a . fele years ago tnat she has a pretty figure and large 'us.: , censtabulary. ', . ' - . •' or inspector 'Miley of -I -the Surrey trolls eyes, and is a beautiful dancer, a at twenty she has only the mind, at, The firstbaleof the neiv eaten irl twelve years old. • ' - crop_Was reeently told for $1,050, A .. .Among the Other suggestions, he record. ' The money went to the Red • But a couple of centuries is a long gave to the man considering choosing Cross Society. .. . • -"-- a mita-were: - ' .... - : Miss Edith Garredof Upton :Farm; time'to wait for a monument•-.--•-• :London a seore of Years p.m 'was __D P • it' : liej • . Clelcham Sarre : Inis- heen_ lected 'Bedford a.woke to tbe'..fact that it 'Can.-. tained ineniorial t� the Immettal 'igniter, • John, Bunyan Certainly, the.:_ppople_ weke 4)"'t erected a fine statne. • •-• 'entirelY Indifferent to the terrible fact eat- mairr e less.- You may r • - . - -e become! unhappy -With her and her 'without opposition to the rural diS- that no statue" of the Great Protector .• trict council • ' • -Meet: Marry ' virheM .„-- the „Moline. 'writer there are traces Of insanity or feeble. Of sensational and mystery novels„bas not get back to his favorite resting plaee. • ' All at ante he made up his mind; he ran over•to a.divari on whieh the offi- cert had thrown their caps; he seized eine in his mouth, came over to the boats is as strict as it is on a battle - Thos.. Fortune 'Ryan will fight the offker sitting • tear est the fireplace; ship thoughlts officers and 'crew may' Ground Than Ever. with all lighte ,out The discipline on beatd *the pattol The great war 'Will increase the snit - ply of fish in the North Sea. In re- cent years the ileereased each thn s cit. g es o the ho bardreent YT 1_,I by German collect -82,486,60. -back- taxes nii--tfs estate, Mr&- Franklin) Pa., died Cif blood -poisoning after be - peal wakLbeeded,areLthat Senator a it was re,gistered as a patrol boat its ing 'Mate on the cheek by a mosquito. Dr. 0.-W7Slins, candidate' for city once got hie rime. I Explicit.. Lawyer (to timed young woman)- -and, shoired-the-,caii,into,,the,officer-'s • posaibly-xtinsist- of- ti-Idotii3n,,,Itheockl,•:0 lap; *Rh Much as to say, so who ',are working it"themselves. "Please --go, I am past NT., sleepy `A.,stery was ;told to the writer*se-f. lime° ', • , . • ceritly of a patrol boat which kefore It is unnecessary to add that his ap- the war was a private yacht. . When —• ---comMiesioner Sirn-A-ntotio777Tem ii ; sucded after losing the election and 4 • '$20,000. • . • , John, Morrow, of Lansford; Pit.; powder _ mill worker, died of heart Have you ever appeared as witness in induced by fear of' explosion. a suit before? ' . , Young Woman (blushing)-Y7yes, Politer Mayor Milton pleaded t ' guilty to enabezzeling 06,0ao of the err, a clDilrse‘ ,.,. • ' ^:, Lawyer -Please statte to, the jury . - fands.Of tConn hetSaVings Bank at Ansonia) , . just what Suit it' Was. 1 • with . more :cell:. A chipmunk on a pole grounded the ' Volleg Weeldh fidence)-It was it min's veiling, shir- .• current and shut off all the lights of red down the front and trinuned ‘;,i.iiith Hezelton, 13loomsburg And „13erveick, pa, - • • 'a loVely blue,' and hat to inatc114-•- Mary Carroll, ca,Judge (rapping vielently).-Order • Mrs. retakeroa , f . 'Therripkinsville, S.I.,school, beat up, a In the court! . ' peor4Jdx..robber and heldhim until' * the police 'dente. - • : ,.-: .1 Willie -Spoke. , • : ‘ . Becatise his Soh died after being Sister --"Come, „. Willie and . take "hazed" at,Purdue University, Ind., A. your powder like a litti; man. You ". 1,J 'Obeitelaain is suing the institution never 'hear ine make any bentplaint for $25,000. '. ° about a, trifle like that." Willie...-. ,.., mom whilst he undressed. • • . tree? Iteollard, fernier, near Gal. 'Neither would I if / could daub it Oh .tir gdWardCarS011 On'eti referred iii loping Hill, N.J., . fed take te his znY file° like yott do. It' S swallowing " .2 tilsinissedt , • Parliament to "the •geritienialt I see ' hogo and got a demand front New the stuff that:1 dint't like." . . ' TWo Minutes litter he wit) ShinthOil- O n' ma " .... •,, . 1 0 . . . . • . • , • , ', ' . t • • mindedhess: ' : . - -Look zip the health record of her parents and. grandparents% , • nerred alcoludic. .• _When he -came to the part of has - lecture referring to,the ages for mar- riage 'he turned, to the blackboard, vvrote some figur_es„ and....said.:_ • "A.ecording 'to the beat sciehtific died at his home at Hayvvarci's Heath, aged fifty-eight, . • , The extensive cabinet-making works f -Waring-and-Giliew -at-Liverpool have been totally destroyed by fire. • •The death is announced of Mr. George Lambert; who front 18,71 to 1885 was -the professional tenriii champion of the world. • " • 13eeoraing insane through the bem- a e. fi n fisltine-g-ititutds--e orthwesterri-Eti- 77 - • rep baused ueli concern. The s OW tne reiativuldader at VIII& WiehTbEttresliiirsTBRralr latie-Thompseit- has diedin a turiiitie asylum, - - great number of nshing vessel's and. -and women-slif" iliatrY;" the ,aildespread of the Steam is tile table 'es: he Aarote it Surrey and the..phlins .auti fauno. 477 thn. 1"t!an f 2ar marry eg tnentl: ome. on letiVe. from . the scales with 'potatoes. • " • •• ' • •• • '- trawler have so 'injured the fitherieS b t ni• 19e • Viapners Renbieln-g-YoUng Men ' - Shops and Offices. . • • Little girls of school age - in Len- " don, England; are now joining their -• ••••:. elder sisters in taking the places of , • yoking' nien and youths who -have teen.: • • . cloned business for : Foarteen and fifteen' arethe tender ; * ages of of seine of Ulnae girls.tvith short :, skirts and with "flapper" pigtaits " or -.- long ringlets. of quids. • ;.• - ' „ ameng the javenile workers. She -can • • be seen buSiliWeng up the riiiples „ e. Ween an years., front, -wag killed- by a motor bus The flapper. butcher has also-ar. ' t the fishermen have been compel- _ At-25,--ane-Jaetween 2t and -27, while_clelitgi at Herlesden„ N.W. . el:---She-takes--the-joints-eound-te owner heeling its, complander, and ledlo_go farther and -farther afield- to JAL3.4„:60_hetwee4.:_23..„.1441,2B,,,,IL: HarbeialLtkey_ell-kno•mihe,__,eu temer,sraud- can- weigh among the czew wete fair -or liii TriraTiea fibli-t-Malirizir At 55 most intimate friends. On of them, expanse of salt watov is. virtually -one between 23 and ;30. • eonsulting . been silet insul.0e thinning. Was a young: fellew who had -often closed to .peaciful parsuits, the fish 40 --one ,betiQeen 25 and 88; : aPpointed honorary adviser in has‘zrietal- • At, 45-otie lietWeen 25 and 35, • lurgy the Muni -tions Cenunittee. sailed with hen on pleasure trips, and Who "was:speoitilly keen about serving as -one of the erew.when the boat went into the patrol service. '• "Mincir said the owner to Min, 4,ture, tunny uranolested, arid so will. the .fire net goiiig on a pleasure trip: We mackerel Val be in its turn. Uti7, Shall .be war serviee, and there•will: doubtedly the ground fish, such as the plaice and the sole, will also profit through tho idleness -of the fishermen. 'Should' the war be long, so that 'the NOrth Sea' • is a prohibited. area ftit , two Or three eetieeii$ tilt 'fish will. doubtleSS he ' restored'to their usual: numbers-alitileed, some,people believe tliatat, the end d"the War the North Sea will be itif oven richer fishing grontid than it' ever WaSt Wore: have a eliance to multipIn inuliaturh- ed. That they are doing So is already evident. The herrieg run has been of' unprecedented size. It was left • vir- be as strict a discipline on the beat as if she were a•warship. I shall be glad. to take you on, but you will have to obey orders." And the young folio* .promised to do so. The first night at sea the order was given that there must hono lights --an order that ,was forgotten by the young fellow in ques- tion, )1Vtien he went teturn in at One clock for his four hours' sleep, he switched on the electric light in his I I • • • • • . 4 I. • • ,Convinced. •• _ _ • At 50 -one bowoon 40 and ," ' Bi•ooke Hiliniousb," Brooke, 'Isle of • - Mrs, uptown -I trest •that We shall. . At 80 -one between 45 and . Wight, hag been offered to the Cana - At 70 -L -one between 50 and 60. , dian, Government for a Red GroSS Taal by 'Brigadier -General Seely. ' Mr. John Cook Wilson, 'Professor of Legic theljniVersity of :Gifford since 1888°And Fellow Of New pollege,, Oxfordehas did, ' aged Maidstone lias deeided te• send a se4ond meter imbalance to the front. Tunbridge Wells: is the ,pidi ether town in 'tent:that has inade sin Tar gift. • . Mr.- Alm Stratford Dtigilate, recently celebrated his 80th birthday, During his judicial career he has tried 11,00.0 to 12.00Q prisoners, and •he took silk over h3 years agoi For 88 years' Ito has bee Retorder of Bit*. Ingham. , • . get along very elealy, - LW At 80 --one between 60 and 70. net at all ,difficelt to, suit, " Nora (the new maid)-.-No.-ma'am; No.•rzia'am;' . ‘,1yhen a Man gets to be 50 iivats it that'S what I thought,. the minute:I old,' he continued, "he should not ex - set eyes on themaster.• • pect to rear -family.. 1 Advise such a inan to marry a WidOw With several children. • • ' • , Up TheY Go., "When a Man Of 60 or nibre :Mar. "Mary had e. little lambs", ••• ries it is, only for the purpose of hay.. The poet long has Writ. . . - ing a nurse during hiS declining years, Now with the rising e0St of meat, . It is unfair for bins to'marry Allyone . „ She'd better hang on to it!, . ,, • , , younger than hfinself. He . should •,.. • •„,... marry a ,c141dless widow or tth old - , ' itoycott tierinan Goods •• - , . ' maid." . • . • • The entire Membership'of the House ...................4 • • . of Representatives Of the', Federal' Type -writing machines thitt print Parliament, the leglalative body . of ollables of two and three letters by the Commonwealth of Australia, liile' a single pressure of the key have been pledged itselenever again Lb Mira - •,, , put on the Market, ' ° " • chase Gerettut goodg. • • • „' ' , • • • • „ .. • , • , • , • * , •