HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-10-07, Page 1INYT,'477riemPITIMPAIMMIFIPPPII rr'srm-Ac ,.(i0 per year, in advance; SX.25. OtherwiSe , LUCIOIONtits, 'ONT. THILIRSI)AY, ocToann 7th,a. 1010, litoso11014Coupons for tho:Watolt and •.DipOond Ring Contest ,are .request-.. tO bringthem in not later than Oct, 2; taklailitLE -4..eweloe • ONT. • • " .4ost *eceive4-..,-Qur Pall Stock a Vine, Serge, Black Serge ilk*;4 Obeviot aad faneit irtgik• SOmething new. call and see them: TEMPLE CLARK '-fidereh`nnt Tsqloe. IlisoninesmonigeidimminnoismoneemmosI ge • A Christian' eellege,liTie, Forvicspectapandteries,wrkethe'Priadval 63 Oath Came Soddenly Death cap* very suddenly on Wed: nesday evening of last Week to Ur. John • Beeline, ' who for a Couple of months had been hostler At the Cam House:10 had been in his wool health throughout the day and shortly after eating. a hearty eiiPPer was Passing through the hallway -wherihe-was. seen to -fall and apparently expired instantly. . A sudden attack. of heart -failure is given as the cause. • ".Word was sent to his wife and iladgh.- - • •-tee'whe lived in -Toronto and arrange, merits were made to have, . the funeral • !here on Saturday morning, Mr. Garbutt Condncted a seryme et Mr. Day.- •- --isori$Jindertaking-tobm and interinent '% was triede in. 'Greenhill Cemetery. ---.--• difigliter, Mies Gertrude, and three tat: 1414.11. Shields, of Havelook,Ont. • Mrs. T. Julian, and mes. H. Chandler, . of Toronto were present. • • • Besides a widew,aiddatightet the de- teastilluts a sem who is in l3iitish Col. udibia. He evas about 60 years of age .- and was vifell -spoken of by t,hose who • had made his acquaintance.. He came to Lucknow In July, and was looking forward to entering business on his own. account •., 1 That alithespepw ially low Drug prices quoted in ‘110101111— Last.week's Sen- tinel in Our, Ad..",. —.still bald gocgt:at . A. M. SKEWS . wirde,serian L. "The Nyal Quhty Store" oultr ,AtLueltnowStation Wednesda ',October 13 Tu esd4y, OctoCer 12 ,The fbi1t4ing ,Prisz'es will be paid: Hens - ' 8 cents Chickens ' tO cents Ducks 4 - 86cents Poultry must .e starved 12 hours before delivety. Ci,tell this Market 'fa Hens aud ChiekenS. .JO4AL AND 00ERAL Mrs. ;Om. Irahhick• is 'NOit0u4. her dauAlIter in Wornute; Mr, and .4rit-, Bertram •.Sinith are ependirig the week at Tom.' Have your name entered in the Piano contest at ;011e0 and. get4(.090a titart. 11 3:7011:want a comfortable 'akin* euit of clothes, T. Clark can make it. .. W. A. Bradley, pf Teesvrater, wake, gUeSt at the Manse here early . the Week, ' .• Mrs.- Frank Tate And baby are spend- ing a ceuple'ettweeke with. her...Parents at Viesherterl. • Our finite stated out in a .crowd foe style. • eTinurtin CrealiK, 'Mdse. Tailor. Read the three important announcee' merits thia,•week in Mtirdoeh 40anteron Ode, Ad op last page. POMO* Miird901)Sd O and * mer McDonald were-hente•frenefeinclein ;Military Oamp osier -504y. • A Wiunher.# school rePortslianded in this, iyeek are held over until next viteett owingto etolmayklemand*ei our Space. ,13e slue and get voting couoeinie with • every purchase at The Rexall Store .• At the Lucknow Veir"Mr, K. Ceiner- . On Was stideessfni in winning 12' •first • and 2 second prizesout ,of 14 exhibits' o(appleri.. • The Indians of the Sou thanipton servatieni`a few of whom visited Look - now and vicinity selling b skets recently, have contributecl,$5,00, to the Patriotic fund. Votes in the Piano Contest should be turned in every Wednesday. . Mr, Wm mel zer1ifC on nea4ay afternoon for a business trip to Sesket- ebieevan, Before leaving he sold his auto ler rather his Ford) to Govier and Mc- K enzie, of Dungannon, who will :use it in their livery business. Miss Hayes, daughter of a famer stalePmit e now •cf London is ,„. 4 ..thoefetteet oC Alro: P contributed SogostiTtlie services •in the Ptesbyterian church here on Sunday and At the entertainnieet at Lanes church on Monday evening FattiOus war playin dratriTtie- recitah, "ThelVartene of Virginia!_by:_AissL_ M. Siegel, in the Tem' Halle Lucknow, on bet.„12ela under the auspices of the Patriotic League; ' Adinieelen .35e- Se cure a seat in advance, in person,. or by PhOOS, at Armstrong's Drug Store, , There ere over one hundred names en- tered ru tke-fikno. Contest. •Is your'e one? . • • - Notice . , . The Lucknow Agricultural Society asIrsethat allaccount.aagainsttheneciety, be handed to the Seey, Jos Agnew, be- fore &lurch*, Oct. 9th; also that all do- nations: lie paid. , • Preeinau-Squires • • The marriage took place at Merniog- ton; on Sept. 29th., of Eleanor Lavine Squires to Mr. James Freemen. Mies Squires was. engaged with Miss Woods here during the summer months. Fatal Creasing Accident • afspbeili • ,-of--town, received word last week of the•cleeth of• theirs:On-in-law; H. . McMahon, of Newdale, Men. In going over a railway crossing in his auto. Mr. McMahon was Otruck , by a train, and receive3 injuries -from-which hi died-short:1;y -aftee"-being taken to thebespital at Minnedosa. Anglia/Inf. . A meeting of 'both branches of the Lucknow Patriotic League is called for Tuesday evening, the tl 2th inst. at the Mose of the entertainment to be gieen by llifige-Sifger-ATilinpbetitnilifitter. • come before the Leagu.e at this meeting and- all who on are requested to attend. Further announcement will be made at the entertainment J. V, ANDERSON, 'PIMA. Important • ON TUESDAY OCTOBER 12.-. The Dorpri_e_w Om.. Tbrolit6 • Lid. Can- ada's foremost hair goods designers and manufacturers will display and demon- strate a. sample stock of ladies' quality hair-goodsand gentlemen's toupees and wigs, at the Cain House, Imeknow. A free demonstration of any style is offered to anyone interested • Remember the. date, ThesdkA,October • ' • ' %metes institide • • , 1HE', NRST FALL FAIR . . The 00th, annIverSarY Of tie- "PrOctia' atien imirnow Agrieultural Society naturally euggots the beginning. It appears that them were. :fait ahows, 10, the village before there was an -agrieul- turat,seciet$: • . " • . -1110 •firist "show". was bald, on the pres- ent AO of 'Murdoch & .Clameron Co's store, among the etumPs and other feat- ure Of.a keekvioods- :village. The ' hibits consisted of "A yolk of oxen,. g cows, 1. golf and 2 •pige.! • One informant, says that all get a prize, Mr.4Malcoltir CAMP - bell giving out of his own pocliet :$1.09 ton, Ur Webster 'Our had taken' in his cereo frinn.Aeldield. Such was the be- -ginning. ; . • The next twci, fairs,. or "shows" eit. the- seveut Nv.ta then termed were held on the- stieet between the Cali) lipUSB 'and tlie Murray Bleck and, we presunae,, .wero. ;improvements on the first. was. after the iedlding of' the third fhig.for.Which there waSionlY teripeee wry .organizatien, the prize.nioney, being; naval by- a:0116(3de') that the society . was organized 11360. W. Anderson was the first president.- Robert Graham, to whom we AP indebted for the above ;informatien, was • first . secretary, and Wm. Geddes,: now of liamilton,',#was treasurer, .• • - . OBITUARY • , • MAREV. ALTON Following a loin illness from an affec- tion of the neck, Miss Mahe' J. Alton, daughter of Mr: and, Mrs. Daniel Alton, 10th concession of Ashfield, passed away eon-Mondayeelteernoone-Miss-Lltort-wes. in the prime of life, being in her 27th yeele The funeral on VVednesday after - :moo was to the Dungannon cemetery. The bereaved family have the sympathy - of a large circle of Wends:. e ANNIEJ. 'MAOPIIERSON Mr,' and Mrs. William MacPherson; of the 10111 concession of •Kinlois, have the ilympathy of many friends in the loss of their little daughter,. Annie Timbal who passed away Monday evening, The little girl, who -was just four years and six -uionthsold, was quite well _until a - few days before her death, .v.Vi.heri She ap- peared to have *alight cold. This, how. ever developed into's, severe Attack of brorichites, which, in' spite of medical aid .proved -fatal. • - Mits. JAMEIWEBSTER One of thelew remeining pioneers - of Ashfielcl township passed. away .on Sat- urday last in the person of Mrs. james _Webster, who, for a number of Years, has.lived with her son; James, on the family homestead, Lot lle Con. 14. She hid reached the -good old age of 81 years !and---.6-erronthsandleatIrwaireluette-theee naturiet„infirmetide of eld age,,aPpermetly. ending in heart failure. Considering her age she had enjoyed. good health, until about 12 hours befere her - death. Mrs. Webster's maiden- name was Maigarget Graham and she was born -hi the city of New York, yvhere her people remained' for a few years after corning. from Ireland. 'From New York they moved to Georgetown; Ont., where she mot and was 'carried to the. late Mi. Websterec-Theyemovedeto- Ashfield, years. ago and did homestead ditties • on lot 11, where she has since .re„,eided. •. Of a family of :eight, seYen. survive. These eilefMia.:Peter Ryan; New Weir.: taninSter, C.; Mrs. John G. Sinith, Woleloyc-Saik.; Mrs. --James Durnin, Wawanosh; John, Of Winnipeg; Tom, of Detroit; A. H., in Ingersol, and 'James, at the old family home. ' , . ALEXANDER MAcPRERSON * ellUR(;11 NEWS • • nev., ML:Kellamog WOW) PreMbed 'in- the. 1#1ethealet ehOrch last Sunday Pwroin.g and evening. ' The Saarantent of tlie Lord's Supper will . administered. at the morning set vice in Lucknow Presbyterian Phurch next Sunday. Rev. 0, M. Itatherford, of Pine River, will preach at the pr?paratoiv service in Lucknow Presbytertati, Church next SatardaY. ° Miss Ethel. Cameron, W)14. Vettlybed from' Missionary work 20 China a few r-toatus- ago, will address -the annual thankagering meeting of the fitiroinea's Missionary Society, of Lucknow Presby- terian Phurcitteu Wednesday, 'October 13th, • The Monet Thaukotferin'g.Meet-ingiof the Weinen's•Uissioriary Semety. will be ' held, in the Presbyterian Cluireli,..• Wed- nesday, October•JOth 8 o!plock Xisrgthel Catneroa,who:haa lately re- turned Itien Qhma elcreeted :to be present and address the "meeting , •SilECTAL•$PittaRY'i---Takt impOrt;-, ant matters were: before the special meet- ing et Maitlann.Freetiytery held Imre on Monday. These were a "Call",by Sodth Kinloss congregation to Rev. D. A. Mc Lean, of ,Ripley,`,-na a Lanes and St. Helens to Rev J Little, The people of Ripley congregation manifest- ed each a .strong desire to retain Mr. • Meloean-thalleTeht-Obli-ged to decline the call to South Kinlose. Tho, call to Mt tittle was sustained by the Presbye tem but he had not thin given his de. :cisme as to whether he should accept. •A. -VERY: MEAsiNG KNATURE was add- ed to the Belly Day.Service in Lucknow Presbyterian Sunday School last SiadaY -whew'Mr.-Ciebrge'Mathieson-wiiii-pre-- :sented with a handsbnie hi* as a token Of appreciation of foety years of • service as -Superintendent of the School. Mr. Williaw,Ooneell in. very fitting Iwords expressed the desire of .the teachers and �ific4crsto mark' the unique. occasion and the a.ffectionete esteem with which Mr.: _Matheson . ,•has....always :been regarded.. ,The•Biblewas. presented. by.Miss. Marie.. Murray, and alt. M.atlieson in feeling•. tones replied, ,exeressing, his gratitude for -the gift iind,hirthigh regard for -the, leachers and oilicere. cf, the school. • Gram-- 6, • • Gorl 'save -Mir splendid:Men, , • Send them safe' -home • °octave our " • Keep them Victorious, e. Patientand chivitlrous;::' They are -So dear to us; • - God save our merle— • , This. stanze recently suggested a3 an addition to the National Anthem 'While the war lases Was sung.by the. Guild 'et the meeting Tuesday evening. <fells:ming a rousing patriotic address by Mr..,R; Cameron. The. Committee, of eeithiCh'Mies-Refia-20ordeise-cenveriere •-•wite in- charge; and the' topic- wa6;-.1- '"An, hvening.with the Allies. Mr. Cameron ,give'abrief.histeriear.sketch of ,the *sr, arid - of ethe-Part .Whiclithe Viiiiona nations areplaying in it ----not altogether flattering to. Canada, which s•o far has • _contributed than -two per .cent of its • population 0 -the ,fighting Aimee, while • Britain' has given eight per cent.' • Miss Hayes, of London, contributed two solos - to the program., and Mrs.' T.' °leek sang . ::TliMAIld -Setae- Bootee-- itebeing-: "social" evenirige eery enjoyable Juneli *AS provided -by the coinniitteelo charge. the„.suggestionof Roy. Mr. l)ntican jiwas ari anged that' the -Meeting wit .Monday evening, which fallion• Thank - giving, - :be 'emerged -. with the :eegglar Thanksgiving meetieg. the Meeting. to be held in the evening. • , On Monday aftertoon word ,,was re-- ceivedin town Of the death, at Water- liTecallexanclinfeWherson, wheiee-h-e: had passed imay that • morning. Mr. MacPherson. left Lucknow late in the fall of 1014, going to live -with • friends at Waterloo and soon after leaving here it was learn -L1 that he was suffering from cancer of the efennaell arid that he - was not likely to 'live -many months. He lingered through the • summet anonthb, however, bat nmeibrITS death Would have caused no surprise at rely tinie.. When a young maii the late Mr. Mac- Zhertion came out front Scotlifid to Lucknow, about the year 1869, and since that time • few men were better, •known. about the village: than He was one 61 the inost'active member"' of the Caledonian Society in As palmy days, and alweye Was keenly. interested in sports, to the last year of hia residence here takieg an active part in •curling, and 'bowling. Ile possessed many liked-, als Mid prizes "Won in Scotch dancing and dress canipetitione at Scottish so- ciety field days. He was 67 years of .a e -ivailiever- married; and the onlybusitiess he engaged in wasthe liquor store. on Stauffer street whieli he concticted im- tileie few yeararAgo;whert,theliconse, wes cancelled. - The remains ive-re brouilit Luck, no* on Tuesday- and will -be Interred -in. Kinloss Cemetery this afternoon, the funeral, leaving ,the residence,of Mr4. langlilin McIntosh, 'Wheeler St. - n 7.fithittions bn ' the date of the regular meeting, the executive Of the Wornee's Institute de, cided to 'postpone their meeting one week. Tile meeting will therefoie be held on Thursdaye.:- Oct.• -14,tk, at -2:30- n'clock in the Council Chamber. A good program is being 'prepared, consistirig of 1„.,..iisaperpn,!!..What,theAtherjustitute_is readings,imusic,. etc. Mini .virlf: he a contest on ."Cabbage Salad", It was :decided* the hot meetieg to give a "fruit ifhower" for the soldiers in the hospitals at nieeting. Friut, jelly or jam for this Valise - Wilj'be-thanktrillf .receiverLon.ThntsdaYafternoOn, Ont..14- A Ottod Thing, This • Fascinating, powerful, instructive: - "The Warrens of Virginia," a dramatic' story of the Civil War days, in which a romance between a Northern lietitenint and the daughter of a noted Southern general lie woven. Miss Scigelaradnate of the Detroit School of Oritory, recites the whole text of the play, unaided. by- OostUrneS, Scenery, or any , accessories. The twelve characters einhodied in the' story are portrayed by her in stieh a WM-. • Vincitig manner that it is difficult for the hearer to" belieVe that the pertorniatice is given by a single person... Mise Siegel will recite this great steeY in the Town Lucknow On the &ening Of Tees- day,Oct, 12th under the auspices Of the PatriOtie League , Seats anywhere, 35e. Tiotrettf on ale M J, Q. lo.tni0trong`a •lOruft Otero. • Langside • HYMENEAL . • MAoLEI3D-LAts ----Orr-Wediresday;;Sept:29thrMiss-Ada: Mary, daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. James Levis, St. HelenseWas united in marri • age to Mr. Alexander MacLeod; 2nd. con.; Kinloss. The ceremony was per- -'formed by the Rev. U. .Swart, -at :theeManse, 'Whiteehilteh at 3 fn. pin: - •In the evening a reeeption was held at the bride's home, only a few relatives and friendd-b-sing present. Thiiri. e and greet& received a number 9f nice useful present. The young couple will • make their home on the groom's forth, 2ocl• Coi7eXitiloss. Their many_irien s join evishiog thein e long life and ihuohhappinessHe _ • • To COleRESPOiolliNT3 ' ac'epunt of so much space being devoted t� . the Lucknow and. Ripley Fairs this week, many newsy budgets from our correspondents are unavoidably 'nmittaid. , Mr. and Mrs. Angus McKinnon hist week received a letter from their soh, WM. M., stating that he was then in Holland. Mr. McKinnon Jr., is very &Ivor chartered aceonntant. and it • hp - pears that the firm with, which lie has for sonie time been engaged is doing sorne•investigating for the British Gov - eminent. Among other things they in- .yeetigated the business of the Inatinfite- titbit/ torieerns in 'neutral countries in • order to discover whether they are send- ing gooda to Germany or Austria, man- ufacturers We mav snppose to whom the, British are permitting imports of raw material from oversens. ' is •• a job this kind that young Mr. *airman OnAted pent lioilnnci, s asormamt tiATRtaric NOTES The Women's Patriotic League have •been foe:tin-AU" in vomiting Miss., T. M. Seigel to give *recital here on thecvsn- inJ otTuesday, Oct 12. Miss Siegel will heilisiting teitem"und" like 'many other talented public entertainers, she is Vetoed- with an to do some- thing n• thq great erteSe. of assisting in ptrioti:vor1; lave -reaie-ii to believe, an elocutionist of rare ability and columns of testimonials and recom- % Mendationa might be ...given. Profits realized, of course, will go to the Patrice. tie "Fund. ' The admission has been plac- ed at 35c.; this price to apply to any part of the hall. Seats, however, pail be reserved in advance by those who like to know that a. place will be waiting for them whether they are oil time or not. -The Hall plan ,witl be at J. G. Arra- streng's drug store and tickets will be on sale at 4 o'clock this (Thursday) after- noon. •Cduatry ,residents who would like to anjOy„this rare treat, can arrange for seats by' phone. Call Armstrong's Drug Store. Don't forget that by at- tending thiel entertainment yea will be net only gettinga good thing tor year - self, ,but helpinolong the good Work of • ,, Single Copies, $ geutl. RAIN S.10011.,ED 111,0 FMR :Gond fithibitien Ofily - Small crowd. MI that Ivae,.lachiug thio par to make Lucknow ron Fair really one of the beat ever was clue to the weather man, and he knocked it badly. • The directors did their part; they' ar- ranged many little but important feat - was to give. a special touch to the occas - Lon beesuse of its.),3eiug• the '50th anni- versary of the inauguration of the society, The 'exhibitors did their part •for, there awid4se a4nSlioeunt(1,41131°41QieeXtiatiterbintin4. fie% down -never did worse but on ,one pre- . viouts OCCattiO4 when it was, found nec- essary to call off the show •altogetber. It wasn't that bad last Friday but fol. "'Owing a rather :dark and 'threatening morning heavrraiiesetin about noon'," and fr corisMnt drizzle interspersed with heavier Showers kept up throughout the', afternoon and. evening. That wasn't Order' to,he just as proirolting as possible this same weather plan .had provided einost delightful rafternoon on ithixisday,•and to 'shay 'just *hat he • could de in the, way of variety pot on another Maio more beautiful on Saturday. Show Day,without a bright half-hour,„ was sandwiched in between the two fin eat days in a fortnight. • -• Howevei,this doesalmadieuter 'the Society and it will he "bombes as usual" next year. . Gate receipts were 6160 -usually they are about $400,. The concert in the evening, Which filled the hull to its utmost capacity, was a spleni did financial success, and Friday evening 'realized $244. Besides this, the Society carried weather insurance audeastheeciecnmstancee-doubtlesse will be heldto justify relief from that source, the financial loss on the whole will not be greet. -- -4-- • There were many indictions that had the day been favorable the Fair would have been unusually .good all' around. Those who have for years attended the S hove say that the inside exhibits in -Ladies' Work, FineArts, Cookery never . were better; the freit, ,grain and vege- tables wore quite up to the' usual -indeed on Thursday evening the hall, brilliantly lighted for the &Casten, presented a very pretty appearance: . - , • Very few braved the constant rain etio - view the live stock, but the judging was -carried on in the usual minium just the 'same. The nueiber and fine quality. of. horses., -both heavy:and light, was the subject ofspecial reniark by manrrege- lar patrons of this and other fairs. The excellent pasture fields, which were feature of the -past summer; ace -minted for the presence of en unusual. number of eat* in- splendid: condition. ' .. • Throughout the afternoon the bulkof the crowd was confined to the hall, where it: Was ..-vire11,4 en tertained-13-y7-itie- - Winghara Bend, which was unsparing. in: its supply of very good misic: - A toed of :patriotic workers from the 'Woinen's Institute' and -Patriotic League were busy, working in the, interests (A the Red CtOSS Fund. , At the tent on the park business, of course, was not op. to the usual; tint in the hall •where re- freshments in almost every form calcii-* lated to tenant the appetite, from Switch scones to the best of lionieloade candy, -werezofferedrtrade-Was-goodi--and-the day's Work fairly satisfactory.. The "flab -- pone, " Where the 'element of chance added zest to the game, was Well'patron- 'lied and those Who hciciked on the "fish",' had busy time tali. • , .. . • ._ • ....• . • • • seeciar, • It is not easytoinekespecial mention • . . of one or more exhibitor without being unfare to others. There was, however, •in the hall a couple of articles - whose -"mobil merits mey be held to, -exempt them from this rule.. :The knitted bed . esprequiewhiarivatrawarded-firstattrieted a.great deal Of attention as a'particulo,t, ly fine, piece of work. It Was knitted by hand throughput arid all, from Noe..r3(' .white sewing thread, • To the :• novice this was surprising onough-,: but one was• !still 'inote-surprised And interested • learning that it was all -the -work of a lady in her Sergi year, Mrs. -Stewart, • 61, wain stteet. that . this is the seeend of the %tale pattern and material tnis old ladY, lias made.- • Another yeti nide piece of • work -Wee an exhibit cTgrains and grasses avenged by Mrs, E. megolnia. „, It was in the .forfn- of a .number of arelies• the siipneAr.. ing columns of .Which - Wei& inado -Of straw; The whole was well 'designed. to -Set eft to advantage the various kind ...if • or under -R. Mccinillin, Ed. McQeilline 'grasses used in construction and rep • R. Webster. Boys' to• , wreaierketed . much 'ingenuity and careful .1.9 years, judging horses -Ewart 'raylor, . . . . . Aiteheson, G. 'J3. .Ariustroag,.. • • . Beets" Com petition,15_ yes rs .an.cl. under .• prominent in scientific work lb the Pro- vince. M. Wade addressed the erord in the hall elk the I.CaPertanee- of main- faining,bigh aims and ideals, of. Wafii preceeded by Reeve IfoYnt who, being • called upon tmexPectecily,:spoke briefly on behalf ot. the. Corporation, welcoming the yhetors to, the .town, • . Liat •of Prize 'Winners HORSES. irenTEn Tr,ens-Pl Vaii.eitin TO ronTED p4ikei Imported Br'oodkare-W W. )14 Martin, W. It Martin: - Import, ed• Marc, 2 Yeter6-4, MeQuillin.. potted alar,e, 1 ,year -W, McQUillin, 'W. Foakby Imported Dam - W.• Martin, , McQuillin. Telltale, any age -W, Mc9tullin, • .. • , 404..YX, ititavolIT AeReEd,..(CANAPLA:N ,8Pan' in ham* and ewagenr,-.1.. For-, ster; jai. Foley, . McKenzie. Breed ;Mare, that 'has raised foal in 191.0. Webster, Tailer.& Sons, Jes, Hackett 4f4 -Heise Foal of 1915g:.W. Tay - tor & Sons, jas. Forster. Filly Teat of 101,5Toi:..gankett &:Sens, Webster, J. MeDiarreid. Two-year-old Gelding -W. Henderson. ti.t. Bone, Jos.' Hackett "k Sons, 3. MeDiarinid. Two -year -Ad Alton, W. Taylor Sone. ,One year old Gelding -J. Webster, " Mc- Diarodd, W. Taylor &Sone. Oae-year- old Filly -M. W. Taylor & Sons. Best three-year old Mare or Gelding -J. Webster, W. tr.,ny-' lor & Sons. IL Webster Female., any age, Canadian Bred -1.W. Mackenzie, A. W. Alton. Brood Mitre ited two of her progeny, to be one sucker and One year. lieg-W, Taylor dz Sons, J. Webster. froni. either Huron or Bruce, 2 years or over --Jas. Forster: 2 horses; W. J.. Arbuckle 2 horses; W. Taylot ASs,Sons 1 bine; it Webster, 2 horses; W. J. Sons, 1 horse; A. McKenzie, horse; W. Mac- kenzie, 1 horse • (Prize meney divided equally). AdRUMIATEAL - itr:barntes and rig -W.- J. Webster, W. Watson. Breed Marc, that has raised foal in 1915-4lex. Mackenzie, D. Altbn, W. BlieglaSS. Hero- Feel. of 1915 --Alex. -Mackenzie: FiIly Foal of i0io-D Alton; A. Mac- kenzie, W. Taylor* 413 Sons, Two -year - 'old Gelding -A. '• ekenzie, J MeQuil- .lin, W. Bueglass. ereyear-o).! D. Alton, A. W. Alton, W. Ilem;ierson Sons.:.-One-year-OleGelding-A: Fras- er, J: R. Gaunt, Jas. Barbour. 'One- year -old Filly -W. Taylor 4 Sons, R. Welester,A, Mackenzie: Female, any age, Canadian Bred=W.: J. 'Arbuckle, NV; Taylor & Sons. Brood. Mare and two of lier progeny. to be , one sockling and one yearlingR. Webster, ieee- glass. Best three -year -91d. Gelding or • . ' GENERAL Mum* HOUSES Span in harness and rig -J, B. Tyre - man, jos. •Tayfor, -Be McQuilhn. BrOod Marc, that has raised teal in 1915,--W, Taylor ik Sons,W. Ferrier, D. 5:Mc- Intosh.: •Foal Of Webster, W. It Ferrier; R. McQuillim Two-year-old Gelding or Filly -D. m: Webster, Gib - Kin Brose.-Levi Havens. One -year-old Gelding ot Jas.„ Barbour R. J. Woods • - CARRIAGE „HORSES Span in harness -and carriage; road and, carriage" horses -W. , Grey, T. S. Lockhart. • Brood Mare; that has -raised fear iii 1915'-'---R: J.:Woods, .T. G.- Mc- Leod. !' Feat of -1915-J% McLeodi J. Woods. Two -year -Old Gelding or Filly -M. McMillan, D, Streud, D, S. McIntosh. Three-year-old Road • Or Carriage Hotse io' harness 'and rige-J, -She7iff„ „GilibsiotonA'pBuroosts., Le' -.13uggy_florseinelarnesa_elaeLbl patriek, Alb. McPherson; A. E. Wilson. • Two-year•old Gelding or Aitcheson, W. *Woods, :W. • Bueglass, One-Yeereold Gelding or Filly -D. ; 5. ,Iiicletesh, -M.. McMillan.' • ' . : ireoraet Lady,D,rivery With Single horse and 'baggy, speed ticit necessary-.-4.1rs. A. E. ,Ifilleon, Miss Kirkpatrick, Mrs. .Lake • Hunter. Gentleinaft's turnogi, mita to be owned by-exhilntor-Tas,'•Kirkpatrick, A: R Milk:me, Alb. 'Maher -god. 1. Mare- or Gelding,, any age Or elaos--.--W. Me: !Quail, W. I. Arbrickle..--.MWeratiblile pedigte.e_not-celisidered-W„-Me- Quillin. Best °halter -broken teal Of e915, handled, by a bay 15 years of ege • The Boyer -Vincent which' judginghorses-A. Nicholson '(son); R. ,appors to *baize taken" quite a hold utioo (on). the Lucknow drew an iniinente Ladieg turnmit, single hero and buggy,' crowd on Friday evening, and those who gentleness 01/0ree)'etYle and qualit.1,- Of prese n feii; • phy 7outfit,c.onsider*pdaTTFraMiss Icirkpatrick: attended liere,delighte.d.„„with.Xee, The matinee given Satindafifternoon • • • • • sPEOIAL eseeciallee for children, also drswl, pod ' .crowil-rriany grceeu-uesia-yell.-as the' Beet fat-Calfe eligil le - for Guelph and.potato scheme 'worked ont all right Bahr) Men:Tile= CATTTir. card- Toronto Fairs --W: Woods, Woods children being in the hall.. The Buttetheeeseare oreaver-J, Welee4r, W. Henderson Sons. Bull, two y crir old -J, Forster, W. Struthers. te: Sons. null; one year old -McKay, Bees, . :lc- . Kay •Bros.'" months. and , micler • 12 -months-44, "II Armstroag, 'McKey Bros Bull Calf, 6 months and 'heeler -McKay Bros, Webster. , Aged cowl giving iellk or evidently well gone in calfe-Strathers tk Sons, McKay &et", Webster, Three-year:old Cow, giving milk or evich:Titly well gone in calf-t•Me- Kay Bros, Webster:2 & 3. Twe-ye.. -old Heifer -Webster, 'Webster, ,One4ear.cld fleifer•-Webster, ‘feKay Bros. I-1,-:;fer Cslf, el months and;under 12 mentlis Webster, NIcKety, Bros. I -Toiler Calf, ii abligna cancel the ong lgoin out. •kin°nOs' 444 illider-Web9ter'. !Female. any age-Wehster, ves , e o' hada atterieli but tho 'Department tent with the school children, The prize Taco:, iiiiiVt;ng'hTrnliY'tflidii.-SineTfia- : wee avow me $1.00 prize. The potatees Were sold by auction at the evening con, cert in lots ef °tie .to half=a-dozen arid .realized'$5.0b whioh. Went to the Petrie - tic Fund. ' ' There were few people in Owe Satur- day evening and the 'play put on that .evening drew only tesinall crowd. • A IMAITOitilltalt . le Directors of the Soeiety .evere • good deal disappointed' Thursday 'even- ing on learning that Lockie , Supetintendent of Fears, -could not proent It appears that 'dr, 'Wilson was taken ill the day previous and Wm r, B"i6' 13°P"Y 11/41.1rdst" c't Agri°111t4'v the t of One Ball, -Webster 11/41.0 .410.0„„ nxtv,„, tr-4 nuabia • tt n 1:1 id / r • . On.h.trintie Ite.,4091 . •t ' I • . Wadeolko, for man/ re% ha ,4 been cgontann44 .?I\ ItrS 'time you consulted its Omit your eyes.. The • simple defects' of to•cla.,,, may be* complicated by • aP4 bY! F. T, ARMSTRONG Jeweler and Optician • feeefreettelet" • COMING One of the biggest Serial story' yet, lion Dollar ster . • • . . ,peautifoi.: Play EVERY TUESDAY • --ConitnencinrOet-1.2- EXTRA 2 C -oniedies Don't. Fail to *See This Op, account of 'the Extra Expenses the' -- Addts Children 1.0c. , . , gree'ereeeadaee., DEBEN11JIZES Are Issued for ShortTeml: of Years. Interest CotiPone, , Payable Half -Yearly . • . 14EGOTIABLE. --s-Aisets-:5$t480i30, • . The Cireat West Permanent Loan Company 17 20,11111.g St.West • • • Toronto Represented by Jos.. Agnew, Lucknow, Oat, iyitiv000rs coLuim: MONIT TO LOAIT,":-00 Moitiates awl 3 -Si& 4• reasonable rates. ..Fire insixrancei • 43th- • Stook and atuniarCompanieS.• • -01Lu; A. SIDDALL. gaincer,,Linikneir• •-• For Sate . •• , " SAtE OR ,RENT. -A vary comfortable • lion9e.' Apply to Gap. A. Siouam... 29-10.55.. .• Orrattl -.0-:r.qi,tosrtarntreaccoonli-FOrrItif ,ther information 'apply to Ervin *roam, Teeewater,.1O 2. 144u.p. , _ Faitig Pon Saul -The north half et Lot No. 20 in 'the 5th canoe -mien of the Townpliip • kinioss in the of Bruce containigg. • „ Fifty-ilve aerei. k or further particulars apply to Alet. Rots, paoknow-, t)nt. . . . FAR -XL -FOR, SAT.,E.-Tlie Administrator -co -mei ,,Estate .ot•Alitry.liyan, tato a toe • ro',„1, . • goderich, toe .tlouuty of kletain, Me !rind • .woman,..dennuted. oWers for sale thei:d • • ing teem property: -The south 111). non, ue . Lot -le, • eon. •12, West Wavanosly . •_ xi.-„e'raitcs: from • now• _ and 1 14 kudos :from -Eoleas. `11.1j - for the past . seven soars; 'good wor L.-WU-IA=1TO Luevr Og- -hostrituated • fir- .'1ass teeming el:Semi:it-I a • Trood-ft6m4 • houan-, 2 barns 'inn. drving shed. The tarot ' • ' host, toed Mel ittaln,yand 111.6't • : Ceriditiqh. niltned-formintr.. I.:' ti 'particulars t pply •ity.tn. 4,4od... tea, Vitt:atm, -S.diroinsirator; or to J. 141,Ar,...leiAr. , Rea E;state Dealers ttunknow; te'l-r;md4 •., '• foot, liilioran't5Z .1'rmidfoot, tolici.t.;rs for • • . Atiet,niktrator, Lledoracti.. e.t.a 7.. • ' • • P DAVE AltDONALD & SON, of Wlngliain wilk havemn Auctlen Salo Of dew -gene Peeling CatiliintiroViAr MiBaturadjf0a.: 1018, commending et 2 o'clock. A nuinbor Of CoWs and 30*Steo4 and 4elftirs .will be „ oAd&u are graoe burfiam J. Pc LsAuctioneer.' .746. :! • --Tar • Notice is hereby given, as nitbdted by tit.1 Assessufent Act?, 1.1!, S. 0, 1911. S'oe. 149: si s. tha at +idiot.: 14:111,4 tor arrears.of takes t held at 1hi3 I.3wit of 'Walkerton on FLIdi-f.,• 0010bet 221id,490 in-tifeceeoett Ceamtee the Ceuety,Realdings, et the holir. of .t velvo o'cloek "When tlioro will he loz • • stile,' unless tho taxes and charges aro sociner pitidi'the following 'described %tuts in the logo a Lutkilow: Part of. Village Liit Bolng.tlfat piirt Of said lot com,v,eil,in naiiit registered in the Items* ,0.1110. th 114tice as Wu Litelinotv.-• Poxes mid C3sts, $125.93. -. • . A port -pinto list of lands in the' Quint." er• Blue° to he sold 'Mt taltesl- IA' published. M 110 "Ontario Chttette:„111 ita issues of duly 171 h te Atigitat701;--'1919. Inehisive, and- itt the th worth "1„•ogress” in to iesaet; ot July 21s; to. octsbor 13tb, 1015. ineltisive; it opy of Wilk% 'May be" Chtddied 011 applioatiott fro1n ltu u1tth3rsigne1. , 31 oti ?...11 • $, tyn. leriacv. Z%, ivetnher Othi 14:. airotti ttr,m.iotrad p1 e,' and it60. J •• '\1,1%:;its"natt'ill'i-3ttuitt of tkt‘itlic tiateit !aniettenatlePtesAv; bite% 10101 ilr).(4v • -0 e • 1,.• ••• " -