HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-09-30, Page 84 -
, •
•0: !•1•-•
• Thursday, September 3oth., T915
A Shiver in the Air.
The Summer Days are over and now •
there is au 'ocasional shiver in the
air reminding us that gradually the •
cold days a winter. are drawing
nearer and that the time to purchase
warmer clothing of all kinds has
Ainatliershipapent of Trunkit; •
Suit Ceuta *ad Tavalling.
Goorlik If thinking!
PurOslni3 allY of these .gooils.
it Win repo- you to see, puts..
Shoe* RePAlr011 Premptln•
Everything' la name**
RffeieentlAto, koPt.,
1, •
Weekly. Stoic 'News
• ..
• • , ,
:Cover4oati ore always a rnuch
• needect part of a, man's outfit at
tiiis season Or the rat. and . tide
• store Stands ready with the. right
hinds in style and 4tiaIitY. cif the.
right momnt- to, supply you. Our
• vermats Well • made, neatly •
tailored in nice 'styles, and give
thatfeeling 9f comfort 'and
' faction it the 01nailefie Possible
- price. See our range when filling
your requirements.
6. tiLlae7eQ1c.‘ctos:rta7api:isgaibnaril:65.00, dpi;f1"10711: at
I 0,0 and $.12:51
• dor 17:,..0.6 and siq,oqiirx6ans both
speeirvables, being made of heavy
vulcanized cloth in the ,popular
and •• are rainproof and
• windproef, and. we can. commend 4
thein to you as better than usual
• value. See our Bys' -Ilaincoats
at our Special Price .$5.00.
Sweater Coats are splendid gar.
rnents fat all kinds of peoplewhen
the cold weather COITICS. We ore
; ,IVOmen and Children, in .all the
new popular styles and variong•
shades of colots, • and 'you'll find.
Pot prices very reasonable „for the
quality of the goods. , • ,
One Of the as8Ontials fiOod,
health •and .Comfort is
good Underweer.and *e. are pre-
pared for thneold weather with a
splendid -assortment for 'Men,
Wmen and Children. in wcinieta,
See our range at,priceis
?SI 50,75c, 1:04 and $110
• •
In Men's 56, 70e, 466, 1.40
and $1.75 , ,
In Children's at 20,' 25 and 50c.
alt a*d Win1.er Coats
r , .
Our new Coats for women' from The Princess Mfg. Co.) of,
Toronto, contain the very latest ideas in style and finish. •
Every coat is classy and distinguished in effect and no two
of theta are alike thus giving individuality to the wearer.
• The price is as attractive asthe style.
Our Girls' Coats are from The, flutner Mfg. CO.„
Toronto, who make a specialty of Girls' Coats and are the
best ,valuein this line we have seen. The styles;are neat
• and comfortable in effect. See 'cut. '• The Prices are such ---
s will "please you if you Want your dollars to go to the best
possible advantage. • „
• • • • • 6 ' • • • • .
" '. ' . ,,,.„-•, . ,, ,.. ,...
Special ' Invitation '. -..
To -morrow is Annual 'Pair PayandWeinviteyOU;to_iisit..: ..... „
01.1*- storeandsee°lir 'display of "Ladies' and Misses' Coate,
Sweater Coats Aindervvear, etc.: ..:We willibe pleased. to 'take
care of your wraps,cpatsjIareelS, ete., ankalsoextegkto
you the free use of our drasineaiiii,'.foilt., rooin.14rpgfair.4,
Those who were rfrowing tired Wlt.
ing for some move by the Allies on the
France and Flanders front were greatly
relieved early iii the week by news qf
re at victory won by the 'British awl
'Frenh against *O German "wall of
steel and concrete.'
The French on a. front of la mileand
the British. Con a front of inaS-
ed the •Gerinn iirst line of defence and
advanced from ono to four miles taking
in the oneratiou twenty-five rhonsand
unwounded pioner, inanY field and
machine guns andother crjuipment. The
Germans inade desperate efforts' tO re.
gan the grQunct ja" eveYjnahutc°
re beaten off with heavy loss.. What
(.UyPeter -McArthur) lows the Allies sustainedin the. oper-
. • :4005eJ. not. yet roPorted. So tar as. fa, •
e; couple of Years, ego a Japanese Hknown the, Canadian troops were not
cientist-artist-musichorperumer Zaire, 'Qngaged in the early days of the battle,
super-asthetic group of '• 1;1Telr The operetion apPears have benn.
• Yorkrs. an onteitaturaeut - that Wps,'
en aturday, The chief gans, were oado,
peritaigc unitive In the riorld'e hitory,
and Yet. he Plight home Made niora Wet: uay aim ,e4rly: 011 Sundiiy; but ...the
wonderful than. it was, ,Qwingto•the. battle coiitu&tied witliOlit intermusion
"versatility of 'lila genius 'be•kliw that t lfrughout, the tiro box of the week.. •••.',. •
thre., are rliktliMe.orf9rinntirl Color The fact tbat'130•Watir Prisoners wei,
as well as • sound, and be perfected takenwould indicate; that the German
alnechalliala'by WWII. he was able tt-P -rinffered *4:pike:serious reverse, ; • -
threw colors. and light*. In ''certain' - • is got generally thought that this
f°11's..' 40e°11-' t'• '40 the f the .1 • lt d f
Pent Of".Mliale« .4t#0, stprie..Itinie ,ebigduvo oftlio Allies. it is t,t000r
released JOS .of. odor. In tlie same
rhytinistear Way. OlirPose •was • ttf,',o1Oqb toexPeet that they are yet pre,
cater'delicately to • as insaby- senses as pared for. that, -3;.ir..beliovo rather
possible;, .But why did he stop wlth. that the battle 411519fitalten to relieve,
the ••senses .'ef 'forme:. color, sound and the pressure upokitaissui. to inakelhe
Perfume?: he • spread n German GleneraUStalf: think again:1)40re
hainpiet. and • eater rbythmically te. '4004100 b. big 'army to Walk over.Serbia
the sense Pp. • taste.? Our fruit!). to;tite aid of Tarkey. end to roVe t the
for Instance. from. the, ,; earth*
attiolmoy.,:to toe. )atopt,tieoli, ova ,s• 'woridtliat the Contest
nage of flavors' that .a;',master artist;' tFront ' la not a ,draw, And that the, Oer.,
iiiight:.ari;aingo into a symphony. rTho man -lines Can and shall'he 'broken When
sense ,of .taste • eali,',be, Catered. to Petthe tithe for breaking thenseemeS. r •
as delicately and .erreetively, as any News of the vietory,which is said to
ether, and. the housewite with a 'tun inrpass anything that has bOo.clone.
wo • ral oe'41. i4vr;" 1"tCnn at 1:4It! • 114°1 eeev' 4:ithati esines : ewas -4eLfree4etedi°vie (it xbw°i:th..7741a:tai‘l.46\11.11.14 •
d .no only in on in a
fruit cupboard
• Prelaahlr nO-.0nntrr.44-., the world
As ;-sonie poet hati, • observed ago Mere; fa*Ored with 'frult Than .Ctrill;: .°31Bellsiga weekwas:"..be_
has a profncion of berries,H."hucklei ..coming insolent end Warlike, has hem)
rasp, and straw," .heroes - currants, in a fitirry this week to assgre the world
cherries: :peaches, plums, PQM. 44 'that she bee nothing hut poaoofat fotoo-.:
• gtalleo,.clileeee.. and other fruits tions.', The lirinlitand taken, by Greece,
too numerous to mouton. And each successo Ruositritt,Ahe tio.4tbctll
or these. fruits "had ' a flavor indescrib-
end of their battle line • and the Ilea vs,
ably individual..
samba a, flavor .in a way that will duced a clump of. heart; Bulgaria is
convey to the person who has not coolly looking around to see which is
tasted -it 7whftt it Is like? °' course likely to be the. °winning side at the
we cangive so idea of things 'As be": finieb. wishieg to boil). with that gide.
ing sweet, sour, salt, or insipid but 001} •no one will want her as 40, any,
th(1- t'ettetrati°' arcuiatic and She Will get nothing. That Bulgari;
how are they to be tleeribed? know at present 43in
is ceres in her assnrancesof
flavors that were . at all successful: •
pt. 0111Y two attempts at describing only weeeft,' intentions may bo.aecept.
One was the attempt by PaviaHar-",ed,-aff. Sir Edward Grey.. has -utade ii
uTio,a saajigdteirt wastodesnlcribedrinekinhalpg cider eeo
• attieio
ncr afc
t, too ht ot e C the
11"0131.4/411ah at the sam° " TheRussian arniy- is still slowly re,"
itisTea'.4.'eTmhealOith,beorylVa,w8ltillenee407kw.,ael.....:,flawahdat etjerni tiring b e ufo re havethe Gecernm ans north oovfe rthte ler
vichy fasted lik. kie'said, It tastes - •Winning
IiXo your 'foot's If I could' Allstrlaasin the seatb; G€rman
have a heart-to:heart tam with that
Japanese scientit-artist,musielanper.
,Asie Jr' Stores-
Phone No. 10 is at Your Service
We Sell for Cash -We Cheaper Than The Credit Stores
. •
Comp with iho crowd ioLuknoW Pail rair.
ThnrSday And rriday Sept; 50th and Oct. 1st,,
tut Coble ' cl
. • •
detnOnstrate von *he.
4ealiog Cash Store.
tag. to con* and ;the'.
• buyingpower or One DO114r. You
carry' away .tnare X00 Your
money on those two days than
ever bee•re. THE.DATES' •
. • • • •
7ho. LtickilOW
and -Coat Co.
•• THE 174:)E THAT NeypiR piAppoiNirs
drive has sloweddown to SUan. ex=
tent that there is no 'eager ant fear en-
terained that theRiissian army will be
broken and rendered helpless:
The week has Produced no neivii of
anyhind-from the Dardanelles, so that
whatever may be going on . there is
neither decided victory or defeat:-
. The •German submarines el344illPeic-..
ing off a daily toll of merchantmen, but
are giving the crews time to get. -Away. ,
The most considerable recent loss in
this way was a ship load of '900 horses
from - Montreal' which was torpedoed in
the "war zone:" The crew eseaped, but : •
the hses were orlost.-
all • •
•-.funter :1 Would'try to get him to pre.
Pare , .Soneilling' for .the'aluilial, •', • ';'
oget of the '„Canadian Frult Growers • -
and have hiM add flavors tohis enter-.
tainnent: -•lliit perhaps the Fruit
Growers wonlql Object.- - Theyprob-
ably :agree witlt the .aVerage,,'"IiOUse- •
Wife tbat the' dal/ors of our,Cainidian
fruits are sufficient ' in theninelres,
Without be,ing added to. They have.
color, and 'aroma also, and'it'.14 quite. •
stiffielent4o. ,eat, tb.epi-Aothe music of.
tinkling glasses •-•• '*4114 SOA4/77qppoaii:.
This: i"season when tliefraits.:: are,. se
plentiful and se geed every trait cel-
lar In the ,DOminion :should ;be a er*:
Phony '61 the diVine:flavoiS -Portceted..
"the . pun in the great alembic of a
Canadian suMmer.. , • • .
. . ,
. —Monday, Sept. 27.
3TOSePli'Oriffin,,Of GOdekichi 18 visiting
itt .foseph Dineen's: • •
Many of the young people frOm- here
Attended the dance in Mina hall • on
Wililam Rackett returned; hemp -Jest.
vieekfrOrn sNorthern Ontario,. Where be
has beep. since May.. _
Miss Julia O'Reilly moved her house
hp& ..weekio
Albert, had the contract..
MISS Veronica Bowler liaa returned to
har honie in Ociderieh after a .viit Of two
weeks with Ashfield friends.
" '
Morgan Dalton haareturned home,
after three weeks' work in Stratford at,.
2: the Revenue_ Collection (iilieu Of that
. vcrAlt
- -
And dilate. Tarkish submarine nee- sunk
in tbe-etinfitorialTegizytheprogress'has
been slow, •
Because the trains have all been blocked
2,10r tons dud tone of snow
An Anglishavaltor- whnimus-a.inotor
• • '
Manufactured by The New Scale Williams Piano Co, Oshawa, Ont.
. , -.Tuesday, Sep..28,
yir:fr, Walker is home from ohioago.
MISS -Marion Heaton ha S . returned ' to
etroit. • ,
Inspector J. E. Tom visited our SchoOl
Friday morning:- . .
Witt-i3ot Finlay ig spending It few
-days-at-khnJundoon.. ' •
Several of the Youngpeople were en-
tertained at a; corn roast at the Lake
Friday evening. '
A. 'number frnm here attended the an-
aiversary services in Amberley Method
ist church on Sunday evening and the
lass captured- forty-seven guns belong.
• ing to -the -Cir.. The French Poineare, this tel&
grauthave sent: • •
Get out, Alt Enver Pasha has become
our Presint.
The Serbs have crossed Siberia .and cap-
, • • -
And ars now bombarding Belgrade from
• the Adriatic Sea. • •
A hostileiship was sighted as it neared
ASpanisii warship owned by Brazil vvas
Sunk in the Eniglish Sea;
---4--Poincare-rmil-Asquith-are-toth- in Berlin
• attending theXaiser's tea.
hundred thousand Englishmen wore
killed by Belgian shells;
tied the japs weredefeated bv Portuguese
in the Mountains of Dardanelles.
A Grecian. mine blew up Madrid and
•inadetbe Viceroy mad,
The Capital of Austrip was uioved to
Another corps of aeroplanes ha,ve °dross.
• ed from rristoiVii,,' •
They straight west, and finallythey
. knocked, the North.Pole down,
/he Africans of Pekin are now bombard:
• ing Crete+. • , •
The Desert of Sahara Is being tilled for
rifest. , • •
There sunk on the Pacific the entire
Gerniati fleet,
Becatise they had no water to provout
the engine heat.
aid that Count Appelin has dropp-
ed a bola, oil Marc,
, But couldn't make connectionn to ex.
tinguiett all the stare,
The Prisonerx titir X4eleilid are plekifig
' itud dattoi
Second Cop., Kinloss
• ----Tdayiept. 26.
tverybody is going- to .:Lticknow fall
Threshing Will be the order of the
dayshortly. ,
W.11. Irwin is busy. Packing apples
:fr the Lucknow buyers.
George Douglas, Lucknaieslightnling.
rod initti, wasbusywittingthe rods on
Messrs. Grifan'sywin's and McDonald's
dr -day
• Goderich isoWitshie •
.- • . • .---Niontlay,:-SepLWill.
It.Tegs(ftiraY iveUlt•end'
with rels.iveenefir.Wodstoek.
Miss Ruble Currie ia the iiest: of
lilis-rkifliiiSfrling tips Week.
Mies Irene, iirriston, of tityfield, was
the gnest'of Miss Daisy Currie -lest reek.
• Mrs. K-Cluff, of • Olintoni-npent -the
week -end at the homeritgr.
()Sorge Hurtle. •
Mr Robert
in Dayton last week, and while there at-:
tended Lthe funeral._of lus plee,. Miss..
Green. •
The many, friends of Mr. (hike:. SteW;
ar t aye.e, wt iesorry- to ear
lie as indisposed at preStirit, 'ant hope for
his spody recovery
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Pearson, of
Melvin Irwin has returned &Ulm frm.
the West. Ile reports excellent crop,
but thinks ther 1 0
Vanco ver •
hut dreadnoughts froin Mobile cairte t° live in, especially in Kinlosa on the
- -and drOve -it -fir -away. •••••-7---- • .2nd, •
. er-
Against Warsaw, •
Villa was sticcessfill whAt. he mirehed '['he recant Wind storm didconsid
. _
flttt i 41 sea
Joffre has evacuatedmost. cf.PugetSound
PoifisTieliolas attacked him and he lost a
• • lot of ground.
The C.rown, Prince has withdrawn
-Audsleaving-1dr Alska-to l- the
Gulf Strealtl.
Jos.J. Sullivan.
• Lothian
helping them replace their reofe, for
- • • ` which they, thank them very hartily.
Wayne; Mick., haVii returned home after
a plea,saiit fortniglit visitwith Mi an
Mrs. (Auk Hicks and other relations.
suffer the moat were: Cook
Hamilton, dam Jat Y., spent a couple of weeks
losing pito of the_rodLof Mr, straw 064 visitingatthe home of Squire's
Willie Hamilton had half Of the roof of brother, Mr Isaac litithWelk. and other
his barn practically deitioyed, also 0, friends in Gaderiell and Stanley town -
new lieti•house- blown to pieces; Sam- ships, • • ••
Congrani also lost the roof of' his barn The anniversary services in Sharon
fird'atinialed was -Wilt- until on Sunday were very successful.
last year. Those mentioned end others Although the weather was 'unfavorable,
had their orchards almost tinned. 'rho the hOUs3 was full. Rev. Mr. Elford, of
result was that their friends and neigh- Sari, took charge of the services, and
bors were very busy for a. Seat days preached two' very impressive acriliens.
—Tuesday, Sept. 28,
• Miss !ora. Itogan of Toronto is visit -
lug at her home here.
Alex ilarliby•lek on Tuegtlay to at.
lend lk;tonto ilaiyersity Dental Vllege.
Mr s.1 G. 'Whithouse, of Clevland,
Ohio, is visiting her cousin Mrs. Et. L.
McXeith. . -. • ,
Aire. T. P. Ifendersori was in Licknow
a few (40144 week aasisting in nursing
het sistr, the late Mrs. "Ris, �enderson,
The severe (roda the early part of
this we -le haacolored the woods • Sene
hat earlier than usual and already the
Varied shades of Crimson, 'pink, gold and
gren are produoins'very red/ At,
• • •
. 1
• • —gonda, Sept; 27.
Wedding belle are ringing. • •
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mon &today-
'. edlit J. liogowa. •
. Archie Johnsteuelnislied baying fast
,week -better late than never.
'Lanes post office closes on Sept. 30t1l vont te catteron camp,
rat llopte Xo. 7 now servieg
The funeral of the late Mrs. Richard
llopkins 83 years -of age vas held here-
on Sunday. Mrs Hopkins Was A p�.
neer of the Township of Huron and had
resided there 69 years, Her. home *wail
long noted in the early days for its hos.
Pit';oliltlYn.Sarrell, one of the pioneer red-
clouts of Itintardine Tp., died while on
the bell, of Nfanitoba. - The remains were
• brought here and interred Tuesdayrifter.
• Isaac Oraneten luxe purchased a nett noon. fre nbetit 70 yeare of age
.ateant tineahinrontfit getting delivol and leaves
• • a w,dw, three noon and on4
Imo wooki • .„44ughtero
• :
' " •
• ,•
; . • ,...1 . . . ,
. , •
, .
. .
. . ,
, • .... , . ,
•i'r. . ,
... , .
.....•••••••••1141•11•1•MINMINIMNIMMI. — —
we will:1534e tradeeertificafes with eVervpurchasLatour store; These certificates. representIGNE--7-r
OTE: Wool obmICENT of plitchaie, and the 'person- holding certificates, representi jig' the LARGEST*
• NUMBER. 0? vcrrus at the end of eoutr.est_willleeciv-e -flit beautiful Elane AllSOIXTE1.411PRit.in
Thecertifietietiireltransferable, and if you are net Interested hi:securing this piano yriuttelf you.
11430i5uttio. 611.31:ciitdi; in't,e're't. ;01 it; -oot ators, We vratiea YOu that ou Cd11 do' better
here thAti elsewhere. Vi e do Pot exp,ict rOoVer.thellea--V ,eapetise-ofthiscontetit'ilirotigliageater
perCentageof profit, but through the glifferenee in volume of busiliebs-le expeet the Itiereinie-talnore
—than repay lit, and in -the fatiire We iiiirendeavolto give you EVEN MORE for your 'money than We
have in the past. ' • ' ' • ••
We solicit your patronage solely through Iheirterits of our doods and Lower Ptices. •
We can save you rn oney and we are ready to prove it
tl; Garnet. Atnistront
• tintyadiir
owl "LINES -11ok; Stationery, Valley Goods School Supplies.
.• Xotlaits and Xodrilt Supplies; iligIt Claw Cand-always Vest*. • .
We dev.e14 yttitr Piling at 10e, a any aize, ttgarai Cut And- Plug tobaaeoi
Donq Forget Toyiand at Christniaa ' 131tite 32
xall' Store, LUCEN01#0 ONT.
• The Rit,„