HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-09-23, Page 8.47"71/111PRUPIINIMPIRVIVINPIFFINVIOW•70"MPP7P0 • 4.° IV° 4f;f7: EITVW5,411119,41TPWW ST:firrrtr,rgg' • 'F',7717$4 7.• -$.7,41Kr 11a.1,5"rar krAINIE,7"••••••r7 •••;-,aarr-- „ t • • , win umitsow same% EXTRA VALUES Thutlia,y, September 23h1., 1915 4, WkItecherek Sept. Dunatart Beecroft i. in Goderich for few dap. Wilfred. Arscott, visited at Ina home Ott SundAy. R. M. Patten and MisliPratten visited friends in Bluevalion Sunday. A home over$1,114K, * *ergo wMosoura,,,,Alderyou, of Winshrun,- visited IL M. Patten way N Palmerston on Tile8daY attending a. iiiiieting of.. the raiMirs: inEe.n4Pi.tten.•, of -North Adams, visitins for a few days with her brother, R. M. Patten, • 0-SAng to the anniversary Bethel amok there wasno service in the Methodist church 'here last Sunday. •• Those wile atteilded the Young Peop- le's Convention at Brussels. Wer: Paterson, Olive Terrilf, Greta Fox, -Rev, Mr. ateuerA• Alex. Henry and Robert Mowbray. r.• • • , The ,Guildineetiog on Sunday evening wa4 lea by Wilfred Jacques and Frank • ituse, the subleet being **The Hungarians in Europe and in tft.anad?,." Tbe. topic for .next Sunday eveningi "Rally Week.. How Best to Observe . The leader is Fred Davidson. .AnniVereary Flervices will be held in. Tiffin% Mothadiat• Church on Sunday, Oct. 3rd.„ simple, at lt :39 and 7;30 p.m, T114'Preacher If; 1..t•ev, 0.. Kahle, of tondeaboro. 4405409.1. 04004• tioris by the Teeswater elmir under the 10441111-4 Qi414.4; Stalling. AIL wet- • Special. services • will be held' in the ,Presbyterian church here next Sabbath:. the day being set apart for flal1Y Day" in connection with the work of the young. sPaub7cicetforthe' se and n*el Sravbicbeasthis$ chool. The special offering Will be received for theworkabove rererred•to. • On Tuesday evening, Sept. 28, at 8 - o'clock an addrese will be delivered in the Presbyterian church here. by. Rev, J. U. Tanner; Supt. of Home Missions inthe Province of Quebec. The meet- ing will be very interesting, owing to • the peculiar nature of the ,work. This will be an oppottimity of hearing of the work among our French brethern, with ..whoutwe are allied .m the .present grent, struggle for liberty. No' admission fee wilibe-chargett-and-ell -cordially' welcome eekly Store News .11s1 OUR.. , STAPLE .• DEPARTMENT mommiimmomminommimpom This Department dour• store is one, in Avhiql we .take af,specit1nin7, • terest and allays keep it well stocked lyika, splendid assortment of the very best qualities of Staple Goodslo be found -in, the trade. We invite you to make your fall purchases here atsuring you of the. Wit qualities at the most reasonable prices to he fout#Lanywhere. sep VALUES' ,.Flannelettes, line qualitiessandneet.patterat, at 8,40, lg.% rde yd. , Tickings, new fancy patterns, extra value at 25 and 28c. yd. Denims, blue and,blaCk in heavy weight, at 25e. yd. Cottonadee extra heavy weight and nice patterns, special 28c% yd. Shifting* very large range and neat patterns Special prices 12%, 15 and 17c.- yd.- .• - Ginghams, new patterns and fine qualities at. 10, 12i and .15c. yd. Cottons, special values at 10 and 12%e;yd. • - Shietings, large range', • special values, 25, 30, 35 and 40c:yd. „ x . oseFa mous • Nemo Corsets We have lately received' a large slipment .of t these justly- celebrated. Nemo Corsets.,:- This. corset is orte we can heartily recommend as it gives perfect satisfaction and genuine comfort to the wearer. No. 212, price $2.50 I No. 522, price $400 No. 519# price $4 00 1 No. -344p price $4.00 ..lrabletineris Last week we pur- 4'4 chased' some Tabte -Linens away below regular prices and would ask you to see our special values --firtlais line - - • • 56 in. Bleached ,Lisien,' price'55C. .68 in. '"" 1' ,50c.., • GSin •4 1111-- 69 in. 1" , 1, 1.06 70 in. '‘, 11* 1' 1.25 Men's- Ties We have just receiv- • • • ed a. vet* fine assort- Crewe Monday, Belt, 20. ,Mise Mal Curran 1,s at present visit- ing friends in Ripley. Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Baldwin spent Sunday with Crewe friends. • Anniversary services will be held in the church here Qct. VartigidarS Mr. and MO. Ryan, GIderieh, spent, Sunday with. the former's sister, „Mrs. John Maury. Rev. Mr. Penrose, of Whitechurch, cm. opted the pnlPitof the Methodist chureli Harold spent an evening last week at the home of ate. It, ,Ioluoton. A •T MiKiefirNiQlett 'UMW& and Irene MeQuold,pf Oe G. 0. I. spent the week 444QauLitell!lielvnuiltn°1llbeer8 41:10rern here attendecl the lawn soeial at the Venus -of Anson Finlay and alt report a good time. John Myer; had. the misfortune to lose tom etWaevaluwatileaticapasttiose•i4over thisaeverepae4 e lest Thursday evening. ment of Men's Ties in the latest styles • and -beautiful • patterns- ,of fine quality Clan Tartatt-Ties;.vrice--50q. ee our rang-e-q-nree---Ties at 25c. and latest styles in Viten Collars. 11 ' • ' Next week the Aii:mal Fall Fair will be Iheicl in ,Lucknow, -----ndlWe-atelid2-aperia— 1- invit*ipii-titF'visitiatir- :store-and4ee-z- NVITATION our display of Dry Goods, etc. We will be.pleased to take care of your wraps, coats parcels, etc and also extend to • you -the free use: of our Dressing and-Tdfict-Rooms-upstairs. , • • , • . ••qam • OreY, a --,Monday, Sept. L'O, . Alien Camermils, 'engaged with, the McKenzie boy'sthreshing for the season.- • • •Miss Annie MeKinnen,'of 'Londe% is sPendingn couple of weeks • with termite here; • ' Afr:ad 'Mrs. Andrew ,701)(4!$, Torento, aple of week& vacation ;tatreirncierl,gh.tInClell; • MIA Etta McKinnon of London, - trained nurse, isopending a few weeks. with her parent e here, We are pleased tohear tint Hugh McMillan has again got • charge of the Grey Ox, school for another season. . The excessive rains we have bad seems Ttbblerairturgbilphye will blvigrtlieritleipmotaisred,cdrouf, ing tho is°tnorgni7lonfW1ast Thursday ntght passed over this section, but fortunately did little damage., ' Sorns good fields of corn were hadly.broken•down. • , , Mrs. George Taylor, whose arrival was so patiently awaited here by her husband, ha at jest •,tha, luisfortune to lose their only daughter,- Mr.:Taylorinteircla"niciviiig, Ou...thenor otIr • lot formerly known as the McDougall farm. ` • „ . LATEST WAR NEWS Therein'inciportanti 'though lint- wet- coMT, war StiTeirta, pethiCpa the strongest of the Balkan States -in -I ihtary Wajt;:aPpeare to have over to 'the Germania 'at hauce *That, is mit yet•annriiinded, 'het the Bulgarian armies are being nioboliA•;.; ed, preparatory, it is said for an"iirmecj; 'neutr1ity" At tbe same time derinan and Anetrian forces **tanking Seibiat the aim to cut away•througk.to,. the relief of the TurksThe armed' neutrality oi•Ridgifla is inetelY an ex: ease while.preparnfiona forwar are be. n 7, : This i -Viewp int-but_the:thicif effect -Will ly be to extend the fieldoeconfiegrattou Greepe'veill almost certainly coine-tu.the, aid et Serbia neshecia_ini_treaty-bennd to do.. !What Roumania will de s yet uncertain, but it is, thought that for' the present She will remain nintropesoNy. Waiting to gee to whichside victory will incline. - • - Thifi'action of Bulgaria is, of- courser dittiaimed Y . • Dardanelles campaign; the recent re verses suffered by the Russians and the • Bulgar's desire to ',:get :balr• at Serbia And Greece for their attack poi lier two yeark ago. • A large section of the Rnssiaii 'army' was thought to be in -danger ' of being surrounded at Vilna, but, as at Warsaw; the generale in •coinmand appear to have, snecessftilly • withdrawn; and the.. er- inans more failed to inflict a ctush- ingblow: 'Otherwise the situation, on the Russian front is little changed Bus sia is winning against the Austrians in the seuth, and.slowir-reiiring before the Germans in OR the Belgian -French front it's the• -storynothing-new;:--The, French are still pounding away at the . German position with hundreds of can -non and every day., repoding minor theugli riot Unimportant successes. There has.bzeii little or no activity on .the Masi/rent other Mt-41m.y RePorta are all to the effort that the iil. lies are preparing fur another winter in the trenches, which however will he spent in Stealer comfort than last winter. Pion), the sea there is nothing of im- portanee. iO 8U a marine war are s r s to beertakiiigu weekoff, probably with the prospeet of being renewed with Urea vigor in a few days as on former eccasiims: : ad enough from the Allies' 411111111111/1 4111111111111111. ,4aorroraurriroiromi . . Teessater, • , . • • - Sept 21 11,08855. 1. a Little ,ect, W. F. His. *ix spent,the week -era in town.. iktr: •..aid Mrs EEarvey Linklater • ..,00k in the London Fair lad- week Plia-Etwood-HeWitt anivedintown • . '- • . •on Friday tb say Goed-bye to his par- : 031:11tS before leaving•for Engladd A number of . people attended the Walkerton Fair lait, week, the special featur ' r ars.de. Mr. and Mra Bradley, •Missea Flor- ence Bradley and ltellie Fowler - at, ';'• 'tended the Young • People's Convent.. • thin in 13rUssels last week. Ati-drevr-AlliSOn"--of - Toronto; visited his parents last Week.- •:.,Also • Mr. -Allison. Melt -ague, -of Toronto, --.-gfaridebireglifi;- andA1lii6f Very successful anniversary service; • • were'eonducted by Or: Shearer, super,. iatendent of Social and Moral Rebirth 'T9A•enfo., §kkeeitil ultimo Was furnished. 'X6117.7' Thelstavo.. dist and Anglican ebur dies withdrew •. their evening services for the occasion. • The first antutat Rural Sehool ktaiv• • in coirogs is being held to -day. Tam. day t Sept. 21St., From four' to ten • • • . 1/110' given for entries of farm •'precincts, andgirls'• sowing and cook-'• - • ing,•and for eolleetions: of : weed,seeds ,. and insects. Three pries, either Med- * .. its or 64,311.prizeii, are to be giepn. , for Aveinintite aidiesse8 on any subject. In the aftArnoon the sports will eon. • tist %if races„.coritests of different kind's and tug.of 'War. • • : s • "•' • Atnberley. ' . • — ' .. • . • --Tnesday, Sept. 21. We Mt sorry to hen of the Severe ill- pess, of.Mnis Camp • • .14 Mrs. W. J. Blair, Tiverton, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Wilkie. Messrs. Jas Shiells and John 'Cam •bell attended Eondon Fair last week. The wedding of Mr. Victor alicrburn and Miss Hazel Bradley was solemnized at the Pine -River Presbyterian Church on Wednesday, Septeniber 15th in the presence of a few friends. The IWIT.-0; M Rutherrord tying the nuptial lino Mr. and Mrs. Thorburn left Wetinetiday. for a trip to Hamilton and other points. We extend our best wishes to them Don't forget the Aimivmsary seivices nex un • 1.1 Amberief Methodist- Churchrch- 'Special music will be rendered :by Bethel choir in the morning and Oli- vet choir in ilie"evenin . Rev. Mr. Niv- ent Of'Gtitriert4kiiig both 'services ad also the -concert Monday evening. A' splendid'trogram-•isibeing..provided. • A -.4.47-being_Ong„p1 the minstrel main features 6f the evening, also talent :from Ripley, Pine River and Total. Come and erijqk a-WOOdAVening. , -•'' • . , Laurier. _ , , . . • :,T7ertrrarrintatinrat-Wm:: -Bricking; ham - Mrs. X. j. McKenzie has returned from Goderiche . • Mrs J Iinstoime and 11•Bisai4 vis- ikd' friends in Kincardine. Frank Munro, whir has been indispos- ed, is able to. be around again. r • D. N. MeSentie, of anderich, visited his son, Ilea 1 McKenzie; dering the week. . . • • and Mrs. Thos. Dhtson, Tiverton, called on friends in this vicinity on Sun- day list. • , • Misses Mary IL lfoKeritie and Sophia :and Tena Keinpteri 'visited friends in Tiverton, • • ',Mr. kind Mrs. Thomak 13riidley and family, of Tiverton,visited friends in • this vicinity last week. Misses Annie and Maude McKenzie, of Detroit, are viiiting at the • liome of their brother, Neil D. *ami. ' 2.1.st Miss Edna Woody spentSunday in Westfield. • ' ' Quite a number from the burg took: in the anani.v eras ry Bethel intiy r • ; Miss Maud McQuillin is spending few -weeks visiting -friends, around Orangeville. * • • • • Atlas Shiell, 'of *eat Wawanosh, Tw elf with L_ Miss Pe.trodd::. • . • Misses Delia Cranston and...Anna 'Stewart of Wingham -High Seheoli• 1 were home over Sunday. Mr. Elliott Millet took i'nureber ef. tlio St ..ktek34:47b9p-fsty7-an, auto 1.44.1 to Walkerton Show last Wednesday. Mr Wm MeQuillin intends' going to Seaforth Show on Friday next. T111 is•te be 'iTtidge of% the 'rheavy horses there. •• • Wo are gThd to kowthat Mrs. Willie Webb, who has been laid up for genie time With.a frneturecl hip, is improving. • • Mrs. Malselm Buchanan left: ofi Weslinwsisi limit for Chicago, where she'intends spading a few months with her sister. Messrs, Frank Todd and James. Miller took a business trip to ' (Mt' One day last Week, Frank return - d on Sunday with a new Ford ear, ' The Septembermeeting of St.. Hel- ens Women's Institute will be held :on Thursday, the 30th,•rit the home of Mra P Clark; nt2:80, Subject:."Bel glom reoPle ,.and Their Custonyi." Question Drawer,"Setving and Knit, ting..' All theladies are oleome.— Seep , • • • • • • ,r, ' ••••• 44r, ' • • • .; .. • • , . •• • • • • . • , 0 • , • • , : • • ,• • • , • f.P,*- • • . • . " . Zion "Septrft • Miss Mary Nixon visited at her home • here en -Sunday; _ • _ _ • • Service in. this chitreli Sunday evening: 8,eMits2.6•Lharaati:-OPInf th.e -West is titg With Mr kind Mrs Jacob Minter. ' Mr. John, George and Beatty Gibson. Sundayed withfrienda, at Marching. •• Mr.Thomas andliisig,Jenet . Hackett vniitfel dtime.friendsfCOn'.S 'today. A. number- o.!; Zionites.' attended the: leiva'sobialtat -Mafeking and reporta good Miss Mary 11616 has returned tome after !vending a few days with her uncle, Anson "Finlaii. • ' • '• • •' Mr-Andiew-left-Saturclay_ for - Phone No. 10 is at. Your Service Sen, tor Caah—wia Cheaper Than The Credit Moro Q WHAT DOLLAR BUY? Comalwith tho crOw4 to Looknow Fall Farr . Thursday 0.11 Friday*pti 30the,40 Oct. 1st, IdC0111. 0 OlirD • . We will demOnstiate to yOuethc benef *1 of dealing in a iCasb Store. Don't fail to conte and ea1ize tbe, buying power o1,on:e:JDollar. Yhu. wiltcarry away inore foryour- - money -on those two 'days than , ever belor.e. KEEP THE DATES . • . he Lucknow Hardware and Coal Co. PPOINTS , rdyee _ • ••" er. : Mr. and Mrs.. C. F. Martin visited the Exhibition at London. ' ' : • , „., Welf•diggera are at present drilling for water at Scatter Taylor's. • -has engaged with James Martin for the fall threshing.. : A few inthis locality:have not, as yet finished harvesting on account of wet weather: , • Robert Hibben, who has been engaged With Jannis Martin, has engaged With. Frauds Doyle for a tern'. Guelph to contintiokhis third:year course . . forth Lon. Kinloss ' Sept I. .Mr. Djqiibioir made:Airadinek:_trip ' ' S li " ' m the 0, C. • . Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ingltind, and. their daughter, 1:Tellie spent Sunday with nen s in Ripley. Mr. and Mrs. George Baker of Willow Creek Visited with the la& tebrother, Mr.. Ralph„Nixeri on, Sunday. - Mr.andlire Et nest Gardner and babe' spent Sunday with Mi. and.M.rs: Wellr higtouliendefson=idr14rain5unk..•.:, to, t. e1 ens t h' is weeIr. ., - and .Mrs. Jones,letToro viiiiiii-Cfnender along our line Wirt- Manylreni this vicinity attended the Western Exhibition at London this season. • Mr. Alex. McKenzie. on the 2nd, tried to plow' lately., bat found the JUST ARRIVED animmileimairiewe • Another shipment of Trunks, Suit Cases and 'Travelling • Goods,etc. If thinking of - purchasing any of these goods •-; it will repay you to "see- d'art: S11.013\11Depaired Promptly. Everything in Harness Requirements kept. REG. BARRETT Mrs. George Irwin attended the- • International Exhibition for some' ' daye this seinen.: - - • - 181. S. MCDonaid, on the -4th. nis• Huron, sold his farin lately 'for the liandserne_snw of V70.00A • . John Me Dougall's tile drain, newly put in, must have been,damagecl . bad- ly by the recent heavy rains.: •• •• Many barn' roofs have been: . ' ed by the late storm, trees up:roOted,.• • . t corn flattened and fences *littered - • over the fields. • , .• • ••• ,r ••••-• • • • kr, • t • • • • • • • Information -Wanted' • • • Any in formatkon IcallrgtO tlie recovtra of A. Barnardo boy named Albert Clifford. aged -16 yearo, will be thatutinilyreceived by the underglnett, 113,whey'ditiappeated on Sunday. Sept. 5th. He wait hort,. ratliet snail of his age, and had dark hair. lie WAR aderibi 1.Utk. now on the evening et pe .6the. bit ;has not bcc beard of Slime.' • -- • • . .1. W. Tito-MPeol, 11-R. No. 1.1110104 • •.. . „ • r , • The BuyerW Guide The Emai whose ttamti' Item- mated id out advertising comas Ate worthy of the confidence of every pea,* who hot money to speiol. ,Tho 'fact that they advertise stamps Ora; 11 epepriing. progressive men Of hug» hm, a Credit. to tiseit town, sad deserving of pettintega, Out !dyer. tisiog 'columns omprise a Buyers' Gelds to' fair deat* goad gode, •, „ WOULD YOU LIKE THIS BEAUTIFUL PIANO? We Shall Positively Give It to Some:4)9e or -Our-Ctstomers . • e Call at Iliestore-A11-d-seezttdtry this-spltulid --- instrument. We will tell you about the plan of giving the piano Away.. This piano is the well, -known New: Scale Williams. It carries the manufacturer's tenoyear guarantee. 'We cordially invite your inspection • J. A ARMSTRON0'. • LUCKNOW ' . 1)RU001S • „. . • • ..•.. ' 4 • rkka.. • ••• • 'V, • ' .• l• ,„ • • r r‘t 0'4 . • . . .• • , :St ' . • .