HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-09-23, Page 6•
Wait IMMO tO II Ott0440 gr441:1111Vgli=:-Iiill# !IMAM AW
W 0 bee tam , witis *me , Button ,only *tared.
SPrOAI gat 044 so galat that fur the "anne_ ,in, Mr. Bewdent". bald the
noloont thsik moo convict, epos bona. colonel, turning towards; the dooi.
bly afreid she wite de04. He lifted her "4- big, red-faced, iollSoOkluit Matt
... IOU paireitealer and the little coo gently, Mul, te his greet relief, am, tiptoed awkwardly in.
. eias=ra ewe by adoodone out to that ehe was still breathing,: I "Be this' the chAp whet EaVed MY GREAT MOVEMENT BEGUN ON 41turapAN sc..Akip.i.A mom GRR.
IN:art,, itisii. liAlitY' VtlielitWAlt SWUM'S.
lit Newtake, chatting arabibly ea s 0 ee o y A -1- __ ,i.,.... . -, _ _-.,.
'''' ig;te709102;heik A*01Z1,
10 Ah4117 went. rice from the load. 'lie thinks that no elle will trust . ..
Threeay that, deep in every prisee "Knecked silly, she be,,
answered tame he aaee Ian a male. ea,
' Ws Mart, liee the/ deeire for eacape. Button. "And a, great, nasty eut on '''-'welly 1 sviii, sir." Ito tuened. to Eineucial Strength of the Nation lAie.s
III this Is so, Jiro BUttOn Was the ex- her bead."
ception thitt proves the rule. TweritY-
*even of his sixtY Years be bad srat
.44",'"7•14r.31-'13#.1 • --•
• Fender groaned. ,
"And 1 can't do nothing to help her,"
as' hi* Majesty's guest in one priton.
or another; but inost of them. at Moor -ll 1.1
'aeret you worry, sir. 111 go along 41 d 0 • • • '
lend*. the big, granite pen on top of end fetchthe doctor." "Then I'm your man, eir. I Won't
. a •
t of financial policy, arid as London Vie
the inor. .
... - .9rs a mile Vu&tO the-Prigin. Like'. t4.10' 11 t'e•• er'be' ," ' topit,41.0- cleat Beitanala the m"7,
. ,.. Q 111Q. 1 ,,
0 hoAilikadsaliVeialtsill ao.trilewderecis Farm
This last term had heeia A long one, ly he'll.be too late." • '
; centre a tile Whole Werld, that reV0-.
and by perfect ,eeraluct he bad risen to "No, he .won'te . I axe in .
• '11 h hi olon -e i' w d -Lon- on An- 1 -" •
uttOn roust have a naomentous effect
the dignity. 41 the grey dress and ell betwo two's," ansl.v.er:ed Buttnn con- &veers, • OPOn L\3. nation.
the priVilegeS Bert -lining to it. iblently., "I'rki. es,geing to ride .thia : ., , ,. -.70-.-7:-..-.. •
• 'at: 'at. el ' the ' 4 r•--
13efore• the war finaneaV T,,t length
. Ile earned real 1110311OF 11Q^Aradays ''ere horse back"and feteli MM." , . ,
was .e un e in e no. Neer of haeke
and was allowed to spend a shilling or As he spoke he we* tinfasteniug tile PERSQ114"'14NVEP.S. -, stna ether Onimeial eornorotiene and
two monthly ou small luxuries. from -reine. , , . , Interesting Gossip,' About eeme PZQM, in the *ability of t
,a the rris,ou cku.lteen. He had a specied There. avere no :stirrups so he hao• • .. :.• ••• ... - • .areeleaders on
, iloit reple. . . . • change. But nevi it le seen • nnd
• job :as eheplierd, mul fea inere'peeeen- to .clinkb on the wall in ord'er to Melia,.
al liberty than -le the let of OrkenYse- but liteldiy the -horse steed AO% ' „ . The Queen, ni the Beigiaiiii, 'eaIled !mown. that when.A g,re4t crisis is to
be feeed the 'financial Strength of the
railed 'free men. • '.'. • a 0 4, tx • • • • •_ - .
- C MS LIP! Ka Button, 01Cgillg IP,s• Affectionat ly th "Augel Queen" by :nation 'lies kr the thrift of ',the, great'
. At the PreSetit MeMent he woe en- heels in„ and. heeling ' the,. ennuale the 'Belgian.' aoldiers, is a daughter of : . ., .
.1 Urging On hie Da grievanee to. hie•the44 l'elixtil, .. , fl.- • • peke Col weeedere ot Bovatia , IOUS Of workers.- • : .,, '
Great Britain <bee provided for the
He had eever been a rider, and ,it The DuChese d'Aesta . wire takes n. '
mane:Mon', big Sent Pinder. H
• ' " f -
b ,,i den% see for whr they should was yrs snidelle ,had :been.. On a great' part in Red Cross work in expenses the wet for. herself aid
those , of her alliea•wlro, depend 'upon.
, luive: 1.4,i.oiltp, he .was.sayng. in ; his horse "t J1 lAtbout SW -141e. or stir- Roma Was born itt!rwlekenhatil:, ,AI -
quick? lerky Avay.', "Sc what it cots ` runSi4e rfelt horribly ineeenrea• but though delleAtei_she•is,a, gowaeloue W fOr 4. Yearto eonie by borrowing.
' the esuntrY. ;First ; get- to Creek a Pretendiag. a .centdenelt lie did not of big -game hantkikg. .:' front her own peoPlthe litterlYame:
... ':• - ' . '
crila.so as to. come back, then there's fFels.,- he kicked the horse hard -in the :. captain- ae aa., .e.apareeactravhaa wen thinkable eunk .,Of 0,000,000,090e ..
• • the #71e1)then' semik Me' to de • My 'rlbSand forced him. to a canter. . . .the OVA hy,t,gidieritli liandlinga e. , Je'tlie.eita der. of haseeely .ea,mee.,.
..serarattsi arter ,,ust\,x got to eoele. Tti.31 BlittQl. was in. -4 hnrry,, $0, "PaachinelgUri agAinat the; FresSiaki when cOoParatIvelY; Molt !Alum -Were
, , •
back here, and start all over ear 4 iu-: :raY'r•P.K.A1?• l'xisO-Plid, of the rein, .110 'Guards, confesses that the hellOr' :hag needed, bonds; WerenegOtiated
Walled Wildly at the beree. . . •,,,•• ••,,:..' brought.,peblloitY_ to the. Point. -4 .13or ga!fP.Ing/cfr.. ca''7:41. ,44:-.1,cing 9it:8';
• 'teMedlate• . 7isn't right, I tell yea, mtny
sir. They ()light to let a blelteStaY' on Neat moment it had bolted 4gtkin!' coining "4 worry and annoyance." a • iu
greater then...had aver been iiskett.for_
"14ni. if • ye wants to, tbeal",e,eried ' ..ilaiss -ltlarY GardeN tbdoeer# -sing- '
- if he's 4 mind to," a , ..
"Don't you averrY, . Button," ane Button recklessly, and cut it agivin,• er, is of Scottish extraction, and has e before Was required; and -there were
' sWered render kindly,. "They'll may, 'Run it did. ."The air rushed past his pretty wit. ' When asked if a woman none to furnish. it except .the Ceramon
4 ... ---. •
be send YOU to Camp Bill this time. ears as, crouched low on itaback, with Of 'the • world could dress on $1,250 a people oGreat Britahn..
, 'n.
There you'll have YOur.%4OcY and Your erne hand knotted in its mane, he tore year, she premptiy retorted; "It may •For, as the leaders of the ation
• •;
, own garden." ' e ' onwards, He lib one, but from be possible,„but What's the use?0 have explained, in Aa many. Words,
•. '1 other countries herr,* from Britain
"Will I have my 1.$:heel:oft :That's eon-Lew/10re over the. wall Callie A lend Lady "•Cardigan, Whese "Melnolra; hut, juitnin ludo. no. outaide2x,aaricet 4n
. what 1 wants to know." ._; . ' , -ShOuti - • -- • caused sueha sttra -few years ago,
Pender did not answer. His Aden, . ne-entird not even see who it was, , has Many Crimean relics in her home %sums- which wshithe 'al borrow the
-•tion had been. attracted bY.,•• a small' and n moment later . he.. was within . at Deene.Park, Northamptonshire, in -
car Which whirled in a cloud of dust Sight of the prison gatei..lie lay back; chiding the head of'tlie charger 'which leraetetr'sbhaiPAsZ 4eP.Inorl y : sntcahl 01 uusP'e0011the
along ?kilo read that run .it, the pp and .tugged with all his. knight, but . her husband rode .at the head of the g
of the Newtake, . 2 . • . -this.mede no earthly difference to the 'fanious Light Brigade at Balaclava. these are the keepers and guardians
"-Dr. Styles,. ain't it?" he said. speed of his mama. . . ' •,. Mr. John Redmond has sartorial of her Aladdiii's Lamp Of finance, that
- "Wonder where he's been to?" ',• • "Whoa,: .. ye brute! • . Wheal" he ambitions, . }Ie is Wearing it sinthat nlokreesritoi;S world's
"He's a-ceming baek from. vale, shouted: , " • ' • 'with a rather low masaive crown that v ''
• . Reserve. . One hope alone remains, but
'-'116ral;."-iintWerect-Butten. promptly. ----But-thehorsePaid-neemoreattena. epita his striking head. When the
ocaantee, the blacksmith, was took tion than to the sttain on the bit.' • • •surt ,ehinia`. he :blossoms 'forth Info -a une en-1Whieli-Great--Briteinehes 7 al-
. . • .
olek, ' ' - -L7::-BOttelr had a- glimpse of the ho ' ' ' ' by_ancla flower, hai.S... ways relied in time Of 'trouble -the
' people. Oa to the .cenunerr\
Render looked at him with a cer- fie& face of the sentry at ' tli,e;. gate; - 'buttonhole, He is easily :the best: ' 9
epeopleP•nthe .great Ministers ,of. State
, taia Wender. ;Olen. he was .past and. in the village dressed man in the Irish psvtii. -
"How the-iiii-SVhief do you know :street ..' a: * * 7 •4'• • ' : . - The leaatellscusged,nienill
'A 1-* rutleiactr4:' wasA. etricreig onthroughti°i'f-
Wet?" he asked. ' - ' • ' " - . • Right in front was a street.-cleaningi ..Britisli Government to-daY r. ir-.
. . . .. . . .
apers . and ',1501Lboardsr and h;
-,...ahatton's_AMAitahrow,reface•wrieltled, parVin charge of three or four ward- rell, who. 'seems' to have. relapsed into .newsP
in a grin. ' • . , ... • • . ' ' .. • ..'- ' . ils-- Tbelega'Seettered rviira47..-.4titiititibsciititst.'. -He' ntlikee no •• -speeches, means,ot.„publie meetings' and, demort-
-' "He's':PrinciPal-warder . Brennan's ton's'mad charge •but the .•werders and he -•-no longer to :stratione; '' . °' ' .
. .
:.: ,:
a uncle, Sire Thatii, how I came .:;tO rifles in band, ran mit' into the Middle., say, talks .charmingly in the "obiter When thesubscription . listswere'
. hear," ' . „of.the road. • • .' ' dicta" vein. He looks a 'tired map, closed and the tallies put together it
• ''''Seenie to Me, there isn't much you i . •"`Stop!"' shouted One, Ina pereMpte and it is doubtful whether he would, was found thOt,abundant streams of
don't hear,"retorted render",: '.."Xow„ • ory tone. .. . ' _ . .....:. • ' '; e, , not welcome-retiral from the Cabinet. Wealth-- had-: been tapped to filla the
You go out over,;" and .fetch ' then," "Criker,1•!:xmittered" Baton, sfidderi-' ' -There Was a discuasion, at one .of. natiOnaftreastury fell to overflowing;
ewes. Poe got to See hOW•much hay's 1y realizing the situatieteauthey•thipka the London clubs the other eVening as the vilest, stupendous . financial opefa-
left in the sheeppen in the next ,field,Pm -doin' 6. bunk". . . . • to the unlucky thirteen .superstition." tion in. the history of World h, I
•• He Walked away towards the • .-dpi.-. " "Stop lira yOurselflit'he shotited An k.P.," who had been 'quietly listen-. been Cein'ed to success. ., . .
. hill, whistling as he went .in 6 queer, ,But the clatter,of: the horses toofe',..liest• Speech for years Was. based on a *One 'Olass alone to whom the Credit
Button. "Will you take en with me as
ehepherdl" he asked.
Button's face lighted up..-
Antrou meaue:lbet?" he asked.
thp Than of ,the
rerelatien in thought has taken
plaCe in Great Britain on the subject
posits Wall, and Button started down back. ing, intervened with the.remark; "The *-Everybody sees now that there is,
sing -son g fashion. ' drowned his voice; and, as' thewarder phrase of _thirteen letters: it was for this success is -due-those
The -sheep': lifted-. their heads, and challenged a eeeonalime,,Button law 'wake up,' England!' by • is • ajes ove and 'Practice thrift 'Theprodigal
began to move slowly tee:verdehim. him'fling his rifle up to his shoulder. the That settled the discus- and the squanderer have neither part
Ther knew the can, and Buttonihim- "Don't shoot!" he yelled. • . Sion.- • ' nor' lot in this matter: Thrift,
self wasnot 'a little proud of the fact And as the words passed his lip,. ' If you were to ask General Smith- russett,clad 'virtue which has been
that he needednodeg to drive them- there came the'Crackaof the first dig- Poarien what he thought of•the Cana-
._ A sound broke on the , stiliness..ef charge fired his. head.dian heroism . at Ypres his answer in
the quiet afternoon. -A lend clatter of ' "Stop! 'It's Button!" -dried Miceli llaikelibeod*ould'bok:,"-I•ilwa-YAsaid
horses' heee-sa O :rattle .of Wheel's. But- .warder'„, an -older they were fine!' For years" he _has
ton looked round sharply. • said: "Give Me a thousand COlOriials
• The first thing he 'saw was Pender
sprinting for all he was worth towards
•.'..the low Wail Which herderedthe Toad;
the second,' a. • two -wheeled" farmer's
gig, with a big,' iigly.bay bored in the
shafts, coming down the slopefrom
the direction of 'Moorlands • at •a -ter-
rific pace. 0
•Tbe horse was running away. He
had the hit in his teeth; and the only
oecupant4Of the gig; a girl, was quite
rinable."to hold hini.
The setting tun was .fall• on 'her,
•••,face, arid. Button saw; it, White. and
• set, yet with no sign- of panic. Her
• feet were .firmly planted against -the.
dash -board, she had a rein in each
hand, and she was pulling ,with all
her roiglit. needed no more than
one glente, however, to gee that She
niight as well have tiled to step, a
• loceniotive as. the hard -mouthed, ter-
-rifted brute.-
Buttonsheart stood. still. • For a
. mordent' e Was.una e o move.' en
he, too, started running. .
• He • saw 'Fender gain the Wall and
cegnizing the 'flying figure. ..
It wastoolate. A second ellargilof Who can ride and shoot, and in six
• -months' time they- will be -able -to meet
with advantage the finest Continental
troops that can be brought against
buckshot ripped the air, and the little
lag, without word or cry, toppled off
the horie' and fell in, a heap at. the
side Of the road.
"You fool! Couldn't you see it was
Button?",roared the elder warder, , as
he dashed forward,. and flunelihriself
i knees beside Button.
you Button'?" • he
asked, anxiously:
1ttdn's eyes opened.' He .forced
himself tO speak but his Voice was so -whieh her ,Royal Highness finished...in
. •• • •
Paderewski, whose aloq,uent appeal
for our help for the Polish' victims of
thewar th-s• "brought him into the
limelight again, prehably thinks the
when he was asked by the Princess
Louise to • sit to her for his portrait,
low that theivarder hadto bend close
to his !Meath to Catch the words.
7 "Nadir -Milt?" repeated the ward*
quickly. "Where'?" • -
• . coup by Urdle Netvtake. Him and
Istie Bowden. Send the doctor. t....._ ;a bachelor who lives- in one of the
eome--efer-help!. The hoss be run largeSt. mansiona in London. He is
off!" . -.. . , • •• • lkl. Paid Camboa Franee'e trusted
His voice died away, hi's eyes elos- Arnbassador to - the : Court .. of. •St.
ed, and he lay very still.., ,
.."Ba k all of our ordered the
warder sharply, addressing the, con-
victs, awho Were 'crowding round.
"Stand back, you japing idiots! 'Mr:
Warne you go for the•doctor rind tell immersed in the chesOoard.' .
take it in his stride. The galloping
a• lairee Was .alraosi oppoeite.,, Buttoo him. Mc,. Fender's badly hiirt' up by .4: very anxious sovereign at the
finidle ifewtake,- and - issie 1:361.1„dtn., .monient must be Queen Wilhelmina,
--saw the warder's arm- - ontstretelied,
to.O., And sendan ambtilance here . bs; whine- count •,y 'the War'. has Placed in
, #avv..hirn Snatch at the reins...
three sittings. ' It would be rather in-
teresting to laid* What -has be-coine-of.
that -painting.. - ••
• Of a morning, taking a, walk in
•Hyde Park, Londen, there may be met
James's, end one ,of the Ohms of the
Entente Cordiale, and his house is the.
wherein' a quiet hour stolen'from the
cares of diplomacy, he .may be found'
• 7 • ..:
••. .
Protect tho Munk,
Charks PrPly, DmughtglPan 17'41° • The eliunk etande among the most'
chunk, Worked in Gennep. Imbellorrttutattinasniceramolhautritui tcoh joietr iartar,
er. It la the best-known enemy of army
A• .1t an:ziti:t1:xii'7407:14:epared, Wornai including, the common- array
Worm, the. wheat head army worm
klahativIt°4rBC44:enlirrt11401dLY.Irtrax.:14341::b ;tit and1,e(It]: 1. uf aallo ay; mro asinali ll of welaqizeth
and griteSes, and ettlitiQ beavy.'iosses
who has just escaped to gloana from
designed fighting machines for the every year to farmem according to
KAlseea'ar/nieS heft" the Wer.an4 the II.Dited States clepartment agri7.
• culture's biologist;
ont?irnatyernwnlaeontbocrannipj4ilnieGleirroainsy744, in
Two kinds of tObacco •tvorms, which
Rollinsfortl, Strafford . County, Nevr•, aliebettteauckbyttoat sticu
Hampshire. He *becerae an auterno- •ipoo jtaatt pnl auumt
bile engineer. . MO, in response
tO advertisement for .4..high-glaps
'dreuaggagghetds,Mwtth."404th7144,e-libaaniCa' 31G7erinwearis.
named 7nitz'in :Detroit, „He says:
"As seen as I had -signed the agrec-
ment told the next important
thing' was fin* me to get for: him 44,
• copy ,. of my : birth' eerfilleat.s. So 1
virete Mine to rays father in'Rellins-
lard and he: got the•COurity Clerk Vic,
Mike kn4t. the •4irt4. geitigeoe. .When
•we-Tedehe4 New ' York .1 found'. aix
other men, all Americans,waitingfor
ThtY;.teo,-bad, all got•theifbittla
certificates. All Of "us turne4 them
or r • •
' "Those birth certificates ,never
erne back to any of Us. From what
I have .found. out since each One of
theta was used -a year later -by a
German ' spy, pretending to be an
American 'ought in Europe without
TagSPOrt•: -On •-the strength of these
birth -certificates Anierican coneille
issued pmergency passports right and
left. _
New War- Cars. •
"When we got to Wusteenhaussen
we found our work was to experiment
Wit]r • armored cars, motor. letries -of
1,000 kilos _Upward. • Some Ger-
'Ilan had vrorked. out n new. theory
regardriellatT tirinament practicable
. ,
-Or-automobiles-etudievere-4o,--test it.
The schen:ie. Was to use pietes of
garveyized steel on the outside; thin
boiler iron era the ineidee-and
tween the .two pulverized glass. J
have found out •since that the results
of our original tests bave been amply
.proved in abtual OA -vice. The Taliiier-
ized glass stops any kind of steel
Iticket projectile as 'effectively. as
three times the thickness of 4yotheF.,
material wonid.1 • ,
"We: were hard'. at work building
equipment for the German army and
being paid by the German War De-
partment -without having an idea! of
"After 1 completed a second arni-
ored loriy, equipped with"several min-,
or improvements Over the .first one,
they asked me if 1 would try nay hand
at installing a dynanio in another
-to operate a seareltlight. • „
forgetten by many and:scoffed at W krt3'
not a few, is now kftoWn to, be the ' Subsequently I. Workedout
strong -guardian of the Em ire's, life.
The lesson does net end with the
raising of even so vast a" ium as
$3,000,000;000. This is but -the begin-
ing, and, should the We" •the_
people Who have given so much must
give still more.';
What then? Here is whit the
Priine Minister, • Rt. Hon. II. H. As-
quitle-said at the greathistory-mak,
lilt meeting in "London Guildhall 4at
which the loan caropaign was opened::
ocheme_whereby_ the_.gan and_the
searchlight7--m-ald-:'b-e--optratici -
-taneonsly with one . lever,„ the light
shaft and the bullet trajecteay being
always identical. ; •
• "Wynian and -1 went next to Wit-
tenberg, late in May, 1914, where we
found •another 'model mdchine .works,
of which Fultz 'seemed to be owner.
Of couree every- one of these factories
was 'and is Government-owned; but, I
douht . if even the townspeople in
u- 'laces, h d n idea of
protected. 'With ihaecte irxcreasing
with wonderful rapidityt the farmer
and gardener la put to great ,open.80. •
and labor in fighting them, and any
•animal that !will help the cultivators'
of the soil to fight them insect battfes
abould be encouraged: and protected.
iViany • farmers are vhortaightect,
:enough to hilt every shooli_thoy COP44,1,,,
find; to obtain for th'e skin it . price •
cthat..seemalhigh, but la nothing as
,comPared with the mind it doce. •
zinl here. rhos wor a change their. diet t;111e.°:uilehlieetrf.°,1t09:;ajnitilittels.tentAy1011.1; .:13;;:tie111114114fifeciowt%. •n'bbYg°
gionA tobacco to tomatoes, with such
adaptability- that they • 'have spread. spray i/33'W:ge$t°1'ilir.r* 4WSlibutn'
ttlihne'ss$,kruantiklzrnroy,coorns.swuemresd,64e1:;417.1x, otacr •The apraYappe4ra
thete4w%alriss' .°0f11 t11agriculture.°IQglt°the Iiiinn.c.8tita af4'.
such that he will dig tinpu out from "iree Pitrt3 `lf fish 61 and
°P.° P4rt.'..
tlahte(.1..e.rvatiununderinanard de4e4tlyx.ntbte,erilis in the os,ene! The Spraying .is hest' done,' .
The. white
ids9 dug,,o.r. by: only
7h teaw1Q.C1loartglei.e,'014prifIxrutreas• fttliodo, pit;atraloda'S
1lies Lor
OW4 thiS 0:11$111a\With faVOri .4 'POW .rc- keep'9'e .411 !w°
grubs it may uproot the"plent or eat -•Tb4 OZ10SgP-Iiiitral741114g4ti;;;1;te‘ti
though in its eager search for the
4' few ..)?erties. • The skunk- also eats more toward eqoPMie,fnaluten-
'ruagnik*winb:aicth*bNetcari e.bfereotnireli"tahlleds.'eflilit: :ittele-m°1Cnilltuboillembeier"tx '48agre,Inny
t :
.grSUbell:nkr:i also destroy estr-oy th'e hop grub, .not require special acts of die legis
grasshoppers, cut -worms, crickets, lature; bond issues or expensive educa7„
tional campaigns to make it avail- '
sphinx Moths sweet potato beetles,
Colorado .potato bbeetles, field mice
and rats. The 'animal is especially
useful in destroying the rata and mice
that commonly 'rifest, farnibifildings,
If .41' Skunk lakes up his residence Pinning Dent's.
flea'. premises where these rata are 'Don't prune with an ex. .
abundant, it will remain there if not Don't cut off the lower limbs:
disturbed until practieelly all of the Don't cut off the short spurs.
rodents are destroyed. Don't leave stUbs,
So Useful an animal should' bedully Don't Use dull tools.
•• •
able as usually proceeds "censtractem
work. k drag can 'b� built or pox -
chased for $20 and easily operated by
ayone who can drive a, team.
,ed with sulphuric and nitric acids;
and-Premerribered -the -old-gunpowder-
formula and 'tumbled."' '
. .A Pqrtehle,Factory:
"I knew well enough I was helping,
fa -create a portable powder factory,
the first one of its kind in the -world."
After' the fall of -Liege; Pray in the
'hearing of teEo,..of his superiors in the
model machine works expressed him-
self. The Germans might whip the
Belgians, he opined, but "by heck" it
didn't lay in their power ,to whip the
English! • • .
"I alio told 'em," -added': Pray With
a rerniniscent smile,' "that' "en :the
war was over there wouldn't be •any
more'Germaris and little Willie Would
have to .hunt for another job.".
It did not surprisethe Yankee, over-
much when, the following day, he was
He •was sent to Prison and' then to
an internment camp?, but, managed to a position to know what she is talk-
elcape to England, where he has been ing about has caubed• not a little ex.;
engaged by the Gavernment, and asperation in certain high plates. -
wherthe .has -Mini?' ShIcliers-at- the baseimpitate_have____
ions oard what hesaw in-Germani. given the name of the "Wash Ilia Kiss •
thage ultrayfash,thiable
WORDS OF THE WISE. • nurses. "What they seem to do' most;" •
' „zeicl_n_friend, of mine from the front, '
"Frugality may be termed the "ii to wish' the wonnded. man's face
Daughter of prudence, the sister of and then kiss him for his -mother."
Temperance, and the. Parent of Lib- Which reminds. one of a fltory of the
erty."-Samuel Johnson. South African War. A fessy nurse
went to one bed and asked the wound-
ed soldier what she could do for him.
Anything you like ma'am," bluntly re- '
Is Not Very Popular With the -Wound-
' ed Soldiers. , •
Lady Warwick, in her, character-
istitally fearless and out -spoken mane - ' • •
ner, has draw attention to the. spaptiel
that a nnmber. of 'the , women
tetra -for nursing work at .the fie t'
6oly offer to help because thenovelty
_appeals to them,., They haveapo, aped- .
qUalifications, 'and pester the
authorities.for permits the wear-
ied offici4 sonletiMes give may. -
La;ly Warwick says . -.that most 41.;
the fashionable nurses Who to the
front are bent Upon nothing but har-
ing a good time, and, adding to their
collection of sensations.' e
They driv
a.coach,and-four through such things -
as regulations and discipline, and are
a sore trial to the really -trained nurs-
es. Such a statement by one who is -in • -
• Men live best on moderate Means.
Nature has disPeneed to.. all !Pen
wherewith te be 'happy, if mankind
didenotaknewhove t•O_-_71ke Ilial..tti-rtS "-
to advertise the merits and , advent-, the truth. . Claudian.
Ages of this war dean but to initiate. . SAW Liquid Fire. . • 0- "A, man that only translates shall washed it six times already."
a eencertecl nathinal movement .,for. . . pat.:was-in . Wittenberg that-L.0A .never be.a Peet. nor it painter one , 4. • -
face again. Them other ladies have
what may be called war economy." my. first introduction to liquid fire that only copies. Se•People that trust - identifying Dead Soldiers.
-rel-ife-Pointed out that the rgreat ultz- 'day:and' whollY-to-othere ebarita-via alWare Eaelr-of the -armies bi this
increase -in the -imports 01 .asked_in4_ilf74 kanw
continued Without being balanced by thermite. .1 told him I did. We use
exportsimpst mean a balance to be it in America in a wilding process
. .
paid out in gold; ,and that with the wheregreat heat is tequiredIle
'lowering of its gold' reserve Britain asked me if I could make thermite
'must becorae a borrowing nation and\ and I told hirn I could -L.421 had 4ome
lose its position of pre-eminence as willow 'charcoal, magnesium, and
the world's: financial centre. There- iron • fillings. After had made a
fore: Economy, thrift. He said,•filt-
,here•-!•qher-e-reinains only-oneacouree-
. , . . to deminislr our expenditure'
and increase our savings." '
Hon. A. Boner -Lae', Secretary
forthe Colonies in the preterit coali-
tion • Government, formerly leader of the works and showed me. a cistern, repair,--a-'.-defect of - hs naine on a tiny parchment
the Oppositionvoiee-d the eame belief :
Olit of which pipes ran to a boiler. Emerson. - .• leaf within. The is sol-
..he:peer.:"--TerePle • \ " war..„-says-the-pliristirea--Herald;
"I earn that I eat, get that I wear; system that, enables' it to identify the
owe no man hate,' envy. no man's dead- ,The Russian soldier . wears a ,
happiness, glad of other men's good, numbered badge; the French soldier
cer.tent with my hains."---LShakes- has an identificatiOn card stitched
peare.• • into his tunic; the German sOldier 'has
"Lost not thine own for want of a little metal disk that bears •his
asking' . for it; 'twill earn. thee no name; the British soldier has an eln-
quantitY of thermite, my next job was thanks "-Fuller • minum disk, with identification marks a..
o make -a eannister-to--hold-4t-The---Nee--WhenLt.he A .ht. is_within__and....churtli_affiliationg-; 'the-Japanese-
hirntelf, • ,soldier 'has three disks; all alike, one •
A ina.n!s Worth' something." • round his neck, another•in a his belt,
• -.Robert Brownirig end another in hisboot; and the Aim; "
'No change of circumstances can trian soldier 'has a gun -'metal badge,
yarn Fultz told me to account for
this job was 'a •marvel-vieived in the
light of ,what I know now. ,
"He took me •over .to.ene corner ok
-.-e ' same emick as you can Though.' doubt it's 1""ai '''"Oftieu'l".°'siti°n;-74/41Pil.Y:7h4F" -and-g-aver.hear-tr-aPPro•val,to-t eheirre-was-;te-droiefeannis.terS,o•f, ' °There-are-but-:tWo waye-ef-paYing.41.1e.r-se-lightly..-7,Ealued 4liat,lie--..earries ate -
The harge •ewervea at 114
• 4- • ' •••••#Trie throWing up'. its' :head:. -Veneer.
. . . 'too late" he added regretfully' :as haehealthaLoviadeya is better than it used paign of thrift. . .
• • therinite into. this cistern .and thes. debts; increase Of indiistry in, raising no ,bidge.,. Identification is. evidently
--storable& - As -Button lnirled •himgelf •glarrced at the small,' crurnnleirfigirre! * e'. -•''''' ixo ' 'doubt ' , her ,.A , Fax .Coriiniittee - has . heat the. water- in it ago it would.re-eineome, increase of thrift ' m laying regarded as unnecessary In his
frantically over the.Wall,.briiisinabie 4 .n „ . still , • • - .. • j•griater strength to face whatever, isLiteen appointed to act in, collaboration
.. . yi g se-sti , in. tile dust at his feet: • •- • • • quire leas coal .tO 'convert the Water out." -Carlyle.. '
_. _ .. • _. ,_ ,. .
, , . • - So, • ton "thought.:•keeri-fated. -Dr. -u . • - • • -1.•,-------••-
e es the future may have in store. se,ilh'the•treastifY, ASpartment. Offices : into steam whenitt.reaChed the boil'e :,.• - --a..-a,`---.2aea-a,----.- ., .:... . ' .. "Cif 1 get alte4Eik lie.ra and:data: '
ihins,.'itrid,:lifinging llown half, a,...dozen__. . • • •
., '-elluriks of the lonseat.oneaPender. went._ . , , ._
%idea when, after attending' fe Pen . 7-,•;:,er ..° 1_" I). -A--"A-' • • . •" 1 - ..1 , •
H 'lief • leasure lies7ni . tee.:-...eclidini, have liemi olleP0-, -i's .1*44-4W-r-t-rs". *en. • it Waslabout- the,fishiest-Yarn "IL .4._A._ lawsuit eaapt to wear . -outa„Althe •epe ao'gracktaafilet"-a--"It _depends - •
'f- on youe teethasir." •
i.-6-ns;'itlie prison inflioriarY, Whereldi agaist; I. • • .
and thereasome One ago, she.painted .. been formed to peen& in the _pars of
t Vortal • organi'zatiorr has '
many. weird things by this trete I was ,,,_-_• ..,, . .
. . . , .
.,••' •- ' .' • ... -\ • • - der and hie.mece,- he .hurried heel; to ',' .
- • . •• . • . .. • , • .• '. that she 'gas -Title up- m . er palace, ami a great na i , , ever listened to, but 'he had- done „so the pocketa.:' st ._ .
.. :__.... •
-Bet-Latiltahaliad tight -of the' -.- i
. . • ant -avaa blity Otrer ',13titton.- • • • • u number of „. 'beautitul • illustrations 1 every 'man, wernati alTd-.ChiliFin,Great jaaa. aa_
, . , • .. .
,atal his weight threw the 'mad. brute e..... rprised than:181104dd hale been
- of the..ieere- lifted: ' There followed a pita. But *we'll do our. • 'best .te pull ',.., Sir Per . Giroaard; wheis helping :make known evq.'S,W,
here.'l'irlewftinadidv.id6- :.4---n7ise----------'''
"All .uncohscionsly 1 was .making a:
9- 9---w-- ••.‘qt, ..pity•," • he . inutertured-"a sad .1.
• ' foureied-chriL - ' • . '. „.' Britair4..the.-ptaises-of--ro-----n t e.c •
' right Off .the faih---V--bgel.
.. splintering erash, as the eart. tUrned him through:" • .: . , , the organization that jet() glees the'', ear arid national.Welfare alike dePend 7 devilish Contraption that a few ritopths . • •
[in..' . ' '. ' ' • *t. '-'1 'otable.: open .thesmall and toe -often despised
• .' '• ° ' ' :. • ; fi -. re with his monocle.. He (lees not ••economiee of eve'ryday life. °Extrava- '.
:. later . wig to: he used by German ' alio.; :
men in 7..epeeline in their raids cie the '
1 • . - • „. Army more ammuni meal.. a ri
• tight eireia. dingingathe girl Many feet* . ,., .. .. , . . . .
Ilwilr- ' . ' . - ' . ' . ' ' ' - 1 ' • "....•strike -' ' at first. as a leader tti then, 1. -gUnce has not onljt gone ont of fish-; :..
'„,-._•.„_The.learge„ ,thdy,*nt 'low); and lay-. Pull him through they •cld... end_Lin , ha ou..
- ,stfuggling on top Of 4,P -hashed shaft,a two ninths' tirneallettou was a'sminel. , but •w en :ease .hayeagpoken to 'him for • ion it is 'regarded with, disliker-end.•. .
E.nglisii.• coast- • , ' • , - . . . ' „ 1- . .
"Later 1 ..elal,v thein firing, e.sliglitiil • - --
with'the harness in . a • tangle .all .1nOir again- .' -.. . • •", if- IT hoof., c'iti-ehalifee•- ''ollr conlertipt. • ' The ' man a.
`-'6,bo icf4lay -,,,iifterent carmister that was mit :bre l'-
atound it, mid Peteler Somewhere us, . -Then one, morning a 'visitor:aPpearil, tii7iton. .- . '45, steire dfseielirniffee, he .Shoilld flaunt hie 'wealth arid try. 'to -I:,
aide .a.' three -Inch "shell and Shot out; -
'ad xIs beatiliehoofe.' . - : '. „' a a ed in the infirmary; a -tali, Inilitary ,. has:the...gift ef making himself po,p&- 'bring: in .again t,he 'fashion of laVish if a gun- The havoc this liquid, •fire,$!. - %
teish' riatlitil-the-spotHiitiOrblittleakin nian,;.- With 4- grey-ilionstablie cliir-*isitiTr-gt;_i the; lastilhoniaLsigneCJanit.oetelltati011z7 speodingaweehl- be _anesedoote-the.• testiiue,-.,grounds r.wa,s, a, „. •.-
Could' tige, ... tied • flung' himself on its midapair of keens -,Wile eyee. He was • by three thousledof the emeleeeeS, looked Upon os it feel or ',.yoeke. 'tit; , plenty to convince anyone of its hell- ..
- • , . • : .., • , .C000el
. . . peytenathe Governer a moor- 'Whell',he •gove up Mr' appoietnit:et as 'Hon . -Sir John 'SiMOni Attorney-Gener-jsh character. And this, reradrober, • •
tit. •the imschief .tvas •done. pen- lands. Prison, . , . 1 Qommissioner of,the-,Iteilwaya fir the, el, has giveh this word -lite -the 13ritidi • "•_
;,.. was in May, three 'months 'beforewar I -
' leg twisted Under hire it an -heir - 41va,--Buttob;" he geld, arid -thereta.--Soldiers as a.rl,le -cle not t:1i-ae 'reeeh-'-,t-'1•I'erte'. .11.4it 1 y eiii. g .1'71168. ted..,.. ev. er7....p .
Was declared.
"After- a week's'. vacation which- I • -
der was fiat on his haek, with his left He
. halted, by Button's bed .• .. " ;Transvaal ' . . ,
•faildori, tiod hi.S.Ade White with iain,, was 'a 'glint of a sMile in those usually • iiitefeet in Ferlimnente•ly inrer,clinge'. i - iS.,itravagance, always si. folly •be- .
. had, the end of Jane- 1, I fetien 'mi.-.
•eaa"-"..1.11-eagir1'alay •inotioniiiir-On-the ,hard • teryesi-°The...'decto*Aelteule-Y00-414:A4-4'44414'1'W*7"r- LI -42- .t/-:::Cr41. ":`CCirle'C''in''14'4"111._-"iiiiil t4bflf"....;,.-'4kt.teli en route to the Xrupp factory -,a..t-*,;',,..-
• ! tie under the wall. are nearly ,well again." • , ., • ' ' tion, for be. regular:y rit..entitt the' de- . ways a. virtue, bPc°'"es ul
ir waTb'e aI kssirL And at the same time I dise. . 'a
• "Is .she hurt bad?. . Ie Iasi° hurt?" "I reckon 'he's right; sir," iltisavo..hpaes' in the Lord3.."4/e lot- a keen , grcat national duty." . . ' • coV6red that Mr,' • VUltz was not mi...,,••
• -, . dortoictod: Pendo. , • ; . , , ed Buttan. .' ' . .' a . , '. sense of heraer, aid ,o „ c.,:otri 5,.....4ri'ni Frit,e,in has spoken: 'by her' decree • Fultz at ala --but. Graf 'von. Schnell- *.' ,....a.,..a,
. • He tried .terise eshe spoke, but '"1 have a Mite surprise. for :i.,`Ou.' In , are told Of himeaDara hr. E41•.::. •0....drt•-17‘ , IhtiP;. world •fo-day is a:world •0. The4ti,.
. , , nlann of the .Germa'n Secret Service.'
. ,....,-,.,
..;„foit tysth..:*tith a' green. •. ' .'., eongideration of your proniet. action , ing of an episode .' in 'pear!. aCer.an .. ,, • *---.'7•7'-'.47-""*-, -77'.. ; • "At Xfupps' I. went on to a portable
. ' It'il'IS016..BOWdent' toy elite,: Rates Ana 'Its unfortunate fretnli; the 'Horne '1 fighting to an '11148th:tad • taper, aid; . ',• • , •• A Gelitleniere ' '' • .grinding• •plant . t was an elaborate
',. ' • 4a:tighter,'" "he. eXplained. °I, always .Office have..granted your release." .. - [to his great astonislurient, founcl,when..0- , ,..•• . ._...., , ,., , . . •, , e • • Scherne, all the details •of which were '
:,. • telled Toe .BbWilen he never ought to Button's' face, no longer brotere•
, . fen otiblighed that. palteateee had beet a . A true gentleman never . forgets
sholn Me by. tine of the Krupp de-
' .. let her 'drive, that -vicimis briite.' dismally., ... . , .„ . •,,, , added. Ire' protested, h.ut. "was, blandly . hirnself;or faits, to remernber , °there. .. .. ... „.. .
tri il t 1 h 4 *d 0.,
, =goers. at. e rs . a no ,1 e
."111 'spa in a. niintite," panted 'kit- .'"Do Phave to go out, 'sir ?" ".. assured ...tile •pubirc . eitimeted :ealite I.' :,'• ' ' 7' : .; . what this grinding plant Was iritended
•• ton,' straggling, with ;the harness: "Ile . Colonel Peyton gave' him a .tpeelt trees an "African","- s.tenery.• • .. ::' • Themen areon earth Chiefly to ate' for. oAll I knew was that it vias to
-• you itincli hitt, 'sir 7" - • -. glante, -., -'• • • • . -tract the women, but they don't know he shipped to Constantinople, for use . •
. ,• •_Nee-er Fleased.., ,• . „., ,
, "Iiroke mYlegi '-'.11 oth.bones,1 •reck. "'Don't you warit tel" he asked. it .. the weteep ate (th earth elliefir tO• by•the l'uthish 'Government. •,.
e .. ,on. ' Veda all Io0Se like." • . , . "No,- sir " was the energetie ate ..N'C'heo it e'our.teeth are exittink; ' • .:.attract the ineto ,arid they know' it, "Little by little 1 leerned that the
, .Puttoti had managed ' 4o. get ,,,the. ewer, "Not now l• .deift. If ..they We cry and melee 'a fussa ', atheitir tape pretend otherwise. , grinding, plarit was, to reduce taw 'cot:
. trades, iitififitelleil., ICU -Tine .,tight wantsid do something for "me, they , Not do we like itjater.: •••• ...• • I . • ' • • • ton to: puip. ' ThiS .nett job wee .to
hold et the reins, be . 'tleverly. extri- better let nit bicle and, leak arter them . When • eiu.:i. ally teeth ."cat" uee 1 . . 7 • ' ? instal .an -agitator or another motor
cated the horse from the riling ofthe sheen.," • • . , . . ..
. .
. . . l. Little koliert-,"24, Was Itebinsen i
,otry,, and ' again •get a trineinission .
. eat, alidi leading '10th nteroas te the •' 'Tut siippose.Yoit'liad.,Some sheep, . A, „",..;flunterp.1.4, ift .th. old, dayry was '• .CruSr.•:e i - Un acrobat" Mother -"I•
• , , . ;of newer from the. engine to operate
wall, Made bine fast to ' the , biggest 'outside,,I mean?"' . . • . one *1.14 hat!, IllatiP .a .PitOrthlage. to :'donst.lcnovi. 'Why?" . Little Roberta.- it, .ThiStagitatat; 1; digeovered, v.ris to ,
*ttond U'coula see.: ' ••• -.. • . '. , . "What's the good b' imppo6irtg,sirl" • the itairit(-, T,i,r,e; t., -he TV,,,i2.•l',:rmai. Tho ."Well, this Iteok says that after, he roel,m the ,eatton, after it had pus- .
H"Tliete',',you brae', run slimy • With 'replied Button hiuntlY.'"Aclio'd gelot cone.t.;etien letVwri the .word . and ihad finished liis day's work to he s
. , ,at csed through .the grinding plant. in
. filiikt it ye card° be groWled, '... trutOpt with sheep?" . . • : • piece is clear l.
. . .. . . .. . - down on is chest." ' ' . 'tlie agitator ,the 'cotton tkas to he miit-
,• . • •
. . . • .
Ileitty.or)t Evehing ,
. .
• 4