HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-09-23, Page 474,11117M111.1ffir.W:
.77S: 7"ft k 77411W:;;••717erS74‘
.171F-.7.7-"ciotrAr TrArtrIPITAW71.7
. • . "
raw 11.114K1410iff stmnrim.
Dia colds Potation your chest Or in your.
brinatilial tubes? Do icon& bug oak or
ise yes imblect *throat uoithlaat
Ilack-tion.hikaridiould-havo israassollate
treatment with the roe airativa power*
• Scotts Umulsiou to Vaird WM*
Oniannesption whivh•so eve,' *glows,
di which pecidiarly• atxengtits the ras-
tract mod *Fovea the qii.lityol
the blood; the event* in it soothes and
haaletha tender raeinbrones of the throat.
Scott'ais prescribed bY tbobeat Veda.:
tultneto fkutinti
Published every Thurodey isnabie
es lowborn,: 091010. •
.4. D. Wii-eltNi12,11t, PrO ;deter
TiLlJUSDAY* Sal'. 23rd ,.19i5.
ABOUT B141.1WrifiG,
Wheu comes to enlisting the young
mOre civilized wartfuoiloe all nations
to be armed to the teeth all the One.
It itt dirdmilli to understand the stunid
simplicity of those who think that the
war ought to be put a stop to, regerdlese
Of the condition a peace. ritieb -would
put the innocent and unoffending at the
mercy and forever in 'bondage to those
who eared to -fight. 'Fortunately -in the
face of what haihappened, that element
has no great tolluenee, There are in the
"There are many men in the Talton
who vrOuldbe sled to enlist wee not
neeeseary to psy their trepeportation
charges to Vancouver in t Wee to be able
l; id ,Sishop. X, IX &Tinge!, „of
tho 'Yukon territory. Bishop Stringei
wa io Toronto at the General .Synod of
the Auglicati3Ohutcli and was interview-
ed by the Toronto Star. • ,
One feels bomewhat Alf the :eagerness'
.and atrength Of the meuef tbe Yukon in,
the tr •Iontivia 10 of th ItitkoCa-
It aglislunani who, a few Vat* ago, came world too many people who recogniSe Imply tliep when ntle tipeitte• of the
MO- TOR cut' get it at any drug store- to Canada, 'that the world has not yet reachert that etrotta a the. yukop men to get .to the
. geott hoirout.Tereetoz Cott• the five who enlisted here ,last „week, stage of civilization When innocence and ,front, "Gee man named Watt,"
four were Begliehreee and one Canadian. the justice Qt Queso causa is a sufuoisot' bishop continued, left Ills job as a, telek
Business and Society Canis We know of 'four other Englishmen in ootestioo. The Geribau, attack' tr.....n .graPh liosisiejorths Yukon geld Cool-
, Brace auctuurco who ea -listed at Lod. _ . _• ..... . . .. r;' patty, jottrneYetlo it) VeneOliver at his
- °""i'''''""41**Ifir""dm"slke. , . den last week, It WM the habit of Can- o'llcic-Q0griao404Q1101.-0°_tilthjr2lee oug1,11:"' De
, .• flown:limo:X. pewimehenanu'de .thfnenten.lottnheadt RwIllijootel
; JOON eitiTithltt4Nti le $'0N8, 10.,oninhih,
RaRTET.1.1.Dam.s.i.,ionegnow."Mt. agent . adiatm to sneer at 'Owe young fellows , -:,- ''.' `. 4 .1.110rae Would not seou go to the front, he
That Ca0aa 4/01aPliPiAS eaarailtged* OnlY beaa.W3e they were "green". It is true i , .. .THE xxiintrio PROVINCE left, went to tdookeel, worked Ida Pee'
rodeo pm* of immune% Ifire and t,lot
Memel.: A number or vow. goat -farm ,that MallY Of these YO011gfellews are not , t i ti. islhe—'-'77-i -1..! .1 sage to Eaklaa4 eft 3 cattle boat "4
reeldent agent in tiacknow of the Loncion
all we could wish ter in the. way of emi.. 'gre:airte iprovinceesin Canada ' 1141;1 mPer7; :eth9:peitlini)egdfithieauSrtnreaythwofijaaboligortaelotiot
. toneTenstrosheritaajtCrusreloebthrettisthoowiets Ilallamy.toOttnind. grant,a''-t L'Ittlilt.te a Illialbe,r,---Porirb.a.M a_a ,advarke4 Oleg any iiik,,,,,,tain the Aine, dean miles •PriteticallY at his owncost It i0
I O. O.Iir.taicknew Lodge meets evem• Widero.' 1, i :
, 0Meeng--Noble Oran& Thee.Watsoir vtei -rga a P°'-''entaP " 'c't 'Ile `434'414' ;Mien" Already the province has thr., quits right to'llaY that Obi. is significant
.,. Of the mint of the Yukon There are
,. ,. ,mr.....-GrsaM`., ..0474,..• meronydrAresoni.,800,•• a.1.74Eiltoes. vac iboamrt ihrteryveg„Iith....itAllutstelerneiXvinireinenoOne, thiele- eet Legfetation by tho. untiatiye. and many men al the. iwoat.cgt*polioa iii 010.
ON*0(1* ., . . c."1 - • , Baererldn'017 Ma to OHO it is about • to ;Yukon ivho are -just. •erasy to go and
.the political enfranchisement of 'serve, but. they are. not allows(' to go;
Jr, it 4..1E. a. It. a okkugh.tricojtemcos. .1i `ii ' test Of ("nether
• . . .. ,
' moon. iti the masonic Rae. Hera)* street , „ ....„ .. . awilot.en. rreelier SiftOn announced. the ..
Until !melt time, too, as there ill a dearth,
uicknow. w. It., Az looDon aid t 45. Iv.: kaninadotb9saatt31, Atli; glaxilincog. itenttminogn 1:79amif:krgo
, , every Thurstly. eight on or before he feW •
' - ktotteeroh;11: W.,Q.Natiinkkieer4, Viro' .4.4. . . .. • . ,, . ?949.1.! 44 that a hill *giving to W9190 .ti•: whenn°1°4 Will:ye,
ou men froin th *00 Ofi the
'Wibl°14.; ' - - -."- .g("1-". • • ' - , ' ' - 'the isMe.P0iitical lt‘tIts, aa Men- hi. pro- willing , to for -the. transportation
. ,
vincialipatters, would be introduced as charges Of soldiers frotn the Yukon, men
, t,..i),,i ceurt Sherwood No. .50; '14;10"(eN. LI . It.Na8.110t altogether to the credit of .
• odaellowelittil. Yisittinor brethere Canadians1hat 130°14 a laitY. large' Per. : a goVtirtinieilt me %sir' at the 3:Reit:Sea/Jim." ' will' P°t '61116. ta- ' the 'aalme from that
.'• ' eleeteeyemiast stoneay of the 41.01)th. in :
. tlardiallY invite(' to altellit - (Ala .-Railgovi .emititger of the first and 'second 40008, 'ofthe Legislatureo .Atit 'Ole 'government tetrrIt.°T.1.1)." 1,e,rge--.11e,liThere- 38 they
,. ''''!..., ..4°, , • ‘, .• , • Country hirth. and it will hestillleis to 00,, O 11,. erw. ,wo_ . , . ..uld,1 . • . . ..,:.: .. .
,, •
• . Jolla No BeUt...Re°. 1194' ''.ain 4 fet " 4§1 the Atl t• ' t Old' party has a Strong', 1110:i.oritlf 10 th.e.'4P
Pho , ftijko .1%Ibt,* Johnston, %Waal) su. "un.S - cross e an ic . were Q , , .,
1 • V
the paSeing,of the bill is aSSured, ' This. t- -7 . ,. c - e , ('nrnPr .. , .
The publishersof Tbo Fi.ily Uerald
and Weekly Star. Montreal, are making
a strong bi4 for that 1 eautiftil picture,
full of pathos, entitled "On the Field 01
Honor" It is **smiled the publieberti
o'f nilrflecald have-r:u mhid 9te.
ing it as a presentation plate. If that is
so there is * greet treat in *tore foi
reader(' of The Balmily Herald and Week-
ly Star this autumn, • in past years Tis,
Family Herald of Montreal baa beer
noted not only Inc tbe wonderful excel-
. lenee 'of that Jovial but for‘ many beau
tiful victims:it has presented to it
readers: Tip Family Herald has a
name foe succeeding in anything it un-
dertakes, and we fell sure if it is human '
Iv possible to secuiv 4'04 the Field of . "
Boner" that the publishers will "Kiceeed
in getting it,- ."011 the Auld of Lionel"
Is attracting widespread attention,.in
Europe • - •
noldiume te Itionster, Beetthhov Lite
the Phlioseplier-Phialeisa •
.0ilidaBli v. Baum& 14 M., 14 Dt
i..0..11.W. taiiiknOWLedtre. NO. ist. h;Poto their ereclit if the battalions, now -being IneaSure has Met with considerable favor • ,----,.••••• •
fellows` Ball. Mester Wosinnee, J. Mao-
• Biennia; geoy, • B. it. maelutoehateo.
• Dental tiOean:V. 071.4 be Efigl!Sh , rather. ,ycheatire woflit:gtheeorrtumer.iyir.,ohwaLedh,apdrotpheer.tfia!: Teej:whanterre!risi t •e .wee, 'en '1
At present it looks very as though ia the province before now. For eome -Mond,a3ro SePt 20th -
Rain, ram and more rain
eeco.-4 Monday ot esehmouth itt the Odk o._, .
mama are matte tip in tne ewe. way.
time women a e
i h twenty one
k d i
geiero,, Om. Potter;*roae. AMR.
11... 4....,y()ung Englislirnen tot. " • . • . • • • • • * •
. ing_now Aix ..„Fvring• - •- .
• ittlil,V141C/t
" .f.1.1.°11';%14 :,"
• We Weleorne II. R. No, 7 which
441"taloreistotr uittecissalliallek eec.,4 g 5
itka..44areas arule better sduated for. enlisting The iirobibitiott measure , recently minis Anni.a 4vognoa; Crewe,
..o_bildsette rok.0 Thas wZrzter 18t.'eraaura; than the youug Canacliang, r wages or
f '..09;sssiefidti.i.oriiiA),,l.bertiewas won through dtreet., guest of Mra. John
wedni:clay of.eaoh.reentragree ' -
thers, hto
ave been working gil'emPeranceedvocates pet, Mrs, -Bert. Finlay ie the guest - eT4ter
G. NEWT014 1). 0, s., Dentist. • Oftlee salary, they have no faint-hearted' Tele-
• Wooed the governme.nt to submit'a pro- nise-s; Miss Ras Jarilies00. 4
uxethodaused. Best materials furnished.,, don td tell them net 'te if.O; they like the hibition measure to popular' vote. This mYrililliBt-4.°wicleirnaantddiMeiasioMag' 11.°g"
' *UM Block, Aneknow, Ont. .411 Mootern
idea-iertile-trip baCk 'to gugland, and- titi i i fa t 4 • d th . 4 r'lan by '
"C"nthe usa andj3ddiretkivitricalte' Pstkl_einihriesP61111"42t. Pe • ° 8 n °ma° as e g°°•• A "Mber frOnil COrnera-att._!,14ed
• --• -- • rt*3siairit t.),Aem!. ate elweYe Wee' e mcire,...erernettk, _has• _che)ce but to obey the Blake's .garden ,:p.art. last Friday
; • non weasel:de respectable 11:18t1ta1011:tiitili'iffias 7been.
when the required number of eighatiiie .111011: ' a
With us, • • . are attached,. The. vote,. when tak4O,' ledln;si jhak 1::41111114.114:1.tur,ed daughterf
o r c , a ..y t ii her ,
• .
But that is not thswholaa*Planatiob• •.0 ey*ed. ti -le -,t .4 large -majority of the
, , ' .•
. Thereate in all Canadian cities hundreds, , 'people favored ii, no-lieense law; yet it is M lea. Mary Alton lies returned to Mrs.
°id ill a4 thwt's ec°res; . el Y41O,g men'tpiestiona,ble if ?AV Oarti'' iiviiiiMent "David' Little/87' after speeding a I, erir
Peeks With. reletlties on the gra.Vel
would lis:Ys•Telitilred,uPori 01101" a drartie
Who have u•o reasonable excuse tor, not •
enhating, They,,arti simnly, lazy', ,indiffr meas„re .. .. ___ jt; rnloime 8 tile it till ,eol.n46. ciwit e re9;itti
erenktieitiedaigent,, eowardiy,,, dr. they • - -it !s. along 'neselinesi-tnat i --7-s: ini. the' .vhis4MIteresdre. flirrireluxrildicabri took in the Exhibit --
are influenced by,faint.-hearteci mothers; direction of Direct Legislation, *0111011 Mn. .. • „.
' • . - .. ,
-stiftrage sari; prdhibitiou.:of -the 'tensed. . During the electrieet0rniOfiept..12th.
Who,•ii. "they lied -a proper realizatio,s4 'Of .
• things,, Would be ashaMeutto.have i*Ii- liquor.traffic that legi-si,liion is -advancing James retinal" li le Vella e river
D lb t it' I'. bl -il • '
,anna, ...while ima.,eie viemied, the silly. in aiiittlitlish.nteaking ,coantrie, and :and James: JohnStnne's hhrif -was .ehat-
tered, but fortitnatelioneits:itot, burnt. _
i;rorier and manly Course for thOfitaiid 'that is why We say dot in ...polities- Ai_ , , . .
'' free is toenliet, , I..t_,1,8 disgraceful not c.)
herta iS.PrOgreigive. . • . ' ''' - ,' . :THE BOVER-VINcONT STOCK
. . ... .
dci.so., If all acted as do ,thohe. deer stay, „.; , `
' ' .- ' ' • - ' ' ,COMP4NY, ... . ,. , '
at-hotrieS, what,sort of country would we , . .
Ontario's Best
&Wage* Coils& • ,
Our instructors are eaPerieneed•
Pupils get individual attention
and graduates are placed in posi-
tions. We are receiving applica-
tions we cannot meet. Students
• may enter at any time. Send for -
Our free catalogue and see &it
interests yea; • ,
*hirer. . no more pitlebli
-,`Wretch, than the min :Who bas
mortoisligoo . hInwelf; ;Soul' and
db9iiidrita t90. .11701,14Yilialtna.,.!nWoliononly litre „.
aiitnii4ilodioreerrYT4atph:erro."- etffaeolti:11,
.17atia40, tsplrltually otiaankinovapnwhO:
Is rich' In gold, but intelleeteab.
It:Slitetht:dt7.1.furotrunallenne9bls . eetiii,
°1(1111111.:09rbjtrOth"Olyil• 1414allit1hthiie
'Without money poor, Mehl
With nothing but ineiwy is .;
,Peerefq He may enlarge, his .
Prentiss% but that . very nIght •
his pout, may be called away; ,
;and. --whatevrig„...menument...With.
flattering iltlip• tile heirs may
.werictet 4. hvisair.elipilitagerhaviti: Odniod shall'Wr
of : four lotteraileool,". That
kind of ,a rein Maki*, itiOniy his
)001,„beforo widoh•lis constantly
h,owe-down, ,w,flereap the thrifty.,
promoting hie own hematite.'
, and the happiness of others.. •
T'All money you'itetleinitt.--
lY only in the nature of al trust
NOIch ya4a, air, In duty
bound to. •nss' at .o steward, to
7better , the cendittrin of Ate mfg.
ether. 40 will :au. yourself,: and
maki Men . and , eommtipltles
happier and More useful. Wealth.
---4teenot purities* Pisasuros of
the highest sort. It. le .the
head, taste and *Wawa .Wfitch •
- • .
slotarrolno . the happiness of ,
- man; and -rasters him to Om- .
•.hlpheat form' of .being, Money
• cannot buy health,- lifei love or •
4 haPpy. hereafter. rut faro
tune . not . niteistary. for the'.
attalninent of • filth, 'holis:or
Charity; and:hp-who hail. thine.
esiariet be. unhappy.
ai have? Whernwould be the British lib- BRUCE COUNTY NEWS This popular stock company will ope
, art and the Canadian trawler/AThere • ' . a twe-night ,engagement . at the • Town
wou n' a y. d th or ..mt;llep, who has a,s'as'h. mid door.- Hall, Lucknow. PridaysveningOet -late
preSentg% THro WP•V qt154tt- This ,e011-
Cream Wanted
- Raving an up...to-date "CreamerY,
in full operation, we solicit your --
patronage, We are. prepared - to
pay the highest inaiket pewee for
good cream, and give_yon. an hon-
est business. Weighing, sampling -
and testing each can of cream re-
ceived carefully and 'returning a
fullstatement of same to each
patron. We furnish two Cans to
each patron, pay alt express
charges, and pay every two weeks.
Write for further particulars or
send for canealAstgive us a trial:
The Seaforth Creamery
• Seaforth, Ont.
• 14 other trite who wanted to would - ISM. at ttipley; furnished Materiel for ;pinv. comes witli the best Press notices
ride the world. ;
nine.summer cottages at the lake shore iron ,variouit,cittes,, At Belleville last
resorts this. iumnier. ; week they played ,to .citpticity houses.
.,..'7`.-::... - _.-.7,4----990.*N-q-.74,-.-?:-.-1!.- -`.': ... .. .,. :it,. h-ilil:ttTioligli-l"--11-4.11- -(1-4_,_oCThelligivs:_tt- :gee-c:nic-imegis.P•kiregshen.ctiiasillivttendi?oesvtilt!.4sYpseeienvitiereaY
- There is-a...9.10er 119t1074 eatertaMedm • • •-•• • • : f ifd2 two, t6.•..be will be given hetWeekthe-aets, making
- : • atithorm tne Teasing o ,
somenuarters. It 'is tliat'llioney made nem a.continuous perOrmanc!. ..,
- -oat-ot•thelmanufacturieg•,0L:iTat---ltIun- -tiays,
expended pertly in . purchasing
• Friday evening, Fair. night, The Wes-
elentrie -light-plant -,andi-in.-pro-tetnef, a -comedy, with a Te4gh te -every-
. Woes ii a Bart of "blood „ moue?' and viding for hydro electric power: •• ' : line, will he. pvesented. , ..
unworthy of civilized, ehristian- peotlistr - Destiondelacy and the "Bluesp 'renal- Madame Palfreyeian, the great Crys-
, -That is riniiatrne regarding munitions ly the result.eicons,tiPatilillo OnicklY slli'..- tal Reader Will appeer even/ night .' and.
made fir the Germans and their aka, cumnieb,licoexauRsxtist110r0er.def..oice.s,.,2ssnor, caul_y_00,,Y.
:.for they are -waging a war of n toxes . -•
A peculiar accident occurred at kin -
&Minn one day histweek;-A horse ,
belonaing to A. E. Henry, hitched to
the ainadian- Express Co.'s Wagon,
Was being. basked along the, dock to
,. . •
the'ioadway• when the wagon.. .went
.of amnia' and robbery, and ' by aiding
them one becomes partner an the
:Crimes they cenunit.
. munitions for the an
entirely different matter. The gunsand
shells of the Allies are not only inatrn- overjhe edge and intc,' the water; pull
menta of death but snetrtunehts izig,the horse along with . it. In spite
erty, of Justice, of Righteousness. For of the efforts of the driver to save the
it is right to resistihe oppressor. Every marina, the 'horse was drowned. E• .
T onto.. Chicago shotsfired the German -Turkey com- the . driTer, saved himself
Toronto - Montreal bitiation is an let Of innrder. Everyshot t'Y.JamPmg wPen. 'he'aaw what WaS
• °Thursday, September 2 rd, 1914
100 branch*. in Cativo" -
A 'general Bunking Business Tiaiiiroje
Circular Letters of Credit
Dank Money Orders.. •
. Interokituowea at highest csiteat rate
RPIIVManagen:. ,
Made ill
, Made
, , 1
-I A Goon ,
„4,4„ is -
fit "
' ' ..••• . ' • ' -
1 have been reading and hearing abcPt •QcOullffila
Records so much and so often --that J1 am going to
decide righf' :now for myself ..whether they are/ better
recorded and have a better and more lasting surface •
thaRAny Lijave_ivei heard. • •
"I have been told time and again ,:that they Will fir
my machin and that. ther4 are hundreds, ,
bia Records at the standard price of 1 am
going to prpve it. . •
• „
-very Shaft-distanceofTWhorelAmr*
rightvow there is a Columbia.detiler. And: k
going to see him. I Own a talking machine,:
and if there's anything new .or better In the
Way of records, I want it. .
Now you've said it—do it. .
(Cci)YrIsht, 1910. by ig'cbapaiiin.).
, ,
Presbytery of •11aron
- , --,--,„•,-..
. , TI'lLe Pr0.04t9TY of Huron met in r0.3-.7
Ular session at See,foith on the 14th
_inst.-Tbere was the Usual alinost perfect
attendance of , member's. • . . '.
. Rev. D. N. S. Urquhart, of Colling •
wood, formerly of•Kippen; Was invited
'lle'4wer. (Pleeti°°3 ' collected .1r9O1--.1.- to sit with.Fresbytery. and: correspond.
audience. - : • . .
. • • • A cominitteeef two laymen, Messrs.
• Strang, of Rioter; arid,Higgiiis; Of Bruce'-
. .
-Monday, Sept. 2a Halve Mission .Charges of Presbytery at
Illtvie ,- •
7 v ' -- ...,-..---:-4,:-. ' -1-..'-- ' ''''-' , iidd; was----appointed-ta --visit the.j.two:
, 'William Hewitt ettenderlilie London Grand ,Rtind and Leeburn. ' •
Exhibition last week. • -Rev. Alfred :keFarlane, of Ba.Yfield,
John Bradley has been Mil:bine the
eat .,,,wnrk of John ..Bnaheirs barn. , was elIcted2iotlerater for the next half., ,
Ferrier took a. load of :his year according to the customary fetal -el,:
friendstothe London Pair last week. and Presbytery recorded its appreciation
, . of the kindly and 'courteous . ilianntir. in
dayewith Mr. Woods andMra Graham
which the retiring moderator, Rev. ,D.
olebe Graben', of Ripley, spent n feiv
John. Gonne!, of Florida, spent a few Johnston; • of Varna, had fu e
weeks around Bervie mewing old duties in the chair. Ree. F: IL. Larkin
acquaintances._ . • , and Rev, A. McFarlane, commissioners
Quito a few from around tler,vie a to the r enera :. , m.: 7 in- iine a
tended the Walkerton and Kincardine
.. Dank Mune, hardware, Of Itimeetings of theprenio court
xi,clestay', hbasei
'Fairsmalasoint week,. ,
and Jobe Sturgeon.
, ...... g raosio repai 8
w,..., _ _ Kingston, egtiave interesting reports of the
church, and were heartily thanked. for
im' of thre,
ei ce.• Revs. Lailri‘ Harp
Miss 't: Scott, who has Spent' the Hamilton and their eiders were appoint-
UnmecitatelY develop-a,-,:hig-tattl. •.41411 -as f°11 . . . . •:- lidap-ather-home,returrie_Me- .,ecLas4,,Cre_mmittee_on, Remits ;from the.
• match was on themostniteresting Part Donald's Institute, Guelph, last week.
athte.w.saerndining.turepof retmi. , tione to; the , nations, : of. the,afterdeesee*progrial_AvAg in pro-
MISS 010,1Thergral#Ytitd-lau em'It- the afternoon • isederrint-• of the court
General Assembly, and they reported at
_ gress; in another part of the . grounds.
• • 7.40-stoutt4ropposition.-of:elmilie, will This was the military , chille, bayonet took :e holiday in their schools lad :Fri
day on amount of. the Kineardine . Fair. Rev, R. M. Hamilton, secretary oorfontthp,e1
Milton 'Walsh; who has been hire&for 'Yin -mice -Ward el-the--7-ellurch•
HURON TOWNSHIP CAUNCIL. Alex. *Cosh, 28- 0% for rePeet.t.ng
. David Keys' contract' at lot 40, tOii. 3, • -,
Council met pareuentto.adjourement: taking down 'old bridge;:i ,60„ yip:fining •
with Beer Wilkinson in the :Chair. abutments, 1 00.,• total 19 '00. *lithe
Meraber.3..w, were all present. Minutes of Keys,.rnePectthlteweatfireeesi:eir3 (), to be Odd •
John McLean, 8 0.0, balance due on • • . ••
last meeting and .ol special meeting were
John. Dahmer, 12 50 Ifilingappreachni • - •
to bridge at lot17, coh ,6. ' • •
The follov.ing orders on the Treasurz
er were.duly passed, viz:
budge and deye inspecting McTav-
ish% gravel contract, at $2 per day, $6.00;
contractor payiug half•Inspector'swages,•
tor lantern • at bridge 62 , nights, and'
watering Cement sever, lo tatal,
_ .
' • Double :Trae,t; All The Way
. ,
• ,LL! •-•/.
fired to beat down.that eonibinatiori is a about t° happen' •
ebetleareedem_and and a higher Eta x.krtv D. -The Military
n011 CHICAGO • •
Leatie TORONTo 8,00 a.m.. 6.00 p.m ,
and 11:9S p daily. •
Leave TOkONTO O''.00 a . in., 8.30 p.m.,
and11.00 daily.
- -Reduced OnYeki._
• •
icrint,,ng WAR, OF. WORDS
it is expected__ that 2.13 soon •as the
-Darput-on-at-Walkerton-on-Wedne •
ay,of last week was a great success,
both in point of attendance and enter-
tainment, The Omnty Town had one
of the biggest crowds to its history. In
United States CongresS meets at Wash- ' its story of the day's events;- The Ttl,e,
ington in the near future there will ,scope-deseriobegIthe While the
come from members reprnsenting exercises, etc., by the several emzipan-'
the summer' with 'Walt Kaake, Kinloss, addressed the Presbytery on the Budget
Ili-sporittba-gi_felidays heie.- 'mitt* Presbyteryunininions17-approv=
William. Hewitt has fiiiisIed a fine . ed of -an earnest 1. effort to raise the
centerit ',verandah at his • residence; It. allotment Of $24,000 apportioned to it.
adds much .to the appe.arance"of the Tife-Committee aqipointed by Presbytery
• •
wired -Fitzeit left last week for to draft a resolution' Of appreciation , on
wringwoed spend a few weeks. Re the work of the Woolen's Missionary
will 'be missed around our burg by some Society Presbyterial, reported through
.of the people_ • „.
' Sae Francisco; Lee Angelos and Sas Diego n
• tricttil wniche .Oernian.. element les of soldiers and the cleverness and
Full parti•
c,igers-aiidy.t'xiih • strotrand'from Others- Who iv.41 :Pfe•Fisigs-ft
. " •
• :..„ . time, on applicatioh to Agenta. ' been bought over by the 'German organ, their drills 4. -4 irinds plane!
that from the massed audience. The
o. stannit, Agent, Lueln.ow. 12.9..6:0128. Auotber Class who think elub
• 't tz sinful and . disgraceful tp make
.money out' of death:dealing :equipment
will put up•an opposition on their own
• ' • • AS A •WOMAN sEgS AStWini •
' Here is what- a gossip); lvoinan writer
' - over in England -sends the Chicago. It is, not likely, :hosvever,. that. these,. v,111-onst'lltraeirte4n:ex-itibniellt.t nP1311, colsneonnflonditi0on
• •---%'•
T.buae Rtemier Asg.git14 c opponents of the present. P0hcY Will hale
• - -• • o . - military training will do- The •tring
appears to be carrying the ideas of w much effect.. Tiae business .st staFe
sWinging, Machine-gun drill and mach -
he Iffg later trpargualtorly 1.u:tw-
eeting,- Tbere:waS somethingtbrilling
in the ineasured...trearl and clef....k.like'
work of the men, and this together
18- of the -Machine guns brought theater-,
:•.....:litsitennotny_tuthelludt.,--....,Weare Jtet.. lay ,hi,,,vud two..i......g4.14.1.-4,....t.„,,& ...;,........m . -- 1.i.... ...170.„..., nr„,....,..._........i.,,...- ...,„....._ .....,... ..
• preparedto say that it is literally true. thinwpn avm vit""=:' 7 - .--•°"- `t'" not, 's p gr ea toh , owl h _
She says: •
. _ The .inie ,in•inie• tee is maintaining, huticitida,.of &mean& .0 win „wrio the fighting in. Europe. 4.6livtro 41..
. e'• well his reputation of being the Worst !otherwise would be idle, atia it is making masterly address.: The Cot took the
dressed man in London. 116 has recently/ Millions in profits for the big steel mew. audience to,Vale.artier training camp
ing his claim further by -appearing ..
. been distinguishing himself atia..i.lati______utacturers... , . . .., . , . . , thence to. the Etigrial camp atlaitom
"7, - -4"--'---- — thereto the trenches: lit--then.--gav
•The riiisguitied humanitarians who -
• shabby, disreputable garments. at fail- . . a vivid: descraptieri Of his exseriee
•. idnable weddings; like the. Page -Loring think that it.is wrong that the country in the battle of Langenittrek and fres.
• . event, when tieme, Anlefieaa Said to pro should take part the making of death- He stated that he WAS rkturning. to
, ' page: *Tfeel X orightto- tell you there $ dealing ninnitiond are. scarcely 'entitled the front: With the fist. sod 'enlarged
.. art old gentleman down'thete that surely
te.tesPect, amiable, through" their' Sent', On the necessity of young men millet._
tittglit mit to be here.° And the •,t1tnev, . t fir
t ,
• its convener, Rev. F. Harper, that the
Raid, el-o.roos iffont _bar* total givirigs Of the Presbyterial of 801)
last week-btiv )3ot starlong-around members was *3,471 411-agorage,ef• over
Beryls owing to the fall fairs in aur ' per member, and •the Mission
iteighbothoOtl: " - Saadi had given IWO:- The enthiniituw-
11.5 grving workLieut Col. SA wino w "Wat iiss ,Francie ilcielleod and Miss Of the, 'Presbyterial Society •had heed
Aiwa Blackwa rosizsd ham ao, . "puree, itecl the eNeptive a algaination
nrdey after Vending* few weeks with 9 .?.e • • . • an, , • M. S. last
Mr.iand,llifire, Jobe Morritt, Tdroeto, year, and the evings were $400" higher
itematn*i, ..tua und clod Irokoto than the normal of previous_years. The
ment_everolors(hy_40„,gerse„...,... expenses .of the Huron CouritY Social
,not .eanie And spend a le* houte for the
werpvt: iSitigurtvcoeyinlwmlilitotehe woasf ihnendreffreaakbeyn.
benotit of the soldiers 4/tad enkt),
"s" terianAnd Methodist ministers of the
luncb at 5 o'clock, ' , county in 1914, were onsidered. The
Oar e0h0*1 el:;811 fOf few "Its outstanding liability for the whole work
,),Ouartiniog.toourtill:45saste. !sons ivbte.101/t!eativtoybromcseene rttsitcr) totory beI 00, and of this sum
'halm been reported, htit we bop the to.raiss, tle it.r(}tivaebeIrrotat tgtradt
ken stranger pointed out. the first Man ments may a s seem.. 1 ing for the overseas eervirA,
it Bagland after the king. Poor MM. if it were established,that 0, 'country
• ,. Asquith is to be pitied with hue, slid
• .„ at War •might not buy 'Auditions trOM a. • • , :. , , ,...__8111010U . . .
- ,, • the worst of it is she cannot do a thine
- neighboring country; or anywhere , it • . -Tueeday., Sept. 21st
.- '• with him. He justrulores lila Old untidy
clothes, and he resents it•bitterlY if she Oonld get theta, tumult Would be that ' Mr. and Mrs. Seho 'Murchison, offo-
saYs a word against them. ."Pin risliaite.d every Small ebuntry Vold have to bar; ronte,- are visiting his parents here,
• to go out with you, father,”. the live's' . den •itsplf with the maintenaried of great
ia that nothing matters but ivbat s inside
.. ' tlizeletli. "Bur's Illm's and. his r,e8P°arsenals and •kesp constiia.!tl,f verh •liat.irnaid
huge supplies of. ammunition. e y
^ ' hatter Wiis going Out to France to of a peaceful nation is to 'get, along in
meet the president and .Gen. Soifie Mrs, time of Peat° with as little preparation libi apple trees trormted. Win It Mar,
Asquith ordered some new eltithes for for War as pesghie_te have justeheugh :tin's barn -On tho 2iul,' eon:, was; wrecked
himt but lie managed One afternoon to on hand to renel a siddea attack, 'ad and ' John McCouly's barn stook by
get off in the Ola awful digii, and /mine ,, , -, - , - ' , lightning end orie of his cows killed,
• of the English officers *emotion -red of nolg, tue enemy whue It gets war Inger. Mi. Ketehahaw bad two rAlves killed by
" ' • 000 lives of the gore he etit, , , ittl. whereiret it OM. That preiy .is a 4110+4 eglierie the week, • .
16 00. • Midge and cover, 7- days; 15 00'
Joe Doyle, 5 50 for covering bridOe.
Siderpeul 10, and repairing two culverts
and 256., total 5 75.
Geo: Murray, for repairing culvert on
Boundary. 50c, Aghtield to pay half.
Wm. Reeking, 255 96 for bill of lum-
ber (14 ft. and 18 ft: plank) •
. Thomas RAY; repairing culvert; :Lake
Road, at Lot 12, 50e. , -
Henry Courtney. 4 :40 tor 1 stick of
timber, 22 feet long, and 2 .60 for work
on Base Line at Lot 90, eon., 2, total
11 40. to advertise forapplidations for Mon - • • - •
--"John-Henderson, , 'uttinglplank-o. -belecePted-Untli-.4tir-dfirOf tober, :"' •
bridge, Lake road atLot 12, 50c. ". 19151, the successfuliePplicant to *sigh •
Jobe Campbell, for 6-20 feet of *plank sureties snd execute the neearart bond
at 820 per M., 40;; putting cover on on that day. (Carried). " • Ast. •
bridge and furnishing spikes at lot 12, The following graiel, orders *14 piss.
cob. 1 59,-tottil - • :ted, vitt . • • •.• • - • • ' -
'Joha Bell, 2 00 for attendance at John Watson, 1 flt?; •Albeettlikown.,
:Ridge's Court for thellevision of the, 64c1; Donald. Murehison,...4
Vetere -Ltd: • : iklittf,-27-00f:Thomas 024.1.
The Municipal World, 1 00 for Legal Steplieneonoll,56;,AlbettOshornetl,_84; ,
fee for adVite obtainecrby ' the . Medical -Jam A. Ross, -7 • 20,
Officer Of Health. . • By-la.w No.. 513, to amend No.
Jacob Gatos, 5 00 for. part. payment 509, a lay -law 'prOViding for ;the -Cost of
of Caretaker's salary. • '
Allan MOW • ki_lis_t Plank 4.
to bridge at lot 2,7, con; 8. - • . • .:.
Angus Martyn 37.O for iiieuirnate . .
On Hall.
Angus Ilartynt Clerk, 11 09, fni ger-
vices re Revision of Voter? Ltd -cetttfl-
-ed by the Judge.. •
Royal Bank of Canada, 980 ;for in-
terest on overdraft,•
John' McLean, for 51.1/23 cnbai yards
of cement abutments at 3 45 ..ki•••. cubic -
yard, 176.10; flooring bridge ;28Q,square,
feet at -16 vents a foot,' 42 ,00, leils, 6.00, "
total due 212 10. - •
Sairiud Osborne, 12 ei0 for iniptakm._
Mctean'econtract, 8 00 being rand PT
Contraetor as given above. ' A4,
• Mr. 'Adam Ruffle's resignation 'ars
Collector was -read.' .
..-Campbell-Brown-Thatthe .
tion of Adam Ratle as ColleetorAeae- -
cepted, and that the Clerk be !noted
411 extenision of the Huron and 1(61161 -ho •
Duncan Munn, .19 17 for hardware Municipal Telephone *stem: •the' ' .. •
• Tevrinhips of. Huron, attnicir-
ilie-Dbrineat' McTavish,*2.5 00 for filling eatdine, was duly passed, signed shdi
at Wilson's 'Bridge, mid for 92 'yards of :waled. . •
gravel at 49 centa per yard, 45 08, less Wilkinicia,-.Brown.--t-That theqlottem
,e 53. forhalf nispecter'S fee, bal.' 42 58; pay to the Treasurer !1.00 •refuild on , . •
also 91 80 for 652 sq It. of cement :cov- account Of an error in inapector'alreges, .
°ring at 18 cents. per toot. . inspecting:bridge-idiot 17, coulli (Car- •
Milton Stanley, for balding plank from
Ripley and coveting beidge on 'Moline Wilkinson-Browi-That thie,,,Poin-• •
-50n, ecoinad. 1048 gravel00s paitk, approach
et she, n ioe!b"; 1500 eg cil. do now•., adjourn to , mee,t again oin
. Monday,: the. fourth day of October, '
76C ;Iota 4 25. ' ' A.D. ins, at the ustial hour ao4r., places.,
Pameron,....furnishini-plaak_ -
repairing culvert at lot 46 con. A, 75e. - • • , Angel Martini Clerk.
. Laiemmenn6mo. .
Cipftai -A•Utherieeti $5.000,000 • "
Capital Pald n. • • 63.000,0011 . „ ' :
Stirelui • • • .• A 0 410400000 • ." ie „
Patents who idokahead,to the tlitie
P at school tan be opened soon, ,• there were eleverfPreabyteruan Ministers.
•A certain' young man who likes the i la the coanty.who were nos niembers of
South Mae pretty well seemed quite ifuron Presbytery. These together with.
exeited on Fridey last hees.use the- tele -1 the ministerts of other denominations
phone was out Oi order, However, we I had been invited Woo -operate in imolai*.
i.,s,st unrsday evonitg our burg vya,,t think he got along alright, for he ave 1 ing the financial responeibility of the
• . • • &the*, Sometime ago when the prime ,
visited by jt Beyere LwitioutortniAbdjator, his horse all extra feed of ' egg on Hie 1 litironCtuniy,fiu
, i4ey,-wliielphas -proved
by an electric stoilia of unusual severity. vval4 Wore OA big Fair, ) to be so illuminating of SOOitti, ednea-
Iaa,,McDonald had his windmill blovvo Mrs. McGregor, who has been visiting i tional, religious and economic conditions
•down, atid nigh McIntosh had tett* of friends atenind Belvie, had a. narrove•ot.the murity. The ballets for the.taking
cape froonions injury . lat. week, of the final vote on Church -Union in
iSbe 1411..6 driving with -Mr. McGregor l the eongregations of the Presbytery were
when the horse seared at an,,,our distributed and arrangements planned
the buggy was upset Airs, MoOregor for the taking of the vote 1.4fore Deceln;
wo thrown from the rig and pretty her 1st a this Pa' ' PreshYterY then
WI/ thsien up, • • ' 01904 to 000141 clintOta on poe„t4, ,
1 i .
, ' e*
? L- . ee
, * .
..-,..s. , . • . . . •
.• , • . • , . 0
, • .„ .. • •
C. , .... . . . Jr' . .
.. ...
. .
..'• - '... .... .?.. ,
.__- _t - - . .
• when their boys and girls will'"go
to college, should make regular
• savings to Meet the expense,,
Our Savings Department Will reedsa such
deposits. • ,
. a. A. co.nprog„,Manager, 1..1; • '