The Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-09-23, Page 371,17 "I 7.7.1rr 7.7.7 - .• TUE CLUTC1114$ RIIEIRRATISIVI the Great Suffering •of a Cal- grarY Lay ,Before Relief . Was Found There is still a very prevalent .belief thet theumatiem le due to eeld or wet weedier. This belief is probably due te the fact that when the.bloodle thin and watereeetbere he an acete senel- annealto atraospheeic conditions and a change to wet weather' often • meals a return of tba excruciating Pains. Rbeiunetheie, hewevereis root - in the blood, and it can only be driven from 'the eyetene by building 'Up ,and enriChing the bleed; Hot 'bathe and outward applications of liniment •,kaay:give temporary relief, but can- . l'eeot cure, If the dieease io net attack- - Qd ihrouet the• blood, t tens itself More firmly On the ,sye- • tem, and •the 'sufferer ultimately be- • comes hopelessly cringed. The trtith bf• this is provel by the case Of .1N/ire, Prank god, ef CalgarY, Alta. • IVO: 'Yord seye: "I • wee en almost' help-;. • less cripple. • frem ehmunatiem, eeene41 to have eettIeel in every joint. • My arans and -hands had, te be. band.; •aged, My ankles. Were so Swollen that I ihed to pee efutehes. After dOetTir- Ina, fOr a long time and growing pteddily Worsoa the doetcir. advised. -Inc to geto •Bariff •Springs. I staYed • there- .for eight weeks :taking daily baths and ,retuanectiteree poorer 'In poeket by abont 8160 and net one bit improved n hea1th 1 then eritere4-,0; • local hohplial, hut dicl reit derive' 44 benefit. I Was, in Such constant pain • that 1 alniost -wished to -die, and I felt, sure I would be a lifelong cripple. It '• Was' at this stage that a friend who had been greatly benefitted by Dr. WiUians Pink'Pills. urged me to try them. I began the use of the Pills • -and after taking•tbeni .o -few -weeks: the swelling in the joints began ta.go , down and the pain was relieved. • This • greatly encouraged me and I contin- ued the treatment until in the •course of • three months the eure was com- • plete. I had thrown away the crutch - s, could Walk anywhere and do. my . eaaaa housewerk, and I never felt bet- ter in my life- than rl -do at- -present time', and all this iedpe. to the use of • Dr,...Willianler Pink Pills. 1 haVe also given the Pills to m'y daiighter who• as suffered' freak :titiadmiti and :she has • gained in flesh and become A strong, • healthy girl." If:you are suffering from rheumat- isIn may Weakii-eas of the blood r. Williainer Pink-MIS"'ia fair trial and they will Speedily restore you to ' health and strPngth.. Sold- by all . "Medicine dealerb er by mail at 50 •Cents •ii.bbx or Six boxes 'foe, 62.50 by The 01.:*. Williams' Medicine Co., •;Brockville*, Ont. •' •• WHITE \YYAND0',ETE' muuro. 14 A,I. Marsb,all, Niagara rani,. Canada. ' .Perhape it is meet unusual to Point out the faults in any article we wish to exploit or show to be suPerier in, •every tense but experience, has hown that the *est success come'sto he vvlio is -able fully te 'gasp the out -cropping faultand being always alert to re - :Cognize them and their evident eauae, is best able to keep them corrected(to a lure extent, Only hY knowing the recurring- laulteeeene the breeder ex - Peet -te make progress or even keep up to the high standard now existieg• In our standard only perfection -depicted having the result very fre- • (latently td the inexperieneed ef. caus- laults that are net Particu- ihrlY„ eerieus to cendenin ,epeeinteee for bre4iig 'betause they do not Mea- sly° up to swine point tliatis particu- •larly noticeable. Generally epeakirig it may be safeto say that faults com- mon in good fleelta ttre;. the hardest' to combat, although ae.poiats of quality they are usually . not, aa.'serioust as all points. - anyone should ask us whet we considered:the worsit.faiiit to hvo In a 'White NV`arentiotte, we would Un• a inediately-aay;pder elnape. This if •:wca are careless:will 'cepa° the -fleck ia -a remarkably shert time to become elly- thing but wyandotte and if we wish all. the good the breed possesses no better plan can be followed than to keep it true to the wyandotte shape that has proven such a valuable asset. Whea we notice males going high • on the )ego or females getting long and angular with narrow illshaped- breasts, a halt must. 'be called on the methads followed or our flock will lose all the good qualities of the breed. A start with good Stock of the best ibtereeep_s di.ngtoliners.d,:sniridueeven s_emleicntdionanodf the most vigorous will not bring best results: • It is absolutely necessary to • make selections accordingly. While the closest records are a very big help, excellent record can be made -mentally -by the *Achill', breeder that will en- able him to observe f auie and .effect • in verymany cases in a very definite. way., • Many ,bre,edesis. heciaise they -seem unable to -be guided -by• their aw good judgement, following oftentimes istead the advice on experience .of an- other instead of what personal ob- servation shows conclusively to be fight for them, It IS a poor man who •cannot learn from others but the Man 'who gets .furthest can supplement this .with selfaebtained knowledge and.ag- gressive -persistence. • Wyandotte is pointed out have an inclination to get high on legs particularly in the males and females will lengthen out and lose The Military chiefs of the great na- depth rapidly with • careless • tions entered the war a year ago with breeding. 'Straight lines will beconie • the: settled conviction that anyform general instead of rounded lines and • of protection for the soldier's body most- w against the missiles of destructioa, given th mould be vain and valueless. It was! Of what opg, o4twetveire:theefror, ehethimeoGeria npiai AceinagaraKnen . to do his fighting in, was chartering i ficulties - soldier, who had received- atorage Cap • .• Neic't • and alLJ The very praetital"FrenchITIere w soldier began wearing* at times an White lightweight metal vesselthatwould aged in fit his head. 'Onboth aides, but chief: the rec ,on that of • the • Germans, special• faults e • chest protectors were being worn. In European countries where mill- •.tary---conscription largainventora for years hale been Workipg on bul- • BULLT:ritoop GARMENTS. • Steel Head and Chest Guards Save Soldiers. • atehful observance should be matings to prevent the loss has made the Wyandotte fore - the poiiltry-field.---- - on account of its hidden' dif-- to the novice, we would place erel: way the matter of color. e have a side of breeding Wyandottes that has discour- any an enthusiast because of erring tendency to revert to xisting in, earlier generations, Brassiness has become almost a thing •of the past conseqpently giving the impression_to many, that coloratrou- Wes are practically eliminated. let -proof gat:Mead. While in America the contraty some of the very whitest a certain type of inventor devotes his birds will .go to -bleck specks and , Vine -to producing a perpetual motion marks in- the-Plureageia especially in .11evite, in Europe the same :type Works the hackle and -saddle and since these, a _invanDtKable , waistcoat aad birds invariably are _absolutely stay - becomes the butt of all the jokesmithsWhite there has :been. a tendency to • • , In the early days of the war it Was reprodu found that soldiers received an ex- of small • ceptionally high •perceatage' of head out its Itself, but it is not se eesy to remove a little dawn between the toes thot the fault is inclined not tie acerriekel- Pus and exCellent speeimene aro gone. tinned to be used with this fault Corte that:awe to discard birds ehowirt0 it is mire to OYereOpire the trouble. • In finite 'Of the many suggestions above of' difficulties in the breeding of White Wyanclottee'the progree$in the hrlatiS of moStlitelligent breeders has been Very marked- ee that the breOd 'is eoneeded. to be one of -those bred reareet to perfection off the standard. With retell s tart tbe number of good' specimens •obtained and .the all-rodnd market value they have afford something that explain the present exceptional popularity of the White 'Wyandotte.. , . , "LADY KITTY" IS TURK'S BRIDE Daughter of Loa Deresforal Nettled •-Edward. Elacque Pey.- Tho • romantic marriage •of Mies Kathleen Beresford, the daughter of Adrniral Lord Charles Beresford, took place -more than -4 year but Is just' becoming ge,nerally knowia Shortly' beforthe war b e ' rake .out, "Mee Kathleen, married EdwareLElac- quo• Bey, , a, yO7Ing frUIlciSh 411310Inat Wild we:4 bore in *the United States, • when his father wei Turkish Amhati-• sador 'in '11.Vaihingion. He ''.111 • the brother , of Bichaed *Blitertue Pasha) Councillor of the Turkish Aminieedttor ita.Vienne; also born in America,. who. Marrie,d in the eaniniet of 1911; iis Jesiephine Kahlinerna-the 'daughter of ,Araold JCahlMatna,,e: railliepairead Phut, mipe: • Nise Kathleen Bereeord, known. among her own circle as "Lady a Kit- ty," came over, from London to act as Miss Kahlmann'e bridesmaid at St. Paul, and she afterwards epent ton- siderablee time with; Dr, • and Mr. Blacque ing Berlin and Vienna. Iler own marriAge took place very quietly, it is stated, as the waYrs-roorrang near; and shortly -afterward the bride and: bridegreoni left ,England• through fear of encbuntering thd misfortunes of the "aliens?' Miss Kathleen had,' Of course, :become a subject of the Sultan 'upon her marriage', and her husband, an officer in the army of his •countryawas -liable-to-arrest- andadea- tention 'in a concentration camp. ' They are now in Vienna, and Miss' -Kathleen is outsticsken' in her dentin-- ,ciation of the war, blaming all the diplomats , iadiscrimMetely for her exile .from Great •Britain. She is much attached to her father, Admiral LorclaCharles Beresfordr, and was his. -companion- for --yachting parties- and, various kinds of -sport. She is a petite, pretty brimette, with the typT-: cal charm and wit Of the Irish maid - • of Then' M1 Is Hamilton's Pits apeaal, ▪ CANADIAN OIL AND GAS. COLDISTIMAIligaff • VomMerelat N.�Ih1UUe of Bich , • DePositeo Tite Minea.",bepartment at Ottawa, • under the direetien ef Dr., Eugeno. elfreenel, hoe vernpleta, 0 coniprellen- Sive and exhaustive iiiireetigation ot the pil'and gas reeoUrees et the Do- enineree. zed wig be .1Sene4 ehortly Ip b.pa fora. Tho work of investiga- tion has been carried on for the past year or so by a' lield•ourvey etalf un- der Mr. Clapp, one of the ablest' pet. releum experts of the 'United kitatee. The Alberta oil fickle has 'been thor- Oughly gone over and, while no large producing wells have yet been de-* velopedi iorornisirw indicatioes havb been fotind of the existence Of petro- leure in several dietricts in the Pro- vince,. •* A tonsidera. ble'portion of the report 'deal§ '.with 'the_ vommercial possibili- ties of the development of the extene oiveand xi& oil (shale deposita of 'New- Brunswick, If Oleic deposits are 'exploited it believed, that a great industry can be built up, arid a sub - thee you can have • Your money re.. etitate found in Canada for the large - funded.. Fair enough, eh? Dora stay quantities of petroleum • and its• ile- sick or ailipg, Use this grand, family rivatives poW sumnally importe4 freni medicine at •once. • It will give yOu the United States. , • •epprgy, spirits, ambition, appetite, So, important- are these deposits and goodhied, hotter neaves-ain. short " good health. • '1)011_e_an ,get all this in a 25e. box of ar. of Mandrake and Bettermit • which aro sold biert11400d dealer! ,in.•needielee. emsm.00.004 NO HEADAclle) BILIONSNESS.. liNVMSTIOW.,-OR 7SO.V53 `4•,3170.1-. • API WHERH. THARDOM .A E DO. „ A. perfect ,..Consti.patfoo Cure . . . en and aJ WiiterfOrd, in Ireland ,the seat of her fathers fatiniy, at•Whosci head is the Marquis of Waterford, "Lady 'Kitty" is. mach beloieda , Edward Blacquel. like • his .ilarother, Dr. Richard Bla,cque;Was educated in England and ;France. ' Their- mother was an English lady andtheir father a -man of great distiactionin his gen- 'Maiden. • • :• . They Cleanee the Liver and 18/Q103 theVowels While You Sleep. Like a $hip In the night your Con- stipated headache and digestive troubles - will disappear after using Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They cure the worste case% act iptietig at...night, while you sleep, andgive you next morning the freshest, briskest, happiest feel- ing yea have knewn roarty_ day- lIamiltonte Pills will cheer up the 11108t despondent sufferer. Thee- will meke tired out folks feel like, kids at play. They overcome back-Ache,•eide- ache, liver -ache and etornach-ache, end kidney ills. ,If they.. fall to do so -great Is the market .for petroleum products in Canada, that the Federal Government has pro,alded ler a bounty of -Ph cents per go„bm- - ea• re- covered from oil shalee in, Tailacla• LIFE AT THE DARDANELLES Thp distillation of ell shales in -Scot- ' land has been for many l'ettre a sue-' Seetek Seidler. GiVes Wonderful ceseful and flourishing industry: New $,.- The • 'Pieture of righting. ,f/rupswick shales are on, the average, • , • . • The .followiag description of trenell .'The total •dohiestic ' Paoduction of • quich,.safe and sure AS PutnamyPalia, ' lite' at the • Dardanelles was written petl'oleuni is Maw Under eight million : lessi "Corn Extractor. " Sold every - by a soldier, -aged 21; to his mother gallons, while' last year imports of IWhere-25e. per- bottle. . • -! in Scotland:--• . ‘--, , . gasoline totalled 27,451,379 gallons, The chatter of the trenches is from home, won- werfully cheerful; a mail and 0 petroleum in other forms over fes- 200,000,000. gallons. The oil fields of football, rating, remiiiiscences of Ontario supply practically the whole tive Oceasions, and Hale happenings of the domestic production and their of the fight are all occasions for eutput-haaaheena.faIling Aim-. 4he._ cheery banter. . Then, ' of course, past Ave years, instead. of increasing •there is the grousing—not bitter, but all as.a part of_the day's work.. For as the requirements of the market would demand. the eye, all around • the • blue -grey • • ______,14 muddy trench • bank, sun-dried and THOUGHTS FOR THE DAY. parched, occasional glimpses of dusty Let - irlelieGleards 4Jettle ten Mier, ported Oerletele.lritoit,""P"'" *A letter boa r.e.ached the "New York Time free priv4ta in the Coide streamGuards, a member n the. . bomb section of timt regiment, Which . gine a good, idea of the enirit of the evIte...1(eelee -0/Mee re): their .reorle- aeley lives and. joined the. eelors.. It is written to the soldiers'- mother and father In NoroJk and :after nelenowle edging the ,receipt ef. their last ere sap: "I read It where I elle Writing thife in 0 dug -mit on the firing line. The Germans are about 000 yardsoff herer but we have eapped out about a hun- dred and they have done thesame, se we are closer, in places. This iea dif- ferent'p-osition to, when I. *petty be, ' fore, •• .• "We had -to change that, as. a 'ser- geott got caught, out at night, and we expected. one of thepi id tome, in dressed in hia clothes, SO We changed with the Irish Geards, SO they would., tell in a minute if n Coldstream came among ten. ' Sure enoughla chap did turn up dreesed in his Clothes, and of- course got nabbedat once. It was a bit of'a shock to him when he foerid the\ Irish were there', as of course :he expeeled us," • ClIrO . •• I'levtr- known to A,a11; 'aetf$ without ,,,pptA hams, •Is • "soothing, • healing; rnSultof.4 the flung gt remedy(' plani3 trees old•Achi Baba's wicked Self-respect is next.to religion, the top. • And the Men, some on - lookout ehiefest bridle of all. vices„—Load Ba- r ,duty*taperiscopes and rifles ready tom, , for . every . offerifig - target; . others . The great ogre, War,. devours as cleaning their rifles mending their Much .when he • is asleep As when heis -elethesareadiag reading -books,- eooking,'Smok.' awake.-Batticit - • - , ECONOMIZE ON DRESS: ermap_aMenten amid' Against • '• • Wearing , 'Wide Skirts. The German Governmeat aow is censoring Women's dresses*, A semi-: official warning has been • issued di- rected mainly- against wide skirts, be- cause of the waste of. material.• • The women of Germany, the warn- ing says, should free theinselves from. all foreign 'styles, but should not do thia at the expense of material. ` At the moment when all the resources of Germany Should- be:husbanded most carefully the we'ffien should not adopt new models, such as wide skirts that -will -increase the, uee et. goods. - Nariew- skirts Were good: in_peace times and patriotic mothen should be muChniore satished With them in war ce the fault. That a good deal times, it_ is added. black Specks can get by with - being noticed is well known to wounds and the French war anthem- All 'good breeders and if mating up, if • ties took, 'official cegnizanee of the this is to be eliminated, the very close-. fact. • But while they were studying est attention mifst be given it. No 'the matter . the French soldier , was daribt a great man birds -are made to to"see a remedy. He imprairised Pass the judge apd.win out by pulling 'a head coveringwith tin cans, Sauce- ; pans, amything. that, wOutc" .fit., Finally .. the .lid - of biscanteenwas requisitiona -eda TT-bisawasaworna not, of •coursefin•, the .e.barge, but' in -the weteliful. Wait• a ing of: the trench. . .eiteseevedeto weaken the blow' of rca 'a *few .0, these -feathers but to -fix the strain . so as to .ipeasure up Without' such trimming: is thekft•ger accOma' spliahment..... .. . Vigorous seppimeris frequently are snappy in the* of,the feather' ura _ese . . • jectik`S,. and was even :Quite . efficient to a rda, ' --agaia,st those' shrepnel--!,bullets. •and .ways- do • high explosive fragnienti Which came at all ti SLUGS HARD. „ him, or eating. A queer, narrow life, . Happy ere they who hear their de- but full of quiet interests. The sun tractions,• and can put them to mend - blazes overhead, the ,gune -boom, the inga- Shakespeare. shells scream • and burst,: the rifles Ec,onomy is half the battle of life; crackle and the bullets whistle, _and _it is not so hard to earn money as to •the silly drains -of war goes: on while- _spend it well.--Spurgeona - good men die. Stretcher • parties You seldom find people ungrateful make theia way' along the narrow so long as you are In a condition to path with their sorry burdens, voices are hushed, for sepal is badly hit Oh! serve them.—La Rochefoucauld. cbilyer and gold 'are. not thea only the pity of it all. 7 current coin; virtue 'passes current All. • All but the lookouts asleep, sprawl- over the World. ---Euripides. . • ingin the dust in attitudes of deep' • Man ivoulda contend that two and fatigue. Very little smoking, hushed two did not make four if his interest voices queer shadows and the, red were affected by this position. flash of rifles. Such is the night Hobbs. • ' ' picture. Officera and working parties •Selfishness isthat detestable viad, move stealthily about, • picking their which no one .will forgive in others, way among the sleeping figuees,. as and no one is, without in• himself:— considerate as possible; but eoirie- Henry Ward Beecher.. • times evoking from eomnelent human- Music is 'both sunshine and irriga- ity • an outburst' . unexpected tier' to the mipcil 'but when it occupies trenchese. 'Suddenly• up goes a flare, it and covers it too long it debilitates and corrupts.—W. Savage Landon 'It makes the rainer-verr-free•Wheit- we give up 'wishing and only think of bearing what is laid upon as and do- ing *hat is giy.en _us Ltc.o.l. Eliot. ' -, and all the queer picture becomes Inore queer in the -varied- chiatoattra of. intense localized light. It's only another view of the. inhuman picture of •fi litra humanity, kil1ing and being killed, for what? Alas!: for what? •• • Preserving Conscience. "They, tell me yqu have signed the pledger?" , "Yes," replied Uncle Billy., Bottle - top. --43.Krid I'm goin'To"-keep on sign - in' it. Whatever happens, no one ain't goin', to be able to say my in- tentions wasn't good." LOW PARES to kaiasi CALIFORNIA. EXPOSITIONS VIA CHICAGO & NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY. Four splendid equipped daily trains from -the .Ilew..Passeuge.7'-ertnInal-011- Cag0 to San Francisco, Los Angelea7 and San Diego. Choice. of scenic and direct routes through the best of the West :Something to see all the way. Double •••••••••••.1.•••.• .4 /ON. VON v ever TWe 1.43.*001 14thooted is the lost *Hays* 1este 1.11 W. Dawson, limo .1.03113%11 wammare 1)414'111`1P4se'ITZFretiferVolt: tlapPrieneo unnecessary. Beare time see eceicd., 21tehols, Plaated, ereeine Toronto. 1 NRWSPaPhlie FOR Ilealt. 101P figws AND Offices for sale In good OntariO, towns, Tee mast *wain wed intcvasttat et alt. Mailneeeca uti information um application to 'Wilson Putiltentosa 'Co' inlay. 73 West Adelaltle flt.. Toronto, • hiltichlraati QUa. ; •le„,e interval and, external, camel *Mi.,. CO, Limited. ,Collinowood, Ont. • N&sa4 ci4e.lvaiu.ltaa • •"blglli lg11Jitalln1a1atai: econpvezioaraal:vadaa at:14ardOre • • iVvArr;cfiZtVdaagosataaretis#0tr0111IlRalleA. . 00 011-.4•63; '-,;%••••••••••la . • „ 011T,Raators aiasiT attrozar-Asa 4oxicociar, 10TT • Tcingo an Marie:* Sta., TOAONT0e, Wo Anzac 2nallaY graduate n 7pOadtturUs• . • Iffrne,$0-clay for College Calendar. W.3, lallicitN Principal. 734 Irons° Street, : . ^ • • .Highe3t,C44..: Prices PaiO4.r. ' • We are the largest buyers of Ginseng irt America and 'have the greatest demand for it. • We can . therefore pay, you tlielkhest ca.;h prices. If you ,have, any wild or • cultivated Ginseng, write for our latest price list, or ship what you have and we will. submit you pur highest offer. . avid Blusiein Bio: 162 *. 27th St., NerwYork, • fraelt, autOrriatto eleetrid safety signals------- all.the Way. Let tie plan your trip and for free booklet "Itineraries of some of It was at An evening furnish folders nd ull particulars. Ask ng party and a ' af the Forty Ways and More to the Cait. gentleman at the gay gathering ask- fornia Expositions.', It wrill 'save you ed a ...friend in a whtsperaa-"How shall time and money. B. IL Bennett; G.A., 46 1 . I stir the fire without interrupting the -Tousle?", -.• ''Oh, -between the-- bars-, - Ordiiiifseerfewiteethetrepty; - 'roue Street,. Toronto, Ont. •• • rieedietifee"' . , ' • e dOesnft pay to defy nature's laws. We all need peace of Mm ind, rest, it - of -door exercise, and; eight tiourak sleep to -keep- well; Wen -met -not ever - eat, nor drink much, unless it be -milk ; should be freely 'used. 7 and "Well,' that's somethina we'Ve ""Well,'-' to or water.. These are both good be thankful few." ATAnatiya tier0. IttlieveA_ Narnialea.. • • 01, pee that somebody says many a \• mari is a poet without knowing it." liers a Free Treat for YourCanary "a • • ';- AROUND THE WORLD. • . CAN'T FORGET YPRES. . . . • ' . Few stoves are used in Wales. Officer Says Britain Can Never Re-. • Brazil uses littIe except steam coal; • pay Debt to Belgium.- Salvarsan • is a •Governinent mono- ; aptaite-E,--Ga-Whittakeraii, Tr -officer P°13i-jn-J-al'an7 ..... • -------• of the 6th (tukeof Wellington) Wsst Prince Rupert, B.C., has .7;0go.- peo- Riding Regiment, IS now in. Scaibor- plc' Nova Scotia tilay adopt Torrens eugh, Eaglet:4a recovering from the effects or gag, pawning at , the front, Captain Whittaker took patt in a bril- liant af10it err Jetty, le, -which -*al, • mentioned in despatches • by Field- - Maashat Sir John French. Describing the fight, Captain .Whit- taker said: "We had a very rough • . night, but the most pleasing ;feature • •• • was the superiority •attained by our Tea, and Coffee 'ATOTSure and, y over •• Power- • own artiller er the Germa1 lery, nieyely -good, , Let the, tea Or coffees slave be denied. marvelous, shot after shot falling into his 'dap .atita: appointed tinsel need- the German trenches; 'running. the iche7-sick stomachL--fatigue; etc. ' parapete, 'and -causing. Parts of dug•- --”Strange that._ thiriking,„ ,reaspning outs ..to the air.. .The air wes- beings will persist in the use -of Cof- black* With • titre sYstem. • a a ' All -Japanese- shipyards ---are: rushed- - -with work.-,•• • China hereafter .malcalts. 0 postage stamps. . • Louisiana shows the greatest per- eentage of illiteracy el all States. 11, 4" 0 gatt. • -Brocic2s-Bird.Seed..aridArrake_of_Brack's Bird neat Give Dick this special treat. The attached coupon ` mailed to' us will bring a generous sample—a week's supply -0 Brock's:Bird Seed and a cake ,of Brock's • famous Bird-Treata-FREE. •' _Brock's_contains nothieg but clean, fully ripened seeds - and grain, rightly proportioned. Also every Package contains n cake •of Brock's Oircl-Trnat—p...s.plertanl •toni.c and a dainty dessert for pin ket.. • If •:yoit prize your bird, and want its plumage to he bright—its song clear and sweet•Hask for Brock's Bird Se'ocl. Send for this:free sample and Dick will sing his thanks. • . • :St. Joseph, Levis; July .14,1903. Gentlemen,—I was, badly, kicked by ntY: horse last May, and after using. seyeral preparations on my leg noth- ing would do. My leg was black as,, jet4', was laidun in 'bed for a' fort - night -ard-C15-iild net lvalli-.7.-Afteruia fee' .says a..Weeterti man. • ' What impressed him most o all.. in g • three bottles of yeur MINARD'S- 044)114 • dry out. when they settle • lie says further that he did not be- , the. sights Uthe war. was "the ruined ..LINIMENT 1 was perfectly cured. so „ that-I--could-stait. on, the__r_ea'a ',white. A few birds will al- Rin drinking coffee until he was twen- eitlr 0-f-Yried:.. • " , Commeacial Traveller. i'nes-.• These are the* Meet val: to noieen him, And faCet -his hearing. said- he, "there -were' alleasra eenteia- tine through as white as show ty years old,. and that slowly it began Is most of the cities* I viaited," • . •JOS: DTJBES • • ovey the trail& parapet elinast spent. liable •a :or weakened in force by aic.ochetting. ways:w 'The French war depiftinenta ilia': the pre ' eerged by. the utility eveft :Of . - ------z-- a Can . There - teen lid; pree an ardor for the ala • seetiLeig_ of: 7°N-alcrlight, althoug mediate IntinlifSalli'e. ' metal -head • proteatera: These cost seeeeeele rid when .rIght in `all othei through bie nerveue taystem. aTea habi• tant. • At: Arineatiera the • re was• . • ill be thelaig• gest Iteip in fixing. produces abeut the:- -Sqrile- effects- as a .-Pictiate •sitoW'-alasta .ttoliPe". • 7 seems to be no difficulty,: in drugs; caffeine and tannin.) ' a shows.. Tfue; •the inhuhltants w ture of a zebra. "Now, ehildren, what) f 4Tlickolson;are-Biork 4:13 Tororsto,Ont. Please forward free package of Brock's Bird Seed, teith of Brock4Bird Treas. a ,• • • '44X -ea . 4:Veare.ae, ese-1,:es..0,-.75.Sae~rece'iliefn0 _ --•••:' per, color. • •eoffee, be -cause they both eOiltain "the lies,- some nice cafes- a:nd=s0ir.re good - The tearctier 'an ipic • Tgood 'yellow legs:inia-bak; tnait e-te0-e- and the- condiaa- prepared- 4:Once 17.1101, to their get, 4.§-th is 1" '•_"1_ttla_ok.g lb rria7'‘ like-- ix It excepOnallyc white birds lions STOWlk disappeared, lint one cold 4"1-*--protected--byarterse-in -a bathing-sait," answered Tit- • • a tendenc to hairs Morning the amell'of my wife's coffee sa!iidbags. Other lilacs were mere _or tie , Artb tar. • • Only 7 cents. each, but thesraelloWed slightlsr the :canteen lid to gala& to its pHs-. eia; ar. nave y •after laying for setae time, cup. Scion I was drinking iny regiilfir maining, maYin • a 'Poor old woman, Sir, I admit being a poor man, a y pa e m e co or o a ov.ance miring . rani all • ,• paler legs. EXtia, heavy Iasi- • Was too much for me and I took a less deserted, but always ianieone re- - • • • 1.111 •0 AS Wfl k but -with the Moult and re-- -nerves bY the- daily dose of the ne., scenes, of her earlY joY.S; an ancient daughter in Spite of her . wealth," • condition usually they Will p.:Ood, strong calor again. Grass •improved ckinditians wilt ala elp here.- - — •- s are alnrays first to be no- • cl.apartigeharlsrasoaWithattialioa, me map oym will use %a valuable experiinent.- A -record wan-tind is : kept, and at was found that this new • t•urri to ' headgear waS successful in.alaty caseS, have. a OU a.dfie hundred. •. • 4 . • • - • • run arid ----ilecent,-photographs ,frera the frent .., of soldiers in aetion have showed some •of.jr• .onab aa.Y.X.Vielta*Igiteraa*-',W4-03-14--ga4-t-a--01*§- tier -draw • ors. ',The .Gerniiiis Wearing • them to :a 'eonsiderable extent; and it is netlerstoodethet the hoetiiitye of the authorities; tee them does net nalv .-exitt. • L . ' Rubber SliFetirer Ships. The loss. ef the Lusitanist, draws • tention 'once again to tile posaibility „ . • ef rubber as a elfeathing or lifting. for the rem the belle Of ships to .avert �r mite; .mon fa . • rnize"a catastrophe such as that which become ' there Occurred. A gieid deal of re- spike, e; seafeh •is upderstoot1 to taken into ;the •Pliiee ;Mare or less 'Op these lines, and •Of the .grantin*' of.patents for. apparent, a mark Jy hopeful devices has been meetioaed. speci.nie from tiree to time. .Experierents hav,e, al meri ;Amu. conelusitvely that ribber is al- eie ad ' most iev.nineralle•ta.,exploeive attecles, .guide t 'and the applieetion of the' twinciple to currenc •e 'shipping de6s not 'seem .to preseet in; trouble'. • • surnimintable diffieulty: • 1 will' a ' • Pifty years ago Pleitrie Was The eaSiblin • .CaPitill Of Italy.. • • . Up 'on. t • , lereedet hattafaei telatiateat (Woe Sloane; ktba. thia fa. . sorrow -seared old man, .not fearing "Oh, well, if that's the case just farious beverage. • . .",Latee I found. rilY breath coining death, perhafis even courting it, Still rerneve the obstacle" , -heed-, had frequent lits of nausea,. and lingeving • amidst ,the ruing -of, a pros- • :Ilion, I Wee takAll.-ClOWn WWI blliOtts erous little -farm or husinees, hie sons 20:11Erd.'il LiaiEleat' tor sale arvetyiallare. cultured • aiy, Set Right: Atte- late n ible , good.,head takes the fancy of quit cotee for—go-Ord and wen b war' ;-16441W-TOttgis'of.--: --00-tgorateozegoldieterapertingeeick lever. . ' • either fighting Or perhaps deael, -*his "•- • 'Men or Woman Ineneed of ernplaVment should 0.ur ,p1,n of distributing. reiigious literature. • Even those with Ocailinnal' litre -hours. can .undertalte the • Work •and • be assured of receiving adequate' comPensation.' Previous experience' is not essential and there is. ad experise . to you. , Let us give you particulars. sense.g.aine to Inc and 1 ilaa treated in that '• 'tom : vice. A of ' tett regardless .ofeether . Poetum. atvonce began to gain end the German brute. But Ypres! ,Not —What's the iriat,ter with you? It ie. the.• tendency in some•syniptonia; heedache, dizzinese, or the •dead] - • .- mew „: suable thisteecurs very very "I now liavehealth bright* thougfits•tirii:anCe mid Belgium: 'We have dohe 'St/nadir, sf011 mean, It's honlz hoffi and yet we have seen matings vere 'prcdoluinent in • single • Hollowness atlie crown of ationsa, Pethapa the most Fier- r havg ' had .110 returns of _lay. \bine-as A-Ilead-ottyt .A city of Tommy _Atkins—Pain in My abdo- nine •eu .quaiific "riga AM apechne ..f,heabesta seldom that A ddraba: Corporal—IlabdoMen 'anged! ns to throW•eriffle Celnbs.; vertigd.: . , (`England :can never de too mien for _ and added' weight, wirere before ' there Ir--lot-I--knowrzArtil-it-ls-Apprectatecl gerLa$2 a -habitialttenpA-- was itivalidisiri and the blues. • . It something, as. you ride amidst .alViy brother quit coffee bedtime Of the lanes and hamlets of those coun- 541 b is, boweveronuch.rnore Com,. 'its effect on his health and •now uscs tries to be met with smiles and shouts ult, and if not wetehed. Pesturria' Ile tould not stand the ner- of 'Bon Anglaise!'" We are frier)* more , Marked. Abseriee of vow; strein while using coffee,' but foyever with our honorable foes of ide sprigs, and spikes sullen keeps well on Postitin." Name given Waterloo. '.11iit as to the Germans, comb occur to the annoyance by Canadian Pattuni Co.; .Whicisee; if you. take out -the- Saxons, who nee. • decent? I am constrained to say that lireeder„ for releeY a time such Ont. • ed fault will 'Atm . nee tine, , Postune coned in 'two formsa there. is only one god: GeenetineLerel• n otherwise of very e'xceptione Pestuto Cereal—the original that is a; dead Oerinan. EVeri the teto make it At only as breed- Must be well boiled. 10e to 25c wounded will shoot you in the ,back,”: • then .care mUst. be taken •to matingS sons :to Avoid re- : • Instant roetilm—e soluble:powder.— '• Looking far 4 i:t0im, e or iiitthiaifYifig of the state: dissolve's . quickly hi a eina.--of hot ' "I ',tope you, find steer bedroom, earn.- , • - - , • witter, melt with cream ant. sugar,' fortable?" 'said the : boardingehoese yet, stubs Or ;baby /cattier; makes; a delieieus beverage itietantly. proprietor. "The room is most corn- . ' • fortable:r said the taetftil grieSt; "but pore! •between the:tow Oe- 30c and 50c tine. fly,. and oleo in a while rue Ile shank of the INtil the estope uSing,„birde that leave continue to show . neth kinds are equallydelicibus and • coat about the earne per 'cup. • "There's a Iteason" for Postem. ••--Aoki, bY Grocers •tlio walls are so thin that I don't think the gentleman in the reext rocin can have, quite the privacy he 'wonld Sviah 182 Spedlna '• re ss Torcipto, Ottfrlo, '`Civorstern" V Bottom Motor at‘ • Preight P'eepaid tO any Ralhirai Station in: 'Ontario. Length Pt., tiesen :3 • Ft. ; 1; Depth 1 rt. 0 dn. A NT ' spectated= so, pripea oneeaueat. (Wtour ettotateenw petotttg Line" Commercial and Ptomaine • Liaw.lata, bcatta and Citimee. - 6 THE .GIDT:,EY 110At co tamrrnii pmET.A11/41G CAN _ . • :tor his snoting.".. • . ' • . • • ED.. -o 1, •