HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-09-02, Page 5•
v 717.- Ir. lit .4% gimp eip*,•;' • AL, seemeig
- Thursday, September ind2, t94
• vie Li
mow patimail. •
Are you
W 2 2
too long; it will
teed 00 chronic
indigestion. In
the 'Meanwhile
you eater from
iniserable, sick
headaches. nor. •
Nousness. deluge.
Pion and s alio w
TABLETS.. They re-
lieve fermentation,
indigestion -- gently "
but "uAltrtimee the vretem and keep the
etemeeh and tiverin perfect runniniterderAt .
alfikereko. 25e., et is teed ime • it
• CheMlorleht. Mulleins Co.. Toronto
• it haSheen•calculated that ODD° WO
• Were required W•Malte a• shrapnel 'shell
. . it Would take. him five days, Noticing,.
• eight ireare a day, the cartridge case mut
•-• ' the powder being. alrearlY stipPlied to
. *him The making•ef high explosivesis
• therefore-iin extremely difficult butitees§
. I • 4.
„ "r clithring the minutest, care and nrecisiero.
• A belly -made 'shell is inerethan a sJieIl
•• • • , 4, • wasted or.a shell that explodes at, the;
•: *bog tirne2. t mitY, destroy the gun
. frorn Whielf itisduieliarged,and ininany
, cases this would be the equivalent,•feon
a military point of view, of the lose of a
hundred s men„11 is plain, 'therefore,
• that inspection cannot be to thorough,
for it is conceivable that a hattle 'might
be lost through some apparently 'trifling
•• 4- mechanical defect in the shell. The
, . ,workmen• who are engaged in thitt
uess, therefore, are doing quite as much
48 the Men at the front to bring victory
•• to their country's arms.• '
Shrapnel la natned after- Lieut: Henry
Shrapnel, of the British Royal Artillery,
• who devised the explosive, having re-
• ceiVed his inspiration at the siege of
. Gibraltar in 1781. 'rhe lirst test was
'mode M 1803, and the weapon was used
:_-• suceessfully against theTrenchat-Vinr•-
....kilt iri 1868. The first shrapnel was
spherical in form, and was filled with
• *bullets end it bursting charge of povirder.
• ,"
, On occasion rusty nails stones d 11
• an a
sorts, of metallic rubbish have been 'ma• ,
ployed instead of bullete, but when it i• s
. possible to get lead bullets or Steel-
-7- --covered lead bullets they are preferred
. • • ' Shrapnel reaches the maximum of de8-
_ •
„ . fructiveness,prObably„. in,. the famous
, .75 guns of the French artillery. The
shells of this -gun are three inches in
diameter, and the maximum is about
• 8,500 Metres, but in' general praetice the
;, range about 6,000. The beet infantry
• . ▪ • has an effective range of only 'about a
••'" Of this distance.. The shrapnel
• -.bullet, moreover, is heavier, • and there-
fore mere deadly than the rifle bullet. .
•r. To make his hit the infantrynian•must
• :• see his inatir.. The shrapnel needs only
•. the range, for when it explodes it Mee!
•• ally sprays'a space Of 25 by 180 yards
, '• with its. ,Which member
- • - where from 250 to 375: The rifle bullet
at 2,000 yards., has, -nearly sPent its
on the centrar
• ▪ ' • ,, Ettlife moment it "hatats---has a greater
••• • velocitylhan on thejnoment., it leaves
the Muzzle Of the gnu •°,1t-r_other words
it as though a conga of hundred
". infantrymen had -been instantaneously
transported to the very midst of the
. enemy and them fire1. upon • therifr •
• • shrapnel shell.. has been called a gun
' • within. a gunand with the exception, of
• •
- the torpedo the most deadly and com-
• , • , plicated weapon thet -his ever been
. --devised; ' Onntrifertlithepinthon idea,
• the' case of the shrapnel shell does, not
when the bullets are discharged.
•: The heed of the shell continues its -flight
andonly after __Come in contact
E.: 'With d solid object does this head, which.
••• • ; ; • sise eauiPped. with a Minster of steel,• :
• - clad bullets, 1 urst jet° a hundred frag-
• - ments. In other . words, the modern
shrapnel fires twice, once when the tinie
fuse operates, Which. ditty be at 2,600
:" . • • yards, and again when the shell Strikes,
I which may be MI* of theueand yard
further on.
merely ca rid, porhafs, 0*
ineraission ..eap
altrayncl shell is, on the outside
• long. end three inches t tck. t is dis-
94 4 charge of . black powder,. winch to
turn explodes the .innekeless powder,
• which is the real propellant Italf-way
down thaeartridge,. or at the et Agit
-part of It which 'leaves the gun, Is a run
-of copper, Beluga greateleat.solter than
steel,: this -copper •baed ' When. forced.
• through the Raab cut by theSteel..liiiing
And A spiuniog motiou inipartedita the
shell, whicli. :iiicreases • the.,,precieion of
Before the gun: is -discharged-. the
time, fusels -set and the diseharge
rt liss7been tuna' for, say
• 4,000 yards, this tn. earls that after. the-
oomplek 4011 hes travelled 114,.,•secondii.
another charge of..blitek powder. in the
:•base.of the shell will be. expleded. • '
This is called the -bursting 'charge and.
it ie this that •explodes Aft hullets.'whieti
.Are•entb.edded in a -matrix of resin. •: the.
.reeson'for thus eieb.edding the. bullets is
tolteep•thero .froni .nsoVing.Wheu travel,
ling:through the air; and also., bemuse
.when the black powder teacheatho resin
it produces cloud .of • smoke ,,whieh.
tnarke the• point of :discharge and lete.
., the obfier Vere knew if the Shells- are •burst
tog Hi :the. right. place... UndisturbOd '
this eXPinsionin•the roar, the -head- "er
the,slnapoet continues itaffight• Untilit
48011;08.44014 Objext.'when there
other eXPlosionmere yiolent .the -
.first;,. thetieh scattering -.fewer bullets.
„ono eefs.War'it is OnlY9leetiassek.'to
reflect thet.00 per cent of the • wnunds
caused are by artillery fire. In 000'40'8
fiction north:of Arras the •Freecii.
lery fired 300,000 rouralsOf elwagnel,.
• . . .
It will not suffice to keep smiling; -
i11 not quite Serve to be gay,
It's never enough to sing out-
st .
witi- if you give mini)/
You've got to stand up to disaster,
Defeated, your courage renew;
Then say with a grin that means busi-
ness: .4.1)11 win •
•In spite of the worst you can do!"
The world loveO a smiler---th.s.t's granted:
qaick to surmise that his angerswon't
So Inincrstim a poke in the earl
Then if he keeps buoyantly smilieg•
No takesin hi* humor a tuck,
The world will declare: "Since he seems
not LI care, •
I'll swat him atiotherjorluck.", -
IKeep yes,'be as cheery
As ever you wish to the while;
But show that beneath is a full Set: of„,
• •
- • teeth
. • , To back up and boister,the ,
Remind the old World that you'rt ,reqdy.
• To fight totheend of the war; .. •
The -world then -7n° myth12.-you will get
. • to smile with .you.
-•That might have smiled at youtefOre;
. •• -Front the qhicago Newa,
Mon 60 TO hilleb Leif* Troubio 'Than
Wemen to Held LOVO end OAPs
. eresity Pier* .019, "4k
. • •
one 0i the i;ninIng tooin atinterglit
man„ *444 esn'ectst..
wIce .get -
Rev! if. Varr rooter of Trinity p od
haarth447407,1144,TwiLtolcitatliirdloo r of*. Peago Hod 'WU' 10
to take charge of othe Angliean church ,Elltettaln, 04 interest..
work there. '
The products of peace and war will
intermingle to make the Thchihition more,
interesting than. ever before. On the
war side the •regiment of soldiers .etimp-
) Alexander MeArthar, a fleaforth
,eitisen Direr tiO years of age, left there
last week ,to Pay A Vil$10 to native
10 every roarrle town, Ohink, Scotland. •
to .the;.Inarried wo While v1sitin.,1 in H. alktilten lest ing on'the grenade, the exhihit's of Prim-
king unfair and , and forty, and *etc John Quirk, 024•40.1014`1,.'eflut"'„; itive Arearnni,•ancl.-4'.4.0 captured trophies
,whbaa, husband is Scene:4;1E4148 eeettSh ts,ar' now in hi4 8311:4'f.Iftr4 waS.4144414e4 :Of the Foot . international struggle.
toonorto Mahe bitri attractive to O• th- "CA 4,mrTaafi''-.17:-101:7-841•01:wrjeratil,b8t.44 .M.14 i" vitt' som,' e of the results: of the userof the
_or ar±otdent is how to retain a hus.
hainrtt love, says Dorothy Dix,
Under /Arch conditions .keeping
yet gentle green' Upon a elim,
,141113Bery eel-. Is a safe. and **settled
version compared- to holding , man
xuified t� big 01,170 0010444 Men do
net 'Other to try to pi'eeerire their
wives'. offectiefle:. Whether thlie.te
compliment itatl..tedleates 4'huahand'a
perfect faith. 14 -his stirtfeloice4 and
loyalty„ .or Fwitetber h" an Insult and.
elipwa, that he eateeMe. her se Arndt.
tractive that. he thirthe that he 444.
10.40 here Oe• . woman, knows; It re
however, 'a fact that tile dvms2:,
age .aildrlie-aged Movie! inert 'gees,
through none of. the agoniteS,Of. Jeab
osy ahont 'his Wife that she 40,4
about him. Nor dpei htt 11.44,, or
erciae,• 1.143 • little topic to keep hirM
self loolcing to his Wife like the „r0 -
mantle ' young yersdn. she marled.,
legit° the goes through the tortures
of the inqtilsition in a vain attempt to.
preserve tor him the illuelon that she
still the bride he led to the altar.
in spite -or because -Men de habit.
;zany lea** the stable door ifidocked,‘
oocasiOnally the gray mare does belt
And goes off With; another master. In-
deed, this catastrophe haPP•liling
lyith increasing frequency, and it be-
ghts• to look- as if the tizne might come
. When a husband would have to take
as dittch_tiOuble. to. iseep•-hist -wife.: is
a wife dews to keep her husband.
Women Like•Openders
•'Presuming that a woman's love is
pnrchasable nornmo,dity, it is. eftey-to.„
MIlderstand how the charm, Of 4 good
pnender , could .prove irrestible if the
!ady!had thelnliffeitime To- be Millie -it
to a tig4i.ffsted husband. Without. teL
avaricious; It -is- intoxicatingly flat.
tering to a woman to feel that 4 'mail
does not Oil** that the best is good
enough for ,her, and that he id witting,
to throw his mdney away t� give her
*nt,ittre. Bid (mit an$", rpmen
really sell their love, but Many men
10SO ;a wcman's affection bectiuse they
are too stingy to keep it. • The ma.
Aority of husbands, however prodigal
they may have' been in gifts 'before
marriage, after marriage are int to
think that it's too znach trOuble 'to
Make thelfOwlies a present
..thets0„,lves..•hy Saying.
that Mary. or Sallie can buy what she
leases at the shops, and. they hold
hatii at,aying her gills they are.nia*k-
ileiter a yerpetnal preielit."-Rven on
o mien,. Oat.
The R -u yvay rates•for the Exhibition
this year are very fasOmble.- • One way
ordinary first\ class fare will prevail over
all roads from Toronto west, andiareand
one. -third from outside points. , Ticket's_
will be good. from Fiicley, September -10
to Monday, September, 26. Exhibitors
rates are. good•at one fare and a third t
-from-Tuesday September-7-to-Nednes
day, Septet -fiber 22. These rates and long t
he Oceanian% of Christmas „ or birth -
dates should be an inducement . for the . d
:people of Western Ontario to pay London.
a visit during exhibition week. • There
;Will be a number of Changes this , year.
The Ladies' Work and • School. exhibit,.
instead �f being in the. `gallery of the
:Main ..Budding„WilLbez_sn_41„-separate
building on th'e groundflocie,• next te, the
.Agricultuial I -kidding and connected with
it by a• passage way .• . A.. new 'building
has been erected. -for the 1:),--:Slio,w.near
the Machinery J3ailding-and• ust opposite
the Mid.way..There- Will be a .iiist.blasn
'program of -attractions -twice - daily and
the •ma.nageinenCare eonfident that with.
good weather. Condi" ions the ..Exh;bition
will qo a greet rincceas.
prize lists and, progrimmet 'from' 'the..
Seeretary, London; OnteriO, • ••
ays; .the present'only too often takes
the ,form- of 7a check, Which satiatles
the -man't r:ense of dfity; but .brings 10
the warner' none. of the le/mantic tlirill
that she wetild haiehad in some •lit-
-tle-gitt-ticat-represerited sante esPecial-•
whim •or fed of hers, ' .
• _The mens excuse niftier. euett cir-
• cumstances that 'he. didn't ,know. What
she, wanted adds -insult to inJury.for
it shows how little She is in hid
• th dfigh ts ; Wheelinitirinitrei7 'he
• really takes Of her; There was a time
When 'he,d:d know what she Hied, and
even felt it worth While to 'kesp a'
memorandum of•'• her preference• . in
:Chocolate creams and. ., •
• 1915
Keep-1-!:eurt-in--Flepa Fr '
-Nothing .16 so funereal as a 'plead,
nee jaunt ferced ripen one, .•and the
Man :who has • to, take his wife- out
because she. has nagged him into do.
Ing is in a surly temper that
him take it Out in °rowing with the
Street crir Conducfor, able pTay
th8Y.-: go to see, , aria badgering the
waiter at he. restaurant. .
• Not- to -acts' .the- man •-wheS0 rileati;
ure in being with a woman makes him
*mile nOcin • th-elArard;- regard thestreet
dor conductor •as a 1i:utile:it "Welber..
even, •jley ss a maeterplece;. and .the
, ,
waiter as a godling who serves nectar
and ambresia, and irlio deserves to
.. -
- - - -.--- $30 000 00 in Prizes . ' ' .
. . . .., ._ .
....... ... . ..........,..._ and Attractions • - , . -
-Prizes increased this year . by..
Extellent Program or Attrac.
tion* Twice Daily.
TwO Speed Events Daily. ,
Fireworks Every Night.
New;S•teel GiCandstaitcli
Midikay Better than Ever.rt
Music b,the Best Available Bands • f.• •
. . •
sniaLE ARE over All -Railways West of Toronto -6 and -Parn. and
from outside points • • •
Prize Lists, Entry rosins And all inforniation .from the Secretary.
W.-vIr REID; Pi. esident. - ,HUNTa-Secretary:'
hinf,, , • '.....
There's:a. lesson ,for.dien In:the Man
Who vron: a wiffes love away- from her
y husband by fourteen • laVish Ways . of .
spending money.; . It's good ecenomY to
... ,. I ..
keep things in reptile, eiren d „wife"13
, .,.
heartLand lots Of I'divorce eiipensee
..and--allionnt-.emialia sailed by.* few•
judicious inveetments of innall change,
Is -
in ycand y.---•--,u--x-iev- iolet.s, _ .•-:,..__.,..3i-esMaggieMirrays,01-Tneknow.- .4, .. ............„....---, _ .: • ,.,.
,. . • ,--. , .epent.a.lve,elt :with -her dent,- Mrs: John. ..:.Vur.elity ...years ego-. mention . of the.
Care For tha'Teeth --°- Murray. • . • .,
.• • ..
,. , 11te.L.dang-,7, .Of. ' neglected -tint-h-...-. jn j_,Rub,y. ,Robettson„ • of, Witighern,
••• y efiCiit a•-feW. ere -i,isiting her uncle,
• . , .
greater than that of ginall poi, accord- Neil MuoloctillW.!ii li
'Mg, to De, II. W. 'WileY: • - • MM. *lobo 'Webster; of geelorth; 'Whd
' Eternal vigilance Is the .priee Of •VVA,s 1.1•P to Mr.' Oilison's• funeral, spent
good teeth. Teeth are 'like other or- the Week end at Max. llayriard's.. •
gene iiit the body, °if they I are to he Miss Thomson, a former teacher here,
kePt in goad., condition they must be new teaching in Palmerston, visited at
-.s• •mid,
..; prop:oily exercised, and they =Met be Memarti a few days;last week and
kept 'clean. To exercise the teeth
,give thorn •something to chew Ort. .
'''!s,•••?`""\„... . PALL FAIR DATES --
. 1 •
- A .PRAigle TRAUDY6,,,,', -.,' .. Dates' of Patl Fairs of interest to
-,e'eleo•uoy losproft..„'. . - . - 'deatiodealing'weaporm mil he on. the
0.0ers.7 of ooderio 'grounds.. to satisfy the 'biter...04 ePa .cer.7.
- .. a, .. . • • ir .
. 'Pj'aTtiblitiF;i3ar „ pd ic,ncar 0 to,bo' held •at'' •koint jo$4 l3f4)1e erewde; - Pe' the peace side
Koltun on Wednetiddy . at last week; . the fruits of industry will IA 'displayed'
.The bowling'teurnaineot in town end, io. greater abundance, and • the,' variety
weather cetiditi9as Prevent" i 1411e will exceed that Of any Previous.3.reig;
AtjtItoe5lainocorti, toh4erreo:ibpointfoopn,l,y44164totuetodof,. ‘:, b.. inlaogieen: Gliuo'iei, oefriitteenatl..thisuti,14, aatins.ictubit croinist.;,
e'nee • ''• .'-• ' . ' . •-. • • .. ' industrialist and warrior .. has, produced'
, • A.• NitnauqUouinitoo. --A curiosity „au exhihlt. of Mellencies never equalled,
in the animal family was, captueed,,iast while the DOininioh.•GOvernment has OP'
week On the feria of W. 'Mined. lttb. .di910. %a 'exhibition of *eel tliM ex-
. cen,::•Of 'grey township: . It was a . poi,- "Ws, 1-4 51114V and velletY, al'Y such
,•fectiy, white:.antdudioz about lidit .exhibit ,itt . the 111•Orlti. ,-.',Irlie- Ontario•
gov.Ikand„.10,8414-glip pin k 4vi*, ' The , Gevermtleot has excelled ..its „preview
:animal hat been caged and ea: iii?ety • .01b.rt i!l, the. 64.1.e'igenielit of.Prie.4441"le'
iiii,a, iii•tioz.L.., . . .. .. .• .,i . ..„. .,,, grains endother products ,of 'the soil;
• :while the ilniform, decorations as the.
' The .PrOvincial,Goveretnenthea, ap„ background add heaeti,and relor to the
pointed, Afr,i, • M. Loeitharti.ot Auburn; whole .exhihit; • - . • : • ' - , . , .. Y. •
Police Magi** for., the' villages • Of • • 'ile ,thisbnitrling‘ the mOdels of:British
Blyth,'Brussels and Wroxeter, allothe torpedo boat destroyers, river monitors,
townships of HoWick;
field; Grey; Hullet and Colborne . all.
Morris, Turn. ••euhentrineS artd cruisers, secured by Mr.
the•exhibitiori, while on his eventful trip
berry, East and West Wa,wano,sh, Atili Perey.Rogers; the assistaet manager of
OL 'which are ill the ridirie -
e of iticit.o to England, make an .exceptionally fine
. _
. • exhibit, and lovers of detail in assembly
HUron. . , • and,..censtruction Will be amazed to
A. cable . has, been reeeived from. .observe the graceful .outlinesof these
'Miss Bessie Porter, Of Clinton, •statitig , medels and the ekilful workmanship
that she was 'safe at Queenstown. Miss reflected in their construction. . The his.
Porter wage passenger on ther• sterna .Krupp gun,•.captured:hy the.. British on.
ship Arabic which was teipedoed by. a. the battlefield cf. France, makes au im-
Geetnen 'su.bmarine,and was on her posing • exhibit. Its "'ponderous •size,.
way. home „after -.spending a year in. elevated upon a heavy thick, gives some
England. • She; intended returning idea of the difficulties •of warfare and
some tin„e age, but was afraid of the' the achievement's of the allies in' their
aggressive and defensive campaign. ••• .)
,11..b.ls,..... .. ...... • - - :, - ,- - --- -.-. - --The other war-trephies-awaken the
Foe Kizeo AND COVNtAY. -The fol imagination to the realities of war. The
lowing young Men Om Huron.cOmity -blood7stained.dagg of the . •dead Bens;
have recently ..enlieted for Military see.'
. . whose bodies had been 'pierced ' by the
:vice, and are now drilling in London: bayonets of the altiefi, and the the bullet-
E.blood-Mean:mid, Jack 0 Carte**, Ernest speckled.. nt',
Omer O.. Beacont Bitted Hill, James cap taken fro
Dunford;',. Arlie Matheson, ', Oiehettl. ;gruesomeness:of battle awl , the. resultef.
'pierced:head of the • eueiny; . reflect the
-,Wictifif iiiid"Itarieyl'Otirrie, 0iinion; deaerved-reprisalt .-Fragmeets of -shells
- II: D. Mann, and casings .of bombs used in the-Zepne
Percy Rowland, Hensel];
S„eforthl-prnest Clark David ,p-Own.,-finnil
ey, Colhorne• George Stickley, 'Ernest strianged and on exhibition to the north
Lairs ' end Wil iarn John Reynolds • 'of the Gievernment =Buildwee• " A -similar •
gOderiph . township; • Walter Kitten, shell to that ,which Wrecked the post- •••
Reginald Stratton, james Barnes, W: ,..6ffice and killed two persons at Woolwielt
Bowmen,: „Joseph "Holland: Richard •
_ is- included in the exhibit,. while. Pieces
Slime, John 111... Smith; jameaSkeltou;!: of .
shrapnel found LAWthe race course
J. Malane, James• Goodman; W. Hay, and electric light station at Scarborough
den, Robert Woodhouse, Harry °Detre. are also on exhibition. 'Another inter -
and .Williain Sheridan, ‘Vingliam, Sid'.
. ,esting.,Iiibitien is I collection of badges
of thp_clifkrent .regiments of Canada and
ney.• Draw, 9:Wench; - John -.. Hodge,
. the collection of obsolete 'mar weapons
John Oracknell, Cecil. Smith end Qcollected by the caretaker of the ,. Mon,
.McMath., Goderigh;. Earl Mitchell,.
treal armories; . Badges :and buttons.
Ernest Anderson, Perey Lawson, Exe•' taken from the coats of German soldiers
tee; 'J J. M. Bryden, JamesStratten, A: are .aisplayed, andamong there is a
Boardrnan,Vittngliam-;=-:ggerge •Mann -blittfin bearing-tlit fritheproyer..' "Gott
ingilrusselS.' ,. . ', • ' J..: ,..... ' Strafe England." ..• '. . , . . „..
•• ; 0 PC - • The Striking feature of thebi exhibit . Htiltorares Din WerIL.In th
.cent honor and...seholemie__- ekimin, a., In the Trauspoltitioh.Building, outside
tier's. Of • lerbeto University Huronof the motor cars; is dccora-
pupile niadna good record, as the fol.- tions.
. Instead of .allOwing space, the
bowing will Show: JMiss Florence_ A. tEbxehaibidit.oiorrit .hme,adneacgoraeintoeinst 011 thy: ;.'te.iiiiastotend.
Smith, of Goderich0ollegiafildatititii„cempaey to put the artistictouches to
stood third in general proficiency and the interior of the bedding. By an ex -
obtained fitstolass honor's in Matherh. .cellent arrangethent of flags of the allied
atics, moderns ' and science-. winning nations along the walls and , pillars. of
-thefirst-Edward tidkeisCholdriliip itz liwimilding-a splendid -effect -hew- been
. . .
produced and theexhibitors express their
•,pleasure and satisfaction with the •work.
Opposite each -exhibit there, Will Lb.e._a.
.81rield.ccivered, with hunting and bearing
fifth tit general ptoficienty,: ontainie,ei: the name of th-e eiliibiair. . . • • .
eat-class--hortersi.ianrithematies: In ..tlie Horticultural. Building. the
elneand science; and won the. third: be xh‘ gilbr oi tik:toe of : p4O4n t:ian: E run d e r- 6. ts haz id f le vo ewre. r. s ...Tw hi el .
Edviltrd • Blake ' general proficiency bountiful mins of the Past weeks have
scholarship.of the value of PO, With ivenrickness of color to the foliage and
fouryeare' freetuition, total value $210. fragrance 10 the flowers, while the taste
F,L., ft utchison, of the Seaforth COI - displayed in their arrangement has added
leerate Institute, was eleventh in the ' beauty to the settingand dignity to' the
general profitheney list and 'obtained. iffiole exhibit. • -Lovers-ofTrature will be
second class honors in rnathematice and pleased to see the, medel garden where
moderis and•firstclase`h.inors in -sc'i- vegeta: lee and flewers Are gtewing under
ence, winning the sixth Edward. Blake the roof .of. the ,i3paciouS building. .. . ,
general proficiency scholarship valued valueci There is no evidence of depression in
at with 'three years' free tuition;
. . the Manufacturers'. and, Process' build -
a. total 'value. of $155 Miss E 1.1 • •
, . ,
ings., , Every -available . niche of space
Scott,- of-Sesforth-Cetlegiate Institute, has boon taken Up 4Y:exhibits in. process
of manufacture and in finished contlitien
obtained fiMt-class hohors: in 'flatboat, The highly polished plane stands in close
atics and second class henorsinacience .teuch with the dignified silver-colbred
.and was a w*rded tb#'' •Iirst Edward .;crwered package, of tea, • :While the- neva,'
• . - - . . .
Blake scholarship in .,mathernaiiett.:of ties Of modern. invention- look with lilia,
01.0 'svalue. of OP: with three Year& free: 414 liPOn the :neVelties'. of the Past,
- - .-.. - - There: la--- one grind .display Of good
"thitioo, total value $180. • ' .
•-- : .' • . •'things, too numerous to mention and too
.. • ' ,-, i ,' rataffiouitt7 ,'- --: 7 '.: ''.14.:Tre It#6i4:er°ibibuiiiin.;:qu'l. ii/
• ,._
• attractive, while 'the,' MirlWay, with its:
1 . . . ,
. . :• ... .-Mo'iniaYT Aug. 20. •showaand'pOpeofn 'stands lends relief
• rs. o'er . fir to e tu-i-a-dian '-og-the-OpPer-tii • -
See, is. home at present: - • • .. • from the sublinie to the ridiculous *hen
• Wirs••German, of Beachvillet. ire 'visit, inelination Calls; The art ciliibita are
. de, high standard' .encr.will ..ge. far to
trig her brother;.D. 3,Ituray. • • • '
•, Mr. , Gibson's funeral . to Greenhill satisfy, the Most aesthetic of the Exhibi-'
'Cemetery:On Sunday, was larg51y atteed..-! ticAi's visittIrs.' . . .
• , 11-isS Annie Clarksen left on SattWday.
th:titke. Charge of a eclitfor .down - near
Termite. •'• ' • ; - . .'
moderns and science, �f the value of.
$60 with foiir years' tuition, a total
viaffie of $220. Miss Mary I. Tom, of
Goderich Collegiate Instituter stood'
e Busy Hardware House
14EDUCTIONS on all
With every pc. purchase of Liquid
Veneer, 25,1.Dustless Dust Cloth
. • .
Ilay Fork Rope, SIings.
tic.• .10.0t.ay .
••,• •.,,•
nt at
Car Prices
Mixed Paint soc. a quart
°••: ' • A
• . •
BELL. 84.: ..1VicLEOD.
: Tont- horde *erefratit--willliack "Up our'
'guarantee on this splendid range Ask to see:
I .
• .
and let hint demonstrate its
. 41' many exclusive features to .
, you, A 1111clarsr dealer in every town. si
Sold biLueknovit Hardwre 81 Coal' toi,
death of Veterans of thetriidean War -
'1854 and 55.----ivere,conimen. news feat -
urea of enr•paperg. 'OHM& yearn
•announceineets•trave become so. rare 'Is
to, make the reader teke net*, And Q11C
Wonders how 'man); mere of the heroes
of Alma and Inleerman`aie yet alive,
On Monday was reported from Loh -
don, Ont., the tragic death of Colonel
-james ''-l-lesiteth,- who, went -through
the entire Crimean campaign without a
called on other friends in this Cenalinn- scratch, He took pert in the battle of
By, •Alms, and Kingslake in his history Of
the war mentions him as having fired
the first shot ini the blnody battle of Ink-
erioan. Hewes through all. .the Other
peeple in' this vicinity are *..9 follows: large engegernents of the war, including
• the, long siege of Sebastopol,
tucknow 30 Oct 1.' • Colonel Hapketh wits born in Ches.
Ripley Sept. 28-20. hire, Hogland, 87 years ago, and enlisted
Kincardine,- ... .. .Sept. 18 17.'. with the army early in life, Onretirieg
Wiegliarn •.....Sept. 23-24' he came to Canada and lived at Ottawa,
'rdeswater , • . Oct. 5-6. 'Toronto and London. . . • • •
Closes, on. Saturday .
- -Night of this week.
. There are still bargains in. Dress .Goods,,
Crepes and dinghams that saves
-- Money to the buyer. • .
• A-SrieciarOvei.a11,-ii-double knee, at $1.00.• ,
-kr- Men's Blue Striped Smocks at $1.90.,
r• Piece Arabian Curtain Net; Teg. :3oc, for 15C
Ladies' White Waists, to clear, reg., 1.5o, for 50c.
- a few Ladies' Suits at Half Price .
.-..We.take Better and Eggs..
Wirmipeg, Aug. 28, --Over ofglityears
ago on the evening of 114,24 Mrs. Win.
Chainbers disappeared from her horne
near Cloverdale, nerthern Manitoba,
leaving her hitsbond and five mean' chil-
dren. Oh Thursday the Witched skeleton
Was found by a 'Wheat cuttetseven miles'
, Oct. 7-8,
'' Oct. 1.
frein her home, and Mr. Chambers iden., Walkerton - .. . Sept. 114,40.
tifled i as the retzlaitill of- his 'wife by Toronto. ; , Aug; 28 to Sept. 13.
the wedding pug which ho had 'even London ........ .......Sept„ in to 18,
heti • •-
He veas (flute active hnd left Ins home
on Sunday for a va1k in croseing the
0. P. 11,, tracks he Walked in font of an
;engine running light, towards the depot
Death was instantaneous. The
Gi'derte14' 'it t I ICRt. 46 0 g9t.wete Iqut tO'brotop*otetnuidtit, ,
Off School Again:
Vacation time is over and the children,are '''Off. to,
School Again." The citie?ton otschoOl shoes must ,
• be considered again, as the 'Old ofiet. will, be all -
kickedoutclwitig vacatibn.,- •" '
We have -.selected. our school shoe-sfor--tlie t and -
girls with. the .u-tmost care and ,.can_give,:_the _best -
Child's and Little Girls' Kid and Box Calf, sizes .8
to io%. Prices 1.50, 1.75 and $2.00.
Misses. :Kid and _ un_ e a ,..sizes
Prizes 1.75, 2.00 and sgeso, . .
Youths' Shces in Box Calf and Kid, sizes rt to 13
Special Lines -at 1i-50-1.7S-and--$2,OO *
'Boys Box Calf Blucher q, ,ut and Button, sizes; / ,tp 5. c •
Prices 2.00, 2.50 - •-•
," • '
We:are-SOW Agents here
----Illachford Fine Sr-
hoos' foL.404c.
' Try a Pair of Scholia' loot Easers for Tired Peet., •
„ • '
J. JOY' Lwknow; Ont.
• •
• • 2.11
" I
OtedA18,40talmalreesteattatenrefree$4 sigimeninsaielteftegeseeeepimeretiseotra
, A Supply on hand for 'Fall Wheat...,.: •
.14011D6N'S FEED 'and :LIIIVOt "CA.111/1ERS
Walktn .
, !apply of Now Aepairs on hand.
New :Williams Sewing Machines
° •
• 1
" " r
• * .. • • A " , .1 ,
4.•• '4°