HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-09-02, Page 11+ 0 $r.00Ver year, in gvauee; x.4,5 otherwise Lucipipw, oNT, MBEP, 244.0 1915. SCHOOL RE,OPENS_ ----10',10e.eNesee4tarei.-"fereeIejew • . V!,! • Read, Above 'letters eie4tly at i feet “distant = with' one eye at tittle. /I ycoli cannot, your eyes need attention,Eyes tetita fr.e43. L..-LICHAPE1113- OPTOMETRIST • k, LUcKNOW, • ONT:e.••• • MARKETS (Cotreeted up to Wednesday: neon) 'Wfaeat 1.0••••••••cp•A'Alr•kv• OatO•i; 444 •••t•g" ••••••••••• BarleY • • • • • • • • v. ### # • • 'Butter.,.••••••:0t••••1: •••i... 21 22 • Eggs, fresh. 1.8 itt Hogs f • 't 900 , . • TOttoNTO ti„ireire nix t Wheat: huSh • 5 1 , 'Oath, bush „ . . . . . keeleY,. hush.. Timothy, Mixed and CiOver, •-• 10 -Choice-heavy.steers,,,- Uogs, off. cars, , -Calves- „.:„. 7 Spring leimbs per e*t'9 S •, Butter; lb • ...... . : • • -.Potatoes,' hag. ot#,:',7. • 0,41'..14ga • 15 to '$ 1 20 62, 63 70 te, 80 qo: to• .0t 00 oo 74 44965 .50 to 25 to. 910 25 to 6Oto •,, le • 0.stock i winv complete or- the -•reopening,_ Text. Books c14.s •Scribbler • , Tne latest ! and prettiest • designs. 'etc. 1 DICT:1PENCVS DRUG STORE "The Nyal Quality Storei! • aerizaccithez). • . A:Christian, eot ege-hoirie, : healthful situation. •' Forprogretusandternis,writethePtinelpal Ozit 63 Whitechurch -Tuesday, August 31st. Mies Gettrude 1lartin of Fordyce, is 'Plaiting with friends in the village. sic is viiitinir with her niece, Mrs. Mtartin, -at ordyce. ;Misses Alba and Isabel Fox spent the- tkeekeanit,withlriende iji StAtigustine ' • , Mrs A. Adtum mid sop,. Beridle, Of Toronto, are visiting at the home of A. Poi. ' • Mrs. Newbury And daughter, Doris,. • ' - of Toronto, are spending a few diva at .iten/Pittersolis." *•• • The Cluildingiriaiting Sunda,y . was led by David Kennedy, -The subject 13ing '"Suminer Sins." The leader for .'..neit.Rundar•Troort;nos.*gits- 'and the topic is ..BiliroW Yourself into Your Task," • • Winghant ' . • .L...mOncitty, :Aug.: 30. : ' Hibbert of the Methodist church yesterday preached MI iticipressiVe shririon on the war.' • ". 0. , '! The ladies Of the fled 01638., are now about ready to Ship another' lead of goods *bleb thy are gathe'ring up: They ohlp • one almost tiOry weck., • , •. • Mrs: L. Aiteheson,, mother of -the' lath • Fte, L. A: Aiteheson, who died Of wounds itt tlie hospital in England; has recently. received Sonia Cletilleilt photos of . the. Amend of her sonc and it letter and: ' package' of ehotpal bullets which the., • • doctors took 100111s balk, While oper- ating. They thought by doing SO they ' would' save his lits;In spite cf losing .her eldest. boy, Mrs; Aitcheiton says, that : Whet. other MO boys, who are only 14 and to you* old; aro ne.ednii Rho will let 'heii go aloo; • • . , • • -• • • ,:;, .........pftetwe•••••!••••?,••••••••••••••44,,,•••....- LOCAL AND GENERAL, I Patriotic Carnival. at_.the Blink tliis evenhYg • Mr. Earl C. Lintli3itritithe new assist. ant at the post offte; • i'ublie schoolsthrOughout. the prov- ince re -opened yesterday. • Articles from be• up to $2.0.0 in the fish pond at OW fic a fish. , , • Mr. and Mr. J. 'cleorge; Anderson motored t� London this Week, lc and.Mrs: PaUllleid left this week to visit with friendti in the West. Miss *hired Spence has taken charge of a sdlidol at AdolphintOwn, Lennot Vb. • Isdiek tilicLiectlemens' 'latest -styles inlaataluShe iisltpond at the Carnival Mis • , . Dorothy Cooke` -.visited with friends iitt, fer,a fey days, this week'• Mre. Arch 'Campbell, of Hamilton, is visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. J. Taylor. The Lucknow il'able.Faetory is again Tbeusyunf tee!, the annual. s‘tocliwtaking and pa Airre Charles ,IeLteen and. son, of Wienipeg, are guests of Abs. W, C. Johnetone, • • . •• • Rev. Mr. Tiffin, of LondOnl spent It few days 4ast week With his sister, Mrs. Joe Taylor. • • „Mrs. Geo. 'and Misses Zillah and Alice Whiles are Visiting with friends in Vomit% • Partiee with 'poultry. to sell should read the 'adon this page of the Bungee Poultry Co. • 71/11eirLottZaibrigg;"of Wingham, spent.$unday in -town, the guestof Mrs, *Begley.• • Come end fiehyout neWlitll hitt Out of .the fedi pond it the Patrieitie Carnival thireieve,ning.- • Mrs- W. G. Andrew and two children visited:with friends in , Clinten a few days last week. EWitit Cameron has successfully ptivie • ed Mammies. at the'Univeraity Surname' Session, Toronto., , . • Mrs. arliff and', danghter, Olive; of Toronto, 'visited at the homaof Tlionias --Webster tide :week. •-• ef. • The Misses'Sproate have returned to their home in Seaforth after visiting with friends in town: - ' ' Misses Eva and Laverne Greer:Wire •Greer; of Wtiigham. • Mr. ,.Angtie 'Cameron, if 'Winnipeg, .who :spent 'the past mentla ,her, Jias returned' to the West. . • Mr. George Vantelon and sister,. Mies L. Cantelon, of Chute') visited in 'and around town the past.week • Cogneund see Mary aNcichard , the World . Famous Moving Picture Stat. Family Theatre; Friday and. Saturday, : No need kr visiting New .Ontarie on fiehirigtour thia tieason.: • Go tothe fish pond at the 1auoio(J4wrnvt4• Mrs Jelin McGregor and danghter, of Ridgetovr,n,_are visiting _at the home of Thos. Webster,' Itoss St. Miss Evelyn Found returned to her home in Ilarriston on.. Monday after a •three weeks' visit with Miss Mary Rath - well. • • - . ' John Howe and fain'l • have mov d to town from Winghain and occupy the -111%w-ow-the- -cornet_ _Of ..,-,Caniphell,a Stauffer St. ' •• . Potato -rot is reported very bad in, many ,fields. Apart from this disease the Crop is one of the finest ever grown, 'in theprovieme.• •••• gr.` Jack Newton has •sedered -the principalship. of a two -roomed. public school at Giemsby, and • will commence his duties On_Tuesday•of next Week. '• ,• some tinie ago and , has lutd under re% _ . Tile:West experienced3he first severe frost of the Beeson Thursday night' of. last Week, 'but niost of the wheat was entheientiy-advnnced--teapeeeseri W.4,- Davison ...has moved into the stone residence, corner of Staufrer and WheelexIltreets,_ which he.. purchased damage. .• s • . - Mr.and Mrs; Fred Riclileyand sou, Of Hamilton, and Mfg. Win. and Mrs. 4.eg, Sharman, of Godetinh, were vibit- • ing at Mrs. Win. Kickley'e, of Mufeking, lstweok scieneF.inaster' in London Collegiate; and his • wife who were visiting his brothers,, Messrs. D. and 'Keinieth-eariiergiiievnittied-tn-Lon:: , Mrs. PIM and fitob Harry; Of *Ingham,: and .Mrs. 0, Pew and daughter Audrey, o Vancotkitt, Motored over from Wing. ham and spent Tuesday at the bowie of Thos. Webster; Se.' . , Ernest E. Short, editor of the Sonth. atnpton lteitcoh, WAS a: caller at The -Sentinel office on Friday. ' Mr. Short was over With a ear load to lee. the la- crosse match at Wingham, itta enjoyed eanie•of bowies here in the evening. ' • • The refnilar meeting Of the Woman's, Institute will he held in the VOttnell Choreber on Friday afternoon, Sept,'.10th at 2,36 o'clock, The roll call is td be ansWered. by "quotations." There. is to be it talk eri "Advantages of country Life by onq•of the itaniabers. ' ".11..Miscellog eous Question Drawer" is alsole beton- „ ducted SO btingilong your' tittestions. and you'wdi have then' wisely. and jud- iciously stoniered. Sonie business ,inat, tees, Of iniportano are to be tninsaoted at this wieetino A eoOd atteritiltIS is InnO4tetlF, , Visitors wolOotto, . , Wee Etliel Araistroeg has returned libine after spending A .Mouth with her sister, Mrs. J4 J. Wilson, at Goderich. _iyirlinesZtpersoTleabepr_e_xtbvamiTter.eARneilntinibpneir of the Staff' are taking inthe big show at Toronto. The office will he open for Vutsiness and job work an usual. The temperature reached several degrees below freezing bete VricteY morning, but was not gevere enough to damage !the corn, which is 'the only field crop now -in danger of, injury. very pleasant arid profitable, after. n op ws0 spent. on Friday last at tAft borne ofMr.W, S. Holmes, when 'about forty young ladieSVf anF, town , Inet to Wark.bh' singicaletiPpliee for the Red Orass'Boelety.." -• Miss Sewell, "lady sunetintendent �f the'gincaoine Genera:Hospital, hes re-• signed, the position- aka vvill leave sbort- ly to jointhestaff of 'Canadian nurses now on &IV overseas.. •Miss, Butwatih is now in charge of the inetitelion. „ Two carloads or 'artnY horse s were shipped' from Lucknow to Montreal te-ctey-Thursday. The,shipment was made by express.. • The shipment of car- load lots 9f horses by express is not uncommonon the main lines*, but this is the first shipment in that way from Lucknow. ' '• Have you an old razor that you are not using and don't intentrtonse. V so band it in at the Lucknow Hardware & Coal Co.'s -store so that it may be foe - Wanted to the Men at the fent. Reniem- ber 4 Will be made geed .by an English Arai' which has takennp this work, and sent to the men free. • - • Heavy and continuous min Sunday night and Monday morning gave liar- vestilig another set beck, and farmers, caught with the bulk of their spring grain still on the field ,may be excused for feeling:Somewhat discouraged. The season-haa been ode of the most trying in years,- It -is said , --a great deal .of the, oat crap in the township bordering the lake, is still out. Inland 'ceeditions are. somewhat better, the gram having ripen- ed earlier • , Semi -Final Lacrosse' . • OrengeVille will play in Wingham on Labor Day; Monday, Sept. 6th, ;and are mining a Special Train. The return :ot:Eida twillb6 played. Orangeville on ry, Sept; 10th. • • To the eatrons of the Picture Show. The -serial story Trey 0' Hearts has been cancelled owing to dispute with the Com- pany. Another serial story will be put on shortly to take its place. The Theatre will be closed Tues., Wed., and Timm; ,each week until further notice, • Those Who Can But Won't° This is the way the Wierton EChO • phts it up to the ablebedied young Men of the coaritry: • "If there Is'a young man ig this district of Military age, able to past) the medical examination, and he does net have the desire to enlist he should lie awake at nights and wonder if he is worth a pinch of saltto his country. If he is unable to 'go that is • another matter." Students Wanted • •• Telegraph:ppm:ging and express boOlt- keeping thoroughly taught. Student gets/ • practical experience; training Js there - Tore better -Man college Can Two live wires running into office. Good • pritions always open' for energetic young men and women in this line: For par- ticulars apply ' . E. M. Henderson. Agent. ' • G. N. W. Telegraph. Office,. 2-9. Lucknow. . • ._Dled fin Toronto • : were ealled to Toronto on Saturday to attend the funeral of his sister,•MM; G. A. Newton, who passed away on Friday after a long illness. •Mrs. Newton was 'native of londesborough, -Ont., and for a number of years after her Marriage - lived in Wingliam; where • Mr. Newton - -carried on a littnieee business. Fourteen years ago the faniily moved' to -Toronto. Besides the husband two daughters sur- Vive. • • , 1„actosie at %Ingham . • A number who went-ovet to Winghim last Friday to witness thelitcrozse game°, -between-the- -team- of -tIYAL town -and- Sontliaifipten were a , good deal disap- pointed by the 'onesiderinetre of the 'game. In the first:geed& Southampton irlethmrt-prinnieed-to-ptiteeqrrc- good battle, but after that Winghain had .it all their ()WU way and succeeded in. tanning, up aseore 2.7- to the visitors 3. C. V. Jeffers, -et Orangeville, was referee and the gaine was clean through-. A Princess Pats Hera ' London, ,Eng, Aug. 28, -Private Hil- dred, reincess Pats, recovering from pnenninnix,plunga into _ the w3,tos at -.Hailingisitind fatly „dreSfied•and,sucehed.. ed in rescuing a small boy caught in the '4de race. : • . The above,:which We noticed in One of : Monday's papers, has 'referenee te. Private Warren Htldtecti Our infortna, tion last Week which wan- to the effect that, Warren lacl lost his eyesight and was. expected 'at his lime itt Woodstock appears to have been wrong. We have Since learned that Only -eee, has been. injured and that be remains inthe ser., vide, • • • • • Bean--Pord Wedding. " The following is froth , the Gederich ignal of last week: • • • ' The inarriagis rif Mimi' Katrina Payne Ferri, daughter of Rev. J. E. and. Mrs, rord,•to Dr, John Arthur Bean, Of Lid. erton, Ont., was quietly celebrated Yea> terclxy atnoon at the. Vittoria street par.. Sonage, the honie of the bride's parents. The ceremony was perfOrilted bythe bride'e father, -assieted by her uncle, Reit, W. J. Ford, of. 011eficee, the wed- ding party inelttcling only a few Warned. late relatives of thet. Mcleauti. grow No Pal* Next Week' Zombi; thil 11,SuarliraPtiri country weeklies, Van SENTIliut one w*ek. off 4uring the year:, For this We have deeded upon nmft week; anthem wiji be, no Sztattlyot •September 60, AdVertieers and readers pie 580 keep this in mind; • • (Ace win.be MVP •thronghout„t,he week, and -any joh prieting •required .will have t,he usual pi met and.tarerui -atten- tem,•. • eeeetoeemees,:e'eN'oeveerie • MW tn. Wlbc, Of Wipdedr,,cousiii•of. the . , played the weildins= nitwit. The drawing-roorp in the 'ceremony, took place: waa-prettilje decorated with. cut flowers and greenery. The bride was lovely in a gown of white net over silk, witt satin trimming, and bearing a bon- quet of white roses and lily of-the-val leY. She was attended by her twin sis- ter, Alio Willa, attired in white and cae- `rynig pink asters. The groomsman waa Mr. Ilerhert Bean, of Toledo, 011ie; brother of the .groote. Dr. and Mrs Bean lefe in the afternoon for it brie( trip before settling -down in their- home at Ilderton, where Dr. Bean is , med- ical practitioner. The bride's going -away gown was of blue serge, with white felt bat. The bride had not long been a res- ident of Godench, but she had made here a number of warm friends, whose sincere and hearty good wishes go.,--with- her to her new home. ' THE CARNIVAL Arrangements for the -"Summer Carn- e held'in the -WA tamight (Thuriday,),Iii hoer- ceinfileted;itnd. if is safe to thy -that those who miss .it Wilfhe sorry. The tiilF be fun -for. everybody, Sideapfitting Side 86X/raj, Fishing, in which the disciples o Isaac 'Walton will have an Opportunity , te 'shove their skill, and thus Verify that "big fish" story. Lets of "big fish" in this pond, "' ' • Don'tail to visit the "Cave of the ,Witeheit' and receive, a faithfel revela- tion of your past, present end futute. by these bona-fide.witches; who, , forseeing the war in Europe. fled to this country; and. ,havce.bilen .secured for , this one evening. •• • _Ladies_arrodVised net_to procusa_anY new millinery until they 'have attended •the Prizes. will be given for the best fancy dressed lady, els° fancy :tressed gent, as Well as comic dressed lady and. •chime dressed gent. . . • Doors open at 7:39. Carnival opens • ta:00 ivitlra grand promenade of all in costume, . headed. -by the famous' "Coain's Italian Band" led and directed hy Giuseppe Conn. Admission to Cain - nivel; KEEP-LUCIOOW FAIR . IN YOUR MIND- ,A.gnew, secretary of the Lucknoei Agricultural Society, his been tipsy the ,past week mailing out and otherwise distributing copies of the Lucknow Fall' Pair Prize List. These who have not re- `Ceived one orwhoWouldlike besend one to a friend will be handed 11;. topy on calling at the secretary's office or at -the Sentinel office, Get One: Look it over and see if there are premiums offered there which you can vvin; ariq would like to win Ill any event Make up your Mind to attend the Fair. You.begrudge the time perhaps,but the .dayyill net bewasteci, You will be the better for the outing -- for a day spent among cheerful friends, and away from the everyday cares of the. farm. "Stay with your job", is, a good rule; -but it can le oVerdone. The spring whiebiacoristantly held dow_n_loses its , elasticity. SeeWith the man who wryer& withcalt --4, -tired -and loses snap Seeing the exhibits:Aia.the 2!attract, iuns"isnot the whole thing tun.country fall fair, The social feature is even more iiriportant and ltdOre enjoyable. It is -the laSt uppo , • a big out -door Meeting where and when - folk from north and eon* ehet and west -meet and greet and talk things over in the freest -of all free -and -easy moods. Show if you hava anything to shois-,... and there shOulds be lets.of fide exhibit.% this year -but, in Any_ event, make on .your mind tie cotes mit, and de yourself •endeverybody you Meet a. world bf geoct.• 1 ' • Ctikoss* Corners ••••••••.,•••••.••••M•1.1••• ',,Tuesday,, Ang..31. ' 1Wra. ITred Fisk is elating her sister, Mrs. ,I;• Donald. •n Mrs A. Haynes, of Teeswater, friends in this vicinity. , • • Miss McGregor, of Langside, is ea - gaged sewing on the lOth, line. . . Miss Pearl Turner las returned home after visiting her brother at Fordyce. Mr. 8Iiiett, ;Mater of, St. Helens, call- ed itt J, Hanna's one evening last week. Miss Millie Turner has returned to Winghain after visiting friends around Bethany, • ; • Joke .MeDoneld. And went. West last Saturday. We with them it sato return. " . Mrs. Hamacker, of Dashwood, luts returned home after spending a %reek with her :slater, Mrs. Wel, WhytocK., ' Mr, ana mi.E3. R. Wraith and Mrs. Turner, Of lUncotdine, leotert to Aie- teadine or* Sob/ with NU, liseldeg, Single Copies cents SPECIAL $11OW ;THIS.WEEK..._ 'As 11, year ago, Lucknow Moot on FP-9EfillIng-1.5 fa to maiming, - fact the Board, after crowding a few extra seats into the Continuation %les cieliartnient, were obliged to turn away 'thirteen piipils who were on hand and 41140140 to go tuition here. Besides these, twelve other applications had been 'refused, making in all twenty -live who had been turned away. • ' , • In deciding who shOuld'receiveAccorn- "'dation in the sebna the Board pur- 'sued the same method of selection as it did•a year am, ming &it preference' tO. Lucknow students and pupils who had previously attended the school. Then came candidates.from soligols in • Bruce County. As a result of this plan most of those who were; not admitted were from Huron County. The Board feels, that, tne Occomat of tha Sclool receiving the grants horn pruce, while eo fihancia eid copies '.froin Hume' • it is. bound -th give preference to the Bruce County students. They very ,nauch regret being under the necessity of turn- ing away twenty-five young people who would have become residents of tfie vil- lage for the greater part of the year, but there was no avoiding it, while the pro- viding of additional accommodation does not seem a satisfactory course.' In the absence; Of Principal - DOUpe, w,h9 has not yet sufficiently recovered to take charge of the echool, Mr, Iebiste,r, of Winghani, a University student who has had several years' experieuee as a teachen•is acting .principal This ar- rangement will continue throughout the -month of September when it is hoped Mr. Doupe will be able to take charge.. Apart from dike temporary arrangement the stiffis the si-t-me as it Was before. vacation. , HYMENEAL' •the bride and her parents referred to the--marriage-notice below, were--mr- Jeer reeidents ofisteknow. The article,. •is from a Lancaster, N. Y„ paper of re- oent date: FORSE-MFROIIISON The marriage Of ',Miss Annie Louise Murchison, daughter of Mr. and • Mrs. William Murchison, tO Mr.. J. Wray Forge, ,only, son of Mrs. Alfrieda. Fors& • of Bridgeburg, Ont, was solemnized Tueeday evening at the home of the • bride's parents, Elm Place, Lancaster, in the presence of sixty guests. • The ceremony was performed under a •cant:py-of margnerites by 'the Rev. A.. •W. Grigg, An aisle was formed by it profusion .of marguerites and palms; and white ribbons 'carried by the bride's brother, Master Maurice Merchisonrand Robert Cullen, the bride entering on the atm of her father, to thirstraineof-Leh engrin wedding March; played -by Miss 'Leila Dale; of Toronto, Ont. The bride was charming in her mother's wedding. gown of ivory satin, overdress of teal lace Her tulle veil was held an plz,ce by lilies - of -the -Vallee. She carried a shower bou- quet of the eame firmer, and wore a dia- mond and emerald lavellier, the gift of the groom. She was attended by her sis- ter, Miss Lean Murchieon, who wore a gown of white embroidered net, over sea green ninon. She carriedat bouquet of sunrise Vises. The groom was attended by Mr. Frederick Longley, of Niagara, halls, N..Y. _- • - Daring the sii gnng of the register Mre-Siiipwerth„. of. Chleagg,_ Mag. An• , bridal song. • After the .ceremony, 'the bride's mother received; gowned in• wis- taria meteor crepe with Mrs. A. Forse wearing a eoWn cif grey ,pussy willow satin. • . • The bride'stable, which was decorat- ed with sunrise roses and tulle,' was ar- ranged for: twelve guests, , and after a Wrifity supper :the bride slipped-, avvey: and donned her travelling costume of navy blue,' with quaint 'black '• hat "-to match, and left later amid a shower of confetti and with the best wishes of her many friends, for a trip with her husband down fife St. Lawrence, and on their return will reside at Bridgebiire,'Ont. THE MACHINE'flUk `FUND The CAAVan for, funds for the purchase -of.-34olehine[gun4PPegnaied for = Luck -- *pow and vicinity te couple of weeks ago will not be gene on wall.' Tho statement by the Aoting.ltinister_of Militia to the • effect that abso'.uteiy no. more wonky than had been 'received could be used for the purchase of 'machine guris put a stop to the patriotic movemeetalong that b rne ;vitt, of Coarse*, be ether outlets for patriotic fervor and aztivity and we hope those Who se actively took up .the machine gun proposition will•not allow their enthusiasm cool or become inactive because effort along that particular line was not required, . are ROW assured of another winter campaign in Northern Franee and Flan This is.sure to be .rhore active and on a.. inueli larger seilc than the canapaign of 1014-1e. There will be fay; 'More Men in ,need of soldiers' comforts, 'extra cl9thing, etd.; and in - all 111E10004 there!willsbe far more. woutidecl=mere, widows and more orphans. Alongthese lines there will be unlimited opportuni- ties for the exercise of patriotic giving. It was possible to over.do the machine gun contributions, because a giyen num- ber of men can only use a given number of guns to advantage. There is less Iiklihood otthe relief funds being over- done. This is a line of work which the Militia Department cannot look after so . well as the•providing of guns. CHiiRCII NEWS The monthly fellowship meeting will be held in the, Methodist Church Oia SundaY at 10 ae -SirrelaY School -to- • begin promptly at, 9.45 p. m. Regular services conducted by the pastor. • TRH LEAGUE.-Tlie Lucknow League spent a most enjoyable evening when , they visited the OliveteLeague on Tues, • day evenieg, The home League furn, ishad the program'', whith had as a topic 'DIM,' With three shore addresses on ,the subjeet, interspersed with solos and -duets, made -the -program -very -interest- ing. At the cloie a dainty .1unch was 'served by the' Olivet Leave, after which the visiting President tendered a vote of thanks and appreciation to -the Olivet • League for the pleasant why in which they had been entertained. LATE MRS.1 ANDREW MULLIN • Wednesday, August , 25thsaw_ the, passing artvf of an old. and highly -es-, teemeil resident of the llth. , con. of i Ashfield, n the person of Ann Jane Hoare, widow of the late Andre* Mul- . lin, in her 81st. years. Of late years -she, had lived witlallter. son,. 'Ilenry,-and • the funeral on Friday of last week 'was held from -his home. It was very large- -ly attended, Rev.ej.--S. Duncanof Luck -- now, conductmg•theserviees:-:The-pa;11---- bearers were: Messrs. Thomas . Irwin, jiee. ,,McClirre, Wm. Connell, Samuel Sherwood, Neil Murdoch and John Campbell. Mm. Mullin is survived by: twosons, John, and Henry, ene brother, John Hoare, of Toronto. Her hesband, and two daughters predecease . her nuniber Of -years age. A native' -of .the township of Esquesing, Mrs, Mulhn mid her lite husband came to Ashfield in the year 1859, settling on a bush farm which they cleated, making fot them-. sevles 'and finuily a comfortable home. • She was a life-long member of the Pres- byterian Church. GND TNQ= ARUIW LABOR DAY • SINGLR PARE -Good going aucl re- turning September 6th only. FARE AND ,QNR-THIR,D-Good ,go- ing September 4th, 5th and .6t11; • ..,Return limit September 741, 1915. ' 'Return tikets will be issued between all stuticins-in Canada' east of Port Artbiir and to Detroit and Port Htit•on, Afielr . . . Buffalo,Black Rock, Niagara Rails, and culross Centre • -Tuesday, August 31, • - 13onx...e•To Mrearal-bireThea---Mee- -DOnald,-on Saturday,--Ang! 28t1Lr -9,- Suspension Bridge, N.Y.. Titkets and 'full inforination on -eppli- 'cation to•agents. .. .. taitada.i: ',44,apent. _Sandi-ay- ihechome 'of .111,c1Ceileie, 'near, „Leekn.Lioavvoi,v. ar,44.11:. 444iss, .toch spent • Sunday, with: .friends. _on con. 10,‘ Eass. . • Mr. Geo. Neleonwife and. of London, spent a 'few days last week -with friends here,. •• • ---, • • - Iltfp(bia d the- Mieet4 Agriiiiatidalachea_•visitediriendiiimer. ,Langside.one day last week. • Mt. Clifford' Aiteheson._11118111.1trIbect, to his hoinkat-LneltritwOifter; ing The pat turci.`iveeks with -friends' bete. •. . . Mee. Julians- Onutitii,And -44-ngtor, 'With; have returned to their home 'at. efter spendint Weekg m i • • at the home of. Mr. N. Dunbar. OFFICIAL FRUIT BULLETIN FRUIT.BRAND-DEPf. OF AORICULMO Peaches and Plums are 'both so goNI this year that there is every induce:nen t for the housewife to 'put down' a liberal, supply. The Canadian Chiba and •Red Cross Societies are asking for contribu- tions of mulled& ,reserved -mot jam- ined fruit, for our soldiers People whowish their bit' should connininieate with the nearest Canad- ian Club or Red cross branch. Much fruit is being madmen without sugar, by stereliting process. The bestfilinlis for the purpose are FradshawS, Gages and Loinhartis, and for peaches the St. Pings Crawfords and Telbertas °reefs .placed in edvatme with your. grocer Mane better Wilt for you IT Exhibition - - TiETuRturic-Kos at • re;duced fares to Toronto from all stations in Canada. S ectal trail - • e an ow rate excursions :ftomall principal points on' certain 'dada Ask Agents for full particulars; . • 0. MARTIN, Agent, Luchnenr.. 'Phone 2. ary Pickford The. world's highest paid, • • Movie Actress, The Eagle's'Plate , Her famous success Friday and Saturday 6 Reels of Pictures This, is Aa' story .of the Mountain Countryof Vir- ginia; A lae4titiful doubly 'inade .so ,=by the wonderful star who draws a salary of over $ioo,doo per year. Come early and get your seat -big crowd expected, • ADMISSION: Adults 15c. Children 2 Shows Each Night " nEnormits • interest !....oupons_„,,,..,. '15eyai; Half-Ye.arly. . Is_IEGYTIABLE Assets -$7,480,339;„ • Are Issued for : ShortTerni of Yeas • , _ The (lied( West Permanent Loan Compaq 17 20.King St,Weet • • • • Toronto • , .4,•••••••• • Representhd by . , • jos. Agnew, Lucknow, Ont. E'VERYBODY'S'COLUNIN • .P.IANO FOR SALE-Ifeintznian, praetteally new. Will he sold at a bargeAn.--Apply to J. St. O. Walker ,Lucknow. -• •••• SITUATION WANTED. -As bonsekeeper, by reitpectableand capable woman, Informa- .. • tion at'Sentinel Oftle,e-• 20-84-f. • ileffiNVIE=TO -arreaso'nable rates. -Fire nsuranc,e; both - Stock and Mutual Companies. • . . GEO. A.BIDDALL. Banker. Lupktiow • FARAI FOR SALE. -The Administrator ofthe Estate of Mary Ryan, late of the Tower of Goderich, in the County aileron, married , Woman, deeca.bed, offers for sale the follow- ing farm property: -The aouth.140 acres' Lot 10, (km. 12, West Wawanosb. The • 'property is situated.21-2 miles from Luck. , -118W alld 14.2 miles from St. Helens. Tine rural is au grass and has been pastured. for the past seven years; good well with wiudni 11;10 acres of bush; situated, in a° first class farming district.; a good ftame , -house, tbarnsanckirivineshed. The farm • has a goou clay loam, and in first •chss con,dition for mixed farming-. For further. • PartIettlers apply to P- Ryan. feeder:eh,. '. • Ontario. Administrator; nr to J. E. Agnew, Real Estate D.oaler, Lucknow; or to Proud- • • foot, Killoran & Prounfoot, Solicitors for • Administrator. Doderieh. 204-t.f.c at 25. FARM, FORi SA.,E-The 'north half of Lot NO. 20 in,the 5th concession of the Township :of • kudos's lathe Countyof Bruce containing acres.. For further particulars.. , apply to Alex. Ross, •Lucknow, Ont. . , •1.01AaN RsaLwav perina'e LNG AND , TRANSPORTATION BusiNASS nt Shair's• • Telegraph and Railroad School, Tor-. • onto. Station work complete. • Star • by- Correspondence and finish at school • it you wish. Good positions available When ycrukno-wyour work; -Endorsed - by all leading railway officials. Parti, •'calms free.° T. J. JofinstOn, prineipal; W. 11: Shaw, President. ; COURT OF REVISION OF THE VOTERS' LiST wins VILLADE-BP-LIJCICNOW FHB TfI2,-VE4R A; 6. 191.5 - Notlecisihokeliy givetalikt a Uonit *._1130.•. held pursuant:le Rhe Outterlo;Voters' Li. • Net; . . • by IMIErinioutriirelItt;tee ortnirc9onty ,Ate; -of.tliatetraty of Bruce. at tred-uouncii ann. her in the Town Hall,. 1,AcknoW, on W. a:me- • day the Eighth day of Sop! etubtiireittnon. to• hear ,na. .aorernnap complaims uC creors and oinlestAn? the Veiters' List, (if'tite • AftteicipalitY of .theit -.Village of Lucknow for the year•A. 1). 1915. • Rated at Lueknowthis. 21th.. day of Atigust A. T). • • J. E AGNEW, . 2.9. , . Clerk of the Village of Lueltnew. +.* we Will load a car of live poultry at Lucknow Station on Wednesday, Sept. and Wingham � Thursday, Sept. 6, pay., • ing the following cash prices : Hens, 8c. per lb. 3 Spring Chickens, 2 lbs. and over, 1 lc. lb. Pucks, 9c. per Ib. 1,Geese, 9c. per lb. Old .Roosters,5cper lb. Don't forget the &le. Bring in your poultry and take nrIVarit • age of early market prices, which,ave always the best, • • $I1VICOE POULTRY:. e0... '.40.4,040.040-00044y000,*4-