HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-07-29, Page 1.00 r year, in sauce; .$L25 otherwise liqUCKNOW, ONT0, THURSDAY, stULY 2th., 1915. bine*. Copies 3 Mtn This, $tore...will _ Unti! 9$4tge-:- ;4(111.APELP., • Watchmaker, , 4eWelof *teci:Optiniais ;.MARKETS.: 'Onyreeted70;te Weattekley • • . Cate,. t .'•• 50 Barley 05 ,•• Batter , • • • A•• • t AA. 21 • Rg' „'•••• •••••• Root,. 18 19 oo 8.75. VenetITO .eIttMn' 'villa wit= " Wheat, lkith. :.r ;; ; I; 4 1 14 te $ 1 20 62 to 63 • -Barley, 70 -to 89 Timotby or, o . .. 18 90 to 21. 00 Mixed and. CloVer. ,.. 16 00 to -18 00' theice heavy steers... • 8 60 to 9 00. '4ege, off cars 9 50 to 9 60 ,......:- 'WO td lt 00; sPring T..alubs,per cwt 10 50 to 12 56, Sheen. ewes, cwt 5 25 to 6 50 ' Biter, . 25 to 50 Una, doz... . .. , 41'•• 26 to 30 Potatoes; bag. • " • 60 to 79 • LOCAL Am GENERA/14 Mrs. Wni., SMith, is visiting friends in Mi oronto; Smile Ilabbick left on Tuesday morning for Toronto," " Miss L .tyoue la spending her 'vac*, tion at Owen Sound. . Mr. Telford, Aitcheson, Norwich, is visiting Olds IMMO here. Xiss.Lila Taylor ishome after a two weeks' outing at liViarton. • Miss Jeanetta gedlOY, of• ThOniltbes la visiting at her home,here. . Mr, John -Malcolm and femily, of Palatines Ill., are visitingT, Malcolm, Mr; giber PoWell, of Ooderick. i� .visiting his friend, Mr. Alvin. Colorer!, Miss Penrose., of Toronto, is the guest • thisweek of friends at the Cain House Will Barber And children .left last week'for their tome m bierth Betirk130' ' Mies Jen XreOlare, Toronto, IS visit, ing her parents, Mr, and Mrs Beng c- Clure, , ' • Mae Harding has returned to Toronto, after Visiting her aunt, MM.. Dr. Ten - tient • . • . ;Misses- and Pearl 'Henderson are spending the week eo•a ace Beach.; .• , . /WS ,W. T. Holmes; of Whitton, is visiting ber parents, Mr and Mrs. W, Taylor, - , .• Miss Christie 'Grattan] returned honte on Monday fermi a trip to Springfield, Missouri. - - Miss Eyelyn Spindlet„. is spending •.a month' e vacation with friends at the lake shrug. ' • , ” Mies Dorothy ,Tacktion, 'of 13ipley, is aipending a few days with her mint, Mrs. Will Ferris. . • . • -• • • --7-- - , ,- . ' 'Sta.7,ncli-10-e-Q1' that Hi beatin , personal medication.. , NYAVS means honest Open , fortuulas. ', . , • • NYAVS. means no more 'sec- ret nesti ums. . VYAL'S Means no more im- possible "cure alis." '' • ..NYAL'S •means 'scientific ac --surfeY.- •7-• --- . ;L- • - -",:----- NYAL4 meant; a speeial rem- edy -for each - ailment. • NYATISlarClOado by skilled chemists. ' *, " ; , „ . • NY...9.LIS do net depend upon clever advertising men who' try\ to make you think you twain. NYAL'S means. your confid- ence is Bolin -as you have tried the. goods. - • We are proud to recommend -14YAVS to you. . A. ..11.SPENCrS. , . DRUG STORE I Ms. Berwick Sheriff, Mali o,.was bone or a few days this, week. • Mise Ida Mcgrimmon, of Ripley, is the OW of Mh$8 Rens; Gordon. Misses Bell and Catherine •Mackenzie are visiting in Toronto this week. Xra. Wm, Mackenzie spent a few days of the week with Kincardine friends. Mr and Mrs. Skein. Stanley, of Purple Grave, were.visitors at liokert on TueSclay. • , Mrs. H. 13Iack and children,of' To- routo, are visiting pith Mr.%Rd Mrs. Ytobert /nide. • Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Kearney, of Galt, aro speeding the'week with her parents, 'Mr, and Mrs T. F. Cain, * Mr, F. A. M. •Damon, of Toronto, is spending a week's . vacation with hie parents and friends, here. Miss Frances M. Bidden left this Week for a three Mouths', frin to Winnipeg and points farther West. • 130144 ' A bowling centeetof more than‘ustial interest was played Wen the kcal green Tuesday afternoon and evening." Three , rinks were over from Teadwater to try' ;innclusions with the locals. , In the afternoon the viaitorascored a victory - 0 but in the evening the tables were turned and Lucknow lead by 22. 'inmost] Excur don • The Annual. Union Sunday &beet ex- cursion from 'Brusselsand intervening, points to Kincardine wilt be run,on August 1.0th. It has been suggested to us that the 10th might be a vety, suit- able date for Luc/tin:fres Civic Holiday. This excursion Is usually largely pat- ronized by Lucknow people. Will some body make. thermotion,. ' Petition atandfMell The South *nee election petition filed, December 5;1913; by James T. „Craw- ford and J. A. , Garland, protesting against the•return of Reuben E... Truax,. Liberal, has been finally abondonecl, and Charles Garvey has secured the return Mrs. Wm. of-the-91-000-cleprent -placed-with-the- acconntarit of the high court at Osgpoile understood that ,the -cress -- petition Against 'Wellington D. Cargill will also be abandoned. -.0 WO Caimans Shim fia ' . • Postniester, Lindsay states that -a-num- ber of letters bearing United States post- aae stamps have been dropped in the officeor mailed on the rural routes re- cently. United States stampli, of Course,. do not pay postage in Canada and the rule is to send such letter to the Dead Letter Office if they caohot be returned to the writer. ',Parties hiving visitors from south Of the line should put their guests Wise 813 to this: • ,. dren Are outing at their summer cottage at Point Clark. 3.11rs, Geo. Anderson and Wilfred motored to .Southampton and spent part .of the week there. Mr. Robert is again at Murdoch & Cameron's after a week's vacation in Sirecee Co , Mrs. E. White and children returned to Seafoith on Saturday after spending a fel weeks with relatives. here. . The Sanitary 'Feather Mattress .CO. makes old feather beds: into nuittresses. ' One dim east of Graham's store. 11183 Sadie Mountain his returned to -her-lionie in ,Goderichafter ,spending a Bilk Class liolds•Picnic - , • '-66-4-16---61-leek!i''-iith:friezias'llee'' The Young Men's Bible 'Class. of the 'Presbyterian Church held their ennual pidnic at Point ClarkLighthouse on'Yridearrof last week,. Therewasabout an equal lumber -of boys and knee, while Mrs, W. L. MacKeozie, Miss Gordon and 1,fies Douglas were Along as 'chaperons.. Alt went out with the intention and the expectation of /enjoying a 15004 day at • the beach, and there was no disappoint - Ment. • The weather, wasdelightful for both-thedriveand-tha-picnie. An interesting letter front Sidney boating, fishing and lunch served on the Towle, who is at thefront in : France, grass Wade up asiplenclid day's program. will be fauna in the "Paramount waive,. • Ali In The Dna. • pondence thus week... " , , — Those making up one of the carry -all Miss Gladys Spindler is in Charge of loads returning from the picnic at point. the cash at Murdoch & Cameron's, store • Clark last Friday evening had an expe-r: in the absence of Miss Henderson, ''who -knee not soon to be forgotten, About is away on vacation.' one mile east of Amberley the road had • Rev. and: Mrs. Leslic Arnaage and been freshly graveled, and asusualteanis have been driving along one side of the familsv;lof Toronto, aie' pending their gravel ridge. At this Vila.. the space vacation With the .former's. varentS; Mr. Mrs: James Armitage. • ' nil between the gravel ,and the ditch is • • .. pretty narrow and the carry -ill eom- ' ,Mrs. Alex, McDonald, of - Spokane, menced slipping into the elitct and fin- -:ished up by flapping , over pa its aide. Portland, Oregon, were guests of their 91;0 can easily imagine the sort of mix- eousitii Mrs. 'Robert Mullin, on Tuesday. .upWhich followed among the bunch Of A big raci,onday, August 2nd. e,meet will be held at _9700iTees- young PeoPle making up the load. mFor- water ontunatelY no one was hurt, a slight shak- -s put up as, prizes and it is expected. that big up being the worst sort of injury tk number of good horses will be on the sustained. ground. , Prefers Sward to Pen , • We are pleasedto know that Principal Mr. J. Q. Little, who for a year has DouPe ltontinues to improve at the been proprietor and editor of The Teal Viringhtiarrlitispitale,-4-Mrs. Dent* and water News -has dieposed of the business • children have gone to their .cottage at • to Miss M. Fairbairn, who took. .charge Bruce Beech: • • - ettbe office on Monday of : this week.' Mrs. Robert Ross, of Qrand 21lapjas, and Mrs. Marion Beid, of Toronto, are visiting their motheri-Mrs;MeLean.. The Sanitary Feathet mattress is the only bed a child, can turn. Come in and see us or _write to box 248. Lucknow. .Misses DorothY, and Gracie Barber, aCcempanied by Misses Norma • add Helen Thompson, retnrned to their home • • • • , , healthful situation.- - - Forpmseeetheanaterms,writetheriinclpal :R.I.W.Anier,24:A.„D.D.ist.Thozhas 0,,t; OUR 1915 .Spring Suitings Just Arrived TEMPL 'CLAtkitz-, Merchant Tailor , Eighth Con., Kinless tonda,Sttly 26th. Wedding bells aro ringing. . • gin Henri- intends - going* to the Went to -morrow, • • , • Henry visited his brother in AtiberleY 'Tfit!laa:/‘ . ••••' John Culbert imptoving the looks. of tits house.bir-a-n-ew tout of paint. . We Miss -Fairbairn -will - Mr. Jack Swartz of Winglia,te s ir reportederiticallyillearhi3'; .4.4_,Torsoo• take charge as. editor and bud - Tuesday from an attack of ciente indi- ;Ill• acalenarfr'th'elr', :ea:6'1,191pr-s-rietorFit6, %no geetinii, but was &Mindere& somewhat founded' The News away back about 1874, Mr, Little ;is literally laying down the pen to take up the sword. Seine Anne ago he 'qualified for enlistment with the Canadian forces, and will now take a course in one of the military:- colleges,: with-te view to qualifying as an -officer. better yesterday, • , Mr, Virni. Mackenzie 'shipped. it carload of line looking horses to ,Torento on Tuesday. ,This load • Was intended for the western market but • hail storms _ spoiled the prospects there. • ' • • .r.videtitty the ex.-editor.expects the War , Mr.M. D. Cameron was in Toronto this to last for some Months and also has week in connection with Retail Mer. bowie' firmly convinced that as Applied .chants' • :Association business, He Was to such thick skulls as envelop the Ger- Agaiti elected second .Vice-presi•lent and man brain the sword isa more effective deregatele the Dominion conientiOn--...lweapon than thepen. . • . Ler little lidren • Richard, Baker -440 Misse§•Ada 'Oct daughteriltelea.May,,, left for her, home , ....1.1rotaleithdorf„whorecently.lectured Moiety- risk -visited in - Iiiirou .-on in New Dale,. Man., on Saturday, after- ber6,13 'Abtalt to ionilliellne it , -tour of . Sunday; '4. • . . . ' „ , spending several months with her pai-, Perth Minty, where he will. deliver : Mr. and 'MrS. Thov. Harris and • , wits; Mt, and Mrs, Campbell, Gough St. addresses in the intermits of the Patriotic • di . . . Leave. Later he ,wilr visit the ernian f- amily _tnoteted to Kinear ne on . . . l'all wheat id tins part will be all out • - G -settleinents in Waterloo County. it was nes ity.. • . reported in lot week s de41' that the . . . .this Week. It ripened Up beautifuilv- . during hist week and Should- be Soured of wealth to the fanners', • Muchgood hay was put in last week, and a ninnber. • Mr. and AIM Aimee 'Xclrett and Prof., while waiting for &train at Lon- ' Miss 'Sarah Elliott .ted with iiiiron (ion otation, assaulted by a German friends Sunday, • ympathiser, who, ho.wever, did not have coMPleted that feature of the her,. rani his a4..aak very far, . The. diati•who 'A large number, front n• erd attelioeu " vest, , , . . the funeral of the late. Mrs. Sohn attacked him Came oir a ineyele. and Turner, Cakes& - The Vlionten'S instant° lot Week sent juniping•off (Adresse the Professor, say- • ,,,,,„ „.._,..,.„_, _ a_.._. •,t. __ to the Belgian Consul, Toronto, .for the. ing: "You're a d-:ctapy, Ay don't you •bivvitoeb:r7 ra-lroorwg toiev more,.1UL_oi autos containing Purulleme at,C°3 contabung sixteen quilts and •e, lot of tried to get him to tome to police head "Belgian and. French Belief', three bales Save your ittee?". Professor' Reithaerf in the nest -future. . . d . • . • , i ; . goad Amon hand clothing, which were quarters wuere illattera woUiC1 be cleared George tainestde taem the West; DI ,valued at CO. The, ladies have, been up, but he refused, and just OS they were , visiting old negntthltilleon here after Nay for a number of weeks pastmkking going out of tho station the Man turned an absence .of thirty.tive yearn. tho quilts,' and are justly proud of the around and lauded en the Professor's . - molt. They wish to thank all who. do. cheat. 4,Policorotadei velt$ tittle*. on The ' tiolyrnoa Msthodiel% Sunday jeated er helped in ,arsy way. with. the,' the scene atta promiam to do what he i• Por KlaS alltt Ceastry Mr. Will R. Johnston, who will be well retnembered SA bead clerk id gar - dock A; Co's store a few pare ago, is at is hoine here on brief viait-from.Win. niPeg. Will had a geed position as de. partment fOreMan in the big Eaton store in Winnipeg, %Con the outbreak of war • he heard the call of his country, and as that Can bah been growing louder ever Billeel he has at last yielded to it, So a Shed time ago he gave up his position in tee store and enlisted with• the 70th Battalion, now, being recruited it the western metropolis. As With many ,othere who him enlisted within the past few weeks it is a matter of patriotism and ,conscience with Mr. Johnston. He has enlisted because hi3 knows that King and Country need him. He says there is great enthumsin in Winnipeg in recruit- ' ing and that many of the bestandatead- iest young men in the' city Are joining the coloril. • In eases where a good eit- uation is given, up the reeruit's, salary is, , continued at half amounktioa-ho is.As- sured cf his place on his. 'rehire, at the end of his service, Will's Luck - now friends will be glad to hear of his enlistment, and shall hope for. his safe return when the might ef Gerrnaiii is assured. broken and the safety .0 civ lization JUNIOR HIGH SPHOOL ' ENTRANWEXAMINATIONS LneirsioW.-CENTitt- Marks raquired foe pats, 390; for honours 487.' ROnour candidates in order oistanding. Helen MacKenzie, 4b5; Bertha Blair, 495; Gorden 3facCall, 488, Stanley Burns, 487. ' !Pass candidates (elphabeticallY). Evan Allin, Alma Alton, Willie Andrew, -Stanley Gongh.•Albarox, Annie Hod- gins, Gwen Hughes, Stella Hudson, Maggie Malcom, Sadie MCDonald,Jos- McClure, Jennie McDonald, Angus McKay,' William Miller, Ruth Mitchell, Gm'hant Melfat, Kenneth l'ilurdie, Annie Pickering, Nelson Raebu rn, David -Scott, Willie--Stow-Nbrina.1-0101tpliOn7 'Calvin Towle. . • --Miss-Wear Winch; of-School-Sectiotr No. 8, Saugeen, won the gold' medal • having taken the , highest _marks in West Bruce Inepectorate,.565 out of -a possible 650. . , ENTRANCE TO NORMAL. AND MODEL EXAMS. Below are given the names of studente who attended the High. School depart- ment of Lucknow school and were suc- cessful at the recent Entrance to Normal Exatninatiens, Of the 18 who wrote 13 succeeded in taking thepass mark: W. C. Cannel!, M. 1 Oune14- Durnin, M. L. Greer, P. M. Irwin, Johnston, A M. McDiarmid, $. C. Mac; enzte, . „McClure, N. E Paterson, .B...Stewart.-Yat.Tiffinal; E. Twamley. Wands . • .-Monday, July 26th. Miss :Katherine McLeod is 'hoine from Detroit, M ich. • Miss Lexv Friteer, of Paisley,_ is home for a -shed visit. ' • . Mr. Earl Percy, of Tiverton,. Sim dayed at his home here,. • . Mr. Hector McLean, of Winnipeg is PR a short visit to his' home here Mr. Malcolm 'McLean, of Detroit,, 'Mich., is here at 1.0s home for a ;visit. Alberta,-.Kirktown is 'visiting her friend, •Miss McLennan, Of Pais- ley. • A number from here took in John Fre,ser's barn -raising at Kingarf last' week. - Miss Lily McKenzie, of Kincardine,' is the guest of her cousins, the Misses Currie. - • Mr. Harry Mayer, tif Paisley, has the contract of painting in St. Paul's Chureli, ' . Miss Lucinda Butctier, of Wingham, has been visiting her sister, Mrs A. walwell., . • " Rev, and -NUR. t,'2A. Da a • daughter. *oars,. John Currie and George _Meif.4iuktitaheicantittii_trip.464tui._ minium on Sunday: Miss Margaret Chittick and brother, uncle W. J. Meisenien. All are pleased to know • that, Jack McNally, who has. been se ill, is able -WI* out and around again - -Miss Flossie 'McLennan has been engaged as teacher heti) Giamis for -the-coming year -ata salary of 460 - Misses McIntyre, Hewson, and Mr. McCauley have retttrned"from. it" three Weelthi'holiday at Inverhuron: ..13eath: 'Miss Nora,MeNally is to be r,ongra. 1-9httortionirersPleat_ 4uncesa in XIV - trance pup Is from her school'at,Lions Ilead. Anniversary services will. be held in St. Pitlyti- Church, on Sueday, Aar. 1. Rev.. U. T. L. McKerroll, of West TO rant% Will,Preach tit both services. M• r. Cousins, of Toronto, represent - alive of the Vppet Canada Bibie So. ciety, will address a meeting in St. Paul's on Friday evening, gveryh)dy, wehioniti: Come and help this good work. 'of Stoney Creint are viiiting their • sanot intkhd holding pie0i0 -work; They intSlitt taking Up thia Work could to the AtatkikAftt id* Ittn I geault tiOi nog fi4tOria floht, after at olort.t010, Olt tail0V14$ th0 00. • 01. • I pRtir t$E1LLETIN. RA$P1014111094 Amore District grove ,itte dbeld dede, Ind BISC1C'Ciirtailfs are slew teed -fig in cid. The ever neenlat 'and dentists .Lawtenberry -large Week ThliehkberrY- and Tomtit* are ,betip *tag te make thsir 41014040.-A. WEDDING BELLS ' - niontoo-nlinon, . William Hanulten, 2nd con., Kinloss, and -Misa--May Millioni-of-Tonekuow; were wilted in marriage at the home of her stater, Mrs. Alex 'McCarroll, on Wednesday of last week. Bev. 411. 8, Duncan Officiated. The wedding Wee's; quiet affair, only a few of the'near rela- ttone being present. The bride was the recipient of a number of very pretty Presents, tokens of estRem from intimate friends. The young couple will, make their kerne on the groom's farm in Kin- loss. • • , Piercy-4weadill : • A quiet wedding was iieleitinited at the Anglican Church here. on. VIrednefie day morning When Miss 'Stew, clad and Mr, Ernest Pearcy Were: united in :marriage, llev. Mr. 'Richardson cleted in the presence of A-feW friends Mr.-iipt5fra.: Pearcy `' both ..canie. to this country frOni England: in 'recent yea r.s.1 Thiy•tioth 0e:favorably known in Lucknow And in stertingwedidecl, life! ' will ‘have the beat. Wislica of many frOncle. ' They Will 'Make their Leine eaet on Canipbell Street., • CHURCH' NEWS • The regular Qarterly service will be, held in, the Methodist Church on Sun- day; Fellowship meeting at • 10 a. Me' Preaching serve at 11 a., m., after which will be the -Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. . • Stqlelens • ' --Tuesday, July 27th. • MissClara Woods is home after spend ing a week with friends at Bluevale. • Miss gala Anderson returned home on Sunday Jean webb eneteav:siihitinois g-at.rwaineeinkg as witha Zion friends, " Mies heoine,,h eesei:.rTe.nronto, returned this morning tO•tlie city after a few weeks' Visit at her MissekE. Miller and Mime, Thither, ford are spending a few daye with Kin - lough and Holyrood- friends. ----------- The Patriotic Picnic given Tuesday afternoon in Rutherford's grove, by the St. Helens Women's Instituto was well attended and in .everyway a success. The ptoecedeamounting-tkr $Sft00 will be donated to patriotic purposes. . PAsTonItnaves.---, Rev. Wm. McIn- tosh preahed. his farevvell sermon; to St. Helens congregation hist Sunday and on Tuesday left for Bondhead, in Barrie rarbe,firbY. temry,r.wmheeriliktoesfiundweasit llhereit field teemed by the St. Helens congregation and mach regret is expreieed at hie leaving. 'Rev...T. S. Duncan, of Luck new,-will.be,Moderatrwcf-thwennioegaF. tied duringthe vacancy' of the Inilnit• sseesoWlerev.Peietilt~Seeeflartea The Instrument shown here is Victrola $2 t•00. Other styles to $305, ,The MUSIC, of' the ViOrola in AN/43M gAjoyable,.. Why not hare pap' With you when y.9.4 ere 'iroti will be;particularlyglad Of it on cold wet eVen-; jugs.' And W114 stormy7clayetameS'along. in the „fall **inter and you liave to fay indoors you • be doubly 'glad you have ,criVictrein; . ' 'Stop in and' we will 'PUY any Music, you' wish to • VileicatreOlaWtoei, 16.\ rstn, vv 're rYyaatin, e various • • • ; 'Armstrong, Jeweler and Optician Jt 41,`"%fte.-Cesresa'`e,rvseeves..9.0.eneteeve.eeeeis SLHOOL DID WELL • For tome nneirplained reason the pit- • pits of the Entrance to -High School ei- animations conducted at Lucknow, Were a little jate in being repnrted; and ‘sve werix not able to give them- last week though reports for all surrounding cen. tree were Out early in, the week: The delay cansed a good. deal of annoyance and not a little anxiety among the stu- dents who naturally were anxious to • know how they succeeded. The report, Bather - ford madelWaptitarance op Friday arid will be fou nd elsewhere in this paper: --If-the-report waa-sicw-in-coming it turned out to be a very pea report when it did arrive. Of the 16 who *rote 14were-successful, a. percentage highly. creditable to teacher And class Nite are this week able to, publish also tho names of those from the High Scheel Department who were miccessitil in writing on the' EntraneetO Normal and Model Scheel • exams. This class' too did very well -13. out Of the 18 wild Wrote, being successful. ' These results are nth& above . the 'average throughout the, trovinee,-, and the School Board -once more has assur- ance that it,ia getting_ excellent service iftWtftTeglirirrfaUfr-;-; This ,we be- lierc to be true' from the teacher in the OODERILAI.STAI.IEJC! QuIt The Goderich stage, for many years a daily feature of the tralfie on the Luck- noW-Goderich road, will make its last ten) as adaily stage and mail carrier on Saturday of this week,, This old instit- don is another victim of • modern pro- gress and change; the rural mail service -havirig-sofar-supplanted-the-stage-es--a- mailoarrier that. the l's O. Dep. no long- er considers it necessary to have a con- tract for the through service. Withottt Mail-earrying contrec1-., none Of the stages are Profitable for an every -day trip and in most cases; as soon as the . reail-carrying is withdrawn the stage is takenoff the road. The Messrs. Doug- las who have beetkrueningthe Goderich stage the past year, have not yet decid- ed as to whetaer they will continue the etage for two orthree days per week for the parcel and passenger feature of the bueiness. ' . The stopping of this stage 'will make a difference in the mail :service between Lucknew and Dungannon, Nile and a few' other offices. These will hereafter ,he served from Goderich, and letters from these points, inorder to reach their destination on a given day, ought to be postedthe evening previous -in -order • to catch the outgoing morning train. • Kingsbridge . July 20 Miss ..Tesephine Kearney is visiting ,at William' Haeketee. ' Mr. and Mrs -John O'Connor, of De- troit,.were week -end Visitors hete.' „ , John -OW -ay,' of Bruseels, spent San - day with Kingsbridge friends. . Miss Margaret, O'Connor spending a few days under the parental roof. Mary and John OrCellaghan of White - 'church, Sandayed with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs John Lamm and family of Goderidh-spent-SundaY with Ashfield friends:* . . Miss Annie Hurley, Mrs. Con, •Des4 mond, and Messrs, Jarry and John Des- mond, of -Minnesota, are summer visit- ors ;here. , • The Jungle -Tuesday, July 27. visited his daughter, Mos. ,J, Purves, on sunday. . -Dawson, of Toronto, has re-• turnedto the parental roof for his holidays. • • • The picnic at Cedar Heights was= entire success. Me. Purves . deserves great credit for the *way he has beauti- .fied his grounds( • ..111•111(q Graliain, of Lucknow, viaited the SeetieS of his childhood last week and *float his Ca pranks again. Those hills are far higher than they look, , BOY IttrleOtt atttended the picnic at the lighthouse on Mislay. .15. as reported there WO.3. softie slight ec,e1,- snyvetty Roy does not. 4ust moo labOutst with hie uitud , • 6 • , riinary room to principal, for if pupils are not•wellinstructed throughout the course of: their tuition, -ther-will--not• succeed in their graduating ,examinat- tions, tdrewe -Monday, July 26 'Miss Ella Restyle visiting her brother -here, Mr. Miss Lily Curran ' visited friends at Port Albert,laat week. , ' Mr. Will Begley leftlitet Monday for 'Hamilton while,Ars. Begley and family - Will spend a couple of weeks more with her parents here. Owing to Saaraineetal Seriicein Dun- ge,nnott next Sunday there will be no, service here in the afternoonlatt it will beheld in the evening, .commencilig • at 5. o'clock ' Mr. and Mrs. 5. Rivett entertained a nuniter of their friends on Friday even- ing last and treated them to ice. cream ete. AP repo fortunate chap Who met with an accident while taking'a couple of girls home. CULROSS CoUNCIL , ,Tosett, Teeswater, July 20th. 'Coiincil met on the abovedate. bersall'present, the Reeve in the chair; The minutes of last Meeting were road. and-stifitaitied. • ••• • Donaldson--McPherson--That the•fun-. etat enensee-of•=chte:Wriv Louther, ita indigent, aniounting to 435.00, be paid by thienniniclintlity.-Carried.Donaldson- McPherson . hat the Meire-ttiid-CoTineilr6F1. • Yin: "Vase be. a committee in.ve,stigate tlia_ grievance of John Ireland re &inapt' .non. 2 and 3 at lots 9, 10 and IL -Carried. Aimstrotig---case---That we, rescind the motion for the appointment of Jas. .Tones as•Engineer, and appoint, . A. Tepee Begineer for this ratiniCipality, allaerPrliee'dieori2-Case. That we itlialre grant of S10.00 towards cleaning out the ditch on the -20th. Sideroad, 4,2., That John S Arinstrong have the same expended,,, --Carried, - .•,• • . McPherson-4)drialdboli--That a grant -1-$76;00--balriade-to-ropaivbills-alot 30 and 33, Con..2 and 3, ti,61 that Wm, Case hard this igatnamendettlarriecl,: Donaldson -"-,Case- That it .grant of $25.00 be made on the 10tb, Sideroad. Con. 15, for gravelling to: be expended by John Arinstromf-Carried. Cate-McPhersbn--Vhat a , •grant of $74.00 be Made to gravel the; roa& tween lots 15 and 10, on. A, the seine to be expended by the Reeve -Carried. The following accounts were passed and checks iseudd in payment: , John A Scott, 55 yards sitvd and road, .95 50. ' • • Wal. Howe, repairing road, • 'Sideread 10, Cott. 0, 6 00, Jul Becking, 150 yards,gravel,I5 00. Eng. Kuntz, rebudsling ctilvert cen. ts; 5 00,, . So. McDonald, 75 yards •gm.vel .4aa • road, , • • • Chas. Waecbtcr, 61 yards avO, 'to. Weechter,, Tards veiand Z.44,01, $ti:k • preorrats.. Interest Are Issuedfor t'ayable,!-Talfe*Yearly :•NEGOTIABLE - hsse ts-.7.$7,480,330T The Urea( West Permanent I oan Compaq 17 20:King St.Weat • • Toronto Represent,ed by t Jos_ AgrIewk.' tticknow,'Ont „ EyERYBODY'S COLUMN SiT(.74.1;t0N NIT.A.NTE11).--Respectable 'widow • desires situation as housekeeper, either .• village or aeon Apply: Box 382, Teea- . water Ont. . • litONEIYTO LOAV.-On"mortgages and notes , • at reasonable rates. Firainsttrance. both tocit and lguttuil CempanieS. . ORO..A.'SIDPALL. Banker, Lncknow .;,2.T.iitELENS',Elt1C/E_AisTD ;TILE IciutE now In operation atidnident On he flUed ,StnalltileitlWayspichand; leige 72- ▪ ' sizes.nuidete order. • 5-8 p" • . , • * reirat:Its, ProPrieter. , POULTRY 'W.B.N.TED.,-411glist cash price -laid for pot -fiery -every' WedneSdaY warning .delisereol back of tho Express Oftice, Luck. -• ;now Poultrs to beanies. ;for is bongs pre- - vi'ouS t4 -delivery. - • 22-744. B.110ENIR.S, Heifer Estray -Carne to the Premises orlthe un- • dersigne4 on or about July, it. 1915. Otte red heifer apparently ahOut Ono Year old. Ownermay have atone on proving property and paring etpensea. - •-• , • .1L,sientgomery.. sa-Atup. • - NoFth Lille K11110Si. . For,Sale TAR1‘.il POR'SALlit Adnaluistrittot;birthe , 'Estate of lltary Rranclato of the Ttiwii *. of •• Goderich. in the County of Hurtui,'-ms.rtied „ wOman, deccalsed; offers•for sale tile - ing,farinproperty:,-The south -140 acres, of • ' loot. 16,. Con. 12, Aire& Vhafanosh. Tho property isSituated 2.1-2 Inile.s 'froth. Latilr4','• • now and I.1-2,miles front St: Helens. This • farm, 14 all hi Skati and baa•'been stared . for tho past seven years; good Well :uttly ' • • 'vlodni 11; 10 •ac.res of buSh;, situate d in a 'Bret class- farining. •elatVict; a; 'good '.fraree ' house, 2 barns and &tiring Shed; Tho Para • has a good clayloant, andiss .11rSt •• conditionlorpnxed-farrainti, -Tor-further,: rtieulars apply to P. J. Ryan. Ooderich, • Real Estate. Dealer, Luc:know; -4.11".: feet, Eilloran -Prondfoet,': Solicitors for Administrator; Goderfcb. 20-5-t,f-o at 25. 1 01 . 10 NOtice. to Creditors • • !n the. rnatter oL the , estate •Of jelin Griffith, late of the ,Village of 'Lucke now the Oaubitk• of Bate% .Rctirect,: . farther; deceased •••• • • ...Notteeiteheittetihrentliatailpereatudiaritig,••• nay claims or demands. ngt. dfiet the lato John, ••'' - the Mtceiilb day (fietti ,#,?219',..vott:PVTIrlag.9•"g County.ot Brucit, are 'required to by pest •ProPaictotteAleliver to the undersigtied': s.e110•• • .,, itor heroin . for Andrew Lockhart; 'execte.br ,trideirtinOvilrof thas'aid Joint •OrifilthC their" tues.-tind::addrliSse3.-and full4lartienkti-itt - writing Of 6c:feel:dins flutist:at:oar:1W' ot Choir. .• 4 • •aceetiota and the nature. of the •seenriti3S, ' hekl.hylhona. duly Verified by atildircit; " :.Azid take notiO tbatafter tho Tweiity-first da of Augnst,1915,. the saitlAndrew Lem:barb .'". jilproeccd to diStribUtethe assets Of thc said. . decetrod among the person d entitled thcrete.' having regard only to the dating Of .whielt he , shall then havo had notice, and that. the said . 'Andre* Leekhart • Will. not be :liable for the said aasetatetvatip•part thereof to any poMns.'. •of-Wketbiita.,1n1-114141111 hat,thelibare-XOWVed notice. • - _ tiotito T.4"kiiierfinirtaiiiiitle' the s14-ir-nU- in that behalf. Hilted at Ly.eknOW this 26t1t. day orluiy; • • • , „ • SOlibitOefor: the said, Andrew LOCkhait • _ • II cnnuiger, sand for 1.c21111 ity. lg.4, gr. aVel,atid:-. A;ad. El tog; repairing AOth.. : mnint;.:14teTtinger; cein. en'It 00. Schwartz- tt.t..,liedy, material for cement , walk, 5- 05. • Mich, Keitter„.99 yards grave, 90.. Jos. Buckle, putting in two cuiverts, eon. 0, 4 26: , • Joe, Tratitniatti 203 yards gravel .4,fia t roads, .28 30. •• • ' • Bich...Cronin, 110 yards gravel. loit "7 )r):i*8'C' '41 r41):6e;:li:r°,•Is4tt:a.4yatIrdr4e"ihre."'1"4411(1' Merlierterithat thie Connell now adjourn to meet wait int Atarrt 36„: or 0,t the *MIA the 004' • 4, • MM.. tat ' Oftiv