HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-07-22, Page 8_ .1 fras,,,I.11112r - •-• •40., . • , • Y • • ".4 ThUrtifill ;Of t MONEY .SAVING ON MADE -TO MEASURE Suits: t1 ". . •••., •,, , ...• '• • ' Weekly Store News WE have decided to • , greatly. reduce o n'r stooeicoef virrst4of ;:regye,,, and Tweed Sultinot and have reduced the prices Ao • that a splendid opportunity is offered to save money on a Made -to -Measure Suit See what fine Suits(vire-are offer. ing at $151 $15 and $17 in goods worth regularly $.1,5 ° $03 and $20.We gtirtrant.ee a fit and linings and trfm. mings are of finest quality. . • . MEN'S WIgNiER, *EAR TetOre headqueiters for all lines of Iden'e Wear and. our stoek Tapresent ie exceptionally 'Vell anserted ia goods for slimmer wear. ubriagart 04 porous Xnit.11n Patio Pad Garters, in a*, . 25e•' 'Underwear, per garment .- y•F‘.00 serted colors at..... ; Penmen's highlred° 13albrig- $1 The St. George, Expanding 44r, K Parinelrivnaltounrolwultsrelesirlirtfisnitcb• "; Atm sauds.at ;.... 44.70 and Drawers, each . ;91 rt4i, Reite of Various kindancequalitios rine weeloinemi cintdi 50, at 20, 50 and 7,50: C°10bhlaticill Baits fr fr `4"'"" Panama and. Boater #tXlivr Rats Virbite.10oatiosii5Su0. now'°penders:anle ring-atireatly reduced fine quality at, , Klee% (See Window) , OUR .25' c,. -TABLE, A See 11*. B.a1;g..4ilis on our .25C. Table this Week. • " • On it you 11 rind the best values in Ladies' Summer Underwear and' Hosiery, Gloves, Aprons, Ties, Ccill'ars,,etc. 'These values at 25c, • . • • ° cannot be beaten anywhere. EAESPDY HIGH-GRADE.GuARANTEED OVERALLS ARE HOT ONLY GOOD 'yrs TEN eons A DUTTON AND es CENTS ARP. EIUT THE MERCHANT THAT YOU sourer THEM.FROM WILLREPLACCTHEN ir THEYDONOT GAM - MIRE, SATISFAcTIOKIARTHINTIRRTY DAYS PROM DATC or PORCHASr. iTtitfil011105."500).11ER )!.t.i.0.4v4aysimoiT4iO4r.',..0.1.0,440MADf:TO.W.E.AR 'Ladies Neckwear See (mr front show caSe for a nice assortinent of the latest anddaintiest lines of ladies' -Neekwearin•fine-lawn--ana--organdie, neatly twinned and beautiful designs ,atthepOPular 'prides or. 2.ec,. 350. and • 60d. Also Ladies' Fancy Ties, epee- ' • MEN'S. SOCKS )=1.eaVy "weight Cotton Soli, 2 for 25e. , • • MEN'S SMOCKS . Wo. Peaboelys Smocks in and -.blue Stripe, Denim: Price $1,.25, • ) • BOYS' OVERALLS AND. -See 'Boys' -Fancy KhakiOveralls- with red trimniings and red • . braes special for the little , • • •man at 50e...." , , BINS OVERALLS 'THEM SUCHAS IS SHOWN,IN 'THEPICTURE ABOVE-, IN WHICH ,FOUR MEN EXgRTED11.' THEIR' STRENGTH • IN THE EFFORT...TO RIP A PAIR oF.PEABoin,:slovERALCS'i; .BUTJF:ALTHEYA.WILLSTAND4,THIS-THEY WONT KIP , .KIND LEGrn MATE:WEAR .:4?..0'EN*1.,,T5 OF : GUARANTEED OVERALLS. .. The 'working Man spends a great; deal of lifeiti Overalls Eind:ae'a cense., ,ipierme likes the kind that Stands', the West wear and tear and Onds that, Peabodes' at $1..26. ifilia the'. , We Sell other good lines is Well 'et , . „lower prices, ,• . Also Boys' Suits ,of Khaki. Over - alis and $fne"ek•at' 65e. fer ages 5' o BOY'S' „BUSTER PLAT' SUITS' , • . , • One piece Suits, in 13lue stripe, ages.3 and 4; Special 60e. • • • V Otla. Mho Aide Die• vieiteml haw riiiker, IN. $amuel Golds*. 714 A. Bell was the pest of Mrs. keit y. A number from' hers spent the G ions Twelfth. in Viiinehaaa. Mimes Lillie and Mary Wileon ere visiting friend* in latieerdine. Mr. aud Mre. PeWr MeTaviek, were scoot visit,ora et J. MeTavislem. Ifire.Soott, o Teeavnitmr, spent the week with friende in *it vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Power Spent •Stinday' with friends on the eighth. Mies- jeunie Shiells spent Monday, july ietb. with friends,ni Master Baden Carter spent the pilot week with friend!' in Amberley M. and Mra. A. D. Xe0oeli and BOO, Hilbert; it SUnclaY at Geilrge SbleHR) , quite a nurnher from here attended the ball game iit Autherley cm • Tnesday, evening._ . • Mr. „and Mrs, 1; Wilkie, and Mise Nifary visited friends in Bervie 'ion:14Y last week. • . Miss Kenney, ofrWood4teelt% and Mr, humsWilkie were recent visitors at Sohn Mien Florenee McDenald, of Toronto, is Pending her Vacate.n with her uncle, Mr. John WS% Ur. and Mrs. E. T me'Vavieh and Son Willie visited at, the 1401'4,40f E. Cardia Sunday afternoon. • • __Miss Annie Yemen, of Neepawa, Sian., is spending her vacation. with rel- atives in this vicinity, • , We are sorry to report that David Cardin is eot improving as quickly as his many friends wish. •-• Rexall Orderlies werle gently on the bringing .to the chee.k.a tinge of good liealth. Sold only by J. G. Arm- strong, The .R.exall .Store, 10e.1 25e., and $QC4 bozo. , • Kingart . July 19th Mr. Billie' Stanley anent $404 in our bUrg. ' Mr."*Alhert Lewis has returned to his home in Kincardine. • . „ Mr. Pre& Young :returned home from ktontleY last. . • Meath ,tulY Ulm mitt Bp/sy, is visiting Or friend, Mia. Elisabstli Courtney Mim Robb,'of Mount Forest, is visit- ilvr her aunt, Mrs. J. Robb„ at pressed, Mrs. Robert Donis., Lucknow, spent theisait week visiting friends around Ainherfey. We are sorry to bear ef the severe illueee of Bert Humphrey. We hope for a Speedy recovery. Mrs, Wilment Mahood slid bsbe visit od ber sister.in-lawa, Mrs. Albert Brown and Mrs. John •Campbell, for a few day& Mieeen Isiobell and Elide Steele and Qrsee_and_Florenee Metionald_ Spent a very pleasant afternoon at Ms. Scott'e. Mistisgallie McGillivray, who taught in our public school here soirie ;linear, is waiting .at James McPbersen's and also renewing acquaintances, , Mr. and Xre. Wm. Sallow s and hehe/ of Loyal, and Ames Courtney, of Sea, - forth, visited the week -end with the iatter'e parents,' Mr. and.Mrs, P. Court- ney. The ball gainn Tuesday .evening be- tween Arnheiley and Pine River resulted Ina sore Of 9-,p, in favor of Altiherloy. There is to be another "game.' Saturday eieningat.McPhersou'e,:hetWaen Olivet and Amberley.• • , • : Congratulations ate extended t� seven of our bright pupils -of ff: NO. 9, whe . have passed the Entrance exaininationa lately. Two passed with himore: Vera Runaphrey and Ebner ,Catirtney. Ellen .and Jessie. McDonald, Ella Armstrong, ,..Jr,ines. and Innis Nesbit, pase, Great credit is due to Our teaeher, Mies Welsh, She has the record of passing twelve in the two years of her teaching here. We • will be very sorry to, have Miss Welsh leave us, as she was liked by all. 'YOUR It1N0 AND COIlltaltlf NEED 1r0111 ' 1 am bUt''' Ore; Yet oft has one before. • • Sv,verved victory and turned the tideof war. One soldier, if his heart be bold. can dare So nobly as to shame a host's despair. One sacrifice, when dread has swept be- fore, • • Can thrill akingdom to its farthest shore. I siM but one-, yet it maye a Fate-• Has Willedthat X shall perish to make great 7 . The uniue,bfHngland. ttlenelds are strange VIrith unexpectedness and lairtiries chano Because the proper, hour finds, the Man, .„M_.,rElnie_r MoffathewholfteMilveatt:veas aSun- I cannot sense the vas.ness of the, plan day visitorlir s.r.y adte Dryden iis_p.e;cting....t.t w_e_ok., witii ..Tbeo"d4oduihy7gmlle Bet_r...xves_ is I) Ibb ae 1;'ttibeis Is Kaufmanhthereat e ..' her sister, -Mx, Dan McDonald • , Globe- Jul 4 915 - ' at thelonie of Mr. Thos; 'Splain. ; ' ' ' ' ' Of ' '• ' • Mr. 'Limnos of Riversdale, "Sundayed • -1, ' ' ' : • 1 , Detroit. visit-- - ' • - "--' -- - ''' . ,,:_. • Miss Tessie Patterson visited-Tr-A-40de the Downey Brook Fzemrmai,oCnsons;p40, Btrntehee. ‘''l Paisley' last week' . ' e,,:eMef(ktrr...leNA:esil:bl'E:we:dititt.IINGICIrhi°ibnels*tro.eenrpialot'Sewaisiliristi "Aa:nfis3ai3rto4.ru•naite : -iini'71).ing. :a' :cluev*ei3Enol: -.Monday, , Mies Minnie' Ft i ti' , •' WJ MK l' ' ' Fraser. - . : . '1 .Charlea Mol.CInnon,visqedfrien(18 in • "Rine Weathei iif the timi of writing, Huron Township last week, . ,, Phone No, 10 is at Your Service We. Sell foe Csale-Wia *a Chit lima The Credit CLEARING . PRICES, ON • . 0„. . • tr-d.p:n. Doors Don't delay as the following prices will clear out our stock quickly. If you can't come in Phone your order. Iteg. $2:25 Price $1,90 " 2.00- " 1,.95 1.74 ‘‘' 1.25 ‘4 " .1.00 " 1.15 66 100 • • ; 64 1.65 1.60 46 '46 • 140 46 • . 6$ 95e 80e Doors Complete with Spring Hinges Pull and Hook s • ` _Lucknow Hardware and Coa,1 Co. illE STORE THAT NEVER DISAPPOINTS , . , • •••••••01/0011,11.116[1319•14.11MIPM.1.., Kingsbridge -:-Nfonday,„•Julyitth Miss,,:tiegie Sullivan Of Detroit is home. . - -.- - ' -'-.- days.iinder the parental roof. : -;• nesday to St. Angnstit.e. . ,Miss Mary Austin iaspending a few ., • , - , ,.. ,ItliseStella-Dean-retiiirned-oe--Wed- . Miss Mary A. Desmond of Pinkerton,. - lia,,-vErni• McLeod of -osioroei-,7-bif-sh-. the dolitor's-. care. °Airbope to seelier out - met is visiting Ashfield relatives, . -spent',-the-weekeu v.o. friends ere: - Miss Catharine O'Comior of Detroit, . . and everybody is making kV While . the - ' The Greenock Townthintouncil . Miss Some Dalton has. arrived, home Miss Aggie: Moffat, of Narva, is dress- to spend, the sunnier vikation. • ‘. ' , sun shines. • . . - ' . • at Gunds Hotel on Monday. ' • • ' , , , •• , .. • ' - • in the'beig:,•,. • ., , . ,,,.„ ', Miss Susie Thompson as een_neeter O'Reilljr are visiting „theitAunt's. ' 'The Misses Winnifred and Dorothy • ; Mr• -•••Ali. Healey has his house on, :the ' way to coreplei ion. and is oneof the finest nnik'ng at:James :Thompson's, 2nd. on. .visited her brother, Mr., Ed, Celweil ,for soon. . l_ ,..; ''' Re_ _v, 1' S P Donnelly; ,. Denver C610.; a few ,da,yeras ; wee ., • • Mit-Vis aTil-t a .Cuntingliam , yisitedtaod MrAil. osei-DonnellY,Wiartoricvis, •'• - Mr. Wilson Geddes of Chicago is is - -friends lip:Tiverton. and ..at 1 iiverhuron - ited heredastLiieek. : iting his brother-in,law„ Mr. Will: Gra- leeP week- • , , . Y 1-1:51t11-i•a;iat*dgdarY83,. Lyman 1,wneett9,' k' e' ' and 8,311. visMitersi htsTerei,inilfetcliKeri,n,Bnl°rnilsTlilitSlivcirrstctirle.: last vterwYeeenrCI:ar Itinit°:()SZIOtnitt'e°ln-11 4traitkle081411741.11°df , Elden, motored down and silent Sunday on mo044. . ' . ' '-• card playing.. , , ., . With Mr, and Mrs. D.in MeDenald. .--• • - Miss Mable KirktoWnh . b ' * t The new has ' beeri received here 1 • '),,,tr, Johli Fraser. raised his .h3r.n os , ing her sister, Mrs: .TOin Montgomery, the death.Of Gee; „:•-14 OVallagitan 'atr Toeidortorenoor, 9,14.01c...erserrikised, of Afarkdale. - -••-, ; • . ' Vancouver, It '0:-.':,'DccCAccil-lwan well his in sthe-kterikon, -everything- tintit •''Rckular-fleriiees' 'w:iii-haebadnated in -16(*"4--tilia-l'earttr,146:he' 800- 8e:/6.- 'well,and no one was' hurt ' . •'.the Baptist Church on. Sunday Mot -nine era -Years in linsiness at • Eititaiii He left•Knatail eiehteen years ago tor Vali' ...4.10k77f • ;; • 'k"i• pit • . • •, t, • • Olivet • . s •s 19 • T-8 B Wilkinson vieited. rel- atives Winghtna- recently:-: -••-• t- • Missee -Mime and.Alice Smith visited relatives in Winghain last week. Miss Ma Osborne of Royal Oak' spending a few days at Mao.' Mecluires". • Edgar Itoulston had 'Charge of the'ser.:, ' A vices in the Methodist Church, Kincard- • " t • ' Inc on Sunday. • Don't forget the Olivet Oarden Patty ." to be held on the church grounds on Thursday evening, July 22nd.. , • Nis, Ernest Mitchell and daughter, and Mrs _Pea; Hamilton_ and . "Vancouver, B. C. are; 'visiting relatives. - in this 'vicinity.: • ' . • ' ' - • '••. _ ..,t• • , • 4 ' The'oungpeepleef this locality spent , • • • • . - and evening. - . , .. -•' . ' -- , Rev. Mr Huffman conducted Quarter- iouver where lie resided until his death. • , salad . .- -iy,'servicex. in Free Methodist Chateli (`-flifondecT fel. last week) , ogiTtrAitv:-An old and estegined rep= „master ' - over the week -end: ,' - . - • Ge6rge Groves has-been suc- . • • • • Mrs.11: Finn and children of Detroit, ident of Kintaii, passed away .Ji.ly 14th. cessful in passing his Entrance examin- v!81.1tf.a 'relatives ,in Kingsbridge and in the person. of Miss Anne McDonald. atimonrs..enCdoxngrrea. twula Jevons, a „r`oronto, I li Y• ., JoSepli, 'Nellie and Margaret Otiall- ph___la_tte:,M.,ioss_Mon. ,,Dion4a_ldi ow,,ts born ,in wh oleheen guests at "The Manse ibtia, .°1111W Kj‘'V'Ll'Ult41 111 '""°. Z" an rettirnedleyoronto on Saturday, ' witii\ cousins here. • , " early age she .came with her parents to • i3ervie• ••Kinloss , , • 4--Ilionday, July 19th. ndaY thilY 192 . . • -rifroppriding: her - • Wanda Spending the holidays with her mother. ••-vies. . - - • ' .at the lidaYe 111_ • Miss race-Wi son is • )•11-0'bert Bereshis put a tine cement home-rif-Itobert.McDonald.._ • ' r._fouridati'en unde-r hie Vouso, Mrs, Ferguson, of Ambetw-leY1 c'',-.arosviinrcilnitr .m. bet Austin, of • Chatham it.vtectit ste a Of. .MillartO.P, Miss. • •c • a f her hblidaYa. spent a few days 'Witham i''eter Ilea quite recoreved alter anteing a, sore ankle for Some neIL8 °°11°ge, -11°m° °r . Mrti Pltiniean and sister, Miss Jessie water, visiNd at the home of 'Mrs. M. $91 of Goderick, visited:at -Dan. Mc- i.Mand . Mrs. Neil Mcbonald' were - Mr. and xis. Jolitrprenache of Tees; it0 , ., Donalcrslast week. atiet.lest vat Mre. Bell and four • children inerston .spent a; few days with Vilf38 Sunday visitere at, the home Of James_ ,McDonald, Parammint. ' One rtiral'tonte is now under way and .Dr. McLennan, wife and family; of • everyone neems satisfied. to , have mail Windsor, also Katherine McCauley, of .delivered at the gate. Detroit; called'on friends here one day , - %lex teinpkted the, last wee*-" ' - addition to floe looking dwelling. " • Mtn; George Hodgine,of the North Vireos Well agate after being --confined • to the house for some time. - • Mrs. Boss and daughter, •of Chicago, are speeding the holidaye with Mr. Thoinee McKinney, also Gerald Alexan- • der, of Chicago. - Mr. and Mrs. IloweA Alexander and two ehildree are home from the West, spending the holidays with Mrs. John Alexander anEI Rev. T. J. Hamilton, of Southampton, •made a flying visit in out vilIage,,ht : • , ; 'Week. Although he did not stay , everyone Was glad to seehitn again, ' • 11lieffollowinglitipils around our etteeeeefIll- at, the recent •" entrance examinations: Cretin. Fair, Lelia, • Scott, Florenee Sheltie:Mary Sturgeon. and Wilbert ' ;lobo Bradley and hid men 'ate kept Very bane' 0114' SA Miner'. It does not loOk tet if the war -was making bard times in Kincardine to wriship anyway, improvements are eee 0 on evorg bald. joint Bradley. ie• now de tag a loge con- - wet. for Mok. MAI:mill 04 the 014 D1 Jsrdiae, • • -----/ding-Ann-MeDoriald-diednt-ter-home, here on Wedneedayt Yuly 14th : She wee $2 years old, -and is ',survived by tine sister, Mrs_.D. McLeod. The inneral took place to Kintail cemetery, the ser- vices beirig conducted by Rev, Mr. liar- . The remains of the late Mrs Carrick; of Goderich, were interred in Kintail a• . =Monday, July 19th • Mr. Jai. Geddes visited friends' in Owen Sound' last Thursday and Friday., Af!, "Secord. Huston, of Huron,- is visiting at the home of his uncle, Mr. James Huston. • . Mr, Peter. McDonald, ...a- the - h line, erected the frame. of a 'fine new barn last Friday, • • , • Mr. and Mrs, Wilson Geddes, of Char- lotte, Michi, are renewing old • acquaint- ances in these parts. , f Detroit, 'mrMs.rx.,0NhenlsowninWteirnatoteirnst.e,in,.. r, Mich., is visiting his. parents,• and, • Mr, Claude Dore, was sly injured by a ta.11hIX „ °f !niuulfeiiin et cDonald's barn raising on,rgricriairi • Mrs, John Colwell and two son 'ford and Vilinet. are visiting at thei • Jioiiie ef Mr.-arrd Mrs, John Winterstelu. Our school teacher for the coming year will be Mr Lockhart, Of Itinlough, Mr. Lockhart comhm . es Irro hig. ly reco- meridSome of 4Ur younggallants had better 1 e caroful iri choosing the songs they sing while in theneighboring. villages, as there may be some one wh,o cemetery on Thursday afternoon;•The objects to the kinds of nitisie,he hears. services were conducted , by litne. Mr. U0s13, of GOderieh: The sincere Byes- Pethy of the community is extended to the sorrowing tinnily, and relatives. I. •r .•••••••\ Kincardine 0 .V1f41;06 out of 08 candidates, or ,per cent., who, Wrote at the -recent en - trailer: examinations eit the Kincardine Iiigh School, were, eficcerisfiii. Rinear. dine Central School supplied 26 of the :above total, atid of thane only 6. failed to secure the neceslary niarks. The pre, aiding board Of eXaMitlere Vete „Mr. .f. M. :Hatay, B. A., principal of the Higlf School; li T. W. Draper, pahhe sciooI representative, ;and Mr; W. J. Bald, itt- 8pctQr cpublio 049011ot Vi.rot44uo. Purple Grove • ' 7-, Monday, -July 16th, • "Miss Betake Vegan in 3/jailing •,:her aunt, Mrs, George Haigh, Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs v Wellington' Henderson' and daughter, .Marjorie, vent Sunday at Mr. Jim' Steuley'e. - 00010 of the vinifere attlie Greve ere: Misses Effie • Thompson, Eva Gewlee rtha Annie Gawley, Toronto, at, their 0141 lioineA Miss Sadie Onyter, '-...$ •Torento, , hi vireting her mother, Mrs. It Ottyle-. '.111189 Sadie Polleelt, Milino;,:, ; AlidNine, •• , IillekiVelli Shaketpeate; Mios Uarnvoll„ l of Dayton; Mr& Bell and grandehildren, 0 Walkettohl A. 'Wm. 14111'0i . righari, Whitechurch; spent a few days LITZS DRY GOODS STORE Great: Bargains For Saturday, July 24th • MEN'S SUITS, RAINCOATS ANP • • BOYS' SUITS, -the very best,‘,.made . • new stock. • • . •• . , 'DRESS GOODS, in all colors,' reg. price tire for 9d- 20e for 12 1-24. _persoiroHertrovonno PlifloNTS2 ,i4reug.. price 110. for • 10,1,..-2c; Keg. 121•2c, for ' PINE MUSLINS, regular price' 15e - ed -was 79 years of age* and spent the GIRL'S- MIDDIES, .reg. $1,.25 grwheicatehrttPea,drtiedf, ilikellifeea°vne&ttolleinfoaurrnin l°1ins ililrigS."-cS•tock of 0,VE.11AtLS AND , loss besides his wife, four sons and two SMOCKS, guaranteed to weer. . • ; daughters. They are: 'Ehomas of Ross- sp001.4 :HooKS A;X1)„ EVES ' land, B. C., Edward and James of Salt la, a card..., • Lake City, JerryandCatharine at heine - and Mrs- John Collins 6f Nevada: • The ,remains were interred in'tlie Kingsbridge gernetry on July 7th. -The pallbearers were Jainee, Edward and Rebt, Foley, , P. Buekley, Thos, Garvey' and Con -O'Reilly. Miss Elizabeth McLennan; of paisley, There died at 'his hoine here on the Canada, who Subsequently settled on a has been the guest of her friends, Misses 5th inst. one nf the oldest and most high- inHere she Alberta Kirktown and Mary Webb . lyirespected citizens of Ashfield in the farin 'Ashfield, at Kintail. 0 1110 r -S De Er ndeyeven ug,, lived for dome 71 years. After her par- Prerbyterians purpose giving an -Enter; ents' death she lived with.her brother, tainnient on the Church lawn A good Donald, who died 7 years ago. Miss- program be given by outside talent. McDonald was ri weinan of sterling char- Admission, 25c. and toe, acter and a lifelong member of the Pres- • Mr. Angus CarnPhell met with a pain. byterian Church. Born er sturdy Scoteh int aecident,last week wInle tip in a tree parents of the OId"ltirko" lyrie; the gettinga swarm of, hees:. He fell to the es rhy acquired theie, Christian virtues ground breaking several ribs and dis- and strong convictions of Ilk and 'duty local,* his collar.bone. All' ,wish him that were markedly characteristic of her a, speedy recovery, • • All She deemed that life - - WAS ton precious and too sacred to ,be sped merely itt,tke passing pleasures of --ratamqyT the day, She 'realized from her early •••••••••,....iirudeo 'dais that '.1.4ife is real"andthat• daYs, JulJuly.-goth- ..ia_earueser and that this is not -the- -,1---qr• Meivoala3;awho has been, end of Our existence,' but rather that it seriously 111n is getting'Weiragaiii: 18 merely a probation Period for a large- Mr. and Mrs.: James .pickering, ef and a better life beyond. Always quiet Rrantford, are visitinglier 'inether'; Mrp, and -retiring in her disposition, she was .Tohn Murray., , ever ready and willing to help those .Mr. rkim ',Ai and Misses Aida .and need. • In the 'earlY daYs-her hospitality Margaret McDiarinid, of the h‘ WAS retharkable.Daring the haat few Kinloss, were in rammonnt Sunday4te°.7 years She was Winch retired, and loved my,. bavici, Ileum; ,wholas been sink the quiet and privacy91 her own11"5rnew- 'for some tune, id not ‘inaprOing- Mrs. She loved her &Well and-ali ita inatitu- :McGill has also been poorly, but is 'on, dons and always had great reverence for , and we hope to see her in her the Sabbath Day. She loved her bible, t,.n„atian-'e-ned and took it as a light to her feet and ' a .3......1•11,4146.•'811,61.;,?., lamp, te_her-pith,dalr by _ She lov- • iss varene ...neLearmia, wlio has been ea_anApeecwkei were ),-ep. and dear to home for three weeks, lope to Detroit her, and Often in, her quiet gentle way en Wednesday to resumelier -duties' -she would acktionisktheiii to live for the waiting nn the sick as she is 'training higher and better things than those of for a nitrae.in. one of :the:hospitals r,in time and Settee. Her quiet gentle spirit Detroit, , passed, away on the ,diorning of truly 14th. •The remains Were interre4 in ICintait cemetery, July 1,0, the funeral` service being conducted . by her pester, S Hardie', who .bore testimony to her integrity of Character and noble christian life. • She Is survived by one Sinter, MTS. nntlean McLeod. The pal1. bearers were her nephews, Roderick )&c. Kenzie). Murdoch McKenzie, Mutdocli McLeod, John ISleXenzio, John AfrieDort. ald and Dr, Simpson. • • ••• 1, Ooderich •• Nrirs, Craig," the , 6 year-old daughter of Mr. and bffs. Craig, was. severely linriai.d. Fad y uft,rnoori. She wao play- ieg iri the house and got hold of seine matches, which set fire to her elothun, her mother, who WO, in an , adjoining room, lieatd her .Rerealbe and iiiirnagrel to unit the ate onto but the ,q1r1 WM NO/ tht *At. • iiirgan .--TuesdaY,"july, 20. Mise Sylva Brown has returned from visiting friends Miss Victoria Brown, Of Huntsville, is visiting tit John Mahood's. , Via L. Jardine, of Fargo, N. D., is vinitiog itt tleorge Sardinee, 'Mies Itexel, Palmer, of Aniberley, spent- Sunday at A. Palmer's. Aonief.lampbell, of Ripleyvapent • • 'With a' dimeeing year's conies colisiita-- iron. Itexall- Drelerliere are a '71tieer TV good •hurative-for ageing 'people.. Sold only hy The Bexall Store, 10c., 25c„ and 40e, boxes. • • ... a. ' r . • ' • . 2 THE HEROINES • Two French. women. were bidding good,13ye to a soldier. • One Vat; his sister, the other. his , They -Wein gay and theery, evidently an assumed role, for after the man stepped on the • niotor.bps his sister began to weep. "Don't cry'.". said. the Other -impulsively, tireiein stilt See yon,"! 'There is solnc- thing fine in the determination that the ;One. Man in the World emit have ween - timing vision of -a brave and sealing ace. Tears long continued and bitter might have free ours.; after the parting-, but they marred the goodbye. A, good many Canadian .girls have _shown these bin& ' grief •eteady heroism. Dire necessity has faced. there, but has not crushed their spirit. Trivial seal, thentallem- has been replaced by a gal- lant faith that whEttever may iiappee day must be dont,' And as for the out. edme-"Shall not the judge of all , the earth do rightl”.-Toronto Daily Newe. WegAti,. Sitielblts.-Ttirse Williaii a few dap last, week' at Mil. rindino,Of the 13th concession of Mc. Mies Nellie McGillivray, of Paisley, is killoP; boor teadhUrS'i committed mil.' renewing acquaintancearound here, 'cide an Situirlaftnotning, jul'y 17, by 'Mr. and Um. Captain Brown. hrtitgiug IttOP.i'lt from r"., beam in, the nreWri And Misof.A.hrib riperid the week . 'Ate. No eatitte is assigned for the and with friend:I 1 Teeewater, ict.416 Wita :'corsof age and W05Mre., Either Mahood, of Wingigtins'1366611(1 wile 6! Williant Ure Mall004 and little Son fly,t icrho (nod 4lottr4 010. The funeral. wag nf Georgetown, are viotieo at John 1fioitifir to the Maitiond• 0041i. )1031044.'t . • •Outdo , .• , LAreD?1, ElSe' strareMprEicRo 1,111?N. DE.RWEATT.P• ;410), • `. . Bargain Store ' • `- •‘, B. /1'16tZStel.11 Firet dcor wet of the '.Sentinel Plants.and Flowers For Sale • 4Cabbage and Tomato Plants. toi Sale • iGreat Variety'.01 Flowers - -110,0 an Aaterer.-.Carnationt, - Portulack-add --many •other7'. : kindq. Gerattiurnir for bed. • ding pultpoug.s.' Begintiee. • nnd a nimiber of other*, All goodoitrong plants. , Pot Side at Bannockburn fruit tles. Jardine, Amberieq P. 0.. ...„............. DON.T FORGET , . . We Itepair Ilindee' OatIVaft I, , tltia aenStnt; ' . • Shoe, repairing done promptly • • Have a few PaneY butteriii`left • 'to clear out as- Cost Price. Team netnews Made.- to yea order. 6ii"e the a cal. REG. BArttiErt ttuiethy et 044 Wood Nit to •