HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-07-22, Page 71
perfectly clean, for filth of siir kind
adhering to 'the Weal will taint' the
preserving medium and thustaintthe
eggs. let .pieeing egg* in, the promote
votivebe cAreful to see that none of
the ego; get eracked. 'Keep them in
a moderately cool zoom where the
temperature easy be kept fairly, e'en -
4. Stant. A dry, Clean cello hi a euiteble
EGGS LAID AT THIS There' are several very go04 wool
SEASON. ef preserving eggs, -arid one of them
eun be .eelected. that will stilt the
By A. F. Marshall. Ability of the user to obtain the ingre-
As• the Frio of gee.; drove , during Many. inethode for use on a small
the Warin 'summer weather, owl t Kale IfolurtiaS Proved mere sneceSs,
heeeenee a question whether much ful than water -glass .(sodiumeillicate).
Profit may be derived from their vele TIPS is a v rY cheap product, and can
• in the eeguler way, the witiO poultry initially bee secured at not to exceed
grower Will consider how he may keep fifty cents a "Ilan' and Me gallon
• lip the price for what he .sells, o will make enough eolution to preserve
scive 1&h. toek as it•-••accullivilatesi in fitter dozen eggereeetliete the cost
such a Way that be will eetaiu A material would not execeed more than
.▪ •• mucie larger price And considerably one emit a dozen. Pare Water :that
has been balled and ',then cooled
should he used.'t To each fifteen or
'twenty quarts of water on quart of
water -glass should be used. Theeiolg-
thin should be prepared, placed in the
jer or ether vessehaud the freSh eggs
added, from time to time until the jar
isr 1010; but be sure thatthere ere
twin; trocheegegoirosoleuteigeon;3 atril 40. 4c917;0-
Waehed before ,packing, for washing
injures' thee'keePing quality, probably
by dissolving /the mucfiagieeee
,A good liniewateeepreservaehee'-niay
be made \as . Thirty- ;Oleos
of water, 10pounds of. Olt, one-half
bushel of finely ;sleeked. limo. . After.
mixing thoroughly anew the ablation.
to stand two or three days and then
remove the clear liquid by dipping or
by means of a siphon. Place the li-
quid in a tub or other suitable recep-
tacle and Place the eggs. therein, or
the eggs may be placed in the 'vessel
tireie-and theilinewater Pieced 9Yet
them. 1,1aVe at least. two inches of
Iiquid-covering - the top; of the ;eggs.
Limed -eggs can be--cliscertled t#y the
roughn ss of the shelL Before belle
have 4.014110,10 go to town, or in the mg egg that have been preserved in
• house under broody hens, when they •the foregoingways they should be
•e are not gathered frequently:. , 1:"Petared with a needl?' .otherwise
- Nhy.produeo such a perishable ,arti, •they will be *Apt"to :creek AO.. Ma as
chi ab all when the. remody is so aim.; placed in hot. Water? !Ming to the
,•ple; just. by "Swatting the Rooster," • Peres being closed and no outlet
• _ :or removing .him from the Ilene, from lowed. for the air in the egg, -t _
Which the :ere•S to selj einne.- An 'in, Eggs.can be 'preserved for several
• fertile egg N 1,1 keep so Mich better months, in dry salt- 'Bran eau lose be
• .
°: than a fertile ene thatthere is hardly used. with fair results, but neither of
any comparison between, .them.In-- these • methodsisas satisfactory as
fertile eggs Could. placed- in en inOlte first twe'inentibeedt. There must
culiator.10,r days,—the always be at least two inches ;Over -
hatching tin,—and uscd for cooking Itirjhe. eggs ivIth these two methods
_purpose, and it doubtful if they
•'-* zwould.befteniiintlialeast-objectione .• Cold Storage' is indonlitedirthe best'
able. But What of the: infertile egg and Most practical inethOd Of preatitr-,
.has not matured ‘a• chick V The 'neeggs in large .qifitritities
, stenchfieni it is terrible! This is morcial way. Ali the processes by
• ..eetheerelaeive-condition of the fertile wJuch a.low temperature. can be main,
„and infertile egg when subjected to 'Mined' for an indefinite' period have
• -heating
-under the same circumitantes, become more and more improved the
and glees some idea of the value Of greater )las been:the number of eggs
• taking precautions to. have Only inL„ stored, until the cold storageinisiness
fertile eggs predneed at this time of- has reached such •proportions, that it
has a considerable Influence on the
price of eggs, tending to lower it in
winter and raise it in summer:
A record of twenty crates of eggs
stored last season in Buffalo will give
some idea of the profit in this Meth-
----thesCeggaL were shipped in. when.
they -were selling for tehle 'tisti-at 17
cents per dozen. This 'would make,
the total- $102:00: These' same trggs.
were sold in December at an average
of thirtY-ienta7 -dozen, -Which madetoial of $180.00, or a difference of
$78.00 in fever of cold Storage.
The cold storage _plant Charged
two cents a •dozen for the • period,
which made a total of $12.00 for stor-
age. Tothis is to be added 6.20
pressage and t e commission. Make
AO*, of $1.2.00, Malting a total of
expenditures of, '$30.20., and lehving
,$47.80 dear and above what the &nit
of ;storage • and ,rOther, expenses
amounted to., There isnoquestion
that storage 'in this way. .properly
handled is very profitable. •
•(tents in his own locelity. Of the
More than pay him for the trouble to
which he has to bring about this 're-
•* eulte
. In the first place any: eggs required
for sale as. food midgets. and not for,
• ..• breeding' purposes, should leer Wert
•tile. Fertile egge,' become unfit for•
'bullion food: almost as quickly ae•mitir
When subjected to the name 'tempera-
. ture, end when we •considere how'
elirefully * our health departments
"'safeguard the ogle of this product, it
• .iii.eoree wonder that scene method ie
• net devised to absolutely 'prevent the
marketing during ehe 'hot meets of
eggs •Wes. likely •te spoil* than is now
Preetiee. 1t is a ;:reistaken-ideiC,
Aliat eggs IWO to he pat
eubator or under 'a • hen to start to• ,
"hatch. The; fact is.:that the. germs
begin to grow Just as Aeon as it is
subjected t� , a temperature of 00 or
Above: Whether this, be behind the.
• , kitchen stove, or ' on a hot, country
1 road en route to market, on a plat-
• form
at the depot awaiting -shipment,
In the 'country store waiting for the
usual 'twenty or thirtyecesee- before
the nantry...v4Ithig 4111-
thfl CaE40 is filled,or when you
• 13y guaranteeing -that all' eggs are
infertile'that they can be depended
• upon to keep as long as possible; •'and
supplying :them in attractive' contain-
ers, it is , possible to obtain always
• - several ..cents betterthan the _market_
• -
price for them: If the pricedrops cob'
, low, it Will ;pay anyone who will do
so -to use one of the inanY *rosin- that
van be -used* for preserving the eeg4. :
• until later in the year, when eggs
are scarce and good prices prevail for
• well -kept eggs: .•
.Eggs to be stored, in the firetplace
should therefore be from henshaving
• no males running with then), .because
an infertile egg, keeps ' longer, even
the . lise_o_f_the'preservative,
'than a fertile ,,egg; Saeond,eperfectly
fresh, for net only Will they keep bet-
butif :an egg that has begun to
dectif'. is Placedin the bailievessel
with fresh Ones, it is likely to affect
' all the surrounding', eggs; and, third,
More little one die during the hot
Weather than at any other time of the
year. Diarrhaea., clysentryecholerit
infantura and stomach trouble* come
without warning, and when a inetli-• •
eine ill not at hand to give pronsptlY Loceec, yonnewore M. "cenobite
the short delay too frequentlyzn Meerut; F`F "
that the child has passed beyond aid." - Condensed for 11087,
Ruby's Own Tablets ehould always be
kept in hems where there are Young IleadOre.
children. An occasional close of the8. seeks 4,000.. aviators, . be
Tablets will prevent' storniieb, end trained for military service. '
bowel troubles, or it the trouble comes Ott School Garden, Kansas City,
suddenly the Prompt latie of the .Tab- hasproduced a. ladieli 14 inches round
lets will Mae the baby, The Tablets and llith inches long.
are sold, by medicine dealers. or by Kansas floods this spring have
mail At 25 vote A box from The Dr. caused ;2,000,000 !Mises in bridges,
Medicine Co., ' Brochville, roads, and railroad property.
Ont, • • Fred Warranchucle_ of_Derry„N.,ILI
. having lest bis job*, faced a mirror
'HQW POULTRY EMU'S TO in.. and shot Iiiinself in the, beach.'
• OWE THE GARPUN, Haviland of l'utrara CnaPth
has just retired after. 70 years as
SO mulch is Written with •regard to ehogreaker witheut a Ileht10.
the profits front poultry that OHO • Barry Steafen, barber at Akron, Q.,
would naturally expect to see inezei WaeIlned16,10 for stealing a kiss
frequently some mention, of the very from a Pretty girl onthe street?' .
valuta:do product that an be made Detroit dentists are injecting
very great use of, and which we see emetine into sufferers' arms to AV
mentionedbut Very"SeldOm. -.The vale' toothache;,- is said with success. "
ue of the fertilizer that is available
seems to be aimed entirely. lost sight
, The purchasing. power -of a dollar
Wes • double what now New
Jersey in. UN, say official figures._ ' '
'Tit his been -asserted) by good, au- Henry .Fuchs, .State street .ealhon-
thoritY that coniperingr its ealge with keeper'Ohlegge,, has failed owing to
the 'Cost of, commercial fertilizers, sluggishness of the liquor, business., •
is quite safe to say „ that -it :can be, • EallSell ,harvest betide - are accused
credited With. at least one-fourth the of placing Iron bare in, wheat fteldi
WO amount .of the feed bill, And es- SO AS .to labOtrOY farmers.'" machinery.
.pecially% NOM* • ene:hesi'•ethe land to Firing at a:fleeing burglar suspect;
use it to the hest advantage for small a police sergeant - at Chicago killed
•fruit and vegetables or flowers; The Walter Hendrieheen, an innocent by -
use of this fertilizer in teats ° has stander,. • '
shown Phenomenal results in sone A storm blew out the Window' Of a
cases, and it therefore aeons as jewellery 'Store at Muskogee, Oic„
though due credit has not been given and, 200 diamond rings rolled down.
for the value of this very Valuabie•by- the street -
product. -• ' • • • ••, For six hours 'reit ,Stratmair.:Ivaa
On our own plant, where the drop- locked in ti •fruit refrigerator "at De -
ping boards are cleaned every day, We troit and alinost froze to deathhefOre
eau the fertilizer until' such time as being rescued. - -
we have opportunity to Make ge911 Willie* Bond,, chemist, Wilming4
use of it. . Before using it is best to tone Del., Stayed 7 hours in a sealed
mix it. thoroughly with the soil and el- box under water to show his chemical
low .rain and the weather to have its discovery could purify air.
effect: -upon them. Fresh. ben -manure- The bottoni-fell out of arainenerth-
uied without being treated in this of Tone/fah, Nev.'and revealed a
WAY would • be too strong,' and burn chasm of unknown depth, giving a
up the vegetation it corm in contact, Steady oda 'draught of .44 -
with. It is an excellent idea, to keep • , Knox Booth, former thief' Of • the •
piles Of this ready -mixed with garden Government internal revenue district
soil so that when the best of soil is of Tennessee and Alabama, was in-
wantedit will he available for imme- dieted for • Operating illegal_ distil:
diate use.-
, Grape -vines .can_ Ary . often. be set _ retiring president - of _tha_Am.--
• .
between the yards' to very good ad- erican Medical \ Association said army
vantage, and the -natural fertilizing rules - applied to city sanitation would-
-theYe-get-producetthe-bept-:-a- fruit. - :make-the-aVeragcriffe--.65-yeate-;
Cultivation will be found beneficial of stead of 42. '
,Couriiiev but the Poultry can be
'en t� help in keeping, Off some ef
the•undeSirable hAes MK:insects-that
held back the plants. Rose beds, Can-
plots, and all kindsof vegetable
produce can be helped very inaterially
by the application of seasoned hen
Manure mixed with a little. garden
soik During the summer season
small •aPplicatibiis can. be made from
time .to time, and where only a few
birds' are kept, Amake almost' imme-
diate use of the fertiliOr procurable.
During seasons' when it cannot be
'mid" almoir as producetrit-riiiiY „-b-e
saved and an acCuMulation °kept for
the next season's use_to
greatly in-
crease the results and ayoid the ne-
cessity :for supplying other fertiliza-
tion that Would be needed to bring
first-class trope._
Naturally poultry 'tit least' of ma-
tured size and a garden do not work
on the. same ground, but it is a sim.-
pie Matter to fence .the ,poultry and
• uch--of--the7-waste-frem-.-the-garden--Subdivided-tlieir7divisions-among-thei
can- go to furnish seine green for the soldiers: Under this system the
_birds._Ifit is convenient to move the serfs followed petty rlords'guaran-
potiItrY yards and alternate •between' teeing military Service for the use of
poultry %Imo and garden' .it will be the land; the lords were responsible
found an especialliy fine arrangement to the. earls, and the earls to the king".
for ,the yards milt net have a tenden.... The petty •chiefs•were the lords of the
cy, as they ,Ireqiientlr do, of becont- manor.,• '
big fouled and Soured, and they will Curious indeed were many of the
grow the best. of crops every other terms under which lords Of the manor
Year. • • • ' held their rights. For example, one
Tender broilers,, fresh eggs, fruit; of them Undertook that whenever the,
vegetables and roses are luxuries not king should cross a certain bridge he,,
enjoyed by all, but the Very best of the lord of the manor, should meet
all of these May be • had if care is 93c.. His Majesty there with two white
ed in-utilizing-all-the-elementsTr-caPonaraddr-Wing-hi
procurable Where • a combination of' "Behold, my lOrd,. these two , white'
hens and -ii garden is carried one • Capons, which you shall -have another
•aa • ' time, but not now." •
DAINTY FOOD • ' Another lord was bound to appear
before• the kind every, Christmas Day,
• •
and in his presence to dance -a jig
Turns Pale Cheeks to Pitth- • ' 'and puff•out his cheeks. Yet another
Our best physicians, of the.present was to _present the king annually
day seek :to mire patients ; by the ilia with a 'lance from Which a fox's tiff
of food and right - living; rather than. depended. In those days Weapons
'aeavY drugs; and this is the true' were .very popular asitOkens of the
•method, for -only. from food Can the- sovereign's rights,- and swords, • spurs;
body be rebuilt• and warlike accoutrements Were, ire-
Maiiir People; after living -en poorly .quently chosen.. • :
,Selegted,--1Z—badly- cooked food for :-a- .The,- tenania ,of the.. Majority of-
liiiiig-tinie„,and4heivtheir-ailmeiits hp- manors .are7'''copy-holdere -that is,
w a Ski Wow
an Regain lealth
6 '4
"For years I was thin and delicate.
I lost color and was easily tired; a
yellow pallor, pimples and blotches
Y,face.were not only mortifying to
my feelings, but because I thought my
elon would never look nice hgain,
grew despondent. Then my appetite
failed. I grew very weak. Various
remedies, pills, tanks and tablets I
tried withoeie, permanent beeeilt. A
visit to MY sister put into my hands
box of Dr. Hamilton's Pins; She
placed reliance upon them and now
that thee have made me a well woman
I would not be without them whatever
they Might cost. I found Pr.
action very suitable to, the delicate
character of a; woman's nature. They
never once griped en_i_e yet theyestah.
lislied regularity, . appetite greet
keen—my Mood red and pure -heavy
rings ender my eyes disappeared and
to -day my skin is as .clear and. un-
wrinkled as when I was -a ' Dr.
Hamilton's Rills did it
The, above • straightforward letter
fromf rs. J. X. Todd, wife of a well-
known miller of Rogersville, is proof
Anfkcient that .Dr. Hamilton's Pills are
wendprful Woman's medicine. Uee
no other Fills but Dr. Hamilton's, 25c.
per box. All dealers- or The Catarrh -
ozone Co.; Kingston, Ontario.
. •
Their History Is' to he Smight in the
- History of England ,
Itself. S
. 1 e
Among the most • interesting, fea-
tures of rural England are its manor
•houses. Lords of the • minor have
been . shorn of `many of their old-
Bng1ish-sociai Sysiiin, hut seine -of
• th,eir former glory still .remains. Only
7a- dozen- miles - from -Charing -Cross -
one of thern holds his court-leet to
this very ' day. A court-leet is a
gathering of ...the tenants, when rents
'are paid ,and„the business of the es-
tate is discussed. ' •
Centuries ago the country. was di-
videclitunong the, leaders of the con-
quering; Normans. They themselves
•D,A4lif .Service makes -
e py.1,3ileveloppd
---ifnietfiiia-4-STA-Ppliig, Ice --Creani.
put 'up, In attractive . boxes —
• Enough In 'ivboieto serve 'five ,or
•...six persons.' We ship thousands.'
shop .keepers everywhere.
. You • get., it in. the Original
,packagejfist as it, .is put tip in
, our sanitary
Look ,
COIlle Alb:Midi:eke-ea the doctor, with they hold the land fOr life from Ifie
seine' magic potency; to instantly re- Iordof the Manor.. • When they die,
:build them.. • . • . transfer theland; a h,eriot must be
This is not possible. The only true; paid. . This consists of a fine,,neually
method is to run as quickly as can be'' the "best quick beast"—horse or cow.
from .poor food to good. 4:young ladySometimes, 'however, it is Commuted
, .
says: ' • •, .to a sum of money.
"1 was variously treated" for MY. Something 'less than a Cm -Miry -ego
enervese_etornacti, luege,...ete_,;, but note these' COny-holders of land possessed
.of the -treatments gave inc relief. „ :vete: . The .lord .:of the, manor
yeti/. age when my .apie- 'ruled all within his leet. , The leet
tite failed Completely and 1 began to kept the stocks in repair, and pro --
have sinking . spells similar to. vided the pillory and the tumbrel a
ing,. I took all manner of tonic and (lucking stool,by which the iiiisdee
atiiiiiireetieletit-,theYtieere,7of iie -,efe ineenteite were .-
'fect. Liked been brought to quit The dominant' were the Waste wide
drinking 'coffee and taking Postum in of the manors; Lammas .land 'vas
its place and gradually began. to get formed of fields inclose4 and cultthtt-.•
a little _hitter, . ' ed for part of the yank, but Made
"Someone Suggested that if 'I found
Fostuniso beneficial 1 had better use
the children of one „brain, I cons-
nienced, on Grape-Nuta food' .tor
breakfast, having Postern, with it, I
found the,. food 'So 'dainty, -delicious,
and appetizing. that I. always looked
forward to breakfast ,with pleasure.
"Shortly ' after eminnencing this
aleti, the wretched pain ih inY'eicteeees
greatly relieved, eha now, a Year
• later, it has gone entirely, also ,the
glinting spells;in act, my paleelleeks
'have eliatidedto pink, I 'have gained
back - Mere than ;the twenty llamas' t
lest, tindani thoroughly well in every
• Name ,given by Canadian Nettie).
Co., Windsor, Ont, Read, "The -Road
to. iteplige, • "There's.
EveP read the Obese lettert A new
' —
.one time tei tinia. they
are genuine/ trlie0, and full Of. Monett
latereet. .
• 'Beet.
Rest , is, not; qUittiUg
The !way career; '
Reat'is_the fitting ..
• Of self to- one's' sphere, I
. , .
'Tis the brook's motion,. •
Clear without strife, , ,
•Fleeting to ocean
After this life,
. 'loving and serving?, ,
• ,The highest and best; '
13zycv4r(11- unswerving!
And this i title es
. •
.New Record in Tea Prices.
• 'Dyer „eight. miilion 41oundkof tea.
have been stink in merchant iships
during:the war. •This imiriense quan-
tity could ill be spared at a time when
the &Mind- for lea throughout the
world has reached a greater Volume
•than, ever. Anyway the cost oftea
has risen to a higher lev,e1 than his-
tory records for many years.
• •••
.A. 1VIodel Son.
Feeley:. Cii&Stentleman_(toLthan.
travelling companion)' --"Have „ you
any children, sir?'" "Yes, Ski sore'
"Ah, indeed! Does he smoke?" "NO,
sir; he has never _so_mucli asetouched
a 'cigarette." •-"So much the better,
sir; the use ef tobacco is, a poisonous
habit. Does he frequent clubs ?","He
/has neva, put his foot in one." "Allow
me *congratulate you., Does he
never come home late.?" "Never. He
goes to bed directly after dinner." "A
model young man, sir; a model 'young
man. •How old is he?" "Just six
months." '
Wanted -capital to develop one- of the
most valuable naturarresourees in the
Dominion, unlimited quantity of raw
material to be mannfactnred into a
commodity for which there is an al-
most unlimited demand. If you have
one hundred to five hnndred dollars or
more to invest where your investment
particifiara and prospectus which, will
convince you of the absolutely sure
and -large returns. Address P.O. Box -
102, Hamilton, Ont.
' Just As Good.
• Tourist --"You , have an Unusually.
large acreage of corn under cultiva-
tion.Don't the crows annoy you a
great deal?" .
Farmer. --"Oh, not it any extent."
• Tourist—"That's peculiar, consider-
ing you have no scarecrows." ' °
Fariner--"0h; well, you • pee, I'm
o t her
• self"
I fell from abuilding and received
what the doctor called a' very bad
sprained ankle, and told ine I ?Mist not
walk on it for three weeks. I get
days I was out to work again.'
‘think it the bst Liniment made. •
dinonton. • •_
French cycling soldiers are provid-
ed with inaChines so constructed that
• they can be taken to pieces in two or
three niinutes and carried on the sol-
dier's back, when he comes to some
piece of ground over which he is'un-
able to ride, ,
"nerd's Liniment Caro* 3Atihtnerls.
• Language of Flowers.
.you understand the Jangeteee,
-flowers?" said -the eteetiniental
youth.. . ,
"No," replied Miss Cayenne: "I
'don't know that I should caretohave
common property. at Other times. • A My Conversation regulated by the
. thief caught within a manor redeem- kind Of vegetation that happened to
hig 'Mee by th� payetent of afine 'he hi-tetteetir ; . -
to the lord. If a tenant allowed his
tattle to stray he was also fined. Ten -
;ants Could sublet for a emir and day.
• One of the privileges of the lord'
.of the 'manor was that of kissing the
bride at the Marriage of Mid of his
'tenants; and Vitae n Wife inherited
copyhold hold, by reason of the aeatli
of her husband, she Vas Obliged, in
:certain eiteurnetatieee, to. apPettr nt
the court of the manor riding imen
a bleali tem with his tell in her hand.
The -teener of Pewsey in Wifishire
was tenveyetwed by Weill% of a hook
that inieit ba 'blown on the tteteeeion
of a teee'loed. '" .
• In -these deYeelloWeeer, lords ()Alio
Maher are 4 diminishing due, It
:requires two copy‘lioldei:s at least to
.forM a veto,and way Modern
"sorb". have their land made free-.
bold by buying out the lentiloed,
• .
ENgItY GETS yooverliFFs.
Go Frew Foote ito 8witserlaS41, That
to Oeraugity.
Enormous quantities of foodstuff*
are ,pouring into Germany through
Switzerland, according to M. Jacques
Ditur, *.Freneh expert in internatien-
el law.
It seemsthat a convention ratified
between France and Switzerland On
July 26th, 1914, provides that in ciete
of war, France shall supply the Fed-
eral Governmeilt of Switzerland with
300,000- tons of cereals a year. ite-
cording to M. phew, 10 trnejoi each
loaded with between twelve and 4f.
leen .tons of cereals, cross the
Cornavin station at Geneva, while in
ordinary times the monthly exports
did not exceed 4,000, or 0,00() tons. At
thte-ome, time enownious-quantities
,of potatoes, beans, oil, and other veg-
etable products are. Passing into
Switzerland via Ponta/11er. ,
To prevent eonunerce in contra-
band, all merchandise is forwarded
to a particular departMent • or pro-
vince of the , Swiss, Confederation. M.
Dhur, in his investigations • of this
distribution, found that a consider-
able proportion of the supplies went
to Augst, close to the frontier Pelet
where the German and, Swiss Bailway
,systems are linked up. . •
• After .a 'discussion of variods al-
leged methods of smuggling sUplgiea
through to Germany,. M Aber adds
that GerManY has also been able:to
revittual herself plentifully through'
Merchandise was: sent 'Irene
an: Italian; pert to .'SViritzerland, .and
on. its way at Chideso, between the
Swiss and the Italian Customs, the
word "Transit' was added .to ita label,
Inithis way hundreds of trains of rice
and other products have reached Ger-
many.• k
The Rolling Waves.
• snows
Eo* Eirmor OPORT
13014* Olt gitad81101000110*
- --147971rOW'M.1;."6:*
404-ZAGRM*43711.i. looNe'utl'
.4 me. 1 by. over Two Ifilsdred on nil
ltailtrio.1°cAintedviintisn. litii.°11Tbli"Dtomfeesontl.(mBiraniatitt-
flIEWSPArans FOR sm.g. .
;Offices for sale In good Ontario,
,towns,, The moot. useful and interesting
of all husesseo. Full information on "
ennlication to Wilson Fuhlisming Cont.
POW, 73 West Adelaide St. Toronto.
. ,40/$044LATIOCtli,
ANCEJt. 'TUMORS, 14f'4PSI., AlATC4# •
Internel.Auk•attereal. oared; wive?
eat painby our limo treatment., .wette.
•me before too tate. Illr.i:Itetlaran
co,. Limited. Colpnairood. Oct •
44 4
1 4. • 14
494.1."418 VOR SALE* IN T#111
County of Norfolk 'Good etniice...
'23i1eee ranging from $30.90 to $190.09
per nevi. Terms „reasons -No. Apply
R. W. Bartmannr LYikedoeh, Ont.
`A -Man was 'crossing the 'xilaitie
with an army officer who suffered
greatly from. seasickness.
__One _entering the stateroom one
particularly rough day, he found the.
officer tossing in. his berth,, mutter-
ing in what at first appeared to be
a sort of delirium. ,
• Stooping- over toCatch bis words,
the friend heard him sun, Sergeant
. Major . , , Sergeant ,
,• Brigadier .General 'ugh,
Lieutenant General . , a.tvahl'
"What are you Saying?" asked the
friend'in smile alarm, as the sufferer
looked piteously up at him after his
last gasping "a -a -ah!"
„, "Assigning ° the waves their: rank,'.!.
said the military man, rolling toward
the will again. "There have been
-eight-Lieutenant- Geneials within -the
last 20 minutes." • •
tins put
orals below it is a motto in Latin which
Relief rkneans "Name& by-te enemy on the
•. Paint oil •Putnatnis.' held' of battle." The reason for this
sicemome• saibliol c7414 mow
ens,' 4 Cylin4440.464. ifigoite floe.
4noeset.. **Am. w
ingsigeraproori,. Coo*: *a roa uN,
11111. 11301 opossoit on ireepee,.
eitilthi eft sc.' Jot, .ostiokied.
'II •,•
Queer Badge of Virininpeg 90th.
Many curious badges are to be
found on the cepa of various British
regifeents. The ritle Lancers, or .
"Death or Glory ,Boys," as they are ,
nicknamed, for example, have a
skull and crossbones for their badge
-Or crest, , The most 'extraordinary,
howeverrof-all the; -crests worn ---br
soldiers' lightinkfor the Empire is •
.probably that worn by , one of the
,Caffildliarregimerft14.•the' 90tK'
nipeg „Rifles. The badge 'shows a •
little black devil. with a pitchfork, and
. .
rap Corn Extractor to- turioUshadgeand its motto is to cent -
better •In the morn- Rifles fought when suppressing the
Ult Mg. Magical. the 'Canadian North-West Rebellion of the
•• "PAtt " a OV a" :Red Indians, who called them ''"the
easea ilia Pain' deatraYs ilia 1")nin' little -black devils from Winnipeg,"
kills a• corn for all time. No
Which has now become the nickname
Cure 'guaranteed. Get a isc. bottle of
',Putnam's" Extractor to -day. • ' of the tegimellt .
• nIght, and -Corns feel' Memorate.. the way • the Wi• nnipeg
. .
yhe _Kaiser's Traitee progivslit-inoustEs.-:
.WheneYer possible' th Kaiser When
travelling between .Berlin and the
fighting -line uses his luxurious State
train, which is a veritable Palace On
wheels, Six poaches, , each weighing
over 'sixty tons, compose the special
train, and one of .these four are re-
served for the Emperor and his suite,
and the other two are used for kitch-
ens. The Second coach in the trait is
the-one-reser-ve&hy the Kaiser for his
healthy tissue isMDR up. For sore,
personal quarters, and contai_ns.a, 7blistered- feet; sore hands,'heak,,rashes;
P '-
- 4 .
salon, bedroom, dressing -room, atn- baby's beet spots, ;sore places: due to
room, and sleeping apartments for his perspiration, etc., you can't equal Zitni-
bodyguard. The salon is panelled in , BuL It also cures cuts, ulcers, ;
the wood of an ancient cedar tree "abscesses, Piles, -and-all-inhamed, ne4r, -
taken from Mount Lebanon:* the gift diseased conditions Of skin and BO'
.facent tissue. ' Druggists and stereo
everywhere sell Zam-Buli, 50o. box.
lJse Zinn -Bak Sean, also, 25c. per
tablet. All stores, or gameenir Co.,
Toronto. • '•'
$unburn„:.,,bliateringli-ond- irritation
are the coinnionett form of sum -
tier -skin troubles, and Ze.m-Buk,ends -
these very quickly. It works , two
WaYs. As Seen as applied, its anti.
septic powers get to work and kill. dii•
the poisonin a wound, -a sting or a
-sore This' generally ends the smart., •
ing and the, pain: Then Zara-Buk
gins the healing . process, and fresh
^ I
of ex -Sultan Abdul II/Mid of Turkey.
The floor is of black wood taken from
the Plies of a wooden bridge built
across the Rhine by Julius C'aesar in
the 'year 55. .13C., while the ceiling is
'decorated with a design representing
the six great rivers of Germany.
The windows of the salon are pro-
-tries stand at the doors of the apart -
Ment night and daY. The last coach
in the train is Used by an engineer,
who, has charge of the- , Machinery
which operates a complicated, system
of eibergency-brakes. The 'Kaiser's
two dachshunds, Wardl and HeA,
hoe their kennels on the train, and
they generally accompany their mas-
ter on his .travels.
• • ' •
• POursplendid daiytraIna.trte.
New -Passe -MOT 'Terreinal,-Chicago toe
San ,Prencisco, Loa Angeles and San
Diego. Cholte of Scenic., and Direct
Routes Omagh the best of".the West j
Something to see all the Way: • Double
track, Automatic electric eafety .sig -
mile all the way, Let us pilin your
trip and furnish folders and. full par,
fielders. B. H. • Bennett, GA., 46
Yonge St., Toronto, Ontario: •
There is -a d'Parth of femeles in 13"1-,.
,garia, Japan, and Australia, but a
large surplus in England, Scotland,
'Switzerland, and peandinavia.
re.niarcva niazzaaTicratrea ri.satenia�r.
It's a poor • elevator .that Won't
Work both, mity84,
Among books which have bid en-
ormous sales are "Webster'S..Spelling
Book," 55 million 9071,11 iatUrale
copies; "Pickwick Papers" 900,000 7 '
copies, codesie;gnc1 Potins,
Winard,o idniment cures, Cola.. E.t.a.
When marching on Timbuctoo;
some Years age; 'General loifre
eeived a sting from a Poisonous insect
which led to the permanent filining of .
left_eye. . ,
YOUR ArnselimeGaGfitt yeldL,weL TaEktiLwAYteary_L•
Byes and Granulated Eyelids; No Smarting -a. 7 •
jusi EYe. Condom.. Write fir Book of the...Ups.
eatimailFree, tinrInoZyernemeAly co:, Weak°.
• ,„ • •
During the first five Months of .the
war sir Edward Grey did not 'leave
London for a single night. '
.• -
=nerd% Liniment Unreal 'Gamest in Cows
Easiness Advice.
"Every employer wants- a: square,
peg,' my bey;" : . .
"Yes, dad.",
"ln' other words, there is no place.
•for the rounder."
Hemptcen Court poeseeses •
'Niue -which ia stated- to-surpasirany ••
, Europe. In a single season it
I SITE. 20 1
„ .
"Overstern" V Salton,
Motor Bottt
rtht Prepead to any Railway Stat.ion
Ontarro.' Length. IS rt., Dead 8rt. 0Th
DePth- 1 'rt. 0 In. ..A.Tsy moiort
,tomeation Ne 211 givipg engine pritte en request. :Get our quotetione
onee"The Peueteng Line" eminiterelet teed Plenum Lento:heat llole
boats end Ceneeti. • .
'THE (1110:tallY:130AT CO;;L1�TI PNIPANG, aNig.