HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-07-22, Page 50110101111110PFtwookr"--' ' 4, "! ?hunk, juty 2244, 015 •"•—tr• RP.1.11,1'701RWAIIIME 711.7';34.41!, , 7 • I IIURON COUNTY News The Brussels Red Cirele has - sent $75.00 to provide A Ca in the DUCheo VgatutilAbt Hospital, Clive don, England, and to maintain it for one year. Itev. PON, who has been rec. tor of a. Paul a church, Clinton'since • March of last year, hes reeigneclte Cept the. gamey of St.. Themes church, Toronto, the ractor'of 'which is an old • family. friend. • , Mayer Irwin, of Wingham, ,accom. • .pained by hie,clausliter,, left on Friday. morning on a two waive trip to °al- TheY_ will Tatum home- 'vitt-- the Paelfic Coat • and through the Canadia,n West. • . Wra. Ross, of Hnllett, near Con. stance, whohad Ins barn burned re._ contly, has givenanorder for a new steel structure,. 35 by75 feet. and • hopes to have It i ready n time for the • reception ofthis Yelire czp liendrie1. lieutsnantzgovernef., of Ontario, has aeeepted an invitatioV to be present in Loildeli on July 21st„ when the. Panghters of the Enipire •r will present colors to the 3,31d: gluons -Regiment. There will also be a pres, • entatien of addresses to London 8014,41 • iere who have returned from the froii•t •Woolyied or on sick .: hiaVn. •i:n the evening there wilt be 4 band'coneerti • -.11Pred Floa4oiet Gordo, charged with nogleet and refusal to provide feed 'for, his wife and family, thereby endanger- • . inetheir lives*, was taken, to Goderich jail on Thursday by. Officer l'hippen. .kirs. Hedge told tho magistrate that • her lite,.bad naoro thall. once been in • .danger'from all..the tinareher busbandhad plenty of money — buried in the cellar, -rothsiqg to spend 1111), Ito oluviored to Hash CIO* With the .414Shig tan bilk nefild tint ..open the door. Ilia :wife game to his alsistince, and had her 'clothe* set -on fire.. Both were badly scorched bemire the fire was extinguished. 'li. J. Oluft, a Shoe merchant, of • •died suddenly" at his hone there On July 16. Ilo' WAS in the -ea" • 10 r0011) with a traveler. selecting * during the afternotn, and corn: .Of not feeling Well. He •walk- cd•to his hemand retired about. the, usual time, About a o'clock a doctor was .Called, but could do nothing to• help .the sick Wan who passed away Boon after. • He wawa member a the t , • tuiL;nd-O.range..orders,., and .fes"( years had been A prominenteitiSen-cf the town. .•• . • • An Aliassi 'Uninen Patinsalt ...said that a well- known' Tucke.rsmith • fernier., whoc name is net.g drove. to Clinton no day last 'week *W..0.0 his. 'horse in an hetet stable, . Wheu•. liegot thrOligli with his •,busingsa he walked horde., fergotting;all nhout.hia beta° until Oalled Up • by: phone. - about. one•,osclecir .in. the morning by tho. betel ikeeper in *hose stable he had left Mellor* We may .a.ey that:. the over -sight •°. Was.. duo j1Z,AttrelY.'10, absent: .041!(10(3)2000•4114:11.0kt9 Aar 0101iler10118: Otte*P asClinionie a Otr!Oti,x0703i0,,, 41 OLosi ,Tehristen, , and his wife, of Dhogannoo, were bath g(eVerelYliurned* Ono', day last week, : owing to theignition of some gasolif,e, Ali. Johnston. Was vulcanizing an ante - Kiwis Wanes Ileise.f.-litrs. Arch •aMlcegtielllri7fIrralm'';IfeWir. dnaugghtlillter,11°113Yisece e•Itie McGillivray, who was a member of the party Of one hundred and eleven nurses who left New York recently to terve, at the _trent, Miss •MeGiliivray re- ports that the party had a very pleas• ant trip and the only thrilling expert: *once was for onetlay and atight when - the vessel was in the war zone and all on heard were cosapened to Wear life Wits and go througirthe-lifinravnig- drill. The party landed at Falniouth on Jam 24th; and were conveyed by special train to London.where .they were furnished Iwith the riiitish army nurses' uniform, and sent forward to tho ditto:outfields of -•••••••• In Colpunbia DouPple=Disc Records is due to the:P4TENTED. and .EXCLUSIVE LOLOMBIA • , . .• PROCESS of Manufacture. Columbia ' Records Are BUILT-UP, '''Instead of economising and using one mixturefOr tile whole ,,re -t , cord, Columbia records are made in THREE LAY- ERS, using the cheaper material In, the centre only whereit doesn't count in the reproductiOn. The best and Most .expensive maXerial the world can provide - is uses], on -the outer, surfaces on which the sound •wave or mimic is engraved., - COLUMBIA.' RECORDS • SQUSD 'BETTER :and WEAR LON_CrE,R- t • ' --the same difference in value as there is between an ordinary pine and an 'expensive -built-up oak • • All Columbia recCottls-are double, a different Selection on each side. • . • - -Aad yet these records cost you less _money than any titers; . s • ifoltitato follewittg &rob (loony ttticleti.k towitttorti sumo,' Scheel have lki311 501:431i!iftli itt the. exaMittatiou followfng the lerin just cloaedi Cora J. ,Allen, Sarah 11, Beacom, Godexich. Leila 4t. Blake, Maf4igiug. Floe9le.Brown, Londebboro'. . Miranda Brown, Zurich. Olive Beatrice Cole, Clinten. Ada 0-, Currie,' Goderich, Lanni, Cure°, Winghim. • gertrinle Deadman, Brussels. Pearl I, Drennan, Itintail, Margaret Isabel Elliott, Blyth, May Lilian Fraileell Fitzgerald,' Thing4131)011, Cora M.- _ Evelyn Greig, Seaforth. ' Jessie Aliost99, Kintailv 'Matiye g Levy, Yarlqw... Mary M. McGowany Myth.; Madeline Mchlorren, Lueknow.• C. May McGregor, Nippon. Gladys 1. Macquarrie, Brussels • XYrtItM. 3/Lair, LondeshoroW Christine.Th Miller, $t. Helens, • ° • Cora O.. Nicholson, 'Daylield. O. Patterson, Wioeliarn. Vern A. Patterson, Auburn. - Margaret D. Patterson, Winghaie, : Lillian E. Ste'Vetie,,ZOrich. roneve Taylor., BrusSels, • Bible` Pordwielk; • Beta 0; Wise, LOW • •• Marguerite 'Williana0eafortli. if•-Nathleen.Wiltonalrnesele.` : entistena YuiIl, 13rasse1s; `24argeret F. Yuiil, Brussels., Harold R. Cantelon, Hobert W"..".0, Hall, Mafeking, William G. lioover, Brussels,. . • Robert Hoover, Bruesels, Ronert O. MeKereher, Wroxeter, Vincent .-P:-'3dOrPhy *Seafer-tli. - Hector A. Mutton, Winnham. • • Roy Stonehouse, Belgrave, . dbert GT:Warr, LochalsIL R. Al. Wiggin:Dimr.tannon, Limited third class cortificiat.es have been awarded to. the following;- Addie Lennox', *Carfowl "Inez A. Switzer, Liteknow. liTutteivms- Al' following who.; attended, the London Normal Scheel have received Seeend•clase certificates: • ,Inargiiret_Adanis, •Goderieb, Rioy A. Bradford, Qederielu- • Ada Webateri-Lucknow:--- - • Elizabeth Margaret Wilson, leick- now. • . • According to the result' s of the rezetit. ',entranee examination in tho different centers of .the inspectorate of. East Huron -mader'publieledently-th-if highest-marka obtained in the inspec- torate ' were by :Mabel Livingstone, with 543. In the town of Seaforth Miss Dorothy . 0'.0ongel1 won the scholarship with 540 marks. Disenre " Ovea Hinter: spit/tr.—A case Ormuldr interest to hers° dealers came before Judge g9it. at the Division Court recently held at WroXeter. Jelin -Wattere -sold a horse to Ueorge Wylie for $140, guaranteeing the same to be sound. It..waaafterwerds found that Jia horsewasneLas --guaranteed,.- but Watters refused to take it back'. Act- ing on leglitedViee Mr. Wyliesold the horse .by pubic auction.Mr. Watters .beught the horse for $100. 'Wylie then sued Watters for the difference and posts of sale. ,After considerable evidence was.taken a Bettleinept was imade by which Watters pays -Wylie $2.50 and each paid half the costs. - • Vint are not the utmoit value for your money or,the best out of your machine—no matter of what • make—unless you use Columbia records. • Of Coarse, Columbia. Records are Made in Catada . • It you have neve r tried Columbia:records, ask to hear' the following selections. We will gladly play them and any others for you. Superb 'Cello Solo by Pablo Cesals • A ,ITrauraerei (Schumann) .561/61ISalut D'Amour (Elgar) p,voivell known Ballads by the' famous . Taylor, litaCkel, Berge Trig.. • A 'Because (D'Hardelot) An 1/351,Mother Machine (Mott Si•11111) f 1. . . Two Novelty, (Marimba) Recordings A (Italian Echoes. Tiro -Step. - -17.481Senoritak----T-wo-Step.--1----•------ ,• TWO'PattiotieSongs-.7---7-'- ' . ree Cheerafor-Little-Relgintit • I' 39 Wome G3,IVIW---RoyEFoiLeedon Town There are over a thousand &Wile disc recorda'at 85c. WM,• AWN., LUCKNO air London Canada -10th.-18th. 191 $30,000.O� in Prizes and Attractions • (3,.t. • torkes increased this year by $5)000.00. Excellent Program Of Attrites den% Twice Daily. Two Speed Events Daily, Firesrorks Every Night. New Steel Grandstand, Midway Setter than Evere likusic by thelSest Available 'Bands '0IINGX,S PARS over All RailWaysi West of Toronto Ones -Third tient outside points and :Pare and Istita LiSts. ritiy #ortnsi ahit alt intOritiation from he -StOretary W. iii14$100 Poilident. • aUtil'i Steritto. . , Whighalll A new water nisinis about to be laid, Which will help. a nuniber of factory men who have been idle and'willbe glad ,of the job. - A number of new recruits kft here for 'Clinton feeently; where they will Under- go an examination, - and if 'Satisfactory ill, go to London. • - • • Georgeltobinsoni.Who left here about a year ago with the first contingent, has been gonorably discharged on account of sickness, and is at his home here recov- ering from en Atka Of "nerves". . „ o The Ladies'. Patriotic SocietY is at preient.gettieg a shiptneet of goods and foodstuffs Comprised Of jellies andjams for thee at the front. Money is also being gathered to send a; bedor.cot 'for the hospital at Shorneliffe. The following students.who wrCite on the entrance exaniination at Winglia,in were successful: George Allen, Myrtle 13ennett (honors), Sanderson: Breeni, Jean Christie, Vera Davidson,- Annie -Davidson, David Deacon, William Dear,_ .-Edna---701iiitt,- Tana -Elliott (honors),-: Addition Frazer, Irene Hewer, Ruby Hewer, Alice Hibbert, David. Holmes, Charles Isar& Cora Jewett, Phyllis si-Edneo-Liesehr(-lioriers);--ee McDonald (honors); Howard McDonal , Norman McGill, Lizzie.McICague„ har- old Mann, .Annie- Meson, Teddy Muree, Herman NetherY,. Walter Nicol, John Jainea Perchle, Margaret Piper, Fred. Sturdy, Hazel Taylor Grake-Tnek-• Winnifred Walker, Lottie Zurbrigg. Goderich fo*rtistop k 4 °'JulY iOth. • Mre. Wm. Pqay of Ashfield, spent a few days Wit week with Mr. and Mrs. Jean, Gray. •• _ Mr. McRoberts .atid daughter, Mitt Flossie; of London, are visiting at the ,home of Adam Cantelon,.oth con, '. Eclinonpon of Clinton has retirin- ed home after a two \beaks! vieit, with her friend, Mrs:Charles Mc ?hail, _.,. Naftel of Chicago, and Mr. . and Mrs. %there of Colborne, were visitdrs at the Woe Of Renbee Grigg last week. Miss Teleieele Iludie has returned home after a months visit with relatives neat Rervie,. aecompanied by her cousin, Mimi W. ram • Mrs. B: Webster, aeoompaniedby her cousin, Miss Gladys Caritelon of Olin - ton., left on Saturday for a fortnights vied with friends in Flint and Detinit, Bethany Presbyterian Church eel ebrated their 50th Anniversary on Sun- claz Dr, 31cOttie or London was the speakerfor the day anddelivered two • excellent sermons. Thisieveping a'social will he held on' 8644 Xeilltatra lavnt ialtormaatteitwltb it, , Pie • er Canadian ation I. X111131110 ToRoNtro $150,900 illkTAZIor $150,000 *kit"' Medel Military Camp Destruction of Battleships. Battles, of the Air 4 11/1310TII Military Display „ gum OF TOE ALLIES 'under ColtiVation jilions in igivestock `Oovekrurietiktxhijits - RILLIN Naval Spectacle HEIEWO TIIE FLEET' o:Delglan Art Treasures • Creatore'S Paitious !land Biggest Cat and Doa Messy, r-W.Att iItiji4filk • Field Grain Conipetition Oreeter Poultry snow ....Wee of Manufactures, One Tbollsand and- One New Thins to .See .REDUCED. RAILWAY RATES FROM ALL POINTS .1.011••••191. 'RASPBERRY:LORE 4ANAPIAN PARMERS • WIN Al' ilitiS4o SUOW 41/4. Allot Hine ago *filch& of the Pao. eine Pacific tuternetional Exposition in- vited the Canadian Paeille itailmay to enter in competition a number of ex- hibits of grains and aroma that formed Part of the company's display at their pavilion at the Exposition grounds, This was done and the announcement has just been made that out of nineteen en- tries, no leo than seventeen prizes were captured. The growers of the prize-. wattling exhibits, Wore as follows: A. 14. Fryberger, of the 13assano ir- rigated cobny, Bassein), Alberta, wins gold medal for spelt& , • 0-Jfanseeo Pincher Creek, Alberta„ wins gold medal for oats, _wheat and birleY; and silver medal forgrasses, Arthur Parry.•Cardston, Alberta, wine gold Medal for Oats, wheat and .barley, and eilverapeclal for grasses. Nick .Taitinger, Clareshohn, Alberta, , wins gold medals for barley eud , wheat. • J. T. Weithington, Streamer% .Al- berta, hi the O. P. B. irrigation block, wins gold ,medal for wheat, and,silver Medal for flax, - , E. Barnes, Bow lereAdl, 41berta,' wine silver medal for eats, •- A. NAPO:Ltd; Deloraine, Manitoba, Ow Silver medal for wheat. • WVer medals fortionithy'and for col- lection ofgrain were also captured. .• • It is intereSting to kilow. that these - exhibits covered a very. wide; acetion of • territory, from Pincher Cre,ek. almost Oa the British"Ooltunbia boundary, ter -Pe, .lotable in gabitobax. • .• %. • The fact that Saskatchewan,' is not represented is simply due, to the circum- stance that no part of this particular ex- hibit materialhas been secured from thet!Province. • The.ennouncenient will be a great surprise and pleasure *to the• farmers concerned, as they did not even know thati their products had been en- tered for awards.' The Busy Hardware House ...wiz 00 and we will DELIVER YOUR %toga PROMPTLY 111.411* E-MMERTON vams.itomt Peter McArthur) _ .!2 The meanest man in Canada has been discovered, ' but I dare not give you his nanieortelIyotwhcre he livesaor Jike all the Mean men I knew, heist very re- spectable,.and. moreover,' he is Well off andlot_that .reisen„hia„neighbors Jook up to, him. It Would neer do to east a Slur,on so estimable a citizen; but fa me tell -you; what fie does» He hires '.- the children in the • neighborhood •to pick raspberries for him, and it is part of the bargain that they must whistle all the time they are intheberry patch. As he is always within hearing he is able in this , way to make sere that they de not eat any Of the clelicious.berries they arePick- init. Now, What do you think of a man' like that? - • • I wouldn't consider this_man so mean had it not been that for 'some :time past- / have been trying t6-d,eterniine,the ori- gin of. the name-Maspberry," The ex- planation given in.the big diet...enamels perfectly absurd, "Rasp—With reference to its rep& outsicle-looking like a rasp." What nonsense. The appearance of a raspberry might remind one �f a dilater of riibieS, biit:neirer Ora- bhiekainith's rasp. But philology, or the scienceof wcrds, is a mere 'matterof guesswork in many cases tio.I feel quite at liberty to guess at the origin opthe narne raspberry myself, .What does a healthy boy do when he disco:rem that. raspberries are ripe? Any ' one_cananswerthat. • He comes rushing towards the house yelling "Rah!. rahl rah! The rahs-berries are ripe. "Rahl an abbreviated cheer, expressive of joy. Hence rahs.berries is the berrirthat makes tPii small bey cheer because of the joy he feels Do I hear any objection th that? Of course not. Anyone can see that that is the, true explanation. Let , the makers of dictionaries take note,. And now that Lam at it I may as well set the learned philologists light on another point that has to do With the raspberry' They seem unable to decide On the exact origin' of the word "jam" as used in raspberry jani. Once more lam amazed at their blindness. Also Once more I go to the.healthy small biriy for my explapation, What does he Stityhen he gets a chapce to steal raspberry jam? If you cannot imagine, just use your memory and recall what you used to say. "Ynni,311mr." of edema. -With this start- er any learned professor will tellyou that. by the application Of Grimm's law, or some shnilar law, this ecstatic exclama, gen in time became changed to "yam, Nest Sandhog Cam!), El3glaud, . June 26th. toto. Dear Friends at Heniq--4t gives Me It to: eitteik110-y-afturoic.- 6re thanks of our boys from Bruee and niyself for the.gifts Of tobacco, choco- lates and gum which you -sent to ns. I received it today and Welt no • time in clistributinrit7.-amoog the boys; -and words cannot tell how we enjoyed this treat Weare all fine and in the beat of spirits. , Seine have -a -Slig'ht-Cold7blit nothing to. speak '.of. I had piy knee injured.two weeks _ago_but am nearly., alright again now; • • We have Only had one day'srain since we came over and -very, .few 'hot _days; _but it_turee cool in the evenings, -a per- son needs a -coat on every evening. 'W•e have very comfortable 4iiarters and , fair- ly good -rations. ' The Canadians 'get great praise at. every turn of the game as :one of the Staff °Mears told me if ''there is a hard job to do.just let the Canadians at it,. but I am sorry to Say a -good -many of. my best friends' have answered the 011 call, but it makes the rest • all the more anxious to get into it -again.' The Ger- mans will never face a Canadian charge again -that is one thing certain, all we Want is plenty of shell and machine guns Di -help -pave -the -way. -This-looks-likea- long job ahead of Us at present but there onlyir rend -1,6 it no Matti -" W1 n r ow long it takes, 1 only hope the Kincar- dine boys will at be sparedto go Ulna again When victory is complete. 'I met Dr. McLeod and Dr. G. Boyer at Hythe and we were all glad to see them. Remember me to the boys of the old town. Twill -*lite you again lathe near future wheel cab -And am kept very busy all the time. Thie; is no small job.' , ' • - .Again thanking you for yourvery acceptable gifts, we remain: • • '.e• - Sincerely yours, • 2 The boys from Bruce. Mum R. EariUsteroar, ieth. l3att. O. E. F., • •ricl. Contingent, ' G. P. 0, London, England. 421Mak Nobby Tread CaSillSo 50,x 5 1.2 in., .1,9.75 --each.- Guaranteed 6,00000 Plain Tread 'Casings, 50 * 3 1.-2 in., $12.00 each. Guaranteed 5500 miles Inner Tubes $2.75 to $5.50 eacb. Have yo.eVeriried Herroiine ? Makes the tar „run easier and imeases 'tnileage.:from .2.5.10, 507 ASk ns about it. Hay Fork Rope, all, sizes Puileys, all sizes & kinds - •-Whep'next yOu are in cur store take;. .1191,110 a. half gal, oronr, toubilealing :oilt for ....Tail kinds of machinery. We.haie it put up ready., .without any , extra charge. • FREE -1 FREE! With, everY,,purthase. of Graniteware we will give away • free a Fly Swatter. Saturday Special. Free Ply -Swatter with every' pmind of Paris Green, Price 30;. lb.. IN 'MEMORIAM .Tii• memory Of Mrs, W. j.alpitay, w -died June 23r4, 1915. • • • We miss thWfroni our houfeTalifer, We miss thee from thypiaeg, A shadow o'er our life is cast, . * • We miss the sunshine of thy face; , We miss thy•kind and willing hand, Thy fond and earnest Ore-' • Our home is dark without thee, ' We nuas thee everywhere. •- a Vriend: • y!inir. Still let& it was changed th ,Zion .`ain jam'!" and then in the hurry of our modern lifc was abreviate& to laml" Do I hear any obj&tion to that? It is --eirjas plain as mud: Say I -have -a. no- tion to tri•give up -firming -iiia-1/0- in for philology The college. professors and dictionary makers seem to lack both im- agination ..and knowledge of the small 0'. • Now can't,yeu see why 1 consider the man who makes the boys ^whistle when Picking raspberries the meanest man in Canada? The berry itself and its chief. product both take•their names freni•. the - love thetii ahoWn, by the 'Shia' boy. If you de not believe in my derivations int% try any healthy boy with 'ripe rasp.7 berries &lid raspberry Jam,and: lace how, he will 'lack • .-1U.Aia kloestitt' -.say and `Turn yum" lie is not a nermali boy . fiamplimill• • THE WESTER 44 PAIR, Scptmbcr le to ISO • The special prograinme of attractions offered by the °management'. of the West- ern Fair this year will be above the average. ()salaam)°, the lieiferi Ada, troupe of Aerialists, will he well worth tha price of admisSian. The Seeberts, World's 'Greatest Eqeettrians, with their beautiful horses willbe an attraction long to be remembered, The Pekinese Troupe, red Clunese Gymnasts, Will be something new and startling. Lea Or. taney's will furnish 'comedy .that , Will please everybody, while the Bard Brea are teporterto be the best Acrobats that ever appearsd on the stage,' also the /ANL Trio ana twiny others. There will be music by the best, bands obtainable every day •and eVetting. A amigo of firework s will be given every night and will be the heat every seen in London. Two speed eients will take 'place &oh afternoon in addition to the, above. Single fire over , all railways . west of Tomato and fare and one-third /tofu outside points. All iefonuatioa* from t0.1. fitirAtKvaik 44114 1-4044004„ 004 , .(intended.fOr last Week). , The farmeraare. buiy haying. _ • Miss Mciliarmid, of RieloSa, ViSited friends - Mies Irene Patron, orFergus„, ieg at Joseph Hackett's. +: • . A large number attended the service A IA Ail - • Of a1l-kiva are7adva-noitt--i--- -W . _ g .n e 1iaye some • . . • • extra quality:- -worsteds prices,. 'from " $i7.00 to O 00 Good • Trinimings nd all fit: guaranteed.. A. Few Menia-Ready4liade'Suits a .. . •. Reduced Prices to Clear.. 0, Suit for $8. . • . . - - All -Trimmed and Untrirnme Flats in the Millinery Depart= ment at Great Reductiohs to Clear, ,Now is the time to buy i Stylish fiat for little Money WILLIAM' .„C.ONNIPL 'TO take Butter and Eggs. ' 11~ftratArevoso,~04, oftertiflo,Peorme!isto* n. Ladies'. Shoes fluring.:Ju A ' • Miss Annie Clarkion, of • Paramount, Sundayed at Albert Helm's. • , Miss Magee, of Port Albert, was the guest ef_llieeSac_lie Cerat.on_81.mday. Mrs John.1:.10:rnbi and Tdaughter • of St. Ilelens,,Sundayed at John Reid. Miss Margaret Bartley was the guest of Miss Hazel Gardner the week end, 'ThielVewaff.Well rePresentej_at titirtemiri- on the i2th.and report a glorious. day Mrs. Herb Ether arid babe of Credit, on, visited with her sister, 'Mrs, Fred Anderson, a few doe. , • Mr. and Mrs. Topp and family, of Tor Onto, are visiting with the tatters brother Charles McDonagh, • The members of the W. M. S. will hold theirannuel meeting at the home Of MO, Albert I/elm on ThUrsday after- noon at 2.30. • . „ MONOY.BACK.TO FORD PURCHASERS' 'Big business men compelled to sign tospie of hundred checks for , incfdental expenses every month occasionally realize what iaineant by writer's cramp. The Ford Motor CO. is making° piepar- atiOflS to attend to a little °face detail of thiS kind in connection .,with the $1 5,000 ix,,ups to be dietribnted among word °loom it August. Vie company is about, • to write 800,000 cheeks for $50.00 emit to 'be mailed tii onera thiouglentt the world.A aril' of 30 stenographers is to be eMployeei ie this task retrutluit 4x *WO ler dotti $4464A • • lamipm=101.0pinir" We ha,ve several lines of Ladies' Firte Shoes in Gun Metal Button, Patent Button,- with cloth and- matkid tops, -Viti Kid in _blucher and button. - Also a few pair of White Buck. Theie lines were $4.:C10-1111eS.Whave all sizes from 3 to 6, Specially priced it • pair orScholl's Foot EaserS. If you have Unsightly -bunions try a pair ,:of Schots Bunion Reducers., They are:-the,neatest••• - and best On' the market c • - We do the -kind r.; illepairirkg tht leane tlifftebtite; '.i•-••• • J. JOYNT mcnnow, ONT.. . OtaksosellealsieWesterieeresqlfeet6 st4,04ereeusalleflivekesiskedsoWaTgt 'peering lia,rvesting Blachiner Wingham Bttggies, Adams Wagons ., and Racks, Frost WireYente,Goods, Bitiler 'twine and Rope, tifir F3,1*1),, . and Slings, Keystone Tongues Stipa, r• sale ; -: '4 II 1 t •