HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-07-22, Page 11 -4 furkit vs: LOO 'per year, in advance; $1.25 OtherWiSe LucKNouro oNT, THURSDAY, tIULY22 19150 Sure tore For Headaches ofx of your HeAdEixtm are camiea from d'efective -eyes: °tie and let me, Fit, You' Propeyly with glasses. , .and your HeadaPhes will disappear JACIIAPELLE Watchmaker Jeweler anT-CrOticlan -MARKETS (Corrected up • • .. - • • , • ,* I:°•e Barley n) !.* 4.;; Oats-*ky 4 , Butter......•44k ; ,A315'1. Eggs, fresli. 71'" `t,'" * ;'• ▪ - , • 3,.!.t 4,611 ••t4..t viii0100 YR1C1P is:wngs eei?.biteli;‘• , • ,•62.te-„, 63 '80 . 00, to 21 00 Nixed *and- Clover ..........• ..16 to;• .0'. 00.1 ••• thwifa Iheavy eteera;.:..• -'0,:•:00,:ter'l • 9.- 09 eft *40: to 9 60, • calves.„, to :14•,.00 $pring. Lambs, Per tWr... if) ,:sq to 12 so 800P, 5 25:to 6 SO. Butter, 111.• • • :2$ .to „ )1gge, ::...... • ... • • 30 - Potatoes, - 40- _ . , - .r.fa Blood • Means Streit t 0 means pure blood: Try it and you will be denviticed • „ Boils,• sores,pimples,_sfitUl- ATP:. „ ensei- innin;nkik-nqieate' int - pure, .t0=3;., .*Tyatig Blood 1,itoiiee and enriches ifie• driViOg,Pnt the', -PoiSouOUS , meterialti •that. prodUce-slicOlis• agreeable'syniptants, It is for the sanie, 'Claie.-Of-d"'..-iSeaSea-etiLthose treated at Hot Springs. ' • Ott e bottle at our eteret, we coniniend it because wilinoer "What in it -and ev, ery" 701310VAIit.,., remedy it:- ' good • -*ei$1,0 JD . • ' -e22?7haecadzeC2efae A 'Christian college.hotheo :healthful sittatiqn. • .. totoraspectusaaatecaii,wotetaeltincipat It.r, Warner, MA,,A.D.; At. Thomas, ethe 31 LOCAL AND. OENRAI.,, Miss Harding is" visiting her mint Mrs. Dr.„Tennant._ " J..$t O.Waker has returited to town from Gores Landing Miss Ida. Reid ia home. fron:w a visit With her brother at Palmerston. Mrei, yiriu Ferris and daughter, Kath- leen, are visittng friends m 114p1ey. • A.'Boyd 'returned honiet FridaY- 1.4i$4 from a trip to San Fro:11801sec, Ilebert Pritchard!, of 13Tevvrearket,is opendow his vacation at his home"' here. ; Wiro. ‘$, Bathwell„,o,f Olu*ton s Aeit, ing with bee son, $, 0. 11,t1virol, this week. ?!48s fleen jOhnstiini: of „ittirlicgton, Ont.'. is viSiting her aunt Mrs j, G. Andersen. ' :Mise Clets. ifo, ef !Clinton,' is th�. guest erber friend, Miiis MaryBethwell, thie week. Miss Mattba, Begley,: of Goderieh, is spending 4 few days with „Mr. and Mrs., Earl Begley. •• , , •• • • . Mi, Angus m ininpeg ving hia brothers, 'Messrs, R. D• and 'MM. 'Donaldson and two children, of Wingham, are Visiting her ;nether, Ifir,„ Caesar Perdne. • • M. and v1rs. Thernas Bradley, and family spent a few days.last week with Mrs. istitebarcl: ' • • Xi,' -Walter :Whiles of. Spanish :gonia, is visiting his. parents, ° Mr,, find- Xrs.'•Geo. . " ','"Mt,..and WITS, 44.730)70469e returned to Toronto Aftee, spending '80110i .tinie With relakives . • , ,Mtsi MaySherriff. 4.2.WinglIari„.. was. the gneit, fore few days at the honie of her brother; jack. • •• Mr,W..Smith; station agent atInger* Joseph Sinith en Sunday.• •• • Mr. '• • Robert Brown, of • Murdoch 4 'Carneron Store, is spending his summer vacation , IWan,Conitite and ;'Mr," and :Mrs"; :W.:4, Ogle; of ,Golthenith-, were Week, .end Waters at •' The Saniteri-Veather-;Mettress inakes old feather beds into thattressee: One door east of Grahanys Store. •• . -Murdoch McLeod;. Robert Barbour and Fraser 'Paterson Were hate front the Military Camp; 'London, over, Sunday,' , , „ motored tIP . • „ 'from Torontound tneitt-'-'theweelt,e#d: with Mi. and Mrs. J. Garnet Armstrong. , Eris und Maley 4.rnfetrong Are, Oen-ding their holitiays-with'their grand* - parenta, `Mr. and Mrs. J. ,4•toetretigt Ctorrie.-• •. • • - . 'Mester Robert nun, of Ilespeleewho, has been visiting his aunt, Mrs. lte,W,) Ditheeir-':i returned. to • his liorne. this ring Suitin Just Arrived • MPLE MAR Meiehian•••• , I Rev 1L giDunean,,Misc Diineair and children leaving for Mount Forest, Wherethey -will:spend the sum - mar. vaeatiet . • • , , • • 'Margin* McClure,13. McQuaig, R. Smitb, Lib. and Bessie • Mirt die, are thijeying a •vveelit, onting,at , :• ' , • Mr. 1-Earry McOharles left on TinirStH daf Of last wcek for Whitefish, •, New Ontario, ;' Where he Will -Spend:, theTio'-, Mailider•Athe:Sinniner, •t: r • ;' ..„ The Sanitary., ,k'eathth 'thettreSaisthe Only bed: tnrn•tonie • in An d , See us or Write to box 208, LiteknOW.', . , Newiffennelland,' who has. been ettent4/1g. WOW University, Montreal,.I was ;a' .visitor at •Williain Irwvia"e; „Delfast, : inkthe,paSt "....Week • • • • , BeV, Calvin • '••Brussels, ...-OCCupied • the,.pulpit' of ,the., • Presbyterian.," Church' here • on Mr. Dunean,44kibos the.:eeiii*:atJ3us- sels. Mr. Mann and,fainity are enjoying -0..'44.0004CtiittilOg'ilftBruce ge4k. The Itilleviingwerei/Isiibra..at.....t 'dnitogthe week,- Mr. * John .PerrI4.•Meitieo,'.13i. T.,' Mil and ges, V. Wallet err.r) Ingersoll,' Ont., Mr$::•Lit, Seldtin Exeter, - Ont; Mrand gos-„..-15-.'J; Cra 'lord and, xi. Alex. Pentland, Dunga1111. on, oe.t, The-Ainerican 4buterq ed, front NeW York •State.. , G...ArniStrOng was in Colborne Tp., 011 Satlirdity where alie.nttendedAe* neural- eraneplieWt.„Eivart years of age. Tho littIt fellow wasth :vietint of an 400idel'A the previtalls Wed, netititty.i,Ho Wat•vidingon.4 land rollerand fell in front bf i. the heavy irnple.. 0104as-slog over hini. 4. stonp, beside • Whielt lie fell saved lihn froMbeing,eoin, offew onehekbut hereeeivett Works whialiproved fatal. - .•- , thseutipecied. Vogue The lediee of tho Kincardine Ited CrossSociety. recently Ankle eolleetion t)t 0141 magaZniee, newspapers, etc., and had the lot shipped to a dealer in Tor- ento,„_„They_made 116600 by the 'enter - Prise. • Here is a source of "made that is little dreamed of. In every town:. and viHag there are several Unwired -weight if not toes of old papers and Magazines, which are of no use to.thoewners. They have been plied away from year to year. They are reeognized AS a nuisance but remembering, the pleasure they 'have givenkfolk do not like to destroy them. Here is an opportiMitylo turn•thein, to very real use.. . • • SVDDEN.DEATII IN WAWANOati . . „ ,• 'Mire. John 'Inner Rica at. Whlghitel flesief4, • •Aftei-Week's Pines", Lemma flusheed•• ''„ and Two Lhildren r • rt..: tiact ,and 'uoexpe,cted was the death of',Mrs., John; Turner, of the 1(414 WaWanesh, near'Vordyce, which necurrettat the 'Winghant Hospital," on Sunday', the -18th. inst. On jnlY 12t1i.• Mr, and Mrs. Turner set out to attendthe, Orange celebration, at Wiegh. am. She Was taken ill on the •w4it e00, 011 arriving at Whightina re- ceived mediest attention, but nothing,' serious was snspected. She 1.10e4eae worse, however; and being unable to go 'tome, was taken to the Hospital; She was the-C.110i t to be sidfdriii-g feon. j. s1ight attack of appendicitis, In entte..of 0i. that medical aid could do she grew worse until Sunday _when she passedaway. The renudee Were tekento•the home Of her father, Mr. John Walt " Pt "QP1r0§$,- . and 'from there the funeral was:held ,Tuesday afternoon . to the TeesWater .cemetery... ":, . „ • • • The late Mrs. Trirner-,Wair 21' :Years, and 3 nionths.old .at 'the time of. her death•••• --She- was a detighter. of Mr, John Wall, of CalrOSs TeU'ushiP, her nathe b. ing; Ellea-VannY. • S...,he •• *OA married,. March 25tb:,1908,. xt-• John Turner., tervesiding-ferave-yearietrihez-8ar- can.,.Culreas; 'Mr,' and 'Airs; Turner thov. .ed•totrie 1 Obli,:of;W:„.Wawanosh,_ sides a -husband,- Mrs: Turner, leaves two little daughters, one six the Other three, Yeerlief aRtY Mr. Tiirnet*d the 011 rep.' have the deepest synipe•thy of many • frianda„wherecogniZe the great toss they have fil4ailled by the death of,a faithful • ehrietian, Wife and - • • - • The Jungle —Tuesday, July 2Oth. at Mr, j Purvitgs on Monday. " • Mrs. W. Welker, of isited aieknow; v .Mr. Wm. McDonald. is making Pre. paratioes for cementing his stable. • . Mrs. D. Milith of Inchnow' visited - 'her sister, Mrs. 4 Gillies, this week: • •i ti Uir the road :-weein and is remaining in -tie jungle. Nobody.15 paying any attention to ''Malte hay while the slim Shtries", this Mr..Gee,rge,Virebb, from "the boundary, Was renewing old aqttaintancei-here-Isat Thaspleridtd-pleasure.grounds---Cedar -I.teighte; recently °Poled by A. .Purvis, will be thronged with pienieker.thi day, the crowd : 'coming ,from -2 L- angside and; vieinity. This is an ideal plaee for a day'4 outing. MAW NEWS ' MAITLAND Pkt,E6IWTERY.--A special meeting of the Presbytery of Maitland was hem inst, „Ucirew's Church, Wing, ham, on Tuesday, July 29th,,,to eonpid9r eslit from Bend Head and Sehoutherg, in the Presbytery of Barrie, to the 'Rev. Wm. Mackintosh, of St* Helens and Eist Ashfield. The Bev. Mr. McLean* of Bradfordfappeared ill snpport.' of the call, and after some consideration:. and Many expressions of deep regret,' the Presbytery sanctioned the transference, As Mackintosh's translation is to take place immediately; next Sunday ,wili see his last eppearaimeaS pastor of raiciso phargeg, 1,1eSe. S Duncan, -of .:1-1ecknOW, has been apoointedhaterith inoderator.,. In the absence ot Row J. 5. Duncan,. who is •awayon his'annual ,vacation, the pulpit, of tlioPeabyterien church wili be 'occupied next Sunday by •Rev. Gorge, Gilmore, df MOW. '4;.?111-StItidEt7,?...4Pga.st let,•Bet W. A. Bremner, et St. • will be the preacher, and on Angust 8th Rev. Alexanda Stew•irt, Of ,Uoroingtont son ot-Mr. and Mrs, W. K. Stewart,: Of town, will minduct the services. • Whitechurch , —Tuesday, July 20. ".A.TeX. Piiiddif is spOrting-a,terV ..rerd" .auto these days. • .• -..••••'.4isatiglestone, of Toronterreturne home On Wednesday of last week, , eod Mrs. Joseph Nixon; Lucknow, visited at K. Paterson's on Sunday. Mi.Sd M. 'Gordon and Miss 1 Tex visited at. Mrs. D. ICennedylson Sunday, •Miss 11Ia Kirke; of Dungannon; has Speared the position. as teacher of No. IQ 43404 • - - MisS? Sara , Mcbitoili„ . formerly of Whitechnrch' is spending a 'few weeks -1.7.A.th'Ipiliimei,'.Y.i:yainig'Iniiplafi'nnt' here took. in the garden party n Pluevale . • Miss Cartwright, of Wieghtim, And _IMr. aud Mrs. -E. Jacques were at.W1illanl: •., Martin's on Sunday, • ' Aei..Mr. and Mts.! Stewart and family and Mrs. 'McLean and 1.4iSs Gordon left onAlopday-fer a few weeks' vacation at Prnee, Beach. • . , • • .• .,Miss 'Bertha McKay returned to her atitiesiii Wirighent Monday, after spending,4 very pleasant three weeks' vacation ather home,' • • , • . , The 'Majnrity'Of titepeople. from -the village a,nct vicinity were present, at the barn raising : of J. Mowbray and W. Legatt on Wednesday', of teat week, whieh, we are glad to report,, Was very successful, but detained the young people te-a-ratheelatahetir...2- • , The football watch with St. Augustine helsLin the'Park.-liere.en $41104..e.ve_4.7., ing resulted_ in a score of 2-0, in fa:vor of the .honio team, the two 'goals being Socked in the first. half, This loaves, the Whitechurch Tigers victors, as the game in'Sp,»Auguitine resulted in a tie: . •YaaPg.1).eoPl&-s Guild last Sunday evening was led by ,Miss • Annie Kennedy, ho gave an interoidingpaper on 'Social Adhieweinenia Of Foreign Migias--,"'"Tlie- meeting next Sunday evening is in ehargeof Misses Greta Fox and Marion Gillios.• Topic;,"Christ 111 Ate!' , , • „ .Eighth -Com, Kinloss ANOrIIIiR rap' -.0111git • ' r Teseher, ,,..otittle girl', What;is your er ' Itle Oirl, - "I'ieae, -ina'au. 1 don't • like.to `, but yen must tellt. we have to.. *rite it. the selloot records." . I'm not going to tell: gveryr• body laughs When 1 tell 6011)114 Immo" swen'thitig,11. Yen inSt cone bete and whisper' it to nie." , Lotho girl in a WhiSperiMy nous is Iona Pore then the toe;ehq,letlishe eirietchered by Friends.- 13efere teavine for, it. W'll14 ' I ati t 1 week Mr. D 0,4rowets was presented,' by a umber of Jus -,tneknow Molds with a gold -headed unibrella, a "don" clock and an timber pipe. The present 'Wen was made' at the McGarry House, where Mr; ,ToWere with tendered a bin, • rinet: Cut the Weilis . • , '• have been rmitiested to direct the attention of • many Lneknow residents to the weeds and grass which has grown upnn the :sidesof the streets in front of , their lots, ' if residents will: cut these down, the Connell, we "tint:10,41nd, will gladly do its share, by engaging a. team , and mad to elear away the rubbish. This is a, good idea:and It thOtild be ant - 1 upon. You will not ,b01(41c146 the VOrk v4100 it 14 don°, Teesvnter. —Tuesday, July 20. Harold Fraser atel..Mrs. Geo.- Fraser; , of London, are vinitioga_t the home, of John 'Fraser. • " • -• John Clark 411.d. family . returned last Saturday froth their two wculta' eutliag by the lake at Inverhuron. • • ,Majer Hey, Captain, Eccles and Dr..- Ilmistea(thedidalekniiiirier of, the 33rd)' and at frien&Motbred, through Teesivater last Saturday on their way to Louden • to see) the boys who are training !there. • Miss Fairbairn has taken eliarge. of The News with the intention of buying: • Thisisaninatenee, of 4 ..,Woman,„talcing over'a man's business that the man .intki '0 to the war; It is Mr., Little'a inten- tion to enlist;. • • TER BAsitiatat MATO.: last 4riday, between Walkerton and, TeeSwatet was fi-disapPointinent In thothreeprotions -gatner.L.,Waikentorr-hea twicc selected- the • nmpire tuict treeewwf-onte, On this oceasion Teeswater hada gentleman froui • Toronto, kleOrge. Colvin, selectedas - 'Walkerton had brought an tuirpire and refused to Play :unless- their Unglue was •accePted, It, seemed unfair indeed and- looked very 'inn& Ilk() k flunk on their: part. The game should 'certainly, under the. •tireurilatances,.be given to TeesiVater.. It spoiled, a • gate, .teeet0.4it about 50. W11.1. vtinn ctia§s tigit4 Mr. Trank AVeaseet, Concert•Orgdri- iSt and Voiee,SPealalist, -of - London, ,Ont., will shortly pay ,a; visitto this town for the purpose of forming a • class of piipps in voice miltive, and 'artistic singing, commencing the Irak week in September, Mr. Weaver Jas •ha years' experpsnos 44 lin OitanitIt 411a blis4k41 noittliinbtfr, ADA is Cousiclered an expert teholier of veto° . turturei having stndied in England 'arid Italy.- FIc haS pupils in'. tontion; Gocierichi linton,' Exeter and Wing - ham, end some et his VoChl pupil'; ' arc sOlti„ielta111 the pritelpat chbreltes in this part Of .the country. Ladiee titid gentleinen deoiroes et tiaining will .1141/6 a splendid opportunity of re, • eeiwii nIsti rst-•elass tu itlo in, ell bratiOh- es Of volee p.rodnetion. Mr, 'Weaver, gives. a SPecter 'coortie in breatliine ma among his •spetialitiew in this work is thorough .breatli control and enunciation, or win and voord recitals' in Godericli, too, Teesozater, Rosati and Exeter. „ —Tuesday, july g0th. Donald McPherson is on the sick list the last few doe, Miss Sarah Elliott_ spent the week with. friends in Teeswate,r. Mrs. Win. McPherson, of Witighatn, is speniing a few day's with her father, George Harris. Our line was well represented in Wingliatu-on the twelfth. -They-Weie proinisenous crowd. John Mitchet, of Medicine, Hat, is Visiting old acquaintances here, after an absence of over thirty years. • Mrs: Kees, of Pinkerton,,accompanied by her cousin, Mrs.- oe IVIorgau, of Rip- ley, spent Tuesday with Mrs. John Cul- bert.4 • • ,BORN......--.._ • _ AtSt; Helens,_on July 1.3•,' 1915, to Mr., and Mrs. C. A. • McAllister, a son. • „renniMi—In W. Wawahosh, oft July - -13,-1916, to lir. and_ Mrs—NV...it 'Ferrier, a sen--Carthan Wesley ' iion PROR REITIWORF'S LECTIORE German Teacher Tells of IVIIII. tarism and the Causes Of , 2- - The 'War — --- .• In spite Of the intense' heat last Xed-: needay eventog, over 200 people *tlier- eck in the Towvn Hall and reinaisted throughout the hour-and*a-ttalf of Pro- fessor Beithrlorfs address on Gereeen Militarism and:the cause of thiyar. rr4eSeer Reithderf 'is a teacher of languages- in WoodatOlt Coilege, He la .0. native of.clermany, but has been in ,• Canada and the United States the past ' twelve years; he inarriecl 'a Canadian Ilady whom be tnet in New York. and . nobody wh • theettrand t4lka with. him . will doubt at he is now a, good. and 1.0y.al:Priti It' subjeet. ' Naturally. of a • denmeratie;tion of Mintl, he early devel, , oped-a. dislike for gernian-antoeraeitMd•' thilitarisin, arid. readily- :wok up . with British...and AveriCali ideels., 'in :•spite ofliisMiortengh odue'etiou and his twelve. Years Along Englielt-"sPetaltMg people, he still speaks, with, a very marked. Ger- manaccent,. so that at times his beerers! have to pay .clase attention in ..order to catch his womb and meaning, ' . • He is working Under the auspices of the Canadian Patliotic Association. and '..doubtless. will-dektmuch•goodr• especially in the German settlements throughout - Ontario where there is ;Still la g000 deal 7of pro...flertnau-Antincent.'--------- ------ ------- In ComMending his address the Pro. ' fessor gave seinepersonal hist k ry and told some amusing stories Of hisfirst ex-, periencea With: the English language. . 'Coming to 1.iis subject ,. the . professor -said,he was net at till , surprised at the outbreak of the war. liohad eXpected ' it; knew it •ned been leng., planned .and PrePareet'ter,' and-kneif ' it was 'periling; • TailteAlinttslter'iLtfepirriouttt:hdeowaso. Latisg4tyrwoatif not thecause of the 'war at all; that was merely the exense--- the stink Which ig- nited' the hig.pde of cernbitatible Mater, •.14- long- prepared--for-o,.eonflagration,, ' He asked his hearers to distinguish be- ;t_WeenAhe(3temini_Peopleaod .11"qperer Wallet,* end hisAnilitariate. .T.bil rank' and file of -the'people had been mislead. '''Phiee your animosity' and. Your- etirk; .teiript where it belongs',' Said lie :The -Very best thing that emildlianpen ti-v-tho' ' German people *mild be defeat of their governnient in this war.•.. . . • • Official Clerically he said had entirely wreng ideals. :They regard war , 49 ' 4 goeti thing in itself. 40ely in war • 40. the:bear Aualitiesof then' dome' out;'', they say. ' , , -• 1 , One can scarcelycreditthe fact, but. Prof. Beithdorf assured • his audience that German officers stilt entertain the. barbarian• idea _that, the soldier Who dies 'ghtingffer_his country.-(especrallyeer-• Many) is , immediately translated - to _fleawon.,S4,,thei Arejtierieerk)rith 'War, because whether they are killed or not they gain promotion in War tithe. Qin- vial Germany actually believed that God has chcfSen them to rule the weak The Kaiser and his immediate' associates' in thegovernment, talk war, preach ' war. and have lived. War from day today; ,and 'frenn year to year—they gloried in War --tincr would - have- it. ,Vhe----dbildreir--cit- Wealthy farailitse-are:taught• war and the destruction of their neighbors from ear- •liest youth. • They .are sopplied With, sets of blocks out of which they con. stincted cities (always the - capitals or principal titled of a neighboring country) 'giving prominence to the , public • build- ingsand over these by a system ot wires .they directed mineature zepelin airships 'which clroppedlittle bombs which knock-- - ed the binldings, to pieces. . So they were taught t� destroy the cities of England, Frauce,and Itussm. Fortifnatelyfor the neighbors of Germany this proved mueh more diffithilt in practicelltan in play: One could understand the strang Alp- fornaCY of Gerniany when the ProfeSSor explained that it was an accepted prin;• ciple that no moral law applies to inter - nation relations or dealings. • German officialdoinfro,nkly__assurnes that 4o lie, cheat,' deceive and break prorniies and agreements wvaa- not only permissab:a but a good thing between nations-,--tbat is. if 'the advantage of •the nation is thereby promoted. ' The „end jitstifies ' themes:as, no matter what these—the means—are. Thus it was quite right for Germany to , trample -on 13elgium antl - 'itill_the_peibecause it • promoted the• interests of Gernnny. Thia was 'the theory of Bismarck; eat Bismarck was a muth. wiser man than the present Kaiser whom he regarded as mentally unbalanced.. As a boy, thic Professor said, William li was excentric beyeed belief. ' •. IteeVe Joynt presided t.the Meeting and gave a -short introduction addressl, ' Miss .McMorratvgave a_few Piano, selec- tions while the-andienee_vaa. -gatirrice, • A -collection for :patriotic purposes was taken at the close, and the • Professor NVits' .gendered a; hearty .vote of thanks for his 4 • —Tuesday, july 20" • • Mr.,,John Andrew .visited friends at Olivet Sunday. . Mt- mrs. slimes cook visited friends in our butg,Sniiday, . • 1,1 -m47.1111•••-•• Sillele Copies 3 cent COMMUNICATION To the Editor of The Lucknow Sentinel 1)ear Sir a I should be much Obliged to you if you will kindly allow SPacelnyOnr.paper for the followngt After reading - the ,eorrespondenee in your i ur last. week's ssue regarding the enlistment a Canadian vnliinteera. I would like to point out that inY statement on July llth. was not, 44 quoted in Mr; Bridgette's letter, but W44 as follows: Out of every two Men enlist - 0(1 in the Canadian army, composed' of. ltoluen Catholics, Presbyteriaos, Meth - cans nun)* very fiVe4 stice has sts by Abe t 48 reasere, thom- linrch•-ef as it SO 'Under, ely ie all ' name •• It seeths %lite reasonable, to we, that PalY one form of enrollment etionkl have been Issued. by tho British Government, especially when one realizes that the Canadian contingents become part of the British army. • One Plainly cannot imagine Methodists enrolling themeelyes image, thsr, hewing 11,0man Catholic,Anglican or Presby, • i terian (especially n such numbers named .in y( nr-:lastAveeles-iesue)diad. this-heen so we.should, have,. heard 'of it before .. A. RiottAnnsm' Ltiqktiew, July •With, °dote and other:bodies bor-threet; that is, t i ee out of I cannOt'see the any in* ,beeo,,' done to the Meth government. It would be able for Anglicans to fai to selves under the headin 1•of England". on' fern); of at est would be for Methodists the heading "Wesleyan". „ hilow t,hat Methodists go by 4*W` if' iii the Old C • ShortSight01. Per*E.. Is one who, neglocte 'to Pillrd tlie attention to their eyes that they fatly realize should be given Yon see others. enjoiing -0Q04 'Welt • tritb geed. &asss TinfS7 UOVYgnr- i3elf if you. need thew? . • • Otir,Opticat skill' is at yout „serviee, We -cerreet short sight,, weak sight, failing sight; .-Eimmination Free, F. T. ARMSTRONG Leading Jeweler and Optician • :---Tue,444.5-4u1Y 20. James :Leaver haecomPleted building the cement wall et John Martin's., it e. Robert Georgeer.uor sf McRoberts osr ciVaiya *P. OdAmos is at present Wnislitnw the cutting of the:logs:2u yard. .". „ . , Mr. and_Mr: the -young bride and greottrof Perri %thud, teok.a. trip to Toronto and Niagara Falls ; call• ing at Daalasona." 'Ur; •C DPW*.and Miss Lavine Milder, also the bride and: zgrem-ri-and•Mr. -Walter ;I:tenriTninfered- to• Palmerston!, Illthitechurch,, , Fordyce ,aaoquauita Donnybrook,anodedatviresittianrgnerdbelati9voeseaara. • • on Wednesday for Par.*: Sound where they will reside. We wish them' 'many a ieYdur4ln:e.4'r°dt relate iWa6ds:ttal likte: 0 4: leial 1:;tr' Q:0 t VX,;;;: John :: ham on July 12th; and wee' nitiVed to the hospital, but in spite of all,medieal aid; she passed away' on Saturday. The -remains' were retnoved-fe .7.1.10r house, Mr. Wall, and :interrneet was nlade in Tee41,141.ter Cemetry on Tuesday afternoon. Rev, Penroseof Whitecinireht conducted the services. She lea* he-- hindtosoinic, herhusband and two little •girls, Fanny, age .6 yrs.. and Baby 3 years. .. ' • - • ' •-,--Service will be.,heirt in this, -eharch -1LUULV• • Sunday evening, July loth. at 7 p. tn. MisS Nellie' Cainnbell is the' guest of her sister:Mrs; &mob- trunter at present. , gate a namber attended the W. M. S. meth* held at Mrs, Albert Helm's on rriclai last. ' • Uisses Smite and Margaret. Clarkson .of -Paramount, visited friends in 'this. 'burg last Week.. ' Mrs. Maleol nilluehanan nfSt. Helens is Ithr daug,bter, Mrs,. Robert WebSter at present. • , MiSses Ma arid ....krancis NVObster tit Liicknow were the gnesta of Mrs. W. T. Gar/trite the week end; . AiisSes Ellen Avot Alargaret Iffoodo 'Were at home to a nunider of their frientia Monday afternoon. , 1 OTCY OX ' July 19. Miss orma Nioholson•Spent the 1t tor part thit week.with her cousin, . Miss Nellie Graham.. , • , • Oath arenti excellent crop this year, "but we are sorry to invert that Smut Ipis tattr.tubendin ,John tookhart have, returned home to speed the vacation NowhWttell;eleisPtahreenatt81;'0,on: 'eorrespondentl Now don't let another person take away your business off , "We notice quite a nit her tof- ' our neighbOrs are lietrat for their. hblidaya, COMO, the haying will soon be over and why not give them a ge6a One before he harvest sets in. t • 'The Megenzie li, ve have, been , bythy °lithe a fow 44" s thre, hingontlit, and by t'a., limp 4 etpert their inaolona is iti first eta& ,1 Olen Ana to*. tot tii,4conwmg settAntt fkurr BULLETIN . ; A Miming: ii yisrliave not secured yel'ir :11itapherricsr 1106 your itreter at env' .. Mitigate Peninsula, grown :Wick 'Oink e.t.a Culhhert*tie et-thett bet. POI* Clikttiliog OilOy •ciet hs. heat. ,treit 4teek, tuft ftesplierr14. tock,ourriolta 10W left* t;uIross Centre juTY Mies Sarah Elliott Of Holyrood -is visiting irthnasnere„ MaKenzie, con. 10, Kinlossr snent- Sunday at the home of Mr, Wilder Day. Mr. and Mrsjoe'Gueit visited wvith friends at Kinlougli Monday of this week. . • .Mr. Alex. Stanley, Icin'nardine, spent 4 few days last weekot thelome oL Mr. George Richardson. • • - Mr. and Mrs. L. Horn and little son, of Lucknow, Sundayed at the home of Mr. Albert Hughes. - • Misses: Agnes and Gladys Hughes visited at the home of James Struthers, com--8; on Friday -last. • John &Ott and Jessie MaKay, he been successful in passing the- obtrante examinations. eongratutatio6. .7amilltra.lte- ford; have moved into janres AreLaugh• Ian's brick house: We wetconie. them into this vicinity• tiolyrood Th 6 liolyrood 'Branch of the Women's _ Institute intend holtlinpillow case' shower at the home of Mrs. Xis, Hod gins en Aug. 5th. All ladies wishing to donate 4 pair of pillow/cases in aid of the•Red Cross Societyare requested -to - make them 18 by 34 inches, All ladies are welcome. X Henry, SecyAreas. VOTeR§' 1,151'Si 1915 , *Mwilclpality Otte Villitge•bi:LediliOw • Notiee is hereby given that 1 have transur,4. ed Or delivered tic tit° persons inentier'ed in section nine of the Ontarba Yeters? Lists" Act • tho copies required, by said section to bo so transmitted or delivered of the list, blade par- -suarit.tosilidaotoit all I -intend -appearing 11Y tho last reristil Assesstoeut Rpfl i)r-trh,-;. said Muni:4411W to be entitled to Vole in Ow said Menicipality at elections for members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Meet, -ions mid that the Said List was first no. ea up at my Office tit Lucknow on thq Twelfth day of July 1015, and remains there for inspection, And 0 I hereby -can upon an voters to , im. mediate proecodings to have any (4..i.V.tA or 01)&61,0119 zerreeted aecOrding to law' • Dated at Lucknon this 1611i. day of ;COY, A. I/, 1915. Joss:tot MIN roar. • 'elerrc of no MoololPalltY of 'the ViIivire of •inicknow. • V0lfiRS1. LISTS, Oa, • - Ititecinleality cf. Ibe‘TaiiVrialafi ,ct Miens County of Doge. %Ake is hereby raven that 1 havo transmit - d or deliverer:1_10 the persons Montioned in Section 9 of the Yeteret7 •Liqs Aet, the copies Wilfred by sale. Seetieha to bo so tram:tented or dIALIOtta of the List Wale )ntr,utant to sikI AO, Of all %sr ItVig. cd AssesSineat.noltg the Said thuniene 1ty to 'bo entitled tO Veto in he said 141n1Pip,Ift,r 4t elections for metehets of the • Legislative As aud at Munn:101 lilleetionsi tre • that . the AMA Lid \Vas IhAt peizlt,Cd, up At nof In Itinlits5 en the 19t1I ilaY Of july 191 sua v,isprogi\ttrut.,,botimkoi,,f0t4ittztitirtnatt, sittatexpitiotiT to'1141e.k any 'errors Of intii8Sient9, 44e°14"%,111.t . 1t11 ;4e4 mstoth tistet *mg, ploi, DE,I3EN Are issued for Short Term of Yots., 'Interest Coupons: .Payable Half-Yearlyy . ' 'NEGOTIABLE --Asiets-47;48q,339 The Oreat West Permanent loan Compang 17 • • g t,W t • • • T6s. presented '.13,7 - • grle,‘Irt Luckiiow, Ont. EVERYBODY'S COLUMN ,SiTivITaAtTerT,OoNnv7 ANTEP.,4-Itespero:t::::,l1;6.0.1d:07 desires sitUatiou as housekeeper, either Tillage or cOuntry. Apply; ,Bok 382; Tees- , Atm,' (.,0 mortgages ana.iiote iitO1,140.3t TO at rea.sonable pito insurancbotha, • , Mutual companieS. * t(ickililldeto..g..„.t_Pi_IDALL,13tricot', Lu&iow , sT„.REtt.'N'S B/tTOIC ,AND ,T1LD IIOW 111 operatiuIa and order- ezibtie, it9g, sizes made to order. _ • • ' "i • _ , yPiiir.fli%.„prop#0;lart•_,. :poptaliy ggreatV41Trellgrantlf roultr}to' be waren Tor 12 hours prc- vtouLi delivery. • • • • 22444; ' $;noratta, Heifer Estray..-Parue to tlinp1ondieS9f.'441O•Oe.; • dorsigneld 011 or,4bout, jetty,' 1st,.1915. 'One reo•boiievaPPitrently- Abcint one 'nor 04omermiayhavestune on proving property* and'payIng.expenses. , • ..,•• . . • 11;'tfontminini"ki • 2-Ii40613, • North•Line, F41ilta1; ` Notice to the Public The undersigned hereby give's titan' t.141; berry -pickers 'will not be alloWed-totrOVass oni 2,2hi.s7,p5ruelriSes this,senSein •For.S#io'.< r,k101'FORSAtt -The AdMinistrat. Estate etfigary'llviin, into of the To-ro • ivGoocimerall,c.hdoienet,shecioe,ociikicitrsyfoofiltsaitireOtlib,en,incjiltd.....," ' • inglarin.preperty:__-The stiuth. 140 corcv , Lot 10, port, Wosb •Whviranogi. "Mtn nPre°-vvilacirntdY 1,t,SI8.21tinlittgacitro2' 11144t., StU.e,U10194)1112.1. - farm is ot1 in grata and has been pa stn. ed for the past seven Yonrsl good won 14,411. Vii.ntaill; 10 aeres 01 bush; situated In first class farniing istrict; a good b.eassr.s-balils artd-agAringt,.&bed: rie0OU glint- leant, ahdAs In. first dings condition for Inited farming... l'or At -tiler partieulars apply to P. J., Ryan; Gtaiorigl, Ontario. Administrator; Or to J. rno w„ Real&tote ',Mater, latelstam tO Vroud- foot, Killorap. SsProudfOot, kiolleittr -Administrator,. Clederioli. 20.5A-27.9 !,.24v; nsimmosommerma icture Theatre Friday and Satyr: 9 ti4c: The Great Diarna: OPE9 6-11ce1s--6 With *Herman Lieb land. La. Xelsaa flag,' livoad-, ay Tins .a beautital aribrut one tih.:ultl• see—full Of hit:el-OA. Mi ce, Halt V66,1*4 ten ailTctmtm 08t111110.1. 607'004t o One of the ''Best Yirat Advil AAion, Ad adititert ic /...,(44ews , tG to 1140