HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-07-15, Page 10-- flrflrr7
Weekly Store News
WE HAVE just received
, another full piece, .8254 yds.,
of an extra value I3LACK
men edge, one yard wide, price $1.00. - This silk we can coin. I
mend to you as the best too silk value in the trade. Although
there has been a considerable advance in prices of silks ware
still selling our finest quality BLACK DUCHESS SILK, every
lard stamped "Murdoch 85 Cameron
o's., Special" at the old price $1.25,
These two lines are especially recom-
mended to any who desire to purchase
Ane silks at reasoliable prices '
We are showing a nice line ,of LADIES' BLACK NET.
WAISTS, silk lined, lace -and eMbroidery, trimmed, .neat,
--- fitting -and -short sleevf-si_ispecially_priged at $2.50: Also a
„fine range of LADIES" WHITE VOILE WAISTS„-"-n4e'
in very latest style's. -These are very dainty being .nicely
embroidered .and lace trimmed. Prices range from 1.25 to
$250, Set our Special White Silk 'Waists at
. This week we have received into stock a very nice line of Girls' Wash Suits, neatlymade and.triinmed.
Theee are extra value at,price, $1.25. Also -a new line of BOYS' OLIVER TWIST WASH ST/ITS, sizes
2 toe 8, made of extra quality Galatea,„ at $1.5.0, BOYS' ROMPERS in various kinds and styles and prices
Vic, to 75c. e.
, Lab eveek we received direct from the manufacturers -a line of One quality BLACK SElR,GE SKIRTS
- , ,
that were specially made for large women. Waist line 26 to 34. These are made of fine quaserge serde and
. i,
are specially prieed to clear at $5,00.
Special Corset Sell.in
We hove had an exceptional sale of Corsets during the last few weeks and' have ,still
some left of the 60 pair of D. ie A. $1.25 Corsets advertised to • clear at 980. All
sizes are still in stock. Another clearing line is our No, 1,82 'Corset, all sizes at 89c.,
These two medium prices present aespecial bargain opportunity to corset wearers,
' Our range of the better quality and higher'Primed Corsets is very complete and
we omit:amid these' finer lines to any who.clesire a Corset that • gives genuine comfort
to the wearer and adds an ale of refinement and...811'0:41=8s to the figure.
Boys' Overalls and Bloomer Pants
We call the attention of the Mailer boy to two lines of 'FANCY 'TRIMMED
OVERALLS, one a Ithaki with Red Trimming and Red Braces and the other a
Striped Blue with Navy Trimming." Price 500 • •
For. larger 'boys we have received, a number of new lines of FINE TWEED
BtoolytElt PANTS, all sizes up to 30 at 'prices 1,00 tO'$1:75, -Thes`e"ate
Th Season Mfg CO. of Clinton, the 'makers of "The Lion 'Brand" and noted as
expert makers of beers' clothing. •
Clearing' Prices. on Men's Summer Suits and Coats
• I
• A •
hoer in *luck awe deys of tits
making of ahella for the British Wer
Departasserit thee a deeeriptioa of the
mew will be of interao. A abort
tepee ago the Seaforth Titreeher Co. re-
ceived an °Wee for 10,000 atolls awl the
foundry i Pew busy tuning out the
•projectilee. The troitot of the Nemo of
test town givea the following deecription
of the proceed:
"The materiel med te very hard
tputetty of netchin:te1 which la imp,
Wed by the Shell Committee I* solid
piece e eexila inehea. The first operation
conahata in &Ming a. hole one and thir
• •
Tim Twouerit AT LI
Listowil, ;or is. --A winabble !wa-
ive** the um* committee and ths
hotels**, who be bow bitter gime
the pluming ot tles Canada Temparanee
.Mt, was holm in coonection with
the monster celebrsitioa here to-tley,
tended by 1%000 people, ineluding 70
Iodate. The hotelmers agreed with the
expoutive to servo meals at eti cento
and betweeu them to coutribute •Si100 to,
wards expenses. But since the county
voted lad month to go dry they hoe
gone beck on their promisee, having
cheesed 50 Cent* for Mee,ls wfl a*
refusing to py the Amount* aubecribed
teen sixteenteis of anmch wide, aliftY arid legeed
The titian in N414 the 011raOli of
the hotelmen. and amount subaeribe4
simorti.wao torn up.vben one Of Ow
Orangonssecirots endeavoring take it
from 441mgal:utterer, as he lied .doe -
eluded effacing hie name with an in-
delible pencil. The parts have since
been pe.oted together, and the coinetit7
tee perposee taking the matter up. with
thei Ont,arie heenoe board and alio. in
deting en the Payment of the eeveral.
amounts enbeeribed.
The hoteetnen did a 'beaver imeinese
to -day and two. of there have, cone into
collieion. with lopector Xenia, lb° will
enter proeeeution agoinet them to -mor-
row for operating extra bare. Accord.
band whielt afterwarde.premett on. ing to the impactor, exterkeione are per.
, ,Another lathe outs 4.'refeess m. the imide and. two ,of, the hotels', eere
for the end of the thread and the now took ailYatitage of this. by knocking out
is' threaded Weide reedy to . twelve, the poetition, and. extending UM 'bee. into
. timing brae ePhig After that .another the sitting puree.
, lathe takeea yerelne finieldekeutever
the oineide and the 401 ie ready for
the first inspeetton by the government
lea* than in. and eight and a hal in.
deep in the centre of the piece. Thie
eperetion le performed in shout See
impute& on a heavy Judy drill, after
014 .the piece itt put in e. _lathe and
tinned offone thirtyetevend of an inch
larger than the diameter of the finished
awn. It is then put in *nether drill
of the seme kind and teamed emoetlk
end lidiebed en the bettom end. An-
other drill forme the floe% or Point, and
it is put in another. lathe where a rectets
, is Out irk the outeide hottorri end.
e 'hi afterwards threaded and plug screseed
in before the* 601. inspeetionk After,:
:the roc* m cut. in the bottra end an,
nther lathe cute the groove for a eepper
•We are putting on Special Sale this week: •.
8 Men's Two -Piece Grey ''''Tweed Summer Suits, 'reg. 1 Men's Fine All Wcol Grey, Tvvced Summer Suit, •
price 800 and $10.00. Clearing Price $4.90. ' reg. 12 50 for $8.90. . • . • ,
1 Men's Grey Lustre Coat, reg. L75. Clearing at .76c." 6 Men's Sorge and Tweed Coats to clear at Half Price
. .
inspector who xo on the job all the time.
Aster the first inspection the eePeer
hand referred to abeye is pressed in by
air Pressure in a special maehlee Made
fur the purpoev. After the copper bend
has been turned to the exact ,oxae and
oboe the inside of the shell is covered
with a coat tg, sPeeial varnish and the
shells are put in all e eetrie oven, w ere
the varnith is baked for eight hours at a
heat of 3./0 .degree. After this process
they are painted On the outside and
when dry are ready for the 'final in-
spection. - After being passed'by t eta.
Spector they are packed in special boxes
which contain six each, under the super -
gveisvieornewoefn;rcial inspectors by. the
The finished shell, measures 'J. inches
in length by 2.29 inches indiemeter and
weighs 14 lbs. 12i oz. Only the one
,.size is being 'manufactured hare. They
ere high explosive lyedite shells for use
of the field artillery. Of colirsellie ex-
plosives are not put in here. When
leaded the shell :weighs is .1be. 8 oc.
The machine- work Irma be very" ac-
curately done to pass :inspection, no
greeter yaraitioe than t,he• fiftieth part
of an inch being Pernaittexl and on smile
parts one five hundredth of -ari inch is,
'1 all that is allowed. No shells will be
Aecepted Under weight but they are., al.•
Towed to go As Math as, 5 drachms over
weight: This %vitt give setne,idea of the
gtext care, aueaccuracy requir,eu in
their manufacture.
idea of s ofmtkje'cleodsdtltillnaestsiotf twhellgive
being ised in the war. It. i said that
the Germans use a east non ,shell which
uIross000 .
41.11T 13tle'
The tanners of thiee vicinity, are
nusy beyiter-
Mr, Wesley Whytoek spent Sun
day with golyrood friends '
Robe Simpson visited et tee borne
ef A. Sheron on Sunday lase .
Me. lg. Dunbar made a brieineor
'trip to Lueknow on Saturday.
"Miss Lyle 'Stanley, of Itiniels, is
spending a few days with ft rends
Mr, .and Mrs. Geo. Itiebardion
,visited frionda in lia.on one day1aBt
Mr 4114 Mrs! Stanley ,Reeingway..
ef Bressels, spent the, week -end with
Those who attefided the 12tb.July
celebrat1on hcld at Wingham reporta
splendid day; .• .
Albert and Feed Thituipeon.- lieee
ham besy eetting..wood for.n iiumber Glands
Thorley, Julr t dig IPS
Phone No 10 Is at Your Service
141 t r flai Th. Crtdit *torem
In Hay Forks we Have A, Splendid Range
But we Stand Behind our Samson Fork
Correctly madeall select second growth 'white ash
handles and the fork is absolutely guaranteed. We will '
replace every one- that pr,iires defective.
- Price, plain ferrule, 1001 Strapped ferrule, 75o.
We have other makes :it 501 60 and 650,
Don't Pa . NW*
Your Oiler
You Can Buy
We ,have a heavy Tui Oiler, with extra large screw top
each oiler liainted, price 1.00,
For Repairing
Than. Alithat
a'New One For
In Rope we keep alt sizcs. Aethis
time, of year farmers are, thinking More
about Hay Fork Rope than any other size.
0,4*. price 14c.;
Hay fork Pulleys from 05c. to 75e.
ctu maddm n ue less time and more
Cheaply than the steel shelis. Perhaps,
however, the steel .thells account for the
more .. effective . field 140101 rOf the
British and •Fiebeh„ •
1,4 order of tlie day.
Ogle Ittiset'lligl
Jack Stringer spent Sunday on Young
• Eighth Con., Kinloss
-Monday, July 12th
A few froin here took in the Ripley
Knox Chtirch rionic at Bruce Beaeh
.and GAICIEO at s PorPle Prov„e
on Tuesdey,
Max Raynarcl :of the boundary called
on friends here laet, ThrirSday.
'Messrs. .A.yliner and Ernie .A.ckeit
have purchased autos. It is certainly
going to be lively in Our burg.
Mr. Melville Scott of Bervie spent
Thursday' evening with his friend. Earl
)'l-iss Ida Convent of Toronto, Visited
at her Uncles, Wm. mid Chas Congrair
this week,
' Miss Bertha Switzer visited on the
line last Thursday.
Mi -'es Myrtle and Pheoba Congram
visited -with their cousin, Mrs: Welling-
ton liendersori on Friday. • -
Mr And.Mrs...4ylmer Ackert "visited
with.HUron friends on Sunday'.
Miss Susie and John Purvis visited
in Woodstock on Stiodaee
MISSeS ' Ada • endeelerjory Fisk of
Palmerston are ;pending their vacation
with their grandmother; Mrs.,Baker.
Mr; The.mas Watsbn of Kincardine
called on ,friends in this vicinity last
' A large number from here took in the Week, .
celebration atVingliem'on Monday.
Miss Lydia:Colwell and Mra, Johnston
tailed on friends. inKinlossSunday
fleorge Young hoe eetinied home from
• Narva. • acling/
'i Robert Pollock has finished
' on the 7tb.
Mrs: Will Grahain spent the week ,nt
, :Pine River. .
' Miss Irene '1$,IfcConnel Stindayed wider
the parental reef. • , •
the White House- -
Miss May tiling Spent Sunday at, thit
home of J. Ltierie.1
- caeph Lewis e epene.--the -Week- end•
with frtendsin Paisley.' • •
•jaeli.11611 is regular visitor to our
' burg. egaineeneh,:
AlheeeLeWifespeet the weekend with
his grandparertte and
etiehard'White, . has. hired with.
• • Zill.Steinger for the haying, • .
:Mt. and Mrs: Albert .• Holley itpetit
Sunday at Henry Chadboune's.; „„-
• Ileheet .Stringer has returnee home
item Cheat= Business' College,
••Albert Lewis and his uncle Wes.' aie
taking off the Ed.
„. „
elise Idea!e, Statiley viiited her friend
Mi SS Alice GibqOtit on Sunday last. .
Miss Lemont., Rfiertelale, Lae com-,
tieneed dittreg at Thos.
D. Meetillveseei and Dr. Logo ealkd
on their eldfriendf, Gibson On SOU-
' 'day. evenieg last, . • •
etre And Mrs. ogle Rome have ee*,
'Wined Immo froni an oktendad VISO With
friends in Detroit, , .
large iiiiinbutattended garden
vitro, which was held hey /on 'ratty• '
evening last, A. ge tet WM* Mae
itivhievougiergon Jett ,04gs Low,
sn'exeitenienti but neverthe
• y mots n th4e0
, .
• triirtIt Lon..Kinloss.
--Tooday, -July I3th.
, Miss Sarah Matheson ;of the 6tb.
cone left Trutt eieelelor betroit -where
7.-LATOndP4') July12 ; Up; isteterfield and, children; of To.
Miss . Dorothy Sawyer. visited Miss. I mete, are spending ti;eir 'vaeation at
Algae Blue on Sunday. • bee _home of Mr. and heal Aligns Jete,
FridgeetA 4.AemeeteexteW eee ,,,, _et. ee -Vise Grate-Meintoeb,--who lido been
- Misses Clara and Mary Wilkie .kxpent Donald. .„ ' •
..,MaSteraaden :Carter otTorente.:,4 in--Duluth:for Owe time, , is visiting at
spending Ids rcationat Sohn Wil1kie8t I her honie on the 4th.
* Mr, and lirg Wilgork Geddes cf Mich 1 Ali.q Cassie iyietiotop i.. at hero
jean are viseturgeelatives in this viciniti, i for h; r:17suctilys... '-` ".'
Pttre Paris Green 30c. per lb.
iow Hardware
Coal Co.
• • ..
• .• • •
" Norman FairgubersOn, and. eister
„Joe Utlighe* and sisters, Minnie and
teo, of levertori, spent east week vieit,
ine fneteds here,
Bell% visited at the home . of., Att. N.
Dunbar ore Friday hist.
Mia.- 3 plan Mc Kag 0,- "of 'reef; w ater,
spent a -few days last week at thehome
.cf her brother, Albert Hughes.
-, The 'latest Culross farmer ,to iir;Post
in WS ' alitO1Xl0bile' IS Mr Dan .
Icenzie, of the .4th. Con. His choice
, - .
was a. Ford ranabcut . ses,ted or two.
. ,
MaS,mito A. Metcinnonhas. re-
turnedintine freinher visit „ in, ()Wen
• The Ladies' lidiSsionery Society met
at the'hoineeof Mrs- James Tlienipson
-last: week. ,
T A rii.kard, of Owen ,:Sound,
Visited .frienda herd last week, lereeing
for ‘Toronto this vieek. ,, •
Mit M. E Peacockand daughters,
of ,Toronto, are -visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs, NeC. McFarlane.
Mr. ,w
Mrt Alex Fraser suent Smi- Off
day ike A. Ie. efeCoslee., " ,
• Mr. and Mrs. Robert Oeddee spent a
few days with friends in Ilervia;
Miss Sadie Wilson lavisiting friends
in Myth
• Mr. itta Mrs. Peter Reavie Were la:
cent visitors' at Wm Steelege
Miss Isabel Steele is ` spending. her
emeation,teider the parental roof
Mr, aerrefts, Robb McTavish were
the guests of Wm, MOtitgenier3rts On
Sunday. •
• ' Mr. and Mrs. W. Graluoix and ittinily
Visit/C(1J; MeTavieli on Sunday.
Bei Ortclu, who in caniVng lirtied
Beach, °coined. the pulpit on Suedee.
An excellent sermon was delivered and
large crowd Wad present, '
. tits, reaser iment few deig With.
friends on the eixth core
Miss Fraiteis Blue epentelie vreek 'With
'friends in this vicinity. •
jt number from here attended the
;Garden Perte,at Parole thoep.
Mist Eva hleXey Itipley ,spent the
• week end with MO '
, her sister) Ztto, Elkuttel tleddel
quietly in thig burg. .
• kr. Hugh spent a few
days Godericir lett week. -
Miss Dean 'eileLeoe, who has been
teaching in Loclialsh. for a nninher •of
year, intends, We believe, Aaking.'
position tiante other 'pleett. •
. We ate *ogee t,te hear . that Mrs.
L. Metvere *he has 11606 sick, is „Me.
proving, •.
Goderich ,rownshiP:
Monday; 110 leth
- Mr. Batt of -Toronto,: is visiting at
the.home' alit. Win •Currie.
• Mr. Ilareld. .auct; lea.4ter
flovvard Mulholland.(f_clinton Are vis-
itors at .A, J. Canteletre.
Mlig Edna Millet of Toronto, is spend
and Mrs, Gee. Miller, .
Mr, Sainuei Ointelon cf Streetaville,
spent a few days recently with: relatives
in thietmetiship. • ,
Mr eohnCoonee; ivhe for •the
• ,
Will Gree • ea teten ectte Teroido
--;Monday, July 12th„
aricl Chesley , s
Ponrz.z-To .34.r.'•and Mr.. win. R.'
Martin, a son, ' , "
Mr. Eit. Murchison and his wife from
'ronnesee, are visiting graticlperent'S
Janice; Ireing, of Lncknew, erected a
new windmiil for'StUart.,Robertson last
week. ' • .
Miss Isabel MeDiarinicl has 'been en --
gaged to teach at our scheel for the
'coming year. •'
on Saturday.
• Mr. and Mrs. R. J. 'Nesbitt and
d'aug'ilter visited fiiends in Markdale'
hist eek eJoan
-Tureiday, Suly 13th.
Chae. , of Seaferthe- Was.
home for over Sunday. •
C„ Lott, of 'Brussels,. was vieiting
iincle, Walter Lott,'Iast- week. •."`" •
Mrs. JAS. Arm.strond 'of Myth Was
visiting in the „villa...0 Wreineaday-
Of .their to
McDercaid had charge, eir s
liwhaMitnieiisi:tw°I.aneaY°t.hrt SMaettiLerdelia3:0. f Toronto'
.111i.s Minnie Beer° returned t
borne on revisit het...brother, Dan ,
2nd., con.,- Bruce, „
, Miss Annie Hendry, of Weston, is
visiting her sister, Mrs. W. J. Mc,
(rKitoeneetvrno;'pne-!,eue'viitehi,ting, Ilia :sister, ,
Mr, tund,111.rs, Will ,Jevons„. of To.
The Asstant P. O. Inspector, Me,
Johnston, of London, paid an official
visit to the Pest Office here last Week.
Mrs. P. Truax, of Toronto, is visit-
ing at f,he home of.her brother, W. J.
Mr.- and Mr. Allen.. of Detroit, •
were visitors et the Manse lest week, Mee Veorge Webb and Miss, Elsie
Lektie, 0,e- pee beveebeen visiting friends at_ _Allen
ileiehhorhOod for, few,days last wee. Miss Margaret Currie is visitine
lilt. flhiLt lingwood ,were.fisiting friends in the 6td,
Anenebereof young people spent n friends in Kincardbr:
very enjoyable evening at the home Of "Maisleari MeDerinicl •.retnined. 'to.
Mr. arid Mrs. 'eleteay on Friday Loudon on-Frida y. to accept, a: Pesi,
tion. . •
is7oninia4sr:itst'iporreveseYnatanstvirtiCosP4n7:tihMe7.4iSi7e:vek. edy Ili t „A• numbery..1picnici hi Silverutbiie cisi 611: it' di ;54" Wed
count of filo. heavy -rain.
A eleeenumber from here in - 'lleeeeted-431telet-etliloyi officio, visite
the tieeftli at Votingbam and Lieeeeiet; -fUleirietu'dirtee Diane:* and RiPleY.
and '1)5( .4;arinita had very enjoy 0_, O. F. todgeileet week:: .
ebla ee• e The -rieeeide in ate •Beptiet Church
BetibiX.E,'Hatrison; of ita:4 rteen.ceneeilect fdi.140e4eYe 'reghte:"
to, andMrs. E. Eiarrison. PlteWesoiring's- SeaumlYtli°81.1"" as *ir..
McCanley is 011 his
ham, wore visitors nt K. on Thursday. ' .• Mrelenneein McLean left for
twit 110 week 00 business'. "
Saturday, July 17
Men's Suits, very best make and new
stock. Will be sold At 'a, very low
Boys' Suits' . -regelar price $4-150 for
• $3.25, '186:00:suit for $4.25.
The very best..Meres.:Ilaincoats that
svill stand ali climates. , Regular,.
price 81,2.00, for 'e8,45. ° •
Shaker Flannel, Prints, Crepe .Mus-
lin, the, very nieest patterns. •
Plaids,. all colors,. regular price 20e,
for 12 '
The Very hest -Wearer Ticking. -Great -,
Bargains lines of goods,
Itst While working at Mr Strome's- lase
•fn,ir'Pita- has been in the West at Ana, MO-WbrayTheid•ehe
We Repair /tinder CariVaS "at
.tbia tle4SOti.
%Me relir4Ting clenernntity
Ratte a. fat iPanottiaatert tele
tts' Otit cO#
Teem natives* Made •to your
'order. Give Call,
040.0Y 01,000(1, is,tfeed. Pot Soft
Moore Park, returried home lotWed-• mixer whioh
nesday aeconipanied by his coesin, Miss tune to. ineiiikltie. eenierit
efebel Cooper, of Seerie, and will spend delayed himfor.several days. '
a coepht• motthe with his 'permits, Mr .T F Cook, former teacber Of
et;-.--.Coover.und. other •N-1.40,-eohool,„.4atiAltn Arkisfor:tune-10,
frielkds:'•r, • betlienier fronelhiarentorey-cre 'lately;
e_eMre.INItilholleed and Mise fieolmee of bee are gigki to know that ..30 :gob
tiolineeville, -visited Mr." Fred Stanley, off safe With the exception of a "few
ef Dayeeld, -•.1. • .'" slight betrisiete I
Mr. James Elliott and,Mrs.WElliett, mr; w. boans. A„ 6f
of Goderiolk, epene the INveelt end ivith Landon who is in connection with the
Mr. and Mrs.,Itobert. Smiley. • --upper ()Lena& bible: eeeetety gave
• the home 63;;ICe acor$1,.'5,/18,,ArPeeiibtstthhret*Ae,setkrieeind, very interesting illOstrated lecture in
the Presbyterian Church on TuesdaY
On Thursday, last David, the meliteeti eeeeeigi en toe.t. •Vito to the War
niontheoldaila of Mr.'Nornatuk Welsh,
met with a ;SOMOWhai Seritnia accident. t0flO
he 14001 zenie, held at the
The little fellow had the iniefertutie to
fall ba.elr into a pan of boiling Water, tenth hriarre on Friday last,was
susetioing serious horns, 1he einid is 'grand 'streams, thelveatnarboing
ita critical cOnditien; but we :hive for It was patrenized• well by .1/Vbite
ds recovery., . • • church and vicinitee The programme
Mrs. $, T. Walters has returned lionle
Mtn a pleasant visit of' sevetaleweeke wee, feet raeesepiropinit, ete,
tefigleted otbegebell, loathe% tog.of.
%elating brother aiia two"eistera itt roa
. Friday evening lest a streeessful
grirden party was held n the lawn of.
Fred Pielcardeei belialf of the Beth,
Uettodist.Chutch. The teak oar,
tetkr of the Clinton Ontario Methodist
Chiltch entertained the I,argo Compoiy
f people present with wid1,, tetiderect
ono, Tliorti also riff ailics, rOgtillth
The 'Young People's Guiid meeting
Sunday evening:was led by Mr. Park-
er, *no gain an 4exeelfonb paper on
Swint' Settlement and Fresh A i r
Work. The meeting nest thudsy
evening is in charge ,,of the Mises
Annie lAidt4w and Lehi Cent the
Wpie Wag oho ktneist iitoblevometit.
roolipt t416$1101
Lothian -
-Tneidiee Tali 13.
4• aereandjaelLSwaii weee in WinghMn
em the ,
• -
Bari/alit Store
First doorwet of the Sentinel Officer
Plants and Flowers
_ ,For Sale
Miss Minnie Sandy of Toronto, is
spending hee vatation'iisiting with her
brothere hate.: „, .
Mise Sate McLean, tire. Charles Mc
Lean and babe and Meister :Raymond
Seghers are spending it'month or AO at
Drehlati McLean, of Chicago, and j
Stanley Melfenzie, Of Detroit, ektleteeercd
up from Detteit Monday. Tit M.
Leto 'wtil epertehis vikeetion *hitting
4nedieirssthWe'Pealertent4tGrant,r61. of Datitit: is
viiitingfriende here.
. Miss Bessie was strecetieftil Ln
passing bidfirst year in history and
dav tot week repainting the‘outside of
the itchoollionee. lie isute nuide it lank
like a new
Ms. Angus McDonald and Willy, o
Fort . visiting her sister,
Mrlitit(ide VCIettPurfil 'Ater Ito;
log trto 94 ",oroi
. r
Cabbage and Tomato - Planta
For Sale •
"A 'Great Variersi'Or--rie-ivern
,:auelt as Asters, .Carnations,
Pertulaca and imany Other
kieds. Geraniums for bed-
ding : purposes. • --Begonias,
and a number of ethers. All
good, stiong 'plants. . •
• iier Sale at
Banitokburn . Fruit .Fatm
Mereleee-40, •
left •fei et -West last -
14:°Miidr,t1Y.;;Inesili'iston spent eek -end
With friend s in ilitron..
wenao 1tti880,1,,,,,t.rcitiof, it •r.r,
for xr„,waiter. •lcsaka this:summer,
A•large number from 0644d:bete
hrated tha GliOrlotis • TWAlft11...Alk
bane, ' • • ,
'Ur. and Mrg, Robe flatide.% �f Iteltral
Corners, elated friends in Kieless, • one
:dalY114-8W6 'weeltki:t'iee'r,..blackstnitli of itiptm
irnenfi Sunday at'elre hOttie of bus lather,
j:whilerirduetrwhere eekek' spande hke
s' Nee ante now; we do not 'ace him at
tire eoriter as ()Roe 418 formerly, ,
„qeite a netriber front Xinlogs Mein&
ee the Stye:Wherry Festival at Parole .
• Grov4e lest Tuesday and nfl report a..
gQT°41iethillt(Inioss V,aseball te.atio*' Oar&
Against 'the Tenth, of 'Union team ast
Tuesday, and: the result it scorn Of
$'-4..2 in favour of Kinloss • -
Mr. Andra* byatt and faintly, eg
Kansas, are living on Silver Luke Urn"'
for the stinimer; Mr. Dyattis making
number .of linprovontaiits tothis frms
andjs .havlag drilled on
Vie UM Yfiett4