HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-07-15, Page 8..."•••••• • T. JL Dap tb* Utea* Wease. Asrienglasa. Olgues. ineerest MeV si tesight hoe lima attached. All that tseaossenr is to ethyl the cord ones *reseal the loge and throw the', movie* by grossing the neck with Owl 'weight aver to held it severely. Co' IMO& sail forefinger of the left bend, is perks* Oaf mat* ilirm the head gently downward,i ewe Aim Pied ea leek ta fere. the Mouth epee by pressing an *a sitle of the head with the Anger* amils*Morg. lek at a paha near the Junction of the 141110 hilloijolho leg/ Ise*. Place the point of the knife whop wide bolt agenarda. Moe well back in the,„ throat, and with a.; trot .littger et *a righit load ea 1 quick downward sliding motion eilt Xlelhis sr tem meek *ad the re. acmes from, left to right. This sev.i beers ea the left side; ers the bridge vein and the bird ; haat he the beam of the bleeds freely. Then place the point ef the fork et the lingers be. the knife at the end of the groove in tbshead whore tt joke the neck.; the upper mandible, holding it in the lege agataitt the left hip, and' line with the eye, mid drive it into fire isantellafee • e' • • . • .• • • . • '",-.511‘,WYSINAL-7•111.111P•••••••61111111•1.11ra• ••• ***.'"e7,, •*11-' """ ."11* 4"'" • • Crow the clashes" with polar, Uri* as top to u&M t4 *ad eee beigiok te I* position. Coats this Promos other thickens are *eked, placing etch chicken la the slittplag board does up to tite last, moving the lower brick along to hold the -row in poet - Oen. Allow the chicken to remain in this position for at leest six hours, being sure that 'they *re quite cad and dry before being placed in the elatelt. Peale* The best material for eases is? either basswood spruce, and the type of case most generally preferred by tile trade is anci which. bolds a single lower of twelve bird*. The fo1. lowing dimension% may 1* found of use m having the material cut to size. The figures given are the inside measurement* in inches. . • _ 'Thicitnees of vittod.-sidea, 7/1,6; vnds, 9/10. No. 1...-21.% x 16.x 4-3/16.: . 'Ne. 2.-2$-3/16 x 45/16. No. 3.-24-13/16 x 17-0/1,6 x 0.-26% x 18* 5%. 4Al• Case No. 1 is for chickens weighing . (Plucked) from 3•te 3% lbs. each- • Case No. 2 loP chickens weighing (Piticked) from 3% to 4 lba. each. •Case•No. $ *tor vititicerie weighing (Plucked), from 4 to 4% Ihs. eleh. Case No. 4 is for 'clticheas Vieighhig (plucked) from 4% to 5% lbs. each? The hatiem of, the:C*4a romei for packing,' the interior is lined with Parchment paper, and the rhickentt 4 WN1010111.1.1001 • — IVRY IS DOING ITS WORK WELL SOME MOT 8110T FOR CRITICS OF slt THE BRITISH FIX= • • ..t•-•••• American Tell* Countrymen Thal Nentroda Should 'lake OR Their - Hats To Th The following letter in 'reply to the* ' question "What is the British $0311 doing?" aPPeared In the. • Neut York, Rum . ,‘,.. .. _. _ . To the Editor; • • • Air‘•„ --,The man who reads only the - licadunes, in tho,paperst n•voldl,044 all, new e not pleasing or in actord with , his own views, is the tYPe et thoioi, , • • ,, Who analyze ,nothing, condeMn.every.- thing, 'and want to know. 'what the '• British -Hefty hoS done. Probably be., ivy 'familiar with. the..non-sinkable/ - boats in the pork lakes, he can't form .. I ' any idea of the North Sea and OW , -task confronting. the reyaL navy,. , .If this PAO eceihl be aboard e" Pats: , rolliag destroyer when zero weather, . • PreVelle and . lee "cevere the Veseell, like the crust. on a pie,' with' a Nerth. • ' -- Sea. mile• blowing and the Inn4 nets clear of 'breaking Water end with . • '' " , " vibration enough-. to ,; loosen One0 4 ', ' • teeth,' *rhos he would then then know. 'I alloYid like; to See his face Wben the shout Of ,41,,,ubraaripe 1"• . is. bear* antt,' the heat' begins 'AO •'•,etert ' aid(' ' • - , plunge, twisit and turn to avOld. the' -' little 'white 'etreak that Patstieti just' .. astern or olities beneath its bew.,, ti- . .shoelit like to See hint,in 'the engine, room. or stelte hole .of a ertiteerinet: ' -at the exact depth where- the terpedo with a;•sarveyor's aceUriteY Wake; through and Sends all within to . eJ, ' '-' ,,,„ ; • • • ,-, -- -", . dozen kind* of deaths. I shoUld. like ;-• 1 ''' ••• , • ,t • .• eohinta.t4114-Darilanelle, wheren0.,. • . ,, ,_ -•-• . -11 .ObStacles suchuas Jules Vey/ices imag.. • . ' • 1 ination :Could net, have chnceived, are 0: confronted, ' • • The ' 'Sinking 'of the nretciel oft Chilean Weal: ' ''' ..''''.; . ' - ,The two. pliotOgrapha illuiitrate the sinking of the-Oerttet_',.'erulaet* Dresden, kiff the Island 4- )615-alTierr3, one Of the Jruur Vertmtlez group off -the Chileatt'comit.„ The Dresden, a -Member otaigirairat Von %we's lived.: rrsne osearell.'whelt the 'refit Of the Get Man fleet Zuccumbeil to the Withal Under, Adrefre,1 Stiirdee off the Oalk:' ' • land Islands. The Geri/nut-ship was later -rounded up by. the 'British (Mager* Ghtego*„ Keit,-and Orem*, smi sent to the hottoni. These pictures show the end of the boat. It will be remembered that the British Govern. •s, *re placed breasts np so that when meat apologized to Chile for the violation of Chilean neutrality..1n- the 'et* mg a the Dresden* Wi4en bad been the ease its opened, they appear backs Making this island a base for naval operatiOns, contrary. to inte.rnat0nal law. - - ;.•.0 shipper, the number, and, grade of the up. The Baffle and address of the • • „ • 40 -,,...- . . a *carefully stencilled OA the ella of the LW chickens and the net weight shouid be UV S• WAR W 110111FE • , Le -Correct Idetbod of Holding a 'Few' preparatory‘o Bleeding. It is well -to- keeP-inmind that lint, _our fermitY and accuraey in grading count for much 0 making a sale and establiehing`the reputation of any particular 'brand or trade mark. • MIRACLES BEING- WROUGHT' IN I , • • PRESENT CONFLICT. , • .,, - ' the, head near the right thigh or knee, :the brain, at the Point .where the base ..;, ." -'" - „ • • Can lie imagine a body Of water no " N bend the heed back as fit as possible .it of the skull , ...10ine the spinal_ colitran, t. ''Bitlit,•143.1'8,--6'EA 7", ,- F.F:IC. ' , sir win. osier, Famous physiulau, • - - .•• loreadex in places: than the liudson , tad ilialoeate the neck with ,o4mtdden ',Give the blade a quick half turn, thus Pregame Relieved OR Overcrowded • , , Iklier,..- with a ehriiiit- three thnig ' 46 st, alive with mines beth fleeting Pa. A. Pecket' is thus ' formed to destroyhig the tram- tissues-. This . ... pert of London. Says Itiocul•ation Ts True , ... s.: ''' •were inc blood floveing from the brd- caUses ParalYsisf render4 t-11° bird- 4ftei rtearly a_year of alMost un- -......esees.' • *end stationary, a shore liteC'with • , „ ' Fr'evritive. ' .., . ` . • . ,.. . 4.,4p....... ,-...,,,i0s, . 'inedere, large 4111ire 'gene, torp•edo • 4 Aiiee With Mines. . 0 ''1: .. '...' " '0"1":', . ken henna •Iresseia.. .liold the riings quite insensible and loosens the lea- -- • • , . .. ,...-,,. ,e,,e.....'..,...e.a.-- " ...,..•- :ft.,' ' Mbes end moveable. -artillery, -with. a ly after- allow the heed to -thus, The bird should be •plucked. im. bellerable crowding and pressure in c down and, commence plucking „rnsecliately as it hangs;,n0raineue•hlg the port of London, the shipping au- There isa isnife , that kills. 4f quci . 4. ' 1 deeen. subraarines to ,, aid them ? . with tbs. largn wing and tail feathers, lhorities have caught up with the sea there, is ;& knife that heals. One is . . Probably he Would, enjoy the gentle . immediately. - - ' . traffic, and during the pest week fOt- a soldier's.keife and the other a sur- • •-s ,,, „genee. of mine sweeping under eon, for with the wingslegsT' • ' telt the featherd on each side of the -breeot, then the hack, and finishing e rst time since war begun, tet a, geons. Iik a sense„the dector,„ pene- The ill -Fated Dresden as che Appeals To day ,stant fire, tr, ParliiiPS -allash•b"f ''O'Ve ' , . single,yessel had to be ;detained in Mating Ole mysterious malaria and : • - - '-'' , - - ., or t -eh miles up the strait, 0 recoil- , : ` . ...... - . •- • Chigkens• that are to be packed ,. and, , • , • i lhlower Thames welting for a berth- 'yellow' fever, Inade-posible the Fark ' •• ' •.' • ' • mitre, over mite fields and. for the ' : . • . export or placed - in cold storage , Poultry should never be scalded be- ie I 0 be cleared in the docks, sey:s•U -re- anla Canal- His work is, altering the 6 should. be killed by bleeding ' in the. fore .pluelting, because 'scalded poultry 1. . port from; London. . • . v4sole character of war-7vvar whieh, THE SUNDAY SCII L .25). , Th,ese weie, v.a7,3.•:.fies` of solo,. benefit of the shore batteries or per- ., 'mouth. Tvie large- blood 'vessels are always appears dull and unattrectiee. Inamense new fiicilities have been brought in its wake the ,grimmer . ., - , ,. • . .,raell"erill hiLtditoy:(art- u•nderstan-d'.in ImP,-3 l'''trill. under t1.1. hilee el(3, 8,... ite '1oes,ted on either side of the neck and. The skin is 'often half Cooked, ands - the Sca, of ISIerreoi-a, on a submarine. '. 4 -•• • rushed to 'conipletion. during the past fees of, pestilence and plague: ' • -. . , • ,-e-.,' .. , .' heart --4 „wi,„.003:n both moral and„ inF., i• should have . liked' ', `to see, him . tWo 'months,' More than .410V00 front' . "Sir- William •Osler,, the -VVOil4Tfam- .. -iiT-TE-itiviki-i-0-±4A-i-_,-- L.Er-,.4-..§.0-isT-',.- tojectual (i. 'kings 4. 29,30. It. was- .aheatd the -Blueeher -.Wben. at., the Un-: - -- are connected by a vein, knovm as the appears' blotched, and parched 'in ii thou' k : . , , • feet of additional shed ,space has ous regius profesSor Or medicine at • ' ", ' ' . ' more' Iviedent alarm for• W•bkh' he ,IX.ceyearledds ' reinilefl: 'tfegeallfig:Iri:, ' . , been pro•vided: The EriSt India Ira- Oxford, pointsout that in, the Boer ••• , , 11.1L -k 18. • ' - • , , ; • port dock, which will furnish eight war there Were 57,684:.easOS" of tY- . , . ' ' ' .', ' , ' " •. • •- - Like the - Orsiv one wasto be ing Into a colander t e on Tirpitx, .• i . "greater than Siketion7,(31att. 12. tatelellainaelliP °f Scark°,"u°11: (•and: nee. berths for ' large ocean-e•roing phoide-an array corps in itself -and . ...• 3 , , ShiPS/ ivill be-eftened le August, and "22 de•ah from tYPI1d 'i Lessee ' 11I'.-folomoa Cheeses , Wia-.. - - , . t.. the early, Completion ,is .rdso .,proinised more -serious enemy than, the;Soera. , ., ..,, .1,, . , • _ _,,...Gisat.gh...a7 ,tew,pleohinthononaitasi:.,asnitedastedr, NoTee.,,iseiti- gmeinh'eineNtith:'..tBortihtiesliv=rw.:yres of the new refrigerated nieat ware- Dliracles • of ' Medieine are being -• dom. I Kings 3- 4-10.2 Golden - -, house at the Royal- Albert. dock, to wrought in the present tvar. . , . Text: pro;v.. 9. 10. ,. esoonitietielnneo tr:el tees:idols nmetzetceoldaewd ,liaoteythebawveorlodwetpot tthee leseaviesner':e•4fiseeot.' • , ' - ea,_. contain 500,000 carcasses. Sir William, dre.eres, , . . . , , .,, There is every indication, however, "comPerativelY tYPhOulless war, if due I.. •$.010,,maa,s Dream orets,es ,..,... /4.), of, divine gvernrcierit (nee.,matt. 6. maGeruniy,asn conirnernrcullnetneritioeylni severed- Ger-. -. '.• , .. ' •, ' , • .that even, these enlarged facilities ,Precautxons are taken., In an - with the out., • , . , _ . , . , will bepushed, to their utmost ca- Aviv' hi Urged- the :',.3irtife- of itiocula- • , - -- . - . side' *Odd,' prevei-tted ,the, Joimeg.-9 •••• . ,- ' :,- pacity, as the autumn. comes oil:, The :ann. • , ., : , . ,. ...,..,. '.‘,..erse,,o. • :In Gibeon.-. A city ot the -14; If thou wilt, walk m, my ways, her e'elers by ihonsalids and thou_ • ,,,, - : • ' , . . . . lei -Rtes. The "tabernecle7 of tbe con- to- - keep niv statutes and. m coin- ' - • . - -autumn land- winter are torreally-the - . 4 . -opposition ig Sc-21±kdaions, . . .- o. ,.• - • - , - • • _..._ . •. • r _ _ -,X--.„ -sands. of - .reservis s„._..rna e_poesi n .•.,,,.., . e , „ .... busiest seasons in, , an the ports . of , 9, , , , •• . , gregation . and, the ,(brazen altar °C- t nlan°raents----4,11 thatSolomon Wa:rt-°' the transportation of neafie a mile, ' . ,,,,,,• - '', ." .... northern Europe. The war situation '"This , canipaign against soldiers 'burnt OfferingsMade hY 'Moses were l'reeeiVe-Was',tonditioned Oil an ,upright ',lion Bi itish soldiers to France with4 - - - • - • ' will acce tu te the' li ' itc" being, ineenlated,"' he seid. "is.' simPlY 'irans*ferred tP Glbem 1r°41. Nc'il (1 'ilfe-- j : ' . ' ' ' out 'xit rf relice ' 1.111aere VS the long ' .--- • ; a a ' P's' en' Crea e -, ' ' de • g 21 8•-* Ch' • 4 - 2 ' A tliV. f 'I r a- , - 't . ' ' de e ' .•,,` ., busiuees. moreovet,,, several .Liioetiw: l''raered tthoet?hli:poenleeseelemignenetoreryllefalcItt•, thr:;: i)931-4coen„.,.7.'1,,th.e.r.3)4,,orIet:Wan•aisis'rtholoemgroneaotirherigedhl ,t1?igativis.td:z.7,;vsaiarilift GorieiteL'1471:1•:rikis-hricaellprstPnit•:*pae°esi BG°earssntlun antyt*Athsrttaughd.aYitawhsuelih.ertihore ' '.. . . .. by the' orclitiary increased flow • of scandalous- It illustrates te a -- ean1-. , , .1 ron. 1.0. $9, 0, j dlionlei.rn are „asking far berths in „ ,exery one. with. any knowledge, ef, timsand bto,or offerings .... .npon,gonnine. , , .efficiency and' ordinance was to Over- , - '• ,.. Government .purcha8 ea af, ia-di an scicnce isust ' adrnit,--nameIy; hp- i that : altar!' ", The cRy ()rig -Anal' icy he.' ,, . , ' • .0, , ,Kc9Umiteur°orve° earteerveillyutinhibneg*sEriatfilshd Ts InSueapr.: , a Ncvaefotitabveriiicootil,n,nioc aliedi6acirgteo ,sitiejai)vnieInent;.. F--ante4 .. by., , „tali:jag those diseasen. 1 iv 21_25; see ;alit, yostiL.9,7_ , , , ,, . , , .. ,,, cveise 15). ; ,,f, . ,, . . . th - - .. - - , munity from certain diseases , is longed 0 the#-ibe-of Benjamin (Josh_ ' , IL ,Selomon Goes to Jerusalem fir :beNeirirN.avy bad ...'.,01,r!,ii?o,19,tart of thither are. promised from• Nor That ' 'is- to .a3r' if' Yati hay..e. sca-rieti In a dreanl-Th o4 -- 9'.f. 15.Ail'°-; - ' - `• ' "...A.: ' -1, • • • ...- -,' ... - '-.- '''. • '...• - - • .. Wegian ports. it is 'also stated that fsemvearilpo'Lexreyleosayr ,ctranheoleds ‘-.0fiev,..geratinog.ri redraeamn,Wslir:urfloasui-`g ...toarlod, 2a, the„-:, is,:?,-,-Behald,.pitii.Wina., a,...dren!..!..4"4'Ael.in .:*-..vtrh, I. 4i .1.7noatd.yratunta-n,;ne.n., • , t,, as soon •aS the, aumerouS c f (For a p el account ,t . . cage of . , a. aoh (Gee. 1 ) a we I lieve happ ne(i to th • . • , supplies for Russia are out of ' the theOl again are infinitesimal. ' i of the dream, see ..? Chron.• 1. 17-13):, ."The, dream- was one ,Of the recognized Coast of France ? ' '-• 4low• manY .s01-. • ' , , ,•, stock kept in •sturage-siong the Lon* under similar,' conditions, expressed i . den waterfront. . , again, germs do not grow. . That ial...,hhast gin shipping heavily to London. • -tein,' Protective substances hare been i in, .rnade. 'known 1145 ,,will. in a dream ieeive•Imeidedge of the.dliine 'WM" . through' Iiiiiikirk„ Caleis,, etc. e paris ' , •,' , ' fioLierematigtarioii. tOe'PreepetieedoialeherithlYe ''ftiecl.:InWilliyed4imnitIVI'lliau:rilleb,;enollateb:a°' t if it is placed II 2,56,;,..). groema.t, io.ri6n.'1.10:ci!.d ,' , , . ha., thou .• fore the ark of the-vote/tease:of .leito- •rear.' :' What, when the French coast * ntheeisbotdh: pre::: God(Ge n is. g 111:r:equal ; hie2n8mt.1 y... 1., a2r;espp3rdnLeseedtoini tied3'77.si,, 5.ha;4%-i-_, i• in, 0:ciaessi:tohe7 jeebrYus,inaletion ,e;pnettc,ted„,gtooda..te rbeei ,irdioeurisd- iwmoir....,uld„1.3e:nerret:te:t,..-eha.crreo.iyipenrthed& nes vah-Sotoinon returned to JeruSalem Was in German bands was to pre - after Ins Fision. .lit.„would i4..ct upon vent, the .Austrian ,an e.rinan e ., Way at Arehang'el, .that, port ;will be - The great rush of weol•, ships has th?,N4hOle . essence i4 ,the tbbigt; 'the!, t rone--Dayid _eg4r is es e ' the% dream bY showing gratitude - to from .sWeeping the Baltic, leeding t115 -Ft 'Pnt'' . ceased. Foodstuffs in store are Th,ese Pe°Ple 410 hc't ae7P.• i f : crowning mercy of, Jehovah (see 1 .9,0'itl:'11.1,,,1:11i_s. ofr,,,i,fiees, and ViTin ' ' ': Isridge, - vele, ' whieh takes re• elanting !very shore tbne. 2 Scalded -poultry -wM are iaiger that 'they were . - in- .1.1ine,- '--- ' • • • support -and-eonifOrt---orlhe .Peolffe -1.)S-'!1!nril_t_i,nitY- .„,i. nise,ser_ervaa!in:-7: its of the ,a-trif,e..eaustreia7m,1.1,Knei_rmhvonnotro. dovoeurbtsandbotiitttlitee Bwoallratwd,ouwlahorisoewliti3eko! a,lcing. troop e in Bessie ? What then? Who., •••- , .. of-deeision Iv a'. source -el • wonder,.! . _ • _ _ __ _ e..- I) ia.'g r am oil -lead wi,i h iew,er lewTereevel. T ' aabilti:Tadasikset; of good nekesce°sfsal.)ryraeftoi'rcatibilre 'feuer41-Inirie:g.:a1041-Infii4a;tnn:°iieftkt_tto-yi.ille..,:7Pe.:aei5tai:' t`lb:e.liet's,:5rti. i°111K_i.:4_7nr.....:;:tirbli-ioet4uttn8lee)e:._tchil;'es jidaLru-Nyft.e.fri:ise, u'ri:rhe-,!liaas..' tit chances are •s roog y agruns no her. kin . ,eourse across tbe' base of the . head. I net Reel). is long as dry Pielted Poole 1914, • • . .. ‘. - Inoculation Succeeds. vides death. This would =ice sole. ,. , • .. ••• ., , Neutrals, should take eft '''their' hats' '. .. to this efficient defender of freedont' . ' , As the bird. hangs head doymwards. I try, and not eonlmand as high a . 4. . • •• eth ete consecutivc. ca.scs in %Which ittraht)elitini' a,e,tfas.tieeigolirteonaentiov"ne.a. 1:ssetnt., SPIES''''. ,NfE,...,__" ,F°.°4ED• , ' I; an , the an lture , the .British ' • coRiecr, cop, Gizoiovz • AVOP,_42.4,41/./1,1 • , breast toward s the oPerator. The Lprice on the best markOts. , ,_ ' Junction of these veins may be found', As soon -as plucked, gently squeeze suTbezec fneanieriVe-eln,ns.ciaunctag!ednifernotmepf alit! I 'rep ade the. most careful inquiri.es as . might, well Shav,e felt ae a little dad :New Kitcheoer Gathered' an Army Of, • . . , on the '1dt ' side, a little bellied the ethe chicken se a. to completely empty ' k , . I ireo. as he_faced ;Inn 4 oties. Ile' 'was, .of a i..' .., ,000,70,0eeFefly4' . ., .,,,n.giowo..-ed; -.N1:1°, : 3r, ' 1/A: 7/4E1: ''' - -. ''.•-..-.'-' ...7„:74,-..„•%/7„,,," ,e ei; order -to oPerate 'properly' the i Side the breast, then, breast doWn-. England; Prat ce, and Russia.. pos.: preyiously; What is (Idlioenjle lir. IllthInst-hl Peaceful, drisPi)4i•ti°-11 q: Chren.-- 21. 9): "AsSerting . that • Lord Xitehener - , • 4,_______,e____' ' "' : „ .., ,.,,, , - • , i The ordinary difficulties of lus king . ' y -(Fig. t). "' ' " :'. . ithe ittestinee, place its legs. alOng - . — . either .iii a; ward, force theh chicken down into the sess about six times as many sub- , You nmeulate a person with the pro: t eship, wer.e augmented by tag warting raised it.LBritish army • of 4,060 000 ; , . .. • ; - bird should be hung - spreader, or hy a tor,' to -which a!, --,angle- of the ,s aping beard.- , ,,. en... ar_iirs as .Gerrnany, ' . . • duets of dead culture (they . 2re ncit'..pd envi°us !?.1.th,..e.r- 4.r.1.4 .:t14%!, fol- anybodyLootside 'Government eirclesj *- --"' ' --- •:: ' .. .. . men without the the feet being loiowi; .04 --- -N.0 .4.,iklituiurittice.Solaillere.,-,..-:;--, ` ' " ' '' '''''" ' --"'' - •. • --''' - ---- - . -, , -_, „_ .. .-,,-,,',.. _ _ , ceed in body as ,if the individua . , .. - ,- - • .. ,living) nnd the „-ealne eopditionsfproi,_ swTnoreg.o. out or cont• e lit.,....,.... That_is. : vrisituid, ,j,.. ner.bert, ,ziaokworo, tois d.oree.tie-4-ilvitexuarii-i-t'e 6itiny_edverrt'ykimig49._18sibizieriniaC-; , _. _,.. .,_ ;.., .„.... Eriglis'll journalist tells how this was • in sweat a there is a _.. ' ...WI,: '.„, _ . , .,„ .. bad a spontaneous a.ttatk of typhoid tie live,. what to do lie the ordinary • .... itgbetir t , ,...._ ,, . -., ___a , ..„.-.. _ _4_, , -„-----,-,----,,-_,_.- -certinit batiie-nitigs. ns, welt,. ,..no ... the gra . , a= .„,,en_th..6 latritis h. searetari f Pi -PO atter ---ef --,120001)IY.,-- trer•-• -.1-1011.1aY ' ' ''' -°--- tiiiiiVi. er'of it -dint -Claes, ib 500'. these • " '• • • • , , . •-•.d '-'' - /1 '' - ' - - . ----;---'- t?.4t,}11c:Ort. --;arout:ct‘loldt:in.Avuti,,,,tld-aleasn.,,..4:1t:enipt.- oe*-trentrrinai-elnioefin:e*--theTh_ Tsrals Peirtei7 (ware .aSta•te.. ..41917.7.,arto'firthet Iniee•ped'th.e.11.dea .staetiusntieenavillaba•v:-; eertintaeto4kixtf,13'0•Iirtilccntthsi: '' \., ,' . - '.......-....... . ...,,,,.., „„,....„. .; lc-- .t.; i-•• ......t.N.„.54-...,,„... ,..,....,-.. r: ‘1.1 t'•'•;ig. " «,. 4,:, A .....„,t'Zi,%`:•.s. .. , nonce. Can •SaYri Pe Iry , ' at 14: MA, 27. 17; Dent: 23. 6; , 410e1L- - en,eZeah:** •.i.• e_artiee ,' it ,, . •••••.•• ,-", ,est, , • t'..:',it - -tit -human mugs arid 0 ' •-- - .., •t. •.,,,. . , :' A • ........t •I: ' ... A - . • . ... 3 .• ?:4.101.4 •, wl t the, name 14. 11. ' linnasIvasn, lei:eennaett!.1ihocul•atedt ex'Tphraestsicaonnif:tom•hhetennnimnbearecii: that ik-would a *aye strategic • ‘35 '42W441{e"-Y4T11"--;""I'ld71,Pliotair oneo:tlimight to rid the -City' •Crime ;.`tteir0110 for ton ninntha. and one 4 one might have immunity for ten _ meta men, aMt then-pr:esSLagent--•-the• by the-seere,nna-ifter forming ue thecl;aldeal necurneY of reaction. For, cil co8. unted for muititude_74.. hypeflC rwh..., vibiboallefvatte :01104 the enemy to knew by means of; vigilance eof onimittee, ” • lan- guages..--"As ...the sande • of the sea,', Agam bould be to eall for a million victs \ and thugs enrolled themselves• • • Rather the The. result ..e/ris disastrous. Ex -con- • ._:_,«•••••««•«««••••••«,«..•• -A".••••—• • 't••• •••••••,,.. •ease vt .04 dress ultrys, attrachildr packed. „ • • . • .." . world an or h. f0eTeu1047.`-.Waa.:"gbiu,}4Pg of "Aiiiiurr.s .-at..test The Reftleli'VnTilite":.is'i4J-sholit' "dratted eleePtienal powirs by rrolnise to Abram (Gen. 13;4.1:iiii. iothau;Aerieuts •the-lact-tha •orgenieation efferC-d: Pick; for„niit.Mere-thana -few moritha-;One "h men O ,gevernor, they---ufixed"' the pollee, • . 'Cloilottan.seaoriscItelTiiriliiteoilP.fleu:et; it.111.":" A inieratanding-hear0-1-"thatni%/01000, had no twe ouch to defend and then. began a 'eareiltal eritnet • the • : ,slhsts"'essible-in-11;*--*huii 44eetinn• •;rv-21:9, sdont „add knoWledg0 (2• chron,, The ememe worked (t4 admire-. -Rich. merchants Were shot; in. 'broad' ' ' • 10),„ The Hebzcw r 4 literally '.`„e‘ - - , •dayligle•on, tht. liretense, that the - •▪ .- ICaring,:liini*Patienle heae7. -fs • eTlw tempi& of silence was con- er --lieereenteifee. -,-eseee tic e on etriWiclititiric-Iines. The "house inspectton and, penal con. , • „ heart. • , ...ile.*Veihei•tie.'.'441,0111,0\er.elnisetne'gegtittwayedlt4'.gi To J''edge.:7,••-•ini** pne et • tnetthat any, indezeretion veold Mean Wbole4ali • newspaper editors-, were • first warned ffscation," burglary was ;carried ori, •• ,httoes,. got year ace:irintgt..tooehtitiolocnirefolouwrittitfs iloct)thtlsvriusentiittru,nleiero,sv:trt.rtirestedarriteot i • They wo.re • * • fleet§ Of entote614Y • State uniVcrsity's suMMer laberatati!iFie Mad° k'ng bve•-•111.-"' of ing rettirna sent out •by tr.he •Wfixt :i.conattsitiei)c,Cdr.cd;ar4. fRoorieriat stiterioninsitrt5l4win. t;g1tiJouhsot..1,,cti tofitalitiscyrilepuito:/a, aititied,trXuccudnoplitoyn• .01.4flid:itiatililyfjefporetibiddetilloto:census..,takin • A Japanese Coid Wagon. ' it Aw..0.0uoialbteronenkinise latit.tnytTodscorsn..(iiner.,,lianpztaiit-: ,*'--' . :, ' -: • , 1 , ..:eri'Veaoe tYnseareds.nap'Intitlit4e'l)ir.eeatteiert-ttelne'clt war his tIn.? '7-06'..,493'n% ',.Triprirwit :trol?psIle' to '11"rmoniteel:ittrnrotirliinitarlitic rotTeW'• Ploweil Kingdom. Nerds' Monk] "Pa . . _ • • .,, , , _,Ighiabonreartso,ry,atnobg 'the ":StOderits .,a -the • ilaY the' 4*or fOr. ruler' of the te'W0-• eOtrtsol.•-a owere taken to miSiead the adulissum t� See it, *51!' thirillt6i °MI* . towed at the'idea: that 4 .la niso a magistrate -Who innst pride_spiea, 06 .regitont.4 ur&e tit an -cod hasaled only by 1114., ' Tito oorit, ••"'' - , .!-. ,..• ! ibo geldierg of thelowlaiid, As to mere bug could adVlse m -advance Of aS ,StitiOe. over ihn 0147.t., i In the 'Yew* treriported - fthm• •SontliamptOn, to, is pot in baskets that held-sbout fc,vti. '• ,,-•:. • . .,...., . • . ._ find toW theW, Men nre te•..ue 'arpeu„,,, thst of /toty is the .54e4 irt the vtorld.'k indulged in alt thq. 043trise- (4 000'0 .1...Ps.1-.1" ug -'-'6°.,,,t.°41,' Ctee.---ed,:. 2' 11%. Mire ehiPPO Own t'vriat Were really -..f ' lricAt,VS (ILDIEllS,A'.. I 1 rituited IteVet hee,e' been - nrehayelede, ill& --etioArsl, aeparie• 4140 , „said -tli4 warkere; , and Merriment', tiat einietlY 'ish Ininut :the,' Pr;Uee' :atm Page. :01. ere TioUlogno or. ifavrq. Instead: they tylciiitufe gas,sicaentds tistro'cliAriiedleloini:/:4twdeilypeof ' ':-., • .,,,,,,, Alpine mat speckini Trained for ,.,,whn, exetapt for valiwns„. IC 0' , Begid'og tbegt weirioe corp-, there '-ho gravely 40.01F . their 'beads 110- IR 10, 2.2; 1 milil,•,11•4 4uf• 'A ,0/114 4/41' 014,44the-War . and 'inconvenient ed WitgOn, und two 'mon Wirji*Ivrle);; • '• ' , - . vizolk , . LC' c. servitetjare tO.'F,Le 'e--`-*-A0t.:•!•i,"" ,,or,alm fetneee Caratiiitorf or nation-, they contended to the reninitY. The i2-:•4 .ete4. • - ' ", '''- _ _ tpoitag PrisW, Avointiouth,.Cariliik round theiV shouldeeS Pell the wagon' . . . . el-ot M 111..._ 4,7 .1 nitini„..„.t. 2r. ,,..ffrt,.e. ,,,,t,,...,rerolwe, v,l'ie atv remitted frein thtl- wine. of the Oa locust Averzt, tgavuod , Great people'.:40•1;evae .8 the term $teangea end Steereee, for example-- : to the house of OW rich ,person wile , Italyhan: sortie. kalke most oiZtiettw.,„. vliner 1,,e;$apri4VAA: "AAP ''2446444‘' A"A AA''''' AY .. 42144iY Citt:91 tI. :11 . aoally Warn to it', 'milli' t ffill.,'" taboratory, etudentn "great people" roe- ris ift4 0 • a rent Oriargei toi Proath po-ito an fa frem the. firing i o.n afford 0 hue' cola. Then they * 4' ' and roost-piduif aqua ,atlAtiP fr, The '',0I great me7Ants4 '•11=1.1.0 .011'94 $414 ,ir71...DrAtia4lonal ..diticers ' titer', thi9.:year, their .initrot nrollp+1 1)7 it,IWO4Ler4. 11,Fer, '"gi'er Alenn.31„i.t.-1 lifte' as St.44ale,..1iret,t,..an1 evt-fri I3or-1 carry the coal in, .ilturip'`.it, out of the ivied . • nev are divided into_fezir...; se,.„%n ,rga• tke rmi OA thaIr. Pittalre-r,'-; root irolte efriviee,. ;.int, tOrP5 ..1.9i kXperietleee: 41TdItOd the eetnang 'Of eras,' 7nenvV uPon int 1501;., "ineldeat.!x,. en Po- tver,,t, • to..ta anti ,t,for.. baskets, arid; carefully cariy lied; . rlin. cialseg; the rerznglieritCtho Alidniiltio cestimit with torPouvalg4-1v4PtIT- eciodited nu kinoiit ettool of non -1; the first .1915 Toeioi.. he lai5 le' hadOn• lot rulmg the PenPit would •he teliltO on ,tho440it&rranean,,, tbs.;kt,ti.,, -• , : , . ,- . : tenfly the Moo of the third. categoq':, ltatian'tatilsc4e • , tke earablnie-iti, rind th0 6,,lariliv, R'P--..dtlar is ot, fgattve of pzit1n1t ".'•r6t.'r ,651.231=14MOkd .t.b1i,c4r5. hi, tfr,? *otiti,`; cwt.,: earned • It vo ,,v'ttrtedif ntad •ex, &cat, or ubovyp upon OK tin's.. ' .•-• ti•Tre.i.-,p'' trainq 4m.,re. . ik,i'ariably • •nw n011 WM White., elOth OVet• ; ' . - ,, Itt trair,,iog La ars-draintre9. am *reined. On 1q wingf the letter, "P'," - , j.0„..'Tive speech pieltisol the T4ril- 1-401,7eig gt • xfiptt t,,,ak• &aim 4)005, ihrh, teak to ii,oep the deot ont a 'teeth " eniivi to tho ;colors-, 13.0'1' :Ito Alpha •aro Apoemlly tranri0 .to -. ,.,,t. 11,6 ,..? „, . ,, , ooncibla for i',.1''ee*,' 'Ms; ele447 :..edtko'n,rh,o, dIV,Tijo It 1,70,(.' the, Volt- Ilk: tngfire. eleirmre .t.7.er,,e, changed tlitir itsir end to protect their 11 1441 -'' Intall3 ttaat 14x• Alpine :trcopn t.f the , inAtMeutad , ' ttZ1412a ttil .• tOftlZra :, , ' : .,....,z,,.,,_,J.•.# _:„ ,,,_. . ,.. :. nt4tliviett;4' • ' , ' . , eirtg6(0.-.3iteneptiorit.;Mtget;i611:r'n4P;ittoffir:4 IontUsfIlsttallITtir" '46ndivlbei:ortsg,::er16'4;D:t1.7 •.' ''ct5, a41, 8. , ,i„„._ ' . ...• .. ; . 1 c . in , .,,_ , _ ':-..-,--,,,-'1_,.)--- 4 ;1,--4: .. 7,te,;05 • ; .0 ,.,..11,...._11.1ne.....011,.0r,41293 _,"'„,..„,!1*,40, a. 1 ..,,•tio. corp.:141,-6f thii,.ii4.);51'..' i'Mr,i; i'L,f2eiveil The coolien•svhe 'palid the le.t.id de:,,sset Vit'Y ' - •=t- 'It' m Indy ' . • " '' ' . • 051100, fle,...51.tt'Ox•f"eiePorito „ „ :,. „ . itNerri twerify tnile3 !or. co, and • the., dere the rint 'pe.ttC:7:7,03; 1.1:,,,,,it ,'„fivitz,..;111gponiiit:ieg;., jgze.ttorfurairt5;,tozo-0,-.,,33,%it 0 ,L:i.-..:72„.:,;%-,,,,c.r;.be,no.vtt)Teletki.,_,Bt.filotplt;14t,4,int.;7;r4n94 ii4,,-;jrgotegt oitt:nRac: xlre4;131, ,....; 1K,Tt 1-11,14i1432,1e'ltei* I.F.,•11,1:‘,/,re!e, a? 1;c10: ,,ti,vrgz,,,I..gliAls:, PieY Ne4r,,y:otl,i,., .,;..•. . .. 111. ••, . x•malv.r•Ite.401.111111111111111111,' 00040.010"1/$10041.•.' • • r• • ibiliamagi•a•ftsmaimm •