HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-07-15, Page 4• • •••• • • • -,•••••• :GERMANY LESS 010. 2.1b. andSealed Cartons. IQ, 20,50 and 100.113. Cloth Bags. "Canada's favorite Sufar for three Generations" CANADA SUGAR Cete =Mkt * MONTREAle ='"1"""rt•"te 1r •"•"."" 1- „ • have rita, Word of 'reproach, but I .can ” • . ' 11- not' live now that have your love io .longer. Good-bye, and God ble” s you .have the letter which was, • saved' trete -the tire --the letter ARS ea,."1'0.0 know -t� give me Conrage., .1 -obeli read it liefor,e the dark waters . - close' above. my heaCIS foreseers 'Be • happy, with her, and trysto forgive , •• • "'Yens. l''oet oman Against WOman Or A Terdbio ACC1154ttoii., • _ CHAPTER ' The walls of .the Dunsaven Menden • had fallen. Nothing remained, by. which the , mysterous crime -could be traced, and as Doctor Pakten looked •mly. • Open the huge pile of st,ill"rentd Obit "When you first „mentioned going, it seemed to me the wisest thing that could have happened; but now; / don't quitcknow, You accuse. your* self of • cowardice, but I am perfectly aware that itetherele anything to be done, there is no braver man, than ou I knew at" you would put • . .. t'unts, his live drew rigt.,41y. _ •Lif‘ in the background atonally for "Now, how 4are we te.tascover who . Placed the mysterious powder upon tthe sake of those sou love, if they t• that landing, and for whom the really need you. I refer now not 'charge was intended?" he questioned, alone to Miss VsIworth, but to Ethel •„trientstIlY "Wee it for Lloyd or and LloydSes well,” • Ails* ItAvvorthl I am inclined to - :11 confesa I dont intleraatul you." • believer IV was intended for the latter, 4And I May as well anineinee the and it my theories are correct, then fact neW as later that I don't in the surely it moat have been placed there leas understand it myself, but there hys:- I dare not even titter the sus- Is a the present an Impenetrable melon to myself, and yet -and yes nerstery" hanging over this family.. It y the Lisa of his night, but a discharge was not the fire, whie, Soused Lloyd O f powder. upon the landing. ef the stairs. Now; whet ,blaced that pow:. 4er there, and why!? Lloyd -Waa tiSt ,of the houitt at the tinte of the fire, ecdatertiaaenno.ttlerthree ecmhbavegreoft4--ittlnanitt- and missed its aim. The Verso w o ti plaod tli.e. powder there fire the house. The walls have telleil. reret whet else is there to believe. Who would ,ever have dreamed of a ten - nation like this coming into the Dun - raven .household wonder if t dare trust Leslie? Trust him with whets!. Could I tell Idin of the foul suspicions founded on the utterances of a hys- terical girt alone! Pouf, Paxton', you are growing a greater fool than a sills; sentimental school -girl. But hew the denee dame that powder on the landing- of the stairs? That is neither silly nor .sentimentak And then the tableau that I satr. What ,of that? Should I' have thought it singular but for the words Miss Val- • worth • had 'spoken? Heigh-ho! I wish they had got the fire out sooner, and there had been 'seine means left of discovering the bottom Of all DO you think that murder Was in - this 1" • •tended ? • "Gone!" gasped. DSfiraVeri, •4'130,11 genet" 'returned the 'doctor, hoarsely. •"The ane to death, the other -to-- Only God known wherer CHAPTER _ BOVVed with grief, ..Ailsa 'left Lloyd Ogden's room, feeling guilty' and ashamed •that she was not more worthy .of an lionest man's mighty leve, regretting with all her soul that that Mad. first rove stood between her and that which she would have sactie fleed her life to give to th s man who liad given So' nauch for her, yet she had no More power of compelling it than she could have controlled the . ocean's tide. . . .. She entered her, own room, and sat down before the window, her arms stretched out, herhands between lier knees, her eyes fixed despairingly Upon the cold ' ay of the sky It was still early, perhaps seven o'clock. A few flakes of Snow •Were swirling 'through the air with rapid gyratiOli; - _ - The fire had gone out and the wind was -soughing fiercely about the build - Ing, yet' she was unconscious of cold. She was etrbting to 'reason out the situation in which she found herself placed, yet was utterly unable to think connectedlyt !-` She was aroused at laet-by it gentle tap upon the door, and lifting her hand with a helpless motion, she push- ed the hair back- from her brove be- fore replyin. . "Conie in!", The door was opened by one of the bell -boys of the hotel. - "Some one called to see you, Miss Valworth-a boy." ' "A boy to see Me?" she returned, sonie -wonder forcing itself into the tone. "'Who is it?" . -,,, , , "Hie name But before, •the _sentence could be completed, the boy had forced hieway beyond the servant„and had entered the room. The servant retired at once. The 'boy- stood there 'turning his hat in his hand iti an embarassed way, leoking iit tlie girl before him. Then slowly Ailsa rose. "Why, joer she exclaimed, "I have is not a traceleft by which the frith- inal can be , iscovered. Whet -do you understand pro the situation?" Duntatten had sunk back ip his shalt, his face grown pale4 his jaw ,slightly dropped "Go mil" he. exclaimed, hoarsely. "I am not capable of connected thoughts. Ile turned about end Walked Slowly "That is What I can not quite deeide ing deetily, kat was .no' nearer the, LleY did not tall there with his • olittien of hiSreystery when he ar- burden, and so perish the flainest ' - rived -there than he 'been, -when „ I have not the faintest idea, however, ' leaving that morning. As he entered 'Abet the charge was intended for • the -roT Where he had lefe‘. Lloyd he hint." ° • in the direction of the hotel, consider- hi nI own mind. The wonder is that • • . • - found lintaven andiduri _theres___ •• shudder as he glanced into the count- enancesof the girl, but s wa as serenely calm as a summer day. There was bsolutel not a' ruffle upon 'her He. eisuld„ not prevent light "Who then?" , -"That' calla not answer." -- "But you "Do aoL ,„, "You Mean Ansa?" , , "Who else?" . . d t ked her- was a ,plot to murder her?" from you." ZleiTahlr alineo°sno om the old life • • "Good e'raelouel You believe there ' "An' te-I hardly knowed you, itfiss te -*You? "}low is lie?" the, oc or as „ 0 might no riedlY of Dunraven, order that he "Mind you, thts is only n, t be forced •ta look at Mu- vvithout the slightest. foundation ex- Ansa, in all this finery. 1V1y1 But • . ' cent very One-sided reasoning, and ,Y011 I rich, ain't We 'Slightly feverish, I should say," no proof back of that. I went there often Wondered what took You -away, answered tDunraven, wearily. "When to make some investigation, u , as I mother n me, but eckin, e you have seen him, I -should like to tell You, the walls have fallen.'P if -we could feather, our nests like talk witlt"Yen moments Doctor. "But 'who -who--?" this. "What a pretty drees•thitt is! I you -come to my resent?* there you ere going further reckin there ain't note o' the svrells ' "Yes I have, engaged a profession- thee I can answer even to: you," re- that kin take the shine 'rotten yott." I al nurse,. She will be here in half turned •the doctor, reading the_ques- Ailsa looked down at her gown and an hour. the meantime, I shell tion he would have put in the 'blood- -smiled -wistfully, remembering how give him something to , make' him shot eyes. Miss Valworth r m little she had considered it. It was • elven. Muriel, YOU Will Wait here un- bers to have heard' the -explosion as only the one she had fallen asleep in , til I return?" p they turned the stairs. She told me the night of the fire. How little grati- . forted hintseit to tine and leek that 'ouch' last ,night When' gum_ tude' she had had, and how much ...she 510/1 aPen her face Which he cotil not should she have slept through a con- had brought So Much of sorrow and , understand. She nierely bowed, and -fusion which aroused the test oe the afflietien at her., - There wsts a curious exsres- Moned her to see Lloyd. But by °Wed those peopleinto whose life she ••• . .The Loss or the Mareatic. OVAL. MAKES PERFECT BREAD UTSTILL DETERMINED TO cs.444044=-44-....4 sss aasu a .4 lar..CAS fa PROSECUTE THE WARt . • Wye from the higher clasees of th schools are beini trained voluntarily', towns there are more soldiers then in time of peace. In a small residend tial town in the south, the peace gard, risen of 1,509 had been increased to' 6,000'i and I noticed a similar propors1 • tion other places. The 14andaturnit has not yet been called upon for ani • military service proper. The military resources Of Germany . are still enormous. The conadenc4 of the people IS not, however, based ' upon any expectation Of great and tle; cisive victories, such as Were hoPed, for at the beginning a the Wart • - the %orifices: • Boys From Higher Claisea of Schools Are Trifining to Enter ' • the Eights '• In the 'fellewints ,articie, -en expert- . wed American Heorsespornlent gives ! general, impse.ssion of .tho., 'coil 1. 9 fl Of 'Germany to -day. Be "netes ' change from the ov'erbealing spirit • PrOSSiani.S , Whieh fosmerly -pres veiled among officiabe. and the tinny,. . • and, cenibined With - Changes I Universal deterMinatien to Pro.S.Pcnta' the war, to successful heave.ver • long, the struggle and .liowewer- great • all over the country. In the garde° At the Venter station our' pass- ports- Were ` clesely scrutinized,' and our belongings thoroughly examined. We ourselves Were.' searched and subjected to a- -series of oral eiminina- tons various - 'officiala,* In the CrOW4 weredeteetives waiting to note the slightest variatienain,,the replies given to different auestIoners. • We knew that these detectives had trav- eled with us and -would .mix with us jn the train on our sway into Germany, :AO' only striking feature ot. •thie WhiC) WaS* ;CartiPCI out. 'new; examination was joviality with' spirit seemed .to heve come over the, erstwhile gruff and rough 'frontier officials, The men exerahled ae were all tandstui,ra soldiers frOM some -South German district-elderlY inent big -bearded, wearing strange old-time uniforms„ and armed with Old -pattern rifles. -They-liehaved-as. , though it gave them pleaSlAre to Paso, • ' . es into the Fatherland when once- the -TO tiretifre' -*OS .fae-414 DIO:Patdanellea-thre7,--inWtes*,*after-tne-hat- •otious-stask-linposed by ,superior -OW ileship was -struck by a torPedo.s. A. French Triter describes the scene: :: tinnity-114 been satiStectorily per!, "She keeled over in an alarming fashion till she had a list of about 45 termed, degrees to port. Everything on deck fell or 'slid with it tremendous din; Said to one official; "t and'whatever was not attached was thrown into *the sea... But there was suppose there will be no, further dif- not a single instant of Pante. rout minutes after the explosion the Majes-, ' acuities -in the way of travel, and tic turned completely- .over and went down. It was a terrible samnent, but that all the stories told abroad about it was' also- sublime, when six hundred inen„ facing death; mute and lack, of feed and other. diffienities in strong, were thrown into the sea, covered and caught in the torpedo bete.' Garniany inoonaliinert' "Ach which ensnared- theM like an immerise.caet-net among the gigantic eddies was!" enswered with a broad and the profoondsobe of their dear Annihilated shin.' I shall never forget "Wo have lets of food, the that infernal instant,- And Yet this .vision only- lasted. the -space a trains run let, the minute, life goes On flash of lightning, as we, too; Ictoked death in, the face, and ,In our 'shies :as usual, and we welecnne strangers boats we took pert in the finest -rescue that the palette of an artist ever traveling on business, and even. tour- " i t Dorn believe the enemy's' lies." . a s, _ .811e. Iiited, her eyes -again:to -thos to h patient, he doc- household? e u - after attending is tShe mildly ngii tor followed--- Duet -mien- from the larly light sleeper.", - - of the boy whom she had known in room- But to toop of the questions eeuld daYs.gohe bY:, whose Mother had been The Younger man threw 'himself 1)unraven And en answer,. He • sat theon whom she could -call into a 'chair, then lifted, Mg face to there tile, see stunned" looking nen , an e o se e a ere that of the 'physician; cold and graY, straight tit the doctor stupidly, and we,Tatmea•ragfrlaaidtheent'haVe considered the as granite. • did:noe even. move when Psosto an as "yen call'them, very little, are things in this world width a man "Doctor," he said, huskily, ere rm).4u4ril am' going to send for mw. s soo.s.and the dress have on is only one savtel from the fire last night. I'm must, tell to some•one, and natur-, worth and I ' lb- , • ;al ak ined.esd adviser the re.,4erhere may: -betly'eosint teslIwisieel • shee''''siiiesli afrai. d you will be cold. /it you will ring that 'bell over there, I will order illnessee. I co s y sn es is canticle of all his woee as Well as 'would I ' am t got e, ...... something, but wus - 'nice and plenty,*of sugar. , pro in damp rth mutton •suet around the edges of the ' 7 'OM - remember under examioatien that * tim bfise Anse.. I made at cherry juice -little lemon To 'e,ricler boots and sheet water- , ' , rub a little n.fes sliouti not tell otherwise escape her. Will a fire.'.` . SE4SONABLE DISHES. I k I , .., , 16 S F if V' ,1 INTS. • Fried Cod V gteaks.-Clean. steak's, • ' This 'first. experience of Germany was to .Someextent typical of. the situation as I. saw it during the first" weeks of my visit. The changed atti- tude of officials, both military an civilian, was most marked. • It was - particularly noticeable among - the • -. office.rs. The overbearing "Prussian spirit seemed to have disappeared. Of-, sr a t salt and pep er. P h P DP in-granulated:cornmeal. Try out slices of fat pork in frying pan. Remove scrape and saute teaks. Serve '9n a hot plattert Hamburg • Steaks -Chep fine one Pouhd or-Mor'of lean; raw beef. Sea: son well with silt and Penna... Add a little onion juice. Shape into cakes. Put in a well greased pan. Brown first on prze side and ,then, oil the other. " Succotash. -Take hot boiled fresh corn, eut front cfob, or canned corn as you like. Ad equal quantity of hot boiled shelled beans. Season well with butter and salt. Reheat before serving. , Boned To _gees Wipe and cat in m halves lengthwise. Cut o thin slice from the 'rounding part of each half. Sprinkle well with salt and 'Penner. Dip in crumbs eggs, and crumbs again. Place in 'a well buttered broil- er and broil for eight minutes. Baked Pears. -Peel and cet the pears in halves and pack as tightly as. you can in an earthenjar'or casse- role.: Put in enough sugar to sweet- en_accerding_t_e_taete. Adellielf_ a teacupful of water for each pound of pears, a- few cloves and two or three bits oflemonrind. over the dish carefully and bake in a cool oven for .five or six hours. Serve with whip- ped cream. • Cherry Salad. -Wash two cupfuls large- cherries. •-• Take out:the stones and, fill -the holes with chopped nue meats. tLay the cherries on White' 4ettuee leavee. Put over it a dressing Save the rinds of" bacon to hasten a sioNsr fire. ' • • floss of a tanks behaved like ordin- ary beings.' They mixed with their men in an easygoing, friendly way, which . would formerly have. been thought highly detrimental to • „ London Statue Gift Of Kaiser. ' It not generally known that the' ' • stato of Icing 'which stantlai outside Kensington Palace, 14onduzii was presented to England by the Kaiser. • It bears the' following, ins scriptiont•('Williani of Orange, King of Great Britain. and 1089-1102. Presented by William IL,' " German Emper,or, and King of Prussia, to King EdwatsrVII,,. for the Bit-. ' ish -nation, 10012' "- • „ A' very short time. ago the Kaiser, prgiented. colossal statue , Nov; • '• way, this is a Tattle of Frithjofsf the great Norse . hero, who. Is the s subject Of An Icelandic saga assigned to the fourteenth century, and relat- ing his adventures. It is designed to, commemorate the Kaiser's 25t1 Sun. The figure 0-4 mythical hero • eruise to the, Land of the Midnight �f is forty -feet- high -about ten feet! shorter than the Kaiser thinks him,' self -and stands- on a pedestal thirty feetshigh4-- A dozen men lunched- in - the chest cavity. of this colossal statue whilst it was in, course of erectien. • ) -• ' ' • Untruthful John. "Why, my 'dear," • exclainted , the) geed friend On finding Mss. Nevywed., in floods Of teate, "what is the inat-}, • The young wife wiped her eyes and: tried to compose herself and be. ine', bands, "you know John is away for a ' "Yee,- dear,'" helPed-the -lady 'frierals - • - "Well, he writes to me', regularly/ and in his -his last letter he tells me' . he gets -my photo out and kisses it - every day." r "But that le -nothing for you to cry' abont," exclaimed this. good friend,. "Yes it is," cried Mrs. Newwed, bursting into tears afresh', "be -be- cause I took my picture out-- of his ha -bag before he started jeetuet for a jo-toke and put exie... or mother's) - in its place." • " When alluding to this change in . . , °lavers tion with Germans I was al- •. A bath of soda water is as refresh- t , a. -Eng -in-the:Wtnter- asinthe ,...sommer_....waysLteid that the German army is ' Grearn-Will not. whip nideas it IS...1.10w%astilrenetrililelf.:leh'sa'lii;invra*Letraheliwavaore; _t!aec/iteeasant.06iihiooteir.wiotldi!.lasnicdinlvtieredy:rneol4d1c,„ ,.tt .titatia,..e., other n ade seleineYnts." "The or milk and waterekean.vetll_rein_tt. , Creek „regiment . A piece of sub!)e.x., Inti.7„ be e,4t more have been badly -mauled again and : again by the enemy. The flower of, . the junker Offiders have Sallen and, be wet ififritth.e scissors ,or knife, use in their place able !nen have been Saesagee. can be tirevrted bursting by rolling them n flour be- promoted" without mnch regard for. . their previeusrank. Even 'privates ' d into the ma eria s - ,wadotertto.with.ierle.epit is busy plans ....,a .. . re a tnCiumocitinitnoelits of Jews jeeews, Besides, . corps of prof_essional of - the dePle- ' great help for a busy. nousewne, as ficeis has automatically given great - they need no ironing, ' , ., er impottanee„to the reserve eiTiceri, , To "prevent the .top "of Ii. cake -be.- ' itcomgrieangs.etdooiapebrorw:v;crorthbeutrnopt,. piece vtithiloita--arrye., noOrtegIntihzeatiMonaln:STtlYe 0..t,N;Thtolllee personnel of ,the army, officers and be.lfatetouvel:Vyouslt!diffhasveee wthhaittetsovfeggsare ?rim 'points Of the front,. the forMatiotia alike, ,has changed. At many . pe e y- co an not -too fresh. ' rf ctl ld d" When - rinsing children's. clothes are eatripcised even Of Ersatz re- -fere frying. , T k inachine 'oil out.- of white said to have------. s o a 0 t ' I dip the spot ' havebeen 'given to -a reuingeribed. The highest altitlide ever reached: by an!airsbilt:i4.710,600 feet'!" 17 " • , • ".• Many parties te•the San Franc1ieo7 .Pair are -taking in Western Canada on - , -Oieewatt haelt tOthe'enerand`Chicago: rpho Saskatchewan Deptirtnient of Agriculture sent its conutilisioner: oat . 4tawinoeng4inlithoaneat'bdtSt:Laok7d,esotvraBYr'et.bil.; rse.c"'wmSt.11,h'''Isttl°01:1 • add a little -alum to the water, as this renders them less liable to catch fire. your -pork -_chop- 4 Pork tenderloins in flour--leforo-frY- ing_ them, and seehow_dellaolts,theY are. Ilabituat numbness. of the hands may,be removed .by rubbmg them for a time in cold water, following with drYGeferideilttuni:adheri tl; ban1*-Au!d when Pressed,- -tightlyt,-- spiaina in :shape tied shows the imprint of • the lines of the skin of the halide he sestet that is -wearing she tint. you remain?" _-me to tell you o " Ye° t te Et liavv r, a by. a 5Imple nod s I el YOU, 13 f 'body awl soul but that some e as a e ; hadbted w e en chocolate poddinz_suse ou * • of the head end ringing private; „,t, time to think uv -yet summoned Mrs. Bunralten*s. ftrilP:r..8;fle ms - pound o unsweetenedchecolate with soles, Rees at US e len . r f Stir- n-the-yolki Only the yellow rind and juice-oef 'fa I -cal) Ws in ab:o one-half pack- lernons should be used., ' The whit ' bitter and k tli tette' whites beaten *ell und stir ,through should he taken not to use must 1-110W. " a his ben, be, He lifted the damn- hair from .4 brow and_ sighed.. Paxton:shad-nett maid; ' • stli his back 'Wilt Yon 'ask /11,sts 'Vexecrarmrtehd ttt,t oe sh4Fae-Aliestarited up it trate d clasped of three egg .1 her bends. She seemed, to realite age gelatin. When cool add the -taken a'eliair, but stood vei resting against the marble of the; cone here at, once?. 1611°akdittno'lls°11712,srl'iomP(114Seastilbre 41(let'l3Ther. maid b' owed and retired' nevewen ssbeitatel-oreitvhehalidadhsapoopeenneA„lairos j30 , ha imaaino;Ip uts_irr-a-'-sort'rs-e#V - S an a s o pith tinder yellow is 't at all, F-tmaking beds eA very hand s like care ulna -71 IvAulu„..d.e4.6,....„..es, _even_ ree-11/.1) vaito-,-"e 4ira-tut wa'rotalmed eagaistoo Isposessteibvi,bla shade paler,. if that i-vs.c.Iscold.,rtwith. ,thistard saufc fl.avoreit 'n e • with va .* 6 ponially-iss-eooker . . t to. ceee--- - • 'Docto' a Nve.ze d. j. .' ,,ft fell Custard Pie -Make "°' qua oe e le- " -°1;lit 18 :eot s'es,'41--t. 'a kerf-t-et 'as. '''all l'In.- ilellM'crisunliiraliwtortrt /33ti4nortetuinralir reSI,Uoe'tletwrilre"aler,fsit night? au* --n --!/`-wa et. , of strained ttitt apple sauce.' Agit*, Leslie, - e -e t0,1- , ' ! rUturile . no 11 ' I APP ' Melt and ,riausaves stades. , Aix% e ,,cput y. • .svitti find / m don't want to skeet you be sec n I stir in one-half cupful butter,. one cup- .- - ' • "HaVe. 1 ' then %advertised, iny. Mad-- .17s- •-. • *i n • • . *4 - .- . ue s eerie Atir. t . " . ' .. , • . . ., .. e. . ., e„. ten r oth. • -:.- • . ' If .-L4s7 , , -41C. t b t k ti: `. Oidellitb,,er.,.1,11S ' - ' ' :r ' ''"'re her, air - 'art" ' 'Ill& -ra .Wais : little Mere than. at1ti drue • on ', 1 'nesg"ta the world"?."-Ite 4.tedsltitterlYtt. -"!"tte.t,('als, '0_t*,, ..,,-nt *.t .,:,. :. F144...-'0 --- ' pato ' OS .4 d 1 d 'fill' it - • fol sugar and tinnartion.. a ne p 0 ii : 0 taus . ,', , • ,!, , • . 1.•• * ' . . , . .- ,' „ , ,• .. . _ -'_. ....g•qo .. .. , , .„ ' - ti-4•vd..teetz--at • stilt': ide- 0-104-4toto- 0.5' left her -roam aicthe '' gisf ' • . • with a pie mixture. Ba e 'in a ni°14".' . . . s , , - ., , / , . . , „ . • , . , - . • ., NbV:10. ,terter:•M.::::01t:t.yegal,rs,,e;:filii, :v.4411. 0,:102le had-gi*storl 110:'s nett.sinee. tett:tea, " ..e.e,re..iwThc,e'doctor says •he*can't, "erate Oven. dee St sor ty for you„. resc ismsr. - .4 iter abeence-alarreed Me, and I was!..!liVeent the daY.• He wants to See t'on . Kidneys and Bacon. -Cut the kid- nutasert covered is eysx'' wit 1.1I'i-14 ,,,,- e r., _ Ilprav7f.1 04 ilbefOre he . dies; and beg ler lorgttettteeyeitii balvest_ lengthwise.. Remove . . . ,,. t-4 !--e ' • • !out mid: dry them. Cut there, cross-' .... ".'n114 at* .v tS+.14.i.s.:Ptier''''..tss--1-ssss. .S.S.-sS7st.-Ssitss,s7„7.s.s-7s:1s •ity04.71nttlis--WSontixt e.isss•-done Y 11.4 - • 'he'!-Woulrt•liat ; !see'eitr a , -enc. y .gsisr, .-Itlie .; - deetergeTwes ,; eehaFle .tiokl ...Me tostell'iret"'74.1114.1Wal-ad:14111 'ill -61-. 14°lflt '• . . " S ,. s'' ts.s, ,,,_0„,,,. dizi.4„,14Y,L,,...,eha.ttged„ote ai.gto.4,t_y". . . • - • eontin4ed ) - ''` , in told Water for tielf an hoer.- 'Take ,on-with.bi0.001•Y.vitot.A,paT, i:r :rt_17sziiiiii ishfe: ,,,'.4". _v•Y ' .. : . ':,' "" '. ' wii,gd iti Oa ,sliees- .., Slice the ha- - ' ghastly ttilleatese ;that Witn-14 'netteelt.t4 Pu - -ura , .shoulder.7'oa , . . ,. .. ugiota.. c9, pool.. ., • , '.. " lidve hethrhettfr for"Iiiit4 tout •tbo toto,c., . T.g#).Ae.:04th' jele•-!1 be "!:"aeift . • ' , . "..";'•.;" on 'thin Made Cut ' each Oka . it - ,t'Iti•ei! • , . . e of .SetePathY utikerrei,"•'.14:0. 'Iffel !"iraze7.4 .iiii,, . 1 l'oPe „ . ' ai'es. ,"4" la steeis ' tret# ' x ". S of the brain and •of thespS .. .P ' f b ii ntsSe eft* a thus and whThei kast4/114.4 trf6.'4ii A elrurxtet., , t: • re ties are *tote frequent and tallSe" skeWer, Alien" a piece of kidney and , to, nnd fintrn.tha rttnn4. ottla.innszy:311end. s,11.catil'Itsi. linvelto ' .. A . 1...10,,illore ..304iils ...hi tiaa., vrotent. wilt, : in thus ' alternate ,them- illitil-' you :116"Ve' ' . fin,adtr fiVikt,..thif tgo, otvok rfes tte:t.."1:. 048'4', .1:*ci,H617.-614, •P,..b.tje-4#,,,,,I111 (Alt:. ba' **, .4titvilt:r2011,01%* ".,ttb, a:Ivo:W.4i ..gl- etoev0:43663- tr: to Dr liVa Pieces a kidney of each on a'" to :..14.t•-• skewer:Imp the .pieces .of. icidneY bite, "You 'ult '111t440..11'10241 '1*'t11.P''.•t:Itti°41" .2444 :dui 14--' .1,1"4 LI°. a /ait 4 :LOS Angeles ' Cal.. melted buttetsbefote tliek are Pot .010 buStliy, °hew •ItePe'SturY ' 4 'la frae.. tr? or" . . . , nt ' , :. - . . oy %. : * -, * , .ittot, 1 .-.01610 to 6t04.,.., r or A latite.. II, .1,4aq,,,,04,00.d, .Ai,utyos. ,i0aiii lit* ,'" "Who, tetittat# ekkerieline'in'AnStria the afte*o. Ilade Oe A, ,Ny•c till 4 ' Ice ' 7 au tot toittaba iltc,tottrol trItda 14- ,r ea' tit 114 HetNitt.,,,.;Itee- US 51 Of "t7h0 Arderleati ittedttel broller-abd heild it over &bright fire, ", . . attop: r.t,,,,iotio:toitit.Wizeeetiiior • wdklieltise, irital which you can elip things to carry. downstairs of• frolit400m -'tte room._ Art 'rtprork this.. will saite Many steps.: , • .... l4"t1 the, liqeid cooking e to boil over. This is Well worth re- membering in Matdrig teirepe or candleS.. When eatitiot... *tend and -ssatelisthetrist anatairtlysss:rsstss Pour boiling water on itikangesand let 'them stand five min.utest This will cause the white • litimg..te come away clean 'with -the shin, so 'that a large quantity oranges can be quic y S ic or 0 • If a feet 'beans, 'either lima or string, have been left over, melte them into a Salad; add a. few cliO/Meti olives, a few capers and some •SPsnith vett .gepper. • ',French dressing is pre- . ' most. I 'pollees to yal fra y *140 Pang :sturb :# tat •aa **fatted. ttt Alsociatiori. These injuries stern:ire turniog 'frequently mita. all sides aye • Sss. • , • 1. &sate that nnything to-A.1415MM' neriOna 01414 'to tlienhort range, at ',cooked. , thekidneys iire , • • •P ' ferti le to Mayelinalse. * itlit tt141:11.:evueirixtrintirAtrif; %Atli a tirtell etlett4t el teliql whieb -meet et tile fighting linS•teen ."ed plate,. ea& skewer on ,n. finger of. '' "Ithitici" is a Hindatitarii word, de - I• it li• * to r nide, ligh I -with pip- . rived from the Persian werd,"khak," 'rot r St". vet ns kers* ond balm taken 0,,,,t4.105e btore, ,tiggrott eapio ork *rta, to the totary triot;ort ant nral ni • t _ _ • dust her, bat Nike ie to lAitc*rteo 32017-, rote Atii4'"°"61' g t4',416 44VLItY644i4if,,44""". to Of the toilet fited from this Vaerrtiara per. • Pat a tiny bit of butter on Tee -"Tung +,3r4', t!"' God' WOUld 'net let ter listen: tan A-Ri-c„,.6:-Alttraerkrs ides rifle; villas trevolVes hbotit thitsty.twO, each. piece, of 'kidney and Set'Ve 4 • , not tetilihiti and. see her like.ktratked '104.4?i6 var d' tote Y tiob wire of another, toktuItting to Itb svtithog'ttho etfrrbieb the wed had etito atio:10. aro toba. . • ' If yon singe te chicken ' . kised,'•etten While X know that igbe to.ter/oolted. it, was oddrested Dtm- Then* "esVoroklaY shiwPsiel A. good „soft ginger' bread tow be it: over.the. alcohol burner of your tea s loves Ora# Tue. I Daitait, 1'4'4'04 tor4 telt e band tkat trenibled* wounds, Of th000 recovering, the mixdo, as followasssItib 2, pounds et kettle Or Chafing dish, you. can do the berlome kern: to* Mg etniqra."(tO 410,tior .gete.,..•it Wm. • tranter-ot,Warty blind.* according to , tugari browned i lour pint4 of t isk thorougliy and have no- oat. ,01% n • • • ' rerimilt Is4"tt, '011, to promise That • vo-oteal0a:DY' ot‘tireireri 0110titi •Vd,tt Win be near my tin1.4tos ti.t•td rend4,• u • , Vtbel tdi N'ever desert ker. ' Dtts Mills, is oppollIng large, and , flouts then rub 1 poOrkt of hottest/leaf the Atm o t o ow . . egg', odd thent.to the mixture,. add • . • -- t4blespoieaftil .of., ginger, orio pint SOoi, should. novo*. allowed to, , of milk, "'fent. tda40011f1110 'of rot- strcha overnight Withoilt washing. If Vrater;., turn into n 4iallow pan and it is not poisible to do the dishes, take bake hi tiOnletate OVen '86 to ,81; tithe •to wash the silver in warm nintlite0; igatteri VIP6 it dry and pot away. need special provision on the part 'of Entopstri entintries due the wars xtep this .soisaroms stsses Eton .'" .404, volltd. $1044 irigVe . , • ssessidsg. her, ties,t 1bn gon-stco, lekte moment titnt- I would kayo, tver • have your pronditew , efted betWevut yot and 'happiness? • "Sit- dew14. Leati4 utcd *alt try only regret la tiet you did rot tell 'wn_elinto forty, mites, of shelves, in ufelfr eirelaDratd Pgatinis :37012-' did tot trust Me. the orit164 3futextrutibtfalfr • „ r • • .• • •. a • • A • . 40 • 40...L j0104 '1•7* • • serves. - • - "Thus," a German friend explained to me, "We have now a 'Class Of. offi- cers c. e '11:74111:0f-Wlukt less than -a 'Year -age, WeraTharristers,•teach&S, engineers,' and men Of business, and the soldiers are of the Same 'coml. itY., The military machine has ac- quired a somewhat different charac- ter.. It is now the people who. are -at. War; men taken from their families ata an kinds of "eiitileeennatienS, not 'Merely- young soldiers-Withiter strong hinny or civil ties, coinnianded . by ex - elusive 'Wats" , - professionalLI leaders r re.. a.rt rm Yet of-thesinoinentshavi-subdisedstketone 'of Germany; but thee. have als0.7as least. up to the ,present -had .the feet' of increasing the Internal treng.tkrtlgrsitngrenWS-of. faith in the Military eneWer Of the country. Those' Who have, had no, ex- perience of compulsory Cam, not _perhaps -understand -thameanin of , . this • change. Yet the significance of the •change 'PutttillifieneNCOrr*CiSstipotitsitt9o° grim determination to continue the 'strug- gle to any length,* to endure any sacrifices until the eed,,,Peepleeten tor'°peatete'.tertetely, especially-7in business circles and Among the work- ing classes; but lid one believes that .peace . COM° soon, and there is no oucatioi of going beat until -in a phrase which I heard again and again as e sort of watchword-uthe safety of the Empire has been secured and the Gasmen nation has vindieated its tightfal position in the world." The effort to make the :country self-supporting 'vas never more ins tense or extensive than it now is; in the rural districts) now swept dear of Men of military age, the women young and old, have taken ' their places, and are helped by old 'inert and •hoYs. Most orthe horses have' been „tequisitiosied, And nreplaced Okert and tows Similarly'the ply, of soldiers.' remains abundant; This year's ClaSS of recruits, whish • would, in the OrdifitirY course, have „teen enrolled, next govember, has t Just been called out. I saw miniher,3 1,of Mem followed to the railway stri, tions by theirpare*. raid other secs, tivess Marching to the music of schoolboy bands , and departing With toga , rind apparent- glralrieoa. "rho alil-Makers • Thic:Ain. t. • , ••••••:... . No matter• hoot fresh your, • ' "-• • • harries,nortiow thoroughly the • "' tem is.coeked. norhow. vitae, • • • ,thejars 'arose's:eget-via eras ' absollately sure to Spell • .sugar used eontains organtess„ sesiientsiniputittesd*/4„.s."`SS ' • Home Jam trakera shoulc. profit by the .experience of,. , °thorn and inolattirt. •"Supplied GrOu.statid $tior always, " arid ,•.• • for Triany years, ,slyett . Satisfaction. ,• It teeth 614r:960.00r tettt: • pato and is refined exalts . : • *Welk from tans angers,- • , . . • nog tettneir seated tatkares in. • , ' .1 . AVM tidatakes and assurestsoltri,, . ' • "" cleardfrieta indeOttedtweleida,41 *lid 5, lb. tattoos: 10,20, 15 at • ' 1001b, tits, old totte Waits dittos'. . • elites drinatO fine, *Walden, ttedittea. . . • oiuktir totid dee& aft Op:* oreekt. itialtIliti041160111ENNEYOKitifitik • : •- •moduot.. , "- - • • I I L _