HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-07-08, Page 8-7vvvvr • raccoatarge-..7 „P • • Thursday, J 1 1915 Spectat e of Ladies'. and Misses White.Dftsse... nWIINIG to the coolness of the summer during kJ June and consequent slackness in sales of Ladiesand Misses' White Dresses we hav.,.t. decided this early in July to place on sale at Weekly Store News) Greatly Reduced Prices all at our Ladies' and Misses' White Dresses. These are aU Beall)" made with lace and embroidered' trimming lind the pricas are cut from _to to so per centor some at half price. As this , offer is made so early in the season with practi- cally ail of our warm summer weather yet to come, it Offers an exceptional opportunity to save money in this line. - • We quote Sizes, regular *ice and Special Sale Prrce. • LADIES' DBBSSES'. • •_ '• • " Rea 32, regular Pr1110.., wo..4 • ion -4, 4..0.0,19n , Sum 32, liale-14iee.". • :re.. gee e • Oise 34, 0.00. Sale • • • i• ee • • . 2.50 • „Mee 34, " 2,50, Sale , , • 1,75 * Size 34, " 4.00, Sale Priee... ...... • 2.95 • Size 34, • °4' 2•00• Selo Pave,. •-• • 1•80 Size 34, ,c 8.00. Sale Pelee.. * * • • • *** 4.00 " Size ehe., 4! .4.00, . Sale Price...wee..., • • 1,75 • Size 36, " 1:40* Sa1e4PriC0 . - * 'sue aer " 3-'60; Sale .Vrice 4 5r , Sim 36, " • 5.00. Stile Price . „ „ 2.50 " Size 38, 4, 3.50, Sale Price.", : . 175 elfee,38, " 4.75, Sale Price, 2.75 -Size 40, " 3,50. 'Sale Price., • • . • • **.r4 3.15 • KISSES'•DRESSES 12 yrs, regular P2e50 ta;'$2,5°"" 14 era • regular $3!00 for $2.40 12 yree, regttlee 3.50 for 2.75 14 yrs., regular 3,00 for 2.25, -14 yrs.; regular 3,76 for • 2.50 • 16 yrs., regular 3.00 for 2.40 i only 1.,4sellee' White Poplin Wash Suit, Size 34, coat'and s.,,kirt* talented with lace insertiOri and erjehet tkuttons• Beg- price 10.00e sele price... , • „ , „ 7 , . , • • .13,95 ' LADIES' MIDDY BLOUSES, fine white Cotton, trimmed with navy and light.blue, special price $1.00- OHILDREN'S 141DDIES, in white cotton and neat ,striped prints, neatly W.11:fluted aid' extra value at 50e.. , ". - Winsimpo Zee ,Doitainion Degy eolehridoeis bald hereea Thwrielay of , week, turood outseaite a sitcoms in spite 4.4 threetea- ing rain, eatl dowo-pour knit after %soon whisk thoroughly drowelielt fear or or iv* kvacdreel por000s VAS had ipono Leto the park. elle helooldet, who wax *NNW 1/9 Maks an amine fitited to o- we, hams been (Wiled by * railway wreck. A bier erowelegethered in the perk efter the nit% clouds bad. cleared, *Waft to Wit1W1** * game of iiterowie ba• tween the home /tem and the famous Italians front Brantford Reserve. The Ingham% thotigh an agile ler, were alto- gether outmatched by the leeel white men who wood time aftee title until at eloee the score stood 1-6-4 in their favor. A number of very strong Pl*Yere on the local team accounted for the easy victory.The Indians were a diatioet` disappointment as lacroese players, the ton being Much older than one expecte to see in ueh e game,. A few`of the red men played very well hut the mejerity have seen better days. The same Indians gave an exhibition of war dancing in the evening. Besides the lectoettethero was besehall and football. There was 4 grand dieplay of fireworks in the even - MAN STAlivED Febrztv: ;With enough money burled in the cellar of their home L4) buy,square ineala for 8. year, the wire and little child Of Fred Hodge, Of Gordo, Werli found on Saturday to be yStSrving to death, when, on Atonclay,•104, Ridge" was, arreated by (Meer PhiPPou and lodged in jail here on a choge of negli- gence and enmity. .Neighbora Bar that for a Jong time they have been carrying in providing+ to the Hedge rantlib and it is claimed that of the feed provided the husband ate the •greater part, On Saturday authoritiee at 00derielliofOrm- ed ()Meer Phippen of the cireturistaner Some :Suggestions for „Men and: Boys ' White Stepe Outing' Trousers., well made and neat fitting, with roll bottoms and belt loop. Price ✓ P • 90c • • " , liens Boe's' Khaki Illoonters, sizes 21 to 33, for aee$ 6 to le. rice . Men's- Fine Outirig Shirt., with safe collars. $1,00 to $1.50. • Afen's Fine Silk Shirts, extra neelity, special $3.00. , • , Bays'...Cetton jerseyie Witle long sleeves, navy and white and na,vy and cardinal'. Sizes 22 to, 32. Price 25e Boys' Fine.ldrool Jerseys, long sleeves, colors navy -and brown, at $1.00, Boys' Straw Hats, newest- etyles' , 3 specials at po? and 01.0o. -Alen's Invisible" 13races, fine cluality, 50e. Men's Perla Garters, black and colors, neat anti comfortable, ova AMOS' REVENGE Now York's Pollee Headquarter* Had a Narrow Estop* Loot Night • • From Distraction . New Yore, 3uly ee.-Anarehisteg an' gored ty 1ht 'owviet1on ot tbe mert who Placed a bomb in .6t. Patrick's (40004, ireare doilsnet to the de - teeny* force last night when they *V tweeted • to blew up Pellee Read - quarters by eeoloWng * 'powerful dynamite bomb beneath, the ollices of the Detective Bureau. Vynemite in * gas, pipe eontaening time • fuse *Pit couceided Wigan seiteeite we. placed. in the hoer of a basementarebe. way ort• the Centre street ede , about ao feet from Grew]: street, and tbe corneroteee of the building. At seven minutes to a.o'clOcle Ike bomb exidod; smaelting, all 43t the w'maowe ,On that aide Of the building, rednellik a three -Inch oak deo to kindling weed, hurling desks and fUrntture from Mich. position and showering ens: as tine 40 powder Lor JO bet both Weide and .outslao of the building. The; ItitudoVItt on ths'opPosite Side of the street ' TfOr0 :J11'0,1E011, and rver*COS n the..: Pollee, Department were thrown from their Oatri to the aopr. WO metal CLEAR' stio-Es n a A, '1.,tfew voi eas :11 'y 9wd, tewss. e'iaucPSlippers51119;_rnt„ „ ' °Sal opportunity.statb le4L 0- 1 .1 4ae. :65e, bung eP' t.• e'n I. 4; NG 'SALE' OF WOMEN'S LO shes n. now e not oIcl e '•the", -q- • . are go,. should„.,.. ial at prices that - • very 1,-- • • • .2 cr,eetat.,D • Sale•ot These , ..2 g.,, tc) ,7. cf, ate • dear :Out, e 9e's All q.,PCa;nttP":°' emt,tly 'tht$,:season's styles.3 0,50 , an d. - - 14, ?” • rri,cPe.rw,:leSCits2.h?t7;19es', .,:::SbCtiee,s7,,,,Je7:490„N,s-i-,;,-, ga' in; in our 1'471' 13171c::•14,.." ise 1 -lose, silk ankl; sizes 9 'T1 ,Regillarprtce r. Bargain zse. , , • • . *bags 10404 'threugti the ' air- Cut. Ong thrOugh •Itvintlowa end:Per- , titiorie and comple'tely *Keel/Inge-that. • • tart of tlio• basomont„ whore, the 'bomb bad baenliloccti.. tin one. vi's the block .being 'eninty at tilo 'OM°. Timmy- 'slutdea On the windows Pt the Deter:4We %VOW* ,whigh' Were drawn, ' !laved two lives Toone above the esplosionf although glass a (mere ter of ea inch !think front. an Un- covered 040 of the window ehowerealm • around theta; One arcot. lagged, owns' palmed the ta0e, ot.,,a 'typist and tut ' Po/eras were-knoWniandho.macle a trine tb_rn90.-4- report e he was isaktse 94 • • ' .00TIMA;41;) NAVAT!, rulfa. Reports Ruselan Seco** In Sea •.Battle::Against Eermens at IMO to Germ. Refound Mrs Bodge,. and the youngest child in 4 state of ook, lapse, which Dr. Wildfang, who accom. -panied.hine sad wart due to starvation: 'lodge. When confronted by , the officer with the charge of neglecting biefeenily, ' took •Phippendown to the cellar, where he dug .up a cooSidemble sum of money in This, Mrs. Hodge eanleieede had been her huebioni:evey of keeping money for years. Wheneverbe got paid for his work an'fi, iftbQierl 440 never saw Any of it, and they had to depend on the ollatitY of neighbors. There Was scarce- lyr ge worth of furniture in the houee and this, the weneen said; had been given, to her. Officer, Phieeen Made a second visit to the , bowie and •e • little dig- ging in the Cellar revealed More perfect- ly good curreecy that tight have been used to buy food. Hodge is a man of about 35, with a` strong tendeneye;de- -scribed by people who know him As There are four children in the fatally, three of whom managed to re- tain a certain anteuet,of health in spite of, the irregularity of their nieal times: It is said that Hodge served. a term at Toronto some years ago for -similar con- duct to that for wineli he is noatin WhitechtIrch —toesilay,."JelY . . Fred Davidson made a trip to Tees- . water on ou ay. - • ' Miss Sturdy, ef Lucknow, 18 17,181talg- ' , 01. 3". 3% JOhil8t011)8. ' Oharles-GlillesPie, of Seefortli, epent Sunday at his home. Sunday in the. village, , mesrs,rtaavia Martin, of caiedonia, oas%evgning is in charge o Parker. Misses Annie Rood" an aze - d AM Hi(jut - 'i,n.,.jtibleiskySitiitnelet, of Chicago, is at nresent ' —Monday, July Perarl Griffiu returned., to Detroit Bob Scott, was a Sunday visitor at the home often. MeLetin, sr. el'ound.-11-A girl's brown coat. Owner can get it by railing at ICintiiil P. O. Aire. Ferguson, of Ainberley, isevisit- ing her daughter, Mo., Dick -McDonald. "Earl you are awkward. You ;want to keep on the level And go like the---" Miss Drina Thain,, of Tetoeto, is spending her holidays with friends here. " . Christiania, July 6 -L-A naval battle between Russian and German. snipe 1148" been °fought ' oft' Slothlaaa. ,,south- east of Stockholm. The battle lasted; throughont. Thursday night and Friday -forenoon and there • is • evident* that it was of a sanguinary; clAaracter from reoldenta pit'the island who Obr served'a aputil . part of the action. •Throughont. the' night the Sound a liee.vy firing disturbed -the inhabitants of the SwedisIt island and early on ORDRS SENT BY PHONE are as promptly attended, to 44 it yoii brought them ia person; It savetf you.a lot of time' and trouble; Do not wait till, you are able -to eall in—Phone that order now, Our. ; number I*10:• Here are, some of OUP Special Offers this week 'Pure Pars Green, zoc. lb; 'Tickle Tea Kettles, No; • - ° 14 cit. Gr. Dish Pan, 26e. • qt• --Gr 4Stic4 Pans, ee._ ;.$11,er la in, 'Williams Family Paint, per quart, soc, Mouse Traps, 6 for loc. ,,,,Klenzo Polish W.L0P, reg. • price r.F, for $Loo. Steel Hammer, guaran- teed, soc, • •:Carborunchim MOwer,.. ;Klitfe-Shareneri75C.- titiatiMieed 10314 Saw, Greene Dippers', 15c Granite: cOlallami10 The LuclKriovv flardwar and Coal Co. k, TI -IE STORE THAT NEVER DISAPPOINTS L I1 eFridayaudar 41 n Tit eh*I"Ibi hi °t 'itr7n t 1 wYHeavycitrne4a6 bt iilefiringv- : 1 w° ea/ ''''.(4.t).'IreArrialidrilleedthebtyrestote;dntaeyrae.i' ()r ' . riesdity of last week. St. theHelenslate Falter egaen.reisine at Joe "Diclictison's Wed- ., - %Ira t ce fti Snertigr 7theera-031114rdrviredl,caltoen; 1 Yo 11: Miss.Lilliali Clark, Qi T'''''"t°' als° PRoouncsiv; FAAMERS. 7:-. A. drive , Gweorumned ite d , torpedo40at d boattam' ea withju t 0 manyKa Kat- lietirtelse• Mfoerytheeiartlylear;nti!;:nn.f (-4°:lerich, ' are,. , ..-,ri ine,,,,e, ti i : 0,,,,..„50,,rdewpto yr tBeui)r tynh ta) ec it Ialong0o,f'pr,ion it:ieri.400vtlhei s: tharnmsvik. .A. German -torpedo boat , " 7) vo 1,4.,, liffs 4a0511(19ere.% act ;1.51'e:5'o:ea:Ira IhilaevebttZn4 Ariiklubre.r''Lvie.71:)eirrec''Ile,t8uPrezilltng4 hfCle 47 e dt.:Yr8°11.4- fermers of that locality.n oChas. Tviloinpl-,, • washed ashore there els. A stock- gq8 1°'' his 11°Iid9•Ys• „, ' 80n has puta wn e fe e along to i holm despatch states that the German Mrs. McPherson and daughter, from' .2nihe4aying ship Albatross is ashore near Guelph, are epending a• tqi.,w claire evav.SPly'3toildoek,i°,3fr.etph:trigorgatvr11;:e*Tiftncelloin'' . . votteretihye bia..ctitaenrde4abft:r, ii. rbeavirnogm hueeutisoloael; wi,A,thieh.$8'arrs,:lnjOitrallOarn, dM. jre,,,h1:umgihilMeriumofouraedr_. the mtKogue feorril. D. m etejregor . has extooded his barn by one bent to °I.ulsers'' ', - . gas, Mr. Torrance, of Toronto, also Harry 4••••• COPle :A.-rillAftber. front 'here, -ettended: ./i(liss 'L. Griffin, of "Goderieli, spentthe, • holiday with her „sister,Mts.-Tim. Gran, Misses kii;e1: and Olive Rilley, of De- troit, erespending, th.sir vacatiofl at their: home here, ; Airs.. Ronald McKinnon.. who has sPent•the past week under the parental rocf,, returned to her home , at. Ps,rkhill on Wednesday, " _•,0neeneehe biggeesti. aind meet SiicCeee- ics 11-6fa by the Kntail baseball 'Warn and' Weinen'iliiiiitifee-Wris hem at Lake View' Park on Dominion Day, hundreds of people being present. The .Aveather wasideal. ;A program of sports, vaiious kinds was carkied out 11).11 the West, and Relit' Keith tcio has en --- certainly a New way Of ewe .nd em N. e h ere e, ee Tuesday aige is arn v an a ion o e • ** r°"4"e tuld 3.1 r' of d b" b b dd`t' t th 4i) New York, July (1-1VIr. D. A. Thoinas who shortly will be in Toronto with regard- to aurtherieg munition -env- tics eaking of his escape from the liusitanircdieseter, said there had been Stories going _that It Wad (hie to divine d 11 a n orcief that h could aZorie imeor niiss? have received a nurnuer (:)f etters from clergymen, telling nie they thor- oughly believe this to be the fact. I'hey end 'With a 'financial otete- inent Of their 'elitirclies and. Mak for naell ,coritrehutiourt. • s Enerrty censor Matt . • • liondon "Jtily, 6=The Britt& Of114, tonimenting on the-allege- Aims that the Swcdl8h mali,Sbalanlers, ,Illgoern. and TO111,011.: had been 'captuv, ed bytite,Gerracns and that mali front .'tiAssia. and Sweden had been Openetr - and the contente - censored. says; "This 11941 bP4111 established- *beyond doubt end it le desirable' under th; known 1eYr of. the 'Wide titiblicit 'given in statements froin clermen 1\T. 1st nen s 'ircuinstances that it be genets/1171 'Sources' that the- -bags- hattrloe-en. zeri Kiiiloge 'township' Saturday 'set. -tamed to-the:fiendish ainhorithis"unA • Mr_Jamefi_McLanglilan has, inoyed Opened." into his house On the Clark -far -M. ' Miss Elizabeth Miller, of Edmonton.. Mrs. Bob. Miller and cluldt en, of l,,Chin- t0kJAtbrt1,are 10ifor:h8:n ne months. st.uen8vsw,rvr8eiei rungari;ou0ntLe6vingo;j3yst a Garden. Party being held there, else a bxlIg,e,the between St Helens and Dun- gannon. St...Helena came home vietor- gouth side. . K. Mackenzie has Sub- sti ed wire for the old rail 'fence us ishome for her vacation.. _Also M. and front of 'hie .farin, and M.. ',Brown,.is arranging a new driveway into his farms. Further west John Nieltinnoif. • has been doing some ;ire fencing along • the. road and has Made et big start in the way of clearing up the swanip on the front of the McMillan. farm. Alex. • Ferguson has enlarged hi haen by ex: • tendine the Wing to the Sontb.'. , tained .by an•'11101(tied'r7,,,xn:.:ma'biwd'firallin"'neiVie4-;°•IrPA9'8.1t13:16.114y.::Ytleesrcit:' cle'R:oxse'41ttlicic..sdyesrtleimes'etuhde huela°aflieirfvut:11.afxeaCieivine themselves thoroughly as was seen be"• 2plexion, Sold. only by J. G. erinetiong,, - the time the 'Young people thenght Pt" The RealiStore;100„,- 25, & soe. eeeeese •returninglichne. The hostesC, received number ofbsautiful gifts, sheettng the • • • •-, high esteein in whith "she was held.Leeeye' ... ..• 4 'm4:1; CilitOSS" Centre..M. Tate of the west is visitiog 1ie • sister, Mis John Blake. '''."""a•T: Mies tizeie Xeown Of Detroit, visited e ' , her cousin, Mij. 11. Curran. e ' . visited friends here one ay JohnItyan of Godericli is visit - Misses-Mnie And - Ida .McQnoid- are.: - visitingf fiends- neer -Kin tail. - • - Mrs. Richard Guest,a of laXstinwges,01,. hoMlidliJa,yi.t1:Yatat"IldeirIVIhionn•leS hill.,,,,acrak.le ton, are games were won by Lochalsh, ' e jel 5 A few horn here apeot a successful (11 ti h. s• r , " .ing hia° aunt, Mrs John Mena c 0infig 6f -London aY 8 „ 'Yer eeakc °11 - Fri *•TY.,-" • " .„ • . Mise tdythe, Peddle veto bee "been • ' Colirey s Corners tiding a few days at her home after eroq, of Coilingwood,_ spent the week end with Dr. -and- Mrs. White. -retnenlog fron„t her c1,c,o1 itt (]rand ' Bend; left fee Toronto on Saturday, Quite a number from here took in the where she int 6do tak. „ e coureala t garden party at Langside Tuesday :University, , and report a g°6t1 The Yonne l'eople's "Guild Sunday"' Young Mi8888 Bertha, Etta and Agnes Mc- evening was taken by Misses Alba Fox Kay and Meseta. W. J. Arecott and. It. and Lila Emmersen, who gave a. very Mowbray motored to Pine Point on interesting. paper OA Making Life Ile, 'Charles Cuff, of London, ' snene Sundae. ' ' Worth While." The meetittinozSit- liefies St. Johns, a Pittsburg,- Pa* is /rope' Social Settlement arid bre* Ait- F, and °hailed- Motm of- Wingham et., - , visiting at 1), Beecroft.'s. ' - - spent, Sundayseith their brother William ._ Mrs. ..-r-/-8,C4nen„.u-Pel# the '119lidat. IOU Jith4e.: with friends in Drayton. . , _ _ . „ : .. , nu , W W P ' ee lice recently purchased 'Pm -renr0800- 91 London, pent the , another motoreVele With a aide :ea; had Week end with Ins parents. - • the'tniefortune to break the side ear oe v.fork." . —Monday, july 5 kennue eteg, spent the St of July in Goderich. Elwood ' called on his friends 011 thie litielatetteneeelt• . Ewart Jamieson mA:47,-, Piiieiarit trip to Illpiey tea the 1st. , - • • Jas. M. Bowler visited his' friends iii Brush street one day last week, • Mrs. john Kentiedy, of Aaron, visited her sister, Mrs Geo. Drennan, last week, and Mrs, Frank MeIntosh, of - Lueknow, visitedivith Mr. and atm G. - • Dreimanon the -1st -of July. _ Pine , River . • - - -tverytihe Corners.. -.took, in • • the pienic et the lake on 000111110a 1)115t • (Intended for last week) and alt reptirt an enjoyable tn Dui gereey elede the p ad aloay lienty nay arvestirtg a . ur .°f tt 6 °Ye'ithg'' ' tee thittar 131X acre erep- of Alfalfa.- • -•-•-•- 411-,21 1111.1-brett°' '3.1.)1, nea:h1) 8Niit‘lint &fig i'46-btlY.'' "8°111e .4°0 • 'Although we have had abundante of , wno as eefi Setions y a 4 dbusiii D, Madden, Setiirclay, where she will take a eix - • David Little has eeturned trona ,visit • I last.. , Mrs Alay Min tr of Shepardtou, fs:' • ' relatives. on the 4th tor. a few daYs. Me. and Mrs'. vroe Guest spent; a few visitl,,n, her e°11E3in" May Iletlarr. Henry Campbell ie at present visit (ie.,' teat week with friends at Dun. VIS" -Lily Curran, of Hama too, Ico . Y ing his ' an who us- n ' ' • spending her vacetioa at -her , hOtne. Olivet garden party. is to be held on • - Mr. and rs: oe Dicke so !vent thechurch greunds Tliutedev, Jul -Y Sunday' at the home of Waltesr D•ay; ' 36' n Itess of eon to -i'ciolos4.' sulse:dtops`,„, fe:i'v 444 .3.s - with in 'Mrs. Mattes Alton, of Laiies;'speni few days with her .,Mother, Mrs •Heferv Conphell. • ' - Howard McGuire, cf 8ttatford, Bust 11088.0ollege spending the- holidays aithr home on -the '2nil. • - - Clarence Bridge And 'llifissee' Irene' Bridge and gertrudo Worthy, of lite South Line, spent Sunday at W. 0 °Smith's. Iti"-'(4145•1314': ir*113•14-: :14"(4", 5f4 'friends be° glad.to beer of recovery; • 188,8: 3%MoTtoatib loft for Cluelpb 1'. a , San -day -a at the home -of --Mr. "Albert Thompson. , Thi4 vicinity Watt veil ". represented at Langsicle Garden Party on Tuesday Juno 29th. Mi'e and , Mtg. George Rieharclsoti spent re ew ayti as wee wt. rie $ lieut.' Arnim • • r wir was, in Toronto- kit iaill' lately, Xte Gillespie . persists in Saturdvv ay ith a car of erittle. , having his man sprinkle otit:streets three ' rte. Itusszil IsteXay,,, of Londelit ;Vent times a day—with buttetmillr. Sendai 'with friends in the village. • .Doret'forget the picnic to be hold'oottr We are glad to report Mrs. Spoiling the lOth bridge on ilridoy next, under ,- • d auspices Of the Whitechurch Literaty'. is recovering front her recent illness. t h • Atlas Ethel .Breckenridge, of ItiPle71• Society. A good time is expected. . is *Kong with Mr. and Airs. Walter • , An eceident which happened on mow L t c '', le' • . .!' ' day ,of last week whieli did not reach . e,•Milift Douglas, of Toronto,. is visiting ,,,, the tepee:tete in tiine to be published in ' ''. with Nit and ,14rg. ritPk. SenrY in's the last issue of this paper and which ,---,k,' ' . ,.. '' - - - . greatly inarretl the leasure'ttf, the .day . s„,,, .T.'ilerrten.:,•Lsoltnew, former teapot for at least'a row nt those who took .in • at'No. 10 school,. WAAS ill the "Village -011 :the Beheol piente held oft Mr, Davidson': ' -the let. `. .. ' ' .• • . • . " 'foie. It appears that ateepienf yOulig ' Whitechurcit was fairly Well rote, • ladies of tide tieighbotlioed Were about sante& at the celebrotion in V./Ingham, 'to eojoy tbeniselvea, to thejell ,scapoeity im the 1st, , ' , • '. n't the row boat "Daisy'', which had been, n rank Vaulter left bit ItaidaY for eeetired for .the occaskon,. but 'Daisy London, where he intends to enlist • for Mild' IteWe 'PeeVr ttrtlelt IV dv tiermen, ' ' overseas service. tereedoe fot ehe suddenlY etibMetged e . taking the yontig ladle; with her. Vet- ..' • A bundler of Oaill Vellowti from tne i tunatelyi they weeetedeued by a, young village. attended •decoration AisrVic0" iif , man who was near by and who, intnied 11111801S klittlarly atterliOott ' , .1 A theta tO their homes, rather Wet, but Masters MroIdivol Willie Treleaven, little woo for their experience with the Of tnekt"tV, aro 81rngin4 0. kil 'ARM Daisy row boat., They. say all's it:ellthat with their aunt, Md., liretv • .. , etids•wdi; but judgnigky the chreetion Mr. Campbell, of raisleF, erganirm of the gray driver and rehber.tired tig is • the C. 0: r , ama in the *Pillage Tools, t taking slue% wo are led to believe the ' Wedlissilar of last Mkt end jt opt it . , Rev. Mr. Orttni who is camping ' lr e me in gardening hortittil , wee s ou d Ott Vrik ton late returne Dreee Bele& viiii.vreaeh. jlethei tiekt, t .cyotebtitiop.held in TeesWo.ter,_ report an enjoyable day. " • 25 CENTS M eiy-f lower TALCUM POWDER F!.eldrp,3,01 D vtr.t•shitg t e Quito atteeded- v• _ . held at 1,intail on Dominion Day andf ell report a good time,- •• • - • • S. 810,11 Kaer.oss. V—A. Loe.khart. • • a r. MeDiaimid, Loekhart, 11. Moietelib,,I. Idcliltosh, Ade Aleicaywg, Ala -111eXay44.? jr. McDouf,all, Lockhart:. Sr. Metritosli. - • - 'MeDougall; j.: 13eaten, ` O'l3rion, 0. Iticharde.ithssed - eeeinee - e' • _, • Tertelier, NYALS ture, e e. PlY/413 Sunday evening. d t Daween addrosel the Lo at 'Bethel On 81111i1A4',evett' ing. All wa'ere Mrs. Roderiek MeLentian is scrieuslY, ..140itte from ,...41f,e,...et College, ,...velley1.11e, ill at presett and will apprid the vaerition with his delighted:to heat MM.. The baseball tuttch on Saturday eveti, atre. j Mciionald is better later patent,,,fr and ado, W. D. Ing betWeen ifloWerdale and Pine River her re°e...°,6 'linos. '8611 - " • ,tealna WAS' deaWn to a t.10)30, during the . D, vid,460a pas beiql oriageti as . Olivet Sunday •Sehoel hold ,their . t boy:t - • , bird but Oue b° refortio de teecher for the commit term. feat ?other than leinetlec. • • Miss Dean L McLeod 'returned to her SmIthis making extMislre Utile Itii1109S. provements to, his barn. &One :teeeele ' • Mrs John Jobe Mearrio Ilea rettirnet from .Wit. 134 Mr. Carnercal, 'Thos. Cornish 'ItiamOnd Hill Where She; was viiiting ' and Ad, *Donald have all raised:: ,tbeirytter sister, Mrs. MeiCenaic. • , ' haristund put foundations under them.' lties ' Leelielele •team, had A *teeing Moro improvements arc made. than We, halifellVer geol in tinit*8°Illeeee,• feated Amberley by thesdetell"31'attt ' Are we auvrnhearlee ITO, . ' „.„ . . On •tho 1st. of July played a doithro head. ... Uri B. g..rtvetifighatil.t kft on aLlon:' .e.r.i defeoting•Lueknow.v-4 and Ripley day for his ;home in London, tear whicir ..12-4.4,7ivinning the valuable, stick rins he bits been placed on IA -Circuit for ,tbe . preeeeted by the Cominittee to tlie Win- , now tenferenta year. Ito AS a young 'ling. teani, , To -night they play Xittettr. . man of i§'plendid ability and g'ooti ih,, dine in Leaslah: ii,thoy win they Can ' '.fleieete, duriitsliispastorate Millie PAO', elese‘theitqleairsi with a very good it I :nollieitfueildirtiOulati; '4‘nvatle leave.' iwtouphititahro,tasiti :,:et:.ardirl',84ift: the,Iilgabtreintindxionlir towott:eutAtt : 'wohea of all for ,enCeet, in his sew Phi .cralit it due Itnbert MatIstoalt and alto t4 labour* , beingWeek. Oh. Tuesday, the tOth, they de. .t gm p"itlorti supporting hitlh 0 ionic at Voir& Clark on 1.hursdaY. July 1st. ••Tho weather.Was, ideal and a Splendid time *tm, 'enjoyed by all: those 8.vho attended , 'Latta 'Mayflower Talcum Povivar 14. Ho. iiistie0ive eitor.ot MaYlloWer Talati • is entirely hew, and of such char* and delicacy • as to immediately appeal to every woman of refirtentent Antiseptic—exquisitely Sue in , - • it„ v - tOeitteirg, it is '.prehenement, for . use paw. tit . tleiellig, 14yrd preparation* are, in a class by themselves. , ,,,,4Taesday, Suly oth, Misies tatta,tttia in* Weeds are vng friends inStaniey. • too4oldl:sis8hiolualt4e ftoht.ltuittiloelirdttry4s!... t)1 Pr". Me$014, jacto!Mettnire and Cable McDonald, were la Cloderich over Suit. day, • Mitt Cook, of Chnionovhe tat§ been visiting at Mt, ilugh. • MeCtesliest has . Pao CreaMtinct toilet; requisites are fltrn�t iltd194 . pentable Mr the complex:1W' Ask at the Nyal Quality • Store for fres copy of tikir booklet, "Your Complodort,' erhitliincludee directione aa to proper:methods ermassao,