HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-07-08, Page 4•
ref robe the letter wesksee*
laden robe anibitinn, dnetroys appetite,
• ,.d **k yak a *admin.
Te renter, that Arengtitsualateadmottlent
is so woottiel, sotning bat eqesiod
• • sitnivieed lk aced* Easslidost, nes
apnea ma* eireaern-easeeesionr wooriek-
ma* boriaporessa **Mood lb distribette
tinseslinvit Oohed, wdetis its took
Imams sherpeam ippsehe aid restores
is* hateral. periaansait way.
are rota eloorig, tired., nervom,
sr lock simnel, it esett's
teAity. At ay drolliMers-
•. • Eget neeree.l'eenoe.Ost.
• - •
Bookeess *ad Society Cards
JOIRIZEa=s4Vranljzogt, Own"
1 O. r. Lockaow Lodge meet; kvery
ev et a Cr (nook ut their ua Caret
if- eraTtidn'hos._ ,""rd1141tiri,_Vieo
raniL Y. T. Anustreag,•Tress...41ex,Boos;
*I10.1 A. H. Boyd; f1u. awe:, Dr, Pat -
A._11.; O. B. O. Old Light Lodge meets
Th;Vianstibashila An or before theat4.177,
in ra t
w. W. A. • ; ..
• J. W., %Martini eeoy..
0: Courtftetiveod, No. es,' .1.-Oeitir,
• zooms every hoi Mower At • ,in
in the OidfeWvoi" Bell. Visitiburbrahm
tardial, v invited to attend. Chief Banger.
John L Bell. Rec. Soy., WU- graham
irlaitir= Eat. Johnestm, Treas. 1) R.
„ , • et
A. O. U. W. Landow Lodge, No. in, meets
eeetsal Y4oday of eaohmoatit in the Odd-
soter Workman, J. Mac -
}in. Secy. 1). R. Maolintostulloo.
ea: Patisr; 17mo. ;Ales. Ross. .
Seer! 4,
ft.0.1f0W111414 1). B. 'Oillteeli
stairs la Button Meek., Toesweter. Spec
lel attention tog*. .0_atea. eroweitile.
2._,WeOwerit. Vent* wzmieter anti .
ww"arfif each month: Gornto UV,
ratriutoni *ennui
Nu.. avers Tharedeg moraisif Private Fred "Dureut,,e, member dale
it litekaow, (*Wis. oth Higlinuidece, vivid.** to * *later in
Winton gives a very vivid picture of
A. lk MACIERNEJE. Pro Ririe*
aid Editor. what battles in the present war are like, Ererey ove . ewe ci the mesa
I it In recent letter be wrote in pe.rt lis Ru414" V't"„:11raSwtiTa E;r:omo're Frail"'
THURSDAY, JULY 8th, 1915 follows:.
The Jack Johuston (the biggest shells rs rig, JP:Y. c*C-•-:-I.11'eg the Frond
used by din Gerumos) are &Adige; they trsnenee v * b, ; e o h ,t -h ex
masa hole 15 feet deep end about go- ne...-...,a En " 3,16,,‘/` 'uui.,;/'-eari,jng 3- have"
feet *crow. The coal boxes ire quite t...ahe'..4::yhiendstar ;t1;i4slieflulvoneoenn't teuttfeosi:in-msaciyris.clee-nite:
gentle; they only make a hole *bout a Hut? attnernen;LoTreerri" s, It....
are dangeroue, they throw' wrap um opsytt.triot;rts:cliitelLonorastiltolnrws:te7oreynaoricir5;,
feet deep awl 12 feet ii.cross, but they
about *hundred yardeollitround. 'Vire% ,, a e
we were in here for four doye withent 01 t:rc:riee.:14-so 4 Fe 117::: ::::/btibeew it:4p:
oant ymttin, gwteonteajot ofurlditi.tnriefo.goiWeicluotictteaa. mloot Gll -‘ . - " A Qf 14°11°7' orl tie
out with 182 men. There, ware 35 in
the trench 1 wee in and three of us got
it• .44
. s
111E REAL iiiiNtt 1 Tam Rermiti
THE GERMAN Alin$0.1$61H
With the man wile shot ,T. P. Marge*
the other day ft **pew t9 be another
ease of "Massif ant Got". When asked
Isst bed any eneompliees the ssemlein
said: "No one was in due but Hie and
God Almiglity."
From the Keiser right down to the
'readnien,of the country ttlie Germane
appear Wbe pow:need of the idea diet
God is right with them for the iMposi-
tion of German Kulture upon the world.
.This idea will have to be hammered
out of their thich bends,
The man who eliot.Morgen, of couree,
le crazy, but he may he 'taken an Unite
trating the afoot which the war %having
Upon Getman** in geOeral, The, Detroit
Alen who tried to blow up. the "Windeor
Armory and the Inall Who some time
elope attempted to destroy; the railway
bridge, in New Branewiels are of the
The war and the hard plight of the',
Fatherland gets on their nerves, and
they think they must do eomething.
THEY anout„o moor NOT SEG
A 'reverent gentleman --a native of
Aesyrias-was n 1411Cknotv last week
soliciting donation e to a fend for the
support of, children in hie_ country who
were rendered honaeless by Turkish out,.
rage a Only e. few weeke ago we were
visited by a man from A,rmenia on a like
mission, Children in his country, too,
had been rendered homelese by the
Ct. A. NEWTON D. D. S., Dentist. Witco 'Turks.
• AMP .4tiohoovr, Ont. All inedecn Thego plea are likely quite honest and the streets for dead men, Wootoeu and
mamma need. Beet Insit furnished. children. The streets Were, torn full of
ivothan,A.B.a...,irratftia...sextrawaci- the_ihom_el,r _children nialta a strong holes and littered with dead horses and
woo ...timalLNOtza. Newt:et appeal to tun- sympathetic; but we Aar wagons, •• ,
• thill,easkanon "Oh' Alpviwn, Ohtteell the *Wein of the Tuck will never be
settled in this way. The way to deal
with the Turk is to fight him -to kill,
or drive him olf. • What is the mei() of
bringing up those unfortunate children
if in a few year** they are to be 'robbed
and murdered by the Turks. The Turk
doe not appreciate the turning of the
other cheek. He stuifes that too. Evi
dently those submissive, frightened Ar-
menians are regarded by the barbarous
Turks as a sort of rabbit or other game
to be hunted down for sport. •
Had those unfortunate people been of
a spirit and metal such as the Greeks,
the Swiss or the Scotch of old they never
would have come to their present sorry
French W.0411011'. 0. with 1,ta entlro who before the outbreak a war lived
garrison war 1,I.uit do Etieupt. in Kincardine where he was janitor of - Finjiwit mitt,,,i41,41111,4111,4.1114,111,,111.,iii",iii.,1111:
nios.v-Vaean -Sacred Heart
Church. Tesswater, was the scene of a
quiet wedding on June aUth , when
Aary li:thel Halliday of ltiveredele,
wati milted in marriage to Mr. Joseph
Valad a • the setae place. Vather
Capp oilicitited.
ilAnnur-ffur 611Art --Myrtle 1100'
man on of Kincardine's popular ladle',
was united in marriage on Tbursday of
last. week., to Mr. 'Thomas llama of
Ripley. Tbe marriage WAS a (Inlet affair.
Ilene. Mr, Langford olliciating, The
young couple will spen 1 the summer
et Bruce Beach a
Geotges Knight, a British reerviat,
(Mt. I only got a. bit of shrapnel ut the
hand, three bullets through my kilt and
sortie gen, but not enough to lay me up,
so I Male through .,that fight pretty
lucky. I' had my ride entailed to piece**
with a bullet or something that. struelt
it, but I didn't get hurt,' .
We Were under heavy shell and. rifle
fire for 14 days. Their trenches " ;were
abouVan yards from olirS and we had
Iota of tune to get them cOnlang aOrr.
They eintle three deep fknd,elose together,
we couldn'trais$ them, and they ' piled
up lilte 'weed, but as Soon at the first lot
were mowed down more weuld come.
You whuld think they were growing out
of the ground, but they Will run out
sometime. We advance about five feet
apart and in 'single lines, 40 we do not
lose as many as they do. They won't
Vitinetti,julyth .0
'' '••..i••"ite••"y" a. ',a -1 -1 -lit -it 'It
92 oropoiesi
Hh11Tl1 faa'
Savings Book Deportment
• 0!,,t011 Branches
letereStelliewed ;wreak rate
• •
T; S. REID; Manager .°
atteck, v was trade en the 'Wes- the hospital, la' reported killed in
ced by. a cannonade of. tremendeas Enlace, crossed the ocean: .
iiit nsity, end:. V!o:encet. 8auguinary among, the first- soldiers. from Ceitada
fightlig eentennee um:a the maze of and ea* a good deal of fighting, ' • Ile
PQMIllitnielt gig Mudge: Waged with had pre:14044f serveel 1014(14
hand grenades 0,..d bayonet, , ,
'4tictrien •OVentive Fang - • An 4111441 .414 "e14 J3ruce Co
Tyitrrtlit2rUei.74--s, tnhaal:flotnantillantileo6 iernaae,1111°Y.eav,i'a, at 1iuiiei1on (Lirilek Tp.
e'stinern, acktlezw, • Sopported by 1., wile Meeting was 41010 W11,8 year mer
swi Ital'an detichineirrs violet* to. • third week of awi$ 'AO the crowd in
weld the X:'ent..." Tlie Hensel tort was attendance Was ,bigker then *sick,' be
rseirapc11:11 IlritoTtli°intoturilisr'tVill:e!rt7.4flaje; t(3te'' 1,111e ikst*1 tart
on uiiday-tbre
es on the 'grounds
the enemy r.tteaiptcd to retche last ‘1f4re • (snan-,1
night tr.earlies, the northernI•Blope• Wlth the. gr,edt. Yoltere:
tbrlo co‘pt483 era:4; 4,e,.'2*, 916Ttlb:!'brir agttlelfAli? P.111' '1'''s:°'lif;sale;';0()rf''S'gt.,:.°05tIltk,", ntn,171:21,trileiSsidri70:ti
'those preecning it, was repulsed.. Our cuiross, townstiie. died- U. her ioms
adversary renewed yesterday with en 8tn. 4-stttne rd , 49. waa.
Partioidar Yielegoe .counteritttachs
against several )4104 of in:43100ns eon. . 72 yetirs of age and ikai pre deceased!
tittered by tra on .the Carso Plateauisy her hUsband abOtIttilree leattcogo.
face the cold eteet unlesktheY are about i spite of the fire Or maeh1nE4 .gana Th, e lat4;.1 Mr, and Airs. Scott came to
.2Q to 1, they either run or throw, up- and ertille y, thca • counter.atteclis ..Brooa from Ayr 111 188U. They Jived
tilde, hands Alla. eels for merreyWe • wcaepreurr:biesocrod: wIlh,llet.ilv7 lessee-. we for •a time in Turnberry, 'inOyineIELtC
don't' she* thein any Mercy lie look f • 't prieoners., two, nem; ea,n- t9 Quiress; :0'f three oz•hi.'drerr,"oril
any from there. They tne Calla, non, guns and :Munitions. ' According
:diane ePotteitand-esPeciak :the Highs: "to -Fr, ewers, the 'Austrian Wages.- efte*I.sabellai-•Sur, I.,Mrs.•. SOOtt'sa
lenders; They got our •regiment right; •,liecialty tram our Artillery lire,. have *aec TaYrki' Stale
there are not niaoY- of us left out es the. been, terlous inthelest ray/darn was a native of ZT, Y0
'first lot, , •• Russians to Detain Enemy to Ontario when' (Atte youn,r
Petrograd, July Is now s4u/At ktoxe-The Kneehtel FUrn
- Ypres was an awful sight after the
fight There was hardly a. house left that the RusQslan ' 111es '
• 2n• e "west iture 0 ' h 1 t a- literOh. "
4tailding and you couldn't get: through 'Mara::Out safelY• on the great -hulk ot.-emPa...tY a --raao ' --
qermany's forces, continuing to be de- reoeilied• an oder tnr '5(i,00"jr Vexes to
tairked on the .RitiSalati trent Or prob. '1.isid hewitzs'e .ehelie*
ably several Months' to•oorae. At pre, made to held two shell's ef the AC) ,size
. Solt the Oerniane have 'Straiguterieef The boxeS -are to ne--made of. spViiCi
out -their "-l'aer and are a-avatielllg with maple 'ends. Th 'coronlete,•this
irlinig•a liorthward. line. Whielvis o v 0; pier will tette. eight carload a 'of le to •
Western University
Another Great Advance
•brow Desaial--New $75,11111
* '
Another Urge Addition to l'acuity
and -Equipment in Arts and
• Medieine,
Greatly Increased Enrolment in Vie**
Write for particulars to
•E. L. Braithwaite, M. A, Pb. D.
• President.
Mr.. Thos. Ross, of Toronto, 'visited
Mr. L. McIver on Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. A. Ferguson, Calross,laid, a rais-
ing one evening hist oeek put -ting up,
Another bent to his barn,
Mrs. A. J. Murray and faintly and her
father, Mr Thos. Ross, of Toronto, are
spending the -summer months at their
one hundred and fifty miles in length, "
and extends from tin River ug to 'u...as and a ear of hardwood, The order
is worth about e20,000, ft its stated
about a day's 'march west of the Vis- is
Talion together with the Gr- on the authority of the shelliPoonoitt-
man operations in the Baltic, previa.: cc of tne war department that the
ces, it Is obvious that Germany is try. are 12-6 wood working factorie-s Cal: -
lag -to force ric way latf;:j. Russian ter- A orkincf-oir shell boxes oniy. This
ritory train East Prussia. and trim).
circler will take about six „weeks to
Galicia; behind the line Of the Vistula.
Constantinople Preparing" For End c91111) '
.Irlitylene, July 6-A generalIarid and G°T tILL ur4A114---Maria E. Hair
--a D danoes wa,A is; tla3 second vtife of the late Win, E
Mr. llusiiel Bei who Ints been teach-- -opened -oh Sunday.- bl. the -allied forces. Switzer of Kinloss,- •and NI/hot° mar.
ing near St. Catherine, is hone for the PtrenPairat,ens are .1301:g raii0e.,•1.ii con:',, ' iciagweaWikaosidtoench:oendle„ ttlef.,,at bay..otheoneoua,ott:
summer vacritien. We understend h&j, s, a t nople for a si ge , of. the town,
.- .! ' t. which, is eitneeted soon • "Useless-. count ' 'a 4 IS • . • J. ^ i k. .c yearsr r'L
making a change at the re.opening of the • - - • -. ' ' " . .... - ek'OVV.II.4:er 8 urst,, wife Limn g' any°
perscins=those who .• are unaule to
schools, and . will ne "at ,Woodbridge, ',participate in, „the, ranitexy defence, of at ale time of -his 'second ma i'll'age,
where he waS. fortunate etionght9 secure he city-haveL ):.,„sa ordered' to 4 nit', was the plaintiff in a Suit befOreiJ ti'd,41'
the_ principalship of the oublic school.. the: capital, ' All ' c4rietiana• also have IK lein at W. alkerten last IA n'k wh'''
TUE.BioAtvigum, EVENT at 1.4tngeide been 'ordered. to -evacuate Ponstantirk,, she. sued the':executOrs' Of the estate. of
plight. •: They should have had Len
iberty 1,0,tbe Garden Party of the PresbYtenari Kite,. while :the Mohammedans ac•••• the 'I tte Win. SWitier, ' , tic , father.' of
orDeath.die fighting
iitiTgheizer wheehodaorme not prepared Ipikreepiyareiod clioitsogtrhegeeatiaoten, thi,sTyu9easrd,aaytiaofiislagspt1;cliifeoerk...„ ,xtiloallaYiai7mt411.,, e. aoPoilxtatiotr, e:(',:,',..c.itot7ibeonStrliot: ,,,,et101,500;niaoni,.,ssehte,,,v,I.ine:si,litinl',..a%),,,e..,146.6,2;:3,:.:,,,,,na ,
6 are fighting tune would' have it, the evening Was Asiatic coast of • tne .Bospnorus also the, elder2s.wit. Switzer.
Tbe,bili conip- rieied,
, be slaves. The men Wh
•SleatATOONO. ONT. ,,r, othecaTurryiltesna,t;h.telt,efi-gDhatriilaarenedlloeilgor, •01•Po:LeYitn:. -aiwdia:Pia,P,:p941.-is°Plig":"Esa'rttraite"rivae'tebo'efr'rtrtahil'e:IStia•.rieen-pndats.teiee-Aarvinii: 'auatsni:n.b.119.97Teuhvi:T11:70retli:Tan'bitap,:e 'tc-.31.11mbnr D. a°1)Pein . , :sin,lot- b4-018' ,°8-netriv'i,feTa--.ni'01)tlesl-Ireerp eit"in, et,
• to. aesfrey. the great' Dioialie of Saint. *and '$-1.0(tra day thei aft r fu'r 30,51'
. Ontario's Moist ue.ccistui
practical Training, school. .,, , the permanent' welfare ei the ArMeatee ed earlY in'the'eVeniiigi. and 'one' Yghleh isaphia, as 804,1:.•as.-tte •_ttinee entor days' . .. tt: ,d i . e . ,ei .I. 1.• , %,
op n .those el ,. Ilene a .
bans ilia who '•130ii "i'fi' i 1 the'erewa greStlY eej'Yed'' ' Th8r1 is nn Constantinople - • , . ', • ' ' . a 1 anCe on )1111, w. 2, e . ic ' 1'48
'Teachers are Competent. courses ared that the Langside Gardenralety • - . " - ' ,• • -, . • sick, makine-a t'otal ef,$00a loss P227
therough and graduates succeed.•„We aid for -them:. ,. IS fading in popularity.' Indeed, BO far , , . , , earr,„L-ati Air 'Raid ,Iviiiifredied - : - wine I lie paid . aceotint, . leaving . a
received moreapplications this month balamo of .64 8. , Tho ,J udge, aftei,
than we had students graduate during AinllerleY ., is gate receipts are ,concerned -this year • , ,. London, July 0 -The Brititili Adirillti '
the pest Si.e •MOUrhs. The three iiii-
rinildaedsetahirSe'atTireditOwlile°rentithtien-glitro°e!eli149-7 frBotrie:'''IgthiteY.''-13-,aeninZ:.72:::Isortt"ott 1 wault-hairrlaaridd' 'ota,c1 tliolitirilhlrt-filt711.5''veliadi6milear-I'dal••1°eowsdtdsth-lely:Ode`
plications received moot recently were •
*for lady sten.ographee at $780, 'book-. • ... . a , theboOthes iv.hiehbrenVirit'''•,the'Snin -nii Tlarwi li, the 'following are, the facts Times ' ., - '
keeper at, $1060 and 'commercial, . Rev, R. E. Everibthain preached his to .8180.00. .• The program Was -of a high, •.'of ,the incident, .'whieh, .'otherwise, "le- -- . , ...,
teacher at $1400 per annum. Business,. farewell Fennell in Aniberley Methodist Order throughout, Rev. 3. I.l.re Stewart, hardly worth recording": "On, Satur.
, .
. , ,,. ,
rrceeliclainet&;aGeuratgrcatiell:Ltef- ' G -et• °,11r 'church, Sunday eVening• , ' • • ' . ' paster of: the eonirregatio ,n , OceilPied.the., Mir forenoon it,' Corinan.seaPlane•and -
. chair, -1.he' Teeswater Band and Or. aeroplane appeared 'O. 1-lar*Ieb;'13Y.11.1gt .' • . T11E' 414 x..111 -141T1(111'' -. .
,D. A. tAct.144111i.ANI, Principal. s•r ) chestra tarnished excellentmansic, which '',17erY .. higli.' , our .elrereit • imMediatelY• . • The •undeniable ' economic truth • that
j , „Amberiey played 'LoChalsh' ball. team
. ..aturdar.eveiiing at James Me hersons, . .. ,, • d b • ,- ,started. In pursuit and drove groin ore
The .'hostile aircraet off. agriculture is the. faetor ilmt. in 1st h
'• ' With a fair game 10 favor of ,AMberp. - was SuPPlemente Y selections. oll'• the' : •.. , ' , , ' - ,,then. ctiol4De"- di- '..counted iilien to restore the Einanclial and
'Wilfred Francey,' :v. iait,erl" his ifisil-'Yr, ,rbo4agtoPir ,S.LbOYCli'DnU011We-a., V;10'ites°,18iss:18P7.gaa.;`),wisTa°r,L::.' „tulheeilrt „ ebserahpfie..".1, n4liciii th.ficy,4'!4-ag,,,•itatilatf. g---e're---ett. :e-ernmercial, equilibrium of Gaha a has
appealed se strongly to the ,direetors of'
Mrs' Bert 1111rePhreY, and alse'renewed, thttei, duets and. selor, all of -which were
old acquaintance here,' Wilfred intenda* enthusiastically received.' ,, Brief ' and ll' ...,g , •,, ',. , ,-.. -.. the Canadian National 1.4.Alubitioa• that
leaving for the front fre$ in ' a short tiOle. , pithy addresses were given :. by Bev; "'a. ' - 'sub -mail"' es.., ,iiii.iire: pe te,:rt ,, . never bt lore , has sue,h • , etre ntiou .. been
. Having an up-to-date Creamery ' " TnE ANNtrii. hone of the Amberley Penrose;, of .Whiteehurcli, Rev.' 3. S.' • La;liel.:ItieticlebfraarnmcliinegstelPrteliesti°3gkr1 illo°rItte
in Intl operation, We, solicit your S.-S:ana also School Section No. 9 was Duncan 'Lucius* Pr. Pewter Tees- -•' /511 ("1'3°1 (-1 he 134 British illier.
, pai, occ.bgfiest...in-4441.,,pros• 1-07 , held -on -the pieniegroundat. the -light- water, and -It„,-.D,,,datnere* ii' , inckit' Ow...‘.... 1r7:,,Angl?....C.A1..1,19._r_tli...a....viieliifore_rtead.;inat. °...v2rUitaeebnir.164, _la. It t_easrde :t.tte..a.rit.,i...._,.... Td 1,.1i,
patronage : We are ,prqsared. to .
' - •1 y .'" ... ' .. •, .. A ,. , , . , . •,,,,,,, .. ' , , •......,' 'itOW,11 : uaruor., `.„ _. ., , . , ns ea •o eur •at in ,q. ,ret n 0,
es t btorf tit*. Wei gidu toSamplifti 4001- -was- spent in the usual -manner of, the liat din Of school the piipilS'of S.'S. ,-11,116aGteillilligasulia.rueblint.tutete.r.„,-- bAveirngw- rretiretna In the Priie list44,8.-inigghtri:rease-70Floi-'6y1..ihr'e
. gaort 4=0404 and g*L'70 act4*-ii koit• , ,linase' ell °ma 1 June • 2 a• The, after- , pneuss -.AND raest gverrox,,,_,LIn
and.teirineltcfr can of. cream re- pienics, baseball, races, tail -driving con-., -No. 8, Kinloss, presented 'their teacher, apparatus, her bridge and ,upper werks ;expected in this .year 'of Stres, the Can,
. ceived carefully gad' returning' a ,-, test, etc., and. then .4 bountiful, lunell Miss Grace Reid, vvho has taught in. this root aivay; her funnels.. Iderced and, adian ' National Esnibition has taken
fall statement a Aura& tO each „' *Welt all enjoyed; 'During the aftermien' *list the opposite -Cod- Se, ndhaif'c ria
school for the Ina, five. 'years, with a her 'decks ,:littered • With dead end dy- i , r . a . o r , -
ratrii,ri., ,-Air6, fii,' Itilsfr- tw6 x'4'4t, tc"'-.: rtwo addresses- were read, the, ,first to beautiful 'gift ot silverware as a token. of Ing, , she .accomplished the feat _vainly, ii4 the .niOneY and.Prizes' wiih, ,the' kind
elth riate614`• '°It•I .411/ ''e4"3-5 ''.1 Alisa :Wel* v410 'is leaving ' the ,sehee, 1 their Appreciation of herfaithful' eervie?, attempted by the. 1114ated Armenia0 co-operation of ' the 'Dotekiren --anyern-
,himvalways found ' you ready Morgan. 'There "is _':iiii• reaiiiiii 'why_ tiousvA -81-1,000;- This year ever'$00,060
W., fce ftortatree pr5entars 0.-e
sert4..oecats:,arell ,-.1-e me- a•-• tear.:
. .
- !IliVarrareligra.-gtmong us. , •Sineetaking •
. ' .M.Lt MarY Scott end Presented hY Miss tion the 4,114swing address was read ; : by
i 1-.44
leak Seat* 45 fellewe: • ' • • ' ' One of 4110. pupils': , - . ''''. " •
• 'liner Teacher: 'We, tlie'1311.Pile S. Dear, Teaeller;"- '' . o
*.-Al,f,lgtta.mit-taffitakiw•gad • larta-- fa ' if ).• -- ' - - -:• - .. 1 - -,- • . h . .1. SimilarAttempts -Should not bo made, will-isn- diStriUted-; -.-"--•:: . .• - .. - • -
in bole 0 need„Ion , have a -
It:9-'1,cl. ke• thle'• 00PottanItY: of ' 0.-
ii,x.- sn.... you :_our _ .serreys ..at ' yens ogpr6ss. Our sincere_ aiipreehttiott „Ai you t Leelfanie, ,xoght,,equany Well be De :aged •• ,The amount given in •prizes the. first
41'71 6$4etc.' frilt •Yrir4 'Wei,' all , We hope ,that yoa will ,aCcept this gift
' •*'' ' tkrprati4 .. ' ' . Vire kope that God will bless and pros- 'next 'll'e 'Itellr will 11°t be nIll'ell in
' ...."k1704,,..egt rgis* • 19” AO' gall' ari a slight token of the renienibrance. . .rlaagailI' Will 'Mien' .lia'1'1"hiiiilrY" 'i. the 'Canadian'. National,(EXhinition, le
4-0'04-lt,....,,--4,, 14"- ".ed-ort::,behalf aes- 8st000i Ili which you are held, -.,--.% • :robe AO it ---Beginning ' . $tilitItY,•. i54,b90,--reached,in4.91-3-k --• - .,,'-'..'_,....
6 * ' n°•"ri"0"-__.,____..eitner' warY.s. taken
such an fictille:l'at ' in our "11')Cili 'til:rIA"rue eliel3ant:94deon'thWriVie176dnarel t Oanadi fi National 4•1' ' 't'fi- a' :11--
' - Airiii052r, . O. "ifeit WhereYer You'inay,.g0;- -Signed -4heet. tlehr. to.the'41wige'rliitt •cA'Pltal -.'-
:•1f1,-44441t4"414a' 0 "PAW -,- the pupils,
tat. Plu aiong'IV""4 $0 eel' that yoiiik wilf be. greatr ' . ' ' '
we ficitrtity.` thank 'gait.
InIeIeciPt this hana knew that that which is our los, will he , - , „
41-% 17'116 " a'ellght other'S gain, Nes4 • ' ' • .
throughtont the section; but we;
the‘purag of this scheol;''wish. te, Peed •te--„Jile.tifl 'thal.:siiildng of ,- the :,Of theDepartmentOfeigrie,eiture,
SerViees during the-tham you spent•with Ito Justify the attempt. to Murder Ur. year of the-CariadiarilVational -Fkliih: '
i'.iarink the'i;resenta, A week age in the same waters. ' . :,itneetipta,rti'y.lti,edlits•ehtrftit,ab,a,C;w0tendatr;%inbavillentiroo4ostch,lii$4,e,t5;,c,o_ii.leig0,4•13,1y-iatoet,r
• - , *art a attempted asartasination . ' :
, „
will be Inareased front' 7 to 1014
SondOn. 'S'tart' In regard ,to Mr. -Mor -gatoe; trei,!,:yoar i.s, agyeatim to. . •40w.
ItO uphold naternetionel lays," saYs The
and the • dAllY" fatten for , eaCh Perste
" Lenden, july,'„dr-,. -!,Tho urgiimarita' is•
/ ' II., London's can, oro,, 0)31 n lio:u _ , t 4itiriiaztehltiisiite and added at
, tlotvelri;e•nes7iieelsatsisoews
• . •,
_ ,... . . . . . .
, . TheArepord for.a day'a attendance at
. , . , . , -
an hicks:se.. • ',. , . .,
year oiler, ,800,000 passe ro g i e
1913 oaver.1',0160,oloox•pehan,stille visited
. ,, . , . ,
. • ,
agarges,,antet 115,0cetnr. tvel,vreeks.
ifi• 3,fiw..daY, awl, , which :Was. read by during that thine.
, „ ,,,a. sccirt,_,,,s. ,:4:11,41 isl lvteverS; at'yfty0 .et trOhor mod i n:,, in.g at i ytdomitv:txtdp,,,e7bSina.Awtcsautou._14,0,14:..,_o_iixitootor,,ge.i7rtileiwiattonit our:huligti4tio(;_n„4:0:hle:A_
_. --P.. T&ser;oi*:- ., -,,:. . -• l-
ite ............,,................. . . , •,Welinetiday; Jetteleth --; litail- Carel tite",-
m aokett, of Zn le spent Sun-.
,,„.,m60d6.,3,,, ',/oy 6, * ten -round contest lir, Ciliarlie Whlt0
. dbo. flits,r:ornei:d ile:.atie.Yugt. .ottlit:ti tat :ill:: i 1:,19:11 44:1,ro'1#01t1;igintwtsteadi ig uhi en,f:
.. . , ,
y. it i cousin, Alex. Irwin. • A' 'Montreal firm: hat reeelied .t, an
• (40014.8tothere re:flurried:Pent Toronto Order for 1,200 box cars front .the
On Tainedayieneompatded by hie friend, pritish .covertittignt,,
1 Me.„ Patterson; • . - ' • ' The ' 03s.it 'freight sheds at 'Port
A baby glii arrived' at. the, home 'of "clown: Wire gutted by fire Yesterday
Mr, and Min joint Blake un ;illy 1st, 'With a daltage Of nearly *MOO.
CongrattliatiOnl, ' . , . ^ -.. ' •
vion were held in Blakeeliturli on
Sinulayl 'the 'wok irr it 'having boon
oOmplemi.earb+ in the 'Week, •The.enitis
taittee"in 'charge are to be commended
on the neat std. attrettive. #ppetuatiee
Meant& nOW procents, ,
'IY. 4, McClure,' of Vati0011Yer 'Island',
hi vidtini his lirothmArt,lawf, Will Fin.
rat! stAK/41.tu.s.1" rbtNe,7.4v14. "Actusr.'hiert w 1)kiki ttot Ufpu'yon is tho ,sotate. wistica 'of ,414" • : ''. : '. '• . -
• and Otilmiit..ind•at, rott. Ifnuarrooth„ 1 r x4 you Airtherhetendt, ,Rigtieit es, nel. ,Mists Leila Illekeepeot the week tend
luinweir Pr w.im'.ill'/.',0,".114ie ,amt b4f of Amborlity "Midi and . swat, with. het sister, 'Are. Aibott Alton,. Bd.
- • rotocs_ „,.., emitehrel, eider. _ tory. ,__, w, , ma , ., ... , fasts,.
PatioiLthrim,...iituret tart DetWeeti Urea ,fie , , . •. , ,, ..
' it", "tny ter WArtnittidlar4o0'elitilletitietil0 "' Mr. Wringlinni mule tome eery fit- Ifieliii *atm Vitzgemirt • etiti iieita
•-.' . arttimr,d Think Ticket ;Montt, ., , .
tifig tettlatlfg'for both Mist Welsh antt ilixko.aea *nett 14l1' were . litteadligitii
li, MA,Setillt# 4110# Voliitilv• him#elf,, thanking the people. 'for ;their in paesing their exams, in ..Stratfurd
thottShtttlinenn for thetao, , , ttortnah-Onsrattliatiotnio ^
, .
--Monday, July Ath
ilayinglias commenced in this locality.
John 3, Dean hada be last Saturdal'..-
Saltfsrd spent Sun-
day at hie home here.' ,
IMias Rita godenayef 14oedon the
guest .,91.Mrs. jonre Hussey, ' •
.1qise Dial3enniger of Iliversdale I
visiting at Miehael Beeniger's„ . •
moved theii. barn- last
wea.froin 'the lake Up to the 'road, ,
Mies. Mary Gorvey who has spent the
fast two years Lit Denver, 'Ools is home.
Leo Kelly and Gus MeCarthy visited
friends oi Seinewbere on Sunday, some-
"Nlargaret. Garvey of Chepstow.
is spending her vacation nudes the par-
entails:mt. „
• 'Messrs LaFrauee and ,Overleigh of
Walkerton paid a Oyiog-Nisitto.Ashfiekl
, (Intended. for last week)
on Sunday. '
• Jesepli and Annie Mos of Godench,
are spending.part of their vacation
,JohnU. Patton's, '
Mr abtcild}' i'AitIrros r.c., 13; esi 11434141dt aat tbhd6hsoeinnea,Cyiil ,,
of Maurice Dalton, • '
Mr. . and' Mrs, T. 'SulliYau, Miss Marl'
Griffinandjelin Stiles of ,cihicago are
visiting Ashfield friends, _
'Yarnes 'McCarthy who has been work -
nig the breakwater in Goderich. has
returned for the. haying.
'and .:LC'IrS. Lannan and . the.
Misses Ethel and of De:,
troit are visiting friends here,
-Sohn and Gertrude Young of cerlow,
Sootier Senate to .10 . ,
4%,• %0 .
, . • • - -
olltilrif, . 00101. TOMi
. to tat; &dry trrit,.$0.....-drokaisnav.:47Ee 0.7,t c,•4414,tt,. to fort
, Bandar tor 7.4103 of. MY, Jr ./greoc-1,4P fop
. Ono l 4
• MAgikileta•10411 r•Pfg*" io4‘4.ui. 614:1,•itg4 t4r4h Pitdilty -
.noirits, ' . • . , As," s iir4 flat iftereverym
' taisesti.eatirezeSptnatteerretreesae-. A7 rfmi• r.Wat ' (IWO tiat 04410
1'400 Or SOO "4 Alsger.tiaW4*Ifirel ti,.1...;:t, ,0_,''. - :• If
..12.1if ti.ei. deili„C'terpt i'lloditt fw.,,..Stable,is, "4'4, . tr4 • 404: Atfirin: ir
Make you:
Mon . ilp
Mkt* lAke 41r. ok,-4,,r,p4 ,#.1fit0b40147et4.04 , . ii* *04.94zprieir .
btter idles ou this,
STEAMS1111) ',EXPRESS ' irtk3.11/74a//4414:fbyiniteen6014. jite toy
LeiTet litOlti4 ' ' Itgitili.'• Hite the .su roma ishowers distill jolt and
, *tags Senifit Witirt.40146'' e:feettanto OM 'ait ,0.044 'and-. 00 th9
mosulitY Weilet4"741/8 'S4Olde0.4 TA; eboietst of Ifettnen'e bins:singe MaY over
S.' 1±,10DoriAxx.
Mr, rAlecLityro of London and ,,Miss
Deitrieux Riversdale spent Suoday
at Thomas GarvoY's.
Eleanor Joe and Patrieia Sullivan of
GbdcrielaCollegiate Institute, also Marla ' •
Sullivan of Guelph and Alice Dalton are '
buipe far the summer vtieatiOn.
The •f011owing is the reStilti of the Pro -
Meted examinations in S. S., No. 11: • ,
Sm.') I to Jr. INT-JIonere--hiergaret
Long, Prank liaekett. •
, puss., Mary ' L Hussey, Atobtret,
FoleY,' Bernard Obadiviele, Jas. GrtlllIl,
Leen joy, Jkidia Smith, • ,
Jr. t Se. IIV-11ensorte...0eralit
tittrvey„, sloMea,...0'004inor. ,
' 'pass -Agatha -Connorj Monica Martin,
. 1. •
'BC% ICatie '"
11 to In111-lioeors.',- Margaret joy,
Mary Dalton. •• _
pass- John O'Reilly, ueo. theiontn.
Pt. II to II--,IIonors-Bufena Setif -
van, Helena' INey, Elizabetii. (tonnor,
Qlero Donis ,Dalton, Ger.
vey,,Marie Dok0o,
Drenueo,'-• •-•Oytil,,, Austin,- ,
Bevy ay' Matt. •
Are Issued for
Short Tenn. ot'Yeats
Interest Coupons •
Payable Flail...Year
. Assets --$7,480;-j39
The GreatWest Peritanent Loan Compaq
17 • 20.Ring St.West • • • • Tozouto
Represented bY•
on., Agnew, Ont.
in Canada
in Canada
C�lumbia Patriotic Records
Two.. Selections on. Each Record
Come" ahd bear" them. TheY. are s11l11)IS' aiagnifiCent•
E.N;ery.,Cin'e •recorded in En 'glaild•
Violet Lor.a.ine. sing the r01-11ing s6I1
" Three Cheers for Little Belgium,"
Mire S.blreers far Little Belgium 1 P30
Ooine On, You. Iioys of London '['own j 85e,
Our Empire. Part 1.
• Our Einpire. t
f 85c.
BrituSli ArinV.
Beiddi Army tingle •Calls. Part 1 J
'England's Battle Ilyinn P38,
Iliere'S Only One England; §,5e.
• Peptildr-Patrieti:L,Sooge-„1)k,t 1 0
PatilOtie Songs, Part 2 j •4C ,
IIre We
.A.re rfere:Vo•
e --or '
-Are Again • -
.Ate We Downhentteril isro 85e.
, • 444
ArehhiehoO Aimee Quigley le expect.
ed tO die during the next fWerlitr-fOtif
.!10tirii. • • , • ,
Get a Ilyslop-None better
)Lucktiow, Agcnt!
secondilangliter Of 4Ir And Mrs JanieS
Barbour 'Wee!. Wawatiosh, became the
bride Of' Mr. B. MeClenaglian, of
Whitechurch Rev. P. T11001)4011
offieiated Tile bride %tits gowned in
net over white silk trinimcd
with pearls. In the eveoing there was
teeeption tit de home of the bride'e
parents. After congratulations, over
seventy-five sat down tn it „dainty wed-
elieg supper. - ening was 'spent in
milsie 'and WOOS The gifts were both
Tiniinerous mut castIr pluming the 'high
esteem in whieh the young, couple ere
held The gremini gift to the Wide was
gold *atoll aed fob,. The gilk1It4 f1`0111,
distaoce were Mr. sad 'MN kn. 'Cara;
eStv Amaranth, 111. Jt Ilerhenrt, Erin,
a Mrs. T. hoes, Stuninerht11, Mr,
and Mitt Mr. if, • Balker And
Urn. Heaton, all from Clinton and
and Mra W 3. MeClenegliau Vatint
Thu youtv couple left 'en the .carly
train Thursday manrinue •for gloeland,
Ohio anti other mints: on their • oturn
theywill take up residence on •• the
goons farm' near Whitechurch with
every gond vialt fax a long and happy
wedded lifer •
arsei aise -
Lord God, protect the Czar .,
•(Russian Natimial Anthern)
TVs a Lones Way to 'Tipperary
Old omra<js' Alarch
j 85c. ,
Capital Aut�4zed $4;06,06
•4401.tal Wald U - 40(4000
tiiirphse • • • .1, • # 44,760,004
ik *rot/ xiqt.w. hoi, to get $5.00'wetiltE
,1 you not try If .3.6ti wifl set a, •
, few &niers `eystatnaticailst *you wfl he Sn't*-'
prised how %lily' you Cali mull that Bow
The Dank et hatnittetvwdl help iron
receiving auth. SUMS, OA Whililt it
eonvouritt ihroest
LpegNow lattAmen.
•.4. atatititilat
• ' .