HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-07-01, Page 2CANNING AT HOME
Pruit perfect in sbpeand
ty and a dear well made yrup,
Ito Syrup must be made with pure good Sugar, es Organic Matter In sugar
acts like ever -ripe fruit and causeafermniation. To avoid sec.'s, disappoint.
meat and loath We worth while insisting on beteg supplied by yew dealer with
the old reliable more than 99,99 per Cent pUre St. Lawmen
Standard Granulated Sugar.
exclusivebt from pure cane suga in a perfectly equipoed aud right up-to-
AND PRIVERYS MAKiRti P iseme Luca* Awaits svso,
44440 palsy ere the secrets of its succ.ess. _
Ib mkt seltAakeshy3tPoorrbot RA* Gribuikted lerinerystralidnotives„a le. mkt ,f lb,
corlas. AO. O. 2;$ owl 100 lb. bogs. *Jock Amp.* obrobiti cleabboir Attft COMPACSOfightS.
ake Imp eh* * ik arm ifroo re* tfls Notelsbuctibt POO. sooel *Op, cam .
Nr. LAWRENCE rougAll ItErINOWS. Luilikieno MOIVfitEAL,
W. T. Mew 4 cal
las twogor.!:orrat
tt.sr.,:,..7...-tar.r......• • -
, .1c.....%
"."=15WrrirrorroTir "'"
1114 *NM SIMPt IL
WOW Wai,004,
Always order
by the IMMO
in order to get
• Practice* every
ocer in Canaria
that had been indicated to the driver,
and found Dunraven awaiting them.
"How is Lloyd?? Whispered. Ailsa,
fkiveriehly, as belated her from the
carriage. • - • • .
"Still unconsCious,'r he answered.
"May 1-09 to ---him 7" i
• She did not observe the drawn took
of,his Iheggard:countenante but felt :the Et:timed .estpression of Indvoice
-. as he replied; • „ . •", .
• "Not to -night! The doctor would
not Wish it. If he should regain con-
sciousness I will eat' you at once. I
think you know that you may trust
There was semethingso strange in
his manner of uttering the words
that she_glaneed up into hie face, but
IookedlloWn again wlieii-she-efokrtho
hungry eagerness .of his bloodshot
eyes. Hisexpressionfrightened her,
It Seemed to her that she could ask
no more questions. Her own • voice
alarmed her .until the sound of it
soused her to start with fear, • She
shuddered heavily, ad made no ob-
jection when Dunraven himself show-
ed her to her room, not oven inquir-
ing where Ethel was to be. placed.
, She heard Dunraven'"Nee . .0s,. in
a dream as he said:
ARertiain. here. If we should want
you we will know where to come for
you,. Yours will be the first name he
speaks when he ,regains conadieuS-
. (To be continued.)
but as,thy reached the hall a
burst of flame told her the awful
truth. Almost before she had ,seen
it, however, he had, wrapped the
greatcoat about her head, Whig:tering'
at the same time;
"Hold your 'breath,/ dear. - It will
be barely a • minute ,until you are
She hersclf ' would have been a
'heavy burden to carry, but bundled
aa she was in the coat he had wrap -
had about hap a less athleticman
would have failed' in the undertaking
he had set before himself. Even as
it was, he staggered :under it; but
went bravely on.
He had descended' the steps to the
landing upon Which Ailsa had stood.
,the day before when she had sten
• CTIA,PTER 2111C.. ,
With long -drawn sigh bubbling
h tho happiness in his -hearts
Ogden left Ansa; but instead
going at once to WS retire, he
on a heavy overcoat and went
into the night air. Lighting a
he strolled leisurely down the
g deeply and planning
out future.
Tho utter wearbese and hopeless,.
or ,Adisa's expression had deck's -
him upon one things Ills wife
could no longer continue beneath the
ro of his meter! • •
Titat Ailsa loved' him he had no
More doubt than he had .of the con -
of the stars that shone so re-
splendently above his head. •
Ile would as • soon as thought of
doubting the word of r.,God as the
look of truth and earnestness in her
eyes. He • loved her with that Per -
feet faith that easteth out fear, and
it was only of her good and welfare
that lie thought est he Wandered on:
"I can not allow her •to sacrifice
her life to althel," he Mused. "She
loves my poor little 'sister, and foriter
• sake and, mine the great-hearted girl
, Would give' up eve.rything; but I can-
not permit her- to do it. Ilav tired
she looks -and sad! Heigh-ho! What
a world of sorrow Ethel brought
into our lives! But how' nails% Um -
raven has borne And yet,
would bear• a burden a thousand times
greater for the sake of my wife that
will bel My wife! And a month ago
I would have sworn there was
no WOMEM in the world whom / would
ask to be my wifelf• Yet in that time
• she has crept into my heart and twin-
ed 'herself around my. very life until
it would klli. me to lose To lose
• her -or: to doubt her!" • •
There was ,e smile about his lieg-
• e tender, boyish smile that • would
. have told the most casual observer
love, lei- no - Man smiles like
that who does' not love. It :was radi-
ant, ecstatic, yet .in, the background
of it there- was an undefined sadness
that. was touching.'
He wandered about in the ,cold
night air 'until he had induced a
sense of drowsineas which was • the
' sensation he was in search of, then
turned again in the direction of his
It was late -almost twelve o'clock.
He had " not :observed thepassage
of .time in his absorption; but as a
town clock chimed the hour., he smil-
• ed and hurried his loitering -.foot-
Aerie. '
There were many more pedestrians
upon the street at that out than
..tnival,. but if he thought of it at all
he • explained it by the thought that
there was a playhouse,in the vicinity
and .that the theatre was just out. He
'Went through them hurriedly, but
.Was recalled to the fact that • they.
increased as he neared home until be.
fore he had reached the caner the
CroWd had beeogne,so dense that he
was forted 40 elbow his way. through
He paused to ask the' eause,--arotra-
ed to the fact at last that something
ueleimalliad taken place.
• "It's a fire" .the_man° whom he ad-
dressed replied, • _
•'"Where?" ioquited- Ogden, with in -
*eased interest,
t"They say it's the Dunraven man-
sion," the man answered, '
• "Good ,Heavens!"
Almost before the words had been
completed Lloyd (*deo had • burst
• through the crowd and sprung for-
ward. •
• Ile was 'seized by policeman and
held baaward.
•• "You can't ,pasi this line!" criecl
..446.,...6.L.....41•41.6.1r...4.4,W °Meer Of the law, oxeitedly. •
, "Hut ust r ton yeti"- gasped
• Abuse is burning; my-
' feinily are all there!". '
Already he , had shakeh off th
polietnian's hand and had dashed for.
, Ward. , • •
• The Modes were !often* *inn. the
windows, lighting the SCette with a
fierce, gloW that was hideous. Great
clouds of dense, Mack smoke °sea.,
Mortally choked the flame; but once
more the savoge etim-sort belched
forth, licking' up the gides of the
'hour4o crectiing from window to win.
dow with terrific fury.;
Lloyd paused only long enough to
SCO the game, then sprang forward.
Staggering down the stoop he saw
his brother-m-laW with a burden in
his arms, the burden apparently life-
less; but theugh he ,,:tecognited •the ,Simonson leaving -Metiers room -Be--
Be -
form of his laterite sister, he did not low him the flames wereleaping
pause to think even. Of her condition. across the hall in .frantic fury, the
"Where -is Ailsa?" he gasped. •• laud inackling, •coupled with -the
The blanched face- was ranted to hearse voices of the firemen issuing
his; the inert form fell. from Leslie's their orders and the play of the wa.
arms, - But for thefortunatepresence. ter „upon_ the building, _made: a babble
of a•fiteroan Ether would have rolled, of sound and wild confusion that re -
down the Steop:4Both men stood there- minded him of nothing short of per=
facing each other, neither speaking. dition..
It was,,,,Traoment which ueither of There was only a moment -An -VW&
them ever forgot;• he could think of it, however, for
"Is every; one out?" naked the fire -s suddenly a terrible explosion °Our'
Man, bolding- Ethel • safely •• sn his,f red lamest beneath' his feet. ' 7
arms.• ' staggered and fell back for
• Detsperately'Lioyd turnerifto him, • second, but •only for a second."%o has left the building?" „ The • lights had all gone out! He
Ur' ey"ThstetasnedrItaiv7,etes and one
ladY: There -cemlltdefeVelatshewheelal-"nrgPhotn ilissliffaoegtinlige
Hastily:1)Mb. Men threw. their eyes him; there, was " -:a pain stabbing.
in the direction indicated -Huddled -to-
through his eyes
ether where the light from the firs t e keen cut of
ighted up their :terrified 'counter).- a knife but he did not pause to think
what frightful thing it was thathap-
gimes With a fiendish glare were the-- --
allasee ne:-flaine,andyetthe
.00den, but.. it only ,ene Ott:w' -,--,
sefiants of the heusehold and Muriel., ,
glance latiiatIliaen-0--teallae' :that' --leirtthWroansghs-C.triecilineger.rnd,70Sntheblitou-n4-
Ailsa was not there. night; •
Went -1W the st?°13: Ireft ah°4 people ontaide. '
With' one bound LleYd Ogdee had • There-WaS :a wild cheer from the
to enter the bUrning buddingil, but a
detaining hand was laid heavy upon He heard 'it alfaintly. He
his sheulder. • knew that some ibi, one had.come to him
"No *an could live for five -minutes and had take A Alba from him, and:
in there!", a fireinan calledhoarsely: h recognized by, the voice that it was
"You dare not attempt it!" Actor Paxton, but the pain - in his
',But before the words. of warninge es Was so great that be felt his
were finished,' Lloyd had flung ,asid'se frength fraying hihim'rapidly.
his hands and, rughect,litto 'the flames. And then he heard the voice of the
They closed about him, it dense 1;01; ed'eal Man whom he known
time of sinoke belched out, the :aim_ Plinc: he was a hey;
on; ,crackling games • le.ped, higher is: "Good' gracious,Lloyd! What ° has
kiceureed. heard:, • the -fireman's. apyened to. your,
his ears. How was .it that they could
and shut him out from sight.
Stunned, •, dazed; Dunraven stood 1 -le See no tight about. him,
there, : scarcely realizing.. what had the voices were -becOming confusectin
vdroeicaeln%liskEtey gruffly: in a v.ague' seeAnind tthhaetn ilithteenistoepdoartrkiioefs.52 hideous
death as sure as that • building.'" is ilen'ItG°rnettfrielleavIteP4ni iiiHme: is hilndin''
"He would take no warning.
burning! I told him; but he would s '11° 'did /lot he" the "inalt's "Y
not 'heed!" • that rent the air not feel wild
Some- one led Dunraven 'away; but have recaed Win from the clutch of arms that he thought Would
he seented. not to know. He had Tor- ' dead, but
gotten all about •his wife; -whose „
lay where fell, silent-insensible.
had "saved. . .,
-"Pate he kept" inuttetiek inent- CHAP.TER:
ally. "Dead} And it is Lloyd who dies seine one-sugkeited.,:hietear Xioyd.
with her -not I! It is Lloyd • who Ogden carried to a hospital, but Dun-
thes in an attempt to save her! Oh, raven shook his head in negation.
if it hadbut been me!" - • "No," he answered, authoritatively;
And yet he had made no effort to "we shall take him to a hotel." •
go! He had saved •his wife -Ethel, And to a hotel' they went, not even
not Ansa! He had forgotten the gni Waiting to see what damage resulted
he loved until Lloyd had spoken- herfromthe-fire«
runnel Forgotten her very existence Lloyd was Placed in a carriage with
until another Man had Mentioned.her: the doctor and 'Mint:men in attend-
-another whose love seemed as lit- ance, the ladies pieced in another, alicl
tie to him by 'comparison With his own the order given to drier, carefully, for
as a purling stream, is to tit esurg- Lloyd .still remained in the death-hke
ing ocean, - - • • • Swoon into • Willa he had fallen. •
Ile was stormed, helpless, yet stood • Eyebtowg, _lashes and mustache
there like a statue - • - - = • , were burnedlrotti his fitter his hands
What.did_Lloyd.,_ know_ of Jove? _were_ istered,, even is ips scorch
What' Was Lloyd's Calm affeetiOnto ed; but that Was nothing to thater
;the pasion. that Was . tearing -hig rible affliction thathad so Stidden13"
heart? He was willing to resign the i•efall n h m.
worid..4torric, wife, his own- •go<-•••Blinded , while playtog the prirt .of
nettle, the honor.,*hich he had valued hero Eta few Met had ever played itl
above all else, yet another_reen was .Ailsa was enleutt!
perishing with her because he could Not even a hair of her bonny 'head
not liVe. he
-bet -Was sgingedtotehileaf the fiery ordeal
Ho* he enVied that Tamil And yet, through
which t
had Passed«She
he otood there looking on in stupid back among, the cushions of the
.silence! t • - -,•00,r.rjagev
., her ,.eYeolosed, ,her face
inanweirS; Lloyd,'neo 'sprung :up wrate as death, not a muscle Of her
the steps three Or four at a time. He
had slipped! out of his greatcoat and
Wrapped it about his head, to that he
Wag7,•senteWItitt protected. : -4There was
fte. reason. ,why 1,e should Bee, :knew-
ing the house AS he, knew it.. • ,
Fortunately Ailsa's door was not
locked. He flung it open and ealled
tQ ber1.1 -
"Aliso! Aliso, MY. darling! Are
You here?" ' • ,
. A heavy, groan answered blot;
Ile sprang forward to the bed and
lifted her, all dressed as she was. '
"Don't be -afraid, sweetheart," he
whispered. _"I will Satre Yon! Put
y dr atria abill
She was not fully awake, and had
not Yet tealizedtheir, terrible daiv,
beer hear et ties? Tee. Of course. Yon did. but ander' a
Siffereitt nano. You nave 'seen it in cases Where ther.heral
Was "overtrained, woreed a little too fast era, regular.
The nervous eystem tots the she* ester ,tito_, voluntary
retteeutat eystent hes -been timed too liettvilY., The trottnle,
marts in the'raticous,SurfetteS, and the Aiigeottee' astettates,••••
too, must then he impaired. lie begins to cough when the
Vends are Materially effected. •
• 100/1101011 .• •
ie your true salvation It ,reeterets the avore'tite tote ithrrnat
functions Of thoi *nine sySteill. The Action to Such tams.
terharkahlY note tad lure for roMoVerY Wheri.yeti Usti
this reniedylitetording lasirtictiOria 4With .S401 bottle.
Au -Wholesale •intet 1tose4s. nO,14 ny an, 41111110SM florae
a Om* Iminiek or esPrinei preptia hy4inittilifoteturere,
.1111,244 •C3entilid0 tlOsinent 44.1, 17.1.1114
form moving to tett that she lived.
Opposite her, Muriel eat, her tan -
canny, staring oyes fixed upon the
girrs face- her hands crossed---listiess.
1.5r new Ethel half lay, half
sat eside Ailsa, trembling in every
Thai; yet, forgetful of Self, she lean-
ed!forward and took the cold hands
in both her own. • • '
, "Are you ill, dear?" she question-
ed, almost entreatingly. "Speak to
Me, won't you?" .
Ailsa shivered.
• • "Don't!" she answered, hearsay,
"/ should think you .Would, hate mei
What ttouble have I not brought bite
this household! Heaven know e it is
no fetilt .of mine. r would, baits dote
anything, suffered anything to have
saved you aortae; and new 1 have
added this to all the other pain I
have 'brought uponyou," 1 have Cost
your brother:his sight!" •
She opened ter eyes the finis/led
Speaking, but it was hit° MtklerS'
• they looked, net ttheVs. She barely
repressed Et sereain of horror. Whet
felt the sudden start and followed the
direction. of her OVA, She; too,
seemed to have realised that preaeride
for the *et time, and slab* back
tuto the•votnei ,a the carriage, re.
lapsed' into a Bilende- that .was
heavy. .
'A seortiful smile played about 1,00.
riers lips, a fiery gleam came into
the' staring eyes, but she spoke not.
They drove in silenee to the hotel
061180.41010, 1 014001.• ,•using it and it will not taste bitter.
Aseerasos Beadleo.--Elcrapo the as.•.No Ash is cooked enough, unless the
PersznauagUabunmearemfUlily,tWineehto bolungand tieviatteinr tiemphowsedporeedrate:tweasehilyitfreompoithle ibmozes:
with Mat and cook until tender, gave diately ' to fruit , stains will remove
In bundles. on .ok hot did*. Ifmke,
,drawn hutter- sauce by melting :Some
good, table, butter with a little: malt.
Serve it apart. •
Sugar Drops. -Stir to n•creazo, three
(*nett of butter and six 04400 of
PeWder,eki Seger; add • three beaten
.eggs,' one-half of a pound of eifted
flour, and one-half of a autniegt
this mixture en buttered tine by Urge
•spoonfuls, sword inches, :apart,- and
•bal*the;cakta,..# ence,,;,
Sommer ..Salial...-Take the 7904).if
..shoots' of M. OStard, tender lettuce, and •
the tender tope .of green:onions; •slired
• theta fine, artdpeur over them•hot he,-
eonfat with bite, of, the cooked boon.
Season the dish well with and
salt, andadda •tableeptronful, Of vine -
ger..:. 'Tone it with fork to inix it,
and • serye it gernbthed with sltee of
:hardboiled 00; `•••
• A *mike* Way of Cooking Hind«
,erainiMer. the ham- gently Mitt big
thoroughly'. done.. :Remove. the oldni
and toVer 'tho bans. With An onvelope
First Pantile' V.C.
•n ma, .
Lieutenant Arthur Martin-- 'Leak?,
of the Royal 'Atiny Medical Corps, is•
the first man to be granted
clasp -
to his Victoria. Cross since, the order
"Por Valor". was instituted in 1859.
He , gained the •coVeted distinetiofl
dining the South African: War,
through Which he served as surgeon -
Captain in the , South African Con-
stabulary. ' The Cross was ;Warded
for mieisterisig :to a wounded Man,
and alio-art officer, 'under heavy fire
at. Viakfontein; while engaged in this
humane task,..he, himself was shot
three times. The clasp, *which is
equivalent to a second Cross, was
awarded for conspicuous bravery and
devotion- to duty during the --present
campaign especially near Zonnebeke,
through the trying period, October
.29th to November 8th, 1914, when,
Although . exposed to a constant fire,
he succeeded' in rescuing a number
Of -men who had been badly wounded.
FIVE - '10411)13.0. PIE DAILY.
.. . - _......_, .. _ . ........._ .. ,
And Thimiredi of Children Statve. in
. • , ' , ..- • Mexico City.
, .
' ,''The "streets of Mexico, City itit fill.
ed- -wititz'paiiperic. begging •.for • letale
and the teeth rote is averaging 509 a
40, Many of them childreo, ,who die
:from: lager; it*se-taidliv'a 'letter
received recerit19 by A relative in
.,,gen Antonio; Texas, from S. Janda,*
Swernia14. for 15 years 'ir:Metchtint in,
'the capital. The letter Boyar
c "While Or residents . are ' dying
with hunger, . the soldiers of Zapata
are: robbing, Stealing,. killing:Mid des-
troying. President . ,Itolige Gonzales
Garza is in charge of the situation,
but he is unable to offer .any relief.
ilic--,:alreadYlian:tonfiticateit: All: food-
stuffs in the stOres,priVate -reeidertees
Mid- Yeditietente - fin' -Aistribution
among the •poor -and iddle;classes.
ic oi
He was enabled to, g`ve each famil
enough rations,tela t them through
7 booth: if they. orao Iso 'oohomy,
"All day the ,street :are filled with
Patniets begging for a bite to eat...,
With the foodstuffs ' Shortage the ,.
number of panpers, was multiplied by
thousands, goat of the Street beg-
gars are Wornett With babies iu.arms.
"At night,nalied children go to the-
. doorstelikrof the licher Meltidarie 't0
• Plead for feed; .;Stfid When .MOrflifig
e eornes their little, bodies two stiff. Auk.;
bnlanees•are reroofing Abeir bodies
• by, litordieds. every. day.. • It is 'estitiv.
, ated that 'the death. 'rate is MO: per,.
• Sons a 'day:" • ' '
• . -
., . . . ' 4f
• Austrolieret reeeive,niore letters per
head than inhabitants of any other ,
, country.. . After Anottalio,ns come in 4' •
, habitants, of the MHO States and of
-Canada, then . inhabitarits Of the : '
'thilted Kingdom, then -.1SWISSit (4Ordf. •' '
Must, Viola, and Argentine*, . • •
of lemon. to the water they are beilcd
Drool if rubbed with sweet oil af-
ter it has boon polished7. will not ter-
nieh. se quickly.
Always put the ecrubbing brush to
dry with the bristles down. This will
gave the brush. •
Aluminum •Ititchen uteltegn 04044
never pa •washoci with soda. Use
elm* soap and Water. -
If the bead aches from heat, put a
cold compress an the bolt of the neck
anti the wrlete.
• Gae .ovene should be cleaned with
warm soapy water to .which a little
ammonia. has been added. -
• AvPiy. glinerine, to, a paid directly
after aeOldent occurs and cover itwith
rage reiterated with glycerine.
The clothe e Weinger,will last twice
as Jong -0402e pressure screws. at the
lop are looeakonl after Whitt.
New pOtatoes 01041ced water.
.ef douglsmade, of flour and water, that has a little •re:fde dissolved lit it
Bake for an houriteMOVe theenvei. Will wipe, and clean beautifully, •
ope, stick the hem with cloves, put it
heck in the baldng pan, eprinkle 11
with sugar, baste it occeelonallY With,
1Weetened vinegehAnd bahe it unAt
broWn. • : , • - -
• Meek •Bone marrow Toastr-wash
the toots of -several huncheadoelerY
and, mkt them tirto.einall places, ')3oil
'them in --milted water' gild mash them
• very finevitdd a bit .of 'butter, '9 pineh
OK ,pepper and a. little flour to give
smoothness. Turn all into A pan, and
heat it te take the ta* taste ftem the
• Tematoes can be skinned quickly If
they are firet. dropped momentarilY
into a basin 0 boiling water. •
• You Wikli And If you crush Ordiaa;K
block mit: and mix. a little flea Wittk
it i beeps quite free from huaPe. •
If the stewpan ie ringed ia cold water.
and rubbed with a little freelt botter
or laid.
If you would prevent Vegetables
from belling over,, drop a piece of
dripping the tdie of a: Walnut in the
flour, Prepare toast, and heap the centro of tit ' ,
nilittureupouit,',,,,It makes a delicioual When a Window hi difficult to raise
OlYcoelos---Cteom • together t*o.
beaten eggs and one cupful of granu-
lated Boger: *Add two ceptulsof mllk
and nix .tablespoonfuls of ,hot lard.
Add two cupfuls of sifted ''flOsar, to.
whichlati been added nix. tenant:en:file
of baking powder and one-half of a
teaspoonful of salt. „ 1011 the•raixture
into belle the 'size of an Roglish.wal-
nut,. With a raisin in, :the centre of
each., Fry *hem hi deeii:tat,.mid roll
-them in poWderedsugar,-
Cheese padding. -To one teacupful
of grated • cheese "take, one teacupful
of •broad . Crumbs... Season with car -
pule, dry mustard and salt. -rlaea one
teaspoonful of milk in :az enneeplin#
,beat in it all the ingredients and cook
for a 'Ow minutes until it is soft. Let
cool, and .add, the yolk of one egg,
well ,beaten.'„. Grease -a pie dish and
:fill it with the mixture. Pot •a littIe
butter • on ton and: beke....for". 6/veiny
minutes. : •,
Of cream with two tablespoonfuls of
'sifted lever . and about one-half a
:stick Of scraped vanillaoi • one' tea-
spoonful of vanilla- flavoring. Crush -
sine -fourth Pound Of burnt sugar al-
monds and six crumbled macaroons.
Mix alt together. 'Dissolve one-eighth
hex of gelatinie•a,strtiall quantity of
Werra water' and beat it•in. : Wash out
A,china moldand'decorate with glace
-cherries: poor ha-tho
Stand on ice. • • • -
beat two eggs,,. and edit gradually one
'cupful .a light brown „sager, while
you continua the heating. Westadd:
three tablespoonfuls of sifted -flour, to
which -halt been added one-quarter of
e apt:toilful of baking powder, and a
pinch of '401t, and one cupful of .Eng-
iish•Walnut Meat, that have been bro-
ken into Mill pieces, Prop the mix -
Wit) from a teaspoon on a buttered
pan„ hating the calces far • enough
apart to prevent their running _toge-
ther. , As aeon as they - are baked,".
rib-Oseri-them-careftilitlroni-the pan
and Wal them lnt� cones. When ;the
:cones are cold, fill thein --with ViluPped
crew; and decorate each' one .With A
candied cherry.
Crystal 'Sandwiches. --Not only de
these, "sandwiches" beep well, but they
'Etre crisp even -on tr damp day -a qual-
ity that recommends them for Ude at
summer homes at the. shcao. Place
aystetcrackers together two by, two,
with a filling of peanut butter or mar-
malade hetweelithem.• Let the "Hand-
wiehei" stand until they arefirm dip
them into erystaI syrup Made by boil-
ing stigatindomethird,
of a cupful ofwater to 225 degrees.
Dry there:oY a. wire rack. The sytup.
adds .& desirable sweetness, and at the
sante time a .covering that preserves
the itiSpneild Of the -crackers : Store
them IAA, tin bOX. ' f •
• • • Household Hints.
Steep. sage in'boiling AWater before
iffioi- 'halted' riiii-ijewooh: the- tome
and the 'caging and put a little alio on
the ,cord.
When boiling a ham leave it itr.the
'water In Which it has, been,cookedOn.
til it is cool. 'This, will makeit tea,
der, and futcy.• • ••
• Stele Inavitailitiiii-be
wet cloth -for a minute,. Shea thecloth
removed, end:the loaf baked in stow
oven *telt' an hour. .
.14*$*, tea Is spilt on a tablecloth
cover-„the-etain _Sett
Lea" It . for n• While,. and when thg
cloth is washed all stains will have
disappeared, •
When boiled and Unboiled *go get
mixed, spin them, andthe belled. ones
wUI epin around quite ° fast, 'While
those which hate not been cooked will
hardly spin around ewe. • . , •
Milk may be heated without burn-
ing -if the saucepan is rinsed in clean,
cold' .water before, .pouring. the milk
Into it: The -eadeepen• is -also, ealily.
cleaned -if -it Is thus; rinsed..,before,
. TO prevent now 'shoes, from pinch-
ing lay a cloth inoisteriedin hot water
netoesthe place where, the pressure is
mosttelt,. changing .the, cloth as soon
as it becomes COot; Thls will =eke
the leather shapeitself to the feet • •
Bait brushes should be Washed once
a vveelq' and aro soon Spelled unless
properly cleansed. Pat a tablespoon-
ful .of ammonla In a' quart of water
hot as can, be borne by the:hand, and,
after freeing:the brushes from hair,
dip, the bristles in and out of the Wa-
ter -until clean.. Elnse in cold Water
in the same way, Shale Well; wipe the
back- and -handle 'carefully, and Pdt•
to dry in the, open.
'air.. Soap should not be used as it
inteaa the bristles soft.
A 1!..E.1140KA.1041 r100.
HOW A Faithful Casks Itecover�
.•Aonw Tadin mono.
• Wraioldilf • Dentont-L` UAW"
the :11140- Penis; ?sr's, says Ovion
Jones in the . DadmiotOn Magazine'
Offered to lay a vreor,Vtitli a,friend .
with whom ho •waS walking' on the
'flouleitercl St.. Antoine that, if he Neer!,
to hidea Plee0 in the' thnot
.lito dog. would .discover it and bring
'it) him'. The' wager: was .scoapted",
and the• -piece of money.seerfated,::00
tor ,beieg carefully marked. When
thl Were. :eonie ;distehre.: fr.onx. -Oa
apot, Monsieur burnout. tailed ••
dog that he had loot tOmething, and .
ordered him to seek it. The. dog, by'.
namo Caniche, immediately' turned
back, while liis master and his, cow,'
Panion continued , their Walk.
Meanwhile a traveller, who: happett4 ,
'ed to be " just then returning "-in 1. •
chaise from Vincennes, Perceived tils.
piece of Money, ,which Ile horse 'had, .
iticked4rowits--. bidiug7placcia-•-l'ho -
traveller alighted, picked up the
ney, and was driving off to his In
:the Hue Pont -aux -Chen*, Jost as
he reached the spot where the mee
ney had been - hidden. Canithe at mice
followed!fthe-thoise, entered the inn,
and ettiCk close tatlie traveller, leap. .
leg incessantIy4ebeet AV. The -
traveller,. supposing. Mak to. "e son
dog that -had been lost or left behind,
by ids merger; thought the deg was'
trying to make friends -with, him, and
as the tiniinal wag litindainiiei. deter. .
Mined telreep•him. Ite, gaio .
goodsupperverid-Ontething to bed',
took him with him to his chamber.
But no sooner had the traveller re-
moved' his 'breeches- than -;" the-. • tog
seiSed them. The owner; of course, -
took them aWey._•Theri:_geniche jute
On :fit nt the door, Which the •
kindly traveller ;vaned, thinkMg :that,
the dog' 'Wished to go; mit. Caniclie
instantly snatchedup.the , breeches,
and aNvy he fienf. ' The tia,vellet • '
posted after hiin.iri his nightcap, anx-
ious for his •purse was full' of
double napoleon!, of forty francs each.
• Canielre_ran full Speed to his master's,
beim, Which he reached a moment 'be-
fore his pursuer, who was .naturally
out of -lifeetir ped furiously- idirage&---
sairL,Caisiche's masteri, "My
Tirdg - AT'faithful creature,- ond--if he --- -
has run away With your breeches, it
is 'because you have in theM, money
that. does not belong you." •
The 'ttaveller became still more
furiutcd. - ,
"Compose yourself, sir!" „rejoined
the other', 'smiling,' ,''Without T doubt •
there in your puree a six-livre piece
with such and such mark, which -You'
Picked Up in the- Boulevard St. An-
toine,: and which I threw down there
with eilrek'COnvietion, that inY dog:
would 'Ring, it beck again."• • „
The stranger had to :.•admit tliat
that was the case, and When he had :
returned:- the coin .to Mas4 •
ftet, the dog. permitted him to7take,Slif
his breeches . and go back in them ta -
the inn. \
An Expert Opinion.
Among the many humorous anec-
dotes that have appeared in Print
•since the outbreak of "thewar is
this from The Oandifirrid.
lag Officer of a Certain regiment' was
much . troubled; about the ;persistent
untidiness of one, of his
mand ,and punishment had proved to
be.iabllia'rnieanytellidert struck the colonel.
Why not March, the Man up and
down „the Whole line of the regirilent
and shame him hita decency? •
It was done. ' The untidy 'Warrior;
who hailed from the Emerald Isle,
was °Noted to exhibit himself. and
match tip and down the entire regi-
ment,, and the .Men were, told tti have
_a good look at ' • •
After the itrtfeal was ever- the un-
abashed son of Erin halted, saluted
the colonel; and said in the hearing
:of;`,,tohirte Wielione.egeoithrs47. r inspected,
"Srro.'" greatrs tli. velocity of electricity
that it could traver. round :the world
tight times ' hi a Minute.
• RosebereeWit. -
Quite in the foremost rank of eel&
'brides who are aiding recruiting I*
sLAredeh: e-sit_holevbeeiryn,auc'e-wah:_nisea_n37
men to join .the colors.- -Lord Rose- :• -
bety , is a very great lover of . ani.
mats,. and the story goes that ee on '•
"occasion lie 'Went so far is to risk his:
life for n favorite dog. His lordship
was on board nateamer when sudden.,
iy..his dog fell, overboarj.-.,1Vinch diS-
tressed, Lord Aosebery'osked the cap
tain to stop the boat! .tt request which;
was refused. it was a man ever- .
board;" Said the eepthiii, "Wiry', then, .
of "oh,"- ertid Lord Rose»,
ljery, -"that...Cali: 130 naeilY. Managed,"
and, to the :cavtalti4 • astonishment, '..
.1hsirtiset:IT:rtnie°;:tr aal b6oitabdtoriwbf toneasrt ltwoheva eslIA4g;liv,O1,pin'tth:
an speed, and both dog and
:Were none the worse =tot
their. estiorienaof
Seme -people cast theft breed upon
the waters, 'expecting; it to eente back
• Pe*. products itelti * 0.
household use '*;."42-043intiii64!;;:'....1, sts • 1111 Ito
to -day have triaged "
trry I IN.1414 'MP
the gap from the IStinsitivestbiogs-Of sixty yeirs,agolts'h‘as
. •
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Sugar tOillo" Of 1854; is R8OPATii ; se
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Sugar standt j6410. first in the debit -tenon Of
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