HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-06-24, Page 8kly more mows in GREAT INCREASE in the price. of woollen goods, owing to WO -conditions anti'. its wits demands, is visibly, dear in the ante-in--pree of Tweeds. and Clothing that -are being shown, for fall trade. Thest advances are asily ..from 20 to 3o per cent. and wifl eontinus until conditions in the woollen • market right themselves, And. should the war 14Ist through another white; pries 'will immompliminiiimaii. likely go 'still higher as woollen goods area first requi- site for our soldiers, either at home or at the fr9nt. • As we always carry a very large stock of Clothing, aad 'Tweeds and as our ,present csto* in these lines ,was,baught, early before the largeadvance had taken e1Ttc,t1 and as we have not advanced our prices on these Thies, it will be "good businese for anyone requiting suit to purchase now,. These values are much better - than tither we or any one else can give you later when 4the advanced ..wholesale Priees haVe to be paid, Sante 'of these Extra Values are: Irtt417 liAirV,SEftGE SlIP1`0,, well tailored in latest styles an1. made with fine quel.;,ty tod:tritop#nne,- con15 .20 -and $22 A. Nice Line, of MR GREY ,WORSTED SUM, which We 15'00 consider better then:usual valuer,. Special. ' r Large Range of 'rifted, Serge and Worsted Suits, All eitra sables at 'titan 1410.0111, twos mewl mets‘s----.5Ter adjelitimuirit. Poet 3- M *kW K. A., et Roll. hitwoript41. et, rilritirrgdirstd", *Mae* Ueleeriftsr, lkissooten Alte. laripseesei report **NW McIntosh's. *Wag his ear.y kiwi) a* Witten, *keep over at le* meelieg taken , asaa iitistadny the 1 $th int*, prouchad up mid oseeWsred was holly peseed end ix *lox °burets: Ithitearelied. ais order Weed 04 OW tryouts, for the s. oissoorsurwho* ou pkyntent of the sere& Bilis of aceounta kill *V bY11320 EMI 14°4, latilt °S. rtutreds,....„....d: and Pained, the following et (ming lent week, rxri lar,4 a sil D. a. ateDooskl, bridgeat _ot which woo uabrieriust !Hid planed On 3, and tempe), stsbud. 104 Wilbert the rood neer Ifistiose. TbS cer was f$411.04,10.004 Miner, t* day* grading oensiderably darits4led, n 50; Aseoli mule. ((eye 31.50 and 'Ma *Wow ittho late linage Der zu Toda groat 4,08, 40,08; MU Me - tett haa deoided to leave Walkerton, inseer ravel, 0e0rjpe Tiffin) team ot which wink *ha ho,n ben areadexit On graviev, .3-00; roster Jeollat, teem On for over 40 yrso *After Itmadink tbo grader,ic,t00.; Peter Mcktosi*.d!kreages to sheep or ttogo, tokol Jas. Joiniston, summer at Southampton U0 will ,g0 work on 10th $(440041, 150.001 Richard in the felt to residein Galt with h$011,- clued., culvert at lot 7 And R R Dr.- Laurie Barrett. 5.00; Guest, inspeet4nt Young's Try Resall•Orderlies, the modern lax. COnlautioSt00; rreci Won* gr..av-el con. • alive MeV' sXa sel(r,QU eaOney back 'tract itii 10, Mad 'It N. II' R-7, lees Re,„711,„„ inepeetiqSeittileeti -contract; .3.04 •U. W. W, Trantee. wholL131e2tedzm"--at SoSeul.gtirt:. gor, ta.725' 4;itilelir4gnlift'aires„ „rvrawry .StIoy, gravel anipto0 whit the 3111d. Or f3tUe.0itegi gravel, 4,00; Themes, Henry. bridge,' on - merit; VTAa the iirat. of that body to ISA sidaread, 10.094 Rdie,,, leae his Wein the- war; Hewasawy, burying a dead, aMinele, 1.00; Jews arely wounded in the big bottle, near jobnateni grnvelliegs* 14..7,- con. 1„0, .4*SrioPr from: bileat="da' .,rePQr_ 44.1°•/*..v°*'25.1futile.ese' loi.O,v* adjOurn' tfif ''064'el'relgriri•bn).1t4 4"41' • . 'Mills will he the tax rats in thollOunty : , Then** 'Nforrais. mierg, of Srucrithia year, •• This. includes the • Provincial viO 011r, bf oue 'BRITAKNOT :°Wariurntlxi,evy 0414PSiard8PX.latn'ieltIPa411-4e61:1.8'iv) • .61iYgiimytelf`n. vritrarcoaltilaltduti..*Itt; lleeer guarantee by G.' Artitetronqa The inapectioo, 58.40i ,Robert llodginnson. Phone No. 10 Is at Your Serd00 THE STORE THAT NEVER DISAPPOINTS We *au sire cosh utokrauttiott our rpoodio les, Sell Chastise Than ow Credit *tom. Clearing Lines vF4have..airimber .of odd. suits in broken . . sizes- whzch we nave placed, on a separate rack, on relent greatly reduced prices to clear. Many of these ate marked at,lees than wholesale prices. This Makes a splendid opportunityto get • ";ring ft" these a• 950 5•. • •95 .7 95' .and -$9 95 . - . „. „ Our stook 'at present contains a splendid range of Boys/ Suits nicely made with fine -quality -linings with bloomer pants, all lengths, for 5.25 to $10.00. .Also a, clearing lot of boys, suits, with knicker pants; On sale, Some at cost price and some at exactly half ' price. Se0 range of , Men's Pants, Fancy Vests and Pays', oda Pants in ,beth," bleemei. and Imicker styles. , Ladies' Collars and Waists ' Just received a new lot of ' Ladies!, Fine Organdie Collars- • at 25, 35and 50c., and Fine,' Voile and Silk Waists, 'latest styles, Iace. and enihroideTeil , trimmed; Prices 1.25 to $3.50 Corecti • Special Sale of new line of D. tit, A. Corsets for 15 days_ 'Regular 1.25 for SE3'e", -Monday, June 21st. ltet Mr. Mollanef attended the Synod, • iii London:last week. Miss Mahola Boer spent a few days•', 'kat welivr. with. Mrri. Jamesilitnter 7 den, illie Ilicet of titcan, is Spending • a few days with his un1e, Dr. •Bradley. HIM to the ,Model -F,ariu -Guelph, :on '• Saturday last, • • Mrs. Clinton of Kincardine, spent the week end with her daughter, Mrs. And- .: „Yew 11114 iobn time .of poi that you require g9od rooKrr and now le the time to boy, The Gerrinticutlery is off the market the English manufautuyers have advanced their prices about 30 per cent, we boo s, good stook-ak right, prieee, BUY NOW, DowSt waste time with an 014 hoc. Buy 4 BEDFORD MY& , and you will do the work withr ono, We have the best Lawn Mower on the Market $4.00 to to, cut four knife, -no eats* telling , with OA ' machine. See it and You • will think solOO. lla.088.81, Making a total Of Look to Seotland,VITalea 'and Txeland 4124;890.19 to be naked' for ()lucent ghting Ingle trenches, too. expenses. . Ralph E. Orr, a ferWer' Teeswate boy, eon of R E. Orr who for Ma', years noted ai'bookkeepos Or the Or of Gillies k Martin was recently °ratty reported "Kilted in aOtiore- 'France,. ,Twenty yeare,ego he. was .member of Co. 8, - 32nd Reg. volim :leers. Eighteen years - ago he won . weal.. He enlisted at . Winnipeg, • ,WILL r410404-11.7.4141,1111.4444‘71Wr4. .,,D03ald McLeod and OW giatlabteto of Ripley were in esontreel last week. !viler() they attended . the 'orclinat;On, and induction of 4 son' and bother, :Mr.; Daniel McLeod< who recently, graduate&froin the eolle,-,_ae there On his graduation be received end accept. ed a callfroni Rosemount Presbyter. ion -Church; TIIAN8ORESSO4'4WtM-ROlit PrOwn of Hepworth, who, a feVr. 'weeks ago, stO% a bioYe e from AO bo el in Sep' worth, and was captured by the police while wheeling, towards MeafUrd. was ,arraigned before Judge' Kleinin Walk; :erten, and on pleading guilty, was sentenced to 4 year's 'term on the Pri8011 Perm at Guelph. - • oiThe r.113; Of tbe transgressor is hard." When thelittle ones needa lairative give Rezkall 'Orderlies -they are niild and easant to take. Soht only by J. G. Armstrong. The Rexill-Store, 10c., 25c &50c.- boxes, • `' roonlr Ye lierth beyond the Cheviots, Where the thistles protidlyloow• inolintains tOPPed, with snow. 111 11 a, r To the sons who are as rugged. as their • VERY GitEkr N1161.444 --A travell- ing agent. who ..•visited., Ripley -lest "I'litirsday,`got,verry, muchalnraned when she Visite& a certain, }ionic end' clia- oe'vered, a number of prisons talking in a foreign language says 'the ',EA'presS; She immediately reported at the neighbourir g house that she suspect, .ed, that German spies were in .our, : _ `Upon' invOigrition it was learned that`there was no reeks/1'10r suspicion.: It was .a. 'Gaelic. prayer •rneeting that.Was 'being conducted and all:. those -present Were, 011e British citizens, ' who all spoke. the 'Gaelic; • Tho neighbora liada hearty laugh vih61 , they learned that those who., Were ". at tending. the Meeting. were Mistaken . for ,German 'Spies: -,,,, ,.. ..; 'El . ''. - .7Y 0 V LI., . .1: 6NC E Tun 'TOW N --71)01' t , Elgin, on.':,. iS a town. with about MO , ,, - population, Moat of 'them are hyphen ' atea Gerinaxs,' and we'are risSurekl: by oneof the' few loyal '' citizen*. of ' the r ,inion jjAkti.lin`d Oti,lermania a; darned . . .. _;.barg, that we are.correct in ogr:6111:- . Sight worSethan theinnoe'born breed. The-Lesitattin catastrophe : was...the ,cause or, 7 ina3h rejoicing *gong the .stinarehe'ad.w.iin..,werei.not ,:baitciicapp-- ... ed. by the necessity •Oi Making ' glad. •. quietly or in 'secret In citurell •,and • difficulties:0 our tiiiisinnoles in, trans- . _Messrs.. ••John Cameron, -and -`-''David, ,factory.t e atmosphere 10 impregnat-- latingthklatigtiageand of gettiog-nsed- ,,Archer, rtailoknow, are.: huss ,paieting, ed With eprtr,gertnanism,. and Atte ti, the:custOins of. the, natives. , We -feel' . and decorating . Blake's Church ., this trouble' is taken, tok.iide their renewed SOrd that Mr.. Grif4th„ left' na..teitli ...a , . week. - expressions of lvaity to . the, Kaiser: .greater iiyiripathy•, for- thiPoussienary ; ,,:, g4A-Iteedi, Of-Owenl--Sound;- and It'-#91-114,h;(,1-"sieto‘.inStenct'.'ef- -retany 'rnerStga-040.-4-vi4ot interest .- • In: the.: Mrs H. Reed; of con. 4, Ashfield, Weft; iiitthe, 001103,1 10,0' 2°°t O'giti and in...' work, - ' --sr-2 2. -: Mrs:-'; T. AndakaOii, Ihie- lernitiktheiii in -6010. r•thor Psi t; ,:re ,• ., . -:-.----- .-:-=-,-,PailailtOlitit - ' ..' Mr. .Wm. • Megill went to bee the .Guelph.Model )-4.arrn list Saturday. Mr. Steele Murdoch, of ticknow, Called.to-eito. his . friend, big 'John, MI Laud of ancient lanie and -glory •where disgrace can lay no stain, ' See Auld ..0cotia's •glorious manhood pre. serving yet Britannia's Lame - See them ta-the fields Of Flanders repeat great deeds done in the, pest, With the sone of Wales or grin, side by side, they're sticking fast. Say not England -call it Britain -look across -at grin's Isle; See the stalwart sone now rally to the British rank and file= From the lakes .of clear Killarney to the. uorth of Donegal, 'East and west have Ireland's bravest answered to Britannia's call, Ireland's precious blood is ebbing -mixed with Scotland's in the., flow; It is British hearts that shed it to repel' ',•Briiannitee foe. Freedom'd sword they,both are wielding for their'home and kindred dear; They are. Britain's peerless bulwarks, true though death be e'er so near. Say not gligland-call it -Britain on your • border in the weit; • Gallant Wales sends forth to battle fight- --ing Mknhooi-of-the best:- -- Men of Harlech and 1,1ewele,yn, fearless souk of past renown, Strong, united, they are fighting *,heath - the flag that won't come down. From the intnee into the trenches, 'resci- 'Welted firm -WS -steal; . Welshmen all will do their duty thought- less of the wounds they feel; With their comrades froui"the Northland, Irbil' across St. Georgetirtide, ° And their'neighbors on the border, four in one shall they abide. " Give us now our .,rightful caning, .1, et the nainein gold be read Say not gnglaud-Call it Britain -Eng- land eviekniore. ' • • . Let the universe Britain now To the children' of the fathers, wno in land just means one of four. Britaiies ranks have bled; - IIOW is this, fet ;goo' valea 14. quart Granite Dish Pan •Onli 29C. A. few King Cutter ttitOra left, Get in before they all go We. have Cement always on bltild at ear priets,- We have a large stock of Scranton -Coal. Older new. ' (The Home! the Supreme Range That Saves front' 50 to 45, Per cent• oi Your Fiat' Bill} Hours: 8.30 to:S. pm. attnee, Saturday, 4.60 to 5.30 13,,m. • he Films are, Entertaining and -Educational Come -and Spend•an Hour.. Everybody Welcome. No Offensive Pictures Shown. Monday, ;41m 21st Wedding bells are ringing on the Boundary. Mr. Dan Finlayson Is engaged at W. J. Grahain's,' Mr. John" Ctirrie Sundayed with • Miss Jennie McKeeman is visiting Teeswiter :friends in. Kincardine. - • . • friAendnua min'Brearntomsvilleera -on- Pinker weMekisesneaag4111181.0°Obis...BretL-dr,:rP'ta.ucH'sdaarYria'tu:e1"•!1282i ton Garden. Party Ts0Scla3Y Linklaters have bought a--Pord- rot.. - .Flower "Sunday will be observed in about, which'Wilt be used in delivering the Baptiat Church on Sunday. • • as elt as for pleasure. • 3/1* Nephew rKincardine,'has De, Clair Brink han'enlisted in • the the4pielit of -bee Mint, Mrs, ,Lirlfolg- •Medical Service and is now training in kinson. . ' . • • London. 'Pr eparatoryto , going to -the Second Con., Kinloss ohttotio Irwin . spent Sunday' with .....,.........„,..._ . . ., . ..,-Lquesilay, Jane .:.:al'imW°eiCia;grtleeettag-iiln4gile' ht°"ailtei r.°r t that ' Sam CA)" 7 'Ada*, MeLean took _ in the • Guelph • -- , : . daye 1 le O., withrr.sit jt led ,. rui 6 tni;:asatnauiderai i St. ivi n. Helens • spent i. . s, su,n,,.:*. Mts. C. -McDonald, of petroir,: -Mich., . front. - • . .. Frank 'Milleiiiao started intirtlit„ egg: ‘ is vinitine her ..daughter, Mrs.. 'W. li. :The Int:wing pieture7,s' shown in the hunsin4re:.."-w-.:00anstapendtl.tmioniel"siQs 1-atliti:tlilreoo'T rdos.,if,'' . 'MeXallk ',7' ''...' . ' ' ' -.*-- 7 1 : ' Visemint,t4'he'librarOast'leek; were , of sdte.;.Heirensi spat, ,,t,..the.. wook..f;nd ov_it.lt: _ . 'Mr. Dan. McInnis, Of Washington, is much appreciated by the andlekes• ` -1;ne Visiting his:mother.). Mrs. D. McInnis, nuankine0 a "Pithess014 has bees' POI' .. f,riwenhda86,811:;:tihit6;eliiirise,.d.;y: is irun,eI ,sonw,,e,,, .,2." ma' ie; and(i l" ,.:17mt Miss McDougall, --a.)0'7: ..ti;;11:: ' 'of' -1/T'stier'1.1!viieaeskvid;afenaCt:tUthrt U,PniCdt4e41::tehleitIvalTils10,.13:ee:Oa.f.iit:4ke-, , an .80m, love,thEtvv6040. :, ., , wool, ao•a, Ali,. g.tio Percy,, of :, Tiverton, 6,.Eiv%linliig:ril.si.brary on Saturday atuiday and Tuesday: ioVe the fleWere, others. the green' fields; , were Sunday, visitors at %fleeter Me- a . T - Malcolm- Mob' ea was in GI mial lately .' , ..404,mifses, 4: ,iie.0_,,c.'0011:te'i......acconlpo' 1,4•_; ii.i .11;"--611:ophtfo:friititli:',1,a: .riTscicple4etsenvoe_f_Ithne'n:Pmatwi.t.129ithic.1 Visitinghis sister iisternArilo las: Istabit _ilia, for, : ',motored ,,,frotti Eineit_rchne' On- Friday_ .'ilri4" and' Mies lielC"zie,' of Kinctir.dine;: -;'iteailtling• ii rilatvolribis !Ilvet,ft:lter:)as a • some time ''hilb ia. kin*. iippi*ing.... Social& - -Ilia ladies 'took' in-strine;46,0. - . .. . ,.. ... _ ,...._.... _ _ . .. guard oweek put a n On.,,t1lOt.W11010:_lown and • Mr. andMrs. Beit Finlay, of LUCii-. 'constitute ivaninteriainitAcernp; with d oord'ot„kottose ••-PervaiAale"' tst ""0/0"-s-tbef--,trlllY were week -end visitors at. the home of. to mbre congenial eliblea, .1 The above Anson Othine Which tva$ published in ,intik • Beryl,..tohnsL,n,' fr000 ifioro,- :pied Caunek has, as might bejailged• raised tYhOehi .Ln differentt n d cLo Ti ou eythisa retvr y toa 6v rt ro •i and the p F 0 1;1%1 town i to hni )9 4.Lake4v.ja ao kr e. We wish- them,succesi. • - • . step&-iigainst-'the pipet, for printing, • •-Quite a few from. around. Bervie at- tended the Foreitter parade in tifincxrd- •- fne; 01.1:SOnd.01140t. • . • Ourtheese factory isdoinggood. work now, under ,the Management of 'Mr. . Watts, . Smug& drawers bring in good loads or 'Milk the Ali,' -eke& ' There has report circulating to, • the 'effect thet.out.blicksmitli; Mr..Pred„ • Shewfelt tileaving our . We are , glad to be able to state that t'his is un truo'ai riga is very busy and has noin. tentket of leavint-Bervie. 'Unfortursately, it does not fajta, Mt1011 nerd work to cw cola* testis of this kind. • . . Air. Watson n14. who has been • wining/4V LontiOn 'ierr Bor./ice -et, the front* spent the week end at: his home Iters„. Thts perhans the last tiate we 411/114414,111,14 around lime for n. • *linnet expeets to leave for Fralite: in two woks. Levi and brothers of Watson . are in -the bet:idea at the front Everyone will be Within for the tare return Of our boya after. tim 'vrar is oriel», • • On &radar lot; in Itriox Church, Rev, Mr, ,Griffith, Presbyterian Missionary from Ilona, China, took the serVice. Raving sod several years among the mitivft of China around Ronan. Mr. Grifflith wilt, able to give very: vivid plc. Puts of Os state of the missionary ts,ot•k (thiat, 'MU 'emphapiged; tha Mrs. Cook and gen, Crawford,. of In- lersell, are visiting her' parents;*r.- and 'Mrs.' Clarkson, here. , • . „these maliciously false and uniust • Statements.. • , afl`ern2911,x.".1, ...41‘t423,:ok 31,1168 Eva 'N!c4enz..i° 'Bought easily have been one hundred had the rain not inerfefed; , Those Who are writing -60„uloe Eviii.m.-Our popular', ton, - trains this week are: litieter ueerge *Oriel artist, A. McLeod, has changed a Groves,rirom village school; Master .uan 'do „f single blesiednesifto one. of MCIlinia; honk Si •S, Xo. ' Bruce; end 11,610.1 The.:havok itAtio_kmjyt Miss Beatrice Swalwelt, from S. S, No. Ze. mob. a of 1:161yrond:' The groom.: and 11, itin&trelice. , • • • ,-L.Tuesday, .1;ane 2i, • The.farmers have finished do rota ,Faiiii, too Kinloss,‘flarisetndosiyighatoe. , 1Witililtiii, Willing '14:;hrkaildois ionf8tamilainogy -we.m:ilti:ss'nKda itithr claim' .pbellAiti.dsite.4 .11' eri.,.#40..... . , furniture. Mt. McLeod°Is not 4.i'-k.t 3101110 :' Vr0:1TOO-Tiffin:aiiii 86-11§ iirigie--, 'Vent has hinslung bride alia family arli4md "Sietiri:4144Yroa:::onbilt:::r: ho' 't it 'eek. „. -Tuesdasolune 3ilnd, , to bis filany patretis to -day, as lie; is tettoy.. ft-- ., -8. b8:88 n.,. r'r. ate, the e)'clit61°i1:t° Guell)IL ' - '''' ta*-8--clrlults-atid 'strait-8kt' ittniitilri3.. .vcliasYit'Clifr-ien: -ds- i'n't1:16 vic.irli'ty on. Su' n!-' - '''' I ' ' cr-it-.11iii- lunne of Mr' Nelson• WOster): of Lnekhew, .; --- - - --- - 1 , „:.- - - . . • , Mr, and Mrs. A. FyiS6r, , -00 t116-17tb. THELoitiWtigo:TttniinuF411.1t 7 , * ' d-13", -, - _ _ -Ti4sday, Stioe E017dYee , A runnihr front around berg,. took att. going through initiatory degree Wing a num t'.of their fritods iNICenile,' 'Claltinfit;' ,rize4.81":8t.tfttitt,' at-Wingh4m Wedding-1)AS are still ringing in this A little gir arrive _ of gave the _Mackenzie's*. - --Miss:Vettie Cottle, nurse.irkraltring tobkhartief Auburn, visite • last Sunday. • ' • • ' Wingliant -General Hospital, , visited Ravens on.Stindel last. , Middleton 146 Tuesday for " The Westernhaar of London, °alit* liALelltiltRilvl-goehld'aAyieWtittlaferkieetritdritntritetiti; mins 00%11..0, Ony, schoott.ttsteto. atmher l„irome here_la,st speed the Summer. hes son.. za....er resignation te_tan.6 euect Ant urtniin meeting on Sunday even- raising on Tuesday aiternoon. , - , • • ,, pies :‘ .pretilifietit position ,,Weatern, A at Midsunatier holidays, ueless the trtts. wog led hymisseaCfora Olehb, Annie Sohn Jatniesen had a swill raisin' . Ontarlo,Amd throughout the whole Do; MallurneY iathada liavirig a harn a trip to t.ne,WeStv Whore he intends, te. as ,an,Akrjealtural de. buiAthuttibot;;rom item irite'titt AIrd-litaYtrd-.16-ealt eon -Tfle9da}, June 22 . tion, • „ , . . • . . Midi , 4nd hiennitt,Mrs-D.IteKintion,- - - . - - I locality, tees ean persuade her to, remain Kennedy and Rthel Clow, the StibiSet $4,ttlrattyll4St, blicryttaing going, ' LA're- ST NEVIS, ntilitont* bc4; rottst,oinht• h Gardi'n Pot? at 4t Rtteito' thlot evening , • year„ ' • .. tbeing Molts all to b Young Wo e • aitot4tomies of wingliant IS at • Annual Exhibition Withont it brook and, • . i.of To -day", The toric/or next Sunday pleont-vitatthg with uncle We ateivithin a AVeek;of thO...-efia .of ehverk„delmfir ofprizetri,e,Yr Oonuttrioni, .451101r:iv, lEttletbeseMlibertYo.fehreAbetir tithtnon,miki Mafeking hia evening 3182,11%r496",..1(10190Ind How t� mine& 4 000 4ndlittill there is nothing of deeid. ,t at tone as n pa e r 0 er, .. Monday, sune 2jst, 11010. ' rromote wnent . • The leaner to win ite!.41 11 to, importance to rePeet ROM 'the WeSt. tient 1148.boea illersaillog the Prize ',let Mai% living has conimeneed in this violet, 1 dilig Wee seletunWd Attlee Manse at c wlao vis e m o t t.Ir‘31-wli31*e!: Ilas returned to her Aldine. •, Wellington Nixony W110 was away ern wai* /fent, Tlie YrebelybaS,O been doing alet, of doperate fighting south of titellritirili position and the have from sat. to seat and this. 3rpar through ." 'Wedding bells are ringing. . quiet Wed.: Mpg. Itt-ea aed, sen, Xela611, of: V414144iiSitbd 4t, Blake'S, Monday. Miss Leila Agar; ,of North Dakota, is the guest of And Mrs. Anson Fin. lay. Quite Mafekingifte, took: 'advantage of the excursion to Guelph, on Saturday. . , '• Mr, .•antl. ;Thos. ilainfor4 and fan*, 41104/afield, Were guests Of Mr, foul molt 0.$0.0417,, o'clock ArOduesday mottung; 3%1116 16, by :the Rot J. The 6t610114; when 2011 Gillespie, of 'Whiteelturch, tvit3 Milted in the holy' bonds of matrimony to Miss Venice reddle, graduate nurse ot. the • Wiogiam. General Ifospital, The happy young couple left on the 4.15 train fora short honeymoon with friends in Barrie, Toronto and other places, after -wbieh they will take tip residenee in White; thairell. 'loth Mr, and IVIrs, (31.111espie bon Inatirtriondo in and about -Whits glilikeh *lin 04444100,4441iitiOlt 0 Y • 'been nlaking eilatatit hat ' the aserStrince of dm Doinituen GoVertio 'me they are enabled e g te a a re y Lie to 411itt s ltdirilger attending 'his father's funeral, at St. round won is small in extent, and Cost. Stook Breeders sho0. uld aVail, themselves Marys, 'has rotubted,hoose Now , ground Thtronly satisfaction is that/ by all of die privilege otExhibiting this year very large neititer front around I accounts, Witt nein more coast to the in larger numbers than ever. Exhibitors leortlYea attended the garden party Xt Germans who are forced to retire. There tillita176t6pOrt g�od reaUlte from showing St. Rehm& and report it a boats. • is nothing rcported fron tho British nt London, OA buyers are plentiful. The front, tholikit it is believed, that heavy Dairy and toultry Departments will be lighting has been under way throughout of special int:tithed& par. If it 'prize the week, A eicy of not reporting iisti entry form or ostothernitorrnation to to Brithill'ataolc, tins. t nto, not with Thil $1,44 are soptombir loth, •We are glad to hear that Mrs. jatnes Martin, who has Wen Add up with a eery 80E6 baud, is improving timely. Mtn, George Dobbs ii4o *how to Parry Sotind and her daughter, tteit atortund, bo4 rationed to Arthur mor visions Mott* 40444 1'9! until a. big bigt ie 0/6 a"lit.10 bitle requited Omit the Write 'heen labriterl. ' there is Ilea? light, the fiscretarri, 14. Unfit, London, :On.' : Mr, and Mrs. W. T., Reid end balite Sonde:Ad, with tile latter's sister,, Itot W. Ciardner, • , , , The Misses Margaret Barkley and Lila Irvin' Were the. 0640 of Miss Ifazet Oardnerlast week, end Mrs...George tans antifamily. * apent Monday 'evening at the home of • ' r. and Mrs. Joseph ilaekett, Master Itory Ilitekett Is tit ,preserti trying the Ent,rittide egtiltilnatiena at &:. WO *lilt hint suctess, , Don't forget the tiardsti rait the' 104thi which is to he 'hold on. '4 at' UM. II