HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-06-17, Page 7The Candling of Eggo 1411141111101001111019111101111tillts44111******1011iittlitilititt1MAtaltilif,*&*Miklititti It requirei. but little skill to tell at a glance the differesee between ood.41.14:1 bad eggs, and anyone -can earn to differentiate •hetween the various. 'grades .of good e•egti :bY the iiseof * good candling device. • All our readers will be .interested in the following article by W. A. • *own and W.41. Ault, SaUed. by We. Poultry Division. Of the " Live StoeleBranelb . Department of Agri7 • 'culture, • 'Ottawa: . • • , ,_'..4tEggs. are one' .41i the most. di:Si- ...cab Of !food produets. to. grade.: Their -external. -appearance gives • but little indication Mi to their rela- tive fitness ...for • feral ',and :the .con- • tents , cannot ! be. sampled without destroying. the fragile Shell,: T • . Fortunately an egg is seirii-traris- parent When .iield• Ware 4.1104 in • a.. darkened, •room. .6.nd • permits, if, =0.ricfnlly_rotated„of e.ven •aniner 'feetst :being seen. • it is not Aeces-. • AurrY to, use an extremelyi-power,,fiii.. Jight.' kerosene gas jet, • a. in or a, 16can.c.ile power ineandet-', cent bulbare the sources Of 'light, . • moatgenerallytised occrioneretal • • work. . . • -"•-.FiCari• 'gine ' ..kboes been. inxentect.t4 facili- • the', 04,134lisis O ogp .. iflquanti- ties.."The•Se• have- proven, :.i,o• . for he. • simple '',1cfeetion.of had eggs, .....ut have .110tbeell,f01.131# se;t1S•factoty for the perpose. of •fine grading.... -• • : • • -• Erteh and. every • egg, therefore, :0037411-1ereial; W,Orlc • aawell as in prl- • irate..practice,anust be. Paesed sepa- rately turnittg ''.,iiiatennent-liefOre the light. 'wow .tatio . Wholesale • Produce ;houses. growth •occurs. It is for this rea- _son that • .dealersgenerally urge prodneors to keep their poultry houses clean and under 31:0 condi- : time to washcgg. Tho presenee of excessive moisture tends.- to break down the tough inner mem- brane 1,v.tiieh 11,411 ,co•rt4in extent bweterle, proof,Jar1y . • .„ .Stages o Iumphation... 'This. is readily defeeted- under the ,.41;..s inculiatiOn..advanees 'the .darkened sectionsincrease in. size. until :the whole. egg, 'excepting the air cell; benis blaek.• • The .coatents •Of a typieally bad. egg :are dark and opaque,the air cell. is .ruPturcd, ! the . Yolk land tabu,'" ;nen . have ..brokou down, .clecompo- sition has". set in and the:Contents- Slake or flowreadily from. one ,end • Many 'appliancela' have . . been, devised for t}i eandIiiig. Of !'eggi and with • a•view to ,encourag- nig the .practice of :cariclling•aMong all those eoricerned in the 'Oanailien Egg Trade.. the,..P.Oultty Division of the. hat haa. pre- pared for,-fice distributiOn, a :large, quanbity, of . tarclbciard orating. Tbete. liaye been. roe.de. jii two, type,...9n.P6.€5144tbtei for, use W4'th the .keNtuene latop, 'and-One:suitable' :for •,ase with the electrialight, trations: of ..W.hieh.are :here given. • • Neither •the small amount of tton, • ble required to .seenre. one .of !these einYliances-POr the araount.:01.1abor • entailed in eandling,, presents _.any• Valid' reason i.4r; viezoij:q.. should.. be obliged ta'iiSe or aceepcit4id - or- ineuhated eggs... 'Sterekeepers will _ • whe•re large :quantities of tent are --- handled' tome candlers become re_ markably expert: They \ pick up regularly from two to three eggs in eat+ hand!anctdepending upon the seitson and the .4tialityr candle from 25. to • 50. thirty dozeneasaaper_day. e--site-of-the air cell, thy con-- • Sittency of the albunien, the .color "aati :•,tnobility of the yolk and the . • general transparency Of the whole • , egg are the factors most generallY recOgnized. as deter:mining. quality. The contents of' an egg, last laid) ocimPletely 411, the shell, but as, „CP,Oling takes.Place, contraction °et ',ears and an air Space is formed in• . the large lend. • ' The ..Yolk is. only . slightly perceptible• and . should 'String reactily...,in .0;e albumen when the egg is turned.arOund. ' These points are to be observed in 'a new-Faicl egg, 'A itew-laid egg . • One.which.,:attleatt.wouid grade feW new-rald when 'reeeived in -the ean- roan'. of fro.use should be. of good size, clean, •. kir' 'space riot larger than a N , ten fit 'piece) sweet arid strong b�died.(that is thetalhuMen.,should- not appear\ watery). • dale or shriihken. egg inaihe ,,,deteeted the,,size of the alt. tell. • The then is porous and e'Vtipotat tiol-ft... Tier -s Wage. whenever:the ;egg is surrounded :by. 4 tOli3j.wdoire the low •tempevatnie of • •c, a • cold storage_ house a 'Ceilidh. si.lirnount.of'evanotation•oecure, The higher the temperatiqe and ;the e raptitthe oirculati. • e greater. is,;.•the eVaperation; AC- eomPanYing. the evaporation ,a staleness Of- flator' soon..develope, , and if the egg isheid in. the ,pre- • settee Of moisture or packed - in •-'dittr-fillerr,it ...ot• 'heetritie musty. As the egg grewo. staler the, albudien tend to lose COrieig- Aediy and often becorne: quite wa- terytt.the "--hteak, down and extreirie eases mix with • the albumen. • • I " e t hil 'the •yolk is rather high , colored,: it And .11vh:ati-yrrtilhie-a4rer-la,girpg; away tifl retairie the ptopei position your ti• ve. , ; • th ••••••:, Fnneral 0 Lusitania 'tietinia Held at Onceastolvn. Pieture taken at-the...graveside showing, graie..ixt which eixty-41x-colians *ere -plao_ed -aide hy- , The Farm Automobile eittatettatetevetta evettatte. tiostatttO .• TiurtrY is insistent rbetter reads in country districts, This has been brought about to 'some extent since the advent • of Automobile*, creatingsenfim exit in that direc- tion on the part of taxpayers: .But men and woineo alike, practically everywhere; " hold that one of 'the LOST MARRIAGr- REGISTERS . taw keeping of parish registers un- 11$Vi litellema,`S,YeaCrromer7ell' ordered „der'the systein new''`iit vogue111 . . G--ItioNARDS-----OPPERE tilie.'Ymaaerf,14rtatt.Z°Q;8Almit,ksie'rgo,ann, OisSINO ‘41.4111ES" index of all baptisms, marriages, nclharials corita„inecl in the regis- . -the year • t,ers prior to 1837. In three years ttoter.e. otteot 'succession Faits they' had' indexed only--550-:-regie- There Art t Many Clidinants to more • ters, and had already. obtained Estates. anti Fortunes. . than 'WO entriee. REMARKABLY , STRONG POSIt TION OF THE RIIRCRAN'IPS ' OF C..4.NADA sitomrN ity ANATITAL BIB19RT , It is significant that after more. than tight. months' of the. severest financial strain Canacla has ever --expetiencec‘4110-t-ttferchants,-Bae of. Canada opines, forward With a rel)ort,' sgiowing not only ;the great - N\1 e4ik Somebody hitt *aid that the 414- ilition of 4 hathroosu to the farm ' home will do more in way of coun- try life enriehuient that, say other fetor. This simply Melilla that the farmer, in thinking *bout the comfort of his family,' brings to the country home convenienees that have proved ta be necessities in oity homes. In the past too mai& attention hos been, paid to production. Country life needs or- •ganization to get a square deal. Government officials have! work- ed out a method whereby every rii- ettrimunity may get together 1ool5ing toward practical co-opera- tion IA butiatts and so&ial affairs. It is .suggested that five committees Jia appointed in every. rural dis-: trict to deal with the 'hsiness in - 'Oust• ot-the- -qcommanity-theses- - . communities to COMISt; of onecni faun production, one on itark.et- ing, one on securing :farm supplies, one On fatal finance and account- ing iittdoneP on, trasportation, ' 114Y,, there should be fly -a commit- tees to attend .to the otornmunitle social interests, 'Mese tOrninif- tees te" hi On edUestiOt, P4nitation;' recreation, beautification'. ' and • household economies. • s' Wit -h these ,10 ..vominitt4es 'tevety phase. of rural life may be studied and looltgd after. It is trot enough toincrea4 the farmer's. income. Eitral life mast be elevated and ' made to delightful that farm boys' ,•• and Oris will want to engage, in, its activities: ` --We---idt,t11,-"that-through.-eavopt- eration, each .rural community Should be .organized 'by having • every individual 'articulating with - themovement serving on Otte of. these committeee. The work woitid 'include men; *omen and the young folks. ' 711:47-k-ONTG.ERRAN I/IMAM:WY. . For Believing It "Is • Generally llrutal.V published fpr the firstAirne litany of Jobri.,Haes lettere -some of which • - . . The.number entriet ,some.of itat ,strength ite hilitOry. 001)1par- give his ideas ,tin the •iniblect • of .: zreatest sonless publio , • • these--registera•-is---incrediblet-t-Forg_favorably,--with- the----st,onges German diplomacy. , -•-A reward of one thousand Pounds • ' ' 'prove -reeks • is in the way of ar Sys-: - . • • , instance, in thoSe of •St Anne's,commereial„ hunk throughout the liat had •plenty , of reason, to, Thia-was brhhght--o-utt-gtirticularly recovery -of the' register of marriage teinatic hettering-of•countty roads; Int*-:reeentlY been offered for the Soho, in th-e:.atitseveti St. ;be, -WOL•id: ' ' '. - . know . that ‘!Gierniso diplcritracti" io the . Perhaps the. outstanding feature as he expressed it, 9s ,generally . „ . parish of :Cawdor, in •the 95,000 entries • ' tween •1780 and 1837, there are over from the standpoint of the home, of the annual statement as at brutal." . • During his ambassador - in a recent inveStigation made, by etninty of Nairn,. England, for„ the z)3y the way, the'ordinary fee for April .30th last; is -the aseets which tshiP, in tendon ,he 'taw the Geit' • the department of agriculture, ear 1749 tO 1783. • ' : certified y .f • tt f are or can immediately be convert- mins `•cotutivingdo form 4 'league - . . . a.„cop o an enti rem a , , ,.., _ . ,,. _ . _ _ „ _ .. , seeking particularly -to -debt -tram ---A thoesand pouridettts'-.-a--temall pa•rish register is thr.e,e-and-saic-ed Into cash, ..,-These amount to . -the- social' and- labor. needs Of :farm . fcittunec yet pitbably, it is .cpritc an .- ' d I ' a..g hi_ $32 086 5'71.51 exclusive Of 41,00-0,•' peetedtt 'r purpose_to Seize the ' pence, an oi r. sear none s 3 v ./. ..._ --,- - - - -• - - .. - - - • • „ _insignifiearit, sum when ' -compared- • • . A -t,rief abstract -of "het report, shows the keen interest in better thoroughfares,, and ineidentally the •watb---the,zernountr-mvolved in this 'partjculat ease., No ,details are given; but it. is understood that • nier.easing ',nee - • of automobiles. • the registers are 'wanted in •-eonnect, Some go' so fir as ..to .exprese the tiou with the •settlenient of .a very large-etate,.• • , - This it only oeeease; out of manysnnilar.,'Over.. and. ..ev•gx when direet succession' fails, there may -he to -an 'estate or fortune •Thetse.de:' .• Some • of . the t,eethriony ;shows-- scen•d- frem:.younger tont or daugh, --thatttditit-TO:-blfe-latc-lit'of-&-rundera; --t-ers•itfli.-at-lilttcleFs :or the, estate and-alttlependsupon.t-..their.;heing able, to -traee, their tieseentdefinite- lY by •inearie of imarriage and birth ce,ttifica,tes..- • ' • • SOMe five or six. yeart. ago .Erig- iish .newspapers Contained .an...of- fer of • fifty pounds..froni• a resident f • Melboarriet_.•_Australiat. fo •opinion that in road building the .requirements of entomobilists are Considered before the businese and .social need,s *of the farm, this work- ing to the harmof shOrkstretchee of side: toads. ' ' •tion of thaufteursho_fail-to:sto their machines at proper times, the increase in automobiles has Made it hazardous or dangerous for wo- men' to ' do mach driving on many country roads. On writer sug- gests a federal law requiring, the driver Of an...automobile to stop , -"t0kRECT9 9.110i• 1 .pciR usrar.' Iskomr.f.: A4,4,11414 10010161A 04 Rd' pittAtaraxiipothelnii*,, islocri,01,4a.*. • etihrivalAtiei. 040'64,1:NNW , 1,014 .Wf4i M!K• " ' . . find it to their advantage to acquire •facility in -candling arid it is „recoM- mended that eVeryliouiewife obbItla PO/Vide herself with _env :of...these- ainiple eandling.apPlianets,' by the diligent use of which. she may safe- guard' Tier firm4 from 'many unt pleasant ocCitrreneestt.t ftlrxe • -break- fastAtible, -• - , '-irITC;SO apPliiinces :may' he'obtaIn ed £ree upcmapphcation to the Live &Oa -0Ortimistierier, 0.ttawat . • , • 'Tips •Worth Knowin I find the following' a. quick and easy way in 'which elan and polish, furniture and • paintwork. Pat a, tablespoonful of :viriegar 111 a basin. of hot, net too hot! •water; Well wipe the furniture with the liquid and leave to dry, • . A brilliant polish real:lite,. with- out; any of that hard rubbing 'us- ually necessary. • , • • . ••AdtT littlelinntahialoAlie wa- ter -whielt you wash Your Silver and glass ware: .brightens .both or them woriderfullY, • 'Alia, although considerable evapor- don't forget to place erein a •ation has taken place, the size of the air.oell *mild indicate that,. al - !though becoming stale, the egg* IS still silitable for Ordmitry.domestic •linrileSeS Otliel words a* good peaking egg). , : • , , ' Ca8e,Of Sind Rot. , 7'1160 spots are due to the growth • of htieteritt,, or raould in the iultu- Men of the egg. An egg, as,laid, is practically sterile, The Shell, how- , over, is extremely porotts.,atid if tr9 the.egg has been laid in ,dirty riests • and held in damp Surrontidingi, in- .fection is bound to orkeur. The al - button' forms air 'extellent tultural medium and the baoterial and mould growths readily develop. 'Development takes plaee rapidly whonythe egg, is exposed 'bo favor- able cetiditionsof Warmth and Mole- , everi in the low thapera. Aloe of the °old storage base' some peed of gum, camphor. It lceeps the goods, bright suell along ' time, • DO °Yeti want -to Areprooi your niuslsn or easerrient curtain 1' Then Pitt' an '•oittiee of alum in the last. rinsing water. This applies also to !children's ,olothes.,,, It's tantalising to *go, int -o teem at night tind not be able .to. ; lay your 'hand on the maiehes. in each, rooni have • Matches attached to a bracket by 'slipping a yard, of 31.4frOW riltbon,.-t, mat& the ‘11,11., pepett-tlitoitgli the 'ctriet of . the matelt.liox, and,. tying the ends ii&tlY to the l?racket* • • ' Pieria! rusty irons, by -rubbing them,. when hi* tipork. a piece •. of beeswax .tied in a eloth, with 0, final nib a'cloth 4:14)Ped,in gat, Pitt handful of gait in the, water , with *Mph you, Wipe, ,o'ver yOnt earpet alter • sweeping. %lie sal brings, !up the .eirlOrs. . his machine on signal:. : One'contributor to the- investiga- tion says where the country roads have not been ieip•roved the 'women are practically shut in during the Cold Months; at.. a. time when high- ways. are.so rough or.mucl, so deep the popular pricedautomobilesea eiameci the, reward: . Some tweive generallY used by farmers and their =4 • lithe later this -gentleman was wives, , cannot. 'be satisfactorily pleasantly surprised by -reoeivingat operated. "Nothing. . would bene-: draft on an Australian bank for a fit •the Ifvemell on the farnis':" thousand pounds. • With tine was b. didn't elave wheel ' he get as_ tee.iirtPtove the country_ roads."•7ietter explaiting that _th0 oheque. One ,woman advocates a systenV eflicked •btr the teacher. (We happen wale intended ' as . acknowled - te_tknetd, • . OPrf..A.P.4..copy...ofta_earbiiinz•inarria;ge "slippOsed to have • taken. piece •in, the caiiintY of Ditrham,',England. . , • Wedded in Rer Pet .Nanie: An • old resident of BooIdhope, in 'that colinty,' found the entry .and . • hive- for th-e-first yteatt atnd -4100"•depatitect in the Nit • Philippines.; and 'thrbligliOnt- the for e_a_cb•_aubo.eo.ent 7,ea.,,r, - , . - ;Reserve,. and : $335,000 7 -deposited lohandg t9tiegreatsliaattiotthnes . exorbitance he f' te " pwcigthIsilt:hrfetthithG:vimpivairrnerneusitteofniyot;Fre:41111edio..Z.-, tarieermaArilb.ateadmoo iirci..swi.,hoiinn ,thirooitairetur, • '.044",tert.s6%ain. or thte:‘rank$12j517itlY.' tool'- plans, gay had -dagy before :lila " Looking Backward he appreciated ;when it is remeni- es:1:.7avtir,' embc).1::1Pirctr7nnt, *hits iP:u1-7e:a.ai: , the public.: What this meant will diplomacy. . , . . , • Hay's letters' - mention various her" til,ct31%ira's.otif'8.3,toeloaieor; olotiaohbelotiisete;s thot'ar8 dn:tfalitles_o,:lyhicaempa. ytilb:o_difeieseribiai cieocd,inu::,_ .., :t6lestsa'-litheda'n tgte6dpiniitlwiecierrodi;..ht.olttsm: drilinfLfs:::7rA,7._' 'ornolii,..18tterhee!= rilincruairceds..__,w_retatile,ai,,,,,eerY-- - The .total astets. of the. Bank • are. ' otatirtits' an -eye :en Liberia," and in May, 1901, he ' riceiiies informs, tiOn that German ',warships have • been, . •surreptitiously: inspecting the Santa Margatita Wands, ... off the coast of Venezuela, with a view Forty years ago:the wOmeu Ware • weaTing hooPibits; •'7 • - -4-It:leder' Of -a Century -ago- the dandies affected spring t bottom pants. •• . Thirty years ago bustles were all the rage. . • Twenty-five . years"' ago or there - abuts the Whole country was dip- -py °Wit the- I5 -13-r4 puzzle. ----Thirty years ago the baseball piteher. threw underhand. • At anent the same period cro- quet tournaments were all to ,the aw fwah. , • -Two score years, ago "Silver Threads Among the Gold'r-rias the Med popular son* of the day, while twenty years :ago it was "Af- ter- the, , • • . . Twenty -fie . years ago a kid colitthr.41-r04118-Iili;ch-w41-1'1/1"1 "meitlfur thfOlvan il : ' ta• en- Twenty Years' ago all the 374)ting -fain-tottransport,hee pro- -1-n---gnding tai6 . „ duce to a market' in the least ms- isporte were riding eitfety' bicycles The story was ta romantic; one.. . --alto-- that- they ma,y- drive a vehicle or automobile to and from church itithout evcrcleing • thernseftee in accomplishing , a long, tiresome journey that, thmild *be Made in one quartet the time, ' • ' I Your Farhil wedding. ting: on the. Anger .of his • hridet he ehould slip into het hand • a insuranee. policy. Ile_ who •is not willing to do to, has no, .inoral 4,righ't-to--assArsaehe---re?Lpo'n.'si/ii pf establishing a home. ' ' • ' These words Were spoken by ••it nobaci .evangelist.- :The assertion is .ventured that 'among the •• 1/9,598. widows in Canada ,at the. time of the ' eenSus, • Many. •ilibusands: viottld ' be happier . to -day had . :substantial _life .insuraocp: accotti- periled 'the. 'wedding ring, We won- der 'just Ito* many of these 179,598 icloWi',Itate,7'beeur-left actial want been:nee of the failure of their inishandike provide for -them in -the _surest- and cheapest • way ---.by in- satarree polier-substantial-eriatigh to guatentee, iridePeridenee for a few years ab least. • We hold. " no brief for the life insurance • eern- paniet, hitt like the evangelist we -laaVe, quoted, we see, it as the plain duty Of the husband to provide for his wife andilittle ones in the ease, of the untimely death of th,e bread:. Winner.' In, no .case life insur- ance more 'needed than by the 'farmer whose .property IS mortgag- ed or Insufficient' to !duppnrt his tangly. in tenifort ,Were, he .`; to, be.. removed., ' ,.iterth It. , "Prisoner at the, bar," said the judge; (Is there, anything. you Wish to•say. before sentence ,pasted' upon you 7" 1‘14.6; mit Lord, therc. io nothin' retire to say; but if you'll &sr aWtt, the tables anti (ilair tor. me. to„thtash My lawyer 'Vitt' 3,e0 tWO • $86,190,464.51, an Increase, of over three „millions . from last year. • It is worthy of 'note that there .are,no mortgages, while overdue debts and irseessl .t:i0;Sgteathtes, rotaf„herutnhtani:Boallniky psre21113,-. to ocoupying. them as {I naval base. ,538A0, or leas than one-third °Lon, 0 tathe...t..stm.-y-eittutitt-, yet be wiittett, per oent, blithe...total assets. Toe of-iswrinaliets-attiemptle_i„ecover by actual cash, coin ' and notes,. on fgree.domns.,of German .131.87.9s,ters ; hand were over . $21,000,000, or 'against Venetuela., ',It i. known, .. twice •what they were a year ago. however; that, the II. S., Administra- Thus the Merehants Bank Of Can- 604 gave.: ctirman. teni „ :dais ;An iida is • in a position of great which to agree :to arbitration t that strength, whioh, enables it to' face ifelleben. replied that :arbitration , any possible development of the was impoisible, as the Kaiser had war eithation with perfect &lift- commanded the' other coarse; that • the Admittistrat,i•on.' seeretly ' order- . Duripg.. the year the Bank's dot ed. out fleet to prooeed- to Caracas, - posit business expanded "r" ee.ite:. ahd. that On :the afternoon before siderairly. Its deposits bearing thisten limit - expired 'Hollehen t•erest• increased, over our millions,%,ct41.50,03.7.,101-30,-and_ita_totalpiiht- - ., • . . c.arne in haste to announce that the aaser 1 lic• li,altilities grew-three-milliont le $71,760.613.81. The capital paid up nd- the- reserve -,fiifid-- stand---a-t -Among the emigrants who lett:, ,every„. . . r ai a :,. emmuni y. $7,000,000- eaoh. ' • •. • • • • 'Weitidale for -Australia,'. „Of -the lad ;century; ; ditringt Imo lES bicycle Club. . , , . , Profits' were necessarily affeilte'd the 'great gold ktioli in the middle I' : Thirty years ago they all laughed by the efforts to maintain eo high a wag- a -yen ier,ydign, Rugby . football was intro- ratio' of liquid re,erve oi as s Ironton , who had 'married ' a- ,iii411"duced •in the West. r , .. . ' th•at. could be 'converted into -cash Twenty years ago theyonntchaP 4 ithmediately. Current -•-e-caninercial Wilt° owned a 'terse and 'baggy was loans in 'Canada, • the Main source: the . envy' of every', other lovelorn of a -Canadian' bank's peofits, 'vete swain in the neighborhood and ilie 'reduced by $6,206,000, and' the :net who , afterwards . beeame very wealthy. ' But the bad tnarried uh- der..her pe,t name, and this fact led twl'iroultle, when:in -aFert years "the Venezuela engaged the Ainerican Minister,: 'Herbert W. Bowen, • to: • ,conduct die negotiations' for Secretary Hay writes to a pritate • correspondent: ' • . ” liey-(the-Germatt Government) are vett much preoccupied in re- gard to Our attitudet• and,. a 'emit manigne recently atPeared itt the Berlin papers intlieating that the-. •, ,negotiationt would have one • on • better but for our interference, Ate gees:ft-on of succession arose among admiration of every girl. ' , t : profits, for the year ; were .$695,4,3;,.1'; - ' .veiaot„..131' - -..t. ix' ee '`IA, jt'..s:_.„1 •,-7:-.,..'.:-.. ertchildrent-wastto--preve-the i-ye•-ye-arstago--the-'-women-viain•Itt $41g_143teg4- fer---1 • ' ' whattgo•ott-oitieca'-:-e•te-eould-,dit7, ..... tthe pet iisant was lOtlatrr-rettililtora a ver resses, . - . . .. were stilr..furt ier re ace ,. .•y ap- ..,„,„ ...,.t.,,,i;.,,_ind,i1.4 . ",..441.__,40444,,,t,.,. 4.,) i • that: the .intietrie,st-_,We-mtusattitett,., : _ ; ' '',"NT4 Pour -veers - ago" !asitab' 'tile rthardt. 7tYto•Priatinitg.4nrfitatrittie.'-oiltlinsts;4'-''''Yk ' Yeri large 'tirnri been 'played her twentieth "positively by, \the war :taxes -and by' $250,000 t'tirl*-Ixr-it-lbeetlY• InarriTy-se .cektifictate. .111 tIlic year united otttet, _market value of tecurities. There ,heee, in the settlein'ent., and in Olio we 'have . 1. think, eminently. sUcceaS-. : known to binge on the discovery of ,the last 'farewell tour" in • the writteri off for, dePreeiation 23. evil ago noW _wag to N.... is evety prebability that the lettot viod d' d • M • • • A L I thirik the thing that itiiikIts quietly,. and ;everyone Was surpris- %vas, n.bachelbr ho had ,,,liveti Very vett4reas_..mitive iiliiiwavamd ,..lite Tithri yvie..... iiiti.ok .4;4, tio:: .,i5ire:h.iiiir,TArein,,e0)11"ertzlir 4,.1.1_fie lin const'qe,.mhi„il a. :ret. 71,oesit.yinwtttil.i;e T,G:wertniu anp::.7.04,11•.itttlniid.i t the tuture ,:hen ;se, Is 'What: 1145Witi' Said„to-Sterifbnig :'- • norinal ,• 1 iett.twohez6n.„0100t :vd,s: found: that he ., had. in.:71.1sot'elIleiirsitchi:is*,..e. ern. ,:vil•:;e' v?:e/..1:,r..: euTiiihtiec:6-•alipe'sretvip,:ie-tatthieeitir for Pat.r.iOtic 'flerie•F which -1,7°e. demend heeause • , pin poses 111u1CL49 the sagi rfices 1 ' tuti '49:4 141 P4slticin to iI°2'1; but . Ari-heir.Leame tor.ward in the per- .11()elere!--7-1 ' :: '.• .. ' gtlotentrt4Iliegolleduki.ais '..noirisetig. ..e.f,4"04,1ai: .41-f-iii;;I;e8n3r IiiriiviaariV:i.s,igo'n't„:11011:4el'atr. ikie;e.hs:-..... Lell'"'+,1567,f.b4itelil dller.,eutg-tgeirriZtwillit'.e1Clael.nlia::: ' . We 41..6 :IP't6.41.6isi: . times, "ancl. the shareholdere.4ate w-ql:t.t-6.1.1 Ivill log'e a ,nillikn'lli-SOutl - mart' s younger 'brother,. But , when • . • . amply compensa.ted m the feet tl t 'Ainerieek traae•'''' (Fehi'earY: 1•6' ' it eanie to the point no .proof ootig . .... . ... , be discovered that this w,a,s/ really geriablier,,Ae Said,"diad- died' Whiii: ifiriit-w Ate, - and her • , mothe.r Was-also,clesal. , _She hetteat nave oceurred: before the outbreak hod been making a living; to „ow-- I of' the preterit 'war, for ' landhrb- -scry'-govettiessi atitinaturall- --had-.ber4-4s•- well ,,,94,---Wa.ter:Sid-e charti,c- no money to press her. claim; , ,. , ters are by this tine pretty famil,- . •,..it.ti,,,,,e•inoity :nt. sem: , 'lax With the appearance of thp Shb- .. • Marine. - • . ' ' , , . . . , - She had no notion whatever as - A steatii.laiiiielf that belobged to siblyhave„" „ *0 Ciiiise to Interfere:- • -Ranies iniirithise-Strength and 11•1°.) -•".• 0;etcliorts . constant•lv widening -connections Tlirkt Cierinanv; TheJol1oing incident. tquel--,the• nable-it4t-o-looktfottd-to'grkm:Ffolics- bilaaelpliia e era letee, Tenet enhanced prosperitt • soon -11.S.31)LK'trituc` oak heY Ott front •.butineta_ .Ca.11:114 ._,resurne.s American -continent, ivtit • 'is ,nSitar aktivity,:: Meanwhile -a heitisli•ti'l'i,tip•al that the American.$00.-., . ante sheet tench-'-aetthisi aftettimert trt-tatY, of,atato'Aliould ninke it bit Iy nine months of. wari bt,sf business to thwart Perthati Scheme; ' Whether open or underhand.... But emvaitnlangejaenteni t'll'';:illadifILnkanc4tiktp1T):1-1(‘..1:a0,11Pg.'11171g4) ,f4litSteeitIrttin;dtiiVretlie,aorelyratitltite.... Ani.rieuri§ arid their league ' with .te Irish-Arrierieans. • "It is 4 .singular ellmotOgieri1. and political paradox (he wrote the President) that th'e motiVo of. every Gernian-Americaii is lioa. • to country in kim: iVorM,.' including .Ainerioa, ' otfriendly to •Germany." • . •to where her ,patents beext. married, and thero'Waa tie' record . at.,Someraet Hoie., • $onie sr:Count of the.' -tate ap-. peered in a Manchester paper, but -then • nothing mor t was hebrd, and . , •seetned certain • that the,forttine,!. Would reVert, ,tti the Crown, When Miss Pritchard 'received from the ex -en -pi ain of a ship called the Pentland a lettert ,,in Which he sad that be hatt-triattied her father and mother' at Spa. This preyed to be the case, encl.:the young lady was. able *o prove 'her claim. 1, • PariSh..regiaters 'were not taken. over by the Registrar -General nn - til the, year 1837.. ' At that'dateIt• tante to light 644,''but of thoelen!'en I • go' fewertlian 402 naval 'and 111161164,1 parishes in England there .tarY hooka dealing with warfare Were 'fe*Cit' than tight: hundred ;have ht.on, trahlithett, in the feat, ‘ihieli 'possessed registers cursing .few • , a. • British 'battleship • recentlY Sprang a leak while crossing from Portemonth, rapidly sank., Nearby an old teal t," Teisittely • rowing a -boat) but he Made no at- tempt to Coble to the. rescue- The latinch"s•oreur Managed to ewim, the boat, and they scrambled in, one or theta said to the boatman : • • What 11appiln: 'A good story ethiet 'frebn the home of a Vell-known• Scottish di- vine, says,' "ReynOld's" 'Nomf&. paper.", • Brooding (Alt the wtin, "'Why on earth didn't you giVe i°11. ``)I •the 4:4e11"n4 0110 "of the c ervantSy while -endeavoring to Obtain the guidance of the head of the house in the matter, grave- ly onY ot• 'that Ger- mans get to Heaven it'll pit*, lot folk aft being guid." • us a . handl bidn't you , set3 were sinking "Lot' bless yer,"' said the boat- •Inat1 ntolidl,try, ,,".1 thought yet eraft 'Nkta. One those blessed subuitir- foes I": • • • • • ...........t.......i14. , . , • . . .1 . . . . . • The lietiviest'rains oeeni4 In. eqiia- Oriel -regions, ,aild . the -: sinalit. . •qttantitios fall' in the desert • dm. . • . ! . friets of .Asla..atiti.4fritit,.. . • •• • '•• :The -nod 'Pleasure. "Ilefore , wont •astaY f ' tainC into plionog'raph."• ' "now .n.ice it nnist be to, be 4b14 to "hear lift Voice whenever you like." .• • and to st,op. it whenever •• F Optians in the third entury ,,Ived to burn bUtter in their larrips. instead of oil;