HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-06-17, Page 3A FINE COMPLEXION May Be Had Through the Rich, Rad Blood Dr. William*, Pink, Ma Actually Make. A sten) oompleitioraja ;something merle than * matter to *mem her Vanity. It is an indieation of &he 'state of her healtb. Pallor in * ' growing girl 'mane a thinning of • the bleed. Parente ahould be , watchful a their daughters' cone. Pleaione and theuld 'See t it'that theme doer ,esigne are corrected. When * girl in • her teens becomes Paloiand. allow, if AC shOwsan inelinatien to tire easily, le listless and inettentive to her work •or studies, she needs Dr. 'Williams'. Pinkz,erille, direefelel eud. apectfically eorrecte the condt- - tion -o -from -winch -ehe- sufterieg.- 'A ghemieal analysis of the blood a -sueli, giTil would show it to be defie cie,nt i1 piet the elements that Dr. WilliamsPink Pale can supply, and whip)) restore brightnees to the eeyee and valor -to theeeheekino›-Xisie • Delina ,Arienault, is one of the° thouSands of 'anaemic girlie restored to health by, • .the use of Dr. William& Pink Pals: • .Slie 'pays: "I was • 'attaeleed with .• anaemia, and waS hanch a 449Pr- -.. able condition that I had to.eoashit, ;cleetOr', and ..WAs. :tinder -his Cue, for ,Seveiral ancmthe, but:, witheut . ,gettitig ,c;I Was glowing thinner beer yeiley,' had dark eir- cles eyei,:,1 could haid-, .1y• gee)? at •Jaight,-but' tOeSed7 zeW '-- .leeely and got lip in the. iii-ortifpg • .with black anticipation of the clee'e, miseries befere ma. I wee' always ;bothered wit&t headaches and pains in the batik and. limbe: My. appe- tite was Poor fend- I frequently • vemited whii.t I did eat. My friends eared-tltata „wad& not ,reeever. had often seen Dr. • Williams' Pink Title advertised, tand • ffnally_ -de- dto- ti.7 them-. - -Ilse& ifito- gether nine boxes, and thee„ made ” • me • as well as ever 1 was in my Mi the pains and aches.dis, ' appeared; my appetite returned. conld sleep soundly,at.night, and the eolor returned • to my cheeks. .,1 also gahned seventeen Oviedo in ' weieht, Laxn new always well, and ter this -happy condition have to • thank 1)r, William's' PinkoPills.'' • Volt can get these Pills- from neY- 41. dealer. in medicine or bY mail at -• 50 eants a box or six boxes. for .$2050 from The Dr. Williams' Medi- Brockvillei-Ont: • • Not ' UrtarriirroirSs;- . . vv omen aro ,suspicaous fnsattires! •• • . ?.._to the contrary, For instakee, 'there?si • inY i'f-4v6)].W•aTwoman and trusts •'-the; while MY:grocer who.is a mann,, doesn't. •• - • ' trAt:Taiiinarats :_pmnitent Ai• neng the- regime:rim ; troPhies .the LancaShire Fusiliers is a • Life of Ilarlbserotigh presented ...to •- the ,of by Napoleon • when • they. were . guarding him in :St: • YTRIN CI TO WO. Whe Can Relieve to Beller, As • Chow Agoloot Germaay. After the ?torpedoing cf the Luei- tania, without warning even, who ean reaecne ely refuel to believe any charge of brital atrocky., broug4t asaint Germany'a conduct kat the Wail writee 4 correapendent in. the New York Sun. Who can re- fuee to .believe that a netion capa- ble =of weeng a war-insuch efa5h.- Waa eafiehle of deliberAtely bringing • on the war ? Who oan doubt that the poliey of l'enythieg tO wile'? now dereonetrated is evi- dence that Germany courted :the war in pursuance of A. polieyeaf just each world gomination a,S WEIS Sigt forth liy 4j 01 Of What avail is it te complain of tine breaches of leterna,tional law .wincle ham been aommitted by both Oleo in Ow Buropean conflict? The fact that American Jives, were lost. • on a vessel veiling under the Bri- tish flog after the. German Govern, - Ment had waropd tliein of the -risk. they twereerunninge is •immaterial, Germany qlft+S fillIllsited proof ffhet her warfare.resp•ects no Atig, not evert the Stare andStripete. The • war ou Germani y'e part s a war tiga'inst no 'nation, bitt against •all nations: Tt•ia 4 'war aeiunst • . , , Ist net clea, r.tlret; undee it pr•e- gent leedefithip and the .itleals w11iefLeoatro1 Bultnr'the-Get- man nation 'is peril to eivihna tion.encl-not fit te survive/ What will the; liberties .of the 'world,''tm worth if Germany ilneros victor 'from this eonfliet 'becausethrough a eowardly and dreamy love of peace, nations which have been neutral hitherto) 'refuse sto do their' part in combating the peril of la • Rex Germanica with which civiliza- tion is tIpreate,n,eell -- Unless: the, -11ni ted 8tnte-ibas be- n 001.111,try Of Obinia7,E6ela it will not taketia-4 Iedeed, the Chineee, witli all their • weakness, would make- at least a show of • fight aga•ust so hideous a wrong and sO dreadful adanger, ' trEq wontH $8,350 AN! 'INCH. Penrisylvania'rralfunin and. Mother Bring sults Against Railroad: ' --"m or two -Mertes of -theTleft ifig„ at 0,350- Per. inch; $18,790," ts- the bill tha-V-Darl Parsons of Mount Bethel trying to Collect from the Lehigh and _NOY Eng1and.itai1read.„Jau4-„tor, damages 'just brought Employed on the road - a a trainman; 'his train\ erasfie0into some empty cats,- and- he - Was • caught between two of tbern. 4mong his injuries was a double frac- titre of '.the left leg. ' When he, left the hospitniu-four, nu:intim later, the leg was .140...inebes_shorter . than the , Mrs, Elizabeth, Parsons, his mother. claiming he has been -deprived of her son's support, has else filed, an action, against the company. Ind demands -$10;00(frdmnages'.------ • If, .rhen people.are ehargedl. with their faults theY •were- credited 'With their good intentions, -there would be more. satisfactory neigh- bors in the • • re • . IT IS GENERALLY CONCEDED . that Tube rt Ulosis is transmitted unpasteurized Ice Cream.. t.lity Dairy Ice' ear111--11S Pas- teurized and- there -fore: safe "fe-r, even the youngest Child. The Purity arid lieaithfuluessof City Dairy.lce .Cream.,is'guarded in, every 'way. The matter of fivoring is an important one— City Dairy uses no imitations or synthetic • flavors—we flavor °fir "Maple Walnut" with pure . iuple----srgarvire - use- Pure Prnits lit our -"Ft-uit lee Creams" and flavor our "Vanilla" with the • Piffe Metitan Vanilra Bean.- -The-minute-Specks. , in City•Dairy Vanilla Ice Crean' a.re pieces of -the ' spe-elcs.triak6-tiie:floike." " far as we know we are the only manufacturers . hi Canada usinglhi Pure vanilla bean and no other make can -compare with the delidte flavor • of 'City Dairy 'Vanilla Ice Cream—the coal is about double but the selling price is the some, Ask for tile Ice Cream in which „ . the specks' make the flavor". --- 'City Dairy. • • •, . . • ' !V ro soi6•41. •tliitOrlfrifitatIng shonfreonerireveolowsihere. . We iniant an aiyust. let every.'iown‘ • Ni••••••••••=0, 2441011IINSTEIL !He Meant Every .1.0.14,101 aper Maio Were booed Is 1490 By. the C.P.R. A eouvenir foiuthe tarly &yip of the V.P.E., in tits *hape of one of the erigioal watele dials which the company got out.when it introduced • 24 o'clock time in the West, ie poeeeesion of one of the offeeiel% In 1886 the tompany determin- ed to introduee the 244iour System on the wet/ern divisions; and to • give temphaeis to *the new departure, and, at the eame time, help the memory of all con- cerned, it issued paper dials veitli the wthole 24 hours completing the day, winch were to be worn on the watches ef the employees, to fami- liarize them with the -inew method. Tide seting up of the new time atandard wa.e deemed, at the thine radical i'nnovatien*„axlculated to disturb the all eonservative and timid ' oreatures who dreaded change. A certain eensation was produced at the time; it passed; the husineesewent On its way; the ter 1 Word ile Spoke ars'r Wait J. A. Ina RECOM. IIENOS DODO'S MONET rms. • Ile Mad Sore, Back am) Other Symptom, of Kidney Disease and Get Beal Benefit from Bodoni Kidney Pills., 'Staty-3,1STine Corners, Ont., Lune • (Special). "I Dern Dodells Xidney Pills aa the best of .Mettleinee," The speaker wee Mr. J. A. ULti a weltl-lenown resident of this Pisce, and he left no doubt U the nunde of his hearerthat he meant every werd ha said. . - “Sorau-tiroa-agoli'‘' Xr, Hill von - armed, had ft very sore back. It started lyont a 'cold and I suf- feted for eix months with it, 1 also had otiffnens in my joints and Pram mye lee and I felt 74 f( BOW Yields. According to Moo Am/ 044 Wiry Journal, neareblights are for oh- rious re000no kept dirk until the field artillery 1144 ceased firing and the einemy ie ehargineDn TRUE CAI NAL.I'V U yes lottvo the soots, wItellortnIF4 .isdopoorsaittt;t1: to/ catch tho Savor ot It you writ* ouythl ate field over which the euernY 71411$01,11140:1t,"sparitte' la to.. advance, „otor bolub0 nod where the ripe sy flare* are also Used, Fleree, !which Produce anythiw. are merely modified fireworka, ore intelligent edW like the familiar red, white and 1.)on't natter Ills,. hive lights need in Fourth of luly 0 your is reject), ceiebratione to illuminate strieels unknowntor moreietamtbes- and parks. Sapper e out in an ed front of the trenches with • flares, w"th barintwirals ad nia aaesTrth01ba14,,,rt whith ore Shen•""inn°"-ted with thei7dIellirrls icies for a lirst-rat° headquarter° of the offigers in come tor, of it hundred pieces received,1* mend of the first line, who by E'et" ninety are at or below the aegeeveff ting them oft at sintn'val's tbrough" some Imre water enough, butmo head; out the night eve keep the battle eonie head enough. but no water; only front ' *optionally lighted. •Star two or three are from fun reeervoire, bombs are aleo adaptations of mod- hish u0 that bill watch IS so hard to era ,fireworke. They are chgtfrOin '• -.* mortars into the sky, where for „ twenty Miles they w er-er,'off Tfra BEST NIEOLCINE- intenf,* light over a wide cirele the surrounding •country'. Pefore • r OR. LITT'LE ONES oneehomb dies out another is ehot into the air. A. kind of star bomb, Thouetands of mothene seY Baby'e .then Talileteeareetheeoul'y medicine • they evould give their little obese AmOng themeis Mrs. Vowaxel, Hod- guIs $t. oatharrines, Ont., w)w .605,0; ",1 eta 4 user. of Ilabylcs OM" Tablets an think them the bat, , nedfeln0 i the world for little onee." Once a 1114ther •has the •Tehletseshe Use no other medicine becauee ieheleele the Tab-: 'tete firoAhaieluteatf,s,a,iold knows .they. never 'UR to -banish the shnple'ailpeotia 'of little ones, They areeeold by medicine dealers or by mail at 26 cents a, box from The Dr. Medicine Co., ilraeltifille, _Oat_ • • At Any Vaudeville. • "Whe do these pipers, keep 'walk- ing up and clown while they . are playingV •- "Became it makes them harder Ask rOr aginsunri and take no' other, Among the new .suramer fabrics is a, optton.' material knoivn . as- joffre," while th:e new -colors .in- clude g`shattleship grey" 'and 'fret; rogiad..blue." bet i to h • P*14* •• .\• She Won't Sure- , A .4mows , baseball :PleYer h0,0 Younger e!Ster. who Is :iery proud ef hien,' although' she is not, very falnisliar with the • game,. °Having . spoken Of iiim'one dart& kb 'Visitor ;wee Advantegeous •• They' are no .,cureo, all; bust:she was aslbed by the latter what •,, . they do Owe Ktdneys, 4114 tlif5 '.possition her. irrother •plaYed.• • not •sure• but think he's a $ _ ri t, eeee Ice.ane-egliriart -wee ,s itelM" and-eleclay-atter-xealk-A?•Y ti cl bjr both orameo for ud, uou 1:441 -PI • .re',2""*. appetite was fitful and nlY lamps fignalling and,: and accepted it aa matoPqr (1"±: 'wee° heeery, Theo I decided to try . courses; but the sight of one of t.iba' Dedd's Kidney Pills. took four ' 41414 plates, • wingli everybodY reeeifved great benefit .ae4semetliing Wintal was gc111,..g 11 'mend Deild'S revolutioni4e tbe- eotaM-otie me .P4 ki4ity One' 'ot a31M11)-: le people, recalle the eagerne,osof tons 10101,mA:that traa.we, was tioe, though,- Oteoueseettie changenuen- benefit 0 'Woe. wsas showing •as a cariosity in 188PUM 5, from • the= tr4t1 why,I r000m, t 011111ply ts04 •.4r rps the• atten-- •,,,ot the, Kian.ey,,$,, plat is why bpi got • 'lbw Sid•i %Tolima !CiCilleYs airfel_L_.1kf,3177stene of health. • ,..whx,” he srtignmeired,.,4,i-L4,n. • FACT AAD COMMENT. . * - Call Regain Health f• - • Even at a bank a lieu's best vol.- • • • • READ VERY CAREFULLS,. lateral is character. , • Sore • Abs°IPt°IY • Painless Man • y • young Americans have I loSe7Colal and Was easily Ifie4; • "rot years I was thin and: delIcate. 'listed 411, the regiments that Canada i . ..e.rtut . war. w .. . .. . . No cutting, no' Salk haaCorn - ters or pads•to-presis the sore spot YelloW Pallor, -pimples and bletches On many persenerexeiniber that sixty, -my-face--were,not'Only-mortifyingto-eightzthousand'efanifdians served in. ,j.,, II Putnam's Extractor . . 16p • maltes the 'Corn go my teelings, but because I tbOught my the 'Union, Army' during the Civil . • n • without pain, Takes skip. would never look ace. again 1 war? • .. . ' ... • out the sting oyer -night Never fails grew AdesPOndent. Then 'MY appetite , failed,"A •Best.en - .wornan ,s, who Ands the ••••,,leav.es no scar. 'get a 259:hottle of . 1 grew verY weak. Various , , tonics . and tablets I sombre Clothe* s of men. very depress- Putnam's, Cern Extractor toil remedies, Pins pg; . trieewithout permanent., benefit • .A. ,ing wiilltis ;them to wear Thailand . • •—...-4.----,-.. blues sooff•iirOwas•s and -shades of ". ' visit to .my sister put into my. hands 1. ' , .. .- ' • : - , • TwO Vegetable& a box of Dr. Hamilton's: Pills: , she Palm O4aior: Merl used, V:, wear Saell . . ,..alid, . Diner-4sn't there ' another vege-.. placed reliance. upon them and now colora- in' the days of-Wattea11table ths at .geewith this beef, he- that.they 'lave maile. Mee well woMau :Fragenerd, when they bad little to I. would not be without tbeni whatever ';do • -except to walk: through tt, min. skil' potato 1. . ' they might 'cost flound Dr.'Hamil- net, Init. in this. ogre a manfee,,13 Waite.r-YeS) sir—there's horse - tows Pilia by their Mild yeti searching foolleheifting af311,68 10 a; pluneeof- . • •actitm verr'sultable, to the delicate ored e,eat, • .._, . • • SO chi -fatter of a weniall's nature. •'..TheY. Cattlemen. on the'•Western ranges 'never once griped me yet they estab. .4v9.,ui,ikki.u..e.vers„,,be44,;_bu.t:..tihthsi.teeto._.: . . .14. lish-ed-Ag-tilitrItY;"--11141-atilietitET-grew keen. -my yaw:4 r9d, and pure_r_heavr: herders, protest that the bear i keep rings Under my dyes disappeared and ,,,.. *°Ives':•41, ?f,l63y6t'eeli. cheek; -to-day 'mY'' shin ii as Clear and' un- i'll,le, Iannors' 1•405' thgt-th. wrinkled as .when I Was a. girl. Dr. and . tlyie coyotes save their Crop • Hamilton's rine did it all." . ' froM jack rabbits.. No one has. yet The ' above Straightforward 'letter accepted a retainer for ,the.jack frinn 71VIrs-.-:J., Y: -Toad, *Ifs of a Well,: rabbit, but perhaps' bp, too, bas_a known miner in Rogersville, is proof -ease.. , • '' 1 . sufficient that Dr. Ilamitton'a plus Are--; One , Of the- milior results of 'the n wonderful volumes:medicine.; Use .war .i..n 'Europe has been' to change no other pill but tir, Haniiiton's, 250. the nationality of the dachshund,. per. box. All •dealere, or The , Catarrh- ozone_Co., ICingston,:..Ontaticc_.=i---. ,A.J. any ra...tet: England is ,much .re, , • .nevea to learn from a French sa- * •' ' ' vant that the dachshund is not 'of . What's the: tael . •German origin ,blit is a descendant A darkey running a ferry across. • of the French ' basset; and - on the the -Alabama, river wag accosted' by, authority _of' certain English :clog a poor White stranger who wanted„fanciers that he is • really an elong. to: crosS,,but.:hadn't the 'wheeeeewe'tk, eteetetee.rier:„ a. • • ' .' The Boit. Scout mOvement lima . -aw,, throuh i. • ..pargetedlYen. `IDOan-- &veliundtheoxid Es -op,, A iea InKlitur Ohinai and- liQ! got no ilioney_at_allr-• Japan; hitt-the first -American In - ."No," 'urea the dejected reply, ;Ban Bak Seouttroep was organized "But, it doom,' costyo' but three only a few weeks ago. Its members cents ter cross," insisted Pete. are Pupils at .the Oarlisle 'Indian "I know, but I bain't got three Sehool in Pennsylvania,. The leader cents.". • • • • is a. young Blackfoot who recently After a final inward think: Pete rode his eayuse from Montana to remarked ;-`fl-dene_ tell-Sro! Whet; -4 -Washington 'uri0- -a -message- for- inan!,what!s_xtot. got..threse .cents• pin! -President Wilson. - , • ' les as well off on die side ob de. rib- The work en the new • Welland •ber as, on de odder I": • •°anal, the successor of the water- way between Lake Brie and Like .9ntario, that has been•in use since 1833, will not' suffer' on account' of tbe' financial, burden that :the war . has imposed on Canada. 'It is ex- • . • . • peeted that the canal will- ble-open•-; • At the Yarmouth T,11.0.A. Boys' Cant% n, , held at Tuebet Palle 'in August, 1 found ea Tor •triune 1918, althougli it KINARD% LINIMENT most benefieial will XIO$:. he finished. for at least for -sun bur'w an immediato • relief for three year's' after that. It will be colic and • toothache. " $iFEED g... 25 miles long; 310 feet wide, and for the present; 25 feet, deep. • There ' • will be seven locks, each 800 feet long,' the gates of *hi& wilt, weigh ,* _1.4004one. Mere than ..the gateet'of. -the Panania Canal &fag' 'weigh, • .The'etistasill, be $50,000;000. WHERETHE SPARK ISNIT'SD•• Being free to. all shipping, the canal will •• • benefit the United States ad-• well derajevo,' Capital of Rosnia; Losing as Canada, especially. in\ the .east- , - 'Oriental Character - werd movement of grain. • • • _ _ _ - - Serajevei the 'unknown 13osnian town where the spark gignited that •• GET .POWER linine4-4orth into the greatest war of . f the ages, is desoribed vhy the.National. . The Supply tuna% Fronk .filod. •GeograPhle Society es One _of . 'the 4:4„..e.t.:43-43-ww....6.4)74.:._fijay„,:uto beautY -81)°isnatk4lig'71.-"1"--6-atrigib all OWer we the scene �f the anuseleationr.of n, ve. Archduke '--Franditt -Ferdinand; hfre a IB poasib e eY es - apparent to the thrones ofAustria and. lect:wg '16041 that exaotI3' fits th6 Hungary,: and his wife .the 1)gefiesil requirements °Ube body - ' • . nowiVto seleet 'VW ,• "Seritieve is-builtotpon the river N111- right 'food tofit my needs, 1 suf-, lecke, a small tributary' of the ,Bosnia, fered_grievously....for a,„ long, time and - sfirelads- 'Over -both slopes of the narroW' valley to the rugged hills. front, stomach froitble," writes, a lady from a Tittle Western town. Partly oriental and wholly Set in the ,e.gef seemed as if I wouldnever green and emerald .9f 'its gardens and' b,e'o neighboring: v,relt-wooded hills, Sera.. „, ble"to fink'• Out. tlbe sort of foba nits CI the_Nortli•7• city , thingthat Leonia eat woula.stay jovo is 'frequently galled "The. Dames- wii.11, me. Httr,44,IS: arnY- miles southweSt of. Belgrade. With my stomach, Every attempt gave a grOWing population of 50,006 and me heart -burn and fined iny sto- thrlving commerce and industry,- Seia. insath-With gas. T. got thinner •and joy°has been fast losing its etisteru_tbituter. ,untit L.literally =became_ eheraefer,::.•r,ectinstriictint the old Turk- -Living aketeten athd m gine was ish ettY t� edilform to the purposes of cotlyeaied, to keep to foy bed. - Weot estern progress. , . " Its large bazaar -hi &Amite.- infir s•ttaciffAed•ieWt•o:ritnyths6'aitt),,.!N.iwitrig:411,' _vtohrathe eitPseac.60;nmtsfs%otiihe4wouhscrs• and lt bad; „i4,uch good: ofeet tram conduct the • exohauge ot Bosnian 49, :the veil 'beginning Ili" I kept up ..rieultural .and. rntheratr prodticts.-With i use. I was 811rPrieed Itt the ease the inaftUfaCtOileS of other Parts of the With ;which 1 kligelsitea•it. It•134‘"'ed ernpire.. It :has- potteries, .sine Mins, to be just what t needed. a idhadCo factory and it largo individ! ,lity unpleasant eyraptonis, e el; or house indutry *bleb produces the beibit.burri, the 'inflated feeling lhiid embroideriee, rugs,embossed and whicit tanth,,,painy dis- filigree. work." • appeared. • My weight gradtially _moreased 4:tom-M. „to.: Unk-lbs., ;thhe'eoeletY with the tong name &gene itouedect 'out, my strength should Anti a ,way to stop the tonna/ came hack, and 1 am DO* Jailer to. sledge race with doge that Is known: do ra-- y housevipitk *rid .eajoe, as the- Great Aaska ,,Sweepstitkoa.- Gramikintsdittite' This year,: ilia usual, 'the mutts wan . 4 tatt, dayo iff,45/0-, arty. frem,ITOMe .0salkile ;arid return., 'one ;smut, fitetg xt)yolit, ,fOotli, • a distance of 44 leolee, lhortMoirie Name. given ,h3i, QhfrAdiar, p,oglire ,out and aa lir as .Golti Witt oh the Windtor, Ont. Read, "The *ay bet,A the 'leading tek,,In made flout to vireavine,,) in Pkgs. more. thanSi/t.tinies Inoltr ioz liTheoto,4 gjea,e00,;" tie-arly thirty -tight (houre. The. ti4v6 S'; tvreRIWATH illffted End lathed tOthe Onlivearporeetiards' ttehoem."6" lath)" •A neW tune 16 thile. lag ..gunte of tyidtittibot, „Am the are pliable, true, tut tun Of ;human takihtt whelp, thing is a ditgraeo to dvfli iuttrasti to. 4. ISSUE 44--'13. Granulated Eyelids, Arm hiflsrsed kr_expoT sure to Sun'. nialand Whit .quicidyrellevedbyllindne Eye Remedy. No Smarting. just Eye Comfort At Druggises 50c perBottie. Murine Ey* SalveinTubee 25c. For itiokohlier_ye_Fresaak Druggitts or Marine Eyo Remedy CO.1,01COVI The official •report,er. in , the Rouse of Lords' receives $2,500 a. year.•'s - atinorris:Tdramortt_oasa_ by ..vnystetsno. _ The object of the National Se vice League, founded in 1902, Pete.scratched his woolly pollis to proniote the-mevernent for coinspu. sory • Military 'service in • area sTuDY' Arts Coarses SUMME R • - SC B.00 jux sad--ADMIIWE OUEEN'S UNIVERSITY • KINGsToi% ONTARIO ANTE ; EDUCATION -MEDICINE; SCHOOL OF MINING MINING • ' • CHEMICAL MECHANICAL • ' COW. -ELECTRICAL [• ENGINEER1NG- GEO. CRUM% Registrar itwayow!=assnana ---7/niunissmagai-... lifow litue,10 • Engliah Guide (*bowing Vtaeffl interest)i. "It Mr** fn .6•28 .Ter3r,e room, air, &sit Waingtg?n, hisp-ffrat'edintabitibIti" - km-frican Touri„4: "4deed.1 And •Itevi Much did he getl" •' iar'tiniatiint.raimbormawa *mit Alaska Was bought by -the United States frem'ituesia for fiV,200;900. sEED poTATOES," 4 q.#0.4rtTnir4Lioniter::•1; Rtorair*A0isoao, coDeullnitoriopepeearr holtsx)brelidafio.bom. ;Trait:rail:0T, , 'Snow. two: enellept new Potatoes, PflOs• 'Two Dollare, per buShel. i/Pechtl Peel* for large quantity. Ce4h must allOVVV" PanY ajl .orders. IL W, Davnion. rarnp tileWSPAPERS FOR SALE.. IIIBOPISMAXING NEWS AND JOB OV- A- flees for sale in good Ontario towayr. The most useful and interesting of all itneinesges.-----Pull information cys sumlibax ' tion to Wilson Publishing Company.73 West' Adele:de Bt.: Toronto. CLASSiiiill'aoveRTISINO WANTIED--•" LADY Olt 'GENTLEMAN OP good Standing •ine.,every neighbor- h ood of Ontario and 'Quebec Provinces, to obtain list Of reliable people 1who are in.. terested in isaminr money durinrs thee. war , on, _•••rurcliatses. of ()handle° selected from illustrated eitta, logue of e5t273•118keAl. Montreal Depart, - mental Store. To the right persons we ' offer attraettve rotatioernti-On. Write im- SigOffiatels, giving name, renidenee. esper, isms, with references• cligraoter is Ve 111011, importance than experience. Ad- • • drtes B.,; 0.. Box 40. Ilibutresa. al SO E 1.1. A fi SOUS. • "NatISII VIOLET • CREAM, MA(II0 BritaIse Viodora Com- rOanY. Orillia,• . • ANOEIL TUMORS, LUMPS. ETC., NJinternal and externaLcured with- out" pain by Our home treetMent, Writ* us before too late. Dr. Bellynan Medical • Co.. Limited. CollIngwood. Out KERmAT Maq--4,:4-1.•#9 "Amnia. Staaekrd 4 Cyek 'MaricilMekte" • `14';461;•elAgeheel,',, 'Vet ie. the fe.,00,,,,,,c....ene I I 'Aye,- leadtadboatbisildenn- Catalexisirteducel. economical *newt. Used se mend -are eel - ,4:411111 7.44%1;1'. IEINATI WI. CO. 41,1. • tettelf t .1111 Pays for Ptseif , - hvSeven- Days4 •••••r:" Mixing Concrete' with this 1916 Model RAND MIXER eaves you time. labor and 'cmostey. You get • a better mix with less feexcent. Write. for catalcgues. WETTLAUFER BROS., Improved Cenerete Machinery. ,Oenti. W. • Sgadina Ave.. Toronto. Ontario, ,vieerstern- II:Bottom Motor. Boat Ftdielit P..rpa.44;- to any, Railw-ky &alien in Onfarib. Lenictli=W Ft:, Beam 3-F.9 In.; Depth 1 Ft; 8 In. ANY MOTOR PIT'S. sOpecifleation No, 2B fixing engine prices•on request. Get our quotations •on -"Tho, Peuetang Line". Oconmeroial and Pleasure• Launches, Row boats and Canoes, THE GIDLEY BOAT CO:, LIMITED, PENETANG, CA • 4-- -‘) 1„q ARAL PRESIDE SUSPENDER • • NONE -S0-,EASY • MADE IN. CANADA COTTEN & FOSTER AUTO'. AND AT.TO 3 . . , _ F -Orel owners write Ion • • our catalogue, • SEARS -CROSS • Speedometer • 'Station. • 179 'Queen Street West, • TORONTO, • ONT. GOOK IN A-cooL xrivitEN T swe6r over a hot range thissummer The • •_NEVit.T.EREVTIONSELCo_oitstalte_ite_ups, 'YoUt kitchen toot arid. clean and.clees atvaywitbtbs ash -pan, ctial-hod drudgery of the 'cog range.:: _••' • • THE NEW PERFECTION lights like gas, regulates like gas, and cooks like.las. It is gas stove Comfort with kerosene pa. NEW. PERFECTIONS,are sold in 1112, 3 and 4 burlier sips by dealers clicOvvhcre.• If your cleal.er cannot supply you, write us • , direct. ROYALITE OIL • qw-gs • • Tyr- 'B-EsrakEsuLw -o) "NOW SERVING • 2.0KOPO THE'IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY ' —• -Li•mited " • BlE4PICRES . ALL coris , • • s a e itt • • Peterborough. Canoes' • Ati. kezt___,.--.1q1ls tract's' Mark 'tin ts"..„/VO'ne '12th Petetolttgil Canoe Ja .,ree eme • your • tiehtirailde, of. "the . ! ' 'higlicat• teerithlatablp andthe bast materials twat can bo Put , into A Sailed. Or Wit Designed . for easy paddling, strength b rind safety. •• • .painted basswood,. tedar'-,, 1hr Ceclat IltriP an CanVate,, overed qualities. VirrIts for • atilOgtle, The Peterborough Cattee• CO., Llnitted, Deter•N bOrOttiO• OBOR 1/6 •. for Wets lt;itil *1/4 • • Aftie this TrOde WtiS7ke 1441