HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-06-10, Page 4imp bon mid that every third beg cararsia u sumo *owls has sownthat nasal Weigh ewe a aaatotal wontlratooss body; aud 'fait, treatments in of and* stud vapors do little, imr:03 estarrh yen eltentd treat * by tank -Wog your blond 'Atli tist la t4tantl) lionalaista WW1* is dead and a boildiarLoale, Int way Issxuatli drop. Try kat & Tawrae,Verosto, Oat. t: Int IY Cards Nth Let, Outlet striae. Vfz.4061INDIDA.1.1.uoichaw,t, Atitimt lilies ot Itieureuoe. Fire end Lite oleo rookpaulet rearaatteed. thilY t lattmeaw or the htletton weber, et villtam eat), UNA moats emery Aida it their Hall 'Como. eordle.ily Invited. weteos; viist Areuaroturareart., Alex. Itoeit ,£ li. Soya; rim 40CiY., VI% Pat, A,.&,&.(gti 1414 1,04Irtin fumy ht or ore fie lull wen.hi t veweit street ieldt )3./.w,” ertimintey., w. VO. . (Joint Shorwoott, No. est, lateltrave. t • iv lett'MocftVella y tuvIted to Wood. ('hlorltailuot, malLuso, oroy.i tireherri ttolet. *Iona" Tres* 4) D. 4,0.11. W. Laekaaw Ionia% Nd 187. 'Meets seeorld Moodily of siteh py_mth in the °dd. &lows' Ur& •Mer workman., J mac. srzntd; rm. tetey.,,t). B awnetoset HOW ..-000.Votteri Wreiet, . Alex. Itoso. Dantal to. S. TOWILICR, 1. D. S., 11. D. S. °Mee on tItr. iu'Patton 131001t.l'oof4Weter; Soon ttention to_sold phlteN. ototrolur and work. vorits Wroxeter let. mat erd. whatnot es4a, Inman; ()orris Tour. .• O. 4,,,N 1). A S., Dentitts °moo .*llin iliock,.14110kl10114 0111k 4;11 modern ode ufral.. BOB, materiels fOtrilsbed, Crown etul Bridge we*. "blew oxtreol. ion evtne mat or the !Oen, simplest and est remelt, .600INOVOItra. Newest olOw swallow teeth. AlurnIttin platted non ,10.0ssmosersso ester,' 'University LONDON Another Great Advance fuceas Doubled -49W $75,4100 • • Another Late Addition to Vacuity and, Equipment in Arts and Medicine, " Greatly :Increased Enrolment iit View Write for particulars to Orsithwalta, At A., Ph.D. President. •-00 OktITRAL, sTRATr9,Pa.t:.:c.M.T. ordering* fleat Practical TrainingSchool We have thorough coureei and experienced inetrustors each of our three depitrtniente., Cost- mandat, S Iron n? RAN ANn TxtralGRAPNY. Our graduate)) eueeeen and you should get out large free eatalogoe.- Write for it at once. , D. A MeLACHLAN. Principal. 1 ream Wanted Baying an up -to -ate Creantery in Itill operation, we scnicir your patronage,' We aro prepared to pay the higheot market prices for good coati*, and give you an bon, est business. Weighing, olkinPling and testing each can of cream re- Carehilly end.:•toterning a foil statement of task: to each patroli., We futmish"iWcatiet to each "patron, pay •all express chargett; and pay every two weeks. , tvrite for further particular° or .send for MOS and give tea a trial. the.Seatorth CrEttilierY Seiderth, Ont. . (Mil/tiff INANTE vtreare in the "..hihrket to bay,', ream', ONved',Or.flOilt, At the high. est illitrket_pride.. We supply two cans" ecielt or out patrenni . pay all eiterese afyirgosi.pay, twice • -each, moinht -Cheques at var. Re. acive creabt Any (1sy. in ther-VOPTC.1 test i'lt 010 feeeived, fetid Ono Our tictr,aiti; a otatoheht of .0111e. tor cans mid .givb our ,ereanicri„ a 'trial tteterence)---_ Any. itank;. . TR111.13aYDN'tc.Datil'ON, Paha tteeneryi -Patteersteni (fah tudistani tuna, livailshal *very laissew sesooksir le Ladensar. Cleeeele. A. A AM:SWIM Pro xi** &ell Z. THURSDAY* JUNE 10th , 1015 Apoismommipopopimmommumomminsmr= rooms' AND COWARDLY St-seseross....04*. There is be the Veiled Ste,tes an or. geninktieit of women Wit040 cry lc "Stop tha Woe These women Italie petitletted Prosideut Wilaan to prevent the further expert of munitions of war to the fighting nation* in Order that through the exhenation of ittinplim the wet toy be, brought, to an end. These Werdell ate either friends of Germany .4n. they are to ignorant as to thiok that it make* differenoe 'what way the. war ends so long as it bi ended, Thilt Wit attitude which is the most probable, is one ef weakness and cOwar. d. Evidaiitly they do not think that any OW IS worth fighting for. Had Own ko3d wolen always taken tliat via Of an aggreision*.there would havnheen no freedom and the miss of mankind would flint he the olives of the few who caredtio dominate. Of all CIA41104 women would ,hove, suf.. feted most from this cOMilitien for where elaverY atur oppressihn Wets, *Men me,the lowed slam tind. the Meat OV, Piesstid. „ Breve men and woMen have never feared to fight kr their ?Obi and free - dont Their attitude ever has beem ''Qive me Liberty or give mo Death.' 100 SHIPS TORPEDOED 20,0oo ARRIVE RAPIDLY Ati we read of ship after ship being -Sent to the bottem of the seaby.Germen- :eubmarines We are liable to feel that on the lindens about Britain a 'Very eerieus, condition of thznga prevaila and,,that. thitttespect at any fate the Germans are nrovirig themselves a veryaval _terror. ' ,But'we tear only Of the ehipithatere think and nothing of thee° which eaCepe. ie when vie .compere the number of shiPetOrPodoed•with, thonumber....whiela: reach port in safety'. thp.t the German sobmarlhe avoid)) leeks , Since the eninnarine "blonkade" corn., menced in. Pebruary=the GettlIalla have sunk about one hundred shins engaged in.the Brinell trade, and. A Oillubet,. of theen were foreign Vessels. In that time no less than twenty thousand merchant ships have -arrived -At- and discharged: their cartmee at British ports. This is what melee the thibinerine war UP.eo British ehipping centeraptible—one huff:, dred shipssunk while forty thousand °soaped (we napalrno. that if twenty thousand shins iarrivetrin Brinell ports, another twenty thOMOUNI departed).if the' shine arriving at and departing from ,Preuch Perth. are /Deluded*, thel‘propot,_ tion efeshipa . _escaping ' the ,shbinartnea Would be much greater.- - 'Thtir is why neutral ceuntrto refuse te:regard the German bleekatle as effect. Ole, and call it • a i'paper" ,bleckarle. As compared with the British blockade of German netts it is nothing *' atm MerChant- ship sails, the ocean, and feiti if nify- neutral ..thips leech German porta. • " -- The German submarinee will have to beteree 'very 'much more effective' than tay have :been if Britith Shipping in to bete:axed from Ode oeean. • CONSCRIPTION "Conseriptionq inBritain is frequently referred to ae a at of lastdeeperatil reeort, But why should it be, of All the nations at war Britain. and her celoniee arit,thetnuionee rn whhcobriiSEjon- did not autematieally" COM° into effect. the men:Mkt War, Was ,deolttreel. Xel310 other 'country did the government ask for tiolunteera. The men were sireply ordered out by., @AMMO.' Regardleee of how it effected their bnainese er decupa. .tions, all fit'zien in, the ()less. called had , mem emiss* lira* while 111a. hard-boalled, teamed te sort ems sag issis—ssat gory appretselsed Mar week s, ef alrepateiAls. Thev took oo long about it (aearly o.. mosidos) tint Germs* spoioepet4 tviwetodly claim- ed that there wee report The *vide** was fathered, weighed, end idled in the spirit of critical schol- arship aid written out in the driest faallionand tho ream* the mcre ghastly. This committee pet *side the staple horrors of wet, the crime* of ir- rpo*4bis individual, end tried to find out what the Getelan (overonient did in Belgium). During the perhal investi- gated /Augitst and September, 1914) every Germ% was abeolutely sure of conquering Fraticeand Rusla, Them • was no ,questioa , of unlit try necessity What the Gerthail Government did in Belgium was to organize deliberateand systematic measures •of defenseless people and theArholesale destruction of their homes.. -The German army- had the equipment and the (Mete: .,,and was Jed by offieers.eapable of enforcing these Meowed. (lemma eoldiera tiled the white flag and the Red Cross to protect thenmelvee inbattle; they killed wound- ed and Prlsollererand. they drove women andehildren and old men in • front of theutte meet the enemy.. T1ise deeds were not the result a rage., or. insanity, but the working out ofthe Prusiiian nu Wu/ policy of."torthr"., Thie is how the gaiter and hie Government make war, This le what his army will stand for in Watery. ..The fit symbol of Germany in Deigitoa ia a baby memo ork e soldier's bayenet, • to go. Per the two lad yearn of , the American CiviLiTitel—M0.—couser4tie -wai,--initime,eveninthepapulous,,eTtartlt. , cieriseriptien, Or coininilsOr_Aildi serVice,_jsitaerely the right „Ail* in_h War which putna'great sttain neon the nation's rase mean tho forceful sending of men to battle.- 411(Y -overage Man, who because , of busliteas or farnily ties would.hot iouthieet for 'aeryieo, , would, without h thothohealhialtatieff,Artange tiigo should the call come to his class. is What tile Moo in rranca aud derinany • and 'Itilesinhave . and - they';would. readily de the same thing in Britain and titneelonies. : - .Coeeeription in to he• applied to the: 'Mat, engaged in making war nint3riALY-4110 ',goo and shells, and ih buiiding ma repairing the ships‘.•-thento the Men reintired in the fighting line. There leis been a noble reaDouso to. the tall, for thep for the fiord. Tho worknien, urdortunately' haVO in 'many Instmices insisted on haler hie tleeirdetynef, their weekly drunke, hod. trades tnien bents, rertercilees of the netion's'extremity«, cc*,•44,4*-4.0, THE GttiMAtte, PLACE IN '(Vtottk Collie*Weeitly. a leading 'Veit. ed 8tites publication,) The 411114 report of Ames Bryte" committee on the German ' outrages, hi Belgium is the most appalling indict:. moot ever drawn egoinst*eivilized ria- tiou '014 COMMittel wsa 011Kbli up af • , EVERY MAN SHOULD PICHTOR HELP (Daily Star) is today a source of strength to the Britieh people, And will term their justification in history, that the demand lor `good -will between ,nations, the dis. bellefirttwer AnketioRaest, was .geoRioe and sincere throughout the Empire, was heard everywhere, and that a race rich, or than the Germans* peeple mote num- erous, withresourcesvastly greater,. Were animated by motives so entirely different heel these ot the Germans, that•they were:fonatttobo not armed and equipped for aggression at all, and scarcely prepared for a' reteonable fence 'that would save them fron_a!doS- truction while they Madeready, By a great body of British ;people throughout the Wpm- it was assutridet that their, Gernien .heighliors 'were :Ps .truthful, as sincere, as honest as then - .selves in expressing mutual •pecirwill, and naafi° intentions. Events seem to 'thew that the,geinian pee* practised such a vast Organised hypocrisy as no roe ever engaged in., Men like Dr. Dernburg, when they went to London tolltikv,peee atuLgoodiwilii.",,eautd:„net havo_been.,..unawareti_thatAlt-roughout Germany every,fottn-of- metdertinemis.. sile was bettigatede-' and -Pecked- itimy for use, that,every imaginable weapon, appliance and article, in endless quanti- ties, was being stored up, -labelled and listed, and not an item forgotten that would be of servicain making a sudden and gigantic war of -conquest in ARNO. It was . a conspiracy-agtinst peace in which millions- of men were involved The secret was shared AMON" nearly the whole race. Like sworn,mettbers of a *secret, organisation that deceived out, itidere, and practised the most colossal hypocrisy the world lias,•stien, • -Thersat by their neighbors' fires calgulating, the slaughter of, their hosts. They said, grace at their friends' tables wondering when the bomb 'would drop through' the roof of their friend. --7-Na-man-har-Agreater -'0a,then-fer Ana - anger against the enOinys or: a greater cahnefor enlisting and nrging others ta de SO; ilintithose Men tlirnughout the British Empire whe believed their Ger, men. neighbors to be as honest at them- selves; who who read the unctuous deliver- -naces of „Clermart'preaohers, And the de- ceits of their professors, only to learn by events that they were all false and must years °many planneci this warntid ontAt rhady foritin every ;partictilar long.in , must be Ion • t Mom an BUSY Teter —Tim Rem eels Net eats: 'aloha*, 0011, AM &bout s. tisk* es lies street -4d a marear bevel." The entots1 excursion to Onelph Model Fare', taking fa the Matione from Viiringitioat to A.twood, will be held ou Beturday, Immo lioth. xestor -,Tonenour.—A very quiet well* Wee eoleusUiseti u Wecinee, day tat At St. Jame* Street Church, Exeter, when Mime Veuetta Johnston 00114 nuited in marriage to Ur. Albert Kernick, uf Irshorue.. After * short honeymoon the rung couple will re• side on the groones fern) on Themes r°4014.etara Mery J. Hoboes', :laughter of air, and Mte. Robt. Holmes, formerly of Clinton. stoodfiret end also took firet•elase honor in the fourth and &Al year in Domestie SOlence at the re- ceneToronto University examinations, She ha,s to her creditthe hotter of both 'ateniling drat in her olass And: tel4E tflgt,fejuitAsh honorsTisa inthroe yeaerreedeinttbolef record. , • Her. 11:11. Doneen, of Port Credit, formerly of Whiteebureltand Latigaidet • has received word that his ime, 'dent". Damen, 'WU killed. in action on May Oth., •Lieut. Duncan was slightly wounded On April 22, at: Langemarek, hut was Off duty ettly a few daye. • He Was 2$ yearn of agoAnd before enlist. bag wati•iti theeffices of the Ommunters Gas ‘v, Toronto. He 'received part •4 his education ' at Wingliam High School, and had attended Toronto University. , PAID TUN FINN --- On Saturday at ,ternoon last the bar of the Bedford Ho. tel„ Goderich, was raided by hPoetTleaw.41f4dbeNer°9wreuteanfotien'tdw•ebonti4odElltreg bar,. The, bottles were all ori ice. The iabels had, been removed from the bot- tles but the stamp on the corke. could not be removed. A charge of ' keeping liquor for sale in Contravention of, the Caddie, •remperoneo Act Was laid. and the hearingof the ease. Was AL for Wed. aesdny-reorning.at. 10, o'clock.. There. no trial, however, Tr, Bedford agreeing to pay,the fine, whicliwati fit( Del by Magistrate Kelly at -075., with Ott% whi)11 brought the aMount up to 989.-- Star, . Panalsee atry CARS,— Sinceour last issue ,.tutve-:The..-.9..eo(orth Newer -Meant& illuenrorYni)Il'old6134::13.01hitalrPlelnkweGinve'Eti Dale, ltittiee; Da,ve McIntosh, Brucefield.;* and Lop. Blake,Walton, have purchased Ford as *from Mr. P. Daly. , These gentle. men will use their veinclealor both bits- nesS and platted() and wilt no doubt en. ToYlltapbf trips' during- the--sohinfer.- It is being store and morerecognized that ,n) antomebile is a good investment for Ate farmer because of the many advant- ages it offers for Viennese and pleasure, ,alatly trips that cannot be taken in the ()avseason for fear of overworking the horses is possible to the lam:With a car.. 91 the nineteen cars sold by Mr. Daly to date this semen eleven have been pur- chased by farmers. • _ ESCA P INO THE— SUBMARINES •Precsagoari Timor By Troop Ship's_ , In writing home to his wife At tiOde- rich,- Dr. Macklin, of that town, :who recently went to England to, attest in the hospitals, gives highly interesting "lietads of the tare teken 111 sailing troop ships through thetelt of sen rendered iclitegertithibY the German submarines. These ,precautions bliVe so 'far been successful, as the subs.. have not yet 'suzceeded ingetting even one of the hundreds of troop ships that have navi- gated the danger zone., . Under date of May 16 Dr.: Macklin There inc enough life -boats to hold all those on board, roughly 190-0;. The boats Are !lumbered and 1 am assigned to No:, 19. They are large boats, each holding noel -00 to 60. When the whistle blows steadily for four minutes everyone Must rush .to his berth, Seize life -belt and put it on as quickly as -possible-and-line-up beforebbihoat-when • the- mit ite &kited: Wo'• 1400 -with our lifo-helts under our polowa. „The large j teats are lowered, iiSt: above. reach of water and are kept ready alwety,n; While others are in perfect shape: 'Verb* the night, that we will he .put oh shore all thhs,oldiers wilt lie- en deck with • life, belts off atid we wnl have to sleep on vars.—All sentries on dutywearlife- belts. Oitr life -boats and belts would be practically useless if we met:. a sub. Allitriner AS we woutclairaSblY403.--8 0 •Thololdie*Seetritnhe in great epirits• and seern to he Saving thia-tanaht thoir lives; except the sielt once. .-- tath.' ' The oat in a • no, Jest new is oubniarines. New orders for safety are ISSUfiti every day, and VD are going to make a clear dash for port, th one knows where, •Watertight convert..., Incas and steerage.bunks are all 'closed and privates occupying them bivie to 8100 on deck.. Evetyene must wear his ail day long; and Wednesday night wanettst sleep with theni on and. .frilty dressed. No tuesies-netteitenbuglek are to be soteided and no lights shown, Everything has been made ready to hove ate ougines-apcadtp.- :Ion, of wide)), aur soldiers.consist):..have 100 tharpthootera' v.111%d. on duty;IIAY . , We. have been ta,c1r1 rig hack and forth '111 the Bay of Iliscaai waiting for the envoy. The lite -boat e are out and everyone has 111s life -belt on, hitt no one must he aeon en deck. Everything it very quiet and the .captain appears , anxious. The engines ere ready with highest steam Pressure and soldiers are detntled to assist the Stokers: This is rather an interesting experience end' of' the kind one ie not ithoy to fotget. a r, sr. • The destroyer has arrived and every... one is mailing. She is a bird* and cuta. through the' water like it hone. It was interesting to see the elunige of lathede. on board: when she arrived. Later we were joined by, two other dotter& and now with all lights out, we are making full speed ioto port. • . Have reached: Plyincetth at 14;4. We lute%ed half' a dont training -ships with soldiers m White linentrate ttaln. 1110 . G ANO TRUNK %ire% ATTAACTIVE TRIPS (tbargicrt Day' Algoaeain. Park 2Uttokoka 14citea 'Lake of 1.104 ...French Iticer • • • Icawartiat 1.ratoo • attiganetesitat l`tlyer • laineettnit ete. Dotted. trio tourlot tleltets ilOW nald Piaui .• Aro vtAttl: latattavo -Ontat10 it Very -low -futon, tbIYixil 4011,0V017t, MUSKOItA EXPRESS . ... . ittv, rav Mmaueat A hart, ifimuivillot Algon. Lecyco Toronte,1%) a. en, dally, eneent flan. gala IMO 11111 Nott IlDot. VoureotiOns stO made CO liftmitolla Wheartot Aliokoka 1 4ko4 of I oaflor Tabtomlitlifot ezir to Alcournito x ark; • rat at 1 lout":101110 far voirftil on unto pyte. ! tolat.1,41waty4 !Ate ear KIM ilraTiana 0001l0 to ;Noah 11-1V. rail PettleUlats and tektite en upplitathiu to Imo. " ° 0. M411'11,1,..Agsatti tooltaew. phous II. • 41 strtmger then her awri. Sho ceinpals4i; I'hatheing so, the .itten mad:newspapers that rtsed heir voioes for Peace while there. was •any Itcpp of it, have Upon thera 'the Wile: duty at Nets' On all 'ethers—to raise their arms . -for 11(at and go into the fight to the finish. • , TlIl WilatilitN• PAIR London,.041.1011i• - -The'Weeteich Lotidensi *popular Agricultutat bola thjs frorn.Septehitor,toa-,to,l8th It h; considered by the roanageMent that'thia above all others, .alionid bp the one when extre efforts :must be put forth to make the Exhibitiona trot kittecest. therefore with assistatine gine by the aovernment the Board of Direefors.have deeided to make h cash eddition to the prize list of 83,0004.. Good. oar it was 116. tore, this will certainly 105111' tmjon; prim list very ettrective. The list nOW, 10 the bandnef the printer mid will soon be ready tor distribution, v Thousands of Advertising Matra'and-hangerg ietvo boon' . sent throughout the 'Cottotry during. the 'past -week announcing the dates, and OA tvegoiletite are %leg made as quickly as ssibhs to: Assure the Rshibiters and vis. tors alike, that this yeers Exhibit iot Will he the best over held in London, Any: :iiiforination regarding the Exhibition 'will he gladly given no application to the: &c00% A M. Itiuxti 4Hulos) -44)kt, Reltento—Suntiv A pretty weddieg was solatubised at St. Pears chursh, Ripley, on *Pipes- day,Jurte 204., et the )1014T •Of Wile Lilts when Elizabeth fiteeley, &ugh - tor et Mr, .stiad Mrs. Thos..Stenley, WAS umitod in the hold head* a weeloek to Reverend Percival Nethanief Harding, et All Sainte Church* Windsor, • eon of Mr. and Mrs, P. A. Heeding, of Regina, *. bleak. certinenY W1111 Performed VT the Right Reverend David Williamuk D.D.. Bishop of Huron, aseleted by Rey. T. 11. Inas, Rector of the Perish, the cereinoey being the beautiful ,e)er. rhwa serviceof the Church of England, with the gelebration of the Holy Com - The bride was given away' by her -father, and wore a becoming :gown of 'white- silk crepe, deitietre trimmed with ailk l,with. .train andveil caught with. pearls, And carried a beautiful.. bouquet of white bridal room, Mint Ida Stanley,. Sister of the bride, and,, her Matron of honor, wore pink eilk -crepe ;demetre with hatsto!Match, earryieg, pink carek-•` think - -The -biidolioiiimic oiat4tti.itr the bride, , 11.1bia: Ella AMP. Edna Stanleh wore whitemnbroidered•toile with Wee' fictive hats, earryiug white carnations. r. Boy Herding*. . of Slum: College*, London.. brother :of the.' ..grOont, was groorasntow.and 1%1 r. plareeee,Perernaft, , tf..ituronXelleg*,.- London*. and. - MT, George M. Hawthorne, of Windsor, pot„, were the :usbere:.: The wedding march was played by liofr, ..chett, E. Percey1 or- ganist of St. Janiete,, ,Uhurci4'-14ondOe.' The, church deleetatiene were moat orate, Consisting • of eut fleweric- ferns. antf.patine.. reception was, held' at the home of the bride"sparents, the re.- . ceivine -room being: decorated with flees, cut tiewere and ferns. About eo of the: inno.ositate relatives and friends of ..the et/110400er( parties parte)* of a teMpt- ing wedding breakfast, .,Presents ;turner. Jun tot., '61 kiorPsem.ditile MOLS014S BANK A Gerantst. RANKING 11110111114011 TRANSACTED itIOLUDINS CIRCULAR LETTERE CT CREDIT RAN* MOREY ORDER* CAPITAL. At* RESERVE $8,800,0004' aa rirsmools In console aleciallitelant Savings Bank Department ' At 011 Iiiranuhes lots'si &Owlet et Idslwut cermet ati T. S. REID, Manager. t;* ssos 0.11 I It Mi., III, "Ill ous and costly were presented to the bride and groom, among them heirig a puree of gold item the -congregation of All Solute' March* Windetari, aott a Pair of Sterling Siltrer•Velfee:Iroin the--Cheir of $t, ,James' Church, 14;cadee: of :wluch the bride Was a member. Mr. and Mr. Harding left on the 2:37 train for their home in Windsor, the bride wearing a tailor made snit of blue serge Aud black and white het, 1 The guests from a. dietetic° were; f Mr.. and um B. A, Harding, Regina, 1,Sesk, Mr. and Mrs.' Samuel Harding,‘ ndon;, Ur. Cecil SimpsootHurm Cul lege, London, Misa Beatten, London, Anal ' - „ The Sentinel has always on hand the very nicest invitation and announgement papers. We also have the very latest style of type, and can tura out your wedding etatioeery just a little nicer than anybody else. Pekes quite reason- able. Call and see, THE MUST MAI TN FART, -Siuce•thnopenieg of the Cheat Bump. eau 'War lost August the cehle "eervite of -The, ,a1ebet.-Tetent0,,Jete• attskted „tit- teption from one end of Canada to the other; owing to its completenese and re. liability. Every day the. cable neWft 18 " ItCpaegtletlulaneeaderatuhtle,,i:litteletporteteilvdheunwtahre, sf rue: MAO.", This feature makes' ploin,and . intelligible what would otherWisehe eon. tuning to tlia4eader, Thij' Glebe. MAW. . WOO RS Petition, iin::Vaininiten, National .1s,Tewspaper," as is prOvbn by the faet'that' than that of any hther morning paper ; its circulataon of woo al ninth Inger, iR the Dominion, yerlite0W1110014)01 tThhis Olkoebea faerrsi n4g1 IVO; piper sent to any address M Canada for 113 00 per year, 91.00 for 6 Mo. or 4- mo. for $1.90. ()sclera taken at The Sentinel ,Offige. , CANADA'S NATIONAL NEWSPAPER _ M.S.-According, to Lord 'Kitchener, the • bit -I -War lirot 001Y-: begun. °The. War Saminary", _ ,Almast from the. vet -y Oily the great European- war 'began in litst,.thp outstandliw feature, ill Canadian Journalism To•Tering :the coulliet -1140S-been-ttlaw-Wrkr-cluiiminryltAnily-on ja the .coneicest poseihie ,toria•,the writer has' given lila readers 5. _ 'pea .pieture ofthe. deTelopnientfi:ill,all parts Of •the world; While th0! details of the movements along.tse -pxtended frontiers.. have not bekt •- oveitlooked, the, readers.ot THE 'GLOBE have: hOen. enabled* to f011oiv• , intelligently and With .conildende the general outlinesof the stupendous • conflict. wrhe war summary. of THE, filWit.E. 18 reproduced daily by Miteral-papers throughout the Domiaiou, • — . • The. Editorial Page. • TitE 'Its Odiforlai Raga -.ham IA444 to itlad`e bre`fiite- the- puhile in proper 'Perspective the prone • 'bitelcgrotnal • of the. titanic .. struggle. 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Country' Zife',!": are matntallied-IiFtilligli .standard - of. • mccelleneer,g --standard -that-MIS -Instilled- THE- GLOBIlkin-fts-,titie-ot- Canadt0 Nntional-Newsphper, and has Oren it by manY 'thousands the largest Circulation ot any. Morning'PaPer 111 the Doinlai60, . • ' kocaland.City•..PaPers :• , . By all meatia'take Your ,lobal ,paper, btit In the field: (if metropOlitan newspapers•.THE• 4114011E unquestionably offers 'youthetgrefitept vnlue tto...be bad in, Canada. Order 'it 'to -day. 25 cents per month-4nm dollar - . for tout months -three 'dollars per year. • • THE qL-011E-vlotatittf. • Of course, itou are going th "Puint Up" this Gprilig., There's the bedroom, parlor or dining room Waif to be re -finished. There Are Floors to he vaintedi-stained, — varnished or waxed. There's the- OflJfoth or Linoleum to be made Spic and SpanT----- , Th-orectkekitinituro-aria:Wa.ttiiiiikicr be brightened.) Here are 'ail?' 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