HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-06-10, Page 3A COMPLETE WRECK i!A:Nt HEROIC DEZDS. •••••=••• ?roll the After Iffeote of itou. erY' 44 C4VA/411164,4t 14411841.1161•Ck. Iionia Yellowed by DIptheria womittjsrd let18°Llion itli lilit'4'il!°111z/• k'requeutly the after effects of ill. hem- --"'fer-ouill'iiPS-pfliatel:taart%'. IvIri'S'an; nFss are more serious than the ori- many deeds performedliy Toy ow.n gine'. trouble. This was the ease men which? in, an ordinary., Call - with Mr. James. B. Moir, nutana, Palo would have won the Ifictoria 11' 8a0c. Mrs. Moir says: t`Some Cross for the, such as hinthug ..up , with a severe attack pneumonia. 1 Years ago, while we were stad illliving wounded comres and carrying in Nova ticotia, I was taken (town them to .shelter under hot fire," of Ile corrects AR ar,count in "EY() I had (51.4fgelent1y recovervd to he ' 8t. Catkartnes Major Tells of Brows ,17tratnelia '! statement that the teflon wavered, and that Col, 13irchall had to recall it.. wavered,p" writes Major Belson, "from start ta finish," and after f- •phoh;teol,vvprolki .thThronogolh,mobubies wo 40u.Hrt1)41)3r U•eNt,*ire. xij.pelt." ainiapsnitz . around, but had not been able tp ge oPt. when I was attacked with ' cliphtberia.• In in 'I. weakened state' it took a terrible hold /CM me, and neither my friends nor neighbors tho fast few hohdred yoras no . thought I would recover. I did,as ' Hilt Log Step Towards Recovery KS TO Yap Iv YouR $V4F0 TOMS AU OF KIDNEY DISVASt. Kent CountY Lady Did This -Then She 'reed Dodd's Xidney •. and Was Cored.. * Upper Bouctonch9, Kent N. 4,1 May alst Oen.: evieve Bastarache, an estimable lady living near here,, is telling her friends of the benefit 'she has received from Dod(Vs Kidney Pills. e "I am indeed happy, to be able c3" to state that I have been cured.of Kidney Disease by Dodd's, Kidney - Pills," Bliss Bastarache says in an s. interview. • "I Was often so feeble I ,eould t not ,yvOrk. My sleep was broken tellS' of _the death of Pte. Crawfordkand_crkalp, : the same regiment, to relatives, and unrefreshing. • I had headaches not yetliFen listed in tckke 41,•.sitffered from Itheuniatigin and casualties. Donaldson; . Crawford -Backache and was ` always tired and Pte. Hargreaves, of e , and nervus, ,were 'cutting through a ,hedge when "I „wile 14 tibia miserableib Condi- all three ;were liargi'eave was tiOn when I decided to try Dada's shot through both hips while hind- 414neY IN.11s, .and I had' not taken ing. up. 'Danaldion's -wounds, and two • boxes till X felt better, and in this vonclition•OraWled assist- Mired me," ,s,'• !Oraiviord, the found tl,sy,ond. , -,Ankes meter.*he made ,a'ilong step need; of aid, Theo Ponaldson. and tTY.ards'" recoYegY•wheA. she. Oieeei- gargreave .spailed :•%,:the ber `‘sYlriPtorig. :were :of egoroouf 1 bujlets;, 4,0ICI:c11..:107\teele,,oeladscr.e' ii.§olitslet,hKeind•nimor,diroeninly. . Dodd Kidney Pills.;:to, find. a , cure. Are your syinptores those of gidney"Disease ? Small Hitelicus; throat 'Were paralyzed? iso that even diilte vicinity. Birchall die a :..eup of water 'Would flow laack " 11"Ved' galiont V411gliA gen through omy nostrils ardeas. ,they ticman, after stating that he wa were held elosed, My votge Proud te lead such men: "' was ' almost and my eyes so • A letter from Pte. Donaldsoa, o badly effected that. I feared I was going to ao.Pfe. only walk With assistance, ..and it looked as though I •would he a helpless cripple. Medicine WAS used • but did not hell) nie: Then a neigh. bor advised Dr. Williams! , Pink . 1 began,. taking _them but had. •the utmostdifficulty in -,swal, liming them owing to the condition ,• of, my throat. ILAVever, 040r nt: couple of boxe‘had been atS-e4 loundit easier to take theoli...*Incli: was a sign they 'were•i..belfang • and L felt*reatly ,ohbered. .1. do' net know how many boicee I took, but I .eonfinued their uge Until was as of ever, much to. the mrprise of ail who knew Me'as all °thought I could not. get better. Since then I have several times taken the Pills When run down, and have always -been greatly'bene. btted by them," • ' • • For thee/ter effects of fevers and , all wasting diseases there is no medicine can equal Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, They enrich the blood, • build up the nerves, restore the • • PPPetite and 'bring back complete health. and .strongth, 'iSold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 - !ttora The, Dr.' Medicine: •oekville, Ont. • ising Kerosene. - There is probably. no one who has `bo .build fires vb.() has not. at Ionia glue "yielded te the tempt.latidn...to 0. -,burry things up a. bit by Pouring - kerosene ' into _the s1rne. although iveryone is probablY aware 'of what a dangerous' practice- thiS Evan. • though &ere is no flante. in ....the atoye, the kerosene may ignite the gat in hot ashes' with reitilts disas • preps to the 'fire=builder- --and-. his surrOundings. • •- Asimple, Way to Meet, pe ettlity in getting your fire:started is to keep a tin can with a lit* kero- tene m it ii some saf•e.place. Stand acme smaR pieces of kindling in the . liquM„ .rePlacins the, sticks,'„ 7oth- . ers as they are used. The •wood will , • abeerb the kerosene just as a lanip- wick ,does„, and will soon , beenane -- ••••• Include-mite-lof \.,t/U t-10,Parecl Other,kindlimgc-iir aying yofir fire, and.= you will Ob- • .. fain all the- sidvantite,es-of 7 thTe.'ii-se ..of kerosene. with:none 'of, the dan- . ger. . • '..The • bee that.; -gets the honey. doein't* loaf around the ,. • In building* a hous; it is a e, great . , . .1*. . . , . raistalte to, build a large 'kitchen, , . dining.rooni. A Ilia Ititcherkineans EWS OF THE MI011if WEST, uni.,,,s :it must 'ulSO be used as a • An 'eno mous number of -extra, st,eps , • ,--, Par the hottsewife in preparing her ..L._ ' mearso ,and ja, w,holly unuocessa.ry "NETWEEN ONT,ARIO, -..A0' 1311 - amount of labor in sweeping.. and . . TISH COLTJMBIA. eleeming, . • • '.• 7 Have your .kitchen made inst. , . •• large enough to; 'oontain. eer4er't" Items. Prom PrOvilleeS,Where IllanY ably. your range, work table, cup- • , . • • • hoard,' and4,2,,eottpre '01 chairs.- If ' Ontiirio'Beye aid Girls Are . YOU neectexq-#.0Pazae.,_for Autehingor, . _...LiTin,.... . . „. - .. Woi.k. a that sort...have' a- room, par-- . • , •• ..., - *6- - - - - • titietied off from the kitchen ,to l)t Winnipeg has , an...;Atistralasian Used for these purposes alone, and 011.4i, ' : • • : . , shut up during tile -ordinary routine G. N. Jackson is the newly -elect - of kitchen ;work. - - . -- - • - " •''' ed president Of the Winnipeg Board . of Trade. : . .. 'Winnipeg haa 574 births' in .A.pril, MOTHERS Of LITTLE ONES '190 againk 475 iti the sarao_month- . . , , ,• . — . • a year ago. . • ' . •-1. . NO' mothei .- .0. t oune:_citiloireli-L_W-hurip.eLimailiine,. shops.•=haver a i1ien14 : be witliciut it lz•OX of Baby's million -dollar contract for :Making Own 'Tablets. The Tablets are . shells for Britain.' . • • , • , • Mother's best 'friend and are as • In Eastern. Manitoba, thist year, good as 'a doetor '.in the -hose. 'Wilcigeese.liave been.more plenti- Concerning them Mrs; "F,• Wurger, ful- than or many ;years. l'egereal.,-04t7.7' writx.°37•!---1!" have,' - -At Edmonton; •Williain :Wilier used •Baby's Own Tablets for the tried to swim his horse a,crosi the Past 'eight years "d ws'olild "t he Saskatchewan, and was 4:1rowned• without., them I• can ihighlY reConi, At, Winnipeg,Joieph Rucion mend them to all mothers of young .bw.eaan a children." The' Tablets are 'sold. i g thrown from a o.N:a. hand - by medicine 'healers or by mail at ,,„-;.. . • . . *5. Cents a hex from The Pr. ,Wil- ' The Winnipeg 'School Board will limns? - Medicine Co., ' Brockville, . F - . his .- year spend $150,000_ on new I.• • , • \buildings, to help the unemployed. More land in the.vicinity Wit; - Went -&n : .slonin Park; Winnipeg; be diig `-`When up_ tO PrOvide.work-for-UnelliA03red -741t4;'74/11---g"- billerc) Mrs. - W°w11 unmarried -Mei]. • . y, I ;haven't. been Andrew cr b -eittnd.'-c t-Yt,suf Win .g a itgavon,t you, roomy? rm.,.sure, meats, to the '79th Cameron you and Mr Migh- lafider:S. (43rd Battalion, C.E.F.).' I heard m•other sa.y . Drown bacl bee.n. at loggerheads -for, -Among ,those killed recently at a week."• .• the, if•ont , was 'Pte. Joseph ,}1. - • James formerly a ,nierabet. of •the 90th -of-Winnipeg; and _health in- spector for Asirniboia, W. S. Posti-• one- -of- •••••the-- titers of the lananesa, district, is dead. Me •was:,postinaster, at Wa-- . wane,sa, for 25 years, and 'very well known- throughbut •,= Mrs. IL A. Magnire, , who was ...• visiting.* Winnipeg, is a grand - Did _ydii have _ a ,..good_ time ?'';. V Story Assiot The Duke of Cosisionsitt tells * good story assault, himself. Owne. years ego, wben Ji was raised to the peaution of Lieutenant-Colonel of the Tat Me Brigade, the late Queen Victoria commanded that be should only be saluted ae a, regi- mental officer, and not 44 a, mem- ber of the Bowel Family, On one occasion, however, an Irish sentry, seeing the Duke sand Duchess ap- proaching, turned out the guard and gave the •Boyea salute. The Duke was 1112.1.1,4 annoyed,. and pro- ceeded to give the sergeant in charge a piece of his mind. But the, quick-witted Irishman WAS OqUttl to; the accason, "The guard, Orr," he said, in 'his richest -brogue, "is for Her Royal Ifigliness, who, is a member of the 'Royal Family, is entitled to it!" After that the Duke could say nothing. A Dunfermline CollieR Scottiiih collie owned by Mr, " H. C. Aitken of Priory Lauer Dunfernalinei-ita-4-the---cshiold and Medal for dashing into the road at Dunferibline in Augnet, 1911, and .saving,a411ild' from, bong run over; This i quite an unusual torrn of canine: heroism, and suggeets• that, there is no Limit to the .noargbilitteS of a, 'dog in 'saving life. The :child was, it SeeniN quite 'A stranger, yet "9)nke". ;sprang /nth the .road and fniatchednit from. Under -the horses faat,„ ',Thom is; an; instance on re- corCV ...koking after: a perambulator co thn i. ,baby 4. first." • "A.w, weeL" said Sandi, `.as far es I'm cOneerried I swan t • which had taken charge," down Very steep hill at Bristol and stopingpg tnfortuna.telY no daa Death Nearly elalmed New Ilrooswick Lady Wee Restored to Her Amiens. .Fam- Jiy Witen Hops Had Gone, • fit John, N13, Dee: 1,fithe--At ono time ft.waa feared that Mrs, 1. Grant, • or White Rt. would succumb ta.the' deadly ravagea, or ,acivaimed kidney trouble,. "My first attaeks .of 171401P: ache n4 kidaer trouble began year* ago. For six years: that dull gnawing, nein has been present. When r ex.;, crted mYself it was terribly .intensiiied. Ilf caught cold the pain waa unen- durable. used most .everything, but nothing gave that certain grateful re- lief that CMS from Dr. liataliten% Pills. or Mandrake And BUtternut. 111 .stead henig.bOtked down with pain, ti>llay• • am•atrong, enjoy splendid. appetite, sleep. soundly -Lost proper. ties .bave bee4 instilled' Into My blood • .---cheelts are rosy wItly color,. And thank that .47 that heard of so grand 4 medicine AS pr. HaMilton's Pills." . -Every woman, should uge these pius. :Tegularly, because, .good'• litalth.4.pays„ nomea.to all who. Ude Dr, liamilton'p. wandrake and Butteraut• . • . . A Grave- Topic. . ••, • ,oad sootanaan friend on a., Visit, one day took hint to' See en ancient .0emetery * the village -the 'only... sigli:t it .,could boast ye gunk 0' • thflit 1." -he inani" sal:lid his friend,. 'viewing the,Ailapi: dated .condfitiOn of AO greNfldi • "be - ore • I'd, be buried there Fd. die to. be. buried into idler place If I in spa,red.", has been preserved that would efi- tablieli this interesting incident as. an undotilated fact, ' YOUR sign sits0S 0000- • , re. your Ohl harsh 414 dry? Are there Signe elf approaching' Wrink1eS7 Are..you. diodlife640.:Iti7:::1017efrox7xtry9reuliled:olutlfwpioutp:letiaedollet:01. 7.11• tliessin.ogei.r7opaityllrai • Dleonatra and the noted beauties 4)2 the Eaat kniegf.-perfectly;well- that the 'skin reunieSs food just. as des the.rest of Ole -body, • *T.hey, :.fed "'their. .skin 'With a P -paration-.,of Ormatalsoils,--the Secret • -which, hes been. no Jealousisr.gnardod by encivedinggenerations has only recently come. to 'light. lifen, too, find Ueit w valuable • friend. an occasional api,1iation o t,he- face not. 'only feeds eke obi and keeps It in the healthiest cOnditien, ,;but • it leaves the_ ifaceLanueb, =vaster, to shave., icpri 'once alone .proves hew' much easier., -• Visit is &fife --trade-mark; nanse;:bk..wbfeh. this preparation is known and sold by all druggietli, !wholesale And retail: Usit 114%. Co., ' Ltd., 476Rtnisestialkit Ave., Toronto, Ont. • • 414 • =nerd's• Liniment ;used by Bliyidcfans. Seeing Europe, 1 • • Aoki -American who• had -been "see,. mg -Europe" Was -describing his ex, perience in the rush to get home When 'War was declared.: The boat Was crowded. 'The third day a man went,Up 'the,purser and saki. - "You mill .h.a..ve..ib get me .s 'place to sleet)," "Where have you been re' sleeping?" asked •the litirSer "Viten," the •pasienger .answered,- "I've been isleeping on, a Man Who was seagsiear, but •he's getting bet- ter now and -says have, to, move." • ' • - 1 , • Captain•Kidd.'s booty ' -was a trifle compared with that Which awaits. the sea,rover who • • regularly • pierce the • British "bkickade. and readh German • Ports, • • 7 •• ••• 7. 'During the' Civil War the most profitable- .game anybody, played 'Was that of blockade running . It waaso, difficult to-ge•tootto..:•out. of ieifsrpoot • roie,' 20-timet-themormal-figure-:. Renee, a Ship that carriedgiiniand • Various-Munitions-to-the-South-and- theii took home a.' lead of cotton killed tWo prize . birds ' with one stone. English shipowners carried on great trade. The shiP R. E. Lee ,built by the llyitish at a,cost..... $160,000, very soon bore -away $2, 000,000 in .gold. .. Another -Ship made - t trip from • Bermuda to 'Wilmington North Carolina, and eterned a pro fit of 700 Per cent. on the cost of the •vesiel. • A'4irri boat Made 22 such journeys and -earned still ' was •a hazardous geane, •daughter of the late General Henry, but the stakes were lughrand.rnany Shrapnel*, of the . British'army,. who A bold" sessnan was willing to en- • invented the 'shrapnel, Shell. gage in it. .• ' ,. an average , of • one capture -.for Lieut.. -Col: A. H. Correll; who There were actually .hundreds of : was clerk to the. Manitoba Legisla- instances of 'blockade running. and titre, resigned -to go to the front Be•Was appointed- quartermaster,- every ficurtincl • a a . ,nps was -general Of. the second overseas con- Made bvthe Union- navy. • tingent. ; • • • • •' • A. iiian named was, , • CLEAR-IIEADED- Under the influence of , . :liquor; was. • ' tratinnled to death .by. a stallion he iniead_Mo*keeper .M ust-Be_Reliahle: was driving near Windsor,;Sa‘sk. The chief bookkeeper in a large "er the shafts lie -der-:. the busineas house in one of the West - horse's feet. • : • • pin cities speaks of the harm tea The tails 'of 14,718 gophert..hairel and 'coff7.'.-didloar'bim : . • • been handed to the local -1111:dji f. • "11(y wife and I* drank our first United RarinerS of. Alberta • since -cup Of. P-ostuth a --little-over_•two -ffit•Wir pp.ea,rance `74 -The 'peat, years ago., and we have peed it ever and1109,97 'heeded out .as prizes, since, t� the e•ntfre e?cplusieri-of tea This=aSleSS ;than :a cent foieach 'and eoffee Iti happened in ,this •-•••- • • • 7.% r• , . At. •Cardston, "Alberta, fire 'broke 1 • "I, had " an attack �t pneumonia; , in the stere . of the • Cardstna which , left anie, with dyspepsia, or • 'Implement Ccornpany,'' Through the' Poeta/flea: of the stotIdell. My 'ntrp ,qiiibk action ToriliFieldiers of the •1*-ellreol"*.litite9-11 • in. the liqrne HE BRICK has greatly pop- ularized City Dairy Ice Cream with the 'housewife. There is :no Other dessert that 'can compete.. With. . City, Dairy ,Ice.-Cieatit-in the summer. • • Our Seririce makes it possible for yOut ..,.'dietftei.to u 1you with :--CitY-----DititY.-1CO- -- Cream in brick form .so 'that you can serire it in' yotir -own hwrie at:Ditinir., Afternoon, Tea or Evening Party, just rite ;fame 'as your.. City Sister. • • For OM by.clittorlinktiating nhopkonsuorts • • Look for- • the Sin.; a, tfrit• Want an atom(' In *Very Ninth ,,gqinadi..9* !host.: of, .the, coffee, but f---ber,Carne convinced, • • , : • . , • * • ' • • .to 'mention the . Matter to' tny gro- •ter orie,day and he. suggested that I 18 Ilepq• 0 -VB 430#11711.4 •: ' ; • • , • 4 Londoner •was 'showing .-A0ine. •'"Next day it came and we liked Country relatives the Sighte,of 'Loh, it sq flinch that we., -never don recently,' and was pointing Out change back for I am A .wat man a-magnificerit old 'residence built to -day arid have ifsed no medicine. Years: ago, hY ehief4hOokkeePer rn •,unscrupaetti lawyer of his time. our 'Co.'s banch.:hoilse. here is of a • ."And,!'. the Londoner :was -asked, :very confining nature. During my "WaS he al& 40 -build a homelike lea and coffee drinking days ,t_Was tat iv -44 .subje.;6i'r to fie:rine-Giese • and V t the reply, 1,15r.thii practice and' big Ibluea".in addition to my Sick apelis practices.'?. ' These' have left' me since '1 began . , . • • • using Pasture and I 'can Conscien- . Boll_ • ,• windy recommend to these Wales° Mr s, Busybikly "DO .you feoI work eonfinek, them . to 'long liourS' • kir*, Mrs; Tinley; ifoic .that.yout of severetmental, oxertion," • three, lads 'aye listed . • :.Nartre giVen by Canadian' ikistum • "Not BO' bad," was the ;:reply. Co.,: Windsor,. •Ortt. •• Dead "The ' "It do lcome over me terrible off Road to Weliville.," AV' ' two fonns 614.althal'eir hittoolis wto iaoh..64 riti'vciee:16d1 ri).0°$attrin 66CIllireegar ''ave to borrow some of nelghboet lene-must be WO boiied. - ie and " w&talineinat to keep; myself .Chear- 256 15a,tkagek • • ' • Inatitut roStnnt--at oelubte pow- dort-dissolveti 4k1'in A. euP of - hot watery and, with qtata -and • sugar, makes 4 idelidotts:beverage Instantly. Zere and She tins. Doth 'kinds are equally .tlelitions 'and Mit :tibout 014 ;saint vet • "Theresa Reason" for • ' by Grocers; • „ • taCk waS removed , withant dam_ aftti a ,time, that 'they. asgraVated, . • • • • my stomach trisuble happened • • ▪ Promiseo are worse' than , eggs: - you eaa't keeptheni aft,er they a're • broken..., • • • • • 'Do you keen' Vertanifire,astati the inqui.sitive neiglibots "Not • long," tesnonded' het' truthful' friend, ' • . Ask for 7iiiii,ard's and. take rib other. • Farmer Was Astounded. Tom Hopkips had worked op the seine ifa,rm for 'twenty years/ and • until- hi's- inetatertook pout, try farming he wae quite satisfied with life. But the poultry busineis ,was-a-bit---too-muck.-11,1e-bad, ito.talta Ihe•-•eggS they • Were. laid; -and, Write the date on them with an in- delible pencil; andi•Worse than that he had also to write on , the. eggs the breed .of the hen thatlitid them: • "I'm 'about fed Up," .said he one daY• to, the farmer, "and I'M. going to leave." The farmer vas astoiind- ed. ' "Surely,' "Tom," G&W ' he, "you're not going to leave _me after 1a1the 014 WM. ve OM_ . every -kind, of -queer -job -on. i where farm, but I'd ratherAtar've-thop go- on -being secretary to .a • lot of hens." • . . • • Aunt Virginia.. Says • When we are told..a,' disagreeable thing- that •hae,,beett said abOut PS we are likery to'=. shire our diilike about 'equally, between. the person who Rid it and the person who re-'. pasted it. Talebearers would do. w,ell to remember this,.. Minaidis Lindnent Co., Limited. , have used. your Minard's Liniment in --my „family and also in my stables for years and consider it the best medicine obtainable. • Yours truly, ' ,A:LF, RED ROCRAV, o.pristor:Roxtruel-an _ .LiYo.rx_241,bles. • _ .• . . • • • Johan:es Strategy. • Ire thighs. The Rotesu R4W, in Walt Dr. • Chalmers lodged on Ant settling ia Glasgow; owes its name zto Gaelic word signifyipg the Icing's high. way. Associations with ,..lny*Ity Ain still be claimedby the faahion; able ride to Ifyge Park bea,ringthe SUMO designation., Among other ficottish towns ithat winless Rotten - rows are Lauder and Dunfermline. In olden times no levies could be exiioted by the Baronies for the cattle that were driven Moog thee roads, - : lie Was So Good.. The widow was taking her first look at the bust of her 1;001744 JAB- .40A1C1., The elay Was Still 4ialllip• ."114,Y exaMille it well,. said the sculptor.. "If there iiranY. 'thing wrong I can alter it."' The widow looked at it with a 'mixture of sorrow and satisfaction.. "It is jlidt like him " she said; "o. 'per- •fect portraitAis large nose -the •014.--.9t fr,got,ineW.t.,-Jfera,she -buret- 'into ,tears, yaw gooal Make the. nose a plittle larger.•• - • Corns .4Plied in ' 4 • 5, Seconds ,, . ...n ,blintating• 'feet 14 i figli,a t r 0 an CompInched '• . • • • tow can. be OUred • '.°' • 1*-- by -Pistnanfac, Mx, UICK: tigitnr in 24 atoOlii. • ' , , "Ptitfisilu'e fiefidles„ Lway that &Wiling iiri; Oases 4nstant, 7, ni4lterthe ;feet reel rod lik. Owe,. a' Mkt: bottle of "Plitnanrirtt4o.t Up to the Minute. 'CranqUe : "A 'Weis expen- Sive luxiiry.'' Blanque: tclilo RR antdroolbile,P, Cranque ffrhire But you can get a, new model every YOUR' OWN-DRUIEREST. WILL -TEiL,1016- Try Entine e Remedy for Red, Week; Water,,y Byer; and Gramilated Eyelldti; 110,entartipg--0- just'Zye Contort Write for Book of the Rye bymail Vree. alurine Eye Remedy 00,, Chicago, ,"Father, I think it onry 'fair to tell Toil that I need -4359. rd rather owe it to you than , to some ,onit- alder."• • - • -• Liniment Lumberman!ti Prionni Where They Flourish. ever saw 'a purple poriV,. •:. But goodness ' know; • • It's lust becaule. I never go . To poster ' " • • :•••••••••••••. _Bagnipes are oommonlyplayed Italy. ZANI-BUK AND OUTDOOR. LIFE. EverY'tennir-ot• 'bait 'player, everY Swinitner, every canoeist, every man or ivonuin who loves. outdoor, Ure and exercise; should keen a box or Zain,13ult handy. . • ... . Zam-Buk is a purely•herbal•Preljare•- tioo, which, as soo'n.as.applied to cuts; bruises; burns, .sprains, •blisters, etc, sets up highly beneficial operations. First, its antiseptic pkperties render: the wound 'free _from all. danger -fro' bload- poisoningxt„,its soothi g PraPertieerelleve and ease the pain -Theft- its<rich, -herbal balmalreiletrate -the tissue, and set im the wonderfUL process of healing. Barbed wire scrafehes, insect Stings, skin diseases• , such as eczema, heat rashes, ring. .worm,,babies' heat seres,-chated places, sore • feet -are ,,• ell qoichly, cured by Zam-BUIL It alrAi .eases and cures piles. •'Aii druggists and. stozfea. Use Zani;Buk-Soap,also; ?Ae.,-laer 1253 Dummy -yr T -.TORONTO EPRALC9H9lIC & DRUG ADDICTI9NS lysiinzonnimminonnr CUTTEN &FOtTER BOAT TOPS , Little sister had att."... bei NV:V 1 and had been .especially tryinE ti; Et all -Ninny, all •day. riffs -My his patience • citiA to an end. "Mo- ther;" he asked, "4Otiat...:•51tantLi••- sistes, to be a good:type when. she gratis _up .7' ' 11.10r_course," said the-mOther-.:,- "Well; you -Make me - give everything CO' her ,'cause she's littleem me. But •Yon're littleen 'father, said when, he comes home, hisnicereettlidTinove J,ohnny tore his train et ears from the scream- ing baby. ' "If we don't begin ' to train her she'll be a terrible wi-fe," he Said as he Slaitimed the door'. • • 'keep hilnardris Lipid:rent' hi the ' house. . . . . . • A Puzzle.' '• • •_The_ lady_ of 'the hous-3j- iiaThinj to the -new• ' "An' what's this, missusl" asked the girl, indicating a metal bottle. "That. is; bottle,- which ---*ill keep things either hoti. .or cold,' whichever you desire,"; rePlied the: Inistreis. , • "Nirell;10 the land Sake r" ejaou-. •lated the "How is it •gwine to know whether you want things ligt oi- Co141" • Ford owner a *rite fOr . our catalogue: SEARS -CROSS' • -Station.: z- 1.79Quien•Street West, • °TORONTO:- - 0 'NT -- 6• 1,141)ES Fos ginglitlf SPORT Ari• SECRICATION SW by allgoillispeDealeo 7447:°71gteirmigritsr,,, tog 'Art. 'To say an, old thing in an Wel• • thing in a new way is wit. To dal ' .11eNV ithillg .1)1411 old way blunder. To -fay ar new thiog. new Way is art. • • ••, SRO 'POTATOM • ' IRIS11 ffOn414E/4 • POTA'f(lEd., • ' Pacially selected -and ' Government insPeeted for geed, PulY limited quantity,: Price. One Lollar per bushel to,b. drams.= 447%-;4119- 1Connoisseur,* PrIldit. and 7.104' ,Snow, .two excellent new, potatoes, "Pmert ,Two Bolters per, bustieli Special pr'eeti for large nhantit.y.' .Cash'. must , seeing.. • „Pally All' o'rdprao Daweon, ,Eramg-, • ,toa. • ' " SALESMEN WANTED. Q,AtESEE/4 WANTEB .FOR mou-oniai sweebtaties, Vellaat eight, Write for rs particula, Peaver goads* co., 409 Math- liaut St:, Toronto. ' BIWA= HELP WANTED A.A sewing at hone, -whole or spare time:-Z-004,-PaY; work -sent -any -distance: .0 An Dtrel:G-TO DO PL. AI .AND D‘ ,101:1X • jars. Nations.1 Manufactnring charges Paid. sena stninp for particir.... PAESIniVINci Egon- • R"dfriePgg duTiong. .a.613f not 'required ,for personal nee they MaY be Sold at dfty and seventy -live cents perarisen. This Means hundred per emit, Profit .in . free. 'Octavien Rolland; Dept. 24 51 Notre Dame east, Moritreat a NEWSPAPERS FOIV SALE pito1T-RA.1mo NEWS AND 3011 OF The !1es forn .eale igood Qatari° towns:, ... st useful, and interesting of all - businesses- Pull information on applica- tion 'to Wileon Publishing. Conips,ny. 71 • West, Adelaule St... Toronto, ULTEWELLANEOUS; 4JAiVCNR. TUBIOE7•E S.: 'LUMPS,TC,. • • internal and' external, cured with- out pain by our home treatment. Writs us before too late. - Dr. Redman -htedlcall Co.. Limited. Collingwood. Ont,' , Majre rig-I;r1.46:s "America's Standird 4 Cycle Marine Moto?' • ICuirFYetigrthtOri.tnrWeglOinaitgdnroym ihe finest Moto, Car engme. zrlrome.r economIcal on NO. Used a. standsgyl emit,* nggit bt.o.1104110d.tgr Czeriett wortili (alto dopendlnit 00 0.41°I1V1‘.416 IMIMATN CD. ;Ont.: 'omit sid. The First of ALL ."tieme. Renieihe. -trAsrmis,- in, its many V , forms With their innumer- able uses, ,is theloundatiob of the , fatuilk medicine chest. •a, ---f-Trademark • - It keeps the skin smodth sound: Invaluable iriAlie turse-y for burns. ents,rinsect 'bites,. etc, , AbSolutely:pdre andeaft. AVOID SUBSTITUTZ8.--Inaiat-- en "Vaseline' in original pack- age§ bearidg-the ffittn,-e, CHESE-.. • BROUGH.MANUFACTUR., • aNGC07-..,CsonsOlifiatea: 76-r6104 at Ali Chemists and General Stores.' . , Illuitrated Apoklet jive on resttesc---1 • • • . • emsEB-Rout • (tontazat--ai • -.WPF-Lo CRABOY AVE., 'riforn-REAL "‘Overstern"1406tto,rn - Motor Boat • Freight Prepaid to -any Railway 'Station in Ontario. -Length 18. Vt., Beam, 8 rt.: 8: , Depth i Ft. ANY -MOTOR • riT$. +Specification No. 2B Oving.engine.pricei on request. Oat on -"The Penetang„ Lino" Ofimmercial an Pleasore tlatin`e.hes, Rolf beats and „Canoes. .. • '0 TAM OIDLEr BOAT CO, LIMITED,PENETAN'O, 11 ,pc#313°11 c44Aro 77,-tEr - eterborough Canoe:t•-, azz. eau PaoRouGitur- A• sk tor beat! With thia *tide *nigh, Peterbgrotigh, Canoes . ,.. . , .... ?is,. „cm ztrir ,' Iteterh000ugit .0anot • is ' iwy,,,,,OW. tV‘__,,...,,,i ' .'thta trade Mark on a . r eiasow . your assUrallc(' of the 111110t7:', ' ,,, ' ___.."-• • best inateriala that eau be nut 11 ---- highest worttntanShin nail' the ' k i \ ' Ante 4 Cabin) or•Ottiff, , Designed; ----,., for eapY. paddling,: strength, ' afid surety. ' _ In painted BaSsletitult- :Cedar ' Rib, Cedar Strip all,*-Catigga ,Covered finalities. Write for CatalOgnil.,, 1110 Petfirborflugh ' Canoe Co., munitou, roeler., borough. Veto". . ' IIIIP . . , .. , . . ... . . •••••., ,•,1••••• \ 4a. 'a