HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-06-10, Page 3A COMPLETE WRECK i!A:Nt HEROIC DEZDS.
?roll the After Iffeote of itou. erY' 44 C4VA/411164,4t 14411841.1161•Ck.
Iionia Yellowed by DIptheria womittjsrd let18°Llion itli lilit'4'il!°111z/•
k'requeutly the after effects of ill. hem- --"'fer-ouill'iiPS-pfliatel:taart%'. IvIri'S'an;
nFss are more serious than the ori- many deeds performedliy Toy ow.n
gine'. trouble. This was the ease men which? in, an ordinary., Call -
with Mr. James. B. Moir, nutana, Palo would have won the Ifictoria
11' 8a0c. Mrs. Moir says: t`Some Cross for the, such as hinthug ..up
, with a severe attack pneumonia. 1
Years ago, while we were stad
illliving wounded comres and carrying
in Nova ticotia, I was taken (town them to .shelter under hot fire,"
Ile corrects AR ar,count in "EY()
I had (51.4fgelent1y recovervd to he '
8t. Catkartnes Major Tells of Brows
,17tratnelia '! statement that the
teflon wavered, and that Col,
13irchall had to recall it..
wavered,p" writes Major Belson,
"from start ta finish," and after
•phoh;teol,vvprolki .thThronogolh,mobubies wo 40u.Hrt1)41)3r U•eNt,*ire. xij.pelt." ainiapsnitz
. around, but had not been able tp
ge oPt. when I was attacked with
' cliphtberia.• In in 'I. weakened state'
it took a terrible hold /CM me, and
neither my friends nor neighbors tho fast few hohdred yoras no
. thought I would recover. I did,as '
Hilt Log Step
Towards Recovery
KS TO Yap Iv YouR $V4F0
Kent CountY Lady Did This -Then
She 'reed Dodd's Xidney
•. and Was Cored..
* Upper Bouctonch9, Kent N.
4,1 May alst Oen.:
evieve Bastarache, an estimable
lady living near here,, is telling
her friends of the benefit 'she has
received from Dod(Vs Kidney Pills.
e "I am indeed happy, to be able
c3" to state that I have been cured.of
Kidney Disease by Dodd's, Kidney
- Pills," Bliss Bastarache says in an
s. interview. •
"I Was often so feeble I ,eould
t not ,yvOrk. My sleep was broken
tellS' of _the death of Pte. Crawfordkand_crkalp, :
the same regiment, to relatives, and unrefreshing. • I had headaches
not yetliFen listed in tckke 41,•.sitffered from Itheuniatigin and
casualties. Donaldson; . Crawford -Backache and was ` always tired
and Pte. Hargreaves, of e , and nervus,
,were 'cutting through a ,hedge when "I „wile 14 tibia miserableib Condi-
all three ;were liargi'eave was tiOn when I decided to try Dada's
shot through both hips while hind- 414neY IN.11s, .and I had' not taken
ing. up. 'Danaldion's -wounds, and two • boxes till X felt better, and
in this vonclition•OraWled assist- Mired me," ,s,'•
!Oraiviord, the found tl,sy,ond. , -,Ankes meter.*he made ,a'ilong step
need; of aid, Theo Ponaldson. and tTY.ards'" recoYegY•wheA. she. Oieeei-
gargreave .spailed :•%,:the ber `‘sYlriPtorig. :were :of
egoroouf 1 bujlets;, 4,0ICI:c11..:107\teele,,oeladscr.e' ii.§olitslet,hKeind•nimor,diroeninly.
. Dodd Kidney Pills.;:to, find. a
, cure. Are your syinptores those of
gidney"Disease ?
Small Hitelicus;
throat 'Were paralyzed? iso that even diilte vicinity. Birchall die
a :..eup of water 'Would flow laack " 11"Ved' galiont V411gliA gen
through omy nostrils ardeas. ,they ticman, after stating that he wa
were held elosed, My votge Proud te lead such men: "'
was '
almost and my eyes so • A letter from Pte. Donaldsoa, o
badly effected that. I feared I was
going to ao.Pfe.
only walk With assistance, ..and it
looked as though I •would he a
helpless cripple. Medicine WAS used
• but did not hell) nie: Then a neigh.
bor advised Dr. Williams! , Pink
. 1 began,. taking _them but
had. •the utmostdifficulty in -,swal,
liming them owing to the condition
,• of, my throat. ILAVever, 040r nt:
couple of boxe‘had been atS-e4
loundit easier to take theoli...*Incli:
was a sign they 'were•i..belfang
• and L felt*reatly ,ohbered. .1. do'
net know how many boicee I took,
but I .eonfinued their uge Until
was as of
ever, much to. the
mrprise of ail who knew Me'as all
°thought I could not. get better.
Since then I have several times
taken the Pills When run down,
and have always -been greatly'bene.
btted by them," • '
• •
For thee/ter effects of fevers and
, all wasting diseases there is no
medicine can equal Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills, They enrich the blood,
• build up the nerves, restore the
• • PPPetite and 'bring back complete
health. and .strongth, 'iSold by all
medicine dealers or by mail at 50
!ttora The, Dr.' Medicine:
•oekville, Ont.
ising Kerosene. -
There is probably. no one who has
`bo .build fires vb.() has not. at Ionia
glue "yielded te the tempt.latidn...to
0. -,burry things up a. bit by Pouring
- kerosene ' into _the s1rne. although
iveryone is probablY aware 'of what
a dangerous' practice- thiS Evan.
• though &ere is no flante. in ....the
atoye, the kerosene may ignite the
gat in hot ashes' with reitilts disas
• preps to the 'fire=builder- --and-. his
surrOundings. • •-
Asimple, Way to Meet, pe
ettlity in getting your fire:started is
to keep a tin can with a lit* kero-
tene m it ii some saf•e.place. Stand
acme smaR pieces of kindling in the .
liquM„ .rePlacins the, sticks,'„ 7oth-
. ers as they are used. The •wood will
, • abeerb the kerosene just as a lanip-
wick ,does„, and will soon , beenane
-- •••••
Include-mite-lof \.,t/U t-10,Parecl
aying yofir fire, and.= you will Ob-
• .. fain all the- sidvantite,es-of 7 thTe.'ii-se
..of kerosene. with:none 'of, the dan-
. ger. . •
'..The • bee that.; -gets the honey.
doein't* loaf around the
• In building* a hous; it is a
e, great . , .
.1*. . . , .
raistalte to, build a large 'kitchen,
, .
dining.rooni. A Ilia Ititcherkineans EWS OF THE MI011if WEST,
uni.,,,s :it must 'ulSO be used as a •
An 'eno mous number of -extra, st,eps , • ,--,
Par the hottsewife in preparing her ..L._ '
mearso ,and ja, w,holly unuocessa.ry "NETWEEN ONT,ARIO, -..A0' 1311 -
amount of labor in sweeping.. and . . TISH COLTJMBIA.
eleeming, . • • '.•
Have your .kitchen made inst. , .
large enough to; 'oontain. eer4er't" Items. Prom PrOvilleeS,Where IllanY
ably. your range, work table, cup- • , . • • •
hoard,' and4,2,,eottpre '01 chairs.- If ' Ontiirio'Beye aid Girls Are .
YOU neectexq-#.0Pazae.,_for Autehingor, . _...LiTin,.... . . „. - ..
Woi.k. a that sort...have' a- room, par-- . • , •• ..., - *6- - - - - •
titietied off from the kitchen ,to l)t Winnipeg has , an...;Atistralasian
Used for these purposes alone, and 011.4i, ' : • • : . ,
shut up during tile -ordinary routine G. N. Jackson is the newly -elect -
of kitchen ;work. - - . -- - • - " •''' ed president Of the Winnipeg Board
. of Trade. : . ..
'Winnipeg haa 574 births' in .A.pril,
MOTHERS Of LITTLE ONES '190 againk 475 iti the sarao_month-
. . , ,
,• . — . • a year ago. . • ' . •-1. .
NO' mothei .- .0. t oune:_citiloireli-L_W-hurip.eLimailiine,. shops.•=haver a
i1ien14 : be witliciut it lz•OX of Baby's million -dollar contract for :Making
Own 'Tablets. The Tablets are . shells for Britain.' . • • , • , •
Mother's best 'friend and are as • In Eastern. Manitoba, thist year,
good as 'a doetor '.in the -hose. 'Wilcigeese.liave been.more plenti-
Concerning them Mrs; "F,• Wurger, ful- than or many ;years.
l'egereal.,-04t7.7' writx.°37•!---1!" have,' - -At Edmonton; •Williain :Wilier
used •Baby's Own Tablets for the tried to swim his horse a,crosi the
Past 'eight years "d ws'olild "t he Saskatchewan, and was 4:1rowned•
without., them I• can ihighlY reConi, At, Winnipeg,Joieph Rucion
mend them to all mothers of young .bw.eaan a
children." The' Tablets are 'sold. i g thrown from a o.N:a. hand -
by medicine 'healers or by mail at ,,„-;.. . • . .
*5. Cents a hex from The Pr. ,Wil- '
The Winnipeg 'School Board will
limns? - Medicine Co., ' Brockville, . F - . his .-
year spend $150,000_ on new
I.• • , • \buildings, to help the unemployed.
More land in the.vicinity Wit;
- Went -&n :
.slonin Park; Winnipeg; be diig
`-`When up_ tO PrOvide.work-for-UnelliA03red
-741t4;'74/11---g"- billerc) Mrs. - W°w11 unmarried -Mei]. • .
y, I ;haven't. been Andrew cr b
.g a
itgavon,t you, roomy? rm.,.sure, meats, to the '79th Cameron you and Mr Migh-
lafider:S. (43rd Battalion, C.E.F.).'
I heard m•other sa.y .
Drown bacl bee.n. at loggerheads -for, -Among ,those killed recently at
a week."• .• the, if•ont , was 'Pte. Joseph ,}1.
- • James formerly a ,nierabet. of •the
90th -of-Winnipeg; and _health in-
spector for Asirniboia,
W. S. Posti-• one- -of- •••••the--
titers of the lananesa, district, is
dead. Me •was:,postinaster, at Wa--
. wane,sa, for 25 years, and 'very well
known- throughbut
•,= Mrs. IL A. Magnire, , who was
...• visiting.* Winnipeg, is a grand -
Did _ydii have _ a ,..good_ time ?'';.
Story Assiot
The Duke of Cosisionsitt tells *
good story assault, himself. Owne.
years ego, wben Ji was raised to
the peaution of Lieutenant-Colonel
of the Tat Me Brigade, the late
Queen Victoria commanded that be
should only be saluted ae a, regi-
mental officer, and not 44 a, mem-
ber of the Bowel Family, On one
occasion, however, an Irish sentry,
seeing the Duke sand Duchess ap-
proaching, turned out the guard
and gave the •Boyea salute. The
Duke was 1112.1.1,4 annoyed,. and pro-
ceeded to give the sergeant in
charge a piece of his mind. But the,
quick-witted Irishman WAS OqUttl to;
the accason, "The guard, Orr,"
he said, in 'his richest -brogue, "is
for Her Royal Ifigliness, who, is
a member of the 'Royal Family, is
entitled to it!" After that the Duke
could say nothing.
A Dunfermline CollieR
Scottiiih collie owned
by Mr, " H. C. Aitken of Priory
Lauer Dunfernalinei-ita-4-the---cshiold
and Medal for dashing into the road
at Dunferibline in Augnet, 1911, and
.saving,a411ild' from, bong run over;
This i quite an unusual torrn of
canine: heroism, and suggeets• that,
there is no Limit to the .noargbilitteS
of a, 'dog in 'saving life. The :child
was, it SeeniN quite 'A stranger, yet
"9)nke". ;sprang /nth the .road and
fniatchednit from. Under -the horses
faat,„ ',Thom is; an; instance on re-
corCV ...koking after: a
perambulator co thn i. ,baby
4. first." • "A.w, weeL" said Sandi,
`.as far es I'm cOneerried I swan
t •
which had taken charge," down
Very steep hill at Bristol and stopingpg tnfortuna.telY no daa
Death Nearly elalmed
New Ilrooswick Lady
Wee Restored to Her Amiens. .Fam-
Jiy Witen Hops Had Gone,
fit John, N13, Dee: 1,fithe--At ono
time ft.waa feared that Mrs, 1. Grant,
• or White Rt. would succumb ta.the'
deadly ravagea, or ,acivaimed kidney
trouble,. "My first attaeks .of 171401P:
ache n4 kidaer trouble began year*
ago. For six years: that dull gnawing,
nein has been present. When r ex.;,
crted mYself it was terribly .intensiiied.
Ilf caught cold the pain waa unen-
durable. used most .everything, but
nothing gave that certain grateful re-
lief that CMS from Dr. liataliten%
Pills. or Mandrake And BUtternut. 111
.stead henig.bOtked down with pain,
ti>llay• • am•atrong, enjoy splendid.
appetite, sleep. soundly -Lost proper.
ties .bave bee4 instilled' Into My blood •
.---cheelts are rosy wItly color,. And
thank that .47 that heard of so grand
4 medicine AS pr. HaMilton's Pills."
. -Every woman, should uge these pius.
:Tegularly, because, .good'• litalth.4.pays„
nomea.to all who. Ude Dr, liamilton'p.
wandrake and Butteraut• . •
. .
A Grave- Topic. . ••, •
,oad sootanaan
friend on a., Visit, one day took hint
to' See en ancient .0emetery * the
village -the 'only... sigli:t it .,could
boast ye gunk 0'
• thflit 1." -he inani"
sal:lid his friend,. 'viewing the,Ailapi:
dated .condfitiOn of AO greNfldi • "be -
ore • I'd, be buried there Fd. die
to. be. buried into idler place If I in
has been preserved that would efi-
tablieli this interesting incident as.
an undotilated fact, '
YOUR sign sits0S 0000- •
re. your Ohl harsh 414 dry? Are there
Signe elf approaching' Wrink1eS7 Are..you.
diodlife640.:Iti7:::1017efrox7xtry9reuliled:olutlfwpioutp:letiaedollet:01. 7.11• tliessin.ogei.r7opaityllrai
• Dleonatra and the noted beauties 4)2 the
Eaat kniegf.-perfectly;well- that the 'skin
reunieSs food just. as des the.rest of Ole
-body, • *T.hey, :.fed "'their. .skin 'With a P
-paration-.,of Ormatalsoils,--the Secret
• -which, hes been. no Jealousisr.gnardod by
encivedinggenerations has only
recently come. to 'light.
lifen, too, find Ueit w valuable • friend.
an occasional api,1iation o t,he- face
not. 'only feeds eke obi and keeps It in
the healthiest cOnditien, ,;but • it leaves
the_ ifaceLanueb, =vaster, to shave., icpri
'once alone .proves hew' much easier.,
-• Visit is &fife --trade-mark; nanse;:bk..wbfeh.
this preparation is known and sold by
all druggietli, !wholesale And retail: Usit
114%. Co., ' Ltd., 476Rtnisestialkit Ave.,
Toronto, Ont. • •
=nerd's• Liniment ;used by Bliyidcfans.
Seeing Europe,
1 •
• Aoki -American who• had -been "see,.
mg -Europe" Was -describing his ex,
perience in the rush to get home
When 'War was declared.: The boat
Was crowded. 'The third day a man
went,Up 'the,purser and saki. -
"You mill .h.a..ve..ib get me .s 'place
to sleet)," "Where have you been
re' sleeping?" asked •the litirSer
"Viten," the •pasienger .answered,-
"I've been isleeping on, a Man Who
was seagsiear, but •he's getting bet-
ter now and -says have, to,
move." • ' •
- 1 ,
• Captain•Kidd.'s booty ' -was a trifle
compared with that Which awaits.
the sea,rover who • • regularly
• pierce the • British "bkickade. and
readh German • Ports, • • 7 •• •••
7. 'During the' Civil War the most
profitable- .game anybody, played
'Was that of blockade running . It
waaso, difficult to-ge•tootto..:•out. of
• roie,' 20-timet-themormal-figure-:.
Renee, a Ship that carriedgiiniand •
theii took home a.' lead of cotton
killed tWo prize . birds ' with one
English shipowners carried on
great trade. The shiP R. E. Lee
,built by the llyitish at a,cost.....
$160,000, very soon bore -away $2,
000,000 in .gold.
.. Another -Ship made - t trip
from • Bermuda to 'Wilmington
North Carolina, and eterned a pro
fit of 700 Per cent. on the cost of
the •vesiel. • A'4irri boat Made 22
such journeys and -earned still
' was •a hazardous geane,
•daughter of the late General Henry, but the stakes were lughrand.rnany
Shrapnel*, of the . British'army,. who A bold" sessnan was willing to en-
• invented the 'shrapnel, Shell. gage in it. .•
' ,. an average , of • one capture -.for
Lieut.. -Col: A. H. Correll; who There were actually .hundreds of
: was clerk to the. Manitoba Legisla- instances of 'blockade running. and
titre, resigned -to go to the front
Be•Was appointed- quartermaster,- every ficurtincl • a a . ,nps was
-general Of. the second overseas con- Made bvthe Union- navy. •
tingent. ; • • • • •'
• A. iiian named was, , • CLEAR-IIEADED-
Under the influence of ,
:liquor; was. • '
tratinnled to death .by. a stallion he iniead_Mo*keeper .M ust-Be_Reliahle:
was driving near Windsor,;Sa‘sk. The chief bookkeeper in a large
"er the shafts lie -der-:. the busineas house in one of the West -
horse's feet. • : • • pin cities speaks of the harm tea
The tails 'of 14,718 gophert..hairel and 'coff7.'.-didloar'bim : . •
• been handed to the local -1111:dji f. • "11(y wife and I* drank our first
United RarinerS of. Alberta • since -cup Of. P-ostuth a --little-over_•two
-ffit•Wir pp.ea,rance `74 -The 'peat, years ago., and we have peed it ever
and1109,97 'heeded out .as prizes, since, t� the e•ntfre e?cplusieri-of tea
This=aSleSS ;than :a cent foieach 'and eoffee Iti happened in ,this
•-•••- • • • 7.% r• ,
. At. •Cardston, "Alberta, fire 'broke 1 • "I, had " an attack �t pneumonia;
, in the stere . of the • Cardstna which , left anie, with dyspepsia, or
• 'Implement Ccornpany,'' Through the' Poeta/flea: of the stotIdell. My 'ntrp
,qiiibk action ToriliFieldiers of the •1*-ellreol"*.litite9-11
in. the liqrne
HE BRICK has greatly pop- ularized City
Dairy Ice Cream with the 'housewife. There
is :no Other dessert that 'can compete.. With. .
City, Dairy ,Ice.-Cieatit-in the summer. • •
Our Seririce makes it possible for yOut
..,.'dietftei.to u 1you with :--CitY-----DititY.-1CO- --
Cream in brick form .so 'that you can serire
it in' yotir -own hwrie at:Ditinir., Afternoon,
Tea or Evening Party, just rite ;fame 'as your..
City Sister. • •
For OM by.clittorlinktiating nhopkonsuorts • •
the Sin.;
tfrit• Want an atom(' In *Very Ninth
,,gqinadi..9* !host.: of, .the, coffee, but f---ber,Carne convinced,
• •
, : • . , • * • ' • • .to 'mention the . Matter to' tny gro-
•ter orie,day and he. suggested that I
18 Ilepq• 0 -VB 430#11711.4 •: ' ; • • ,
• 4 Londoner •was 'showing .-A0ine. •'"Next day it came and we liked
Country relatives the Sighte,of 'Loh, it sq flinch that we., -never
don recently,' and was pointing Out change back for I am A .wat man
a-magnificerit old 'residence built to -day arid have ifsed no medicine.
Years: ago, hY ehief4hOokkeePer rn
•,unscrupaetti lawyer of his time. our 'Co.'s banch.:hoilse. here is of a
• ."And,!'. the Londoner :was -asked, :very confining nature. During my
"WaS he al& 40 -build a homelike lea and coffee drinking days ,t_Was
tat iv -44 .subje.;6i'r to fie:rine-Giese • and V t
the reply, 1,15r.thii practice and' big Ibluea".in addition to my Sick apelis
' These' have left' me since '1 began
. , .
• • using Pasture and I 'can Conscien-
. Boll_ • ,• windy recommend to these Wales°
Mr s, Busybikly "DO .you feoI work eonfinek, them . to 'long liourS'
• kir*, Mrs; Tinley; ifoic .that.yout of severetmental, oxertion,"
• three, lads 'aye listed . • :.Nartre giVen by Canadian' ikistum
• "Not BO' bad," was the ;:reply. Co.,: Windsor,. •Ortt. •• Dead "The
' "It do lcome over me terrible off Road to Weliville.," AV' '
two fonns
614.althal'eir hittoolis wto iaoh..64 riti'vciee:16d1 ri).0°$attrin 66CIllireegar
to borrow some of nelghboet lene-must be WO boiied. - ie and
" w&talineinat to keep; myself .Chear- 256 15a,tkagek •
• ' • Inatitut roStnnt--at oelubte pow-
dort-dissolveti 4k1'in A. euP of -
hot watery and, with qtata -and
• sugar, makes 4 idelidotts:beverage
Instantly. Zere and She tins.
Doth 'kinds are equally .tlelitions
'and Mit :tibout 014 ;saint vet
• "Theresa Reason" for
• ' by Grocers;
• „ •
taCk waS removed , withant dam_ aftti a ,time, that 'they. asgraVated,
. • • • • my stomach trisuble happened
▪ Promiseo are worse' than , eggs: -
you eaa't keeptheni aft,er they a're
• broken..., • • •
'Do you keen' Vertanifire,astati
the inqui.sitive neiglibots "Not
• long," tesnonded' het' truthful'
friend, '
• .
Ask for 7iiiii,ard's and. take rib other. •
Farmer Was Astounded.
Tom Hopkips had worked op
the seine ifa,rm for 'twenty years/
and • until- hi's- inetatertook pout,
try farming he wae quite satisfied
with life. But the poultry busineis
,was-a-bit---too-muck.-11,1e-bad, ito.talta
Ihe•-•eggS they • Were. laid; -and,
Write the date on them with an in-
delible pencil; andi•Worse than that
he had also to write on , the. eggs
the breed .of the hen thatlitid them:
• "I'm 'about fed Up," .said he one
daY• to, the farmer, "and I'M. going
to leave." The farmer vas astoiind-
ed. ' "Surely,' "Tom," G&W ' he,
"you're not going to leave _me after
1a1the 014 WM. ve OM_
. every -kind, of -queer -job -on. i where
farm, but I'd ratherAtar've-thop go-
on -being secretary to .a • lot of
hens." • .
. •
Aunt Virginia.. Says
• When we are told..a,' disagreeable
thing- that •hae,,beett said abOut PS
we are likery to'=. shire our diilike
about 'equally, between. the person
who Rid it and the person who re-'.
pasted it. Talebearers would do.
w,ell to remember this,..
Minaidis Lindnent Co., Limited.
, have used. your Minard's
Liniment in --my „family and also in my
stables for years and consider it the
best medicine obtainable.
• Yours truly,
_ .LiYo.rx_241,bles. • _
.• . .
• •
Johan:es Strategy.
• Ire thighs.
The Rotesu R4W, in Walt Dr.
• Chalmers lodged on Ant settling ia
Glasgow; owes its name zto Gaelic
word signifyipg the Icing's high.
way. Associations with ,..lny*Ity
Ain still be claimedby the faahion;
able ride to Ifyge Park bea,ringthe
SUMO designation., Among other
ficottish towns ithat winless Rotten -
rows are Lauder and Dunfermline.
In olden times no levies could be
exiioted by the Baronies for the
cattle that were driven Moog thee
- :
lie Was So Good..
The widow was taking her first
look at the bust of her 1;001744 JAB-
.40A1C1., The elay Was Still 4ialllip•
."114,Y exaMille it well,.
said the sculptor.. "If there iiranY.
'thing wrong I can alter it."' The
widow looked at it with a 'mixture
of sorrow and satisfaction.. "It is
jlidt like him " she said; "o. 'per-
•fect portraitAis large nose -the
•014.--.9t fr,got,ineW.t.,-Jfera,she -buret-
'into ,tears, yaw gooal Make
the. nose a plittle larger.•• - •
Corns .4Plied in '
4 • 5, Seconds
,, .
...n ,blintating• 'feet
14 i figli,a t r 0 an CompInched
'• . • • • tow can. be OUred
• '.°' • 1*-- by -Pistnanfac, Mx,
UICK: tigitnr in 24 atoOlii.
• ' , , "Ptitfisilu'e fiefidles„
Lway that &Wiling iiri; Oases 4nstant,
7, ni4lterthe ;feet reel rod lik. Owe,.
a' Mkt: bottle of "Plitnanrirtt4o.t
Up to the Minute.
'CranqUe : "A 'Weis expen-
Sive luxiiry.'' Blanque: tclilo
RR antdroolbile,P, Cranque ffrhire
But you can get a, new model every
Try Entine e Remedy for Red, Week; Water,,y
Byer; and Gramilated Eyelldti; 110,entartipg--0-
just'Zye Contort Write for Book of the Rye
bymail Vree. alurine Eye Remedy 00,, Chicago,
,"Father, I think it onry 'fair to
tell Toil that I need -4359. rd rather
owe it to you than , to some ,onit-
alder."• • - • -•
Liniment Lumberman!ti Prionni
Where They Flourish.
ever saw 'a purple poriV,.
•:. But goodness ' know; •
• It's lust becaule. I never go
. To poster ' " •
• :•••••••••••••.
_Bagnipes are oommonlyplayed
EverY'tennir-ot• 'bait 'player, everY
Swinitner, every canoeist, every man or
ivonuin who loves. outdoor, Ure and
exercise; should keen a box or Zain,13ult
handy. .
• ...
. Zam-Buk is a purely•herbal•Preljare•-
tioo, which, as soo'n.as.applied to cuts;
bruises; burns, .sprains, •blisters, etc,
sets up highly beneficial operations.
First, its antiseptic pkperties render:
the wound 'free _from all. danger -fro'
bload- poisoningxt„,its soothi g
PraPertieerelleve and ease the pain
-Theft- its<rich, -herbal balmalreiletrate
-the tissue, and set im the wonderfUL
process of healing. Barbed wire
scrafehes, insect Stings, skin diseases• ,
such as eczema, heat rashes, ring.
.worm,,babies' heat seres,-chated places,
sore • feet -are ,,• ell qoichly, cured by
Zam-BUIL It alrAi .eases and cures
piles. •'Aii druggists and. stozfea. Use
Zani;Buk-Soap,also; ?Ae.,-laer
1253 Dummy -yr T
, Little sister had att."... bei NV:V 1
and had been .especially tryinE ti;
Et all -Ninny, all •day. riffs -My his
patience • citiA to an end. "Mo-
ther;" he asked, "4Otiat...:•51tantLi••-
sistes, to be a good:type when.
she gratis _up .7' ' 11.10r_course," said
the-mOther-.:,- "Well; you -Make me -
give everything CO' her ,'cause she's
littleem me. But •Yon're littleen
'father, said when, he comes home,
hisnicereettlidTinove J,ohnny tore
his train et ears from the scream-
ing baby. ' "If we don't begin ' to
train her she'll be a terrible wi-fe,"
he Said as he Slaitimed the door'. •
'keep hilnardris Lipid:rent' hi the ' house. .
. .
. .
• A Puzzle.'
'• •
•_The_ lady_ of 'the hous-3j-
to the -new• '
"An' what's this, missusl" asked
the girl, indicating a metal bottle.
"That. is; bottle,- which ---*ill
keep things either hoti. .or cold,'
whichever you desire,"; rePlied the:
Inistreis. , •
"Nirell;10 the land Sake r" ejaou-.
•lated the "How is it •gwine to
know whether you want things ligt
oi- Co141" •
Ford owner a *rite fOr
. our catalogue:
• -Station.: z-
1.79Quien•Street West, •
°TORONTO:- - 0 'NT --
6• 1,141)ES
Fos ginglitlf SPORT
SW by allgoillispeDealeo
'To say an, old thing in an Wel• •
thing in a new way is wit. To dal '
.11eNV ithillg .1)1411 old way
blunder. To -fay ar new thiog.
new Way is art. • •
• '
IRIS11 ffOn414E/4 • POTA'f(lEd., •
' Pacially selected -and ' Government
insPeeted for geed, PulY limited quantity,:
Price. One Lollar per bushel to,b. drams.=
447%-;4119- 1Connoisseur,* PrIldit. and 7.104'
,Snow, .two excellent new, potatoes, "Pmert
,Two Bolters per, bustieli Special pr'eeti
for large nhantit.y.' .Cash'. must , seeing.. •
„Pally All' o'rdprao Daweon, ,Eramg-, •
,toa. • ' "
Q,AtESEE/4 WANTEB .FOR mou-oniai
sweebtaties, Vellaat eight, Write for
particula, Peaver goads* co., 409 Math-
liaut St:, Toronto. '
A.A sewing at hone, -whole or spare
time:-Z-004,-PaY; work -sent -any -distance:
.0 An Dtrel:G-TO DO PL. AI .AND D‘
,101:1X •
jars. Nations.1 Manufactnring
charges Paid. sena stninp for particir....
PAESIniVINci Egon- •
R"dfriePgg duTiong. .a.613f
not 'required ,for personal nee they MaY
be Sold at dfty and seventy -live cents
perarisen. This Means hundred per
emit, Profit .in
. free. 'Octavien Rolland; Dept. 24 51
Notre Dame east, Moritreat
pito1T-RA.1mo NEWS AND 3011 OF
The !1es forn .eale igood Qatari° towns:, ...
st useful, and interesting of all -
businesses- Pull information on applica-
tion 'to Wileon Publishing. Conips,ny. 71 •
West, Adelaule St... Toronto,
S.: 'LUMPS,TC,. •
• internal and' external, cured with-
out pain by our home treatment. Writs
us before too late. - Dr. Redman -htedlcall
Co.. Limited. Collingwood. Ont,'
"America's Standird 4 Cycle Marine Moto?' •
ihe finest Moto, Car engme. zrlrome.r
economIcal on NO. Used a. standsgyl emit,*
nggit bt.o.1104110d.tgr Czeriett wortili
(alto dopendlnit 00 0.41°I1V1‘.416
IMIMATN CD. ;Ont.: 'omit sid.
The First of ALL
."tieme. Renieihe.
-trAsrmis,- in, its many
V , forms With their innumer-
able uses, ,is theloundatiob of the ,
fatuilk medicine chest.
---f-Trademark • -
It keeps the skin smodth
sound: Invaluable iriAlie turse-y
for burns. ents,rinsect 'bites,. etc, ,
AbSolutely:pdre andeaft.
en "Vaseline' in original pack-
age§ bearidg-the ffittn,-e, CHESE-..
• aNGC07-..,CsonsOlifiatea: 76-r6104
at Ali Chemists and General Stores.' .
Illuitrated Apoklet jive on resttesc---1
• • • . •
• (tontazat--ai •
-.WPF-Lo CRABOY AVE., 'riforn-REAL
- Motor Boat •
Freight Prepaid to -any Railway 'Station in
Ontario. -Length 18. Vt., Beam, 8 rt.: 8: ,
Depth i Ft. ANY -MOTOR • riT$.
+Specification No. 2B Oving.engine.pricei on request. Oat
on -"The Penetang„ Lino" Ofimmercial an Pleasore tlatin`e.hes, Rolf
beats and „Canoes. ..
• '0
,pc#313°11 c44Aro
77,-tEr -
azz. eau
sk tor beat! With
thia *tide *nigh,
Peterbgrotigh, Canoes .
,.. . , ....
?is,. „cm ztrir ,' Iteterh000ugit .0anot • is
iwy,,,,,OW. tV‘__,,...,,,i ' .'thta trade Mark on a
. r eiasow . your assUrallc(' of the
111110t7:', ' ,,,
' ___.."-• • best inateriala that eau be nut
11 ----
highest worttntanShin nail' the '
k i \
' Ante 4 Cabin) or•Ottiff, , Designed;
----,., for eapY. paddling,: strength, '
afid surety. '
_ In painted BaSsletitult- :Cedar '
Rib, Cedar Strip all,*-Catigga
,Covered finalities. Write for
CatalOgnil.,, 1110 Petfirborflugh
' Canoe Co., munitou, roeler.,
borough. Veto". .
' IIIIP . . , .. , . . ... . .