HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-06-10, Page 2'
• '
The Leo Trcilf.elletreolleselat tit
The.4 the Wel boo Stallereulosis
is *vies is ieereaaim in Csaieela
*hew. lee the folk:ming table, re-
eseily palsliehed be Dr. Torreuee,
Vonriaeay Direetor-Generel. The
figures were obtained from the ab- o9nrse ,311 tWee weeks. A laxative
ateoire under the Health of Aut. (het, with something green, if Poe -
weals Branch, where a careful re. toble, ohould be given, and the colt
cod of all OW11 of behereuloeis in Place4i in elean, airy 'tad toinfort-
swinele kept. They show the pp. &b1 quarter, but not in drat.
eon a swine affected with tu-
beret*. axis for the year mimed : Preteet Ilawhs and, Owls.
Meet 1910 1911 1912 1913 1414in °owe Parts field Inice and
Percent. few *Lee etee 13,41 le,ee other small rodents ea,use consider-,
-able damage to .grain arid forage
In Sa410 pots of Caned& the per- trops; and young en:Chards have0
tentot 14 Wilber than In ot1Ler$1. as he- protected againet --them; vie
for metal:me: • chief enemies of thesev rodents are
Per. per_ per., per. per. the hawks and oiwls,.and Yet thee%
•tentcent. ent. cent. emit birds aro most persietenkly verse.
isle lett 1912 1912 leee elated. Thanles,to the variOUS ekri.
West Co. 18.38 21.41 21.49 28,72 28,00 eulteral Colleges, fanners are be -
Rent Co. 24.57 ate/ 25.48 30.27 32,00 earning more enlightened and.there-
Oat Prov. 10.49 12.26 14.84 18105 1.9.16 fore better farmers. .
comes thkker and yellower in col -
'or. Usualky the glands between the
lower jewheues Ibecome enlarged
end undergo suppuration, with a
rupture of them and free discharge
pus. When no tomplications
cur, the disease ueuelly rune ite
While these Osumi ehow that 'far,0 Zicesmesstimated that• each liawkkir
, the whole Dominion in 1914 nearly an average f a, thousand
tuberelrosinst,hanilerfaWr"OrttaereitOe'dlAWeve14,-111. :tien'eity"1:11941,rsirete!'tigatf470;:fiatr°,frtasrit4'welhelpit.
• - every
every fifth hog,•it.detes net Meah
that all the animals affected arena. ,
fit for food. Generally, the diseese • Farm and Garden.
was found to be in its early stages It is estimated that Western Am-
end eonined to one or two glands.
Irevertledeas, increasing prevalt•
once of tuberculosie calls • fer at-
tention - •
0-omition to -Aeries.
Thie trouble, eommonly 'ealled
colt dieteroper, affect a horses, lint
• rarely. mules and donkey. It is
stitch an infectious disease that
nearly all horses contract it. when
oohs,- and usually remain- immune
te, future expesuresi The taenevie`
4 very small organism or germ.
• which enters the system when a
healthy *Olt comes in eontact with
• A eillteaSed ceee. or •wlien fed and
, watered. in -infeeted vessels: The
, seat of trouble is lirgely restrieted
•to the respiratory organs. •
. • • -- - The -animal "re Tittle.- and des
•' not care to take much, exereiee. A
' little watexy, diticharge fiequotalY
•• alkilears from the eyes, and ..alawa• t
the .eame time a watery discharge
from, the nostrils; SOOn
• ; ti; „I.' 7*,4. -4.14! •'
00,e. •
. '
IC ,cds • • K.
•• ;7:1%6' 00
.., t1+,4,er...' C. ,... .0,;,, ,,..
r ., Z4 ' :..141..,.. ..•':'frre ^... 4, .,.. a .,,
ol'Ir•' v' ** ,ikAC. - ' '',:i ''.*; t4.4
1 44$1 s A *
.1•`.;•'... 2.
,,),..‘ ,,Iity,,,,tri 1. a
t. •• Tro,elh•It' • r* ."' .'4 • r ^ • ar '''''•
•'»•- `., e• ; , • 4 ." . a l', '..k 5 :
40 44 * .'4'. A '' ' Y.; • '
- VP•r,;., .N(0,
.• AP." . . . : ;'1/20‘Yfittlarra :
Wets Take' the -Place of English Farmers Whe Illeve Gone 40' the Pont,
. ,
(mime* ion with the scheme Jett- forward by the ReitieleRoard Of Agrionite're'' ; feem institute in If. airipsitire• at Spar. ;shalt has hem"
• . °roes*, ,where tem, girls -are tanght to take the place a men iit. every branch of farm, work. --The-girle aro seen Wowing thee harrow, •
k r J • J. • 0
ENEMY Of 0111111/11,10
tralia will lutve 8,000 cages of peare Ce? 7-- e. • '
awl 204000 eases of grepes for ex- c . - ua . .
ounte okin,Pre,diets a -World
port this seaeon. • e • •
"Siaskatehe:wan grain growera have Grelrth of :Culture When "Rule
.decided _each_ to ruse 4:10.0^0'.cixtx°4-, . --- • "
'e• -lee-4 Might 'Ends,
. ,
acre .of wheat this year, to be call- . .
ed the "patriotic,acre," and to pre- '' The 'wieele •surface a. the earth
: . .
Sent the proceeds in flour to the is 259 times, as largeas our empire.
Imperial Government, . The eitat world populatien
Manv. income% maw be etignienb. twenty-three times, as,great mecum
ed'by vultive.rtieg the back yard., A For the -present there is • enough
penny savedis a penny earned. mem left on the earbh to suffer
Vegetables fresh froth the 'garden:
ae Melyree•p appreciated by ryeAaI40e hecrea844g; however,
those who cultivate their own back, s-6''raf4cilY -that at the present rate
Yard or the vacant lot, ' the earth will 'be closely- inhabited
Drive the fly mom its entrenched 'to. the reMeteet corner after the
positions by cleaning up and disin- lapse • of 180 years. Four or flee
feeting its breeding pleces-the generations from now - the earbh
gtirbagecaul the privy pit and the will be too small. •
exp9sea leamlre pee. , This possibility was consid•ered
During the warmer months,, when by Malthus a hundred years age,
heateproducing food is not srs 14110,4 Vidlert he .pointed out the, necessity
reeeneee4 fresh, fish shol,ace form - a a artifimally checking the popula-
Mizell-larger proporeioe of the diet tion for the room* that fend, in -
of Canadian people, ' creasing in arithmetioae pores -
° . • '. - - • . .- -,,,
• '-'- ' '- '• ' WOE -LESTVANIA) • '. ..
. , . . . ....,_ .• • .. nishaine against- la erimei notalone -;Tlie, Deliberate Murder:of the Pas of ' sehdine" so' .blanY teethe bottom, .. eeeltere by , G e rial liy. but againatall that. Man 119,3 Str4g,7.,
, • . ••- ,. • : .* , . ' -glad . fot since .he ,emerged .,,, from
• • Nothing:hue eo • fee, .oeeuered in Paganiein.: :Thee '. passengers . had . -,.• the htOody :history' of this ;criet4 . faith. in the queen ship of the
wanton *war, :which' hile so para-
oeeens,. .• :the .festeet. nese] that
'1".ezed ' and eliocked .the . civilized
ploughs their , waters,' hut in' a
' veld " ee'-the neeee ,of ' the sinking ..moinepe elle greet • ship shieedered,
Of the rleusitaxela Avith;ite peecions ' and 4gaill.'.felt- the %eget:met:Stroke,.
.freigitt .41"iiineeent-InenTWOMOO-and . -Ind.-inTtifeiitY" infinite§ ,Saiikemite or
------ehildreeve; - - 7 - .' 1 ' , ,' 7' VI ' .'.. '' ''' ' • siglite-WoirTirpite's; boast that lie,.
1. . , • .
r It appears thee, the .weeee plea a: tOO„ tiotild; do. a deed that would
., .eeereedie: .,attack Wow- deliberately stagger •Iihnianili has been. ' made
••• :framed -tip end agreed upon by high, goOd. -, •. : . "•;• • 1 -'••• e-• I " • •••• " •., e
ienner 0.1fieiais- long 'before:the ''•
It is net England that suffers; it . • , ' ; 'big. ship left ..her New York . inooe- je not the .reletiVee. and friends' of
•. s. : :lee,. ae. w i. e.., i ; is 0, Ile tome, the dead that Isliffeee only: .' The peol.
' ' ' d - If I 't .'t 't '' • ' '
• . eeleahle that- a natien pretending Poll.e.081.ic't.,yaGletr'43114ythan will ,1" all ,1 f !:::,•iii14.0.74,,t),,j'r.
' t ' b - eiviliz-eel, ' wOuld• de :etch 'a
; *-• 7bc'artia;ente aref,inliennen 'deed ee. to• In• tame theY -tot) .-W111-a-KRIrit that - --siek.ii,. veseel well wietieeerite Ilea ',.ele,elin.darilejediefiefew,..raei..pe,: xini. tted,.,,e.yeieti.).
-"'-'...-.7,7tiliail.44riel'lloLbti_lines,w'j,(isritt.otn"I'd'Ite,lbulia°71.6,a1P.9.47r: r Tt II:is' jisi'ettl'h.taTta'gehey,.;,•'afe, ittnHi.ns.en-,
• - •• • - • -'atremous for GormanY's all but lit, • sft P .P..- . .37" ..••...... ., ..ogn,vs:
' -• ' -ar Ierd. - ' - - - ; - ' • - erani,e' - - - ; . , -
nt as pursuing, and le 1 e
1, - • - ••• ...-salle-.1), • : -t ' Ai • 4.,,..n6:0;cii,r; sentially.. the -0-,ermap- peopleethat
.•• ; .':, '' ''''.' ". ,i'lia4-in'YY:.h"e.e.i!lOceutl•vaire7rYee'61e1Ae7ket-ac'n- d• -t -l".; ' 'will pay a; atilig.erilig •••1-iries .. f4r
•'... '•. ' '• little reinaining sympathy - of : the • If - ihe, world le. re., be ., again ride4
their goiernMent'S folly.
i . • • - ' OitF4tte, world, and VIO .,ilitt3.n:n.'in''' -by harbeifenif let it a barbarian"
•• - • digruition•that -prevails everywhere- ,
.. . . . 9 ii
• . • • ".....' .', . 41 ti . 0 geed for fhoexeieerts iost ..4„...thtti,doeit, not masquerade- es. -"Ellie
•:,-.7-e ...„, e . eeeee: ,e, .,,eee.. „..,..sit„uotori,,,p.,..tosaiits .p.,,..e.r.i;en_ t-.heainvillzlarytlirt:oiniitetht_e,,,...b.teetitnieir.
. :. • many, grayb and delieate intone-
-. - tionaleprobleme - *e. , — ;that Germany offers.to mankind-
. • ,,..„. _.,,• ____ • ..1.,.., .-.•.,,,i --The-:-qiieetion---remers-,-H.Wheitifv011-
• ----.---ei-,-.,:e • 7e 7-70•Yer 4 liiiiittrOCC.JWISVIOS'AS • 41:1".1° :Anittlea:. 40' in '• this greet crisis?
•, ' - , their Twee, in flee disaster, „tied- it erthie. is ,e. subjeee.epon evhiele 'fete
-• ' -. ' - ' • wo " Id oeein that the '4°0' was 4:19.4a-' the r :enlightenment- tonst be , al:Wait-
.% to drive Aineriea into ' -ware '. wi.2-1 ed; For the moment the horrors of
Germany, :beettuse she knows its „the:, ..sea...04 ....45,i,trohlidow. •;„02,..,cliptis..,
.-:-. Ultimate 'defeat is ..e.eiteie andtnigh ,, maey. ' -, ,.;
, • at hanele and. America • joining its, - .,, Vernmin't there Must
- - • allied:ealemies -Would --eive -Germany :7 2r°111 this g6
go' forth to the Imperial. ;,00Yerti!••.
4 VAtioib46-0?°.'iuSe l'.'`.6.''Mi° t° -r 11-411Cc..i' . vont at :Berlin a 'demand. that they
, .
and end the :War. ' '' ' -•' shall tio. longer mitlie:wio.'llik,sii,v,-
, ..:L. . Whate-ver -the tibjet.t. or purpose rages.; ,drUnk :iiiithr.blood, end::: II:1qt
. • ' oil the pert of Germaey in sinking heneeforth Ceene.„. to attain etheir
. .
: . a ...etteteneetele - pireeePtler ; . boat ends by the nasaminlation....a....nonw,
,,.• .• --..;;:-:.•.:•:----•---;--treighteit•-•With:iitinuttritfe"•ef Aitiii•-• combrittints and...nenteals, and - pay-
.,......„ , , . •. . . . . ... , _ ...,..., • .. - - . • . , • ;. •
,... -".'-'' ...-; .. •-.'..'' trall' miti'diltS.•.:*0• liave - been, • 'elle beeeilyeloi the lees: Of . the lives of
i.; - '-• ' - " :••••••....elias eeeteeeededeitieeliriii in eeedown- , ---ee eeeeeieeeee-4-4---e- ,-. eebeee je .
0 • e
.1.--• r:•
.. . • , . , upon her—the.i.jii.sl'ind.,i4naytiO4..a.n0 ',fated reirlitiinia: - '''' '. e .• ' . ' " •
; •• reSetitnien. ot. all 'neineine - : 'Poe. the present tide people are
.• .
t .f
. 1 - .• • • - • . What 'oe 'eerth: can Genie:ie.:ex- ;Cahn ' but determined. •The-yefeel
• . , • .• . , . .
: ' ' ' '. peet to -gain 4st ,thii wicked -.wan:. ,•ehe ociiti'isjeo •qetionti for
; ;
'. ''' -ton. 7:a4 Of 'PirtieSt- it 29 not •. ill": hit - .-iiididgehee in vain'. exeitoment -,.Cr
- 1 • • "... alaii, power to ittiagmee••.. •-• - - • - - hasty. action. • • • • - - . ••
, ., .•- It -wee not `vi,.'.gi4:. The Lneitanut •,• • First, n 'investigation Must- be
was not it; war glitri. .qh-e, people on • •-nende,-.end • the' liability for tbe,..dis-
• ''.', • hoard . were' . emeeoreleatante, ande
,e. miter' officially heed and -detetmite
' ------ '. ---e-e Women -lend' -.ehildien perielied Veen' etei e1,11e ehee reprisals, andel:toe:4e
• • the •rest, a„ndetheng/i; the, A:7 -1101.e, trae- . blye War: The people Of California,
.. 80. Y • was <leRkerat("Y.14010e4 Autt I Sees hives ,publiely :reSo1ve4 and
.- dole• adiiertioeo-:-ih this eenntrY b6:* netified the -Pritaident7that they are
• . - .fete. tjlte .velSel • Sailed,. no 'preean..• ready to back him in declaring wee
„," tionsewhittever were taken, to, syie aitainst: GqIntanyy , out / ; treie....t.,
1 ..,..'-.-tlin-iinfOrttinate pasSengers7.:fteire .1),, .
- watery .grave. • •Th e souts that were, t*'3° 11611° will 'Prevaii' .at'laSt
. until the liebility,fot. theediseetoe_is
.....f.'...,...' _ . 7- !.--sent tor'eternity witheuteevarieng c fel-den-ye ,eeeie . _ • , „,
. ' e. ., e•- • a ere I sactificed .to this reign of ter- . ---0-#Ag.--x-.-11,T,Ot.-. .
- ---:-...--`4------..----:•iiire-ier-eetifw that the Gertatiff "war.
• a
. . •
DetiVer,• Cole., key '9, i919-; .....,. - -
. .01111eti Lae deereed• against all na. • , . • • . •,
' ' tiens. nede neutrals that • are not ,0„...e.e.....e...e.. 7- , ,
- • fighting .for ,Gerntany.,.. ' ', .. . , • . - •
sin, cannot keep, pace with the:in-
. • creeee or the human race ---Iii -geo-
Weil may -mankind han• g its bead metrical.. progression.• Notwith-
standing nueneroes eritieisms of
this doctrine, ethe actual tendency
testifies •Inore and more to the au••
thenti6ty of his view. ' This . Will'
OltiroatelY lead 'to; the -.Week being
vittirniZed satisfy the. deniands
if the. strong'. e •
The present war,' in a sense the
cOmeeetition ef.- eliffereet _races „
point of this tende'ncy• Treaties,
ententee, conventions, peace, hu-
manity,- have been utterly, disree
gairded. e Civilization and * oulture,
developed by incalculable nil dur-
ing several hundred"; ofyears, have
been Mereilessly puled down All
Europe has bowie turned to sham-
bles.- On an average 10,000, Per-:
sons" 'are:slaughtered: daily; Strife
between celeninatieg
in :the -fratricidal struggle between
natiOns,'. has at last brought about
this' terrible explosion. ,
If- it had 'Alen a a t es. ip,- Or a Out of ;Long Experience. .•
• freighter. with eupplies for an en' ' Derristere should always be re-
' sraY, neePle would hate neeePted •epeetful to the. out+ arid aceept
• • it as one of the millet ineidents of decisiona with good humor, 'seye
.• 'wale but Gut prenteclitoted de. Dr. Blake Odgere, who illeetrates
P Str13,0tiOn Of a. passenger 645 lad -en the proper.attiitude of the litotes.
. • 'with Peoplit ef•inentral nationalities Sion in. the York•shire Poet, • .
. is a:terrthle ,eitairt upon those who A young barrister 'who 'hela
• erdered the deed' dene, 'The Ti- for, entmviewe• from the ' court 're=
t4nio disaster Will be retalleel''IOr marked -on one peeasien that be waS
r • , • " the Moment, 'bait (the elements call,: ourprIsed to, bear the judge make'a
• ed for their and all en boar4 cortam .ietatentent, whereupon the
. took their ehaneeS. With auturo* and leading counsel apologized for his
• ' • yet the told, unfeeling leebeeg wet; jutior on the greunde of his youth;
nioro, human than. the monster of frOen he is 0,:e Old ais I, am, my
• mines •detiete. The Tititinie passen ,lord,„" he Said deferentially, "he
gars' were. given time, io,crreape. nevor buourprise4 aleything
• To day „humanity .1.1 'etehrtst: that( yout lordship orty.s!or does.",
Stieli a thing' tie the 4estruetionof
the turiitaras could. be possible. in The leeeal. Trish iteetmeeee eeee
gOth century. _
414Cit itlIffirie-Triiiit regithents
a•••• •
- • •
acter .18 cosmopolitan, free '•from
entJraeial. prejudice, friondly;AVitai
akir neighbere, hieterY has
Mede them averse to narrow mind,
exclusiveneSS, IteollY was
quite contrary kr our exPeetatien
to .soo the anti-Japanese move-
:rise' along the Pacific toast af-
ter the RuSso.Iapanese war. It
goes without eaying• the German
Kaiseemuse lei at least Pertly te-
sPOneihe for Italie eudden Change of
aspect 4111Ong ;Mir ihOtibrabil;
It io,very unjust to make the jap:
aneee the subject of "yellow peril"
agitation. Our. ancestors were not
the Atehammedanee. who were
guilty -of brutal 'atrotities , toward
• the Christians Europe. ..X.anait
• was in Tf40.F.4. dayel-in anarehial
condition. All over the islands
wars were waged venstantly' by the
feudal' . lords. among themselves,.
And. the midst of 1;64- • cfmotie-
confusion it is surprising. note
that Iglan *ire nlini1005 were
Daptizechand becanie pristiane. '
rhy-Cheistieles Were Persecuted::
,Again, it was not until., these
aristians- essayed to overthrow
the. Shogyriate . Government that
the -•third Shogun Iyemitsn: tom-
-mended the wholesale (unseal:re' of
Christians, promufgeting tho'. la*
• ef exelutsion and o_roaingAllodoorS'
Of _We ede-untr.Y to all fopeigh.inter-
eourse. Christiana thane days
were. 'pertiecited' not • because of
their religious faith; but because of
the crime of high treason. •Th4.
served, therpunithin.ent they suffer-
ed. It does. credit to the wisdom
of the statesmen of that:period •that
they anc,Cessfully protected our
country frail" fallingvietime ta.the
-territorial. ambition of fereige.,POwe
'Secs. lrall of Rule of Might.
Ilea,Yen. sides with righteenstiese..
Er.roneons ideas Can 'never Main-
tain their hurtful influence for.any
tolerailleelength of time. •The time
.will emin come when the Kaiser's
religion • of lose all its
folleWerse Before long he will be:
forced to Capitulate ., before the
,.'artny tlre Allies and will no long-
er be a 1-einarkable figure in inter-
national polities. The fort of
Tsing-teo, the• eentre• of .Gerinitriln7,
tluence in the .East - built up by
ITIRS BEEN' A rA,vourrE non,
The._Meliblik_Variety_Oentains Every
Element of Fleeli,
, , • ,.
tablee,and Fruit. : •
With the appreach Of wee= wea-
ther :the .wild mushrooin • is busy
gardening, forming ite •Plteet, or.
mycelium, concealed in:wood or un -
'der eoil, ready to hear that -luscious
poisonoes .cepe 'that'have destroy-
ed much of all life, front humans
Weer down, through the list to, ine
seetee since the Worild began. And.
'the gilled anushrommeevolved: with
the gilled fish in the, Paleozoic -
Devonian era, and, together,' have
'pereistedethrongli owe` than 25,-
000,000 of,.yeerse • •
European armies will enjoy-- the
mashraems which abound .in •all
the violent; hattlefiekle of 'Europe.
Tons efeehe-' oyster mushrebin • an-
nually. ge waste becauseof ethe
whe'. x1O...-Eta, -know, of eits
edible qualities:, • Penhaps some
Friend of -youre has been poisoned
by MuShroom •not of the market
type. Perhaps you . have been
Warned by . • .• •
• , r •
NUS At OM 11 Oh .Lists• •
in newspapers to Shun. all but the.
market type. ,
• The two most 'feared and ,deadly
poisonous rnushrooins t)he world
,philleideS) and the Cap. (Ama-
nita anti,Scarie).- ;These:two species
in;thesame genus have desteaged
:Anna Emperors, a•Pope and pre-
bahlY' averaged &Ott deaths' annual-
ly in parts'of the world,
say nothing of innumeefible -inane.;•
ale; birds, reptiles and ineeets, Vhe
latter:: beteg almost. .whollieedee
sereeed be,p_eisetiousefuegi.
Two chemists reeentay have rustle
their", report. on: their attempts to
seperate• the ,peisons ;these Mu*
, -international morality has made eighteen years of attentions exer- froUnts*oaOtclabtcisoltettnlye aotillet1Tinginlhoserye•
no progress since medaeval ages :• tons on part of fthe German hall have able and great cheee...ets
NOW is the best chance !or men. 40 people, has been forced to serren- during a, century or more past
iWnaaka":";--It°0i-ti•VicuitaiiiitY. ectanmdp'eatbitr9:. j4eapral;efilenrea taller -4,0:r tiritenel-i•nfe; reTessin°g! They annoUnced, that:for the'pois-
on of one of these .' species, mile.
whieh permits incendiarisni, ;bur: tao, although , a. small, isolated ,.......4.., ..,., antidote Add anon eeeee„
glaey and murder on a. large public_ port, Was the foetliokl:_of the Kali-- r,:"'" w"
0 The other species, phalloicles'
. . er s Oriental policy, a, peril to the
baffled all efforts of analysis and
future of the East.. rejoice with ..
.Waines War on 'Kaiser.- yeeldedeto-no-le.reureoreantidateee-
" In other Words, the poison of
Our enemy is this great Murder- aided W. t°' el/ear. the r4r`•'Billii• of gare ce remise:etc-4- have3- cloee =fitt hie
inanity, el industry, of agriculture, quickly, , ,
ee, _teie-eestioyer -of . Peace P 4)1 lin- the peace .distnebieg eieer;!!s ,spiirhilutlee:mdtysieosn-tery:in7,10--wtih,bateitetreerritaia:uoamrettb:tilittheheeeri e4euree'-a;eedn!ifd4-D.no°,1-.26oreP4aur.itY-mlwegaatri:
eheese, or butter away too oftetion
of ' naVigation, . The present', •war "...The effect of the battle Of Tsing- .
awes its _origin...0 -, the .exehieirelp• -too 18 far reaching. • I, firmly -be- than a bacillus, andlente pessiraY- Min saM63dIsti; :the 174a6y a O. lean no .4,4 en, lie ng. Nvote. or.. 4
militarism and - imperialism. ef • the •lieve that it will =directly . help to something -of -the -nature Of. a 'bine °-..‹)eiCer3r` • • . ' ' . • •- . ' • ' • w • el th te -4 f th
. , .
' ' •
• Nee. PO. had jog Acres 'ef land tO'
•part. eweiedland, part
"nleadqvri' lawn Pasture, CnitlYatl in
field% and gat:dens, with hams and
barnyard. .Almost every day dif-
ferent sr:moles, would fruit,: one
after another. 'A/mi.:oat any giver
-10u-,*oree would keep you .1riley
studying these constantly. arising
crops and determining their values,.
And righthere comes in the strange
feature -of the whole situtetiOn.
The sam.e 109 acres the following
season Might.not produce so, mneh
as six speeies • you • gathered the
firet year. The second season would
skew- otherehundreels Of.:,:eiecies, the
third season other. species and so
on, ' _Youeraight, .or iniglet2not_ever
tote again themanyspecies .gathere
ed during the first :ilk years -a1 -
ways a. new lot. This is due to
What is called the eriodicity of
MEAT, EREAR AND laum or.
TEN frintowN AWAY.
Theuiramis et *lies of Wire Vett
1a Puttleg Utereglemeat* 1*
• Front of yreadheio
writes the following inotereitisk AO%
'der: wIlitlY Yttrok Doure304'11 n(*rrestriere"te, •
count of life at the. trent :
• "X boa been trying to figure ouli .
how ;laugh Wire 140 loisee tree4 fa
entingl*ments along the *thole
weetern front. It oertortinir ma/ be
• ave4.e.getl at ten 03'14)6,11w leogthi
of the t,renob**, and three Shoo 4
Ana fokr the oriorkdroosing; NO
if tie *belt f ront ie pub atQQ
einOtt* 4844' Wenkizt irteaPniV•brIA00 nex411008rj,
Thor* AS from three to eight lin
of-4efence.,.--Tal;ing tivo,we a*aver - -..-----
age, we have 118,000 miles., end
lb eusedc o oCil.tt 0 wrm ebssupporting nO4ef 'w"irrne.th.11°e116:4:1416 . .40
about ae fair apart. are they 4r* kil,e,
. "The number et *to ws=4 t1p.
enormous; fo.not only Most the
stakes he . found hut.' beam - f
. treneheo• elleatere and ;fires,
*got% (nominally fie me% gene;,, ..
'IY' 'teei below that ,nuraber, wszeb ; . , ,
111444en! 4Awigiti*eet t'tee'r*:14WYerir4,f<g'oritbet (1444 ...
.thwieth:tt:ntny. care, but now wo•har: ,
,capaole foresters with us to dire*
' "fikuno-,-01-thoxtbingw; about: the -
war, that .„woUld .not °ever t� thel
ordinary tleinkereere0 that therekeemel .
. who :t.0 01 1 e Ah al ee 0been men .hoen'rethef;),r1lritanitonittbAine -,- .
and "vWe'rerfiZte. ap:::f4t4)rry..seen an' *.
enemy. , ,
after' 43eht"teeeth' 46,11,e,119441.,•:erellgtiaardtasttioolptIli-; •
:pellhige there is no trouble4it, tan
be done: at any time, as in everyc•
treatmont .hativto.- .. . .• -
be"Are.nighaevde, for
• day. on the firing.
• _ _ „, :
hne,‘nix•dayig.0 feob at (hairy:Mee •
Ohauds..rdes*(m the.- rear), thene maxi
Iririslircroms-olt'Whieh-rittfe'lef'k,OOWn: daYe--211- :.'reeerve..treneh,ee, 4 six*:
and•recordeil.. . • • • • • days MOTO •res.t.4ttf CairY agalinq- - •
Every Element of Pleeh.
-• That little, delleleol . -Mushroom
is one ot.thousanclkof species that
the 'Oreate'i. gaye.efor self-preps-
geting ifoectlfer.meneaed.16-wer
believe -the. mtishr.00m was
• the first food' established en earth,:
yeare ago:. As 4 food it
then the ,ettetie all evevaigam. Wien
at rest,. we have practically har'l
Aitclts- We iiiiVele# stay in tho
village and eiminot go to 'the, next
village or-,.„. ha.if a'
and ,a mete, away); Without permit). ,
"We do ..exereiee-drilling end. -
manosuvree-jeet ea 'iu- barrackS.1*,
-anteing Vier" ”eletbrent:7.44 7fiti,j4; wale nor ee et the: b'egultrogi," .e-
vegetablen, fish and fruit's. Its de' when we • had to make defenees.e
tractors:, a,re ignorant and criminal,
vicious and debasing. It is mote
streui that text 'books of the,"pure
Mod" teepe •should be allowed to
cireulate, -• attacking its metritiens,.
qualities, 'What ,its detractors
lege is true. only 'of.:, the decaying.
msonnshitthoe;pinnhWtohoemn ihr4ieslin6ouetooaf leleacs
mushrooni Tiati, ever given you so
much' tiS? one unfayhrable eymptom,
believe _me:, if was -net fresh when
e-oeked. . will it stand far.
warniing ()Yee like hash. It -must
he. cooked freloh.. and eaten. quickly.
, Blew end the 'Larder.',
- is tinie now to thinit-of this
preblem,-end--prevent the. -'usual
'Nvorry, if Possible.. ' •
Give It little.eitra, time, et, elemee
•The last time I was • on the receeve
lines all I had te de wasone hour's '
work in getting -retiette for the see -
tion and two hours guard ditty; the
rest of the time I Could'.sit' in the .
sun and Write. • . •
. "There no drill in the reserve
trenches, And Mile -one ° Section" 011
guard for • the Whole company. . On •
gilard In Voth-these trenchesTthere
is danger of 'being shel/ed that
one is always, under a great
"At Cuiry4es-los we aro
not absolutely. safe, as it is not out . .
of range. The e,nemy shelled Paw! -
dareles -the next villageilielf a mile •
away, 'three days age; and killed
and wounded 117. • They have con-••,' -
tieged shelling* since, but have .
not heard the-- feiiilteeee -
• Too Much Biro: • -
• -
_ .
ing your larder. Turn. everything • "We get so, much food that there '
. • . .
out, and make sure every corner is is a terrible antotint -of waste. • I - '
thoroughly. clean. • . - have Seen pounds of meat threwn ..
• bUtte u li • ' ads' —. ° • '
away in our section 1.1 no because - •
Get rem e n covere m
, .. . •
anderememhereethese must ;lie kept 'llCd°d bread, -almost white' is watsIted '
dean also., , . • wholesale.t.. Each man gets two ......,
foe your meat, buttere- milke etc. men did not need -1141(1 it 'Arlo; us eat . -
1 - bounds d''few
Keep a little of this muslin handy, - - a day and-
moreethan one, • the rest est wasted •
,e-elitira.-tiht-ei:•.. ;invaluable, during.hlie hot. except foe,* email portion ,taiat, eon •
-:-..:•41/fikezure-all--reeepteolet4or-su---- !PAnicet n:ett rd.
4-, and no one ever, touches it.
'one Pair of shoes a month. We de:"7
not „have to ...worry about LfOod,__the..
kitCh '- to that.l'et1 k
• Gertnan Raiser.: Be isresponsibleamPreve the Satiation in the, Euro- ges or alga, 'too small le be' seen : WiPe ' down •"sibeives even' daS', kitchen; ,or - improving the - big 4f,7. • -
for the 40Ni:ter part ,et,:the ,preseht Peaty field and .areeeRerate the ulti- . by the highest powered mieeeeeone; ad 'see there are ' no Prun.the., 'Of aPY• tronhhes between ,the lines. is. Wile .
situation. TheeAngloeSween, the mate reign of. peace throughout the Which Measures to one twenty-five. kindleft iibeit, • , • ,eeeeitel, Sometimes we have ionic , ''.•
igther. ug- -,-Anwri-ottig,,-- with ,eheer- world.: Ouresuccessein •Tsing-tao- thousandthpartet an inch. , . If „there is. no:-perforated.iiiie target hooting; -really. Mast emitYje- '
hereditary eeeee, notion a instion • will encourage the .allied armies in ' 21.... ot Deadly speole6... : . teovet "to,'''nfi' • the window,. malcb ,a a ahla''''. . ' ' '• ' • '
the .E,reneli,„ whoetoolc'•the 'lead Of Europe. Within a, short time we' . . rains t an cover with utter • - ' ' - ' ' : ' . • ''
-the:Teetineelyilieeekeee'the Itihiaahs" 'aliall--raGaie-glacl-tklillr . '----01 ,the two deadly Talpea.e.s .inite- in-.—Iteieeverreoelmeretee. . e ,
epeeeibe teevaiecirig, In „tee path ef -vieteries dealinget too de -giii,60„ to. eaeie; ie Meet .easiie deteetahrthe this-144'131r-alleteeln:r." •,.• . xeneling-'-eer teiniete is still peke': - -
_ ___ . .
• ..
Larra-- -It-is-a:large -alioeVy-mugh..; --Rutteeeciar_lie
oderneeeMliiirrieetnever- Teconjohritly- _seeeeeetepeeseeheeeuerxnan heeereee :herr - * 1. t - -. aholighedene7Great Britainenneee
. . -70 OW in co ot,
(op: . Japan.: else steed. up to, an,
take,P I'D arms 1401111810's e°mth". peaee, ithe..enemy Of liamanity; the 'cap.. Plate at the bottom of a bowl and. - • ,„ . •
4OstroYei of civilization. . 1°64telimice•inviYa-dretesry*vaerdrstifie%eliere oevering the Plate. with water "water w.4.1•4 • . •
Steer her treatY -declare • ,
I do net motif ;it, sey that all G1er... e'LZgareeeeit.nin growths, semetbneS, need nOt touc41-the hater, and cov- . The candidate for a young wo_
in war against Germany, who' 4,011‘1.434.e tooatam.o.4.4riiia 4.11 „erin4,4,• hajdavamtitli-4,-b4terInUOlin- --te-440a-Maihes-741,71-of,;4f
relit deal in' adiailci) ifid the teeth.; your bens in the henYard andyour
menaced the -peace "Of the -Far
knowledge that • , owe them,- ri" d splendid in gritesTieep Oeyor; s- - Paigli•Proraises.-durihft ecatrtebilY.'
. ,
from. the--stronghtild-of Teingetaii".
OmPliatiCallY repeat, it was •the hies) arts'. Their- wenderful geni- cow in the barn while thee° fellows -
spirit of gellaritey, the tonscioue- ; us , in enedieme, pleloeophy, liter.:
are. lip; with tempting .4-
neer of our nable,cluty to cainliat penile Mid' other beitii4earof leern-
. . • • '
. • •
The Kaiser's Doom
the eememeineeeneiny..:effeteinetartitY...i.ng.a.a.contribitteel irva -remarkahl the specie s Amanita pheetreeies ce,0
e • • ,
and civilization, the. mahly. inten- degree to. ,the Progreso of cae readily be weeidece, lebeteeer opinion ie. the British XsleS is
tidh of ensuring; the permanent tion, • •
peace of the East, the sheer, desire The fall of "the Raiser's militar- t,he color of the ealie-Wbito gray, gradually ;hardening that whatevep,.
the node side of taleegill are else the terms el peace on Ger-
to accelerate the restoration of in- leen. will ot mean- the ruin Of the irc The .eeepeuttty.-,pr-leeey eienees ipeereekle de/et:tee. may or.
terhational :,eirder-,-- and . let -the ,aeftlittil 'Pee,Ple.--oti* the :contrary,-
fetters, of despnme rot he covered with war‘ts: protu.• may not include), they unisteertain.,
blind racial Orejudicee not-; the fteed from Ole.
to Participate in tide titanic- •cee- bled `tee
apieiteof vengenencee-thate•drove- -us. rippressiorigivetlifeuyiliepillayheeti>b, ethtteoxr ,_:2511_,•:: libti.,:ranblinlb0_!..31.16••:ti-Thallay.E.ortleianollteofinni,r to,a,rtfleit-j-lyn:rvol.:Y-,iwholhailtd.eptrh.:.}3ihaneititia,,gwieisethif lwaeisesidt
test Witir:thises'iblitne-aha noble txaordinary genius; . ... eau” the sell.. le.:ii, 4.1tEgd; tlehP call-. "strict - aeoountabilite" e- al=
ideal .‘vo„heve.,eoelly, riangeiv__intn„ ,.. ._. ......, _ , ,._ - - ' . :• , °hunk of earth istaken out:around; though, the • Eritiali- -publee • Would '
• 'the butli 'invariably' will be ifound scarcelu. interpret those •words in
the fertiace of the worldwide •con -
Migration: ' • . • ' •
Europeans know that the 'very
laser who deprived clhinne• of
: Definition of name:. s • '
The golden setting, in 'which the
Telefono •eres ,the original ro.. brightest jewel ‘'inother,'', A •
world of eerife Atit out, a. world of
pounder •tA :the "Yellow Peril!''',"
This eentintent prevailed among
Europeans at the -time) of the inva.
siooS Of 'the nlin9 and the Afedfce.'
liana and eSpOeittlly. when the else
of•litie Ottoinan iguipire wrought
havocamong the Ohristiane of the
West. Different raeint having' em.
ove shut Wale is the blessere
of, which heaven is tho frunt.-.The
only spot on.earth Where the faults
and '"faillitgeof falle,n. hureenity'..are
hidden. underthe monde of charity,"
'me .plaeo...Where the., great aro.
.se.inet0.inies 'Smell and the sinall
t,ofl great The father's, kingdom,
braced different rellgionsi..the WOrdithe Children'eeperadiee, the 'Inoth-
"hereties," beetone synonynikts. er'S world.,' • :The jewel..casket„,ton.7
with 'the 'terra '"'sditterent ,racp." tainiug, the ,Most preeioue of all
-.Even Mud" .00. beetilesentiment, how.. jearele.--doitiestie luippinesi; 1101310
ever, was at last eVerpoWered by Is the,ceotral:•teloghsph •oifleo., of
:tile:''k;110111)etealt "time, GrOrrol. hums* 10411111-,
itiemme,to be, ' fergotott$ oowlY
linernible vibes et aseetimf IgtialY
LIUAnletiabg woe originally ka Inift.%, 44,41 never dironttecte#
broid herir*1 P.eoptbi.lehele-ohar..
. (11
whielt...though extending. 'thousand*
!. •
settingin' a cup. Handle a, poiSen- a Wilsonian sense. Anyhow, , the
oits,-tetehroom as you like, ,but de, 'view ' is gaining ground, With re -
not experiment 'With 0110tut 00. inarkehle rapidity, that the Kaiser
table. There are ether, 800610% must, on. the Conelueion of the War,
bath in the Amanita genus and; pay a persptukt pri60,101. the eeet
that Of . LoPietne that OleselY t°' aerieS. Of. outrages eommitted dur-
ftemble it,- and which may be dell- ing the wet, -.with his sale:Won and,
eienslY edible., You eennot learn- in hie name. Writiiig. in the Birth -
these differences ,fretn• the :Welke', eriehem Pont, Edger %mete pets
Oely ,an expert, wit,h 'the several this view :both ModerateTy Alia -ewe.
.freoh .81)eeie0. 1* liana, 'Oahe teach eitietlYi. as ifolioval. - .
you isueth differene'
es, • , • ' . 031ilitarista was not destroyettin
There ttro other poiSonciiiS speeies.' Prance until its syrebol *AA trans.
of linislirooms, whialti .,while. they ferred to iSt,.IIeletta. 'We May talk
May or may not 1411,...causei mt.. rouudand about the, question Of 170.•
PleaStlitt SATIPt,011118 after t 4tingi .e•risal for the ill-treatment' of .1)rit.
Their tennis and aptpearenees are trili prisoners,but the only oprisal
bisttan ht.by an tospett4 .86 many we can 'an4re la ,ke. remove•for,ever,
edible 6 ieeles. exist that one eau .from his apher,e .0\4 man who has -
reedil earn ito ItivoW 'enough' of .4 -Mated the syfteinvwilieli hia !rift&
• Ahem by sight. Then ere thoUte: Priiiiiilith )elitetielitY Peaeltile. Behat,
ifromn fhe. 0 fireit „teiininus. • • Indseef species of Mushrooms. Sup. irfoverth,te tretthr.fite,041114itoirat no.
. '
. . . . . .
, • .
. . I
. . . .
. . .
. • .
• • . • •
. . . • . . .
. .. , • • ,
. . . .
' • , .
. ,
. I •
• , *I.
• •
•• . . • ,
I II I.I. • . ,•
I ; '
thing to gain his ends, that he will-
violate every 'law of Glod :and thin
so long as he_can achieveseme sort , : - ,
of sifeeese; We cannot. apply -the'.
041748 treat/Oita to 1iin thati.,WO '
tould /*phi, -to an lionerable ?
emy We eannot drawthesting 01 , •
Prussian withoutcut-
ting 'off itts head."•
I ant 'sure Of thisi ` that nothing s
but the deposition and exile Of the
Ital•Ser and ..brood' eetiefy.
tho Peoples of the allied' eoun trio a
and that, unless tile whole lOt aXe
sent picking, bag and baggage,
thefit• peoples will feel:that their.,
Governments, iin,ve &lien ehort of
theit ditty. It may he•impoSsible*.
it prchehlyeis-40 °hang° the
tut° of the Irolieteolletu beast, hut
at leaet, ita fangs can he drawn.
• Pireli among the ,terthe of pertee •
Odell cle,railtirli*Vill be forced tA
submit the delivery up of the .
er to be hanged, *Lesser murtlerera,
have to pay the'-'peualty; of :their):
crintee in . thole • own person and
there seems no reason wire the car' .
eaie 064f the, areheerintinal ,of ttlie unie -
verse s'hould be exkinpt. Dub
fear that thii is a counsel. of peoN,
feet -in.
, •
ritra 011910111111101, •
At. —