HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-06-10, Page 1$i. year, advan A are Cure Headaches 98% of rain* Headaches , are 'caused from defecate eyes. Conte and let me Fit • yihi properly with, glasses , and your Headaches 'will disappear, al5t;Sli• • laCHAPELLE Witchinaker, Jeweler' and Optician MARKETS ''''''-l•COrrected• up to Wennealiar *npeitr; . • , • eat., . . • , 1 dti 1.25 Otherwise 1416019W, CONT,, THURSDAY, JUNEI h., 1915, Single Copies 3 cents LOCAL!: AND. OENERAL . That rain Monday afternoon made the whole wintry smile. Miss Viola Sturdy is vieiting friends in London this week, Reisman is buying atop -layer bens at • Mendelaon's Store. - This is the month of the garden pai4n the lawn social and the mule, , • • • •• Srilitli• McLean of Toronto was the past -*Celt! The St, Helens Presbyterian Church will hold their annual, garden party on june22nd. • • Suits pressed and cleaned, properly and well. --TA Clark, Merchant Tailor. „ 'Private Beitliv'veill from the military camp,' Louden, was irate- a- few flays of thia. week.• • •„ . • • • , Mrs. A. G. Smith and.scin Wing, were were guests of her mother, the early part of this week.' • ' Attend the Patriotic Garden Party on Awe 18 with a pocketful of silver. You can have a better tline. Just arrived a new stock of Sandy pant- ing. Call and see thein. --T. Clark, Tailor. • Mrs, D• A. Downey, of Drayton, is visiting her MIA Mrs. T. 14 Treleaven, and her uncle, Mr, W. E. Treleaven. Miss Oladys'M, Spindler who was at- tending Faculty of Educotion in Toronto has been _successful in passing her exam- inations. ' • . A. E.: -Afilleon's Birdie Mack won second in.tlie.S.2,P; 'PAO°. • he Kincardine racea on the,T4t4; : Thkuilfe-Wis-Mele about • , • - Por M weddingTing..Witlioat 'a jOhlt,'; 413eamleeS't.,. go to . Armstrong.. r Mittoi . • - - " ° ' .22, .While40-town la,et week, Wrn,Geddes, . 17 • 48. @°I4 Per).PS,r slip and;beeineee.te Mr • . -AleXNeCarrol-Who will carry on 411e - }Togs, , • * • r • • • • .• •• " business liereaLver. .' • , _ . . onconTo Mies? wenic . • . • . • Wheat. bush,. 35 to $ 1, 40. bush, ▪ , to 63 vericy, '80 •IO 82 • bush.........▪ ........• ...1 25 to 1 35 • TiMothy, 18 go to 21. oo. Mixed and clover... ?-k. i• 16 00. to .18 :04) Chelee, heaVy. steers.... .8 10 to . • a 35 Hogs, off , ; 9, 7$ to. , 85 Calves... * . 7 6O. to it) 00 • .Spiing 00..0 .8, .00 Sheep, '5- 25 to 6 50 25 to ,' 30 • Ogg, 23, JO -• --i--=Botatoes, to 7. 'S•70''' Fits ,,t--.- AlreWinti te4n11.yOur attention ' to Othr, itilfsiteek . OP le altd „ -delicious-food-bever- age for infants, inval- ids, travelers, etc. An ideal lunch food 4. tritioni tahlifaiiiire,- in - 5oc., $r.00 and "Family Size" bottles. ,. kt,,y Ask fOr. sainple:, SPIN CS --DRUG stone--7- . . $50 ,R reward of $50 Is hereby- offered •to the Man who on the evening.of April 2$th., last, gave David Bean,. eon of the late Robert , Bean, of Colborne, nridein buggy from near. Dunlop to Goderiell, and later the .seine night (drovelihnfrom.Ooderich to hia • father's • ' ' The. reason for this advertisement' is .,.-. that David Beiiit's 'name Is being. con- ' ineeted With the murder of his father, AwhichlooltiPlact.that minim night,„abe 3.1.O'cloek p.M.# on the road between .Loyal and Carlow; and tO Make it ' .clear that Davidllean had no tonfieetion what* . *Vet with tbat 'occurrence it is desirable that the person who drove him.„.should known without delay and hie clear David Dean pi any siispicioe which may now restilidli hint. • • - The reward Will ,he, Paid .10110 • ..the and goes statetnent an tioVeinenta,!.tlsat . night • x„f • • The etdilittee discloses that .1hivid Deanna:4 theinini who drove- him,. As mentioned 4ilinve, spoke that Hight. to twanien.,in .Godetith Innil the btiggy 44: WhiCh they were driving, on the Squat*, •''w 'between Exchange and BerV lord hot** About a horse deal, and theft are earnestly feciliested to iiieke themselves 'known to said David Beth Or to the undersigned, Mid 'in them' slid * Stiltable tome will be paid. • . • Frederick W. Mayor, Totorito„../Eye- eight Specialist, _coming _Lucknow and will be:at L. Laphapellets jewelry Store fibm Jude II to the 213th. • Wh'en are buying , your suit. see ours, .. We have every price upto.date. -T.. Clark; Merchant l• Mrs Robt. Graham returnul• home on Saturdisi, after visiting fora month with her daughter Toronto:. She • was El•C' cOmpained from the ciLy hir her son,flerb. whoreturned on Monday: •' 'General Sam %%bee is asking • for 35,900'lliQre- Canadian recruit° for ser- vice in 'France.- '160,000 Canadians wilt .make a very. respectable army.. Looks as though their is Isom. lighting to be _ Before 'deciding on tight see the as- sortment of beautifid pieced F. T.. Arm- strong has for lust:Such(an Occasion; Mrs. .William Aitcheson, of Wingham, received *Ord last 'week that her son, i'riVate L. Aitcheson, had been seriously Woundedin the recent fightingin Prance. 'Private Aitcheson is a relative of the- Aitcheson families Of tows. The anniialtili011.- Firmeni'. Institute Excursion to the Model Farm at Guelph will be run this year, via GTE, On Saturday, June 181,h.. 'Special train will leave Lueknow at 7.03 a.m., and return fare ie in.36: Tickets good- to return o11. special train leaving Guelph' at 7 0.1n., or on...'ogniar trains On following - Gird id Thinks Mr. and Mrs. George Potter wish to express, grateful 'appreelation of the kindnesa and sympathy shown by their friends and neighbore dnring the 1114e80 of their late SOO, Earl. • • Underwent Operninta Miss E. M. Million, who for several years has conducted a dressmaking busi nos here, was taken suddenly ill with an attack of appeadicitis la'st week, and on Monday was taken to Winghain hospital leiter° she underwent -an. operation that evening. • We nucleriotand that the oper- ation waatinite Succeanful and that the patient to doing well. This illness canoed. the postponement of Adios Million'e mar; rises, which was to have paten place nif Wednesday of. this wet*: • • Change of Posters • Rev, Cieo. McKinley; Who !io ahly has filled the.pastorate. •of the. Methodist; church here for the past tout Yearn,. Will nuive•tek Seaforth.: 81100800r here .be Aey, R. J. Glarbittt,, who. .frOm Lambeth, pear London. Mr.,Gar- ,bn.tti bad the Charge• Wroxeter years ago. The.manY laicknoW friends, of Mr. and Mrs. McKinley will be pleas- ed to know that they 'are piing to Se good a town as .Seaforth, where the family can have all the educational ad- vantages ofgood pnblic andligh schools. Death of T. L. Treleaven The death et' Mr. Thomas L. Trel- eavenWhiahtedkplate last Sunday there.; ing, was not unexpected by those who knew his condition. 'A number of times within the past few months,we referred. to•his=illness as being serious. He Peered to suffer front general break down of the system, and though active he had not been robust for years 0,n TUeedirr,afternOon; ,whell-7-thr..10oral was lYtidl ell Places, of businees, yovn were cieoed and 3.1arge congregatieitas; sembled at the Methodist Churcl- twin, Rev. G. McKinley,. asidefed by Rev. Mr, Bridgette erinaeted the'funerill -maces . Interment was. made. Greenhill: :eetri;', etery. Ay. the death. of Mr. Treleaven onesofitsekleat business- men, he haling conducted a, photograph gallery, and novelty store: here for lip - wards of 20 years., sen ofthe late 'Richard Treleaven, 'a: pioneer of -Ashfield township, where deceased ;vas. born nearly 56'years ago., He leaves. a, , widow and daughter.or.-4 ' Olivet. - -Tneaday, June 8th. - T. E. Wilson had charge of=theeegviee at Olivet On Sunday. .• Miss Aliee Smith is visiting friends on on the Soirtis this week. --Mrs. Henry Campbellepent t eweek- end, with relatives in Colborne. , --Victor: Bridge. o e outhLine, -sPent-Sund*Yat- Miss S. J. MacTavisb, of the &mai,. Line, spent the. week -end at her home - on the 2nd. • ' • Mrs. Lauchlin McKinnon, of London, is :-ni!ilitinagmilhteorn:parents, !r. and tire. • . to Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Barkwell we extend our best wishes for a long and happy wedded life • • : MTS. (Rev) A. .-Wa.lclen and ,two children, of Stiatliroy, are visiting at at.present: , Pottier Money, '• Three Cliestey lads: Peter Lebau, Paid 'Ha impend and•Fron k ,Monk- Were before Magistrate •Mentgornery the, other day charged -WA -having- entered. planing inilkhreaking-np-mitehipot and selling it as. junk, in to secure pocket Money. The lads 'pleaded guilty and were for trial before Judge Klein. They present .mit on bail, Throdiernien Dwain • •• . • Threshenilenin tredistrictlurreund- ing Winghaimmetni einivention for the . purpose of organization on Saturday- of last week: The following officers were eleCted: President, J. W. Palmer, of WrOxeter;_xiceipresiclent, _1 -1,, -Baker • „St, Helens; secretary, D. (3. Pone, Witt,- • tangside•• -Monday, June 7th.. • ' MCOUlie, Of St.:154010i spent the , .week end at Mr; John; Murray's. Mrs-. Stewart, of Go erich, visited her Son &V. J. The SteWitit Of Whiteeliireli and Langside, last • . A number from around ',Lan side at- terided7the_servieent.WhitechurchPres- byterian Church-. last Sunday, .rught,- ' 'Rev. Mr. Duncan, of Pert mer pastor ef.: *implode,. conducted' the Service.' • • Mrs. 3. J...-Sniith„ Who, for some time, his. been under the doctor's eitref WAS taken to wingham, 1;tospital last .week• to undergri. operation for the removal of gall Stones. • We ere 'pleased to. kneW-. that • she dame threugh the Operation successfully and that she' is on a fair -WaY-to • ' . • . j.olitt ; . iielinotei4oliwGeniniiIHWin • \ham. ' %Institute • , The regular .Ititid meeting.of the .Wo- men's institute Will be held in the Town Hall on Friday afternoon,. june 1Tih.„ 0'2:30 o'clock, • The roll call 'IS to be answered by Useful. hints. There is to boa paper- On "Woman's Worit %time of , ,War;" also..a reading by our 'oldest mem- ber; bet,- , Visitors will be heartily welcomed.. Those who have not paid, theirlees, -for-the coming year, kindly conte prepared to do so if peseible, so that their names may be sent away hs s on as possible - Yell? Sadden Death • . _ Vety'suddee andunexpected•waS • the dentit,of•MM-VOrtielilla-VitYlieri Wawanoolt, Who died at the Wine of her son, Patrick, In Superior, yVis„, on Thurs- day of kat week 'Hopi** to recover froill'heart*troilble from, which she had. suffered for a 'number of years, **Gay - not had, ten months ago, gono for an extended visit with'het son,-alla .Of late txppeatett to in good'health, ,., indeed the family had just rend a cheerful' let- ter front her when the. tileasage felling of her death arrived. The heart trouble had at last proved fetal. ' The remains were. hionglit, to Lneknew ott. Monday and the funeral to Rolytood cemetery, took piatebri Wednesday, Father Dean, of St Augestitte„ emidueted funeral. service in the. U. C. Omit& in the pres- ence of a large congregation.: The. lath Mte. Gaynor was a Slater of Itot. P. Cain, Besides a husband she leaves, five sees; all Of whoin weft, resent at the , Second Kinloss : 'ruesdaY, June • 8 after a short illness. gram on June 3rd, a daughter • lames.,/rwin . in Walkerton this Boit.-To Mr. and Mrs Sam. Coil - week, being 'called as ;t jury44eari • Mr.. and Mrs. Darrow of Lticknow spent a few eaya. the: line last Week. . _Dan McDonald spent' last Week Kincardine attending „COncity, Council. , Alin Miss from -near Olivet is taking Charge of the Henderson farm this_year. • ' Mrs :Laughlin McMullen of Lond n spent the past iveek with his parents hove. • • i • • ry • : v 'Matching -Monday; Jade 7th. Mrs. 'Wm. Blake visited friends at Trowbridge the past week. , Mrs. Craig returned Whet home after spending mitre time with lief ' tiatighter,. 'Mrs, W113. Finlay, Misses Said and Olive Henry, of Fleshettom, are visiting their uncle, It. Henry, et present. Mr. David Andrew ocelipied:tlie pul- pit here 'Sunday' evening in did absence of Der. S. Bridgette at Conference.' Misses Ida WhYard atict Clara 'Sproul, of Dtingatmon, spent the weok,end. with Mrs. J. •Satulders and other relatives here, - , ,• Mrs. Wm; StOtherak StePhett 'and lainte G. • DOlititOr ter CAMERON,Dtidn1., fttneral and toted at vo.) hearers. filhe lit. ()Albeit Onitweli anci Mita f.11 attended the wedding and reception of Cti U ROI NEWS ROY. Allister Murray of Cape Ereton woo the preachCle •• Sotith tehurch last Sunday. Mr. Murray iaai 0111011 at home in the IMO of the Gaelic as the English 'menage, and he held a Gaclic serviee in the afternoon. Rev. Wm. I). McDonald, of *ark - worth, a graduate of the Walkerton Ifigh Scheol, and SOU of Mr and Mrs. Wm. McDonald, of ilivetsciale, has re- celved a, call to tlfe pastorate of, the At. wood Preshiterien Chinch and will probahly accept- 7. East week% anca-Allie Wporter. 'had the following: Mr. R. D lianieron, Ix:k- • now, a representative of the Laymen Missidnary Movement, addressed a large congregation in Knox cliureh last Sob - bath Morning. He teak for Ins subject, World's Need and the. World's' Ca1l4 :He gave an interesting synopsis of the work being dope, by this organia ation and also of what is expected to be accomplished in the near future; The adclress was listened to with Pilch atten-., -arm doubt bear fruit. • TRH 1.4.;A-tripi —owing to the Absence of the pastel!! on Sunday Conferenee; the League took the servico. in the even- ing. Mr. Blair took the topic which WAS ""Wanted -a Man. God is after a man; wealth is nothing:, fame is nothing; ro4hood everything,” and gaVO it Al a !most 'interesting manner, 'from the physical!, intellectual :mid Opiyituni standpoints. , ,of Mr, and Mrs. RobertUemilton was 'Monday evening's prograna was in the • the scene of a very pretty wedding hands of the Christion Endeavor ()Om- when .their daughter, 'Evelyn, was 'niittee. A inoift interesting tcpie -was, united in marriage to Mr. Gilbert given,' being "What it is to be a- Christ- imay, Tinge inatruetive readings_ bear BalEll'ivell on the afternoon ot Wean"' big, en the tope. ivete, given. -with the day, Jane 213,d, -Rev. Mr. Rutherford condnetirig,Jhe,;•cereniony. - ,rendering of a hOlcraild• a -few- ;remarks was by In th 'aa rhe AoPie, the Program: WAS brought '53*:39ing; 010..recePii9P • to. a dose. Net Monday evening Itm tallmher guests, the evening lAnlictsseieynciasrygncle ipsairntinvicten1 twoilaltbteaaved]obe.rge: '.1..,hebiengiasrpgeentviron'bthere notsu:agliitapin;stevtieentis.., deuce- to • the: esteein in which' the ." - • young couple are held, and the hest, Wifitechurch • •• wiebefl• manY friends go with -thenpras-they.start-onton-Weinurner together. • • • TilE LACIIALS11- BASERALL TEAM, Mar ed in Kincardine on the 3rd of pine was called for 10;30, bnt was not started until, • nearly 12 o'clock. The oppbsing pitchers were Robert HELP THIS *LONG Pittrintic UardCoi Part3r rn Lucktow, The patriotic ladies of Lucknow and vicinity are again busying thereselve with the geed- work of nustng funds- fo Red Cresw-and wan relief wetlt. - They have planned,a garden party to be 'held - ; Mt, AT, G. Ander.sen'o lawn, Havelock. on Friday, Jnne. 181b. A 'musicai prvain, with:band and ,other selecting/4 commencing at o'dloc.k, Will be provid, sil;,,,refreatinientsr ..,such,.a&•ice.,-40.4111 .sandwiches and tea.; lielate inade bakieg candy and. lemonade? .wilt heTenppliea TOWN LEAGIA WILL PLAY • Tlietown 'Baseball League will open wFirtildax aY OgYaerattigieoltuwneoent.Ithaet Sepoy, It. Johnston, Mgr., and the Yannigans, "T S.ReidfQ3x1grt4 colinbrogfo4mallozilintg is. the June 21-.Senoys- . Yarinlgana 144-Canuelat vs.. ....Attlee „ 18,Sepoya vs Allies 1--Yennigaii.s, • vs .70anneks • • . • .vs ..-Qamielto • July 0.•;,,--Yannigaes ..Alliee.. 2-.. nue Yannigano "-16--Yenniga,no Canneko t • • 11)--',Sepoys • .„ . vs • • ", Allies IL number of booths. The evening will present a splendid oriccasion for combia in8 %Ilona enjOyment with. the good work,of adding te the comfort th men at the Front or in the hospitals An admission fee of lOcewill be charged ••„ 23 Sepoy.s • vs, ,Canucka 26-Yalinigans vs' Allies • 00poys . • vs Yannigans 8 0‘-,,..00,111P101. • FS . av"linutegok.'. • I3*-:•Sepoyis vs; , eaMick$•:- ry LOClifill01'.• June. Daniel ii,ose left.Thuroday morPing PO a visit to Sault Ste. Marie. • ,Mrs. McLennan •io at' ;present visiting her sister in lJunviich. Wkare sorry td,repott that Afre... R. Cameron is -very Her speedy recovery is hoped for 13A.nnivsnr.arreir -The borne .-t-Tuesday, June 8. John Gillespie is 'spending a.few clays in'Goderich this week, . * Private John Kennedy, of London,. spent Sunday at hislioine, Mrs. McLean, of Hanover, is' Visiting !lermtarillegsil,temroa:b3lbir%.1Jc.i.Urittellaant:id-:;; -Mforeficnitnoesharfdoinr 0,11. ocAhath3ili4nden.Ed. .;F:otrasthe'er:. Rutledge .8014.8aalaY at Pan MolcaY'p4 seventh inning score stood in Xi% ad -Mrs. Jas Stewart, of Gode. favor- Lochalsh, but Apveral hits were bunched at opportune times which evened up the score. The last run, which broke the tio, Was.displiterl by; our umpire, hitt owing to the, late- ness of , the hour play was not resumed. Aleintosh, for Lochalsh, pitched *yin. cible-ball.for--thefirst aix_inninge and . _brightened up *Aoki, in the eighth_ and ninth. •• Considering that the - picked team Of Kincardine %wee played -the rich, are visiting their sop, Rev. J. ,Ure .Stewart. - Miss Annie Henry is visiting her friend, 'Mrs. Harry. MeClenaghan, of Belgrav,e. - - ' Walter Lott ,had the misforttine to he kicked I3Y:a horse one day last week, whicli laidlain-Up for a few days, but -weare-gladlo seehirri mound. again'' On Sunday evening last Rev. lied. Duncan, of Port Credit, a!fermer- pastor of the congregation., preached to a splen, west payers of four town lemon° teener being represented -the boys played" did , audience. Mr. Duncan recently passed through a severe trial tn theloss vieelerfel ' Duncan, KinCardine • LoChidsh 2nd Be Finlayson 7 of his eldest son, Lieut. Gordon -upon the hattiefield of Europe. • ' ' &eclair Tho Guild meeting on Sunday evening Tennant • Birst3B: meacTerLisa was led be A.gpes McKay and Cora ,ticengnslip5-1eL" the subject being "Body tinnclin,-, -,Matheson --- Soul on Top": At the. young people's McGaw - R.., F. McKenzie service next Sunday the subject "Christ's Smith • C. F. , Walker • ered by Roy M. Patton, J, P. CookandAnderson C. McKendrick Call to the Young Men" will be consid- FDrattisleinrg - S. ' }Reset Thomas Garton. . '• P. McIntosh The Sacrament orthe, Lord's Sapper • Will he dispensed in the Presbyterian churches next Sabbath at Whitechurch in the *ming and at Langside in the afternoon, the preparatory services being held on Friday at 2:30 at Langside and at 8. p.• in. at Whitechurch, when Rev. Mr. Duncan, of Lucknow, will preach. At -these services reinforcements for the _ greatChristian areaymill_he welaome& „ • • THE 51St ANNIVERSARY services of the Whitechurch Presbyterian Church -were him Oh 'Sunday aiid-Moiidn,Y;. 30 and 31,- with 'great success On Sun- day Bev. Dr. J. 0...Shemer of Toronto, superintendent of the work' of the Pres- byteriair Board Of Social Service and Evangelism, delivered two stirring ad- dresses to:large gatherings at 'both ser- vices On .Mciiiplay. evening the . Dr. -delivered-his-famous address on "Prac- tical Christianity"„ illustrated by' views • • -Monday, June 7. Miss Jean McDermid is 'home from London on a visit. • Archie Matheson has been a visitor atCP. Ific The nitisqns- commenced -work• en W. j, Graham's house this week. • •home in' Port Elgin. ou Saturdai. , 3117L--TiOrrY,Mcailtonreturned to' her • It is renorted that Dan McLean, 2nd Con, bita puiaTtied car Wein- I: Paterson, of Tiverton, , • • ' - Mrs. N. D. MeLeodancl-scn-and Miss L. Faller, Of Paisley, spent Saturday and Sunday nt the latt,er'e hoinn here. - Mac. 11.16Iniihr,--Or Sp.ntini,e, as .., -of the various activities of that - board. ,anent the week Lend with his motherr. AApieralid-tea-Wes-servect-bitheLledies Alra-D.111011inis,LOttlie and Con. Rruce... of the congregation. 'It was regretted, . (ming to the illtiesa of his. mother after The Ladies' Missionary Meeting for. tleritUTChtetither, the Rev. tills month was held at the home of•Mrs. • Dunn, of Toronto, mforinerpaster Dan McLean, 2iidConliadtWednesday of the eongregation. Was unable to be present as announced. The choir •ren- dered several selections througlieut the ervtets_in their usual effective way under. the efficient leadership' of their irganist and, choirlecider. The • .0 proceeds ' Richard McGregor' took Messrs. Dave Robertson, Jack McKeeman and Will Robinson to Kincardine races on Thurs- day in his car. • The service in the Baptist Church for f the anniversary • Sunday morning is changed - from, 10,30 services t9 to 11 a.m., on account of the L ver $400. •• • order sting to be present. , .. 14thvr.2.'-a. : - jubilee iiertrides. the Our enterprising merchant, has pur- Tiverton, on Sunday and lecture on 'chased a pod runabout.' Monday evening. Chancellor MeCrun- A few ,frorn here attended the Bark- moil; Of Teroilta, was the speaker. well -Hamilton reception. •• Our football te.trat journeyed to Pinker* ASetne of our sports took in the Kin- ton kat week to play a genie With their drdine races on June 3rd, .* teini and were successful, the score being ; Mr, and Mrs Albert 13echett were, in 1-40 in favor of ttlan,is. The ttturn „the Circular town Un Saturday. ,game will be played here 'Thursday. Attra« lorguson, of Amberleyos visit- ing her daughter. Mrs. n mppouiod, .The ShiMlier Meeting Of the Wonien's Institute. was held at the honie of Miss Dr 3. P. Kennedy was obliged to re 'Annie AieLetinan on Wednesday after- fuse two patients at the generallbspital noon, June 2fitl'. Owing to the illeeSs here, as the institution at present is fill- ef thePresident, Miss Annie McLennan eat*: it was okpiotod that before now acted' as President Mrs, Barns 'wee' lieW wing would be built as`tho doctor the speaker And. her address was on. had explained t the publie ,different "HonsehOrd PebitenlY". .1* phoo of the timenhow badly' it Wet8 neeciecit many July zatetin. the. Ladies institute and patients from outside places esniung here Xinttul Baseball tom hoe awed to for treatment and Operations. It ishop- ave Pinnie at Lake; Visit ed that a wing *in added hofq4 Orst 101101141 **OW* , *Wet *04 .it I* 0040/4t Kintall Bev. Donald McLennan,. of 'Walker- • ten, spent the.week end with his brother". , , .iki-BeinideryWeet. -let '. Rirci- Atekehefli 1 Monday, 'Tune 7th. in the ,i3aptist Chinch Sunday. ev'ening. A uumbet from here took in the Miss Priscilla 'Dalton is visiting her Wi n AM i041+te Hiknaltoi attest( lett . woo q lar Oltlt ea , LutoNAti140000; wfoln "6---"Yhtullgana 'Vs • 'Allies: • • ; D Gilbertgon S'ec' • PATRIOTIC WORK • As each succeeding 'day brings fresh lists of wonisiled and dead cOnntrYnien, our own attitude Of anxione, Waiting helps us to understand semethingpf the drain under whiehbundreds of Canadian Mai* represented , at the front are thewords of the poet 1.`anXioun, they tend heads Above those chronicles of pain And tremble with A keret dread beet there amongst the wounded or slain They Ail the one belOyed. name." bear a (Menet significance than before.. Even° .to those' of us who ere • less YitallY-interestettrit-fanailiar-namea,mong- thevasnaltieelningirtheereali$ation that, our eta of oninv are as nothing nem," pared with the sticrifleea made by. some of our Countrymen,', and Calls forth, that. spirit of.personal symPathy 014 inkes our patriotism a poetical patriotism-, • In this regard the ladies of the village and surrounding countrycire again_se: the case shOWer: to be held at the home of M113. (Dr.)- A., 0: Elliott on Thursday, 'June -10th-;. this :afternoim"),,from- to and from -S to 10, - fertile: benefit of the Canadian hospitals at the front. As . previously stated, Pillow cora shotild be of bleached cotton, not too fine4,and-slieultilhneasure -18xa4. inches. A:cordial invitation is extended. to alt ladies interested.. . GOderich lown.510 Monday, June .7th''' Mr. John Woods of the 4th . co- is visiting friends in Ripley, • Mrs. D. S., cc,* Misi Mildred anent the weekend at the home of A. J, Cantelorn- • - • - Coopervih&-haslinetsuffe ang from asevere attack. of Thenmatiri •is able to he around again. • 7-.A.:-X.-Cantelon and sister Mrs. 11 • Webster, have returned home after spend- ing a few days, vrith friends in Walton. • Mr. Robert 'Russel of Glands spent last -week with his sister. Mrs. William Currie, who still continues in very peer -• -McCormick and:children -are vis* • iting friends -in Trowbridge while Rev. R. J. McCormick isattending conference •at St. Marys. • • • IlYsorniati-On Wednesday Test a very pretty weddingitook place . at •the home of .Mr. and Mrs. George Lebbatt, Pleasant HilleFerm, Maitlandcontession when theiryoungesif daughter Blanche, was -united to Wilfred J. Cox,, son of Mr, -Cox. of the cutline.- The cer- emony took place at 11 A,. • 13efore lovely hank of flowers and ferns, beneath a Wedding Kell of flowers. The Wed ding march was played briltlifTrred- pickard sister of the bride The bride wore a handrionie gown -of white shantung silk, and a veil caught up.with 'pearls over -one -kindred years old, • -Rev. IL J. McCormick of Hohnesville performed .the ceremony which was witnessed by about- fifty kueste. The bride -44 the recipient of many beautiful wedding gifts. • Both young people are v'ery- Dop- ular and their many friends extend best wishee for a long, happy and prosperous wedded, life. - You will be Looking • for a Suitable :Gift You don't want anything too large and clninsy but something, goon, dainty and easily handled.. We • are showing a good range suitable for such an ,occasion such -as • a Beautiful Cabinet ol Silvers a Dainty, cut way& Betp. Berry flou4s, Vase or cream and Sugar in case.-,. • Special attention given to -presen- tations, colt and look OM ' our line. ARMSTRONG eadingileweler and Optician, Are Issued for Short Tenn of years DEBENnws Interest Coupons - Payable Half -Yearly . • -4\ltGOTIABLE' Assets'447,40O,339 The 6reat West Permanent Loan Company 17 20.Kiug St,West • • • • Tororau . Represented by • OS. Agnew, Lucknow, Ont. EVERYBODY'S COLUMN VTANTED.—Gclocii gill; big wa.eos laid: . dreS8 Box 263, Luck. . . . WE I WILL PAY highest market price for horse hair. MENnaLSON's Ihtv b o STORE.' . . • • 'HIGRUST -PRIORS' PAID for old hoUS by •$; • Llicknow, 13ee him ' 10 ,,11.tanest Orsk-PrIaTfiald " - - - 131itzstehroiest door-a:west of 'The Sentinel '" ." • °Rice. Luckne*. •20-5174 " • St. Helens -Tuesday, !lune 8th. 7. Miss Greta Pritehoad, of Ottaiva, is visiting here. - • The Rev. Mt. McLaiialin preadlie0 • herelastSunday.• - • Miss Celeno Clark has returned borne from Tormit0; , Me. and Mrs. McDowell, of 'West, field, spent Sunday here. Mr: Miller's vendor was ac- cepted further cement bridge -here: Mise Elizabeth AncierSon attend- ii4rtlierVattliating elan: at -.Serpa: • this week; • .._ Mr. Mrs: -Con -Decker anti ney-called Xfs, mro: . IVies,sts. Wallace, Miller and William McQuillin attended' the Convention in Wingham on Tuesday. , Ganniri Pairrv.-Preparations are under way for the holding a the an nual Garden l'art y by the Presbyter tanChurch. 'The place will be Airs. R. it IlliLlerTe oreliarci and the date' Toesday,Inne 22. A splendid pre. gram is in preparation and the, usual good social time may be expected • . ued,coutestea ;game a baseball was played here between Lucknow and St lielens teams oil Thursday everting of last week when me visitom carried' off the honors, The store was There watt a goodtcrowd, and we obeli Wok for ward tel other games during, tho ttninnier, We Weald, 4qt howstork "coot* ip#4400# 7 • • 3,10liBy TO LOAN•:•7•01ileortgage;s and ' astworekasaoinir midutra•uatetsc. oiuFfor,tenfiness.utan,c.e. ).),utti • GEO. A. SIDOALL,Arinker, LtelmoW. TEICF12..R WANTED-Protestunt, XorS. •tv•tL 3, lanloss. duties to commenos sept• ' 1915. Applications. stating' Onulifieations :and. salary, wilLhe received by the upda-- - - • signed. • Levi Boyle. • „ --liolyroodit-i; thit. •, • • For Sale Joseph Anderson, Greenock P. 0.. Will offer teasels at .the Oaln Reuse, .1.ucknow, on Saturday, June 12, as 2 °Week; 11 *Mich " cons atartheir 'oalVeS. Teri:Inc-0 niOnthe • • :credit orta,pproved joint iieteard-0 per etnie-r--.--"--- oir for cash._. 11 young calves :video offered. • for Sale at the shut° mace atui 104150. , J. Purvis, AuctioAleer., . „ - FARM Voit eALE.-,The Administrgor of listaie of Mary Erin inlatO Of the losvo or tituterich, the county. of fluren, Afatiled *entail, deeeabedi otfor4 for sale tee t011o . -----ingferni-pronertyt--wthersontik-I10-lieres-or---'' Let ,10,---1400,,-- 12, -Westr-Wawa,nosh; --The- property littlintkd 21,2 ;Mies fro]. luck- • new ahdTf:2-111110.-sTrinfi St.711elens.• 'PUS: ' •farm it all in grass and haS •heen paStUred 'for the past saved . years; good well'with _10 acres of • • *at class farthing eistriet;- -good flan* ihouSe; 2 barns and driving shed. The. farm has a goon clay loam, .Vtict is In ;first elaSs '• cenaition for nuked &miler,: por_turther . • 1,artieulars apply to J. Ryan. lioderieh, untario. Adnunistrator; or to J. E. Agnew, Real Estate Dealer; LucknoW; or to. Print& - . Loot, Xilloran 'Prendfoot, 6011eitors :for. Administrator, Gederieh. . 240424;int25:- • ' • 1•. . ' ; , itirEAIM!DIVIDRIIMIODRO -ANNUAL EXCURSION oderiditi-Dithilt.. andReturn Going from Goderich. 930.4ari.,. June 15 Returning teeth Detroit • „June I7, 2 pm.' $1.00• ROUND TRIP tinore7 MISS THIS 'Delightful trip ,dtiWu Lake Ittirem„ St.Clair ItlYek, mid take,. tola De- troitItiver-oile of the most ebatiii. 'lig boat trips to he had anywhere.' Nearly Two Days In Detroit Goderich Band Moonlight Monday, June 14, 8 p.m, rot further information Write The • White Star 141ne5 Detroit, Midi. ,