The Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-06-03, Page 6INor"""" WNW n114 water and drsakt-bed.tinte, is f00thill Y400 10 "A waft now V 'You %l000A you 4014I I MQU M to BEN$ an olod4ashioned ours for ookl. 00ts h "T.M 1W 00110 than folly at 0 it wig "I" Cried If & briI* is uW lor aa iroonotand 40 *oz*#A UM4 W014 WIN Motl COM You will ftd that the ironill-,hold It *"It 44*0 �bsor Sao" Mrs v*diooel a ' trionod. W we" boor d"tk it* he0 Much lop roy"'o " Ver *an when an I* " "doso" way -Uux4w* bk E"* for 5c. to V. &ad 40, ordinAry sta.lid is now 4p,Ub*rvM1V nwW�r? To resnoye & whito eWual - bed. aI tiou ho PT940ge 50 tw% I win roosisoin. tisat I =met relmy9Z Stead, rub iron pa,it* tood the est a" I will #row 10004 tO- **A# a 1(cliowfla ­ 411 ever With *'cloth dipped in Vamflin, of ISOI to SAVO ker. A*, surely 9^14 kaw *udolvo =*!I,, then. Vadn't it With whito �eu*mgl MW N PAK" Whople NoUr- Mbe turned owily, for tue &at time paint. vos*vg,bittedy, MEX HOLDXN W40RVADY UMTVD. bees amply oorrobontood, by U11SM40*0 revarts r6c * mossout Dootor Paxton lctolkw at. Blouse4 (A net or chiffon 4* not W4 how MA br" Do AC*zada!s largest shoo manufacturer*, sup- and letters received troni *Worg. *44 noltlers I'hor curiowly. *on turned: bio lyfor"CMAUch! ta or OV44, fox "dw, need ov0da"tii dw .pliod, witkin thirty-three 4aya, U,217 orX of lWas tbo &V44 wearlaw it r is sod." at the trout an ts4tIJ to DOMMf4st biss"It emuto In ObAy 0. in 0, toel V -er r! -o' wavo .e n Ing or leather ankle boots, and 30,000 pairs of =yo 4111411tiew of A* Amex Holdeu McCready boo ter. and the doctor �wtnt� iron, fth, 4"*1 - __V.to him with throught-he air fknfl, �W, sboes for the outAttlas of the Firot Canadian o"IMM, *mile WQq hw Ups. Illft's o irowt. 4 Contingent. the larl(efst quantity suppliod'by "T1sere wit). be tnookboor-Ip4tiont bero for to 1b 44h tbe� jeet4 ILD. any manufacturer.' WUM ke questloo, wax raised coacaralng In �hq is aid, ]BENSON'S Be sure, ru e r, EX-GILLE" COATO 10 f the quality Qf the'Cauoftu soldian' bpoU4 utod � ; RLONTO ANt. Ttloftboots were worn by Our soldiers on Awes, Roi Wotth to go out MO. the, air fer o, loug tho neryous, end unstr 119 Q4. gy starch, HIPM fa XcCroad)l lAinitod placed them- drie. Shoo, IQ utaina.eids, or !atlio 00rVicooboth I this qooitutrY and In the "Ir" 141NIMSDIATMLY upon rkird, by writlq "stir M! Cant You set 49c pww*yfl. cine trailgIAW cimpil, in Uglaxd. They were sub, _ q whih. *re injurious, to, the uqth Yfe, V40 of the World with4rept;14.664 Jectod to the most severe usage that boots to 00 00MAMent. as desirous of ha;ving tbi **t Ike as—Dunr0onetairt Before roagtjug spplV4, try. M0,4t thorough, JAVOStIgAtI04 ot�ths M tto Tb rd Q and #I;xvco 11 -41 mak- 0001,11 be ubiwt$4 tQ. "or tr*,velW ovoor 4 � Irog 0 to" 10 inx. a small- alit 1, e Way roltifl iBair the dixiWo, tolor SEA 1 through tie 9M with a, ik routh, roads and smooth. Theyadec appointment of iL ftrl�Lmoeutary Coaftitteos smil awt cls, enquiry, folowed. It I%V to his and re0do oita,m. leow, nife. This wi mud and throul got 041 4escripAlou, up, in e W;tj ,gb oce 04 $AT* efore ge, _ f bIln i'hWifir than h Ther wore WiakedL. by the never-�ft'ifng rains Oral. weekial time. The Committee stopped at Duarxven **Ikod eve . r to her wwtoepAlly. uttheir Vlitlrig� Wen, rwt- .,Aid you. laear, pewastrAtift of. Its, Of an Abnormally wet MuslJob, winter, nothing 1A their offIortit -to get;k he so,iol, VentI7. AT ALL 08 Tho t gli tile, facts. Wibost ille, doctor O*ys?- life *Ink-$ it 4- 10 were bated- 164 � hot-0oves, grillea Q*Wy 3?ob�;sbeu)d ­ogo TID M%ke toa,stiw4t r'h MQAt jS sto f ­ot- WAr* on Xtom 'WAC 100t1w e )r 0- rodiatoft *&O roasted. out i(or dirive. Will yqix go?, �J before oven fir". tjj�. avtftble In -caunda, and spared. no roWn a agoe 0, THMY STOOD THE TEST., QXMsosi In mAuutacturing-the boots, '411 our .40 onsworoll. hewi4y, 114 takwt, broik'it.in MtS ILA'd'VoUr A u oShoo, aUa herel" - -,,of 7%ef NOW York inboiling water over it. ohill Woro, me. l Out of the entire 32,217 Palra'of leather Invoices, and ailufaoiurlugL records eL doctor, lia,41 tAken the pla�e. 11?t 11 Sppft &ft were Ib9QU supplied by this compaiiy produced before the P4414mentari Com- V!=14 at perving.- ­ L, . . ., ` the mdova*,, 6 Information. t *8,, horri to mitteft for. -their, jnsp�ctjou., an .4 "If 7QU..roo-tUse, � little one.,, be Isaldioxent., be oVeu- to criticism when, **Al be III. and 1b6, who. -Will War' of '411 .you No ' ver use 4 1i 'imen :near sn 00otly. e your, A open Jl-=e, for a linii and most MO 00ter=AeAt 1011(441tY W"mado a1z months Vo had wthing, O'hift, and weto 'task for ouf� boots which were t1i 4o -=Joe, that' .1,.Will Tem U A00W9.1rtby later. veriment. - I dai T, un0l.your return, *44 that. nothing c at -In's, 0 conibli4tible element, THE AX98, ROLD-Eil UCCRuA -,r f i iout. -in employed by- thi�'Gbveru*ent exam. Rome S 10;U "of A111 1,3 V oA v Q44 boOts.'madeby oil ell 1 ot s0e., Now, o40hie �601-t 0AXE: OUT 0 A,Woig L , I14 reporie(f,to'rg , es-.. a, wa U. 0, o'". "rium ;Aauufacturqrs� hi .humber sthat Sbo'196ked -up. into ff; ey a te bf Amels. tbo booti ziupplied,, by tbi v6m�iny �0 IF; 'but she know, t4qot -7777"r, Way �Icex ago, 10 0, I -41) - quizzlea) were only..iteven j�411j,cf,boo she R01de4 -McCrej4 appr DV*bt�h live obediently. M -wore toond or 46th,er lrauodule4 y "ha,s Ldn aprooldee." to be repairXbIoj'9n6 taii' t aubata;iceO had b.eeA: en, ."I will' go 1W Auow4od., A to Unr In - th�tr* As maDy able. Aud7 ONZ PAIR RAD A ploygd, ma4uftctitre and *that all d iv. 'i, oigh of xell6f, of a o' ild, m4 be go4iled by car�- 14 o - rmies, 0AUGM chariges involving, the Integrity of thle. eompikUy. Orange Frosting,,—TQ the rafed L ill, While hful w4toWng 61. its gttitudof xn�ove- were Fneor of the boOs"Ouplill ru get 4abo Your coot.an,d hat. 0M.AgQ add nor� ea- me dts�. .,a,.ud expr , 4 ect by them -,bad Ilgoil- '004. The best proof of the, durability and Service-: abandintly disproveg by, the sworn evidence She left the roqw-, after One rnful 4,-;V4nilIa half Ole German fleet'. without! spcO ability Of the AMOO. Holden McCready. boot% �ta . the. olootors eyes,-. child who lsl�opa best ng a blow," left. t in, however. was at(orded by the, awom qq Ren before the striki bar' sP400041 emon juice A , a, - s going to, her own. poinnod L 014 Nat'and e hie hslPon, �ancl 4 at Co -4146 ta M(W 110 -session. of the 'enemy,, To 44- montA of soldini 'who Wd worn, these boota h -was 449pte4 by ge at, 14,0 with the moth Wide, * op ato� Th report, w I I lri� tho tinie, th r0cabiton In. tbo'glal". orange 1pice. Let he -rown back,- Y uishin *h ch constantly Mont, WAS &MISIPLETE. VINDIOATION Pf)A herLown it. At=.4 I teeni -th ' f L* ''' , ey were Issued 14 � g ll the. o4vant $he could 'A white ; . I , r Is -er� If ci4t the - mi'l 'iy signifia0ki 'of 'one w Ic uupe color I right through to March; 1915, -sbe-�had:Lrrowxr. e; re .-To ,appre td wan Theyr swore t4at they had" wor . n. t1le booW few li "jFA Slip th U( ecstatic 1�1 apinew 4oad let ther again The OMJ n c4Dnf"t!Qq sch-a.movemeot -we m. fore 'can. only ilogep when thfOustl ikll the rough, experienee.s. Af - V&IW- §Q bbi, Pr Mtly �be U$t Imagine 'And 0.0'' $soll. AP. n tier. 9bury PIAIU thaj� they yrdiait dairk ey" $IzeamedL from vale sPread oVer cfi�e. a'd the peoplb., of h - Dominto, A% She its e en murite-rVart in tefms -of ..Vs liqlden aeOL''With ppocull". brilliano was 'by, tb conscious ithat. be r) ho#� giveii excellent �erv$,ce' throughout. ,ser, McCready Mmited 4o. tkatuited , e I ie4d'aoih6d.',an4 it was Vabbage, SA1,4d,, for, whi-le lung. '0arXare, Had the Ge' an --And desire, rm a4th a, [sense f genuine. rolIef As desocoei�dM the 04IJot and.�Qbudd e,etiona are h 'an 'thin' ALuq WI, geant NusseT, of Torontoi who7had" er W1, -a sma, 6bell pr lhe6ir 5 ved. 'no only 9, Pr9toot theiv,wa good tarmieo retired fwelve year's k t e� i1ritiol y, appeared be� vbIch needs,,lx6!'v1hd1eatJCM with . the tho the tende-no usands #o9r. 1)eanutsbr walnutS, run .-Wrough a tc� f e -W.* fookifWd leavin the' for#, the'COMMIttee With wpalr,of such bopts.' of Canadians who -AKO; f4mill l)Ai�rwvehwas,thero*to, U104 ber U�lp �on Q PI ep - .1e. ium" food hop �,use -enollgh P,48iiaj. F , ALT W Poo w,, so that, on or, 4nd to armie lee B4 his teet and subm- the co e an, re raift4. lid to bf Fral od tbeib-ja the- pany and�its, products but also- th t 0, 'in . mare n rea Impecilon. A of, the street* her fn'the oarftae ca,Wak� .Pm n sets k o p4,, --G' h, Bibi and Important CauRoiq one �n ath-rough Weir. teraitoties, -seLzIn f in The W awaiting her. h wl41 of. these. ltizo�sse �nOMD' ciEwried a 44A ln0r hao beon unwarm�fably� gpbrsed. 40"T"I 40 half i�p o,f . .. _j�rjy -e � I I !ul vine et go return W op. must P asituat on over. Somet ng must .1 ex I e� ng;� ecising levery poo�si ring, �Ik'6f egg with on�-IiaTf q be Itone. YOU all err le� ogret it nalloi, my be odlaguos�', whi ; jig a' " ti(m in the fi which 'side 'lay qelalmed ."When, I Iga of 'irrita bq e0tione,d e I -k , To% � �Turnil)$'JR' jyhjte'Satt�e.., pool . e6list * La said, we wiMlk 46 all Stoma ��,a 0 &nt al ne dva�vege in , the "r; urnips ',an cut.* JI)g o'the.nVise 'bob sone bot.welst 'fobe A In& tl%Qlault lo 411 mine. - Qh, f -11.1a tUP 6rihl'ri would ate killing you lf d eAM 'h, or Dy over thing of which the - t But such a; Aituatin wo,uld dese COZY, 31S, a cowamon eNae' 't t) NNIPgG �rt iou aw*long ea. You need no'.. -let -P un.til, 'tender itt iboiling, broke Uh OU MQI� _ beL gertzinj L I abill �Qiver PI ON A TORONTO WI offer'ed,- a re -and � cs li th ND T" I Sa t w er, drain-, and tuFyint-o PtQnl of. OL on -set 'of. ONT N- i be, hat, it.; Will, I, 3Mvo, which liAc hp4ppeiied at Sea. "6 ness ut any extretme,tor-porim Illis e)cpreiizedon of -gitaititude was almost db -us ro- t DE 140 Irman an 'tio6A, rei;csoax -he, diai' not hi e. erea` i4p, with ond 'h&VeL r,owshi-eeo sbould - reitr aed L Sauce MI boo' SU$P Ifuligaxia e int ho. ­oiculd ot. H ttn. cloAlEA . - 1A a e- taki , 'strongly 4efe eot nded­,j �whfle thei gpiceedd hor'hii-nd, in el'.1ence, 0 I butter melfe4­ y pre.c eeIBrib�;h'and, French ex- ------- rriage door- lb.ostrted'. wt, sauoap� ailm-emb., sudi � as pea,04- the oa M3 and one Spoon fe one. flourI anstir u'til smoobbl' 'tina XoovulsivI6 4t- .ercised all he . rlihts over thie. gr�itl he T4osli Dubxiaveft, and would Who cold, frosty 'her world -of a�r-_did not beoiitatos'at . nY crime thA 1 tacks -aru nely aolww�y Srutes.-JfistGry- no'. t oeoparated. ,Food There fWas color in er checks,. a endedi, hut'hoit brown, 4en, d4, preceded I � I L, 'L . t, * oUQW SparkIQ In her JOV4�1j� iiti k gradually, Ight 14;P o an S, more � r�ei I one 'cuP hot i4"kijlible, 'illu§tra ion 7 Is the car- 'th:u,17, -for. -tho first time, Aflism r1ase, Once. mqro v dt:been 'an her -0 g un smoo a - .', itopped, W, A ., -I- 11 11. t Ider d 'she des�ende& tbat­ob0oLv,., til �4 ppssx, U6, boil: Until, lbi fl -aur is Well" Pa Jbill.ty ed tho Ing U cc hot OS, bAd the ti ning--an, -1. hoxigh ei,p s Still,' our .avy glay su e.. d turn over A 4 e�d' tun ;a 0 io tL dAg r W Moman ewo(f the Aeavt. an 4, doterpiuutifiii h-1 I 014APTY41t X11r.. cookM74he P, Ihait, liquor ever dl ind �f Ibl6w Which sho w6uld co %UdL in fstrikiIig;the4 Allow was e4tijig �by. th of. �Sthel`e bliat I am e I n.,her - S, bed, pith, b the forde.ol ho�r ho Was cpiite�iplaieod Jb­ Wi In her h ccusatlion., 'ttoonet linees, er , -V u , -, the prdb4bili d A' of'oe � qrwiird . *04' her' 'elbows will; that urself Aeaning, f o. side Ih0el oco�44 eom on rai�—Cwldrefi w te" y is 6ie4tor or , gel -obedol- L einnaul L rrib,16- A a.lad b6r ence by willfpoiver, so !,so we 14 OiO e -the''rQrdinary toa everi-4eek *dileod'L to-- the: -a-UtStio ey tj tb4t- 9 StlYr ponL ,She, Was dd-� -You-00 sfth 11 -re 404. ispoirite, clanamorx to,atb� wh(b)i is'.made, by f tho.,diAst. ust. expect, m,eo uncertin, irreggi b for 116 .,Agbit; WI lie musit ha' ' b ' Ole had, thought 'dead. Y,11, of Vrhe, war, ,.were, it only. cause ve,: peXt sfittlng� were . I 1 1. buttering ivi P, there � for wh'ch' lalf an c 8 brea'd, to' bi hourI,,�itterl!y oblivioue* of. $be opened the front, door,, with - 0; latch. as ng ple. to.otramVe on you.'�If you make every �the relafi�.e suterjo Ahe'Bfit- ll&4­10ven, her, ana. and spreading ith &-'-m IS V hin"noo4w xture.,, QS a- do, of-tho iseago. oJ, tjm�, �k0y­ whikiDunrIvIsu t;1nU starUp the stai ormat- bf � ourself, �oolo 'ar.0- h s,o, y increasing. dll't claim �Luch godliness. I e door? ne ken, en. 'when h 4;And Dunra -6.110 tv o sugAr to one T h e r" I': illogibn. ed boy", 9& was, ittappir;,e " on1v 4V-iiian, 4, .1,10, so'. *teduftly .She badL comb'ihst to t&6 turn of the re to owiple. mani, ith -airs a OU wonde 1eadill1i ter, 64 icr ff. .70 -A. ing st e0UId"ft%Ve­- b -Wedk womlini L r -Wbi -i;udden1v a tkc� nbverva you ffaver 3W, 91*011 up =V love-my-� life to-ber? 'Do, -in. appearance. Tbe- U.ji6anny, �Senieatjon modeelesellY. with the unealin *oun of their sbrengibli..Ahn thrQug4: German navy �v*4,'capbblio, of: reww lf, -1er--A"Po , ra —W wled --o)f'the�r:w aneis", d L Uelio- W 40 eft._ . , Ing ge '4Mr Ank upou� wb- --ror' skno 'ering. It mo $6 -'ifiAt - Gian4lk "the thl -Vol aa Ad'mikal= As oJ7ror ijokod'with­­ _ _-d 'T .4 belpmii! You haie neier-underisto6oii 143, felt le�s *AD .0 ut,her., 6" 110 _, U IesJJ' o it bo a 'vaUltL thall'Igt"alid.11 .. in AOtWliftid- her, h d di thom in uve or yourj�w aftko� 08'enC6 of IfteM­ -in, -b -6 w, Ota.., she. read� belif . loy i:4 Ver.., Op yOU- w en q prep*rgd­nIs M R ym, fto i�tarwd a's.it, abeligil betrayed more k'' . emoral 1VhEI fore 6r--Nathmn Simnson in the act of. cr Igo(), haf aStbe fle. b allThis is ore Mg lili!lff up n the umbs. hbiq Ifit'tinded to, t. , 0 ''. lowviino Milr161,0godon'Q room. XI, dial tn as, U4. E,vidonitfy, (be, obs(wvedit, -for,,bo an He was upon hisfeet.now and bad ta- L I I 0 g& up nb er anil the daughter c-'s,to see thoh'. go -it would of' J#,nd sh'vill lais-te boit�r too. curiosity ..of him, who wisb ­Mwere4. gently ;ezi ber'b , y tlip. eboipjderg. , She, bad thrown L She did not Ie;Lauso. it seemed Ithoe good, -Muldl. j 'her head back 'and -was *01-ni�gh inivosisib e,for her'tO mo*4. She million4lre. ..R ubarb an stared up at him for a moment. in, 'atoni qu "You bg#o been very loolling f ully for himself fiov.otilo dark Side If So;, he must have ppn. iekly.- bi illlwp not - forgotteh It ZW6'r for her 3trfl,w�*t , itr tho eye, and blria-half :eUpfuls .6f rh rb, loo1'-''iSL like 'it -0 sesilence. He ad � IIAAMOToift' OVor',iW, 011APTEit zlir. Uba of I S 11 the, inan dii Y L S'�& Ot an e *itd, t lhjblp� ni� tli�t' ioa,g.ave up Anse . WA, stood Pe�ole&ana'diceod fine; o V -L 'The truth at tbe ''bed - At: I aai�usM 'of An 7 . I.IlaVos not, the, *oUrage to Ion leaning n. liel ger aett br sureriod at, a companionship so no -half P-, whotoio,ka torch" i bp` 4 po,wder-' in' this Very Um., fheL'Ad'-'�. her `hantW a*a*, -and after a al�41nj t fohe: ill , l6king -0t -ble mill to see :whobheir­�t'woOd 'mj.ril' E146 di�w rgfige,; A418a, abnost ft6got'L tb6 Aerri r&is' s;, 6ne ain �m little weikei than, va. ue. bthadowy t rror in. Igor- tha-L johic, � herself was -facin'r- ed W,'PrAL.PUb, bs, .he,,awful, ink-ber to oblvero of Aup�tqo­ rvGiStoue;.-cover a's surprfak not tery6r, that'llildo: he d in) or n6l. o, t 'e reatest nava,.­-,1j,*qr 11, -7, e r4c at h.4 rade tayi,nbt bextk- the, de"pki uJi tho- b, k a, a4..%iAgtL Go her-faco with sinkhig,* dawn, upon sones: , ive bive, witlibsedd, together. but .1� She -bro-ke-th"rf n M,t6r a moment Of *surprbsedL eiloZlce. , he to td -I You tdie"trat-11', and then 16t, Fou herself from, it was tAr- le to concentrate r -e: pleaPlae'with pas ry man loathe. me -W.a Lin 6 ,wit eofi& I "If, you) don't ut your- 'wife. Ito, Aie,. rot and not � surprise thab: mad6 h Love's tabor U4 11cok both ber hi-lide in b.' akil draw, bliel2j, hate''.Moc, if for,,.MY to h- ideva;ble� superlol ty, k ell L �hub I . , . : . . gthL at 6 L-i a."d Lt e4c dry JMY' edlie-,- You, must A cringe under �-,tho gether of '-siren ono frow her- face tale v h sister,' anich foaoct6r, at oilbrink back#� a6i, j�ugh &,:Very remoti �0. lia. d It wits not, (for, �h Ale Istan . ted -as ft 'Ohe. Ud six "'b' ed, d had er fron c,ound Aof that soift,:,)Diirring, treq arb 4D e me -iorey yqur!liQm6.,,, milit.. oher6us a deailo' �4 o6k wni. r s, an g&L pie� lui r voiver wol Ill -be., had bi64rd for op �0 "Diel" lid �apod i to er sa but !Q, ti, 'eypn. �oj. he arue I could not bear . to leave,yo, ,the last time., .,L a -is it lidiselble that I W -the,matt'ej' *4011' 11 see? 'Why � pretty ono�., op %bat, love 4s, 114W taiat'l -call riot acw I *IQved-ybut`o" trongL wo. a "Yes ,:,ohe o iake 4, givoit him - h so phit6 - co�er aocCJjJ'L tille r, broathink. Look Into 'ken" e':enMy Ithil itink islowly%do*n. a said O'L YOU %, her sec. SimoTison a-sked,. 6, -wea - th on. ecall hip SeLiaton to, er Vant Make bo4 ty min- o :substautially yu , I i _`m1ir4e,done,P­ t d' 1 PrOM. i6d. e be -home r.,. tl., t' 'is Vot; too r1te., 1 41 noi AM last Ahiee words, -1-ingaringly, f ace I D 'his. lialtod' making, .'.,her 0, mot �ofat6 -oven, is MY �pit the victory Word, seeimed.to h* 'at I thatt in e . of kavo. Your life f �il.l itis. happi- ulitil she reached VO, teet,. hiir -face:N&ov- from his aetbamv 'Re did not' Ouse fin Yea know; mnr your' poor, 10 11(1FV1:Tor-(h4r,,L Pjhiii.�Is-not iYartb-it, hm-,Ve . olbbain6a, -h - Yon ered- again- )Vitl* her. iazl&, her -whole � "but, Varned:w1bli. 1, er reply 'to ea)�rpaipa..and I liave.grfeved.ov,pr losing "Aind d'idn't 'job &;�ue is own po- ishall not 'lose, all that, is beau. 'bed wowiftin "a' I y �quiverlpg with 6615o'.- COS P!Dve. know, how We bad searched; world wo Id -no longe; or a. time'. b,, W.Vuld''hais been lecis.hard of hekrt., IF mOnt for wlifeb i9he, would not, have Vsaul Hints, I ;suppose."�- otood. there gaven I 'Ogdon� told ni� of beattiful ad- y equokt6: fle6t." -Ca-ke Ting.—If cake Persists W.%S it in bowillerment,' 1116 rrozo� : had eu�tc�be4 hel 3L.fted t hi bro bi redit froln.bi a -lid 16ft be Secure b froi4 'him and liad, ar!rleu. 6t L 1. . 'a -`but it,,.never tthi I 'tale strog Gerwa 'did, knoW-­wbere- he ha& gone, 6ndo-Ocollired'to me,that ftcoul her ell. he 'Idi-ned over and ni'ot!d her diU6ik'to.,th1 hosehold, ti W101(o e-04otbooned q M.P. gently. donlvdee an to.ttg4 hick.a-ou ouivoring mitli,un .,�o] he Isaidi 1. Softly'L -d be - mt 'in �sbioking to the new cake 'tin Y. Stake its' d. I ".1 orifelso alid Abe as-� no� b� a own Ailsa: That is but evidence IeTflot-1 nition', menta, y, at estruotipn on 'to illquil,0,.- --He' th keh"gL �bfe o cost' no 1. lesa-tbaA` Jlf- of.how iotnall 1e world Is. KoW gfa&,pipp, ww, hly- and sp-,C on, th& 'lob, how, little you .I- Jw I" 'She 'cried that you hive, 6dirprJeed me bey6nd worda� tooll mijiutee u1neod ill., if thoroug the Toil ou"*�, hive Of course it"Is all �nohaohse" thw Of, im. ith di.41 man.beside' Was: I I -and I the e 1t Will. & i' pos,� Will be,wlien -I tell him tba, .1 have found 1 . 68 eeli iollderst�oorl. Do YOU thiul� .,luy owoMaL ) : . . . 11 . 1. stove un,ti vei ot but do not n Wis my, loathing You you from 'L ' 11, 11. . didn QndQ .or (wicIe jibe openoi!d. her month to e� eat 711,prev"eilb of I'Mrb +ia Oreatknough toylel.d the sari-. thfis ihousse becauee of i�hat you hav�. said.;.:, Muiiel wais not, therof burm lhe��tim et�- any,.,Oreidi�,'-f6r making ii,ible �t s the Some Vlaii se6me i-'- - 0 . I., L I tto �� onlwkd �� 1. I Ord, g 0 o ontr braIn, 6ven id: tale, I,qQkeil 411to, qio� to remain Ailent tdk�Fxdftfi or 'K A You d1dft',t.meAn what You� have and Oc- there,, but then Abe treW-dzed oc eel W,I]L,rbotot,it,Lal.l,,bef4ore.the da: tor�s strong, Itin<UY eYeso;,for eb r has aia- found it , lould alt be. Shoo would,, "D §e wAist �oif an ordinary hoiise�dres$ Olt, i xcuse t4b, r e , U a. I . Ill 4 4X01A' the ,him, but that- he -blooked her a W4 atch, V sbe gasped.' 'Tlin6w that '. room- here; fully compreften i g ll� oalwa�s vo��ar out first, alid 1i as' YOU. WOIVIdL wlj�h it.''but dt iou'i.truel'is ' W-hell'ohe 'waLA Idno,with tho� ici n, istood 4 S: .0 bitter hatred and terror. buL t, O I ' " hPlike" ' lot 'a L . 1-i smilb L i".u:wo �Vor 40OUChs, 06140'stid Distempers andat ithe 11rit WI.iom-Dartravexi had izArodnerw, t r Made the deepen, IL"n YOU from. .1 love yen.- I'llaveMhaways loved 9a Dcctor. Paxt thr4W theo, . aiw&y� tlxo,�ah t v 'Of PAY' Such MIMen, the day you,oi!Ame there, into out' pretty on', :4,be rwent up t ijblo, be6timl e dy. tow the ,,,t �,,Vivo small doses ofthat, weliae -kiome, %lid, ohooz. bee ifietca her exottfule"t,j, er N' itrotjdtence. - . . . ib bie nowi!, he, nov -1 SP Evell. lidlid ­upbls *i go back wilt q.r' lo A ..W.ell 4hen. f OH , HIS 01 ru) U then -would havw--wuin-�yw frm-ati -arm.� - I , - 6 - -­ � ed, d 'he ikb !STI�MPIE" OMPOVNDI� I already,forepd,w the fiffture she bxdls:imo�d, eager- denin ' to her, OL cut I off rt, at the al d. I I... . L I .. � ... I I I 9 VI -toll" Of any 11`1`119910, - de*** I .. 1Y!- 'Ido, ou beheve- hi. b notfi3m f ha� .0 TWI doode �hoti r, 1-41K that kr.mvJn - itle gite --------- g pia -Una 0 fr -0-0- —,t.o--.,t - b L - - Ire-- ­11er Kindby- . ­ � she had ui, fmithot a ftite, abd grjel.r 13 but You w6reL blind to, My S YOU "W,bYP" No 4110stioud, gekitly, 0 '*0 116C 'ea0h �ide and- V' belt-. 001IN MEDI'CAL, CO., 1jasSiL' 1, ' - do not, Is well. se after t I CF? . I j, . . utze,'df You bicc illsal" ,in wer�'doif,to the eou.ndt-f my v e.. hat eakes a M09b xcellent kftchen- Chemists and 04 steriolog to S i Coshen, nd I UZI UQUIGenOW LO.MY,89111 but if ou do, th d- p liu................. ­JQr, 0#0 -she �spxva-u vourand, -would have z,44.1 qd upoh - Verh nil Tod �Uft ,lielp ..Me'to osave that baok upon the ber� atmi,- landifIg of li�q knees to Abe dMid` 61 _WW70wrth POO! Yourla, -wife ;who, lies there, ther -1c ­cback:.6f. Y -0i. 1 saw "u­nrAd8-)iwm.;:an t of -hex rn aotetUd"rib 193 -0-" D I—Ve, ing ore M.As' r- o. cridd,L hca"bly, prees and da 6d net lift niv cr husband 'al(d brother, but her her Ureast,,in. w. vai,n f- 'the' baiy'-, hi h chair mid thab nii& th of h not-iosm. 8.116 is the.victii.of--hor ill the * her hoaxt. - n , " Aii, hie:�-.- Oil, I e I cin teai.y ieqZ`,,90 d Oe�y him lMot! Do ybu thbik ;* bkL the Wall bea irb is fioti oir? yean Vha� are -youi, --ilone Yea conjol, go ba talking wr Z WIIMUIY(�. saveT. 1'ilonc or Yea 10r- Ono-, 71115ple A )b-Y,Ov.er , irbelming - vaelon iiJlz encountered Murfors, tai- 9*f1al.borror that fica:VmO hourly Oat' d11g w1f Vd, ftit- one little -Otlini �owtrg? Wait; bho, neVbk­t6A1scoVer any, Itihotep -,r st,,�cd it fo. I t t nib Is :,our R000thig, oftionifort as, dobled md,­and now,' In fahor ords? -yoats bo-mube I thoukht .:it to, �iitfy itattOrM Ite's '41 —1q:b Roduc' Y 011*0 who WOW14116.1idV6, a 1, bine hair; *-'You lolow ber?" she. g;ihpe& Wlovt me beauti- yo.. 'our. Urrible I have - gonem ind -the, 06d had placed- upon me.- d Gditi4l pratod 111dOci that I call, You. Surely L you "I lia.ve knowa her, since he was , 11t' the wbich He -had 4riVeTf - me bbemme - ire ty. to ful. Pearl will Ypu Ivii tI6 chil(l, andwered. , genitly. I pkty .011, Ivil I ypu Ivil boar but"I diII91 ad 111tt*A6t, a4fter hay- ow Fire- ha, bV011VIlt 16� ifito tho, jvo�]&" -W, t6 'put - IIS, Oed ban fii it. Them to Id .-olirpol 't lVas - lwl�W',ng �4gein, it ou00111411�,ttod 9, - ter if -fi . I = - f�w times,. As 49 1'�Wjll not �rol" Ing been, r, fill abouter- W Met tenderlY to "Lis, %ooxitlnued.)� (To be -j good 6 fh' and, are, You I(Ilowlt dhey were tr, L YOW away. 1911 I Yoll -and, if y6a do nob poc.r 3111rICA 1"' 110" is' 0,14, 113ty nib, U14-ke your tywn ttlo4t1gation. gave. them a bath in oil; the.11 1. �. .. � I '00!�Durlr%en-' Itut'.0141 lit W vut� i1fiere ling_ love, ill illo 'of. her ovVu.vOlitiolil She tog the M,pldM' Iif ter.' Wbi A t0y'6�404'11079 Of. tbuch. And vitim �of her S;ater, Wh6 coulma-kids. bell Thd gk�!&t gro,Un�l Uh hey *ero poliA0,Pwitil -�, of 10 11 - J.y Lefi -0 e a -:-b '41� h, she,iseNned to realize it All too, her 63rol, I AQL�yoft� --coc tZ ifovoi�ddan e Talsed bvr eye -anfl--1 ho ed fall, Into lt�a Divfi'., 0? , 'toixelr a TurM thinko she hi. twenbv ye.ars ago., hab just baeii Th) toftftow of.thd flsrra�& with bei 4 u0ned, of' her loatboolyle Pa.' -d4 VahMM-. -.-It V�,&& bilb OT t, ow6r. aLl`k The givot longer tojvict th' b1i;o: 311tiel, whom Aile.LkI16W an4-h&too(1' -1 at and' oWeAr is divided -into two ascomes inu. e -bY �Ii a ina e Obt gt x4vo ptions. The 'P'er, BU`G ap atsy� Me, lookt-j then --stid', tear- oer a to nd beg for Johedrug. d2Y.'* 'denlr 4%) losa ,saw, lier -lift er lihii4­itud llot reqUire t,04di is fordhoAd if%thetWeen.jhd oyj%. Are fusoproof oiod,& ift inindfiddiial Whiihm are trifle d to. ve her .1rdin.. She line"" of hO Owners and 'Agnts of ther lIng; Those -9 years ago Theroad fidIfed deteri4iiittidn In- her e3f­ utl t1ibl.ollil I You axe madl Wthat freeholcls; 'the AetalM Section to lit, their flour,t-Mmi, poitrin, 6 d2 preceion. 0 (6tiVe 41M sta givin _bwstly detdrikelnuilou batter, stnd th6L Ailfa watchM, *It& h6t 1ea hot . after rt, iftemboling "You shatt know that iqr;6d All, giVes that have: occur- Zor' free � boo that dbowd -a. ber voice quiverIng ill hot, how .0'I'Moit to,'Auff6dation, Ahe Mo*,DfintV0!kl A: 'et r min 01de '111 ken Mk9fl2ke"' chinj them, � so, that It wtis aadibl bor asred 1n, �he t,��en, rhAe yout. C&AY alightly. Her eyes'unfitatoned , Sasuft9 re, an' to 'him.. gto6ft Idn se4teh 6f Mr. unVI to Puildings, rightrif fi d selves from Nutlet an4. wandere covering !Made bi 116 WtW still 16619ing at er, tho olipfea-, beg Min, tq )sewl for aid, oand saw 116V- inverted. Redpafh)in,W94tWA5 bf gdJJtI# olty' ItroZen upon. hfA obujrl, Op 'Wiltb �000 ownef§11 are , 'to sit 7 bo Alurfel—in his oom...-hsod, her confess inatly off, csle$sl. per year t4 si�y enatice until'olt appeared lilw4ost attipf& ­110r.lov& to thimo and when #b6 discovered 60WA ift the nThe ,map wits -then. Canada!s o4lgL r"Will 7mi-16VO 1M, kho Volco th.&b he bad nothing, 1110 DAYAO her, estimalte4'oAgiInially to Cost famefs- wives use of flour 60,- Sugar. Refiaory., 0- To of the '!*ho.w-rbe Joe h6 elie.exorted'heflnfminous power over him, I !4f M"uhtwo 00 bttL white, and L ji�-&tly Of.$6d, L . - sdm�bhd b-een 'hAf tfi L' L 11i 411f6ld lit Ulltll �V p`f4Dmf6od,,-t(h1V i f1lib NOW, at I'd" thin ee donoth 'ebb should take her Ahl I r� 4 o -at No did n6t reply. VS 490. In addition to is emmed, der, thd nidn'll. prgt1dc1, tt ht beditIng so Jolkil sho -you sblvei -and 4fto 4back., TetL I o#bar to, the, *Alo, and die, the WOO iwwolrAd also 11Jnq#"vX' aa $0— 01 Map, Six-inch, a woul(I MO. Y61i'tit Wbat, I hm*a sobi.fd .4s truel, I ida I owns "Witf You 100 me,, The horrible - 0a that I a' Will And that fftbf, 010�thg will be Swear to bw own showing building -r�quired Aha. the ashing will not Wb eT6400T4 he anewored, dull X 11MV6 Me:tt6d to on, Theloo In, Year to YeAr by the 'An ind -0he ibe, flieh, ,V 1h Nfu ri-I �o upon Ole 916�Mehbll I reftof 61t,tieii ,a -ValutV at of Some` 'be PO 'ent Iau7';JJr 'YO to believe in mod help Ime not w"t out as qufckly, Chook I110111. N., r-, AAU;r6obar6I 110I V. dodtor o% '� AXIAM ed, 4 ry, of horror. ikt. nhThow. lips to, loua thooso, hPA';DreiMedr tffltl hold� 6001,11111 quarters * rip Of ken jL Uged� oPff'P6ge" beat r ftfif 'Vhcoo r6lilosivo Iflial siijar It no, Iofikof. Turning, obiti Red bgIeft, ,iotare overwf6ugbt 10fig eoligh Lam, M-Ahe 0bin Of the doubly bo0ayod, rwife. oltUx oo'A *0"- t&' tdU4 the 6UN 4nd, born itg fift. 00, 46 The situation. wa� wdew@y elour to I've iriotvdliatliing M110446b.brildiftoVot Wall WPOkoo,;-To id- 1 Cloth BLag bee*'.dII6#M My m.ove, tAe A 0 it alod Cartons Aud bet "tw. hitve goio would die of Old ago before it lyful t -b -of bt�no d4pip- dear, childo, Airs'. Dftit�vtjft hag JU!W&ftM oulaleel any POO. 4114, 64b, 10, 26o 80and 10 16. 010(himl tkd 'and tild MtdProsis wig ujAng ., thia WWfdlL 3halao I Uohi her ft0ler, a Wowith gtwolifii, tie-in a 8 th, 6' W tly liko i6r 1114 Wtia otio it doublb ts. 1111' � ne�ana ��Vill bo e "I" 6 td, dbItu ft'llid 'fie)tt'bo I JIM*o 4100,,ra bift, "61 Ift t1146 Same 400" - 11 aon f ill the, dMIne"D lace itr-Ithitt he VA6 in iis!104' b�V jSfto, uns in. bquar.b of vvoter po, AI.Jittlo 0 et- tzblf 11040Wbld and topf4'0 of k It rwov,. teJtb ttbr& hS,ofloti oWreful 'not tfir 6 *,,W direi6t froin th Mi* whero there i's ap 0 4 Z Sol 6 ;Ulostroat I I't 110 OR 9 t0ftlld Of 0'V4b&,V 010 44011 ft I$ bUre" IIto a A w t kof d tom 1 ahin ; f, M0 ea d nui DE Ct K E� A I INIT- E 14 II