HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-06-03, Page 3CUTTER & FOSTER • AUTO -.: AND. BOAT TOPS, . - Ford owners write for -0 'our catalogue, ' SEARS -CROSS . . Speedometer 'Station, 179 Queen StrettWesti' voorrto, ONT. • . STARVATION OR MERCILESS TORTURE A oboiee hieei. starvatim or• merciless torture, is thediemal prow pect before oil .vietinis of hnhges.! Ibr. although they ar.e necti• Of 'fixid to nourish the body, they' *re. afraid ,to eat,,,beconse. of the. 'ng• periods- of paltt *Pd. • diocon/- •:fort that follow erten- thelightest .. of meals. • .•The nrgeot.need -of all ho.0.4er hop . indig.estion to gain •,otrength se • that. the • stomereh, • can - _extract noitrishment from the food taken. . Pain:.4114:r loatiug, is• the way the .s} tomi aoh sgniats its • protest tliA t Hi too weak to do nature" work. To take Purgatives •is'• only. •• tO. 'aggravate the trouble. • Dr. Wit- PinkPills, give new strength • . to, weak stomaells beeneethey on' rich and purify the blood' supply,.1 • • "thns . enabling the .stomach .to di- • gest food naturally, . Almost from . •- • ,...4"bs.e...,-.irSt the. -appettte-rervivear:- the. . • .• toed can be taken „,..iWithout.pain .exci - the. burden 91, indigestion diaap,: •• Pears; "Ilhe .following• 04114e ProYea • , the truth of .iitiese statements. • W. 11. Silver, weaft.:known farmer • living • in the.. vieinity :of -11eniferdt .says:. "For" upwarde• of, :seven • rears X 'Iva • tortured ..with •• "'•.• indiges- tkn;- sonLetipies I.w.aa so'bad that .1 • • • WoUld. not taste. • a. bit, ol. beartl food, ' . but ...wou1d-.1.rive; te...fentent hit of stale btead. At. timc 1 suffered',eXerneiatiji ,.Pains in ni? stomaoh, and could hardly sleep at night. I tried vari- ous, prescriptions, laut got no bene- fit from them and naturally I was in a very, reduced state_ of health.. I had come to believe that I wa.a FROMam REEN ISE SEWS BY MAIL PROM IRE. IAAND'S SHORES. aPPerings In the Emerald lele of Interest tilrbdts men. As the remilt of a royeterioue ex- plosion in a; Dublin whiskey distil- lery a Vat oontaining 3,000 gal/ono woo blown up leap week. Mr. Wm. ()Whom, proprietor of the Londonderry'Sentinel, and one of thc best known Irish joy -1;0104l3, has diedat his Dewy resioence. The rell of honor of Queen's Vni- vereiPY, Belfast, now numbers 374 graduates, undergraduates •• 'and. members of the acT.C. of the um, cluthng :the ,granOehll'aren, who are versitY. , • really the ,worstoof all. They are Acting on, fresh instructions " 'Mt• :tha't •eannet even Wed- rteenft.,lAie BoYal-Irieb.Cour, .11.4i°4viat-g.:.r.rykaafToS4..anse'jgilerini?ascoen- Tohue; hairy legs and spongy aust tinligiukte/ac uwripectialawrain. a glee/nil; and we alone are left '.without a Mesors.• Nuyum, , coal importers, home to our becks, for we cannot Dublin,. occurred at his residence,: get into houses or barns,' and, even Brunswick Street, • .1 • the Very manurelieap is ,sereene'cl, arta•1 ROW -XurPhY, Newcastle," inktrio.plaee to -hatch our eggs; .9h, County Down, who died regently,in dear! I,am, growing so shy since I her Olst year, left five sons, three IniVe.heen :Swatted at fe ORO thOk , daughter* 45 grandehildren and 52, X dodge at 'every; •moveinent. No- great-grandeirildreni `..• , body 1048.nt me 14 a friendllr WAY A gigantic Scheme is on *foot that any. innie. X keep`out of reach, I will light the whole •ot Ireland by can tell you. Oh, I wish the good' •electricity to be developed at Bel- old times would return." reck by the Water of Lough Erne, and at Limerick brtlie Shannon,A It is proposed to Make a. A complete Nova Scotia. aso‘ Or !oterest. to ..A11-1Vomell "Thnes are not what Om used to be for us' flys. Ali, no I Far from it. Why I remember," said the father fiy, "when grandma., in whose house we used to live, told her children that if they killed a. fl'Y a dozen Would CAM to the fun-, eral. She Hever harroed us, bless her sainted name., " f9tes," said mother fly, "and grandpa, would let us play on his bald head and ,walle over his face when he took P. nap, and the worst he did was to wrinkle his hose and fan hishands to show his pleasure. But now! Ah me! . Uow .4ifferent the grandpa's ,of these days, as well as the rest of the relationship, in- Aitabulary are about to, enter on a general. • reel:140ns cAMPAigo 411 over Ireland, - • • • ••• • ....... • • 'The ,..leath of. •Mr. Loftus •• Nuyein,-JR...:, bead. of the Arm Of domed for the balance of my life •ilet of the names of tbose 014 130Y8 to this most vonstant torture, w.,hen of11.,nUntic.Y.• Pa001,, •Dublin, who X read of a Case similar to my own 'have eoine forWard the defence eured-Arengh tire use of Dr, Wil., •of King and eountry, Hems' Pink Pills. • This gave inc Dublin; Belfast; and Limerick new courage, and I decided_to try railway workers have passed re'sco, them. To make a long stery,short, lutions pressing for a grant to Irish the use of the:Pillar for a couple of railwaYrnen, of a similar war bonne mouths completely cared me. This to'that eecured, for those in Pig - .is some WO ,years ago, and I have land and; Seobland; . , talk of her peculiarly unfortunate ease `1.bacl-no-retiirit.4, -the-trouble-ared --11-4mm-eer'14-residellta-Pf-Gastie-'-'-"r--Waff"--nlYMWV`bilitr • and -dePresse d. 'felt weak. languid and utterly unfit for any Work. My stomach Was so disordered that I had no appetite. What I ditt,eat disagreed, .1 suffered greatly--from-dizziness:and sink heart= ache and feared a,nervons-breakdown. lonfitTs' CO., Breckvi,1.1,e, °Th-ofee.v_holudecaelidliu,strouweitniogn_ 4Ahvotheelawtia,r0;h; IlYuao send sap. 13:, HdroantiltiSotn'Is rpegsm. mestdation awt.„,ttr, wayinly„..the.7.19.15...16ohnizir felt-better...st,oace • vIvery...da. ----filiproved...weeks f Instruction Congress ,which was te SuddenlY Sige'.. lave been 11 t L , woman cure completely ter er, d'f cliff Hal ax sends out a Message of Help • to Many People. • • • Halifax, MS., Dec:, 15, -When inter- viewed at her home at 194' Argyle St., Mrs, Haverstock was quite willing ai able to eat 0.$ hearty Mreid as anyone,'' •: • ean .get Dr, ' Willia;ms' Pink Pills througfh, your medicine dealer Or or sii boxes for $2.60 from The Dr, Wil- wellan are considering the feasibil: itY-•'ef --it-publicTelectrio lighting in, stallation, 'the gas Woilcs being mentioned possiblo 'site for a 'generating station. •, • • • TheStanding Council of the Iriih e a a,rne. • • ` •ent phYsitians had failed t� • help me. eattislr'larmer'-warrtRie •t:lasr divwloirrlinr-orthe Dtibluf Itzts-ro-r-tutirre-iii-OtrtbarTT5fiongil -sealing some Wool to* barrier, and and South -Eastern Railway Corn- urge sufferers with stomach or cl,ges• - 'atter weighinglt the yari pany is noW almost Completed, ab.d ptiu •.t,roubles use 3.,.„ Hamilton's t to make out an nassenner trains are now Tannin°. :s• welt into:taw; • -.9 , Dr. Hamilton's Pills strengthen' the revel:Co. iCothing . back ht missed eVe'r the Woodbroke and .Shavia- ; 6.• .°11e66° 467trb-0-1-37-74.14-ilidt :65:4'z'rt Streetenthe nerves and restbre debilitated' stomach) Improve digestion, strength- - on a shelf behind the outer door 1in.. — • .. and glancing. atthe bag of wool he eYsteres. to health. By cleansing the . • blood of long-standing impurities 111/• Observed tat* it had suddenly in- Rale Releegious. • triaging the system to a high point. creased in size. "Min," he said ' of- vigof_tkey effectually. chase away i• An-nerson-•-"Vntifeltr o that. -: -the oarrler, ri.ztie Clean forgot. weariness, depression and disease. • tin the weight 01 ithat bag. L -et, -43 ttlinoenb,eGairoirme arreieeltnopuesroi.nr arp.rweetyen'or: wG000mdenf,o.raoung or old, for men, for , pit it on tlie,.. einklee &gam." ' for children. All dealers; sell .b_lale, hii, am.. Murdoeli-"Ay, releeg- Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake; and , • dIrlyr7wiair -gejAlci:the:11J3,4°:t g."wfilsoe'its'u"nd;'708: ions like 'is gran-faither. D'ye ruin' Butternut. • : ..,_ , I be heavier 14 the • weight of the the amid sang o' he seventies - cheese inside.-. . A_ • —44------ , ' `Ten' thousand , Frenehmenlaid -.IAN NDIBTNVEAEA ASKE- TS.-- now., invoiee- Wes! - - ---' . - ' ' ' ,----.. • ' • ' iniae out, and the creatfall11 car- below . „ -4 Praise; God irtsfir .atrer orvri'eeliet 4miwiassY.e.cl T;thlieelelillneetc,"7ijavale, ,,,, 1, ingg Ithsw • ' " ` Prbduets to Market •In Spring band that scone thief had tolen the . hiPg to the Yard told her hue- wains'ia7.-,".8,'ve. heard it. An! .*hhi , . - - = - - fit for this sen's ower a dizzen or .As soon as the roads are fit dor , s Chee'se. ,...-"Nai 'no, Meg," replied P' his 'ZePPeline tae 0643 All '&41°36°11 come from their homes, bringing in foot travel the Indian women will the farmer, quietly; ,,I, hae just Glesca he'll be -sinefik-- `--,-- -goo- wondrous oreations. in basketry and telt the &eel°. for tiva. slitliin's the things come trim above.' ' Jitind," • • • :. ., , When a pereon the throat 'insert -the Iiireatigeliblia • press- down upon. the root of the Itongue, so as to indite& vomiting. If this.fals let him swallow a large ' piece of potato or soft bread, and theSe fail give a mustard emetic , . quill work. Throughout -thewin, ter the women spend t,heirdays and Eaty. eveningsWorl__ on their basketu,_ - Malawi -1-'41f soMe _one Were so IfT,t,ak:re :practice*. :a ...year to 11144fOrsecl as to call you a, liar • •colonel, in , what light woad you regard the act?" • , .,ItentriekY Colonel:20'T would re- gard it Simply as a form of sideidt9- wage q.11ope For 'WOWS pntlag the, Weigh of Cott There are saauy, ruloo for @eti- olating the weight a Wittis by measurement, bit on oil the Am, alOritie6 OP the subject says that MISS MARY SABOURIN TELT;$ Tkre no rule that cornea near- •ilow SHE rolagn nvoint, • er than gond •Snessing," end that "no two animals will weigh alike Suffered for Three Years and vow omeording to measurement." Loon; nowt Tin she, marks Larteaaruutibeo,tygcoodfartt are Ay, Reed Hoild'e Kidney Pills* is to Anti the superficial feet by . Quoi, litay 24th (speeiE0 multiplying the. glrth, just behind Tired, ran„down woman van real a the shoulder blades, by the length message ot heips.ift the..stateraaiitot. from the. fore part of the ;shoulder Miss Mary Sabourin, estiMahl,e blade‘to the root of the tail. la* living here. In a statement to Thus an girthing 7 feet 9 thepublie MiSe 'Sabourin oaye.: • inches, and measuring feet in was a Sufferer for three years.' "length, would' contain seven 0,nd I was always tired and nervous, three-quarters times six or • forty - My slop was broken and nun_ six and arhalf ouperficial'feet. For freshing, X was troubled with head. cattle, grass fed, the following is aches and pains in my back. rhad given as the weight per superficial ,beart flatterings adcl InY .anxj 4°1 y. •. , • (4' th less than three feetr-1A WAO *reeked by a dootOr.and a poundi; "girth 'three to Alre , feet-- SpePiAlist,..-buta-nothing---seemed-to ifirPoundq-girtir-five- -to seven feet 40 tale' •any lasting, geed till I 4'-23 pounds; girth seven' ,to nine started to use Dodd's Kidney Pills, feet -$1 pounds. ,•.ore' 8,04 ,took blot , three boFes of • Thus the steer, s A 1*.r above 'Corns them:" • - • • .- measurements weigh 4650 litany people seek *revile; court worry. Some of you are not baPPY •11241444 you are fretting over some- • Whig. It is ate unhealthy state .of inind-almost A wicked *tate of be - ng; for your Creator did not ip- tend you to fret S'Your life away, and in doing so deal unhappiness ,to others. Consider God's good gifts to you, and thank Him every day for the MAW hleseings you enjoy. You have but to look altyour neigh- bor to find someone who is worse ,off than you yourself are -some un- fortunate whose trouble make• s YOUrs •appear Blot a pebble beside* •a boulder. Go, give your neighbor a, cheery word„ 'a little lift on life's weary road; and see how quickly your own trouble, will 'sink into no- thingness. Pon't worry -and: num, d9n't worry. , Nine:tenths ef vi,oraea's. troubles by 31,,or pounds„ gross,' Un - come from siek Kidneys..- Sick 14d7.. der thiS rule it .4s 'usual to fledu6 rigs their duty of straii'Ong one pound in .t.went.Y.on half4atted. the imptiritiee: Out Of ,the, bleed, 000,e, fr.onv fifteen .to • twent7 Tba. eans thatpois•Cn ancl-diseaSe.: pouncrs' on a.cow haV,ingtiwo calves, is 'carried to :all• parts of the body: A 4; • ,wThitthe Tausu4e;:inAliivathlyth.,1,6:114thdiii:e,:sni4eile:usiasal4viEnt;t°tsuinillts:, "EverY sai4:•131:Poie U.berh` -"thinks he's:- right .mos' if de .0,171c., hairen't used them ask yoni•neigh-•' - An!' de res' •Of de t th' $ Mistakes is puffeekly..excusable," Cure . . . , • . Ouarat.tteed. Isloter-ixaosvu -14' talk; ode without sofa in '24 limns. Is soothing, .. healing; tame the sting riot - ' • : 04 , No ^Tefttedy so ll11,00.14 late and sure aaPutna.m!e. Pain-. leek Corn Extractor.. : , .Sold ,. eVerl-: Whera,-250, ner bottle. . -.'.• ' ,, ----'14---44-';: X Veit XS Tot Uri ,- • 84$ the ;scale is the only .trtie stand3. ard. • •• , boa` about thein. Nearly. evory fainilY Canada . is using or has used Dodd's Kidney • SONS OF PEERS KILLED. Heir of llfarquis of Northamptori co!..icKv auLDREN Ar • Colicky children eau be promptly onred by Baby's Own Tablets. be - ',for fitinara'_or and Skit .A0 'ether. Wadna Tale A Highletichnan from. TobermorY. asked 'the priee of a railway twket Deed; Others , cause Mtge -Tablets aet 'directly- on from cittim the h ; the Oban ilw t "S lists published include the names. them of .1all'impurities. Concerning math," • replied the clerk. "Och Of More than 200 officers, ma-ny .thein Mow' ,Test, C. Slater, • Sum. awaf," replied Donald,, Pit's far them:. inembers of the aristocracy., N.B.', writes: "I have .ower deal!. I'd rather *walk.'" Ancl ; used Baby's Own Tablets And am off he ,started.' He had not pro-. Among the killed are: Lieutenant. W. F. Rodney, of the , glad to say I lithe found; them, $41 ceecled far when the train came exceilent medicine fer colic and Joss tearing along, whistling as it, near: flying corps son of the late Lord of sleep The' Tablets, ed,tbe stmi '"V meedna,w311..#.1e medicine dealer's or by mail at 25 for me I", said Donald ; "I elide ye Compton, a lieutenant in the Horse 4ttardSi• son of. the lite Marquis of Northampton and brother, and heir of ,, the Present 111a_r_gniu Lieuteri-. ant Keith Anthony Stewart, of. the. Black Watch, sop, • of the Ea„rl of Galloway; Captain Erie Upton, of the Bo al Ri es*. ' so by ervetrident one•-darY---if lie. -WRIT _Templehon. ,• - • •like a,‘ Food reciiie for catching ,'Lieutenant-Colonel Lord li;,* w.„,==2,====esuto,0000,,00ksou:koss Fatber's Oisudseent. an 0.160;347 '', • • PaoW: Than Who regards; lieense to 'hunt' as a, good invest- ment. • Orauulaied Eyelids; a ,Iu!'4Yes, inflamed by. . sure to Slar.bithfandlisfl rylicklyrelievedbyMorlat • e ditelsOSC Sillartitqr• • •expo - Ly, Rye Comfort. At YourOuggorei 50oiser Bottle. liarisetya' Sairekeruhea25c.PorliftoksilkEyer ask 'Pruggott (4, SlifliityaReetalyte,„ Wile's.. Sultan oi Turkey, Abdul Hannd posseted about two thou- sand wal:steoats. Three of *these were bullet proof. •;, - reinaeirs Zdatinent ,Tounbermisttfis _21`101ft. • .0f.f and unofficial easlialtY, stoma& and bowels and cleanse ra, ay , 5 a, on. o DouglasO' cents a box from The, Dr. Williams' Medicine .0o., Brockville, Ont. • • ' * What -Is ' -A e011ege professor mho was al- ways ready &Or a joke was asked an offer •aince, an' ye wacIna, t it, ye can gang on•. •Im---no- conun' ." E- bits; 'Why, yes,". replied -the pro- GanudishiALt-he-- -lessorr.--410hat*--itl"---"WellirSratt". leis, is listbd as mounded.. He !.4 trench _down behind a thiCk Stone, brother of the Duke of Devonshire. .Anneug,the wounded also are lieu- tenant. Charles • Huntington. and Lieutenant G. Bruce son of lord - Bruce-. ' •' . , , • Called Fora'Rope. An Irishman applied at.the wharf for /work as a 'stevedore. He was only four and 'a, half feet' in height, and the boss Was dubious. .:".We're loading 300-1b.. 'anvils" into that: steaaneifl said he, "and- a- little :chap like yoursel eouldn't handle nnA kneA wall and inake a noise a. tur-. nip," 'That maybe," said the prdiessor, with a twinkle in his eyes, "but a better,:way_than that. *Odd be far you to go,, •and sit - quietly in a bed of, cabba,ge, heads and look natural." •. Rad' anchor fall On my. knee and zeix the boss _Rota him to:work- Pat started to Ug 14 Ilea filYeltAllhg -r -and two bottle- cured. me, -- . • handled...the aziVillalai;:bard all 'ilght. • , PROSPER FERGUSON. the -hold when. the boas, heard • a splash. He ran to the rail, and, looking over, saw 'Pat struggling. in the waster "Thrtyw me a mitre !" he yelled, as he went ,:under., Be Many ' came up, called , for • a rope and a .g73,0,1n. 1..a.iieli(7, tsng'wb)Ifyolttlhett toshethies Went under again. .Again he r•ose' to the .1_ sure, •. ,!!..,11 vau. don„t• ,t• yranny of-'ar-child:- • , • • „ . •gather,•prepate and weave basketS. throw me a rope," he sputtered an - Frain - one spring to another the grily, "I'M going to drop this an - woman 'ii,. gathering- street grass, vil.", -., • ' - , basswood', bark, •black ash, hedge- • . ,hog quills and --white birch bark for Laws of the Moral World. . . her work, sometimes having to. go 'Miles into. the woods to...peel the The moral world, like the meter - bark, slay the 'hedgehog or gather lel, 'is.held in a state of Stable equi.: creek. ' - . - ' • some . waorlide librium by the combined aetion of two laws. .. As the planets are kept the ,grasses ' .friim The sweet grass, which is a wild in their orbitt by the balanced fragrant reed gr,a,ss encl....grows Ofi echinteraction ', of the centripetal the basdr,s-of creelos arid.perids, ie and centrifugal forces; so tilie moral gsthered_in..the....tail.„4340.res_it,20an universe is maintained in haranon4 be Woven or sewed into baskets it. and se,ttled -neW • %yr -the com-Ple- mentary action of the two, , great laws of -vicarious lave anti - p c f Sp n - • el responsibility, stated by Paul, in these siinple terins-7-"B'ea,r ye one another's Widens," ,that being .., the law of love ; "Let .every .' man. prove his own work,"; that being ,the_laW of. inclividmil resuonsibil- ity.---Itruce. The cargo was nearly -all Stewed in 1"• has to be , rolled across the .hcit, gar,. Taco of a stove. When it has been sufficiently rolled about and ab- sorbed enough heat to rnake,itsuit able_ for her purposes, the woman ties a knot in one end and hangs it head.downward upon a, nail on ".the ,outside -wall of her house, 'or- hOoks it over a tree brunch in the ----lean. This grass, has been used:by• the Indians for generations,. and •„ although som,e.....Commercial basket .--r-:—• .1rannfacturegslitiveliseguir-rits:wer their -wares do.. not have the 'wearing quality --of -those-Made liy-the-tfuilaw women basket weavers, beicause it is not dried by hand, and thus loses , ,Other.`” Work done • by .these In- . , - women is of white birch bark curiously embroidecl and -em'bel- tidied With hedgehog quills.: Theie re6plitaelei are trimmed with bands, .of sweet grass and tasseled off with a fibre made of 'basswood bark. This- fibre, which reseanbles. Coarse yarn, is made by boiling the bark ,. until of t,he right •consistericy, then drawing it through a hole in a b.ons or -store. until it is. tayiEle.d:4ut - strand's. It is Wen' dried in the sun and when dried is ready ;for .--.bi`P.Minf: or lor.Viliitt4fmr,...purpose it is to be put, ' Black ah is the Woodmaterial. used for basketry. This ash is first pounded with a 'doll implement kw - til it begins to split. A heavy knife io then run under the- strips, Care- fully removing them in. the desired widths- When they are needed they . water, whi. softens the*, so y ato first WO in A bUttltert of .F, ' by 0494 thlitt 111 A baft? of Waiuren antxonuanwebe trodur, lieulturwinagsulie,,r.: 1 eo .., be Woven without mak Og.• Or cliunAl.1 3sHwive.trierheiddige, th:g gotp.jaiisare.a,, ., ...h0: "),Iy. little reidebn WWI 640It• wits . bark rhe pu a tg t wo.,.../ divetio (trapo-11its. . oW MA' is growing FrettentItyibc Cla misty weather ounv an ,weU..Wen asked if lio .• blillable• to basleet wearing and .Wants his nulls or Grape -Nuts, he takes her materials outdoors, sib- brightens up and /*into to lire op- ' rung on :lie peutrad 65 she works, boa,rd. Ho wag no trou c a Wean SeVeral her neig(hbors will bring, at 01,-4holes to Qtapn.. tit " their werk.into her yard 04 the Naos given 14 Canadian Poet.um three . or four 'ofotliem .0114 While Co., Windsor, Ont. Read .they weave, istoring.the ui„tists.krte, Itoti,,t, to , wonvitio,,, in pkge, tirely. . "There's a Beason." , ow. nonton, In* been know. n, to 'Aver read nut stove letter? A new stub appeati trona tinsel to 'tinni• TheF ..... , , prOkill0 ten million eggs, ore drouluei 'Unit Olid IOU Of IMMO* Ott3f011ta • ORONTO'S MOST- POPULAR- SUM- MER DISSIPATION IS CITY DAIRY ICE , - CREAM—the demand has spread from year to year until it is now on sale In nearly every Ontario..----Theresee-ms-to-be-sonftthing aboui the.:.climate of Canada that makes it the _ u a. a ia confection that, everybody ctfivet in warm weather—infants, invalids, children Or •irown- upi. it makes:no difference what your state or station* City Dairy Ice Cream a Most refresh. 7Ino1 nourishing and digestible. foo -Satoh, filisgrintinettlOa ithopkeeparo ...wk.- 44.12.212623494444 . Itfo iwaist toi awe * M eery town, WHEN DINNER COMES -One-Ought • A -good appetite-iTthe-Tbest-Sairee; It goes a long way toward helping in th . is absolutely essential to health and strength: . • --Many persons :have '-found--: that Grape -Nuts food is not only nour- ishing' but is a great appetizer,.and childien-, like -the taste Of it and. ;grow strong a•nd 4roEy from its uie. It is, especially the food to Mako a weak st.ontach strong and create Jin 'appetite for dinner. 'I am 57 YOThr'S writ,es grandm,other and haVe had a .vedk-Atontattit -221 ' lidthouch. great care .as tcy-my'xiist•-•17-enjoyetl'a reasonable...degree .. ofhealth, but never, - found h • anything -to- equal :Grape -Nuts tie a standby. • "When I have no appetite for breakfast and just eat to keep up my strength, I take 4 teaspeenfule of Grape -Nuts with good rieh milk, and f when dinner comes I aln gry. While if I go without any breakfast X never feel like eating. dinner. Grape -Nuts for "breakfast Me 40 make a healthy • aPpetite sinstivs Liffiinent "used by- Physicians. Wallington's men and officers of- ten fought through a 7•Vith 2:/ 1 e cam- paign without ',receiving a letter from home. 4 • -,• /Teen Minitrtr's iLlnimeat In "the ;hens.. HOME • . • . tentiset-itinly. -SUMMBR V.! SCHOOL •••;; aux ,n4 airciusw UEENT'S • .UNIVERSITY • .K/NOSTON, ONTARIO • ARTS noucstuni • Maractrir• s SCHOOL OF MINING „MINING CIVIL •• ELECTRICAL -- ENGINEERING Amimennmeminsmoromramer • ' pI PILES. You will End relief in Zam-Buk the.:lurning, -*stinging pain, stops bleeding and brings ease. Perseverance, with 7.am.. • Buk, means cure: Why not prove this? 411 Drugosii and $tore.s.....1 SEER- POTATOES. E4trir CODBLER POTATOES. spostallt 5elootd. and - 131-ovpfamputr--- inovected for eeed. only limited. quantity, PrisailOne Dollar- per bushel f.o.b:13rainpw ton, Also Connoisseur's"' Pride( and Nair Snow, two excellent- new -potatoes, Triiess, Two 'Douai's. per libel:rel. Special • pr for quantity. Vash must aceom. 114rI7, ordera. 11. DAwaof4; BralTalk; ton. • . • NOWSPAPIRS: FOR SAkIE, PROIT MARINO NEWS AND aou 0E - ' flea for sale in good:Ontario towns. The most neeful and. Interesting et All bneineseee- Ton infonmatien tient, to Wilson ,_Tablishing ',Company; 13 West iAdelaida St.. Toronto. ' , •. WaROEIMAIIIMOTIS. • . _... ...... _ ▪ , -47-1.ANCER,, - TUMORS. LUMPS. -ETGo - . 4,...i 'internal an eirlSriiitl," cured' With- oat pain by our berne Areatinent. IN'it. us . before • too' late. , Dr; Delirium „Medical , V0.rDifilltqa,7Ciillitigire-sd, 'ant - ..- -- - . - --- --- . Vi9.„;,,P• • riga' • , - iIr..51847.4ai.:':1,i°gtr.4.‘4.1gwitorC::CYithiT.-.0:a':.spt:rs:4.:u...d..t ;:nr;;1g, ..e4(1,t,4o7, PM' .1101MUN aft CO,. 41.4' tiOntlikk a net THE PETEt'RBOROUGH LINE. ItariF canoe can give ion Satisfaction, itis a "PEtEREOROUGH.." 4:1waYEi and ever the acme of service, model, model, strength ; and fl* 1h Over fifty, styles and sizes. Write 'for catalogue: 'the 'latest canoe is the Peterborough canvas covered. Ask for illustrated taper. Skiff " for the popular Outboard Motors : Power, Daunclies, all sines and, pow: . • ers. • 'Get folders..tolling all about these 'ttO-prignorto.u4tt .00111Pitft kifffiTEP, • .PETERECiflOUGII, ONT. - 4 'fa:I/era-tern!' Boitorn Motor Boat -• • • Freight, *Prepaid to an y Railway Station . in Ontario. Length •16 rt. Beam 3 Ft • In., • Depth 1 Ft. 6 In. ANY MOTOR FITS. . .•• . • . 'Specification No. 2B eying engine Prices on xecniest.. 'Oa our, quotations on -.--"The Penetang Line" ;OommerCialt.and Pleasure. tauniehee, Row-. beats, and Canoes. . ' ,.- ' : : , • , . • . . * . THE:GIDLEY BOAT co., LIMITED, PENETANG, C4:11.. .L...k.... • NcINE-SO.- EASY MADE IN CANADA ssibt 11 „ " :Perfect' Heat For Any Kind of Cookliie • CTRIKE a match -in less than a minute the NEW P.ERFtCTION" Oil CoOkstove is giving full, easily regulated heat for any kind of tqo ng, ThelsIEW PERFECTION gives yoll top, a cool, comfortable kitchen. No Mad, no odor, no Coal, ashoorcl,ondlings. your hardware dealer allow you the NEWPERPECTION today, 311 the 1, 2, 3 and 4 turner sizes, If Ile can't supply you, mita ' uitlireet. . 4 ROYALITil 91 IL ' °INES ilISSTitilaULTS IMPERIAL OIL OOMPANZ .r AgAivaits - LALL 0210 Aladoin, efplitdati