HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-05-27, Page 7• InoRmutrufte 11 * Window Boxes and Their (art'. • Providing your box is the right depth, ,you can grow either inside or oUt pFactically any garden floW- er or vine. For 4utdoor boxes, however, you'will get the meet sat- irfactory results from taking & leaf from the Wok of others' experi- enoes, and Use those plantswhich • have proved to be hest adapted to •• thrive under the, somewhat trying .coiMitions to which window or stoop 'boxes ire rather apt to be tnibleeted._. • ',The „ plant a szshould- AS Will keep reasonably good • natured underboth too little or too • much water and not become pee- vish 'because the wind persists in coming around the corners andgiv. ' big , Then of course "yen Would not think of putting n• tuberous begonia • In a sunny spot any more • then A •geranidin in a shady one, • $o here ,are just a few helpful hints that if , followed in connection with direc- tions AS to • soils, fertilizer, etc.., should ,glve you the- satisfactory re- • ; sultS with _window orplant boxes. -. For SflmHier. • ' TheOld. Standby 4Windovi box trio Ls , • geraniums,: .'t white • Marguerites' and the variegated Vinca vine,, to • hang over the sides, The Marguer- • ites will bleots for weeks and weeks „and the geranium in the. glacit sum.. •mar lang. Another gend. combination •is Sweet Alyssum; Ageratum and •-Marguerites With 'ecliging.of; White ' Vince *Vine. • • - A delightifiil effeet is obtained , With heliotrope, white or light ,,pink Geraniums and Gerinan For brilliant effects a, 'hex of Sal- via. with the Dwarf 'Zurich in front,' tall ,8plendens, at the back and edg- • ed with 'Dwarf N urtiuma n won- 1 derfullv satisfaetdr • ' -Dora tronicaL effect on stoop or grounds- try, g.combination of • Dwarf and Giant Cannes grown in Plant hexes or tubs. c Dwarf Castor Bean or Ririe -Mr is also a good tub plant, Plant Dwarf .--stastitiratirts=4-iourk17:base, Single Petuniaa. Boyers' colon) fragrant, thrive and bloom entire season,: ° i4alVii,i9car1et 8.44 Splendenin tall variety, flowers' are intense scarlet .very showy. - Impatiens "(klultan's Balsam), Blooms chntinually; bright, rosy, red flowers. Sna,Pdragcn. Mixed colors. Primrose (Obeoniea), . Byer, blooming variety, mixed eolors. Lepton Verbena:' Best • for fra- grant leaves, - 14ow`OrowineFlewers. Heliotrope. Frairaxit, velvety, purple. Ageratum. Purplish,*blue fig*. ere. • - Salvia (ificarlet • Sage)., Zurich., wart variety,showy...acarleL'ilowA. Ver Etlghig. • (Ranging down 13 to 6 inches).. Lobelia. Uracilia, deep, blue. Brin- !: • sA. 1 dwarfsa-r V,1 ta gY r. A a e . BroWallia. Deep violet,. flowers, a continual bloomer. Monkey FJ9),Yor,,, ,spotted lowers. - ;Latena. :Flowers are .,a11 shades Of orange and . • Cigar Plant: 'IScarlet.fiower With 1)111,44nd:white, tip. • . -Verboints. Prange -a of bloOnlw "•beautifitl colors and.altUdes, •,t • 'Long Vines. • (ganging down several feet), Nasturtiums. The mast.popula,r. Coliaea. Seanclent, akes rapid growth. (Cup, and Sanders Vine.). Large hell Shaped purple blossoms. Morning Glory. Quick growing. Flowera blue and deep orititigin . Mancettia:Kine2mct _19atapPe iew,' . • Maitrandia. Rapid climber, tulbe :shaped flowers, deep " violet and White. . • Blue ,31Zienflower. Flowers in arge"Clustets. •• , White Moonflower. Trumpet -- haped blossoms, `:snolk wbite - Short Time: • •iN/ le vecV raniiini. Exquisite • •grew Po...ii.n...t._4011.0, -ar•-r-the:Teliage ly •heautiful and when frost threatens Yoh an .bring Mena inside and.have weeks of glor- ions biotin -a. • . • • - Y ge • dorm white, rose pink soft •FlOWeri_Pniple., red, Piak. , , Flowering= B:egonies.. SeveraLeolm. ere. •. •. , ' • Tuberous Begonias. Variety of colors, bldoin continually Primrose (Ohconita)_. Sverbloom--. •of variety- gw, rimson. -• 11-1 es,--Howers •' • For Autumn,, • - Per late autumn, Up to the time the. show flies, the hardy Chrysanr theniums? espeCiallY-"-the -pompom- FoIiage tifeet Only; .:,types, are . ?indexing. . Before „ frost nips' the , Dracaenas. Foliage plain' green. ,plants .bring then] •and they green striped yellow': or bordered will, bloom until after New Year's..., White or orim son striped pink and •For Shady .Spots. a . -white. - " 'F'or shady prams 'there are un- 43'00:111,•Pern• :fortunately but few 'things that • 101' Edgin,g• -- really thrive. Ferns, however, al- (flanging down 3 to 12 :inches') -.ways do well especially the vigor; ,Wandering.......Jew, Leaves,_- green • owl Boston erie, which Iiiteqnally ree0ind white, variegitd..____2_L_ happy in -deers and out: • ' ...Strawberry - Geranium. _(Mether - -By glancing' over the e be- of Thousands.) low yon will find. an_ interesting) , Ice_Plant. dwarf .habitiL:•-vier- )froupnig:icf-Plants for both sunny ie•gated flowers. white and anct7sliacly plakes. " " 'rose oolored. For Sunny Plaects-Tall Growing :Artillery, Plant • Flowers. • Geraniums. --The easiest An infant dOes not hear until ; anci....bist • , q°, • • the third or fourth 4Y after -birth. ' ""••••‘,... • `1$ , . • 1.,:oferS City- Dairy Ice- Creatn.--(when. they ' - an get it)...;litindteds_of- Uscritninating Druggists and Shopkeepers all Over ,Ontaria, !appreciate iti'-tiniver4lIgoi,tiffirtiy-iiid7lafe • secured an agency -for it. CITY DICRY. ICE CREAM is the one uni. sutnmer oonfection-it 'delights the , - entire hunitin famfly frorn'infancY to old' , age -and best of all, City 'Dairy Ice .ereain is ,a highly digestible food rby,Srbiro by .diserlininaileg Shopkeepereifiektotivhere • Watch fell* .thtto ORON • ON .- WOMEN'S • WEAKNESS AND gEALTII PERILS Anaemia. Comes, so Gratefully That the Victim Scarcely Re. alias the Hold the Trouble Ha a Upon Her Until Almost la a Deane. Wornan'ts' work Mere wearing than, man's because it lasts almost every waking holm. There is. no eight or nine helm day for the 'breadWinner's wife, and often she toils under fan greatest cliffienlity because her strength AA below What it should be. The woman wbo is ingloora_altdnY-inZmery-Often .care less about what she eata. and &ea, not keep her blood to the mark. It, bee:ones thin and poor, which makes her weak, headachy, tired, breathless and liable to pains in the bock and Sides, the scourge of her 'Ise3c,---Xenv-: blood will for the womanc.who tired oat, who aches„all over when she rises in the morning and. feels on- acCountably depressed, • She Can 0* new: blood tIpwi. and drive aWay ,the pains.. and achete and tirediieself she will ,take ',Wil- liams*, Pink Pills, They,haVe Work- ed.' 'marvola forether rWarnen and, will doi:the• tsamq .for yon You -ars weal4ctired, depressed ,or suffering renehackaolica or tAdiSachest Mrs. Miner •Tityler, Calgary; Alta*, bays `-`I Was -so run down ,•With anaemia that I could Acareely Walk without aid. .1 was not. able, to leave the house. bad no color, no appetite;f and was constantly troubled . with, headaches, dizzy spells:and -a-gerieral..disinclination • to move about or do anything. My _friends did • not :think I would get better,. and-eVen the doctor -was •apPrehentive. was constantly metakin,agpraasieledieieni:i vocibut doindindalydoa friend -'asked Me: if I had tried Dr. Williams' Pink pills, ,and I decided` to do .so almost as a forlorn, hope. cLusecLa_few_boxes-there was a, decided change fol -the bet- ter, .and p,eople began to ask what 1. was taking, the change was so .nOtaceable... As I continued the • MIN SPOTS GAT STBONGER. van New. Se Seco Oil Vicar)1) Willi Binoculars. • Eleven Years have elapsed singe the lest pronounced appearance of 'nun Penett, 'this is lig* theperiod for their recurrence,. and photo- graphs a the sun indicate that the spote have appeared. Any one with omoked glasses or ,e'Vfll a Pair of binoenlata COP Hee the great dark spota on the sun any clear 4a.•••• IrkhO Modern theory advanced kr Scientist* is that these sliota affect the earth'e weather, eause-thiinder and lightning storms, greatly re- 4nee the temperature And cause increased precipitation. From photographs first takni.on 'April 'a, it inapparent, according 05 'scientists - that the -regular recur, "renee of suit spots appeared • at about that time gin:linen then theY have ibeen inereasing. SO much cloudy weather. followed that ' per - feet_ pictures could:not be taken un- til 'May -2; ..:a114:- 'these- iilatea 44* that the sun spots have increased in 'axle's, and have acted inato' as astro-, nonters said they would. -That is, the large ',snots become •larger, 'then split up into. sections ene large 'spot leading a lot of, smaller. one across tliO. face Of the sun, aiS; LL m04011' ben leadS•ber chichei. : • irrevions ,observatRins. 'That . • a, 'lower teMPONiture, _rain 'and oyele- ....pie ...disturbances !result from the appearance of the .sun spots.every Li 43. ,•weyessioara2iarsectlinliny, b erne out by The sun revolves on its leads every twenty-five days and the sun spots are there 'hidden to the earth. By the time the outface of the 'sun again appears exposed,to the earth Wile for mnoh. inventive Ingenuity it is considered .Probable. that. -the With, a. view to facilitating rifie-fir- Spots will have been. dissipated en ing at night. Two ingenious de - the flaming surface of thid.'grear viceshave been, perfected, one by orb:. • a 'Glasgow staff -sergeant and the • ' • 'ether by an Australian explorer. KEtp. YOUR' 'Bk.glr WELL At night there is difficulty in direet- • • . • ing the muzzle of the rifle upon the ' • enemy -owing the Invisibility of 'ens can keep eir e the ,ordinary foresight, To Meet *sloppy and healthy by the coca- this, the Scottish Musketry . in- onal-use7td-Palies:-Cown--Tahlrett. .structor has fitted the ordinary ser - There is, no minor ,ailrinort of little vice rifle with a luminous sight. No opeethat the .Tablets will'uot Cure, alteration in the- service ami. is ne- and above all tbsy,ire absolutely canary, and the night sight does . • Pilis mY--qator-camer„-back;--1-colkt reiiia-froni their use. ,Coneerning front -sight;, for daylight shooting,' Says They are .T4 'Very Best pau, TAILI4S • SODIVI3 KIDNEY PILLS OW YOB, JUL Ile Suffered for Pour Illiontbs from Sidney Trouble Nut Pound quick Belief When. go Irsed podd' Kidney . Commissioner for tho Dominion Government, says, that never in our etatistival history have prices at- tained so 1)..igh a, figure, either for cattle on the hcof or for meat in the 'butcher shop, or* te-day. What it will be next yea'A when the full effect of the war is felt, no :one ean • .LOM/on Without Wail. Of lite' the Thames has hes)). a deal too full of mate: for th‘conl-• 0 tort or convenience of the inhabit- ants of the Thames Valley. Yet there are on record several in- stances whore the contrary was the ease, and the People of Lond.on saw the river bed practically dry„ Stow's Annals' is an .account of an 'earthquake, which. shook down many einirches and houses while the River Thame,s "wasdryed 'owe, tthheatoaamll elotirttydo,enboancirt ivila4kweZv7:1: arruntasing--ebb the year 1158.• , tide," When the -river was again low that a Tana PliOlb. ride over it on horseback at 14ondon Bridge. In 1687 aotreinendOus gale blew for thirtysiX 'hours. The great :storm blew straight down the valley.of the ThenieS, add kept, the water back, 'te"Mlbheirt Jt411,1;b71e6d, -thi"esidage*.t119411:83: veiled, and, according,. to..the "Weekly .Packet, 1" _a•paper of that itatihei'bneeiocpwle .4cnrdessarovthee*rivcibrrakcOoet, while the sands lay so clear to View that a• -silver tankard, 'silver 'but- ted "sward, a gold ring, . a, guinea, waned;pthi:krelcionuga;lnos, articles of value Sixty -Nine earners Ont.; May l'ith ,(Iiipecial). -- "I' .know that Dod' Kidney Pills are the •very , best of medicines." &telt 40 the statement node by Mr. J. A. Rill; a well-known resident of this place. "I was eicit for eix menthe," Mr. "IL was contionee. - • "My troubles otio41 4 :roma celdthat seeined•to settl6 in. my back. - My joints were stiff and I ,had cramps in my mus- eles, my -appetite was4itful-and-1- was-heavy and sleepy after Meals. I had a bitter taste in Ply Meath and 1' was always tired and ner- ._".1 , used our b4es of Dodd'n Kidney Pills,,:and the great -benefit they did meis What makes Inc say, hey tare -the hest. of medicines.' •' Dodd's Kidney Pills mire ' sick .liklnle3rs, And Mr.• sYloPtonis are the souptoms of- Kidney dis- ease, consequently' he 'found. quick relief in Docla's Kidney Pills. They always 'Cure Kidner disease. Bille.Firing in the. Dark. The activity of the sniper under cover of darkness has been resPon- • ea an ,Sitive y no injury can• not_iiiterfene--with---the--ordinary erelictratid----dszzY sPerg -ceased, r ont.; writes :. "There iono medicine to eicaeting tests and a i 'eat my meals: regularlY,_.the• 'ri,-Rnatd,----Icxngiitr---Tlhe-hevr-•.:sight-•-haF-be'eln'n"--Qbjecte'd- , as prove as 'efficient; only lOtirrnisses being re- ve corded:-‘otit.of- fifty-four,roundk 111 to aatriril-urider-difficult -conditions; by and it has been applied to machine - 25 guns with equal success. The Ans- e trill= invention consistsiol-a quick fa. led n weight and took a new interest. in life, my 'burp . being coniee havei told.many- sickly Women .,and: girls what Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills did • for.me and and Tng urged them to. ..take them shall feentenne-tf.r. -do know' what a sp1cWdidiriejne the Every weak and ailing • woman wiho WiR folio* Mrs:z.;.,T,aYlbr's eit; ample and give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a 'fair trial will find new health and strength ,through their use. Sold by all medicine dealers Or sent by mail at 50 cents a box. or six boxes for $2.50 'from •The Dr. Williams' Medicine..00;., Brock - THE yar,AN, Nms_Atilisgssos. • The :Preach Iteview --of-,•the War Rises to the Rank of Literature. Nothing more h been published upon the trend the war than the •French offiei review which is appearing in :i .Atalmettiin, the newspapers. Tho clearand lucid summaries ripe the rank of literature when the, r viewer quotes Germa-n diaiies an ettera taken from captured an dead" soldiers.- intimate Germa victory was at Opt part di -the co scionsness •of 'every German So. dier. "At ,the inenient of.the be le of the Marne," says the review r, "the first impression was on 5i a failure of comprehension, an of ituper.''. But as the retreat con tinned, a process of Conversion be - gen, to set \ in in the German Mind The vast Teutonic force, in the pin of:condition; with,. allnost ._..balf„- eentary-01-1:ireparatioiri---wge- aetu ally shaken and 'turned hack.. Th official expressions of vietory n onger re-echoed in the minds'. 0 e fighting soldiers.' The battle o which was in reality n nearer Calais than the Yser, !wit its terrific less of probably ‘2)03,00 Tentons, seemed to, atagger,:-th German mind. The failure. Of the ; cantareLo Warsalv_eempletedilthe.disilluSien ment. "Untilduring the last tw .mouths,' 2 lays__tne-,41501,47. yth. 1itOltia:4101111-0.4- of the .,•13,ii4o,fier have alEadriiitteil that no-one could any Jonger say on Which side Nib . And_ recentl Zi on a •e o ace speak of "the imminence of ti,;rnili till,' and economic hemming in o Germany." They discuss !taw liDS sibility of Germany finding.hersel after 4143' war,' 'With tiopty hands and pockets turned inside (mt.,' On January•,fganofficer of the German General Waft, #414lir- ed, said "Perhaps' this struggle .01-des.Pair-hairlreadytogdn.k?:-Per haps it has) That is the wa.y of tIu iniesspi; .Sro sucli truggle of ae- vpair can ever set,i0 in the hearts of the scanty Belgian Soldiers Who have fought valiantly a losing but a glorious battle of4heer defence. De:Snail' is the hat:Wilt and Jot ef the aggressor; and. despite 411.•our sympathy 1:01- theliosts of honest 'and ,.hard-working Germans Who . never sought War, who hardly know what they arefighting for, ,we Van - net Ibut fed SatidactiOn that ti/Sin against. the /Annan race Should be So 'fatty and :certainly punished on earth; that the way of the aggres- sor tihould be made hard and:peril. bits,. be his name Napoleon et Wil - helot that the wages of arrogance Should be despair and defeat. Martial Men, good aghters and. ChoPrie temper, have 401 , And otted anger -nails. :\ • e •1 th of` I 'know of mt..) good for little ones is Baby's Own,Thbleta. Theyha certainly been of great: service: 1110." The ,Tahlete. are ' sold • Medicine dealers or by mail at cents a box him The Dr, William Medicine CV., Btockville, Ont. • • The Far -Flung Battle -Line... Alexander • the Great's ,ca Paigna,, Caesar's wars and Nap eon's three -fold battle front se limited and. almost trivial wh viewed in the light. of one day ns of the,present war. Russian •_Austriensuand ,Slavs.Struggle in P 11.tondi Galicia and on the slopes the Carpathian -Mountains; -West Central and -Eastern France, et - e; • Illof .• es of sight electric flashlight;,, which _is fitted dose to the • muzzle by a elan- .' role eontrivaliee, the curient 'being d f m- ried in the butt, to which the ,sight al: is connected. Tfae light throws a em T-shaped, mark which provides • an, almost :automatie beeause the /s bullet strikes at the intersection of the tiro lines. The sight can be • •-fittetl-to-any- firearm, a4 the flash -- of light eau also? be used for signal - 11 'b t ' °supple rom a tery carr -eluding---- LAleaeo, " ten4-reporte7 .armies locked .in 'a fie.rce,.. struggl. ,Fianders.gives-the•-story -of surin masses';. .the Calicasiis Witireets . fierce ting;, Persia Sends Waxd a Moslem ;.reserve;. Turkish.. ,troo• are routed -On the :Sand•e: of Arabi Indian nautinetire are suppr,essed 9 the Malay yeilinsula ; .Gernia.n: eel niel soldiers 7ime - driven from Eam erun, .. in 'Western gentatorial Afr ca; German East .Africa 'chronicle ft.n eillgagentent; $inYrna, in ,Aisi Minor, is , .shelled; British an Prenich troops land near 'Ewes,. i :European - 'Turkey; • •MesOpotainia .•sees . a. route ofArab tribes in. Tibrk- ish_pay_41.thezAnorthern border Italy `SWLaltding. Until:: Italian regiments; an. aerial s'engagenient is 'fbught `Over the- beautifid, .subratirime' is. Sunk . off. Heligoland ;: Servia. is - rehavaded. by Austrians; 'London' awaita the -Zeppelins ; even. our own. peaceful Nevi/port Newsis ,agitated abont the isasTimar •to:Arinaged- 'don as .-earth . has ever known...7-* 'Philadelphia Ledger: . • - n- reri-----histant- Relief Paint on Putnaws -rep 'Cord Extractor to- night, ana-corwieel i32' 0 at Ing. Magical t h e better In the morn- Nvey uP uliria • rrI • eaees . the .pain, de'stroys the 'roots,. • a cern fOr •AlL. time.. No • pain - • - • • Cure guaranteed. ',Get a 25u•boldle !Putnain!s" 'ExtraCtor, to -day. s . a . d.. • MONEY- IN LIVE' STObli. n• • - •• • ,•-•-• - r • • The Canadian •Fatiner Will Benefit •• • •• By. the.' War. - , •Mr. Randolph. .Bru-oe; a' well- known rancher in Western Canada, his jug returned from Europe with many -inter estingopinionsee to the effeet that the war will have on the :Canadian . farmer. . • The iiiaraqse .slaughter . of cattle for the. armee •the. field wiU,ihe thinks; very _shortly 7-caltACHareat -inereitee -in the •Priceoof 'beef,. and .those farrn7 ers who areraising cattle --willmake .indre.. mo•ncy. even -Allan those ;who arc raising- wheat at a dollar -fifty per bushel... Every 'effort should be made .toraisecattle for the market large-,quantitees and as quick- ; ±billelitVIS'441-'it.allefaLaj's trlileini5oft:sgartitt . • factory „fetid .for the. -rapid raising • • :.INSOMNIA ieadO to Madness, If Not. Menke ieL" "Experiments Satisfied mei some ••• 5_ hat Coffee was the dirge I ing to 'note 'that:fattening_ yoting Years ago." _writes a; we.stern. cause of the insomnia froin ,Vhich „--suffered "-P aM 111 ti 111 fII di to continued dfirilag of, the Wye:ars, :and I ani safe saying•that I owe' them' entirely to ?ottani,. for. When I began' to drink it I ceased to. use medic:pas." ••• - Name given by Canadian Postbus Co., Windsor,.. Ont. Read "The Read to. Weltvalle.," pkgs. Postuni, -comes a tWO ‘' • ousetit time ,Cwoldabl:iltbeale.orligi6enottlafelii4 'tutelages, • Instant Postinii---a. soluble pow- ulekly in a. cup of liot water,' and, . with orconi end sow,. MakeS delliciella beVetage • of cattle for hcef". tr- In this connection it is interest - reme nervousness -70d- acute dyer u-ittituni • coffee; because it, toe, toritains Ito ' health -destroying drii.A- ' • "I had been a coffee • drinker nee childhoOdt and did not like to ink that the •beverage was doing e all this barna. But it ivas;,and the thrie cnme Walien. 'I had to face hefact, and protect :soyeelf. I herefore gave up Coffee abruptly d. absolutely, -iificlr'adOpted"Pes- Ian kr my hot drink at .meals. "I began to note improvertient in -thstlition-very- Sboif afte f"1 ti5O-11 Postnni. ,Theclrange..proeeedsd but surely, and it was • tier of only a .few weeks before retina Myself entirely relieved -7- e ilervoliOne.se passed awa.y, my gestive apparatus Was restored • normal elatiency; and "These lihoy conditions lame sleep restfully ',and peatefu ly. Instantly 60 and * iaro jarge wJiitct marble in it Sallee, floth kirida ar,e; &pally 'delicious paw will, as it rolls about .with the .dnici tog t,,h0116 (ta,,o, gnus, per up. keep the liquid constantly "Threa Penoon" for Postuam etittal. • ..-sold by..nrocers, •17 -steak. isixer._ United St'ates_Where the mar - :kat for beef is. &nemesia -1g se. rapid, ly that more.. study. has been . paid to methects,of--inereas'n „ • In the early days . cattle were kept on the ranges Irani three to five years. Experience, however, has •shown that the use of thor- ough -bred bulls and the consequent improVement in the •quality and mataring of market .cattle, together, with heavier grain feed- ing, has made It possible to Put 'at !from. 11 to 20 months old. • •Ex- • perts-nre----et-the-npinion that with the* continited improvement .. of breed stiOck it, Will Ve-,possibri to' market at an even earlier date. Mobne-the advantages of earlier • finishing of cattle, the .following are mentioned' by'sonie. of. the leadong $ 1 IV a., • Rea a Woman Suirorq With"' Chronic -Backache There. is. Trouble Ahead. Constantly on their fe;et, (attending to the wants of a large. and exacting familYa wainen often break down with 'nerv-cius-exhaustion, : . IA oteres, factories, and on a; farintare wealc„, ailing women, dragged down.. with torturing backache and bearing down. mini.- .....Bucii•sufferingrisn'Anatuial, but -it's dangerous, .because dile to diseased' -kidneys- ' . The dliziness7.'' insomnia; deranged' •nienses and -other symptbms of kidney complaint con't cure themselves,' they require:"-theeesistance=of- ton's. Pills which go direct to the seat •of thetrOuble. • , To give' vitality and power to the lricineys, to lend aid to-the:bladder and liver, to free...the blood. of 'Peinsons. •probably there- is no remedy so Suc- cessful as Dr. Hamilton's Pills. For all • womanly irregidarities their merit is well knOwil. •, • • . •Because of their mild, soothing, and healing effect, Di. Hamilton'S Pills are safe, and are recommended for girls and women of.all ages. 25 cents per box at ail dealers. Ilefase. any sub- stitute for Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Man- -drajteend l3utletnut; . ' -Ilt CO-1dd ProveIt don'tbelieveyou_ -iiialieci;Your face 1ai`Son.-_--If you don! t belieye me, look at the towel. keep Ildinard's Xliniment In the lzonse, • • Sure Proof. Mother -Are you quite sure that .you ha_s_g_tceased ,t,O love_ hina Daughter -Absolutely. I. I don't even care if he has a pretty steno- grapher in- his offite • Mier ,soam ALL mpg _soon •wow ;sr mireasa =or vac nogg „ Staggering, I,want te. trust my fellowtmen ; - like to think -their morals sand.1 AO Yet the eolunan headed "Lost"' thrice tlie size of '.that Called • `To11114." 11412.4's Xilidstint• PAWS/moan% 711.4 -stip. f . • No DuPlicates:., elietCulerWaiter.;,* this is. the fir'st tender steak I've -ever your shop.:•' • • Waiter -My goodness You'nus have got the guv'nor's. iamb OWN' PiiiJOGIST WOO Try KurineEyeltemedy•forliett.'Weak, %mew Eyes and Oranulatcd Eyelids- No /Smarting-. Unit Eye azufert. for'XiVoltOf the Eye mailErge. Karlin EyeReinedY Chisage, -1Sliaving was introduce:5i^ anio* • the Itornans a:bait! BR, .300. The first. shave- .was „ deemed', On. trance to "manhood 'and celebrated • with. great festivities, liliniNriPs'ploPosnt Vitysidins, ri'es!c fromoE,:naieopautIrTAv177iate 8.t .11 e F r e O I ea V: ant& 'Um nowaione. ......nupectspeeedtaionry..,osepide,coteneixalitocald itaGovourizzattieterS. .2ne,I?ollatLper f.o.b. Snow, two "exciTaesnr74-1-.6newrIgatoesal4.d-N-Pricet-'-7--7- /rwitr-Dollarts,pet*.Wie177ftesigl. prfses--"T.-7--- -fOrnarge-'quantity. teal must aecosv. wow 44 orders. R. W. Dawson, Brawl)! _ N°1111111 WESTERN ' GROWN -Peto.tais. -Mxtra."-Early -Henec:fon. New Early . Short 'Season.. Manitoba Won- der Or Wiiite'Elepliants. Five"poneds Ons poilnr postpaid, W. E.'Bourman, eirAtt,- Alta. - . puorinarixixo NEWi3 rJOir (M- A: Agee ,foi stile in goad Ontario towns. . • Tbe-most useful and interesting• . bulinessee. • Full information, .Analler" •tsre'L 62..4V:8141PR. ComPany..71. t e t., Toronto. • kizscEnna,rrnons; flANCER. TUMORS. latrKPS, internal and external. cured • out path by our home treatMent. Write ' us before too4late. Co., Idiroited, Collingwood. 'Ont. . F11:1: • • "Amelia, Stancleed 4, Cycle. Marins-Mcgoe:- '4 Cycle. 4 CAirlder 040 0 H.P. a tie& Ity $g ilVii0$94111:104. tOlVflarer.g44%,r,,,, 100110M101 en NM. 1,004.as slandar4 (g(Trbra tele% r Sr:ilia:4;er= tO.i160 depending emeottlalatent. , I(E1141ATIt MIS. C3_ a Mort • . Mf 11,01•41invi PS .44-8444. 12 53 UMW 7011011:0;. FoR,A1.011,9:14, • Had ship's anc.bor ;tall on my knee 'and leg, and knee swel4ed zip and for six -days I could not move it or get help: I then, started to use KINARD'S- LINIMENT and two bottles eared me. PROSPER FERGUSON. • Method .in His Reform. • • "He is one of. those near:vege- ,taria,ns.'' ``Wha.t.ifin a -near -vegetarian l'' "He never eats- meat, except „when..he_is. _ Ask far liginard's and take no ,other. A wonnan's brain on. an airerage 'weighs five ounces less than tion tole.? - ' • CUtTEN, 8cFOSTER „Ford owners write for our catalogue. . ' SEARS=CriOSS-.. -.'.---SFee4Onteter; 179 Qi.*engfreet-,i'Vest,: ITORONTO:F7ON - - cattle. nen % Firstly, yOilliger cattle Make heavier. gains of beef on similar....ainottut. of feed than old • • • cattle; mecongdy, the nuihey• inv•est. ed is,turned faster, being tinned over in eightieth months, where formerly it:took from threeto: five years; Thirdly, hei,fers, under .tWo years old Sell' as readily as steers ;and •ruvkai mike rapidly. , • At the census Satisfies "ptOtt withont1§hadIONV of doubt, the vatte. of ve4t attic in Canada ig steadily .increasing. ;In 11.301 there Were 3,167)/44, valued 'at, $64,19Z,841; or good we anith take bt17....1141141.11thoie 11;si; Were \?,088,57., 4ailued, i 400, io an .average of $00, an increase of'$4.16 per hbtidt:Mr. 11, S. •''''Arkbliti 4,ShiP.titatit tivo Stook • • 1 Canoet; fres SkiMotor Boatt • I • THE PETERBOR9Lfilfi LOVE. 4tAtiy, canoecaligive you •satisfaistion, it '184 -"PETERBOROUGH-1' • - A1e0s• and ever the some Of Iteridee, Model; strength and fti "lib. :Over 'fifty otyreg and Sizes., Write for catalogue Phe latest canoe ___Ia_the.-Peterbormignotinvats:-ccheraAskiorIllustraten-folder4ikitfar_ tor the Popular Outboard Motors. Power Launches, an sizes -and •pOW- • Ar,. zGist,foiderstellirkg about -these,-• • - (9 TIM' PETERBOTOOCII 01110Z COMPANYv LIMITEtt.• _ peTenacoaciudi, ONT.r "Overtitorn" ie Batton, Motor Boat kteight pAypasti t�MY Beltway Station in, Ontario. Zengtli is Pt.,: Beath', a 11..9 rtk , . Depth 1' Pt. a In. ANX MOTOR ,r1TS. lipealileatiet‘ No, 2B Ovitig engine nricei enrites . Get our quotatletia renown; taltiteo connnereial an4 iceente, tananychea, no ' heats and Canoes, • , ,T11E C41.DLOY BOAT O, LlilierEtti tb1NETA14, CA7tr. .:11111 le 4 Mee. 4.4 4.