The Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-05-27, Page 4•••
irautiltato fietttikts1
chest te in yDc SQ.miaa eti
non Imoo Wog
aft, or
Ihsalt lematto Io liana isamodhate
tneallowitarilatthe rive maxi". porno
Sonien Jilnuilaion to _guard .aitainst
snmentweima wlabcia 40 44sW. *same.
4111111414144 contains poste eedliver
illiadtmat""iriandrizzsesits��tLmiia th4
iiiu Mond; Omit hilt wawa tad
bogs the boodle aommbeemes of do throat.
. 8cottia hiprmieribstl ay th* bast
You cam pit it at **yarn seere,,
kw* *wawa Twos, oat.
Basteass mot Society Cards
o s ro, re, tit to • 3 4444 ints, Loi., pa.
v raatatiA • lontuathoeituowlgremtrotvg
nitgriseguaarrw &toga
uaseo vW.a. end- farai
_Indio masts avry PridaY
knock in thole ljiU, carteInYo Grad,Toa. klee
R.Eatrili Me, Dr. Pat.
L.140 It. 0..0141404 Lofty meets
' awn. witgA&omfalsprogifora fun
in UAW. volook street
; w..O.Nrirtioiserg.• w.
No. W. Imeknow,
yo the month in
Ira. "del
Y.. 1toht. 4
.7 it, 'bees.
‚4(. Li. W. Luaknow Ledge. 1440, 187, Meta
or mitiamonth in the WA -
Master Worknion. J. mac,
13ecy. 1). R. Macintosh; Um
...Alm Ross.
O. S. FOWLED, IA D. S., 11. D. O. 'bake up
otaireln Button Block, Teeewater. $900
Ial attention togoki .Bates, crowning_ aka
Xidpwark. ts Wroxeter 1st. and. std.
wmomear of each month: tier* Thur. ,
G. ,A. NEWTON. 1). V. 0.. Dentlat, Office
4.11in Mock. imoknow, Ont. an niodern
methods used. Best motorail tarnished.
. Crown and Bridge .work. Painless extract.
ion by the nee or _tlia latestt -simplest and
•safest r nomNOPODM. Nay/00'
teeth. Altman= plated
noo breakable
Western University
Forward MOVititent.
Greatly Enlargedtaciatieti in Arta,
•and Medicine.. : • • -•
Vaotly AMoived Aquipment,libettri,
laboratoriee, etc. :
Seven New Saliolarehips.
'Record Allotment
Inquiries Solicited. • '•
t. E. aranwaae,m. A., pb. D.
pyjli q1
A. P. MACEE4T.174. Pro Mater
and Same.
THURSDAY, MAY 27th., 1915
On the outbreak of war and the mo
imam that Canada would send an ex,
peditionery force to participate, the
Canadian Bed Cross Society actively
made preperatiens and collected fund*
for the relief of the -sickand wounded.,
A fund thafeeemed large and fairly
satisfactory Was received by voluntarY
.coetriketion and the Society Imo been
doing splendid work. •
The amount of work felling to the lot
of the Society has proved far greeter
than was anticipated, and thoee in charge
.ef the work 'find theuselveri 'under the
necemity �f makinw another appeal to
the public"for money and isuPPlies, In
a circular recently blued,. they 'say:
"The recent list Of casualties, more
eepeciallyof the Canadian Expeditionary
Force, clearly intlicate to them who ad-
minister the funda and auppliert of the
Red Orem Society, that., the: available
reeoercee at present in hand; will, opeedili
disappear, and can Only be .Maintainett
in theluture by a Steady .flow both of
Monet andsupPies; and not by spas -
modes appeals Made too lato to be really'
"To secure the supply of fundo so
Much needed, there seems to be only
one way, namely, that every one should
be called Upon to. practiSe OeMe self-
denial, and set aside a monthly contd.
butien of money or material at may be
required, ,
"Where branches of the Bed . Cross
are established such contributions should
be forwarded by the Executive of . such
Branches at least monthly to the Head-
• uarters of the Society at 77 King Street
]ast, Toronto; and in the absence of
ouch Branches they, may be seot direct
-hearingin mind that no contribution
106-innallto be gratefully received and
molded., • ' •
"Any °thee:14011nd, than the above
causes a loos of power to do good, and
this has been clearly estahlished by past
experience: Surely, no one who realizes
hie debt to the nien who are defending
Inc hberty, and has a, heart and rt• con-
'113eience will fail in Such a duty, a duty,
in winch -even, children may Aare. .
"It is estImat4 that'll each *mei of -a
family throughout the Dominion con-
tributed but five cents a month during.
the duration of the war, innlicient money.
for all purposes Would be obtained, and
few' are too poor to be nimble to do so."
When We.eonoider whet the soldiers
4nd-sailors Of the Empire are doing -
how splendidly they are fighting,., the
risks they are taking,. the hardships they
Buffeteven when tbef escape" the shot
andoltell-and all that, we and they may
live at peace and 'freedom' ufionthe
earth -this paltry, contribution that ,is
asked fotateems small indeed, • -
_L.Of course, itis not to he expeeted. that,
eierilleadef a7fanally:will contribute:
MO the smitlrstim'of 5c. weekly. -Mani
haVelconttibuted.iiOthing and will `e00-
tribute:nett:Mg. Many will never kerne
that such a Society; as the Red Cross
existed. Thetis.% reason why those of
us who do know, and.whe can, should
164lb* twice the aotount or more:
rLet rio !nano, Woman or boy or girl
thipkhatheor ehe is free from 'respoii-
stbility,in thianiattert ,'Andaet :nobody
iniegine that the fund will Overdone
The greater the contribution the greater
will be the comfort of the. wounded and
,the, pipe lives will be tatied;:'•
• And the ' contributions will- not .be
niiiied if wejuit practice that self;denial
which IS Suggested, and instead, of in,
vesting money in,trifling anauseineete,
Or indulgences which inn.) Way contri-
bute. to out wellbeing, or are even in-
tirioitti; we CiMtriliiiti to this Ada&
stend. That in an erteY- Way of doing
our share in the war. ; ' • •
• • Are YOU- going to give anything!
• PenOttiit-frireigniing '.dnhocit:
We hatic thorough courses and 7
• experienced ill4rfictOrt4 i each:
of Our Wee: 4epartmenti4
• souteren; S o rta.trarr n AND
TnraidaA,Mtit• • Our graduate. •
• oubceed attilaton, should get ont;•:,
Iargefree;catillOgne., %Write for
,• it at otteo,c4,, .
,•. .
'D. A. llIc4ACHLAPio. PrincipaL
,Crea,m. Wanted
• Having ati up-to-date, Creamery
111 hill operation, : -we solicit your
° patronage, We are preplred, to
pay the highest market prices for •
• good cream, andgive you an bon- '
-eSt. IniaineSfh Weighing, sainpling
,and testing tech cantif cream xet
ceived,Carefully and returning a
,full statement of. same to each
• patron. We 'furnish two cans) to
each patron, pay all express
cliarges; and pay every two weeks.
" Write for further particulars or
. Send for cans and -give -us a trial.-
The Seatorth Creamery Co.
.Seaforib, Out.
We are in the Market to buy
Creani, sweet or our, at the. high-,
.7 -est -Market price-,'We'supply ;
can§ free to each of our Patrons, •
pity all express charges, pay twice
each:month, cheques, at par. Re-
ceive cream, any day in the Weelc,
teattach 'can received, and send
iir parrinis a statement of same
Write fOr.. cane and give our,
Creamery a trial. Reference;-
,Auy-Ilatilt..--; • -
• Not Crcatsery,. Palmerston Ont.
• "TO. • .
Otoralan Day ..A.Igonniiin Park
Muskoka Lakes° 1, aka Ot Days. •
*mob. Direr Kawarthil Lakes
Ziagenetewair •Timagand etc.
'Roane trio tourhit tickets now on Rai fiord
ctsrtain stationftin thitar10 tkt Very loW taro%
with iiherai stopovers.
..14,a+mrrotento10:164111,, daily,. except Sun.
day, for Muskoko IA hart. Algon.
quin Park Mut Ninth lies. connections are
. Made F Muo:toka Where tor ateseeea Lakes-
atul i iinarsa Me tar points on Lake of Days.
Parlor.tfibrary.110ffet car to Algonquin Park;
.Parior.Linrary tlato car and fitAtx,Chtgil COtWitaff
to North Eay. Puir particulars and tickets on
sippliCatiowto spats.
6.• MARTIN, Agsati lloteknow•
'The paOpleel the Unite:a Stater,' take
the -European- war ahneat as sectounly as
We do •oUriailVeS. The feature,
wilt* appeals:4 many 61 them; most,
atronglYie ..not that-lama-gnir er--
blitne,liit-tho 'feeding- nod-elothing'nf
the ruinedBelgians0 An eiliteriatwhith a
reeently appeared inth•e. Chicago- Trib-
allot-one of the greaterit and heist ,widely
circulated papers in the
geote the Spirit in Wlnch this relief work,,
Is tinderteken,' It -reads as follows: •
• 'ealhe wilsaralleled And gigantic task
of feeding a, whole 'ration ,and thus aaar.
'int it from eithiction; iitoraily,,without
exaggeration, a the task that/devolves on
inte sialstOstitail adeastigi
tigstr POW saw M are erempeZed to
apply to the, emetnitatton for the heron
MiCallaira et axietssiest.
"The emtuatission appears to have
organised Ito work witis eniciency said
met.hod. It maintalue proviitiming
department for the benefit of those Bel.
giens who Mid mut afford tom for food
and clothlog It mills et a profit, ou Use
right principle thet a part of the burden
of supporting the destitute should fall
on the well to do in Belgium itself. The
pnce of bread iS fixed at the London
level, end the profit realised to due to
the ample and eager volunteer yak of
the Belgians and to valuable conceesions
made by numerous firma Ifithlkimen's
enemies. are almost •enterely eliminated.
"It is the benevolent department that
to appealing to thn world, and, to repeal
chiefly to the United Mateo, for the
01,600,00 or 13,00 ),000 needed to keep
itt devaatated and crtiolieci ,Belgium the
spark of tuitional' life alight. History
records no -each inittarme,-, an this -the
raving of a sacrificed end, innocent int400,
a nation deprived of means of livelihood,
by the charity and generosity of the
world, • We Americana have •responded
commendably to Belgian appeals, but
the•end is not yet in sight; additional
millions are Urgently required and .'intist
be poured into that brave And bleeding
little country. We muot continue to
give freelraed •
(From The Chicago Tribune), •
The moat dangerous and • damaging
fallacy that possibly could be devised is
the theory that if the -tragic, extremity
of war with gernmoY should be resorted.
to or forced upon ug we should or could
light it by proxy.
If, war beiagcreelered,:ave re.striet Our-
selves to inaking,, more. Munitions for
French and British and Bossien. ieldiero
just and tooting contempt.' ,
. • War,' let us be perfectly,aertaitt", Means
no such shameful lannimity as this.. It
niDans linmediate •action by our, naVY',
ift 1ncan in inamediate summons, of our
citizen Saddlery. It moans an inunediate
tieguntos of training of hundreds of
thousands of green Volunteers, and it
Means -die despatch to -the war at the
earliest possible moment of as, large 4
force as We could- Whip into shape ter
active Service, •
• This Would take Months,' but the time
for battle -would 'come, ---unless fork some,
reason' not now discernible the war
*should, end before it arrived. ' The
American nation will not fight, if fight
- must, 'with, its •money - bags or ite
mouth. 'We are Nettie, but not pol•
troons, If ,war 18 justified, it le worth
• .
leas thanothe last full measure of
devotion." •
moral repulsion:front. the killing ofnog,
combatants. There wilt be individuels,
and.'nOsisPapere: capable ; of 'Seeking 44,,
vantage frOnilliis emotion by flag waving
and rhetoric. , It is the .duty. of con-
icientions and •clear,thiniting. men and
bowie/takes to steady pnbhe feeling and
to, help pUbiki opinion formulate Without
Self-deception, or„coolusion'ofThsiies
, ,
and With a ittli comprehension of
aequensies. •
ASHAMED or ogolvtAt..iy• •,'
A mean trained. Chas, •Von llolttenberg.i'
a native Of the BahaniaIslands,and there-
fore British born, 'WEilies .to 'change his
name to something We iniagine,:mat'quite
So, auggeStive�fhis•Ja German; extraction,
NO -Weilder1 Now will :he ,lieeiiine
"O'Grady°, 4MaTaviiih”, or just "Smith".
. •
_ _ • -
-Mont,,ay, bySatit.
jes lacKisatey in visiting frimade
in Smite it.
Mien Bare/Ws visited Mile -Mende
Alexander for 4 few der..
Bertie Lindsay, of Toronto, *Pent
the )14th. at hue horns here,. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Frouak Oolerell,
nardioe, Handmaid *round our burg.
Mr. Jansen Buideal IS tipending a few
weeks with ins brother, John Bushell.
Mrs. Rev. Ball attended thst
*try Conveation in Londou Wit week.
Mr, John Colwell, of Kineardine. 'visit-
ed friend* Around Barvie f r the week-
Mr. Duncan (beet and his oeueini Mr.
Wilmer Gedder, Of MOWS., "alVatthe
weekend in Wanda
r. and Mrs. James McDonald and
Minter Stewart, of Tiverton, visited
Mrs. John Alexander,
Mr. Gordon Alexandetleft" ou Time.
day for the west after spending a ter
month* at his home here.
Mi. Herman Hildred, ef Toronto,- is
Spending a Jew holiday/4 with: his par.
ante, Mr.. and ,Mrs. Henry Ilildred.
' The Nimes Sarah and Paul. Peters, of
Kincardine, are spending a few day*
with Wm,. Petertaend Mrs. Win. Hewitt
• Mr. and Mrs. liitealey and Miart Went
ley of Walkerton, visited _with Mrs.
Wesley's parents, Mr, and NM Reim/
AllMoidred.i. BfriteUrton, 'Miss- Angie
McKinney and Alt, .1%, emspbeil at
tendedihe Sunday ;Selma Convention
in Teeswater last week.
,R0V. tr. CiihriOte. of Knox Church,
Ripley!, is organizing an Adult Bible.
Class in connection With the Sunday
Soliool inour berg. We nosh them
A certain person around our burg has
• . • •
been endeavoring le introdueo some new
seetlpdQnoftiaii4eithit even
if it is ciy"
style, `.
Rev; Mr. Giininre prefiched a splendid
sermon on Sunda), last 04.000ddfo1loitirs
There was: a gOod turoyont of Bervie
members and of visiting indges end the
choirprovided_attellatourole._ .•
Mr John Bushell has nointnencen to
huild'hie now barn on ple ;eon on the
Durham road,north.. , fLii barn was
binned down genie year§ alrh, but Mr.
Bushell is new potties up an up-tedate
bultlooksiciinaij, if Our.. cheetientaker.
Frank Watts, 'lesiva. loneseem in rineh'
a large house as Me..Bloon4 for he has
and, now.haa mono equipped,
in the building. We . do not see why
flnyone need be lOng around Bettie
move• d down sto factory,
• The Llepartment et ,Education has
sent ont to schoriA Wards and Isacters
throughout tna province the date for
the Nideuminer examinatione; The ex-
aminations for the junior se.hocl,
entrance and the junier:-P.iltille 'school
graduation will ba held during the week
sfrena June 16 to23rd. The junior Pub -
113 oniniinatiolla. in Papua train-
ing and household immure come on June
161 elenientary science and art on the
171, 'ind'Farglisligraminte ana-
hietory On the ifithi. On' ;Linn 21
'the-entiunde matininatiOna: in, *impost,
tion and and the graduation ex- r
Allihati0110 in aldibra .and composition
will be held; next day • arithmetic' and
literatute examinations will be held for
both; Ode on AIM 23rd, will be held
theentranee ,exeliiinatious in English
grammar., ,Writi ng at,d geography, .and
the-PuOlic,school graduation examine=
Conti' in, oral reading will .be talcoo.,;on,
any day of the week from 4 0.5. o'clock,
Billy Sunday • Saying's
pup barks more thin an old dog:,
2. If you live wrongytte.ean% dieright.
'No man has anyinisiness to be in la
, bad business: • .• . '
Borne people, pray li*s a :jack -rabbit .
ea. •; isin mit•
*in-., not
your handkerchief. •.
• Hoiite is the Place We hive' best and.
grumble•the Most about. • .
place is in hell. ' *
The devil ttten grinds the: eke -with .
34hAicl,,reGtv°divalhegwivi3es' the church a little,
nigitalis instead of in opiate.'
A saloonkeeper and a gond; mother
don't pull -on -the samerope,77.---
• Yen can't measure manhood with 4
tape line around the biceps.• ,
•Moralityase't the light; it's only the,
polish •oo the candlestick, . . •
Don't try to cover UP the cussedness
otyourlife,,hut get fixed HP._
• When you quit living like thedevil-- I '
will qnit.preaChing that way. -- --
To tram a hOY in the way he alioidif
go, you must go that way yourself: '
, You can't shine to Clod on Sunday -
and then, ben 1.oridoo fog on Monday.
The_BiblesitYlEforgiye_otil'iiebter, the.
;;;Verld Says "atte•thein for their 'defter". '
A prudent man won't swallow a potato.
beg and then take Paris Green to killit. .
Some fellows think the more they
look like a hedgehog. the more pitnui
thcy .was rt. fool. in the garden of Eden. ••
and he has, taken 4 good %Any" degrees
• After long months of hesitation and
Preparation, Italy plunged into theEur-
opean war • on Friday. of 'last -week--
happily on the side of the Allies and
-` • • ,• • ,
• This mist makea-treritendous7differi'
mire in the 'whole • war situation, and
will deprive the German-Austriancom-
bination of the laat ray , of hone; - It is
toted thet Italy „ will be TAW to Aint
,000,oso men in the field, but that is
likely an Overestimate. ' She Will, how-
ever, beable to put and keep one muliion
itteo,jo the War. to� 18 strong_
and in good eundititm,•
In spite of all this, we may not expect
o eee Germany and Austria throvic up
he sponge and .quit. ".They will fight on
Or it time in the hope of Making better
erms of peace. The Only peace, tering',
owever, which is worth the whileof the
llies to make are BUM that the German:
eitthem theY are beaten into_
coniplete submission.
• Tooter enthusiast:It fee 'War.' it:pricer&
to he been the chief factor in bringina.'
Italy in, , The people of Italy,appear to
hate Austria on 'account Of oppression
in insolence of years ago. Getting them
into the war or keeping them. mit ap•
pea, to 'have been o battle of diplomiiey
between Germany, Britain- and ranee;
and as in all other diplomatic contests
'Germany ha's fallen down. •••
,_ KOPP St411.1NO •
"Though days hedark and trade be
tough, its always Well to Make „bluff,
to face the world with cheerful eye, as
though •, the goose were ' banging high.
No merchant ever made ft friend hy dire
complaining without end. And people
uovo seek a more to heir gretichy
merchant roar; they'll patronize ° the
wiser ktot who doesn't At 141,1' kliosiow
Name to Homo toosety
One often wonders how plum Vatini
to have the naive* tits) hear. Ho v, for
example, did our counties laid town
skip wine to be mimed as they and
Bo far as tile County of 'furor' is con.
Wand this queetiou is *netters(' in a.
book entitled "Nothing but Natnee,
polslished in 1899. by H. F. Gardner,
M. A,, at that time editor of the Hannl-
I on Time.. In book are given not
orly theorigin of the names in Huron
Comity, but of all ' the eountiee and
tartest:90 in the PrOvillOe. • So far ea
Huron is concerned the Information in
ots. follows: •
lionoar,-Thirs county, takes its name
front Lake Huron, "whose modern tiallie
la taken from the sobriquet ot Hure, or
efl.ld boar, glyeq by the French to the
Wyaudotte L3(11141)0, on account of the
manner 10 which they dressed their hair."
The name. Was -applied to the Ihron.
Tract at a much mailer date, but the
county seal is dated 1841.
Aogeist,n-1840.,-eelled after the ill,
..ReeTlarutorproStulrAwosalh.4814ebovildh.rner.,e‘ Lou, iard iCat_hhaen,reeyillor
.001.11101Ma- 1630,- Called after Sir
John Colborne, (Lord Seaton, born 177$..
He was latut,Governor of Upper Can-
tadh: flon)rclues 18i) 10
the aann4d"exec4-
cuted lil re 8, at Montreal. ,He was
founder of the Upper Ceoada College at
Toronto. „
Onsv,--1848-named after ,oharies, •
second Earl of Grey, born *704. '
Goderich-Tp.- 18se---11ilitaed after
Right Horn Frederic Sohn Rebinsin.
Viscount, Giodericli 44d EV') of Ripon'.
Howilut 1880,, named after Henry
George Grey, 3rd: Earl Of Grey, born
1902, but wile entered the English part.
ment, 1829,, as Lord HowIck.
RoLosr,-. 1830- named , after John
linnet, one of the first directors of the
Canaila company.
g-!Illy,mrtt-oinitsee07'-rnetreyd liQt4hoeroicolicouW.
for ies
with Lord Stanley.
Meolltifit,^ 1850-, named after Hon,
W. Morrie, orTerth, Ont., born in
Scotland, 1780. Iu 182Q he was
elected to the„Doininion P,arliarnent,
and sat for Lanark until 1836; made Re-
ay :ph., !tit
C111011,4001 1.1071411111 OF OECOIT
93 rtranchoo
In Collodi
Savings Oonk, Deportment,
At ell Uronchos
'Wrest illovi!O at 0400**t offint rot.
T. S, RUit)' 2Vionagr.'
MI to • .11.. , I 1,..1 o di • I
o1111...111. lllIrF
eeiver General in 1944, •
MeKillop-I830--narned after Santee
MeEilop, M.P., one of the first directors
of the Canada Company.
later. EtWitd,
Geoffrey Smith Stanley, 14th. Earl of
Derby, 'tern, 1799. Was Premier of
Great Britain m 1852; oleo in 11368;• was
the father of Lord :StanleSr of Freston,
Governor General of Canada in 1803,
The name Stanley - dates. form the time
,Of King Johnt
• fitonhen-71035-natned after James'
Bt nen11.1r 'under Secretary of State.
0 )4 COlgilief$ '010 tine of. Lord
Ci °rich. •
'Tnridierri:4s00,--called After Turn -
, Castle in .Scotland, the,,. rinelPal
hOnse'in Varrick in the.12th. and 13th.
centuries. •
-Thiberne7-4830-name4 lifter Ilenry
Velieree, one of the first directors of the
Canada :Company, •
WitiVanosh-18507nanied"fter .Waywa
nosh, an'Indian chief.
Tuckersinith•,-.1-$30,-toOk its name
froin,Martin nicker Sinith, banker, Imo;
doe, ,director of the Canada- Company.
• Avoid harsh pargativet for children.
The ideallaxative is itexall Orderlies.
Sold only by J. Gal net Armstrong. The
Rexalt Store, 10c., ?Sc., & boxes,
„the teopio,ottha United States,- This: h
is the •atitteinent of the international' A
'the detatia, and figures furnished in the e
lateateirantins of -the eanninienion-aliti11.
dantly,suppott the statement..
_ "OP to April'a the conunission had
superintended the expenditure and dis
tribution of nearly $50400;006 on .food
Ad elothing, • ',While there • are four
sources of eJtf, "the charity
• of the World", andaince Europe is pee-
tically ell in arms, the duty and respon-
sibility 61 aaving, Belgium -ref' fending
the Mothers and "t,heir babies, .thecold,
infirm and sick, the totally deatliute nod
ies,nsonemploYed-fall orinelpellice Amer-
, The COMMUZIOn mallet raise from
the ooutce. named not less than
it00 A • month. The nettle' nurnbee of
Delgiane •abiointely• dependenton, char-
itable rehef Is 1,400,000, and dila number
• is ineteasing ratlier than decroaeing,,
clod many ot doe who originally had
'tent flitifigti orsome litopetty, coavott'.
Tilti atiTtfiN
-Londos, 0040
The 'Western' Pair., London's -popular
Agricultural Iilthibit1011 will be held this
year, from 8t4it9lober 10th. tO18t1i. „It is •'..
considered by the managenlene that this
year, above all, others, should he the one
when extra &Oita niust be nut forth to
make • the Exhibition •ft great imccess;
therefore with 'il0sietatle0 given ,hy, the ."
Governnient the Board of Ditectorn,have
,qecified to make 0 Cash' MiditiOn to the
prize list of .$3,000, „Geed as it Was be-
fOre, this will ternaifile. Melte Lenden's
'prize list 'very attraetive, The list, is now
in the hands 61 the printer and will MOM
be ready tor distribntiON' • 'rhOtitailds of
advertising nape and hangers have been
sent througlinut the country during the
pest week romenficing the deters, end At.
rangenicnits are being made as quickly se
possible to ILISttre tho Eithibitora and vis
Itors alike, the t this vire AshibitiOtt will
the.' host eveilaid in Linden. Any
information regarding the Loitiribition
• uni°be aladlytiven on a plication to the
linOttitelat,'A. M. Slilf Iop4on1, Oat.
L Mvoa Wee hteek of traveVing
goods in and invita your inopec.
tion of tame, .
This is the seaman for rubluo.
heels, •i !owe the celebrated
Catepaw heels.
'Shoe revoking promptly done.
StertiTs"lettmci efoirY. earl
kwrill'Es Interest Ceutums
Payable Half -Yearly
The Great West Permanent loan Compaq
20•King St.Wekt • • • • Toronto
HE modern merchant filled with • trie Modern spfrit. _carries. his: .busiPeis- to tMl
. customers' homes; that is, he dos:ft wait to be found out or risk the dangerof
not being found out,
•:The best carrier .of businesses to cue
toiner's bomei is the newspaper.' Titz, --
SENTINEL can carry 'every'buaiess in
.LticknOw-to the lionies of this commun.,:-:
ity with ease -and without coefultiOn-•:••
the, businesa of greceily goods • Nee.
' -,••• -
". hardware dealer's, clothiers,' 'stationeksv,
boot and slieelonses, druggists;
lers, furniture dealers; fruiterers, butch- ;
. .. •
, erg, grain and feed ,stores and every
other class of htisiness.
Get your business -into the' home and ycitell,' sell ',gliicicts SEiNiTfistEL 0311
-carry your bu.sinefis into more 'homes than you are now serving. ,
* -Ask us about the . Cost of advertisin
• •
•:, 1
Well ten you heir in -three words—vie less gat/6114
That's the thing to go by in Paint-Anot theiprice trer.galloni-----
bUt the number -e'er &Hails 'required plus tlie length id time it
will Wear and look well. '
- Pure" Paint costs about, half as much, *counting
the surface it coiers, and wears two or three tunes as Jong as
'ordinary paint. -
• You
pay by the /0116n-koth for the paint and for putting It on, The
'Point thakfreheiptist for 'you fi the paint thstsproed. inisieat and covers *the
- woes eurtiee.
has ii•coVerTnit capacity of 900 endure feet of surtacelier gallon tine Coat, as
• eielnat 500 square feet covered by liond.mixed Lead and Oil --or 600 square
het covered by low priced prepared Paint
• And el further prOof--if you will send us ihe dimensions ni Yotir keine,
'ave ,will till you the ntimfier of, gallons of "100% Pare" Paint required to cover
'tt tberouliblY. No, chortle for thltiervice.
• AA. for ACeopy OfOtir Intereting hook l'Tetiroattid
'Country moles", it la free te our Mende.' •
Bell & McLeod, • Lueknow,
• OA.
• .'